irclog2html for zaurus on 2002.04.14

00:00:01kend-staticshould i upload 'em to handango?
00:00:10kend-statici really want to cause as little confusion as possible
00:00:11NeoTronhold a sec
00:00:16ljp--yep, it's rum:30
00:00:40tux_mikeanyone wanna take dibs on how long this 20 MHz machine will make QT in?  i'm guessing 3 days.  :)
00:00:49kend-static20 MHz!?
00:00:51kend-staticwhat IS it?
00:01:46kend-staticwonders what NeoTron's doing
00:02:01kend-staticshoot - i'm getting hungry
00:02:08tux_mikekend-static: m68k mac.  i'm building it on this because it's the only thing i have at the time with a framebuffer
00:02:12NeoTron and ditto for libSDL_mixer.a
00:02:18kend-statickewl neo - thanks! :)
00:03:01tux_mikekend-static: it's been goign for an hour and just finished compiling moc, and just started on libpng
00:03:17kend-static /usr/local/arm/lib//libSDL_mixer.a: could not read symbols: No more archived files
00:03:33ljp--tux: what version of qt? 2.3? or 3? with examples?
00:03:54kend-static /usr/local/arm/lib/libSDL.a:       current ar archive
00:03:56kend-static /usr/local/arm/lib/libSDL_mixer.a: current ar archive
00:03:59tux_mikei think i left examples on :/
00:04:24kend-staticideas, neo?
00:04:27tux_mikei'll give it the good ol' ctrl-c if i see it do any examples
00:04:44tux_mikekend-static: don't you need the .la files too for static linking?
00:04:56kend-statici have NO idea
00:05:05kend-staticit took this long for me to realize i didnt have (and needed) .a's
00:05:39tux_mikewe should just make libSDL available via a package and leave it at that
00:07:09Narrowmindyou need .a's at co,
00:07:11kend-staticoh shit
00:07:15kend-statici didnt finish downloading :)
00:07:20Narrowminder compile time
00:07:24kend-staticthat's what i get for running wget without watchign
00:08:00tux_mikeNarrowmind: you need the .h files at compile time, .a (i think .la) at link time ;)
00:08:24kend-statictux_mike: i'll send you a new ipkg in a few, is that alright?
00:08:41tux_mikei may not be around to test it.
00:08:51kend-staticwoah - now i get this.   cpp: -lang-c: linker input file unused since linking not done
00:09:05tux_mikei need to find my stylus,
00:09:19Narrowmindoften linking is right after
00:09:34tux_mikekend-static: you have -lSDL -Lpath/to/sdl?
00:09:44kend-static-L/path/to/SDL -lSDL -lSDL_mixer
00:09:51NeoTronI need to fix up SDL and then it might be more officially available
00:09:58NeoTronafter the contest I should have some time for that
00:10:00tux_miketry making it clean
00:10:08kend-statici did
00:10:15NeoTronkend-static: the .a's don't work? lemme check..
00:10:28kend-staticwoah, didn't get a .o file
00:10:31Narrowmindbah.. i cant loose my styles.. the linksys card locks it in place
00:10:42NeoTronthey seem to work fine
00:10:51kend-statici borked something
00:11:06kend-static /usr/local/arm/bin/arm-linux-gcc -Wall -Wno-long-long -pedantic -ansi -O2 -I/usr/include/SDL -D_REENTRANT -D__SOUND -DDATA_PREFIX=\"/opt/QtPalmtop/share/vectoroids/\" -DJOY_NO -DEMBEDDED   -c -o vectoroids.o vectoroids.c
00:11:08kend-staticthat's my compile line
00:11:27kend-staticwoah hey
00:11:37kend-staticoh no, that looks ok
00:11:37NeoTronbtw, you can't use -static I'd say, but just add /foo/bar/libSDL.a etc to the command line
00:11:44kend-staticit dies THERE now
00:11:47kend-staticneo - i'll try
00:12:09kend-staticwoah - doorbell! brbr
00:12:32Narrowmindis there a faq or something about how the apps (media player) get a file list ?
00:15:52tux_mikebah.  i hope sharp makes stylii avalable!  i officially lost mi9ne
00:16:25bewmIES make[2]: /usr/src/zaurus/CVSWORK/buildroot-oz/configs/ No such file or directory
00:16:56Narrowmindheh.. how far diffrent are they from palm/visor styli..
00:18:38NeoTrontux_mike: ah, another one bites the dust
00:19:12bewmIESkergoth:  missing \ line 15
00:19:20bewmIESThe other was obviously a typo in :)
00:20:04kergothactually it wasnt. i renamed that package for compatibility with debian/familiar
00:20:08bewmIESahh, you got the jffs one
00:20:09kergothand forgot to commit the rm/add
00:20:14Narrowmindahhh comitted code that has never been tested
00:20:17bewmIESSo they're all in now?
00:20:19kergothk i committed the changed libjpeg
00:20:21bewmIESGOnna clean and build one more time
00:20:41kergothdecided to add libjpeg so we'd have it for the qt/e compile (-system-jpeg)
00:20:52tux_mikeNeoTron: you lost yours too?
00:20:56bewmIESYeah, plus konq needs it
00:21:05NeoTrontux_mike: yes, after like 2 days or so
00:21:09bewmIES(And it wasn't in the 3.0 feed last I checked)
00:21:47tux_mikeNeoTron: ouch.  at least mine has stayed with me since december.
00:22:04tux_mikenow i have to use the red pagemart stylus that i can't seem to loose
00:22:05NeoTronusing a visor edge stylus now
00:22:20NeoTronit doesn't fit right however
00:22:35tux_mikemine is a palm pilot personal stylus.  only one i have around :)
00:22:44Narrowmindbah.. i need a drimel to *fix* this wireless card
00:22:52kergothbewmIES: fyi you can update everything from ipks.. no need for further flashes. i fixed the bugs in the buildsystem, built ipks, and updated my unit.. worked flawless
00:22:55kergothk i need food
00:23:05tux_mikeit fits in the slot, but sticks out a quarter inch
00:23:52NeoTronok, they say you should exit your app by using close() in the main window. well. that doesn't work for me
00:25:03bewmIESThat's cool
00:25:13ljp--ughhh "Gtk# 0.1 released "
00:25:19bewmIESExcept for kernel changes, of course :)
00:25:30bewmIEShah, where is that ljp?
00:25:35ljp--Neo: try exit(0)
00:25:51Narrowmindheh.. and hailstorm is dead.. good timing
00:25:57NeoTronljp--: right. that works. however then ungrabKeyboard or what not does NOT work
00:26:48ljp--ungrabKeyboard doesnt work right anyway
00:27:37kend-staticok damnit
00:27:38kend-staticwhat did i break?!
00:27:50NeoTronljp--: but it does, at least using a trick
00:28:05kend-static /usr/local/arm/bin/arm-linux-gcc -Wall -Wno-long-long -pedantic -ansi -O2 -I/usr/include/SDL -D_REENTRANT -D__SOUND -DDATA_PREFIX=\"/opt/QtPalmtop/share/vectoroids/\" -DJOY_NO -DEMBEDDED   -c -o vectoroids.o vectoroids.c
00:28:08NeoTron  QCopEnvelope e("QPE/System", "grabKeyboard(QString)" );
00:28:08NeoTron  e << "";
00:28:13kend-staticcpp: -lang-c: linker input file unused since linking not done
00:28:39kend-staticwtf did i do!/
00:28:56Com[Plexis oz3 ouit yet? :>
00:28:59NeoTronah, got a solution which seems to work
00:29:02Com[Plexstill beta2?
00:29:14kend-staticsee topic:   "OZ3 highly beta!!! out"
00:29:20Com[Plexhey msmax: you around?
00:29:25Narrowminddid you supply -c along with .a ??
00:29:53Narrowmindkend : ya
00:29:54kend-statici even moved the .a files out of /usr/local/arm/libs
00:30:40kend-statici'm just trying to get it to build, period, now
00:30:44kend-staticnot statically...
00:31:21kend-static /usr/local/arm/bin/arm-linux-gcc vectoroids.c -c -I/usr/include/SDL
00:31:21kend-staticcpp: -lang-c: linker input file unused since linking not done
00:31:21kend-staticarm-linux-gcc: installation problem, cannot exec `cc1': No such file or directory
00:32:20kend-statici seriously broke something somewhere.. madbomber won't xcompile now, either!
00:32:26ljp--NeoTron: if you open a messagebox or anyother window when your app is in the grabbed state, when you close it, ungrabKeyboard will not work. Not even if you call it
00:32:51NeoTronljp--: actually, it works when I do that QCopEnvelope
00:32:59tux_mikekend;  looks like your toolchain blew up.  how odd.  it also seems odd that cpp is giving you that error
00:33:06NeoTronhowever it doesn't seem to work if I try to do it while my app is running
00:33:08kend-staticyeah - i didnt TOUCH my toolchain!
00:33:12tux_mikekend-static: try making a hello.c and compile
00:33:58kend-static /usr/local/arm/bin/arm-linux-gcc hello.c -o hello
00:33:59kend-staticcpp: -lang-c: linker input file unused since linking not done
00:33:59kend-staticarm-linux-gcc: installation problem, cannot exec `cc1': No such file or directory
00:34:07NeoTronit works in a flaky manner, I suppose. I'll leave it as it is for now
00:34:28kergoth`foodkend-static: heh. i dont trust the trolltech toolchain
00:34:35kend-staticit worked FINE
00:34:39kend-staticwhat happened!?!?
00:34:40tux_mikekend-static: i was getting that on an m68k toolchain.  
00:34:46kergothi trust the lineo toolchain
00:34:48kend-staticmaybe my pc is hot :)
00:35:32kend-staticwtf wtf WTF
00:35:37bewmIESDoes ipkg haev anything like apt's "upgrade"/
00:35:45bewmIES(or dist-upgrade for that matter)
00:35:46roge99hey kergoth
00:36:08roge99did ya finish beta 3 ?
00:36:08kergothhey roge99
00:36:15kergothbewmIES: yes. ipkg update && ipkg upgrade
00:36:23kergothroge99: nope, havent had much time to work on it
00:36:36bewmIESSo then I could just make a local feed and upgrade whenever I make a new build?
00:36:39kergothugh ive got a horrid headache
00:36:41kergothbewmIES: precisely
00:36:58roge99kergoth: did you get wlan done ?
00:36:59bewmIESIf I'm ever in MN I owe you a lot of alcohol.
00:37:02kergothyeah, a lot easier than reflashing over and over
00:37:05kend-staticOH SHIT
00:37:08kend-staticSHIT SHIT SHIIIT
00:37:11kend-staticdrw-r--r--    4 root     root         8192 Apr 13 17:31 lib
00:37:12kergothroge99: nah, working on fs kinks first
00:37:18kergothkend-static: ahaha
00:37:20kergothkend-static: doh
00:37:21kend-staticstupid tab completion!
00:37:31NeoTronThe reason for not using qApp->quit() was that the app then gets into the "relaunces automatically" state
00:37:42roge99have a beer ( it will help w/ the headache )
00:37:44tux_mikekend-static: what was wrong?
00:37:55kergothroge99: thats an idea..
00:37:58bewmIESroge:  That only works if you're hungover
00:38:02Narrowmindbah.. we need someway to disable to turn off powersaving while running on ac
00:38:05bewmIES(give your body what it wants)
00:38:12tux_mikei need some mike's.  
00:38:21roge99bewmIES: you dont have kids do you
00:38:24NeoTronah, there it works
00:38:29bewmIESnot yet, at least none that I know of :)
00:38:37kend-statictux - i had went to chmod the .a files neo sent me
00:38:38bewmIESphears the day he gets that call
00:38:43kend-staticbut i chmod 644'd the directory (lib) instead!
00:39:00kend-statichow do i link SDL statically, but not QPE?
00:39:09tux_mikemaybe that's why my m68k toolchain is borked.
00:39:14bewmIESkendric:  So what exactly is needed to get wlan working in oZ?
00:39:17kergothkend-static: just add the libsdl .a to the link line
00:39:32kergothbewmIES: all we need to do is add it to the buildsystem, afaik
00:39:33tux_mikefsck it now, i'm gonna co opie and run.... my friend has booze :)
00:39:33kend-statickergoth: giv eme an example
00:39:35bewmIESI did it again
00:39:47kergothrm -rf sources?
00:39:47kend-staticchange -lSDL to -lSDL.a ??
00:39:47bewmIESYes but what, the kernel stuff or the userlane stuff?
00:39:55bewmIESI called you kendrick :)
00:39:56kergothbewmIES: both
00:39:59kergothah :-
00:40:14kend-staticoooh! i know :)
00:40:16bewmIESCool, maybe I'll loko at that tonight so I don't need to run cat5 to bed.
00:40:17kergothbewmIES: someone tried to build latest wlan-ng, but it bus errors in the userland apps
00:40:31kergothbewmIES: afaik, the previous rev works
00:40:47kergothbewmIES: we could always use the sources sharp gave out, but they're lacking hte features of newer versions
00:40:57bewmIESWhat kind of features?
00:40:57kergothbewmIES: we could do it just to get wlan up though
00:41:19kergothbewmIES: actually i dont knkow. most of this is info i've assembled, not gathered firsthand. i dont have a cf wlan card
00:41:27kergothmutters about lacking tools for testing
00:41:45tux_mikekerny|home: who's idea was it to put qmame in opie?
00:41:49bewmIESWell the Sharp stuff works just fine for me.  I do not believe in the "newer is better" argument.
00:41:52Narrowmindim using a cf wlan card now
00:41:56kergothtux_mike: catalin committed it
00:41:59kend-staticok, i changed it from "-lSDL" to "/usr/local/arm/lib/libSDL.a"
00:42:00kergothtux_mike: he has write access
00:42:02bewmIESYeah I saw that (qmame in opie)
00:42:07tux_mikekergoth: hrmm...
00:42:16kergothtux_mike: i dont see it as bad.. but we need a way to check out ONLY core and build that..
00:42:21kend-staticnow i'm getting shitloads of "undefined reference to SDL_..." errors
00:42:37kend-staticah... order mattered :) WHEW
00:42:38kergothtux_mike: but i need to finish revamping the buildsystem and also finishing the core/noncore seperation for that
00:42:41tux_mikewith the way mame is, i think we should get the qmame stuff put into the normal xmame sources
00:42:52tux_mikekergoth: this mame will get stale, fast
00:42:55kergothhehe. it is pretty massive and ugly
00:42:59kergoththat too
00:43:15tux_mikeand it makes my co long :)
00:43:20kergothfor the moment, i think its fine though. just suggest to catalin that he push his changes upstream
00:43:20kend-staticerr.. tux_mike (haha)
00:43:35kend-staticwhat's your email again?
00:43:39kergothtux_mike: thats why you keep a checkout on every box, and just cvs up periodically. hehe
00:43:55kend-statici'm going to send you a single binary you should be able to drop into /opt/QtPalmtop/bin/
00:44:18tux_mikekergoth: i think some of the changes confused my cvs... i'm redoing the co, just to make sure.
00:44:24kergothbewmIES: fyi, i left kernel messages in for the moment for debugging reasons. we can disable kernel message output the way the sharp roms do
00:44:27tux_mikeplus the make clean on my existing bombed out
00:44:35kend-staticunfortunately, it's like 1.7MB :(
00:44:41kergothtux_mike: ah.. cvs up -CPdA (-C overwrites locally modified files with cvs versions)
00:44:43kergothtux_mike: hehe
00:44:48tux_mikekend-static: did you strip it?
00:44:52bewmIESYeah, debugging is essential now... just wanted to make sure you knew that they were annoying as hell :)
00:44:57kend-staticoh shit, no i guess not ;)
00:45:04kergothoh i know.. i'm using this too remember
00:45:17tux_mikekend-static: i'll strip it when it gets here
00:45:27kend-staticok - 400K :)
00:45:30kend-staticsending now
00:45:35tux_mikeor not :)
00:46:09NeoTronkergoth: got symlinking to work yet?
00:46:38kergothNeoTron: I dropped that work to reduce code duplication. someone's adding dest functionality + symlinking to qipkg.
00:46:59tux_mike*sigh* i need a 128M cf
00:46:59kergothNeoTron: I'll grab the parsing code from there when its done and merge into a command line app for dong it
00:47:02kergoths/dong it/doing it/
00:47:58kend-statictux - tell me if that works
00:48:02kend-staticanyone else - want to test the IPK?
00:49:14kend-staticanyone? :)
00:49:16kend-staticvectoroids? :)
00:49:43bewmIEShmm, that rm -r should be an rm -rf
00:49:43bewmIESrm: remove write-protected file `/usr/src/zaurus/CVSWORK/buildroot-oz/build/openzaurus_root/sbin/pcinitrd'?
00:49:57bewmIESIn jffs2image
00:50:32kergothk, i'll fix that after i'm done updating opie in the feed
00:50:36kergothadding qpdf and the like
00:51:06tux_mikewell, time to copy everything but qmame to cf
00:51:17bewmIESAbout to flash
00:51:21kend-statictux - can you test that bin for me?
00:51:33kend-staticis about to uninstall sdl packages from zaurus, to test himself
00:53:01kergothbewmIES: have you had any problems suspending?
00:53:14bewmIESNo, but I could not suspend from console
00:53:14kergothbewmIES: if i run opie, then terminate, i can no longer suspend with the cancel button for some reason
00:53:25kergothmine suspends from console only if i boot directly into it
00:53:33bewmIESsame here
00:53:36bewmIESActualy no
00:53:37kend-statichow do you get stuff listed under on handango?
00:53:38kergothi think opie is changing something and not putting it back the way it shouldve been
00:53:41bewmIESI can _never_ suspend to console
00:53:47roge99same here kerf
00:53:49kergothill dig into it later
00:53:55bewmIESI'll test it again this round
00:53:56roge99kergoth even
00:54:31NeoTronI can't understand how you can think that the Qtopia GUI is complicated
00:54:42NeoTronand sure the buttons are small, but that's what the Cancel/Ok buttons are for
00:56:39kergothbewmIES: fixed that really annoying sdmon depending on qpe-base prob
00:57:00kergothbewmIES: I'll fix the depending on qpe2uschedule too, thats wrong for the Z
00:57:07kergothbewmIES: for the packages in the feed i mean
00:58:15tux_mikekend-static: little choppy, but cool
00:58:17kergoth                if ( !settings->servers->isSelected(i) )
00:58:17kergoth                    s << "#";
00:58:27kergothi should remove that
00:58:35kergothdamn feed commenting when unselected
00:59:36kergothk, fixed that in opie cvs
00:59:48bewmIESThat has been my biggest long-standing Qpe annoyance
01:03:09bewmIESThere is no feeds/3.0/Packages file, I assume you're still updating?
01:03:25bewmIESgonna go eat, just give a shout when you're done :)
01:03:32kergothwill do
01:06:24kend-staticok - im off to eat
01:06:27kend-staticenjoy vectoroids! :)
01:07:28roge99hey kergoth did you ever figure out why the console dosent work in opie
01:07:48kergothnah havent had the time to debug
01:07:55kergothworking on fs bugs
01:17:24HellaenergyWhere can a brother get OZ3?
01:17:33kergothin my mind
01:17:37kergothi'm not done yet :-P
01:17:46Hellaenergybeta 3
01:17:55kergothim gonna do a quick test of the current initrd.. if it works, ill upload
01:18:00kergothipkg install to cf/sd/mtdram doesnt work yet
01:18:03kergothand wlan isnt in yet
01:18:35Hellaenergyroge99: Are you in?
01:18:57roge99sup Hellaenergy
01:49:12antlarrgood night
01:55:57keithanyone have trouble with Qtopiadeskop timing out on connecting with a linux box?
02:24:08kergothi just built a beta 3 initrd with opie in it..
02:24:16kergothi'm about to test for functionality off the bat with no tweaks
02:24:27kergothbewmIES: rev 3 of the opie-base package is in the feed without nice. hehe
02:26:33bewmIESIt can't find libjpeg
02:26:36bewmIESAnd it's installed
02:26:58kergoththats odd
02:27:04bewmIESIt is odd
02:27:11bewmIESNo ldconfig
02:27:34kergothlibjpeg is in /usr/lib/ right?
02:27:59kergothactually, try adding /usr/lib to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH line in the qpe startup script.. ? hmm
02:28:16bewmIESMounting /dev/mtdblock4 on / filaed: No suck file or directory
02:28:23bewmIESMounting /dev/mtdblock5 on /usr/local filaed: No suck file or directory
02:29:33kergothman im just screwing up all over the place. arent you glad this is just cvs
02:29:37kergothsmacks forehead
02:29:57kergothbewmIES: i had to remove the .dev tar and let mkfs.jffs2 create the entire dev area to make it easier
02:30:02bewmIESThis is why Sharp should be more public :)
02:30:04kergothbewmIES: but apparently some got left out
02:30:05kergothyeah no shit
02:30:13kergothoh well, hold i'll fix the dev table
02:30:38bewmIESgonan reflash again one more time
02:30:48bewmIESDon't ask why :)
02:33:57kergothhey this is better
02:33:58kergoth~/buildsystem/buildroot-oz$ jffs2reader build/openzaurus/initrd.bin | grep mtdblock4
02:33:58kergothbrw-r----- 1    0        0          31,   4 Apr 13 20:36 /dev/mtdblock4
02:34:46kergothbewmIES: committed the dev table fix.. no more wasted time extracting devices and shit
02:34:55keithso is anyone using qtopiadesktop regularly on Linux?
02:36:30kergothany kernel change requests for beta3?
02:36:35kergothi'm about to start rebuilding all 4
02:36:52kergothdisabling mtd debugging, and disabling kernel messages (there's always dmesg)..
02:37:46keithljp--: ever have connection troubles?
02:39:28kergothbewmIES: updated oz-base in the feed that removed .dev_default.tar .. forgot to remove after disabling extraction and improving the dev table
02:40:26ljp--ya sometimes it'll brok because at startup, it sometimes wants to sync all. I have to Cancel on the Z, and sync them one by one. Sync all crashes
02:40:52ljp--kergoth: have you initrd.bin yet?
02:41:39keithljp--: cool thanks, I am having trouble even getting the program to startup correctly it just stalls out, I did have it set up before :(
02:42:00kergothljp--: yeah i do, i'm about to flash it and see if it works fine out of the box
02:43:53ljp--keith: have you run in from a term?
02:44:11ljp--kergoth: you have room for emacs? :)
02:44:18kergothinstall it yourself ;-)
02:44:21kergothits writable root damnit
02:44:40kergothljp--: did you see vogtp's qipkg changes for symlinking and dest's?
02:44:48keithljp--:PalmtopConnection::connectionTimeout ping received
02:44:49ljp--not yet
02:44:55kergothljp--: will save me some work for oz..
02:44:57kergothljp--: heh
02:46:52ljp--keith: sometimes after I put the Z on the cradle, I have to hit the sync button to get it to register itself, then I can run ifconfig
02:47:24keithi'll try that
02:49:03Com[Plexhey, is the source code for qasteroids openly available?
02:49:18kergothCom[Plex: its in their cvs repository
02:49:27keithman this software sucks
02:49:45Com[Plexcvs.. there an easy link to that?
02:49:48keith(sorry for the negative-ness I am just really tired ;))
02:50:01Com[Plexgot it
02:50:17kergothkeith: np a lot of people get negative when playing with qtopia desktop. heheh
02:50:24Com[Plexheres my problem, I have downloaded the source, but I cant seem to find the qasteroids stuff.
02:50:45Com[Plexthat simple huh?
02:50:48kergoththat simple
02:50:51kergothits in opie cvs as well
02:51:00kergothwe havent messed with it, so its basically the same
02:51:30kergothbewmIES: fyi i fixed the packaging conflict between the opie filebrowser and qpe-pics.. filebrowser should go in clean now
02:51:32Com[Plexokay. - this qpe source here, is this the source for the Zs rom? - or is this source for it all, and the Zs rom is just compiled based on thsi?
02:51:50Com[Plex-I dont program, so im basically an idiot with this
02:51:59kergoththe z's rom is based on that.. but lineo did a lot of fixes for sharp and didnt release the code to said fixes
02:52:09Com[Plexoh wonderful
02:52:18kergothso qtopia cvs is behind.. and yet sharp roms are behind as well in some ways, because they arent incorporating fixes that were merged into qtopia cvs either
02:52:18Com[Plexno way to download the lineo source?
02:52:25kergothnope, they never made it available
02:52:34Com[Plexwill they?\
02:52:37kergothno idea
02:52:40Com[Plexor are they playing some kind of game?
02:52:43kergoththey dont have to legally
02:52:48kergothwe've been bitching about it for a while
02:52:50Com[Plexso much for opensource
02:52:55BZFlagCom[Plex: source for what? (/me works at lineo)
02:52:56kergothqpe is dual licensed
02:53:07kergothBZFlag: the qtopia codebase
02:53:13keithcan someone tell me what line to edit in the palmtoprc file to change the default IP?
02:53:27BZFlaglineo and sharp have both done enhancements to the qtopia source base.
02:53:37kergothwell then i blame you both :-P
02:53:50BZFlagmost all of it has been released back to trolltech, but not integrated into an official release to date.
02:54:25Com[Plexany chance lineo wuill just release it to public?
02:54:29BZFlagI personally am pushing for sharp to sign off on a release of the current source.
02:54:29Com[Plexor even, just to a few of us?
02:54:39kergothany idea why the fixes to qtopia cvs havent been merged into the qtopia on the Z either? (e.g. the ungrabkeyboard bug) .. seems like someone is dropping the ball somewhere
02:54:50BZFlagthe pda I'm working on at Lineo will include all source that can be release with each and every developer release.
02:54:53Com[Plexsource for the Z, - IE, how can I take the sources avcailable, and compile it to be exact6ly like the exsisting rom
02:55:11BZFlagas the zaurus releases should have.
02:55:39Com[Plexungrab keybard bug.. is that where after you type a few sentences on the onboard keybvoard, it shits itself?
02:55:42kergothah well, i'll just use oz + opie and hope things get worked out
02:56:03BZFlagI've talked to sharp until I'm blue in the face about the requirements o the GPL. but alas. old dogs, new tricks, you know.
02:56:06kergothCom[Plex: nah.. its related to when an app grabs control of the keybard.. getting that released
02:56:17kergothBZFlag: yep i know.. a lot of companies dont seem to get the whole gpl thing
02:56:29BZFlaghowever qtopia licensing is totally unclear (at least to me) if we can even release out source.
02:56:31kergothits a different mentally compared to what they're used to
02:56:58BZFlagas the Z version of qtopia is NOT GPLed, it's licenced commercially from trolltech.
02:57:10Com[Plexanyone ehre ever play the asteroids game?
02:57:40Com[Plexhow do you operate thde shield?
02:57:48kergothwe really need high scores in all the games
02:57:52HellaenergyThat is a mistery to me too
02:57:54kergoththatd make them worth playing
02:57:57Com[Plexyeah, and a friggin pause bitton
02:58:01kergoththat too
02:58:02BZFlaghowever my point with the handheld project I'm leading is that we can release the normal GPLed version and our changes as a patch to the GPLed release. our non-free version can just happen to be exactly the same. ;-)
02:58:16kergothBZFlag: hah :-)
02:58:38BZFlagwell gotta run and put Henry to bed before he start typing here. ;-) cya
02:58:47kergothcool, ttyl
02:59:19Com[PlexI found it!
02:59:20Com[Plexactions.insert( Qt::Key_Up, Thrust );
02:59:20Com[Plex    actions.insert( Qt::Key_Left, RotateLeft );
02:59:20Com[Plex    actions.insert( Qt::Key_Right, RotateRight );
02:59:20Com[Plex    actions.insert( Qt::Key_Enter, Shoot );
02:59:20Com[Plex    actions.insert( Qt::Key_Z, Teleport );
02:59:24Com[PlexZ for teleport
02:59:35Com[Plexactions.insert( Qt::Key_Down, Brake );
02:59:35Com[Plex    actions.insert( Qt::Key_P, Pause );
02:59:36Com[Plex    actions.insert( Key_F12, Launch );
02:59:36Com[Plex    actions.insert( Key_F11, Shield );
02:59:39Com[Plexf11 sheild
02:59:44Com[Plexwhats f 11?
03:00:07Com[Plexif home is launch, f11 might be address?
03:00:35Com[PlexKey_F9, NewGame );
03:00:39kergothljp--: tisk tisk
03:00:48kergothljp--: dont put pngs in the root of pics/!
03:01:00Com[Plex//    actions.insert( Qt::Key_S, Shield ); is this commented out?
03:01:19kergothljp--: Installing opie-appskey (1.5.0-20020413) .. ERROR: Package opie-appskey wants to install file /home/kergoth/buildsystem/buildroot-oz/build/openzaurus_root//opt/QtPalmtop/pics/CustomizeKeys.png  But that file is already provided by package qpe-pics
03:01:36keithfigured it out
03:01:36keithQtopiadesktop needs to be run in its own directory for some reason
03:04:02Com[Plexim gonna re program asteroids. you watch
03:04:05ljp--I thought you got rid of pics package?
03:05:10kergothljp--: it exists because some apps use those global images, and they're available in qtopia, so must be made available for compatibility reasons
03:05:33kergothljp--: I'm going to change the Files: pics/??*.* to an actual list of files that qtopia has in theirs
03:05:51kergothljp--: but still, it violates our policy to put pics in the root of pics. pics/appname/ is the appropriate place
03:07:27kergothlooks ike CustomizeKeys.png, qpdf_icon.png, and symlink.png shouldnt be where they are
03:07:28ljp--ya.. well.. I've always been a rule breaker.. :)
03:07:35kergothyou rebel, you
03:13:08riskableEvening folks
03:13:46riskableHow's OZ3 coming along?
03:13:50kergothgetting there
03:13:56kergothstill no beta 3.. reality drags ass
03:14:21riskablePLEASE email me when it's out so I can post the news:
03:15:28kergothyup i will
03:15:40kergothljp--: filebrowser doesnt like me. it doesnt show me symlinks
03:15:44kergothljp--: hehe
03:15:51kergothugh ive got such a headache
03:16:44ljp--heh filebrowser is broked like that. try to delete a directory with it
03:17:32ljp--ok, now back to figuring out why mediaplayer borks on large videoa files
03:17:58kergothit deleted a directory just fine on my desktop
03:18:08kergothand it shows symlinks alright, just not broken ones :-)
03:20:48ljp--hmmm.. The File manager?
03:23:32ljp--oohh I was thinking of the Sharp filenrowser.. heh
03:23:57kergothnah, that one busted pretty bad?
03:25:19ljp--its useless
03:25:30ljp--cant delete directories
03:26:31kergothalright time to replace the filebrowser and appkeys packages in the oz3 feed.. so i can actually install them this time
03:26:48kergothi should update the opie ipaq feed for harlekin and the rest
03:28:14ljp--hehehe ya he wants it bad, eh?
03:29:10kergothack.. i hate it when people break cvs compile.. we really need to split off a branch ... one for stability and fixes and one for feature adds.. or something..
03:32:33BZFlagkergoth: just a autobuild system someplace that reverts any broken patches automatically. ;-)
03:56:10riskableWow, this mystery "RAID" game is pretty neat
03:58:26riskableAnyone know who made it/makes it?
03:58:29riskableHome page for it?
04:02:46riskablewishes he didn't have to work tomorrow
04:04:33scanlineis away: i have no idea why
04:24:51riskableOK, bed time.   Cya
04:36:12bewmIESman, it's gonna be a long night
04:38:04bewmIESI got 22hrs of sleep yesterday :)
04:38:16bewmIESLeft work at 3, got home at 4 and fell rigth asleep and slept until 2pm today
04:38:17kergoththatll do it
04:38:22bewmIESMissed three phone calls
04:38:46bewmIESJust watched "The Muskateer", man it was pretty bad
04:39:28kergothnever saw it..
04:40:27bewmIESdon't :)
04:40:38kergoththanks for the tip
04:41:13kergothalright those MTD_write's scrolling and scrolling are really getting on my nerves. time to build those kernels
05:28:29scanlineis back (gone 01:23:56)
05:42:40bewmIESLooks like somebody upgraded PHP on
05:42:43bewmIESFatal error: Call to undefined function: dbmopen() in /usr/home/opie/website/html/wiki/wiki_dbmlib.php3 on line 21
05:43:22bewmIES(I'll bet somebody turned on safe_mode and didn't tell everybody)
05:44:34kendrick2anyone tried out vectoroids? :0
05:44:52Com[Plexcan someone tell me, why the fucking keys for Pause, Sheilds, and teleport dont work in qasteroids/
05:45:16kendrick2honestly, qasteorids kinda sucks :(
05:45:21kendrick2i never liked kasteroids, either
05:45:37kendrick2there was an asteroids game for the mac (NOT maelstrom) which i liked a lot
05:46:35Com[Plexwell its on the Z, and it doesnt work. - game plays fine, but for soem reason, key_p key_s f11 and stuff dont seem to work
05:46:39kendrick2aww.. 0 downloads from handango :(
05:47:08kendrick2are they not mapped to the app. buttons?
05:47:11kendrick2that'd be the sensible thing to do
05:47:19warmiok anyone here still participating in Trolls contest ?
05:47:53Com[Plexim llooking at the source, - I actually got the source so I could TRY to figure out what keys were used for shields and stuff. - I was gonna /try/. to reprogram it to include a pause feature, and foudn that it allready had one. - too bad its BROKEN
05:48:41kendrick2warmi - nope
05:48:46kendrick2warmi - btw, puzz-le is cool :)
05:48:49kendrick2needs more sfx tho!
05:48:52kendrick2and maybe some tunez :)
05:49:27kendrick2tried out vectoroids, warmi?
05:49:36warmiwhere is it ?
05:49:41warmihandango ?
05:49:55kendrick2there, and
05:50:01Com[Plexcould someone tell me if this line looks play?:   actions.insert( Qt::Key_Z, Teleport );
05:50:11warmikendrick2: as far as sounds effects .. I had bunch of them but found them to be distracting ...:-)
05:50:22Com[Plexis there any reason why "Key_Z" wouldnt work?
05:50:33Com[Plexand where the hell is F11 on the Z?
05:50:42kendrick2f11 is probably one of the app keys
05:51:13Com[Plexthats what I thought.
05:51:17Com[Plexbut it dont work
05:51:24Com[PlexI mean, non of those wokr
05:51:59kendrick2do you need, like, a 'powerup' to be able to teleport?
05:52:00warmiheh .. F11 is menu
05:52:59Com[Plexwell it doesnt work for a sheild
05:53:13kendrick2i think you need powerups or something, complex ;)
05:53:20kendrick2... wonders why asteroids has no sfx
05:53:54Com[PlexI have them
05:54:13Com[PlexI catche the sheild power up and I try to activate it and it doesnt happen
05:56:00kendrick2(i never played this lame game long enough to catch any powerups ;) )
05:56:12warmiwhoa... vectoroids is hard
05:56:13kendrick2adds his game to zaurus software index
05:56:20kendrick2warmi ;)  you get used to it ;)
05:56:24kendrick2look/sound ok?
05:57:00warmilooks ok ... vector drawing seem to occasionally generate slightly broken lines but it looks ok anyway
05:57:15kendrick2warmi - yeah... it draws pixel at x,y and then a black pixel at x+1,y+1
05:57:27kendrick2can cause some angles to break or disappear ;)
05:57:31Com[Plexkendrik, whats your game?
05:57:33warmibreshenam algorith :-)
05:57:38kendrick2warmi :)
05:57:48kendrick2com -
05:57:54warmiis this mod file ??
05:57:56kendrick23rd place in the SDL game programming contest
05:57:59kendrick2warmi - yes
05:58:11kendrick2Based on Agendaroids, an Xlib game I wrote for the Agedna Linux PDA
05:58:27kendrick2then 'ported' this afternoon to the zaurus ;)
05:58:55warmiman ... these asteroids are just too fast for me :-)
05:59:02kendrick2sorry warmi ;)
05:59:10kendrick2what level are you on?
05:59:25warmijust second I believe
05:59:41kendrick2that mod file is about 117k btw
05:59:54warmikendrick2: are using neo port of SDL ?
05:59:56kendrick2crud.. batts are low..
05:59:58kendrick2warmi - yeah
06:00:02kendrick2statically linked
06:00:06kendrick2i should send him beer or something :)
06:00:09warmiyor sound and mods sounds great together
06:00:14kendrick2thx :)
06:00:34warmihis eligo exibits all kinds of strange noise "effects" when playing sounds fx and music
06:00:34kendrick2the asteroid explosions are based on two 'large gun' (like, WWII huge-ass guns) samples i found
06:00:56warmiyour stuff seems to be way smoother
06:01:00kendrick2warmi - huh... i didnt notice too much.  it gets a little slow sometimes.  could be the Z being 'busy', or could be all that alphablending he does :)
06:01:12kendrick2SA is top-notch... neo does good work
06:01:19kendrick2anyone here tried "RAID", that full-on 3D polygon game?
06:01:28kendrick2it's really cool, pretty smooth, but hard (and boring) as hell
06:01:35kendrick2(it's up on
06:01:41warmiis it in java ?
06:01:42Com[PlexI beat it in 60 seconds
06:01:51kendrick2complex - well, hard to control, therefore frustrating
06:01:56kendrick2yeah, it's easy to 'beat'
06:02:01kendrick2just avoid getting shot :)
06:02:08kendrick2i guess.. it's not "fun" :0
06:02:12Com[Plexit was easy to control. just fly low, and go up when getting shot at.
06:02:18Com[Plexor when attacking something above
06:02:29kendrick2complex - i can't aim :^/  seems sluggish
06:02:29Com[Plexit was pretty fuin tho
06:02:39Com[Plexlead things :>
06:02:39kendrick2like, it's fast and smoothly animated, but movement isn't done very well
06:02:53Com[Plexit is a good first step in the right directuion
06:03:13kendrick2it kills your panel buttons tho :)  need to Restart Qtopia to get them back ;)
06:03:15Com[Plextell ya what Id like to play, - LifeForce, the old nokami game from 15 years ago..
06:03:35warmiman... I like this mod from vectoroids
06:03:35Com[PlexI dint have any prbs with it, but I only played it once :>
06:04:04warmiit fits perfectly mood of the game
06:04:19Com[Plexinstalling vectroids now
06:05:08kendrick2warmi ;)
06:05:20kendrick2com - yeah, i bought that for my NES recently
06:05:25kendrick2i need to get the Gradius CD for PS2
06:05:41kendrick2lemme know what you think, complex
06:06:23Com[Plexgot a problem
06:06:31kendrick2what's wrong
06:06:32Com[Plexmy zaurus coudlnt see the packagte
06:06:41kendrick2how did you download it?
06:06:50Com[Plex- it ses the file, but when I try to install it, it actas like theres nothign in it
06:07:03kendrick2not sure what you mean?
06:07:06kendrick2Add/Remove app, right?
06:07:16kendrick2did you dl to pc?
06:07:16Com[Plex- clicked link on webpage, copied to CF through nmy reader, hang on, trying again
06:07:20kendrick2if so, what browser?
06:07:27kendrick2shift-click to download
06:07:34kendrick2ugh.. ie's a piece of festering crap
06:07:35Com[Plexim not a mac user
06:07:50kendrick2i seriously hate that piece of shit
06:07:53Com[Plexhey, your opinions wont reflect my choice of browser
06:08:03kendrick2it's so loaded with bugs, but everyone goes "OOOh, but it's the best browser out there!"
06:08:04kendrick2sorry ;)
06:08:11kendrick2i just have issues dealing with it when i make websites
06:08:18kendrick2completely ass-retarded bugs and so forth
06:08:20Com[Plexi hear that
06:08:44Com[Plexokay, vectroids is on my CF card
06:08:51kendrick2it's not that it has weird, non-standard features... i never use junk like that anyway...  i mean, it can't do stuff LYNX can do, cuz it's buggy :)
06:09:25kendrick2md5sum of the IPK should be:  aa2e19a85579ed842626e457d216cf41
06:09:26Com[Plexthen, I click on my documents tab and scroll to the bottom where the vectroids file it, and double tap it. it comes up with the package installer, and shows me no packages available for install
06:09:35Com[PlexIM gonna try re downloading it
06:09:42warmiI had no problems
06:09:44kendrick2run "md5sum /mnt/cf/vector*"
06:09:51kendrick2(on the zaurus itself)
06:10:00warmiit must be getting corrupted during transfer
06:10:16kendrick2yeah, ipkg seems to examine stuff when it decides what it should show you
06:10:27kendrick2err.. add/remove apps, that is  (qipkg, is that what it's called?)
06:10:34kendrick2(or qinstall or something)
06:10:59Com[Plexlong assed number
06:11:11kendrick2does it start with "aa2e" and end with "cf41"? :)
06:11:36kendrick2and is it exactly 516,700 bytes long? :)
06:11:39Com[Plexit says "bnot in gzip format " when I try to install from command line
06:11:43kendrick2complex - use something else to download it, sorry
06:11:52Com[Plexits 504. thats a lame excuse
06:12:03Com[Plex516,572 bytes)
06:12:22kendrick2IE borked it
06:12:30Com[Plexwtg, blame it on ie
06:12:31kendrick2try downloading from
06:12:40kendrick2or i can e-mail it to you as an attachment
06:12:49kendrick2anything's better than trusting web browsers
06:13:01kendrick2netscape gunzips things... ie downloads stuff as ascii... they're all retarded :)
06:13:38warmikendrick2: are you running your Z with OPIE or Qtopia ?
06:13:41kendrick2whoops - sorry, i think it's 516,895 :)
06:13:49kendrick2Qtopia - Paul's 1.12SD rom
06:14:05kendrick2i may have an older ipk on my cf card - sorry com
06:14:09kendrick2(i'm not home atm)
06:14:35NeoTronsounds like it was downloaded in some text mode and \n was converted to \r\n
06:14:38kendrick2md5sum is:  5d1ab...84fe
06:14:54kendrick2neo - tried it out yet? what do you think? :)
06:15:08NeoTronI haven't. been watching a movie and stuff
06:15:33NeoTronchecks handango
06:15:48NeoTronyou talking about vectoroids here?
06:15:51NeoTronor mad bomber?
06:16:07kendrick2been out of the house - no time to ipkg madbomber
06:16:11kendrick2need to fix the bmps anyway
06:16:22kendrick2you've opened my floodgates tho, neo ;)
06:16:26NeoTrononce I get some more time
06:16:39NeoTronI can fix that SDL_image-like library for Qtopia native format loading
06:16:54kendrick2that'd be cool
06:16:57kendrick2i can live without for now
06:17:12kendrick2that's why god invented higher version numbers ;^)
06:17:24kendrick2so complex - any luck?
06:17:30NeoTronI need to fix up SDL too tho
06:17:43kendrick2i wish that mixer bug would get fixed
06:17:45NeoTrononce this contest is finally final I can relax some on that bit
06:17:46Com[Plexdownloaded it from sharp, that working
06:17:49kendrick2vectoroids for the zaurus doesnt sound as good
06:17:51NeoTronthe lockup bog?
06:17:58kendrick2yeah :(
06:18:01kendrick2happens on my desktop, too
06:18:08NeoTrondoesn't sound as good why? because you can't channel-specific audio?
06:18:10kendrick2complex - tell me if it installs. :) thx
06:18:21warmiNeoTron: still polishing your final entry ?
06:18:22Com[Plex no room on my Z, and it wont let me install to SD
06:18:26kendrick2neo  -yeah... in 'real'vectoroids, the thrust noise is all in one channel, so i can control it well
06:18:29NeoTronwarmi: yah. have some issues left
06:18:32kendrick2complex - damn, sorry
06:18:43warmithis is what bugs me ..
06:18:45NeoTronkendrick2: ah, right, yes. SDLRoids do the same (actually, it uses looped playing)
06:18:48kendrick2i wish they'd fix ipkg >:^(
06:18:54warmiwhy some apps refuse to install to CF or SD
06:18:59NeoTronkendrick2: well, it installed to SD
06:19:00Com[Plexhow mig does it install to?
06:19:02kendrick2neo - yeah..  i looped the thrust noise and then would stop on KeyRelease :)
06:19:06NeoTronwarmi: give me the app and I'll tell you why
06:19:17kendrick2complex - proabably almost 1MB
06:19:30kendrick2i use ipkg-build and a hand-made CONTROL file
06:19:32Com[PlexI got 1.4 left and it says theres no room
06:19:39kendrick2hang on complex...
06:19:49warmiwell, my game installs fine .. but extra set of levels refuses to do so .. and it installs under the same directory
06:20:26warmiwell, maybe I should stop using Trolls mkipgs
06:20:29kendrick2ipkg is lame and uncompresses to /tmp first i believe
06:20:47Com[Plexmaybe because it trys to make a folder, and cant beause it allready exsists., and ipkg bailed out at the first eror code it gets
06:20:47kendrick2takes 1.5MB :(
06:20:58Com[Plexoh. sucky
06:21:08kendrick2at its peak, complex
06:21:22warmiI saw the error it said soemthng like sed: cannot open file /tmp/bla/bla/bla/bla/puzzle-alphabet_level.list
06:21:26kendrick2after it's DONE installing, ti should be 1.0MB
06:21:41kendrick2which is still big :(
06:21:45kendrick2all that SDL stuff ;)
06:21:52kendrick2they should drop qtopia and make an SDL-based pda ;)
06:22:10kendrick2complex, you could do the lame thing and untar it to cf and then mv things around
06:22:27Com[Plexyeah? where do they need to be moved?
06:22:30kendrick2like:  cd /mnt/cf ; mkdir xxx ; cd xxx ; tar -xzf ../vectoroid*.ipk ; tar -xzf data.tar.gz
06:22:38Com[Plex- and what would the command be to do all that?
06:22:40Com[Plexahh, thanks
06:22:44kendrick2it puts stuff in /opt/QtPalmtop/*/
06:22:47warmiNeoTron: this guy from France can surprize us all with his game engine for Boulder Dash like games ..
06:22:52kendrick2it won't appear as a 'package' tho
06:23:02kendrick2boulder dash! :)
06:23:02warmihis stuff looked very good on still pictures
06:23:07kendrick2i have that for my atari xl
06:23:23warmiyeah, I used to play it a lot on my Atari 65Xe
06:23:24NeoTronkendrick2: well, it runs but it's kind of slowish. but I suppose that might be my fault. :P How do you do screen update?
06:23:45kendrick2SDL_BlitSurface() to copy the jupiter bmp
06:23:49NeoTronbtw, it doesn't start from clicking the icon but it starts from the shell..
06:23:51kendrick2then draw draw draw, then SDL_Flip()
06:24:00NeoTronok, that is the "right" way for now
06:24:00kendrick2neo - it should
06:24:18kendrick299% of my games do that ;)
06:24:28warmikendrick2: are you doing simple bounding rect collisons check in the game ?
06:24:34kendrick2why doesnt it run from icon, can you find out, neo?
06:24:41kendrick2warmi - yeah, something lame-assed like that
06:24:47NeoTronwarmi: the solution to your problem: rename the ipkg from puzzle-alphabet_level_something to puzzle-alphabet-level_something
06:24:50kendrick2definitely nothing complex...  gives the player a slight advantage
06:25:15NeoTronipkg (shell version at least) completely fails when the "name" part includes _
06:25:31NeoTronand it works to install to memory because the list (which is used for symlinking) isn't used then
06:25:31warmiNeoTron: are you serious ?
06:25:37NeoTronI ran into the same issue
06:25:37kendrick2ipkg sucks... kinda REALLY sucks
06:25:55warmino shit .. I have noticed that one of my packages started working after mere name change
06:26:04warmithanks Neo
06:26:12NeoTronbugged the heck out of me. :P
06:26:21kendrick2neo, right now my icons (.desktop) exec ""
06:26:29kendrick2so it ignores any -qcop/etc. command-line options
06:26:42NeoTronI renamed the sa package to strategic_assault and it stopped working. :p
06:26:55kendrick2handango should include icons for games with sound and music, along with color and ("why would i care?") java
06:27:03NeoTronMy new trick is to make the binary foo.gz and have a script foo which unpacks to /tmp/ and runs it. :P
06:27:08NeoTronsaves some space
06:27:52kendrick2so neo - the game SHOULD run from icon... what ROM are you using?
06:27:59kendrick2where did you install? (i assume 'internal' :) )
06:28:02kendrick2plain 1.12?
06:28:04kendrick2on a 5000D
06:28:23NeoTronaha! isn't executable
06:28:47NeoTronand then as magic, it worked... :P
06:28:50NeoTronmissing chmod a+x
06:29:26kendrick2that's bizarre...
06:29:34kendrick2how did you install?  ipkg or Add/Remove ?
06:29:48NeoTronusing the gui install, to SD
06:29:57kendrick2oh, installed to SD?
06:30:08kendrick2you're using 1.12 (not Paul's SD)... is your SD ext2fs or FAT?
06:30:43NeoTron[neotron@stellar unpack]$ tar tvzf data.tar.gz |grep bin/vectoroids
06:30:43NeoTron-rw-r--r-- kendrick/kendrick     11 2002-04-13 17:51:20 ./opt/QtPalmtop/bin/
06:30:43NeoTron-rwxr-xr-x kendrick/kendrick 437080 2002-04-13 17:51:20 ./opt/QtPalmtop/bin/vectoroids
06:30:50NeoTronit's not +x in the tar file
06:30:55kendrick2yeah, sorry
06:30:59kendrick2but it works for me, though
06:31:12NeoTronwell, it is not gonna be made +x by itself. :P
06:31:18NeoTronand I use ext2 btw
06:31:25warmiit worked for me as well, GUI install, clicked on the icon and it just run
06:31:35kendrick2there must be some magic it does when it de-ipk's onto internal, vs sd
06:31:47kendrick2i'll make a note to chmod when i build ipk
06:31:47NeoTronthose do work differently in ways
06:31:57kendrick2have i mentioned i hate ipkg?
06:32:05kendrick2i mean, i'm glad for it, cuz it does work MOST of the time
06:32:07NeoTronI install everything to SD these days. :P
06:32:09warmiNeoTron: have you tried my game on SD card ?
06:32:12kendrick2but it's frustratingly un-finished
06:32:17NeoTronwarmi: it's on SD
06:32:23NeoTronall my apps are installed on SD
06:32:24warmino problems ?
06:32:24kendrick2neotron - so do it.  it's called Paul's 1.12SD rom ;)
06:32:39kendrick2warmi - he has ext2fs SD
06:32:40NeoTronwell, "REAL" SD as opposed to "emulated internal storage" SD
06:32:45NeoTronno problems
06:32:46kendrick2that's probably key
06:32:58NeoTronbut I never have problems with my DOS formatted CF either
06:33:08warmiI am gonna get myself SD card .. as soon as I get cf lan etherned
06:33:30kendrick2i had amazing problems with installing to CF or SD (fat, both) under 1.0x, 1.11, etc.
06:33:45kendrick2that, plus more RAM is why i opted for 1.12SD
06:34:01kendrick2writes to 'disk' when i 'quit' pim apps is slow, but otherwise, it's grrrrrrrrrrrrrreat!
06:34:25NeoTronthe main problem with installs is, 99% of the time, that there isn't enough space in the /tmp/ directory
06:34:30warmiwell, since I am in this contest I wanted to be sure my ROM as exactly the same they will use for testing our entries
06:34:46warmibut I am thinking about installing pauls rom
06:34:57warmimore ram for gdb
06:35:20NeoTronI use swap on CF for gdb ram. :P
06:35:28kendrick2damn, zarusu software index is down???
06:35:39warmiNeoTron: yeah but it kills CF real quick
06:36:20warmikendrick2: yeah, it seems to be
06:36:27kendrick2hits Z@LL
06:36:38NeoTronwarmi: for the CF price, I don't care too much
06:36:42NeoTronit's just a 32 MB CF
06:37:01warmiNeoTron: hehe .. yeah, I know , CF cards are cheap .. in fact SD are just as cheap these days
06:37:39warmihell, maybe someone will figure out how to upgrade 5000 to at least 128 MB ..
06:37:45warmithat would be just pure heaven
06:39:00kendrick2i cant log into phpnuke at z@LL using links >:^(
06:40:38kendrick2lynx works better, but now ic ant remebe rmy password :)
06:41:46Com[Plexhey kendrik, got it working - tell me, - you ever give thought to redoing that game "tempest"
06:41:47Com[Plex ?
06:41:51Pallusanyone know of a chess game for QT?
06:41:57kendrick2complex - i was, actually
06:42:05kendrick2for the sdl contest..  i had to abort it cuz i was running out of time
06:42:16kendrick2it was called Tumult.  has really kickass music :)
06:42:46kendrick2i should start over for the z (no fpu :^/ )
06:42:58kendrick2listens to girlfriend getting tromped in chess
06:43:27warmiPallus: yeah, phalanx will be available in about two weeks
06:43:45warmiright now there is a Java based chess game available at
06:43:47kendrick2has the java chess game
06:43:49kendrick2i just suck at chess :)
06:44:29warmikendrick2: why didn't you enter Trolls competition ?
06:44:35PallusI am running an IPAQ with QPE 1.5, I don't have Java or I would play that one
06:44:42kendrick2no way to code any games until neo came up with sdl ;)
06:44:53kendrick2i already got a free sl-5000d anyway ;)
06:45:11warmioh ... well, then you have to wait another two weeks Pallus :-)
06:45:13kendrick2pallus - where did you get qpe 1.5?
06:45:23kendrick2i have a friend with an ipaq and for some reason he just installed qpe 1.0 :^/
06:45:30Pallusfrom the sourceforge sight
06:45:35Com[Plexthat "game over klaxon is fuckign LOUD
06:45:40Pallusahh, er site hehe
06:45:45kendrick2complex - yeah, sorry :)
06:45:48warmiwork in progress Pallus :-)
06:45:49kendrick2i really need to quiet it
06:45:54Com[Plexits koay "?
06:46:04kendrick2it's a good test of speakers, tho ;^)
06:46:09kendrick2deafening, tho :^(
06:46:13Com[Plexyeah, the phons DEFENITELY work
06:46:18kendrick2game plays ok?
06:46:25kendrick2hehe - hopefully they STILL work after that ;)
06:46:38warmikendrick2: where did you get your free Z 5000 from ?
06:46:44kendrick2from sharp ;)
06:46:48kendrick2and about 30 other people
06:46:50warmihow come ?
06:46:58kendrick2mostly qt/kde folks... lots of pda journalists
06:46:58warmisome sort of promotion ?
06:47:12kendrick2warmi - they did a 'symposium' thing in december in san jose
06:47:22kendrick2jason perlow e-mailed me the day after i signed up for
06:47:26PallusI noticed there was source for chess in the latest QPE source snapshot...
06:47:33kendrick2must've noticed all the agenda stuff i was saying there:)
06:47:39warmiPallus: yeah but it is rather pathetic
06:47:49kendrick2i keep noticing a chess icon in roms, i think
06:47:51kendrick2and a vnc icon
06:47:59kendrick2makes me wonder what all they're up to out there
06:48:02warmiphalanx is way way stronger ...  this guy who wrote it has been working on it since 1997
06:48:20kendrick2oh, a DIFFICULT chess game.. just what i NEED ;0
06:48:33warmiwell, there is no point if you can beat it easily
06:48:44kendrick2warmi - well, one needs to start somewhere ;)
06:48:49kendrick2i had chessmaster 2000 for my atari
06:49:14warmiheh . I used to have a buddy who was some sort of local champion ..
06:49:36warmihe would play against me from memory without looking at the board and still would kick my ass every time
06:50:18warmiallrigth ... my contest game is pretty much done
06:50:25PallusI think chess is just one of those games that is great to load and play a quick game, there is so much to learn to the game
06:50:46warmitime to have some fun with Wolfenstein 3d and then get some sleep
06:51:04warmiPallus: I used to love chess ... but I forgot most of it
06:51:10warmianyway , good night
06:51:22Palluswarmi:good luck on it, looking forward to seeing your game
06:52:22kendrick2oh, probably the new one
06:52:27kendrick2i'd like to see Doom or Wolf3d running on the Z
06:52:34kendrick2I have Wolf3d for my Agenda ;)
06:54:17NeoTronis back from giving his newest kitty ear drops
06:54:24NeoTronshe was putting up quite a fight this time
06:54:39kendrick2annc's Vectoroids to usenet
06:56:11kendrick2speaking of
06:56:12NeoTronlike 7-9 months old or so
06:56:20kendrick2we're at a friend's house, and she adopted a kitten we fostered
06:56:20NeoTronjust adopted her a few wks ago
06:56:30NeoTronand she had bad earmites infestation
06:56:34kendrick2we had these guys from when they were a couple of weeks old
06:56:51kendrick2lots of intestinal ickiness, most of their eyes were plugged closed, etc.
06:56:58kendrick2nursed them to health, and then adopted them out
06:57:11kendrick2he's leaping 3 feet into the air after a toy.  it's amazing (cuz hegot kinda fat ;) )
06:57:17kendrick2i need to make a video game based on cats ;)
06:57:32kendrick2maybe a 3d cat simulator, where you're supposed to catch bugs or something ;)
06:57:37kendrick2kinda like Mister Mosquito
06:57:37NeoTronbtw, Intersellar Flames looks absolutely awesome. hope it'll play good too
06:57:53NeoTroncats are amazing animals
06:58:00kendrick2what's "I.F."?
06:58:02kendrick2never heard of it
06:58:15kendrick2crap - no x-window
06:58:15NeoTronmy next Xen Games port project
06:58:20kendrick2cool :)
06:58:29NeoTron3D space fighter action game
06:58:29kendrick2e-mail me that url (
06:58:34NeoTronstill work in progress
06:58:37kendrick2cool... did you try out RAID?
06:59:02kendrick2hey, does SDL ont he Z support alpha?
06:59:06NeoTronthe engine looks quite nice but the example game is kinda lame
06:59:23NeoTronSDL supports everything it normally supports..
06:59:35kendrick2i need PNG support ;)
06:59:36NeoTronjust smaller and slower. :P
07:00:39Com[Plexyou the first to put s3m support on the Z?
07:00:49Com[Plexthats not a "mod" its an s3m
07:00:57Com[Plextheres a mod player, but does it also play s3ms?
07:00:59kendrick2that'd be thank to neotron, sdl_mixer and mikmod
07:01:09kendrick2complex - depends on what it's based on
07:01:17NeoTronanything mikmod supports
07:01:24kendrick2if it's based on mikmod or something similar, it'd probably support all 'mod'style formats
07:01:28NeoTronand the mod player uses mikmod I believe
07:01:43kendrick2sdl's does, yeah
07:01:51kendrick2that's the whole reason i started using sdl in the first place
07:01:57NeoTronno, the Z mod player
07:02:07kendrick2i needed good sound code, and the fact that it supported mods made the deal so much sweeter :)
07:02:12kendrick2neo - oh..  tkcplayer?
07:02:16NeoTronhave you heard any recent mods? Man, they are like mp3 quality these days
07:02:17kendrick2orr... uh... tkcMediaPlayer?
07:02:25NeoTronno, catalin's one
07:02:26kendrick2neo - i have, like, 1.5GB of MOds :)
07:02:31kendrick2neo - i think he works for tkc ;)
07:02:39NeoTronthe mod player is however not tkc
07:02:40catalin is probably xxL
07:02:40kendrick2ibot catalin
07:02:44hmmm... xxl is Catalin Climov <>,
07:02:44kendrick2ibot xxl
07:02:56Com[Plexneo: yeah, mostly sequencing, but still yummy
07:03:17NeoTronI downloaded some from a huge repository and they are amazing. :P
07:03:22NeoTronanyone know any good modders?
07:03:35kendrick2some mod'er did the music for circus linux! for me
07:03:36Com[PlexI used to know one :>
07:03:46NeoTronI used to make rather lame mods myself
07:03:51kendrick2there's some other guy i know who let me use pretty mkuch anyhting he composed
07:03:57kendrick2i totally want a modder for me ;)
07:03:58kendrick2and an artist
07:04:01NeoTronunfortunately I lost my best work, i.e the most recent 3-4 mods or so
07:04:05kendrick2and a designer
07:04:08Com[Plexyeah, I usaed to TRY to make mods, but I know a guy who was amazing.
07:04:12NeoTronwhich are amazingly much better than the once I have
07:04:36kendrick2ok - my back is killing me
07:04:41kendrick2i must get off this machine
07:04:47kendrick2(i have to sit sideways w/ no back support
07:04:51kendrick2see ya later!
07:04:55kendrick2expect mad bomber by tomorrow ;)
07:05:01kendrick2and maybe bugsquish, too ;) has kpacman, has anyone seen an ipk for it?
07:16:43Com[Plexone of those pages
08:49:16scanlineis away: ZzZzZzzzz
09:20:45George-SL-500 discussion? is there such a machine?
09:21:53Rinceno, but 5500(g) eg
09:22:33George-the *'s are wildcards?
09:22:37George-Doesn't look obvious to me
09:23:55n64321426can't see the topic in tkcJabber
09:24:13Rincetake ? instead of *
09:25:11n64321426but * is a wildcard too
09:25:27n64321426is Larry, btw
09:26:00LarryGarfieldThere's my other personalitiy.
09:30:42LarryGarfieldSo, nothing interesting happening
09:35:30LarryGarfieldso nothing happening tonight?
09:37:15LarryGarfieldI see, interesting.
10:08:45George-ok, bbl (mowing the lawn. *grrr* ;)
10:16:30kend-zauranyone wanna try madbomber for zaurus? :)
10:17:18kend-zauranyone even here?
10:20:22Rincewhat is madbomber?
10:20:38kend-zaura clone of the old game 'Kaboom!'
10:21:17kend-zaurwant to test it?  the gfx are a little messed up, but it runs! :)
10:21:27Rincenext week, yes. But I don't have my Z yet
10:22:05kend-zauroh :)
10:27:22kend-zaurwell, i guess noone else is here
10:27:41kend-zaurnite, then!  enjoy your Z when it arrives
10:28:00Rincewill do :-)
10:35:24hunger_Good morning!
10:36:28hungerWhich zImage from OZ3 should I use?
10:53:39George-is away - clearing up bedroom
11:13:32hungerHow do I get OZ3 into my Z? Copying a zImage and initrd to cf and then the usual flash procedure?
11:13:42hungerDo I need bootflag.txt?
11:46:57antlarrJasonNJ: are you there ?
11:51:11msmax was last seen on #zaurus 3 days, 18 hours, 58 minutes and 56 seconds ago, saying: Complx: BigBoss is offnow, will be available (with tkcPlayer) in 90 minut [Wed Apr 10 17:52:15 2002]
11:51:11GogaNibot: seen msmax
11:51:56GogaNAny experienced developers here?
11:52:35antlarrGogaN: no, but just ask :)
11:53:03GogaNantlarr: have you worked with QCop
11:53:10antlarrAnybody knows if the contest deadline is on the 15th at 11:59 or the 14th at 11:59 ?
11:53:13antlarrGogaN: a bit
11:53:14ljp--me's here
11:54:21GogaNantlarr: well particularly with QPE/System/busy()
11:54:28GogaNand notBusy();
11:54:51antlarrno, I haven't, but just ask your question, maybe I can help
11:55:18ljp--QCop: easy as mud pie
11:56:01hungerDamit! Just succeeded in turning my Z into a brick:-(
11:56:15GogaNantlarr: First i send busy(); then do some calculating stuff, then notBusy()
11:57:05GogaNantlarr: it does stuff, and AFTER it draws busy cursor, and then turns it off (~5 sec)
11:58:27antlarrmaybe calling QApplication::processEvents after sending busy() helps ?
12:01:32GogaNthanks A LOT!!!
12:02:41antlarrYou're welcome :-)
12:02:44GogaNThank you, antlarr!
12:05:46antlarrbtw, What are you developing? or better say after the contest ?
12:16:27hungerIs there a way to get the stuff that usually is in /var/log/messages on the Z?
12:19:59_GogaN_uh oh, there are 2 me's here :((
12:21:49arno_hunger: define 'get'
12:35:02riskableMorning folks
12:43:59hungerarno_: I want to be able to read what goes there (at least having it scroll by a it happens if it does not get stored).
12:45:25ljp--dmesg | more
12:45:47riskableps -aef | grep irc
13:04:19hungerarno_: I'll try that as soon as I can turn my Z on again. Thanks!
13:04:47ljp--hunger: what you do to it?
13:05:01NetAmpIt's not in my head, i'm no psycho
13:05:08Slashdot - Updated 2002-04-14 06:38:45 | Instant Message, Instant Transcript | The Lure of Heroinware | Interview With id Software's Robert A. Duffy | Connecticut To Store Biometric Information
13:05:08NetAmpibot: slashdot
13:05:13hungerljp--: I flashed OZ3 into it any mistyped the name for the initrd.
13:05:58hungerljp--: Since OZ3 uses a diffrent FS then the original sharp romimage that causes a lot of trouble and ultimately a kernel panic since it can't read the rootfs:-(
13:07:06hungerljp--: No great deal. Will be fixed easily once I get a CFcard reader for my desktop tomorrow.
13:08:01ljp--ahh... I'd wait for beta 3 anyway, as beta2 is kinda borked
13:11:16hungerljp--: I live on the edge on my desktop too.
13:11:37hungerljp--: I keep compiling stuff myself since it's too old for my taste in debian/unstable ;-)
13:13:30henrikhm.. anyone know exactly when the contest entries are due?
13:13:39ljp--I gotta send my koolance case back.. :(
13:13:54NetAmplet's water-cool the Z ;)
13:14:37NetAmpthat way it could also be used as a digital squirtgun
13:14:56NetAmp(along with the nuclear shielding and all)
13:16:11ljp--no way to overclock it tho
13:16:37hungerljp--: No way *YET*. Wait a few more weeks and someone will come up with a way to do it.
13:16:51henrikljp--: how much do you want to bet on that? =)
13:17:21ljp--hmm.. that'd put a damper on the already short battery life
13:18:55hungerljp--: The Z has a very geekish target audience,,, I'm expecting some very wired addons/programsm.
13:19:54ljp--actually, Sharp's target is businesses
13:20:15ljp--if you can believe that
13:20:39NetAmphm.. we could.. use kryptonite as a power source
13:20:52ljp--or solar power
13:21:00henriki'm having a hard time understanding why a business person would want a Z over a pocket pc though..
13:21:01NetAmpthat's probably more realistic ;)
13:21:16NetAmpwell, because the Z is far superior to PPC ;)
13:21:21hungerljp--: Starnge... Hardly anyone I talk to even knows about the Z's existance! Well, nobody outside of the linux-crowd.
13:21:47NetAmpAnd when the syncing gets fixed they'll just scream for Z's :P
13:21:58NetAmpand it's cheaper, isn't it?
13:22:21NetAmpZ == 500+ EUR while PPC == 700+ EUR
13:22:30ljp--man, I really dont want to take apart my box...
13:22:44NetAmpljp--: painful, isn't it
13:22:59killefizNetAmp: The Z is 699 EUR in Germany
13:23:13ljp--ya.. but I'm going to also put my linux drives on the faster motherboard while I'm shutdown
13:23:33NetAmpI hope it'll be less by July/August then, heh ;-)
13:24:01killefizHmm ... electronics stuff is more expensive in the Netherlands, isn't it?
13:24:05NetAmpand they should advertise real much
13:24:18NetAmpmaybe... I never bought anything in Germany
13:24:38NetAmpbut it'd be pretty bad if it's even more expensive than a PPC!
13:24:58NetAmpthat way people will go with ppc anyway
13:25:06killefizIt's a couple of EUR's cheaper than the new IPaq with 64 MB RAM
13:26:02NetAmpOh well... I'm just waiting for the mail from Sharp
13:26:13hungeractually payed 50EUR less.
13:26:16NetAmpand then I'll go see in the store wheter it's worth it (for me) ;)
13:26:50killefizactually payed 105 EUR less but officaial sharp price is 699 EUR
13:29:08NetAmp105 less? heh sweet ;)
13:30:38hungerkillefiz: And I thought I had a good deal...
13:49:18antlarrAnybody knows if the contest deadline is on the 15th at 11:59 or the 14th at 11:59 ?
13:49:29antlarrJasonNJ: ?
13:51:36riskableIf any of you were just doing your taxes on and were having trouble, I just fixed it =)
13:53:30henrikand: in what timezone? :)
13:54:47henrikantlarr: i'd like to know more specifically when the contest deadline is too..
13:57:11antlarrhenrik: I just sent a mail to some people at Trolltech (warwick, greg and kent ) asking them to answer Ben's mail on qpe-devel
13:59:03henrikOr is it the entire day of april 15:th in your local timezone? If they'd said nothing else, i'd assume that.
14:00:22henriki'll keep an eye out for a reply though
14:00:46antlarryes, that would be the better
14:00:52antlarrthing to do
14:02:34henrikHow do you submit your entry anyway?
14:02:56antlarrgo to
14:03:05antlarrin the same way than the beta submission
14:03:41henrikah.. of course :)
14:03:59henriknow i just need to find that password again
14:06:22henrikwell, time for dinner..
14:09:27BigBosshowdy ho
14:13:59Onetrackhiyaz everyone.. anyone know when the UK release for the zaurus is?
14:19:02BigBosssoon is all I've heard
14:19:36Onetrackhmm hope so.. i'll be in london on the 1st.. might pick one up there if they're not brutally expensive
14:19:54mark_Onetrack: i can check prices for you if you want
14:20:10Twiun[semi-busy]Onetrack: They'll probably be in the £500 range
14:22:10Onetracki'd prolly be able to get one at dixons? does anyone know of any other best buy / future shop  kind of place in the uk?
14:22:27mark_Onetrack: what are we talking about
14:22:31mark_dixons are expensive usually
14:23:01Onetrackmark.. oh just asking what available in the uk.. i'll be there on my way to nz..
14:23:21Onetracki'm in antigua now.. bottom of the third world food chain when it comes to tech
14:23:27mark_Onetrack: yeh, what is the item in question?
14:24:10BigBossjust order it online and have it shipped :)
14:24:30Onetrackhah.. i just got charges 93% duty on a replacement keyboard for my laptop.. so .. no
14:24:36AustinFor an obscene amount of money, plus cust-- right.
14:24:54Onetrackduty on shipping here too..
14:25:12mark_Onetrack: 55%? shit
14:25:25Onetrackyeah.. its a government money grab here...
14:25:47Onetracki tried to bring in my keyboard duty free.. but the company i used to work for hasn't paid their duty free license.. so no go..
14:26:32Onetracki ordered it on feb 12th.. it was shipped here from miami on feb 20th or so.. i didn't get it till last wednesday...
14:27:18Onetrackso i'd rather fly to london to get one =]
14:27:30Com[Plex]whats that?
14:28:44Onetracka zaurus......
14:29:41Onetrackanyways.. so dixons is pricy.. what other big mega stores are there in london? looking for a best buy type place.....
14:30:05mark_you wont find a SL5000 in london anywhere
14:30:06George-Onetrack: just go down tottenham court road, heh :)
14:30:25mark_or a SL5500
14:30:45Onetrackmark.. yeah.. know the uk release date?.. or is it not till october?
14:30:47George-yeh you will
14:30:48Rincenot yet or not naymore/
14:31:54mark_Onetrack: i heard end of april actually
14:32:11Onetrackoh? .. well thats good.. i'll be there may 2nd - 6th..
14:32:42Onetrackmark.. know of any co' that would carry it?
14:33:17mark_PC World may start selling it
14:33:34mark_if not :)
14:33:41Onetrackahh right
14:33:46Onetrackcoo.. will check them
14:35:42Com[Plex]anyone here up to a challenge?
14:36:36Com[Plex]its an easy one probably - figure out why the sheild doesnt work right in qasteroids. - the source is available, but since I have never had the chance to learn to program, I cant see why the sheild code isnt working.
14:36:40Com[Plex]its all in there.
14:39:15Com[Plex]same thign with the Pause feature
14:39:18Com[Plex]thats broken too
14:39:49mark_Com[Plex]: never to late to learn :)
14:40:35Com[Plex]true, but I also have a girlfriend and a job. so its hard to find time to learn, - specially without a good teacher
14:41:21mark_Com[Plex]: v few people learn with teachers
14:42:23Com[Plex]well, this person would learn a little quicker if he had a jump start from someone who knew what the hell he was talking about.
14:43:04Com[Plex]because I got nothing, no books, no resources, nothing, - and I loft in a channel that isnt very helpful.
14:43:50riskableWell, I should say that you're really preaching to the wrong audience
14:44:12riskableThis channel is #Zaurus.  Not #Programming_Newbies
14:44:33Austinsmacks riskable.
14:44:43riskableis not much of a programmer
14:45:16Com[Plex]its hard not to be a dick when someones being a dick to you.
14:45:37BigBossriskable: how do the comments work on your site?  I see that there are comments, but can't seem to find how to read them
14:46:02riskableYou have to be logged in to read comments :)
14:46:26NetAmpplanned release here (Holland) is July/August, so I guess it could be earlier in the UK
14:46:57mark_Com[Plex]: sorry, i hope you didn't take that the wrong wa y
14:47:36Com[Plex]hehe, yeah mark, I probably did. Im grumpy this morning. its okay
14:48:08Com[Plex]I just need to take a antihistamine or something.
14:48:36mark_Com[Plex]: sorry, all I meant was that there are lots of online resources available if you do want to try and learn.
14:48:58ljp--I really do appreciate linux not making me reinstall for such a hardware change
14:49:06riskableI suppose "needing an antihistamine" could be translated as needing a pill that would reduce inflammation :)
14:49:32Com[Plex]well, everyone says Its probably allergies, although, I dont think I ever had them before. - got a dry throat, little cough. stuffy head, and im all achy.
14:49:55Com[Plex]could be anthrax, who knows
14:50:33riskableNahh, just inundatus programmusitis
14:50:41NetAmpuse a Zaurus for 2-3 hours a day, that's gotta help ;)
14:51:03Com[Plex]thats a good one risk
14:51:12ljp--what does the band have to do with anything?
14:51:32riskableBigBoss:  I set my site so that anonymous can post, but for some reason, anonymous still can't read comments
14:53:45riskable|workwishes he could go home
14:53:45BigBossyou should let anyone read them
14:54:02riskable|workI would like that, but I think it's a bug
14:54:45BigBossi've seen other sites using that software and it could do it
14:55:14riskable|workWere those sites PostNuke .64, .70, PHPNuke, MyPHPNuke, or MyNuke?
14:55:48riskable|workThey may all SEEM like they're running the same software, but they're probably not
15:01:14riskable|workBigBoss:  Aha!  I fixed it!
15:01:18riskable|workHad to do some digging, but I got it
15:01:27Com[Plex]man, running linux on an xp2263+ with 512mb ram seems like a waste
15:01:55riskable|workLoad up Return to Castle Wolfenstein on that baby :)
15:02:08Com[Plex]because none of the apps that are made for linux act like they really use it.
15:02:16AustinOr any popular, bloated, memory/processor-intensive desktop environment.  ;)
15:02:30Com[Plex] like kde2.0?
15:02:35Com[Plex]or 3.0. whatever theya re up to
15:02:36riskable|workApps written for Linux aren't really written any special way at all.  The OS takes care of allocation 90% of the time just fine
15:03:01Austinriskable, they can still be resource-intense, even if they don't manually manage resources.
15:03:04riskable|workYeah, KDE3 is a hog
15:03:06ljp--anyone know if Hangando allows customers to download new versions? or is it a one time thing?
15:03:23riskable|workljp--:You can download new versions
15:04:39riskable|workWell, I used to be a Windows 2000 man and i can say with confidence that Linux uses my memory WAY better than Windows 2k ever did.  Win2k would choke after a while if I was running 5-6 IE sessions with AIM, IRC, and my email client (I have 512Mb)
15:04:55riskable|workIE being the biggest hog
15:05:24ljp--win2k is mucho better than win95a in that regard, though
15:05:25riskable|workIn Linux I run six desktops with all sorts of apps...  I just don't bother to close them 90% of the time because they don't slow me down at all
15:05:46riskable|workljp--:  Win9x managed memory?  :)
15:06:20riskable|workIf I played a game for over an hour straight, Win9x would require a reboot it would slow down so much!
15:06:25ljp--heheh ya managed to overwrite it alot
15:07:04Com[Plex]ljp, Ive never had it choke up like that, and I /allways/ have about 50 thigns going.
15:07:31riskable|workIn Windows it's way too easy for one single app to take over the system
15:07:36Com[Plex]your obviously not the first person to complainh about it, but I just havent seen it do that on here
15:07:55riskable|workCuteFTP is a classic "take over the system" app :)
15:08:01ljp--no, true. I use both OS's
15:08:48riskable|workmakes note that CuteFTP no longer has the problems of yesteryear
15:10:27Com[Plex]how can you use cuteftp as an example? cute ftp was a peioce of shit from the start, allways was.
15:10:44Com[Plex]why would anyone in there right mind Ever use cuteftp?
15:10:57riskable|workIt was at the top of the damn downloads list on
15:11:00riskable|workcowers in shame
15:11:23Com[Plex]thats because its got "cute" in the name.
15:11:26mark_riskable|work: heh, i used it for the same reason
15:11:40mark_only ftp client i knew
15:12:22riskable|workdoesn't think there's one good FTP client for windows
15:12:32riskable|workI prefer ncftp all the way
15:12:44riskable|workActually, I suppose you can run ncftp in cygwin
15:13:04Com[Plex]well, I use bulletproof ftp, not because its the best erally, but because I like it, and it does everythign I need it to
15:13:32riskable|workmakes note that when he absolutely must FTP in Windows he uses BulletProof
15:14:17riskable|workbought tickets for the big game, but is probably not going to win $300,000,000
15:14:45riskable|workMan, lotteries have been getting so big lately
15:16:29mark_300 million dollars!?
15:16:59mark_bloody hell
15:17:06riskable|workThe "Big Game" here in MA is set for a $300,000,000 drawing on Monday
15:17:22riskable|workIt was $230,000,000 last night, but no one won
15:17:32mark_what are the odds?
15:17:44][N-Fluxsilly assed odds
15:17:50][N-Fluxnoone won hehe
15:17:54riskable|workYou're more likely to get struck by lightning on a clear day while driving through a tunnel!
15:17:58][N-Fluxis in MA as well
15:18:03AustinWe have about 20,000,000:1 here in TX.
15:18:12AustinIt was slightly higher in CA.
15:18:26mark_we are 49,000,000:1 I think, and the prize is usually about 10 million euros
15:19:51riskable|workYou can actually enter The Big Game online...  Looks like their online system is down though
15:21:34riskable|workMind you, $300,000,000 isn't paid directly...  The Big Game is annuity-only
15:21:47mark_what does that mean?
15:22:41riskable|workIt means you get paid yearly
15:22:55riskable|workFor every million dollars you win, you get $38,462/year
15:23:15][N-Fluxwait a sec
15:23:18gashhrmz, the big game here in va is either annunity or cash
15:23:23][N-Fluxthey don't do the lump sum anymore?
15:23:27riskable|workUS Law has a rediculous amount of tax on lottery winnings though
15:23:44mark_riskable|work: and what happens to the rest of the money?
15:23:54riskable|workmakes note that The Big Game is only annuity-only if the sum is over a certain amount
15:24:11riskable|workUS takes like 36% of your winnings I think
15:24:16mark_riskable|work: ouch
15:24:29riskable|workOddly enough, that's the same tax on inheritance!
15:24:29mark_hmm, a million dollars a year wouldn't be bad
15:24:35mark_i'd prefer a lump sump though :)
15:24:45][N-Flux<riskable|work> For every million dollars you win, you get $38,462/year
15:24:51][N-Fluxthat doesn't look right
15:24:59riskable|workYes, but the government would take 36% of that (I think it's 36%)
15:25:19riskable|work300 * $38,462
15:25:27riskable|work(if you win the current jackpot)
15:26:40riskable|workmakes a correction, you CAN choose a lump sum instead of an annuity
15:26:51][N-Fluxthought so
15:26:54riskable|workHowever, they take another large % of your cash
15:27:10riskable|workI think it's 15%
15:27:27mark_heh, so by the time thats happened you get a mere $150,000,000
15:27:40][N-Fluxfucking government
15:27:57riskable|workBTW:  You get the money over 26 years if you go with the annuity option
15:28:30ljp--if you manage to live that much longer
15:28:38][N-Fluxtoo bad old people win alot of the time
15:28:47][N-Fluxthe system is so nicely setup :)
15:29:39riskable|workAhh, got the numbers:  the federal tax on winnings is 28% (not too bad)
15:29:46riskable|workHowever, you must also pay state tax
15:29:55riskable|work...which in MA is 5% (sales tax)
15:30:17riskable|workSo if I won $300,000,000 I'd have to pay 33% of it to the government
15:30:33][N-Fluxriskable|work: where are you in MA
15:30:48riskable|work...and you can avoid a large percentage of that tax by donating some winnings to charity
15:31:05BigBossor by moving out of the country quickly
15:31:17riskable|work...which is what everyone does (or scams--they donate to a charity setup off-shore which is really just money going to themselves)
15:31:22][N-FluxI win I'm outta here
15:31:36riskable|workWell, the US Government taxes your money BEFORE you get it
15:31:46riskable|workSo running away isn't much of an option
15:31:51riskable|workI live in Beverly, MA
15:31:54riskable|workNorth Shore
15:32:02][N-FluxLowerHell MA
15:32:05][N-Fluxaka Lowell
15:32:20riskable|workThe only place in Mass with super cheap housing
15:32:34riskable|workOne can buy a shack in Lowell for $40,000!
15:33:41][N-FluxLowell, the armpit of the universe
15:33:56riskable|workNahh, it's bad, but not THAT bad
15:34:03][N-Fluxjust kidding
15:34:06riskable|workArmpit of MA, yes, universe?  No way
15:34:16AustinYou're thinking Florida.
15:34:19][N-Fluxlawrence is that :)
15:35:08riskable|workI was thinking about moving to Florida
15:35:13riskable|workNice homes, really cheap
15:35:37riskable|workI can get a sweet townhouse in Florida with a pool and plenty of square feet for like $130k
15:35:47riskable|work...and it won't be very far from anything at all
15:36:03riskable|work(far is a realative term when put in the same area as Florida)
15:36:22mark_riskable|work: wow thats cheap
15:36:37riskable|workmakes a note that Metro Boston Massachusetts is 200% more expensive than the rest of the country
15:36:57AustinDon't be so sure.  Ever live in the Bay Area?  ;)
15:37:14][N-FluxBoston costs more
15:37:20][N-FluxI woirk in the area all the time
15:37:25riskable|workWell, I actually Boston DOES cost more
15:37:31riskable|workBay Area is cheap
15:37:50riskable|workWait, which bay are you referring to?
15:37:59riskable|workmakes note that this channel is International
15:38:11][N-Fluxbay area = cali generally
15:38:19riskable|worki.e. San Fran?
15:38:58][N-Fluxhas to go shower
15:39:02AustinEven internationally, the "Bay Area" is generally interpreted as "The Sanfransisco / Oakland Bay Area" unless otherwise specified.
15:39:06][N-Fluxnot gonna waste a nice day like this
15:39:17][N-Fluxis away: shower, damn I'm stinky
15:39:46riskable|workDamn!  Bay Area is slightly more expensive than Boston
15:40:19riskable|workBoston is 201% more than the US average...  San Francisco is 212% more expensive =)
15:42:48riskable|workThat's my town's stats
15:43:01riskable|workWe kick ass in the "Personal Crime" index
15:43:21riskable|workSame for "culture" whatever that is :)
15:43:49riskable|work...and it's 236% more expensive to live here than the national average (higher than Boston!)
15:45:53riskable|workOK, enough talk about real estate, it's making me depressed
15:46:04riskable|workhas to move out of his current residence by October
16:04:18arno_anybody have a link to the quake port?
16:08:56arno_ya, but where's the package?
16:21:13riskable|workI'm back
16:21:30riskable|workQuake for Z is just vaporware
16:22:36riskable|work: excuse me?
16:22:36riskable|workibot me
16:22:47you are responsible for
16:22:47riskableibot me
16:23:24somebody said i was The infobot connects to an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) server, joins some channels (maybe), and begins accumulating factoids.
16:23:24riskable|workibot ibot
16:23:59riskable|work: what?
16:23:59riskable|workibot Boston
16:24:08markriskable|work: you call this working? :P
16:24:18riskable|workIt's a Sunday!
16:24:32riskable|workNot like anyone else is here looking over my shoulder
16:25:00riskable|workAs long as I login on time none of my 6 bosses will care what the hell I do today (as long as I answer the phone when it rings)
16:25:41kergoth6 bosses? sounds like office space
16:25:45riskable|workI used to have 10 bosses, but 4 got laid off
16:26:10riskable|workMy company right now has a 50/50 ratio of bosses to workers
16:26:27riskable|worki.e. 50% of the people working here are somebody's boss
16:26:54riskable|work...and I'd say that 80% of that 50% is somebody's friend ;)
16:27:07riskable|work...and this company is going down the crapper
16:27:26riskable|workWonder why?
16:28:22riskable|workRumor has it that we're having another round of layoffs in one to two weeks (that'd make it, umm... the sixth round I think)
16:31:27riskable|workMaybe I'll get cut this time, who knows?  I seem to have survived them all
16:32:16riskable|workI think I have erratic clicking syndrome today
16:32:24riskable|workThat's like the 10th time I totally clicked the wrong button
16:35:11riskable|workHmm...  This looks good:
16:37:46riskable|workMy Z is acting strangely today
16:37:59riskable|workI was playing RAID at Taco Bell when it suddenly rebooted
16:43:13hungerriskable|work: At least your Z is still acting... messed mine up flashing it today:-(
16:43:40hungergot a very expensive brick now... till he gets his hands on a CF-card reader tomorrow.
16:43:48tux_mikeat least you have your stylus :P
16:44:50hungertux_mike: Nothing that can't be fixed with a new flash. Only need to rename one file on the CF card and all will be OK again (I hope).
16:45:40tux_mikehunger: were you doing the zImage/initrd.img flash, or the romimage flash?
16:46:38tux_mikei need tkcMediaCenter! :)  
16:46:42hungertux_mike: zImage/initrd.
16:46:55hungertux_mike: I accidentally mistyped initrd.bin. Stupid me.
16:47:05tux_mikehunger: cool, you can just reflash to fix it :)
16:47:10kergothdamn packaging conflicts
16:47:21kergothInstalling opie-qpdf (1.5.0-20020414)
16:47:21kergothERROR: Package opie-qpdf wants to install file /home/kergoth/buildsystem/buildroot-oz/build/openzaurus_root//opt/QtPalmtop/pics/qpdf_icon.png
16:47:21kergoth        But that file is already provided by package qpe-pics
16:47:48hungertux_mike: The problem is that I can't access the CF card without my Z right now. Need to get a CFcard reader for my big box:-(
16:49:17tux_mikehuhg: ah, the advatages of a laptop
16:49:36tux_mikei have a $10 cf to pcmcia adapter
16:49:53hungertux_mike: My big box is a laptop. But it only has PCMCIA slots and I don't have an adapter yet.
16:50:12hungertux_mike: That's exactly what I'm gonna get tomorrow too.
16:51:31kergothdamn testing a new initrd of oz3 is a bitch.. update ipks, scp ipks to feed on sf. install new ipks into rootfs. build new initrd. scp initrd to my box here. smbclient initrd to a windows box that actually has working usb ports. eject card. flash. test.
16:52:24hungerkergoth: The  initrd on SF is not useable?
16:52:48kergothhunger: its about 5 revs behind. i'm doing the final tests on beta3, then i'll upload
16:54:00Com[Plex]kergoth, why do yuo have to put it on a windows amchine?
16:54:22hungerkergoth: When will you upload that?
16:54:44hungerkergoth: I'd love to ge the more 'finalish' version tomorrow;-)
16:55:46tux_mikeow.... i have a big fat bruise on the underside of my right clicking finger
16:56:21Com[Plex]I got a question, - if you guys were to buy a zaurus for a friend, <used> on like ebay or something, whats the most you would pay?
16:56:31kergothCom[Plex]: because my usb controller is toasted on this box
16:56:42Com[Plex]oh kerg, that bites :<
16:56:48Com[Plex]is it a kt7e motherboard?
16:56:59kergothyeah it does bite. i keep running across the house
16:57:01Com[Plex]thsoe usb controllers on the abit baords allways gaver me trouble
16:57:08kergothnah this is a shuttle board
16:57:19kergothamd 1gb tbird on a via chipset board.. ugh
16:57:28Com[Plex]shuttle. - thats what i have in my server, - a shuttle ak12, and Ive never had a single problem with it.
16:57:43Com[Plex]not that I use it much other than serving... but
16:57:51Com[Plex]it is overclocked, 750->840
16:57:55kergothi think i had a flaky usb mouse.. it worked flawless before using it. after.. it doesnt work in any operating system. and its not a conflict, its got its own irq
16:58:03kergothheh thats cool
16:58:34Com[Plex]this one im on is overclocked quite a bit more. its an xp2000+ at xp2263+
16:59:00Com[Plex]I had it at 2280, but I had a crash, and IM not sure if it was from overclocking, or if it was the corrupt SD card I was trying ti fiddle with.
16:59:33Com[Plex]I allways turn back my overcklockign after a crash to a level I trust, - because two OC related crashes in a row is bad for the OS.
16:59:59Com[Plex]specially when ti crashes during a scandisk file repair. :>
17:08:24kergothCom[Plex]: hah, thats what journaled filesystems are for :-)
17:10:40kergothi should get off my ass and go buy a fucking usb pci card
17:10:50kergoththis running back and forth is annoying
17:11:07riskable|workreminds himself to schedule Solaris tests
17:15:45kergothhmm.. initrd-oz3-bet3-pre3.bin
17:16:09markkergoth: OZ3 usable yet?
17:16:23kergothflashing with pre3 atm
17:16:25kergothwe'll soon see
17:16:53markif it is
17:16:57marki'm moving to it tonight
17:17:17markdoes it ship with sshd
17:17:28kergothyea sshd and ssh are in
17:17:42marki dont have to use crappy qtopiadesktop then
17:17:50kergothbut they arent all setup by default like in the old oz's.. i havent had time for such things. trying to make shit work instead
17:17:55kergothyeah. scp all the way
17:21:05markgood :P
17:22:20markdoes it work the same as official roms re storage or is it more ipaq like?
17:25:47killefizwhat is it like on the ipaq?
17:26:19kergothmutters and starts altering storage.cpp
17:26:31markwell in ur 16Meg you have all of the OS plus whatever you want
17:26:39markso thats read/write
17:26:57killefizso it has no rom or is the rom mounted r/w?
17:26:57markthen the rest is pure ram
17:27:03markrom is mounted r/w
17:27:23kergothits not exactly either
17:27:34markstands corrected
17:27:43kergothim referring to oz
17:27:48markoh right
17:27:49kergothits something of both
17:27:56markgo on
17:28:40kergothflash is writable.. mounted on /
17:28:43kergoth16mb there
17:29:24kergoththen there's the mtdram .. mtd emulation layer on ram.. basically a ramdisk.. but that data is persistant.. until you  reset the unit
17:29:35kergothi moved the mountpoint for that from /home to /usr/local
17:29:49kergoththats basically all there is to it
17:29:55kergothcf on /mnt/cf, sd on /mnt/card
17:30:08kergothhow is cf automounted on the Z?
17:30:10markso is that 16Meg basically full before you start?
17:30:12kergothis there a daemon running?
17:30:28hungerkergoth: So you are one of the guys working on OZ?
17:30:29kergothmark: nah theres space, i'm not doing a FULL install of opie
17:30:35kergothhunger: i'm the only guy working on OZ
17:30:40kergothhunger: ;-)
17:30:54hungerkergoth: Ah, good:-) Actually, not so good;-)
17:31:02riskable|workWhat about bewm?
17:31:02kergothyeah, hence the release delays
17:31:07kergoth is available at
17:31:07riskable|workibot kergoth
17:31:12kergothbewm is helping a lot in testing
17:31:27kergothhis bug reports helped greatly
17:31:38hungerkergoth: I'd like to help a bit if possible.
17:31:42kergothdoes anyone know how cf is automounted on the Z? i know sd is mounted using the sdmgr..
17:31:48ljp--might help with testing if emacs were available
17:31:57kergothwget it from familiar
17:32:00unstable feed is at
17:32:00kergothibot: unstable feed?
17:32:04markkergoth: how much space is there then?
17:32:23kergothmark: for what release? i havent decided for final yet
17:32:32ljp--kergoth: cardmon handles cf
17:32:32kergothmark: btw pre3 of beta3 boots right into opie for once
17:32:40markkergoth: i meant in that 16M of ram
17:32:44hungerkergoth: I'll get the version from SF tomorrow and nag you from then on;-)
17:32:47kergothljp--: cardmon doesnt mount it though, just runs the appropriate cardctl commands, afaik
17:32:55kergothhunger: k
17:32:58ljp--cardctl mounts
17:33:04ljp--I think
17:33:16kergothit doesnt in oz.. i should figure out how to make it mount then
17:33:50riskable|workI should've brought my Java 2 book into work today
17:34:36markkergoth: so this image works?
17:35:16markas in it runs opie? :)
17:35:23kergothmark: yes, but embeddedkonsole does not.. the sysinfo storage tab doenst show the flash area yet.. cf/sd automount isnt working yet and ipkg/qipkg install to cf/sd/mtdram isnt working.. well.. ipkg will install there, but it doesnt symlink the shit into place yet
17:35:25ljp--you have source for cardctl?
17:35:33kergothljp--: yeah.. i'm taking a look
17:35:51markkergoth: i can live with that
17:36:29kergothadds automount for ide devices to cardctl config
17:37:48markkergoth: does sshd come ready set up? if i dont have an embeddedkonsole to do it with.....
17:38:03ljp--which tarball is cardctl in?
17:38:05kergothsettings -> terminate opie -> dropped to a login
17:38:17marka proper device :)
17:38:19kergoththen /etc/init.d/qpe start to get back in ;-)
17:38:35markgoes to download
17:38:46markgrr what files do i need
17:39:00markthese all say beta2
17:39:12killefizbeta3 is still on kergoth's hd
17:40:24kergothhold, i'll start the upload
17:40:31kergoththose kernels will still work
17:41:17hungerkergoth: Beta 3 will be on SF soon? Cool ;-)
17:41:36kergothyep.. beta4 will have cf automount.. and MAY have sd automount.. that i need to look into further
17:41:48kergothalso, documents on CF dont seem to automatically appear in my docs tab
17:41:51kergothbut i havent researched why yet
17:42:05markkergoth: uploading o sourceforge?
17:42:19kergoth6 minutes to go.. damn slow upload speed on my cable modem
17:42:40riskable|workhates middleware!
17:42:42Narrowmindya we need to nail down why and where files get listed
17:42:42kergothi should add your kbill port to the oz3 feed
17:42:43hungerkergoth: That's all SchnickSchnack anyway! As long as I can boot into Textmode I'm happy.
17:42:51riskable|workSiteminder sucks
17:43:01riskable|workSo does iPlanet for that matter
17:43:06kergothhunger: hah.. yeah it boots, and the devices exist, and most of the absolutely critical bugs are gone, afaik
17:43:08markkergoth: its in harlekins feed
17:43:15kergothhunger: now there are just a shitload of little bugs :-)
17:44:18Narrowmindiplanet ? why would you buy that? apache kicking your ass ?
17:44:31hungerkergoth: I think I live with those;-) I'll upgrade my Z tomorrow night, after I have bought a CF card reader to wake it from its messed-up-flash-ROM slumber;-)
17:44:31riskable|workmakes a note that when spiders unite, they can tie down a lion
17:44:45kergothhah.. i couldnt live without a cf reader now
17:44:53riskable|workYou have to understand that Apache is much too good for the likes of Enterprise-class systems
17:45:14hungerkergoth: Only got the CF card yetserday. I did not expect to need a CF-card reader that soon;-)
17:45:23riskable|workWhen a company wants to spend $15 million on web servers, the last thing they want to hear is that they're getting free software
17:45:54hungerhas his Z for 4 days now any allready he messe dit up completly.
17:46:00riskable|workThe people who make the decisions are non-technical and have absolutely no clue.  They think "free==bad"
17:46:01hungerI just love that little toy;-)
17:46:01kergothnot bad
17:46:23kergothriskable|work: yep i deal with those people constantly.. ugh
17:46:50Narrowmindi work on  systems that do 3000 connections a second... apache falls down and hurts its self after 40
17:46:56riskable|workI speak with people every day that think Sun hardware + iPlanet is the only way to run a web hosting business and refuse to even CONSIDER Linux on the bases that they don't have anyone to call if it goes wrong
17:47:29riskable|workYet we have a Windows 2000 division?
17:47:32kergothlinux has yet to scale well to enterprise level systems
17:47:36kergothriskable|work: hah!
17:48:26riskable|workIf this company had a nickel for every time we got massively hit by a worm, virus, or just general crashing servers in our NT division, we'd be stealing a great deal of money from our customers.  Oh wait!   We DO do that!
17:48:28Narrowmindyou need one of our boxs... we can make any webserve shine
17:49:26riskable|workI've been doing this for a couple years now and I must say that the most successful/cost effective enterprise-class systems are clusters of cheap machines setup with HA monitoring/automatic failover
17:49:54Narrowmindwe do that
17:50:20Narrowmindslb with active monitoring
17:50:23riskable|worki.e. Put six Linux boxes behind two Cisco Local Directors running Apache and you just saved yourself $400,000 on two giant Sun servers and iPlanet licensing
17:50:42riskable|workNot to mention if one machine goes down you won't take as much of a hit
17:51:11hungerriskable|work: The SUN never goes down;-)
17:51:30riskable|workSun == Random ecache errors!
17:51:54NarrowmindI have a sunblade which crashes once a month
17:52:09riskable|workI think I must've ordered at least 100 processor replacements since I've worked here thanks to the reliability of Sun hardware
17:52:28hungerNarrowmind: Really? I never had problems with our E450s.
17:52:32riskable|workHowever, that's not so bad when you consider the technical ability of most Sun technicians
17:52:38Onetrack_hmm.. we only went through 4 processors in our old 4500's.. the fully loaded 6500 is running fine.
17:52:41riskable|workE450:  Awesome box
17:52:48riskable|workI've NEVER, EVER had a problem with an E450
17:52:49markkergoth: up yet/ :)
17:53:02riskable|workE3500/E4500 <--Major pains in the ass
17:53:14Onetrack_oh yeah..
17:53:23riskable|workThe Ultra series is OK too
17:53:29Narrowmindya.. it just locks up.. and since it runs nis+ everything else locksup
17:53:36riskable|worki.e. Ultra 1->60 =)
17:54:00riskable|workNarrowind, you have the latest kernel patches on that baby?
17:54:02Narrowmindmy ultra 2 is cool
17:54:14riskable|workIf you do, and you get a core dump, I can analize it for ya for free =)
17:54:31Narrowmindi just installed the latest cluster
17:54:33Onetrack_we had 2 4500's.. 4 250's .. a u2.. 7 netra t1's and a 6500.. plus a bunch of va-linux and dell 2550's.. the 6500 came to us completely doa.. had to replace the clockboard.. power supply and its raid was all smashed..(external)
17:54:43riskable|workknows how to anylize Solaris core dumps...  Is that cool or what?  hehe
17:55:34kergothack, cardmgr runs /etc/pcmcia/ide start hda... not hda1.. so if i try to automount, it tries to mount /dev/hda
17:56:06riskable|workNarrowind, I'm guessing the processor in your Blade server has a defect which causes "ecache" errors (i.e. generic kernel panic problem).  It's probably under warrantee and Sun will swap it for free
17:57:02riskable|workmakes a note that the Sun kernel engineers are down the road about ~4 miles from him right now
17:57:24riskable|workIf any of them cause me slack I can go complain to them in person :)
17:57:44riskable|workWe actually host Sun's website/servers here at my company
17:57:57fiferboyAnyone here get OZ3 to work on an SL-5000D?
17:57:58kergothmark: the initrd for beta3 is up
17:58:00riskable|workLots of funny stuff
17:58:18kergothfiferboy: numerous critical bugs in beta2. switch to beta3 initrd
17:58:22markkergoth: woot.  what do i do with it? :_
17:58:24Narrowmind bah.. if i really wanted it fixed i could take it to the engieeners.. i live in the valley
17:58:28kergothfiferboy: beta3 has mostly small bugs, not critical
17:58:34kergothmark: hold on, i'm writing the release notes :-)
17:58:39markkergoth: heheh
17:58:51fiferboykergoth: Ah, that's what I was waiting for.  Release notes!
17:59:03hungerkergoth: Which zImage do I need to install? zImage_32-32? What do those numbers say?
17:59:35markhunger: heap/RAM allocation i think
17:59:47riskable|workWe launched a new Sun server once and a few days later it panicked with an ecache error...  So I called to have it replaced.  Took the Sun tech FOREVER to get there, then he screwed up and replaced the wrong CPU.  So Sun's web hosting division calls me the next day and is like "What the hell is going on!" and I said, "Yeah, well, Sun took forever to fix the problem, then they replaced the wrong CPU."  So essentially she was compl
17:59:47riskable|workaining about her own company :)
18:00:04hungermark: That's what I guessed too. Let's wait for the relaese notes.
18:00:06Rincethat's pretty normal
18:00:23Rinceriskable|work: I know _whom_ to call within Sun Service if I have serious problems :)
18:00:32Narrowmindwhen are we going to get real battery monitors ?.. mine is either 100%.. or 0%
18:00:59riskable|workNarrowmind:  LOL, doesn't that suck?
18:01:12riskable|workYou're either kickin' butt, or you're about to die
18:01:46hungerNarrowmind: Isen't that all you really need to know? After all the battery is either full enough to use or not;-)
18:02:02Narrowminduh.. no
18:02:28Narrowmindi like to see impending doom coming
18:03:01Narrowmindahhh and when will we see a doom port?
18:03:39markkergoth: so ur funky buildsystem builds all of OZ from source yeh?
18:03:49riskable|workDoom port?  That'd be fun
18:03:55markshouldn't be distracting kergoth
18:04:18hungerIsen't there one allready? I thought I saw one somewhere... maybe I'm messing this up though.
18:04:34markthat coulda been quake
18:04:55hungermark: Possible. Never liked first person shooters.
18:05:09markno, nor me realy
18:05:19Narrowmindya..but dont install the quake.. it hosed qpe for me
18:05:43hungerkergoth: Could you add a not about the zImage-files to the release note?
18:05:53][N-FluxWhere is doom dammit :)
18:06:10][N-Fluxanyone have the doom wad files, I need the to play on my DC :)
18:06:13riskable|workis more interested in Internet-play games
18:06:24][N-Fluxdoom has net code
18:06:30riskable|workI want someone to port Tetrinet to the Z
18:06:30hungerkergoth: And add the bootflag.txt file? It's minimal, but it's a pain having to get it from one of the earlier releases.
18:07:10riskable|workI'm learning java just so I can write an Internet-capable rummy game
18:07:18][N-Fluxtetrinet is ugly though, tetrinet with quadra's gfx would kickass
18:07:22Narrowmindick java
18:07:46markah freeCraft port to the Z would be cool
18:07:58hungerkergoth: Can I customise the heap/RAM allocation? I'd like to have 48RAM/16 'disk'
18:08:00riskable|workJava isn't bad
18:08:22kergothhunger: ah, you're a 5500 user?
18:08:29Narrowmindits just slow as hell
18:08:32][N-Fluxjava speed on the 1.12/1.13 rom is much better
18:08:37hungerkergoth: Yeap. 5500G to be exact.
18:08:49kergothhunger: I'll do a 48/16.. its a kernel alteration.. you cant customize, but i'll put lots of options up
18:08:56Narrowmindwhats the G?
18:09:01kergothhunger: i just need to make the buildsystem automate it for me.. right now its manual
18:09:04kergothNarrowmind: german
18:09:21][N-Fluxkergoth: we still in super high ultra beta turbo mode? ;0
18:09:26markkergoth: how easy will it be for me to put a different usb client driver in?
18:09:58hungerkergoth: Great! I thought I can sdet this via /proc/cmdline or something. Have not experimented with it yet, but that's how I thought it would be done.
18:10:03kergoth][N-Flux: lol.. yup
18:10:23kergothhunger: you need to change cmdline for the mem=, yeah.. but also, the mem address of where the ramdisk starts is hardcoded..
18:10:38kergothhunger: so when i add 6 megs to RAM, i move up the address 6 megs.. the ramdisk is on the end of the ram area
18:11:00kergothmark: quite easy.. you could just create an ipk for it
18:11:03kergothmark: heh :-)
18:11:28markkergoth: good good
18:11:33markkergoth: release notes done yet? :O
18:11:55markkergoth: :P
18:12:18fiferboyRelease notes are up.
18:12:22hungerkergoth: Now I didn't even install OZ yet and allready I've asked you to do tons of things. Sorry for that.
18:13:56kergothhunger: hehe. no problem
18:13:57Narrowmindthis linksys cf wireless card is to damn wide
18:14:04kergothmark: yes, but i need to upload bootflag.txt real quick
18:14:04hungerkergoth: I hate people who do that with my project;-)
18:14:14markkergoth: come on, ur slacking :P
18:14:23kergothstfu too
18:14:52Narrowmindshut the fuck up
18:15:07riskable|workWhat the fuck up
18:15:18warmican I join ?
18:15:20hungershuts up.
18:15:46riskable|workWarmi, how do I get past level 5 in Puzz-le!  ARG!
18:15:56Narrowmindeverything2 has most of those shorthands
18:16:10ljp--beta to alpha.. thats a new one! hehehhe
18:16:19warmiriskable: if you go to instruction , demo game it will go thru all levels solving each on of them in front of your eyes :-)
18:16:38riskable|workAnyone know who wrote RAID?
18:16:44riskable|work...or if there's a home page for it?
18:16:47scanlineis back (gone 09:27:31)
18:17:34warmiI couldn't find it either
18:17:41kergothokay! beta 3 is available, and release notes are written
18:17:41Narrowmindwhen someone tells you drinking beer by the liter is good idea.. they are lieing
18:17:42kergothhave at it
18:17:45kergothI have bugs to fix
18:17:49kergothNarrowmind: hah
18:17:51fiferboyLoading up OZ3 now...
18:18:04hungerkergoth: Great!
18:18:07riskable|workI REALLY need to get a CF reader for my work laptop
18:18:14hungershakes his Z to wake it up. Stupid thing.
18:18:16kergothljp--: fyi, beta 3 boots into opie by default :-) hehe
18:18:47warmiI done with the contest .. just submitted by entry ... now I am waiting for my new shiny Sharp-made laptop
18:18:49kergothi should put a warning in the release notes that oz3 beta isnt for the faint of heart
18:19:01kergothwarmi: good luck :-)
18:19:04Narrowmindi just got a usb sd writer.. but its hella unstable in mandrake
18:19:16markdidn't bother submitting his final entry
18:19:25warmithanks :-)
18:19:30fiferboyBooting into OZ3...
18:19:34warmimark: you kidding me ?
18:19:38markwarmi: nope
18:19:44kergothfiferboy: ignore the thousands and thousands of MTD_write messages
18:19:46warmiwhy ?
18:19:52warmilack of time ?
18:19:55markwarmi: coz i couldn't be bothered to do any work on it
18:19:57fiferboykergoth: Okay, will do.
18:19:59kergothfiferboy: they only occur on full reset. they're harmless. mtd debugging is too high on those kernels
18:20:13markwarmi: it had 0 chance of winning a laptop.  it was a metronome
18:20:18fiferboyI don't pay attention to errors anyway.
18:20:39markkergoth: rel notes are where?
18:20:39ljp--prepares the Z named SanJose for alpha3
18:21:04warmiwell, at least you got a free Z
18:21:10hungerwonders where to set the hostname on the Z. The default localhost really sucks.
18:21:13kergothmark: click on oz3 in files
18:21:14markwarmi: yeh, thats what i was hoping for
18:21:30kergothhunger: oz3 defaults to 'zaurus'
18:21:33Onetrack_ew yuk.. you guys want to see a nasty network room check this.. what a cabling nightmare.
18:21:34kergothhunger: and oz3 uses /etc/hostname
18:21:46fiferboyMine doesn't seem to get past the SHARP screen on boot...
18:21:53kergothsharp scren?
18:22:04kergothoz3 doesnt have a sharp screen. something didnt get flashed
18:22:06fiferboyYeah, it just sits there with the word "SHARP" in red.
18:22:08hungerkergoth: Great. I messed with the rc.local script on the original sharp roms and did not really get anywhere with that:-(
18:22:09markkergoth: not getting them
18:22:13fiferboyOkay, I try reflashing it.
18:22:23kergothfiferboy: ensure that the kernel is zImage with a capital I
18:22:37fiferboyI'll check it out.
18:22:47kergothmark: click on '3.0 (highly unstable)'
18:23:06markhighly beta
18:23:24marki get to the release notes page, but see no release notes ;)
18:23:27hungermark: Actually you need to click on 3.0[ALPHA!]
18:23:37Narrowmindshouldnt it be 0.3 then?
18:24:12warmionetrack: hehehe ... that room will keep someone busy for a while
18:24:18kergothNarrowmind: yes, originally it was beta 1, beta 2, beta 2.5.. never got anywhere near actual release, but people took to just calling htem oz1, oz2.. etc..
18:24:29kergothNarrowmind: so i altered the convention. this release will be 3.0 final when its out
18:25:34murphHas anyone managed to get a Z dialing through a non-IR cell phone? (wired)
18:25:45markhunger: gah i was viewing a cached version
18:26:26kergothHellaenergy: this is one kickass day.. the weather is astounding
18:26:37hungerwiats for zImage-beta2_48-16
18:26:44riskable|workI agree, the weather here in MA is awesome today
18:26:48riskable|workShorts + T-shirt
18:26:58riskable|workI think it's 65 out with a gentle breeze
18:27:13kergoththe weather here blows normally. this is the first really really nice day of the year
18:27:30kergothi love sunny days. everyone is happier, including me
18:27:33riskable|workYesterday was a gorgeous day too
18:27:40fiferboyHehe, I can't boot my Z now.  I need a CF reader for my computer.
18:27:42riskable|workYesterday was the first day of the year I wore shorts+t-shirt
18:27:43Narrowmindits been hell here... i think yesterday got down to 60
18:28:03kergothfiferboy: the sharp kernel with my initrd wasnt happy eh?
18:28:05ljp--fiferboy: did you push reset?
18:28:10markkergoth: what do I do for my zImage? get one of the v2 ones?
18:28:24kergothNarrowmind: 60? 60?! it was snowing a week ago here
18:28:27kergothNarrowmind: hehe
18:28:37kergothmark: grab a beta2 kernel. works fine with the new initrd
18:28:49kergothmark: as a matter of fact, you couldve updated beta2 to beta3 with a couple ipk's
18:28:57Narrowmindhah.. this is why i dont leave california
18:29:08kergothNarrowmind: i need to move :-)
18:29:24markkergoth: just considering which one to download - how much space is there out of the 16M rom left?
18:29:35kergothNarrowmind: its like 60 something right now.. people are running around in shorts and t-shirts.. jogging, barbequeing..
18:29:37kergothNarrowmind: ;-)
18:30:03Narrowmindi mean there is snow.. you just have drive 4 hours to get to it
18:30:04kergothmark: hold i'll check. remember you cant install packages to cf/sd/mtdram yet due to symlinking.. you could manually symlink them into place of course
18:30:09kergothNarrowmind: hehe. thats nice
18:31:16kergothopens all the windows, cranks the music
18:31:16fiferboyYeah, there's no image on it now.
18:31:38kergothi should add the pingizauru kernel boot logo again
18:31:43fiferboyHurray for creative problem solving, I'm transfering an image to the CF card via my brothers Jornada.
18:32:12ljp--no screenclick sounds
18:32:29kergothljp--: really? hmm
18:32:46kergothljp--: they use sharp_buz right?
18:33:22kergothstarts adding 3.0 bugs to the sf bugtraq
18:34:15killefizhey - new game out:
18:34:24kergothhmm, that device exists.. perhaps permissions? hmm
18:34:54kergothkillefiz: ah cool. one of the contest submissions eh?
18:34:55ljp--kergoth: thats in custom-sharp.h
18:34:58riskable|workA snood clone!
18:35:03kergothljp--: yep i know
18:35:12killefizkergoth: possible. i think i've seen the screenshot before
18:35:24kergothljp--: i built with -xplatform sharp.. so unless configure is broken worse than i think it is...
18:35:29killefizi have to try it ... damn - where is my zaurus?
18:35:51kergothljp--: would be worth doing a console c app that issues the ioctl()s to test the buzzer in oz3 in genearl
18:36:02kergothadds to bug list
18:37:13ljp--kergoth: I think they can be done thru qcop also
18:37:39kergothljp--: yeah but i want to confirm that its not a fucked up opie build
18:37:54kergothljp--: hence the desire to test functionality at a lower level
18:38:21kergothah there we are. arch/arm/mach-sa1100/collie_buzzer.c
18:38:21ljp--konsole totally freezes qpe
18:38:26kergothljp--: ?
18:38:36kergothljp--: it just pops up and vanishes on mine
18:39:51kergothobj-$(CONFIG_SA1100_COLLIE) += collie.o m62332.o collie_battery.o collie_led.o collie_buzzer.o
18:40:11kergothcat include/linux/autoconf.h|grep CONFIG_SA1100_COLLIE
18:40:11kergoth#define CONFIG_SA1100_COLLIE 1
18:40:20kergothk, just checking.
18:41:58ljp--why is there a usr dir structure in /mnt/cf?
18:42:16kergothljp--: ipkg creates directories for his data files for alternate install paths
18:42:35kergothljp--: those exist because I did ipkg installs into the rootfs
18:42:52kergothljp--: doesnt matter, as cf will mount over it.. then ipkg installs to cf will put data files on the cf
18:43:13ljp--ok just wondering
18:43:30kergothyea i found it odd too at first
18:45:43kergoththe rest of the opie packages with proper paths are at the feed
18:45:45oz3 feed is at
18:45:45kergothibot: oz3 feed?
18:46:44kergothljp--: you should be able to install the micro emacs package from familiar or from the zaurus sf page
18:46:54ljp--yep.. I know :D
18:47:00kergothcool :-)
18:47:29kergothipkg installs to alternate paths atm with -d.. ipkg -d mtdram install blah.. but no symlinks get created
18:47:32kergothncurses is installed
18:47:35kergothncurses5 to be exact
18:48:04ljp--microemacs & lxt and I'm all set
18:48:44kergothi should add strace and gdb to the feed
18:50:18ljp--I also whipped up a buzzer command tester
18:53:52ljp--no usb connection
18:55:15fiferboyIT'S ALIVE!!
18:55:21ljp--won't mount vfat cf
18:55:46ljp--wooppss yes it did
18:55:53kergothit uses auto as the fstype
18:56:21JonmannArgh, would anyone know a TFM viewer for Windows?
18:56:25fiferboyUm, how long do the MTD_write errors go on for?
18:56:31kergothshit stracing embeddedkonsole -qws is long.. so many semaphore operations...
18:56:38kergothfiferboy: a minute or two, just let it go
18:56:44fiferboyOkay, there it goes.  Had me worried for a sec.
18:57:46ljp--package uEmacs already installed??
18:58:05kergothi didnt install it
18:59:08ljp--heh thats what ipkg install told me.. and proceeded to install it
19:00:37kergothits trying every single ptyp, ptyq, ptyr, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z.. all fail
19:00:44kergothsince i dont have them. hehe
19:01:20fiferboyHow do you actually get the appearence options to take effect?  There's no okay button, or apply or anything.
19:01:30kergothfiferboy: hmmm?
19:01:37kergothfiferboy: theres an ok button in the upper right corner
19:01:58fiferboyWhen I open appearence there is only the x.  No ok.
19:02:54mefestoanyone else have any trouble getting linux (2.4.18) to detect the zaurus when connected to the usb port?
19:03:24GogaNanyone seen BigBoss here today?
19:03:59fiferboyI must have screwed something up again.  Many things are not working.
19:04:29kergothstupid opie
19:05:04BigBoss was last seen on #zaurus 3 hours, 33 minutes and 59 seconds ago, saying: or by moving out of the country quickly [Sun Apr 14 16:31:05 2002]
19:05:04GogaNibot: seen BigBoss
19:06:19kergothfiferboy: it wont change styles when you click the X.. it does save color and background though
19:06:42bigboss was last seen on #zaurus 3 hours, 35 minutes and 37 seconds ago, saying: or by moving out of the country quickly [Sun Apr 14 16:31:05 2002]
19:06:42riskable|workibot seen bigboss
19:07:06kergothljp--, fiferboy: do any documents appear in the documents tab when you start opie with the cf mounted? opie prompts me to choose what files to scan for.. i tell it to scan, but still no docs
19:08:21ljp--how do I manuallt start qpe?
19:08:26kergoth/etc/init.d/qpe start
19:09:28ljp--no docs no prompt
19:09:35kergothno prompt?
19:09:40kergothits mounted on /mnt/cf?
19:09:44mefestodoes anyone know of a good site to help me get linux to detect the zaurus?
19:09:54kergothman that doc scan popup doesnt seem to be very happy
19:09:55arno_emacs for the zaurus? where?
19:10:04kergothmefesto: just ruault's howto
19:10:19kergotharno_: uEmacs .. iirc its on the zaurus SF project
19:10:56ljp--kergoth: i mean it didnt prompt for scan docs
19:11:20sugarbearHow do I make Linux talk to my Zaurus?  I'm running RH 7.1/Ximian.
19:11:21ljp--kergoth: whats ~/ ?
19:11:23kergoththere are a number of opie bugs that need to be pursued
19:11:29kergothljp--: ?
19:11:40kergothljp--: /root is your homedir
19:11:40ljp--root? or /home/root ?
19:11:43sugarbearI plugged the Zaurus docking station into my USB port.
19:11:50kergothflash is writable, so docs are in flash atm
19:12:11kergothno ~/Documents eh
19:12:33ljp--looks like stdout writes to the screen
19:12:44kergothljp--: i fixed the thing with the storage tab being empty in sysinfo.. thats how it reacts to their being no /etc/mtab
19:12:50kergothljp--: nope. its kernel messages
19:13:13ljp--oh.. also. suspend unmounted /mnt/cf
19:13:16kergothljp--: they cant be directed without adding a console= in kernel cmdline.. you could rm /dev/console; ln -s /dev/console /dev/tty2; or something
19:13:21kergothljp--: ah... k..
19:13:28arno_dont rm, mv
19:13:35kergotharno_: huh?
19:13:44kergotharno_: console is a symlink atm, i'm changing the link
19:13:48sugarbearAnyone can offer help?
19:14:01kergothi meant ln -s /dev/tty2 /dev/console actually
19:14:06sugarbearIs there a module that I need to load in order to talk to the Zaurus?
19:14:14kergothsugarbear: stop wasting our time with this pleading. just ask your question for gods sake
19:14:23kergothsugarbear: did you patch your kernel with the patch on the howto page?
19:14:38kergothsugarbear: theres your problem. go read the howto
19:14:39fiferboykergoth: No, I don't get any documents.
19:14:43kergothfiferboy: k, figured
19:14:58sugarbearWell, first I have to find the how-to page.
19:15:04mefestoi can't even get linux to detect that usb device... :(
19:15:22mefestoit detects my cam but not the zaurus
19:15:32kergothmefesto: hmm? define 'detects'
19:15:42Com[Plex]uh.. question, does the 5500 have a 32mb rom?
19:15:44mefestoif i do a cat /proc/bus/usb/devices
19:15:46kergothCom[Plex]: no
19:15:47Com[Plex]or still 16?
19:15:57kergothCom[Plex]: 16mb flash, 64mb ram
19:16:12ljp--filemanager copied emacs as 'Copy of emacs' *sigh*
19:18:54ljp--it also see's ipkg as 'unknown' type
19:19:04TwiunAaargh, another window-ism ;-)
19:21:29mefestois there any way to get information about any connected usb devices other than /proc/bus/usb/...?
19:22:11riskable|workdmesg I mean :)
19:22:14riskable|workdmesg | more
19:28:28Gepetohey guys, I know ibot is actions work on it?
19:28:31Gepetolike ibot shoot me
19:28:35Gepeto: i'm not following you...
19:28:35Gepetoibot: shoot me
19:28:40...but shoot me is <reply> bang!...
19:28:40Gepetoibot: shoot me is BAM
19:29:08Gepeto: sorry...
19:29:08Gepetoibot: shoot me
19:29:13kergoth: I forgot shoot me
19:29:13kergothibot: forget shoot me
19:29:19OK, kergoth.
19:29:19kergothibot: shoot me is <reply> BAM
19:29:22kergoth: what?
19:29:22kergothibot shoot me
19:29:27kergoth: excuse me?
19:29:27kergothibot: shoot me
19:29:31kergothhow odd
19:29:33no idea, kergoth
19:29:33kergothibot: shoot me?
19:29:36kergoth: bugger all, i dunno
19:29:36kergothibot shoot me?
19:29:40scanlineis away: The pseudofood continues... or "I Can't Believe It's Not Nuclear Waste!"
19:29:41kergothshoots ibot
19:30:10riskable|work: i'm not following you...
19:30:10riskable|workibot: me
19:30:17i heard riskable was responsible for
19:30:17riskableibot me
19:30:31Rince: huh?
19:30:31Rinceibot me
19:30:35Rincegood :-)
19:31:34kergothljp--: i have documents in my docs tab! :-)
19:31:54kergothljp--: rm /etc/mtab; ln -s /proc/mounts /etc/mtab; mount /mnt/cf; /etc/init.d/qpe start;
19:33:38kergothi'll put a updated oz-base package on sf with that fix
19:33:44kergothi'm working on the automount cf thing..
19:36:35ljp--kergoth: I'm whippin up my own file manager based on opieftp so I can at least run commands from qpe... :D
19:36:46ljp--been working on it for about a wekk or so
19:37:01Gepetoriskable|work: I want my z :(
19:37:09kergoth    for (const char* c0 = "pqrstuvwxyzabcde"; ptyfd < 0 && *c0 != 0; c0++) {
19:37:09kergoth        for (const char* c1 = "0123456789abcdef"; ptyfd < 0 && *c1 != 0; c1++) {
19:37:09kergoth            sprintf(ptynam,"/dev/pty%c%c",*c0,*c1);
19:37:09kergoth            sprintf(ttynam,"/dev/tty%c%c",*c0,*c1);
19:37:19kergoththats old style.. my Z supports unix 98 pty's
19:37:36markkergoth: did you find out how much space there was?
19:38:02kergothmark: mine has about 5 megs free
19:38:22kergothbad opie! bad!
19:38:25kergoth            *x86*|*generic*|*ipaq*)
19:38:25kergoth                SED="$SED /^LIBS.*=/s/\$/ -lutil/;"
19:38:25kergoth                PLATFORM_CFLAGS="-DHAVE_OPENPTY"
19:38:28markkergoth: you got the same ROM size as me yeh?
19:38:44kergothmy Z needs have_openpty defined, so it'll use the unix98 ptys, afaik
19:38:54kergothmark: 16mb
19:39:45markkergoth: good
19:40:52ljp--knows squat about /dev/*
19:41:16kergothheh. i know a little about everything
19:41:19kergothbut not alot about anything
19:41:40kergothluckily i can usually figure it out as i go
19:42:26markkergoth: 20-12 is 20Meg MTDram 12 meg normal ram or the otherway round?
19:42:32kergothother way around
19:42:34NeoTronwonders what else to do in Eligo before submitting it..
19:42:34kergothread the release notes
19:42:43kergothsup neo
19:42:45markkergoth: me, read,?!
19:42:55kergothrtfm damnit!
19:43:03NeoTronjust contemplating what to do..
19:43:20markkergoth: readings for sissies
19:43:44kergothljp--, fiferboy, mark: submit bugs to the SF bugs tracking system please
19:43:54kergothljp--, fiferboy, mark: '3.0' group
19:44:03markneeds to install it first ;)
19:44:33markkergoth: i read the release notes before you added that stuff about ramdisk
19:51:13scanlineis back (gone 00:21:33)
19:52:35TwiunWho's done some java dev on the zaurus?
19:53:13NeoTronAnyone up for some Eligo 1.0 testing?
19:53:23GepetoNeoTron: if I had a zaurus I would...
19:53:29TwiunHrmm... I really meant... FOR the zaurus ;-)
19:53:58TwiunNeoTron: Is this just install/run kind of test?
19:54:48NeoTronwhatever you want it to be. :P
19:55:08kergothmark: fyi, ln -s /proc/mounts /etc/mtab; # fixes the  blank storage tab in sysinfo, and also causes opie to pick up your docs on your CF when you run it with it mounted
19:55:17kergothmark: hehe. i had forgotten about mtab.. doh
19:55:21whardiercaaaaause.. I
19:55:24whardierSTAND ALONE!
19:55:35kergothwhardier: oz3 beta3 is up on sf
19:55:41whardiergrowl baby
19:55:47whardiernow if I could only get my CF to work
19:55:50whardierand my Z unbricked
19:55:59whardierI tried to flash all sorts of shit
19:56:02whardierits pissed at me
19:56:08kergothi flashed a initrd full of 0xffs
19:56:10whardierthis all started with OZ3 beta1
19:56:13hungerwhardier: Ah! Looks like you got the same problem then me;-)
19:56:14kergothi think my Z wouldnt be happy with me either
19:56:20Gepetois OZ kinda stable?
19:56:23Gepetoat least a bit?
19:56:24whardiersure it is
19:56:33kergothGepeto: its stable, just lacking functionality, and with some minor bugs atm
19:56:34whardierman I should be god
19:56:39TwiunNeoTron: In that case, I'm game for it ;-) Mind taking a look at my fledgeling faq in turn?
19:56:46Gepetokergoth: I'll give it a try when I'll receive my zaurus
19:56:48whardier"Hey God.. is my wife gonna leave me"
19:56:51whardierSure.. why not
19:57:17whardierkicks NeoTron
19:57:20whardierhi bitch!
19:57:21markkergoth: cool
19:57:33kergothmark: i'm working on the CF not automounting problem..
19:57:41TwiunGive this a good whacking ;-)
19:58:14kergothokay time to test a rebuilt embeddedkonsole in oz3
19:58:17markdownloads on are definately picking up
19:58:30TwiunAny suggestions welcome - it IS my first attempt
19:58:39markshame the chess thing is java
19:58:39antlarrJasonNJ: ping ?
19:58:54Twiunmark: Yeah - I'm sure one will turn up for Qtopia
19:59:04markTwiun: hope so
19:59:30marki'd be suprised if it didnt
20:00:43kergothwarmi's porting phalanx chess, iirc
20:01:14markthere are tonnes of java apps popping up actually
20:01:45kergothljp--: my CF stayed mounted accross suspend
20:02:09whardiermy CF reader/writer is brokendiszhit
20:02:32Twiunmy Z's stopped networking all of a sudden... *grumble*
20:02:44whardierthat happens when you sneeze wrong
20:02:56whardiermake sure there are no projectiles next time
20:04:22kergothQCopEnvelope e("QPE/System", "setBacklight(int)" );
20:04:30kergothi wonder why that isnt working in my build for oz3
20:04:36kergoththe fl wont change brightness
20:05:43kergothah ha!
20:05:47kergothno /dev/fl
20:05:52kergothsomeone with a sharp rom tell me if /dev/fl exists please
20:06:33kergothdamnit damnit
20:06:39TwiunWho forgot to save his iptables... Who?!?!?!
20:06:41tux_mike /dev/fl?
20:06:44Twiunfwaps himself!
20:06:48kergothi wrote a script to convert a directory listing of /dev to a device table for mkfs.jffs2
20:06:53kergothbut it must have missed some
20:06:59kergothtux_mike: yes, the frontlight
20:07:15ljp--and /dev/collie-fl
20:07:19kergothis /dev/fl a symlink to collie-fl?
20:07:22kergothi have collie-fl
20:07:23tux_mikei'd do stuff in /proc/sys for frontlight... but that's just me
20:08:02Twiuninstalls eligo at last...
20:08:03antlarrJasonNJ: Ping ?
20:08:20kergothyep the symlink worked
20:08:24kergothadds to oz-base revision 5
20:10:42tux_mikestopped his compile of QT on the m68k
20:13:49ljp--ahh ok.. I have lxt finally on OZ
20:13:49kergothtux_mike: heh, whys that
20:13:53kergothljp--: nice
20:14:08tux_mikeit was swapping like crazy.  i couldn't sleep, loud hdd
20:14:15Gepetotux_mike: compile mozilla
20:14:16Gepetoit BEEPS<
20:14:42tux_mikei figured out a new way to get a real fb
20:14:50ljp--kergoth: had to symlink :D
20:15:09tux_mikehrmm... my replacement addressbook beat out SA in views! :)
20:15:20Gepetotux_mike: show me
20:15:33tux_mikegept: on zauruszone
20:15:43kergothljp--: ah, it needed ncurses4.. i was worried about some of those apps. shall i symlink in the ncurses ipk itself?
20:15:55mark_just about to flash with oz3
20:15:59mark_whats the worst that can happen?
20:16:09kergoththe worst? you'd need to reflash with another rom
20:16:20tux_mikemark: your Z starts on fire and burns your house down
20:16:35mark_kergoth: heh, thats good :)
20:16:39mark_tux_mike: heheh
20:16:59tux_mikekergoth: how would i get gnome through apt-get?
20:16:59ljp--kergoth: sure seems to be working
20:17:10tux_mikei tried apt-get install gnome, but it no work
20:17:28mark_tux_mike: on ur Z? :P
20:17:43tux_mikemark: no, on my mac, i run debian on it.  i'm a redhat guy :)
20:17:55kergothljp--: how about a ncurses4 package that installs symlinks for compatibility? (if this continues to work)
20:18:00mark_tux_mike: oh right :)
20:18:07mark_tux_mike: apt-cache search gnome to see what you have
20:18:17tux_mikefirst time i ever used debian
20:18:22tux_mikemark: k
20:18:40ljp--emacs gives me unknown terminal type linux :(
20:19:03kergothljp--: shouldnt it be able to use the terminfo db?
20:19:14kergothljp--: i created the db... verify that linux is out there
20:19:32tux_mikeljp--: well, then, isn't emacs dumb ;)
20:19:55kergothit could be a oz3 problem, im not jumping to conclusions there :-)
20:20:11tux_mikefscking mac really likes to lock up on accessing the RTC
20:20:12ljp--kergoth: heh- it works fine on the Sharp rom...
20:20:23kergothljp--: sharp uses a different termtype
20:20:27ljp--or it could be me
20:20:28kergothljp--: we need ansi for our nifty color ls
20:20:43mark_'Open the battery compartment lid. Make sure you DO NOT take battery out. ', how do i do that without moving the switch to 'replace battery'?
20:20:43ljp--I added TERM=linux
20:20:46kergoth~/buildsystem/buildroot-oz/build/openzaurus_root/usr/share/terminfo/l$ ls linux
20:20:47tux_mikekergoth: its always an emacs problem.... if it was vim, then it could be a OZ3 problem ;)
20:21:14kergothmark_: hmmm? the replace battery switch and full reset switches have nothing to do with battery removal
20:21:22ljp--mark: just dont remove the battery
20:21:44mark_i thought you could only open the battery case if the replae battery switch ws on 'replce battery'
20:21:46kergothljp--: does emacs use termcap or terminfo?
20:22:00kergothmark_; yes, you set replace battery, you just dont physically remove the battery
20:22:07mark_kergoth: oh right
20:22:43mark_is now looking for the full reset switch :)
20:22:49ljp--kergoth: it uses
20:23:05kergothah.. termcap..
20:23:05ljp--which I think uses terminfo
20:23:13ljp--not sure tho
20:23:24mark_can't find it. grr
20:23:36kergothIn older (V7/BSD) versions of curses, the database was a flat text file,
20:23:36kergoth/etc/termcap; in newer (USG/USL) versions, the database is a hierarchy of
20:23:36kergothfast-loading binary description blocks under /usr/lib/terminfo
20:23:52markdecides he is useless
20:24:04ljp--geezzz. I'm gonna have to use *gasp*.... vi!!!
20:24:32kergothtry creating a symlink for libtermcap directing it to libncurses
20:24:35mefestohas a defective docking station :(
20:24:52kergoth./configure --help 2>&1|grep termcap
20:24:52kergoth  --enable-termcap        compile in termcap fallback support
20:25:21markwhen is says 'the C and D' keys, that means on the minikeyboard yes?
20:25:25kergothmark: yes
20:25:47markthat is a difficult operation
20:25:51sitruCwas wondering that himself
20:25:56kergothneed a bit of dexterity
20:25:56TwiunSo... any of my site visitors have comments/criticisms they'd like to share? (You know who you are ;-))
20:26:18marki'td be alright if it was c and v or something
20:26:19NeoTronnot as hard if you think C and D and any other keys
20:26:45markNeoTron: oh, good idea :)
20:26:56kergothc and d and any other keys?
20:26:58markthinks he has at least 4 down
20:27:02kergothmine wont flash if you push more than c & c
20:27:09kergoths/& c/& d/
20:27:51tux_mikenor will mine
20:28:07NeoTronkergoth: I never had a problem
20:28:14ljp--kergoth: worked! happy happy joy joy
20:28:16kergothif i have 3 keys down, the lights flash and go out
20:28:20kergothljp--: sweet! :-)
20:28:21NeoTronand I certainly don't make any efford in just pushing C and D
20:28:28ljp--ok.. NOW i'm set
20:28:32kergothhave fun
20:28:42kergothtime to create a termcap compatibility package
20:28:47kergothand ncurses4 as well
20:29:02ljp--yep.. I like the cursor speed!
20:29:11kergothmy Z wont suspend in opie!
20:29:17kergothnot on its own anyway..
20:30:04ljp--heh.. mine suspends too fast- as I am working in it
20:30:31kergothdoes your frontlight behave after symlinking collie-fl to fl?
20:30:47ljp--hanen't tried
20:30:55markhmm, lights have gone out v quickly
20:30:56kergothtry it out
20:31:06kergothmark: then you need to just hold c+d, nothing else
20:31:13kergothmark: thats how mine behaves
20:31:25ljp--cool, I got my own file manager going.. :)
20:31:55ljp--looks like opieftp
20:32:01kergothi need to fix hotplug
20:32:03ljp--without ftp
20:32:05kergothso usb networking is happy
20:32:12NeoTron <=== that game looks awesome
20:32:23sitruCwoohoo.. i finally got a way to get software onto my zaurus (no usb for me)
20:32:25markkergoth: its booting.  very slowly, but booting
20:32:30marknow i've got load os MTD_Writes
20:32:56kergothignore those
20:32:57markNeoTron: port it!
20:33:01kergothi'll fix that later
20:33:13markhow long does it go on for?
20:33:21ljp--crap.. click-hold's menu not working.. crashes my app
20:33:37sitruCruns terminal for the first time :)
20:33:45ljp--oh only on blank space
20:33:49markmy thing is still saying 'mtd_write'
20:33:54NeoTronmark: writing a mail right now
20:34:06NeoTronthe more ports I do, the more leverage I'll get. :-))
20:34:13markNeoTron: hehe
20:34:20marki emailed a company offering to port something
20:34:30marki got a 'we'll wait to see how big the market becomes'
20:35:16markkergoth: booted
20:35:35NeoTronthose such
20:35:36NeoTronsuck. :P
20:36:17markthey said 'thank you for the kind offer.  we'll keep your name on file and contact you when we reevaluate the market'
20:39:32kergothheh. that reminds me of those.. yeah, we'll keep your resume on file if we have any future openings cards companies mail
20:40:52markkergoth: heh, i'm a nice optomist and thinking they may actually do so
20:41:04NeoTronwell, there goes nothing. :P
20:41:15kergothmark: well good luck :-)
20:41:46markkergoth: heh, yeh.  i should have mentioned i would have done it for free coz i wanted to software on my  Z :)
20:42:09NeoTronmark: do you mind sharing who it was? :P
20:42:22markNeoTron: yes :)
20:42:37markvisualit or something
20:43:37markNeoTron: dont you go and say 'i can do it better' to them :P
20:44:01NeoTrontrust me, I'm busy. :P
20:44:14markhow many companys you working for now?
20:44:29ljp--kergoth :fl working!
20:44:36NeoTronwell, 2 at the moment (Xen Games and Pyrogon)
20:44:47NeoTronbut I have at least 2-3 very likely additions...
20:45:01NeoTronI.e I might enlist help from here to do porting work under my name.
20:45:25marknotes there are far better hackers about than himm
20:45:28NeoTronmark: eek, they website looks like pocket pc!
20:45:36markNeoTron: yeh, i know
20:46:09markits horrid
20:46:38markNeoTron: they make their software for palm too
20:46:54NeoTronit's certainly, today, a more pain in the neck to do Pocket PC stuff
20:46:59NeoTronsince you have more unique platforms
20:47:26markNeoTron: all games you are porting?
20:48:49markkergoth: ssh enabled by default?
20:49:12NeoTronmark: hmm? all games I'm porting...? as in is games all I'm porting or as in what are the games I'm porting/
20:49:20markNeoTron: are they all games?
20:49:34marki'm just wondering if youve come across any MFC yet
20:49:41NeoTronI'm definitely concentrating on games
20:49:52marki'd lke to port some non games
20:50:03NeoTronand since the only PPC game so far has been SA, which was stripped of ALL M$ cruft before I got it...
20:50:11NeoTronCandy Cruncher already has a Linux prot
20:50:18NeoTronso there I'm porting SDL mainly
20:50:30NeoTronSDL and platform independant stuff
20:50:55markif you go to
20:51:10markand then pocketpc software
20:51:15markyou realiaze most is total crap
20:51:19markkergoth: root password please?
20:51:29markoh there isn't one
20:53:15markNeoTron: you got simcity lines up yet?
20:55:14marksomeone on OZ3 got ssh set up?
21:00:46ljp--havent gotten that far
21:01:03kergoth    if ( ptyfd < 0 ) {
21:01:03kergoth        qApp->exit(1);
21:01:03kergoth        return -1;
21:01:03kergoth    }
21:01:12kergoththeres why its exiting
21:01:23kergothcheck this
21:01:24kergoth    if ( openpty(&ptyfd,&ttyfd,ttynam,0,0) )
21:01:24kergoth        ptyfd = -1;
21:01:24markkergoth: quickly tell me how to get ssh set up will you
21:01:40kergothwhy the hell would it set ptyfd to -1 after just letting openpty set it to something useful?
21:01:43NeoTronopera on the Zaurus has rather lame multi-window support
21:01:48NeoTronactually, very bad.
21:02:06kergothmark: run the ssh-keygen to generate the hostkey, then run sshd manually
21:02:10kergothmark: inetd isnt in oz3 yet
21:02:25kergothmark: but you could install inetd (the netkit-base pkg) from the familiar unstable feed, then use sshd from inetd
21:02:37markkergoth: okay
21:02:41marksshd isn't in my path
21:02:52kergothipkg files sshd;
21:03:11mark'not installed'
21:03:24kergothgrab the ssh and sshd packages from oz3 feed
21:03:26kergothand install them
21:03:29oz3 feed is at
21:03:29kergothibot: oz3 feed?
21:03:40marki have no way of getting them there
21:03:56kergothyeah you do
21:03:58markoh yeh
21:03:59kergothwget + your CF card
21:04:36markits on my windows box :).  i have to exert energy going downstairs now
21:04:43markbtw, oz seems v nice
21:05:03kergoththanks.. if i can get all these issues worked out, i think people will like it
21:05:30kergothJasonNJ: ping. you should probably test oz3 beta3
21:05:48kergothoh i should build beta3 kernels to get rid of those MTD_write messages
21:05:59kergothi HATE those
21:06:25markkergoth: i am becoming to hate it too :)
21:11:33antlarrAnybody knows if the contest deadline is on the 15th at 11:59 or in 40 minutes ?
21:12:26markantlarr: hehe, when it turns the 16th in the last place on earth i think
21:12:45markthats what it should be anyway
21:12:55markgoes to put sshd on his cf card
21:13:29kergothknowing trolltech, it wont be
21:16:11NeoTronantlarr: 14 minutes? more like hours from now
21:16:14NeoTronlike 5 hrs
21:16:40NeoTronbased on previous ideas, the deadline is 11.59 EST the day before the deadline date
21:16:45NeoTroni,e today, 11.59 EST
21:17:10NeoTronwhich is in 6h40m or so
21:18:30NeoTroni.e the beta deadline was 11.59 EST the day before the noted date
21:18:35NeoTronin theory at least
21:19:38markthey really wont care
21:19:48markkergoth: automount working?
21:20:36markkergoth: if not, mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/cf yeh?
21:20:48kergothmark: just mount /mnt/cf
21:20:53kergothmark: and mount /mnt/card for sd
21:22:04markright its gone in
21:22:35kergothwhen you start qpe with it mounted.. it pops up and asks what documents to add
21:22:50markwhat syntax do i wanna give ssh-keygen?
21:23:37markkergoth: it hasn't asked that, its just not added any documents :)
21:24:57ljp--same here..
21:24:59kergothmark: terminate opie, and start opie with it mounted
21:25:05kergothmark: and ln -s /proc/mounts /etc/mtab
21:25:47markand the ssh-keygen q?
21:26:00kergothi dunno the syntax offhand, go read the ssh howto for the Z
21:26:19markyou seem to have some thing with me and reading :)
21:27:43NeoTronmark: perhaps they won't but they might
21:27:46NeoTronso why take the risk?
21:28:05markNeoTron: sorry?
21:28:07whardier2 wireless routers installed today
21:28:34markkergoth: (didn't know there was such as ocument)
21:28:48NeoTronFinal contest submissions must be received before 11:59 p.m. ET on February 10, 2002
21:28:57NeoTronFinal submission of a working application must be made by February 11, 2002
21:29:06markslipped a tad
21:29:10NeoTronthat Feb 11 is the April 15 equivalent..
21:29:19NeoTronso due BY not ON
21:29:35markoh well, i have no chance of winning a laptop
21:29:53markshame, i should have done something decent
21:29:56NeoTronneeds to win, but... :P
21:30:17markthat 10,000 dollar prize is nice
21:30:22NeoTronthat said, my goal was to win a Zaurus so anything from now on is a bonus
21:30:31markmine too
21:30:33NeoTronthat would indeed be very nice
21:30:48markhopes that Cornelius wins actually, just as a reward for all the great KDE work he does
21:30:57NeoTronfor what app?
21:31:00NeoTronsome KDE port?
21:31:19markKorganizer port
21:31:33NeoTronok. Well, I hope I win
21:31:39marki'm sure you do :)
21:31:43NeoTronthen I can buy a 5500 and an ipaq
21:31:49NeoTronfor development. :P
21:31:57markkergoth: where should i store my ssh keygen file? this says '/usr/local/etc/ssh_host_key', that right?
21:32:18NeoTronit's going to be HARD to pick one winning entry across all categories tho
21:32:28NeoTronI do not envy the judges. :P
21:32:47markyeh, v hard
21:36:27markgah why is kergoth away :)
21:37:02kergothbecause i'm figuring out why embeddedkonsole hates me
21:37:28markheh, sorry to disturb you
21:38:14ljp--why not just copy the /dev from the Sharp rom?
21:38:20kergothljp--: i did
21:38:36kergothmark: check with the famiiar/handhelds folks, that sshd package is from the familiar unstable feed
21:38:40kergothmark: i'm not sure what the paths are
21:38:43markkergoth: this zaurus ssh howto - where is it? :)
21:39:10kergothljp--: well i take it back.. i created a device table text file that mkfs.jffs2 uses to create the devices.. i created the dev table from the sharp dev dir
21:39:19kergothmark: on Zz somewhere. i wrote it up a longggggg time ago
21:39:29markkergoth: okay
21:39:39kergothljp--: mime types work...
21:39:53kergothljp--: at least, it works for both text files and ipk's.. i havent checked anythign else
21:40:05ljp--not here. shows unknown icon
21:40:17kergothfor an ipk?
21:40:23kergothdo you have qipkg installed?
21:40:34kergoththere ya go
21:40:56kergothremember its qipkg's .desktop that creates the icon association to ipk
21:41:17NeoTronyou know, that QT Console april fools joke would have been a cool project to have. :P
21:41:59ljp--shouldn't qipkg be in the rom?
21:42:15kergothljp--: yeah, i thought i added it.. must've missed it
21:42:22kergothljp--: i'll fix that for beta4
21:43:29ljp--you know about the storage tab on sysinfo?
21:43:40kergothcurrently it doesnt show flash
21:43:54kergothit isnt blank if you symlink mtab into place
21:44:12markkergoth: you also aware that the opie image doesnt show for screen calibration?
21:44:13kergothbut we need to make it do something other than appear blank when mtab isnt available.. perhaps remove the storage tab completely
21:44:31kergothmark: yep i know.. havent had time to look into it. would you add that to the bug tracker please so i dont forget?
21:45:37markkergoth: okay
21:45:53markkergoth: is it okay to take the sshd package straight out of familiar? this one is config file less atm
21:46:44kergothmark: yep
21:46:58kergothk i'm going to a computer store to buy a usb pci card ..
21:48:15rumour has it familiar is a Linux distribution for handhelds, at or God in the palm of my hand
21:48:15markibot familiar
21:48:19ask me about the 'unstable feed'
21:48:19markibot unstable
21:48:22unstable feed is, like, at
21:48:22markibot unstable feed
22:02:55mefestowhere to go download the qtopia desktop for linux?
22:07:24antlarrwhat does "Thou shalt have no other files than uploaded by Thyself" mean ?
22:15:48Com[Plex]it means, dont have a server where people can dump warez
22:16:04Com[Plex]or dont leave it so unsecure that someone couldsneak in and use it as a pub
22:16:18mark_any hancom warez surfaced yet?
22:16:44Com[Plex]mark: do you realise, that all the people in this channel, are the people who WROTE those?
22:16:59antlarrah, ok, thanks
22:17:26mark_Com[Plex]: i didn't know we had any hancomers in here.  bigboss is on their board i think.  i was joking anyway ;)
22:18:06Com[Plex]I thought you said "handango" - not hancom. I was too busy pitching a fit to actually read it
22:18:15mark_but SL5000 winners dont get hancom as we were promised......
22:18:21Com[Plex]- would I download a wares copy of hancom? - probbaly -
22:18:31Com[Plex]not what I would actually use it
22:18:41Com[Plex]I dont really like typing documents on the Z
22:18:49Com[Plex]and I bought tkc editor, wich works pretty well
22:20:07mark_night all
22:20:29ljp--bash: move: command not found
22:27:12Narrowmindwhy does zauruszone look like crap in opera?
22:36:20ljp--use IE
22:36:27Narrowmindthe menu/index on the left is ugly
22:37:06Narrowmindok... where is the ipk  with IE in it ?
22:39:12Narrowmindgood thing i have lynx installed
22:41:42scanlineis away: standing in the wet room
22:41:47Narrowmindwe need to be able to turn off power saving while running on external power
22:44:08sitruChow do I prevent qpe from starting at boot?
22:45:18ljp--hit '/' at the waiting.. or countdown or whatever
22:47:22sitruCmuch appreciated
22:57:15Gepetoheya...can someone tell me what to tell a friend trying to install themes on his Z?
22:59:16ljp--heh.. uhhhh.. Z's not themable
22:59:44Gepetothought so
23:00:12Gepetohe's arguing with me that it is
23:00:16ljp--if you grab opie's Appearance app, you can change the colors
23:02:04GepetoI wish it'd support QT themes :D
23:03:10ljp--they mostly ripped out styles for the embedded environment
23:06:52scanlineis back (gone 00:25:10)
23:09:33finkploydis there a pdf reader for the Z?
23:09:43Gepetoyes I think I saw one
23:10:26Gepetowell...I think
23:11:25finkploydI can't find one
23:12:31Gepetocant opera open pdf?
23:13:34finkploydI don't think so
23:16:58ljp--yes, opera can open pdf's
23:17:34Narrowmindcan i change the qpe boot logo ??
23:20:43Narrowmindbah.. I think I found it
23:24:31Narrowmindheh.. now I need a new image
23:24:54Gepetojust a sec I think I have one for you
23:27:44Narrowmindheh.. every image in qpe is a xpm or png.. excpet the startup script... its bmp.. I bet that came from an art dept
23:28:24trekeprobably because bmp is easier to decode without all of QT inited?
23:29:46Gepetois it me or Sourceforge is down ?
23:30:15GepetoI felt like downloading some stupid games to entertain myself for 2-3minutes...
23:30:16Narrowmindnaw.. the other formats are just as easy as bmp
23:31:11trekeGepeto : I can get to project web pages on sourceforge. other parts may be down
23:31:45Narrowmindthe search was down yesterday
23:34:47i haven't a clue, gepeto
23:34:47Gepetoibot: who am I?
23:36:26you are Mark Earnest <>
23:36:26finkploydibot: who am I?
23:36:41finkploydhmm, cool
23:36:48GepetoGepeto is Guillaume Keith Ross <
23:37:01Gepetowhardier:  Gepeto is Guillaume Keith Ross <>
23:37:13Gepetostupid autocomplete
23:37:17OK, Gepeto.
23:37:17Gepetoibot:  Gepeto is Guillaume Keith Ross <>
23:37:39Cam_hey any bets on who's going to win the contest?
23:38:03Gepetowhen does it end?
23:38:37Cam_last submission is tonight, or tomorrow night depending on how you read the rules
23:39:04Cam_last time the judges took a long time to check all the entries, but this time there are 'only' 50 or so to look at
23:39:51Cam_I wish I had more time to hack my entry
23:40:09Cam_I suppose they all could be better given more time
23:40:26Gepetowhat's yours?
23:40:33Cam_the guitar chord program
23:40:42finkploydwill it be gpl?
23:40:52finkploydcould use a good guitar chord program
23:41:03Cam_yes it will be gpl, definitely
23:41:13Cam_so far I have the chords and the sound output working
23:41:29finkploydso when this contest is over, there will be 50 more apps suddenly hitting the street?
23:41:33Cam_the tuning bit still needs work
23:41:53Cam_finkployd: I think so, although some are already released
23:42:16finkploydI have yet to see a website that shows more than 20 available or so
23:44:08Gepetofinkployd: that was exactly my thought too
23:44:14Gepeto"Cool, 50 cool apps!"
23:44:28Gepetoor maybe there werent 50entries? ;)
23:44:40finkploydThe only new apps I ever see are thekompany's stuff
23:45:04finkploydThere needs to be a website
23:45:08finkploydAnd just ONE
23:45:23finkploydNot 10 web sites with 5 apps each
23:45:27finkploydthat is annoying
23:45:33Gepetoif I bought right now
23:45:38Gepetowould you guys all submit your stuff there?
23:45:45finkploydI was just joking, I don't care what it is called
23:45:55finkploydIdeally, Sharp should set up the repository
23:45:56GepetoYeah but it's cool hehe
23:46:02finkploydMake it legit
23:46:05Gepetowell isnt that what myzaurus is?
23:46:24finkploydIt is what myzaurus is failing miserably at, yes :)
23:46:31GepetoYep :)
23:46:45Gepetothat's one thing that helped PalmOS tremendously: PalmGear
23:46:55Gepetowhen I had a CE I hated searching for apps
23:47:06Gepetofor my PAlm I just browsed Palmgear until I found something new and cool to try out
23:47:11finkploydTo be a good site it must be easy for people to add apps to it
23:47:35finkploydMaking them email a sharp employee who likely doesn't have a mailserver that works is not a good idea
23:47:48Gepetomaybe I should waste my time setting that up tomorrow
23:48:00finkploydPlus myzaurus is set up as a store
23:48:03Gepetocreating the sql db, finding an easy way to register and upload through the website
23:48:10finkploydThey do have some free software, but the majority isn't
23:48:23finkploydAnd it is VERY likely that most software for the Z will be open source
23:48:32Gepetowell a lot will be I hope :D
23:49:14Gepetofinkployd: I'll go have a shower, get undressed, make a hot chocolate, clean my desk a bit
23:49:22Gepetothen I'll sit down here and think seriously about that :D
23:50:29finkploydactually, myzaurus HAS gotten a little better since I last saw them
23:51:07Gepetoit's still more a store than anything
23:51:59Gepetook, gotta run now
23:52:10finkploydI'm actually interested in getting PowerTerm Mobile, but I'm not going to pay $149 without some kind of trial version to test with
23:52:50Cam_wow that's expensive
23:53:06finkploydYeah, but I REALLY could use a 3270 terminal emulator
23:54:23Narrowmindbah.. use minicom
23:55:27finkploydminicom doesn't do 3270
23:56:04finkploydI have a text based 3270 emulator I could run over ssh but it needs 80x25 resolution
23:56:29Cam_what's special about 3270? is it EBCDIC or something?
23:56:40finkploydfor starters, yes
23:56:49finkploydIt is also screen based, not character based
23:56:59finkploydIt is an os/390 terminal
23:57:29Cam_well, are there specs for it anywhere, is that proprietary?
23:58:08finkploydit is open
23:58:12finkploydIt is just a royal pain
23:58:38finkploydI've done some work on the open source X client (x3270) and I really do not feel like attempting it on the zaurus :)
23:59:42finkploydhmmm, when you install the zaurus-faq ipkg, where does it go?

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