irclog2html for #zaurus on 20031227

00:00.17chuckrit shoujld, but rights, be pushed in the ddirection  of providing better dev environ rather than providing a better user env
00:00.28chuckrby rights  god my typing is horrible
00:01.18chuckrmy fingers have certain patterns memorized and when I just let the fingers get a way with me (when I want to type fast) the result can be quite freudian
00:02.05chuckranyhow, things like, more compilers, more editors, maybe more scripting lanuguages and gui's
00:02.11Pendalarthere is a pretty good dev environment
00:02.23chuckrI would wonder abou the nice gui that oz has
00:02.24Pendalarthe thing is the initiation is reading
00:02.48Pendalaryou go to Sharp to get some of the programming docs there, some from Trolltech (for general Qtopia stuff, widgets)
00:03.02Pendalarif you mean compiling stuff for OZ, you go to and read all that's there
00:03.12Pendalarit walks you through setting up a build environment
00:03.31chuckrwell, I thin that would be helped , if there was a link directly off the oz main page, with a large number of links, you know the page I';m referring to, maybe with a *little* better comments on the links, you'd find the questions you get would drop by 40% in the first week
00:03.32Pendalaronce you've done that, most of the devs are willing to listen to your questions
00:04.05chuckrstuff isn't all on the oz site, its scatterd, and finding it can be a bit of a challenge
00:04.14Pendalarmost of the web contents are on hold until they get the OZ buildroot completely transfered to the OE build system
00:04.39PendalarI assume it will get better, but right now other than the occassional new test image, there's no "user news"
00:04.52Pendalarand all the devs collab in #openembedded
00:04.56chuckrI know what my own problem was, it was all that familiararity with the BSD stuff, and not knowing beans about linux
00:05.09chuckrI've been reading linux kernel code
00:05.35PendalarI agree the documentation isn't as polished as it could be, but it's largely unwritten
00:05.46Pendalaryou can't polish it til you have the content hammered out.. which we're working on
00:06.04chuckrI have to admit, I was/am/will be blown away by the fact that you can actually use X11 on the Z and get fairly snappy respoonse
00:06.31PendalarI'm not too surprised since I run X11 very bloated on a 600mhz
00:06.40Pendalara 400mhz unit with a trimmed X11 should be fine
00:06.48Pendalar206mhz.. I'll pass
00:06.52chuckr600?   Z?
00:07.28chuckrsash has overclocking in his latest, but I haven't yet tried that
00:07.28Pendalarno my box
00:07.44chuckrthe 860, the only diff, it's the usb, right?
00:07.48trekebut I dont tend to use kde/gnome much
00:07.57trekechuckr: paint job is the only difference I've seen
00:07.58Pendalarenglish dictionary and use it as a usb drive
00:08.06Pendalarand yeah the colors
00:08.22trekeYou can download the image for the c860 and flash it on the 760 apparently
00:08.25ljpwhy overclock a handheld
00:08.33ljpthats a bit silly, really
00:08.33chuckrI didn't, but I;'m going to try to port gtk to objective C, that will change matters for me, I'm so impressed with objective C that I' not entirely rational about it
00:08.44Pendalarit's not all that silly, but it does eat a battery to no end
00:08.53ljpit is silly
00:08.54trekeobjective c is pretty cool
00:09.01Pendalaras a former PalmSource user, I would have died without o/c
00:09.04trekeljp: Overclocking is silly. underclocking isnt a horrible idea
00:09.21Pendalaru/c a 33mhz unit sucks ;-)
00:09.22ljpon a handhelds, ya
00:09.24trekechuckr: started learning it this morning :)
00:09.35chuckrwhat about the idea of slapping toher twoo battery packs, and gettin gup a special connector so that you could have a fanny pack of power for the Z?
00:10.03chuckrI could cobble togehter a charger
00:10.03Pendalaror just mod a elite fuel cell
00:10.13Pendalaror solar...
00:10.19chuckrelite fuel cell?  Soemthing I shoujld google?
00:10.21Pendalaror wind for that matter, have a little perpeller
00:10.45chuckruh, no .... I think I would like some better power for the Z
00:10.45Pendalarnah I'm mostly just using my indepth slashdot-based knowledge..
00:11.06Pendalarwind would be good for.. joggers... and stuff
00:11.08chuckrit;s getting closer, fella, fule cells are nearly there
00:12.17chuckrI know electronics well enough to make a charger for a couple of those batteries, I think 2 betteries wou ld  make a truly usefulll amount of power, you wouldln't be able to run out.
00:13.21chuckrin fact, no reason, if they're external, to keep the sam eform factor, why no get the cheapest one's you could get that run less than, say , 2 pounds
00:14.18chuckrI'm going to investiage that, and get back to you.  Might come up with something very useful.
00:14.33chuckrhave you guys looked into objective C?
00:15.46PendalarI think most use C++
00:15.51PendalarI think that's sort of a "yes"
00:16.14chuckrnot really, that's like saying that java is supported because C++ is
00:16.32chuckrthey're not alike
00:16.56chuckrin fact, objective C is more like java than c++
00:17.07chuckrnot terribly, but closer.
00:17.21chuckrC++ is a huge boatanchor
00:17.38chuckrobjective C, for instance, is 100% C compatible
00:17.42chuckrC++ isn't
00:18.10Pendalarstill I think most of the guys use C++ when a choice
00:18.17Pendalaror port parts to ASM maybe
00:18.42chuckrare you saying C++ is more popular?  That's not the question
00:19.52chuckrI was saying which is a nicer language to use .... and I think, if you looked at it, you would likely get a surprise.  Your comment about which is more popular, well, don't get insulted, but that'sthe excuse that MS has been riding, isn't it?
00:20.44Pendalarit's not an excuse, I'm simply stating everyone I know who codes generally uses c++ for PDA applications
00:20.51Pendalarperhaps I don't talk to the right people
00:21.01Pendalarit's merely an observation
00:21.12chuckrobjectivve C has only those features really neccesary to add OO to C, with the exception that they added the interface feature from jhava
00:21.36PendalarI never implied which is better
00:21.39chuckrit's a greatly pared down language, as compared to C++
00:21.46PendalarI prefer regular C myself
00:21.54chuckrwell, better is in everyone's own eyes, I guess
00:22.16Pendalarbut that's largely because I don't know Java or OO C, or C++ for that metter
00:22.27chuckrI like C a lot myself, which is why I like the idea of adding the least possible.  It also makes troubleshooting and learning much easier.
00:23.02chuckrit has the idea of a central object that all other objects must  ultimately descend from, and only single inheritance
00:23.28chuckrrtti is in there, a gift from that central object idea
00:24.11chuckrI'll be back in a while, it's dinnertime, and all that xmas ham is calling me
00:24.12Pendalarit'd help if I had a c++ book
00:24.25chuckrC++ or objective C?
00:24.57Pendalarhmm well not sure
00:25.10PendalarI'd have to fully understand the difference as you do before I could make that judgement
00:25.31chuckrthere are so many C++ books at your local bookstore, yo uoughta be able to buy  one several years old and save a buck
00:26.04chuckrI have learned C++ for the sole reason, I wanted to be able to feel honest when I said I didn't like it.
00:26.30chuckrit's such a massibely overloaded design, it's terrible to fix
00:27.05chuckr14 ways to do  any job, and for every protection feature, there are 5 ways to unprotect and get around that feature
00:27.42PendalarI have an old old C book and everything in it segfaults
00:27.48chuckrreally makes troubleshooting a crappy job.  Notice, it's HORRIBLY hard to write a good library for C++
00:28.05Pendalardoh bbl, wife is calling
00:28.27chuckryeah, language wars.  OK, I stop it now.
00:40.17*** join/#zaurus somervil__ (
00:40.26somervil__anyone ever encounter this error: usb device not accepting new address=<somenumber> (error=-110)
00:45.27*** join/#zaurus tapjpa (
01:01.40*** part/#zaurus tapjpa (
01:41.07*** join/#zaurus schalfwan (
01:54.26George-treke: I presume you know that 2 days benh pushed some changes in bk that enable clock slewing to pull the 1.25GHz powerbook to approx 1GHz?
01:54.35George-s/2 days/2 days ago/;
01:57.06mark_gGeorge-, eugh
01:57.31George-mark_g: hello
01:57.34George-mark_g: still awake?
01:57.44George-I need my iPod back
01:57.48George-it's getting lonely here
01:57.52mark_gmines donwstairs
01:57.54George-the computers are missing it
01:58.32mark_gGeorge-, jodrell bank didnt pick up beagle again
01:58.55George-my bot!!!
01:58.56George-MY BOT!!!!
01:59.42mark_gGeorge-, its a gonner
01:59.53George-what is?
02:00.26George-ibot: beagle?
02:00.28beagle is, like, a nose with a dog on the back of it
02:00.54mark_gGeorge-, beagle 2?
02:01.07George-ibot beagle 2?
02:01.09George-: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about
02:01.32mark_gGeorge-, have u been living under a tree?
02:01.50George-mark_g: no, under a roof
02:02.35mark_gGeorge-, british mars lander?
02:02.46George-ohr ight
02:04.45George-ok, it looks as though the earth connection in the socket that my powerbook was connected to was bust
02:04.51George-hence why I was getting electric shocks
02:04.57*** join/#zaurus botty (
02:05.02George-now that I've changed to a different socket I don't get it anymore :)
02:05.05George-wb botty
02:05.07George-botty: lart mark
02:05.13George-botty: shit on mark_g
02:06.36George-MG_Tak: hrmm?
02:09.21MG_Takwhat ibot did
02:12.01George-you mean botty
02:12.20MG_Takit's late
02:12.36George-botty: beat up MG_Tak
02:19.37*** join/#zaurus catskul (
02:19.47catskulim having a wierd problem with networking over usb.... when i plug in my zaurus, it is recoginzed and I can ifconfig usb0 up
02:20.05catskulbut if I try ti ping the zaurus nothing happens
02:20.12catskuland if I try to ping the remote computer from the zaurus, the zaurus locks up : (
02:56.41*** join/#zaurus warmi_ (
02:57.38George-heya warmi_
02:58.01warmi_hi george
02:58.15warmi_enjoying your Xmass break ?
02:58.36mark_gheya warmi_
02:58.50warmi_hi mark
02:59.04warmi_british are out in force on this channel today :-)
02:59.13markwarmi_, its 3am here :)
02:59.34warmi_yeah, I know .. I am surprised
02:59.41MG_Tak4 here
02:59.53warmi_MG_Tak where are you ?
03:00.14markwarmi_, so hows life?
03:00.55warmi_its ok   - no Zaurus development though .... I pretty much gave up on it
03:01.01George-warmi_: yeh
03:01.06warmi_you still playing with yours ?
03:01.29George-I gave up on the Zaurus too :)
03:01.51George-after the copper pads that connect the front face plate button things (cancel etc) wore away with overuse :)
03:02.00markwarmi_, nope, hasnt been on for about 6 months, been pretty busy lately, mean to get back to it some time
03:02.09warmi_well, I still have one , just don't do much with it anymore  .... I don't even have a running Linux desktop installation these days ..
03:02.10George-I have yet to buy some conductive pen to fix it
03:02.17warmi_only my little nat/ww/mail server
03:02.25George-warmi_: you don't use linux? wtf do you use?
03:02.36warmi_mark: busy with what ? other development or just general things like school/work etc ?
03:02.50markwarmi_, school: applying to university
03:02.52warmi_George: Win 2000 these days
03:03.01George-warmi_: why?
03:03.21markGeorge-, i use XP now
03:03.21warmi_it works for me ... especially considering that I do a lot of Pocket PC development these days :-)
03:03.30George-mark: die.
03:03.34warmi_mark: computer science ?
03:03.47George-warmi_: he's going for PPE
03:03.54markGeorge-, not going, i've got a place fool
03:04.04warmi_PPE ?
03:04.06George-mark: oh yeh, I forgot. I thought they rejected you :P
03:04.11markpolitics philosophy and economics
03:04.13George-warmi_: Politics, Philosophy and Economics
03:04.17George-damn, mark beat me to it
03:04.20George-damn you!
03:04.44George-warmi_: btw - I just reached a terrible stage in IRC'ing... I just said "lol" in real life instead of laughing.
03:04.53warmi_is this an equivalent of a business/economics degree in US ?
03:05.10George-warmi_: nah, it's PPE :)
03:05.29warmi_George: heheeh ... and you are still young , imagine how you will behave when you are around 40
03:05.39markwarmi_, well i'll be focusing on economics
03:05.42warmi_hi ljp
03:05.44George-warmi_: shut it :)
03:06.22ljptoo hot
03:06.31warmi_mark: good , originally I was going for history/political science type of degree but then finally after a lot of thinking ended up studying Computer Science
03:07.08warmi_ljp: well, some people pay a lot of money to spend some time in what you describe as "too hot" :-)
03:07.51markwarmi_, what made you change your mind?
03:07.52George-I was born in bloody australia.
03:08.29markGeorge-, and why would i have been rejected? :P
03:08.31George-botty: die.
03:08.37George-mark: because you're mark.
03:08.46George-stop asking bloody stupid questions.
03:09.26warmi_mark: well, two things I was always into were history and computers ... and I still am.  It is just CS was a better option as far as employment etc ..
03:09.59George-I'll be going for CS at Cambridge.
03:10.13markGeorge-, cambridge smells. oxford oxford oxford! ;)
03:10.18warmi_I see George hasn't changed ;-)
03:10.21George-mark: die.
03:10.31George-mark: cambridge is the MIT of england. oxford smells.
03:10.39*** join/#zaurus catskul (
03:10.42George-for cs anyway.
03:10.51George-botty: shit on mark
03:10.52warmi_oxford is like Harvard ...
03:10.57markgo to MIT then :P
03:11.02George-mark: can't afford MIT
03:11.08catskulhas anyone here who has the c760 been sucessfull at connecting over usbnet ?
03:11.08markur loaded!
03:11.11George-mark: unless I get a scholarship (hardly likely to happen)
03:11.16George-I AM NOT LOADED
03:11.22George-I can't afford MIT. End of story.
03:11.35warmi_george:  it is that expensive ?
03:11.42George-Harrow's school fees are piss compared to MIT
03:11.46markits really expensive for foreign students
03:11.59George-warmi_: yes, because I need to account for living costs/air tickets/food etc
03:12.05ljpbut georges dad can afford MIT
03:12.13George-warmi_: on top of the already fucking insane fees :P
03:12.27George-my current school fees are only about ?21000 a year
03:12.34warmi_George: uh ... no, you would simply work evenings for living :-)
03:12.40George-warmi_: don't be stupid :P
03:12.54warmi_I am not ... this is how things are done in US ;-)
03:13.15markGeorge-, try for a scholarship
03:13.20George-mark: I'd never get it.
03:13.25George-I'm not that good.
03:13.28markGeorge-, i was going to if i didnt get into ox
03:13.38ljpheh, ya, George _work_ ..?
03:13.38George-you were going to go for a scholarship to MIT?
03:13.46George-ljp: hehehe :)
03:14.00markGeorge-, was gonna try stanford.  they like having foreign people about apparently so scholarships arent that impos
03:14.20ljphe'd probably going to try to bribe his way to a Masters
03:14.26George-ljp: shut up
03:14.39George-if I were to go to MIT, I'd probably go to do a postgrad degree of some sort
03:14.43George-it's cheaper :P
03:14.48markGeorge-, yeh a postgrat at MIT would be cool
03:14.50warmi_ah ... fucking college days ... that was the time when I acquired my ulcer
03:15.32markGeorge-, my politics tutor to be is so cool, he has a really funky blog
03:15.52ljpif I need an edjumakation. I can gives it to myself!
03:16.04George-mark: right.....
03:16.21George-hahaha, I'm messing about in #kde-devel
03:16.28George-<andrevar> I want to be a "Kdeveloper". What I have to do? What I must to know?
03:16.28George-<George-> andrevar: well, you need to do more than I currently do, which is sit around all day on irc. #1 tip - get off IRC before you're hooked
03:16.38George-<spectrum> you must know how to be nasty and flippant to ordinary users.  You must also have a potty mouth and not be afraid to use it.
03:16.38George-<spectrum> sure.
03:16.38George-<andrevar> I am a Computer Engineer
03:16.44George-<George-> andrevar: study the real bastards in this channel - they're generally the core devs :)
03:16.48ljphmm, developers I know sit around all day on irc
03:16.52George-should I give him real advice?
03:16.57George-or continue taking the piss?
03:17.11ljpsomeone ban george from kde-devel
03:18.05markGeorge-, i guess u dont know which cam college?
03:18.31George-mark: no idea
03:20.39ljpprobably he will go to Red Rocks Jr College
03:20.55ljpcause he cant afford anything else
03:22.50George-<George-> there's a fee to become a kde developer
03:22.50George-<George-> $2000
03:22.50George-<spectrum> oh, yeah, I forgot about that.
03:26.13markGeorge-, ur probably putting off a good developer
03:26.14George-<George-> plus, you have to spend at least 10 hours each day bitching about AOL, Microsoft and the RIAA
03:26.14George-<spectrum> you can also bitch about mETz
03:26.14George-<George-> otherwise there's a $5000 penalty
03:26.33*** join/#zaurus treke|ho1e (
03:26.44warmi_he is probably talking to himself ..
03:27.06warmi_mark: a good developer would know something about KDE and would not fell for this kind of bullshit :-)
03:27.30markwarmi_, hehe true
03:27.39George-warmi_: it's so fake if the guy fell for it he has no brain
03:27.50George-<andrevar> And my girl.....
03:27.50George-<spectrum> dump her
03:28.01George-<spectrum> I'll take care of her until you decide to give it up
03:28.04George-this is fun
03:30.05markwarmi_, how are the PPC sales?
03:30.49warmi_good enough to get my couple of new toys ... including a brand new Glock 17 ;-)
03:30.57George-Glock 17?
03:31.07warmi_that's ultimate PDA ;-)
03:31.17warmi_9 mm, 10 rounds magazine
03:31.28George-a gun?
03:31.53George-why the fuck would you want a gun?
03:32.08George-is crime really that bad in the US?
03:32.13George-or is it some fetish you have?
03:32.16warmi_I like shooting ... I got to gun range every week or so - it has a relaxing effect on me
03:32.28ljpwe have guns because we hate the britts
03:32.41warmi_no, crime in  US is actually lower than in UK these days
03:33.40*** join/#zaurus stigger (
03:34.13warmi_George: frankly go fuck yourself .... I am a free/responsible man and as such don't need no fucking permission from my goverment to own a fucking gun ;-)
03:34.27warmi_it is the same right as right to free speech etc
03:34.37George-warmi_: whoot
03:34.51George-warmi_: I don't agree with the banning of all hand weapons in the UK
03:35.13George-warmi_: I don't see how the hell they can think "oh, we'll make all hand guns illegal so the crime rate will go down"
03:35.18catskulhas anyone here who has the c760 been sucessfull at connecting over usbnet ?
03:35.24*** join/#zaurus treke|ho1e (
03:35.42markwarmi_, our bill of rights grants us freedom to  own a weapon
03:36.06markwarmi_, that fact just gets ignored :)
03:36.14warmi_mark: Brits used to have rights like that before too ....  
03:36.26George-hey, don't lecture us on right mr we-have-the-dmca
03:37.00markwarmi_, presumably you also think you have the right to be in possesion of and take any recreational drug?
03:38.13warmi_mark: yeah of course - I am all for punishing behaviour resulting from overuse of such drugs but not for prohibition - it didn't work 70 years ago
03:38.16markok good
03:38.19ljpya, man. if I wanna zone my brain, I have a right too do so
03:38.31markcoz the pro gun but anti drug position is untennable
03:38.41George-If I want to stick a knife in my hear, I have a right to do so
03:38.43ljpbring on he guns, lsd and big boobs!
03:39.10George-<michael jackson> if I want to fuck little children, I have a right to do so</michael jackson>
03:39.35markGeorge-, most of my straight friends would shag michael jackson
03:39.44markand would be flattered to have done so
03:39.53ljpdamn, my handhelds email is frickin spamville now
03:39.55George-mark: WTF
03:40.02markGeorge-, hehe yeh i know
03:40.20George-ok, I'm going to bed
03:40.21George-I've had enough
03:40.25warmi_"only in US can a poor black boy grow up to be a rich white woman " - I read it somewhere
03:41.53warmi_mark: you guys get 2 weeks off for Xmass ?
03:42.06George-I got 4 weeks
03:42.07markwarmi_, 2 weeks which then rolls straight into exams
03:43.27warmi_4 frigging weeks ?
03:44.47warmi_mark: since you are into political science etc .. do you actually read a lot of stuff writen by people Churchill etc ... ?
03:44.59warmi_by people like Churchill
03:45.12George-Churchill went to my school
03:45.22warmi_some people consider this sort of stuff to be definition of boredom
03:46.09warmi_yeha, you don't need to sleep - you got 4 frigging weeks for that george
03:46.16George-shut it :P
03:46.23George-I require sleep
03:46.38warmi_you think you do ..
03:47.38warmi_ljp: do you do any coding these days while working for Trolls ?  
03:48.09ljpI havent done much although
03:48.24ljpneed to work on this pdaudio still
03:48.27warmi_ah coding in Australia .... as I said before, people pay big money to just be there for couple of weeks
03:48.42ljpI know.. they pay me to be here
03:49.04ljpI need to move closer to the beach
03:49.10warmi_yeah, some people get all the girls .... and others .. eh , I won't go there
03:49.44George-you don't WANT A LIFE
03:49.57George-as Tangent told me a while back
03:50.05ljpheh, remember, George- is a virgin
03:50.23warmi_and likely to be one for a while ..
03:51.12warmi_ljp: do trolls still work with Sharp ? or rather do they have a business relationship with them ?
03:52.22ljpwarmi_: yes and no. we have a meeting with them sometime soon, and are going to bring up a number of issues
03:52.24warmi_ah ... this is called "Zaurus Discussion" , one can easily forget
03:52.47warmi_ljp: yeah, but do they plan to purchase future versions of Qtopia etc ?
03:52.55George-zaurus sucks.
03:53.02George-I want Sharp to give me a new zaurus
03:53.09George-for free.
03:53.24warmi_there is that Z 600 comming out .. or so I keep hearing
03:53.32warmi_or is it Z 6000
03:53.42markwhats the gossip on other qt based pdas?
03:53.59George-keyboard etc
03:54.02George-looks quite nice
03:54.03ljpsharp has anounced the sl-6000 already
03:54.10George-anyway, I'm going to bed now
03:54.11warmi_I actually heard some things about Motorola releasing some sort of Qtopia based phone
03:54.13George-for real
03:54.16George-so good night.
03:54.18markwarmi_, yeh i heard that
03:54.23warmi_George: good night for real
03:54.25markwarmi_, asia only though
03:54.26ljpthat phone is Qt E based
03:54.39markrun qtopia?
03:54.55warmi_it looks like Trolls are getting all their business in Asian markets
03:55.00warmi_I wonder why
03:55.50warmi_and then there is that secret thing Kergoth/neo are working on ..
03:55.57warmi_any news about that one ?
03:56.03marki got a job offer from TI actually
03:56.11markwell not anoffer
03:56.16marka "would you be interested"
03:56.31ljpand were you interested?
03:56.36warmi_yeah, I should have applied to them - it was a perfect opportunity for Qt related job but I was too lazy ... too comfortable in my current posiiton :-)
03:57.14markljp, i have university to go to :P
03:57.16markso no
03:57.31warmi_yeah, jobs come and go but - good thinking mark
03:58.02warmi_ljp: in AU ?
03:58.13ljp*cough* TI is stealing a Qtopia developer
03:58.42warmi_TI is going to end up employing half of #Zaurus
03:59.01ljpperhaps.. :)
03:59.02markwarmi_, hehe
03:59.51warmi_it is a bit risky though ... purely project based - if something goes wrong entire team will most likely end up on the street
04:00.08warmi_unless of course TI is basing their entire line of products on Qtopia/Linux technology
04:00.21markwarmi_, mine was for their educational department
04:00.37warmi_that's where Kergoth and Neo are working
04:00.57warmi_from what I know they are working on some sort of educational PDA like device running Linux/Qtopia combo
04:01.04markah okay didnt know that
04:02.17treke|hometimriker pasted a link to it
04:02.24markI work with Educational & Productivity Solutions, a business unit of Texas
04:02.24markInstruments (TX). We are currently searching for Qt Developers for the Linux
04:02.24markteam.  This position deals with devices/products for the classroom"
04:02.29markwoops sorry for the flood
04:03.23treke|homejust think, you too could live in texas
04:03.30warmi_frankly, considering how little NeoWork talks on this channel these days , they keep him quite busy up there
04:03.48treke|homeI wish they wouldnt have hired him until after snails
04:03.56warmi_treke: why didn't you try for it ?
04:03.58markhe still doing xengames?
04:04.02warmi_treke: he never finished that port ?
04:04.15treke|homewarmi_: I'm happy working where I do
04:04.45warmi_same here .. I would prefer working on stuff like Qt than Java I am doing now but hey .... my job is relatively safe at this point and pays pretty well
04:05.12treke|homealso the coworkers
04:05.36warmi_well, that's another problem .... it takes a while to get used to the new enviroment , new people etc ...
04:05.52treke|homeyeah, I work with some great people right now
04:06.51warmi_yeah, we are so fucking diversified over here ... Jesse Jackson would be proud ... two black guys, an Indian,guy from Taiwan and me which is white  naturalized American
04:07.07treke|homeI think we have a chinese guy
04:07.15treke|homeand then four white guys
04:07.24warmi_it is alot of fun .. checking out ethnic restaurants etc ...
04:07.40warmi_arguing with Chinesse guy about merits of China's claim to Taiwan etc ..
04:08.09warmi_you think you have a chinesse guy ? I mean these guys tend to be rather easily recognizable :-)
04:08.45absentiachine has no claim to taiwan
04:08.59warmi_yeah, well you talk to them :-)
04:09.18absentiawhy does everyone want to rule the world?
04:09.26ljpbecause its fun
04:09.33absentiathe sooner we all realize that we're all related... and there's only one earth... the better.
04:09.40warmi_at the end of the day, the merits of claim are defined by the size of your guns - it always been that way
04:09.42absentianationality is no longer required.
04:09.47chouimatabsentia: because their is good $$$$ to make
04:09.56absentiabottom line
04:10.03absentiapeople are stupid.
04:10.09ljpone reason to rule the world: you get the best women
04:10.24absentiaI thought you got that with the most money?
04:10.31ljpsame thing
04:10.32absentiaspeaking of that
04:10.37absentiaI don't believe in the whole marriage thing
04:10.40absentia1 woman
04:10.41absentia1 man
04:10.43absentiaout dated.
04:10.43chouimatabsentia: start by explaining to my fellow citizen that nationality is a old concept :)
04:10.58absentiachou: which fellow citizen ?
04:10.59ljpya, 1 man, many women sounds a whole lot beter to me, too
04:11.11chouimatabsentia: Quebec
04:11.21warmi_ah .. dream on
04:11.55absentiawhat's up with quebec?
04:11.59absentiathey want to be french
04:11.59absentiaor not french
04:12.06absentiaI cant ever keep that insanity clear
04:12.22chouimatabsentia: they don't want canada and everything that speak english
04:12.23warmi_it is money again
04:12.48chouimatjust watched the last james bond and Halle Berry in a bikini is HOT
04:12.54absentiathe french banninb englihs words
04:13.03warmi_chouimat : you talking about here walking on the beach ;-)
04:13.06absentiahave a web site hosted in france -- has to be in french?
04:13.07warmi_I remember that
04:13.24warmi_here= her
04:13.26chouimatabsentia: yup
04:13.36absentiahow did the phrase so
04:13.52absentiaremember: no matter how good she looks now, remember, someone somewhere is putting up with her shit.
04:13.59absentiaputs things into perspective...
04:14.14absentiaor, secret agent man... theme song:  a pretty face can hide an evil mind.
04:14.20absentiaI'd second that.
04:14.24warmi_absentia: you are not in a very , shall we say , Xmass mood today are you ?
04:14.39absentiathis is normal me.
04:14.47absentiathe world has too much stupidity... it pisses me off.
04:15.11chouimatabsentia: stupidity is what created religions in first place
04:15.27warmi_well, this is again your definition of stupidity  ...
04:15.30absentiaand what propagates it
04:15.33absentianow I hear dean for jesus
04:16.13absentiahell, I'm stupid about many things... but what I'm talking about here is a conscious acknowledgement by someone not to give a damn about things that they should...
04:16.18absentiayou don't have to nkow everything about everything
04:16.22chouimatabsentia: I'm pleased that here in Canada we made the distinction between GOD and GOV
04:16.32absentiabut you should lknow more than just what it takes to prevent your skull from being crused by the approaching bus.
04:16.45absentiach: and that distinction is ?
04:16.58warmi_you are being hostile to religion ... don'
04:17.03absentiaone shouldn't exist and the other doesn't?
04:17.10chouimatabsentia: god as no place in gov
04:17.21absentiach: WOW!
04:17.21warmi_don't forget - for some people it is just another version of psychological therapy , a pain-killer of sorts
04:17.28absentiacanada is run by athiests?!
04:17.30absentiaI didn't know that.
04:17.35chouimatwarmi_: I know
04:17.48absentiaearm: yes, I agree with that.
04:17.51chouimatabsentia: not exactly ... but god is not the premise for our laws
04:17.58absentiapeople want answers
04:18.04absentiareligion claims to provide these
04:18.10absentiapeople are subdued, etc.
04:18.24*** join/#zaurus catskul (
04:18.43chouimatabsentia: the problems is with some "religion" the questions must be a very dumb one
04:18.50warmi_it is no better or worse answer than anything else .. as long as it is all in our heads who cares how we get thru the day
04:18.54absentiapeople in the US are starting to fall back on "the founding fathers made god part of the basis for our country and government" .. uh, ok... so maybe times have changed?
04:19.21absentiawarm: ya, but some people's god's are telling them to kill anyone who doesn't believe in this god.
04:19.30absentialook at northern ireland...
04:19.36absentiathat mcvey dude...
04:19.42absentiathe extremist muslims
04:19.44*** topic/#zaurus by catskul -> philosopy
04:19.44*** topic/#zaurus by ChanServ -> Zaurus Discussion - - | OpenZaurus help in #openzaurus (george-)
04:19.44absentiait's all religion.
04:19.55warmi_that's just another version of criminal behaviour ... some people kill for money, others for sex .. and others for religion
04:19.57absentiahanserv an kiss my ass
04:20.05absentiawarm: agreed.
04:20.22absentiathe thing that bugs me about 99% of all muslims is that every other word is "allah"
04:20.28chouimatljp: horny?
04:21.01ljpwell, lets just say the women here like to wear hip hugger shorts and show their bellies off
04:21.08warmi_altought I do think that Islam is indeed stuck in 7th century and while other religions managed to get with the times they are still trying to get their medieval society going in the same way they it back when mohammed was around
04:21.24absentiathe dark ages were caused by muslims.
04:21.26chouimatljp: I'm drooling
04:21.32absentianothing of value has come from that religion in over 1500 years.
04:22.12chouimatabsentia: not entirely by them ...
04:22.50chouimatljp: nah nihilist
04:22.52catskulwow, so it in the hole by 200 years
04:23.05absentiacat ?
04:23.13treke|homebesides everyone knows all modern advances were driven by war and porn
04:23.32warmi_treke: war and sex .. porn is for people who can't get sex any other way
04:23.49chouimatspeaking of that ... I need to find some iraqi war porn
04:23.49treke|homeGood point, that's the internet's driving force
04:24.02catskulislam started in the 7th century
04:24.51absentiacat: we're not talking binary here
04:24.59absentiawhat I'm trying to say is...
04:25.00absentiawhy don't some people eat portk?
04:25.06absentiajewish/muslim ?
04:25.19warmi_catskul: yeah, if think that Christianity began 7 centuries before Islam then Islam is at the point where Christinity was in 1300s
04:25.20absentiado you ever find a chinese/japanese/asian that doesn't eat port for the same reason?
04:25.45ljpI dont eat prok
04:25.49warmi_absentia: yeah and so do Jews
04:25.49absentiawhyt not ?
04:26.00absentiaso do jews what ?
04:26.06warmi_don't eat pork
04:26.07catskulabsentia: way back when people died from eating pork
04:26.07ljpbut then again, I dont eat cows or chickens, either
04:26.09absentiawhy not?
04:26.15absentiacat: EXACTLY
04:26.17catskulso it became a health readson
04:26.21absentiawhat may have made sense 2000 years ago
04:26.25absentiadoesn't make sense today
04:26.30absentiacat: I know, I know.
04:26.33absentiawhat I'm saying is....
04:26.38catskulreligeons adapt slowly
04:26.42ljpyou can still die today from under cooked prok
04:26.43absentiapeople aren't thinking for themselves.
04:26.46ljpgrr, pork
04:27.03absentialjp: really? show me one news article about someone dying from it
04:27.13warmi_ljp: there is nothing wrong with pork man ...  in fact there are lot of good things about it
04:27.21ljpyou can die from undercooked beef too
04:27.28catskulits like evolution... harmfull mutations are eliminated, but benign ones linger for a while even after they are usless
04:27.38absentiayou can get cvjd (bse) from beef
04:27.39chouimatljp: more people will die of syphilis than pork
04:27.40warmi_well, you can die from badly prepared/eaten vegetable as well
04:27.42absentiayou can die from chicken/eggs
04:27.49absentiapeople drop dead from oysters...
04:27.56absentiapeople are deathly allergic to peanuts.
04:28.09absentiaoh, and veggies, etc.
04:28.20absentiaso, lets make a religion where we can't eat all those things!
04:28.25absentiayou can die from clay
04:28.37absentiahell, you can die from living.
04:28.41absentiain fact, I think it's prereq
04:28.54absentiathat begs the question
04:29.01absentiaif you're so f'n worried 'bout dying
04:29.03warmi_absentia: yeah, but you are missing the point ... people are free to associate in any manner they like as long as they don't enforce their own rules on you .. no need to be hostile to religion
04:29.05absentiawhat are you worried FOR?
04:29.09catskuldoes anyone have a c760... im really going nuts trying to get this thing to work
04:29.11absentiawhat is it you want to live FOR?
04:29.24warmi_if they fuck with others, they they should be hunted just like any other common criminals
04:29.25absentiawarm: ah, but that's the point of religion
04:29.28absentiato rule the world
04:29.38absentiawarm: amen!
04:29.47ljpcatskul: try
04:29.58catskulabsentia: religeon is a meme
04:30.12absentiacat: well, we need a critical thinking meme
04:30.22absentiathat's more powerful than wishful fantasy thinking
04:30.32absentiapeople get UPSET when yo ustart to question their beliefs.
04:30.37chouimatok time to get a nice shower
04:30.41catskulabsentia: have you gotten usb networking working on OpenZaurus and c760 ?
04:31.17absentiathe words "openzaurus" and "working" usually have the word "not" involved somewhere
04:31.19absentiain the mix
04:31.33treke|homefeel free to fix it
04:31.44catskula critiacal thinking meme will probably develop if it allows some certain population to outsurvive another
04:31.44catskulIm trying
04:32.35catskulthe critical thinking meme probably has not devloped thus far because critical thinking is less usfull than tradition in learning survival related behaviors, unless you have alot of science to back itup
04:32.44catskulfor example the pork thing
04:33.01catskulif people then thought critically about " how can pork hurt me "
04:33.10catskulthey probably would not have figured it out
04:33.15catskuland ate pork anyways
04:33.34catskuland so religeon was a more powerful meme as a survival tool
04:34.02catskulthe absence of pork eating is not particularly usefull now, but nor is it harmfull
04:34.14catskulbut perhaps abstinance is the new pork
04:34.25catskulallowing religeous people to avoid STD's
04:34.39catskulmmmm steak : )
04:34.55ljpmmmm madcow
04:35.11catskulyou can only get madcow from eating an infected cows brain
04:35.18catskulnot from eating meat
04:36.05warmi_speaking of steak ... I still have my pork taco waiting for me ...
04:36.15ljpits not just the brain
04:36.17warmi_I am going to engage in what ljp calls insanity
04:36.25warmi_ljp: spinal cord
04:36.31warmi_which means steaks are safe
04:36.45ljptry a madcow hamburger
04:36.52catskulljp: thanks for the link... I actually had already been browsing it
04:37.07ljpnot too many people have c760's
04:39.36absentiayou all talked a lot in 2 minutes
04:40.00absentiasupposedly you can get mad cow from eyes, tonsils, spinal, brain, etc
04:40.17absentiamad cow incubates from 3 to 40 years
04:40.32absentiawe may not know how many people have  been infected
04:40.52chouimatabsentia: maybe you already are
04:40.58absentiawho knows.
04:41.18absentiaI am already losing my ability to think...
04:41.38chouimatabsentia: this alcohol
04:41.52ljpcan we rename is McCow disease?
04:42.15chouimatljp: go get a surf girl and send me one
04:42.34ljpsoory, need to keep them for myself right ow
04:43.08chouimatljp: any job posted lately?
04:43.46ljpnow one has been in all week
04:44.01chouimatljp: where?
04:44.35markwe had some weird meat on the bone rule when we had BSE here
04:44.36catskulanyone know what format the backupfiles are for the zaurus when they are made by the SharpRom's backup utility ?
04:46.47chouimatok anyway I'm going to sleep
04:47.18ljpinteresting it's associated with nerve tissues
04:48.01ljpat least  thats what they say
04:50.35ljpbasically they dont really kow how its transmitted
04:51.02ljpto humans
04:54.11ljpand no way to get it flashing a c760
04:54.48catskulmaybe if I touched infected meat then touched the c760
04:54.59catskuland someone was flashing it and touched where i did
04:55.04catskuland then licked their finger
04:57.26ljpor rubbed their eye
05:01.19treke|home30 seconds. not half bad :)
05:04.25ljphmm. my alsadriver in buildroot isnt creating pdaudiocf
05:05.34*** join/#zaurus djk (
05:07.54catskulanyone know what format zImage.bin is in ?
05:09.44treke|homeit's a kernel
05:10.40ljpalsadrive ipk is 0 length.. poop
05:10.43catskuloh... duh
05:10.54catskulIm trying to get at the usbnet drivers for the zaurus
05:11.00catskulwhere might I find them
05:11.20catskulie (usbdserial, usbdmonitor, etc)
05:12.23catskulit would be in the initrd correct ?
05:12.39catskuli cannot mount that either
05:12.46catskul(nor unzip it)
05:16.16ljpis jffs2
05:17.03catskulwouldnt you know it ... i dont have the jffs2 modules to allow me to mount it : P
05:20.22*** join/#zaurus treke|laptop (
05:20.27ljpyou also have to have mtd, and create that
05:20.39*** join/#zaurus treke|home (
05:20.42ljpI have a script that will mount a jffs2 initrd.bin
05:21.13catskulusing what ?
05:23.13catskuldoes it require jffs2 and mtd ?
05:23.28*** join/#zaurus mithro (
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05:24.59ljpchange the modprobe mtdram to modprobe mtdram total_size=32768 erase_size=256
05:26.21*** join/#zaurus mutexer (
05:28.14ljpI updated that script
05:29.24*** join/#zaurus treke|z (~treke|
05:29.44ljpyes, need both jffs2 and mtd modules
05:30.03ljpthat script modprobes the mtd modules you need
05:31.40catskuldo you think that the fact that the modules for the sharp rom were compiled with gcc < 3 could make the difference that allows them to work and the OZ modules not to ?
05:32.07treke|zall zaurus kernels are built with ggc2
05:32.10*** join/#zaurus _stigger (
05:32.16treke|zljp, tge one in hh.o cvs
05:32.42ljphmm, I suppose its a patched one, eh
05:33.29treke|zi think its completely custm
05:34.16*** join/#zaurus chuckr (
05:34.54treke|zi hate opieirc
05:36.31treke|zit randomly loses channels
05:37.01ljpya, it happens when you switch, I think
05:37.27ljpi thought it was because the close button is near the tab
05:40.19ljptreke: you ipaq kernel didnt compile last time I tried it
05:51.38catskulanyone have the original sharp rom for the c760 ?
05:51.38chuckrtreke, when you're using configure, and you're on a x86 but want to build for a arm-linux (and you have a gcc which will do that) then my question regards the meanings of the words target and host
05:51.54chuckrtarget would mean the arch you want to produce binaries for right?
05:52.13chuckrand host is the arch you're actually building on, right?
05:53.08chuckrI'm in glib and it's uring me to set --host for a cross compile, which seems wrong, and it's insisting that binaries must run unless I define --host, not --target (which I would think would be more right)
05:53.35chuckr(I have configure)
05:53.42chuckr(I hate configure)
05:53.55chuckrgod what a differenc in one little letter
05:54.37chuckranyhow, is this a bug in the glib configure, do I set --host, not target?
05:56.29ljpset target, not host
05:57.20ljpset build=
05:59.57chuckrumm --build?  I konw target and host, but not build, what does that one mean?
06:02.22chuckrI have got screwed up gcc, because I have the arm gcc installed in /usr/local, but the regular gcc is in /usr/bin, so gcc's normal switches can't handle that (I have chosen it by path).  I thin kI'm going to handle that by building 3.3.2 and installing it in  /usr/local, so that it's path is like the arm one, so gcc can find both via the command line switches
06:08.42*** join/#zaurus treke|wherever (
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06:20.04omin0ushello all
06:46.15treke|laptopgot X running
06:50.23catskuloh solo mio....... !!!!
06:50.48catskulwhy cant anything ever just work ?
06:55.09ljpthat would be too easy
07:13.24*** join/#zaurus bear12 (
07:20.38catskulanyone have a 760 that still has the original rom on it ... Im wondering about the network parameters and if they have anything to do with it
07:27.47ljpmight try looking in you /mnt/mtdblock3 directory
07:27.57ljpI _think_ thats the old stuff
07:57.33*** join/#zaurus somervil_ (
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08:17.15somervil_i want to try and send data over the usb cable as serial... anyone know how to do this ?
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12:50.16gaurdianwhats the ipaq cluster that allows public access to compile programs for arm procs ?
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13:46.35George-Foxdie: slob.
13:49.33FoxdieI got to bed at 4AM after drinking and gaming
13:49.59Foxdieand then I got woken up at like 10am to be told my step-gran probably has cancer and has been rushed to hospital
13:50.09Foxdieand then woken up again at 11am by the phone ringing and not getting to it in time
13:50.10George-Foxdie: I went to bed at 4:30
13:50.14George-Foxdie: and I was up at 11
13:50.23Foxdieso I thought fuck the world and just collapsed until about 1pm
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13:50.34Foxdieand I've spent the last half an hour on the phone to my non-step-grandma and dad
13:50.44Foxdieand now I'm looking at bondage porn
13:50.48Foxdiebecause I'm a freak.
13:52.45Foxdieand if you believe that last part you're as gullible as a 5 year old.
13:53.26George-Foxdie: but.., you ARE a freak
13:53.37FoxdieSo what if I am? So are you
13:53.55George-yes, but that's the last part of what you said.
13:53.59George-<Foxdie> because I'm a freak.
13:54.06Foxdiewell I meant the bondage porn sentence :P
13:54.15George-you're an idiot then :P
13:54.35FoxdieNo, I'm actually quite smart, my only excuse for having a lapse of that is that I got fuck all sleep :)
13:54.48George-my arse you did
13:54.52George-I got less sleep than you!
13:55.08FoxdieAnd you're showing it hehe
13:56.01FoxdieWow I just realised I have the entire house to myself
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16:58.12chouimathi treke|la1top
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17:21.22weezhas anyone ever suddenly noticed the interactive zaurus shell (through ssh) suddenly being really wonky with lots of pauses?
17:21.53weezits either the network or something else.. I am going to check from the zaurus to see if it behaves the same
17:26.12weezit appears to be the network or nice or something as a shell running on the zaurus appears to be fine
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19:14.07absentiawez: can happen when the ey is being renegotiated
19:14.18absentiabut doesn't last.
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20:13.43George-I was granted ops in a random channel I'd never heard of before.. and it was an mIRC support channel
20:16.21absentiawhy is that odd?
20:18.02ljpits odd because no one in a sane mind would ever give George- ops
20:21.00warmi_odd indeed
20:22.08warmi_40 thousand dead .... that's just hard to imagine
20:22.15absentiawhat gets me
20:22.22absentiais that we just had a 6.5 in californai
20:22.32absentiaand 2 people were dead from a falling tower (church tower?)
20:22.40absentiathey get a 6.x and 40,000 people die.
20:22.46absentiathey KNOW there are faults all over the place
20:22.51absentiayet, they still build death traps
20:23.05absentiaI can't help by feel so sorry.. and yet disgusted... by the event
20:23.37warmi_well, this is the same sort of effect that results in 100 000 dead in some flood in Bangladesh while the same kind of flood will kill maybe 10-15 people in US
20:23.52absentiasuch a waste....
20:24.45ljptheres a big difference between a 6.5 and a 6.7, not to mention all the houses there are made of mud and rocks
20:24.51warmi_seems that the less advanced society is , the cheaper human lifes becomes
20:25.45warmi_ljp: yeah, the scale is not linear
20:26.23warmi_they should learn from Japanese and start building with light wood frames etc ...
20:26.35ljptheres no wood there
20:26.51warmi_since obvuiously they can't afford heavy , steel reinforced buildings ...
20:27.18warmi_then make them out of mud but in such way that it doesn't become a death trap
20:27.21warmi_I don't know ....
20:27.26absentiaevery number is a power of 10
20:27.33absentiaso a 6.5 to 6.7 is significant
20:27.35warmi_it seems they never learn
20:27.37absentiabut not as much as a 5.7 to a 6.7
20:27.40absentiaor a 6.7 to a 7.7
20:28.19warmi_40 thousand people ... that's like 10  "sept 11s"  rolled in one
20:29.34absentiaI know.
20:29.37*** join/#zaurus Laze (
20:31.39ljphmm, most reports seem to say it was 6.3
20:34.02treke|homeshit a 7?
20:34.26treke|homehopefully no one lives around there
20:34.30ljpya, that place seems active
20:34.39ljpas does central cali
20:35.13treke|homewell they did just have a 6.5 or so a week ago :)
20:35.32absentiatreke: look down 8 lines
20:35.33ljployalty islands are sort of near au
20:35.34treke|homethough california is always pretty busy
20:35.35absentia6.7 yesterday
20:36.16ChipX86yeah, we always have earthquakes here
20:36.18absentiadid you read, some scientists were saying that some mountains in ca grew by 12 inches from the last quake.
20:36.21ChipX86but since we're surfing 24/7, we hardly notice
20:37.33treke|homeno, but I read about the gas station attendent in alabama that filled up Elvis's gas tank last week
20:39.36warmi_actually I did read somewhere that some mountain grew a bit as a result of the latest CA quake
20:41.05ljpsomeone should create an opie app to download the latest earthquake infos
20:41.49absentiaonce I get better at qt, I'll start rolling out the apps.
20:41.56warmi_ah .. that mad cow we were talking about last night came from Canada ... how suprising
20:42.23ljpyes, but that was 3 years ago
20:43.04warmi_no they traced that latest mad cow victim back  to Canada
20:43.18ljpyes, that cow was imported 3 years ago
20:43.24absentiahuh ?
20:43.37warmi_ah ok .. so as long as this is the only case , US should be in clear
20:43.40absentiawe're all reading cnn front page, yes
20:46.00ljponly case might be a bit unprobable
20:46.01absentiawe don't know really...
20:46.07absentiaincubation may be 30 to 40 years
20:46.12absentiaalthough I hear there is a piss test
20:46.18absentiabut like.. what' good is that gonna do you
20:46.25absentialet you know you're DEFINITELY gonna die fro this shit?
20:46.48ljpI wont
20:46.56absentiawhy not ?
20:47.00warmi_in 40 years I will be 70 years old ... that's not bad
20:47.08ljpI havent eatten meat since 1985
20:47.21absentiayou can die from veggies
20:47.42warmi_well, ljp sooner or later someone will discover some sort of mad potato disease or something like that ...
20:47.47ljpyou can die from water also
20:47.53ljpmad carrot
20:47.58absentiano, seriously.
20:48.01absentiait's just a metter of odds.
20:48.12treke|homebeef is a fruit
20:48.38warmi_that's a novel thinking ...
20:48.48ljpwell, I tend to hear of more botulism cases stemming from eating tainted meat than eating tainted vegies
20:49.56treke|homeI guess we know what we have to do
20:50.08absentiafind a cure?
20:50.08treke|homeabsentia: you buy the botulism, I'll buy the carrots
20:50.23treke|homewell I guess we could do it that way
20:50.59absentiadid you hear about the people who died from their hottub ?
20:51.09absentiathey didn't clean it properly.. and they all got sick and died in like 2 days.
20:51.17absentiayou just can't win.
20:52.13ljpcell phones heat up your head
20:52.22absentiayup.  I hate that.
20:55.33*** join/#zaurus qfh^ (
21:01.32*** join/#zaurus George- (
21:17.34*** join/#zaurus sheenmaster (
21:17.57absentiahey sheen
21:18.31sheenmasterI started fooling around with the corss compiler tree.
21:18.43sheenmasterI've got the i386 binutils on my zaurus.
21:19.13sheenmasterA gcc cross compiler is next of course.
21:19.49sheenmasterWhat good is a pda without one?
21:20.51absentiaI don't have one.
21:22.14sheenmasterI got got a half-gig SD card.
21:22.40sheenmasterWell I can compile GCC in two minutes, so there!
21:23.48sheenmasterWe are about to add a threadcount variable to our Makefile config.
21:24.20sheenmasterMy iBook can't handle eight threads, and it has most of the compilers until we finish packaging them.
21:32.49sheenmasteris anyone else getting 404 messages for the Z feeds?
21:33.32treke|homethey appear to be there
21:39.11W8TVIsheenmaster: have you TyPeD tHe RiGhT cAsE?
21:42.43sheenmasterW8TVI: Unir lbh ebgngrq lbhe punenpgre znc?
21:44.46W8TVIV yvxr Gevcyr Ebg13
21:46.58sheenmasterUbj gur uryy qb lbh xabj guvf pbqr?  V unq gb oernx vagb Nqbor'f cevznel onpxhc freire gb trg guvf; nyy gurve pelcgb vf onfrq hcba vg.
21:49.30*** join/#zaurus pgas (
21:50.26W8TVIfurraznfgre: trbpnpuvat.
21:52.22W8TVInjrfbzn cbjn!
21:53.30sheenmasterV org jr'er ivbyngvat n srj cngragf evtug abj.
21:55.30sheenmasterGung'f abg NJRFBZR CBJN!  OFQ-tnzrf ehyr.
21:55.44W8TVIqbrf tnvz unir n ohvyg va ebg13 guvat, be ner lbh hfvat ebg13.pbz?
21:56.22sheenmasterV hfr ofqtnzrf.  Vg'f n cnpxntr bs tnzrf sebz OFQ havk, cbegrq gb Yvahk.
21:57.04sheenmasterV pbhyq jevgr n tnvz cyhtva sbe vg.  V qvq n cebgbpby cyhtva erpragyl, naq vg vfa'g gung qvssvphyg bapr lbh ernyvmr gung n ybg bs gur pbqr va TNVZ fheirf ab npghny checbfr.
21:57.13*** join/#zaurus blitzrage (
21:57.28chouimattabarnack les gars
21:57.57W8TVIWhfg qbag yrg PuvcK86 urne gung! uru
21:58.12W8TVIgnoneanpx yrf tnef
21:59.17W8TVIva jvaqbjf V unir n zvep fpevcg gung V znqr gung V znqr na rapevcgre sbe vg.
21:59.22George-are you talking in rot 13?!?!
21:59.26sheenmasterK86 fhpxf.  Nyy rvtug bs gur 64-ovg cebprffbef jvgu 4Z bs y2 pnpur va zl R3500 ner ynhtuvat ng lbh.  Gur 4T bs enz naq rvtug svoer-punaary uneq qvfxf ner favpxrevat n ovg.
21:59.33sheenmasterGeorge-: lrc
22:00.00George-ibot rot13 Irc
22:00.03George-ibot rot13 lrc
22:00.30sheenmasterAbj Fbynevf vf puvzvat va gbb.  Rira zl hahfrq FPB BcraFreire qvfp frg vg ynhtuvat ng lbh.  (Qba'g jbeel, vg vfa'g ertvfgrerq.)
22:00.39George-ibot rot13 sheenmaster sucks dick because he like to talk in rot13
22:00.39furraznfgre fhpxf qvpx orpnhfr ur yvxr gb gnyx va ebg13
22:00.54George-ibot rot13 qbrf tnvz unir n ohvyg va ebg13 guvat, be ner lbh hfvat ebg13.pbz?
22:00.54does gaim have a built in rot13 thing, or are you using
22:01.10sheenmasterI'm using the rot13 command from bsdgames.
22:02.15sheenmasterA group that I'm in will have a zaurus port in a few days.  We're building a full-fledged distro compiled toward all supported targets, including arm-linux.
22:02.55George-sheenmaster: of what?
22:03.21sheenmasterOf everything.
22:03.35sheenmasterWe're building a whole distro around a portable packaging system.
22:03.46sheenmasterEVERY package is loaded for EVERY target platform with very few exceptions.
22:03.58sheenmasterIt's not like Debian/ARM where things are scaled down.
22:04.11weezfor newer debian packages, I cant just tar and unzip them.  What needs to be done to bust them open?
22:04.14sheenmasterAdd a large NFS mount and you can cross compile to my E3500 from your zaurus.
22:04.53sheenmaster(I suspect it won't match mine's GCC compile time of two minutes, but you're welcome to try.)
22:18.56weeznevermind.. needs ar to get them out
22:36.12absentiaanyone know hte file to erase to make the x11 rom ercalibrate itself (mouse) on reboot ?
22:37.05ljpyou can recalibrate it
22:37.11ljpoh. x11
22:37.43absentiait'sw WAY off
22:39.37absentiaI touch the screen
22:39.41absentia2     1      3
22:39.44absentiaat spot 1... repeatedly
22:39.53absentiaand it jumps btween sports 2 and 3... back and forth
22:39.56absentiaeven though I"m not moving.
22:41.52Twiundoesn't it use the same as opie? /etc something?
22:42.12absentiaI looked for all files under ts_
22:42.16absentiadidn't see one that looked like the data
22:42.21absentiaI just removed ts.conf and I'm rebooting..
22:42.22absentialets see
22:42.28absentiaI may just flash again
22:44.33absentiaI can't even log in now
22:44.37absentiaI can't click on the fucking box
22:44.56absentiaphantom display
22:45.02absentiait didn't refresh the xdm
22:47.25absentiathere are only two files...
22:47.29absentiaboth bin/ts_calibrate
22:47.34absentiathat have the word "calibrate" inthem
22:48.29absentiaupdates to the cacko site
22:48.30absentiavery nice
22:49.06absentiaQ: How do i recalibrate the touchscreen?
22:49.06absentiaA: Run konsole (or connect via telnet) and remove file /etc/pointercal_tslib like this:
22:49.06absentiarm /etc/pointercal_tslib
22:49.07absentiathen reboot your Z.
23:02.09*** join/#zaurus Cam______ (
23:03.53Cam______I'm thinking of getting an 860 - any comments on the device?
23:04.23Cam______how would you rate the build quality of it?
23:04.55absentiabuilt quality?
23:04.59absentiaI've dropped mine many times
23:05.01absentiano damage
23:05.09absentiaIt feels sturdy
23:05.12absentiacompared to the 5500/5600
23:05.13Cam______have you got a case for it?
23:05.38Cam______if only they had builtin wireless...
23:06.05absentiathat's the only thing... if it had built in wireless, so I could get a larger cf
23:06.10absentiabut it's still everything I need
23:07.30Cam______I'm not a demanding PDA user to be honest - so getting it more as a geek toy... but it would be nice to be able to see one in real life before parting with 100s of ukp to some unknown company in the far east ;-)
23:08.27absentiaI bought a 700
23:08.29absentiathen got a 760
23:08.32absentiabecause I needed the 64mb ram
23:08.36absentianow I also have a 5600
23:08.46absentiaand I can say I definitely recommend the 7x0 model...
23:08.52absentiaeven over the 6000 with built in wifi, etc.
23:09.07sheenmasterabsentia: seriously?
23:09.11absentiaseriously what ?
23:09.21Cam______I wondered with the 6000, will there be a 7x0 type model soon with builtin wifi... I mean it's got to be just a matter of time
23:09.24sheenmasterover 6000
23:09.33absentiaI can't stand the keyboard on the 5600
23:09.38absentiaand it gets HOT
23:09.39absentiahot hot hot
23:09.48sheenmasterI'll trade.
23:09.49absentiaand the screen needs a cover... or a screen
23:09.51absentia700 flips.
23:10.04Cam______I really don't like the tablet style Zauruses - I've got a 5000D
23:10.04absentiacam: ya, I figure.
23:10.15absentiathe 7x0 is *much* better
23:10.22absentiaI'd recommend the 860 to EVERYONE who is interested.
23:10.37Cam______does it get warm? the 7x0/860 models?
23:10.42absentianot really.
23:10.47absentianot compared to the 5600
23:10.53absentia5600 is WARM/HOT to the touch
23:10.58absentia700 just isn't "cold"
23:11.02absentiaI can't tell if it's warmer or not
23:11.13absentiaI mean, there feels like 0 heat
23:11.18absentiathe 5600 power supply is 5v 2a
23:11.24absentia700/760 is 5v 1a
23:11.30Cam______that's good. a sign of good power management
23:12.04Cam______I hear the screen is not so good in bright light
23:12.16absentiaI haven't tried my 5600 in sunlight
23:12.20absentiabut it's dum... compared to the 7x0
23:12.27absentiaand the 7x0 is almost impossible to see in sunlight
23:12.33absentiabut inside, it's the brightest thing around.
23:12.51Cam______Well the Japanese have high levels of ambient light so I'm hoping it is designed to cope
23:13.43Cam______in the UK I'm not too worried about bright daylight (well not for most of the months of the year :)
23:14.25W8TVIdoes it snow in england?
23:14.39absentiawhen I went to london, it was sunny and blue... for about a week
23:14.48Cam______It snows most years in the UK, but not heavily and not usually on christmas day
23:15.02absentiaI have a pic of the big-ben clock.. with the sun directly behind it... I use to put a caption "what's wrong with this picture"
23:15.07absentiaor "recognize this" ?
23:15.35Cam______where I live in the midlands the climate tends to be relatively mild
23:15.48Cam______some coastal areas seem to get worse weather
23:17.08Cam______we get occasional floods - but they are more a diversion than a danger
23:17.56George-what's with the fucking lame nick?
23:17.59George-ibot nickometer Cam______
23:18.00'Cam______' is 99.963% lame, george-
23:18.31sheenmasteribot: nickometer ibook
23:18.31'ibook' is 0.000% lame, sheenmaster
23:18.41absentiatw: you have the x11 rom handy/installed?
23:18.41sheenmastermeant to say ibot
23:18.44sheenmasteroh well
23:18.59Cam______every time someone has my nick, my client adds an underscore for me
23:19.04absentiaibot: nickometer LAME||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
23:19.04'LAME||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||' is 99.9969% lame, absentia
23:19.14absentia<-- am score
23:19.28George-ibot nickometer ....................................................................................................................................................................................
23:19.28'....................................................................................................................................................................................' is 99.9968% lame, george-
23:19.44George-CRAP, 0.001 lower than absentia's one!
23:19.52meleteibot: nickometer melete
23:19.53'melete' is 0.000% lame, melete
23:19.54George-ibot nickometer ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
23:19.54'..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................' is 99.997% lame, george-
23:19.55absentiaYOU TRULY SUCK!
23:20.09meleteI _do_ detest automatic responders
23:20.16warmi_awaywtf is going on here ?
23:20.37warmi_awayah George is back ...
23:21.01Cam_ibot: nickometer lame
23:21.01'lame' is 62.000% lame, cam_
23:21.13Cam_surely some mistake
23:21.15sheenmasteribot: nickometer zaurus
23:21.15'zaurus' is 0.000% lame, sheenmaster
23:21.32Cam_ibot: nickometer lame_nickometer
23:21.32'lame_nickometer' is 69.000% lame, cam_
23:21.45Cam_ibot: nickometer lame_lame_nickometer
23:21.45'lame_lame_nickometer' is 81.000% lame, cam_
23:21.50Cam_oh what fun
23:22.00Cam_ibot: nickometer lame_lame_ibot_nickometer
23:22.00'lame_lame_ibot_nickometer' is 96.160% lame, cam_
23:22.21'------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' is 99.997% lame, w8tvi
23:23.21Cam_ibot: nickometer lame
23:23.21'lame' is 62.000% lame, cam_
23:23.23Cam_ibot: nickometer lamer
23:23.23'lamer' is 62.000% lame, cam_
23:23.25Cam_ibot: nickometer lamest
23:23.25'lamest' is 62.000% lame, cam_
23:24.35'lame_lame-lame-<(lame)>-lame_lame-LAME' is 99.9648% lame, w8tvi
23:24.54Cam_ibot: nickometer 14m3
23:24.54'14m3' is 56.000% lame, cam_
23:25.35'w8tvi' is 22.000% lame, w8tvi
23:26.07Cam_ibot: nickometer lamé
23:26.07'lamé' is 14.000% lame, cam_
23:28.11Cam_Well I think I will get an 860 - thanks for the info absentia
23:29.27Cam_I wonder if it will live up to my 1980s technology Psion 3
23:29.36absentiayou're welcome
23:29.46absentiawhat do you want to do with it?
23:29.50absentiahave you see
23:30.03Cam_I'll have to look
23:30.09George-ibot nickometer ibotsucks
23:30.09'ibotsucks' is 0.000% lame, george-
23:31.15W8TVIibot nickometer ibot
23:31.15'ibot' is 0.000% lame, w8tvi
23:31.21W8TVIibot nickometer jbot
23:31.21'jbot' is 0.000% lame, w8tvi
23:31.22Cam_I just was thinking that my home PC is not as good at doing some things as my Psion 3 used to be. It came with an outlining word processor, and graphing spreadsheet. It could even be set up to print address labels etc
23:31.31W8TVIibot nickometer kergoth
23:31.31'kergoth' is 0.000% lame, w8tvi
23:32.47Cam_I like the look of cacko. I wanted to do some X based stuff
23:38.18Captain-Obviousibot nickometer
23:38.19wish i knew, Captain-Obvious
23:38.37Captain-Obviousibot nickometer Captain-Obvious
23:38.37'Captain-Obvious' is 0.000% lame, captain-obvious
23:38.58Captain-ObviousI'm not lame
23:41.53absentiaanyone know what the numbers mean in the ts calibration files?
23:41.58absentiaI can't get my calibration to work
23:42.03absentiaI want to manually adjust the numbers.
23:48.52*** join/#zaurus FelixTheCat (
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23:56.47*** part/#zaurus Jo (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.