irclog2html for #utah on 20030623

00:16.41*** join/#utah hans (~fugalh@
00:21.44hansanyone here?
00:29.38brailsmt_i am
00:29.58brailsmt_i just responded to a post on /.  -- my first /. post ever
00:30.08brailsmt_it just happened to concern my daughter  :)
00:30.18hansbrailsmt_: I don't have time to read through things now, but I have moderator points. wanna use em? ;)
00:30.57brailsmt_naw, I avoid /. as much as i can
00:32.34brailsmt_i basically just check the articles and maybe once a week i will click through to a story...
00:36.38Jayce^brailsmt_: link to your post?
00:37.03brailsmt_i can't find it now...  ;)
00:37.15brailsmt_told i am VERY new to /.
00:37.31hansJayce^: do you want to use them? :) hate to see them go to waste
00:38.02Jayce^use what?
00:38.15hans  my mod points
00:38.27Jayce^oh, yeah..
00:38.51Jayce^I have one in there that could be modded (about my misquoted # of lines in the daily herald)
00:39.23Jayce^hans, just mod up some of the local guys' comments
00:39.46brailsmt_i was a little pissed off by the whole deseret news article, it was written very pro-SCO
00:40.16brailsmt_the daily herald article was much better
00:40.58Jayce^the desnews reporter was the last minute fill in, the main guy was going out of town that morning by when we sent out the release.. he still wants to interview me..
00:41.10hansJayce^: link?
00:41.23Jayce^did you mod brailsmt_'s first?
00:41.28hansgot his
00:41.34Jayce^search for one by althalus
00:47.27Jayce^brailsmt_: got a person who wants to use this picture on their blog
00:53.02hans"Ralph Yarrows, head of the Canopy group which owns 46% of SCO, was the one to organize the anti-protest and was the one who had the posters made."
01:02.31hansman, some of these /. people have no sense of real life. Do they actually think that having a picture with two protesters (evan and someone else) and smiling makes him 'friendly'? doesn't everyone smile when a picture is being taken?
01:06.16*** join/#utah tensai (~tensai@
01:45.49brailsmt_Jayce^: lol, sure, my wife will hate me, but i think it is a god picture of my family  :)
01:46.57brailsmt_i thought that having no sense of real life was a requirement at /.  ;)
01:47.21brailsmt_i had a few people tell me that I was way too happy at the protest...
03:05.12Jayce^31,240 hits to just "hall.html" on just one of the web servers...
03:05.32Jayce^forgot to give the mirror it's own access log, so counting is a little tough
03:36.16Jayce^w00t!  we hit 9m/b in the spike
05:10.07Jayce^that's mbit
06:29.41*** join/#utah brailsmt (
07:45.18*** join/#utah brailsmt (
13:20.47*** join/#utah ramannoodle (~jesse@
13:21.07ramannoodleThis has got to be the most hilarious (and stupidest) response I saw to the /. article:
13:26.17ramannoodleNotice there are no replies...better just to leave it alone :-)
13:37.33*** join/#utah hans (
14:29.15*** join/#utah CosmicPenguin (
15:24.56*** join/#utah neybar (
15:44.13*** join/#utah tensai (
16:00.29*** join/#utah ramannoodle (~jesse@
16:33.36ramannoodleso did anyone get a picture (or is it in the video?) of the Linux/SCO code in question?
16:33.48Jayce^went by too fast..
16:35.50ramannoodledang it!
16:35.57ramannoodlewas it in the video at all?
16:36.52Jayce^you can't read it though
16:38.24ramannoodleI wonder if there's software out there that can sharpen something like that out.  (like you see in all the fbi/cia shows)
16:38.57ramannoodleWonder how legal it would be to post something like that on the web.
16:42.48Jayce^well, it's exactly what they are suing about
16:44.30ramannoodleI guess you could always anonymously give it to IBM's would still be a risk, though
16:44.53ramannoodlebut then again, you didn't sign an NDA and he did freely show it to you...
16:45.12ramannoodleThat idea alone could be usable in court...
16:45.27ramannoodlethen again, I'm not a lawyer
16:48.04*** join/#utah brailsmt (
16:48.59*** join/#utah Ober (
16:49.07*** part/#utah Ober (
16:50.01CosmicPenguinTry to tell me that this isn't having a bad effect on the perception of Utah
16:50.52ramannoodlewho's Ober?
17:02.05Jayce^somebody in england.
17:06.03Jayce^~lart sco
17:07.05Jayce^btw.. in case anybody wants to know..  neverwinter nights linux client works *very* well
17:12.33ramannoodleyes, but does it work with sco ?
17:12.46ramannoodledang it - didn't work - I thought it was programmed already
17:13.14Jayce^~lart sco
17:15.50CosmicPenguinLooks like you would have to code it in so that ibot will respond without being directly accessed
17:17.04hansmaybe I could write a script that does that. :)
17:18.59CosmicPenguinWE'll have to ask Tim when he comes back - it will be an easy three line hack
17:26.01brailsmt~lart SCO
17:26.21brailsmti would like to something else stapled to the floor...  ;)
17:30.16CosmicPenguinThe only problem with an automatic lart is that ibot will go nuts everytime Bradipo logs on...
17:30.41BradipoThat would be interesting.
17:32.00Jayce^so did you guys have fun watching us Bradipo?
17:32.16BradipoNot really.
17:32.20BradipoIt was interesting and all.
17:32.29BradipoBut I felt like I was wasting company time.
17:32.38BradipoI could have been doing something more constructive. :-)
17:32.52Jayce^like putting your webserver on a SCO box?  :D
17:33.05BradipoWell, it is running on SCO Linux.
17:38.07ramannoodlesaw that
17:39.13Jayce^heh.. finding quite a few other local people posting to slashdot that I dont recognize their names (at least the /. name)
17:39.30BradipoLooks like someone is providing misinformation:
17:40.04BradipoThose of you who were there, know very well that the SCO employees that participated were pro-SCO not anti-SCO in their protests...
17:40.04hansibot lart SCO
17:40.59BradipoOr maybe this report just didn't get it...
17:41.09Jayce^yeah, that first paragraph doesn't quite fit in..
17:41.53Jayce^and the first sentence of the second one..
17:42.05ramannoodleI think it was the Herald article that had an SCO guy mentioning that if SCO had their way, Linux would still exist, it just wouldn't be free.
17:42.15Jayce^the rest is ok, but those are a little funky
17:42.38hansirssi/perl is kinda fun. :)
17:42.44Jayce^hehe.. I wonder how much longer Bradipo will want to stay on if we keep tagging sco?
17:44.32Jayce^Bradipo: how many guys there are plug/uug/sllug members? I know I saw a few...
17:45.25ramannoodleanyway, I got a laugh out of the herald article...the guy totally doesn't understand Linux - Linux isn't about being free anyway - it's about having the source open to all
17:45.35BradipoNo worries here.
17:47.12hanswhat do y'all think would be the easiest way to get rid of rogue traffic on a network interface? it's a closed network and no traffic but what I put out should be there. currently i'm getting portmap and samba traffic periodically (which _are_ used on the other nic)
17:47.42hansmore info: the traffic I'll be putting out will go through libnet and isn't tcp/ip but straight 802.3
17:48.14hansdoes that go below iptable's radar? if so I could just do an outbound deny policy
17:48.31hansif not, what would that match so I can let it through?
17:51.51BradipoSo the traffic is being forwarded from one interface to the other?
17:52.22BradipoIf it is broadcast traffic, then that would explain why, but if it is not broadcast, why is it going out?
17:52.44hansthese are outbound packets
17:52.48hansthat I want to block
17:53.11hansapparently smb or nmb and portmap are sending out their broadcast packets on all interfaces
17:53.11BradipoIf you are using iptables, then you need to block them on the FORWARD chain.
17:53.29BradipoIs this coming from the firewall itself?
17:53.36BradipoOr is it coming from a client on the network?
17:53.41hansyes and yes
17:53.52BradipoSo the samba server is also the firewall?
17:54.05BradipoWhich would explain why it is going out on all interfaces...
17:54.23hanseach box (there will be one or two linux boxen on the network) - i'm thinking of using iptables to restrict this outbound traffic but currently no firewall
17:54.28BradipoSamba does that unless you configure it to only use the right interface.
17:54.58hansok, so I can configure samba... can I configure portmap like that?
17:56.36BradipoNot sure.
17:56.45BradipoI wasn't aware that portmap sent out broadcast traffic.
17:57.17BradipoAnd, portmap most certainly doesn't initiate connections, so if you have traffic from portmap going out, then it is most likely coming in.
17:57.19hansit may be related to nis. but it's portmap traffic
17:57.31hansright, NIS is used on the other nic
17:58.07BradipoBut that should be local to that network.
17:58.15BradipoI don't think NIS broadcasts does it?
17:58.41hansi think it might be finding the ypserver
17:59.05BradipoWell, you should be able to block that with iptables.
17:59.27BradipoOr ipchains.
17:59.48hansyeah. i think i can probably just block everything that's tcp/udp/icmp/whateverp with iptables and it should only let my 802.3 packets through
18:01.59Bradipo802.3 packets or frames?
18:04.19hanslet's see. depends on what you mean by frame. basically, everything from byte 1 (dst addr) to the end of the data.
18:04.56BradipoRight, but isn't 802.3 an ethernet frame?
18:05.01hansstruct { uint8_t dst_addr[6],uint8_t src_addr[6],uint16_t len } // data implicitly follows
18:05.56hansthe hardware puts some stuff on the front and a checksum at the end, but that's stripped and put on at the hardware level.
18:06.18BradipoSo, do you have ethernet frames that are not pushing around tcp/udp/icmp traffic or something?
18:06.29BradipoAhh, I see.
18:06.36hansin fact that's _all_ that should be on this closed network
18:06.52hansour own protocol
18:06.55BradipoI see.
18:07.11BradipoYeah, then you should only allow that traffic and have a default policy of deny or something.
18:07.21Jayce^heh.. yesterday's /.ing only took about 100gb... about 1/3 our normal daily bandwidth usage..
18:15.25hanshow goes the interview footage? I'm looking forward to that.
18:15.45Jayce^have to ask art.. he had sync problems he mentioned on the list this morning..
18:17.57hansoh fun.
18:18.15Jayce^yeah, especially when it took him *hours* to export the video in the first place..
18:18.24Jayce^almost 40 mins of footage from just the interview
18:18.33Jayce^somebody is going to have to set it up as a .torrent
18:47.37leviHmm, Jobs just confirmed that the G5 will be the IBM PPC970 with all those really nice stats that were leaked.
19:10.52Jayce^man I want one of those bad..
19:11.22ramannoodledang it - and I was saving up for a G4
19:11.52Jayce^well, used g4's will probably be a lot cheaper now..
19:11.54ramannoodleI got a PPC 7600 off E-bay for $5
19:12.15ramannoodleit was broken in transit, so now hopefully UPS will reimburse me the $300 that it's worth
19:12.40ramannoodleThen hopefully I can get a better Mac off e-bay
19:12.45Jayce^sweet.. gotta love that..
19:13.05ramannoodleI love UPS
19:14.03ramannoodleI need to break myself in
19:16.21ramannoodleIt would be cool if someone wrote some code for ibot that made it so you could program it from irc-commands
19:17.42Jayce^well, you can program a bit of it..  training ocmmands..
19:27.00Jayce^Luxology co-founder notes that software was recompiled for 64-bit processors in 15 minutes (and that included the 12 minutes to download the source from the server).
19:36.34ramannoodleWhat's luxology?
19:37.12Jayce^so within a year, dual 3ghz
19:57.35ramannoodleJust in time for me to buy myself one...
21:00.21hanssco sco sco sco
21:08.38ramannoodlenope - not case-sensitive
21:08.48ramannoodlewell, cya...
21:41.24*** join/#utah neybar (
22:02.20goozbach~lart sco
22:02.51goozbachsorry I couldn't come to the protest.
22:08.24Jayce^np.. you check out the page?
22:09.05*** join/#utah hans (~fugalh@
22:10.37Jayce^nice project hans.. going to post it to plug too?
22:12.38hansyeah, done.
22:13.12hanswhere do y'all get print cartridges at a decent price?
22:13.32Jayce^they have refill kits too
22:13.45Jayce^since print cartridges are never a decent price
22:15.45tensaihaving worked at Staples for a while, I'll confirm that ink is a huge cash cow for them
22:16.24tensaithey make little and sometimes nothing on the printers just so you can buy ink
22:16.53Jayce^I just refilled my hp's cartridges.. but they didn't like it :(  
22:17.33Jayce^worked for a few days, then they have stopped printing right..  like the ink randomly stops coming out right..
22:17.52tensaimy father-in-law refilled his hp cartridges and swapped the cyan and magenta. hee hee
22:18.33tensaisome cartridges are anti-refill. could be one of those
22:22.00Jayce^yeah, I'm thinking it might be..
22:22.23hansJayce^: what kind of printer do you have?
22:22.43Jayce^that one is a deskjet 930c
22:22.55Jayce^thinking about pulling out an epson I have still in the box..
22:23.13Jayce^the hp is a great printer, but cartridges of course are pricey
22:23.49Jayce^hans: you ready for the 9th? (plug meeting)
22:24.03hansthinking about getting ready :)
22:26.46Jayce^I'm anxious.. I want to move all my filters out of kmail, and onto the server..
22:26.53Jayce^then maybe imap it or something.
22:33.52hansi will show you the way, young one
22:36.55neybarI am looking forward to that also
22:37.49Jayce^want to start hyping it pretty soon..
22:40.37Jayce^goozbach: just run hotwayd
22:40.49neybarit works really well
22:41.01goozbachI'm trying to setup gotmail.
22:41.40tensaigoozbach: I use it. works great
23:10.22goozbachcould someone send me an email to
23:10.33goozbachanything will work.
23:11.32tensaithere ya go
23:12.16goozbachwoohoo it works.
23:12.44goozbachthanks BTW
23:30.13*** join/#utah brailsmt (

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