irclog2html for picogui on 2002.09.15

00:04:28scanlinecarpman: I dunno if I told you already, but jimlay is working on a library that lets programs like fresco, ggi, picogui, and SDL access XFree 4.x video drivers =)
00:04:54carpmanscanline: yeah, I was here for that discussion, I was just too busy to say anything
00:04:59carpmanits sw33t
00:05:04scanlineah, ok. I forget easily
00:05:53kergothwoah. that'll be damn cool
00:06:05fileok I understand what I must do
00:06:24scanlinekergoth: still debating whether to make it a hacked up version of X or a completely new library in #fresco
00:06:24fileput my wireless and wired networks on two subnets, and route bethween
00:06:34fileroute betwheen them
00:06:47kergothscanline: ahh
00:06:55kergothscanline: i'd vote for a new lib, and make X use it too
00:06:57kergothscanline: myself
00:06:59kergothscanline: heh
00:07:19scanlinekergoth: that'd definitely be the cleanest solution (and what I'd like to see too) but the X drivers are bad about calling functions from the rest of X
00:07:42kergothscanline: yes, and it'd be more of a pain in the ass to implement, more work, but its definately the best solution imo
00:08:19scanlinei'd be even cooler if there was something like this integrated with the kernel so apps didn't have to be root and mmap /dev/mem a bunch to do any accelerated video :)
00:09:01kergothwell, a lot of them have their own kernel drivers, but a standard interface for such things would be nice.
00:09:29scanlineI thought DirectFB looked like a solution to that, but it takes the same approach as X
00:09:41kergothyep, unfortunate.
00:11:22filethinks his connection isn't that good
00:11:34scanlinefile: on your DSL yet?
00:11:38filehow long should it take an average ADSL user to download a 1mb file?
00:11:42filescanline: somewhat yes
00:13:53scanlinefile: i dunno, 30 seconds?
00:14:29scanlinefile: find a site that will test your bandwidth
00:14:46carpmanscanline: well, that being said, DirectFB is hyper-cool.
00:15:04fileit took me 16 seconds
00:15:17scanlinecarpman: yeah, it just needs more drivers
00:15:39scanlinecarpman: if there was a shared memory layer between it and gtk/fb you could use it as a real GUI
00:16:03fileI should download IE6
00:16:11fileor Mozilla!
00:16:20carpmanOh, btw. AoF3 handled it's first XML-RPC call into the object tree today!
00:16:23carpmanis quite happy.
00:16:43filedownloads Mozilla
00:16:48file15% done already
00:16:58scanlinecarpman: what's that for?
00:17:14carpmanscanline: it's kind of like a distributed database
00:17:16fileI need to reinstall AIM too
00:17:16kergothfile: enjoying yourself? :-)
00:17:20filemutters stuff to himself
00:17:22filekergoth: very
00:17:38fileI love it!!!!
00:17:38carpmanscanline: except it does alot of non-database stuff.
00:17:45carpmanI should probably make a page to explain it.
00:17:47kergothfile: nice, congrats
00:17:57file100kb/sec, not bad
00:18:03scanlinecarpman: that's cool
00:18:10scanlineI think :)
00:18:18carpmanscanline: it is.
00:18:34carpmanI'm going to kill Lotus with it.
00:19:16carpmanThis thing can totaly obsolete existing groupware, and do alot more besides.
00:20:15kergothimpressive. what is it?
00:20:32carpmankergoth: Arsenal Of Freedom 3
00:20:48kergothnice name ;-)
00:21:05carpmanyeah, paying hommage to an old Dallas BBS I used to dial into alot.
00:23:29fileis waiting for Mozilla to start
00:23:40carpmankergoth: I'll have a page up for AoF soon, and I might have a release soon.
00:24:07carpmanI'm waiting on some data to start work on a big contract, so I'm trying to cram alot of development in on AoF3 before I start on this contract.
00:24:40kergothah, makes sense. sounds like it has a great deal of potential. hope it goes well.
00:24:49filemmm Mozilla is too slow
00:24:52fileto IE6 I go!
00:25:07carpmanWell, from scratch to a live object tree, thread manager, timekeeper, etc.. in 4 days.
00:25:14carpmanIt's going together quite well >:)
00:25:42fileuninstall done
00:27:21fileMicrosoft is slow
00:27:34fileI got a nice 100kb/sec from Mozilla's site, but a crummy 10kb/sec from theirs!
00:27:40carpmanfile: install service pack Linux, and all your speed problems will go away :)
00:28:22filemy wireless cards don't work in Linux
00:28:36filebut I would like aramius as a linux gateway box
00:28:36carpmanfile: write drivers!
00:28:40fileit would solve all my problems
00:28:45fileer azmarith I mean
00:30:42fileoh well
00:30:47fileI need to learn routing between subnets someday anyway
00:48:40laodamasseen scanline?
00:48:44laodamasseen scanline
00:48:52scanlinePicoBot: seen laodamas?
00:48:52PicoBotlaodamas was last seen on #picogui 4 seconds ago, saying: ah [Sat Sep 14 19:55:04 2002]
00:48:57laodamas was last seen on #picogui 9 seconds ago, saying: ah [Sun Sep 15 01:48:48 2002]
00:48:57scanlineibot: seen laodamas?
00:49:28laodamasIt used to work without directly addressing the bots
00:49:35scanlineyes.. a while ago
00:49:57scanlineI changed it, because picobot would always repeat long descriptions when anyone said "Hey scanline" or something
00:50:08laodamasI'm back early. I did not feel like racing a thunderhead
00:50:37filescanline: is the scanline cam up?
00:50:40scanlinelaodamas: ahh
00:50:50KeyserSozetwo bots?
00:50:50scanlinefile: no, I haven't written a v4l driver for my firewire camera yet
00:50:58laodamasscanline: are the ecenter games on for tonight?
00:51:04KeyserSozeisn't that a bit gratuotiouos?
00:51:04filescanline: use the other one
00:51:15scanlinefile: but that one's... icky
00:51:20filescanline: USE IT!
00:51:24scanlinelaodamas: not that I know of
00:51:29scanlinefile: bah
00:51:32laodamasscanline: k
00:51:44picobot was last seen on #picogui 5 days, 2 hours, 50 minutes and 18 seconds ago, saying: OK, scanline [Mon Sep  9 23:01:26 2002]
00:51:44KeyserSozeibot: seen picobot?
00:51:52KeyserSozePicoBot: seen ibot?
00:51:52PicoBotibot was last seen on #openzaurus 2 days, 4 hours, 10 minutes and 35 seconds ago, saying: rumour has it openzaurus is a Community version of the operating environment for the Sharp Zaurus SL-5x00[d] PDA. See or or see [Thu Sep 12 15:47:33 2002]
00:51:54filescanline: tell me when it's up :p
00:52:00ibot was last seen on #bzflag 19 days, 1 hours, 24 minutes and 45 seconds ago, saying: ibot insult ibot [Tue Aug 27 00:27:15 2002]
00:52:00laodamasibot: seen ibot?
00:52:21laodamasPicoBot: seen picobot?
00:52:21PicoBotI haven't seen 'picobot', laodamas
00:52:36KeyserSozedoh!  case-sensitivity!
00:52:57laodamasPicoBot: seen PicoBot?
00:52:57PicoBotI haven't seen 'PicoBot', laodamas
00:53:11scanlineit can't see itself
00:53:30laodamasit STILL can't see itself
00:53:47KeyserSozePicoBot: seen itself?
00:53:47PicoBotI haven't seen 'itself', KeyserSoze
00:53:55KeyserSozePicoBot: seen myself?
00:53:56PicoBotI haven't seen 'myself', KeyserSoze
00:55:08filepokes scanline
00:55:15scanlinefile: go away
00:55:23filescanline: I want to see the scanline cam!
00:55:23fragglePicobot: seen boobies?
00:55:23PicoBotI haven't seen 'boobies', fraggle
00:55:30laodamasPicoBot: poke scanline
00:55:30PicoBotlaodamas: sorry...
00:55:31KeyserSozepoor you, then.
00:56:33fragglePicoBot: seen boobies?
00:56:33PicoBotboobies was last seen on #picogui 13 seconds ago, saying: bounce [Sat Sep 14 20:02:36 2002]
01:03:53filelistens to some streaming audio
01:05:20scanlinefile: WOPN
01:05:43KeyserSozegrabs boobies
01:05:47fileI want real music :p
01:06:15fileponders leaving his laptop on overnight for no reason
01:06:30KeyserSozewhere'd the boobies go?
01:07:36filealready listened to WOPN anyway
01:41:25filehey prpplague
01:44:13prpplaguefile: howdy
01:44:21fileprpplague: how goes it?
01:44:52fileprpplague : I got my ADSL!!!
01:45:00prpplaguejust drinking a beer and reading my ansi c book
01:48:25fileprpplague : I've got a job for that TCSX-1!
01:49:19prpplaguefile: pr0n server?
01:49:29fileinternet gateway
01:49:38fileI can't get my ADSL working on my workstation...
01:49:47filehow soon can you get it here number one?
03:29:56scanlinethinks everybody should join #wopn and listen to the open source radio broadcast, it's nifty!
03:48:59ekslo guys :)
03:49:40scanlinehi eks
03:49:43scanlinewhat's up?
03:52:03ekstrying to port Gentoo Linux to DEC Alpha
03:52:23scanlinetrying to work on the textbox widget, doing a better job of listening to WOPN :)
03:53:58ekstextbox widget is still not done?
03:54:13eksit seems like half a year if not more that it's on the schedule :PP
03:54:25scanlineyeah... something like that
05:17:24Zensunnihave been toying with the idea of porting PicoGUI to a little embedded board we make at work...
05:17:37Zensunniwas just digging for docs on the video buffer lib....
05:17:44Zensunnicouldn't seem to find anything on the web site
05:18:20scanlineZensunni: the server side has very little documentation so far
05:18:27scanlineZensunni: the video code is pretty easy to figure out though
05:18:30Zensunniso I noticed.
05:18:37ZensunniI'm leeching the snapshot currently
05:19:10Zensunnihopefuly it will compile smaller on this arch, too...
05:19:29scanlinethe video layer is really flexible, so it should be able to handle anything you want to run it on
05:19:38Zensunniwell,  pgui-dev-latest.tar.gz
05:19:51scanlineah. It's better to use CVS directly, makes it easy to stay up to date
05:19:55Zensunniwell, the first test is on a 320x240x1 display, so...
05:20:09ZensunniI don't think I have any cvs tools on this box... (or maybe I do)
05:20:21Zensunnican't remember...
05:20:56Zensunnimy major concern is that the web page says the minimal size on x86 is 106K
05:21:03Zensunniadd the 27K for the kernel, and we're over out 128K ROM limit
05:21:12Zensunniso I guess I'll look into compressed ROM images
05:21:18scanline27k kernel?
05:21:19scanlinewhat OS?
05:21:22Zensunniany idea what the memory overheads are like?
05:21:44scanlinehow much RAM do you have?
05:21:48Zensunniit's an embedded system...
05:21:52Zensunni256K RAM
05:21:58Zensunniexcluding video buffer
05:22:05scanlinethat should be enough ram for picogui
05:22:20scanlinebut I doubt you got linux to 27k, and that's the only kernel picogui has been tested well on
05:22:25scanlinewhat kernel is it?
05:22:31Zensunniit's not linux.
05:22:44ZensunniC-Executive, iirc...
05:22:50scanlinenever heard of it
05:22:52ZensunniI've been brought into this project fairly late...
05:22:58Zensunniyeah, well
05:23:13Zensunnias I said, it's aimed at embedded systems
05:23:40Zensunniabout a year ago I wrote some graphics code for this system.... but it's very primative... (but servicable)
05:23:54ZensunniI'd rather a functioning GUI model written by people who know more about it than I (o8
05:24:01scanlinewell.. at the moment you'll probably have a tough time running picogui on that. picogui needs to have a more modular network and OS abstraction system for it to run on non-POSIX-like systems well
05:24:21scanlinethough if you want to try porting picogui, patches are welcome :)
05:24:23Zensunniso, message queues won't cut it?
05:24:36scanlinenah, message queues should be fine
05:24:48scanlinejust that the current code is written for BSD-style sockets
05:24:53Zensunniwell, then...
05:24:59scanlineit would take some refactoring of that code, or just some hacks with #ifdef
05:25:09Zensunniwe have tried Adam Dunkels uIP and lwIP...
05:25:21Zensunniwhich can provide a Berkeley Sockets interface
05:25:26Zensunnibut that's an overhead we don't need
05:25:42Zensunniperhaps I should look at abstracting the comms layer?
05:25:52scanlineI suppose
05:26:02scanlinelooks like it will be some work to get picogui running on your platform...
05:26:07Zensunniwaits for the d/l to finish....
05:26:16scanlinepicogui would need some size trimming too
05:26:19Zensunnithat's ok... I need something to keep me occupied (o8
05:26:29Zensunniand my video compression codec just isn't holding my attention
05:28:50ZensunniI'm assuming it's not difficult to add in just the widgets I'm using, and drop the rest?
05:29:02Zensunnifrom what I've seen it's fairly modular in that respect
05:29:06scanlinesome of the widgets are optional at compile time, but not all
05:29:20scanlineshouldn't be hard to make more stuff optional, the config system is pretty easy to work with
05:29:31Zensunnigood to hear
05:30:05scanlineanother thing I'd try to make pgserver smaller is to make a system to determine unused video driver functions at compile-time and not compile them
05:30:28scanlinesince pgserver's video driver has a layered architecture, there are a lot of functions that get 'covered up' by functions layered over them
05:30:49scanlinebut that's hard to determine at compile time wihtout a perl script or something
05:30:51ZensunniI'll be building everything as a lib
05:31:27ZensunniI guess it might be a little like using *printf ... use a bit of it, get the whole lot
05:32:11scanlinewell the problem with the video driver functions is that they're layered at runtime. So there's always a reference to each video driver function, just that some get overwritten before they're called
05:32:41scanlineso you'd have to have a script determine which video driver functions will be actually used, then strip the rest out
05:33:10scanlinebut there may be easier ways to shrink pgserver, you'll have to see what files end up largest in your configuration
05:35:20scanlinewhat kind of GUI capabilities will your app need?
05:35:46Zensunnianywhere from "just text" to "what have you got?"
05:35:52Zensunniwe do a lot of custom solutions
05:36:04scanlinewell, picogui's designed for scalability
05:36:15Zensunnigood to hear.
05:36:27ZensunniI'm slowly educating my boss in the ways of modern programming. (o8
05:36:35Zensunnihe discovered the power of abstraction/interfaces
05:37:02scanlineso far picogui has only really been used on devices ranging from cell-phone style devices with small screens and only a keypad, up through PDA and webpad style devices. We're trying to scale it to run effectively on desktops too, and it would be great to run on more deeply embedded devices like the one you're doing
05:37:05Zensunniwhen he ported my graphics code from the old display (8bit/pel)  to the new display (1bpp), and just had to rewrite one layer...
05:37:26scanlineImportant to keep in mind that nobody's tried to use picogui on a device as small as yours though
05:37:38Zensunnithat's about the scale of this.
05:37:52Zensunnias I said, we have 128K ROM, 256K RAM, a 14MHz 32bit CPU
05:37:53scanlineI think the smallest one picogui has really been used on has 2MB ROM, 8MB RAM, and a 16mHz CPU
05:38:04scanlineah yeah, forgot to ask about the CPU
05:38:08Zensunnisometimes a keypad, sometimes a PS/2 keyboard interface (in and out)
05:38:14scanlineright now it would be a major pain to port picogui to a 16-bit CPU :)
05:38:19ZensunniHitachi H8/300H
05:38:25Zensunninice CPU arch, all said.
05:38:31Zensunniand they made a very clean move to 32bit
05:38:39Zensunniknow it?
05:38:46scanlineHaven't tested picogui on the H8 before
05:38:54scanlineIsn't that the CPU that Lego Mindstorms use?
05:39:04ZensunniI believe so, yes.
05:39:14scanlineonly hitachi CPU I've ported picogui to was the SH4
05:39:25Zensunnitheir 16bit model has R[0..7] 16bit regs... with RxL and RxH 8bits...
05:39:44Zensunnithey added E[0..7] 16bit regs in the 300H, which can be accessed as ER[0..7] for 32bit
05:40:04Zensunnimuch cleaner than the bodge Intel used
05:40:58Zensunniwell, hopefuly within the week I can give you some idea of the problems faced in a small env. with PicoGUI
05:41:31scanlineso.. why did you choose such a small hardware platform?
05:41:44ZensunniI didn't.
05:41:48scanlinemost of the new devices I've seen have ARM or MIPS CPUs, and a lot more memory
05:41:53scanlineerr, your company
05:41:53Zensunniit was finishing development when I joined the company
05:42:13ZensunniI'm pushing for more memory, etc...
05:42:30Zensunnibut the price point they're aiming at often doesn't allow bigger CPUs, in fact
05:42:36scanlinehow cheap?
05:43:18Zensunniumm, I believe it's about A$50 a board.
05:43:25Zensunniso, that's around US$25
05:44:11scanlinemost of the stuff I've worked at was either high-end consumer products (PDAs and such) or specialized industrial/commercial hardware
05:44:57scanlinesoftfield is selling VR3s (MIPS CPU, 8MB memory I think) PDAs for around $100 new.. that's the cheapest new PDA that picogui runs on
05:45:25ZensunniI've been wanting to build something around the Alchemy Au1500....
05:45:27Zensunnibut not a PDA
05:45:29scanlineyou can find used VTech Helios for like $50, but they're rare now
05:45:35Zensunniproblem is, they want something like US$5k for the dev kit
05:45:53Zensunniand for a personal project, that is way too much
05:46:01Zensunnieven work would baulk at that price
05:46:30scanlinewhat is the alchemy au1500>
05:46:56ZensunniMIPS chip, up to 500MHz
05:47:14Zensunnihas PCI i/f, SDRAM i/f, ROM i/f, dual ethernet MAC
05:47:17Zensunniall built in
05:47:22Zensunnias well as USB, serial, etc etc
05:47:40Zensunniwas looking at building processing cards
05:47:57Zensunnihell, you could slap 4 of them into a PCI backplane with a SCSI controller, and have a cluster-in-a-box
05:48:08scanlineI've been playing around with FPGAs a little recently.. I'd love to build a hardware accelerated picogui rendering engine in one :)
05:48:34Zensunnione company build computers with them....
05:48:38Zensunniclaimed massive performance
05:48:50Zensunnibecause you could just load up "custom hardware" for your app... on demand
05:49:06scanlineI've wanted to build an object-based language that could compile to software or hardware automatially for a while... haven't had near enough time of course
05:49:15scanlineis that like what they did already? :-/
05:49:20Zensunninow THAT I'd love to see
05:49:32Zensunninot sure...
05:50:01scanlinethe main problem is that all the FPGA tools are proprietary, so the runtime environment couldn't be built without a lot of reverse engineering
05:50:13Zensunninot quite all...
05:50:19Zensunniseen the Freedom CPU project?
05:50:33Zensunnithey've been pushing for OpenSource programmable logic tools
05:50:39Zensunniit's an open CPU architecture
05:50:45Zensunniquite clever, too, imho
05:50:57scanlineI've seen lots of open IP cores and such, just haven't seen any open tools
05:51:23Zensunni64 x 64bit regs... in chunks of 8, memory based... with a "L0" cache which only maps to the registers...
05:51:43Zensunniso, if you do a short task switch, and don't use all/many of the regs, they may still be in the L0 cache when you switch back
05:51:54Zensunnican cut down the overhads of task switches by a LOT
05:52:34Zensunnialso, many of the ops have a "SIMD" mode...
05:52:46Zensunniso, you can do a 16bit add, or 4x16bit add....
05:53:01Zensunnithere are some clever, and SIMPLE, ideas in it that make it quite effective
05:53:16scanlinehehe.. yet another thing on my "Stuff I want to do list", design a SIMD CPU
05:53:37scanlineoh well... it's a long list
05:54:37Zensunniit always is
05:58:46Zensunni20020914... seems like a recent enough snapshot
06:00:44Zensunniany idea how much it assumes about type sizes?
06:14:51scanlinemost of the code uses typedefs, but it defaults to assuming long is 32-bit, int is 32-bit, short is 16-bit
06:15:12scanlineIt should be using typedefs like u32, s32, u16, u8, and such anywhere it really matters though
06:15:13Zensunniwell, in this case int is 16bit...
06:15:19Zensunnibut we'll see...
06:15:27Zensunnijust making sure
06:15:46ZensunniI think the current display we have is already supported... that's a bonus
06:16:07ZensunniI know it's an Epson chip... just not sure it's the SED1386
09:45:56scanlinemerges textbox_branch!
09:47:39scanlinestill lots of bugs to fix.. but (except for formatting) it's better than the old textbox
10:37:51scanlineis away: standing in the wet room
10:44:08File type identification utility. URL: or
10:44:08hikkeibot: file?
10:44:18hikkeWhere's PicoBot?
10:57:53lalo[out]yay, textboxen.
11:05:03scanlinehmm.. good question
11:05:25picobot was last seen on #picogui 5 days, 13 hours, 3 minutes and 59 seconds ago, saying: OK, scanline [Mon Sep  9 23:01:26 2002]
11:05:25scanlineibot: seen picobot?
11:06:35lalo[out]PicoBot: you?
11:06:36PicoBoti am DevGirl's faithful and loving minion. or a poor geek's address book or the alter-ego of Xentac's sister or funny
12:13:49filehi scanline
12:13:51scanlinehi file
12:14:04filewaits for the download of IE6 to be completed
12:14:29fileI'm only getting 8kb/sec
12:14:40filescanline: guess what my upstream is!!!
12:14:53scanlineuh.. 1 byte per minute?
12:15:07scanlinebits or bytes?
12:15:18scanlinenot good, not bad
12:15:30filecompared to your cable it's good :p
12:15:42scanlinenah, it's about the same as my cable I think
12:16:00fileenjoys the downstream the most
12:16:36filebut I need azmarith!
12:16:46fileunless I can figure out how to do routing between subnets
12:18:10filepokes scanline
12:19:15filethere - 16kb/sec now
12:20:38scanlineis away: fun
12:20:43filefun? I don't think so!
12:25:27filehi prpplague
12:26:02prpplaguefile: damn, don't you do any besides irc?
12:26:19fileI'm upgrading my Internet Explorer and attempting to get ADSL setup on droid
12:27:05fileand would go alot easier if azmarith was here, I could use it as an internet gateway
12:27:06prpplaguefile: i know i must be seeing things....IE?
12:27:36fileInternet Explorer... yes
12:38:21prpplaguefile: hmm, so do your parents know? i mean they wouldn't let you smole crack or drink beer, why do they poison your mind with winblows?
12:48:30fileknow what?
12:53:20prpplaguethat you use IE...
12:56:52filemy step-dad uses it too :p
13:02:40prpplaguefile: hmm, thats awful
16:57:40file[droid]pops in on some new PPPoE software he installed
16:58:37file[droid]I need to switch my ADSL modem's power plugs
17:06:59file[droid]there - all done
17:16:12file[droid]hi xai
17:31:52file[droid]was in the living room browsing
17:31:56file[droid]god bless ADSL dude!
17:32:54Xentachey, you should download some dvd rips from me... or the Belt cd...
17:33:11file[droid]uh no
17:33:17Xentacwhy not?
17:33:29file[droid]how would I play them?
17:33:48Xentacwell... you'd install mplayer if you wanted to see the dvd rips... (or just the divx5 codec, and windows media player)
17:33:57Xentacand you'd install xmms or winamp to play the Belt cd
17:34:04file[droid]but I have no systems capable of decoding DivX
17:34:24Xentacwell then... listen to the Oggs
17:34:26Xentaclikes them
17:34:57file[droid]according to my AUP, I can't run any servers
17:35:32Xentacnotes that he can't run any servers either... but he does anyway.
17:36:01file[droid]Acceptable Use Policy
17:36:04file[droid]I probably will too
17:36:29file[droid]Xentac: want to VNC into my system? :)
17:36:38Xentacummm... I could...
17:37:36file[droid]you can help me find a NAT based proxy software
17:38:09Xentaciptables and squid!
17:38:52file[droid]listens to some streaming audio wirelessly
17:39:39Xentacwondered for a second why he was using up 12 gig... but then realized he had the whole Dragon dvd .vob files on his machine
17:39:47file[droid]I've got my PPPoE software setup to keep me connected 24/7
17:40:14Xentacso it's a linux system then?
17:40:28file[droid]Windows NT rarely crashes
17:40:33file[droid]and if it does, usually because of bad drivers
17:40:50Xentacyeah, but I like linux better
17:41:19Xentacwe had a win 2000 machine blow up on us last friday
17:41:33file[droid]well if I had azmarith I'd use it for my firewall/gateway
17:45:14prpplaguefile[droid]: you know that the tcsx-1 only has one nic?
17:45:23file[droid]prpplague: hub!
17:45:39file[droid]I can plug the modem into the hub, then use PPPoE on the TCSX-1 to establish a connection
17:45:40prpplaguefile[droid]: bub!
17:45:49prpplaguethen what?
17:45:50file[droid]prpplague: say, did you get it sent out yet?
17:45:58prpplaguefile[droid]: ya friday
17:46:23file[droid]then I use some of that fancy Linux software to have it so I can use it as a gateway on my Windows machines
17:46:57prpplaguefile[droid]: hmm, not sure how you could do that with only one nic
17:47:09prpplaguefile[droid]: anything with a single nic would not be secure
17:47:32file[droid]prpplague: I don't really need security
17:47:48prpplaguefamous last words
17:48:14file[droid]the TCSX-1 will do fine
17:48:21file[droid]uh... it does have PPPoE in it's kernel doesn't it?
17:49:10prpplaguefile[droid]: it has whatever you put on it
17:49:15file[droid]prpplague: k
17:49:20prpplaguefile[droid]: it'll arrive blank
17:49:34file[droid]prpplague: no OS?
17:49:49file[droid]this'll be fun :)
17:50:37prpplaguefile[droid]: why? its nothing more than a 486dx-75 pc....
17:50:55file[droid]prpplague: ...bah
18:14:30file[droid]anybody alive?
18:15:36filecalls 911
18:15:41fileor is it 912...
18:15:51fileI have a question - why did they call it 911?
18:19:26prpplaguefile: the story i heard was the phone company had already implemented the software to read 411 for directory assitance and they didn't want to expand the software so they added a switch function
18:20:12fileprpplague: oh ic
18:47:58filehey laodamas
18:48:23filewhat's up?
18:49:10laodamasHomework and technology research.
18:49:21fileoh ic
18:49:29laodamasThe new desktop Power4s are very droolworthy
18:50:04filespent the last two days battling PPPoE software
18:50:15laodamas2Ghz, 8-way superscaler, dual core
18:50:47filepokes scanline
18:51:33laodamasdouble percision SMID
18:51:52filegrooves to some Jimmy Eat World
19:39:27Xentac[laptop]geez... my sister's making me eat her piece of ice cream cake...
19:39:33Xentac[laptop]pretty soon I'll be all fat and stuff...
19:39:49Xentac[laptop]I'm still amazed that I'm 160 pounds...
19:41:13kergothheh, it happens
19:41:29kergothi was 100lbs my freshman year, 140 when i graduated, and 170 now
19:41:41kergothif it continues at this rate i'm in trouble.
19:41:42fileoh my
19:44:03Xentac[laptop]freshman being like grade 10, is it?
19:44:18Xentac[laptop]hasn't gained all that much weight since then... probably... like... 30 pounds...
19:46:00laodamashas gained no weight since freshman year: 170lbs +/- 10lbs
19:46:48kergothI'm 5'8" .. 170 is about where i'd be happy to stay, hopefully i dont gain much beyond this, unless its pure muscle being gained
19:52:21Xentac[laptop]is 5'8" and 160...
19:52:21Xentac[laptop]but just about all of it is muscle
19:52:21Xentac[laptop]tries his new laptop outside
19:52:35Xentac[laptop]everyone still there?
19:52:54Xentac[laptop]ok... did you get all my messages? about being 5'8, muscle, and my laptop outside?
19:53:05Xentac[laptop]oh, ok
19:53:20Xentac[laptop]more or less lost his internet connection, cause he was going through too many walls..
19:53:25fileoh ic
19:54:44Xentac[laptop]gets a fair amount of packet loss out here...
19:55:06filethat sux
19:57:00Xentac[laptop]yeah... it's going up a floor and through about 4-5 walls...
19:57:00Xentac[laptop]and the sun's really bright...
19:57:00Xentac[laptop]'me goes back inside now.
19:57:00Xentac[laptop]that's better...
21:10:09carpman{work}hi all
21:11:00carpman{work}PicoBot: seen file
21:11:00PicoBotfile was last seen on #picogui 1 hours, 13 minutes and 32 seconds ago, saying: :) [Sun Sep 15 15:03:44 2002]
21:11:33carpman{work}PicoBot: seen scanline
21:11:34PicoBotscanline was last seen on #picogui 8 hours, 50 minutes and 56 seconds ago, saying: is away: fun [Sun Sep 15 07:26:54 2002]
21:22:32KeyserSozedid /me ever mention that /me hates win98?
21:24:04KeyserSozetried to delete about 300mb in a directory on his win98 (for gaming) machine, and stupid fat32 is taking 4 hours to do it.
21:24:58KeyserSozeliterally, 4 hours.  no exageration.  and it is not going to the 'recycle bin', it is being deleted.
21:25:26Xentaclike, with del or you mean emptying the recycle bin?
21:25:33Xentaccause that shouldn't take that long...
21:25:55KeyserSozeif you hold down shift when you right click, you can get a real delete, not 'move to recycle bin'
21:26:19KeyserSozeand it doesn't say 'moving to recycle bin' like it does if you do a regular delete, it says "
21:26:20Xentacoh, ok
21:26:26Xentacknows theone
21:26:32Xentacthere's just many different ways to do it
21:26:33Xentacthat's all
21:26:42KeyserSozemaybe there is a better way...
21:29:29PicoBot was last seen on #picogui 5 days, 23 hours, 28 minutes and 3 seconds ago, saying: OK, scanline [Mon Sep  9 23:01:26 2002]
21:29:29KeyserSozeibot: seen PicoBot?
21:31:34carpman{work}It would be cool to get PicoBot and ibot into a endless loop
21:31:55carpman{work}on another channel, of course :)
21:31:59Xentacnot for scanline ;o)
21:38:14it has been said that picobot is "picobot: ibot?"
21:38:14KeyserSozeibot: picobot?
21:38:20KeyserSozePicoBot: ibot?
21:38:20PicoBotibot is "ibot: picobot?"
21:38:56XentacKeyserSoze: here... it'd be like this...
21:39:01Xentac: I forgot picobot
21:39:01Xentacibot: forget picobot
21:39:06KeyserSozemaybe it doesn't work because of the quotes.  if i leave the quotes off, it thinks it is a question though.
21:39:12i don't know, xentac
21:39:12Xentacibot: picobot is <reply>picobot: ibot?
21:39:17xentac: bugger all, i dunno
21:39:17Xentacibot: picobot is <reply> picobot: ibot?
21:39:23KeyserSozethe question mark...
21:39:28i haven't a clue, xentac
21:39:28Xentacibot: picobot is <reply> picobot: ibot\?
21:39:35OK, Xentac.
21:39:35Xentacibot: picobot is <reply> picobot: ibot\
21:39:42picobot: ibot\
21:39:42Xentacibot: PicoBot
21:39:43picobot: ibot\
21:39:43KeyserSozeibot: picobot?
21:39:51Xentacgonna fix that...
21:40:00Xentac: I forgot picobot
21:40:00Xentacibot: forget PicoBot
21:40:06KeyserSozePicoBot: forget ibot
21:40:07PicoBotKeyserSoze: I forgot ibot
21:40:12OK, Xentac.
21:40:12Xentacibot: PicoBot is <reply> picobot: ibot
21:40:24XentacPicoBot: ibot is <reply> ibot: picobot
21:40:26PicoBotOK, Xentac.
21:40:30i don't know, xentac
21:40:30Xentacibot: picbot?
21:40:33KeyserSozePicoBot: ibot?
21:40:33picobot: ibot
21:40:33Xentacibot: picobot?
21:40:33PicoBotibot: picobot
21:40:41KeyserSozePicoBot: ibot?
21:40:41PicoBotibot: picobot
21:40:50picobot: ibot
21:40:50Xentacibot: picobot
21:40:57Xentacvery interesting...
21:41:21KeyserSozedo they know not to reply to each other?
21:41:36KeyserSozei guess so
21:41:38XentacI guess so
21:41:42Xentacah well
21:42:17KeyserSozeXentac: KeyserSoze is <reply> KeyserSoze: Xentac
21:42:34KeyserSozeKeyserSoze: Xentac is <reply> Xentac: KeyserSoze
21:42:34XentacOK, KeyserSoze
21:42:46KeyserSozeXentac: KeyserSoze
21:42:53Xentacbut KeyserSoze is <reply> KeyserSoze: Xentac
21:43:07KeyserSozeXentac: forget KeyserSoze
21:43:11XentacOK, KeyserSoze
21:43:17KeyserSozeXentac: KeyserSoze is <reply> KeyserSoze: Xentac
21:43:39XentacOK, KeyserSoze
21:43:45KeyserSozeXentac: KeyserSoze
21:43:59XentacKeyserSoze: Xentac
21:44:01KeyserSozeXentac: KeyserSoze
21:44:02XentacKeyserSoze: Xentac
21:44:04KeyserSozeXentac: KeyserSoze
21:44:05XentacKeyserSoze: Xentac
21:44:06KeyserSozeXentac: KeyserSoze
21:44:07XentacKeyserSoze: Xentac
21:44:08KeyserSozeXentac: KeyserSoze
21:44:09XentacKeyserSoze: Xentac
21:44:10KeyserSozeXentac: KeyserSoze
21:44:16Xentac. o O (Just a bunch of kids we are)
21:44:16XentacKeyserSoze: Xentac
21:44:19KeyserSozeXentac: KeyserSoze
21:44:31KeyserSozecreated an infinite loop!
21:44:39XentacKeyserSoze: Xentac
21:44:41KeyserSozeXentac: forget KeyserSoze
21:44:44KeyserSozeXentac: KeyserSoze
21:44:52Xentacbugger all
21:45:08KeyserSozeKeyserSoze: forget Xentac
21:45:12KeyserSozeOK, KeyserSoze
21:45:59KeyserSozetries to instigate a fight between the bots.
21:46:06KeyserSozePicoBot: ibot is a dork.
21:46:07Xentacthinks he's going to go out and buy a book today... the problem is that the book he wants probably isn't in stores...
21:46:10PicoBot...but ibot is <reply> ibot: picobot...
21:46:17KeyserSozePicoBot: forget ibot
21:46:18PicoBotKeyserSoze: I forgot ibot
21:46:24KeyserSoze: I forgot picobot
21:46:24KeyserSozeibot: forget picobot
21:46:30KeyserSozewhat book, Xentac?
21:46:37OK, KeyserSoze.
21:46:37KeyserSozeibot: picobot is a dork!
21:46:45KeyserSozePicoBot: ibot is lame!
21:46:47PicoBotOK, KeyserSoze.
21:46:48XentacHouse Of Leaves
21:46:51KeyserSozePicoBot: ibot?
21:46:52PicoBotibot is lame!
21:47:03i don't know, keysersoze
21:47:03KeyserSozeibot, did you hear what picobot said about you?
21:47:11KeyserSozeLeaves of grass?
21:47:22Xentacummm... no...?
21:47:33KeyserSozenever heard of house of leaves.
21:47:58KeyserSozedoesn't think a house of leaves would stand up to a canadian winter
21:48:03Xentacit's not a very familiar book... written by Mark Danielowski (probably spelled it wrong)... he's Poe's brother...
21:48:10Xentacno, probably not
21:48:17KeyserSozeEd Poe?  or the singer?
21:48:27Xentacthe singer
21:49:06KeyserSozewhat kind of book?
21:49:18Xentacit's written interestingly though
21:49:18KeyserSozeon the first guess!
21:49:29Xentacnot just left to right... but sometimes up and down... and sometimes in circles...
21:49:34Xentacit follows the flow of the story
21:49:37KeyserSozedamn, i'm hot tonight.  gonna go down to the track and bet it all on a pony.
21:49:59KeyserSozethe direction the text reads in changes?
21:50:10KeyserSozethat's odd.
21:50:11Xentacthinks he'll head off to Chapters very soon to see if they have it in stock (doubtful)
21:50:19XentacI want to read it because I think it'll be neat
21:50:28KeyserSozesuggests or similar
21:50:30Xentacfrom what I've heard he's a good writter
21:50:41Xentacyeah... but then I have to wait for it... I might as well order it locally
21:50:46KeyserSozedoes he have a sultry voice like his sister?
21:50:49Xentacbut I have to get out there before the stores close to see if it's around ;o)
21:51:04Xentachave you ever heard the song called 'Hey Pretty'?
21:51:12Xentacthe one with the guy who sounds like he's reading
21:51:15Xentac(there are at least 2 versions)
21:51:29KeyserSozemaybe.  i mostly just hear the hot chick.
21:51:38KeyserSozeoddly enough, I can tell she's hot just by her voice.
21:51:41Xentacyeah... well... that guy is Mark
21:51:46Xentacshe does have a very hot voice
21:51:51Xentacwould also like to meet Poe... she seems really cool
21:52:01KeyserSozedon't tell icky though, he'll say the song is sad and opressed.
21:52:16Xentacmost of her songs do have a dark side to them
21:52:21KeyserSozesophie is playing Poe right now, by coincidence
21:52:37Xentacis it the Haunted CD?
21:52:46KeyserSozeno, sophie nods.
21:52:57KeyserSozeit is from "the saint" soundtrack.
21:53:02kergothhow does one nod a no?
21:53:06kergothlooks confused
21:53:06KeyserSozei don't know.
21:53:09KeyserSozelet me try.
21:53:09Xentacisn't sure.
21:53:27KeyserSozedamn, didn't work.
21:53:53Xentachey... I could just call them to see if they have it in stock!
21:53:56KeyserSozei did it!
21:54:01Xentacthat would save me a 30 minute drive!
21:54:04KeyserSozeI said 'no', but I nodded my head.
21:54:11KeyserSozeit's hard, but doeable.
21:54:24kergothlol, that confuses my brain to try that
21:54:25KeyserSozejust takes a little practice.
21:54:28Xentaclike walking up stairs and chewing bubble gum?
21:55:08KeyserSozeshake, that's what it's called.
21:55:25KeyserSozesophie shook her head 'no'.
21:55:36kergothah, that makes a bit more sense :)
21:55:57KeyserSozewants a zaurus, but doesn't want to pay for one.
21:56:04KeyserSozewell, at least not $300+
21:56:09KeyserSozeam I getting like file?
21:56:53KeyserSozemy SNR has been offally low, lately.
21:57:23KeyserSozePicoBot: seen gonkulator?
21:57:24PicoBotgonkulator was last seen on #picogui 1 days, 8 hours, 41 minutes and 18 seconds ago, saying: If anyone needs to contact me, my email address is  I'll check it frequently. [Sat Sep 14 08:22:22 2002]
21:57:30KeyserSozePicoBot: seen gonkulator[work]
21:57:31PicoBotI haven't seen 'gonkulator[work]', KeyserSoze
21:57:42KeyserSozePicoBot: seen gonkulator{worl
21:57:43PicoBotI haven't seen 'gonkulator{worl', KeyserSoze
21:58:03KeyserSozePicoBot: seen gonkulator{wor1
21:58:04PicoBotI haven't seen 'gonkulator{wor1', KeyserSoze
21:59:30KeyserSozeif you had to listen to a paul,
21:59:41KeyserSozewould it be 'oakenfold' or 'van dyke'?
21:59:45KeyserSozeSophie needs to know.
21:59:51KeyserSozei think for school, or something.
22:01:35KeyserSoze(it wasn't for school, i made that last part up)
22:01:53kergothoakenfold all the way :-)
22:01:58Xentacsweet! they've got copies in!
22:03:07KeyserSozeXentac: dude is <reply> sweet!
22:03:18KeyserSozeKeyserSoze: sweet is <reply> dude!
22:05:01Xentactries to find some socks...
22:05:40Xentacsomeone wanna DCC their socks to me?
22:11:05Xentacleaves to go buy that book now
22:11:10Xentacis away: book shopping
22:46:16fileevening here
22:47:58Zensunniit's always morning somewhere...
22:48:09Zensunniit's almost 10am here, for instance. (o8
22:50:38Zensunniah well...
22:50:51Zensunniam about to try to build PicoGUI for the Hitachi H8/300H
22:52:25filereminds me of the Cybiko
22:52:49Zensunniof course, it would be nice if the damn config/make system would pay attention....
22:52:53fileit's a handheld device, uses a Hitachi H8S
22:53:15Zensunniit's not.
22:53:22Zensunniand we already have the H8/300H in use
22:53:44Zensunnihow the fsck do I get this thing to use the target I specify?
22:53:52Zensunnibecause specifying --target to configure isn't working
22:54:21filedownloads Doom2 from navi
22:54:37Zensunniand every makefile specifies CC and friends all over again, instead of inheriting them
22:54:51fileZensunni: it's scanline's box, I store stuff on it
22:55:07fileZensunni: big files I'd get when I got broadband - yesterday I got broadband so I'm downloading stuff :)
22:55:10Zensunniah, ok
22:55:24filescanline is Micah Dowty btw, creator of PicoGUI
22:55:35Zensunnidamn... forgot to bring my Zip250 to work so I could drag home the stuff I leeched on the weekend. (o8
22:55:41Zensunniyes... I met him here last night
22:55:49filek, didn't know
22:56:07fileI think scanline is capped again
22:56:48file*sigh* do I want to spend 20 minutes downloading Quake 1.06 to one server, then to my home machine...
22:57:36fileZensunni: oh that reminds me... make menuconfig?
22:57:40Zensunnion a bit of a retro kick, huh?
22:57:48Zensunnitried that... doesn't seem to give me the option...
22:58:07fileI've never used Quake... and what better place to start then the beginning?
22:58:35Zensunnifair enough
22:58:55Zensunniinteresting... selecting a different platform in menuconfig didn't change the CC at all
22:58:58fileand Doom2... I've always loved Doom
22:59:10filearg - 13.72kb/sec on a 416k SDSL connection!
22:59:52Zensunnicope.  I've only a 56k modem at home. :(
23:00:16Zensunniwhat is the point of all this "configure" script stuff if it's just going to be ignored??
23:01:46fileit's to annoy you :)
23:02:21fileoffers Zensunni some salt & vinegar chips
23:02:54Zensunnimunches absent-mindedly
23:07:03Zensunniah well...
23:07:10Zensunnithis will have to be put on hold for a while, I guess
23:08:21filewait till scanline is back :)
23:10:13fileTHEN GROOVE OUT!
23:16:22filehi prpplague
23:18:31prpplaguefile: howdy
23:18:53fileprpplague: how's 'da family?
23:28:44prpplaguewifes a bitch, kids a brat, but my strongarm stuff is going great!
23:29:14prpplaguefile: jk
23:30:07prpplaguewell maybe kidding about my son, lol
23:50:08Xentacis back (gone 01:38:57)
23:50:21filewb Xentac
23:51:13Xentacbut now I have a book to read
23:51:40Xentacis away: book reading

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot logs, split per channel and by date, etc.