irclog2html for zaurus on 2002.07.17

00:03:26sigsup roge99_laptop
00:05:10Speedy2Hey all!
00:05:13Speedy2My PCB etched!
00:06:22sigwhat is this aim 30% warning crap i get from some users?
00:06:45ljpSpeedy2: what are you making?
00:08:05ljpThe requested URL /peedy2/bchrg_rev0.jpg was not found on this server.
00:08:15Speedy2I'm looking at it now
00:08:22Speedy2It's in /~speedy2
00:08:45Rascalwhat the hell is that an avr?
00:08:58Rascalare you gonna try to hack dish with your zaurus?
00:09:34Rascalwhat is that?
00:09:43treke|ho1elooks like a battery charger
00:09:57Speedy2Prototype for one
00:10:08ljphmm stil cant get it
00:10:29Rascalbattery charger? for what?
00:10:34Speedy2For everything
00:11:12Rascalcool. well congrats
00:11:15Speedy2Thank you
00:11:27ljphmmm nadda here
00:11:28Speedy2It's been about 3 yrs since I made one
00:11:41Speedy2no ""
00:11:46Speedy2It's just
00:11:56ljpyep.. just as your wrote
00:12:47Speedy2Ok, everyone else can get to it...
00:13:38ljpyou pump spam from there ? ;)
00:13:59treke|ho1eawwww. how cute
00:14:15Speedy2ljp: No.
00:17:06ljpguess I'm shut out
00:17:15Speedy2ljp: I dunno.
00:18:15ljpI see
00:18:31ljpand topfloor.html
00:18:36Speedy2ljp: Goto /~speedy2
00:18:37siriusnovasweet, im in VNC on my Zaurus doing VNC to my Computer.
00:19:29siriusnovavnc rocks!
00:20:21ljphmm thats odd.. ksirc is corrupting that url
00:21:28siriusnovacool now i can access pron via vnc to my desktop
00:21:29ljpit didnt show the '~'
00:22:56ljpthis ksirc is messed up
00:23:21ljpI see /peedy2 instead of /~speedy2
00:23:41Speedy2Maybe you could have opened Mozilla and just typed it in?
00:24:29ljpI couldn't becuase it doesnt show it correctly
00:24:34Speedy2oh, I see
00:24:47ljpeven after I typed that in..
00:25:48ljpand here you were thinking I was retarded
00:29:30Speedy2Well..."speedy2" is implied from my nick...
00:30:41Rascal: what?
00:30:41Rascalibot pr0n
00:30:45Rascal: i'm not following you...
00:30:45Rascalibot porn
00:30:53rascal: bugger all, i dunno
00:30:53Rascalibot what's a good porn site?
00:31:01rascal: bugger all, i dunno
00:31:01Rascalibot do you know anything?
00:37:08sigwho uses figlet?
00:37:15sig /exec -o figlet?
00:37:50treke|ho1e /exec -o figlet Text you want printed
00:39:06Neo|WorkNeo Go Home.
00:39:07Neo|Workis away: home
00:40:48][N-Fluxis back (gone 02:07:41)
01:05:09W|GGL|Twhat's up?
01:05:40Cloudchasernothing much
01:05:52Cloudchaserwaiting to try out oz
01:06:07Cloudchaserkinda discouraged with the z at the moment
01:06:13Cloudchaserwell hello there ;)
01:06:23kergothopie is in the rootfs :-)
01:06:34Cloudchaseris that good?
01:06:36kergothunfortunately the socket/spectrum drivers are being a pain
01:06:55kergothbut this isnt.. as jason and others need the socket driver.. i think i solved the problem, but its building now. i'll find out shortly
01:08:09Speedy2kergoth: check /msg
01:09:33rouesaw a zaurus for $313 today (new) and am sorely tempted to get it.
01:09:47rouewhat do the folks who've lived with them think?
01:10:20inominego for it, i havent used a zaurus but my ipaq is running a ver os the same os and it rocks
01:10:24warmifor $300 ?
01:10:31warmithat's cheap like dirt man
01:10:33roueat best buy no less
01:10:53warmijust a month ago they were selling them for close to $500
01:10:58rouei know.
01:11:03warmiI think naysayers are right ..
01:11:07rouehas me a little worried. like they're dumping it
01:11:09Cloudchaseri paid 459 for mine
01:11:28warmieither new models are coming or BB is just trying to get rid of this stuff
01:11:44roueI've only played with 'em in the store, how do you guys like 'em?
01:11:46warmiroue: yeah .. who knows , they might be dumping it
01:11:53warmiI like it a lot
01:11:53roueI'm most concerned about the battery life.
01:11:54inominemost likely the new 400mhz models
01:12:10warmiway "cuter" than PPC but there are problems with it
01:12:17rouelike what?
01:12:39inominei think ppc has more problems than the zaurus
01:12:40warmilike way it handles documents is completely f*** up
01:12:56roueyou mean hancom word?
01:12:59warmiif you install a game with lots of graphic files ... these files will show up in your documents tab
01:13:03warmicluttering it terribly
01:13:06warmistuff like that
01:13:11inomineadmittedly yes the documents side is fucked but hey...
01:13:24warminot to mention qinstall which is terrible
01:13:35warmibut still .. I like it overall a lot
01:13:53roueI've currently got a psion 5mx that I really like. think the zaurus is a good replacement?
01:14:06rouewould it make more sense to wait?
01:14:09warmiI don't know .. never had psion
01:14:12inominedepends waht you use it for
01:14:32inomineif you do a lot of worprocessing no
01:14:37warmianyone knows if current opie cvs has any problems as far as compiling etc .
01:14:38rouelittle perl tinkering, cgi stuff, basic organizer stuff.
01:15:02kergothwarmi: i just built it about 10 minutes ago
01:15:18kergothwarmi: cvs from this afternoon some time
01:15:27inomineroue: the basic organiser stuff works near perfect
01:15:54rouei never sync my psion ... just move stuff via CF
01:15:56kergothhmm i hope i fixed the symbol shit..hmm
01:16:05inomineroue: the keyboard on the zaurus is not too bad but not good for writing more than an email or 2
01:16:11rouewhat's the battery life like?
01:16:21roue1 hour with the backlight sounds terrible.
01:17:06warmiI set $OPIE to point to /opt/opie but I can see it still uses /includes from my Qtopia dir /opt/Qtopia ..
01:17:17warmikergoth: does OPIE use $QPEDIR in any way ?
01:17:21inominesos no idea... im really an ipaq user who used a zaurus for a couple of hours
01:17:29kergothwarmi: set $OPIEDIR not $OPIE.. and it woulndt hurt to set QPEDIR as well
01:17:41warmiI meant $OPIEDIR
01:17:48warmiok .. I wil change QPEDIR as well
01:19:29roueso most of you say go for it, then, eh?
01:20:00kergothroue: i would
01:20:35kergothwoooot the socket/symbol driver change worked
01:20:42kergothnow, to flash a final test prior to release
01:20:44kergothwish me luck
01:20:56warmigood luck then
01:21:40inomineroue: if it wasnt for the fact i invested so much in my ipaq i would buy 1
01:21:56Cloudchasergood luck kergoth!
01:22:55rouethanks, I appreciate your opinions.
01:23:53inominedoes any1 know if it is possible to dl opera for opie? (i have an ipaq)
01:24:14treke|ho1eroue: One thing you might want to do is download and compile opie on your desktop using QT Virtual Frame buffer. It gives you a good feel for what the Zaurus will be like, give or take some features
01:24:30treke|ho1e( or qtopia from )
01:25:08inomineis qtopia still in official development even?
01:25:16treke|ho1einomine: sure
01:25:29treke|ho1einomine: Troll Tech hopes to make good money off of it
01:25:36inominejsut seems their website has been the same for months
01:25:44W|GGL|Touch...just burned my tongue on hot chowder
01:25:44treke|ho1einomine: It has
01:25:59inomineand they have v buggy 3850 support
01:26:10ljpgreat googlie-moogile!
01:26:32ljperr mooglie
01:26:32treke|ho1einomine: Remember, their binaries are for 1.4.0. That is an ancient version
01:27:08inominetreke: oh, ok i havent worked up the point of compiling apps for it from cvs yet
01:27:35inominetreke: are the new vers any good?
01:27:43treke|ho1eTheir CVS is much more up to date.
01:27:47warmiljp: I have Qtopia and Qte installed into /opt/Qtopia .. despite both $OPIEDIR and $QPEDIR being set to /opt/opie ... headers like Global.h still are being pulled from /opt/Qtopia
01:27:55treke|ho1eI havent used their cvs since OPIE was started
01:28:04warmiof course this is where my $QTDIR points since qte is tehre
01:28:34warmilet me check this stuff again .
01:28:40warmimake sure I have everything set correctly
01:28:46inominetreke: i havent used since it totally screwed my system over
01:29:06treke|ho1ehow did it screw your system over?
01:30:13inomineby not knowing which packages to install from where and then not dorting all depends leaving me with a non working system, never mind that the packages descriptions didnt match the names
01:32:15inominedoes the cf lan card for the zaurus work in the ipaq? as i havent seen an equivalent cf type card for the ipaq
01:32:31kergothinomine: there are numerous cf lan cards, that will work in either
01:32:43kergothinomine: as a matter of fact, openzaurus even uses the same drivers as ipaq.
01:33:16kergothdamn, i need to update the bug tracker on the OZ sf project. i fixed like 12 of them today
01:33:18inomineim just looking atm anyway as the cf sleeve and 128mb card cost me enough as it is
01:33:31kergothah yeah
01:33:36kergothextras do get expensive
01:35:00inominenow that i got linux running im starting to think a stowaway keyboard is a good idea.. there goes another 100
01:37:25kergothljp: did you take a look at drw's tab widget? looks nice.
01:39:16warmikergoth: do you have Trolls Qtopia installed ?
01:39:33warmiOPIE seems to be compiling fine now
01:39:50kergothnah i'm using opie
01:39:56kergothwoot.. the new rom looks solid.
01:40:14Cloudchaserfigures its time for me to go to bed
01:40:30kergothshit always takes me longer than it should
01:40:48jmh|nwnkergoth: hehe does this mean we should expect it out tomorrow?
01:40:51jmh|nwnthe rom i mean
01:41:03kergothjmh|nwn: nope, i'll upload it to sf in a few mins here
01:41:13jmh|nwnOH MAN
01:41:36jmh|nwnthanks guys!
01:42:54inominelooks at opie cvs compile instruction and decides to give it a shot... it cant be harder than getting xine to compile
01:43:04treke|ho1ebah its simple
01:43:07jmh|nwnkergoth: so the zImages are the same?
01:43:18warmiwell, it is simply to do it from scratch
01:43:29warmisimple even
01:43:39jmh|nwncause im still seeing the beta7
01:43:42inominetreke: i spent about 2 hpours getting xine to compile and run
01:43:43warmijust time consuming
01:43:49jmh|nwnand that the last update was in May
01:43:59treke|ho1eyeah, opie is fricken huge
01:44:19warmismaller than qte but still rather big
01:44:38jmh|nwnwarmi: where do i grab this new rom? im not finding it at sf :/
01:44:38treke|ho1eyou sure?
01:44:56treke|ho1eI'd think that opie was much bigger than qte
01:44:57warmiI have no clue man .... I gues kergoth would know
01:45:04warmiof course ..
01:45:07kergothjmh|nwn: existing zImages will work fine, but I'm going to upload new ones to fix the new linksys card issue
01:45:17warmiqte is much bigger
01:45:21kergothjmh|nwn: its not on SF yet, there's a delay.. i havent uploaded them yet anyway. pateince
01:45:22jmh|nwnkergoth: all im seeing is the data from 5/19
01:45:30jmh|nwnkergoth: sf is saying that there has been no change
01:45:34kergothjmh|nwn: thats beacuse thats the last rom
01:45:42kergothjmh|nwn: the feed however has shitloads of updates
01:45:53warmijmh|nwn: according to your nick .. you have been playing NWN since like last week or so
01:45:55kergothpeople running old vers can update to latest via the feed, always.
01:45:59jmh|nwnhehehe warmi
01:46:16jmh|nwnso i need to boot into linxu :)
01:46:26warmijmh|nwn: you are going to load up the new ROM ?
01:46:35jmh|nwnwarmi: yeah
01:46:54kergoth need to write up an announcement to the various lists.
01:46:55warmithe few, the proud ...
01:46:59jmh|nwnsweet kergoth
01:47:02warmiwell, I am gonna stay with Sharp for now
01:47:06jmh|nwnwarmi: hehehe the beta testers
01:47:14warmiwill just code for X86 OPIE
01:47:15kergothoz has been beta since its creation :-)
01:47:31jmh|nwnwell yeah :) thats part of the allure
01:48:11kergothjmh|nwn: okay I'll start uploading the initrd now.. the zImages will take a bit because it has to compile all 7 of them
01:48:22jmh|nwnsweet :)
01:48:30jmh|nwnwell ill just update over the net then.. :P
01:48:31warmi7 of them ?
01:48:33warmiwtf ?
01:48:38inomine_why 7?
01:48:38jmh|nwnwell.. nah maybe
01:48:41jmh|nwnah hell
01:48:49jmh|nwnill play some nwn and decide what to do later
01:49:18warmiI got to create new qte dir with includes and libs ...
01:49:34warmithe one I have has qpe dir in it and that fucks up OPIE configure
01:49:41inomine_is nwn on linux yet?
01:49:51W|GGL|Ti dont think so
01:49:53jmh|nwnsigh no
01:49:57jmh|nwnis not happy with them
01:50:02kergothwarmi: one for no ramdisk for 5000d, one for 5500, then the stock 5.. 20-12, 26-6, 32-32, 40-24, and 48-16
01:50:02warmiit starts pulling Qtopia headers from there even if $OPIEDIR and $QPEDIR are pointing to /opt/opie dir
01:50:06jmh|nwnand my binary winex (that should install it) doesnt
01:50:08inomine_ill just wait
01:50:11warmikergoth: ah ok
01:50:16jmh|nwnso my win part gets some use
01:50:19warmithis is really nasty ...
01:50:19W|GGL|Ti always game in windows anyways
01:50:32jmh|nwnhas been blowing the dust off of that area of his hd
01:50:34warmithere should be an applet that works just like PPC memory adjusting config
01:50:43kergothwarmi: uhhh it'll add $QTDIR/include to your includepath.
01:50:45inomine_unfortuantely linux sucks for games
01:50:49warmibut this one would just create SWAP file in RAM memory
01:50:55jmh|nwnno linux doesnt .. developers do
01:50:57kergothwarmi: if $QTDIR points to /opt/Qtopia, likely those qtopia headers will be farther up in the headers path
01:51:09warmikergoth: I know.. that's why I have to separate them
01:51:18warmi$QTDIR needs to point to just qte
01:51:26warmifor now I just renamed qpe inside to qpe2
01:51:33warmiand it OPIE is compiling fine
01:51:41kergoththats what i was going to suggest :-)
01:51:43inomine_jmh|nwn: :)
01:51:55W|GGL|Tso loki developers sucked?
01:52:08warmiyeah ... great minds think alike as ljp used to say
01:52:17jmh|nwnok most developers do
01:52:40jmh|nwntoss in a "game" in there somewhere
01:52:46treke|ho1eall of the Loki ports I've got have been pretty good :)
01:52:59inomine_loki really are good
01:53:01ljpI still say that
01:53:07warmiinfamous Loki you should add
01:53:22warmiljp: I know .. just thought you weren't around
01:53:27jmh|nwnwasnt Loki the first to fall .. or was taht after Enron?
01:53:46treke|ho1ethey filed for Ch11 last summer iirc
01:53:48warmithe scale was different
01:53:52treke|ho1eclosed on the 11th
01:54:02ljphahah I'm lurking tonight
01:54:07warmibut both were run by a criminal
01:54:24warmior at least an unethical guys
01:54:34warmisince they weren't convicted of anything as of yet
01:54:40jmh|nwnso.. Loki started this whole thing eh?
01:54:48kergothljp: i just uploaded the oz3 b10.4 initrd to sf
01:54:55jmh|nwncoooooool kergoth
01:55:04treke|ho1estill wishes Deus Ex would have made it out the door
01:55:36warmiI know it futile but I'd say " get a Windows box man "
01:55:44warmiyou will be happy :-)
01:55:54warmiand able to play any game you want
01:55:56treke|ho1eI've got the windows cd around here somewhere
01:56:00kergothi'm happy i have windows on my primary desktop, surprisingly
01:56:07treke|ho1eand it works in wine. I just never got round to playing it
01:56:07kergoththough i look forward to getting my linux laptop
01:56:13ljpgreat, now I have to find my flashing cf
01:56:21jmh|nwnwhere from kergoth?
01:56:26inomine_treke: dosent the loki ftp have deusex on it?
01:56:40treke|ho1einomine_: no.
01:56:49roge99hey kergoth can i update via the feed ?
01:56:55warmiis still around ?
01:56:57treke|ho1eIf your thinking of what I think your thinking of, that was a practical joke
01:56:59treke|ho1ewarmi: yes
01:57:08inomine_ah ok
01:57:20treke|ho1einomine_: purpotrated by yours truly :)
01:57:22jmh|nwnok im going back in when i come back out ill have decided if i want to keep the rom and just update or just flash the new rom ..
01:57:26jmh|nwnooo keep
01:57:32jmh|nwni have my classes in there already
01:57:36warmiyeah .. but they don't let anonymous folks in
01:57:42jmh|nwnAnd So it was Decided
01:57:57jmh|nwnok seeya
01:58:01treke|ho1ewarmi: Anonymous ftp is still open
01:58:03warmisee you
01:58:10warmiah ok
01:58:11inomine_is there anyway for opie to keep the bg static instead of scroling it as i scroll?
01:58:43treke|ho1ewarmi: <-- founder of loki has a management company
01:58:57warmia new victim
01:59:16inomine_btw what on earth is tableview supposed ti be usefull for?
01:59:17treke|ho1eor there was one there :)
01:59:45kergothwrites up release notes
01:59:46warmicrap .. OPIE IS big
01:59:51warmiway bigger than Qtopia
02:00:00kergothwarmi: hehe. lots of extra apps
02:00:23warmithat's ok .. as long as you don't have Enlightement there
02:00:25kergothwarmi: you should see how big is is when you check out opie-bigapps too.. with qmame
02:00:25warmifine with me
02:00:28ljpyou have new kernels ;)
02:00:31treke|ho1elooks like its 80 megs or so
02:00:35inomine_yeah you can actullay use opie for some productivity unlike qtopia
02:00:46treke|ho1eI certainly hope this is compiled
02:00:58warmi80 mgs ??
02:01:10warmithat hase to be with object crap
02:01:41warmiuhhh ...
02:01:49treke|ho1eyeah it is. whew
02:01:56warmisomebody has like 8 unused QToolButtons
02:02:07warmibig plans for the future obviously
02:02:17inomine_ooh finally opieplayer2
02:02:57warmiQTRreader author obviously does not believe in C++ casts
02:03:23inomine_at least he believes in c++
02:03:30warmiyeah, that's true
02:03:45warmiGod .. we are so lucky we are not working with GTK crap
02:04:01inomine_im really not a fan of c as i learnt c++ first
02:04:09warmior even some more scary shit like TCL/TK
02:04:24inomine_or even..... python
02:04:35warmiinomine: C++ is C
02:04:45warmiC is ok but just not for GUI stuff
02:04:57inomine_yeah but c has no good shit like easy classes :)
02:05:12warmiyeah but the language itself is the same
02:05:18warmithe control statements etc ..
02:05:31warmiman OPIE still going and going and ..
02:05:34inomine_yeah i know i used both... still prefer c++
02:05:45warmiand I have Athlon 1 GHZ .. not the latest but still
02:06:18inomine_also it seems that the qt scaled better to a mobile low screen platform, gtk just looks way too big and ugly
02:06:21ljpwarmi: if you have more than one box, use teambuilder
02:06:29warmiI guess this adidtional OPIE stuff fills our all that ROM space left after getting rid of JAva and OPera
02:06:39kergothdont install everything
02:06:44kergothi never use hafl the opie apps
02:06:56warmiI am just compiling x86 for now
02:07:00ljptakes too long for sf for update
02:07:07warmiI will be working on imageviewer
02:07:10treke|ho1ewarmi: You can barely fit all of opie  onto an ipaq
02:07:12kergothljp: initrd still not shown?
02:07:14inomine_ooh x86 that will be fun to try
02:07:17warmiwhich I wil recompile for ARM for my own testing separately
02:07:18treke|ho1ewarmi: oh thank you very much
02:07:25warmias an stand-alone app
02:07:46ljpkergoth: not yet
02:08:06ljpnot yet on the ftp servers
02:08:08inomine_i have full opie on a ipaq (the .ipkg feed) and still have space left
02:08:13warmiman .. let do quck 'df' here see if I am not gonna run out of frigging disk space
02:08:31treke|ho1einomine_: gotta be tight
02:08:48ljpI'll upload it to
02:09:16inomine_treke: 10mb left
02:09:32treke|ho1einomine_: you sure you have everything?
02:09:45warmi10 MB rom left ?
02:09:45inomine_from the ipk feed yes
02:09:52treke|ho1ehmmm. odd
02:09:54warmior how does it work on Ipaw ?
02:09:56warmiipaq even
02:09:57treke|ho1ewarmi: ipaq is 32 meg
02:10:04warmiI know 32 MB ROM
02:10:09warmiso he is talking about ROM right ?
02:10:14inomine_plus 64mb ram :)
02:10:23inomine_yah 10mb rom left
02:10:34treke|ho1eI need to set up a ram disk one of these days
02:10:45warmiSharp dudes said it was a mistake to use only 16 MB or ROM
02:10:51treke|ho1eI fear runnning my battery down
02:10:52warmiso I gues the next model will have 32
02:10:57inomine_treke: its already there if ur running familiar
02:11:06warmiwhich will come handy if they want to keep binary compatibility with 5500
02:11:10treke|ho1einomine_: Well with nvrd
02:11:14warmijust enough room to stick two qte libs
02:11:19treke|ho1eSo I can reboot
02:11:27inomine_treke: ah ok :)
02:11:46inomine_hopefully my new 128mb card will solve all the problems once it arrives
02:11:54treke|ho1einomine_: Since I never sync my ipaq against anything, battery life is a concern for me :)
02:12:12treke|ho1eand I'd rather not my forced to use the mmc slot for my base sysem
02:12:19warmitreke: doesn't ipaq have some sort of cmos style battery
02:12:24treke|ho1ewarmi: nope
02:12:33warmiI know the Zaurus has
02:12:59treke|ho1eif your main battery goes out, everything not in flash goes buh bye
02:13:09warmiah ok
02:13:57treke|ho1enot too big a deal if you sync every day, but like I said, I dont sync :)
02:14:06inomine_right im off
02:14:16treke|ho1eits easier to just consult my ipaq when I'm looking for something
02:14:16inomine_its 20 past 4 here
02:14:21inomine_and i can see the sun
02:14:58warmihehe .. if it is already 4 then there is no poing going to bed anyway
02:15:09treke|homeso true
02:16:07warmiOPIE checkers have unitialized variables named from f12 to f36
02:16:41warmione can just sense different coding styles by looking at the OPIE make output
02:18:44warmiopie-alarm Makefile is screwed up
02:18:56kergothwho cares. opie-alarm isnt used on x86 or the Z. hehe
02:19:01kergothwhats wrong with it?
02:19:03warmiit has stuff in it like : CROSS:=arm-linux-
02:19:03warmiCC   :=$(CROSS)gcc
02:19:14warmiyeah but it was trying to compile on my box and it failed
02:19:24warmiand I did ./configure -xplatform x86
02:19:41warmior maybe I did make clean
02:19:55warmithen ./configure but the second one was without xplatform .. hmm
02:21:35kergothljp: the initrd looks like its up there
02:23:08ljpya..2 minutes remaining
02:23:27kergothI'm writing up the release notes..
02:23:36ljphmmmmm docs?
02:23:38kergothtrying to do some explanations, point to various useful links, etc
02:23:51kergothyeah, i'm sick of people thinking they only have 2mb free
02:23:55kergothbecuase they dont know about /mnt/ram
02:24:04ljpahhh.. I'll mirror this initrd.bin on
02:24:13kergothI'll start the new zImages building
02:24:22kergothitll take a while
02:24:35warmiok ..
02:25:50warmiit compiled
02:25:57warmiI think it did for the most part
02:26:00warmiit is running
02:27:36sig was last seen on #zaurus 1 hours, 50 minutes and 21 seconds ago, saying:  /exec -o figlet? [Wed Jul 17 01:37:15 2002]
02:27:36W|GGL|Tibot seen sig
02:28:24ljpkergoth: ya, it takes Sharp's machine 4 months to build a new rom/kernel for 5000d
02:31:24Cloudchaserwell i have to get to bed.. i'll try it tomorrow when i get home from work
02:31:33kergothljp: lol
02:31:35kergothljp: k
02:31:47kergothCloudchaser: great. i'll have the new kernels available too by then. sleep well.
02:32:02Cloudchasernew kernels?
02:32:12Cloudchaseri thought you were putting them up now
02:32:13kergothCloudchaser: yeah, they fix the linksys card problem
02:32:16Cloudchaseris confused
02:32:26kergothCloudchaser: well when they're done building... it'll take a while.. it has to build 7 of them ;-)
02:32:35Cloudchaser7 of what?
02:32:49Cloudchaserwe have to install 7 kernals?
02:33:01ljpheheheh no
02:33:05kergothlol.. no, just one
02:33:05kergothbut there are 7 to give people options
02:33:13ljp7 different kernel memory configs
02:33:16Cloudchaseroh you mean to confuse me further
02:33:29ljpget the 40-24, cloud
02:33:31kergothCloudchaser: hey i'm spending time right now documenting the install :-) read the readme tomorrow
02:33:40kergothyeah, 40-24 works well on the 5500
02:33:45Cloudchaserhehe ok i will
02:33:54Cloudchaserbut if i do that and stuff won't install to sd
02:34:00Cloudchaseri'm in trouble
02:34:11kergothno worries. stuff installs to sd.
02:34:29ljpI've never had stuff install to sd
02:34:41kergothwell, you dont have an sd either
02:34:47kergothi need to pick one up myself
02:34:49ljptrue.. ;)
02:34:54Cloudchaserkicks ljp
02:35:08ljpstarts limping
02:35:22kergothshit i forgot to install opie-light&power by default
02:35:30kergothnotes it in the readme
02:35:53ljpok.. mirrored at in the devZone.php/OpenZaurus
02:36:18ljpdownload light-and-power
02:36:43Cloudchaserwhats the full link to where i can get it?
02:36:56Cloudchaseri'm too tired to search for it ;)
02:37:14kergothdevzone or under files
02:37:28ljpwell.. you'll also need the kernel.. but its also at
02:38:59Cloudchaserwhich one is that?
02:39:25Cloudchaserkergoth said there'd be 7 of them
02:39:42ljpuhh kergoth
02:39:55ljpCloudchaser: thats not the kernel
02:40:25Cloudchaseri'll read his doc tomorrow
02:40:28ljpkergoth: did you put int cardmon?
02:40:40ljpno automount
02:40:49Cloudchaseryou said i'd nead the kernal, its at
02:40:52kergothljp: argh. its not in there?
02:41:21kergothCloudchaser: thats the filesystem. there's two pieces, the kernel and the filesystem :-)
02:41:27ljphmmm /dev/hda1: no such device
02:41:46Cloudchaserok i'll sort it all out tomorrow when my brain has rested :)
02:41:50Cloudchaserthanks guys :)
02:41:57Cloudchaserfor all your patience
02:42:14kergothljp: ? no /dev?
02:42:30kergothljp: ls -l /dev/hda1
02:43:08ljpya the device is there.. thats the message I get when I try to mount
02:44:11jmh|nwnnwn keeps crashing
02:44:11Speedy2mknod it
02:44:15jmh|nwni hate windows
02:44:41ljpdevice exists
02:46:05ljpmodules.conf is more recent...
02:46:13warmiljp: do you know where is the doc directory all OPIE apps look for files .. equivlent of Document tab in OPIE ?
02:46:22warmidoes it point to $HOME on my system ?
02:46:27warmiI can't seem to find it
02:47:41NeoTronis back (gone 19:31:54)
02:47:54NeoTronor something
02:48:38ljpits morning somewhere
02:48:46ljphere its 21:54
02:49:47kergothljp: does the new cardmon handle sd as well or do we still need sdmon?
02:50:51ljpdoes both I guess
02:53:00kergothljp: ?
02:53:05kergothljp: new cardmon does both?
02:53:45ljpyes, Harlekin combined the two, He would know for sure
02:54:09Harlekin was last seen on 7 hours, 2 minutes and 12 seconds ago, saying: make sure its .20 [Tue Jul 16 20:51:57 2002]
02:54:09kergothibot: seen Harlekin?
02:54:16ljpscreentaps work
02:54:43ljplooks like cardmon is in there.. but hides when it cant mount
02:55:10Rascalkergoth, did you get the new rom up?
02:55:19kergothRascal: debugging it atm
02:55:24kergothRascal: it had.. quirks :-)
02:55:41RascalI notice on SF
02:56:12Rascalwell with my 2.37 install completely hosed right now I'm just waiting..
02:57:12ljpmight wait a bit more
02:57:17kergothljp: there's no cardmgr in the pcmcia-cs package!
02:57:49Rascalbrb installing ximian
03:00:24Speedy2Someone murdered Selena, but not Celine Deon?
03:01:01Rascalyou just figured that out speedy?
03:02:56Speedy2But I saw her on VH1 and was upset that she didn't stay gone
03:09:49kergothljp: whew
03:09:53kergothljp: solved that one.
03:10:09ljpheheh new rom?
03:10:22kergothyeh. let me flash and confirm some functionality first.
03:10:34kergothi confirmed the fixed bugs, but didnt check to maek sure i didnt break anything..
03:11:21kergothljp: notice any other probs while we're at it?
03:11:50Speedy2kergoth: Get the serial port thing sorted out?
03:12:01kergothSpeedy2: nah, no time... busy busy
03:12:17kergothSpeedy2: once this rom is released and isnt falling on its face, its back to work on that shit
03:12:22ljplight and power
03:12:28kergothljp: done
03:12:40kergothljp: added clipboardapplet while i was at it. and irdaapplet too.
03:14:17ljpshutdown does want to reboot
03:15:48ljpand /sbin/reboot works but /sbin need to be in path I think ??
03:16:12kergothljp: fixed that too
03:16:19kergothljp: yeah, i added sbin to /etc/profile
03:16:28Speedy2Man, Unforzen Cave Man Lawyer is awesome.
03:16:52ljpdid you check out the new sysinfo tabs?
03:17:23kergothljp: yeah, i like it :-)
03:17:35ljpI should really get sysinfo to reoprt the right /mnt/ram
03:19:06ljpneeds some custom code
03:20:23ljpother than those, I cant find anything.. time to work on irda
03:20:43siriusnovaanyone tried mazingo ?
03:20:45siriusnovaits pretty cool
03:20:49siriusnovaits like Avantgo for the Z
03:20:49kergothljp: cool. install irda-utils
03:20:55kergothljp: shit, i should install irda-utils out of the box..
03:21:30rumour has it ipkgfind is at or at
03:21:30kergothibot: ipkgfind?
03:21:43siriusnovakergoth, new rom out?
03:22:01kergothsiriusnova: well it was, but then we noticed it was fucked
03:22:06ljpIm going to look at libopieobex to make sure there's not a lot of ipaq specific code.. zecke seems to not want to get it working on Z
03:22:07kergothsiriusnova: so i'm about to release it agian :-)
03:22:12kergothljp: k
03:22:26siriusnovaanyway if you all liked Avantgo on your palms
03:22:29siriusnovatake a look at Mazingo
03:22:35siriusnovaits pretty neat
03:22:39siriusnovaim using it right now
03:22:52siriusnovaits like Avantgo for the Z
03:23:01siriusnovafree too
03:23:06siriusnovawell the basic text only
03:23:06ljpclock alarm didnt go off
03:23:19siriusnovaif you want video you gotta pay
03:23:28kergothljp: hm, atd is running?
03:24:18Cloudchaserthey want a credit card number
03:24:28siriusnovanot for the free one
03:24:37siriusnovathere is a free text only service also
03:24:47siriusnovathe CC is for the Video and Premium channels
03:25:25ljpstarting daemon: atdstart-stop-daemon: no such file
03:25:31Cloudchaserok found it ;)
03:25:31kergothljp: hm, i just lfashed that same initrd and it started
03:25:42kergothljp: oh i wonder if thats the /sbin not in PATH thing again
03:25:46Cloudchaseroh damn
03:25:53treke|homeof course there's always sitescooper for people who prefer choosing their own channels
03:25:53Cloudchaseri did the wrong one first
03:26:01Cloudchasernow it says that exists already
03:26:06Cloudchaserand i can't use my email address
03:26:10sigwhat up
03:26:16siriusnovalogin to your email address
03:26:19siriusnovaand check it
03:26:22siriusnovait sent me an email
03:26:23ljpkergoth: atd start gives that errer
03:26:42Cloudchaseri start it on the premium free trial
03:26:48Cloudchaserand got to the credit card part
03:26:50Cloudchaserand backed up
03:26:58siriusnovaCloudchaser, check your email
03:27:09siriusnovait might have just sent ya a confirmation for the free
03:27:11Cloudchaserah ok
03:27:40siriusnovaSyncing is kinda clunky
03:27:42siriusnovabut then its a beta
03:28:26kergothljp: hold, i'll test a new initrd
03:29:17Cloudchaserwhat a surprise!
03:29:34Cloudchaserthat synching is clunky
03:30:51Cloudchaserbleh too much pocket pc stuff
03:31:06Cloudchaserneed to get zaurus zone on there
03:31:14siriusnovayeah u should
03:31:29siganyone use aterm?
03:32:48warmiljp: you around ?
03:33:15siriusnovaany its pretty cool
03:33:22siriusnovaI needed something to replace avantgo on my Z
03:33:27siriusnovaso im happy :)
03:33:42Cloudchaserme too and thanks!
03:33:53Cloudchaseryou ought to post it to zz
03:33:59siriusnovaits on ZZ already
03:34:03siriusnovathats where I got it from
03:34:14Cloudchaserhehe i missed that
03:34:34feed is a package repository or or or for OpenZaurus
03:34:34shoeibot feed
03:34:38siriusnovak well im off
03:35:35Cloudchaseri might even pay 5.00 a month for it ;)
03:35:45siganyone user .Xdefaults
03:35:52warmiljp: you are the one working on OPIE filemanager ?
03:35:53sigfor making aterm better?
03:35:57treke|homesig: I do
03:36:03sigI need to add green text
03:36:11sigdon't know what to put
03:36:14sigor add
03:36:28treke|homewell I use white text but let me take a stab at it
03:36:31ljpthere's two filemanagers.. th eone named FileManager isnt really worked
03:36:37warmijust asking cause What's new lists :* thumbnail preview off images in filemanager
03:36:46warmiwhich one does this entry refers to , do you know ?
03:36:52treke|homesig: *Xterm*foreground green
03:36:58ljpoh.. ya someone sent in that patch ;)
03:37:06treke|homesig: *Xterm*background: black
03:37:11warmithis is fm specific right ?
03:37:18ljpwarmi: that would be FileManager
03:37:31treke|homesig: I use *Xterm* since I change the name on some terminals to different things
03:37:42warmicause I planning , as a first feature, to extend FileSelector specifically for ShowImag to show thumbnails
03:37:50treke|homesig: so aterm*  doesnt do what I want :)
03:37:58sigtreke|home: it does for me
03:38:02sigwhat are you using?
03:38:08warmiI guess then filemanager approach cannot be reused
03:38:08treke|homesig: aterm
03:38:16sigI'm using aterm as well
03:38:17ljpok, just make it an option if possible
03:38:18warmijust trying to avoid duplications of code
03:38:22NeoTrontreke|home: will you be around tonight?
03:38:27treke|homesig: If you start something like aterm -name mutt, It changes the name from aterm to mutt
03:38:30treke|homeNeoTron: yeah
03:38:40sigtreke|home: how do i restart this terminal so it will take these affects?
03:38:43NeoTronok, might throw you some CC binaries now and then. :P
03:38:49treke|homecool :)
03:38:52ljpwarmi: I think FileManager uses Fileselector
03:38:56treke|homesig: xrdb -load ~/.Xdefaults
03:39:08treke|homethen close and reopen aterm
03:39:25shoewhen you tell the install manager to install on SD, what's it actually doing?  shouldn't the files actually SHOW UP under the /mnt/card directory?
03:39:26treke|homemaybe that would be easier to read
03:39:27sigtransparent and green :)
03:39:30warmiI will check the code
03:39:45sigtreke|home: I have font 8x6
03:39:48sigwhat do you use?
03:39:52ljpsoe: yes it should
03:39:56W|GGL|Tjob fair tomorrow!
03:39:58ljpshoe I mean
03:40:03sigwhat is the next step up?
03:40:08treke|homesig: usually nexus. just swiched to plain fixed on my desktop.
03:40:47sigso what would be the next step above 8x6?
03:40:48treke|homeproblem is that nexus is too small at 1600x1200
03:40:54treke|homesig: not sure
03:41:21sigthis is what i have now
03:41:34sigworks great, but font is a little small
03:42:51sigwhat is .Xauthority ?
03:43:34treke|homesig: It's used for deciding which hosts can connect to your x server, iirc
03:43:47sigI see
03:46:41shoeis there a log written anywhere when a package is installed using ipkg?  Package says it installs ok, but no binaries can be found anywhere... no icon shows up for an executable, something must be going wrong
03:47:32treke|homedoes the zaurus use the C or SH version of ipkg?
03:50:05NeoTronand what the fuck! I don't seem to have a way to get to know when I switch to non-fullscreen. that's dumb
03:51:02sigtreke|home: I switch aterm*font: to diff sizes but it never changes size
03:51:09sigeven after xrdb -load ~/.Xdefaults
03:51:17treke|homesig: It has to be a valid font name
03:51:28sig8x6 is?
03:51:40sigwhat is a valid font name?
03:51:49treke|homeI dont know. It might not be, then it would default to fixed
03:52:18sigtreke|home: yeah thats what I'm afraid it is doing cause it doesn't ever change
03:52:51treke|homesig: xlsfonts will give you a list
03:53:16sigthats a big list
03:53:22sigI need sizes
03:53:25signot types
03:54:03treke|homesig: xfontsel
03:54:04sigI see
03:54:07Cloudchaserhow do you get mazingo onto the z?
03:54:55NeoTrontreke|home: <-- try the "unlock" choice in that one
03:55:26Cloudchaseroh sorry sig.. was sirius i needed
03:56:08sigtreke|home: how the hell do you use xfontsel?
03:56:09I haven't seen 'seriousnova', darienm
03:56:09darienmibot seen seriousnova
03:56:16I haven't seen 'seriusnova', darienm
03:56:16darienmibot seen seriusnova
03:56:22NeoTrongfontsel is nice
03:56:28siriusnova was last seen on #zaurus 21 minutes and 49 seconds ago, saying: laterz [Wed Jul 17 04:34:39 2002]
03:56:28darienmibot seen siriusnova
03:57:05darienmIf you want to load websites for offline viewing on the Zaurus, get wwwoffle
03:57:12it has been said that wwwoffle is available at or available in ipk at
03:57:12darienmibot wwwoffle
03:58:40darienmsig, whatcha trying to do with X?
03:59:05sigdarienm: I'm trying to change the font size in .Xdefaults
03:59:17darienmsig, on the Zaurus?
03:59:26Oriumpor_kergoth: you put up the rom?
03:59:27sigdarienm: no
03:59:32sigon my pc
03:59:58treke|homeNeoTron: perfect
04:00:39treke|homeNeoTron: Something that might be nice would be to open the input method for the user
04:00:43darienmCloudchaser: trying that mazingo thing?
04:02:12NeoTrontreke|home: I can't figure out how to do that. if you know how, let me know. :))
04:02:20NeoTronbut I think the user can figure it out too
04:02:20treke|homeNeoTron: easy :)
04:02:27treke|homeGlobal::showInputMethod (
04:02:38treke|homewell easy in theory
04:02:59Oriumpor_Has anyone done any work with ?
04:03:08darienmCloudchaser: My first problem with mazingo is that their 'secure' site isn't.....
04:04:11siggot it treke|home
04:04:12Oriumpor_: huh?
04:04:12Oriumpor_ibot search google mazingo
04:04:23darienmapparently wireless content for handhelds, including zaurus
04:04:36Oriumpor_precached stuff?
04:04:44Cloudchaseryeah i'm trying it
04:04:53Cloudchaserhoping i didn't pick too many things ;)
04:04:55darienmnot sure, read the site. Then ask Cloudchaser for a review :)
04:05:20NeoTrontreke|home: <-- how about this one?
04:05:27Oriumpor_Cloudchaser: it any good? :P
04:05:49Cloudchaserdunno yet
04:05:56Oriumpor_ebooks look cool
04:05:59Cloudchaseri synched but not sure what to do next
04:06:02Cloudchaserwhere to find it on z
04:06:12treke|homeNeoTron: forget to strip this one?
04:06:13iang was last seen on #zaurus 5 days, 7 hours, 19 minutes and 13 seconds ago, saying: I still need to receive my Zaurus serial cable before I can do Z-only warwalking with GPS, though [Thu Jul 11 21:47:00 2002]
04:06:13Oriumpor_ibot seen iang
04:06:29Oriumpor_how ... odd
04:06:40Oriumpor_he must still be warwalking :P
04:07:43W|GGL|Tfinally online with the Z
04:08:05Cloudchasergot me...i need to get to bed
04:08:18treke|homeCloudchaser: you've been saying that for how long?
04:08:19Cloudchaseri'll try to figure it out after some sleep
04:08:27Cloudchaserhehe i'm really goingnow
04:08:33treke|homesure you are
04:08:33Cloudchaseri have to get up in a few hours to go to work
04:08:44Oriumpor_W|GGL|T: I'll write a walkthrough on how to nat through a 2k machine to the internet
04:08:50darienmCloudchaser: You have the 'locate' package for the zaurus?
04:09:16darienmhelps you 'find' things that you can't find.
04:09:20darienmvery useful
04:09:27Cloudchaseri've been meaning to get it
04:09:31Cloudchaserbut i keep running out of space
04:09:40treke|homebut unlike "find" it requires a database of files, does it not?
04:09:40darienmGet a 128 MB SD card :)
04:09:47darienmonly $80 thesedays
04:09:50Oriumpor_find / |grep isn't good enough?
04:09:57darienmtreke|home: You create the database as-needed
04:10:03treke|homeor find / -name "*foo*"
04:10:18treke|homewhich could easilly be made into a locate shell script
04:10:20Cloudchaserlot of stuff won't install to sd card
04:10:25treke|homeNeoTron: Worked
04:10:26Cloudchaseri have 64 mb sd card
04:10:35sigwhat is .Xclients
04:10:47Oriumpor_echo find $1 | grep "$2" >> /bin/locate
04:10:54darienmfind is okay, but locate is faster....
04:10:55Oriumpor_locate / stuff
04:11:08Oriumpor_darienm: you got enough stuff to need locate?? : P
04:11:18darienmOriumpor: yes i do. 128 MB SD card
04:11:34treke|homedarienm: true on a desktop with 60 gig of data, but whats on a z? maybe 200 megs of stuff
04:11:57Oriumpor_darienm: you're bottleneck is the limited sd port then : /
04:12:06darienmtreke|home: its the difference between 1 second (locate) and 8+ seconds (find) and less to type in also
04:12:10Oriumpor_so locate is cool, if you store the database somewhere else
04:12:25Oriumpor_(other than the SD)
04:12:28darienmthe databse is tiny
04:12:36Oriumpor_still gotta pull it up
04:12:40sighey treke|home in order for these settings to work with xterm do I need to add a section of Xterm ?
04:12:43W|GGL|Tit feels so funny to browse my own webpage on the Z
04:12:47sigunder aterm?
04:12:57W|GGL|Tthinks he'll need wireless very soon
04:13:01darienmW|GGL|T: Congrats on getting online. Try this on the Z:
04:13:02Cloudchaserok got it
04:13:11sigxterm didn't take affect, only aterm
04:13:13treke|homeW|GGL|T: Its even funnier when it renders as intended :)
04:13:29W|GGL|Ttreke: lol
04:13:35W|GGL|Tdarienm:  will do
04:13:55darienmW|GGL|T: its actually designed to work well on the small screen.
04:14:02sigtreke|home: why did aterm take affect and not xterm?
04:14:24treke|homesig: because your terminal doesnt set itself ups with a classname of Xterm?
04:14:37W|GGL|Tdarienm: nice!!
04:14:40Oriumpor_treke|home: did kergoth finish?
04:14:58treke|homeOriumpor_: no clue
04:15:05sigtreke|home: yeah, but i have xterm and aterm
04:15:13sigwhat is xterms .file called?
04:15:34treke|home.Xdefaults ( or .Xresource depending on your distro)
04:15:50sigtreke|home: that is for aterm
04:15:57sigI use debian
04:16:00W|GGL|Twhat'll i need to get just the Z running wireless in my network card, i know.  wireless router, for just one appliance?
04:16:06treke|homesig: its the same for xterm
04:16:15sigaterm is working as i like it (.Xdefaults)
04:16:28sigtreke|home: then why doesn't xterm take the affects?
04:16:42W|GGL|Tok....gonna go smoke i guess
04:16:45Oriumpor_W|GGL|T: no Linux at home?
04:16:52treke|homebecause you told the file that the settings are for aterm
04:16:57W|GGL|TOriumpor: yeah...slackware
04:17:04Oriumpor_make it an AP
04:17:08Oriumpor_it's cheaper that way : /
04:17:10treke|homeW|GGL|T: The Linksys Wireless DSL/Cable  routers are very nice
04:17:21sigtreke|home: yeah and i asked if i added the same below it as xterm if it would?
04:17:28treke|homeaccess point
04:17:34treke|homesig: #linux
04:17:49sigtreke|home: heh
04:18:00W|GGL|Ttreke|home: yeah, ive already got a landline linksys router
04:18:08treke|homeI learned enough to set my machine up how I like it. no expert
04:18:20W|GGL|Ttreke|home: same here  :o)
04:18:30treke|homesig: And I did that a year or two ago
04:19:07W|GGL|Tnow, if i can only get the Z online in linux
04:19:14W|GGL|Tbrb...nicotine is really calling me
04:20:52Oriumpor_W|GGL|T: IPchains : P
04:23:16treke|homeoh well time to go back to a crash course in PERL DBI
04:29:57W|GGL|TOriumpor_: Tried that already, using the howto...not working
04:30:58Oriumpor_I'm out
04:35:18sigtreke|home: ok, xterm can't do pseudo transparency's
04:35:25treke|homeno it cant
04:36:08NeoTrontreke|home: good, then I consider that fixed.
04:36:13NeoTronand audio fixed. good. :)
04:38:19treke|homegonna go play with the demo for a few minutes
04:38:20treke|homebrb :)
04:42:02treke|homeNeoTron: on the options dialog, what does the alarm do?
04:54:17Rascaleterm can
05:03:35W|GGL|Tnite all
05:03:37W|GGL|Tis away: nite all
05:08:52NeoTrontreke|home: disable/enable the noise played when the times get low
05:09:10sigwell I'm out too
05:09:14sigI need to read some math
05:18:38sigSony 24x10x40 (OEM) (Free Ground Shipping)
05:18:41sigPrice: $99.99
05:18:41sigSale Price: $48.00
05:20:10siriusnovaanything new?
05:21:07siriusnovaam i talking to myself here
05:22:19sigI'm here
05:22:52darienmsiriusnova: You were talkinga bout avantgo, or offline reading before?
05:22:57Rascalkergoth anyluck with oz?
05:23:03sigsame crap different color
05:23:03siriusnovai was
05:23:06darienmsiriusnova: You tried wwwoffe yet?
05:23:16darienmsiriusnova: I mean wwwoffle
05:24:11darienmsiriusnova: yeah, we were looking at mazingo. That looks interesting for a subscription service, but if you only want offline web browsing, wwwoffle will do the trick
05:25:16siriusnovahmm... i might try it
05:26:17sigdarienm: how big is wwwoffle
05:26:56darienmsig: big in what sense? The appliation is not bad, and the offline cache is whatever size you specify
05:27:14sigI do see perl for z now
05:27:15darienmsig: the ipk is 188K
05:27:22darienmsig: if that is any indication
05:27:38sigbad ass
05:27:43sigI got perl in my z now
05:27:46sigis away
05:28:03sigARM port of perl 5.6.x gotten from, trimmed and ipkged.
05:28:18darienmsig: perl is also listed on ZSI
05:28:40sigi've been waiting for this package
05:28:53sigbut I'm sad to say that zic can't handle perl
05:29:01sigi was going to make a systeminfo scipt
05:29:12sigfor the z irc
05:29:40siriusnovadidn't perl come out a while ago?
05:30:09sigsiriusnova: probably, I have been really busy
05:30:17siriusnovafor the Z
05:30:38sigI am getting terrible lag
05:30:49siriusnovame too
05:30:50siggot a dude sucking off my ftp
05:31:13Speedy2Kill him
05:31:23sigSpeedy2: can't
05:31:27sigI owe him these
05:31:37sighe's getting two iso's
05:31:43sigsoldier of fortune 2
05:33:10sighe gave me crossover
05:33:16sigso now we're even
05:33:22sigI need to head to bed
05:33:50sigI'll see you guys tomorrow
05:34:24sigis away | math, sleep |
06:03:06fusion94-is away: sleeping
06:15:35jmhodgesNWN is awesoem btw
06:15:41jmhodgesi should go to bed..
06:15:56noiddi keep being told to look at nwn
06:15:59noiddmaybe i should
06:16:13jmhodgeswait for the linux client
06:16:19jmhodgeswell all be screaming about it in here when it happens
06:16:36noiddyou think it will happen ?
06:17:03jmhodgesyeah its supposed to
06:17:11jmhodgesits why a ton of people bought it
06:17:20jmhodgesand they said they are wokring on it
06:17:32jmhodgesbut no one knows when it will be done just "soon"
06:17:49noiddsounds like my documentation
06:18:04jmhodgesheheh noidd
06:18:28noiddattempts to join #qt if it exists on this server
06:19:18jmhodgeshey should i hit Y or N to this fstab question
06:19:23jmhodgesim assuming Y
06:19:35jmhodgeshits Y
06:20:07jmhodgeskeeps hitting Y
06:20:17noiddyou mean fsck right?
06:20:42jmhodgesshit my resolv.conf got overwritten
06:20:50jmhodgesi knew i should have chilled on the Y
06:21:27noiddwell, if you had said N...then you'd have had to have fsckd again
06:21:34noiddso dont sweat it
06:21:42jmhodgeshehe ok
06:21:44noiddor change to a journalled filesystem :-)
06:21:51jmhodgesouch :)
06:22:09jmhodgesis there anyway the default can be forced to Y then?
06:22:16jmhodgesthat maybe confusing
06:22:21jmhodgesrealizes this is beta
06:22:21jmhodgesshuts up
06:22:34noiddI hope that sharp put iptables hooks into the kernel this time ... we can write a firewall package for the Z then :-D
06:23:18jmhodgesnoidd: what now? we use the sharp rom? why not build one just for oz?
06:23:27noiddjmhodges: yes there is... most distributions will default to yes all the way through unless it needs to do something risky
06:23:33jmhodgeser.. sharp kernel
06:23:38jmhodgesis too tired
06:23:50jmhodgesnoidd: coolio
06:23:56jmhodgesjust thougth i might ask
06:24:19noiddif there is something risky, it will tell you to run it manually and give you the command and a root prompt
06:24:20jmhodgesso i meant "what now? we use the sharp kernel? what is holding oz back from rolling its own?"
06:24:27noiddthey want *YOU* to press the button :-)
06:24:41noiddOZ does roll its own
06:24:48jmhodgeswell if the install demands it? ..
06:24:54jmhodgesthen why cant .. uh..
06:25:12jmhodgesum. whats keeping oz from adding iptables? too large i though
06:25:25noiddI assumed that oz had iptables
06:25:47noiddall you need are the hooks, you can then have the iptables as modules.. np
06:25:59jmhodgesoooooh gotcha
06:26:09jmhodgesso are you oz or sharp? :)
06:26:15noiddat the moment, sharp
06:26:29noiddI would love to move to oz, but I need the hancom and java stuff
06:26:29jmhodgeswahst the docs for?
06:26:35jmhodgesgoddamn i want Norah Jones
06:26:40jmhodgesnoidd: ah why?
06:27:08noiddjmhodges: my company is writing evilsoftware[tm] for the Zaurus
06:27:19jmhodgesoooh :)
06:27:24jmhodgesyou with the tkc* bunch?
06:27:37noiddnothing to do with them at all.
06:27:53jmhodgesok then what company are you with :)
06:28:01noiddCritical Integration
06:28:17noiddyou wont see any software by us, its all under development and NDA
06:28:17jmhodgesinteresting .. ERROR: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for opie-addressbook:
06:28:19jmhodgesme no like
06:28:26jmhodgesaaah i see noidd
06:28:26noiddso you wont find any clues.
06:28:48noiddyou'll like our homepage tho
06:29:35noiddluckly, I'm not the one writing the java bits...
06:29:35jmhodgesso new even Google doesnt have it
06:29:54jmhodgesnoidd: so what can you tell me about the apps?
06:30:02jmhodgesso im guessing they will not be OS then?
06:30:17noiddnope :-(
06:30:29noiddI have to make a living with these - sorry
06:30:36jmhodgeshehehe :)
06:30:37noiddi'll only sell probably 10 copies anyways
06:30:47jmhodgesbut you cant tell us the first either right?
06:30:56jmhodgesnoidd: depends
06:31:05jmhodgesif they are decent theyll sell more
06:31:07noiddits very clever network management stuff
06:31:29noiddjmhodges: its a Z port and interface to one of my server products
06:31:37noiddnormally runs on Solaris servers
06:31:59jmhodgeshehe one of your server products? :) cool
06:32:21jmhodgesdoesnt know much about solaris products :/
06:32:35noiddsolaris is just another unix, nothing special
06:32:43jmhodgeswell yeah
06:32:52jmhodgesbut i dont know much about solaris specific products :/
06:33:19noiddwell, this could be ported to other unixes, but we sell the unix box with the software
06:33:29noiddie, people buy the hardware with the software pre-installed.
06:33:49noiddand we remotly manage it too
06:34:13jmhodgestries to think of a server product that would be used on Z
06:34:26jmhodgeswonders what noidd's real name is so he can google properly
06:34:34noidddo whois :-)
06:34:37noiddits there for you
06:34:50noiddand you wont find any refferences to it on google - lol
06:35:00noiddalthough you will find lots of refferences to em
06:35:01jmhodgesaaah ok :P
06:35:21noiddok, maybe you wont
06:35:23noiddRedvers Davies
06:35:26noiddis the name
06:35:38noiddgoogle away
06:35:49noiddbut no taking the piss out of 5 year old newbie posts :-D
06:37:10jmhodgeslooks like a mail client ..
06:37:19jmhodgesjsut wondering what it is
06:37:21jmhodgesnot if thats the app
06:37:55darienmelbow is a simple multiplayer boardgame under development. Its aim is world domination, supporting 2-4 players.
06:37:59jmhodgesjust saw that :)
06:38:11noidddarienm: haha, thats my first application
06:38:19jmhodgesmklinuxfw is a project to make the best possible firewall configurator for multiple platforms. The idea is that you can use the same GUI interface to generate the configuration files for any other firewall product like Linux 2.0 (ipfwadm), Linux 2.2 (ipchains), Firewall1, Altavista, Cisco, etc.
06:38:31jmhodgesyouve been busy noidd
06:38:39noiddthats REALLY old
06:38:56noiddthats like code 1 year after learning perl
06:39:01jmhodgesyou didnt happen to contribute to the "english-to-american" dictionary
06:39:06jmhodgeshehe noidd
06:39:15darienmThe speaker (Redvers Davies) was asked to build a program for the auction to be held at the end of YAPC.
06:39:17noiddplease don't take that as as example of my coding standards now :-)
06:39:29jmhodgesor help ?
06:39:31noiddyes to dictionary
06:39:44noidd, don't recognise that
06:40:01jmhodgespost to
06:40:03noidddarienm: yup - I did a tutorial at yapc::europe
06:40:17jmhodgessigned a guestbook at ?
06:40:47noiddI used to 0wn :-)
06:41:18jmhodgesor work on saskatchewan chamber of commerce?
06:41:21jmhodgesaaah eheheh
06:41:28jmhodgesa entrepreneur eh noidd?
06:41:30noidddarienm: where is this refference to ?
06:41:36darienmT-shirt idea by Redvers> Perl programmers do it with a debugger
06:41:40noidd saskatchewan chamber of commerce is nothing to do with me
06:41:50darienmnoidd: what?
06:41:56jmhodgesthrid page.. third from the last noidd
06:42:29jmhodgeshm.. after the 3 or 4th page.. the names are separated :)
06:42:43noiddI am considering doing a tutorial at YAPC::Europe this year.
06:42:52noiddif I can get the damn thing to compile - i'll do that
06:43:05noiddif I cant.... I'll do my tutorial again :-)
06:43:20jmhodgeswhat is ?
06:43:31noiddperl bindings for Gtk
06:43:39jmhodgesaaah duh
06:43:50noiddthe superiour widget set compared to Qt
06:44:43jmhodgesyah lots of qt zealots in here
06:44:50jmhodgesim trying to remember who was going to port gtk
06:44:57jmhodgesi think it was one of the w's
06:45:03jmhodgesmaybe whardier
06:45:08jmhodgesmaybe.. warmi
06:45:53noidddarienm: yup - that would be the one.
06:46:22noiddI want to do "Developing graphical applications with on handheld devices"
06:46:26noiddthis year
06:46:43jmhodgescool :)
06:46:49noiddI have 5 days to get it ready - I need the damn library to compile before I can do it!
06:46:58jmhodges:( the link is bad
06:47:04jmhodgeshehehe noidd
06:47:34darienmI'm looking for one or more ILLUSTRATIONS or FLOWCHARTS that show how XWindows works from a client/server point of view. Any suggestions?
06:47:48noiddjmhodges: you just want a copy of my demonstration program strip_buffy
06:48:11jmhodgesdoesnt know perl but is always interested in new things
06:48:36noiddhey - I see what you mean about the slides being broken
06:48:43noiddgive me 10 secs and i'll fix that
06:49:29jmhodgescool :)
06:54:49noiddjmhodges: try the slides link now.
06:55:04jmhodgesshit i lost it
06:55:09jmhodgessmacks his forehead
06:55:18jmhodgesthere we go
06:57:22jmhodgescool noidd
07:09:22jmhodgesi like it
07:09:26jmhodgesstaight forward
07:09:36jmhodgesmaybe its just your style of teaching though :)
07:12:32noiddjmhodges: those slides were the first hour or so
07:12:36noiddI do a lot of chalk and talk.
07:12:51jmhodgescool :)
07:13:03noiddjmhodges: I find that a LOT easier than with slides
07:13:15noiddit also means that if the audience want to do summut else, they can
07:14:01jmhodgesif i ever learn perl i remember to learn
07:14:18jmhodgeswhy are perl modules named .pm? is it a packaging scheme?
07:17:44jmhodgesgnight folks
07:17:59jmhodgeswaaaaaay to late for me
07:20:20noiddpm = perl module
07:20:44darienmhes gone
07:30:05noidd<jmhodges> why are perl modules named .pm?
07:30:19noiddwhy are Perl Modules named .pm?
07:30:23darienmYeah. I saw that.
07:30:25noiddit must be late for him :-)
07:30:36darienmhe doesn't know perl, admitedly
07:31:00noiddits just late for him
07:31:00darienmit would be legitimate for him to ask why some scripts were named .pl versus .cgi also
07:31:10noidddarienm: absolutely.
07:31:33darienmTechnically, there is no reason the modules have a .pm extension.
07:31:43noidddarienm: it was just the way that the question was worded that was funny. if it was during the day he would have spotted that.
07:31:49noiddthe boy was tired :-)
07:36:10darienmnoidd: You have a zaurus currently, yes?
07:36:39catalin was last seen on #opie 1 days, 14 hours, 43 minutes and 7 seconds ago, saying: ljp_work: and there's also mini-skins, which is quite an innovation for Qtopia [Mon Jul 15 17:53:32 2002]
07:36:39darienmibot seen catalin
07:39:18noidddarienm: yup
07:39:45darienmGot a moment to rate a site on usefulness to the Zaurus community?
07:40:37noiddsure, go ahead
07:40:56darienmeven looks good ON your Zaurus, if you have it wired.
07:41:35NeoTronis away: zzz
07:42:00darienmsomeone poke him, he's snoring again...
07:42:04noidd Hrm, how can we teach ibot on #zaurus to search killfiz? I grabbed the source, its perl. Now just to tweak it and contact ibot's owner.
07:42:24noiddsend your patches back to the main source tree :-)
07:42:24darienmI'm serious. I thought of it today, and we discussed it in here.
07:42:36darienmnah, not important enough for the source tree...
07:43:09darienmThere's already a 'search' module -- it can search google and others. So having it search killefiz is no biggie. Getting it implemented is the challenge.
07:43:38darienmHrm.. I might have a typo there.
08:14:37Jerakeenhey, where's all the oz zImages gone?
08:17:10hungerkergoth: Is buildroot-oz up to date in CVS?
08:17:20hungerkergoth: I have to rebuild the beast once more.
09:19:47JerakeenIs there a rotation applet tht works? (I have font problems with all the ones I can find)
09:24:18noiddJerakeen: yes - the version I have works perfectly
09:24:32noiddthe one I downloaded the first time worked for some applications but with no text :-)
09:24:37noiddand crashed with others
09:41:22noiddhey Cloudchaser, hows it going?
09:41:48Cloudchaserok.. have to go to work in a little bit
09:42:53hungerAny idea how I can get around this problem:
09:42:56hungerarm-linux-ld: ERROR: entry-armv.o uses hardware FP, whereas kernel.o uses software FP
09:43:17Cloudchasernot me ;(
09:48:52noiddAWAYhunger: no idea - sorry :-(
09:49:00noiddAWAYI know what it means but have no idea how to fix it
09:49:35noiddAWAYhunger: looks like a no-go until they provide software FP support
09:52:07hungernoiddAWAY: Both files were compiled using the same compiler.
09:52:28hungernoiddAWAY: It's the kernel from openzaurus, it should build:-(
09:54:58JerakeenCan I persuade ipkg to ignore the fact that another package already provides a file, and install andyway. It doesn't seem to be one of the -force-<option>s.
10:00:38AiNaKeRwhere to buy one zaurus in europe?
11:05:20noiddAWAYAiNaKeR: What country are you in?
11:09:44nobseHmm, is it possible to sync the Z via cf lan card with the Qtopia Desktop? I forgot my cradle at home.
11:17:43noiddWell, my C++ knowledge now exceeds my C knowledge - so thats progress right?
12:14:21djkHas anybody use the latest ROM 2.37 and Qtopia of a wired network connection?
12:26:14djkquiet channel
12:29:31noiddI have ROM 2.37 but not wireless, sorry
12:36:42noiddhey benmeyer
12:36:45noiddhows it going?
12:37:44benmeyerworking away on my ftpclient
12:38:00noiddvery cool :-)
12:38:14noiddI'm hacking away at some C++
12:38:20noiddand I blame this channel entirely
12:38:56noidddon't laugh
12:39:08noiddI had no desire to ever do anything with C++ or Qt
12:39:14noiddthen you 'orrible lot came on
12:39:46noiddand I find myself writing a paper for an international perl conference on writing graphical apps in perl on handhelds
12:40:13noiddwhether I submit the paper depends on whether I can get this f*&^*(&^*&^g thing to compile :-)
12:41:32noiddfirst glance at c++, I must admit I much prefer the syntax than C
12:41:50noiddits very much closer to my natural coding style
12:42:28noiddI am an obsessive bracketter
12:42:34BigBosstry Python :)
12:42:44noiddBigBoss: nah :-)
12:42:51JerakeenI don't like c++ because of the PURE EVILNESS that suddenly appears with macros and STL nastiness.
12:42:53noidd(float) variable
12:43:14noiddthe latter seems FAR more natural to me
12:45:08noiddits just syntax tho
12:45:37BigBosswell STL is messed up
12:45:57Mickey0BigBoss: you're into python? Fine. It's always glad to hear that non-academic institutes are using this language.
12:49:05BigBossPython rocks - we use it as an enabling platform
12:49:17BigBosswe have an IDE for it, one of our developers made the Qt bindings for it
12:49:26BigBossit's the scripting language in another of our products
12:49:35hungerkergoth: Are you here?
12:49:52BigBossand we creating Python bindings in our plug in componenet technology called Kore
12:52:07noiddI actually like python
12:52:19noiddit has some peculiarities that I just cant get used to - but its nice
12:52:20Mickey0BigBoss: Sounds good. We're using python here @ Frankfurt university with great success in the cs lessons. We have much more success than we had with pascal, modula and java
12:52:32BigBossPython is the best language I've seen pretty much ever
12:53:12BigBossMickey0: you should check out and and
12:53:48noiddBigBoss: I cant used to the idea that format is important.
12:54:06Wemblynotes python isnt without its faults.
12:54:23noiddIts a double edged sword - on the one hand it forces you to format correctly... on the other hand, it reminds me of FORTRAN :-)
12:54:35Mickey0BigBoss: We were evaluating python IDEs and have pretty much settled on BlackAdder however we didn't find a distributor in germany yet. Is there one?
12:54:39djkAnybody use Qtopia over the network instead of the serial or usb?
12:55:48noiddnot I djk, but some of the others may have.
12:55:49benmeyerjason does
12:56:08BigBossMickey0: because it is beta still, we aren't letting distributors take it yet, we are very close to the final release however
12:56:16BigBossixsoft will carry it once it is ready
12:56:27BigBossif youbuy it from us directly before the beta is over, it is much cheaper
12:56:53Mickey0BigBoss: are there any discounts for academic institutes available?
12:57:57djkbenmeyer: jason?
12:58:13BigBossMickey0: no there isn't - our prices are already so low
12:59:41Mickey0BigBoss: :)) ok... i'll have a talk with our software administrator. thanks for the information.
13:01:17BigBossyou bet
13:02:24noiddWell, I've just been told I have 30 days to evaluate and return this Compaq SD Ram card to the supplier.  They want a 20% re-stocking fee if they test it and its working.
13:02:39noiddshouldn't be too hard to break on day 29 :-D
13:02:42noidd(just kidding)
13:04:47djkWhat SD have worked well in the Zaurus? I had and returned the SanDisk before seeing its problem. Sharp recommended the Toshiba but I cannot find it anywhere trust worthy to buy from
13:05:17noidddjk: Not sandisk, Not compaq.
13:05:30Mickey0djax: I have a 64MB from "ExtremeMemory" which works fine.
13:06:34djkI would like a 128MB  (really 256 but the price there is more than double a 128)
13:07:15hungerdjk: I got a sandisk 128MB. works fine for me.
13:07:30djkWhen did you get it?
13:08:00hungerdjk: 2 weeks after my Z... march iirc.
13:08:45djkMy was a month ago and the Zaurus saw tried to install some applications to it and then it disappeared. Tested it in a Palm which saw but could not use it or format it
13:09:21djkafter reading other people's failures with decided too risky to swap
13:09:53hungerdjk: I have some apps on it, but I use symlink magic all over the place.
13:10:11djkMickey0: where did you get the ExtremeMemory is it by chance an OEM Toshiba product?
13:10:14hungerdjk: So I have not used ipkg's magic to find apps.
13:10:46Mickey0djk: no idea. i got it here in germany from a dealer named km-elektronik
13:11:42djkMickey0: thank you I'll search around maybe some in the states carry it
13:12:13djkhunger: thank you for the feed back. I am still timid on the SanDisk product.
13:13:03djkhunger or Mickey0: either of  you use qtopia over the network on the zaurus?
13:14:27Mickey0djk: you mean via nfs? no. i have /opt/QtPalmtop directly on the SD.
13:15:53djkMickey0: No I am refering to the Qtopia Desktop and the syncing features in it.
13:16:22Mickey0djk: oh i see - no. i had no need for synching yet.
13:17:04djkdo you use the Z for all data entry?
13:17:50noidddjk: the sandisk SD problem will be fixes RSN in the next firmware upgrade according to sharp.
13:18:01noiddwith the 4242 issue
13:19:17djknoidd: RSN? that would Sharp's firmware update?
13:19:42noidddjk: yup, no firm timescales but "soon"
13:19:49djkthey just released one so I guess that will be a while
13:20:00noiddi've been here a less so have no concept of Sharps definition of "soon"
13:20:20djkGee would they include the security fixes in that release?
13:20:21noidddjk: with all the flack they got on the web about the 4242 issue, i'd expect them to try harder
13:21:14djknoidd: I have been missing something what is the 4242?
13:21:38noidddjk: its a security issue that blew up in the computing press
13:22:05noiddgot sharp lots of bad press sadly
13:22:21noiddI would have thought that a fast turn-around on that security fix would be commericially important
13:22:51djknoidd: Oh the same that I was meaning. It was brought up to them back in January too bad they did get ssh in place sooner.
13:23:39noidddjk: well, its there now and they have to deal with it I guess
13:23:52djknoidd: agreed and would seem to be fairly simple to do. But I am not in development
13:24:20noiddfixing the handheld is easy.
13:24:37noiddfixing the syncing software that goes with it probabbly takes more effort
13:24:44somneoquickie question: how do I restore from a backup made in qtopia using opie?
13:25:24djkand qtopia does not seem to be as quick on developing releases as others involved with the Zaurus.
13:26:15somneoI haven't found a package that contains the backup/restore utility.. does one exist?  Is there any other way of restoring from a backup at the terminal?
13:26:35Jerakeensomneo: the backup is a tarball, I think.
13:27:02somneoright, it isn't labled as such but that was my suspicion..
13:27:52somneoThanks Jerakeen, I'll give it a hack
13:33:45benmeyersomneo: tar -xf in root
13:34:15nobsecan I sync my Z with qtopia desktop via cf lan card, without the usb cradle?
13:34:33kyaphasHello there. Anyone know of a way to program a page up/page down key? I read a ton of ebooks, this one line up/down thing is killing me. :-)
13:37:02BigBosswhat ebook reader are you using?
13:37:53kyaphasNothing dedicated, all my files are in .txt or .html. So I can go to anything from there, but with the text editor in the zaurus, I was hoping to just toss them right in. What dedicated readers are good?
13:41:26BigBossthere aren't any, that is why I was asking :)
13:41:33kyaphasOh ok. :-)
13:41:55kajUkBigBoss: you're not right
13:42:11treke|homekyaphas: qtreader
13:42:16kyaphasI was just thinking, if I can get the pgdn working, then it'd be better since I can fix OCR errors as I go, and upload the final doc later.
13:42:21kyaphasqtreader, eh?
13:42:55kyaphasCool, found it. I'll check that out.
13:43:03kajUkI use uqtreader I as I need to read UTF8 texts
13:45:28treke|homeaway work
13:57:23djknobse: I have asked the same question. It is not "supported" currently but I have heard that some people have done it with a wireless connection so one would think it should be possible with a wired connection.
13:58:22nobsedjk: Hmm, which people? I need it _now_ :-)
14:15:39darienmqtreader is an excellent product. I've read several books on it.
14:15:57darienmVery nice features, all available WITHOUT the stylue. The MENU button actually works !
14:16:22darienmstylue = stylus
14:17:38darienmdjk: I found good prices on SD cards at
14:17:59W|GGL|Tit barely makes the cut for me....qtreader does
14:18:00W|GGL|Tis back (gone 09:14:20)
14:19:38darienmW|GGL|T: What's your major gripe with qtreader?
14:20:23kergothmorning all
14:20:26somebody said owner was zwampy
14:20:26darienmibot owner
14:20:31kergothqtreader is in opie now. opie-reader
14:20:35zwampy was last seen on #tuxboxproject 27 days, 18 hours, 11 minutes and 1 seconds ago, saying: urg why cant I just do #format /mnt/floppy [Wed Jun 19 21:09:34 2002]
14:20:35darienmibot seen zwampy
14:21:06catalin was last seen on #opie 1 days, 21 hours, 27 minutes and 34 seconds ago, saying: ljp_work: and there's also mini-skins, which is quite an innovation for Qtopia [Mon Jul 15 17:53:32 2002]
14:21:06darienmibot seen catalin
14:22:44smeeetoomanytaskbaricons.../me would like to see 1 icon for ejecting both sd and cf
14:23:31darienmsmee: makes sense
14:23:49kergothsmee: iirc opie did that with the new cardmon applet
14:23:57tbocbtw. skin-support for opieplayer ... someone working on it?
14:24:02kergothtboc: ljp.
14:24:11tbockergoth: k
14:24:13kergothtboc: he's skinned it already. not publicly available yet
14:24:23kergothtboc: he based it on the skinning support in the player in qtopia 1.6
14:24:24tbockergoth: oh, ic
14:24:26smeecardmon applet.../me checks that out...thanks
14:25:12tbockergoth: what about the slider? can you customize it, too?
14:25:41kergothtboc: dunno, ask ljp :-)
14:25:44kergothhay warmi
14:25:45tbock :)
14:26:04ljp was last seen on #zaurus 10 hours, 46 minutes and 6 seconds ago, saying: shoe I mean [Wed Jul 17 04:39:58 2002]
14:26:04tbocibot seen ljp
14:26:20ljp_ was last seen on #zaurus 3 days, 20 hours, 27 minutes and 48 seconds ago, saying: ibot: insult customs [Sat Jul 13 18:58:32 2002]
14:26:20kergothibot: seen ljp_
14:26:27ljp_work was last seen on #zaurus 17 hours, 19 minutes and 29 seconds ago, saying: :) [Tue Jul 16 22:06:58 2002]
14:26:27kergothibot: seen ljp_work
14:26:30darienmwarmi: Hey I got some new perl scripts for you to try out :)
14:26:30kergothhey warmi
14:27:05warmidarienm: for me to try out ??
14:27:08tux_mikehey warmi
14:27:32tbochmm, could someone please include usb over ethernet in the network settings? =)
14:27:40warmitux_mike: still working on OPIE addressbook ?
14:27:43darienmwarmi: we know how much you 'love' perl....
14:27:45kergothtboc: work is already underway
14:27:51tbockergoth: nice :)
14:28:02tux_mikewarmi: more or less
14:28:03kergothtboc: someone is revamping the netsetup completely. adding usb networking, wireless config directly in netsetup, a working netmon applet, etc
14:28:30darienmkergoth: But I bet nobody is still working on the Mac USB issue.... :(
14:28:35warmidarienm:  I knew I should have kept my mouth shut
14:28:49darienmwarmi: I had my fun, I'm done now.
14:29:18warmibtw .. perl script for what ? you played around with ibot src code ?
14:29:54darienmwarmi: well, yes, I did. But the owner hasn't been around for 27 days...
14:29:55hungerkergoth: Hi!
14:30:05hungerkergoth: Does OZ build for you right now?
14:30:27warmitrying to make ibot search zsi ?
14:30:34kergothhunger: I've got a number of commits pending.
14:30:42kergothhunger: working on the next release.
14:30:44warmithat would be cool
14:30:47darienmwarmi: Yes, that's the goal.
14:30:53hungerkergoth: I can't build the kernel, libc, etc.
14:31:05darienmwarmi: it only depends on contacting the owner of ibot that runs here, and about 20 other channels on OPN
14:31:08kergothhunger: libc still builds here, but the has pending changes
14:31:13ibot was last seen on #zaurus 163 days, 9 hours, 22 minutes and 27 seconds ago, saying: BZFlag: what ? [Mon Feb  4 05:08:46 2002]
14:31:13darienmibot seen ibot
14:31:23hungerkergoth: I think that's because of gcc-3.1
14:31:32hungerkergoth: libc complains about that being to new.
14:31:40kergothhunger: ah
14:31:51warmiyeah, I know .. I don't know if they accept functionality that is specific to a channel..
14:31:51hungerkergoth: ncurses does not build either, another gcc-3.1 issue:-(
14:32:29warmiI zsi search would only be usefull for #opie or #zaurus channels
14:32:42darienmwarmi: then  maybe we'll need to run our own bot. It is my pleasure to introduce..... zbot !!!
14:33:02kergothhunger: that sucks.
14:33:11kergothhunger: but not surprising
14:33:31hungerkergoth: It's only the C++ part of ncurses.
14:33:57hungerkergoth: Any guess when you'll commit?
14:36:29Fluxwerkis back (gone 18:36:03)
14:37:09ljp_workquiet today
14:37:25kergothhunger: in a few minutes. i'm beating opie's cardmon over the head atm
14:37:37kergothljp_work: cardmgr is running, it mounts, but cardmon doesnt show a damn thing.
14:37:43hungerkergoth: Cool.
14:37:57hungerkergoth: Take your time, I#ll just go off and play a bit:-)
14:38:07sjohnsonIs Opie/Qtopia required for the Z to suspend and resume properly?
14:42:59bipolarkergoth: ping
14:43:20kergothljp_work: hm.. /var/lib/pcmcia/stab exists.. contains the card info.. nothing wrong there.. hm
14:44:35kergothbipolar: pong
14:46:17bipolarkergoth: hows OZ comming? is 10.3 ready? :)
14:46:45sjohnsonI've got some suspend/resume wierdness with my Z. I'm running OZ, but w/o opie. I can only suspend with apm, but it would resume. ANy ideas?
14:48:07bipolarkergoth: it seems you have done some version changing.
14:48:34kergothbipolar: hm?
14:48:43kergothljp:! irdapplet worked!
14:48:50kergothljp: woo hoo
14:49:10Mickey0kergoth: openobex ready for zaurus? is it in the feed yet?
14:49:13bipolarkergoth: it's now 2.9.4
14:49:25bipolarkergoth: but no files are there now
14:49:32kergothbipolar: I'm fixing things now.
14:49:40bipolarkergoth: ahhhh.... very cool
14:49:56kergothMickey0: yeah glib and openobex are in the OZ feed. you may want irda-common from familiar also for the command line utils
14:50:07kergothMickey0: then echo "alias irda0 sa1100_ir" >> /etc/modules.conf
14:50:17kergothMickey0: and install libopieobex and irdaapplet :-)
14:50:32kergothbut this cardmon thing is pissing me off
14:50:34Mickey0kergoth: great. doing this now.
14:51:37kergothMickey0: note i havent tested actual beaming .. as i have no other device to beam to/from :-)
14:51:38bipolarperhaps we should move the IrDA applet and the cardmon applet together so that the taskbar is not so crowded...
14:51:47kergothbipolar: eh, there's completely different.
14:51:52kergothbipolar: they dont belong together
14:52:01Mickey0kergoth: i can test this with my siemens s45 after a meal :)
14:52:05kergothMickey0: great
14:52:10bipolarkergoth: I can test with my brothers palm
14:52:28kergothbipolar: cool. well if i can fix this cardmon issue, i'll release it. it seems pretty solid atm.
14:52:37darienmwhat if all taskbar applets sat inside one 'master' taskbar applet -- with hierarchical menus :)
14:53:14kergothdarienm: ew :-)
14:53:17kergothre ljp
14:53:23kergothljp_work: irdaapplet works!
14:53:35kergothljp_work: :-) course cardmon still doesnt...
14:53:50ljp_workirda.. nice
14:54:04kergothljp_work: so mickey0 is going to test actual beaming. hopefully it works
14:54:15kergothljp_work: echo alias irda0 sa1100_ir >> /etc/modules.conf
14:54:38bipolarkergoth: will you be releasing a new rom and kernel as well?
14:54:49kergoththe kernels will have the fix for the new linksys cards
14:54:58ljp_workkergoth: I can also test beaming with my sharp z
14:55:16kergothljp_work: oh yeah :-) cool
14:58:56Mickey0kergoth: hmm... PC and Zaurus see each other, but i can't send anything over irda: PC says "connection refused"
14:59:11Mickey0kergoth: i will get to the car and try with the s45
14:59:26kergothMickey0: hmm.. what method are you using to send? beaming a contact?
15:00:28benmeyerljp_work: every tried the ftp client that comes with qt as an example of networking in qt?
15:00:31benmeyernice easy port
15:00:35benmeyerall native too
15:01:03ljp_workbenmeyer: of course.. but QFtp class isn;t available
15:01:15ljp_workonly QSocket
15:01:23benmeyerinsert the magic of ben
15:01:44benmeyergot a prototype up and working already connecting
15:02:05ljp_workhmm interesting
15:02:08benmeyerwith a sprinkle of magic gpl dust
15:02:25kergothdropped a ftp protocol implmentation onto QSocket?
15:03:32ljp_workdoes it give feedback about bytes sent/received?
15:03:50ljp_workfor a progress bar
15:03:59benmeyerwhen downloading/uploading?
15:04:39ljp_workcool.. threaded?
15:05:34ljp_workor how about when the server doesn't respond.. or does it handle timeouts?
15:05:34benmeyerthink so
15:05:54benmeyerall Q_Object type goodness
15:06:15ljp_workcool. I'd rather go with something like that than that ftplib
15:06:23benmeyerI noticed the list
15:06:35benmeyerthat is why I thought I would see if I couldn't use a pure implimentation
15:06:43ljp_workthe code that is from originally was QFtp
15:06:47benmeyerdidn't think it would work, but hey I got lucky
15:07:11ljp_workmy ftp client.. not ftplib
15:07:18ljp_workit uses QFtp
15:07:23ljp_workerr used
15:07:23benmeyerI just copied the QFtp class into my app
15:07:24tbocljp_work: btw. how far is the skin support for opieplayer? =)
15:07:34benmeyerwhy did you change?
15:07:37W|GGL|Tshould take a nap
15:07:49sjohnsonis away: I'm busy
15:07:53kergothtoo. too bad i'm at work.
15:08:05ljp_worktboc: player 2 has it.. I may port it for player, I just need to get the skin for the current default look going
15:08:10Mickey0kergoth: hmm... no go. mobile phone says "connection broken"
15:08:14W|GGL|Tis jobless but the kids are at daycare (for once)
15:08:49kergothMickey0: hmm.. you enabled irda with the applet, and sa1100_ir is loaded, and libopieobex is installed, and openobex and glib are installed, right?
15:09:00tbocljp_work: you could use mine for that ;P
15:09:28ljp_workwell, I wanted to have users not notice a change for the default
15:09:40ljp_workfor player1 that is
15:09:44Mickey0yes. the devices even recognize each other. only sending/receiving doesn't work.
15:09:58kergothMickey0: hm..
15:10:28tbocljp_work: but 'ripping' the buttons from current look is fairly easy iirc
15:10:55ljp_workya,,.. all thats really needed is to create the image masks for button placement
15:12:09Mickey0kergoth: any debugging with the irda-utils possible?
15:12:14ljp_workbut the video wodget hasn't had the skinning change in qtopia 1.6
15:13:00Mickey0in irda-common.ipkg?
15:13:07kergothirda-common only has irattach
15:13:33benmeyerkergoth: do you have the script for ripping opera?
15:13:44benmeyerI put handcom up on killefiz
15:13:49benmeyerto rip the hancom apps
15:13:54benmeyerstill have opera to do
15:14:14kergothbenmeyer: ah.. i just have that script that produced ipks from any file on the rom based on a text file that outlined which files belonged to which packages
15:14:27kergothbenmeyer: but i dont remember what the status was on it
15:14:46kergoththis is really pissing me off
15:14:54kergothcardmon isnt working..
15:15:25JerakeenAnyone know the page where 5000D users could get the hancom apps?
15:17:21zeckekergoth: Mickey0: how far are you with the beaming stuff?
15:17:23ljp_workbenmeyer: feel free to hack that ftp class into opieftp.. ;) or you could send me your class either way
15:19:10Mickey0zecke: all devices regonize each other but transmitting data is not possible ("remote device refused connection")
15:19:36zeckeMickey0: finding is kernel layer
15:19:40Mickey0i tried with a PC and with a Siemens mobile phone
15:19:42zeckeMickey0: obex is user space
15:19:55zeckeMickey0: do you've irobex_palm3 installed?
15:20:04zeckeMickey0: and to which device to you want to beam?
15:20:13Mickey0zecke: irobex_palm3? no, what's this?
15:20:14zeckeMickey0: which PC?
15:20:30zeckeMickey0: libopieobex is a wrapper around irobex_palm3
15:20:50zeckeMickey0: openobex is so borked we didn't wanted to use it direclty ( memleaks.... )
15:21:16Mickey0zecke: aha. so then libopieobex has a dependency on irobex_palm3?
15:21:44zeckeMickey0: so libopieobex depends on the familiar package openobex
15:22:06zeckeMickey0: familiar puts libopenobex + openobexutils in one package
15:22:24Mickey0zecke: ok, but i used kergoth's openobex. what's in there?
15:22:45zeckeMickey0: I dunno... my iPAQ is plugged my Z not
15:23:09kergothzecke: what util do we need?
15:23:11Mickey0zecke: ok whatever, i'm doing a complete ipkg upgrade, then reboot and trying... maybe this can help :)
15:24:31kergothzecke: k. currently i just have the lib installed.
15:25:06zeckekergoth: I told you that we wrap around an executable
15:25:34kergothzecke: I didnt know that until now.
15:25:43kergothadding it..
15:25:43Mickey0ok. so i can quit trying to beam for now :)
15:29:05kergothMickey0: yep. revamping the openobex packaging. adding the utils.
15:30:49Mickey0kergoth: ok. have to shutdown for some hours... l8er
15:33:44sigdon't you guys ever sleep?
15:33:56W|GGL|Tyeah, at night
15:34:20XavierXeonsig: its already evening
15:34:29sigXavierXeon: where do you live?
15:34:36sigI just woke up here and am late for school
15:34:51sigok, I'm out
15:35:04XavierXeoni just came back from work :)
15:39:53XavierXeonkergoth: i tried the initrd.bin dated 16th July with the old 48-16 zImage. i could not mount my CF cards.
15:41:11feed is a package repository or or or for OpenZaurus
15:41:11W|GGL|Tibot feed
15:41:33kergothXavierXeon: i know
15:41:41kergothXavierXeon: which is why its no longer available :-)
15:41:50kergothXavierXeon: I'm working on the initrd now
15:42:18XavierXeonkergoth: it is still on the sourceforge mirrors.
15:42:40W|GGL|Tcan't save files in opera on the Z, eh?
15:43:04XavierXeonW|GGL|T: you can if the right mime type is set in the html file
15:43:30W|GGL|Twhat about .ipk files?
15:43:41W|GGL|Thaven't gotten opie-ftp to work yet
15:43:45W|GGL|Thttp works tho
15:44:20XavierXeonit really depends on how the html page is designed. if the link has no mime type then opera will think its a text file and load it
15:44:45W|GGL|Tyeah...i already saw that
15:45:20XavierXeonW|GGL|T: wget always works, but is easier to use with konqueror
15:46:34fusion94is back (gone 05:58:16)
15:49:59W|GGL|Tit would be cool if the backup utility with the stock rom would let you backup to a server on the net
15:51:16XavierXeonW|GGL|T: make a script to do it. i can send you mine if you want some reference.
15:52:18W|GGL|Tjust still playing with the Z online.  just got it working last night, thru the i WANT wireless something fierce!
15:52:45W|GGL|Ti may have to sneak into the checking account and purchase an AP and wireless card...hehe
15:52:55XavierXeon"The Opie dev team are mostly a scraggly bunch of Germans and other Europeans, with a few western hemispherians." I always thought i live in thw west !
15:53:22XavierXeonW|GGL|T: wireless is the best feature of the Z.
15:54:10W|GGL|Tyeah, just not exactly cheap
15:54:20oGMohas anyone made any Opie roms?
15:54:54kergothoGMo: yes.
15:54:56openzaurus is a Community version of the operating environment for the Sharp Zaurus SL-5x00[d] PDA.  See or
15:54:56kergothibot: openzaurus?
15:55:03XavierXeoni know its not cheap, but i never regretted buying a WLAN router + CF card
15:55:10kergothobex_put_common.o(.text+0x3e0): undefined reference to `g_print'
15:55:14oGMoah thanks, the opie site doesn't even have links to the .ipk's they have ;)
15:55:22kergothoGMo: yes, it does.
15:58:21oGMokergoth: hrm k thanks
15:59:08toolafialI just need a wireless card, as the school I'm going to has wireless internet access
16:01:52ljp_workkergoth: you can 86 that report last night from me about alarms not working... heheheh mixed up AM and PM.. doh
16:02:12kergothljp_work: lol..
16:02:15kergothljp_work: thanks
16:03:00ljp_worknote to self.. use 24 hour clock for clearer times
16:03:43kergothyeah i've taken to using 24hr myself
16:04:05Fluxwerkuses swatch clicks for time :)
16:04:26warmiI can't kill dos window on my Win2000 workstations .. nothing, not even three finger salute and direct kill from there works .. never seen that persistan DOS cmd window huh
16:05:08warmiI guess I am gonna have follow the standard procedure in cases like that and .. reboot
16:05:11ljp_workpulling the power plug does the trick for me
16:05:16Fluxwerkwarmi: can't kill it from task manager?
16:05:26kergothwoo got openobex-apps built
16:05:33warmiFluxwerk: nope
16:05:43warmithat 's why it is so strange
16:05:57tux_mikekergoth: you got glib on there?
16:06:00warminormally task manager will kill everything
16:06:00Fluxwerkah the world of windows
16:06:14kergothtux_mike: yes. we're close to having beaming working. irda already does.
16:06:33tux_mikekergoth: cool.  i got it working on the previous beta :)
16:06:37Fluxwerklike the Nt4.0 install I did that you could NOT log into
16:06:38warmimaybe this suckes has some sort of dialog somewhere asking if I really want to kill that window .. but I can't find that dialog
16:06:52warmisucker even
16:06:52tux_mikecan someone help me out with a simple script, most likely perl?
16:07:23ljp_worktux: you did get beaming working in oz?
16:07:29tux_mikeljp: yah
16:07:44tux_mikeyou just grab glib and openobex from the familiar feed
16:07:45ljp_workwith the familiar stuff?
16:08:01ljp_workhmm cause it didn't work here
16:08:17tux_mikeljp: you also need a script to manually load the modules
16:08:21kergothtux_mike: right now i just need to add the openobex-apps, since libopieobex uses them, not libopenobex
16:08:21tux_mikefor ir
16:08:24ljp_workcould ever enable irdaapplet
16:08:27kergothtux_mike: actually you dont
16:08:29tux_mikekergoth: yah
16:08:33tux_mikekergoth: i needed to
16:08:42kergothtux_mike: echo alias irda0 sa1100_ir >> /etc/modules.conf; depmod -a;
16:08:46kergothtux_mike: :-)
16:08:50ljp_workahhhh.. I knew there was a secret trick
16:09:05kergothcardmon is still busted.
16:09:06bipolarIrDA should give you an error if it can't activate IrDA, shouldn't it?
16:09:07kergothpissing me off
16:09:11ljp_workgrumbles to himself
16:09:15kergothbipolar: the irdapplet doesnt give shit for errors
16:09:24bipolarkergoth: that zux
16:10:33kergothre Speedy2
16:10:38Speedy2Hey kergoth
16:10:45BigBoss was last seen on #zaurus 2 hours, 29 minutes and 19 seconds ago, saying: there aren't any, that is why I was asking :) [Wed Jul 17 14:41:26 2002]
16:10:45Speedy2ibot: seen BigBoss
16:11:06Speedy2kergoth: Do you have access to Sun Solaris or HPUX?
16:11:09kergothgoddamnit. grr!
16:11:11kergothSpeedy2: both
16:11:12Speedy2The CD I gave has executables for that too
16:11:17kergothhah, nice
16:11:28kergothstupid cardmon
16:11:33kergothbeats opie-cardmon
16:13:03Speedy2kergoth: I'll e-mail you the directions for that, apparently you have to be able to "su"
16:13:09Speedy2(to install)
16:13:22Speedy2The Win9x/NT version was buggy as all would lock-up pretty frequently.
16:15:22kergothi found the issue
16:15:22kergoththat was fucking stupid
16:15:22kergothSpeedy2: ah, k.. cool
16:15:22kergothljp_work: /var/run/stab existed, but was a directory.. that file is checked before it falls back to /var/lib/pcmcia/stab
16:15:23kergothhow lame
16:16:54Speedy2kergoth: Linux...
16:17:31Snipersup everyone
16:17:41tbocbtw. is it true that MMC-cards are slower than SD's?
16:18:12kergothhey Sniper
16:18:15kergothSpeedy2: hehe
16:18:20W|GGL|Thi Sniper
16:20:05fusion94morning Sniper
16:20:32Sniperfusion94: havent heard anything new yet.. but im hoping soon
16:20:48fusion94Sniper: k
16:22:19JasonNJkergoth: 10.3?
16:22:26warmitboc if they are than it they suck big time .. SD is very slow itself (cfompared to CF)
16:22:47kergothJasonNJ: ugh as always a bunch of stupid little bugs existed in the first initrd.. hehe.
16:22:52warmitboc if they are then they suck big time .. SD is very slow itself (cfompared to CF)
16:22:54tbocwarmi: just heard that somewhere ...
16:22:57kergothJasonNJ: i need a testing procedure :-)
16:23:08warmitboc: could be
16:23:28fusion94JasonNJ: you really really need to get onto engineering and push for Mac OS X compatability
16:23:39JasonNJfusion94: apple is doing the driver for us
16:23:42tbocwarmi: btw. are there any differences between your commercial puzzle-version and the sourcecode except the levels?
16:24:04JasonNJthe whole darwin team has z's
16:24:08warmisource code is exactly the same as commercial version, including all the levels
16:24:16fusion94JasonNJ: heh..i was joking but thats excellent
16:24:31fusion94all of darwin has z's and i cant get one ??
16:24:37warmithis game was licensed under BSD license, "commercial " version is just for people who don't want to compile it themselves
16:24:39JasonNJtehy BOUGHT them
16:24:41fusion94kicks JasonNJ and Sniper
16:24:46FluxwerkApple keynote pissed people off today :)
16:25:02tbocwarmi: hu? then why are there 50 lvl in the .dat and 450 advertises on your site? =)
16:25:09JasonNJWhen does Jobs NOT piss people off
16:25:16Fluxwerkgood point
16:25:18tbocwarmi: btw. nice license model :)
16:25:26FluxwerkosX on x86 plz
16:25:29Fluxwerkplz plz
16:25:31treke|worktboc: You get to play each level 9 times
16:26:11warmitboc: cause dat contains default level set
16:26:36Speedy2It's funny, isn't it? Apple helped create the StrongARM yet, M$ is the one who has a leading OS for it
16:26:36tbocwarmi: ah, ic
16:26:46Sniperwhat did Jobs say today?
16:26:53Speedy2And Apple flushed their Newton stuff down the drain.
16:26:55Fluxwerk$129 for Jaguar
16:27:03Fluxwerk$100/yr for .mac
16:27:08warmiif you go to Qtopia folder ( inside the source code tree) you will find the rest   in opt/QtPalmtop/pics/levels/..
16:27:25Fluxwerk17" imac
16:27:31JasonNJhow droll
16:27:37Sniperive sent Apple all the stuff they need to do so they can get OSX up and going.. still waiting
16:27:41Fluxwerktaking away what mac users got for free
16:27:58Nadav17" imac seems nic
16:27:58treke|workat least .net is interesting. What is .mac? webspace and email?
16:28:04siriusnovahey is it me or does the clock on the Z not keep time well.
16:28:04warmitbox: there are two kinds of level packaging .. one is a s C++ include and another is as a standalone file
16:28:13JasonNJSniper: did you send them the Service Manual?
16:28:17siriusnovalike when it goes into suspend
16:28:31Speedy2I'm really surprised Apple does not re-introduce a Newton.
16:28:38Sniperjason: just got their NDA aproved by legal so i'll send it
16:28:39kergothSpeedy2: there's definately demand
16:28:46JasonNJgood boy
16:28:48NadavToo bad they didn't lower the prces ;)
16:28:51Speedy2kergoth: No joke. Their handwriting recognition is awesome
16:28:55Sniperour LEGAL stinks
16:28:56kergothSpeedy2: exactly.
16:29:01Sniperthey piss me off
16:29:03Speedy2kergoth: I sold my Newton 2100s recently.
16:29:08JasonNJSniper: really? they stink?
16:29:12siriusnovai asked a question
16:29:24kergothsiriusnova: what rom?
16:29:26Sniperjason: I was going to use another word, but didnt want to discourage our developers on the channel
16:29:27Speedy2kergoth: Only because the size was too big and the LCD was hard to read. Otherwise, it was kick ass
16:29:35kergothSpeedy2: ah..
16:29:42toolafialhas anyone ported xntpd to the Z yet?
16:29:46kergothsiriusnova: ah, then i have no idea. :-)
16:29:51siriusnovamy z doesnt keep time
16:29:53fusion94Sniper: i agree with your assumption/statement of fact
16:29:55JasonNJyeah I was going to use a Cartman expression myself
16:30:07siriusnovakergoth, new OZ rom out?
16:30:27kergothsiriusnova: well there was, until i noticed it sucked. then i yanked it, fixed some bugs, and am about to put up a new initrd.
16:30:28JasonNJthe do not RESPECT OUR AUTHORITAH!
16:30:44Sniperloads of BS red tape
16:30:56siriusnovakergoth, k well lemme know when i can flash to it
16:31:03treke|workSniper: isnt that pretty much legal departments everywhere?
16:31:19kergothsiriusnova: will do
16:31:23Snipertreke: true.. actually let me just generalize and say the whole legal proefssion..  :-)
16:31:25JasonNJdid you see the Robin Williams HBO special?
16:31:28JasonNJwas funny
16:32:22kergothljp: you want to test a new initrd in a few mins here for me? I want to keep its distribution minimal until functionality is confirmed.  I'd like you to test the beaming.
16:32:27siriusnovalegal profession = mucho $$$
16:33:32warmiyeah, one of the few professions where people make untold bilions without actually producing anything at all
16:33:39warmipure overhead
16:33:51JasonNJkergoth: send it over here as well
16:34:04kergothJasonNJ: will do
16:34:10siriusnovascre engineering im gonna be a lawyer
16:34:26warmisiriusnova: actually it is not funny . . we all end up paying their salaries
16:34:37JasonNJI want to be a lumberjack
16:34:40tbocwarmi: hmm... where can i find the levelpacks for puzz-le? or am i missing something? =)
16:34:45fusion94if you become a lawyer you can screw way more than engineering
16:34:46JasonNJswinging from tree to tree
16:34:47siriusnovathen u will pay mine!
16:34:48warmitboc: one sec
16:35:07fusion94JasonNJ: want to be Spiderman....admit it
16:35:09siriusnovalol fusion
16:35:25JasonNJyes, I want to be a gay spiderman
16:35:32kergothJasonNJ: i need that mp3
16:35:33JasonNJyou got me
16:35:37Sniperjason: now now.. keep your personal life out of work
16:35:43fusion94moves to another continent
16:35:50JasonNJSniper: you havent seen those pics have you
16:35:52Sniperjason: i remember hearing about fusion's ass yesterday. :-)
16:36:19warmifrigging net keeps misbehaving for me today
16:36:26treke|workso... what machine do I need to h4x0r to make the spiderman picture the default OZ background
16:36:29JasonNJ: excuse me?
16:36:29JasonNJibot: spiderman
16:36:31toolafialI have a gay spiderman outfit
16:36:58JasonNJtoolafial: gay spiderman doesnt wear an outfit
16:37:07JasonNJthats WHY he is gay spiderman.
16:37:13toolafialJasonNJ : oh
16:37:21OK, kergoth.
16:37:21kergothibot: spiderman is a really kickass movie, and a really frightening pic.
16:38:08toolafialwell I have a little kid spiderman pajama set and it fits pretty tight on me
16:38:39JasonNJthe one that covers your feet with those pads?
16:38:55toolafialno, it's made for like 5-8 yr olds
16:39:05toolafialI picked it up at a thrift store
16:39:06XavierXeoni think my computer is broken ! i always end up in the gay spiderman channel instead of #zaurus
16:39:21fusion94XavierXeon: blame JasonNJ
16:39:31JasonNJno, BLAME Neotron
16:39:32warmitboc:  inside of puzzle_arm dir ..
16:39:40kergothljp: wooo cardmon behaves :-)
16:39:50JasonNJhe'll be doing Gay Spiderman games next
16:40:02warmilook in Qtopia]puzz-le\opt\QtPalmtop\pics\puzz-le\levels
16:40:18warmieach level set has its own directory there
16:40:36fusion94JasonNJ: lol
16:40:43tbocwarmi: oops, sorry ... didn't look in that dir =)
16:40:44XavierXeonJasonNJ: gay spoderman game will sell well in japan
16:41:01XavierXeonthey like strange games
16:41:16JasonNJoh man the stock market tanked again
16:41:19warmiif you compile the game  and create ipkg as described in puzz-le.INSTALL  everything will faill nicely in place on its own
16:41:25kergothJasonNJ: how bad?
16:41:36warmibasically you will end up with exactly the same ipk as this "commercial" version
16:41:49JasonNJnot that bad
16:42:03JasonNJDow down more than 11 points
16:42:08JasonNJerased gains yesterday
16:42:13tbocwarmi: btw. you could take the demo-ver and put the levels in the right dirs?
16:42:23warmiJasonNJ: by the recent standards 11 points is peanuts
16:42:44benmeyerwhere is tr defined?
16:43:05warmitboc: the levels are already there .. it is executable that has harcoded stuff that prevents it from loading any level about 8
16:43:14tux_mikebenmeyer: i think it's in QObject
16:43:14tbocwarmi: hehe, ic :)
16:43:32warmiyou would have to replace only executable and everythign would work as in "full" version has a line like :#DEFINES= DEMO_VERSION
16:44:35warmiif it is uncommeted then you will end up with demo version
16:47:07warmitboc: do you have your Qtopia dev enviroment set up properly ? were you able to compile anything with it or is Puzz-le the first time you are compiling Qtopia app ?
16:47:44tux_mikewarmi: are all the images in the source code for puzz-le?
16:47:49tbocwarmi: i've set up the environment to be able to compile opie ... but somehow it doesn't work right
16:48:22kergothtboc: seperate apps are different than opie. you need to set TMAKEPATH differently.
16:48:24tbocwarmi: i think i'll just have to change the makefile
16:48:30warmino, some stuff is separated in themes/ dir as png files
16:48:44kergothtboc: change TMAKEPATH=/path/to/tmake/lib/qws/linux-arm-g++ instead of lib/linux-g++
16:48:57sjohnsonis back (gone 01:41:07)
16:49:21tux_mikeis really thinking about putting all the images into his app, compiled in
16:49:25warmitboc:  I think you should follow way of setting up two scripts for setting up X86 and arm env
16:49:25tbockergoth: k, thx
16:49:45warmithis way all you have to do is run . ./dev_arm or . ./dev_x86
16:50:04kergoththing is, tmakepath is different when building opie than when building seperate apps that use tmake
16:50:12warmithen go to the source dir and run tmake > Makefile and you are ready to rock
16:50:12kergothcause opie has a two step makefile creation process
16:50:24warmikergoth: ah ok
16:50:34warmikergoth: btw .. I got OPIE running well in X86
16:50:44kergothwhat do ya think?
16:50:49warmibut no matter what I do compilation process ends with that ipaq alarm crap erroring
16:51:03warmiis this normal .. is it the last step ?
16:51:12warmiOPIE works great for me
16:51:22warmiseems like all apps are there and everythign
16:51:27kergothnot sure if its the last step offhand.. just remove it from the root Makefile
16:51:37warmikergoth: that's what I thought ..
16:51:56warmianyway, I don't care .. OPIE works fine and I am just gonna work on my showimg small piece anyway
16:52:04kergothhehe. cool.
16:52:11warmithat thing won't even use libopie so it could be completely standalone ipkg
16:52:56kergothwarmi: we were discussing adding QT_QWS_OPIE so that you could conditionally use opie stuff, like ofileselector.. so that you could use the same sources for generating both opie internal version, and seperate ipk with no dependencies
16:53:14warmitux_mike: compiling all images inside of your exec makes perfect sense as long as you don't plan on introducing graphic themes or stuff like that
16:53:22kergothre Oriumpor
16:53:29Oriumpor_I keep finding myself in the other universe
16:53:33tux_mikewarmi: i don't think i will
16:53:37warmikergoth: that would be great ..
16:53:43Oriumpor_ the #zaurus channel with like 5 people in it...
16:53:47tux_mikewarmi: how would you reccomend doing this for PNG images?
16:53:47Oriumpor_it's wieriding me out
16:53:56treke|workOriumpor_: net split land
16:53:57kergothOriumpor_: ?
16:54:12warmikergoth: on the other hand .. some apps will need opie specific stuff (opielib)
16:54:13Oriumpor_I think it's on efnet... this windows client sucks butt
16:54:14kergothwarmi: expect it to occur sometime soon, so feel free to put in the ifdef'd use of ibopie stuff
16:54:23kergothwarmi: yeah. but for some apps, it'll be useful.
16:54:26warmitux_mike: I just used qtembed to turn png into images.h
16:54:34kergothwarmi: especially for apps that arent part of opie itself
16:54:37warmikergoth: agree
16:54:44Oriumpor_allrighty, I'm off to work
16:54:58tux_mikeqtembed? hrmm... script you found?
16:55:30warmitux_mike: no , this is standard Qt executable that comes with qte/qt
16:55:33kergothstupid stupid stpuid people.. oi
16:55:40kergothi need a new job
16:56:06tux_mikei'll look for it, i don't see it in my SDK
16:56:42warmikergoth: hehehe
16:57:34kergothtux_mike: its on their ftp under util/
16:57:53tux_mikeis not near the images stage :)
16:58:40warmitux_mike: if you have lots of them then NeoTron advice might be in order ..
16:58:55warmiuse jpeg instead of png
16:58:58tux_mikehow many is a lot?
16:59:04warmiyour files will be much smaller
16:59:24warmiI don't know .. if your resulting ipk is like 10 mb in size then you need to rethink your approach :-)
16:59:30warmijust an advice
16:59:41tux_mikei don't think i'll have that many images
16:59:49warmiok then
17:00:25warmione more thing .. if you have sprites etc ... try to keep them in one image file ..  instead of each sprite in its own file
17:00:37warmiit is better that way
17:00:37tux_mikewhy is that?
17:00:51warmiyou can always use drawPixmap to extract them
17:00:59warmismaller files etc
17:01:21tboc/usr/src/qte-zaurus/lib/ undefined reference to `jpeg_read_scanlines'
17:01:29warmiI do that in Puzz-le with all animated stuff .. each animation frame is just another 'cell' in one, larger png
17:01:48kergothtobc: the opie qt/e uses an external jpeg lib, not internal
17:01:52kergothtboc: add -ljpeg
17:02:10kergothtboc: err not -l.. wtf is the option again..
17:02:11tbockergoth: k, thx
17:02:25kergothtboc: heh. try -ljpeg
17:02:29warmitboc: you need to have qte compiled exactly as it is specified on .. using the same configure parameters
17:02:29kergothtboc: let me know how it goes
17:02:32tbocand i thought i had 'fixed' this =)
17:03:15tbockergoth: worked like a charm =)
17:03:24whardierthat was a lot of beer
17:03:25kergothre whardier
17:03:45whardierre light
17:05:32i heard beer was blech
17:05:32BigBossibot beer
17:05:45BigBossstupid ibot
17:05:53kergothwhardier: you have a place i can drop an initrd.bin to have jason and ljp try it out? SF has the fucking propogation delay
17:07:05whardierjust drop it in /var/www on geezer
17:07:23kergothwhardier: k
17:07:56kergothljp_work: irda works out of the box now.. and we have that binary zecke needed. i think beaming will work .
17:08:02kergothhey Cloudchaser
17:11:43W|GGL|Thi Cloudchaser
17:12:00W|GGL|Tis burned out from cutting grass that must be 8" in length
17:12:32whardieris burned out from drinking too much and playing pool with some chick that likes to grind with the table
17:12:46W|GGL|Thalf the yard is done...the landscapers can cut the rest.  I'm not about to die cutting grass
17:12:57W|GGL|Twhardier: LOL
17:13:18whardierit was freaky
17:13:24ciaolinuxhow is the zaurus? is it worthy?
17:13:36whardierworthy of whom?
17:13:46W|GGL|'re asking that in a channel that's called #zaurus
17:13:54kergothyeah, you think we might be biased?
17:13:54W|GGL|Tof course its worthy   :o)
17:13:56whardierwith a ciao name
17:14:08whardierWE ROLL WITH GAAANGS
17:14:13whardierYOU BETTER BACK IT UPPPP
17:14:24kergothciaolinux: dont mind whardier
17:14:32kergothhey killefiz
17:14:48whardierI got in a HUUUUUUUGE FIGHT last night]
17:15:02whardierI should have known better
17:15:06whardierwe were drinking
17:15:22ciaolinuxkergoth: ??
17:15:23whardierbut basically this dude that has never touched linux.. was just all over.. THE MARKET SHARES!
17:15:31ciaolinuxwhat is this channel about?
17:15:37whardiermy friend nate and I were like.. "uh.. who cares about the market shares"
17:15:42kergothciaolinux: the Sharp Zaurus pda
17:15:54whardier"what if microsoft sues debian?"
17:15:57whardiererr.. how?
17:15:59ciaolinuxkergoth: well it looks like people talk about something else
17:16:08kergothciaolinux: yes, i never claimed we were on topic :-)
17:16:08whardierdebian is no two people
17:16:25ciaolinuxkergoth: there is nothing to say about zaurus?
17:16:29whardierits spiff
17:16:33kergothciaolinux: huh? i didnt say that, now did i/
17:16:51kergothciaolinux: if you want to talk about it, ask a question. say something.
17:17:37killefizkergoth: what happened to the OZ Image downloads?
17:18:05kergothkillefiz: too many bugs. I'm having ljp and jason do another test. if its okayed, it goes back up.
17:18:37toolafialkergoth : is the changes and updates list still available for the new OZ rom?
17:18:51killefizkergoth: do I need to flash again when I'm already on OZ - or is an ipkg update enough?
17:18:54kergothtoolafial: I havent finished writing the release notes for the next rom.
17:19:04kergothkillefiz: every change in the new rom is also in the ipks in the feed, or will be.
17:19:15ranfwhardier: debian is about 83 people :-) according to
17:19:19tbochmm, now it complains that it can't find libstdc++
17:19:41kergothtboc: try a tmakepath of linux-sharp-g++ instead of linux-arm-g++
17:19:44toolafialkergoth : release notes <- that's what they are called, I'm so brain dead today
17:19:50kergothtboc: you need to use arm-linux-gcc to link, not arm-linux-g++
17:19:53kergothtoolafial: hehe
17:19:53killefizkergoth: is it safe to update from the feed now or should I wait a couple of days?
17:19:53tbockergoth: ok :)
17:20:15kergothkillefiz: its safe.. but i've got about 12 pending changes that need both cvs commit and pushes to the feed
17:20:28kergothkillefiz: so if you want all the improvements, wait a bit, maybe an hour or two
17:20:34Rascalkergoth have you got the romz up yet?
17:20:47kergothRascal: not yet, its pending confirmation that beaming works
17:20:56Rascalsounds good
17:21:14Rascaltake your time..
17:21:28Rascalmy dead zaurus makes a good paper weight right now..
17:21:41killefizi'm streaming pcm to my zaurus that is connected to my stereo right now using esd - zaurus sound quality is really good
17:22:07Rascalwhat wireless card you using?
17:22:33kergothkillefiz: esd for the Z.. what will they think of next
17:22:45tux_mikewhy do we need esd?
17:23:08killefizkergoth: it's really useful for me:
17:23:11kergothtux_mike: easy streaming?
17:23:12[DrEvil]because someone thinks we do
17:23:34tbockergoth: the different tmakepath doesn't help
17:23:40RascalI figured it was for xmms
17:23:48killefiztux_mike: because all all mp3 players on the Z are crap compared to a full fledged desktop player
17:23:51kergothtboc: edit the makefile. change the linker from arm-linux-g++ to arm-linux-gcc
17:24:17Rascaldon't you need to put X on the zaurus then?
17:24:22tbockergoth: if i link them myself with arm-linux-gcc i get: "/usr/local/arm-linux/bin/ld: warning:, needed by /usr/src/qte-zaurus//lib/, not found (try using --rpath)"
17:24:35tbocoops, i just saw that it's only a warning, not an error =)
17:24:40killefizRascal: no - esd has nothing to do with X - it's a 37k ipk
17:24:53Rascalbut to load XMMS you need x right?
17:24:55kergothtboc: uh, sounds like your qt/e got linked with arm-linux-g++
17:24:56Cloudchaserhiya work.. just lurking
17:25:09kergothRascal: use xmms on the desktop. run esd on the Z. boom.
17:25:16killefizRascal: well - i'm running xmms on my desktop - that has X
17:25:22Rascalahh ic ic..
17:25:25killefizone could also use mpg123
17:25:39tbockergoth: hmm, could be :/
17:26:14Rascalwhat wireless card fits a headphone
17:26:23kergothRascal: read the wireless card guide
17:26:53kergothRascal: on the howtos page
17:27:05kergothhey netamp
17:27:08NetAmphiya :)
17:27:23NetAmpOpie sysinfo actually replaces the default one?
17:27:29NetAmpOr does it just change the link
17:27:32kergothNetAmp: a lot of opie apps for the sharp rom do
17:27:37kergothNetAmp: it replaces the symlink
17:27:43NetAmpah ok :)
17:28:22howtos is at
17:28:22Rascalibot howtos
17:28:22tbockergoth: works anyway =)
17:28:27kergothNetAmp: if you got a package from myzaurus it should restore the link on uninstall, otherwise it wont
17:28:29kergothtboc: nice
17:28:30NetAmpHm I wonder whether putting the Z on a powered cradle every time will be good for the battery ;)
17:28:33NetAmperr :S
17:28:39killefizNetAmp: how is you Z doing?
17:28:46NetAmpkillefiz: It rocks :D
17:28:52NetAmpkillefiz: I'm gonna find more games
17:29:05tbocwarmi: btw. the widget-order in the options dialog is wrong i guess
17:29:13NetAmpkillefiz: Haven't found an SNES emu yet, but I'll try gameboy then
17:29:28killefizNetAmp: there are 75 games on the zsi - that should be enough
17:29:37killefizsomeone has just submitted an Atari 800 emulator
17:29:38NetAmpkillefiz: hehe
17:29:44tbocwarmi: but the game is just great! :)
17:29:58NetAmpI like froot
17:30:09kergothfroot is .. weird.. i dont mind it.. but its too easy imo
17:30:23kergothi love bustem. need to buy that when i'm not flat broke
17:30:24NetAmphm yah probably
17:30:32NetAmpalso there's no sound in this version of froot :(
17:31:10kergoththat sucks
17:31:24NetAmpbut what do you guys think?
17:31:31NetAmpwouldn't it cause a 'memory effect'
17:31:35NetAmpon the battery
17:31:45darienmFroot doesn't need sound.
17:31:51NetAmpto place it on AC power while it's not empty?
17:32:07NetAmpdarienm: no it doesn't but would be fun ;)
17:32:13toolafialNetAmp : li-on batteries usually don't have memory effect
17:32:32NetAmptoolafial: That's what Sony says ;) hehe
17:32:33darienmNetAmp: I've been using the gameboy emulator for Zaurus for a while
17:32:42darienmNetAmp: games are barely playable, IMO
17:32:42NetAmptoolafial: but I guess Sharp's are better anyway..
17:32:48NetAmpdarienm: ow :(
17:32:52NetAmpdarienm: too slow?
17:33:15darienmNetAmp: They all work in slow-motion. You can do it, but there's no "timing" required to make difficult jumps or execute moves, such as in Tony Hawk Pro Skater
17:33:48darienmNetAmp: And... I'm not 100% sure, but you might not be able to press two keys at once, making run-jump combinations impossible
17:34:16darienmNetAmp: You still looking for the "best" sysinfo ?
17:34:37darienmNetAmp: One that shows memory, swap, and storage on all attached cards?
17:34:50NetAmpdarienm: that sounds nice
17:34:55darienmNetAmp: See my reference at under Software
17:35:04NetAmpdarienm: I currently have opie info and taskmanager
17:35:13NetAmpdarienm: thanks I'll take a look :)
17:35:29darienmNetAmp: I've tried them all, this one shines above the rest. I think its on XavierXeon's site...
17:36:30tux_mikehey, what's the regexp to add something to the beggining of the line?
17:36:43tboci think it would be nice to have something like a 'graphical du'...
17:36:49Rascalbah.. I'm just considering shaving down my dlink wireless card
17:36:54benmeyeryou mean like in system info...
17:37:23kergothtux_mike: s/^/blah/;
17:37:24tbocbenmeyer: kinda ... but i'd like to see which dirs/files occupy the space
17:37:36NeoTronnotes that Candy Cruncher soon will be released for the Zaurus.
17:37:38NeoTronFinally. :)
17:37:44tux_mikekergoth: thanks
17:38:06tbocbenmeyer: so that you for example could tap on a dir in the view and it expands to that dir with its contents
17:39:36darienmfusion94: another Mac OS X user, I assume?
17:40:18darienmtreke|work: Still trying to make Spiderman the startup screen?
17:41:11tux_mikekergoth: do you use vim?
17:41:16fusion94darienm: yep
17:41:19NeoTronI have this great Spiderman URL...
17:41:40darienmNeoTron: we've seen it -- keep it to yourself, please :)
17:41:48NetAmpNeoTron: better not tell Jason
17:41:56kergothtux_mike: yeah
17:42:29darienmfusion94: and its so sad we cant get a driver..... so much these machines can do...
17:42:39tux_mikekergoth: can i use a regexp to add newlines?  when i tried s/$/\n/ it just tacks on ^@ at the end of each line
17:42:54kergothtux_mike: hmmm never tried..
17:43:44tux_mikekergoth: basically i need to add a block of code between each of the lines in this file.  the code is the exact same thing
17:44:47whardierwhat a wonderfull name to have
17:45:06kergothwhardier: lol
17:45:14fusion94darienm: well according to JasonNJ it's being worked on
17:45:27darienmfusion94: "They" have said that since February...
17:45:39whardierI hate rice cars!
17:45:43darienmtux_mike: You can't just do a foreach line... ?
17:45:55kergothdarienm: he's doing this from within vim.
17:45:57whardierthey hurt my hungover head
17:46:05warmidarienm: you don't have much trust in Sharp anymore, do you ?
17:46:07toolafialwhardier : I do too
17:46:07tux_mikedarienm: yah, this is a block of hardcoded data
17:46:08NeoTrondarienm: haha. :))
17:46:11tux_mikei can't use loops :)
17:46:30speedy2 was last seen on #zaurus 12 minutes and 58 seconds ago, saying: bbl [Wed Jul 17 18:33:32 2002]
17:46:30BigBossibot seen speedy2
17:46:36darienmwarmi: trust in sharp? trust in apple? I'd like to trust in SOMEONE to write the damn driver.
17:47:10whardierso wrap yourself around this
17:47:12darienmtux_mike: Okay, I've done stuff like that before from within vi.
17:47:22whardieraccording to some ijiot
17:47:24warmiwith only 20 K units sold .. how many Apple users are there ?  
17:47:31whardieryou cannot ghost XP machines
17:47:40warmiApple/Zaurus users that is
17:47:46tux_mikedarienm: ok, all i really need is the newline, the rest i can get done myself :)
17:47:49darienmwarmi: On the developer forum there's a clammoring
17:47:52whardierbecause it stores info about the mac address and a few other unique numbers that your computer has
17:47:59whardierfirst off.. I wanna know what other unique numbers a computer has
17:48:09whardierand .. uh.. why not just install it w/o a nic in it then?
17:48:21whardierI don't get it
17:48:29whardierhow did microsoft add the all unwanted maybe bit?
17:48:33whardierI like my offs and ons
17:48:39bigboss was last seen on #zaurus 2 minutes and 9 seconds ago, saying: ibot seen speedy2 [Wed Jul 17 18:46:30 2002]
17:48:39Speedy2ibot: seen bigboss
17:48:58benmeyeryells at qvfb for not working!
17:49:18warmibenmeyer: still the same problem ?
17:49:28benmeyermore new problems
17:49:31darienmtux_mike: :1,$s/$/\\n/g
17:49:33Sniperi just got off the phone with Sun.. they are very interested in people's resposes to the survey... so please fill it out if u can
17:49:50warmibtw ..  I just installed Windows CE dev kit + VC++ for CE etc ..
17:49:53darienmtux_mike: that adds a newline at end of each existing line
17:50:04warmiit has an emulator for each CPU CE is know to run on
17:50:14warmisweet stuff
17:50:16kergothdarienm: so he just needed to escape the \n :-)
17:50:20warmito bad MFC sucks
17:50:23darienmkergoth: we'll see.....
17:50:35Speedy2warmi: The CD I have can emulate too.
17:50:48warmiMS knows how to treat developers
17:50:49Speedy2warmi: Should be in your hands soon.
17:51:03warmiSpeedy2: does it run on X86 boxes ?
17:51:21darienmtux_mike: or maybe not...
17:51:33tux_mikenope, adding \n :)
17:51:44darienmtux_mike: so its not going in as literal
17:52:19Speedy2warmi: Yes, Sun Solaris and HPUX too
17:52:44warmiuh .. Sun will do everything to get at MS anyway they can and support Linux based PDA is part of that strategy
17:52:49warmiSpeedy2: thank you :-)
17:53:05warmisupporting even
17:55:22benmeyerI just spent 5 hour tracking down a gcc bug
17:55:37benmeyergrumble grumble
17:55:52warmibenmeyer: are you sure it is gcc bug ?
17:55:57ljp_workGrimble Grumble
17:56:08benmeyeronly shows up in i386
17:56:28benmeyerand not for arm
17:56:32benmeyersome memory mismanagment
17:57:46ljp_workdont compile for 386
17:58:02benmeyerthat along with teh qvfb issues has made today a really bad day
17:58:13ljp_workqvfb issues?
17:58:23benmeyercan't handle groupboxes
17:58:42ljp_workhuh? how so?
17:58:59ljp_workhmm works here
17:59:05benmeyerdownload my wireless lan monitor
17:59:09benmeyerrun it in qvfb
17:59:11benmeyerdoesn't work
17:59:29ljp_workI have a couple apps with group boxes that run fine
17:59:35kergothbenmeyer: you wrote a wireless lan monitor? arent there enough of those? :-P
17:59:38benmeyersome of them
17:59:46benmeyersome work
17:59:47benmeyersome don't
17:59:59benmeyerthink ones with grid layouts don't
18:00:00benmeyerwho knows
18:01:32Rincetest passed
18:01:34ljp_workI use grid layouts with groupboxes, I think
18:01:46ljp_workmaybe a parenting issue?
18:01:49warmiwarmi2 should be gone now
18:02:02benmeyerit is gernerated by designer
18:03:06ljp_workI think designer writes too much code. I usually go over it and change stuff
18:04:22benmeyersome layouts are good
18:04:26benmeyersimply layouts then yes
18:04:29benmeyertoo much overhead
18:05:27NeoTronbenmeyer: so regarding the thread in the zaurus list, how do we bribe sharp to use us 5000D owners as QA/beta testers etc?
18:05:30warmiI'h tried like 3 times to get going with Designer ..
18:05:44warmibut I always find myself going back to manual stuff
18:05:54NeoTronyou have such a huge chance of getting a lot more good constructive feedback than any PocketPC manufacturer could dream of
18:06:00NeoTronwarmi: ditto
18:06:13NeoTronit isn't designed for handhelds and lack a lot of widgets in my opinion
18:07:58ljp_workI use designer initally, sometimes, and then usually ditch the ui, and start coding it
18:09:16warmitrying to get used to standard command line 'irc' client ..
18:09:27NeoTronok, so why doesn't people download Bust'em? Bad description? Uninteresting game..? It's so damn fun to play it
18:09:30NeoTronI'm kind of surprised
18:09:40BigBosscosts too much
18:09:41NeoTrontoo high price?
18:09:50NeoTronBigBoss: but still, the demo is there
18:09:51kergothNeoTron: i'm broke
18:09:52ljp_workI'm not a gamer
18:09:58kergothNeoTron: I'll buy it when i get paid. hehe
18:10:17NeoTronI meant downloads in general not sales too. but perhaps people don't download the demo because the game is too high priced for them
18:10:31BigBossI'm just kidding - what does it cost?
18:10:35NeoTronWhat would be a good price do you think? I have relatively free hands in pricing of it
18:10:47NeoTron$16.99, same as Pocket PC
18:10:52NeoTronand price might indeed be the reason
18:11:00BigBossfor a game?  I wouldn't do over $9.95 at least to start
18:11:02warmiNeoTron: how is it doing in PPC market ?
18:11:16NeoTronwell, depends on which way you see it
18:11:32ljp_workfree will always ensure downloads
18:11:49NeoTronit doesn't have heck of a lot of downloads to be honest
18:11:55NeoTronjust about 500
18:11:58Rascalwhat's url?
18:12:17NeoTronbut he also got a OEM deal so every new iPAQ will be shipped with it and from that point of view, it's doing helluva well
18:12:33NeoTronI think I should lower the price some though
18:12:56warmiwhoa that's sweet for them
18:12:56BigBossi'm serious, 9.95 max
18:13:23NetAmpyeah, sweeet ;)
18:13:50NeoTronBigBoss: hmm...
18:14:01ljp_worknotices that both BigBoss and NeoTron ignored my statement on free downloads ;)
18:14:02Rascalisn't that just breakout?
18:14:04NeoTronI guess if it then sells >= 50% better, it's worth it
18:14:22NeoTronljp_work: sorry, gotta have some incentive here. :)
18:14:35zeckeJasonNJ: got it workong? ( receiving )
18:14:35ljp_workI know.. just giving you guys crap..
18:14:51ljp_workI need to revive my sales also
18:15:38warmiljp: how are you going to "revive" your sales ?
18:15:50warmiby including option to browser pornt on that guten browser ?
18:16:01ljp_workhaha.. maybe
18:16:51warmieh .. frigging ssh is slow
18:16:53ljp_workI just need to work on it.. ;)
18:16:57warmican't even keep up with my typing
18:17:08BigBossljp: haven't you learned yet that free stuff doesn't make money? :)
18:17:21ljp_workmaking me a little money..
18:17:30ljp_workwho's going to setup a xcompiler?
18:18:23ljp_workand cvs
18:29:17warmiNeoTron: it will sound politically incorrent ( on this channel) ..
18:29:17warmibut you would be much better of porting to PalmOS
18:29:17warmiyou would be a rich man by now
18:29:17ljp_workwouldnt we all
18:29:17NeoTronwarmi: well, no
18:29:17NeoTronPalmOS porting is hell
18:29:18NeoTrononce the ARM based PalmOS devices are out, then yes I will definitely go down that road again
18:29:18NeoTronbut porting PocketPC or even desktop to PalmOS is not porting, it's rewriting
18:29:18warminot in the case of your games
18:29:18warmithey mostly work off of internal framebuffer
18:29:18warmiwhich means once you have you blitter done , graphics portion is done
18:29:18warmithe only sticky part is event loop, sounda nd input
18:29:19NeoTronthing is, on PalmOS you can't load images like that
18:29:19NeoTronyou don't have the memory
18:29:19warmithe real hell would be to try to port widget-intensive app
18:29:19NeoTronthere you work, in general, withe bitmaps directly from the data file / binary
18:29:19NeoTronsince memory and storage is the same
18:29:19NeoTrontrust me, I considered trying to do Strategic Assault
18:29:19NeoTronand it's not fun at all
18:29:19NeoTronI HAVE done PalmOS programming so I do know how it works
18:29:20NeoTronand again, other than even getting the code to link, the next biggest problem is graphics
18:29:20warmiwell, of course, you have to have one of these newer models
18:29:20warmiwith more memory and better graphis
18:29:20NeoTrondoesn't help
18:29:20NeoTronand if you gear it to say the sony with 320x320 16 bpp gfx, it won't be usable on 99% of all PalmOS devices anyway
18:29:20warmiI know that palm basiaclly keeps a "snapshot" of your app binary code and data on disk
18:29:21warmiand runs that when you start the app
18:29:21warmigame like Buste'm wouldn't make sense on anything less than that ( 320x320x16)
18:29:21NeoTronbust'em wouldn't run on a dragonball processor
18:29:21tbocwarmi: too bad the Z only got 320x240? =)
18:29:21NeoTronpeople don't realize how damn slow it is
18:29:21warmiyeah, not to mention that half of the fun there is all that cool graphic and effects
18:29:21NeoTronit's a 68k on steroids
18:29:21warmioh well, games like bustem used to run on machines like Atari St which used even slower 68K cpus
18:29:21NeoTronnow, another big issue is memory. on PalmOS you can't allocate more than 32 KB with "malloc" and the like but you have to actually use a database (unamed I guess)
18:29:22warmiof course, it was all written in ASM
18:29:22NeoTronand Amiga had so much help by the copper, blitter etc
18:29:22NeoTronon CPU alone it could never run anything like Bust'em I'd guess
18:29:22warmiamiga copper and blitter were slower than 12 MHZ CPU
18:29:22warmiin fact in later amiga models it was faster to use CPU than blitter
18:29:22NeoTronthey are the reason for what you could do on the amiga
18:29:22NeoTroncompare the amiga to a 68k mac. a huge difference
18:29:23warmiit helps whean dealing with 6 MHZ CPU amiga originally had
18:29:23NeoTronlater, yes but later weren't 68000 processors at 7.4 MHz either
18:30:03warmiyeah .. blitter was cool
18:30:26warmiactually the coolest part was the ability to change graphics mode/stuff on each refreshline
18:30:29warmistuff like that
18:30:59warmianyway, Atari ST did not have any additional hardware and had pretty cool games
18:31:15warmibut , as I said, it was all coded down to metal using ASM
18:31:57warmifrankly, all these machines .. C-64, old Atari, and even Amiga were mostly coded to in ASM
18:32:37warmihopefully new PalmOS based on ARM will be much more programmer friendly
18:32:57tux_mikedarienm: i did it manually.
18:33:02warmiperhaps they eventually are even going to put that BeOS they bought to a good use
18:33:10tux_mikegot it done much quicker than looking for how to automate it.
18:33:10darienmtux_mike: sometimes thats the easiest
18:33:17tux_mikeit was only 289 lines :)
18:33:28darienmtux_mike: looks like the SHELL you are using has a big thing to do with how replacements work
18:36:18warmiSniper: you are so right in that email about people wanting to have it both ways ..
18:36:44warmiI stil remember when people were bitching about 5000d owners being treated like a "beta testers"
18:36:47Sniperwarmi: you mean the beta testing?
18:36:55Sniperwarmi: we always lose
18:37:05warmiyeah, I know
18:37:30Sniperso now we give the 5000D people a small break from beta testing
18:37:55warmiand they come back complaining ..
18:37:56Sniperbut i'll push for them to become beta testers next time.. ;-)
18:38:04darienmtux_mike: Do you have 'pr' available ?
18:38:14tux_mikedunno, probobly
18:38:14warmiyeah .. make sure to archive this thread
18:38:20warmiit will come handy later on :-)
18:38:26darienmtux_mike: try this: cat filename | pr -d > newfilename
18:38:42darienmtux_mike: and then we can both kick ourselves
18:40:38darienmtux_mike: cat filename | pr -d -t > newfilename   (this removes header and footer)
18:40:55darienmtux_mike: cat filename | pr -d -t -n > newfilename   (this adds line numbers)
18:41:03tux_mikei don't need any of that
18:41:10darienmtux_mike: for the future :)
18:41:24darienmtux_mike: did you try pr? did you have it?
18:41:46tux_mikei have it, but i haven't looked into it, since i've moved past that :) i'm working on more code right now
18:42:58tux_mikebut, thanks for all your help :)
18:43:45NeoTronSniper: if you make int painfully clear that it IS a beta rom or RC rom, then I see no reason for people to complain
18:43:52NeoTronthen if people do complain just brush them off
18:43:54warmiuh .. one thing good about QDEsigner is that it can be used as a nice interface prototyping tool
18:44:09warmivery nice tool for that
18:48:29faq is at or at or at
18:48:29warmiibot faq
19:03:08siganyone awake?
19:03:54benmeyeron the latest opie rom when it boots it compialns aobut missing modules nis_iso8859-1
19:04:11kergothbenmeyer: harmless
19:04:27kergothbenmeyer: thats the initrd jason grabbed right?
19:04:36benmeyernis_utff8 and nic_cp437
19:04:44benmeyerjust letting you know
19:05:00kergothyeah, i know about em.. need to add the build of those to the kernel build. thanks
19:06:02tille was last seen on #opie 8 hours, 56 minutes and 14 seconds ago, saying: the package manager [Wed Jul 17 11:09:48 2002]
19:06:02bipolaribot: seen tille
19:07:25benmeyerwhy is /mnt/ram in minix format?
19:07:37kergothwhy not?
19:08:41NeoTronbecause it's odd? :)
19:09:25benmeyerdiffernt yes
19:09:31benmeyerjsut curius if there was a reason
19:17:15darienmsmetimes benmeyer hsa troubel typign
19:17:30benmeyerbut it doesn't stop me
19:17:36benmeyeryou should see the funcky keyboard I have
19:17:45benmeyerthe Kinesis bowl shaped one
19:17:58darienmconcave or convex?
19:18:41darienmbenmeyer: whats progress on new server manager anyway?
19:18:53benmeyerhavn't actually worked on it
19:18:55darienmahh, I've seen those.
19:19:05benmeyermade a process manager last week
19:19:11benmeyermaking a ftp client this week
19:19:20benmeyermakeing a set of developer tools
19:19:23darienmYup, I saw that. Added it to my arsenal of 4-5 others I already had.
19:19:25kergothheh, you produce apps a hell of a lot faster than i
19:19:28benmeyerthe server manager will be included in that
19:19:49darienmokay, still very anxious to provide input, beta test, write documentation, etc.
19:19:51benmeyerdarienm: did you happen to look at qtdesigner?
19:19:53darienmdevelop icons
19:20:04darienmI have qtdesigner loaded (30 day trial) and can use it.
19:20:17benmeyergo ahead and make some ui files for applications
19:20:41darienmwe need to discuss which applications will be supported, no?
19:20:43benmeyermake a list of what it should manager
19:20:54benmeyerwell we want it to be extensible
19:20:57benmeyerlike busy box
19:21:00benmeyercompile in what you want
19:21:12benmeyerand they are seperate apps, but all run out of 1 binary
19:21:20benmeyerdepending on arg[0];
19:21:39benmeyerwe were looking into apache right?
19:21:51kergothapache on a Z.. blech
19:22:01kergothuse boa
19:22:03whardierI remember a time
19:22:08whardierwhen I almost had php working with boa
19:22:12whardierthat was a fun time
19:22:13kergothi remember that
19:22:26whardierand then I was being encouraged to do stuff.. like make software
19:22:31whardierand that discouraged me
19:22:31benmeyerok well then we probaly need boa with php
19:22:37whardierbecause I found that was a neat way to loose money
19:22:45benmeyerwhat do you mean?
19:22:48benmeyervia handango?
19:22:58benmeyerhow did you loose money?
19:23:05whardierI didn't loose it
19:23:07whardierI lose it
19:23:10sigsup foos
19:23:10kergothbecause he was spending time on this shit instead of on real work, i'd say
19:23:21sjohnsonDoes anyone know who now has custody of the Zaurus X11 stuff? Peirre Coupard no long seems to be with Lineo.
19:23:35kergothsjohnson: yeah he's MIA. i dont know who's dealing with it, probably no one
19:23:49whardiersjohnson I suggest looking into the familiar bins and sources
19:24:01whardierplease feel free to make that part of your life to replace pierre :P
19:24:02kergothtoo bad familiar doesnt have a central source repository and buildsystem
19:24:12whardierkergoth: no shit
19:24:24kergothwhardier: nick at handhelds is finally designing them a buildsystem. took them long enough
19:24:27sjohnsonwhardier: I have been doing that. But he did something with the Xfbdev X server to make it work with the Z.
19:24:30whardierI personally would rather get an emdebian thing going for the Z
19:24:32benmeyerhere is a question
19:24:42benmeyershould we have all tabs on the bottom of the screen?
19:24:49benmeyerwere it is easier to access?
19:24:57kergothhey should i preinstall liquid into the next rom?
19:24:57benmeyerfrom the keyboard
19:25:05whardierbenmeyer make it a 4 sides option
19:25:10whardierleft right top bottom
19:25:14benmeyerit is a 4 sided option
19:25:17benmeyerI mean by default
19:25:22kergothbenmeyer: did you see drw's new tabwidget in sysinfo on the new OZ rom?
19:25:24benmeyersame with file menu and toolbars
19:25:33benmeyeryah saw it
19:25:33sjohnsonkergoth, whardier: I've got the the Familiar binaries running with the Xfbdev server from the x11zarus  .ipk
19:25:38kergothbenmeyer: nifty eh?
19:25:44whardiersjohnson right on
19:25:44benmeyerunfortunettly it still doesn't solve the problem
19:25:45kergothbenmeyer: those tabs were taking up too much space before
19:25:52whardierbrb death march
19:25:53kergothsjohnson: ah..
19:25:55benmeyerthere are still [||] buttons
19:26:04kergothbenmeyer: yeah. helps though.
19:26:12benmeyerprocesses and kernel modules should be and advanced option
19:26:20kergothyeah they'll do that
19:26:22benmeyeradvanced system info
19:26:27benmeyeror something
19:26:31kergothadd a config option to make it accessible only via easter egg
19:27:03benmeyerWhat does the hardware icon have to do with system version?
19:27:10benmeyerThat I will
19:27:22kergothwhats a good icon for version anyway?
19:27:25kergoththats a weird one
19:27:36benmeyerthe icon for the app
19:27:39kergothbenmeyer: opie-reader segfaults. wtf.
19:27:39benmeyersame as about
19:28:13ljp_workshould be fixed in cvs
19:28:27kergothljp_work: just built it this morning..
19:28:32benmeyerhmm found a bug in my wirless lan app
19:28:36kergothljp_work: i'll test the one i just updated from a couple mins ago
19:28:37benmeyerwill fix tomarrow after I get cvs
19:28:57ljp_workhmm ok.. I'll let Tim know about reader
19:29:07kergothbenmeyer: heh, there are a number of issues with wlansetup. i've got no time to pursue them. note it uses a different text parser than it did previously.
19:30:02benmeyerit is being moved into network right?
19:30:58kergothbenmeyer: yeah, davipt is reworking netsetup and merging wireless into it
19:32:30kergothbenmeyer: i think the german opie folks would like you to ask where your efforts would be needed, rather than jumping in blind
19:33:11macaroni7is OZ still being actively developed?
19:33:19benmeyerkergoth: what do you mean?
19:33:48kergothmacaroni7: well, i'm about to release a new rom, and the feed contains new versions of nearly every package, so yeah :-)
19:34:09benmeyerkergoth: I am trying to combine my efforts on openz with my time at sharp.  So for creating tools such as a process manager I can put it under a developer tool thus helping develpoer, thus is what I am supost to do at my job
19:34:54kergothbenmeyer: yeah, i understand that.. but I think if you want to actually contribute to opie it'd help if you stayed in #opie, and monitor and respond on the mailing lists, so that you get an idea of where people are taking things.
19:35:12[DrEvil]benmeyer: do you have a script to rip Opera and Jeode from the Sharp ROM?
19:35:45kergothbenmeyer: for example, subscribe to and if you havent already
19:35:48benmeyerkergoth: yah I joined the mailinglist and am reading it and have been spending time in opie trying to get a feel for those there
19:35:57kergothbenmeyer: great
19:36:38darienmbenmeyer: have you seen how qtreader uses the menu button ?
19:37:07darienmbenmeyer: tabs can be at the top, if the application listens for the menu button and then responds to cursor controls appropriately
19:37:21darienmbenmeyer: not possible to screenshot, its user interface I'm trying to illustrate
19:37:32darienmbenmeyer: you should really try it. its done very nicely.
19:37:42benmeyerok will
19:37:46darienmbenmeyer: almost a model for other programs, which typically ignore the menu button
19:40:33ljp_workthere is no menu button in the qtopia 1.6 snapshots
19:40:41benmeyerkergoth: did you ever write that ROM howto?
19:40:52benmeyerljp_work: got my first file transfer! yah
19:41:00Speedy2cat /dev/null > /dev/ROM_device
19:41:19benmeyerhehe the only device driver I have ever written. :-D  /dev/null
19:42:24darienmljp_work: what does that mean, no menu button ?
19:42:44darienmljp_work: because its part of the hardware....
19:43:06ljp_workoohh. THAT menu button
19:43:14kergothdarienm: no menu button on the taskbar, not no physical button
19:43:26darienmkergoth: whew !!! I was getting worried.
19:46:23bipolarcan someone explain this too me?
19:46:26bipolar# pwd
19:46:26bipolar# ls
19:46:26bipolarls: Text file busy
19:48:06benmeyerbusybox busy?
19:48:51bipolarwell... oipkg is still running... so....
19:48:54ljp_workstop using it
19:49:00bipolarwe'll see what happens
19:49:04kergothbipolar: oipkg sucks, eh?
19:49:11JasonNJoipkg is a total peie of shit
19:49:13bipolarljp_work: it's in the middle of an upgrade
19:49:18JasonNJhas hosed my oz3
19:49:19kergothbipolar: it needs an upgrade all button desperately, sine ipkg upgrade wont work worth a shit
19:49:24bipolarit needs a LOT of work
19:49:35kergothit needs scrapping and starting from scratch
19:49:50kergothljp_work: is qipkg in qtopia 1.6 any better?
19:50:10JasonNJI havent seen qtopia 1.6 yet
19:50:34BigBossi hear it's in very good shape
19:50:52ljp_workI havent really check that app out I can when I get home.. it similiar to the old qipkg.. not sure how much work was done.. I can do a diff
19:51:04kergothk.. maybe its tolerable..
19:51:11kergothwe need a lighweight package manager for end users.
19:51:25benmeyerwell once we have the package lib
19:51:27bipolarthe way oipkg works is vewry nice. It's just unstable and needs an upgrade button.
19:51:33benmeyermy package manager will be light weight
19:51:48kergothbenmeyer: have you contacted jamey and hte handhelds folks regarding a ipkg library?
19:51:53JasonNJdan oipkg is running out of memory
19:51:59JasonNJevery single time
19:52:00benmeyerwaiting on them
19:52:05JasonNJsucker has a major memory hole
19:53:10kergoththe package manager is one of opie's biggest lacking areas right now
19:53:21Fluxwerkis away: Be back on from home
19:54:28XavierXeonjust flashed an us rom. what is the proxim configuration for ?
19:55:39sjohnsonI think I've got it!
19:55:42NetAmpdarienm: hm that sysinfo doesn't seem to have more options than the opie one?
19:56:02Speedy2XavierXeon: Proxim wireless LAN?
19:56:39XavierXeonspeedy2: whats so special about it that it needs special configuration ?
19:56:46sjohnsonwhardier: I've figured out the deal with the Zaurus Xfbdev
19:56:55kergothsjohnson: nice
19:57:25sjohnsonkergoth: But it means I'm going to have to build the X server. Whee!!
19:57:48benmeyerkergoth: if you only want a feed only package manager then mine works fine
19:57:51benmeyerbut if you want more...
19:58:11JasonNJwe need someone to take over the XFree packages for the Z
19:58:19JasonNJfastolfe has flown the coop
19:58:28JasonNJwe also need an fbvncserver maintainer
19:59:30tux_mikejason: i just read on a ML that bestbuy and compusa lost their Zaurus contract, that true?
19:59:48JasonNJnot sure
19:59:53Speedy2XavierXeon: Don't ask me, I don't have it
19:59:57JasonNJI'm not in those superstore meetings
20:00:23bipolarJasonNJ: tux_mike: If thats so then they should be selling them cheap :)
20:01:07XavierXeonspeddy2: ok i will not ask you ;)
20:04:52warmitux: ML ?
20:08:51kergothhey opie-confedit is pretty slick
20:13:52hungerkergoth: Hey, you updated the feed. Cool!
20:13:58whardieryou confederates are pretty slick
20:14:05kergothhunger: yeah lots of updates across the board
20:14:09kergothhunger: openssh 3.4, etc
20:14:34hungerkergoth: Still no diff?
20:14:50kergothhunger: diff?
20:15:17hungerkergoth: The prog needed by ipkg to show diffs between version of config files.
20:16:04kergothhunger: oh, that diff. forgot about that. let me look
20:16:35NetAmpI can't figure out why one SysInfo app is larger in kb's than the other
20:16:43NetAmpthough it has less tabs
20:16:45hungerkergoth: That's the biggest annoyance for me right now. /me wonders wether he actually bugreported it...
20:18:31warmiwonders what 'ML' site was tux_mike refering to
20:19:10KhensU_worktkc list i think
20:19:41killefizBest Buy has lost their contract for the Zaurus and Comp USA is going to
20:19:41killefizcarry them, so BB is trying to blow them out at about $320.
20:19:50killefizthat's what bigboss wrote there
20:20:10warmiwtf does it mean "lost' ?
20:20:43warmiUnless this is bullshit-speak for dropped
20:20:57kergothhunger: i'm working on commiting the various uncommitted fixes to cvs atm
20:21:08Mickey0any idea how to compare the zaurus/ipaq processors in speed to pentium processors? is it around pii400 or more or less?
20:21:16hungerkergoth: That's great:-)
20:21:26Speedy2Mickey0: The integer performance is on par with a P233
20:21:33oGMoMickey0: it's hard to compare a strongarm to a pentium though
20:21:35Speedy2Mickey0: The SA has no floating-point support
20:21:41oGMoyeah what Speedy2 said
20:21:43hungerkergoth: at least I can be reasonable sure that any problem I run into is gcc-3 related.
20:21:58Speedy2Mickey0: In addition, the SA has limited cache
20:23:03Mickey0ok, thanks. i have an old pentium ii (deschutes) laptop with 266Mhz which should be a reasonable developing machine so.
20:23:25Mickey0NetAmp: sysinfo from which feed?
20:23:47Speedy2Mickey0: 16KB of ICACHE and 8KB of DCACHE
20:24:00ljp_workwoot! I just fixed my problem.. whew
20:24:06kergothljp_work: prob?
20:24:27ljp_workohh a bug thats perplexed me..
20:24:41ljp_workand it was _so_ elementary
20:24:48ljp_worksomeone shoot me
20:24:52kergothi wonder if i should release this rom. its just sitting here. everything seems to work, including wireless, ssh, etc.. but i havent fully tested the obex
20:24:55kergothljp_work: lol.. i hate that
20:25:02oGMoljp_work: most annoying unfathomable bugs are
20:25:07hungerkergoth: Wow, the upgrade is really strange!
20:25:14ljp_workyou might wait 1 1/2 hours so I can test too first
20:25:16killefizkergoth: did obex work before?
20:25:22hungerkergoth: I started ipkg in the terminal window in OPIE.
20:25:23NetAmpMickey0: this one
20:25:27ljp_workbut whatever..
20:25:46ljp_workif others tested it and it works.. go ahead
20:25:58Speedy2kergoth: Release it as delta?
20:26:06kergothkillefiz: no
20:26:06hungerkergoth: Now OPIE crashed except for the terminal window's text (and the scrollbar next to it, the rest of the screne is the console with a login.
20:26:09NetAmpMickey0: so I've put the opie version back
20:26:26kergothhunger: jason reported something similiar..
20:26:28killefizkergoth: then why not note that it's untested and release?
20:26:33Mickey0NetAmp: maybe someone forgot to strip binaries.
20:26:41Speedy2Mickey0: Stop talking dirty!
20:26:41ljp_workI'll flash oz, and try qipkg from qtopia 1.6 to install stuff
20:26:42hungerkergoth: ipkg asks me wether I want to overwrite some config file now, the text shows up at the login prompt.
20:26:43NetAmpMickey0: could be
20:26:48kergothkillefiz: suppose i can do that.
20:26:52kergothhunger: hm
20:27:33Mickey0hunger: that's normal. you can choose if you want to keep your customized files or the new - stock - config files.
20:27:54NetAmpWhen you set a password at the Settings tab is that the password for the ROOT account?
20:28:05kergothNetAmp: no
20:28:11NetAmpso just to Qtopia?
20:28:27NetAmphm ok.. I was thinking of setting one for SSH
20:28:34NetAmpthen I assume sync won't work
20:28:48kergothNetAmp: sync should still work fine, it wont prompt for a password
20:29:00hungerMickey0: Yes, but it's not normal for the keyboardö-events to go to the loginprompt that is visible instead of the OPIE GUI.
20:29:09darienmNetAmp: You can read the differences in sysinfo here (note: its not my work)
20:29:32darienmNetAmp: Some may not be apparent if you aren't currently using them (swap space, SD card, etc)
20:29:35Mickey0hunger: D'oh! didn't get the context of your message.
20:29:47Mickey0hunger: strange effect then...
20:30:00NetAmpdarienm: yeah ofcourse.. I didn't really notice that
20:30:21darienmNetAmp: So you see why I push this flavor, its the subtle changes that make all the difference.
20:30:42NetAmpdarienm: indeed :)
20:30:53Mickey0hunger: I had this once ... when I used the /etc/init.d/opie from the ipaq opie distribution.
20:31:10hungerkergoth: RROR: Package pcmcia-cs wants to install file /etc/pcmcia/spectrum.conf
20:31:10hunger        But that file is already provided by package spectrum-cs
20:31:31kergothhunger: shit, wasnt sure how to make that transition easy.. you have any ideas? Conflict doesnt work...
20:31:48kergothhunger: I moved spectrum_cs drivers into kernel-modules, built as part of the kernel build, and had pcmcia-cs provide the config file
20:32:33kergothhunger: optimally pcmcia-cs and kernel-modules should now Conflict: with spectrum-cs, but ipkg doesnt handle that properly yet
20:33:46ljp_workwell, ... fix it
20:34:10kergothi've got enough projects, thanks :-)
20:34:11hungerERROR: Package kernel-modules wants to install file /lib/modules/2.4.6-rmk1-np2-embedix/pcmcia/ray_cs.o
20:34:11hunger        But that file is already provided by package orinoco-cs
20:34:11hungerERROR: Package kernel-modules wants to install file /lib/modules/2.4.6-rmk1-np2-embedix/pcmcia/netwave_cs.o
20:34:11hunger        But that file is already provided by package orinoco-cs
20:34:12hungerERROR: Package kernel-modules wants to install file /lib/modules/2.4.6-rmk1-np2-embedix/pcmcia/wavelan_cs.o
20:34:12hunger        But that file is already provided by package orinoco-cs
20:34:32kergothhunger: ipkg remove orinoco-cs spectrum-cs; ipkg upgrade;
20:34:56hungeripkg remove orinoco-cs spectrum-cs
20:35:15hungerAehm, sorry, wrong window:-)
20:36:59hungerkergoth: Where did all the files at SF go?
20:37:10kergothhunger: i'm rearranging things a bit
20:37:15kergothhunger: releasing a new initrd in a few
20:37:34hungerkergoth: Will there be a new kernel too?
20:37:46hungerkergoth: One that I must have? ;-)
20:37:57kergothhunger: yes, but the only change is a fix for newer linksys wlan cards, and it adds a slight animation to the boot logo
20:38:08kergothi wouldnt say must. pretty minor changes.
20:38:12hungerkergoth: I NEED THAT!
20:38:17kergothokay then
20:38:24hungerkergoth: ANIMATED BOOT LOGO!
20:38:32kergothmore work by whardier
20:38:36ljp_workwhat? you need a kernel?
20:38:50kergothhey Cloudchaser
20:39:05kergothSecurityFocus and Symantec announced that Symantec is acquiring
20:39:42Cloudchaserwhy's that bad?
20:39:58kergothisnt necessarily
20:40:49ljp_workMicrosoft just announced its acquiring the US Government
20:41:09Cloudchasernow that wouldn't surprise me
20:41:16Cloudchaserthey already own most of it
20:41:24warmifrankly, it wouldn't be that bad ..
20:41:36ljp_worktrue.. MS's biggest account is the US military, I've heard
20:41:45kergothscary thought
20:41:48Mickey0kergoth: do you have a screenie for the animated logo?
20:41:51kergothokay, the new OZ initrd is on SF.
20:42:06kergothMickey0: nope, fraid not
20:42:21kergothi should finish the release notes and install guide now
20:42:22ljp_workwhardier would.. wouldnt he?
20:42:29kergothyeah, should
20:42:38ljp_workwhardier: wake up!
20:42:53Cloudchaserhow's it all looking kergoth?
20:43:10somebody said oz was see openzaurus or
20:43:10warmiibot oz
20:43:16kergothCloudchaser: pretty good. we've confirmed that you can beam items to other devices fine, but i have no confirmation of receipt yet
20:43:16ljp_workkergoth needs to get the kernel's out now
20:43:31kergothi need to finish the config files for the nomtdram kernels for 5000d and 5500 first
20:45:07I haven't seen 'BigBoss:', Cloudchaser
20:45:07Cloudchaseribot seen BigBoss:
20:45:14BigBoss was last seen on #zaurus 54 minutes and 40 seconds ago, saying: i hear it's in very good shape [Wed Jul 17 20:50:34 2002]
20:45:14Cloudchaseribot seen BigBoss
20:46:26hungerkergoth: sshd does not work for me.
20:47:33hungerkergoth: I think that's homebrewn...
20:49:01Speedy2kergoth: Do you have a Z serial cable>
20:49:33Wemblyis anyone ever gonna make a usb cable for the Z that allows you to use the keyboard while its plugged in?
20:49:40Wemblylooks at speedy2
20:49:46hungerkergoth: Yes, did not have a user for sshd.
20:49:51kergothhunger: you have to have an updated oz-base :-)
20:49:57hungerkergoth: I have.
20:49:59kergothSpeedy2: yes
20:50:08kergothhunger: oh you didnt overwrite your passwd, thatd do it :-)
20:50:17Speedy2kergoth: Did you have to buy one?
20:50:19hungerkergoth: But I keapt all my config files as I can't check the diff.
20:50:20Speedy2Hey Wembly
20:50:20kergothhunger: mkdir /var/empty; chown root.sys /var/empty;
20:50:27kergothhunger: yeah
20:50:36hungerkergoth: So I prefer keeping my files:-)
20:50:54kergothhunger: dont blame ya
20:51:13hungerkergoth: I can allways bug you if I have to update something;-)
20:51:18kergothhunger: course
20:51:23kergoththats one of the benefits of OZ
20:51:27kergothi'm here to poester
20:51:29kergothpester too
20:53:49kergothokay i'm building the new kernels, all 7 of them
20:53:57Cloudchaserwohoo! got my new 256 mb cf
20:54:02Cloudchasernow to see if it works ;)
20:54:05kergothdoes it work?
20:54:31NeoTronCandy Cruncher for Zaurus is out!!
20:54:58hungerkergoth: How about using this to define HOME in /etc/init.d/opie:
20:55:01hungerif [ -d /home/$LOGNAME ] ; then
20:55:01hunger  export HOME=/home/$LOGNAME ;
20:55:01hunger  export HOME=/$LOGNAME ;
20:55:08warmiNeoTron: too bad Zaurus itself is out :-)
20:55:44Cloudchaserhey in embedded konsole can i add commands to the dropdown?
20:55:49kergothhunger: good idea. that'll make running opie as a nonroot user a bit easier eh
20:56:00kergothCloudchaser: if you're using the opie one
20:56:13Cloudchaseropie one?
20:56:18Cloudchaseri got it off killefiz
20:56:24Cloudchaseris that the opie one?
20:56:38kergothno idea
20:56:50warmithe one with tabs ?
20:57:09warmiyeah, then it is OPIE or OPIE-derived :-)
20:57:23NeoTronwarmi: hehe, well as I say I haven't given up on Qtopia yet
20:57:36hungerkergoth: OPIE as non root is not really an option: The backlight won't turn of then:-(
20:57:38kergothhm, i wonder if oipkg's support for search killefiz actually works
20:57:44hungerkergoth: Or did you change that allready?
20:57:48warmiNeoTron: just saying cause there were news that best buy dropped Zaurus
20:58:01warmiacording to BigBoss anyway
20:58:25Cloudchaserthat mazingo filled up my doc tab
20:58:34NeoTronyeah, I know about that - not a big problem since bestbuy can't sell it. there are other chains waiting instead
20:59:25warmiNeoTron: do you know where he got that info from ? I used to be tkc mailing list but not anymore .. to much meaningles "traffic"
20:59:40Cloudchaserthis doc tab has to go!!! but unfortunately synch needs it..
21:00:10Speedy2Woah. Z-5500 for $340
21:00:22Cloudchaseri think thats my biggest gripe...synch/docs tab
21:00:28Speedy2Or is that pound?
21:00:53warmihmm . frankly, thanks to Neo and his porting frenzy , ZAurus has pretty much all the biggest game titles PPC users enjoy
21:01:03warminot it just needs more users
21:01:15warminow even
21:01:38warmiCloudChaser: agreed ...
21:01:43Cloudchaseri still haven't found the game of my dreams yet ;)
21:01:44warmiI wonder how PPC is handling this
21:01:57Speedy2Cloudchaser: Pr0n chaser? :)
21:02:17Cloudchaserdunno what that is anyway
21:04:17kergothhunger: we can fix that.
21:04:17kergothhunger: just add the user to a 'fl' group which has write access to the frontlight device.
21:04:17kergothhunger: same for framebuffer
21:04:17kergothhunger; and sound, etc
21:04:23kergothCloudchaser: the initrd for OZ is available. i'm writing up the INSTALL doc atm.
21:04:27kergothhunger: then we run the package manager within sudo, after giving the user sudo access
21:04:31kergothhunger: tim riker at lineo already set this up for the Vercel :-)
21:04:33kergothhunger: so we know it works
21:04:38CloudchaserROFL.. my mother just sent me the funniest email ... a letter of resignation from a network admin
21:04:45hungerkergoth: Do this:-)
21:04:50NeoTronwarmi: well, they are selling out their stock...
21:05:06hungerkergoth: This is a killing argument to run OZ instead of the original ROMs.
21:05:30NeoTronSpeedy2: BestBuy sell them for like $315 or so now
21:05:35Cloudchaserkergoth: just let me know when its all ready :)
21:05:45Speedy2NeoTron: Wow! Weren't the 5500s like $420 day before yesterday?
21:06:04NeoTronCloudchaser: if you find your dream game on PPC, let me know and I'll see what I can do., :)
21:06:22NeoTronSpeedy2: they are selling out their stock..
21:06:34Cloudchaseroh thanks NeoTron:
21:06:46Cloudchaserguess i'll have to look at ppc stuff again
21:06:54Cloudchaserdoes it matter if its commercial?
21:06:55Speedy2NeoTron: Columns is a fun game.
21:07:23Cloudchasermust be kinda hard cause that little wheel thingy isn't the most responsive
21:07:44Cloudchaseri tried iceblox and liked it but when i used that wheel the window wouldl close sometimes
21:07:49Speedy2NeoTron: Well, $315 is a great price then.
21:07:58NeoTronit is
21:08:07NeoTronCloudchaser: preferable commercia.. :))
21:08:29Cloudchaserisn't there copyright problems with that?
21:08:32NeoTronthen I can make some money on it, so yes. :)
21:08:40warmiCloud: there is no business in selling free games
21:08:41NeoTronthat's what I do
21:08:50NeoTronI port commercial/shareware games
21:08:52kergothhunger: yes, the next release will be on 2.4.19 or so, running opie as a nonroot user.
21:09:08hungerkergoth: Got a timeframe for that allready?
21:09:11Cloudchaserah cool. i'll poke around and see what i can find
21:09:13NeoTronanyhow, will be afk for an hour or so
21:09:29kergothhunger: not yet.. though 2.5.21-rmk1 is mounting the rootfs on my Z :-) so i'm getting there
21:10:44kergothhunger: whew, make kernel-multi takes a long fucking time when you're building 7 of them :-)
21:10:57NeoTronis away: gone
21:11:14kergothherm hrm hrrrm
21:11:16kergothstuck at work
21:12:13Wemblyis back. What was going on ? [SZoff]
21:13:17Cloudchaserhey where was the 2.37 release notes that benmeyer said he put up?
21:13:46warmiuh ... it was some funky URL
21:13:52warmi: sorry...
21:13:52warmiibot 2.37
21:13:54kergothyou're so helpful warmi
21:14:12warmiI am trying my best
21:15:39Speedy2Does the Zaurus have stereo audio out?
21:15:48Cloudchaseroh bleh samba doesn't work over usb i guess
21:15:56kergothoaky the first kernel is up on SF
21:15:58Mickey0Speedy2: sure
21:16:03kergothSpeedy2: yep.
21:16:16kergothCloudchaser: the files are up on SF for whenever you're ready ;-)
21:16:26Cloudchaserare the instructions there?
21:16:34kergothAHEM, attention people, new openzaurus initrd and zImage, and README and INSTALL are available on SF.
21:16:39kergothCloudchaser: yeah, INSTALL
21:16:40Speedy2But it also uses the left channel for microphone, correct?
21:16:50Wemblyits l33t :)
21:16:55kergothCloudchaser: if you ahve questions let me know, and i'll add more info to the docs
21:16:59Mickey0kergoth: <insert taDaa.wav>
21:17:08Wemblygawd knows if it can handle full duplex tho
21:17:18Cloudchasertell you what.. if i have questions and you answer them.. I'll add them to your docs ;)
21:17:24kergothCloudchaser: k :-)
21:17:42kergothheaves a sigh of relief now that its released
21:18:00Speedy2kergoth: Well, you'll be heaving from all the support mail you have to deal with now :)
21:18:15kergothSpeedy2: shut up, i'm trying to not think about that ;-)
21:18:59kergothCloudchaser: let me know how it goes. if it goes well, then I'll post an announcement to the lists.
21:20:05Cloudchaserok have to do a backup first..
21:21:05Cloudchaserhmm vnc not working over usb.. i could swear it used to
21:23:19it has been said that opie is the Open Palmtop Integrated Environment.  More info can be found at or in the #opie channel. or at or at or most important at
21:23:19Cloudchaseribot opie
21:23:27hmmm... OZ is see openzaurus or
21:23:27Cloudchaseribot OZ
21:24:35Cloudchaserok get all 4 of those files? 2.9.4 which is really oz3 b10.4?
21:24:42Cloudchaseri thougth it was 10.3 coming out
21:25:00Cloudchaseroh looks like 5 things ;)
21:25:03kergothi changed versioning schemes to make more sense. and add confusion. lol
21:25:27kergothCloudchaser: read INSTALL. it tells ya what to do. you need bootflag.txt, a zImage, and a initrd.bin
21:25:42Cloudchaserhehe ok which ram split is that one ou put up?
21:25:53kergothhence the filename
21:25:56kergoth40 megs of ram, 24 meg ramdisk
21:26:06kergothslightly different than the default 32-32 sharp uses
21:26:16Cloudchaserdo i want that one?
21:26:19kergothif you need a different configuration, you'll have to wait for my kernel builds to finish.. they're going..
21:26:29kergothCloudchaser: do you need a full 32mb of ramdisk?
21:26:42kergothCloudchaser: myself, having a CF is enough, i install anything beyond 24mb to cf.
21:26:59kergothCloudchaser: most people find 40-24 is a good balance, myself, ljp, hunger, for example
21:27:01Cloudchaseralot of stuff won't install to sd card
21:27:05Cloudchaserok i'll try that
21:27:14kergothCloudchaser: apps install to sd easier in OZ
21:27:21tux_mikeeverything installs to SD with oz
21:27:48Cloudchaserhow bout restoring stuff.. data and the like?
21:28:12kergothCloudchaser: your data backups from the sharp rom are just tarballs. you can either extract them manually or install benmeyer's databackup app off the ZZ feed.
21:28:39Cloudchaserok i'll do that real quick, i did back up from sharp rom also
21:29:51kergothCloudchaser: i meant install benmeyer's backup app in OZ.. it should be able to restore a backup made by the sharp rom's backup app, iirc
21:30:05Cloudchaserohh gotcha
21:30:31Cloudchasermy ramdisk will be different though
21:30:38kergothCloudchaser: ?
21:30:44Cloudchaserthe size
21:30:50Cloudchaseri might not have enough room on 24
21:30:54kergothfor what?
21:30:56Cloudchaserto restore
21:31:04kergothum, the backup app backs up user data
21:31:07kergothnot applications, iirc
21:31:10kergothcould be wrong though.
21:31:18Cloudchaserthe back up app does everything ;)
21:31:27Cloudchaserwhen i flashed with 2.37
21:31:28kergothso you have a 40 meg tarball on your CF?
21:31:39Cloudchaseri just restored and voila it was as before
21:31:56kergothhm, well ben's databackup app will try to restore to / most lkely
21:32:00Cloudchaseri don't think it was 40 meg
21:32:03kergothand you only have 2mb free of flash
21:32:16kergothyou're best off extracting the backup file manually. shouldnt be much work.
21:32:20kergothopie needs a backup/restore app
21:33:06kergothibot: message for benmeyer: feel like rewriting databackup? opie needs a backup/restore app, preferably one that can restore applications to ram or flash, and that can restore from a backup made by a sharp rom, to ease the transition for users.
21:35:07Wemblyis away. Automatically set away [SZon]
21:36:02Cloudchaserif i backup just /home/root via ftp i should be ok?
21:36:05Cloudchaserfor data?
21:36:20Cloudchaseri can re-install the programs manually and probly would rather anyway
21:38:36kergothCloudchaser: yep, that'd be fine.
21:38:38Cloudchaserdoes my CF card have to be empty?
21:38:53Cloudchaserjust have to have thos files in the root of the card
21:39:50Cloudchaserdo i use same instructions as for flashing z rom? (i never did that, just the 2.37 one which is different)
21:40:01Cloudchaseri'm downloading it now
21:40:04kergothc+d then hit full reset
21:40:39Cloudchaserc + d at same time then do the reset under the battery cover?
21:40:57kergothcareful to only hit c+d.. if you hit another letter as well it wont work
21:43:48Cloudchaseri have to have it plugged into power too right?
21:44:31Wemblyany chance of sending via wireless a compressed or semi-compressed audio stream?
21:44:44kergothWembly: install esd?
21:44:56Wemblykergoth: esd goes the other way tho.
21:45:06kergothoh, you want to transmit..
21:45:11Wemblyi wanta make some kinda digital fone type thingie.
21:45:18Wemblybut use a 802.11
21:45:26Wemblyand a computer to handle whats done with the audio streams
21:45:39Wemblywell no
21:45:43Wemblyim just kinda pondering ideas
21:46:22Wemblyponders if ogmo is the same one he thinks he knows...
21:48:50Speedy2Wembly: You could encode using a simple CODEC and do that...but the battery life would be crap.
21:49:28Wemblywhy do they tempt us with such coolie things. but cant get any better battery power? COULD just do "bit stuffing" compression and just randomnly drop bits
21:49:38Wemblynoo its always faster ways to make your battery drain.
21:49:38sigI just beat RTCW
21:49:43sighad a gay ending
21:49:45Speedy2sig: The ending sux
21:49:47Speedy2I was about to say
21:50:03Speedy2sig: The ending is very much crap. It's not even hard!
21:50:08sigSpeedy2: i was like... wtf when all the sudden the game turned into a damn porno
21:50:13Speedy2sig: Max Payne also has a dumb ending
21:50:21Speedy2sig: Damn porno? Did you see different ending then I?
21:50:23sigall the sudden all the bitches are nakd
21:50:32Speedy2I don't recall that
21:50:34sigSpeedy2: yeah
21:50:37sigI have sshots
21:50:38sigone sec
21:52:36sigyou never saw that?
21:52:51Speedy2I don't think so
21:52:58sigyeah it was weird
21:53:53kergothCloudchaser: how goes it?
21:55:54sigSpeedy2: yeah, i played and beat maxpayne too....
21:56:02Speedy2That had a STUPID ending too
21:56:10Speedy2Like NO ENDING
21:56:14Speedy2Good story line, fun game play
21:56:16Speedy2STUPID ENDING
21:56:22sigI beat that game like 7 months ago
21:56:26Speedy2Moi aussi
21:56:32sigsold it on ebay
21:57:03sigyou see that?
21:57:41Wemblyi love this
21:57:44Wemblyplay mp3'
21:57:49Wemblyplay mp3's in your car.
21:58:03Wemblygreat but you'll probly want to keep it chargd so when you get out you can do stuffs for awhile.
21:58:40Wemblydo they even sell a car charger yet?
21:58:42sigWembly: yeah, I'm looking for a car charger for my z... i can't find one
21:58:52Speedy2Not hard to build...
21:59:06Wemblyisnt it just a standard power plug?
21:59:20Speedy2Oh no
21:59:26Speedy2You need some diodes at the very least
21:59:29sigit has to be the right specifications or it will prolly fry your z
21:59:45sigwhat do you mean no
21:59:48Speedy2But car cigarette lighters have NASTY voltage spikes on them
22:00:06sigthats why you need to get the right car charger for it
22:00:08Wemblyspeedy2: i mean take another pda car charger..
22:00:14Speedy2Depends on what the voltage on the input caps are
22:00:27Speedy2Cause it uses switching power supplies, so a higher input voltage won't harm it.
22:01:21Wemblyspeedy: i remember reading somewhere were someone took another pda's charger and used that.
22:01:27Wemblyspeedy: but that was for the wall.
22:01:47toolafialon the back of the Z it says for adaptor use 5VDC @ 2A
22:01:57kergothCloudchaser_: re
22:01:59toolafialI'm sure that radio shack has an adapter for that
22:02:20toolafialyou will probably have to re-wire the adaptor
22:02:54Cloudchaser_samba hates dhcp!
22:03:08Speedy2Don't exceed 10V
22:03:13Speedy2For the input
22:03:17Speedy2Which is stupid IMO
22:03:41toolafialyou could easily run that off the cigarette lighter socket
22:03:49Wemblyon the back of my Z it says 5.0V -- (DC), 6.2W (AC adapter)
22:04:07Wemblyfor use with AC adapter EA-70(DC5V,2A)
22:04:25toolafialwell the AC adaptor that came with the Z is 5VDC @ 2A
22:04:37toolafialso sticking to that spec would probably be the safest
22:04:47sigtoolafial: hehe
22:04:52Wemblytoolafial: gee i hope so :)
22:05:10Wemblynah go look for say a palm or pocketpc charger. that has the same connector.
22:06:23toolafialdamn! radioshack online doesn't have any spec listed on their DC converters
22:07:09Cloudchaser_well.. backing up isn't so easy via samba or ftp.. seems to hate that
22:07:21Cloudchaser_i cant' remember where my iqnotes .xml lives
22:07:37Cloudchaser_i'll have to use the backup tar i guess
22:08:24toolafialradioshack has a PDA adaptor 6VDC @ 1.6A for $15
22:08:25sigdamnit, i have to go to work tonight
22:08:29Cloudchaser_cept the file name is 2002-06-24-11-46.backup so not sure how to split it
22:08:33kergothCloudchaser_: it should put its stuff in /home/root/Applications like the rest
22:08:43kergothCloudchaser_: .backup is just a tarball. try tar -zxvf on it
22:08:51toolafialP/N 25-951
22:09:54toolafialdoes anyone know the max number amps the Z pulls
22:11:26Speedy2Well if it's 6VDC @ 1.6A, it could pull 1.92A @ 5V
22:11:33Speedy2So that looks like a safe bet.
22:12:10sigSpeedy2: I'd just look online for one
22:12:18sigor you'll be returning your z for a new one
22:12:20Speedy2sig: Look online for what?
22:12:23Speedy2No, you won't
22:12:32sigSpeedy2: for a car charger
22:12:41Speedy2sig: Well, building one is not too hard.
22:12:46Speedy2But whatever floats your boat.
22:12:50sigSpeedy2: i didn't say it was
22:13:00sigbut if you get the wrong specs you might fry it
22:13:06Speedy2It's fused internally
22:13:19sigyou can still fry it
22:13:20Speedy2So, the fuse resets
22:13:27Speedy2"Fry it" is a useless term
22:13:36Speedy2What will you fry? It's fused, it's protected
22:13:44sigit 'can' burn out
22:14:03siggo try it
22:14:06toolafialthe spec says 6.2W drawn with adaptor
22:14:17toolafialbut I can't remember my electronics formulas
22:14:30Speedy2I've got no problems, I know how to fix it.
22:16:47toolafialfor 6.2 watts @ 5 VDC it pulls 1.24 amps
22:17:09Speedy2So that 6VDC adaptor would work fine
22:17:27Speedy2I suggest keep it below 7V, so you're ok
22:18:10toolafialat 6VDC 1.033... amps is drawn
22:18:25Speedy2Are you testing this right now?
22:18:36toolafialnow just calculating using ohm's law
22:18:44toolafialerr I mean watt's law
22:19:08Speedy2You can't calculate what is being drawn
22:19:09Speedy2You can measure it
22:19:18Speedy2And you can calculate what the power adaptor can support
22:20:24toolafialP = I x E
22:20:45toolafial6.2 = I x 5
22:20:52Cloudchaser_can i open the batter covery before i hit the c + d?
22:20:57toolafialI = 6.2 / 5
22:21:13Cloudchaser_kinda hard to hit them both without anything else... hehe my fingernails get in the way
22:21:33toolafialsince we know the power usage in watts we can figure out the amps
22:21:34Cloudchaser_and i need 2 hands
22:21:36Speedy2That "I" is the maximum amount of current that can be drawn
22:21:39Cloudchaser_to hit them
22:21:47Speedy2toolafial: That power consumption figure is a maximum, not an average
22:22:14toolafialwell a maximum power comsumption is sufficient for getting a power adaptor
22:22:24toolafialso there ya go
22:22:41Speedy2<toolafial> at 6VDC 1.033... amps is drawn
22:22:52Speedy2I'm just saying you can't make that assertion, that's all
22:23:07toolafialoh okay, point taken
22:24:05toolafialI guess I should have said at 6 VDC a maximum of 1.033... amps will be drawn if the power comsuption is 6.2 W
22:24:51toolafialand that is why I figured on early in my life that I didn't want to be an electrical engineer
22:25:59toolafialI am studying computer science because I don't like working with decimals
22:29:03toolafialComputer Science: all nice, easy, discrete numbers
22:29:48Cloudchaser_listens to the drum roll as her z reflashes
22:29:54Cloudchaser_oh the lights went off!
22:30:38Cloudchaser_here goes nothing!
22:31:02cxmtoolafial you can have decimals in binary too. Makes perfect sense
22:31:22toolafialcxm: true
22:31:37cxmjust my .1 pence worth :P
22:31:41toolafialbut are there computers that handle decimal binary numbers?
22:32:09cxmthey all do - it's called 'fixed point' and was used before coprocessors and fast graphics cards were invented
22:32:56ljpdamn it
22:33:01toolafialcxm: true
22:35:48OriumporCloudchaser_: did it work!!?
22:38:59Wemblywhy is it on X i never seem to have enough room no matter what the resolution my screen is at.
22:39:37Cloudchaser_hehe i missed a step, have eto do it again
22:41:39OriumporWembly: 1600 never seems like enough eh?
22:42:02W|GGL|Tdamn....rtcw is hard
22:42:02treke|workWembly: I've found the secret is, one screen is never enough
22:42:48Oriumportreke: flatpanels need smaller borders around them so you can distrubute them across a desk and still have room for a keyboard and mouse
22:43:08Oriumpordistribute even
22:43:37Cloudchaser_pingz guy!
22:44:33Cloudchaser_pingizauru :)
22:44:36OriumporDoes kergoth have an eta on OZ image?
22:44:38Cloudchaser_little green guy
22:44:43Cloudchaser_its up!
22:44:47Cloudchaser_first one anyway
22:44:50kergothOriumpor: ? its out :-)
22:45:07Cloudchaser_taking a while to start though
22:45:13treke|workCloudchaser_: using oz?
22:45:18Cloudchaser_loading mods
22:45:28Oriumporis behind
22:45:32kergothyeah the initial package config takes a bit
22:45:40Oriumporkergoth: where it be?
22:45:40kergothOriumpor: check Sf.. only one kernel is available so far though, 40-24
22:45:41Cloudchaser_ok welcom to Opie!
22:45:54Oriumporkergoth: aargh... I'm at work I only have my 5000d w/me
22:46:00Oriumporkergoth: :P
22:46:07kergothOriumpor: hehe. patience.. it takes a while to build 7 kernels
22:46:09Cloudchaser_ok now...
22:46:19Cloudchaser_i can uninstall the stuff i don't want?
22:46:23ljpcurses the guy that just plowed into my car
22:46:34Cloudchaser_hmm wheres the hancom stuff?
22:46:53ljphancom isnt free
22:47:02Cloudchaser_i have it though
22:47:05Cloudchaser_all 5500's do
22:47:19Wembly7 kernels?
22:47:33ljpbut you just flashed over it unless you backed it up
22:49:09Cloudchaser_well i think i did in the full back up
22:49:15Cloudchaser_but.. i don't want the full backup
22:49:30Cloudchaser_don't guess there is an ipkg for it either?
22:49:50treke|workCloudchaser_: There are. I just private messaged you the url
22:52:23kergothokay all 7 kernels are now available.
22:52:52Cloudchaser_thanks kergoth ;)
22:53:00Cloudchaser_now i just hve to figure out how much space i have where
22:53:04kergothnp. please test, report any bugs
22:53:10kergothyou have 24 megs of ram, about 2-3 megs free of flash
22:53:14Cloudchaser_looks like 2960 on rom
22:53:15kergoth24 megs of ramdisk
22:54:03Cloudchaser_something used 16 of the 24
22:54:12Cloudchaser_only has 8 free
22:54:23kergothCloudchaser_: sysinfo is broken.
22:54:27kergothCloudchaser_: you have 24 megs free
22:54:40Cloudchaser_says 16 used 8 available
22:54:42kergothCloudchaser_: pester ljp about a fix.
22:54:46kergothCloudchaser_: yes i know, sysinfo is flawed.
22:54:59kergothCloudchaser_: drop to konsole and run df, you'll see what i mean
22:55:40ljpactually.. its storage class thats flawed
22:56:43ljpand I guess sysinfo too cause it doesnt deal with that
22:57:03ljpok.. this week couldnt get any worse could it?
22:57:05treke|workCloudchaser_: The ipks wont install cleanly on openzaurus, but you can eventually get it to work
22:57:58treke|workCloudchaser_: ipkg has become much more anal about conflicts
22:58:42Cloudchaser_how will i do that treke?
22:58:55Cloudchaser_is all ipkg a problem to install?
22:59:04treke|workCloudchaser_: basically it will say a bunch of files conflict, and you have to delete them. Most ipks work
22:59:34Cloudchaser_so when it says x is a conflict i have to find it and delete it?
22:59:36treke|workCloudchaser_: They duplicate the same files through the packages, I think is in every package.
22:59:40Cloudchaser_then try again  over and over?
22:59:54kergothso the problem is badly done packaging :-)
23:00:05kergothno more garbage on my Z's serial port
23:00:07kergothwoo hoo
23:00:11treke|workCloudchaser_: It says exactly which files are conflicting. So you just have to delete all the files it says are conflicting.
23:00:15kergothi can properly analyze debug output now
23:00:18treke|workit's not as bad as say rpm dependencies
23:00:29kergothhehe. not much is that bad
23:00:52kergothSpeedy2: wooo.. no garbage on the serial line anymore. i threw in a delay to throttle the output :-)
23:01:01sighow do i get chanserv to leave my channel?
23:01:03treke|workthe old shell ipkg was much more lenient on what it let through
23:01:47ljpmy poor car
23:04:26NeoTronhttp://  <-- good new Prodigy
23:04:30NeoTronI like it. :P
23:04:53oGMosig, there's a command to make it join or sit there and keep the channel alive, look it up and try to reverse it
23:05:09treke|workdoesnt trust NeoTron anymore
23:05:43NeoTronwhy, because I like Prodigy? :)
23:05:50Oriumporallright... I'm outa here
23:05:56Oriumporadios ppl
23:06:57NeoTronbah, they rock.
23:07:04NeoTronnice and relaxing music
23:07:12NeoTronhttp:// bty
23:07:13treke|workoh not the online service
23:08:01ljpreceive does not work..
23:09:18Cloudchaser_hmm i'm a bit ...locked up here
23:09:29Cloudchaser_ok free
23:09:55W|GGL|Ti think i'll play with OZ again tonight
23:10:17W|GGL|Tand maybe tomorrow, go out and get a wireless access point and card
23:10:26cxmis there a free image viewer that doesn't suck? I have the original developer Z
23:10:26sigwho uses figlet?
23:10:30W|GGL|Tspend more money
23:10:35W|GGL|Tsig: got your case yet?
23:10:38cxmit can't open a 200k image file :((
23:10:41sigW|GGL|T: not yet :(
23:10:57W|GGL|Thas never tried opening that big of an image on the Z
23:11:09W|GGL|Tsig: hopefully by the end of the week, eh?
23:11:15cxmit's not a big image - it opens on other PDAs
23:11:43Wemblycxm: those are two unrelated things.
23:11:43ljphmm I can ping the z, but ftp doesn't work
23:11:46Mickey0cxm: mooview can.
23:11:59Wemblycxm: weather it opens on other pda's or not has nothing to do if its bit or not :)
23:12:10Wemblycxm: anyhow good luck :)
23:12:11Mickey0cxm: hmm... but apparently only jpeg images :(
23:12:18cxmjpeg is fine
23:12:49sigW|GGL|T: i can't run figlet in my channel, it says --- A process is already running
23:13:08sigsame with this chan
23:13:13cxmgrr, still haven't got USB working....
23:13:18W|GGL|Tdoesn't know what figlet is
23:13:41Wemblyanyhow bbl
23:13:47W|GGL|Tlater Wembly
23:14:56W|GGL|Tstill need to figure out how to get the usb cradle online using linux
23:15:05oGMoWembly: missed you again
23:15:13sigW|GGL|T: build it as a module
23:15:20W|GGL|Tsig: did that
23:15:20sigthere is a link on qtopia's site
23:15:23siga walk through
23:15:26oGMoW|GGL|T: tis easy
23:15:34ljpkergoth: ping
23:15:46W|GGL|Ti can ping the cradle but it won't go out to the net
23:15:52W|GGL|Ti don't think its a module thing
23:15:59W|GGL|Tmore like a NAT thing
23:16:03oGMothe actual "hard" part is editing the correct script to add a default gateway so the Z can see the greater network
23:16:11W|GGL|Tbut i already followed the howto
23:16:48W|GGL|Ti'll play with it more when i go on 'vacation'
23:17:31oGMoW|GGL|T: if NAT is already going on your box, you need to edit /etc/hotplug/usbdnet.conf and /etc/hotplug/usbd.func and add a couple lines
23:17:49oGMoon the Z, of course
23:18:11oGMojust saw it on the list yesterday, worked like a charm
23:18:20W|GGL|Thrmmm...that's not in the howto
23:18:32W|GGL|Ti'll maybe mess with it tonight then
23:19:00sigW|GGL|T: you want to see what figlet is?
23:19:08oGMooh great, figlet ;)
23:19:10W|GGL|Tsig: sure
23:19:20sig ____  _____ ____ ___    _    _   _ _
23:19:21sig|  _ \| ____| __ )_ _|  / \  | \ | | |
23:19:21sig| | | |  _| |  _ \| |  / _ \ |  \| | |
23:19:21sig| |_| | |___| |_) | | / ___ \| |\  |_|
23:19:21sig|____/|_____|____/___/_/   \_\_| \_(_)
23:19:31W|GGL|Toh...never mind
23:19:47W|GGL|Ti run debian on my other system
23:19:52W|GGL|Tmore like libranet
23:19:56sigW|GGL|T: I hope i get my case by tomorrow
23:20:03treke|work  __                 _ _ _            _
23:20:03treke|work / _| __ _ _ __ ___ (_) (_) __ _ _ __| |
23:20:03treke|work| |_ / _` | '_ ` _ \| | | |/ _` | '__| |
23:20:03treke|work|  _| (_| | | | | | | | | | (_| | |  |_|
23:20:03treke|work|_|  \__,_|_| |_| |_|_|_|_|\__,_|_|  (_)
23:20:10][N-Fluxis away: fixin pc
23:20:11sigtreke|work: lol
23:20:14[DrEvil]debian beatnick
23:20:20sig[DrEvil]: LMAO
23:20:21oGMo[DrEvil]: :)
23:20:24BigBosswow, I thought you said DEVON, who is of course a famous porn star :)
23:20:34sigBigBoss: hahaha
23:20:57Cloudchaser_hiya bigboss
23:21:10[DrEvil]OS/2 Forever!
23:21:40oGMo[DrEvil]: hey i actually used to use os/2 ;)
23:21:44W|GGL|TSlackware is the shit!
23:22:07[DrEvil]so did I
23:22:09oGMoeven coded a little for it, and i was just a kid
23:22:26cxmis there an ebook reader for the Z that copes with HTML (huuuuuge HTML files)?
23:22:36[DrEvil]remembers why he hates windows so much
23:22:38oGMocxm: something wrong with opera?
23:22:59cxmI dunno if opera will take a file:/// URL that is a huuuuge HTML file
23:23:25oGMoi don't know if the Z has enough memory to render a large html file in any case, but it does take file:/// and it should at least try
23:23:26W|GGL|Tnot if you break up the html
23:23:36cxm630k of CVS documentation :)
23:24:07oGMocvs docs are 630k? on one page?
23:24:20oGMoi didn't think all the info pages were that much combined ;)
23:24:25ljpkergoth: ping
23:24:36cxm (647354 bytes)
23:24:49cxmit's like a tutorial
23:24:54oGMocxm: you could try, the worst is that it'd probably crash opera with an "out of memory"
23:25:21oGMoi mean, it's linux, it can take a bit of battering, right? ;)
23:25:29zappinCan someone please help me with QPose?
23:26:18W|GGL|Tguess not
23:30:19sigheheh woops
23:36:11sighmm, I'm going to find something to do...
23:38:07sigis back
23:43:17ljpkergoth: ping
23:43:47whardierhey ljp.. wanna go smoke some crack?
23:43:55ljpheheheh NO
23:44:07ljpsome idiot plowed into the side of my car tonight
23:44:13fusion94whardier: you've been hanging with kergoth too much
23:49:39whardierdamn dude!
23:49:42ljpibot: message for kergoth: ftp and sync aren't working anymore ;(
23:50:12ljpya you should see it.. .the whole passenger side is caved in
23:52:23ljpit was in a parking lot too
23:52:32ljpdamn damn damn
23:52:39whardiermy car is like that
23:52:59ljpmy car _was_ nice
23:53:32fusion94ljp: what kind of vehicle ?
23:54:01Cloudchaser_you didnt get hurt though ljp, did you?
23:54:19ljpno I'm ok..
23:54:29ljp1991 Chevy Z34 Coupe
23:54:35cxmdo you guys have 'insurance' in the USA?
23:54:45ljpyes we do
23:55:01cxmthat's cool
23:56:38cxmso, who pays for the damage to the motor?
23:56:54ljpsame.. I drove away
23:57:05ljpbut its got no passenger door anymore
23:57:23cxmhmmm at least it happened in summer
23:59:26cxmgot any security camera footage of the perpetrator? Track them down... ;-)
23:59:57ljpoh.. he didnt flee..

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot logs, split per channel and by date, etc.