IRC log for #wowace on 20150820

00:28.58znfI wish phpBB would support Markdown :(
00:30.03Torhaldrops znf's table.
00:30.58Megalonoh Torhal, did you make an accout for little bobby drop tables?
00:31.37TorhalYou should make one of these, znf:
00:31.43TorhalSo you can be baller.
00:32.21znfchoo-choo motherfucker
00:32.49znfI'm not sure how people handle that wattage
00:33.00znfI feel the vapour is too hot even at 30W :(
00:34.37znfalso, that shit is probably heavey as fuck
00:34.42znfthey should just use a scooter battery
00:38.03Megalonwhy does that guy talk 15 minutes about a plastik box with 10 batteries and wires in it
00:38.12Megalonis that some kind of death ray
00:39.42znfjust a mech-mod
00:39.54Gnarfozznf: Torhal: 30 W? 35 W? weak!
00:40.50znfneeds more airflow!
00:40.51Megalonwhat does more jiggawatts do
00:40.53Gnarfoz(I'm not sure I'd want to put any kind of 700 W device that close to my face)
00:41.02znfIt's a turbo rda. It has a little turbine in the barrel that spins when you inhale. If you have the air flow open too much it will make that sound.
00:41.07znfGnarfoz, nope
00:41.14znfthat's extremely stupid :D
00:41.23znfI mean, 700W is a fuckin' lot of heat
00:41.27znfhis lungs are probably toast :-|
00:42.51znfdidn't know you could vape into your nose
00:44.09Megaloncan't wait when one of those guys gets his darwin award
00:45.07TorhalWhat the actual fuck?
00:45.15TorhalIs ElvUI fucking with Ace3 now?
00:45.57znfhere, Megalon
00:50.04Stanzillaalways has, Torhal
00:50.37TorhalThat's fucking stupid.
00:50.42Stanzillathey randomly edit libs
00:50.49TorhalFucking retards.
00:50.54znfrandomly edits Torhal
00:51.00Stanzillawhich files is it this time, Torhal
00:51.04StanzillaI can look at git history
00:51.09TorhalWell, I posted a reply to the guy telling him I can't help him.
00:51.37Torhal4x Invalid Custom Control Type - NumberEditBox
00:51.37Torhal...nfig-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0-60.lua:1588: in function `FeedGroup'
00:51.43Torhal...Libs\AceGUI-3.0-34\widgets\AceGUIContainer-TabGroup.lua:156: in function `SelectTab'
00:51.53Torhal...GUI-3.0\widgets\AceGUIContainer-BlizOptionsGroup.lua:20: in function <...GUI-3.0\widgets\AceGUIContainer-BlizOptionsGroup.lua:19>
00:52.32Stanzillathat one they did not touch ^
00:52.36TorhalThough that all seems to be coming from TradeSkillInfo's version of Ace3
00:52.37Stanzillalooking at the first two now
00:53.20TorhalSo basically dude updated/downloaded more than my stuff and just looked at mine as the culprit because they were the last in the chain.
00:53.34StanzillaACD they did touch
00:54.11Stanzilladunno if they have a git web
00:54.19Stanzilladat minor bump though
00:55.36TorhalWhat a fucking lunatic asshole.
00:55.55Stanzilla last one
00:59.50TorhalSo my stance has officially become "If you use ElvUI, I don't give a fuck what your Lua stack trace says."
01:05.33znfwe had like a billions golins
01:05.38znfall dead in a second
01:05.41znfI haven't played in ages
01:20.44Megalondamn nearly got the dream brawl
01:20.51Megalonbut he kills my coldarra drake 8(
01:23.32Megalonoh fun
01:25.53*** join/#wowace starfox (
01:42.35Repoweakauras-2: 03Stanzilla 07master *  (10 files in 3 directories): [+2 commits]
01:42.36Repo5909237: Try to fix our strata problem
01:42.36Repoeb02f48: cleanup, list some todos and globals for the linter
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02:47.35Parnici just loaded up a new ptr level 100 char and i'm at the tynaan starting area with no hearthstone. how do i get back to a capitol city for target dummy testing?
02:50.46Parnicnvm, found a mage
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03:01.28Fiskerhey Torhal
03:06.31*** join/#wowace harl (harl@unaffiliated/harl)
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08:25.52*** topic/#wowace is | 6.2.x ToC: 60200 | | | This channel is logged, via purl | Check out the beta site at
08:38.33TorhalI'm not understanding the difference between "IP Protection" and "DDoS Protection" - if attackers don't have your IP address, how the hell can they DDoS you?
08:43.26nevcairielTorhal: maybe they can ddos the server
08:44.01TorhalWouldn't that be true of Discord, especially since it uses the traditional "You set up your own server" model?
08:44.12TorhalCV is CloudFlare-backed.
08:44.51nevcairielsounds more like they host all things centrally
08:44.55bluspacecow*luck dragon roar laugh*
08:45.01bluspacecowWITH LUCK OF COURSE TORHAL
08:45.12quiescensgives blu a cookie
08:46.06Torhal"Encrypted server to client communication keeps your IP address safe. Stop getting ganked because you're logged into Skype." <-- So encryption disguises the transmission medium? Heh.
08:46.20TorhalJust seems like they're making shit up regarding that.
08:46.45quiescenswhat is this you're talking about o.o
08:46.47TorhalAnd this is just WAT: "Our resilient Erlang backend running on the cloud has built in DDoS protection with automatic server failover."
08:46.55Torhal[02:25:20]  <sb>heh - curse and teamspeak comparison :D
08:47.13TorhalSo yeah, not the traditional server model.
08:47.24TorhalBut no idea how that's any different from what CV does.
08:47.31TorhalSo, once again, making shit up.
08:50.05bluspacecowwhen your shit stinks make shit up like mad!
09:10.45*** join/#wowace ZaB|SHC| (
09:13.26GnarfozTorhal: fancy words for "auto-scale without downtime"
09:14.58TorhalGnarfoz: Throwing Erlang in as a buzzword is just WAT.
09:15.16Torhal"Our resilient Erlang backend"
09:15.25Gnarfozmight be misremembering, but Erlang was created specifically for that purpose by Ericsson, wasn't it?
09:15.35Gnarfozso... not really that off-topic?
09:15.38bluspacecowearlick ?
09:15.43TorhalIt's a programming language.
09:15.49Gnarfozthat's not an answer
09:15.50TorhalWho gives a fuck what your backend was written in?
09:15.58TorhalIt's being used as a buzzword.
09:15.59Gnarfozbecause certain languages have certain features?
09:16.09Gnarfozclearly, it's advertising, 100% of it is buzz
09:16.59TorhalIt's just...weird. Like "Our C++ client gives you the ability to..."
09:17.08Gnarfozhowever, mentioning that you're using a language that was created with that particular goal in mind seems on point (probably not to 13 year old jimmy curse voice user)
09:17.19bluspacecow“the power to bullshit people at 20 paces”
09:17.44Gnarfozalso, obviously, there are no guarantees whatsoever that they're actually using it in that way
09:17.54Gnarfozyou can probably build non-resilient programs in Erlang just fine
09:18.18bluspacecowshitty code is shitty code. not matter what the langauge
09:18.19Torhalbuilds a less-snarky Gnarfoz in Go.
09:20.04Gnarfozhow am I the one being snarky, when I'm trying to explain that there might be a valid reason to mention you're using Erlang in the context of "cloud" architecture
09:20.10Gnarfozlooks up snarky again
09:20.31Gnarfozyeah. seems that'd fit you, not me :P
09:21.37Gnarfozalso, that screenshot looks like they forked Slack, what
09:22.29TorhalI'm not being snarky. I'm being an asshole. :D
09:22.36Gnarfozanyway, it's "freemium" so nothx :P
09:22.55Fiskerhey Torhal
09:23.11Gnarfozmaybe they should look into using shutdownify when the time comes. :P
09:24.31Torhalhey Fisker
09:24.55TorhalGnarfoz: Except they can't, of course, because Shutdownify is shutting down. :P
09:25.10Gnarfozthey could acqui-hire them!
09:25.36Gnarfozbefore their VC money has run out :D
09:26.26Gnarfozdat CPU usage comparison
09:26.58Gnarfozalso, the typical exaggerations and make-belief claims that everything else is complicated or weird
09:27.15Gnarfoz"It takes just 10 seconds and doesn’t require any drivers or weird setting configuration." - yeah, same for the competition
09:27.21Kalrothlook its clearly a superior product, it got more checkmarks in the comparison list
09:27.30Kalrothand the page is pretty too
09:31.44Repotoaster: 03Torhal * 30adbc4 /: [new tag]
09:31.44Repotoaster: 03Torhal 07master *  (2 files in 1 directory): [+4 commits]
09:31.44Repo50e9d76: Move AddOns settings back to being a tab in the main section.
09:31.46Repo064d852: Ensure usage of global defaults when a non-known AddOn is passed, instead of using the AddOn default values.
09:31.48Repo2909139: Don't register LibToast-1.0 as an AddOn - use the default settings instead.
09:31.50Repo17708aa: Cleanups.
09:35.11bluspacecowmmmmm toast
09:35.21Gnarfozyeah... they're liars. you do need to register an account if you want to re-use a server, you do need to download something if you want a hotkey, the settings are multi-page (and have "advanced tabs" with many options)
09:35.24Gnarfozand so on
09:36.23*** join/#wowace Semlar (
09:37.35Gnarfoztheir loading screen has a "ensuring dankest memes" progress text
09:37.49Torhaltoasts bluspacecow.
09:38.03TorhalGnarfoz: Dude, dank memes should be one of their checkbox items.
09:38.24Gnarfozwell, it certainly looks slick
09:38.35Gnarfozand most people don't IRC, so there's that
09:39.12Gnarfozmic not connected @ work, I'll try it later
09:39.52TorhalGoing to try for more sleep. Managed four hours, and have to wake up in 2 (or 4...debating on which)
09:39.54Gnarfozso far, it basically feels like Slack + voice
09:40.04GnarfozTorhal: good luck
09:40.16Torhalthat explains why they were able to get going in a few months.
09:40.25TorhalThey just fork Slack and slap voice on it.
09:41.20TorhalHey Fisker
09:42.23Gnarfozexcept, Slack is not open source
09:48.12Kalrothwe'll make our own slack!
09:48.47Kalrothand call it procrastinate
09:53.30quiescensgives Kalroth a cookie
10:06.23nebula169i mean, the marketing on that page for discord is pretty silly, but slack for small gaming communities and pretty neat
10:11.53nebula169trying to get converts from skype and/or mumble/ts is a pretty big uphill battle
10:14.53GnarfozI don't even see Skype as competing in the same arena as TS/Mumble/Vent
10:16.11znfwhat's this discord crap?
10:16.59znfwait, you were serious about that erlang thingie
10:17.20znfoh noes, teamspeak is slowing down my game?
10:17.45quiescensgoto sleep znf
10:17.53znfI just woke up.
10:19.02nebula169hence the separation :p but i know a lot of people that use skype for mobas and stuff with different groups of people
10:19.45quiescensshrug, probably works well enough for 4 people here or there that have each others' contact details anyway
10:20.01znfone good thing - the fact that it runs in the browser
10:20.03znfgood for them
10:23.39znfit is
10:23.42GnarfozI don't see how that is a good thing :p
10:23.54Gnarfozclaiming to be efficient, then implementing Opus in JS? gtfo :D
10:24.45znfit's convenient
10:24.53znfnever said that is efficient :D
10:25.09Gnarfozuh, yes they did.
10:25.21Gnarfozthey, not you
10:27.35nebula169well they have both
10:30.38Gnarfozboth what?
10:40.09nebula169Gnarfoz: native client and web client
10:41.10Gnarfozsure, they're just hiding that
10:41.21Gnarfozand claiming higher fps without differentiating
10:41.26Gnarfozi.e. they're hipster asshats, probably
10:42.11nebula169lol, when you open the web client, the first dialog is "we have a desktop app for even better performance and realtime notifications!"
10:42.26Gnarfoz:D but at least they're still in the LET'S WRITE SOME MORE CODE phase of motivation, not like the other VoIP projects that are just sort of trudging along
10:42.45Gnarfoznebula169: "even better" implying the other one fulfills their absurd marketing claim :D
10:43.13nebula169exactly! if you thought the web client was awesome, wait til you see the web client wrapped in qt!
10:49.23GnarfozI wonder if Google Photos will ever learn to delete photos
10:49.32Gnarfozkind of... and odd thing not to be able to do
10:50.39znfTorhal, how the hell do people do this?
10:51.06Kalrothvery slowly
10:53.29znfor this
10:54.19Gnarfozeither that's very tiny or a very bad lens on the first one :P
10:57.08znfthat reminds me, I'm still without a phone
10:57.13znfapparently my replacement is supposed to come monday
11:11.28nevcairielwee i can show icons on the minimap =p
11:13.46StanzillaGnarfoz: still have to go picasa to delete them?
11:14.30Gnarfozpicasa? :o
11:14.35GnarfozI meant on the phone
11:14.50Gnarfozit says "me no has access to sd card, plz delete somewhere else" ^^
11:15.02Stanzillaah ok
11:15.11Stanzillabecause sometimes I had to go to picasa on the web to delete photos
11:15.17Stanzillabecause it still uses that backend somehow
11:15.27Gnarfozand since I use it to replace "Gallery"... I'm like "wtf m8, what now?"
11:16.03Gnarfozit works when I pick ES File Explorer's image viewer from the list of apps for the intent
11:16.13Gnarfozwhich... just displays the image. but it's gone when I press back.
11:16.27Gnarfozamazingly badly set up, this
11:21.33harlah ok
12:17.49Stanzillaah ok
12:18.07Gnarfozbeh ok
12:32.51Repolibsink-2-0: 03funkydude * r105 LibSink-2.0/LibSink-2.0.lua: Strip out texture paths from SendChatMessage outputs.
12:46.25Fiskerhey Stanzilla
13:07.05*** join/#wowace Ressy (~Ressy@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Ressy)
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13:15.19Torhalznf: Drill bit.
13:16.06Torhalznf: First one -
13:16.22Torhalznf: No idea on the second one, but probably some kinda Clapton coil.
13:17.15znfthat's a lot of work
13:22.59nevcairielhmm, too bad many of these handynotes plugins actually reference astrolabe directly
13:23.02nevcairielshall i bother to fix them
13:23.27nevcairielTorhal: wtb reverse deps on handynotes project
13:23.45nebula169really? seems like hn should have an api wrapper for anything someone would need to use astrolabe for
13:23.51znfbuddy got a Mac Pro:
13:24.03nevcairielnebula169: so far it did not, but i'll probably add this missing piece
13:24.05TorhalI'd have thought they'd just, you know, use the Handynotes API.
13:24.46Torhalnevcairiel: This should likely be completely accurate since I haven't seen new plugins in a long time -
13:25.05nevcairielwhen it comes to continents the hn api was a bit limited, so the one thing those plugins usually get from astrolabe is a list of zones in a continent, so they can aggregate all nodes in a continent when handynotes asks for the continent list
13:25.12nebula169Torhal: all the draenor stuff
13:25.44nevcairielhm some of those are a bit dead, but they probably dont even use this hack
13:25.46nevcairieli shall check
13:25.47nebula169"all" being kemayo's and that other treasure hunter plugin
13:26.05nevcairielthe other one doesnt reference astrolabe at least
13:26.14nevcairieli dropped kemayos a while ago because no updates
13:26.38nebula169i dropped it because the ingame maps were good enough for me
13:27.04nevcairielTorhal: i think it doesnt show addons hosted on CF
13:27.15nevcairielor yeah, its lacking draenor addons
13:27.20nevcairielie. things created in the last year
13:27.26TorhalWell shit, it was supposed to. I'll have to kick someone's ass today.
13:27.36nevcairielits either one of those options
13:28.11nevcairielor a bunch of deps are not setup
13:28.15nevcairielsimply searching finds more
13:28.37nevcairielguess some dont have deps
13:28.38nevcairieloh well
13:29.15TorhalYeah, most manually-uploaded projects, or more accurately most things on CurseForge, don't give a shit about dependency attribution.
13:29.35nevcairieli would hope cf would figure it out when its in the toc, or something
13:29.44nevcairielbut they may just not put it there
13:30.31TorhalWe don't scan the ToC - it's not 100% accurate, since the name of the project doesn't always match the name of the folder for example.
13:30.45TorhalLooking into options, though.
13:30.55TorhalIf we figure something out, I expect a shakeup in the points.
13:31.25Gnarfoznow I'm watching increasingly complex looking vape coil videos
13:31.35GnarfozI don't even vape~
13:31.43nevcairielstop it, Gnarfoz
13:32.57Gnarfozbest idea
13:33.15GnarfozTorhal: the name of the .toc file or the Title field?
13:33.27TorhalBoth, since they'd match.
13:33.29GnarfozI thought .toc filename and folder name have to match, or it won't load
13:33.50Gnarfozoh, name of the *project*
13:33.55Gnarfoznever mind
13:36.56nevcairieli guess i'll just push a updated handynotes, add an api for the info most projects seem to use, and then figure out how many i would need to fix .. its better if a plugin wouldnt have to use astrolabe at all
13:39.14znfwe need libLordNevcairiel
13:40.22Torhaltransfers znf to #curseforge
13:46.44*** join/#wowace Megalon (
13:49.13Kalrothit didnt work, he's still here
13:49.33TorhalI split him, somehow. He's there as well.
13:51.07Kalrothyou're doctor frankenstein
14:31.03Fiskerhey Torhal
14:54.45Parnicalways hey fisker
14:56.01Fiskerwow Parnic
15:04.40*** join/#wowace Valhorth (
15:35.55Repolibsink-2-0: 03funkydude * r107 LibSink-2.0/LibSink-2.0.lua: Minor tweaks
15:37.22Torhalhey Fisker
15:37.34TorhalWe now have $20 Steam cards on the Rewards Store.
15:37.42Fiskerok cool Torhal
15:37.47FiskerWill you give me $20 steam cards then?
15:37.56TorhalYou need to trade points.
15:37.58Megalonhow many do i get for free?
15:37.59TorhalYou have no points.
15:38.02TorhalSo there's no point.
15:38.29GnarfozPoint taken.
15:38.38Megalonu wot m8
15:38.46FiskerYou're mean Torhal
15:38.47Megalon798 points
15:40.04Megalonhe inherently is
15:55.18RessyI have only 790 points.. I need to do more updates I think.
15:55.37Megalonshould just retag everything
15:56.12nevcairielupdates dont give you points
15:56.18nevcairielunless it gets you more users, that is
15:56.44RessyI haven't pushed any changes in over a month.. Hense dwindling points.
15:57.06quiescens/blame torhal?
15:57.30nebula169think it was znf that thought it was based on downloads, RETAG EVERY DAY!
15:57.37nevcairielthe way I was explained it some years ago, downloads dont make points, install base makes points, so unless your addons are broken and users are getting less due to that..
15:57.41RessyNaw... Nothing really going on in Wow profession-wise.
15:57.58Gnarfoznevcairiel: not updating -> abandoned -> no points at all
15:58.12nevcairiel"over a month" isnt near abandoned =p
15:58.29Gnarfozwanna bet on that? :D
15:58.46nebula169shit, seemed like curse was auto abandoning shit about that long after a patch
15:58.50nevcairielassuming its actually close to over a month of course, you could always argue 10 years is over a month
15:59.17nevcairielalso, f'ing micro dungeons are being f'ing annoying
15:59.23Torhalnevcairiel: It's changed. No longer install-base dependent. It's unique downloads over a timeframe.
15:59.27nebula169complicating everything!
15:59.32nevcairielTorhal: thats dumb
15:59.42nebula169Torhal: oh yea? when did that change
15:59.46Gnarfozthat... at least includes website downloads, then
15:59.56Gnarfozwhich probably couldn't properly be tracked before
16:00.06nevcairiela fine working addon should should be valued equally (or better) than one that gets updates every 2 month and massive downloads due to that =p
16:00.07TorhalPeople were just disabling AddOns instead of uninstalling them. LibBanzai was getting points years after it was no longer even remotely useful, for example.
16:00.13Gnarfozor were, by some arbitrary, probably hallucinated into being by ckk
16:00.18Torhalnebula169: A few years ago.
16:00.25GnarfozTorhal: hey, I do that.
16:00.37Gnarfozwhy wouldn't, I, too
16:01.06quiescensjust sekretly read people's enabled addons list!
16:01.08nevcairielTorhal: assuming its not out of date, it doesnt change anything, people still disable addons they dont use, and CC keeps updating it :D
16:01.09Gnarfozmight wanna use addon X again... :>
16:01.30quiescensaddon x is overrated
16:01.31Gnarfozquiescens: yeah, that's what came to mind immediately: the client knows which addons are enabled/disabled anyway, so how's that a problem ^^
16:01.44Gnarfozor rather, has access to that information
16:02.06GnarfozI like how someone just asked me an "important question" at 17:52
16:02.08nevcairielshould make a note to push regular updates if my point generation seems down =p
16:02.15Gnarfozonly to then themselves be gone at 18:00 sharp
16:02.18quiescenspresumably wouldn't account for people that just download off teh website
16:02.37Gnarfozquiescens: yeah, like I said :O
16:03.21nevcairielunique downloads is a hard thing to count when things like dynamic ip exist, so having it tied to accounts might be sensible, which means a bunch of random website users wouldnt get counted
16:03.47RessyThen you wouldn't be counting people with multiple computers, keeping them all up to date.
16:03.47Megalonunique downloads?
16:03.50Megaloni should get a botnet
16:03.59nevcairielRessy: and why should you
16:04.10nebula169(was sarcasm i assume)
16:04.42nevcairieldifferent people in the same household presumably come with their individual curse accounts too
16:04.42quiescensjust flip a coin
16:04.51nevcairieland the same person updating several PCs .. well its one user, not several
16:05.08Megalonwhat if i manage all the addons in my country
16:05.18Megalonlike znf seems to do for .ro
16:06.06quiescensznf sekretly runs all of .ro?
16:06.35Megalonhe's one of two people with computer/internet
16:06.42Megalonso, yea kinda
16:08.37Gnarfozhe has a car, too
16:08.39Gnarfozbut no phone.
16:08.56Gnarfoznevcairiel: really depends on the definition of "unique X", just like with website visitors etc
16:09.40Gnarfozpray to RGNsus that we kill Archimonde HC tonight, I don't want to stay up even later to find a group for normal
16:09.46Megalondrops the labels
16:09.48Megalonsexist fucks
16:13.39*** join/#wowace Yoshimo (~anything@unaffiliated/yoshimo)
16:46.26Parnicfisker check out this completely reasonable price for an i7.
16:46.54FiskerCould've gotten it cheaper Parnic
16:47.03Parnictoo late, i already spent 5 grand on it
16:47.18FiskerI don't care
16:47.51FiskerI only care about my onhub
16:48.21Megalononhub is love
16:48.23Megalononhub is live
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16:53.44Fiskerupdate boys
16:54.01Parnicpebble for life
17:00.42TorhalParnic: You used Fisker's money, right?
17:00.48Parnici always do
17:01.03Fiskerhey Parnic
17:03.06Parnicoh wow, the author rewards store now offers steam cards? very nice.
17:03.29Fiskerrude Parnic
17:03.30TorhalI added 'em as an option about an hour and a half ago, so nice timing. :D
17:03.35Fiskerget me a few
17:03.39FiskerFor being so nice to you
17:03.52FiskerI need like civ: be expansion
17:03.56Parnici only have 2262 points fisker
17:04.03Fiskerhow much are they?
17:04.05TorhalThat's almost 6 cards.
17:04.09Parnicshhh torhal
17:04.12Parnicfisker doesn't know that
17:04.15TorhalOh, ok.
17:04.19FiskerI want 6 cards Parnic
17:04.25TorhalHe only has 2262 points, Fisker.
17:04.26Parnici can't afford 6 cards
17:04.30FiskerI know
17:04.46FiskerI would've settled for 5 if you didn't lie
17:04.56Parnici never lied
17:05.03Parnici mislead
17:05.04TorhalWow, rude Fisker.
17:05.15Fiskerno rude there Torhal
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17:43.34Kaeltennevcairiel yes and no.
17:43.36Kaeltenupdating every day won't get you more points
17:43.48Kaeltenbut weekly or monthly updating will keep your points more consistent
17:56.42KaeltenMegalon and see how long it takes to get those projects black listed ;P
17:56.54Kaeltennevcairiel: it still is effectively userbase based, but we've just changed how we track that
18:05.03Gnarfozanyone know if there's something like but free?
18:08.54nevcairielGnarfoz: no, those people are pretty persisten on keeping their secrets, and noone wants to suffer through windows audio for free
18:10.06Gnarfoznevcairiel: really? meh
18:10.20Gnarfoz("really" meaning, "that's actually not trivial?")
18:10.40nevcairielits a kernel driver
18:10.45nevcairielthats never trivial
18:11.06Gnarfozis it possible to do sound drivers using the user-mode driver framework? ^^
18:11.18nevcairielnot that I know
18:11.34TrelaGnarfoz: What about this one?
18:11.50TrelaApparently "donationware", pay for as many "virtual cables" as you need.
18:11.51nevcairieli've actually investigated the topic for work a bit, one of the colleagues wrote something extremely simple that does this, but its fucking unstable and bsods sometimes
18:12.01nevcairieli decided to better not get involved, or it ends up on my desk
18:12.09Megalonor .P
18:13.34GnarfozTrela: ah, yes. found an article that mentioned it withotu providing a link
18:14.00TrelaMegalon: That looks pretty good from the page.
18:14.26GnarfozI'm not sure I want to install something from the "awesome" linux audio world on Windows
18:14.42nevcairielGnarfoz: it wouldnt do what you want it to do anyway
18:14.50Megalonjust one google search and i had yours and that link, Trela
18:15.05nevcairielwhat do you want it for anyway Gnarfoz
18:15.06TrelaOS X equivalent is Soundflower.(Which is just stupid awesome.)
18:15.32Gnarfoznevcairiel: record/stream wow sound without also recording my music
18:15.48Gnarfoznevcairiel: i.e. wow+teamspeak yes, music+windows+other no
18:16.02nevcairielseems like a complex solution =p
18:16.12Megalonhow would you do it nev
18:16.15StanzillaGnarfoz: use DFX
18:16.32Gnarfoznevcairiel: it's the status quo, apparently
18:16.42nevcairieldfx is terrible :(
18:16.53Stanzillait works though
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19:45.11Gnarfozyay, it r ded
20:16.45Megalonu killt it? :<
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20:35.00nevcairielastrolabes handling of world map icons is weird .. or rather, its extremely simple. It doesnt even remember them, when you ask astrolabe to add one to the map, and t hen change the map, its your job to clean it off the map gain .. thats weirdly feature-less
20:36.16nevcairielwouldnt it be much simpler if say tomtom could just add all its points on the map to it once during load, and then let the map library position them on each zone properly
20:37.07Stanzillan5 hype
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21:56.45Reposkada-graphs: 03luckycire * r34 HistoricLine.lua: * Data is not longer erased when combat ends.
21:56.45Repo* Deletes negative points that are not in the frame
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22:00.07PrimerData are*
22:00.15Primergets pedantic
22:04.55Gnarfozit would help if you were right, tho
22:04.59GnarfozThe word "data" used to be considered the plural of "datum", and still is by some English speakers. Nowadays, though, "data" is most commonly used in the singular, as a mass noun (like "information", "sand" or "rain").[2]
22:06.31Stanzillanevcairiel: do you remember in which fight the WA error you had recently occured?
22:06.56PrimerGnarfoz: NOOOOOOO! I don't like living in that world! I want data to remain plural!
22:07.07PrimerI want Pluto to be a planet!
22:07.47Gnarfozwatch the movie you share a name with, build the machine from the movie, travel to ancient rome, speak latin :O
22:07.51Gnarfozback to the roots!
22:07.58PrimerI want data to be pronounced "DAY-tah"
22:08.08Gnarfozbut they don't know about Pluto, so...
22:08.49Gnarfozpronounciation seems to be quite a bit more varied (unsprisingly)
22:09.04PrimerOf course they know about Pluto! They invented him!
22:09.11Gnarfozwith yours being the first one listed (I assume they're sorted by popularity)
22:09.50PrimerI have a co-worker who pronounces it the other way and it bugs me to no end
22:09.59PrimerAnd he's pretty steadfast about it
22:10.19PrimerAnd I have another co-worker who goes from one to the other, depending on which of us he's talking to
22:10.29Gnarfozthat I'd find way more annoying :p
22:11.01PrimerIf we're all three in a meeting...
22:11.16Primeryeah, there are times when I want to go "MAKE UP YOUR MIND!!"
22:11.31PrimerBut I'm sure he would hate me more if I did that
22:11.35Megalonjajaja die data is gut
22:14.33Primersigh...another SWTOR email...makes me sad
22:14.35Gnarfoz"is" is common in colloquial speech
22:14.54Gnarfoz(and thus, in such writing, even though I don't particularly care for that)
22:14.59PrimerI tried playing that again. My son and I started leveling toons, but then he didn't want to play any more, so neither did I
22:15.05GnarfozPrimer: the only data you should care about
22:16.01PrimerGnarfoz: I often link my co-worker to the episode of ST:TNG where Dr. Pulaski mispronounces Data's name and he corrects her
22:16.45GnarfozPulaski, though :(
22:16.51PrimerThe Data character was great
22:17.03PrimerAnd Brent Spiner is a really great actor
22:17.06Gnarfozgood thing they brought Beverly back, Pulaski was so bad
22:17.15Primeryeah, I strongly disliked Pulaski
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22:21.35Megalondata, being programmed in multiple techniques
22:24.00Gnarfozfully functional
22:24.18Gnarfozso functional programming IS the future
22:24.22Gnarfozdun dun dunnnn
22:28.41Primerjust, no
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22:31.26Megalonand the input devices will be fleshlights
22:38.21Phixiondid someone say fleshlights?
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22:39.02PrimerI saw Motorhead last night
22:40.23PrimerLemmy is 69. Honestly, I'm surprised he's still alive. I was a bit saddened by one thing that I saw him do though. He reached for his beer that was in a cup holder attached to his mic stand, and his hand was visibly shaking. After that I noticed that his left hand was shaking between songs while holding the bass neck
22:40.39PrimerOtherwise he put on a great show
22:40.50PrimerMuch respect for the man
22:41.24Megalondidn't he switch vom whiskey to vodka
22:41.28Megalonbecause health concerns
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23:25.16znfAnd yet again I seem to be looking for the "unicorn" of the desk chairs
23:25.48znfI can't seem to be able to find a decently priced (not 1000€) desk chair that has a Mesh back, has a "balance" feature (so I can lay back), and has cushioned armrest
23:25.49Megalonyou want a deskchair with a dildo mount on the seat?
23:26.23znfI bet that's easier to find.
23:26.58znfI must be missing something. Why do most chair manufacturers make hard armrests?
23:50.18Megaloni didn't even mount them on my chair :7
23:50.54TorhalNice. Blazeflack did the proper thing for the modified Ace3 libs in ElvUI - changed the MAJOR instead of the MINOR.

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