irclog2html for #zaurus on 20050807

00:06.12*** join/#zaurus Timelord (~TL@
00:16.52*** join/#zaurus synth (
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00:59.46*** join/#zaurus skeruno (
01:35.59*** join/#zaurus vivisektor_ (
02:06.21*** join/#zaurus synth (
02:44.08*** join/#zaurus synth (
03:07.48*** join/#zaurus synth (
03:17.44*** join/#zaurus wallabee (
03:18.24*** join/#zaurus euphem (
03:18.50euphemanyone have a suggested for what OS to run on the C1000 ?
03:30.33*** join/#zaurus hufnus (
03:34.33ljpnot windows
03:38.10subduenot oz?
03:50.22euphemi've tried pdaxrom, sharp and oz
03:51.05euphemi like pdaxrom the best
03:51.12euphemi can't get mail clients working on the other 2
03:51.23euphembut pdaxrom disconnects me all the time from wifi
03:51.28euphemand it freezes randomly
03:51.45euphemwhy don't any of the mail clients work?
03:54.08ljpemail on qtopia 2.1 rom works. but no ssl
03:56.58*** join/#zaurus kendhome ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:58.36euphemwhere can you get the latest working qtopia rom? but none for the c1000
03:59.26*** join/#zaurus paxl ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
04:00.46euphemis there anything but pdaxrom that will do e-mail on c1k ?
04:02.42*** join/#zaurus grem_work ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
04:02.48ljphey licksjp
04:03.51*** join/#zaurus Piranha- (piranha@
04:03.51*** join/#zaurus cyn_ (
04:03.51*** join/#zaurus drewp ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
04:04.01licksjpr there
04:10.18euphemy can't the c1k do the new version of qtopia?
04:10.30ljpi dont have a c1000 for testing
04:14.55euphemanyone here have a c1k ?
04:15.14licksjpwhat c1k?>euphem
04:16.57licksjpmy zaurus SL-C750
04:18.03euphemit seems to options are undeveloped
04:18.24euphemmaybe cacko will be good when it gets out
04:20.54euphemwhat are you using on your 750?
04:22.07licksjpI'm developping zaurus application and its test>euphem
04:38.15euphemwhat application?
04:39.51licksjpbut Japanese>euphem
04:40.15licksjpbut I want to make english appli,too
04:53.27*** join/#zaurus jasmuz (
05:43.08subdueI like the sharp rom b/c everything works
05:43.19subdueand I dont have to fight the os
06:07.21*** join/#zaurus Bamir (
06:13.36*** part/#zaurus jasmuz (
06:14.01Bamiranyone know how to change the wallpaper in xserver? in xqt
06:52.27*** join/#zaurus euphem (
06:52.40euphemi'm trying to get pine working
06:52.42euphemany help?
06:53.25wallabeenot from me
06:54.36euphemwhat is the difference between
06:54.40euphem.ipk and .ipkg?
06:55.20kendhomeprobably nothing
06:55.23kendhomeMSDOS sucks :)
06:55.31kendhomei could be wrong
06:55.46euphemman the forum search blows
06:55.56euphemwhat the hell is wrong with it
06:57.54wallabeedon't know, where did your .ipkg came from ?
06:58.19euphemi got a .ipk file from here
06:58.35euphemsomeone said something about compressing it in the forums
06:58.42euphemi don't know how to .gz it though
06:58.54subdueipk's are already compressed
06:58.56subdueyou dont touch it
06:59.06wallabeegzip <filename> ?
06:59.17subduerename the extension
06:59.21subduethat's all
06:59.27euphemto .gz ?
06:59.29subdueoz feeds are compressed
06:59.33subdueusually .gz
06:59.37subduesometimes .tar
06:59.41euphemthis isn't an oz feed
06:59.58euphemit's just a .ipk file sitting around
07:00.31euphemalternately, does anyone know where a pine feed is?
07:01.19wallabeedon't know
07:01.39wallabee<-- useless
07:08.00*** join/#zaurus kendrick (
07:08.58euphemwhat do ppl use to check e-mail?
07:09.35euphemcan you send w/ mutt?
07:09.39euphemis it fast?
07:09.43euphembetter/same as pineL
07:09.52wallabeebetter without a doubt.
07:10.07kendrickhella better
07:10.08wallabeeyou'll need an additional software to send mail with mutt
07:10.12subdueeither is fine. mutt is just more secure
07:10.13euphemany easy way to get it?
07:10.16euphempoint me!
07:11.27euphemwhat do i need to d'l/ install
07:11.33euphemis there a feed hidden there somewhere?
07:12.09subduenow now, let's not be so helpless
07:12.18euphemi can't read that
07:12.23euphemand i'm not familiar w/ linux
07:12.26subdueso use babelfish or excite
07:12.28euphemi know i need to install some packages
07:12.35euphembut i dont' know how to do that w/out a feed
07:12.57wallabeeeuphem: i used the mutt package from here ->
07:13.18wallabeeyou'll need openssl as well
07:13.22subdueyou can probably ignore the word "cacko"
07:14.39wallabeebut you'll still have to work on getting a local sendmail so that you can send mail
07:15.05subdue(better off just using gmail)
07:15.18wallabeethe previous page suggested the "nomail" package from this feed:
07:15.55wallabeesubdue: well, with mutt you can open remote imap/ssl mailboxes
07:16.30*** join/#zaurus kendrick (
07:18.43subdueyes, but it'd require him to know linux :)
07:21.10wallabeehe was going for pine anyway
07:21.33euphemi found mutt
07:21.35euphemand installed it
07:21.37euphembut there's no icon
07:22.02wallabeeyou have to launch it from a terminal
07:22.10subduewhat rom are you using?
07:22.16euphembabelfish just throws an error when i translate
07:22.23euphemtrisoft's stock
07:22.33subduesharp rom then I think
07:22.42subdueI believe the sharp rom should have a mail app
07:22.56euphemyeah but it wouldn't retrieve my mail
07:23.08euphemhow do i launch mutt from terminal?
07:23.18wallabeetyping "mutt" should be enough
07:23.21euphemis there a difference b/t terminal and console?
07:23.28subduesame smell
07:23.43subdueconsole just has no gui around it
07:25.44euphemi get this error
07:25.48euphemand then
07:26.00euphem"libn curses : no such file or directory"
07:26.08euphemi d'l-ed that, it through an error like
07:26.18euphem"file won't work properly, delete it if it fails"
07:26.19subduethen you need lib ncurses
07:26.27euphemi know
07:26.30euphemi installed it
07:26.34euphemgot the same error
07:26.38euphemdo i have to reboot?
07:26.41subduethen it's the wrong one
07:26.51euphemthere was only 1
07:26.52subdueor you never exited the terminal session
07:27.04wallabeeeuphem: i'm using the libncurses from armutils package
07:27.59euphemwhat is armutils?
07:28.50wallabeea set of common tools missing from the default zaurus system
07:28.55subdueside note: whenever I get stuck, the first place I look in the zug forums
07:29.02wallabeethere's one here:
07:29.35wallabeeremove your previous libncurse package first
07:34.08euphemwaiting for feed to be listed...
07:34.55euphemon another note
07:35.00euphemhow do i use znester?
07:35.37wallabeeno idea
07:35.49euphemi don't understand this
07:36.00euphemif i use pdaxrom, it freezes and cuts my wifi randomly
07:36.13euphemif i use sharp rom, the e-mail client won't work
07:36.29euphemif i use OZ, everything is the size of a grain of sand
07:36.34euphemand e-mail doesn't work
07:38.05wallabeethat's called "immature software"
07:38.49euphemis there any mature software?
07:39.07euphemthe z could be so good if there was just a combo that worked
07:39.15wallabeecall it experimental software then
07:39.35wallabeeyes, it would be so good
07:40.17euphemhow hard is mutt to use?
07:41.21euphemhow do i setup my mailbox in this thing
07:41.44wallabeedepends on your affinity with ncurses-based applications
07:42.23wallabeeyou can open one without setup when invoking mutt
07:42.25euphemi know this is text based
07:42.34wallabeemutt -f imap[s]://<user>@<host>
07:42.38euphemhow do i tell it where my server is and what my name / pwood is
07:44.06wallabeethat's in case you want to access an imap box of course
07:44.53euphemerror: no such file or directory
07:45.56wallabeethe [s] meant you could type imaps:// for SSL access
07:48.01euphemdo i accept
07:48.31euphemcan i do this for gmail?
07:48.49wallabeegmail is pop3/ssl only right ?
07:49.03wallabeebut it should work, just try
07:49.03euphemi think?
07:50.54euphemwhen i'm typing an e-mail
07:51.00euphemhow does it know when i'm finished writing the e-mail
07:51.04euphemwhat do i have to put in?
07:51.15wallabeethen y for sending
07:51.21wallabeesorry but
07:51.33wallabeeit will not be sent
07:51.36euphemi did
07:51.41euphembut nothing happened
07:52.36wallabeehow that, nothing ?
07:52.59euphemokay so
07:53.05euphemi'm in the body of the e-mail
07:53.11euphemand i press return for a new line
07:53.14euphemand i enter :wq
07:53.20euphemand press ruturn
07:53.27euphemand i'm not out of the body of the e-mail
07:53.30euphemit treats it like text
07:53.39wallabeeyou have to leave input mode with Cancel first
07:53.50wallabeebefore entering your :wq command
07:54.30euphemyay it can't send
07:54.33euphemokay so what's the deal w/ sending
07:54.37euphemwhat do you have to do?
07:55.37wallabeeyou'll need a local mailer, because mutt won't directly talk to remote SMTP relay
07:55.49euphemwhat is a local mailer
07:56.34wallabeea tool that can send mail from your own host
07:57.03wallabeethis one was suggested ->
07:57.31wallabeeit acts as a simple/offline forwarder to your SMTP relay
07:57.42euphemyou mean
07:57.45euphemi have to sync?
07:58.17wallabeei mean you'll need an additional software so that mutt can give your mail to your usual smtp relay
07:58.34wallabeethis "nomail" thing should be able to do that
07:58.44euphemso i just need that program and i can send w/ my z
07:58.53euphemgiven that i have it setup properly?
07:59.25wallabeethere may be other issues but right, that's it
07:59.42euphemnow that i have it installed
07:59.45euphemwhat do i do?
08:00.01wallabeeit suggest you fill your /etc/nomail.conf with appropriate values
08:00.30wallabeeconfigure mutt so that it uses nomail instead of default sendmail
08:00.46wallabeeset sendmail="/usr/sbin/nomail" in your ~/.muttrc
08:01.12euphemokay so i need to find the configuration files and edit them
08:01.15euphemwhere do i find them
08:01.21euphemdo i do this through terminal?
08:01.31wallabeeand execute "nosend" when you're ready to batch send your mails queued from mutt
08:01.57wallabeei suggest you do so
08:03.05euphemhow do i edit it?
08:03.10euphemwhat do i use?
08:03.23euphemvim nomail.conf ?
08:03.33wallabeevim /etc/nomail.conf
08:03.35wallabeeprobably as root
08:03.43euphemvim command not found
08:03.46euphemi have to install vim
08:03.58wallabeeyou could use vi instead
08:04.52euphemthat worked
08:05.01euphemthere are a lot of squares and half squares though
08:05.18wallabeeyou mean, like unreadable characters ?
08:05.35wallabeei never used this nomail myself so can't really tell if it really works
08:05.45euphemprobably japanese
08:06.01euphemat the bottom it says READONLY
08:06.04wallabeeoh, you may need a perl interpreter as well, guess you didn't installed that yet..
08:06.05euphemi can't edit it
08:06.09wallabeeyes, do it as root
08:06.18euphemi edit as root
08:06.21euphemhow do i log in as root
08:06.31wallabeethen force the save :w!
08:06.52euphemand i'm stuck in the editor
08:07.27euphemrestarted console
08:07.30euphemhow do i become root?
08:07.48wallabeeinvoke su -
08:08.00wallabeeinstall sudo if you plan to do this on a more regular basis
08:08.40wallabeeand gmail won't work from mutt ->
08:09.00wallabeeyou may need fetchmail as well then
08:09.43euphempains in the bottom
08:10.02euphemi think i might just send everything through gmail
08:10.11euphemand just use mutt to check my university mail
08:10.20euphemkinda sucks that i can't just do it all in one place
08:10.32wallabeehonestly, i don't send mails from mutt myself
08:10.50wallabeebut that's rather because of charset issues with the terminal
08:11.18wallabeeand I don't have need to send mail from my zaurus too
08:13.12euphemthat works reasonably well
08:13.52euphemdo you know how to make
08:14.13euphemmutt -f imaps://
08:14.22euphemone of the drop-down menu choices in terminal?
08:14.44wallabeei rather suggest that you input that in your ~/.muttrc
08:15.11wallabeethen just type "mutt" to load the application
08:15.33euphemwhere is my ~/.muttrc
08:15.36euphemand what is that
08:15.54wallabeethat's the pathname to the file
08:16.02wallabeeand that's your configuration file
08:16.10euphemand i have to edit it
08:16.12euphemso i have to be root?
08:16.24wallabeenot this time, because it's your personal configuration file
08:16.31wallabeein your own home (~)
08:16.37euphemman where is the tilde
08:16.50wallabeenear the backspace
08:18.01euphemi said
08:18.08euphemvi ~./muttrc
08:18.11euphemand it says
08:18.18wallabeevi ~/.muttrc
08:18.27wallabeelike in "slashdot"
08:18.31euphem/home/zaurus/.muttrc NEW FILE
08:18.46euphemis this a new file
08:18.52euphemor did i just make a new file in the wrong place
08:18.55wallabeeit is
08:19.01euphemso what do i write in it
08:19.16*** join/#zaurus Sna (
08:19.18wallabeeat a bare minimum some directives like
08:19.25wallabeeset spoolfile="imaps://...."
08:19.37wallabee(although "" are not required)
08:19.55wallabeeand set folder=imaps://<user>@<host>/<folder>
08:20.12wallabeeif your got a special root folder, such as INBOX
08:20.18wallabeeyou'll check that later
08:20.44wallabeei suggest you put some other configuration which will greatly enhance your mutt experience too
08:20.50euphemso i've written that in the newly created .muttrc file
08:21.04wallabeesomewhere near 66% of the file, 4.20.1
08:21.20euphemcan' find localhost
08:22.00euphemhow old r u
08:22.22wallabeewhy that ?
08:22.34euphemjust wondered why/how you learn this stuff
08:23.02euphemman this server is slow
08:23.30euphemhow do i get out of the text editor
08:24.30wallabeewell, just spent some time on it
08:24.43euphemi can create an alias for mutt too
08:24.46euphemlike m or something
08:25.09wallabeeif you think that helps
08:25.15euphemyeah the uu-link thing won't load
08:25.20euphemcan i get away w/ one line/
08:25.24euphemwill that be helpful
08:25.30wallabeeoh right the server's down
08:25.32euphemhow do i get out of the text editor
08:26.21wallabeewell, it doesn't really matter but if you still want to try this conf ->
08:26.35wallabee:wq like before
08:27.49euphemis # comment?
08:28.14euphemso i can just highlight that stuff
08:28.17euphemedit it on my computer
08:28.21eupheme-mail it so myself
08:28.27euphemcopy it on the zaurus
08:28.30euphemand then paste into that textfile
08:28.39wallabeeyou can also open the page from your zaurus
08:28.44wallabeecut and paste to your terminal
08:28.45wallabeeand save
08:28.57wallabeebut the other way should work too
08:30.57*** join/#zaurus ViV (
08:31.53*** join/#zaurus synth (
08:33.28euphemwhat is the trick to highlighting on this thing
08:37.13euphemnow it says that /.muttrc is busy
08:48.10*** join/#zaurus Tomoe (
08:48.13TomoeHow are you gentlemen
08:48.37euphemand feeling stupid
08:49.00euphemat least i can check my mail now
08:49.16Tomoewallabee, lol I'm in akihabara again
08:49.25TomoeI'm going to go get that wifi cf soon
08:49.27wallabeetomoe: ha, you got your card now ?
08:49.34Tomoeno, in an hour
08:49.36euphemwhy is it so hard to edit the stupid .muttrc file
08:49.36Tomoealso an ap
08:49.38wallabeehehe ^^
08:49.43euphemwhy is everything so hard
08:49.49TomoeI'll get linksys' wrt
08:49.55Tomoeoh right
08:49.59wallabeeeuphem: you still at trying to edit the file ?
08:50.00euphemyou can't even f'ing browse to the file except in the retarded console
08:50.01TomoeI better lookup info about that tablet pc
08:50.08Tomoeeuphem, lol
08:50.19wallabeewhat's the matter
08:50.23euphemi say
08:50.29euphemvi ~/.muttrc
08:50.30euphemand it says
08:50.31wallabeewell, just forget about the customization
08:50.38euphem/tmp/baeutbebu is busy
08:51.01euphemNEVER SURRENDER
08:51.04euphemNEVER GIVE UP
08:51.26wallabeesometimes it simpler to surrender
08:51.33wallabeejust reboot and try again
08:51.55euphemalready did
08:51.58euphemdoin it now
08:52.02euphemhow do i save
08:52.05euphemwhen i'm finished writing
08:52.24wallabee:wq like before
08:52.52euphemi press the cancel button b4 typing :wq ?
08:53.07wallabeethat's right
08:55.04wallabeetomoe: oh, not getting the asus after all ?
08:55.17Tomoecannot find it =(
08:55.25euphemfor some reason i can't write anything
08:55.27euphemi see
08:55.40Tomoeeuphem, are you doing it as root?
08:55.59euphemi thought u said i didn't need to be root for this one?
08:56.14Tomoecan't hurt
08:56.29euphemthis is a text file
08:56.32euphemwhy is it so hard
08:56.35euphemto edit a text file
08:56.44Tomoeit's not hard
08:56.50TomoeIT'S IMPOSSIBLE
08:57.03wallabeetomoe: hehe
08:57.31euphemat the bottom of my screen is
08:57.44euphem"/home/root/.muttrc" [New File]
08:57.54euphemand the green cursor is at the top of the screen
08:57.57euphemi'm logged in as root
08:58.05euphembut it won't type anything
08:58.07wallabeeunlog then
08:58.10euphemhow do i edit it?
08:58.19euphemwhat do i type to edit this file?
08:58.35wallabeei to enter insert mode
08:58.58euphemdo i press cancel before that?
08:59.15*** join/#zaurus mithro (
08:59.18wallabeeno need yet
08:59.21Tomoewallabee, this is the one I've found
08:59.36wallabeeit doesn't look bad
08:59.37*** join/#zaurus persia (
08:59.46wallabeeno ref ?
08:59.50euphemi can't paste
08:59.52euphemi can't delete
09:00.00TomoeTHE UNIX HAS U
09:00.03wallabeeeuphem: ok
09:00.47euphemhow do i delete?
09:01.44euphemi managed to paste this crap
09:01.47euphemso how do  i delet
09:02.48*** join/#zaurus emptyhead (
09:03.09euphemthat deletes whole lines?
09:03.18euphemhow do i delete just one character?
09:03.20wallabee <- just get this file
09:03.28wallabeeput it in your ~/.muttrc
09:03.49wallabeei mean rename it as
09:03.57wallabeethen edit
09:03.58euphemi have that stuff in there
09:04.03euphemi'm editing now
09:04.20euphembut i can't change
09:04.21persiaeuphem: x
09:04.28Tomoewallabee, what do you think of planex gw-cf11x card?
09:04.31euphembecause i can't use the BS key
09:04.55wallabeetomoe: it specs says it sucks twice the power required by the io-data
09:05.16persiaeuphem: move to the first e in example, and try 5dw
09:05.32Tomoeok then it seems I'll go for io-data one
09:07.00euphemokay now it says rootfolder
09:07.26wallabeejust leave that commented for now
09:07.41Tomoewallabee, lol I've also found that sharp cf camera for zaurus
09:07.46Tomoefor 1800y I think
09:07.51wallabeefix it if you can't change ?folders with 'c' in muttooo
09:07.51euphemwhat is the command to delete a character?
09:08.29wallabeex like persia told you
09:09.09Tomoeeuphem, just google for a vi tutorial
09:09.14Tomoeor install nano or pico
09:09.37Tomoehy licksjp
09:09.49wallabeehi licks
09:11.00persiaeuphem: If you don't want to google, basic instructions are available from ":h"
09:12.44Tomoe'how do I enter that?'
09:13.32euphemhow do i make an alias for mutt?
09:14.52licksjpI have to go dinner
09:15.02wallabeeput an alias m="mutt -f ..." in your ~?/.bashrc
09:15.02licksjplater > guys
09:15.12wallabeethen relog or source ~/.b ashrc
09:22.43*** part/#zaurus persia (
09:26.41euphemi can now hit an icon, press " m [enter] a [password] [enter]"
09:26.43euphemand see my mail!
09:26.48euphemnot a bad combo
09:27.15euphemthx for the help
09:27.19euphemi'm gonna go sleep now
09:32.26wallabeelicksjp: that was fast
09:41.06*** join/#zaurus duper (duper@
09:45.16Tomoesee you gents
09:45.21TomoeI am off2buy some wifi
09:46.00madeddiethat's not a very nice quit message
09:53.54subduewould have been better off with gmail
09:56.54duperhi all
10:08.04duperbad weather in shanghai now...
10:28.15*** join/#zaurus Bamir (
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13:04.02Bamirmorning you slakers!
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14:07.13Bamiranyone got vdesk to work with x/qt?
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14:17.25Bamiranother fugged up x, restore time....
14:17.39Bamirrats 5 days old.....crap
14:18.27Bamiranyone got scheduled backups running on thier z?
14:18.39Bamirusing cron, or at?
15:09.19*** join/#zaurus synth (
16:52.51*** join/#zaurus zip| (~zip|
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17:24.37*** join/#zaurus euphem (
17:25.05euphemhey room
17:25.16euphemanybody here know a good z AIM client?
17:26.35euphemi can't get it to work
17:26.53zip|did you read the site?
17:26.55euphemi followed the wiki instructions
17:27.06euphemat the top of those it says that its broken anyway
17:27.13euphemit worked under pdaxrom
17:27.27euphembut pdaxrom froze/crashed/disconnect me a lot
17:30.28zip|well i have gaim working fine
17:31.11euphemc1k sharp rom?
17:32.59euphemman i wish cacko for the c1k would come out
17:33.04euphemand/or pdaxrom would magically be stable
17:35.24duperhi can someone tell me that how to use gprs thru bluetooth on pdaxrom?
17:38.47euphem:-p i want to know that too
17:38.56euphemi think there is a post in the forum
17:39.01euphemsearch for zaurus modem i think
17:40.58duperemm, have checked the oesf forum
17:44.31duperlooks like this:
17:46.06euphemanyone in here using pdaxrom?
17:46.18zip|6kLi did for a long time
17:46.28euphemdid you wifi cut out?
17:46.52zip|6kLi dont remember that being one of my problems with it no
17:47.07euphemdid it freeze a lot?
17:47.22duperthat i when searching the BT DUN, it failed anyhow
17:47.24radugathere's a new pdaXrom rc
17:47.39duperrc10.4 is avail now
17:47.43zip|6kLyeah i was using rc10
17:47.54duperbut pity no rc for sl6k
17:48.04zip|6kLuhh yeah there is
17:48.07zip|6kLdont know about the new one
17:48.11*** join/#zaurus effy-kun (
17:48.15euphemyeah i tried rc 10.4
17:48.17euphemcrashed too much
17:48.31dupersays that with better support moto series
17:48.43raduga10.4 more crashy than rc10?
17:49.01euphemif not, then similarly
17:49.07euphemi didn't tell much of a difference
17:49.39radugai'm using CaCko qt mostly, still :/
17:49.49dupermay i ask why got failure when searching the BT DUN?
17:49.56radugaI was holding out for rc11
17:50.01radugabut I may try 10.4
17:50.41euphemi think i want to use cacko x/qt
17:50.47euphemi need to get my sd card first though...
17:51.42duperanyway pdaxrom do have a better dev enviorement
18:03.05euphemyay for opera
18:03.11euphemyay for mutt
18:03.25euphemnow i just need to get a jabber client working
18:09.53euphemwas pdaxrom ever stable
18:10.04euphemi don't quite understand the versioning system
18:10.14euphemis rc10 like version 10
18:10.25euphemor does it include an update from a non-zaurus source?
18:10.50zip|6kLrc 10 == release client  10
18:11.04euphemwho releases it?
18:11.22euphemwas rc8 / rc9 stable?
18:11.30euphemi mean, the clock doesn't even work!
18:11.50euphemi'm also kind of irritated that open apps don't show up in the bar at the bottom
18:14.59euphemtime for shower!
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21:09.14Bamiranyone know how to search for a specific filename?
21:11.03kendrickyou can use find on the terminal
21:11.13kendrickfind / -name "whatevah"
21:11.30kendrickdon't have my Z in front of me, so i'm not sure which version of find is on there, and what it can do
21:21.54radugayou can use wildcards too, but probably need to escape them
21:22.13radugafind / -name \\*something\\*else
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22:22.51TheMaskedUnitg' evening all
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22:41.30wallabeemorning licksjp
23:54.45ljpi doubt that
23:54.55*** join/#zaurus benplaut (
23:55.12ljpyou could beat me to death with a handkerchief
23:56.04Georgeit's easy
23:56.10GeorgeI just wring your neck with it
23:56.32ljpyou couldnt overpower me
23:56.37benplaut...or smother
23:56.43Georgeoh shut up ljp
23:56.44GeorgeI hate you
23:56.47GeorgeI WANT YOU TO DIE
23:57.06ljpwhy so angry, G?
23:57.07benplautthis place needs ubotu :P
23:57.15GeorgeI've never liked you ljp
23:57.16Georgeyou suck
23:57.31ljpoh well.. your loss
23:58.00ljpi was going to include you in the free device giveaway
23:58.28ljptoo late
23:58.37Georgewhat free device giveaway?
23:59.14ljpwhat does it matter, to late for you :)
23:59.23Georgejust tell me
23:59.33benplautpick me, pick me!
23:59.44Georgeljp: you're lying you whore

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