irclog2html for #tomcat on 20021120

00:02.40*** join/#tomcat Pointy_Work (
00:54.31*** join/#tomcat coco (
00:55.46cocois there anyone who can help me with a problem?
00:56.03cocoi have win2000 and Tomcat 4.1.7
01:23.31*** join/#tomcat webdaemon (
01:29.31*** join/#tomcat TheDevil (~TheDevil@
03:03.15*** join/#tomcat webdaemon (
03:41.29*** join/#tomcat Arnis (~chatzilla@
03:43.24ArnisHave everybody worked with such things: Solaris + Apache 1.3 + Tomcat 3.3 + Servlets (java sdk 1.3)
03:43.44ArnisI have problems with encodings
03:44.49ArnisIn servlet I'm getting bad strings from cgi prameters. Not ones I typed in the form.
03:47.37*** join/#tomcat acollins (~acollins@
03:54.08acollinscan anyone help me with errorpages and buffering?
03:54.49acollinsmy errorpages aren't showing up cleanly because there is extra html at the top from the page that was loading before the error occured...
04:22.22*** part/#tomcat acollins (~acollins@
05:04.51*** join/#tomcat webdaemon (
05:33.37*** join/#tomcat Raboo ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:18.12*** join/#tomcat webdaemon (
07:07.58*** join/#tomcat daddex (
07:08.17daddexanybod has an idea how to set
07:08.25daddextomcat to show wap pages ?
07:29.29*** join/#tomcat kuru (
07:31.40webdaemonhi ! i got org/apache/xerces/parsers/SAXParser Classnotfound on tomcat 4112 ... someone knows why ?
07:32.40webdaemonim' running jdk1.4
07:36.13kuruall I want is to see the HelloWorld servlet example work!
07:36.17kuruoutside of the 'examples' directory
07:37.20webdaemoncreate /tomcat/webapps/mytest
07:37.26webdaemoncreate /tomcat/webapps/mytest/WEB-INF
07:37.30webdaemoncreate /tomcat/webapps/mytest/WEB-INF/classes
07:37.32kuruwebdaemon, I did.
07:37.36kuruwebdaemon, exactly that
07:37.43webdaemoncompile the class in the last path
07:37.50kuruwebdaemon, I did that
07:37.57webdaemoncreate /tomcat/webapps/mytest/WEB-INF/web.xml
07:38.07kuruI didn't do that ;)
07:38.36kuruwhat should it contain.. I looked at the one in ROOT/ and it didn't make sense.
07:38.50webdaemonin this file you have to set the mapping between the path (/myservlet) to the class (com.mycompagny.servlets.HelloWorld) ...
07:39.11webdaemonhave a look in the /example/WEB-INF/web.xml) you will understand the mappings
07:39.52webdaemonthe point it that Tomcat must know which class to associate to which path (/mytest/myservlet)
07:40.06kurudammit.. I can't hit the server remotely.
07:40.16webdaemonhow would tomcat map the url to the servlet (the class) if you don't tell it ?
07:40.27kuruwebdaemon, oh.. I understand that now
07:40.46kurubut I'm not sure what the debian default is supposed to be.. only localhost for everything?
07:41.19webdaemonyou associate : class <-> servlet_name and servlet_name <-> url-pattern
07:41.21kuruand do I have to follow the same
07:41.23webdaemonyou see N
07:41.51kuruI mean, in the structure inside 'classes/'.. com/comapny/... etc?
07:41.55webdaemonkuru: no, packages are not mandatory, you could just use MyHelloWorld as the class
07:42.09webdaemondon't use the packages for the moment
07:42.25kuruwebdaemon, oh I know how to use packages, strictly java
07:42.34kuruI'm just trying to make sense of tomcat
07:43.22webdaemonkuru .. in the given example above,
07:43.35webdaemonthe class which is used is in "E:\tomcat4112\webapps\tgndiff\WEB-INF\lib\tgndiff.jar"
07:43.37webdaemonon my HDD
07:43.40webdaemonhope this helps
07:44.08kuruwebdaemon, I think it does.. but first I need to figure out how to access the tomcat server remotely ;)
07:44.21webdaemonbut it could have been E:\tomcat4112\webapps\tgndiff\WEB-INF\classes\com\labocom\tgndiff\TgnDiff
07:44.49kuruwebdaemon, gotcha
07:44.50webdaemonthat's the same for tomcat :: 1. the classes folder 2. or a jar file in its "lib"
07:45.25kuruin server.xml .. where do I tell it to allow every ip
07:46.23webdaemonyou have many ips ?
07:49.32kurusomeone please help <g>
07:57.54kuruso... I can't access it remotely? that's it.. you'll watch me get run over by a Tomcat and standby!
07:58.52webdaemonwhat's the tragedy ?
07:59.02webdaemoni'm oudated
07:59.08kuruI can't access the tomcat server from a web browser !
07:59.15kuruI can.. locally, but not otherwise
07:59.31kuruI can't figure out this server.xml file. Where do I tell it, let me in!
07:59.51webdaemondid you change anything in this file ?
08:00.07webdaemonwhat version of tomcat ?
08:00.44webdaemonyou can http the server in local but not on another computer from the LAN ?
08:01.12kuruwebdaemon, i can hit the http (port 80) just fine (Apache)
08:01.22kuruI'm at work, the server is at home
08:01.49webdaemonso, what's the problem ?
08:02.00kuruI don't want apache.. I want tomcat!
08:02.10webdaemonapache is on port 8080 by default
08:02.15kurulocally I can hit http://localhost:8180
08:02.55kuruand I have mod_jk loaded
08:03.31webdaemonoh .... if it's a story of mod_jk, you'll have to find yourself, too many possible problem... not enough time to help you
08:03.49kuruwebdaemon, okay, I don't want to use mod_jk then
08:03.55kurutell me the simple straight-forward way
08:04.16webdaemonhttp://your_server:8180/ is the simplest way
08:04.32kuruwebdaemon, yes.. but this ONLY works locally.
08:04.38kuru_THAT_ is my problem!
08:04.46webdaemonok ... i see
08:04.50kuruI can do this from 'links' if I'm ssh'ed.
08:04.57webdaemontry that :
08:04.58kuruand it pulls it up fine
08:05.39kuruwhich IP?
08:05.40webdaemonOh, don't you hava a firewall that blocks the port 8180 from the outside ?
08:06.02kuruI have a firewall, but it doesn't block 8180
08:06.15webdaemonare you SURE of that ?
08:06.16kuruwhich ip? the server ip?
08:06.20kuruwebdaemon, yes.
08:06.44webdaemonno, don't touch anything ... default configuration SHOULD works
08:06.48kuruwebdaemon, the firewall is on this very machine and all the ports to it are open.
08:07.09kuruthis is 'Debian' default configuration.. heaven knows what they decided to be the default.
08:07.15webdaemonhow do you know it doesn't work from outside ?
08:07.27kuruwebdaemon, cause I'm trying to hit it? How else would you know..
08:07.39webdaemonok ... so you are not at home ...
08:07.44kuru"My car doesn't run".. "How do you know?" "I turn the key, and nothing happens" ;)
08:08.00kuruwebdaemon, no I'm not.
08:08.40webdaemonand you get apache on port 80 ?
08:08.52webdaemonand not tomcat on 8180 ?
08:09.16webdaemongive me the home ip in private
08:09.20kuru8180 I can access when I'm ssh'ed to the box.
08:09.34webdaemoni see
08:10.33webdaemonthere is no open port on your_ip:8180
08:10.53webdaemoncould you ssh the box and paste me a netstat -tln ?
08:10.57kuruwebdaemon, obviously.
08:11.43kuruwebdaemon I'll paste in #flood
08:12.58webdaemoncould you explain me why you can access
08:13.04webdaemonand not
08:13.11webdaemonif there is not a firewall problem ?
08:13.17kuruwebdaemon, hrmm
08:13.22webdaemoni'm realy disapointed
08:14.22webdaemonhold on ... i'm asking a guru
08:14.24kuruwebdaemon ;)
08:14.27kuruyou are right
08:14.33webdaemonright ?
08:14.39webdaemonyou found the bug ?
08:14.43webdaemonfirewall ?
08:14.45kuruwebdaemon, it was the firewall
08:14.50kuruI'm glad my firewall works then ;)
08:15.03webdaemonyes you can say it works ... maybe too much
08:15.05kuruI don't know why I thought I had all ports open..
08:15.17kuruafter I said that I thought.. why the hell do I have em all open anyway?
08:15.46webdaemonFirst close the whole system , then open what's needed only ... Sysadmin rume
08:15.56kurunow I have to figure out all this stuff you told me about web.xml ;)
08:16.04webdaemongood luck
08:16.09kuruwebdaemon, yeah that's how I wrote the iptables script
08:16.17kuruwebdaemon, now that I look at it ;)
08:16.37kuruHaven't touched it since $Id: start-router,v 1.1 2002/09/09 06:56:59 elzubeir Exp $
08:23.54kuruI am sooooooooooo confused ;)
08:24.00kuruI have it working.. but I don't know why ;)
08:24.20kuru and it works
08:24.51kuruinside webapps/almawja/WEB-INF/web.xml I have:
08:25.18kurubut I don't necessarily want to call it /servlet/something everytime
08:25.50webdaemonhold on ...
08:29.02webdaemonmaybe the servlet running is example's servlet
08:29.03kuruwebdaemon, yeah I just realized it is in the wrong.. everything is in the wrong spot
08:29.07webdaemonchanfe the test
08:29.15kuruI'm trying to clean up the files all over the place so I can know what's being called here ;)
08:29.17webdaemonchange the text to avoid confusions
08:29.44webdaemonAnd access :
08:29.59webdaemonwhere xxxxxx your webapplication
08:50.27*** join/#tomcat awallace (
08:54.58awallaceI hava apache in front of tomcat, working fine, but now I can't get the remote host and remote ip and all that in my servlets, is there something different i need to do or should I forget about that info?
09:17.16*** join/#tomcat DreamThtr (
09:17.44DreamThtrCan someone tell my why WARs are not unpacking under 4.1.12? I just did a fresh install.
09:17.49*** join/#tomcat mrichman (
09:25.22webdaemonDreamThtr: i'm running 4112 and it works just fine
09:25.40DreamThtrhmmm i wonder what could be wrong -- i dropped the struts wars in webapps
09:25.56webdaemontry with another war
09:26.10webdaemonmmm ... hold on i check something
09:27.04webdaemonmmmm ... base configuration seems ok :
09:27.04webdaemon<Host name="localhost" debug="0" appBase="webapps"
09:27.16webdaemonshould work
09:27.26DreamThtri also get this doosy on startup now: " Catalina:type=Context,path=/,host=localhost,service=Tomcat-Standalone"
09:27.40DreamThtri installed the RPMs on RH8.0
09:27.51webdaemonThrow away RPMS
09:28.02webdaemonjust install from tomcat-binaries
09:28.09DreamThtrnow he tells me :)
09:28.14DreamThtrthen why put them up?
09:28.34webdaemoni hate those RPMS, because it's all the time better to install yourself an app
09:28.41webdaemonquestion of point of view
09:28.51DreamThtrwhere are you from?
09:28.58webdaemonwhy ?
09:29.21DreamThtryour english wasnt perfect -- just curious :) i understand you fine
09:29.35DreamThtrje ne comprene pas francias
09:29.56webdaemoni hope some day it'll be perfect
09:30.07webdaemonje ne comprends pas le francais ... that's the one
09:30.07awallaceI hava apache in front of tomcat, working fine, but now I can't get the remote host and remote ip and all that in my servlets, is there something different i need to do or should I forget about that info?
09:30.29webdaemonDreamThtr: let me improve, what sentence was wrong ?
09:30.36DreamThtrmerci beau coup
09:30.49webdaemonmerci beaucoup :-)
09:30.59DreamThtrmerci merci
09:31.00webdaemonde rien ! (means np)
09:32.00DreamThtri can speak just a little -- dont ask me to spell anything
09:32.50DreamThtrunless you want to speak spanish
09:32.58webdaemonwhy did you say my english wasn't perfect ( although i know that fact )
09:33.23DreamThtr"because it's all the time better to install yourself an app"
09:33.44DreamThtralways == all the time
09:34.05DreamThtr"because it's always better to install an app yourself"
09:34.31webdaemoni see !
09:36.06DreamThtr"question point of view" -- not sure how to reword this, but i know what you meant.
09:37.12webdaemon"question de point de vue" in french :-) .... quick translation
09:37.38DreamThtrmaybe you wanted to say "It depends on your p.o.v." ?
09:37.44webdaemonthat's it
09:40.02DreamThtri installed the .tar.gz instead -- it deploys the WARs now :)
09:40.18webdaemonconclusion ?
09:40.31DreamThtrthe tomcat build scripts are hosed :)
09:57.42*** part/#tomcat DreamThtr (
10:10.23*** join/#tomcat magia (
10:10.33*** part/#tomcat magia (
10:53.59kuru<servlet><servlet-name>hell</servlet-name><servlet-class>hell</servlet-class></servlet>   <servlet-mapping><servlet-name>hell</servlet-name><url-pattern>/almawja/hell</url-pattern></servlet-mapping>  is what my web.xml file has inside of ../webapps/almawja/WEB-INF/web.xml
10:54.18kuruInside webapps/almawja/WEB-INF/classes/ I have a file and hell.class
10:54.38kuruI try to hit  and I still get a 404
10:54.58kuruwhy is this so complicated?
10:57.02*** join/#tomcat |Spinka20 (
10:57.23kuruI think I'll just go home and think about it
11:18.15*** join/#tomcat ibot (
11:18.15*** topic/#tomcat is jsp
11:30.04*** join/#tomcat tang^ ([
11:46.34*** join/#tomcat IRCMonkey_ (
11:47.34*** join/#tomcat shinta_ (~shinta@
11:48.20shinta_anyone what syntax is jsp?prodnum=xxx called in a jsp page?
11:51.22tang^you mean the parameters in the query string?
12:18.40shinta_in url
12:18.52shinta_if its  a location with .jsp?blah=xxx
12:18.55shinta_what is that thing called?
12:19.05shinta_i need to learn it but i dont know where to look
12:19.15shinta_its a jsp element right
12:20.02jasonbEverything starting with and including the "?" is called the query string.
12:20.02shinta_is it a jsp thing?
12:20.02jasonbIt's a general URL thing.
12:20.22jasonbthe name=value&name2=value2 stuff is a set of name and value pairs called parameters.
12:22.56shinta_k thanks
12:23.24shinta_what do i have to learn in jsp to parse that parameter value and utilize it?
12:23.42shinta_say for example if the url is details.jsp?prodnum=111
12:23.43jasonbActually, Tomcat parses that for you.
12:23.59shinta_jasonb:how do i use that 111 in my jsp?
12:27.16tang^check out request.getParameter()
12:27.22*** join/#tomcat sparv (
12:28.00shinta_tang^:k thanks
12:29.02jasonbshinta_: Try this: Product Number: <%= prodnum %>
12:31.19*** join/#tomcat Adillondon (
12:32.02*** join/#tomcat maggie (
12:33.46maggiehi, i just wanted to ask that why when i wrote polish web address, insted my page came your page
12:34.30shinta_jasonb:k thanks
12:34.53Adillondonwith pleasure
12:35.06*** part/#tomcat Adillondon (
14:09.10*** join/#tomcat marcia (
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14:18.07shinta_if i have a jsp that uses a javabean that returns an array, how do I print out the value of the array after the jsp called the javabean?
14:18.22shinta_within the jsp
14:18.39jasonbshinta_: You write some Java code inside the JSP that loops through the array, printing each element.
14:19.11shinta_jasonb:ok it better this way or use the print statements inside the javabean?
14:19.32jasonbshinta_: Depends on your goals.
14:26.01TheSteve0shinta_: use a tag
14:26.08TheSteve0the jstl has an iterate tag
14:29.13*** join/#tomcat footek (
14:29.23jasonbshinta_: Another thing to watch out for is creating a dependency on a large library of code just to get around writing such a small, simple block of code yourself.  It may not be worth it.
14:29.36footekyo what is this tomcat ?
14:30.12jasonbfootek: Heh.  The funny thing is that the page doesn't really say.  :)
14:31.22footekhmmm but i want play on net to game and they is write please install tomcat or something that
14:31.52jasonbfootek: It's lots of things, including: 1) A multiplatform HTTP 1.1 web server written in Java.  2) A Java Servlet container that allows you to write and use Servlets, which are small & modular Java plugins that run in Tomcat to handle HTTP requests.
14:33.14jasonbfootek: 3) A JSP server.  JSPs are dynamic HTML template files that can contain code for the server to run and dynamically generate web pages.
14:34.35footekoki...then if i want play on net i must install that thing and play yes ?
14:35.48footekbut i'ii normal play or i must opening that if i want open the page
14:36.10footeklook for this and please help me
14:37.04jasonbfootek: Looks like it works to me.
14:37.36footekhmm... beacouse you have install this tomcatt yes ?
14:38.40footekhave you page from i can downoload this page ?
14:38.56footekno page or program
14:39.55footekplease sayyyy i don't have a time
14:39.59footekplease sayyyy i don't have a time
14:40.38footeki must go
14:40.45footeka wogole gada tu ktos po polsku ? :P
15:03.05*** join/#tomcat ibot (
15:03.05*** topic/#tomcat is jsp
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15:16.56*** topic/#tomcat is jsp
16:03.45*** join/#tomcat kuru (
16:04.56kuruokay, can someone please tell me what I'm missing to make my own servlets run! I've been banging my head against the wall on this for too long now!
16:05.40kuruwhere does it expect my files to be?
16:10.36kurucome on.. no one?
16:29.06*** join/#tomcat anduril1 (
16:29.13kuruno one is here.
16:39.09*** join/#tomcat inconspicuous (
16:48.55lalleHow to disable Dirctory Lising in 4.1.12?
16:50.09kurunothing works
16:50.15kuruthis thing is too damn complicated
16:50.18kurufor no reason
16:51.20lallekuru: You dont need a deployment descriptor in that case
16:51.48lallekuru: Did you creat a new webapp?
16:52.10kurulalle, yeah.. something about my descriptor is wrong
16:52.54lallekuru: do you want your servlet to have an alias at /amawja/hell?
16:53.13kurulalle, or whatever it really is!
16:53.55lalleWell, how does you dir-structure looks like?
16:54.31kurulalle, webapps/almawja/WEB-INF/web.xml
16:54.41kurulalle, webapps/almawja/WEB-INF/classes/hell.class
16:55.05kuruinside web.xml I have: <servlet>
16:55.41kuruI start the tomcat server.. hit I get 404
16:55.50lalleAnd if you remove everything you have inside of web.xml,restart and tries
16:56.50lalleMy misstake
16:57.01kuruI get a 404 anyway (without .class of course)
16:58.05*** join/#tomcat ibot (
16:58.05*** topic/#tomcat is jsp
16:58.22lalleWell, a classname shoud _never_ begin with a lowercase letter
16:58.30kurulalle, well it did
16:59.37lallekuru: Did you remove everything in web.xml?
16:59.52kurulalle, I 'mv web.xml web1.xml'
17:00.27kuruI then 'touch web.xml'
17:00.27lalleAnd restarted tomcat?
17:01.27kuruI also renamed to, upped the classname 'H', and recompiled, then restarted tomcat.
17:01.36kuruso now I have Hell.class
17:01.49kuruwhich is just a hello world
17:04.40kurutough one, huh ;)
17:13.24kuruguess so..
17:15.59*** join/#tomcat seanb (~sean@
17:16.48seanbAnyone here gotten tomcat 4.1.2 to work inprocess (jni) with apache 2.0.48 ?
17:54.35*** join/#tomcat kuru (
17:54.45kuruAre there live people in here?
17:59.03*** join/#tomcat agent29 (
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18:16.10*** join/#tomcat CoolPops (
18:17.41CoolPopsI remember reading how to run Tomcat on port 80 but now that I am ready to move my server to port 80 I cannot find the information. Does anyone know where I might have read that? I have been all over the docs on but I am sure I am just missing something.
18:19.46jasonbCoolPops: You mean other than running it as root?
18:28.53kuruCoolPops: conf/server.xml
18:40.51CoolPopsjasonb: yeah.
18:41.11jasonbCoolPops: It's funny, I can't find the docs for that either.
18:41.18CoolPopsjasonb: sorry so late, my children came home and it's past their bed time (1&3y) ... had to put them to bed.
18:41.32CoolPopsjasonb: hehe. at least now I don't feel so bad.
19:13.30jasonbCoolPops: Kind of a hack, but it may work for you.
19:25.37CoolPopsjasonb: I do use IPTables on my system.
19:25.45CoolPopsjasonb: thanks for finding that for me.
19:49.29jasonbCoolPops: You're welcome.  I kinda needed to know it too (for some reason I didn't think it just used IPTables..)
20:18.17*** join/#tomcat savage- (
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22:16.37*** join/#tomcat unicorn (~chatzilla@host234.FEITH.COM)
22:25.24*** join/#tomcat Raboo ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
22:26.11*** join/#tomcat Bobbo (~chatzilla@
22:29.03BobboI've got a question
22:29.26Bobboregarding Symlinks
22:29.26unicornMe too.
22:29.36Bobboanybody here?
22:29.38unicornSeems like no one is answering questions here.
22:29.48Bobbo(besides us)
22:29.51unicornWhat's your question?
22:30.00unicornI don't know.
22:30.32Bobbodo you know anything about how Symlinks aren't working in 4.1.12???
22:30.35unicornWhat about symlinks?
22:31.03unicornNo. sorry.
22:31.05Bobbothey apparently have turned them off  - according to the Release Notes
22:31.13unicornI might have read about it though.
22:31.24Bobbocan turn them on, but they don't say WHERE
22:31.53unicornDid you look into server.xml?
22:31.54Bobboapparently there is a <allowLinking>
22:32.21unicornI used it in 3.3, but not in 4.1
22:32.42Bobboapparently it worked until 4.0.4, then no more (automatically)
22:33.18Bobboonly breaks on symlinks outside of the web application
22:33.26Bobbowhat's your question?
22:34.04unicornDo you know why they made JDK a requirement in version 4.0 (instead of JRE)?
22:34.30Bobbono, but I got bit by that one too
22:34.42unicornI was able to make my application work using JRE by putting the tools.jar into tomcat
22:34.46BobboI'm assuming that they need it for compiler type stuff
22:35.03unicornWell, the compiler is in tools.jar
22:35.20Bobbohuh, I just installed the SDK and it all started working like it should
22:35.22unicornThe only thing that JRE does not have is the debugger.
22:35.29Bobbokicked myself for not reading the docs
22:35.32Bobbothere you go
22:35.52Bobbothere's probably a few other little goodies that they are using
22:35.53unicornWell, my company needs to distribute Tomcat and java...
22:36.13unicornSun's JDK used to be non-distributable.
22:36.20Bobboah - what's Sun's take on that???
22:36.54unicornI looked at the license agreement for 1.3.1 and 1.4.1, they both seemed to be redistributable now.
22:37.26Bobbowe're doing the same and the legal begals didn't come out to play
22:37.31unicornProblem is: it is not redistributable on other platforms like HP-UX and AIX
22:37.59Bobbothen you'll have to write a script to automatically download via Lynx or something like that and install via script
22:38.45unicornI don't think that can be easily done.
22:38.49BobboPITA, but if the user clicks a link and it fires up
22:38.55Bobbono, not easily
22:39.17unicornBut still pain in the B.
22:39.18BobboYou ever install the Ximian release for Linux?
22:39.23Bobbobig time
22:39.41BobboThey have a killer install
22:39.56Bobbofires up via Lynx
22:40.05Bobbodownloads everything and away she goes
22:40.05unicornThat's cool
22:40.13Bobbocoolest thing I've ever seen
22:40.25Bobboyou should do the install just to see how it's done
22:40.44BobboI want to get our stuff to that level
22:40.46unicornYeah. may worth trying.
22:41.00unicornhe he he
22:41.18Bobbothat, or you should get hold of your Sun rep and see what he/she has to say
22:42.03unicornProblem is: it may be SUN, IBM, or HP or even DEC Alpha
22:42.27Bobboyeah, but Sun is holder of the license
22:42.36unicornWe were using JRE with Tomcat3.3 fine with all those platforms.
22:42.54unicornNot the implemention of the SDK's
22:43.17Bobbotough call - that's why we're staying only on Linux
22:43.19unicornIf only they can make things easier for us...
22:43.39unicornWell, we have to sell our product to all kinds of customers.
22:43.43Bobboyeah, not sure of why the change
22:43.49BobboI see
22:44.16unicornI did a quick test and it seems my Tomcat is working okay with JRE
22:44.36Bobbomaybe your the guru now
22:44.52unicornNot really.
22:45.06BobboOK - time to head home and do more READING
22:45.13Bobbothis one has been a real pain today
22:45.34Bobbowell, good luck to you
22:45.40Bobbothx for the input
22:45.41unicornThanks. Same to you.

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