irclog2html for #wowace on 20060405

00:01.37hyperChipmunkdoes mendeleev do vendor prices?
00:02.10hyperChipmunkand if not, what does? =x
00:04.09KaeltenKC_Items does
00:04.16hyperChipmunkdoes it suck?
00:04.38KaeltenI sure hope not.
00:04.43hyperChipmunkwell, so do I
00:04.54hyperChipmunkbut you never know
00:05.15Kaeltenwell I wrote it
00:05.36hyperChipmunkoh well, does anything ELSE do vendor prices? =x
00:06.22Ratbert_CPPackRat, LootLink...
00:06.39Ratbert_CPI'm sure they're others...
00:06.45Ratbert_CPBut I have to run now...
00:06.52*** part/#wowace Ratbert_CP (
00:07.09ckknightKC's nice
00:08.50hyperChipmunklink? or do I have to be, like, not lazy
00:09.11cladhaireits like 1 click off wowi.
00:09.15cladhaireits in the top downloads i think =)\
00:09.28Kaelten_ya its in the top downloads and top favs
00:09.33hyperChipmunkzomg too much work
00:09.57Kaeltenoh clad what is a stale hook?
00:12.07hyperChipmunka hook that's been left out with its bag open overnight
00:14.23cladhairei Forgot that I wrote that =)
00:14.31cladhairebut i guessed
00:28.39Temyay fixed another bug
00:28.46hyperChipmunk~cheer Tem
00:28.47purlACTION cheers Tem on
00:29.17Temalright, time to tackle error catching
00:29.27hyperChipmunk~tackle error catching
00:29.28purlACTION tackles error catching to the ground.
00:29.44hyperChipmunkgood job, purl!
00:33.52*** join/#wowace Parak (
00:34.13hyperChipmunkthe AceGUI that's a pre-req for this KC_Items
00:34.19hyperChipmunkthat the same thing you guys are working on?
00:45.45TemIt's what I'm rewriting, yes
00:45.59hyperChipmunkyour estimate was 30 under yesterday
00:46.33hyperChipmunkoh hm
00:46.35hyperChipmunkyou know
00:46.43hyperChipmunkI think that was still the 0.5
00:46.46hyperChipmunkcuz I updated
00:46.54hyperChipmunkgonna have to get a figure tomorrow
00:46.57hyperChipmunkI'll remember, I promise =P
00:50.34Kaeltenclad you feel like helping us with aceevent?
00:51.34FryGuyaceevent? :x
00:51.42FryGuyis that like special events?
00:52.48ckknightno, FryGuy
00:52.55ckknightit's the event handler ace module
00:53.03FryGuyoh that one
00:57.49Temwow, that was easy
00:58.25TemKaelten: check out this structure
00:59.52FryGuyoooh nice
00:59.59FryGuydo you still need teh xml with that?
01:00.56FryGuyis that working now? or just implementing?
01:01.07TemWhat I just pastbined works
01:01.59Tembut that's about it, lol
01:02.15TemIt only supports frames atm
01:02.41cladhaireKaelten: Yeah, I'd love to help, but it'll be another two weeks before I can be of any extreme help
01:03.36Temckknight: when you created a tooltip via lua, did you need to give each line a globl name? or did you just create your own tooltip object and managed it yourself
01:05.55Cairennhey Kaelten, you there?
01:06.32TemI think he's not
01:06.54ckknightTem: made my own GameTooltip through createframe, then added lines to it
01:07.02ckknightglobal fontstrings
01:07.08Cairennwas just gonna poke him to auto-op MoonWolf, if he still hasn't
01:07.30Temhe did earlier
01:07.36Temthis morning I think
01:07.39Temround 10 am
01:08.10Cairennthen I need not poke him
01:08.41FryGuy/bonk Cairenn
01:09.15FryGuyyou were there
02:00.52TemKaelten: you around?
02:01.24Tem~bonk Kaelten
02:01.25purlACTION bonks Kaelten over the head
02:12.04Elviso~bonk purl
02:12.05purlACTION bonks purl over the head
02:18.54KaeltenI'm back
02:19.42Kaeltenwhy am I being poked again?
02:20.34*** part/#wowace Warol (
02:37.18*** join/#wowace HoJ|Slayman (
02:44.10cladhairewe're all so.. afk developing-- its impossible to hold a conversation =)
02:47.27ckknightokay, FuBar is now on my SVN
02:48.00Kaeltenya he mentioned something
02:48.14ckknightit would be nice to have Ace ooze sex.
02:48.39Tem|FoodKaelten: you back yet?
02:49.06Temcladhaire: you are so right
02:49.17Temcladhaire: this is kinda funny
02:49.22ckknightbut yes, that would be totally pimp, cladhaire
02:50.57Kaeltenya I'm here
02:51.07Kaeltenblame clad I was reading his post
02:51.32Temok, where shall I put my progresson AceGUI?
02:51.45TemI have enough that it's worth uploading somewhere
02:51.46*** join/#wowace Wobin_ (n=wob@
02:52.23KaeltenI guess the Ace svn.
02:52.27Kaelteneven though Ican't upload there.
02:52.52Kaeltenput it in branches\AceGUI\1.0\
02:52.57Kaeltenor something like that
02:53.57Wobin_Whatcha got, Tem?
02:54.06cladhaireYay Tem!
02:54.17TemFrames are fully funcitonal
02:54.26Temincluding scripts
02:55.11Temoh Kaelten, I thought of a solution to a third party frame needing to anchor an an as-of-yet uncreated AceGUI frame
02:55.15Kaeltenwhat scripts does it recognize?
02:55.24TemKaelten: any that are valid for the frame
02:55.42Kaeltenhook SetAnchor and create a delayed queue?
02:55.57Temit can just call the AceGUI frame's initialize
02:56.14Temwhich will cause any frames it depends on to be created so that it can be anchored
02:56.21Kaeltenhmm, true
02:56.21Temthen the third party frame can anchor itself
02:56.36Tembut really, how ofter is that EVER needed?
02:56.49Kaelteneh, depends on how wide spread we get
02:57.14Kaeltenclad: got an issue
02:57.17cladhaireKaelten: K
02:57.25Kaeltenp =Particle();
02:59.20Elvisoanyone else have your screen lockup for a few seconds when you try to move the xraid frames?
02:59.26Kaeltenthats going to create a seperate isntance for both usage and a class copy right?
03:00.11cladhaireLet me look-- but the long and short of it is that we decide.. gimme a second.
03:02.00cladhaireKaelten: Every call to Particle() in that case will create a new instance yes.  But kergoth and I are still working out the details of where we're using true psuedo-inheritance and where we're using compositino instead-- since composition helps us get rid of much of the wrapping that we currently have
03:02.19cladhaireIn short, the only time you'll call the constructor is to create a new
03:02.27cladhaireAceAddon, AceModule, AceAddonModule
03:02.34cladhairethose are really the only classes we're looking to expose.
03:02.56cladhaireAceModule in particular will likely use an :Embed() method in order to properly hide private methods
03:03.09cladhaireso we can have static methods along with instance methods.
03:05.27Kaeltenit just creates double memory use if we do
03:05.34Kaeltenaddon = class( ...)
03:05.38cladhaireso we can actually standardize how an addon can make itself modular by providing some basic methods and callbacks for registration.
03:05.40Kaeltenand then local x = addon()
03:06.00Kaeltenwell probably not double memory use
03:06.04cladhaireNot even close buddy =)
03:06.23Kaeltenbut its exessive,  we used to do that in the current ace but took it out.
03:06.30cladhaireI don't follow you at all.
03:06.35cladhaireThere is one class.
03:06.40cladhairegenerated by class.
03:06.55cladhaireany call to the constructor just uses metatable inheritance (in this specific case)
03:07.01Kaeltenbut if x = addon() creates a new instance of a class...
03:07.06cladhaireit creates a new table.
03:07.14cladhairewith a metatable set to the class.
03:07.38cladhaireit uses compositino, not metatable inheritance.
03:08.08cladhaireits the same as using AceHooks.New() = function(self) for k,v in AceHooks do self[k] = v end
03:09.14Kaeltenwhat I see is an issue with the current ace addons breaking, completely.
03:09.20cladhaireits essentially doing what we do in AceHookLib:Embed(), except we'll add some sugar to allow for private methods, etc.
03:09.39cladhaireThere's no need for that to happen
03:09.53cladhaireckknight: Are you around?
03:10.51cladhairek.. i may need to bother you in a minute.
03:10.53Kaeltenhow will we have compatability without loading both verison, I mean thisis going to have a lot of compatability code
03:11.28cladhaireWell, that's a decision we need to make if we get to that point.
03:11.32ckknightI'm uploading FuBar to WoWI, I'll tell you when I'm done
03:11.34cladhairebut I think we can avoid most of that.
03:12.38cladhairethis is bad.. i should go to bed =(
03:12.40Tainvi-vi-vi is the editor of the beast.
03:14.31Kaeltenbe back later
03:14.32cladhaireAt what point can I get information from getLeft() GetTop()?
03:15.21ckknightafaik, after you attach to a frame that has its own this:GetLeft() and also when you can tell the width/height
03:15.53cladhairebut when does that happen?
03:16.17ckknightafter SetPoint9)
03:16.31cladhaireno, its something having to do with the world loading, or UIParent.
03:16.53cladhaireafter a ReloadUI(), my code fails... I run teh same test case after that time, and it runs with no issues.
03:17.02cladhaireIts currently running at PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD
03:17.10cladhaireand i've never seen anything like this =(
03:18.01ckknightmaybe after Show(), then?
03:20.44cladhaireThis is quite odd.
03:21.26cladhaireits explicitly shown, and showing idoesn't resolve the issue
03:26.47Tem|Sleepnight folks
03:27.54Tem|Sleepoh Kaelten|AFK:
03:41.48*** join/#wowace Vanish-Home (
03:45.30FryGuynice :D
03:46.41ckknightwell, FuBar is up on WoWI
03:48.05Vanish-HomeIt's officially named FuBar? That's too bad
03:49.24Vanish-HomeWell, i's funny to a certain segment of people, to others it will put them off
03:49.57ckknightall I need is my cult followers
03:50.22Wobin_Feh, anyone who gets put off by the name FuBar needs to have a humour transplant =P
03:50.23Vanish-HomeWell, I'm one of those but I know some people I'll never convince to try FuBar insted of TitanPael
03:50.33ckknightif you accept FuBar into your heart, you will stand by my side when the Aliens take us with them.
03:50.46Wobin_I for one welcome our new alien overlords
03:50.59ckknightsee, Wobin_'s on my side
03:51.17ckknightVanish-Home, if some people are so uptight about the name, then it doesn't really matter to me
03:51.22ckknightI renamed it to alleviate confusion
03:51.38ckknightBossMods v. BossPanel Plugins
03:51.51ckknightFuBar was the one the community supported strongest
03:51.53ckknightso I went with it
03:52.02Vanish-HomeI know. I was the first t respond with suggestions. ;)
03:52.17ckknightso you were
03:52.47Wobin_You know, I think we need some sort of... footprint comparison
03:52.56Wobin_Using Warmup or something
03:53.04ckknighton FuBar?
03:53.06Vanish-HomeTBH I liked BossPanel and didn't think it was confusing at all, but I'm sure it was for some people
03:53.13Wobin_to show the difference with FuBar and Titan
03:53.21ckknightthat'd be handy
03:53.33ckknightyou gotta also have a bogomips factor
03:53.40Wobin_Granted, Titan still has more plugins than Fubar, and I think that would be the greatest hurdle for most to switch
03:53.58ckknightbut yes, Titan has the lead
03:54.06ckknightbut I mean, I only made FuBar like 2 months ago
03:54.10Wobin_I think though, given time, quite a number will switch
03:54.14ckknightit's already pretty shiny
03:54.24Vanish-HomeFuBar has the important ones, mostly. Those superfluous Titan plugins are niche players
03:54.29Wobin_FuBar just has to maintain it's 'availability'
03:54.36Wobin_(read: visibility)
03:54.47ckknightI update at least once a day
03:54.50Wobin_until the balance reached
03:54.52ckknightso there's always something on the front page
03:55.03ckknightI'll be hitting 1.0 soon
03:55.07ckknightI'm at 0.9.9 now
03:55.09Vanish-HomeI do my part. I rate it 5 stars on all the sites, etc. ;)
03:55.17ckknightthere's only really one site
03:55.21ckknightI use WoWI
03:55.27ckknightdon't rightly care about the others that much
03:55.38ckknighttoo much of a hassle to put FuBar and all the plugins up
03:55.39Vanish-HomeI know, but I'm till prooting it elsewhere
03:55.42Wobin_*sniff* noone rates mine =)
03:55.50ckknightwhat did you write, Wobin_?
03:55.54Vanish-HomeMr. Plow?
03:55.57ckknightbecause of its modular nature, it's quite spread out
03:55.58Wobin_MrPlow and ArmchairAlchemist =)
03:56.04ckknightI don't like MrPlow, it yells at me
03:56.10Wobin_You can gag the output now =)
03:56.13ckknightleast it did last time I checked
03:56.14Vanish-HomeI have no use for either. Sorry, Wobin
03:56.30ckknightyea, I actually have no use for MrPlow
03:56.45Vanish-HomeEngInventory takes care of all of that for me. :)
03:56.47ckknightOneBag works fine for managing my inventory
03:56.50Wobin_Yeah, a lot of people already use some sort of inventory management
03:56.55ckknightI should check out EngInventory
03:57.03Vanish-HomeIt's sweet
03:57.08Wobin_Oh I use OneBag too, but it's nice to have everything sorted
03:57.11ckknightthe game is a bitch without some kind of one-bag thing
03:57.32Vanish-HomeI con't care about the onebag bit nearly as much as the sorting
03:57.34Wobin_And I like EngInv, but it's footprint is huge
03:57.45Vanish-HomeYeah, I wish it was easier on the mem
03:57.47ckknightI need lightweight things
03:58.00ckknightit's really why I started FuBar in the first place
03:58.03ckknightTitan pissed me off
03:58.07Vanish-HomeMe too
03:58.18ckknightI actually made multiple disconnected addons
03:58.21ckknightto replace Titan
03:58.25ckknightbut I couldn't align em
03:58.31Vanish-HomeAside from the two branches of it getting muddled together...
03:58.44ckknightand I wanted some kind of common utils to use
03:58.55ckknightso I figured I could put em all on one bar
03:59.02ckknightthen I realized, dammit, this is gonna be like Titan
03:59.05ckknightso I just ran with it
03:59.59Vanish-HomeThere were two versions of Titan for awhile and it was confusing which was official and which wasn't. Then they started competing against one another, then they merged into the bloatbeast it is now
04:00.24ckknightI don't ever plan to have 2 versions of FuBar
04:00.35ckknightalthough technically people are allowed to do that, I don't want that
04:00.46ckknightas long as I continue to work on it
04:00.50Vanish-HomeI don't think Titan planned it either, but someone wanted two bars instead of one or something...
04:01.06ckknightif you want a feature, you just file a feature request for me ;-)
04:01.25Vanish-HomeI only have one wish for FuBar, and I need to add it torugh your portal
04:01.32ckknightwhat's that?
04:01.46ckknightif I ever have to leave the project, I'll appoint someone to govern it in my place
04:02.05ckknightsomeone in the Ace community that is willing to do it, most likely
04:02.18Vanish-HomeA way to have a bar that is multiple rows and narrow. Like being able to make a smallish panel off to the side of the screen with certain plugins on it
04:02.49ckknightwell, I plan to allow for plugins to detach from the panel entirely
04:03.01ckknightand function as independent objects in their own right
04:03.11ckknightbut can be dragged back on the panel if you want
04:03.28ckknightgood song: Knks - Lola
04:03.35Vanish-HomeI need to try your new version and see if it retains setting sbetter than the last version
04:03.38FryGuyVanish-Home: you're "boss"?
04:03.46ckknightI'm boss.
04:03.47Vanish-HomeLOL. No. ckkight is Boss
04:04.11ckknightVanish-Home, well, FuBar reset the settings with the name change
04:04.13FryGuyer wait i meant ckknight :p
04:04.13ckknightjust so you know
04:04.20ckknightyes, I'm Boss
04:04.26FryGuyinteresting :p
04:04.29Vanish-HomeAhh, so I'm back to square one again?
04:04.42Vanish-HomeNo biggie, as long as it remembers between sessions
04:04.51ckknightMy name is Boss, King of Kings: Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
04:05.02ckknightwhy is that interesting, FryGuy
04:05.16FryGuycause your name is ckknight
04:05.25ckknightmy name is Cameron Kenneth Knight
04:05.45Vanish-HomeHehe. I love the fact that Fubar takes up all but 4 spots on the Waht's New of WoWI
04:06.00ckknightbow before my might and rate it with 5/5!
04:06.13ckknightI'm halfway to conquering Titan
04:06.18FryGuyya i like bosspanel
04:06.21FryGuywhy the name change?
04:06.33ckknightBossMods vs. BossPanel Plugins is confusing
04:06.44ckknighte.g. CTRA BossMods
04:06.51FryGuyi see
04:06.57ckknightyou might say BossMods and think you're talking about a plugin for BossPanel
04:07.17ckknightand I don't even have a char named boss anyway
04:07.24Vanish-HomeOly if you're.. nm. I'll be quiet. ;)
04:07.42FryGuymy only claim to fame is the awesome dkp mod I made for my guild ;p
04:07.56FryGuysoon to be more awesome when acegui awesome point oh is finished
04:08.21ckknightyou should never see addons as being "finished"
04:08.30FryGuyhow bout that :)
04:08.34ckknightthere is only stable.
04:08.43FryGuyand i'm talking about one specific version being finished
04:08.57ckknightso I guess released works in that context
04:09.00Vanish-Homeckknight: Any reason you didn't version FuBar as 1.0?
04:09.59ckknightit's not API stable
04:10.06ckknight1.0 promises API stability
04:10.22Vanish-HomeAhhh, I see. I figured there was a reason
04:10.28ckknightuntil the 1.1 development cycle begins
04:11.11ckknightwhat I'm going to likely do is a Gnome-like versioning scheme
04:11.26ckknight1.1 will be in-development, 1.2 will be another API freeze
04:11.35ckknightGnome-like/Linux-like as well
04:11.47Wobin_Hehe Not Goblin like
04:12.39Wobin_(Gnome/Goblin Engineering? =P)
04:12.45Vanish-HomeWobin... ever considered ripping what amkes EngInventory so great and putting it into MrPlow? It would save me from learning LUA ad AAce to recreate it from scratch. ;)
04:12.51ckknightGnome the desktop environment
04:12.56Wobin_yeah I know =)
04:13.04ckknightVanish-Home, why not learn Lua?
04:13.09ckknightdidn't take me long
04:13.21Wobin_Vanish: MrPlow isn't an inventory viewing mod
04:13.27Vanish-HomeI already have 20_ languages floating around in my noggin...
04:13.30Wobin_It's a inventory restacker/sorter
04:13.37ckknightI have exactly 20 ;-)
04:13.44Wobin_It works with your current bagmod
04:14.07Wobin_It doesn't actually have any graphical output at all
04:14.30Vanish-HomeI know, Wobin. EngInventory is the best sorter I've found though and it does onebag too. Since you're doing part of what it does already the additiona as a mod should be easy. ;)
04:15.02Wobin_... hang on
04:15.12Wobin_Doesn't EngInv just display the items in groups?
04:15.26Vanish-HomeWell, mostly yes
04:15.31Wobin_I think I'll have another look at EngInv
04:16.13Wobin_So it's not physically sorting the inventory
04:16.30Vanish-HomeBut it's somewhat cusotmizable. I haven't played a toon with shards or ammo in a while, but IIRC it sorted things like that into their special containers
04:16.59Wobin_hm. I just realised that I'll have to work with the new special bags
04:17.14Wobin_Granted, with PT, it should do it automatically =P
04:18.16Vanish-HomeOk, so make MrPlow do grouping too and I'll pickup onebag adn that to replace EngInv
04:18.44Vanish-HomeActually, it would make more sense to ask OneBag to group, but hey, you're here and listeneing
04:18.49Wobin_The problem with grouping is that it still requires graphical manipulation to separate out the groups
04:19.18Wobin_I think I will extend it so that you can order the sort order ingame though
04:21.07Vanish-HomeI wish Kaeltan was still around. I'd like to beat on him to re.toc Ace and AceGUI for 1.10 since they function fine... :)
04:21.45Vanish-HomeI keep having to tell people it's ok to turn on Load Out of Date AddOns and Ace will work fine.
04:24.00Vanish-HomeOk, which is better: OneBag or Bagnon
04:24.25Wobin_They're both pretty similar
04:24.25ckknightI prefer OneBag over Bagnon
04:24.36Wobin_I think OneBag is smaller though
04:24.50Wobin_I really need to start using WarmUp
04:25.38Vanish-HomeWobin_: you need a picture for your mod. ;)
04:25.59Wobin_That's the thing =P It has no graphical component at all
04:26.10Vanish-HomeI know. I was teasing, hence the wink. ;)
04:26.29Wobin_Maybe I should put up an image of Homer in his snowplow
04:26.38Vanish-HomeActually, you could do a before/after screenshot
04:26.47Wobin_ooh true
04:26.56Wobin_I need to reinstall Gimp
04:28.14Vanish-HomeHmm, so MrPlow works from slash commands. (or keybindings) Wish it was automatic, like whenever you loot or buy
04:28.40Wobin_That would involve possibly too much movement since it moves every single item in your inventory
04:28.50Vanish-Homeevery time?
04:29.00Wobin_For the resort
04:29.06Vanish-HomeOuch. That's.. not good
04:31.07Vanish-HomeHmm what about a trigger whenever inventory is opened?
04:33.20Wobin_I could... until you were in the middle of an instance, and you want to grab a potion....
04:33.28Wobin_and everything's moving around =)
04:33.56Vanish-HomePshaw! have your potions on an ActinBar before entering the insance. Be a BoyScout and Be Prepared
04:35.12Wobin_I can certainly make it an option
04:35.19Vanish-HomeHmmm.. Bagnon almost sonds more useful than OneBag because of the bank features
04:35.43Wobin_yeah, the remote viewing
04:35.44Vanish-HomeHow big a drain on your system is it when MrPLow does his thing?
04:36.30Vanish-HomeBagnon would let me get rid of BankItems, which is bloated and has issues under 1.10
04:38.34Wobin_I haven't been able to find a way to measure the drain...
04:38.50Wobin_not with a numerical result anyway
04:39.10Vanish-HomeWell, I mean does t cause you to hang, or usig your inventory is useless while it's doing its thing?
04:39.20Wobin_Well no.
04:39.37Wobin_You can use your inventory while it sorts... but it will mess up the eventual end sort
04:39.56Wobin_(in that it can't compensate for missing items and so forth)
04:40.35Vanish-HomeOk, so using your potion analogy... say I went to do that and I clicked to use the potion (the only one I have of that kind) What happenes?
04:41.03Wobin_Well, you'd drink it
04:41.12Wobin_And MrPlow would continue to sort around the empty space
04:41.28Wobin_but it would leave an empty space behind
04:41.48Vanish-HomeWhich is really not a big deal, all in all.
04:42.01Wobin_MrPlow basically takes a snapshot at the time of activation, does the sorting and sorts according to that snapshot
04:42.17Wobin_It just means you'll have to resort again later =)
04:42.37Vanish-HomeWhich you'd end up doing anyway
04:44.46Vanish-HomeLooks like a lt of people are moving to Bagnon from OneBag. Too bad Bagnon isn't an Ace product
04:45.00Wobin_I think it kinda is, isn't it?
04:45.11Wobin_somehow related, anyway
04:45.30Vanish-HomeIt doesn't list Ace as a req.
04:46.30Vanish-Homeckknight: Still around?
04:54.39Wobin_Trainerskills at 5M
04:55.06Wobin_I'm using WarmUp to check how much memory an addon takes up on loading
04:55.21Wobin_Needylist at 4M
05:01.33Vanish-HomeYay! FuBar has a texture! ;)
05:02.17ckknightI'm here
05:02.27Vanish-HomeCouple questiosn for you
05:02.32ckknighthit me
05:02.45Vanish-Home1. ow come you don't include MicroMenu and TopScore in the Starter Pack?
05:02.54ckknightcause they're gimmicks
05:03.07Vanish-Homeut useful gimmicks. :)
05:03.18ckknightTopScore is worthless except for bragging
05:03.22ckknightthus, a gimmick
05:03.32ckknightit serves to real purpose except to make your penis feel bigger
05:03.48ckknightMicroMenu is not needed for the default user since they have one on their screen by default
05:03.54Vanish-HomeOh yeah. Crap I'm tnking the Critical one...
05:04.16Vanish-HomeIt's like CritLine
05:04.26ckknightsame thing
05:04.34ckknightonly the name makes more sense
05:05.06Vanish-HomeAhh, that has a purpose for me. It lets me know where I'm at on average for damage using certain events. Especially spells
05:05.29ckknightit's not an average thing, it tracks the highest scores
05:05.52Vanish-HomeI knew you were gonna ay that. I didn't mean literally. It just gives me a sese of where I am
05:06.25Vanish-HomeAny idea how BossPanel_Quests shows up as WuestFu already? ;)
05:07.05ckknightbecause I'm magic.
05:07.06ckknightthat's why.
05:07.33ckknightit overrides the name if it begins with "BossPanel - "
05:07.46Vanish-HomeLast ting, an it's not a question. You already have someone bitching about losing their settings on WoWi
05:08.04Vanish-HomeNot for all of them though
05:08.09Vanish-HomeIn the ame change thread
05:08.41Vanish-HomeGood grief. I ust need to clean this KB badly. Keeps skipping keypresses on me
05:08.54ckknightthank you for replying, Vanish
05:10.05Vanish-HomeAwww. Can't merge XP with Honor anymore?
05:10.40ckknightoh, damn
05:11.07Vanish-HomeThat was one of the settings that wasn't sticking last version I was talking about earlier
05:12.03ckknightHonorFu.lua, line 300, change FuBar_Experience to ExperienceFu
05:18.18Vanish-HomeOk, DEFINITELY have to lookup how to stop MrPlow from spamming the piss out of me
05:19.34Wobin_/mp gag
05:19.55Vanish-HomeAhhh, ty. ;)
05:20.31Vanish-Homeckknight: When right-clicking TransparentFu and selecting "Disable" it generates on of those wonderful nil value errors
05:21.25Vanish-Homeckknight: \Interface\AddOns\FuBar\[FuBarPlugin.lua:192]: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
05:22.44Vanish-HomeSpacingFu does it too
05:23.15ckknightalready fixed that
05:26.13Vanish-HomeXP Merges with Honor again. Now to see if it holds it
05:27.26Vanish-HomeWell, it remembered the merge, but not which one to display
05:27.34ckknightit's not supposed to
05:27.42Vanish-HomeIt used to. :(
05:27.43ckknightit switches as you go in and out of pvp
05:28.01ckknightI coded it so that if you're not in pvp or bg, it shows exp
05:28.14ckknightotherwise it does show the honor part
05:28.56Vanish-HomeHmmm. So I have to be in a PvP zone for it to show (or bg) really
05:29.12ckknightor type /pvp
05:29.29FryGuywhat about on a pvp server? :p
05:29.33Vanish-HomeAny chance of getting an option to make it sticky?
05:29.57FryGuywas using the "merged" one and it kept going to honor when I was grinding on my level 30 :p
05:29.58Vanish-HomeI'm on a PvP server. Gotta be in a PvP zone for it to stick
05:30.14ckknightFryGuy, were you killing people?
05:30.20FryGuydon't think so
05:30.34FryGuyi meant when I logged in
05:30.40ckknightif you type /pvp, it'll stick
05:30.43FryGuynever seemed to be the right one
05:31.10ckknightif you are pvp flagged, it switches to honor
05:31.17ckknightotherwise it switches to exp
05:31.29FryGuyall my characters are 60 now.. so i don't need it really :p
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05:31.48ckknightso just disable Experience
05:31.50ckknightkeep Honor
05:32.39Vanish-HomeBah. TrackerFu comes back with every login still.
05:32.55ckknightthat plugin is a piece of crap, afaik
05:33.22Vanish-HomeCould be. I only have one toon that would use it and I haven't played him in months
05:34.05ckknightyea, don't use it
05:34.25Vanish-HomeLOL. Alright. Nuked it is
05:35.41Vanish-HomeWell, if I could find it
05:38.24Vanish-HomeYeah, it's not in my AddOns folder... but it as to be...
05:43.28Vanish-HomeHehe. Kudane chimed in on the SVs now too, comparing FuBar to Titan
05:46.15Vanish-HomeAhh, BossTracker, not BossPanel_Tracker. Couldn't get my eyes to see it
05:56.54Wobin_BTW, ckknight: ItemBonus translates as ItemBonuFu
05:59.46Vanish-HomeYou should add the -Ace- in blue in the AddOns list like oters do, ckknight
06:01.34ckknightWobin_, I'll fix that
06:01.42ckknightVanish-Home, I don't think so
06:01.57Vanish-HomeBossPanel_LootType does't get translated into LootTypeFu either, in case you care
06:02.08ckknightyea, it checks if it ends in s
06:02.24Vanish-HomeWhy not add the -Ace- signifier, ckknight? Just curious.
06:02.53ckknightbecause it already has the FuBar prefix
06:03.11ckknightand it is closer to FuBar as a platform than Ace
06:03.31Vanish-HomeBut, FuBar requires Ace to function
06:03.47Vanish-Home(I'm only talkng the core FuBar, not the plugns)
06:03.59ckknightI might
06:04.54Vanish-HomeSEAura suffer the same malady as LootType. I'll just bug the authors of those to get them updated. :D
06:07.38Vanish-HomeWell, bedtime for bonzo. Night guys and thanks for all the wonderful addons. :)
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06:41.42[MoonWolf]the ace forums move way to fast, in about 8 hours the have enough new responses to fill 2 pages now.
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06:55.13Wobin_That's a good sign htough
06:55.58[MoonWolf]not if you quickly want to see if anything needed moderating.
06:56.16[MoonWolf]I keep track of EVERY thread... thats a lot of reading.
06:58.08hyperChipmunkyea, my update to bosspanel battlegrounds yesterday got pushed off the frontpage w/o a single comment
06:58.12hyperChipmunkI was sad =(
06:59.22hyperChipmunkthe culmination of a month of work, and not a single comment >8*(
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07:14.30[MoonWolf]morning ?
07:18.48hyperChipmunkha, wrong one, but thanks anyway =)
07:18.57hyperChipmunkg'night fellas
07:19.02hyperChipmunktake it easy
07:50.38id`tek go to bed
07:50.48id`get a job
07:53.55Tekkubactually I just got up
07:54.17Tekkubeven tho I managed to get 10 hours it doesn't compensate for it being 5hr twice...
07:54.49Tekkubbut SOMEONE had to bring the phone in the bedroom and SOMEONE'S stupid dad had to call for some stupid reason
07:54.58TekkubI hate phones
07:56.10[MoonWolf]We had a tv show here where the bad guy had a habit of breaking at least on phone per episode.
07:56.18[MoonWolf]you would have liked that part I am sure.
07:57.30TekkubI try my best to never use the infernal thing
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08:03.45Tekkubwho was it that was talking about using a metatable to cerate frames for them when needed?
08:04.26Tekkubwhich mod?
08:04.32id`anyone have xfire?
08:04.38id`'1ndustrial' add meh
08:05.08Tekkubthanks wobble
08:05.20id`wobble wobble!
08:05.22id`lol xD
08:05.31Wobin_hamburglar, is that you? =P
08:16.58Tekkubcan you anchor a parent to it's children if they aren't anchored to it?
08:21.22Tekkubnevermind, screw that, I'll add a background texture :)
08:22.23id`[MoonWolf]: wat is afstudeerstage in het engels?
08:23.01id`Tekkub: if they are anchored to something else i think so..
08:24.16Tekkubnah indie, it don't matter :)
08:27.54id`tek you got xfire?
08:29.05id`Tek I wanna mod the AO interface but its so clunky :( all I can do is reskin and replace parts... (replace as in put them somewhere else..)
08:29.27Tekkubyea that was how I was in DDO....
08:29.38Tekkubhubby hated the gameplay, I hated the UI
08:29.45Tekkubwe played for one day
08:30.08[Ammo]I have a featurerequest / will do it myself
08:30.14Tekkubwhat dat?
08:30.22[Ammo]I want to detach the timerbars from the text and make them dragable seperately
08:30.33TekkubI'm gonna seperate the bars and messageframe stuff into two modules :)
08:30.36[Ammo]I did a full BWL run with BigWigs yesterday and utterly hate your layout
08:30.50[Ammo]on the positive side, only 2 small things wrong with the BWL modules
08:30.59Shyvaoh? what? :-(
08:31.05Tekkubyea I was planning on seperating them
08:31.16[Ammo]1. Nefarian yelled for rogues, and BigWigs gave the warrior warning
08:31.28Tekkuband I was planning on making a text module that just use UIErrorFrame or whatever it is
08:31.30[Ammo]2. Flamegor's frenzy alert never showed, but I couldn't see what is wrong in the mod
08:31.37ShyvaHmmm, will fix it right now... If I can see what's wrong... brb
08:31.42TekkubI don't like the extra overhead text frame
08:31.58[Ammo]the errorframe is fine
08:32.05ShyvaFrenzy worked for me [Ammo]...
08:32.05Tekkubfor you maybe
08:32.24[Ammo]I mean using that one wouldbe fine
08:32.25Tekkubanywho, the BWL bosses aren't my workings....
08:32.29[Ammo]I know
08:32.35Tekkuboh and something else
08:32.44TekkubI was toying with blocking CTRA's texts
08:33.03[Ammo]I think Shyva might want to remove the **** around the texts for the BWL mod
08:33.07[Ammo]and make them less caps
08:33.08Tekkubthey seem to fairly consistantly use thi format "*** <message goes here> ***"
08:33.20TekkubI want to stick to that, but drop the all-caps they're ugly
08:33.33Shyvafixed the nef bug.. typo...
08:33.34Tekkubcause I can block all of those messages with one regex
08:33.36[Ammo]just make it a toggle
08:33.45ShyvaAnd yes.. I used caps for important messegas...
08:34.04TekkubI'll fix yours sometime Shyva
08:34.07[Ammo]make all bossmods from bigwigs send withuot *** and make a toggle to add them
08:34.19Tekkubwant the mod to be consistant across all bosses in the end
08:34.22Shyvathat's a good option [Ammo]
08:34.22[Ammo]I don't mind not having them
08:34.31Tekkubthat works too ammo
08:35.00[Ammo]but meh
08:35.03[Ammo]working on Necronomicon atm
08:35.07[Ammo]my Ace'd Necrosis
08:35.14ShyvaI'll redo the boss mods tonight [Ammo] / Tekkub
08:35.34[Ammo]but having some performance issues with the timers
08:35.39Tekkubyou get SVN access yet Shyva?
08:35.40[Ammo]so wanted to throw something at you guys
08:35.54[MoonWolf]dead flesh vs. "The book of dead names"
08:36.03Shyvadon't have it Tekkub... I don't mind if you upload it for me... :-)
08:36.14[Ammo]right now I have a heartbeat timer
08:36.21Tekkubyea but that defeats the whole point of the SVN :P
08:36.34Tekkubyou're fired
08:36.46[Ammo]which is basically: Timex:AddSchedule("Necronomicon Heartbeat", 0.2, TRUE, nil, "NECRONOMICON_HEARTBEAT")
08:36.46[MoonWolf]-50 DKP
08:36.52Shyvaanyways... I got to go, school in 9 min...
08:36.57[Ammo]so it'll fire the heartbeat event every 0.2 seconds
08:37.02[MoonWolf]cya Shyva
08:37.08[Ammo]right now I also have one timer
08:37.09Tekkubschool is for losers!
08:37.18Tekkubor is that "only users lose drugs"
08:37.19[Ammo]that's the Necronomicon Soulstone timer
08:37.31[Ammo]which is a 1800 timer
08:37.32ShyvaI don't really have4 a choise Tekkub ^_-
08:37.33[Ammo](30 minutes)
08:38.08[Ammo]then every heartbeat I update the timer by doing soulstonetimer = Timex:CheckSchedule("necronomicon soulstone timer", TRUE)
08:38.28Tekkubyou know, I hate to say it, but if you want something ever 0.2 sec manage your own frame and onupdate....
08:38.28[Ammo]then display in a text window for now: 1800 - soulstonetimer
08:38.35Tekkubuse timex for the long timers :)
08:38.51[Ammo]that's why i'm throwing it at you guys
08:39.06[MoonWolf]Is that a Dwarfen Hand Cannon in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?
08:39.22Tekkubonupdate frames are hella easy now that we can make frames in LUA
08:39.27[Ammo]I knw
08:39.32[Ammo]Necronomicon is all Lue
08:39.37[Ammo]one problem though
08:39.37Tekkubthat was timex's big selling point at first, no XML
08:39.54[Ammo]the IsUserPlaced and SetUserPlaced don't work
08:39.56Tekkubnow that you can do the update shit easy, use timex for the bars and the longer scheduling
08:40.04[Ammo]or I can't make my frames keep the position
08:40.06[MoonWolf]can you nil a dynamic frame btw ?
08:40.32Tekkubuhm, I think the user placed things need global names first off, second off I hate that method....
08:40.46Tekkubif you load once without the mod enabled all frame positions are lost
08:40.57Tekkubso manage your positions yourself :)
08:41.05[Ammo]I know, but how can I read them :p
08:41.07Tekkubmonn, no
08:41.23Tekkubframe are reference, you can nil the ref but frames don't GC
08:41.27[Ammo]my main problem with the timer btw is that my mem usage went from 0.6KiB/s to 9KiB/s
08:41.30[Ammo]which I don't want
08:41.52[Ammo]and that's total mem usage when idle
08:42.02[MoonWolf]can you recycle a frame, like we do with compost ?
08:42.04Tekkubusing timex you mean?
08:42.21Tekkubyea that's the other thing, there's some overhead in Timex
08:42.28[Ammo]I noticed :)
08:42.28Tekkubmoon, yea kinda....
08:42.32HoJ|Slaymangooooood mOOrning wowace
08:42.37[Ammo]I'll go make my own onupdate
08:42.39[Ammo]and use that
08:42.41TekkubI think it's best people manage their own frames
08:42.56[MoonWolf]morning slay
08:43.08TekkubCompost is aimed mostly at people that reuse tables often you know
08:43.20Tekkubframes should be created as needed and held onto
08:43.39Tekkubwhich I'm trying to learn metatables to do for me a lil more cleanly :)
08:44.06[Ammo]time to go fiddle with my own onupdate
08:45.06Tekkubf = CreateFrame("Frame")
08:45.19Tekkubf:SetScript("OnUpdate", somefunc)
08:45.37[Ammo]when I hide a frame it stops onudating right?
08:45.42[Ammo](I hope!)
08:45.55Tekkubthat's the other reason your own frames are great now
08:46.11[MoonWolf]an onupdate happens on a "drawing" of the screen, you dont get drawn you dont get updated.
08:46.15Tekkubthe two SE modules that use onupdates now make their own frames and hide em if disabled
08:50.13HoJ|Slaymanwtf who fired Boss and hired Fu ?
08:50.46[MoonWolf]boss did.
08:50.54[MoonWolf]its a rename that is all.
08:50.55HoJ|Slaymanbad bad boss
08:51.51HoJ|Slaymanand how he came to fubar? a fuck u bar ? in my opinion not the best idea ...
08:52.12[MoonWolf]ever heard of foo and bar ?
08:52.29Tekkubfoobar is a generic programming term...
08:52.48[MoonWolf]foo fu fu foo....
08:52.48Tekkubfubar == fucked up beyond all rocagnition
08:52.49HoJ|Slaymanfoo and bar are i kno
08:52.55Tekkubso it's sorta a double joke
08:53.09[Ammo]k I think I have it working :)
08:53.19[Ammo]nice and tiny update function
08:53.34Tekkubexactly ammo
08:53.46Tekkubyou can use arg1 you know
08:54.00Tekkubinstead of elapsed
08:54.25TekkubI don't know if it'll be faster (or even work) but....
08:55.14Tekkubself.frames.update.owner = self ... self.frames.update:SetScript("OnUpdate", function() this.owner:Heartbeat(this.owner) end
08:55.21Tekkuband just access arg1 directly
08:55.27TekkubI don't like shit that passes arg1
08:55.38[Ammo]that might work
08:55.41[Ammo]I'll give it a whirl
08:56.29Tekkubusing :, no need to pass a value at all
08:56.42Tekkubself.frames.update:SetScript("OnUpdate", function() this.owner:Heartbeat() end
08:56.54Wobin_Mmm compact
08:56.56[Ammo]I think self is unavailable then
08:56.57[Ammo]but not sure
08:57.03[Ammo]will just try it
08:57.11Tekkubyes, hence why 'this'
08:57.20Tekkubthis == the frame getting called
08:57.29[Ammo]I know
08:57.35[Ammo]but see my heartbeat declaration
08:57.43Wobin_Why did they have to make the bank a group of inventory slots?
08:57.55Tekkubself gets passed a value when you call with :
08:58.00Wobin_Why couldn't they have just made it a bag?
08:58.22TekkubModName:Func() is the same as ModName.func(ModName)
08:58.38Tekkuber Func
08:59.27[Ammo]lets hope it cuts down the 5 KiB/s increase I saw
08:59.33[Ammo]because I liked my 0.5
08:59.36[Ammo]with all mods enabled
08:59.51[Ammo]in combat it all went haywire ofcourse
08:59.53[Ammo]but that's ok
09:00.27Tekkubyea the overhead timex adds isn't tha noticable unless you've got it working constantly
09:00.42Tekkubwhich kinda goes against the whole principle
09:01.00[Ammo]I only use it to wait 0.5 seconds after a BAG_UPDATE
09:01.20[Ammo]so I only scan my bags once every batch of bag_update's
09:01.24Tekkubyou don't do that during a zone, right?
09:01.39Tekkubyou should just use SE's bag events :)
09:02.00Tekkubthen you only have to "scan" the bags on enable
09:02.22[Ammo]well I have to do it for my soulshards
09:02.28[Ammo]and this solution worked well
09:02.56[Ammo]but I guess I should disable BAG_UPDATE on PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD and PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD
09:03.09TekkubSE would work better, especially considering you'll never eat more than one SS ever 1.5 seconds
09:03.20[Ammo]it's not only SS ;)
09:03.26[Ammo]it's casting a spellstone, and equipping it
09:03.28Tekkubstill :P
09:03.38Tekkubscanning bags is SOOOO patch 1.7
09:04.14[Ammo]advantages of SE?
09:04.30[Ammo](no mod uses it yet, so why should I add the overhead for a simple check on shards
09:04.48[Ammo]no mod I use I mean :)
09:04.48Tekkubevents only fire for each slot that changes, it passes the bag, slot, link and stack count with the event
09:05.15Tekkuband the overhead is minimal if you're scanning a bunch anyway :P
09:05.24[Ammo]I'm not scanning a bunch :)
09:05.30[Ammo]I'm no hunter :)
09:05.36Tekkubit maintians a table of all items
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09:05.52Tekkubon an update it scans the updated bag and fires events for whatever changed
09:06.05TekkubI aimed for minimal impact :)
09:06.22[Ammo]k so it will be an advantage if more than one addon uses SE
09:06.25Tekkuband it never ever fires events when the player isn't in the world
09:06.44TekkubI use SE in a lot of my mods
09:07.01[Ammo]but I'd have to keep a cache of my equipment
09:07.21Tekkubit'll fire equip item events too
09:07.26[Ammo]shards are in slots x x x x x x and firestone is in x and healthstones are in x x x
09:08.09[Ammo]so if I move a shard I'll get 2 events?
09:08.24[Ammo]one from the old slot that is now empty, and one from the new slot that now has a shard?
09:08.39Tekkubyou get two events from the system also
09:08.50Tekkubbut mine tell you more than the bag number
09:09.18[Ammo]I'll think about it
09:09.21[Ammo]but for now my solution works
09:09.29[Ammo]and gives no excess fireing of events
09:09.35[Ammo]or rather reacting to it
09:09.42Tekkubhopefully Slouken is smart and gives us more info with the bag update events in 1.11
09:09.49Wobin_Does SE react well to bank stuff?
09:09.53Tekkubhe said he's gonna look at optomizing them
09:10.04Tekkubwe told him bag AND SLOT would help a ton
09:10.10Wobin_totally =)
09:10.10Tekkubyes Wob :P
09:10.17Tekkubit does bank events too
09:10.19Wobin_another dependancy
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09:11.13[Ammo]k Tekkub I'll use SpecialEvents
09:11.19[Ammo]now how do I hook it into my code
09:11.30[Ammo]and do the initial scan? or does it handle that itself?
09:11.48[Ammo]examples? :)
09:11.48Tekkubhow bout you go give a looksie first :P
09:11.52[Ammo]I am
09:12.10Tekkubif you need to maintain a table you need to do one full scan before you register with SE
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09:12.29[Ammo]can't I do that on the SPECIAL_INVENTORY_UPDATE event?
09:12.35[Ammo]or will that fire too often?
09:12.58[Ammo]me blind
09:13.43TekkubI think I might seperate the bank and equipped events out to seperate modules
09:14.23Tekkubbut not right now, I do need to send out a few resumes and you bitches keep distracting me
09:14.25Wobin_They're technically the same thing
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09:14.47Tekkubyes wob but some mods (most?) might not care about the bank
09:15.05Tekkubso I'd rather that be disabled unless a mod registers for em
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09:38.09[Ammo]tekkub: the onupdate solved the KiB/s issues indeed
09:38.13[Ammo]0.6 again :)
09:38.17[Ammo]with timer running
09:41.14Tekkubtimex has that added overhead cause it's gotta track everything it's given
09:41.32Tekkubit's not a bad thing, but it's not designed to do on-update frequency things
09:42.28Tekkubhey it's that weird song again!
09:42.40Tekkubo/~ I worry about the dull pain in my head o/~
09:42.59Tekkubaw fuck I didn't sign those stupid cover letters /hate job searching
09:43.32[Ammo]now to make sure I can keep track of my own frames and place them where the user dragged them
09:44.00Tekkubyou're tracking frames on update? (please say no)
09:44.02[Ammo]do I use GetPoint() after a stopmovingresizing() and store those?
09:44.04[Ammo]no I'm not
09:44.10Tekkubokey good :)
09:44.14[Ammo]I'm just allowing them to be moved
09:44.24[Ammo]but I want to store their xoffset and yoffset I guess
09:44.34[Ammo]and set those when the mod loads again
09:45.02[Ammo]guess I'll fiddle with that some more when I get home though
09:45.07[Ammo]alt-tab with only 512M hurts
09:48.50id`kek indeed
10:04.30Wobin_I'm going to have to somehow simulate a bag out of inventory slots =P
10:06.54id`i always used onebag
10:07.05id`and set 'groups' up in columns or rows
10:07.18Wobin_well... I can't really make onebag a dependancy of MrPlow =P
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10:26.50[MoonWolf]communism, ITS A PARTY
10:52.45Wobin_I'm going to have to use SE
10:53.40TekkubI seriously hope that Slouken adds the slot changed and kills the events during zoning
10:53.46id`tor./me np: kamelot - karma
10:53.56Tekkubif so it'll make SE totally unneeded for that major shit
10:54.05id` <-- cool
10:54.13Tekkuband I'll prolly change it into a embedded module system like Compost is
10:54.33id`hmmm, <-- nice new design
10:55.02id` <-- nice multiclient without shit :)
10:57.01[MoonWolf]icq is dEAd
10:57.21[MoonWolf]why no talk integration.
10:59.05[MoonWolf]it pretty much msn interface inspired.
10:59.14id`i use icq for work
10:59.36id`[MoonWolf], yes, but notice that there is no _shit_
10:59.54[MoonWolf]no group sorting though
10:59.58id`and its multiclient :-)
10:59.58id`only thing i miss that i like to use is 'group by protocol'
11:01.27id`ah there is
11:01.27id`do 'sort by groups'
11:01.32id`and the right click on the offline group
11:04.28id`oh darn it just crashed
11:04.29id`guess its not that stable
11:04.39[MoonWolf]been trown off two times now
11:04.54[MoonWolf]has potential though
11:07.57id`but it needs to be less like MSN
11:08.22[MoonWolf]if only I could magically make everybody use google talk
11:08.40[MoonWolf]and it really doesnt matter if google or msn logs your chat
11:08.46[MoonWolf]they can and will both do it.
11:11.37TekkubI don't give a fuck about logged chat
11:11.53TekkubI have to listen to my hubby yammer about nothing every night when he's bored
11:12.03Tekkubif someone else wants to read that it's their problem
11:12.24Tekkuband yea, I love Gtalk, mainly cause they picked a fucking open standard
11:12.36[MoonWolf]that, and its small, and really non bloated
11:12.42[MoonWolf]I do want file tranfers though
11:12.44[Ammo]*burp* </lunch>
11:12.56Tekkubmeh, transfers are overrated
11:13.12Tekkublive behind a NAT for 5 years, you find easier ways to do transfers
11:13.40[MoonWolf]http tunnels...
11:14.20[Ammo]smbforwarding :)
11:14.40[Ammo](if you own the NATing FW that is)
11:14.58Tekkubbuilt in to XP for fucks sake
11:15.22[MoonWolf]I dont think using a BAD web server to get a file to someone else is a good idea
11:15.35[MoonWolf]not to mention that you are behind a nat.
11:15.38Tekkubsee I knew someone would say it
11:15.51[Ammo]just transfer it over DNS
11:15.56[Ammo]TCP/IP over DNS
11:16.07[Ammo]it may be slow
11:16.07[MoonWolf]brilliant idea
11:16.09[Ammo]but it'll work
11:16.14TekkubI used IIS off our household BT box/server back in the day when I had like 2 people that wanted to DL off me
11:16.45[MoonWolf]email to one, saves upload time.
11:16.47id`gaim it is :(
11:16.52Tekkubit was simple enough, they just FTP'd in, why make shit overly complex for two morons that can't learn BT on their own
11:17.50[MoonWolf]okya, when id ftp become simpler then the default BT client /
11:18.28Tekkubwhen windows will open FTP sites in nice purdy folder layouts just like explorer
11:18.38[MoonWolf]like that
11:18.45Tekkublike I said, simple minds
11:19.03Tekkubplus they were all afraid of the wrath of the RIAA/etc
11:19.09Wobin_hehe we need a 'name' for the next version of Ace
11:19.15Wobin_Like "Diamonds" or "Clubs"
11:19.17TekkubI ain't, I got nothing for em to take, ask my creditors :)
11:19.52[MoonWolf]the RIAA only picks targets as a scaretactic
11:20.03Tekkuband that doesn't scare me
11:20.04[MoonWolf]that how I see it anyway
11:20.15[MoonWolf]and they cant get me here.
11:20.24Tekkubbut then, I learn piracy at an early age
11:20.36[MoonWolf]piracy is as bad now as it was back then
11:20.46Tekkubmy mother would rent videos from the gas station directly across the street and copy em all the time
11:21.00Tekkub"Shhh, don't tell anyone, we're not sposda do this"
11:21.33[MoonWolf]no netflix at the time I take it ?
11:21.33Tekkubshe had a whole fucking library of videos she'd copied, it was great
11:21.46Tekkubshe loves netflix since I got her a DVD players
11:22.12Tekkuband now her big video library is all the shows she's recorded... I need to build her a damn PVR box
11:22.36Tekkub*ponder* I actually have the spare hardware to do that now if I buy a new hardware tuner.....
11:22.50[MoonWolf]your mother is the kind of parent who doesnt have flasing vcr clocks ?
11:23.08Tekkubnah she knows how to program a VCR and use Word and Email
11:23.23Wobin_She's probably in this channel right now, spying on you
11:23.24Tekkuband, unfortunatly, IM
11:23.36Tekkubnah she'd never figure out IRC
11:23.42[MoonWolf]morning cladhaire
11:23.47Wobin_That's what trillian is for =P
11:24.15Tekkubnonetheless, I may use this as leverage to get that new DivX hardware encoder I've wanted...
11:24.29Tekkubwe've been discussing building my mother a PVR box for some time
11:24.39Tekkuband it'd be a great way to pawn off old hardware
11:24.54[MoonWolf]looks to me that you need some serieus HD space in it.
11:25.11Tekkub120GiB is plenty
11:25.16Tekkubeven with MPEG2
11:25.25*** part/#wowace cladhaire (
11:25.35TekkubAND DON'T COME BACK!
11:26.06*** join/#wowace cladhaire (
11:26.54Tekkub$72 for a 160GB off newegg, that'd work fine
11:27.13[MoonWolf]wow clad, that is one heck of a fast transit time.
11:27.23Tekkubso I just need to work the hubby for $250 before mother's day
11:27.56clad|workwhat transmit?
11:28.03clad|worklol =)
11:28.33clad|workK.. going to work now, gonna be late.. Woohoo!
11:29.06[MoonWolf]go you
11:32.16Tekkubhot damn metatables is confusing
11:32.33Wobin_Aren't they ever =P
11:33.26Tekkub__Index only create something if you cal directly right? never if you do a for i in pairs()... cerroct?
11:33.45Tekkubfuck typing
11:34.47Wobin_(i)pairs only iterates over existing values
11:35.26Tekkubso I can create my frames with __index and not worry later about loops
11:43.41Wobin_I note how Mira tends to ignore arguments that don't go his way =P
12:01.49Wobin_Tekk: I'm not fully understanding SE
12:02.01Wobin_I register the module (like specialbags)
12:02.07otraviCedega 5.1.3 released, OpenGL supported in WoW 1.10 <3
12:02.45Wobin_Then I just self:RegisterEvent("SPECIAL_BAGSLOT_UPDATE")?
12:02.56[MoonWolf]otravi, cheer.
12:03.30[MoonWolf]opengl achieves crazy speeds under linux compared to directx
12:03.34[MoonWolf]like 3 times as fast.
12:04.42otraviI know
12:04.54Tekkubif not SpecialEvents:RegisterModule("SpecialEventsMount", self) then
12:04.54Tekkubself.cmd:error("Cannot register with SpecialEventsMount")
12:05.03otraviI have been forced to play in D3D the last week, it's like... Where is my fps ? :(
12:05.37Tekkubyou can pass a string to RegisterModule instead of self too, it just uses self for
12:06.52Tekkubregister will return true if the module exists and is enabled
12:07.02Tekkubit'll try to enable it if it's not enabled
12:07.50Tekkubit may be enabled before you register, but don't assume it is.... set up any state tables you need just befoer you do the registers
12:07.58Tekkub(like do a bag scan)
12:10.07Wobin_hrm, it doesn't seem to be pinging
12:11.02Wobin_I'm just going to test with fireshow
12:11.25Tekkubfireshow doesn't track custom ace events does it?
12:11.50Tekkubyou can always turn on bebug for the module you're using and watch what it spits out
12:12.15HoJ|Slaymanthis FuBar thingy is freaking me out already
12:13.29Tekkubmind you I've since discovered that the memory/time output in my debug statements is off on those if they fire an event
12:13.42TekkubI think I fixed that in the aura module but not the others
12:14.08Tekkubcause it'll record the memory/time of anything registered to the event, and AceEvent's use also
12:17.27HoJ|SlaymanWhy is fubar showing me sourcecode while enabling/disabling HonorFu right on the screen? silly stuff
12:19.04HoJ|Slaymani consider this version a nightly build  l2pucn
12:20.43Wobin_That's interesting.
12:20.55TekkubWob, new SE up for ya :)
12:21.17Tekkubwhere's that bitchhoe CIA at?
12:21.32Tekkubgonna add Compost support too I think :)
12:21.54Tekkubshould make my "new" routine for Auras work right
12:22.15TekkubI actually tried to do what I'm doing in Compost directly in the Aura module about a month back
12:22.28Tekkubit failed miserably, it wasn't completely erasing the table
12:22.35Tekkubbut now I WIN!
12:22.49Wobin_You bubbled and hearthed?
12:23.23[MoonWolf]no, he activate both spellpower trincket put up curse of shadows and had a shadowbolt crit.
12:23.32Tekkubnah, I'm an honorable pally, I avoid all PvP completely
12:24.09otraviI'm an honorable shaman, I avoid all PvP, and wear cloth
12:24.31TekkubI kind like shammy, kind didn't
12:24.56TekkubI think it was all cause of the enomous tauren [Wang] really
12:25.33Wobin_feh can't connect to the SVN
12:25.36id`i had a tauren named bigschlong
12:25.40id`i shocked people wherever i walked
12:25.41id`ke ke
12:25.42otravimy shaman is harmless... a L50 mage can kill it oO
12:26.05id`I just recommended SVN to my chef :|
12:26.28id`were using a crappy sys... no were not , were not using anything at all to keep a live and a dev server in sync for over 200 websites
12:26.38id`wich kinda irritates me
12:27.55id`I'm like "Yo sup? Liek woa, puuuuul-eaaze, SVN ftw LALALAL!!!11eleventy-onetwothree$%"
12:28.18Tekkubnew PT commit with Compost v4
12:30.46[MoonWolf]ill update mendy to compost 4 when I get home.
12:30.58[MoonWolf]I need to look into how I works anyway.
12:31.03id`whats compost?
12:31.29[MoonWolf]a cool little thing tekkub made.
12:31.33[MoonWolf]it recycles tables.
12:32.00Tekkubreduces GC creation a tan if you frequently use temporary tables
12:32.19id`for only your addons or all addons
12:32.28[MoonWolf]my gc creation is way to tanned
12:32.56Tekkubwe have a salon here named Tan Your Hide... fucking rednecks
12:32.58[MoonWolf]for only the addons that use it.
12:33.12id`haha Tekkub
12:33.16id`where do you live?
12:33.26[MoonWolf]redneck coutry
12:43.57[MoonWolf] <- oh noes.
12:44.53[MoonWolf]its illegal to have the same kind of buisniss now....
12:45.23[MoonWolf]guess we will have only one bakery one supermarket one software development company etc from now on.
12:46.10[MoonWolf]I'm going to patent commen sense right now!
12:46.29Wobin_Tekkub: SPECIAL_BANKBAGSLOT_UPDATE doesn't always fire =(
12:47.03TekkubI fucking hate the bank bags
12:47.08Tekkubwhen is it not firing?
12:47.41Wobin_Hm, well I'm modifiying MrPlow to sort the bank as well, and it's usually right at the start, on the first swap that it doesn't fire
12:49.14Wobin_but also it seems to run for a chain, then stop
12:51.38Tekkubwell there must be some event that it's not catching then
12:52.00Tekkubit's only handling the initial bank open and BAG_UPDATE
12:52.09Tekkubwhat else I need to catch?
12:52.36Wobin_I'm not sure...
12:52.42Wobin_That should be all it needs to catch
12:53.26Wobin_but I guess since Blizzard's BAG_UPDATE isn't firing at first, it's not helping SE
12:53.59Tekkublike I said, the bank events are all fucked up
12:54.14Tekkubfind out what event is firing on an update if BAG_UPDATE isn't
12:54.22Tekkuband I'll fix it :)
12:54.36TekkubI'm converting everything to use Compost right now
12:54.43id`make blizzard fix their events
12:55.28id`Tekkub, be sure to not put it in a zip with other addons. that'll teach the 'dependencies suck' people.
12:55.41[MoonWolf]compost is an embedded lib
12:55.44[MoonWolf]they wont even notice
12:55.51Tekkubit's embedded not a dependancy
12:56.10id`how does it handle versioning?
12:56.32[MoonWolf]new version overwrites old
12:56.45Wobin_let me retest that
12:56.57id`so you can have addons with different versions and it takes the latest for all addons?
12:57.11Tekkubindie go look at the file on the SVN
12:57.14Tekkubit's in PT
12:57.19id`e.g. if theres a gns object named compost and its newer, use that?
12:57.21[MoonWolf]and mendeleev.
12:59.26TekkubI'll fix in a moment Wobble :)
13:00.42Wobin_Ta =)
13:01.02Tekkubhey you know what'd be hella funny?
13:01.26Tekkubif the newest version of Compost would Reclaim the old version after it created itsself
13:02.15TekkubI am _SO_ adding that in v5
13:04.17Wobin_Tekk: in that the playerbankslots_changed only fires for the 24 bankslots
13:04.36Wobin_the rest of the bankbags fire fine with the special_bankbagslot_update
13:05.31VanishI'm thinking Wobin_ is on the other side of the world from me since he was here when I went to sleep last night
13:06.13[MoonWolf]hehe, how right you are.
13:06.14id`Vanish, then you are in europe
13:06.29VanishNope, I'm in America's Heartland
13:06.47id`wobs in china :O and i still dunno why
13:06.54Wobin_I'm learning Mandarin =P
13:06.55id`wob, lets start making a tunnel
13:07.02Wobin_You start digging
13:07.06Wobin_I'll meet you halfway
13:07.31Wobin_But Vanish: My sleeping patterns of late have been... odd =P
13:08.57Tekkubthink I should add a check in Compost for a metatable and not reclaim if the table has a metatable?
13:09.24[MoonWolf]good idea
13:13.51Wobin_damn you SVN connect!
13:14.12id`\m/ >_< \m/
13:17.14otravinp: Machinae Supremacy - Empire [6:52]
13:23.12VanishHeh. Interesting
13:24.59otravi[MoonWolf]: as in Gåte?
13:25.22[MoonWolf]could be... female singer.
13:25.31[MoonWolf]the name gets fucked up in most players
13:25.34otravifolk music done new style?
13:25.45otraviname is in iso8859-1 :)
13:26.14[MoonWolf]thats how you can discribe it.
13:26.43otraviand the correct name is Sjåaren :p
13:26.54otravioh, there is a "a" there :D
13:26.59[MoonWolf]But I never got these songs legally (kinda hard to get here) so I dont have correct tags.
13:27.06[MoonWolf]but the music owns.
13:27.38otravinorwegian folk music with the touch of metal/rock :p
13:27.39[MoonWolf]I think my player makes an educated guess at what should be displayed there.
13:27.46[MoonWolf]and fails
13:30.56otravitodays best question: Would it be possible to add so it doesn't display %, but %?
13:33.30id`leven, even
13:33.50[MoonWolf]mayvbe the second % is in caps....
13:34.21id`err, no
13:35.05[MoonWolf]okay madam your new password is Mno/Pr5.Ts9c2
13:35.15[MoonWolf]response, is the 2 in capitals ?
13:36.48otravinp: Machinae Supremacy - I Know the Reaper [4:36]
13:37.05otraviI'm addicted to the new album :<
13:37.08[MoonWolf]you should be
13:37.09[MoonWolf]its awesome.
13:37.23[MoonWolf]with awesome cream and a awesome cherry on top.
13:37.45otravigot it  in the mail two days ago, been listening to it since
13:52.12[MoonWolf]okay, somehow the wowi new releases is totally spammed by boss/fu
13:53.34[MoonWolf]yeah somehow
13:53.35[MoonWolf]and it needs to stop
13:56.57TainI've been off working for the last few days and didn't see the ah interesting name change decision.
13:57.20otraviI still like BossPanel better :<
13:57.55[MoonWolf]fubar is awesome
13:58.05TainWell I can see why changing it was an option, not wanting to conflict or confuse with addons that were named "Boss" because they are for boss fights.
14:24.50Kaelten|sleepcan I get you guys to test something for me?
14:25.29[MoonWolf]does it involve starting wow
14:26.03[MoonWolf]cant help, at work.
14:26.30Kaelten|sleepwell there is an implementation of smart hooks.
14:26.40Kaelten|sleepI'm thinking it doesn't really do what I want it too yet though
14:26.59TainYou keep saying that word.  I don't think it means what you think it means.
14:27.15Kaelten|sleepand you killed my father, prepair to die!
14:27.38VanishLook, he's right on top of us! I wonder if he is using the same wind we are using
14:27.49Kaelten|workI'm not left handed either.
14:29.11TainWhat's great is that fencing scene won all sorts of accolades from fencing societies for it's realism.  Except for the gymnastic stuff. :)
14:29.27TainBut the actual swordplay.
14:30.51VanishYou've forgotten the two most important facts of warfare: One, never engage in a landwar with China, but only slightly less well known is never mess with a Cicilian when death is on the line
14:30.57Kaelten|workya the scene was awesome, one of my favorite fight scenes
14:31.13Kaelten|workhahahahahahahah..... <clunk>
14:31.29VanishMy favorite movie of all time.
14:31.39Kaelten|workand I think it was You've fallen into one of the classic blunders: One,
14:32.12Kaelten|workthe third one is don't try to invade russia in the winter
14:34.40purlAm I going MAD, or did the word "think" escape your lips?
14:55.28*** join/#wowace ag` (
15:10.06VanishGood Lord! Total domination of today's news and driving the stock market into a fire freenzy (according to CNN)
15:11.58FryGuyhmm it's 4 days late for april fools :(
15:28.42*** join/#wowace [MoonWolf] (
15:28.42*** mode/#wowace [+o [MoonWolf]] by ChanServ
15:48.53ckknighthey all
15:49.33VanishHey, Boss. ;)
15:50.38[MoonWolf]hey boss.
15:50.49[MoonWolf]or should we call you fu now ? :P
15:51.16[MoonWolf]miraflix is impossible to have a discussion with.
15:53.14Wobin_oh yes
15:53.31Wobin_Miravlix is... ignorantly opinionated =P
15:53.43Wobin_In that he ignores any opinion not his own
16:03.12*** join/#wowace id` (n=tom@tor/session/x-4d79e6ad2f7c24af)
16:06.28[MoonWolf]updating xchat back in a second
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16:09.00ag`ok dudes, now here's the deal
16:09.24ag`if I find out how to create dropdown menues for new unit frames created in lua
16:09.43ag`I'd have a unit frame mod that creates raid frames on the go
16:10.11[MoonWolf]i guess you would
16:10.25ckknightwhat I do is make 1 dropdown in XML, then use lua and copy it over and over
16:10.40ag`how do you copy the dropdown?
16:11.31*** join/#wowace [MoonWolf] (
16:11.31*** mode/#wowace [+o [MoonWolf]] by ChanServ
16:17.41id`with metatables? (guess)
16:19.23Cairennhey Tekkub, you ever gonna put warmup on WoWI?
16:19.54Wobin_yeah, it'll be a good thing =)
16:24.53*** join/#wowace Elviso (
16:32.05TainI was just looking on the official website for something and came across this.
16:32.07Tain"Boston drivers have created quite a name for themselves--and for good reason. If you choose to join the mayhem and drive a car on the streets of Boston, good luck and be careful."
16:34.25Wobin_Well yes. And then there's Beijing =\
16:34.42TainNot how I expected to see it explained on the city's official website though.
16:47.37*** join/#wowace Fritti (
16:48.58TemCairenn: you around?
16:49.12Cairennwhat's up?
16:49.17ag`How do I create a "NormalTexture" in Lua. CreateFrame doesn't know the type.
16:49.19TemI'm gonna need to do a name change soon
16:49.28Temag`: use frame:CreateTexture
16:49.49ag`Was thinking about that, but how do I set it as normaltexture then?
16:49.50CairennTem: fine, just let me know when and what to
16:50.02Wobin_Tardmrr? =)
16:50.12Temoh, no
16:50.18Cairennthat's what it is now
16:50.19Wobin_I thought that was Tain?
16:50.24Wobin_hang on I'm confused
16:50.27TemI'm changing FinderReminder's name
16:50.50Wobin_where'd that come from? =)
16:50.54TemI tink that's the first time I've EVER typoed that
16:50.57Cairenntem, you can do that yourself, just edit your file with the new name
16:51.03Temoh badass
16:51.36TemWobin_: my last name rhymes with "retard" so in elementy school they used to tease me by saying my name was "matthew retard"
16:51.46TemWobin_: that drove me completely crazy and I hated it
16:51.54Wobin_Kids can be so cruel
16:52.03TemWobin_: when I got to middleschool it was a joke between me and my friends
16:52.22TemWobin_: it was shortened to just "tard" pretty quickly
16:52.32Wobin_Heh, Mine was pronounced 'Lie' ... you can see where that would go =P
16:53.21TemWobin_: when I tried to make my first email account, "tard" was taken.  So I taked on my initials (I was /so/ creative back then), and I haven't changed it in 10 years
16:53.49Wobin_hehe It's good to have a handle with history to it =P
16:54.05TemI can't type for crap right now
16:54.14Templease excuse the excessive typos
16:55.07TemI'm only using "Tem" here because that's what I posted with on the forums
17:00.28Temanyway, I'm considering a few new names for FinderReminder
17:00.50TemWhat do you guys think of RadarTower or RadarReminder?
17:01.28Wobin_It reminds you to put tracking on, yeah?
17:02.08Wobin_(It's the most expensive machine in the hospital!)
17:03.35TemI actually really really like the name "FinderReminder" but there is an addon on named "FindRemind"
17:03.44Temso I don't want people to confuse the 2
17:04.17Tainhah I started an addon to od that called ReTrack a while back.
17:04.23TainBut never actually finished it.
17:04.28Wobin_what did it do?
17:04.58TainWell I wanted it to turn on tracking automatically when you didn't have it on.
17:05.12TainI just never actually finished it and abandonded it.
17:05.30TainTracking was the only one I wanted, I *never* remembered to turn it back on after dying.
17:05.53TemTain: then FinderReminder (or whatever I rename it) is for you
17:06.08Wobin_I actually wanted one that switched between mining and herb automatically every 5 seconds or something
17:06.34TemI think that was possible in beta
17:06.36TainYep Tem, it would be.
17:07.03Wobin_I think I'm still using some KC radial button tracking one
17:07.11Wobin_That flashes if there isn't a tracking set
17:07.48Temthat's kinda cool
17:08.35ag`OnLoad doesn't seem to be called for frames you create
17:08.43ag`with CreateFrame
17:09.07Tembut it's called imediately after you CreateFrame
17:09.11Temso it's pointless
17:09.23ag`anything that's usable instead
17:09.31ag`or another solution
17:09.34Temthat a question?
17:09.41ag`yep :)
17:09.46Temcall your OnLoad yourself
17:10.07ag`with the frame as arg instead of "this"?
17:10.38Temcan you pastebin your code?
17:10.44TemI'm not sure how to answer that question
17:10.56Tem(without seeing what you are talking about)
17:12.37ag`yeah it's pretty crap code but I'm just trying to make it work
17:13.20Temif you change all those "this" references to "self" references, you can just call that function pasing the frame to it
17:13.31*** join/#wowace Ratbert_CP (
17:14.12ag`self is my addon object
17:14.55Temthen add another parameter
17:14.59Temcall it frame or something
17:15.08Temand change all the this references to frame
17:15.11ag`tried that, but gives an error in unitpopup.lua
17:23.20ag`yeah, gives me an error
17:23.30ag`line 226 in UnitPopup.lua
17:23.54[MoonWolf]tem, radartower ofcourse.
17:24.12Ratbert_CPckknight: Question about BossP^h^h^h^h^hFuBarTooltip...
17:24.14Tem[MoonWolf]: I can't decide between RadarTower and RadarReminder
17:24.54[MoonWolf]i like radartower, but then again, i suggested that.
17:26.27ckknighthit me, Ratbert_CP
17:26.41otravihaha, AceWardrobe just owned me :p
17:26.53otraviPlayed on a friends rogue, used vanish and it undressed me :p
17:27.10Wobin_Well, you did ask =P
17:29.17Ratbert_CPHow come the tooltip isn't sticky when I set clickableTooltip = TRUE
17:29.54Ratbert_CPclickableTooltip = true didn't work, either
17:30.40Ratbert_CPThis was with the last pre-FuBar release...
17:30.53Ratbert_CPTesting FuBar now...
17:31.04ckknightlemme check
17:31.14ckknightworks for me
17:31.32ckknightlemme pastebin
17:31.34Ratbert_CPWork/ed for BossPAnel-Quests...
17:32.07ag`my final line outputs aceEventFrame when it should output the name of my dropdown menu
17:32.18ag`this is the problem I guess
17:32.28ckknightthat definitely works for me, Ratbert_CP
17:32.39ckknightif you're still having issues, pastebin your code
17:34.14Temag`: this == AceEventFrame during most of your code as an AceAddon
17:34.52Temag`: the times shouldn't are those that are triggered by another frame's event (such as right clicking on one of your unitframes)
17:35.45*** join/#wowace otravi (
17:36.27Temag`: so if you want to force that function to pick a particular dropdown to prevent it from using somehting like AceEventFrame, you could do something like this:
17:36.56[MoonWolf]should i start with book 1 or pick one at random ?
17:37.50Ratbert_CPLots of stack overflows...
17:38.41Ratbert_CPThat's pretty much what I have...
17:38.49Wobin_[MoonWolf]: skip the first two
17:38.59Wobin_Start with Equal Rites, maybe
17:39.10Wobin_That will give you a good grounding in the Witches
17:39.24ckknightstack overflows where?
17:39.41Ratbert_CPIt looks like when it tries to show a tooltip
17:39.46Wobin_Then maybe Lords and Ladies, and the third one in that arc... can't recall the name
17:40.08Ratbert_CPFuBar.lua: 1524: stack overflow
17:40.17Wobin_Then go to "Guards, Guards" to get to know the Night Watch, or Pyramids for a change of pace
17:40.34otraviI wonder what I have done with my AceWardrobe *experiments*
17:40.44[MoonWolf]there happens to be a bundle of book 2 and 3 here....
17:40.55Wobin_That's Light Fantastic and...?
17:41.01Ratbert_CPUnless the s/BossPanel/FuBar/g replacement was wrong...
17:41.14Ratbert_CPBut the text is there, and clicking the text works...
17:41.31Ratbert_CPAnd right-clicking works
17:42.35[MoonWolf]it wont tell me the damn titles
17:43.27[MoonWolf]equal rights
17:43.59Wobin_TLF is, imo the worst of the lot =P
17:45.56Wobin_To order them by characters. The Witches (Equal Rites, Wyrd Sisters, Witches Abroad, Maskerade, Carpe Jugulum)
17:46.59Wobin_The Wizards (The Color of Magic, The Light Fantastic, Sourcery, Moving Pictures, Soul Music, Interesting Times, The Last Continent)
17:47.06ckknightdon't know about that, Ratbert_CP
17:47.23ag`Tem,  I managed to get it working by using onupdate instead of onload
17:47.38[MoonWolf]I demand to know titles involving death, i have seen to many quotes of him to not read those.
17:47.43ag`pretty ugly though
17:47.51Wobin_The Guards (Guards! Guards!, Men At Arms, Feet of Clay, Jingo, The Fifth Elephant, Night Watch)
17:47.59ag`but that seems to get "this" right for the dropdown
17:48.39Wobin_Death =) (Mort, Eric (I think), Reaper Man, Soul Music, Hogfather, Thief of Time)
17:49.13Wobin_The rest are not involved as closely as with any of those group
17:49.25Wobin_I really enjoyed the Death ones, and the Witches
17:49.39[MoonWolf]well every book may or may not reference him, i ment the books that really involve his arc.
17:49.54Wobin_The guards ones get better and better as you go, with NightWatch being one of my most favourite
17:50.07Wobin_Death only really comes out in Reaper Man
17:50.11Wobin_Start with that one =)
17:51.12Wobin_(Can you tell I like Pterry? =P)
17:51.20[MoonWolf]no, it doesnt tell at all.
17:51.23[MoonWolf]you do ?
17:51.43Wobin_I've actually coded on a (well pretty much the only) Discworld MUD =P
17:52.08Wobin_Once you get into the books, you should give it a visit =) =)
17:52.18[MoonWolf]im not all that much a fan of muds
17:54.00[MoonWolf]the FAQ is broken
17:54.07Wobin_If you grab the omnibuses, they're good for that
17:54.27Wobin_Like the Death Trilogy, the Guards Trilogy, the Witches Trilogy, the Gods trilogy =P
17:54.53Wobin_hm, no witches omnibus =(
17:55.10[MoonWolf]not featuerd here, my mother joined a book club and im fine with that, but the interface is stupid and it doesnt seem they have any of the omnibusses
17:58.18Wobin_for the faq...
17:59.03Wobin_but is a good overview
18:00.26Wobin_ is Ankh-Morpork on the MUD =)
18:01.19[MoonWolf]to small....
18:01.36[MoonWolf]i cant see the detail or the writing on that.
18:02.44[MoonWolf]you can build a decent size mun IN that space.
18:02.53Wobin_yeah =)
18:02.57Wobin_And that's only one city =)
18:03.07Wobin_on one continent
18:03.59Wobin_And the majority of rooms have descriptions down to about three levels or so
18:04.20[MoonWolf]if i dare ask
18:04.25[MoonWolf]how many npcs....
18:05.56Wobin_I honestly wouldn't be able to say...
18:06.08Wobin_but... Discworld MUD has over 500 different weapons, 350 pieces of armour, 2500 items of clothing, 500 pieces of jewellery, 1200 types of food, 600 pieces of furniture for player houses, the list goes on and on.
18:06.13Wobin_(from that page)
18:06.40[MoonWolf]but it doesnt say the npc count
18:06.44[MoonWolf]that is why i asked you.
18:06.45Wobin_It's been going since 1992
18:09.03Wobin_I'll ask them =P
18:12.50Elvisoanyone help me with my macro real quick? :)
18:14.06TekkubNO MACRO FOR YOU!
18:14.57Elvisoit....won't do anything /cry
18:16.18TekkubElviso, go get my latest version of mountme off the SVN
18:19.02Elvisoquestion is
18:19.21Elvisoare you telling me to use it, or just to look at the code?
18:21.02Elvisoand I can't find that @
18:25.43Wobin_[MoonWolf]? Roughly... and this is only a guess. about 1,630 npcs currently active
18:26.08Wobin_I'm not sure if my algorithm is searching them correctly though
18:27.32Wobin_The problem is, I cannot get a proper reckoning of the number of objects actually loaded, since the function that returns the array truncates at 15,000 =P
18:29.36Wobin_Note also, that npcs will unload if there aren't any players nearby
18:29.58Wobin_And there's no real way to get a proper count, since they never be all loaded at the same time =)
18:30.05TekkubI'm tellin ya to use it, and it's there, under trunk
18:38.35otraviIt shouldn't be allowed to have music on net ads :(
18:38.56otraviYou browse a page quitly then suddenly some insanly high music starts playing and you fall of your chair
18:47.23ag`Tekkub, Compost
18:47.35Tekkubmy old roomie one night got hit with sound popups.....
18:47.39Wobin_oh man.
18:47.40Wobin_First logged on Mon May 17 02:15:56 1999.
18:47.40Wobin_294 days, 21 hours, 49 minutes and 20 seconds old.
18:47.45ag`which function should I use to reset a table to = {}? :)
18:48.11otraviTekkub: wouldn't it be better with the ability to move the frames seperatly in BigWigs?
18:48.11Tekkubag: Compost:Erase(t) usually
18:48.14Wobin_Was anyone surprised? =P
18:48.45Tekkubotter, already discussed... for the time being text is being redirected to UIErrorFrame or whatever it's called
18:48.56TekkubWob: no but we made fun of him
18:49.09Wobin_Well naturally =P
18:49.16Tekkubhe couldn't close out the popup loop and ended up pulling the plug
18:49.35Tekkubhe was pissed too :)
18:50.28Tekkubag: you can also Reclaim your table and do a new Acquire... helpful if you want to reclaim a level or two into the table
18:50.46TekkubI do that for stuff like my bag tables that are 2 levels deep
18:51.02[MoonWolf]Tekkub, good thing you were the one to hear it then
18:51.06[MoonWolf]Wobin_, thank for the info.
18:51.12Wobin_np =)
18:51.22Tekkuboh 3 other people heard it too
18:51.50Tekkubyou shoulda seen the pic in the popup too, it was a rather nasty fisting one, it was greatn
18:52.16Wobin_Goatse style?
18:52.36Tekkubnot that bad
18:52.59Tekkubbut to someone who's not used to the kinkier side of the net it's probably just as bad
18:53.34TekkubBTW there's a bug with the secondary cache is v4 of Compost:Acquire
18:54.01*** join/#wowace [MoonWolf] (
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18:54.05TekkubI'm fixing it... it was never pulling from the secondary cache so sometimes you'd get a nil not a {}
18:54.42[MoonWolf]my xchat should not spell check, Yay. It works.
18:55.29TekkubI love Blue Man Group....
18:55.42Tekkubo/~ Your attention please, please yell if you are paying attention
18:56.29[MoonWolf]did you say something ?
18:57.02Tekkubit's a song
18:57.10Tekkubcalled "Your Attention" :)
18:57.49Tekkubyou should see the concert this album is based off of, it's funny as hell
18:58.12[MoonWolf]i had to revert to the 30 day xchat to get my spellchecking :(
18:58.14Tekkubit's basically a "How to be a rock star" book on tape
18:58.16[MoonWolf]go go silverex
18:58.59Tekkuboh I got Compost set up to recycle it's old self now too *grin*
18:59.14Wobin_Changing Ips
19:00.17*** join/#wowace Wobin_Sleep (n=wob@
19:01.44Wobin_much better
19:02.08ag`how do I call functions within objects from CMD_OPTIONS method? :D
19:06.41Tekkubso you think I should add a metatable detect to Compost:Reclaim?
19:07.38Wobin_I'm not sure there'd be any situation where an author wants to reclaim where they wouldn't know if there was a metatable attached
19:08.04Tekkubmore as a safety measure than anything
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19:10.37[MoonWolf]damn this
19:11.53otraviReroll irssi
19:12.36*** join/#wowace hyperChipmunk (
19:12.53hyperChipmunkhidey ho
19:13.17Tekkubchip I hate you
19:13.21hyperChipmunkboss, first line of a *FuLocals.lua file?
19:13.38hyperChipmunkif it makes you feel better, I hate you also
19:13.38Tekkubmy cat was sitting in the window CHITTERING at something this morn
19:13.40TekkubI blame you
19:13.58Tekkubfucking retarded cat
19:15.39Wobin_hrm GuildFu is not toggling =(
19:16.14otraviI still read that as: Guild Fuck You :(
19:16.28Tekkubno it's GuildFuckedUp
19:17.49Wobin_And Tekk, with some testing, irt bankstuff, playerbankslot_changed fires regularly for the first 24 slots
19:17.59Wobin_after that, bagupdate does as normal
19:18.16Tekkubokey good, I got the change in, I'll test and commit in a sex
19:18.42Tekkubwhere's that bitch Kergoff at?
19:20.34Wobin_~seen kerogth
19:20.45purli haven't seen 'kerogth', Wobin_
19:21.23hyperChipmunk~seen kergoth
19:21.25purlkergoth <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowace, 20h 5m 31s ago, saying: 'hehe, been there, done that'.
19:21.43hyperChipmunkhelps if you spell it right
19:26.24Wobin_hrm, should I have MrPlow continue to 'attempt' to sort if an event doesn't fire?
19:33.49Tekkubnew compost up in the PT trunk
19:34.36Wobin_hm, tbh Tekk, I don't think I'll need SE as a dependancy
19:36.11Wobin_running off the standard bag_update and playerbankslot_changed events is fine
19:36.56Tekkubyou're only registering for em when you're moving shit around tho, right?
19:37.01Wobin_naturally =)
19:37.11Tekkubthen yea, in your case it's all good :)
19:37.26Wobin_(PS OMG I won a bid for a Magister belt for 20g)
19:37.29*** join/#wowace id` (n=tom@tor/session/x-dcd3fb003c4ffe11)
19:37.32Tekkubbut thanks for helping fix SEBank
19:38.05Tekkubsomeone in my guild had a BS Belt up for 50g no buyout
19:38.13TekkubI shoulda got him to sell it to me, but meh
19:38.21TekkubI like my ZG belt better
19:38.41TekkubI don't even want the upgrade BM belt
19:39.24Wobin_I've yet to even consider upgrading
19:39.43Wobin_I just want a nice set to play with for the moment
19:39.57Wobin_shifting from a spirit sort of setup to an int one
19:41.12Elvisowhat class, Tek?
19:46.22Temthe class upgrade stuff may make me a very very rich man
19:46.51Temon my server, they are selling on the AH for 120ish g
19:47.11TemI can buy all the mats for 56ish gold
19:47.41Temso providing that I have a some startup gold, that's like 60g a pop solid profit
19:48.15otraviI used 500g on tier 0 BoE items :)
19:48.49Temthat sounds silly
19:48.52TekkubHunter, yes
19:48.58Tekkubmoonie, you're gonna hate me
19:48.59otravinope, sold about half of it
19:49.06otraviand gotten around 650g so far :p
19:49.09TekkubI'm gonna go on a new data kick in PT soon I think
19:49.17Tekkuband I'm not gonna localize the shit :)
19:49.40TemI need more drop info
19:49.51Tekkubgonna add the sillythis lord I think
19:50.09Tekkuband get items sets in place
19:50.26Tekkubthen maybe give more thought to making PTGUI so I can drop set wranglerc
19:50.50Tekkuboh and I'm gonna try to seperate the trash mob drops from the bosses so I can put bosses per-wing
19:51.05TekkubIE DM-East, West, North instead of just jump DM
19:51.29Temoh good
19:51.38Temtrash would be a nice distinction too
19:51.44TekkubI never did it before cause alla's data isn't divided
19:51.54Temalso, a lot of ZG bosses needed their loot updated
19:51.56Tekkubbut If I pull out the few trash drops it'll be easy
19:51.59Temlast time I checked*
19:52.05Tekkubthey do?
19:52.14Temupdated as in to say which boss dropped it
19:52.28Temthe loot was there but it was only showing the zone
19:52.40TekkubI know the 60 dungeons need fixed since drops have changed, but I'm not very motivated to find the new infos ><
19:52.52Wobin_You need minions
19:53.03Tekkubuh, the boss data is there I thought *checks*
19:53.20TekkubHakkar (7.03%) yea it's there
19:53.40Tekkub[Zin'rokh, Destroyer of Worlds]
19:54.42otravi[Blessed Qiraji Augur Staff] *grin*
19:56.06TekkubI have -19 DKP, kek
19:56.30Tekkubbest part is DKP don't mean shit for the hunter-only gear, and most the other hunters are quite decked out
19:56.43Tekkubso my chances of getting leftovers is quite good :)
19:58.59Fritti(sorry just got back from a long time WoW / ace break, this is probably old news)
19:59.16Wobin_no, it's a pretty recent one =)
20:00.22Elvisospeaking of making money.....I have a pair of mage Strat farmers on my server that COD me runecloth @ 1.5g/stack
20:00.37Elvisoand I'm turning around and selling it on the AH for 3-4g/stack
20:00.53Tekkubyou're a dick!
20:00.55TekkubI love it
20:01.03Elvisothey usually send me like 60-80 stacks a day :)
20:01.12Tekkubhot shit
20:01.24Elvisoyeah I feel like I have my own minions
20:01.26Tekkubgo go farmer impatience to make quota
20:04.28TemTekkub: stuff like Thekal wasn't in there the last time I checked, but you may have updated that since then
20:05.53Temgod, I love the sound it plays when you extract stuff
20:05.59Tekkubam I missing the optional bosses?
20:06.01TemThekal: Tiger boss
20:06.16TekkubI'll doublecheck
20:06.39TemLike for example: Betrayer's Boots just say "Zul'Gurub" with no boss that it drops off of
20:07.01TemWill of Arl'okk was in a similar situation
20:07.08TemI assume you've updated that though
20:08.16Tekkubzulgurubbosses = {"highpriestessjeklik", "highpriestvenoxis", "highpriestthekal", "highpriestessarlokk", "highpriestessmarli", "jindothehexxer", "bloodlordmandokir", "gahzranka", "grilek", "hazzarah", "renataki", "wushoolay", "hakkar"},
20:08.19Tekkubanyone missing?
20:09.24TemThat looks like em all
20:09.34Tembut We've never done the Edge of Madness people so I don't know
20:11.23otraviwhy not?
20:11.27otraviEdge of Madness is nerfed into pieces :o
20:11.31Tekkubwell check alla's data on the items you see issue with, if it don't match my data then let me know I'll update em
20:12.15Temlike I said you've probably fixed it
20:19.42TekkubI havn't updated boss tables since I imported them
20:19.51Tekkubonly removed world items as they were found
20:20.07Tekkuband removed The Beast's drops from the DM list
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20:35.27[MoonWolf]tekkub, I had an idea based on a forum post that im going to work out tommorow.
20:35.49[MoonWolf]Stop with the Japanese already.
20:36.23[MoonWolf]A stub preparation for dkp values in PT/mendy
20:36.37Tekkubyea I like the ide actually....
20:36.48TekkubI guess I should get the sets in
20:36.57Tekkubtho personally I think it should be it's own addon
20:37.01[MoonWolf]the guild can put the file they want in place, tada, dkp values.
20:37.37Tekkubyea, item sets will help cause they seem to like to assign a flat DKP value to every set piece from what I've seen
20:38.06[MoonWolf]PT has the perfect system set up to do it.
20:38.28Tekkubso the file would contain values for set items and probably custom sets for the other items (my guild seperates out who is allowed to bid on what items, and how much min
20:39.09Tekkubactually, If you get the system in place I'll make a file for my guild you could use for the sample
20:39.22Tekkubbut I do think a seperate addon is probably best
20:39.54[MoonWolf]a seperate addon all in all, or simply something that registers a new PT set ?
20:40.26Tekkubseperate addon, register customs provided by the guild's files....
20:40.41TekkubMendy is more than some people may want
20:40.54FryGuyi made an addon for dkp
20:41.02[MoonWolf]I'll rip the apropriate stuff out of mendy and pt then.
20:41.07FryGuybut.. if you do that stuff in PT
20:41.26TekkubI'll get crackin on the sets soon
20:41.27FryGuyi type it manually each time
20:41.40FryGuy/asi reportitem [Robes of Prophecy] Priest
20:42.00Tekkubmoon, also put in for the ability to set what classes may roll for items in a set
20:42.12FryGuyit'd be nice to have all that stuff in PT so i could just do /asi reportitem [Robes of Prophecy]
20:42.23FryGuyalthough it might have to be configurable
20:42.26Tekkubso like, a set definition would be... PT set index, DKP value, classes allowed
20:42.28[MoonWolf]tekkub, noted.
20:42.42FryGuycause like.. some guilds might do differently for cross-class items
20:42.45Temyay. Textures are in and working
20:42.50FryGuywith a gui! :D
20:42.53Tekkubprolly just a table of strings for who can roll, or a single stirng
20:43.10Tekkub"Everyone" or "Class-specific items"
20:43.23Tekkubnot what I meant... :P
20:44.18TekkubI meant "KMBhunterloot" = "1234 1235 1236" ... {"KMBhunterloot", 25, "Hunters"}
20:44.53Tekkubor maybe {"KMBcasterloot", 25, {"Priests", "Druids", "Warlocks", Mages"}}
20:45.12[MoonWolf]ah like that.
20:45.29Tekkub{"tier2", 30, "Class-specific"}
20:46.01Tekkubkinda mimic the cat definintions in mendy
20:46.29Tekkuband provide a table for custom sets that the mod will register on raid joinage
20:46.38Tekkubor at load maybe
20:46.39[MoonWolf]the system will of course be mostly mendy PT altered to be more minimal.
20:46.58Tekkubwell I'd still use PT for the sets
20:47.26TemI <3 abstraction
20:47.31Tekkubjust basically make the cats definable by the guild, and add a mechanism for registering the custom sets
20:47.40[MoonWolf]you provide basic set information, the rest is registered in the custom addon ?
20:48.00TemAceGUIBase - > AceGUILayoutFrame -> AceGUIRegion -> AceGUITexture
20:48.05TekkubI'll get the sets put in, yes
20:48.09TemAceGUIBase - > AceGUILayoutFrame -> AceGUIFrame
20:48.16Tekkubwith the set names and grouped up by tier
20:48.48[MoonWolf]I can easly make a file layout that mimics PT's layout and make that parse it out and register it as custom sets.
20:50.01[MoonWolf]the battlestar galactica intro never fails to give me goosebumps.
20:50.22Temyay! scripts can now accept raw functions
20:50.32Tekkuband yea you just need a table for the custom sets
20:50.38Tekkubiterate over it and register
20:50.44Temdamn this AceGUI development is going WAY faster than I was anticipating
20:50.59otraviI agree!
20:51.05otravifast = good
20:51.07Tekkub{KMBhunterloot = "...", KMBcasterloot = "...", ...}
20:51.10otraviway faster = zomg, good!
20:51.50TemI will probably have fontstrings done in less than 20 minutes
20:51.51[MoonWolf]now before i go to bed.
20:51.53[MoonWolf]a name....
20:51.55Temyay for abstraction
20:52.28[MoonWolf]and AceDKP will not do.
20:52.33Temabsolutely not
20:52.46Tekkubyea I know
20:53.47[MoonWolf]to vague, even compared to mendeleev.
20:54.05TemI dunno
20:54.21Tekkubwe need something from the actual PeriodicTable with a similar name...
20:54.29Tekkubtoo bad there's no element Dkp
20:55.24Wobin_Atomic Weight
20:55.56TekkubD Potassium Phosphorus (DKP) .... there's no element D ?
20:56.44[MoonWolf]we could call it Latinum
20:57.05[MoonWolf]any trekky would get it
20:57.17TekkubGold Pressed Latnum
20:57.30TemPersonally, I liked AtomicWeight
20:57.34[MoonWolf]Latinum is a currency used by the ferengi a race of traders.
20:57.46[MoonWolf]and bastards.
20:57.48TekkubDi-Potassium Phosphorus ?
20:58.23Temit would need to be a real compound
20:58.27Temand that's not one
20:59.00TekkubMdKP ... Mendelevium Potassium Phosphorus
20:59.49[MoonWolf]whats potassium used for ?
21:00.03TekkubSalt :)
21:00.25[MoonWolf]but mdKP doesnt really work well as a addon object name...
21:00.36TekkubThe greatest demand for potash has been in its use for fertilizers. Potassium is an essential constituent for plant growth and is found in most soils.
21:00.36TekkubAn alloy of sodium and potassium (NaK) is used as a heat-transfer medium. Many potassium salts are of utmost importance, including the hydroxide, nitrate, carbonate, chloride, chlorate, bromide, iodide, cyanide, sulfate, chromate, and dichromate.
21:01.34Wobin_I think you're trying a bit too hard =P
21:01.48TekkubI think you're OMGSTFU
21:01.55[MoonWolf]Lets try not using dkp in the name.
21:02.50TekkubDon't Know P....
21:02.53[MoonWolf]I think ill go with AtomicWeight unless someone has a brilliant idea between now and when i start coding tommorow.
21:03.09TekkubAtomicMass :)
21:04.37[MoonWolf]might aswell start calling it ExoticMaterial then...
21:04.51[MoonWolf]Actually that isn't such a bad name.
21:05.01Wobin_Hehe, way to be random, Tekk =)
21:05.09Wobin_I like ExoticMaterial
21:05.18Tekkubbut Specific Heat is an elemental property
21:05.23Tekkuband it's kinda kinky
21:05.24Wobin_But as a reference it's a bit esoteric
21:05.46[MoonWolf]But ExtoricMaterial is a reference to an series of books I like and real science.
21:05.55[MoonWolf]and kinda on topic.
21:07.23[MoonWolf]it would be more like receipt then.
21:08.02Wobin_You could have the categories referred to as 'aisles' =)
21:08.14[MoonWolf]AtomicWeight or ExoticMaterial .. ill decide in my sleep.
21:08.21[MoonWolf]lol @ tekk
21:08.38Wobin_AtomicMass it'd have to be =)
21:08.47TekkubSeaborgium == Seaforium ?
21:08.58Wobin_SeaForium == C4
21:09.07[MoonWolf]OH RLY
21:09.13Wobin_YS RLY
21:12.39TekkubI say you call it AtomicNumber90
21:12.57[MoonWolf]no number allowed in addon object name
21:12.59Wobin_LovePotionNumber9 =P
21:13.22Tekkubgo look at what 90 is
21:18.03hyperChipmunkoh man, I missed like 15 pages of chat; synopsis, plz
21:18.34Wobin_Tekkub: We should do some stuff.
21:18.48Wobin_[MoonWolf]: Yes, Stuff
21:18.56Wobin_<Stuff was done>
21:19.07hyperChipmunkwell, cool
21:19.29Wobin_[MoonWolf]: We need a better name than "Stuff"
21:19.35TekkubTekkub: I have a neat idea but am too unmotivated and have too many other mods to want to do it
21:24.20hyperChipmunkah, the ol' Tekktub Statement A
21:24.35hyperChipmunkTekkub =P
21:25.02Wobin_~emulate Tekkub
21:25.04purlI'm taking back that /blow job
21:25.12Wobin_nah, that one's much more amusing
21:25.19purlsomebody said tekkub was a furry pervert
21:25.50hyperChipmunkI'm clean
21:26.11Wobin_purl, hyperChipmunk is *chitterchitterchitterchitterchitterchitterchitterchitter*
21:26.12purlokay, Wobin_
21:30.23*** join/#wowace ag` (
21:36.01ag`dropdown menues. Hell.
21:38.02Temyay, and theres fontstrings
21:38.23Temoh, if you guys want me to include DropDown meus in AceGUI, you're going to have to do it yourself
21:38.26TemI refuse
21:41.13ag`somebody should create a dropdown menu library
21:41.23Tem(the one labled framedef is the important one)
21:41.28FryGuymust.. have.. dropdown
21:42.10Wobin_Well then! Get cracking on that library, FryGuy!
21:46.27TemLook upon my works, ye mighty, and despair!
21:46.55Temhrm, what's next :)
21:47.38*** join/#wowace Vanish (
21:48.11TemI guess buttons are next
21:52.18TemI don't feel like fooling with buttons
21:53.10Temthey're all broken and nasty
21:56.20*** join/#wowace purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
21:56.21*** topic/#wowace is | | New official WowAce Channel (beware of the Bear)
21:56.29hyperChipmunkwb purl
21:56.35Temtest time
21:57.11Temyeah, I'm gonna gohead and guess that "@1~cya" had nothing to do with the excess flood
21:57.29hyperChipmunkwhen I hit enter, I thought it almost looked like a foul malicious purl command
22:12.33*** join/#wowace FryGuy (
22:14.03otraviTekkub: Bigwigs -> BWL -> Nefarian: enabletrigger should also include nefarian :p
22:14.23otraviso it gets enabled during the fight if you haven't done it before the event starts
22:14.51Tekkubmight have gotten fixed, havn't slipped in Shyva's latest yet
22:15.05TekkubI'll check when I do
22:15.43otraviI kinda landed a couple of corrupted healing 'cause of it :p
22:15.50otravi(not playing my char on Nef ftW)
22:50.18Vanishckknight: I love how plugins authors waited until after the name change took effect to complain about the naming scheme. It was suggested what, 2 days before you actually did it?
22:55.04ag`is it normal for blizzard own UI that inspect only works on a party member if you have them targeted?
22:55.34VanishI believe so
22:55.54ag`That's pretty lame
22:56.13ag`but I guess I'm home free then
22:58.00Temhey Kaelten
22:58.04Kaeltenhey tem
22:58.05Kaeltenhey guys
22:58.14TemFontstrings, Frames and Textures are in and fully functional
22:58.32Temer, wrong link
22:58.38*** join/#wowace darth_mall (
22:58.50TemThat's my "test" frame atm
22:59.17Kaeltenthe first one is still good info
23:00.23KaeltenTARD = AceGUI:new(nil,framedef)
23:00.30Kaeltenwhat is the nil?
23:00.44Temthe addon
23:00.54TekkubKael, do you have the SVN password?
23:00.59Tekkubto create users
23:01.00Temkergoth has it
23:01.06Kaeltenkergoth is hording it away
23:01.10TekkubI know kerg does you twit
23:01.18Temas in, we don't
23:01.21Tekkubhe said he gave it to Kael too
23:01.25Kaeltenhe spost to give it to me but he's tied up at the moment
23:01.47KaeltenI'll be getting it from him soon, he says he gave it to me but I must have missed it then, and I don't have logs.
23:01.48Tekkubokey well if you see him and I don't ask him if he's willing to give me it too
23:01.52TemKaelten: take notice of the OnMouseDown handler I have in there
23:02.06Tekkubsince I'm on more that both ya's and I tend to be the one telling people to use it
23:02.26TemTekkub: did you try to brute-force it?
23:02.31TemTekkub: I'd be it's something silly
23:02.35Tekkubnah not worth the effort :P
23:02.44Kaeltenwell I'm assuming that once I get it it'll mine to do with as I wish.
23:02.52Kaeltenmaybe thats my arrogance talking though
23:03.00Tekkubhey Kael, here's a better idea
23:03.09Tekkubget us an SVN on wowace
23:03.16Tekkubwhat tem said
23:03.17KaeltenI've tried I've tried I've tried
23:03.23TekkubTRY HARDER
23:03.30TekkubOH DADDY!
23:03.47Temand puts his ass to a wall
23:03.55Tekkubwhat never heard of a Daddybear?
23:04.20TemKaelten: check out the OnMouseDown handler
23:04.21Tekkubever watch the old Man Show?
23:04.31VanishSwitch over to me hosting and I can have up and running in a couple minutes. I Love Dreamhost
23:04.31KaeltenI did, but then I got distracted
23:04.37Tekkubusually when they did the wheel of destiny thing they'd have a leatherdaddybear
23:04.51Tekkubhe was always the counter to the "Juggies do something to you" one
23:05.05Tekkubhe was cute :)
23:05.24TemKaelten: anyway, that's some of the new functionality
23:05.36KaeltenTem:  Its still possible to do OnMouseDown = "OnMouseDown", right?
23:05.38Tekkubhey Van, we're not leavin WoWI hosting but maybe you can bribe Kael into letting you get it running?
23:05.41Temof course
23:05.56Kaeltenhehe,  wowi won't let me have root access to the server
23:06.02TekkubI mean, SRSLY, we need a SVN on our server :)
23:06.13Temif you could see 2 lines down from where I stopped copying, I have TARD:OnMouseDown ...
23:06.16Tekkubso should we harass dolby to get it in or who?
23:06.29TekkubI mean, come on, top priority man
23:06.33VanishWell, you don't actually need root access to install svn and setup a repository. It helps, but not necessary. ;)
23:06.36Kaeltendolby would be the person, but I've shown it to him and it scares him
23:06.55Temif you hadn't guessed yet, I use TARD as my test variable all the time
23:07.22Kaeltenalthoguh biggest problem being that I wouldn't be able to tell him how to set up the repository.
23:07.27VanishYou should use SMACK as your var and TARD as your value
23:07.41Tekkubnonono, FUCK and TARD
23:07.52VanishHehe. I wasn't gonna go that far, Tekk
23:08.04Tekkub:P you suck
23:08.10Codayusfor tek, there's no such thing as "too far".
23:08.10VanishSetting up the repository is drop dead simple
23:08.15Kaeltentekk, you have pent up sexual issues don't you?
23:08.20Tekkubthen teach dolby, PLEASE
23:08.27Tekkubissues? hell no
23:08.52Tekkubit's not really that big, "average"
23:09.11TekkubTem wants to see it anyway!
23:09.13Kaeltenok we're scaring off tem
23:09.26VanishOk, so who is Dolby and how do I school him on SVN?
23:09.38Tekkubwait I'm not wearing pants
23:09.38TemI'm just trying to figure out how to implement buttons in AceGUI
23:09.52Kaeltendolby is the owner of wowinterface?
23:09.58TekkubDolby is the technerd at WoWI
23:10.05VanishOk, I gathered that much. :p
23:10.13TekkubI dunno if he's owner, but he's the guy that makes all the pages
23:10.19Kaeltenwell he used to be the owner
23:10.34Tekkubah, before OGaming or after?
23:10.34TemOGaming bought it from him
23:10.39Kaeltenpretty cool guy.
23:10.42Kaeltenbefore ogaming
23:10.59Tekkubsomeone get his ass in this channel, I've wanted to bug him anyway
23:11.02Tekkub*eyes Cair*
23:11.14Kaeltenbought me bennehannas at blizzconn, good guy.
23:11.33Tekkuboh yea you went to conn, did you meet Slowken?
23:11.50Tekkubis he as grrrwoofy as I think he is?
23:12.01Kaeltenvanish : the japanese grill place.
23:12.03Tekkubcair said he is
23:12.21Tekkubhe's afraid of me, just like Tem
23:12.25Vanishyeah, I was suggesting the correct spelling. ;)
23:12.45TemI suspect he's only scared of me because I haven't ever met him
23:13.03Kaeltenslouken is a good guy
23:13.04Tekkubno... I meant like how Tem's scared of me
23:13.11TemI'm not scared of you
23:13.21Tekkubwell uh....
23:13.31VanishReally? I am and I've only seen Tekkub in action for an hour or so
23:13.44Kaeltenheh, tem's been to bandcamp
23:13.45TemVanish: it's just like TV, you get used to it
23:13.53Tekkubwait till late night
23:14.07Temoh, that too.  I've been to bandcamp
23:14.07Tekkubthen I break out the good shit like werewolf sex
23:14.21Temthat's just not right Tekkub
23:14.40VanishI've been doing IRC ince it was created. Believe me, I'm use to it... Tekkub is actually pretty tame compard to some of the yahoos I've known on here
23:14.42Temstop distracting me
23:14.58Tekkub:) so I'm a perverted furry :P
23:15.16TemI've got to figure out how I'm going to work around blizzard's annoying button issues
23:15.31Kaeltentem: Override SetText and GetText
23:15.37Tekkubhere's an idea, bitch at slowken till he gets it hotfixed
23:15.45TemKaelten: that's the easy part
23:15.55Kaeltenthen whats the other issues?
23:16.19TemNormalText HighlightText, DisabledText
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23:16.59Kaeltenwe can't set fontstrings to any of them?
23:18.25KaeltenNormalText is a xml tag
23:18.49Kaeltenso why not just CreateFrame("NormalText")
23:18.58Tembecause it's not a type
23:19.20Kaeltenbut it is in their xml.....
23:19.45TemNormalText, HighlightText, DisabledText, NormalTexture, HighlightTexture, PushedTexture, and DisabledTexture are not real types
23:20.00Temthey are just tags to tell the rendering engine things
23:20.44Temdarth_poe: are you enjoying yourself?
23:21.04darth_poeTem: sorry, testing some stuff in x-g I'm working on
23:21.17darth_poeworking on the nick changing UI
23:21.37*** join/#wowace Slayman (
23:21.39TemI didn't know there /was/ a nick changing interface in Xchat
23:21.47darth_poedifferent interface
23:21.51darth_poesame core
23:22.12*** join/#wowace HoJ|Slayman (
23:23.28Kaeltenok, well you can either ignore it for the time being, or reimplement it
23:24.33Kaeltenyou could use OnMouseEnter and OnMouseLeave to simulate highlighted text
23:24.57Kaeltenand you could fire a custom even ButtonName_OnDisable
23:27.28*** join/#wowace Slayman (
23:28.54KaeltenTem: you still around?
23:29.08Kaeltenthink that would work?
23:29.39Temminus the event, yes
23:30.09Kaeltenya, well you could still hook Enable and Disable to mimic that
23:30.19TemThere is no need
23:30.30Temenable / disable works the same as before
23:30.48Kaeltenah, cool
23:30.55Kaeltenjust the highlight?
23:31.36Temif you do Button:SetText("ANYTHING")
23:31.39Temit doesn't do anything
23:31.42Temthat's the issue
23:32.22Kaeltenwell you need to hook settext so that it writes tot he corrent fontstring
23:32.49Tembasically what I'm doing is creating a fontstring that I will pretend is the text
23:33.12Temintercept get/set calls on the button and redirect them to the fontstring
23:34.12Kaeltencool, sounds awesome.
23:34.54Kaeltenok, I'm going afk for a few
23:34.56Kaeltenbe back in a bit.
23:36.35*** join/#wowace Warol (

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