IRC log for #utos on 20080828

00:23.05jsmithZelut: You still there?
00:23.17jsmithZelut: Try this template on for size
00:23.26jsmith(and anybody else that's looking for a template to use for their presentation)
00:24.09jsmithKind of quiet in here...
00:24.25penoI think most of them are either at SLCC or on their way to the VIP dinner.
00:25.44*** join/#utos maquis (
00:26.18*** join/#utos herlo (n=clints@
00:26.20penolovely netsplits.
00:26.24*** mode/#utos [+o herlo] by ChanServ
00:27.17jsmithherlo: When you get a chance, please check out
00:35.07harleypigherlo: you available?
03:29.40*** join/#utos Yorokobi (n=Yorokobi@unaffiliated/yorokobi)
03:47.34u12udecriptor: ping
03:49.27fizzdoes anyone have the shedule?
03:56.38*** join/#utos tonedevf (
04:00.09*** join/#utos romanovic (
04:29.40*** join/#utos romanovic_ (
04:33.27u12uit is on the website at
04:33.32u12ufizz: ^^^
04:40.08tonedevfwill the keynotes be recorded and available later?  there are a few i won't be able to attend.
04:45.28HeartsbaneWell everyone good first show
04:45.33Heartsbanesee ya tomorrow
05:11.34herloHeartsbane: we're looking at right now, it is having problems...
05:12.33Heartsbanehmmm k maybe just on my end
05:14.16herlodecriptor: ping
05:14.25herloHeartsbane: it isn't
05:14.47Heartsbanegimme a call
05:15.08*** topic/#utos by herlo -> Utah Open Source - | We know the server's down, working on it right now, thx mgmt
05:15.12herloHeartsbane: busy
05:15.57HeartsbaneFeh 2 U
05:19.55herloHeartsbane: calling T4
05:22.43*** join/#utos romanovic (
05:25.43decriptorherlo: pong
05:26.22*** join/#utos IRSeekBot2 (n=IRSeekLo@irseek/log-bot/IRSeekBot)
05:26.35herlodecriptor: T4 is currently looking into the issue, waiting to hear back
05:26.43decriptorherlo: cool
05:26.44herloguesses its a tuning issue
05:26.56decriptorherlo: hopefully it'll be fixed soon
05:26.58herlodecriptor: stay online for a bit more, and I'll see if you need to head up there
05:28.11mindjujuherlo, know your busy, just wondering when you have a minute, do you still need me to pick up the shirts and also, to make arrangements for picking up the programs
05:28.27decriptorherlo: I'll be here for another hour or so
05:28.32herlomindjuju: no shirts
05:28.48herlomindjuju: there was a mixup, they'll be delivered by Jordy, no worries
05:28.59herlomindjuju: what about picking up the programs?
05:29.05herlothey going to be done today?
05:29.19herloI cna provide a cc# or whatever they need
05:29.35mindjujuyeah, but we can pick them up tomorrow morn too.  The CC is just what is needed
05:29.57mindjujui can be down there at 9a and pick them up, you can call in just before and pay then i can get
05:30.05mindjujube up to SLCC by 10a :)
05:30.10herlomindjuju: perfect
05:30.22mindjujucan i get your cell phone in a PM
05:30.22herlocall me on your way down there and give me the number
05:30.31herlomindjuju: 801.358.4736
05:30.48herlomindjuju: your can call me
05:30.49mindjujuawesome thx
05:30.56mindjujuyup, i'll call you when i get there
05:31.05mindjujuyou can give her the num, and will be in business
05:31.17herloI have my number all over the net, nobody calls me on it, but if they did, I'd ignore it if I didn't know who it was, save certain area codes I'm expecting
05:31.19mindjujuanything else you need from down here
05:31.30herlomindjuju: call me tomorrow iwht that, I can deal with it better then
05:31.38herlomindjuju: we've sold out!
05:31.44mindjujuthat's awesome!
05:31.51mindjujui saw a huge rush at the end
05:32.04herlolol, yeah
05:32.25herlodecriptor: pm
05:32.40mindjujuwe'll have to be sure to grab some group shots at the after hours party for posting and for next year conf
05:33.52herlomindjuju: which after hours party?
05:34.02herlodecriptor: server's back up, time to tune
05:34.11herloHeartsbane: back up and running for now
05:34.19mindjujuherlo, there should be one on Saturday
05:34.57mindjujulike last year, something easy simple and relaxing
05:35.42herlomindjuju: you mean like the postmortem we did and boardgames?
05:35.53herlomindjuju: already planned...
05:52.52herlodecriptor: why what?
06:02.06*** join/#utos romanovic (
06:09.53herlomemcached rocks!
06:09.59herloholy crap easy to install and configure too
06:10.13*** join/#utos romanovic (
06:18.00herlodecriptor: Heartsbane:
06:19.50decriptorherlo: not very many :P
06:20.06herloonly almost 4k
06:20.11herloexpects more tomorrow
06:28.07*** topic/#utos by herlo -> Utah Open Source Conference 2008 happening now - | Feel free to discuss whatever you like in here about the conference :)
06:32.20u12udecriptor: ping, you still up?
06:33.29herlou12u: hey
06:33.41herlou12u: he said he'd be up for another hour or so...
06:33.41decriptoru12u: hi
06:34.03herlodecriptor: u12u: I have memcached on the site now, notice a difference?
06:35.12decriptormaybe, I'm too tired to notice :P
06:35.31herlowell, thought I'd check
06:37.33herloI hope soe
06:45.32decriptorsdI'm out
06:45.38decriptorI can't stay awake any more
06:45.52herlostill has an hour of work ahead of him
07:09.14u12udecriptor: wondering if we figured out how we are going to get those bags.
07:10.38u12uI am just wondering if I need to have my truck tomorrow.
07:14.33u12uif so, just leave a message here.  I'll check it before I come in tomorrow.
08:01.47*** join/#utos kkubasik (
08:08.18herlou12u: good call
11:04.22*** part/#utos kkubasik (
12:42.31herloI guess its time to wake up! :)  Its UTOSC 2008 time!
12:50.17penooh ok
12:53.33penogoes to the hardware store
13:04.04herlogoes to get foods for ppls who are helping today...
13:36.21penough.  need a 45 degree 1 1/2 bend and home depot didn't have one.
13:56.13*** join/#utos thaddeusq (n=thaddeus@
14:53.09Zelutgood luck today guys.
14:58.24HeartsbaneAnyone have a camera for a picture for of breakfast?
15:12.07*** join/#utos ghendricks (n=ghendric@
15:15.45*** join/#utos jbellis (n=jbellis@
15:16.29*** join/#utos TapocoL (
15:17.48jbellishmm, is there a browser in which the printable schedule doesn't look like ass when actually printed?
15:18.33Heartsbaneum I don't know I didn't print it, who needs analog when you can digital
15:18.51Heartsbanebesides we printed the programs
15:19.12Heartsbanethey will be on the front desk
15:19.42Heartsbanejbellis: do you want a pdf copy?
15:20.12*** join/#utos producepr (n=chatzill@
15:23.33*** join/#utos pashdown (i=pashdown@
15:28.30*** join/#utos Gate (n=gate@unaffiliated/gate)
15:28.30*** join/#utos pashdown (
15:33.28*** part/#utos Gate (n=gate@unaffiliated/gate)
15:38.26jbellisHeartsbane: sure, if it's not a big deal
15:49.53*** join/#utos Jayce^ (n=jayce@
15:50.03Jayce^feh, was logged out of this channel
15:50.19Jayce^mozy arrived, was lost wandering around...
15:51.53Heartsbanejbellis: hold on
15:52.59*** join/#utos redbeard2 (
15:55.50*** join/#utos ghendricks (n=ghendric@
15:57.12Heartsbanejbellis: sent you the URL in a PM took me a sec to remember its location
16:26.55pmcnabbhow does one get a blog added to the "utah open source planet" aggregator?
16:37.33*** join/#utos Gate (n=gate@unaffiliated/gate)
16:38.50tensaipmcnabb: email
16:38.57tensaiat least, that's what I did
16:42.26pmcnabbtensai: thanks, i'll try that
16:51.59tonedevfwill the evening keynotes be recorded?
16:52.45fozzmooWe will be getting audio and video from every keynote.
16:52.53fozzmooOr we will come very close to doing it.
16:53.02fozzmooSaturday's co-keynotes will be interesting.
16:53.31*** join/#utos pelaofeliz (n=PelaoFel@
16:53.55tonedevfsweet... unfortunately i won't be able to attend tonight's keynotes and would love to see/hear them after the fact
16:54.16herloUTOSC has begun!!
16:54.44fozzmooherlo: Yay!
17:10.46*** join/#utos producepr (
17:21.00fozzmooDang it. This server needs a new initrd  installed before it will run.
17:21.35fozzmooJust downloaded the rescue ISO
17:21.53fozzmooTried a CentOS diskboot network install off a USB keychain. Didn't like that.
17:22.11fozzmooRipped a CD drive out of an old Dell desktop to boot to recue
17:22.17fozzmoocrosses fingers
17:24.39penoblames heartsbane
17:28.32fozzmooOkay. initrd installed.
17:28.43fozzmoopeno: You need to introduce yourself to me. I don't know who you are.
17:30.53penofozzmoo: ok
17:36.10fozzmooIf anyone has an extra standard power cable...
17:36.17fozzmooMike Morgan in the KnowledgeBlue booth needs one.
17:36.20fozzmooJust one.
17:47.17penoI think there may or may not be an extra one at the registration booth.
17:47.50penoat least there was monday night when the vendor network was being connected.
17:48.51*** join/#utos ghendricks (n=ghendric@
17:49.07*** join/#utos undertakingyou (
17:49.07*** mode/#utos [+o undertakingyou] by ChanServ
17:49.18penopfft. sideburns.
17:49.33undertakingyouyou wish that you had them
17:49.34penoyou know, you are right across the table.
17:49.39penoyou could just TALK
17:49.48undertakingyoubut it is quiet in here
17:49.55penobecause heartsbane left
17:52.56*** join/#utos Gate (n=gate@unaffiliated/gate)
17:55.02*** part/#utos Gate (n=gate@unaffiliated/gate)
18:19.46*** join/#utos eggyknap_ (
18:20.58*** join/#utos TheDruidXpawX1 (n=cgoudie@
18:29.58*** join/#utos Nafai (
18:31.35*** join/#utos eggyknap (n=utosc@unaffiliated/eggyknap)
18:32.48penoHeartsbane: yep
18:33.07TheDruidXpawX1oo the talks are about to start
18:33.15penothey have started
18:39.22eggyknapNote to room managers: you might consider instructing attendees (or those few who have cell phone reception) to silence their phones.
18:39.58produceprthey're lucky if they get reception in the basement
18:40.07NafaiYeah, no reception here
18:40.11eggyknapOne of the guys in here does, surprisingly enough.
18:40.20produceprsi-098 might got some
18:40.27producepras well as si-065a
18:40.33eggyknapconsiders asking what provider he has, so as to avoid getting that provider :)
18:40.42produceprits everyone
18:40.51produceprhardly anything gets through down there
18:41.21produceprwould be a good idea to tell them that in si-258
18:43.10producepri can't be there today...couldn't get work off, but i'll be there friday and saturday morning
18:45.05penosome good stuff so far
18:49.23*** join/#utos spr (
18:56.54HeartsbaneVyatta seems nice
18:57.23penoyes it does.
18:57.46penoif I'd had a little more time, I would have deployed that for the vendor booths instead of the 3725. :-)
18:58.25eggyknapListening to Vyatta makes me miss playing with little teeny OpenBSD routers.
18:58.52penoI play with cisco rooters, so it's second nature.
18:59.15eggyknappf + altq was loads of fun... but I've left that world for databases these days.
18:59.28penobut I'm also a little biased, since that's where my paycheck comes from.
18:59.52NafaiThis stuff is all over my head :)
18:59.56penopf is a pretty slick product.. undertakingyou has that running at his work, iirc.
18:59.58NafaiI'm just a lowly developer
19:00.23Heartsbanelowly is that a product
19:00.27penonetworking is a completely different ball game, but it's not difficult to pick up.
19:00.36eggyknaplowly v 2.1 comes out next week.
19:00.37penoI've got a lowly product for you heartsbane
19:00.40NafaiHeh :)
19:00.48peno~dirtythirty Heartsbane
19:01.12penoyah, well..
19:01.17penopot or kettle
19:01.48eggyknapOuch. Making two IPsec boxen talk is sometimes not much fun.
19:02.01eggyknapthat is, from different vendors.
19:02.13penoyeah, most vendors don't like to play nicely.
19:02.28penohell, even cisco doesn't play nicely within their own product line.
19:02.35eggyknapdid OpenBSD <-> netscreen once... but it took some playing.
19:03.30eggyknap....and then in the next couple releases, OpenBSD made it so you didn't have to understand IPsec anymore to make it work :)
19:05.26penothat could be a good thing, since ipsec in itself is confusing.
19:09.11eggyknapsmells a talk ending early
19:11.00penosurprising that this didn't last a bit longer
19:11.21penothere may not be a lot of network ninja's attending.
19:11.49eggyknapTalks, in my experience, are typically surprisingly non-technical.
19:12.35penothat's one thing that bothers me about most "technical" presentations I have to attend for work, is they aren't technical at all.
19:18.52Heartsbanewell they do have the literature
19:23.43*** join/#utos Rbm2 (n=mobile@
19:24.33eggyknapCrud. I forgot to tell folks to fill out the survey.
19:25.10Rbm2I am at the Slcc but can't find the venue or where to park. Can someone give me good directions please?
19:27.57Rbm2Where's the tech building?
19:30.24*** part/#utos Rbm2 (n=mobile@
19:37.48*** join/#utos zzzirk (n=zzzirk@
19:52.05whiteingeIs there food nearby?
19:53.41*** join/#utos redbeard2 (n=jphall@
19:54.12DexterTheDragonwhiteinge: down the street
19:55.02penoeggyknap: you're fired!
19:55.39whiteingeDexterTheDragon: which cardinal direction is that? you mean on redwood rd?
19:56.40DexterTheDragonwhiteinge: I'm told north
19:56.55DexterTheDragon45th and redwood
19:56.56penowhiteinge: there's a google maps with food. one sec, let me find it.
19:57.30penothere *aren't* fast food locations on that though.
19:58.10whiteingepeno: thanks
19:58.35penobut if you're interested in fast food, there's a wendy's on redwood & 4700 s, a KFC is there as well.
19:59.10penothere's more fast foody places on 5300 s and redwood as well.
19:59.11DexterTheDragonwe went to the KFC
19:59.39penothere's a mickey d's on redwood and approx 4200 s.
20:00.56whiteingewould prefer a campus cafeteria :(
20:01.57jsmithUgh... Delta's offering me a $400 credit to take a later flight
20:02.02jsmithwishes he were already in SLC
20:02.14penothose punks.
20:03.08tensaijsmith: wait, aren't you supposed to be teaching today?
20:03.22jsmithtensai: It got moved to Friday, as I don't show up until tonight
20:03.38jsmithtensai: Tomorrow at 4:30, if I remember correctly
20:03.47penothat sounds right
20:03.51tensaicool, that means I can heckle^W attend your presentation
20:04.47penohecklers will be shot.
20:04.48jsmithtensai: Wicked!  Just for that, you get an Asterisk baseball cap.
20:06.52penounless the hecklers are statler and waldorf.
20:09.00tensaijsmith: woot!
20:09.24tensaijsmith: I was kinda hoping that people could take your intro course before I threw all sorts of funny stuff at them
20:09.44tensaic'est la vie
20:10.00jsmithwanders off to board his flight
20:10.01penoyou could do it anyways
20:10.26tensaiwell, I will. but for their sake.
20:16.51fozzmoopokes peno with an 8 ft stick.
20:17.06penopoke heartsbane instead
20:17.15penohe *likes* it
20:17.21fozzmooHeartsbane: Thanks for the wifi info. I was goin nuts- downloading USB modem for my phone and stuff.
20:17.41penoHeartsbane: shhh.
20:17.57fozzmooDid you get the crimper back?
20:18.13*** join/#utos ghendricks (n=ghendric@
20:18.21Heartsbaneoh well it will pop up
20:18.40eggyknapNeat -- pashdown wants to write a "HOWTO run for office".
20:18.53penonot if you're using ABP.
20:19.09penothat would be an interesting HOWTO.
20:20.28fozzmooMaybe I could do "HOWTO win in Utah"
20:20.54fozzmooAKA "HOWTO... hire someone to assassinate incumbent"
20:21.19penoyou could get tips from the KGB...
20:25.47eggyknapGood point from Phil Windley -- it's hard to work in a really transparent environment; not because people are wanting to be evil and secretive, but because it's inconvenient, and the press screws up.
20:26.53Heartsbanefozzmoo: are you offering to assinate a incumbent?
20:27.05HeartsbaneBecause I will take a up collection for you fee
20:27.05fozzmoowhistles and looks around
20:37.10fozzmooOkay. Who should I book for interviews?
20:37.19eggyknapWindley quote: Microsoft is basically a legal department, with some programmers attached.
20:37.34fozzmooIs Windley presenting today AND tomorrow?
20:37.51eggyknapHe's in today's OSS and Govt. panel
20:37.57eggyknapw/ pashdown
20:38.06fozzmooI'll be interested to hear that.
20:38.08Heartsbaneeggyknap: is it going good
20:38.10eggyknapis glad he's managing this room
20:38.24fozzmooeggyknap: Will you ask Pete if he's going to be around tomorrow?
20:38.26eggyknapHeartsbane: yeah, really well. We could easily go overtime, I think.
20:38.30fozzmooNot right now... but after.
20:41.31eggyknapI wonder how many M$ plants are here...
20:42.00penoprobably enough to keep sysadmins in a job
20:42.17eggyknapLook for well-tied neckties.
20:43.26fozzmooI was talking to a volunteer yesterday who says his company was bought by MS, so now he's working for MS
20:43.50penothat could be both good and bad
20:43.56penodepending on the details
20:44.00eggyknapOr just plain bad :)
20:44.19fozzmooAnyone got bbeatie's e-mail?
20:44.22penogood if they have a decent stock option
20:46.39fozzmooPhil Windley's e-mail?
20:47.06eggyknapI could ask him for it, after we're done.
20:48.04Heartsbanefozzmoo: ya that is tulley ... he is having a hell of time removing the python and java out of their product
20:48.24fozzmooeggyknap: Cool. Thx
20:49.08eggyknapmakes his post-talk fozzmoo question list
20:49.19fozzmooYeah- I logged onto XMisison's IRC and got Grant's e-mail from a support weeny
21:00.43eggyknapfozzmoo: if whatever you've been listening to has ended, you could show up in 067 -- we'll be down here for a bit chatting, I think.
21:03.02*** join/#utos romanovic (
21:08.28eggyknapfozzmoo: pashdown says he's running off.
21:08.47eggyknap...and phil windley ran off before I could talk to him.
21:26.56*** join/#utos ghendricks (n=ghendric@
21:28.43eggyknapis interested to see what's involved in "SSH Tips and Tricks" -- not a talk I would have chosen to go to right off, given my choice and based on the title alone.
21:28.47*** join/#utos redbeard2 (n=jphall@
21:33.16*** join/#utos Gate (n=gate@unaffiliated/gate)
21:33.37Nafaiw00t for the dark arts of autotools
21:33.40eggyknap...ssh tips and tricks is running out of seats...
21:33.50herloMore Free SWAG in the UTOSC Expo Hall
21:34.06eggyknapwants to escape and pick up swag :)
21:41.47eggyknapWow... we're at 60 people for the SSH Tips talk
21:46.13herloeggyknap: u'll get some cool swag dont worry...
21:48.33penofail for too small of rooms
21:49.06DexterTheDragonfail for metal chairs
22:04.04ghendricksherlo: do we have a facebook group for utos?
22:07.16*** join/#utos eggyknap (i=9023fe04@gateway/web/ajax/
22:07.28eggyknapUm... the computer in my room has crashed.
22:07.40eggyknapNo recording this one, I guess...
22:08.00eggyknapIt's busily trying to reboot, but expects PXE and isn't finding it.
22:08.13penothe PXE will timeout
22:08.18eggyknapYeah, and try again :)
22:08.29penoit's not booting into the OS at all?
22:08.43eggyknapPerhaps I'll see if I missed a menu somewhere.
22:09.01penothe boot order *should* be set to pxe, cdrom, hdd
22:09.19eggyknapI just told it to try "local drives" first, then pxe, and it failed.
22:09.43penoI wonder if the drive failed.
22:10.09eggyknapBIOS knos about one boot device, and it's PXE.
22:10.25fozzmooWhat is the 5:00 presentation in SI 258?
22:10.39fozzmooNow that Jared's been moved to Friday?
22:10.54eggyknapIt doesn't detect any IDE devices.
22:11.01penovoip for fun and profit
22:11.29fozzmooI wasn't going to tape that one. :)
22:11.40penoeggyknap: there should be a thumb screw on that case, it may just need a re-seating of the ide cable.
22:11.52eggyknapGoodie... I'll try after this presentation.
22:12.03penowhich room is it in?
22:12.42penoI don't remember which box that one is.
22:13.03penobut if the drive failed, I'll have to bring another drive tomorrow.
22:13.11eggyknapIt's got a sticker on it saying "Protocol 42 - it changes you"
22:13.19penothey all have that on. :)
22:13.25eggyknapAh :)
22:13.48penoone of them has a flaky cmos battery, I just don't remember which one.
22:17.17penothere may also be a chance that the ide controller went belly up
22:17.24eggyknaphopes our presenter won't mind not having his presentation recorded. It's been nearly twice as well attended as the other two in this room today.
22:17.38eggyknapI'll encourage the attendees to blog/twitter/take good notes.
22:20.01fozzmooAnyone have Windley's e-mail?
22:20.19eggyknapfozzmoo: he's back in here, and I'll try again to ask him.
22:20.36fozzmooheh. Okay.
22:20.49fozzmooIt's probably or something like that.
22:21.16fozzmoohe's got a dozen domains. :)
22:22.23fozzmooYep. Found his e-mail address online.
22:22.29fozzmooIt's what I suspected it was.
22:24.28NafaiGot a question for all you Open Source peoples...I want to link to a specific e-mail message in Thunderbird from outside (from an Emacs org-mode file) this possible?  I can't seem to find anything that indicates that it is.
22:29.44eggyknapWell, reseating the IDE cable appears to have done it.
22:30.17eggyknapI'll let it get started and logged in, and then take off to see what I'm doing next.
22:30.26*** part/#utos eggyknap (i=9023fe04@gateway/web/ajax/
22:31.03*** join/#utos zzzirk (n=zzzirk@
22:51.40NafaiAny UTOS people interested in Haskell or Functional Programming in general?  I'd be interested in chatting if you are.
23:03.20*** join/#utos redbeard2 (n=jphall@
23:04.47herloIf anyone sees steven Shaw, please tell him his wife is looking for him
23:16.19herlonearn: Tristan is coming pu there to present I hear
23:23.01herloI didn't anticipate a failed presentation by Chris Cameron, Tristan Rhodes is apparently filling in
23:23.04herloSI 258
23:23.06herloright now
23:25.04herloHeartsbane: ping
23:27.33*** join/#utos Jayce^ (n=jayce@
23:43.03herlowe need pencils for the surveys
23:44.50zzzirker, yeah
23:48.22*** join/#utos ghendricks (n=ghendric@
23:49.40*** topic/#utos by herlo -> Keynotes in Student Center (directly east from SI Bldg) at 6:30pm, Mac Newbold, and Paul Frields.

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