irclog2html for #kde on 20051229

00:00.21strawkendrick: something is trying to rename /tmp/kde-kendrick, which seems odd...
00:00.27kendrickoh, hrm, i guess i only get that error when trying to install liquid weather
00:00.31kendricki can install sondmania just fine
00:00.40Ringwraith`boldii,  need to see"dreieckig.h"
00:00.42kendricki guess maybe the info for the LW++ theme is broken in Get New...?
00:00.55strawkendrick: seems likely
00:01.13kendrickthat's one of the only SK themes i ever use :)
00:01.26*** join/#kde MrMazda (
00:01.30strawkendrick: that's latest lw?
00:01.49kendrickit's whatever the SK Themes window is showing me when I hit "New Stuff..." :)
00:02.07kendrick*lockedup* :(
00:02.14kendrick8.something... from dec 23rd
00:02.25strawoh. you're the proud new owner of someone's bug!
00:02.38kendrickthe Get Hot New Stuff UI (for SK at least) kinda sucks :)
00:02.48kendrickyou can resize the window, but it does not stretch the list of files
00:02.54kendrickyou stillneed to scroll left and right ot see Version and Rating
00:02.56Rionstampede, already found a wish for this :)
00:03.06kendrickand i odn't understand why Highest Rated/Most Downloaded/Latest are tabs
00:03.19kendrickwhy not just add columns for release date and download count, and then let me sort the columns!?
00:03.23Ringwraith`boldii,  now the cpp file?
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00:03.57MrMazdaCan KDM 3.4.3 be set to default to a specific session type per user? If so, can it be done via control center?
00:03.57mariuxhmm, isnt there a lilo integration in kde that allows you to choose which os to boot into on the "reboot system"-menu?
00:04.02stampedeRion: thanks, I'll add a CC to me to that report
00:04.06kendrickok, i REALLY need to get off the computer; cya!
00:04.18Rionoki :)
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00:05.58Ringwraith`boldii,  try this and see...
00:06.42Ringwraith`boldii,  in the dreickig::dreickig constructor
00:06.47Ringwraith`after setcentralwidget
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00:08.05Ringwraith`in your header file add this
00:08.17mariuxso, kde does lilo-integration, right?
00:08.33Ringwraith`in the slots section (Add public slots: if you dont have it) virtual void quitapp();
00:09.11Ringwraith`then add this in the cpp file
00:09.42Ringwraith`void dreickig::quitapp() {
00:09.49Ringwraith`compile and see if that does the trick
00:09.56elfstonehi.. im using kde 3.4 and have some problems with kmail and imap. I have an imap-folder with 5 unread messages. When i start kmail i see 5 unread messages. Now i read 2 messages with squirrel-mail. When i click "get mails" in kmail and im not in that folder, i see 3 unread messages (which is correct). when i click to that folder, i get 5 unread messages again. can this be fixed somehow?
00:10.02Ringwraith`oh wait
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00:10.30Ringwraith`you probably want to add after the set central widget a call to createGUI();
00:10.45Ringwraith`the set central widget and the stdaction
00:13.05Ringwraith`and #include <kaction.h> if you need to
00:13.56boldiiRingwraith`: it still doesn't quit. can it be so hard to simply quit a program?
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00:20.30litbboldii: qt documentation and KDE documentations is usually very verbose.
00:21.03boldiilitb: I know, but I don't find the mistake. maybe I should sleep a night over it and it is obvious tomorrow.
00:21.29SMiLeafthat happens to me alot.
00:21.31litbit's rather late now. it could be a good idea....
00:21.43battledragunif I inherit a class created from QtDesigner, would I need to use Q_OBJECT on that class?
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00:24.30boldiilitb: the nice thing is, the program _works_ it just doesn't quit when I press the close button and some other minor beauty problems.
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00:25.08litbdon't know much about qt devel. see
00:25.15litbthere are my devels
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00:29.35boldiiok, so enough for today. thanks Ringwraith` .
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00:42.40KnowerrorsHey all looking to modifiy/add to this command dd if=/dev/dvd of=/pub/export/nameofthedvd.iso and make a script that will automatically grab the name of the dvd and use it for the iso name, any ideas?
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00:52.38hydroksydeHow do I turn off the "randomly switch time zones to fuckinh piss james off" option in KDE clock?
00:53.09annmaplease ask again without swearing
00:54.15hydroksydeHow do I stop KDEclock from randomly switching time zones?
00:54.42annmahow does it randomly switch zones?
00:55.02annmais it the standard clock in the panel?
00:55.05apokryphoshydroksyde: uncheck those options
00:55.11hydroksydewell, it just occasionally somehow switches it moscow time
00:55.16hydroksydedoe no particular reason
00:55.17apokryphoshydroksyde: it switches when you use the scroll on it
00:55.17hydroksydeand yes
00:55.23hydroksydethe clock in the panel
00:55.25apokryphos(a lot of people don't notice that)
00:55.32hydroksydeAh, I see
00:55.38hydroksydemaybe I changed it accidentally
00:55.47annmait does not it for me, I have 2 clocks with 2 different timezones
00:55.58annmapretty neat
00:56.14SMiLeafI always remove all the timezones just so that mess-up doesn't happen :)
00:56.33*** join/#kde ktech (n=ktech@
00:56.38ktechhi :)
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00:59.47ktechthere is a good kde app for managing wifi connections?
01:01.25annmakwifimanager I expect
01:01.26ktechand a normal app with one kprogressbar per wifi connection?
01:01.32ktechannma: ummm...
01:01.47annmadid you look at
01:01.58ktechannma: I think I did
01:02.06annmaandno kwifimanager?
01:02.26ktechI couldn't compile kwifimanager
01:02.29ktechtrying right now newly
01:03.06annmacouldn't compile: what error?
01:03.15*** part/#kde sorush20 (
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01:04.02ktechannma: will tell you in a few secs...
01:04.08ktechannma: anyways... it's svn... so...
01:04.20annmawhereis it in svn?
01:04.20SMiLeafthrows new Exception(); and expects Ringwraith` to catch it =p
01:04.34annmais it in extragear? svn should compile
01:04.42ktechannma: mmm...
01:04.46annmaKDE svn almost alwayscompile, ktech
01:05.13ktechannma: is not here?
01:05.14ktechUpdating working copy of kde/branches/KDE/3.5/kdenetwork/wifi recursively
01:05.40annmait's in kdenetwork?
01:05.48annmaof course it'll compile then
01:06.19*** join/#kde sorush20 (
01:06.49annma<ktech> annma: is not here? <- ??
01:07.10ktechI think it's a bug in the ebuild...
01:07.18ktechperhaps kwifimanager is not in that path
01:07.27ktechthat's why it "doesn't compile"
01:07.38annmalook at your config.log
01:07.48*** join/#kde candy (n=candy@
01:07.49annmaso is it from svn or from gentoo???
01:08.04annmaif it is not compiled then it's because you miss a package
01:08.29ktechannma: it's a gentoo ebuild that downloads svn and compiles it
01:08.33ktechannma: I uses kde that way
01:08.49ktechannma: but kwifimanager's one seems to be broken
01:08.56annmait is not
01:09.06annmaif it is not compiled then you miss a dependency
01:09.28ktechyeah, because I think the ebuild search for kwifi where it is not
01:09.29annmapaste the error
01:09.32ktechwrong path
01:09.40annmaask n #gentoo then
01:09.48SMiLeaffinally got it working!
01:09.54annmaeither it does not build and you paste the error
01:10.09annmaor your ebuild or whatever does not work and you ask in #gentoo
01:10.18ktechannma: give me a second. Actually I'm compiling stable from 3.5
01:10.30ktechannma: no, my overlay for compiling kde svn is not supported by gentoo
01:10.40ktechannma: it's an effort from a group of users
01:10.44annmaoh my
01:10.53ktechwell, you're asking
01:10.56ktechso I reply
01:11.00annmause svn up and type commands like we all do
01:11.07ktechno, I will not
01:11.15annmawell basically if it's a make error you ask here
01:11.27ktechIf I wanted to do that, I would do
01:11.28annmaif it's another mess you ask your group
01:11.35ktechI prefer the way I use it
01:11.43annmayes but support yourself
01:11.47ktechannma: I was asking for wifi apps for kde...
01:11.54annmaand I answered
01:11.54ktechannma: I wasn't asking for support
01:12.01ktechand I'm very glad to you
01:12.08ktechbut I don't asked for support on my ebuilds
01:12.12annmawifi is supported in kdenetwork, Linux Magazine tested it
01:12.13ktechyou asked so I replied
01:12.23ktechannma: oh, ok
01:12.25annmait works well and it builds well
01:12.43annmakdenetwork/wifi is not broken
01:12.48ktechok, will give a look at it later
01:12.52ktechannma: no, I never said that
01:12.58annmaprobably you don't have the dependencies
01:13.03ktechannma: it's almost 99% sure the problem is in my ebuild
01:13.28annmayou said: anyway... it's svn...
01:13.42annmasvn 3.5 branch official builds
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01:14.20annmabut as it is intelligent if you miss a dependency it'll be skipped
01:14.30annmavia configure script
01:14.58*** join/#kde lorne (
01:15.03annmaso in fact getting the output from configure is smart
01:15.46KnowerrorsWill dd work for making an playable image of a commercial dvd movie?
01:16.02annmaKnowerrors: look at google
01:16.12ktechannma: yeah, but the problem seems to be another. It's something strange. It's like it saying "you're using unsermake, good luck"  but in the end it says: "hey guy... you need unsermake to do this..."
01:16.29ktechannma: so I repeat, the problem is in our build method, not kde nor kdenetwork, nor anything more
01:16.29Knowerrorshehe, duh, already am
01:16.37annmayou don't NEED unsermake, ktech
01:16.48annmaautomake is default for kde 3.5 in fact
01:16.49ktechannma: we have this problem in kompose ebuild too...
01:17.01ktechannma: IT'S BROKEN... that's what I'm trying to explain you  :)
01:17.06annmawell whatrever
01:17.10SMiLeafktech: which unsermake version are you using? I know the most recent in portage is broken.
01:17.11annmaI don't wanna know
01:17.18ktechSMiLeaf: svn's one
01:17.28annmasvn works
01:17.39ktechannma: unsermake from svn is ok?
01:17.45annmaof course it is
01:18.06ktechannma: I'll update it, just in case it were too old
01:18.10ktechbut I think it isn't
01:18.10annmaI use it on koffice for example
01:18.25annmait's just that you don't have any control on what you do
01:18.28ktechnah... it was updated
01:18.37annmathus you cannot make any sense of anything
01:18.57annmaall these scripts are OK until something is wrong
01:19.29annmaand I advise you to stop your kdenetwork build after configure
01:19.41annmato see if you have the dependencies for wifi
01:20.33ktechannma: ok, I'll
01:20.51annmaotherwise you can turn in circles for long
01:21.15annmaunsermake from svn works OK and all kde official builds
01:21.21annmain 3.5 branch
01:21.35annmaas from today
01:21.42Ringwraith`annma,  is there a 4.0 plan file?
01:21.51annmano, Ringwraith`
01:22.05ktechannma: something is really broken
01:22.20annmaRingwraith`: as soon as I reinstall my laptop and make room on my disk I'll go help in kde4
01:22.26ktechannma: it's complaining about not finding openssl, libxml2 and some more, but they're installed and up to date
01:22.26annmaktech: on your side
01:22.38annmaktech: what is complaining exactly/
01:22.48ktechannma: I have said that from 10 minutes ago
01:22.53ktechannma: I have never said other thing
01:22.55annmawhat is complaining?
01:23.01ktechannma: and I'm not complaining about kde
01:23.04annmawhat is complaining?
01:23.10ktechannma: have you understood what I have just said?
01:23.19Ringwraith`what is lo, baby dont hurt me dont hurt me no mo
01:23.46ktechannma: oh, if you want I'll explain it newly
01:23.53annma<ktech> annma: it's complaining about not finding openssl, libxml2 and some more, but they're installed and up to date <- define it's
01:24.31ktechI have said ONE HUNDRED of times:  THE SCRIPTS I'M USING _ARE BROKEN_ and that's why it doesn't work
01:24.37Ringwraith`oh its bitchin cuz the ho damned thin aint gettin them symbols those bitches need to run
01:24.38*** join/#kde Skiff (
01:24.58annmaktech: so please if you don't need help don't mention it
01:25.00linoleumhello, is there a soft for partitioning under KDE ?
01:25.11linoleumlike partition magic, but for linux under KDE ?
01:25.12annmalinoleum: no
01:25.14ktechoh my...
01:25.18*** join/#kde t|zz (
01:25.21lorneannma: qtparted?
01:25.26annmalinoleum: your distribution might provide one
01:25.34annmalorne: not kde
01:25.42annmabut yes, maybe qt[arted
01:25.52linoleumannma: there was a partition manager under GNOME, but I can't find one under KDE :(
01:25.53annmamandriva provides a nice one
01:26.01annmalinoleum: there is none
01:26.14annmause the gnme ne
01:26.21annmause the gnome one
01:26.25*** join/#kde AceLan (
01:26.27linoleumannma: I can't , I dont have gnome anymore
01:26.36annmalinoleum: what distro?
01:26.57annmatry asking in #debian
01:27.03annmatry qtparted
01:27.19annmathis is tricky business
01:27.25*** join/#kde PeanutHorst (n=peanutho@
01:27.29linoleumannma: yes, qtparted looks good :), I'm going to try it , tanks everyone !
01:27.38annmalorne: thanks
01:28.03ktechannma: you're a woman, right?
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01:39.36*** join/#kde Renacor (
01:40.00Renacoranybody know how to create or update a project to cvs with kdevelop?
01:40.40annmacreate a new project and in the project wizard select cvs
01:40.57RenacorI did
01:41.04Renacornow how does it send it to cvs?
01:41.44annmawhat do you mean?
01:41.58*** part/#kde sohmestra (
01:42.03annmather should be a cvs tab on bottom
01:42.19Ringwraith`wow there are a lot of developer questions in here today :)
01:42.23annmawhat kdevelop version is it?
01:43.25*** join/#kde bintut (n=bintut@
01:43.34Renacornot sure how cvs works exactly I guess
01:43.46RenacorI can't just put the server name for the repository location can I?
01:43.51annmadid you set the repository address?
01:44.13annmathen you do cvs up and cvs co
01:44.17bintuthello all.. anyone here can recommend an app that is capable of editing (or make an annotations) an existing pdf files written for adobe acrobat 7.0?
01:44.24annmaif  remember correctly
01:44.44annmabintut: not in kde, there is none
01:44.57annmanot sure if there is in linux, use google
01:46.05annmaRenacor: are you alone working on your app in cvs?
01:46.47*** join/#kde AcidTonic (
01:47.19bintutannma: ok. i thought kpdf is capable of editing pdf files
01:47.29annmaI doubt it
01:47.31AcidTonicquestion, is there a way to use konqueror without installing all of kde?  Im trying to save as much space as possible while still using konqueror
01:47.49annmainstall qt and kdelibs
01:48.10annmawhat distro is it?
01:48.15AcidTonicslackware 10.2
01:48.26annmanot sure hw they deal with kdebase
01:48.35AcidTonicits a pkg
01:48.39annmakdebase is difficult to split
01:48.42AcidTonicthen kdelibs and such
01:48.54annmaso: qt kdelibs and kdebase
01:49.27AcidTonicheres their list
01:50.21annmaas I said: qt - kdelibs - kdebase
01:50.36AcidTonicnow if I were to compile it myself... could i just get konqueror from kdebase?
01:50.43AcidTonicor is there a smaller subset...?
01:50.59AcidTonicdisk space is the main concern here
01:51.04annmahmm, not sure how you'll do it
01:51.18annmakonqueror depends on other libs in kdebase
01:51.32AcidTonicoh nice...
01:52.07annmakdebase is not designed to be splitted
01:52.19AcidTonicI wish personally it would be easier to just get konqueror.  I dont use kde but konqueror rules for fm, plus I use fish and smb daily
01:52.35annmawell it's the way it is now
01:52.37AcidTonicwell ill go with that then.... thanks
01:52.42annmamaybe in kde4 it'll be easier
01:52.51annmasome distros split kdebase
01:53.05annmaso it is feasable but manually it's difficult
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01:58.09*** join/#kde AMD_ (
01:58.47AMD_is the kde menu stored in my .kde direc somewhere?  if so, what file?  Or where/how are the kde menu items stored?
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02:00.50annmaAMD_: I htink it is in ~/.kde/share/applnk
02:01.04AMD_annma, thanks :)
02:02.54strawAMD_: also ~/.local/share and ~/.config/menus
02:03.15AMD_thanks straw
02:03.43strawkmenuedit really needs a "Restore menu defaults" button
02:04.29strawthat's been asked a few times just today
02:04.43RenacorIs there a good howto on how to start a new cvs repository and use it with kdevelop?
02:04.45*** part/#kde sorush20 (
02:05.39annmaRenacor: no
02:05.55annmaRenacor: what is your exact problem?
02:06.12strawRenacor: you can write it when you figure it out ;)
02:06.37*** join/#kde mobtek (
02:07.41annmaRenacor: did you fill the tab in kde wizard? it should import your project in your cvs repository
02:08.12annmathen you have a cvsservice tab at bottom
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02:08.14mbreican anyone tell me why when I open new window they don't become the active window and is there a way to change this?
02:08.19annmado you see it, Renacor ?
02:08.23annmaRenacor: ping
02:08.38annmaRenacor: answer please when I try to help you
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02:09.59annmaRenacor: I just tried it
02:10.21annmaseems easy enough
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02:14.54annmambrei: look in KControl in Desktop Window behaviour
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02:29.29funkyhi people
02:31.15Ringwraith`hi person
02:35.01CHodapphi other people
02:39.20Renacorannma: Im so sorry I was afk
02:39.38Renacorannma: what do you put in when you go through the cvs setup?
02:40.33Renacorannma: well actually right now under project options under cvsservice I have the server name under cvs server location, do I need anything more than that?
02:40.44RenacorI do have a cvs login
02:41.16*** join/#kde Ahmuck (n=chatzill@
02:42.09Ahmucki have done something, but don't quite know what.  my taskbar's have disappeared, and don't seem to come back.  i had hiding on, but they are not coming up for some reason.  any ideas ?
02:44.09*** join/#kde goxy (n=goxy@
02:45.47annmaRenacor: so what is your cvs repository?
02:45.53Ahmuckis there a "windows" key in kde ?  something that will bring up the menu ?
02:46.01annmajust fill the startup wizard in kdevelop
02:46.06Renacorannma: is my server name
02:46.15Renacorwhat would my repository be?
02:46.18annmathis is not a repository
02:46.37annmayou have to find out!
02:47.09annmait cannot work if you don't know the details
02:48.05RenacorI can find out the details =P
02:48.16RenacorI installed cvsd on my gentoo box
02:48.18annmamaybe that would help
02:48.28Renacorand set it up already
02:48.34annmabut where do you want your project to be put?
02:48.39Renacorits chrooted in /var/lib/cvsd/
02:48.54annmathis is not the matter here
02:48.55Renacorso im guessing /var/lib/cvsd/root/itticket
02:49.13Renacorannma:  Can I fill this stuff out after exiting the wizard?
02:49.20annmaa cvs repository is usually a place where you can work on the same code with several developers
02:49.29*** join/#kde litb (
02:49.34annmayou have to do it at start
02:49.45annmawhat exactly is your goal?
02:50.10Renacor<annma> a cvs repository is usually a place where you can work on the same code with several developers
02:50.13Renacorthats my goal heh
02:50.35annmadoing what exactly?
02:50.45annmawhy would gentoo held a kde prog?
02:50.49*** join/#kde CyberSpy__ (
02:51.01Renacorit's not a kde prog
02:51.07annmawhat prog is it then?
02:51.07Renacorits a php platform
02:51.12annmaoh damn
02:51.20annmaand you use kdevelop for that????
02:51.25Renacoryeah why not =)
02:51.34annmayou'd be better of with quanta
02:51.35litbfrom where can i get new visualisations for amarok?
02:51.44Renacorannma: really?
02:51.47annmaor kate which has an ntegrated konsole
02:52.04annmakdvelop does not bring you anything
02:52.14Renacorquanta or anjuta?
02:52.18*** join/#kde mac__ (
02:52.29annmaso where would this php prog go for sharing with others?
02:52.37annmaanjuta is not kde
02:52.43mac__is there a way to "undelete last closed tab" in konqy?
02:52.44annmaso where would this php prog go for sharing with others?
02:52.48thiagomac__: no
02:52.55Renacoron the gentoo server
02:53.04annmawhat is the repository?
02:53.20mac__any way to achieve similar effect?  (say with some sort of history lookup?)
02:53.25thiagomac__: no
02:53.33Renacorannma: does quanta support cvs?
02:53.37annmawhy would gentoo host your php platform?
02:53.40thiagomac__: don't close a tab you don't want to be closed
02:53.43mac__time to fire up Opera again...
02:53.44Ahmucknow i have another problem, no taskbars in kde.  no idea what caused this
02:53.49ktechdecyphering a file cyphered with gpg needs a cryptographic key? I cyphered it with a password, but now kgpg don't ask it to me
02:53.52Renacorannma: doh =\
02:53.53annmaRenacor: you'd better get used to usn=ing cvs from konsole
02:53.58thiagoktech: no
02:53.59mac__thiago, yeah, but I'm only human, I make mistaeks
02:54.08thiagoktech: you can encrypt with a symmetric key
02:54.08Renacorannma: hehe
02:54.24ktechthiago: then how can I make it ask me for the passkey? it simply errors with no prompt...
02:54.26thiagomac__: the Unix philosophy is "the user knows what he's doing"
02:54.29annmaat the moment you don't know anything about cvs, Renacor
02:54.32Renacorannma: Im fairly new to this, so...not really sure
02:54.37Renacorannma: very true :)
02:54.41thiagomac__: that's why the tool to format filesystems doesn't ask if you're sure when you run it
02:54.41annmaso GUI or not you won't achieve anything
02:54.48thiagomac__: it simply formats what you told it to format
02:54.58Renacorannma: heh I know, but that won't stop me from learning :)
02:55.06thiagoktech: I have no idea how to do it with kgpg
02:55.12ktechthiago: gpg perhaps?
02:55.13annmawhy aren't you in #gentoo?
02:55.18thiagoktech: gpg --help
02:55.21Renacorannma: I am heh
02:55.26ktechthiago: I tried, but will try newly
02:55.30ktechthanks :)
02:55.36ktechannma: are you refering to me?
02:55.46annmaRenacor: did you ask then where to put your project?
02:56.17mac__thiago, sure, but I don't use "format" every 10 minutes...
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02:56.52Renacorannma: I guess Im going to do this through ftp =\
02:57.05litbthiago: so why konsole asks to close if there are more than 1 tabs open? heh:)
02:57.13annmaRenacor: for example for getting kde access in svn you ned to get approved
02:57.20*** join/#kde Lilldude10 (
02:57.24annmaI suppose its the same for grntoo
02:57.42Lilldude10my kmail wont find internet do i have to open ports?
02:57.44annmayou cannot probably put your php project in gentoo repo
02:57.50annmalike taht
02:58.05kendrickthis superkaramba theme doesn't work right!!!
02:58.12annmaRenacor: is your php project approved by Gentoo devels?
02:58.19mac__thiago, by that rationale Backspace and Delete are superfluous keys
02:58.37kendrickSoundMania is not showing album cover, or even artist, album and title names!  just the time
02:58.44kendrickand the progress bar is there ,but there's no slider...
02:59.14Lilldude10anyone use kmail?
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02:59.29ChrisWhiteannma: so what's up
02:59.35ChrisWhite<-- cpw's alter ego
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02:59.44annmaChrisWhite: Renacor here wants to put a php platform in Gentoo cvs
02:59.54annmabut he knows nothing about cvs
02:59.57annmaRenacor: ping
03:00.07*** part/#kde Lilldude10 (
03:00.08Renacorping doesn't work for me btw
03:00.10annmahere is ChrisWhite a Gentoo devel
03:00.20Renacorahh thanks =D
03:00.23ChrisWhitephp platform?
03:00.24annmaso see with him what exactly you want to do
03:00.32annmathat's what he said
03:00.41Renacoryeah Im developing a ticketing system, in the process Im trying to figure cvs and such
03:01.01ChrisWhiteticketing, like trouble ticket system?
03:01.11RenacorIll be using apache2, mod_php, hopefully cvs=P
03:01.16RenacorChrisWhite: yep
03:01.35RenacorChrisWhite: Im sure there are some out there already, I just want to write my own :)
03:01.45ChrisWhitefair enough I suppose
03:01.58Ahmuckany idea why i don't have taskbars ?
03:02.11annmacan anyone access Gentoo cvs repo, ChrisWhite ?
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03:02.32annmahe does not know how to work with cvs at all
03:02.35ChrisWhiteannma: unfortunately not atm, we have too many files and too many users, with not enough servers to handle the load
03:02.44ktechthiago: with symetric cryptography, you still needs a gpg key or is it enought with the passkey?
03:02.54ChrisWhiteannma: there was talk of anonymous svn, but I haven't heard anything about it as of yet
03:03.08RenacorChrisWhite: I setup cvs according to this
03:03.12*** part/#kde farrioth (
03:03.12annmawhy would Gentoo offer taht sort of thing?
03:03.28ChrisWhitefor users to test ebuilds
03:03.30Renacoraccording to that doc you can setup cvs for anonymous access
03:03.38ChrisWhiteRenacor: indeed
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03:04.04ChrisWhiteannma: there's about a 1  hour window between when we commit an ebuild to cvs, and when it is avaliable to users though rsync
03:04.13thiagoktech: passphrase is enough
03:04.36ktechthiago: do you know if that's the default behaviour in kgpg?
03:04.47annmaChrisWhite: that I can understand but why would a guy develop a php thing on gentoo cvs repo?
03:04.49ktechI cyphered a file and now it says I don't have the gpg key
03:04.55annmaversus Sourceforge?
03:05.03RenacorI think there is a little bit of confusion here
03:05.11RenacorMaybe I didn't explain clear enough
03:05.22RenacorIm trying to setup my OWN CVS
03:05.24ChrisWhiteannma: I think when he's saying Gentoo CVS, he's referring to the Gentoo Packaged CVS Server
03:05.26annmaprobably you did not
03:05.38Renacorsorry to waste your guys' time
03:05.38ChrisWhiteie. emerge cvs
03:05.41annmahe said he has a cvs login
03:05.49thiagoktech: I have no idea
03:05.58thiagoktech: but I think so
03:06.00ktechthiago: ok, thanks
03:06.19annmayou said you'll share your prog on the gentoo server
03:06.32Renacoryeah to cvs users on our network
03:06.41annmawhat is your network?
03:06.48Renacorinternal network
03:06.55ChrisWhiteI think he means that his network consists of mainly gentoo servers?
03:07.03ChrisWhiteor apps or hosted on one
03:07.07annmayou need to set a CVSROOT
03:07.17annmawhich is what you lack probably
03:07.29Renacorsetup the env variable on each client?
03:07.47annmawell I am not clear on the server thing
03:07.57annmaI just know how to use cvs as a client
03:08.13RenacorChrisWhite: I emerged cvsd is that the right package?
03:08.14ChrisWhiteI sense the need to create a cvs server setup doc
03:08.22ChrisWhiteRenacor: yes
03:08.27annmayou need to set the server first and then use it
03:08.46RenacorChrisWhite: yeah Im usually pretty good about researching stuff but this whole cvs fiasco is a little confusing
03:09.03Renacoryeah its running as a pserver
03:09.17annmaso you have a CVSROOT?
03:09.21Renacoractually seems the startup script for cvsd is kinda borked
03:09.31Renacorit won't start, have to start it as `cvsd`
03:10.07Renacoryeah I did  CVSROOT=:pserver:myusername@localhost:/root; export CVSROOT
03:10.15Renacoron the cvs server
03:10.19thiagohave you logged in?
03:10.21RenacorI guess I gotta run that on the client also
03:10.41annmaI hope this is secure
03:11.07Renacorannma: I don't see why not internally?
03:11.15RenacorChrisWhite: Sorry to waste your time
03:11.19thiagoannma: heh, I used the KDE CVS server with pserver for 4 years...
03:12.10ChrisWhiteI usually don't care, and it gives me an idea for a doc, so it's not like I get no benefit :P
03:12.29annmathanks ChrisWhite
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03:12.40Renacork cvs login worked after that
03:12.54Renacorjust need to figure out how to give access to that directory to my user I guess
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03:13.00ChrisWhites/devel/slacker/ :P
03:13.01Wilfwel well well.
03:13.12Wilfguess who can configure twinview on thier own.
03:13.20annmaRenacor: ;)
03:13.22thiago"Gentoo slacker"? That doesn't sound quite right...
03:13.36annmaGentoo Mandriver
03:13.50ChrisWhitethiago: it's easy, "Chris, go work on this.  Hold on, let me finish this 3 hour long anime"
03:13.50annmakinda paradoxal
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03:16.28ChrisWhiteand #kde goes quiet
03:16.32ChrisWhiteor I'm lagging
03:16.49annmait's quiet
03:17.38annmathis HowTo cvs server is quite good on Gentoo wiki
03:18.05ChrisWhiteyah, I think I'll update it with the main cvs docs and make a larger cvs doc
03:18.20NeoFaxDoes anyone know if KDE4 will allow me to change the default size of the icons in the systray applet?  Also, how about changing the font color in kicker/applets?
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03:18.50annmaNeoFax: not sure there will still be a systray
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03:19.14NeoFaxWhat will take its place?
03:19.22annmaNeoFax: who knows?
03:19.25debian_pwnzcan anyone kindly recommend a music player with a library feature and a working equalizer?
03:19.34Renacorhmmm how to add permissions to a repository
03:19.46debian_pwnzI can't get amarok to work in degian/testing
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03:20.02NeoFaxOK, so what will show the status of running applications?
03:20.14annmaNeoFax: who knows?
03:20.23ChrisWhitea penguin that dances and makes your coffee?
03:20.33annmaNeoFax: kde4 is not quite started as a new thing yet
03:20.35debian_pwnzbtw, I just started using kde, its really nice.  I run 3.4.2
03:20.54ChrisWhitedebian_pwnz: well, I'd try svn amarok
03:21.02ChrisWhitedebian_pwnz: or at least 1.3.7 or so
03:21.13annmaI hope we'll get smart ideas and design for all that stuff NeoFax
03:21.19NeoFaxIn 3.5 there is no way of doing this other than changing the source and recompiling.
03:21.23debian_pwnzI installed it last night, and took my time browing different configs and applications and such, its great man, its a bit heavy on resources, but its quite responsive still
03:21.31ChrisWhitedebian_pwnz: if you need help getting it up in debian, try #amarok as well
03:21.33annmaNeoFax: yes
03:21.38ChrisWhitedebian_pwnz: I'm sure someone in there runs it
03:21.44oGALAXYodebian_pwnz: you may laugh.. kde uses less resources than gnome.
03:21.46ChrisWhitedebian_pwnz: or just use svn
03:21.47debian_pwnzChrisWhite, thanks you
03:21.55debian_pwnzI never ran gnome, I hate gnome
03:22.05oGALAXYodebian_pwnz: its even smaller in size to what it installed measured and compared to what GNOME uses as counterparts
03:22.10debian_pwnzwell I used it here and there, but didn't like it
03:22.16ChrisWhiteoh noes, KDE v. GNOME
03:22.17annmakde is demanding because it's a full desktop environment
03:22.23debian_pwnzI love xfce4 but it is kinda featureless as a whole desktop atm
03:22.38oGALAXYodebian_pwnz: i was a former gnome contributer and former foundation member :) supported it for over 6 years.
03:22.41debian_pwnzkde is good, it provides all I need
03:22.45debian_pwnzI'm good to go
03:23.04ChrisWhiteI generally like the fact that with KDE, I don't really have to search around for new applications
03:23.09debian_pwnzI have beef with the tasbar panel app
03:23.12ChrisWhiteall the stuff I need is pretty much there
03:23.40ChrisWhiteI also like being able to stuff my kmail in the systray
03:23.47debian_pwnzIwould like the taskbar window list buttons to not automatically get smaller and in 2 and then 3 rows in the panel
03:23.54oGALAXYoChrisWhite: i am missing a good label program for kde.
03:24.05oGALAXYoChrisWhite: one that is close to glabels
03:24.06ChrisWhitelable programming?
03:24.15ChrisWhitewhat kind of labels?
03:24.17oGALAXYolabel printing
03:24.33debian_pwnzI want 1 row of taskbar application, but can't get it
03:24.40ChrisWhiteif you use avery labels they have word/psd templates
03:24.46ChrisWhitewhich you can toss to kword/krita
03:25.00oGALAXYoChrisWhite: i need different stuff...
03:25.02debian_pwnzis there a way to do that though?
03:25.13annmaoGALAXYo: just write it!
03:25.16debian_pwnzkicker is it?
03:25.35annmaKDE: Just code it!
03:25.49debian_pwnzyeah, in kicker taskbar thingy, the applications buttons, can I keep the same size and in one row when i make the panel bigger?
03:26.23debian_pwnzit seems to always wanna put the buttons in different rows and makes them smaller
03:26.28annmadid you try the configure dialog, debian_pwnz >
03:26.36*** part/#kde bubar (
03:26.39annmaI don't remember what it did back in kde 3.4
03:26.48debian_pwnzwhich configure dialog?
03:26.55annmataskbar one
03:26.59debian_pwnzits not in panels or taskbar
03:27.09annmaright click on taskbar handle
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03:27.39debian_pwnzthere is no option for the number ofrows you wanna use for taskbar
03:28.11annmagroup tasks when taskbar is ful?
03:28.17annmathat sort of things
03:28.51debian_pwnzits cool, and also, perhaps another feature would be nice.  one where the taskbar buttons take up the whole taskbar instead of being fixed size (i like to be able to click anywhere on the taskbar to go to a different app in case there is one or two apps running
03:28.52annmaok, have to go
03:29.03strawbye annma
03:29.08annmabye straw
03:29.15annmadid you build kdebase btw?
03:29.24strawyup, thanks
03:29.27debian_pwnzno, debian etch packages
03:29.29annmathanks to you
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03:31.47debian_pwnzanyone still here
03:31.52debian_pwnzi just thouht of something
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03:31.58debian_pwnzi'll just compile it from source
03:32.08debian_pwnzmake my own deb packages of it
03:32.13NeoFaxIs there a website to post ideas for KDE4?
03:38.24ChrisWhiteNeoFax: I'd recommend the mailing lists instead
03:38.33ChrisWhiteNeoFax: developers tend to lurk those more often
03:39.08NeoFaxChrisWhite: What mailing lists exactly?
03:40.23*** join/#kde solemnwarning (
03:40.27solemnwarninghi all
03:40.35ChrisWhitekde-devel I suppose
03:40.58solemnwarningin kdevelop all the buttons along the bottom bar stack up and hide part of the code im working on
03:41.14solemnwarningis there a way to remove some of the buttons, like the breakpoints and diff buttons?
03:41.42NeoFaxChrisWhite: Thanks!  I will try that.
03:42.01ChrisWhiteNeoFax: if nothing else they'll point you to the correct place to refer questions like that
03:43.00NeoFaxProbably should have thought of that myself.  I just thought maybe might have or
03:43.44mac__I'm using KDE3.5 in kubuntu; in the handbook for Konqueror there is a Window option in menubar in the pics, but its not there in my instances of Konqueror... how come? how do I get it back?
03:45.47mac__also there used to be an option to "Load profile", where you could load up a filebrowser or webbrowser profile, or any other custom one you saved... that option is missing from the menus too..
03:47.14mac__actually it looks like a whole bunch of things are missing from the menus... am I missing something? is there a "trimmed down the UI" option I have set somewhere??
03:47.38ChrisWhiteSettings->Load View Profile
03:47.57ChrisWhiteoh wait, 3.5
03:48.18oGALAXYosolemnwarning: yes thats possible
03:48.30oGALAXYosolemnwarning: but i cant remember anymore how it was... please ask in #kdevelop
03:48.40oGALAXYoi use vim for programming.
03:48.49*** join/#kde Oleg_ (n=Oleg@
03:49.21Oleg_maybe some people who feel nostalgic wanna install kde 1.0 now?
03:49.22solemnwarningcommand line editor >.<
03:49.32solemnwarningkde 1.0
03:50.08ChrisWhitemac__: yah, in 3.5 it's Settings->Load Profile->whatever
03:50.12solemnwarningbtw, anyone want to help me compile kernel 0.0.1 and get my nforce2 machine running under it? :)
03:50.13Oleg_For example, I erased Windows 95 once or twice from my computer once and installed Windows 3.11
03:50.17Oleg_it was fun
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03:54.41somekoolis it possible to make konqueror use shockwave installed in crossover ?
03:55.59oGALAXYowhats shockwave ?
03:56.03mac__ChrisWhite, hmm, well, under Settings I only have Save View Profile, not Load... can't find load anywhere...
03:56.37ChrisWhitemac__: don't know what to tell you then, looks fine in my 3.5
03:57.45mac__ChrisWhite, if you don't mind, what are the options in your Konqy menubar?  In particular, do you have the "Window" option?
03:58.01mac__maybe I'll try reinstalling konqy...
03:58.16ChrisWhitemac__: yah, I have a window option
03:58.29mac__sigh, ok, something must be hosed here then...
03:59.00mac__maybe I'll start off by moving ~/.kde* away... perhaps the upgrade to KDE 3.5 didn't go as smoothly as I thought it did...
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04:00.05oGALAXYomac__: i assume its a special kubuntu configuration
04:00.20oGALAXYomac__: probably done to not irritate new people.
04:00.56somekoolshockwave is macromedia
04:01.36ChrisWhitebut macromedia is not shockwave
04:01.44ChrisWhitea = b but b != a!
04:02.41solemnwarninghow can a == b but b != a?!?
04:03.11debian_pwnzhaha,  this is awesome, skype just starting ringing and my dad called from overseas, this is awesome
04:03.57mac__oGALAXYo, yeah... grrrrr... seems kubuntu has a "light" version.... ugh
04:04.28mac__I don't mind making it easy for newcomers, but at least allow less-green people to have full functionality
04:04.38mac__found this post which seems to be helpful:
04:05.35mac__should have a menu option which allows toggling to the "full" version of menus, and it should be in an intuitive place... grrrr...
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04:14.19AnonycatIs there a setting to disable the "X button = minimize to tray" gehavior of some KDE applications, and can each one be configured this way separately?
04:15.09ChrisWhitegenerally yes
04:15.17ChrisWhitethere's usually an option in the program's configuration menu
04:15.55ChrisWhitegenerally it's "Show Tray Icon" or some such
04:16.04ChrisWhite(for akkregator as an example)
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04:28.20battledragunhey, i'm having horrible trouble getting my gui to work correctly, I have a login window that pops up and when I close it, the program doesn't quit
04:30.21oGALAXYowhat gui ?
04:31.34somekoolbattledragun we are not sure exactly what you are talking about
04:32.34battledragunI'm writing a program that pops up a login window, however, I have a quit button on this gui that I want to exit the whole program, it only closes the current widget and doesn't exit the whole program
04:32.57oGALAXYothen you shouldnt destroy the widget.
04:33.10oGALAXYoyou should quit the entire programm.. e.g. probably needs a different function.
04:33.18oGALAXYobattledragun: try asking in #kde-devel
04:33.37battledragunok thanks
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04:34.32somekoolanyway I can tell artsd to use a different device for sound input and output ?
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04:40.51forevertheuniguys hi,I havent's compiled kdelibs and kdebase with samba installed in my system, if I smb:// in konqueror doesn't work...what should I compile kdelibs or kdebase or both?
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05:04.33debian_pwnzim trying to compile a window decoration for kde, and configure tells me that libz is not found, i can't find a libz anywhere.  any word?
05:04.54Sho_debian_pwnz: probably zlib ...?
05:04.54kendrickare there any kde screensavers that act as visualizations to whatever sound/music is playing? (e.g., through aRts)
05:06.22oGALAXYodebian_pwnz: zlib
05:06.40oGALAXYodebian_pwnz: make sure zlib-devel is installed or hows it called on plebian
05:06.58debian_pwnzi got it
05:07.02debian_pwnznow it wants X includes
05:07.19oGALAXYoguess what to install :)
05:09.46Dhraakellianwoah... I'm getting signed out of gmail somehow
05:11.21SuperLagI'm impressed with how well Konqueror works for a browser.
05:11.28debian_pwnzman i should smoke the rest of this...
05:11.41SuperLagThe next thing that would make it perfect is a GMail notifier :)
05:11.52debian_pwnzi can't wait for xfce4.4 to come out
05:12.12Sho_SuperLag: I believe there's a Gmail notifier kicker applet
05:13.08Sho_debian_pwnz: I'm sure #xfce will love to hear about that ... ;-)
05:13.10SuperLagSho_: you happen to know what it's called?
05:13.22oGALAXYoSho_: um diese uhrzeit noch wach ?
05:13.29Sho_SuperLag: Nope, sorry - would be the place to start looking, though
05:13.40Sho_oGALAXYo: yup
05:13.48oGALAXYoSho_: heh :)
05:13.50oGALAXYosame here
05:16.48SuperLagSho_: you rock
05:19.57forevertheuniguys hi,I havent's compiled kdelibs and kdebase with samba installed in my system, if I smb:// in konqueror doesn't work...what should I compile kdelibs or kdebase or both?
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05:21.32oGALAXYoforevertheuni: most likely kdelibs.
05:21.37forevertheunioGALAXYo: k tnx
05:21.45oGALAXYoforevertheuni: probably needs the samba kio only.
05:22.27oGALAXYoDhraakellian: i heard konqueror from kde 3.5 has full gmail support.
05:22.35DhraakellianoGALAXYo: yeah
05:22.39Dhraakellianthat's what I've been using
05:22.50DhraakellianUser agent = Firefox 1.0
05:22.54forevertheunioGALAXYo: what do you mean by that?
05:24.04forevertheunioGALAXYo: where's that gmail option?
05:24.08Dhraakellianstupid, stupid, stupid
05:24.37oGALAXYoforevertheuni: there is no option i think.. it simply works.. or should..
05:24.42oGALAXYoi dont use gmail so i dont really know.
05:24.51forevertheunithat's why I'm asking too :D
05:24.54Dhraakelliankonqi/khtml devs: Thank you ever so much for making it so that the up and down scrolling actually changes the font size in an intuitive direction
05:29.26somekoolany way I can tell artsd to use a different device for sound input and output ?
05:42.46SuperLagis there a Freecell game available for KDE?
05:43.11Dhraakellianthere's kpatience, which has a bunch of solitaire card games
05:46.35Dhraakellianhmm... I don't appear to be getting signed out with firefox
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05:57.32debian_pwnzi was running testing, checking it out, i wanna go to stable, i modified sources.list, updated and dist-upgraded but it said everything is already upto date, shouldin't it get the sarge packages and replace the etch packages?
05:57.39debian_pwnzdid i need to do something else?
05:57.50debian_pwnzwrong window
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06:06.05ZenethianHow useful are the KDE 3.5 debian packages yet?  are they complete?
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06:41.59JesseW2What is the name of the command that runs the desktop (like kcontrol, kicker, etc.)?
06:42.18JesseW2Is there somewhere I can read the whole FAQ (linked in the header) on one page?
06:42.39qupadakdesktop iirc
06:43.02*** part/#kde marcusU (
06:44.22JesseW2that's right, thanks
06:46.55JesseW2Any idea why, after a used nautilus to empty the trash, the icons and right-click menu on my desktop changed (and seem GNOME like)?
06:47.05JesseW2s/a used/I used/
06:47.23qupadai don't think nautilus was designed to run happily with kde?
06:48.45JesseW2;-) maybe not; but since konquer crashes on startup for me 2/3s of the time, I'm sort of stuck using it...
06:49.03qupadawhat version of konq? it's perfectly stable for me
06:49.42JesseW2Qt: 3.3.3
06:49.44JesseW2KDE: 3.2.3
06:49.45JesseW2Konqueror: 3.2.3
06:50.00JesseW2am I using some acient version (probably)?
06:50.39qupadamight want to upgrade yeah
06:50.48qupadakde/konq 3.5.0 is the latest
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06:51.43qupadai only have qt 3.3.4, but i think 3.3.7 or something is the latest stable/working with kde
06:52.01JesseW2I'll check what I can do about updating via urpmi...
06:52.36qupadaupdating with what? :\
06:53.45JesseW2mandrake's wrapper around rpm, urpmi - see
06:56.19qupadatried, but they don't have mandrake builds
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07:14.19JesseW2well, i'm updating my version of kde; we'll see if that solves the crashing konquer problems...
07:15.33qupadayou'll find 3.5.0 is a lot different to 3.2.3, an awful lot changed around the time of 3.4.0
07:16.21JesseW2well, I hope I get 3.5.0 - I'm not sure what version is available via mandriva (and particularly the distro verison I have)
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07:17.13JesseW2just in case; any idea why my desktop switched to gnome from kde when I emptied the trash using nautilus?
07:17.39qupadai seem to recall it doing that to me once in the past, i think you just don't want to use nautilus
07:17.58qupadai've been running 3.5 since rc2, i decided it was easier to update to that than 3.4.3
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07:39.03Wilfapt, bot?
07:39.05aptI ain't no stinkin' bot.  I am a finely tuned and hand crafted tool.  Oh wait... I guess I am a bot (that you should not abuse).
07:39.18Wilfapt, Wilf is greater than you
07:39.20aptWilf: okay
07:39.41apti heard kde is #kde - meet the community,
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07:58.29kendrickis there a way to change amaroK's "Actions->Stop" from being the Scroll-lock key?
07:58.39kendrickI kinda need to press that to use my KVM, and the music keeps stopping
07:58.45kendrickeven when amaroK doesn't have foucs!
08:02.31derelmkendrick: have a look at settings -> configure (global) shortcuts
08:02.45kendrickaww crap!
08:03.03kendricki thought i looked there! :^)
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08:09.48Dhraakellianscroll lock?
08:09.57Dhraakellianhow would it get to be scroll lock?
08:10.04kendrickthat's the default
08:10.12kendrick(cuz i know >I< didn't set that up :) )
08:10.20kendrickyou're talking about Stop in amaroK, right?
08:10.53DhraakellianI thought the defaults were win+z,x,c,v,b,n
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08:11.38Dhraakellianor something like that
08:12.08Dhraakellianthe default for stop is win+v
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08:17.46kendrickhrm, that didn't change the Action->Stop shortcut
08:17.49kendrickbut, like, whatever :)
08:17.54kendricki rarely have the amarok window up
08:17.58derelmkendrick: ?
08:18.13kendrickoh, muttering about the amarok shortcut for stop
08:18.35derelmkendrick: my amarok is configured to stop using win-x or something, and that works - capslock doesn nothing here and isn't configured
08:18.43kendricki don't have a windows key
08:18.57derelmkendrick: that shouldn't be a problem
08:18.59kendrickmaybe it falls back to 'Scroll-lock'
08:19.06kendrickwhat version of amarok are you using?
08:19.08derelmnah, i don't think so
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08:19.15kendrickhrm, me too
08:19.24kendrickmaybe i DID change the global shortuct
08:19.32kendricki did set up Pause key for screensaver/lock
08:19.38araizenin case anyone was wondering, kde rocks!
08:19.39*** part/#kde araizen (
08:19.41derelmwell maybe, but just reconfigure it
08:19.42kendrickmaybe once upon a time i set Scrollock as Stop
08:19.51kendrickhowever, i wonder why it's STILL "Scrolllock" for Actions->Stop
08:20.16derelmkendrick: eg, set it to "none"
08:20.31kendrickyeah, i did
08:20.47kendricki had to quit and restart amarok for the Actions->Stop shortcut to match the global shortcut
08:20.57kendricknot a big deal
08:21.16derelmso now it works?
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08:23.11kendrickoh, yeah it does, thx :)
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08:41.08camhow do I enter a password in a password protected file via the KDE archive program
08:42.24kendricknever deal with p/w-protected archives :^/
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08:44.45camany thoughts?
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08:45.23hagayarouif ark doens't support it, use the command tools (unzip, unrar)
08:46.07debian_pwnzi just installed sarge/kde3.3.x  i start konq. but it will not go to any site.  no errors nothing, it just sits there after you type in the address and enter/go
08:46.28camI have the password thats not the problem its just how would I enter it to open or theres no option
08:47.14hagayarouwhat kind of archive is it?
08:50.26hagayaroulook at rar --help
08:50.50hagayarouoops, unrar
08:52.31derelmcam: you're not using kde 3.5 right?
08:55.51debian_pwnzi just installed kde 3.3 that comes with debian sarge.  konquer browser won't go to any sites.  no errors or anything, im online.  you enter an address and enter/go and it just sits there like you didn't you anything
08:55.57debian_pwnzhow can i fix it
08:56.08camhow I tell?
08:56.10derelmdo other browsers work?
08:56.47derelmdebian_pwnz: do you need to set some proxy mabye?
08:57.28derelmcam: well, kde 3.5 comes with password support - so you're not using it ;)
08:57.37hagayarouhmm, ark doesn't have its own website?
08:58.09derelmcam: to be more precise, ark comes with password support :)
08:58.14derelmhagayarou: no
08:59.38debian_pwnzthis is retarded
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08:59.49debian_pwnzwhy is it that konq wont work and everything else does
09:00.04derelmdebian_pwnz: did you check proxy settings?
09:00.12debian_pwnzyes i did
09:00.53derelmdebian_pwnz: do you get some error message?
09:01.09hagayarouopen konqueror from a terminal and see if it prints any error
09:01.12debian_pwnzthats the funny thing
09:01.59debian_pwnzkonqueror: ERROR: Error in BrowserExtension::actionSlotMap(), unknown action : searchProvider
09:02.05debian_pwnzthats all i get
09:03.02derelmdebian_pwnz: have you tested with a fresh/new user?
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09:03.50debian_pwnzbut i can delete my own settings and try again
09:04.00derelmdebian_pwnz: better use a new user ...
09:04.16debian_pwnzthats too much headache man
09:04.26derelmdebian_pwnz: and btw, maybe you should join #debian, as this seems to be more or less a debiancentric problem
09:04.41debian_pwnzusing a computer isn't supposed to be a shitty time
09:04.58debian_pwnzhalf the time im wasting time getting shit to work properly than to put it to good use
09:05.37derelmdebian_pwnz: well with other os you'll waste more time cleaning viruses etc.
09:06.11debian_pwnzi've never had to deal with virii
09:06.22debian_pwnzi've never really used winblows
09:06.37derelmwas just an extreme example ;)
09:06.38debian_pwnzi migrated from 10 years of bsd to debian/xfce
09:06.40debian_pwnznow to kde
09:06.50debian_pwnzand kde is turning meoff with this shit
09:07.04debian_pwnzi use firefox anyway, fuck konq, but dude, it still needs to work
09:07.23debian_pwnzi mean if its installed in my system, might as well work, or rlse its useless
09:07.51debian_pwnzso far every app i've used is good stable n solid
09:07.54debian_pwnzkde is good
09:08.06debian_pwnzjust that when some things don't work it pisses me off
09:08.25derelmdebian_pwnz: well sorry, i can't help, as i don't use sarge nor do i use kde 3.3. but back when i used it it worked fine ;)
09:09.25debian_pwnzi can't get 3.5 either
09:09.28debian_pwnzno packages
09:09.38derelmdebian_pwnz: please ask in #debian
09:09.38debian_pwnzand i've a pretty useless slow system, building it would be days
09:09.53debian_pwnzim not asking anything?
09:10.08debian_pwnzim talking
09:10.23derelmplease ask as in please ask in #debian for help :)
09:10.48debian_pwnzim not asking anything as in im not asking anything
09:10.54debian_pwnzim shooting the shit
09:11.11derelmwell but maybe asking there would be helpful ;)
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09:11.40debian_pwnzwhere are the config files for konq stored?
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09:25.35hagayarouplease do so in emacs :
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09:33.38Puaffplease, could anyone suggest a good KDE programming book?
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09:34.47camis there a way to convert wma files to wav or mp3 with KDE?
09:35.01camor software?
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10:09.10jose171181hi guys, could you please explain to me what is slipscrolling?
10:09.31funkywhere did you read that ?
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10:11.37jose171181mrxvt: configure --help
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10:21.26YogSothothI'm having troubles with the building of Kopete for KDE
10:21.33YogSothothCan you help me ?
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10:31.05srednaYogSothoth: Try asking a specific problem
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10:38.59raddyHello Everybody
10:39.16raddyi am runing Kopete 0.11
10:39.48raddyCustom Notifications not working at all
10:39.54raddyplease help
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10:48.07raddyanybody there?
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10:55.08raddyHello, anybody there?
10:56.12doktoreasme yeah
10:57.04raddydoktoreas : do use Kopete?
10:58.40SMiLeafi do
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11:00.21doktoreason right now :)
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11:14.44AcidTonici have problem, i dont use kde, but I use kicker,  i might just be doing things wrong, but from .xinitrc im running kicker then klaptop_check and sometimes klaptop has an icon in the tray area in kicker, other times its a standalone icon?
11:15.17AcidTonicis this a known bug? Its happened between hosts and various installs of kde
11:15.53AcidTonicI'm using the enlightenment 16.7 window manager and I'd just like to use kicker for my tray, (I've removed the launchers and clock and such, i just want to see tray icons)
11:16.47AcidTonicanyone awake at this hour?
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11:19.44alesanI have a line in fstab for a usb memory device...
11:19.54alesanwhen I attach it dmesg shows it etc
11:19.57Adam_eMhi there
11:20.13alesanbut the kde automatic mount thing doesn't show up!
11:20.20alesanwhat can I do?
11:20.25alesanI'm using kde 3.5 on amd64
11:20.47Adam_eManyone knows how to change whole mimetypppe icons ?
11:21.36alesanis there a log or something?
11:24.13SMiLeafalesan: you using HAL?
11:25.02alesanSMiLeaf, I have no idea, it's a gentoo system, it used to work on another similar installation
11:25.08alesanhow can I check about HAL?
11:25.17SMiLeafcheck the USE flag
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11:25.53SMiLeafalso I'm not sure, but I don't have an entry in my fstab, HAL/Dbus automatically make one for me.
11:26.53SMiLeafthe "not sure" about that is that it might be the new entry is what kde is looking for?
11:26.55Julianyusdo you have pmount installed and are you in the plugdev group?
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11:29.41AcidTonicso has anyone had problems with klaptop not showing up in kickers icon area?
11:30.01Julianyusi haven't
11:30.08AcidTonicit happens almost every time now
11:30.11SMiLeafAcidTonic: shows fine here.
11:30.39SMiLeafAcidTonic: run klaptop_check
11:30.39AcidTonicits random it seems... sometimes i see it other times it doesnt show up... no errors just no icon
11:30.50AcidTonicusing APM on a thinkpad t23
11:31.05AcidTonici think the problem is kicker though
11:31.25SMiLeafACPI on a Compaq Presario 2100 here
11:31.29AcidTonicsometimes other apps dont show up but instead the icon has wm decorations around it and its just the size of the icon, like i couldnt find out where to go
11:31.46AcidToniclike it*
11:32.01SMiLeafwhat distribution?
11:32.04AcidTonicim not running kde, but just starting kicker from my xinitrc should work
11:32.07AcidTonicslackware 10.2
11:32.49AcidTonici have an app called metamonitor which pops up certain log entries, well it has an icon in the tray area, sometimes it makes it there, other times the icon is just a window
11:33.01AcidTonici've had the problem on multiple machines
11:33.17AcidTonicI'm running enlightenment 16.7 for the windowmanager
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11:33.59SMiLeaf*shrugs* almost sounds like the setup.
11:34.20AcidTonicim thinking so
11:34.22SMiLeafsomething just isn't quite right
11:34.49AcidTonicim looking at ksystraycmd now using the --window parameter to possibly "tell" the icons where to go
11:34.55AcidTonicI'll see how that works out
11:35.15AcidTonici only need two apps there.... all this trouble :(
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11:36.52SMiLeafI got a lot more than just 2 =)
11:37.11SMiLeafgo 12
11:38.16AcidTonicwow i think that worked
11:38.25AcidTonicim going to start/restart X a few times to double check
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11:39.12AcidTonicwow does someone want to post that workaround somewhere?
11:39.24AcidTonici've been searching for months to fix that
11:39.47AcidTonicI'll do the writeup if someone wants to post that fix
11:40.03AcidTonicI'm sure im not the only enlightenment user trying to use kicker
11:40.28SMiLeafnope.. I know a guy that did it.
11:40.52SMiLeafthat was back in kde2 tho.. he's now in windows.
11:40.57AcidTonicthe programs go to their normal wrong windowed icons for a second or two, then snap into kicker when ksystraycmd finds the kicker window
11:41.05AcidTonicSMiLeaf, im sorry to hear
11:41.35SMiLeafAcidTonic: it was due to school and work related things. was too much of an issue to reboot all the time.
11:41.39AcidTonicI'm just screaming on the inside.... my icons work especially my battery monitor..... hurray
11:41.55AcidTonichehe, well its 5:40am here im tired as all get out
11:42.25SMiLeafI just woke up 40mins ago ;)
11:43.02SMiLeaffeel like crap :/
11:43.28SMiLeafnose bleed at 3am.. first one _ever_
11:43.30AcidTonicSMiLeaf, lol i bet your morning wasnt as bad as mine.... far too much vanilla vodka last night
11:43.48SMiLeafI still can't talk.. it's getting better tho
11:44.01AcidTonicSMiLeaf, was hungover until about 11am.... note i was up at 7am sick bright and early
11:44.50poutinenote: you're each not responding to what the other says, but you're still talking on about yourselves
11:45.28SMiLeafpoutine: nah.. we're complaining to each other =)
11:46.06AcidTonicpoutine, yea its a conversation... you forget i mentioned it was 5:40AM here... hehe thats the best a conversation gets at this hour
11:46.21SMiLeaflol.. exactly!
11:46.36poutine <-Could anyone tell me if this is KDE1 or KDE2?
11:46.42AcidTonicquick question, how do i add a removeable usb drive to the storage:// function of konqueror?
11:46.50SMiLeafyou think we can handle responding?.. your lucky to get anything out of us :)
11:47.13AcidTonicid like to use it for quick mounting and such but id doesnt appear although its in fstab
11:47.17SMiLeafpoutine: that would be kde2 I would think
11:47.35poutinethat's what I thought, the xchat 1.8.5 led me to think that too, it just looks weird
11:47.38SMiLeafI never used kde1 tho
11:48.00AcidTonicyuck, ie5 for unix
11:48.28AcidTonicpoutine, i seen AcidToken in irc and for a split second was like, thats me AcidTonic
11:48.34AcidTonichaha im way too tired to comprehend much
11:48.43SMiLeafI never even knew they made an IE for unix.
11:48.54AcidTonicthats what i was just thinking
11:48.57poutineyeah for sparc and HP-UX
11:49.00AcidTonicit is sparc though...
11:49.03poutinethey discontinued it long ago
11:49.12AcidTonicof course... look at ie for mac
11:49.21AcidTonicbut thats a Good Thing(TM)
11:49.26SMiLeafI knew about IE for mac
11:49.46poutinewhat do mac users normally use?
11:49.51AcidTonicso any ideas about the usb drive in storage devices in konqueror
11:49.57SMiLeafpoutine: safari?
11:49.57AcidTonicpoutine, safari
11:50.21poutinenever knew that.
11:50.56SMiLeafsafari uses KHTML too =)
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11:51.25SMiLeafwonder if they are any better at giving code back tho.
11:52.23AcidTonicoh man i have this laptop setup quite nice at the moment
11:52.33AcidTonicI've been running linux on my laptop for about a year now
11:52.44AcidTonicand I just reformatted for a few new approaches this time around
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11:52.47AcidTonicI'm in heaven
11:53.09poutineI'm reading apple has been giving back code in the form of large ondocumented patches
11:53.32SMiLeafyah.. I knew about that.
11:53.45AcidTonicmy main success is using ifplugd along with logger and metamonitor (found on kdeapps) for auto network detection and popup alerts
11:53.51AcidTonicmakes laptop life much easier
11:53.55SMiLeafso I guess they've not gotten too much better than.
11:54.43AcidTonicSMiLeaf, yet they are known for their UI API's with cocoa... they cant possibly pull that stunt with that amount of code and have it work like it does.... just proving they dont really care about oss
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11:54.52SMiLeafifplugd eh?
11:55.25AcidTonicyeah uses a few various APIs for knowing when a cable is plugged in or not, works with wifi and APs too
11:55.49AcidTonici like it because unlike most apps, it simply calls a script with the right parameters... meaning i scripted it all to hell
11:56.18SMiLeafdropping to a shell to stop my eth0 and starting wlan0 is kinda annoying =]
11:56.25AcidTonicSMiLeaf, what distro?
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11:56.35SMiLeafAcidTonic: gentoo
11:56.36AcidTonicSMiLeaf, if you run slack ill just throw you my folder
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11:57.02AcidTonicSMiLeaf, yea google or freshmeat for  "ifplugd"  then look for an app called "metamonitor" on kde apps website
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11:57.19SMiLeafonly thing I don't like about gentoo is that they cache all the ebuilds on your computer. :/
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11:57.31SMiLeafalready have and am running metamonitor ;)
11:57.37AcidTonicSMiLeaf, in the scripts just add a line using logger to write to syslog in your ifplugd scripts, then use metamonitors filters to just show those log entries
11:57.40AcidTonicworks like a dream mate
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11:57.56AcidTonicSMiLeaf, the latest? a new one just came out the 21st
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11:58.53AcidTonicyep thats current
11:59.10AcidTonicbrown.freenode has been acting up the last few days
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12:07.57AcidTonicSMiLeaf, well im off to bed, later mate
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12:08.47SMiLeafAcidTonic: yup later
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12:17.05kommerckhow can I change width of the K button to make it look different than other buttons in kicker?
12:18.08Wilfask it nicely
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12:21.29kommerckWilf: actually I didn't ask like 'who is willing to help me' or 'who is willing to help me PLEASE' so it's rather hard to append the word PLEASE to my question :)
12:22.01Wilfi meant
12:22.08Wilfask the k button to change, nicely
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12:23.42kommerckit won't :)
12:24.33srednakommerck: Find something on named kxkb I think
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12:26.30stampedekommerck: you can add a text label to that button and/or a background picture/color
12:26.52kommercksredna: kxkb is a keyboard switcher
12:26.59kommerckkeyboard layout
12:27.06srednaHm, I remembered wrong..
12:27.26srednaBut there is a k menu button thing that lets you have a wider button
12:27.43kommerckI'll search now
12:27.59stampedesredna: it's kfxb, if I recall correctly
12:30.22srednakommerck: ^
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12:35.28kommercksredna: thanks, that's what I'm looking for.
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12:38.20coachzhi sredna
12:38.41coachzdo you do any quanta ?
12:39.07coachzAny chance kate will get autolookup of functions and tags ?
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12:40.05srednacoachz: I never really used quanta a lot
12:40.17coachzAny chance kate will get autolookup of functions and tags ?
12:40.26srednacoachz: If someone writes a plugin :)
12:40.34coachzthat would be cool
12:40.40coachzi wish i knew how
12:41.23srednaWell, since there is this highlly specialized app (quanta) why not just use that?
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12:41.38coachzi'm trying to get the php help to work but no luck yet
12:41.46coachzand the chat room is pretty dead
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12:43.14coachzand kfilereplace only works on local files, how lame
12:43.24coachztotally lame
12:43.29coachzlame beyone belief lame
12:44.43mariuxcan someone confirm that that image works in all other browsers that konqueror?
12:45.05coachzworks in firefox 1.5
12:45.14mariuxcan you check konqueror too?
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12:45.39coachzworks there too
12:45.44coachzkde 3.5 konqueror
12:45.51mariuxhmm, weird
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12:46.06coachzand opera too
12:46.07mariuxit works when opened in kuickshow
12:46.09Pinarafmariux: Konqueror doesn't show images
12:46.12mariuxbut not when i open it in konqueror
12:46.16Pinarafit opens a KPart
12:46.27Pinarafand this KPart show the image in the konqueror window
12:46.32mariuxwell, i SHOULD get a picture when i type that url in konqueror
12:46.36Pinarafso check which kpart you're using to view pictures ?
12:46.43mariuxor when the image is embedded in a webpage
12:46.46coachzPinaraf is on the ball
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12:47.33Pinarafhere I've got 3 kparts to view pictures, and it works with each...
12:47.39mariux the post by "robban" containing the text "der er den ene"
12:47.48mariuxhar an <img> with that picture
12:47.51mariuxkonqueror doesnt show it
12:48.08mariux*har = has
12:48.11srednamabu: displays fine in konqueror (using the gwenview image part)
12:48.19Pinarafmariux: it's shown here
12:48.23benJImanshows here
12:48.25mariuxhmm, weird
12:48.35benJImanperhaps you've blocked it with adblocK or something?
12:49.30mariuximage/jpeg is "embedding image viewer khtmlimage"
13:03.44kommerckbrb (X restart)
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13:15.26Aji-Dahakaso, this voice commands thing ... I've entered one and set up a shortcut key to begin listening, but ... nothing.  Is there anything that should show up on screen or anything?
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13:29.31coachzsredna, where can i get a list of kate plugins?
13:32.04coachzi only see this:
13:32.04coachzahh, i see them in kate itself
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13:36.05coachzsredna, you here ?
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13:43.48coachzsredna, hi
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13:46.48coachzyou awake :-)
13:46.54coachzi have a ?
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13:48.22coachzHow about a way to make the file browser follow sessions
13:48.36coachzso when i switch servers with sessions i see the right files
13:48.48coachzwithout having to additionally store bookmarks and retrieve them
13:49.05arkanoidhow come a lot of small squares, each containing one letter pops up when I press ctrl i Konqueror?
13:49.14srednaUhm, the file browser have an option to autosync when you switch document, or when it becomes visible
13:49.27srednaThere is also a sync button in its toolbar
13:49.45srednaBut yes, I want to eventually save its data to the session files
13:49.52coachzi'm looking for autosync
13:50.05coachzi see it
13:50.30srednaarkanoid: They are access keys - when available you can press the displayed key to activate the object (typically a link)
13:50.38arkanoidI can figure that they point to each link on the page, but how do I turn them off
13:50.58srednaarkanoid: ! Afaik
13:51.08srednaJust press ctrl again
13:51.29arkanoidhmm, that's bad
13:51.30coachzsredna, it would be nice if I could see what my current session is
13:51.39coachzin the sessions menu would be great
13:51.40srednacoachz: Well, it works for locations that can provide a listing that the dir view can understand
13:51.48srednacoachz: Yep :)
13:52.17srednaarkanoid: You should try using it, it's very comfortable actually
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13:52.49coachzauto sync not working
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13:53.05coachzI have checked  "When a document becomes active"
13:53.11coachzi closed kate and reopened
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13:53.27coachzi open a session on another server and the filesystem browser still shows local
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13:54.47coachzsredna, can you try that?
13:55.01Aji-Dahakahmm ... wonder why these voice commands aren't working
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13:55.35coachzsredna, also, what is SESSION under configure kate  / File Selector
13:55.50coachzthat Session has Restore Location and Restore Last filter
13:56.47srednacoachz: Those just allows you to decide if you want the filesystem browser to do session management
13:57.11coachzcan you test if the auto sync is broken on your end?
13:57.42srednacoachz: If sync with document open is enabled, the filesystem browser should sync whenever you switch document, including opening one
13:57.52srednaIf the location can be listed
13:57.57srednaIt works for FTP
13:59.01coachzsredna, it works when i change docs but not when i open a new session
13:59.18coachzso i have to have at least 2 docs open and pick the 'other' one
13:59.38BlackBsdhi, im having problem after installing koffice.  the icons in the kmenu do not show up for my user.   if i create another user or login as root then the icons in the kmenu are there.  what would cause my main user to not show the icons?
13:59.58srednacoachz: Well, its not supposed to
14:00.39coachzit would be nice when changing sessions to have the file browser follow
14:00.43coachzif possible
14:00.55srednacoachz: As I said, I want to offer the filesystem browser saving its session data in the kate sessions, then it can change when the session does
14:01.05srednaFor kdate 3.0 :)
14:01.18Wilfapt, wilf
14:01.21aptmethinks wilf is greater than you !  hehe
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14:01.52coachzwhere do i 'manage' filesystem browser sessions?  i don't see anything
14:03.55srednaWell, you can decide if it should remember it's location and filter, nothihng else
14:04.06coachzthe bookmarks ?
14:06.18coachzthe Kate handbook does not match my version of Kate ;-(
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14:08.53srednacoachz: I'm working my ass off to update the manual as we speak
14:09.02coachzdo you write it in html ?
14:09.21srednacoachz: So by tonight you can get the updated version from svn, and it will be in the 3.5.1 release
14:09.27srednacoachz: Docbook XML
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14:10.00srednaWhich is a pain but nice when first its done
14:10.28coachzif i could understand docbook i would help ;-(
14:11.27coachzWhat does "Include window configuration" include ?
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14:13.16feindbildhi =)
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14:13.22coachzMy General Options page does not have any of the options listed in the handbook.  I just have Appearance, Behavior and Meta-Information
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14:15.27srednacoachz: That is a nice offer. You can't really help with the kate maual right now though, as I'm almost done and it requires a deep knowledge of the application. But if you want to help with KDE documentation, you can write in plain text, and someone will do the markup. You can write kde-docs-english to get started
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14:17.07coachzWhat does "Include window configuration" include ?
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14:19.54srednaThe state of the window: Toolbars, sidebars, editor frames
14:20.46coachzi see, thanks a lot sredna
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14:21.40coachzI'll be dancing when sessions sync up the file browser
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14:26.10BlackBsdthe new koffice should support tabed documents
14:26.41BlackBsdsorta like tabbed browsing, but for documents
14:27.25srednacoachz: Well, given your session opens some file, the filesystem browser should sync with that if you have syncing on document change enabled
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14:29.01coachzbut it doesn't
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14:34.55coachzit only syncs if you click another open file
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14:37.17srednacoachz: Probably the order of things prevents that from working as expected
14:37.18coachzso you are forced to open bookmarks in the file browser if you have not left your session with at least 2 docs or else if you just have 1 you have to open a blank doc and click on it and then click back
14:37.45srednaIt should remember the location though, I have added code for that I remember
14:38.15coachzthat would be sweet, i'll just leave 2 docs open on all sessions for now
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14:42.54coachzsredna, and the current document folder icon in the file browser only works if your open session is on the same server
14:43.10coachzso i open a session on another server and the current document icon is greyed out
14:43.23coachzhaving two docs open at all times is the easiest way to keep syncing
14:43.36coachzi just click on one doc and click back
14:43.44srednacoachz: I dont understand what you mean
14:44.06coachzdo you want me to explain or continue your break
14:44.25coachzyou just got here, what you need a break for.  heheheheh kidding
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14:45.24coachzI like the Include window config option.  nice
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15:02.47cebulonhi to all ....
15:03.54PhilRodhiya cebulon
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15:06.05cebulonhiya PhilRod
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15:16.02BlackBsdhi, im having problem after installing koffice.  the icons in the kmenu do not show up for my user.   if i create another user or login as root then the icons in the kmenu are there.  what would cause my main user to not show the icons?
15:16.57PhilRoddo you mean there's no menu entry, or just no icon?
15:17.25BlackBsdPhilRod,  no menu entry or no icons
15:17.48BlackBsdit just doesnt show up for my main user
15:17.59BlackBsdbut the root and new users it shows up fine.
15:18.28BlackBsdi have uninstalled and tried to reinstall, at least a few different times
15:18.32PhilRodrename ~/.config and ~/.local, restart KDE and see if that fixed it (it will probably break other stuff, so come back and tell us, and we'll fix it properly)
15:19.05BlackBsdok thanks, ill be back
15:19.30PhilRoddon't delete them, just rename
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15:20.04rohanhi all
15:20.08rohananyone know how i can get translucent selection rectangle in kde ?
15:20.10rohanits there by default in kubuntu
15:20.23srednaPhilRod: Do we have a policy for using either 'folder' or 'directory'?
15:20.52StevenRsredna: I would alwys say directory
15:20.56oGALAXYosredna: 'foldrectory'
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15:22.55modanhow can I put KDE as default GUI (FC4) ?
15:23.21rohanmodan: you use kdm / gdm ?
15:23.45BlackBsdPhilRod:  I cannot tell a difference really, but some buttons on my menu bar no longer work..  but no koffice items in the menu.
15:23.48modanrohan: yes
15:24.07rohanmodan: no. the login manager. kdm ? gdm ?
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15:24.32PhilRodsredna: folder, unless you're talking about something on the command line
15:24.34BlackBsdPhilRod: check that, i now have menu items
15:24.38modanrohan:  how do I know ?
15:24.48PhilRod(where '"cd" means "change folder"' would sound silly)
15:24.48BlackBsdmy whole kmenu is different now
15:24.51srednaPhilRod: Thanks, I thought I remembered something like that
15:25.10rohanmodan: /exec -o cat /etc/sysconfig/desktop
15:25.18StevenRwhy does this formula give "True" instead of a number as the result?  =(sqrt(2)*H3)^2/733    (in kspread)
15:25.26srednaPhilRod: I have to talk about 'kde data folder' rather than 'kde data directory' then, right?
15:25.44rohanmodan: ask someone in #fedora, i used fedora long back, not sure now. just ask them "how to set kdm as default login manager" .. or use google.
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15:26.35PhilRodBlackBsd: yes, local menu modifications are stored in one of those two directories you moved (I always forget which).
15:26.37BlackBsdPhilRod:  what damage did i do my renaming my .config and .local.   because besides my kmenu being totally different, the koffice menu items are now present.
15:27.21PhilRodBlackBsd: OK, I'd suggest putting those directories back. Let me try to remember how they work
15:27.35PhilRodoh, and I think you can just run "kbuildsycoca" instead of restarting KDE
15:28.07BlackBsdwell i could always just fix them again.  at least my koffice icons are present.
15:28.35BlackBsdi no longer have a .config directory.  it has not been remade
15:30.06rohanso, no way to have a translucent selection erctangle like windoze xp / kubuntu / suse ?
15:30.07PhilRodbut you still have your old .config, right?
15:30.09rohanon arch linux ?
15:30.20PhilRodrohan: there's a patch for it on kde-look somewhere, I think
15:30.22BlackBsdPhillRod Yes
15:30.45rohanPhilRod: i am looking since ages, but cant find it :(
15:31.20PhilRodBlackBsd: move it back, and see if it contains a file menus/applications-kmenuedit*
15:31.26PhilRodrohan: sec, let me see
15:32.45rohanPhilRod: thanks :)
15:32.50PhilRodheya George :-)
15:32.55Georgehey PhilRod
15:33.14BlackBsdPhilRod: yes it does, but this new menu has other programs that were not on my old menu.
15:33.15PhilRodGeorge: got all your uni application replies back?
15:33.41rohanah, he called it rubberband :P and no mention of translucent. seems english is not his main lang.
15:33.58PhilRodBlackBsd: OK, well your choice - if you want to go with the new menu, that's fine too :-)
15:34.20BlackBsdbesids the menu, has anything else changed by renaming the .local dir and .config
15:35.30PhilRodfile assocations
15:35.34PhilRodI think
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15:36.24BlackBsdok so basic stuff like that, nothing really major like some programs no longer work
15:36.37GeorgePhilRod: no
15:36.42GeorgePhilRod: still waiting on cambridge and st andrews
15:36.57PhilRodBlackBsd: I think that's all
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15:45.10srednaPhilRod: Can you point me to a example of programming api docs in docbook?
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15:49.17PhilRodsredna: hrm, it's pretty horrible - I'll see if I can find some
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15:49.54bronco1hello all
15:50.04bronco1I was sent here from the fedora chan
15:52.22srednaPhilRod: Specifically, I'm trying to convert kates javascript api to docbook
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15:54.00srednaDamned ksirc decided to close down for no reason
15:54.09srednaNo crashing, it just decided to shut down :0
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15:55.35PhilRodsredna: do you have the original? It might be best to do it automatically - the docbook syntax for functions is verbose and horrible
15:55.58srednaPhilRod: The original what?
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15:56.31sfrhi - how can i empty the trash using dcop?
15:56.44AnonycatI have a 107-key keyboard plus 17 "task buttons" at the top, such as Home Page, Media Player Next Track, and Volume Up.  GNOME is able to map these keys to shortcuts, but KDE won't recognize them as valid keys to map a shortcut to--do I need to do something extra to make them work?
15:56.51srednaPhilRod: It's possible that there is only a wiki page, and the source code
15:56.53PhilRodsfr: see if kfmclient has a "delete" command
15:57.19PhilRodsredna: oh, you said you were converting something  - I thought you meant that you have existing docs
15:57.43srednaPhilRod: A wiki page -
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15:58.41srednaPhilRod: But it could be faster to do doxygen markup if there is a conversion tool. I have no idea what I'm doing actually
15:59.10PhilRodsredna: to be honest, I think you should go for doxygen, but let me check the docbok markup
15:59.15srednaI just try using tags like 'function', 'type' and 'parameter' and see if it becomes readable
16:00.03srednaPhilRod: Uhm, if I produce doxygen, is there a way to get it into the manual?
16:00.11srednaThat is kindof where I'd like it...
16:01.17sfrktrash --empty ^^
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16:05.06PhilRodsredna: hrm, there might be docbook output in doxygen - let me see
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16:07.27srednaMy doxygen version seems to support HTML, latex and rtf only, according to its help message
16:07.46srednaBut mine is old :-)
16:07.54PhilRodthe doxygen webpage says it does XML (but not docbook)
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16:08.09PhilRodbut you can probably do a fairly good XML->Docbook conversion using XSLT
16:08.33PhilRodso, that would be a pig to set up, but a
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16:08.47srednaI have only a few hours
16:08.47PhilRod... little nicer to maintain than doing docbook directly
16:08.56srednaIf I want this comitted today
16:09.02PhilRodah, that kinda changes it
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16:09.45srednaI just need some sort of model for a single function, if you can suggest something
16:10.21PhilRodI'm sure there was a good example somewhere, but I can't find it - time for more searchign
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16:12.53PhilRodit's not what I was looking for, but:
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16:14.03srednaThat helps :)
16:14.17nixnoobHi all im trying to mount a samba share but when I try to go to the mountpoint it just freezes im using "smbmount //linuxbox/STORAGE /mnt/share -o credentials=/home/linuxbox/.smbmount-linuxbox" and have a credentials file with username= password= workgroup= and ip= filled in
16:14.57sredna#samba     72
16:15.24PhilRodah, kdelibs/kdoctools/template.docbook has an example, but it's even worse than I thought (uses refentries, which I've only ever used once - not sure how well the stylesheets support them)
16:15.25kommercknixnoob: wrong channel, go to #samba
16:15.29srednaThere are 72 users in channel #samba, nixnoob
16:16.02srednaThey are likely to know more that us about this topic, and certainly they will be more willing to discuss it ;)
16:16.03Sho_nixnoob: if you're not keen on mounting, konquerors smb:// might be an easy alternative however
16:16.37nixnoobSho: well I can do it that way but I want to play video and mp3 remotely
16:16.42srednaPhilRod: Uuh, btu I'll look
16:17.09*** join/#kde SimAtWork (
16:17.09Sho_nixnoob: 99% of KDE applications - such as KMplayer for video and amaroK for audio - can access smb:// just fine
16:17.36nixnoobI couldnt get KMplayer to even work once I installed kde 3.5
16:17.43*** join/#kde RolandU (
16:17.55RolandUhi all
16:18.00Sho_nixnoob: Hm, I'm using it right now to play a Frasier episode - via Samba no less ;)
16:18.08nixnoobfor some reason none would play any videos from the share on the other comp
16:18.11*** join/#kde Columcille (
16:18.49RolandUI have a new screen that's rotatable. I found a kde-tool called "resize and rotate", however the rotation-settings are grayed-out. Why?
16:19.14nixnoobSho_: I must have smb setup different is lisa and lan: supposed to work what is that all about im not sure
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16:19.37nixnoobno one is talking in #samba lol
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16:19.59PhilRodRolandU: you don't have the randr extension enabled in your xorg.conf
16:20.34PhilRodRolandU: run "xrandr --query" and look for "rotations possible"
16:20.50nixnoobIm not sure KMplayer wont play any video at all after installing kde3.5
16:21.08nixnoobSo I just use gmplayer or xine
16:21.13RolandUPhilRod, Rotations possible - normal
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16:21.28Sho_nixnoob: I think LISA is some sort of share discovery system ... but I don't know anything else about it
16:22.16nixnoobSho_: yeah I was trying to figure it out the other day but gave up and tryed to figure out streaming in samba
16:22.35PhilRodRolandU: yeah, you need to enable the randr extension in your xorg.conf - ask in #yourdistro
16:24.00srednaPhilRod: That is scary :o
16:24.02nixnoobI even tryed to emerge kmplayer but that didnt seem to fix it maybe its my USE flags not sure
16:24.09sredna(the docbook sample)
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16:25.13RolandUPhilRod, there is no automated tool in debian, I will have to write that myself...
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16:25.53strawoGALAXYo: nice article :)
16:26.01annmasredna: ping
16:26.06strawhi annma
16:26.09oGALAXYostraw: indeed it is.. and hopefully give KDE a big bump
16:26.13srednaannma: Pong
16:26.25*** part/#kde tecnico (
16:27.10annmaf <userinput>name</userinput> is not known, the mode is set to 'none'. Valid
16:27.10annmamodes are 'cstyle', 'csands',
16:27.24annmacsands is not mentioned in kate_part.po
16:27.35annmafrom a typo bug report, sredna
16:27.38PhilRodRolandU: indeed, but it's only a one-line edit
16:27.52srednaannma: Yes, that is the same
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16:28.20annmaI didn't see MMMM - long month name
16:28.21nixnoobhmm I could prob play it through smb with kmplayer anyone have any idea how I should try to fix kmplayer
16:28.23srednaannma: You are aware that I comitted a lot of changes to all those files a while ago right?
16:28.34annmasredna: I updated before
16:28.54annmasredna: doing
16:29.02annmaand proof reading quickly
16:29.12srednaannma: Uhm, I copied most of those data form qt docs
16:29.23annmawe won't nitpick
16:29.28annmano time for that
16:29.35srednaannma: You are referring to the reference tables for the command line commands, right?
16:29.59srednaWell, ask any question you like, I'll be here for yet some hours
16:30.00nixnoobI start KMplayer but it wont play anything...
16:31.14BlackBsdi just added the terminal menu to my panel menu bar, it has 3 types of consoles to choose from, shell, linux console, root console, new bookmarks and reload session.   How can i configure what displays.  I dont want all of the previous to be visible..?
16:31.56*** join/#kde Vicker_ (n=vivek@
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16:32.56decOdinghow do I install themes for deKorator?
16:33.12srednaannma: I dont' understand why natalie has the first topic in the report. 'used' is correct, that is some people prefers disabling the syntax highlight, so they can't use the comment/uncomment functions because they dont use syntax highlighting, not because it is not defined
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16:33.59annmaok I can reverse to 'used'
16:34.16annmaapostroph are always used it seems
16:34.20srednaannma: Oh, and you could always reassign bugs regarding kate docs to me
16:34.21annmawhenever possible
16:34.31decOdingfound it
16:34.39srednaIt's is wrong I understand
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16:36.07annmafor 'used' versus 'supported' it's because 'supported' is used above I think
16:36.21srednaBut I dearly hope natalie understands how much i(we I hope) appreciate her efforts
16:36.29annmaif comments are supported by the format of the text you are
16:36.41srednaSupported is ok
16:36.50annmaso I suppose she thinks it should be the same for syntax highlighting
16:37.33srednaWell, it may be supported but not used, and it's nog given that the user associates that with the commenting
16:39.43PhilRodI wouldn't have made the first change she suggested, but the rest are correct
16:40.06PhilRodand I can explain apostrophes if you want :-)
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16:40.51PhilRodbut most native english speakers can't seem to get them right, so don't worry if you can't :-)
16:42.20srednaPhilRod: Uhm, I'd just like to improve my written english as much as possible :)
16:42.54annmayou did an amazing job on Kate doc, sredna
16:43.05srednaannma: When is the deadline, and will it be acceptable if I renew the few screenshots in kates manual? They are scaringly old it appears..
16:43.22annmathe deadline is this night for docs
16:43.32annmaPhilRod: what about screenshots?
16:43.34srednaAs in 00:00 CET?
16:43.59annmasredna: I suppose, yes, not sure for screenshots as they won't initiate string changes
16:44.07srednaOk :)
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16:48.17Pinaraf : is the writer on this channel ?
16:48.40annmaI dn't get it
16:48.48annmashould be quick fix
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16:54.05srednaannma: Uhm, I thought that was fixed. I'll check immediately
16:54.13annmayes, thanks
16:54.34StevenRis there a web shortcut?
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16:54.44titoui have a simple question
16:54.58titouwhen i use aRTs with the ALSA plugin
16:55.00StevenRlike bko: 116119 would take me to
16:55.20AnonycatYou can add it in Konqueror if you want
16:55.38titouaRTs is very low and need lot of memory
16:55.54titouwhereas when i use the OSS (emulated by ALSA) plugin, it's correct
16:56.10titouthere is no solution to change that problem ?
16:56.10kommerckarts sucks
16:56.21kommerckand wine arts driver isn't good
16:56.25StevenRAnonycat: it's already there....bug: number
16:56.45titoukommerck: poor boy
16:56.46strawarts rocks
16:57.23kommerckarts isn't developed anymore
16:57.23annmatitou: so use OSS
16:57.31titouhey annma :)
16:57.38*** join/#kde bUscher-g2` (
16:57.42annmait is as much as some other kde progs, kommerck
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16:57.55kommerckdamn, I thought I'm in #winehq :D
16:57.59annmakommerck: and maybe it sucks but no good replacement was made for years
16:58.00StevenRarts still seems to improve
16:58.21annmaso aRts does not such so much if nobody can come with a better prog
16:58.26StevenRit seems to crash less than it used to, and latency seems to have got less too
16:58.37kommerckbut kde 4.0 won't use it... will it
16:58.51StevenRand alsa's dmix seems not to work when it feels like it
16:58.56kommerckI'm piping all my KDE sound through mplayer and dmix
16:58.59annmakommerck: who knows? at the moment arts is in the kde4 tree
16:59.07kommerckbut think of latency...
16:59.09benJImandmix sucks
16:59.15annmakommerck: well some kde apps need arts whatever you do
16:59.20benJImanaudio is worse than radio quality
16:59.23srednaannma: 'chosen', right?
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16:59.30annmadon't propagate false ideas
16:59.32strawkommerck: apparently, kde4 will use arts and several other sofware sound servers
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17:00.07strawthere was something about kdemm on a while ago
17:00.07annmasredna: Choose
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17:00.29kommerckHardwaremixing is the best :)
17:00.39annmaSho_: it is not because you avoid it that it can be dismissed
17:00.51annmait cannot be avoided for some progs
17:00.58Sho_annma: Nor did I claim that
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17:01.18Sho_usually those progs are fairly bad and can be avoided (-> replaced by better alternatives), too ;-)
17:01.26annmathanks Sho_
17:01.30srednaannma: Ok, comitted. It was never comitted during the discussion just before the release, I remember now
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17:01.38srednaannma: Thanks for the reminder
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17:08.21annmamenu bar or menubar?
17:08.26annmaI never know
17:09.03BlackBsdhow can a gentoo user get kvim?  i have gvim and vim but not kvim
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17:09.45annmaBlackBsd: not sure if kvim is still developed
17:10.02StevenRit's not afaik
17:10.09StevenRnothing wrong with it though
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17:18.16PhilRodBlackBsd: I think the replacement is called yzis or yz-something-or-another
17:19.18BlackBsdthanx guys
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17:22.19annmaPhilRod: menu bar or menubar?
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17:24.15PhilRodannma: not sure - which does the sanitizer say? Let me check
17:24.33annmaI think the sanirtizer gets it wrong
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17:24.53annmahave to go to lunch, bbl
17:25.53PhilRodannma: yes, the forms for "status bar" and "menubar" are different - not very logical. I don't know the reasoning behind it
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17:32.52PhilRodhi stask
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17:33.20SetKDE owns
17:33.30candyktorrent is stable ?
17:33.36staskalguien habla español?
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17:34.07candystask, somebody speak portuguese ?
17:34.53Seter det noen her som snakker norsk?
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17:39.19_dickIs this the KDE   help Channel?
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17:41.10_dickI was told the first thing to upgrade to the latest. 3.5 I did and all works except kontact mail i get a message about ""
17:44.02PhilRodhow did you upgrade and what is the message?
17:44.08Vickerguys, where do I control the mouse responsiveness ?
17:44.09_dickCannot load part for mail. cannot open shared object file. no such file or directory
17:44.20PhilRodyou probably just need to install the kleopatra package for your distro
17:44.30PhilRodVicker: control center -> peripherals->mouse
17:44.48VickerPhilRod: which one? is it the threshold ?
17:45.26_dickCan I find that on line or in package manager?
17:45.33VickerPhilRod: right now, single click generates two mouse events, i don't know which value to adjust
17:45.37PhilRodVicker: see if there's some whatsthis help that explains it
17:46.48_dickI upgraded in the "Update Manager"
17:48.06PhilRod_dick: no idea, you'll have to ask in #yourdistro
17:50.19_dick<PhilRod>I am running kubutu, is #yourdistro a channel? I am new at this.
17:51.03straw_dick: #kubuntu
17:52.41_dickstraw :Thank you very much Is ther a protocal to leave here and go to another channel? I do not want to just drop if that would be wrong.
17:53.19_dick1st time using an irc
17:53.34straw_dick: just do  /join #kubuntu
17:54.08straw_dick: you'll remain in this channel, and enter that one
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17:55.43candywhere i found a good theme for karamba
17:56.48candyi want the bar
17:57.09candystraw, i want the menu bar, similar a MAC
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18:11.15SMiLeafwhy do people say 'hi' and then ~8 seconds later leave? XD
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18:12.00strawSMiLeaf: irc newbs, i guess
18:12.33SMiLeafI wasn't even that bad starting off tho.. people had to tell me to shut up XD
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18:13.10SMiLeafoh well >.>
18:13.25SMiLeafstraw: so what's up? :)
18:14.32strawnot much, really. gotta go exchange an xmas gift
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18:15.17SMiLeafah, what fun, I mostly got gift cards and cash cuz no one knew what to get me XD
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18:21.28VickerPhilRod: it was xorg problem, related to the mouse driver
18:21.38Vickernow its fixed
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18:23.30flindethi.  I'm having a hard time finding a description of what kded is.  Can anyone point me in the right direction?
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18:26.04trappistmost of my toolbar icons have vanished from kontact.  what could I have done to cause this?  would selecting an incomplete icon set cause it?
18:28.32flindetis anyone here using nvidia drivers 8176 or 8178?
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18:30.53srednaflindet: Source code :)
18:31.01Subdinohi. which file defines the content of the K menu ?
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18:31.27flindetsredna: Well, I was hoping there might be a description or something explaining what it does
18:31.36srednaflindet: Kded is a daemon that runs various services for kde applications
18:32.24jeremywhitinghi all, anyone here know of a chinese input method app that works with kde apps?
18:32.25srednaSubdino: No single file. The K menu is mainly built form .desktop files in kde and xdg application directories, + some kde configuration data
18:32.42jeremywhitingI used scim in gnome but it doesn't seem to work with Konsole, etc
18:33.26anisXdoes Kword can edit a pdf document ?
18:33.30coachzsredna, are you doing updated kate docs for all of kate or just sessions ?
18:33.34Subdinosredna: mmh, I guess it depends also on the distro
18:33.48srednaSubdino: To see the paths of the application directories, use kde-config --path apps and kde-config --path xdgdata-apps
18:34.04Subdinobut I think I found the file I was searching : .config/menus/
18:34.27srednacoachz: All of kate - allthough I still work on something (scripting)
18:34.44Subdinosredna: thanks
18:34.54coachzwhen you get it done I'll be happy to check it if you like
18:35.26srednacoachz: You can get it from svn - or for example
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18:35.40coachzwhen ?
18:36.28coachzwhen will you have the updates done?
18:36.30srednaNow - I committed a while ago, and both annma and I are finetuning atm
18:36.48coachzahh, now if i can figure out how to get them from those sites ;-(
18:36.51srednaSome stuff will be added in a bit still, and I want to update the screenshots too
18:37.34srednaWell, websvn lets you browse, look for branches/3.5/KDE/kdebase/doc/kate iirc
18:38.25coachzyum install websvn finds nothing ;-(
18:38.54coachzi'm browsing in firefox to it though is a website -
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18:40.19coachzcan i just dl the docbook files from this site?
18:40.26coachzwhich docbook
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18:41.11coachzhmm, i guess i have to use svn ;-)
18:43.46coachzthis no worky,  am i close?   svn+
18:44.20srednacoachz: You should use anonsvn for that
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18:44.35srednacoachz: And you can check out the directory
18:44.48coachzsorry, i'm lost
18:45.01srednacoachz: Then you can use meinproc to compile it
18:45.10coachznow i'm totally lost
18:45.19srednacoachz: for chicking out with svn
18:45.37srednaAnd cut the filename - just get the directory
18:45.50srednaDocbook is XML text, and readable
18:46.11srednaSo you can read the files with any file viewer
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18:46.25coachzbash: anonsvn+ No such file or directory
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18:46.34er4z0rhi folks
18:46.49coachzhi earazzor4zer
18:47.13er4z0rI have some strange problem with automounting/ Knoqueror opening the folder for the media I just inserted
18:47.35er4z0rwhen I put in a cdrom I get the following:
18:47.48er4z0rBeim Laden von media:/hdc ist folgender Fehler aufgetreten:
18:47.49er4z0rDie Datei oder der Ordner media:/hdc existiert nicht.
18:47.56er4z0rsorry its german I know
18:48.07coachzthe romance language ;-)
18:48.27er4z0rjust tells me that the folder doesn't exist
18:48.34er4z0rallthoug it does
18:48.50*** part/#kde trappist (
18:49.18er4z0r/dev/hdc        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       0
18:49.18er4z0r/dev/hdd        /media/cdrom1   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       0
18:49.25er4z0rso thats for fstab
18:49.34oGALAXYoa device is something different than a folder
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18:49.58StevenRer4z0r: are you trying to mount an audio cd?
18:50.08er4z0rwait a sec
18:50.10er4z0rlrwxrwxrwx  1 root   root       6 2005-10-30 13:20 cdrom -> cdrom0
18:50.11er4z0rdrwxr-xr-x  2 root   root    4096 2005-10-30 13:20 cdrom0
18:50.11StevenRdoes the mount point exist?
18:50.18er4z0rthats for media
18:50.33er4z0rdrwxr-xr-x  2 root   root    4096 2005-12-29 19:39 hdc
18:50.37er4z0rthats in media too
18:50.50er4z0rpermissions problem?
18:50.52oGALAXYoer4z0r: ein device unterscheidet sich von einem verzeichnis.
18:51.09oGALAXYonur falsch konfiguriert
18:51.19er4z0roGALAXYo: lets stay english. you must mount a device to a folder right?
18:51.35titouis there a solution to specify a program to play KDE notification ?
18:51.53er4z0rso /dev/hdc/ should be mounted to /media/cdrom0 right?
18:52.01oGALAXYofor example
18:52.10er4z0rok, but why does KDE check for hdc then?
18:52.24oGALAXYothe question is.. is it kde that does so ?
18:52.37oGALAXYoor is it some lower level stuff that sents wrong infos to kde ?
18:52.43oGALAXYoe.g. hal or udev
18:53.07er4z0rwell, how to find out?
18:53.17StevenRer4z0r: paste the output of `cat /etc/fstab` and `ls /media` to a pastebin please
18:53.18oGALAXYoi cant answer your question correctly due to the bazillion of configurations, setups, systems etc.
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18:53.42er4z0rStevenR: now. Or do you mean for the future?
18:53.48oGALAXYothats a big disadvantage of linux.. having 8972340988239075 distros
18:54.04oGALAXYobut its solvable.. definately.
18:54.25StevenRer4z0r: well if you want help, then seeing them would be handy
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19:00.22StevenRer4z0r: there's nothing wrong there that I can see..can you mount mnually correctly?
19:00.56er4z0rStevenR: yep, doing a mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt works
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19:01.31er4z0rI will try to mount it manually but still with using fstab
19:01.46StevenRer4z0r: maybe set the fstypes to auto instead of multiple types as you have
19:02.53er4z0rhmm shouldn't be the problem
19:03.05er4z0rI just tried: mount /media/cdrom0
19:03.19er4z0rso that it get mounted according to fstab
19:03.30er4z0rdidn't make any problems
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19:10.46rohanhi all
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19:12.03StevenRer4z0r: using hal/udev?
19:12.23rohanhi all
19:12.27rohanon arch linux, when i enable hal in "Kcontrol -> Peripherals -> Removable Media" , no icons appear
19:12.44rohanin system:media/ and cd polling works
19:12.59rohanbut if i disable hal, icons appear in system:media/ , and cd polling breaks
19:13.05rohani am using hal and udev
19:13.37er4z0rStevenR: using Ubuntu so I think its at least hal
19:13.53StevenRer4z0r: sounds like an ubuntu issue...maybe try #ubuntu?
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19:15.37rohanis er4z0r having same issues like me ?
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19:19.12er4z0rrohan: don't know
19:19.18er4z0rcould be
19:19.18rohaner4z0r: ok.
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19:55.06srednafangorious: There are not nearly as much extensions for konqueror, and what is there can be installed from kde packages (try kdeaddons)
19:55.35srednafangorious: And konqueror has a lot more built in pr default than firefox (like web search capabilities)
19:57.54fangorioussredna: the included search bar (i have kde 3.4.3 as packaged with kubuntu 5.10) has no configuration options, and I don't see any way to add/remove engines in its drop-down menu. The "select search engines" drop-down menu item takes to the shortcuts configuration screen
19:57.57srednaannma: There is about 309485734985 tags/word
19:58.32srednafangorious: Try the web shortcuts in the configuraiton dialog
19:59.12srednaannma: And yet (or maybe therefore), it's about impossible to achieve a simple taks...
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19:59.25fangorioussredna: I can, but I don't want to have to remember a dozen shortcuts for search engines, I want them to show up in the drop-down menu
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19:59.47annmadocbook is somehow uncoherent
19:59.48srednafangorious: Check the checkbox next to the ones you want in the search toolbar
20:00.22fangorioussredna: and the shortcuts are for the location bar, not the search bar ... and I don't have any checkboxes. maybe that's something new in 3.5
20:00.29annmawoooow, sredna
20:00.30srednaAnd I dont write the text - marking up takes many minutes pr item
20:01.22srednafangorious: The shortcuts are for the search toolbar too. In there, you pick one and does not have to use the actual identifyer
20:02.48srednafangorious: I know, because I actually tested it, even I don't use the search toolbar
20:03.04srednaannma: About 20 or so to go
20:03.50srednaannma: But hey, I will be able to do it before midnight, if I don't fall asleep or gets too annoyed (I'll try avoiding that by chatting once in a while)
20:04.21fangorioussredna: did it change from 3.4.3 to 3.5?
20:04.28srednafangorious: Maybe
20:04.42srednafangorious: If you don't have checkboxes, it did
20:04.50sredna(in 3.4.3)
20:05.01srednaIt's an obvious step ;)
20:07.38fangorioussredna: well, I guess I'll have to wait to get 3.5, then, because the one I have is pitifully unconfigurable. In fact, nothing listed as an Extension or a Tool in Settings->Configure Extensions has any configuration options at all. They all just say "(This plugin is not configurable)"
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20:15.14Griffter2kHey guys, anyone know how to change the K Menu button?
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20:15.53Griffter2kOh, I'm running KDE 3.4
20:15.55thiagoGriffter2k: kmenu.png
20:16.20Griffter2kthiago: So there's no option to change it?  You just change the image it loads?
20:16.57aptkmenu is probably at
20:17.26srednaGriffter2k: I believe it's in the FAQ
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20:22.24thiagohmm... I have a suggestion to the FAQ
20:22.41thiagoI think adding a new file called ~/.kde/share/icons/kmenu.png is actually better
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20:27.34PhilRodthiago: you mean rather than adding it in $KDEDIR?
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20:34.13mgorbach228anyone here use klaptop?
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21:10.46nixnoobanyone know howto get kmplayer our of mini mode
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21:17.50fredrikkhi - I'm having problems with getting the kbluepin helper to come up automatcially (although I can start it by hand ok) - any ideas?
21:18.11fredrikkI've set it up ok in /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf and restart hcid.
21:19.41fredrikk..and all I see in syslog is "pin_code_request (sba=foo, dba=bar)
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21:41.05BlackBsdhow can i change just the icon of the kmenu start button to something that i want?
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21:50.23bjohnsonofffffffff  help
21:50.45dgrantwhere is the address book stored for kaddressbook? I backed up my old .kde3.4 profile and created a new one from I need to grab the old one and copy it over
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21:52.28oGALAXYosearch for a file named 'vcf' or something
21:52.41oGALAXYo.kde3.4/share/apps/... something there iirc.
21:52.54oGALAXYoor config/apps or something
21:53.04dgrantoGALAXYo: ok, I was searching for address and didn't find anything. I'll try that. brb
21:53.21oGALAXYoin worst case search for an address or person you know.. the file is a textfile.
21:53.29strawhm, looks like ~/.kde/share/apps/kabc
21:53.36kendrickoh good lord
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21:54.02bjohnsonahh .. that's better
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21:55.07dgrantstraw: oGALAXYo: I see 7 files there... one with .vcf, then .vcf_1, .vcf_2, etc... The .vcf one has the most recent date. It must create auto-backups or something? Cool
21:55.25oGALAXYocopy them over all
21:55.49LatinoI'm using Kanotix 2005-4 and kde3.5 from alioth. is there a howto for downgrade to 3.4.3?
21:55.49dgrantoGALAXYo: that might screw things up...maybe I should do an import?
21:56.07oGALAXYodo as you wish
21:56.20oGALAXYobut vcf which is a vcard specification
21:56.32oGALAXYohas fixed terms and keywords for its values
21:56.39oGALAXYoso you can copy it over 1:1 without dataloss
21:57.18dgrantoGALAXYo: I meant that copying it over it might not see it automatically. it might need to have a reference to it in the rc file or something...
21:57.26dgrantI just did an import and it seemed to work fine
21:57.39oGALAXYothats what matters at the end.
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22:09.41BlackBsdhow can i change just the kmenu icon?
22:09.49annmalook in the FAQ
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22:09.55annmalink in topic
22:09.55nixnoobHi all I have been having some gtk issues with some programs
22:10.23annmanixnoob: ask your distro channel
22:11.24AcidTonicnixnoob, which distro are you running?
22:11.59annmanixnoob: ask in #gentoo
22:12.00AcidTonicnixnoob, should be able to emerge it, but I'm a slackware user and not much help to you
22:12.15annmaI don't see why you cannot install only gtk
22:12.38nixnoobIam just having alot of problems with kmplayer and xine
22:12.57annmayou should not
22:13.11annmain #gentoo they'll help you though
22:13.50nixnoobyeah I asked alot of gentoo users are pro "fluxbox"
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22:14.14AcidTonicnixnoob, well google for installing gtk on gentoo
22:14.17annmanixnoob: the #gentoo channel will help you
22:14.28annmaand read the gentoo doc as well
22:15.32nixnoobkk thanks as always this channel has lots of ppl willing to chat and help :)
22:16.27AcidTonicnixnoob, im actually rather new here.... as of last night, but ill have to agree with you on that :)
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22:17.48nixnoobI love KDE and Gentoo :-)
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22:18.44nixnoobI have also been trying to solve automounting using dbus hal and pmount having quite got it working yet
22:19.47annmahmm, wih Gentoo you have some config to do I suppose
22:19.55AcidTonicnixnoob, have you tried putting the media applet in kicker?
22:20.04nixnoobyep did that
22:20.15AcidTonicnixnoob, then just make sure the "users" flag is in the device inside fstab
22:20.29AcidTonicnixnoob, i can provide a better example if you need help
22:20.33nixnoobannma: I think your right I need to do something with hal.conf
22:20.39nixnoobokay thanks
22:20.50AcidTonicnixnoob, i personally am not a fan of auto mounting
22:21.18nixnoobyeah true its just a pain to goto konsole all the time for me
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22:22.38AcidTonicnixnoob, if you have fstab setup correctly you can just click mount in the media applet and it works
22:22.44SMiLeafnixnoob: you can always use the system:/ or media:/ in konq.
22:23.04AcidTonicSMiLeaf, hey there mate, finally get some rest?
22:23.05nixnoobwhat should I add to fstab?
22:23.18AcidTonicnixnoob, well find the line starting with the devices you want to mount
22:23.26SMiLeafAcidTonic: lots of it. and I've lost my voice now completely ;)
22:23.38kommerckbtw is it normal then if I mount with HAL and don't have my pen drive in fstab KDE can't umount it
22:23.45nixnoobI can post my fstab if nessesary really quick
22:24.04AcidTonicnixnoob, then the second to the last group of words you will see something like    defaults,owner,ro      just leave whatever is there and add   users to the comma seperated list
22:24.21AcidTonicnixnoob, can you figure it out that ^^^?
22:24.28nixnooboh yeah
22:24.29SMiLeafthe only sign language I know is "hi", "how are you", and "I'm full", "pig" :/
22:24.37SMiLeafoh yah "I'm fine"
22:25.06AcidTonicnixnoob, like mine for my cdrom looks like this       noauto,owner,users,ro
22:25.13SMiLeafcan't carry on too much of a conversation with just those phrases :(
22:25.31AcidTonicSMiLeaf, that was me a few weeks ago....
22:25.53SMiLeafAcidTonic: you didn't have to give this to me then!
22:25.53AcidTonicnixnoob, you do know what we mean by fstab right?   its located at   /etc/fstab
22:26.03nixnoobyeah im in it now
22:26.11AcidTonicSMiLeaf, hehe, a new definition of "virus"
22:26.30SMiLeafAcidTonic: and it's transmittable even tho I run linux T.T;;
22:27.01nixnoobin owner I put username?
22:27.07AcidTonicnixnoob, just add the users option to whatever devices you want a user to be able to mount, for the media applet and konqueror and such, a user must be able to mount the device
22:27.20AcidTonicnixnoob, dont erase anything, just add a comma at the end and put users
22:27.28nixnoobkk ill try thanks
22:27.32AcidTonicnixnoob, if you wanna paste that one line, ill paste back the changes
22:27.40AcidTonicnixnoob, just dont flood
22:27.45nixnoob/dev/cdroms/cdrom0      /mnt/cdrom      iso9660         noauto,ro       0 0
22:27.55AcidTonic/dev/cdroms/cdrom0      /mnt/cdrom      iso9660         noauto,users,ro       0 0
22:28.01AcidTonicsee how easy that is :)
22:28.05nixnoobI just need my cdrom to automount
22:28.08nixnoobyeah thx
22:28.14carrambaAcidTonic: users? not user?
22:28.30AcidToniccarramba, for him either should work, i doubt hes running a multiuser machine
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22:28.47SMiLeafcarramba: allows all users to mount and unmount.. even if the unmounter wasn't the mounter.
22:28.50AcidToniccarramba, if so i would have said user.... some people try to make another account and it doesnt work
22:29.07AcidTonicSMiLeaf, i think he was just wondering why i didnt say user
22:29.28SMiLeafAcidTonic: oh well.. can't talk IRL might as well waste my internet breath ;)
22:29.38carrambaexactly, I was just wondering, that's all
22:29.56SMiLeafthat wasn't something I knew up until a few months ago
22:29.58AcidToniccarramba, and besides with the simple questions hes asking (no offense nixnoob) he doesnt know how to secure a machine anyway and i bet thats not the only problem
22:30.08AcidToniccarramba, yea
22:30.28nixnoobwell I know howto use iptables lol
22:30.45AcidTonicnixnoob, ill let you in on an amazing program, check out  fwbuilder
22:30.49SMiLeafnixnoob: your a genious then! :D
22:30.49nixnoobbut thats about it
22:30.58nixnoobyeah Ive used fwbuilder
22:31.04AcidTonicnixnoob, I use that to remotely manage the firewalls on machines at work
22:31.14AcidTonicnixnoob, I'm a linux sysadmin for a small ISP
22:31.31nixnoobwell Im not completly stupid but I did only do a stage3 install of gentoo on ppc lol
22:31.51AcidTonicnixnoob, I run slackware on all our servers and my personal machines
22:31.57SMiLeafstage3 always use to bust on me.. stage2 worked beautifully tho :D
22:32.31nixnoobit was such a pain to get X working I had to do modelines from scratch
22:32.41AcidTonicnixnoob, what video card?
22:32.47nixnoobI guess apple hardware wasnt made for Linux :)
22:32.57nixnoobati 7500
22:33.02AcidTonicnixnoob, there are special distros for macs
22:33.12nixnoobYeh but yellowdog linux sux
22:33.32AcidTonicI'm an nvidia fanboy anyway, their linux drivers and litteraly point and click, (with the enter key of course)
22:33.57SMiLeafnVidia is so much better in linux than ATI.
22:34.21AcidTonic./  when not in x, then add the driver to xorg.conf and restart X, works every time
22:34.31nixnoobcheck this out
22:34.36kommerckfor ATI 7500 just use the radeon DRI driver, fglrx drivers WON'T work
22:35.08AcidTonicnixnoob, you referring to pearpc? im trying not to squint to read that window title
22:35.18nixnoobnah MacOnLinux
22:35.24AcidTonicxmag to the rescue
22:35.25kommerckXorg DRI drivers work even on ppc I think
22:35.41nixnoobit used the OSX partition its a little different from an emu
22:35.48AcidTonicI use DRI for the supersavage on my Thinkpad T23
22:36.01AcidTonicnixnoob, pearpc is a famous emu for linux
22:36.15nixnoobyeah I wanna try that soon
22:36.23nixnoobits like a processer emu i think
22:36.38AcidTonicnixnoob, stay away from cherryos, its a commercial rip off of pearpc and its not oss
22:36.49AcidTonicnixnoob, its far more complicated trust me
22:37.21AcidTonicnixnoob, it emulates another arch, meaning the flow of info and instruction sets and all, very complicated work
22:37.40nixnoobhmm lol
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22:38.27nixnoobIam happy enought to have OSX run inside Linux
22:38.49AcidTonicIBMs hardware rules, with AIX you can do just about anything without shutting down the machine
22:39.13AcidTonicswapping out processors, ram, harddrives..... with a few commands you just route the os to other modules then shut them off
22:39.27AcidTonicI'm real eager to learn it
22:40.27AcidTonicnixnoob, any luck with gtk or your mounting issues?
22:40.29nixnoobI wish I could afford new stuff but its hard when your self-imployed lol
22:40.58nixnoobnot gtk yet but editing fstb worked thanks
22:41.13AcidTonicnixnoob, yeah thats how i do my mounting
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22:52.17Nikhil2hi, I am wondering if there is a way to use KDE application associations to open a file from the shell
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22:54.20annmaNikhil2: explain
22:55.00Nikhil2I am writing an app which needs to open files using application associations. For instance on the mac I can do "open ex.pdf" in the shell and it will know what app to use..
22:56.17annmawhen you click on a file in kde it opens in the correct prog
22:56.30annmaso it is doable
22:56.31Nikhil2yes, I would like to do that from the shell
22:56.42annmalike when you paste an url here
22:56.50annmaI click on it and konq opens
22:56.59annmajust look at kde code to see how this is done
22:57.20Nikhil2ok...I will do that...I was hoping there was a facility already in place
22:57.39annmathere is probably, just that iy does ot come to me like hat
22:57.45carrambaannma: well ...
22:58.08carrambaannma: I can think about mime handling
22:58.14carrambaannma: for that purpose
22:59.07carrambaannma: for example in my system I have run-mailcap command (among see, edit and others)
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22:59.32carrambaannma: it executes application connected to mime type of specified file
22:59.40annmacarramba: I know all that
22:59.53annmaI think Nikhil2 wants to know how it is done in kde
23:00.01carrambaannma: oops, it wasn't your question, sorry :)
23:00.35Nikhil2carramba: that is exactly what I was looking for...thanks
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23:06.55ptfd9100multisynk experts here?
23:08.08AcidTonicptfd9100, whats your question/problem?
23:08.26AcidTonicptfd9100, I'm not an expert but i might be able to help
23:08.28srednaannma: Done!!!
23:08.41annmacongrats and many thanks
23:08.47srednaannma: :-)
23:08.47annmayou rock
23:08.52ptfd9100multisynk just sits there and stares at me about half of the time, the other half it says it can't read axim info?
23:09.03ptfd9100multisynk just sits there and stares at me about half of the time, the other half it says it can't read axim "DATA rather"
23:09.22srednaNow, go read it and say if there are some bad errors (the doc is fine, I changed very little of Dominiks text)
23:09.25AcidTonicptfd9100, what devices / programs are you trying to sync
23:09.26ptfd9100everything elsa seems to work...
23:09.41ptfd9100korganizer and teh addressbook
23:10.14ptfd9100theh pocketpc is a dell axim x50 running WM2003 SE
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23:10.38AcidTonichmm I have a zaurus personally, never had any problems.... sorry
23:10.53AcidTonicptfd9100, do they have an irc channel?
23:10.57ptfd9100I can copy files around with raki fine...
23:11.01AcidTonicptfd9100, or check out the mailing list
23:11.17ptfd9100I think synce has a channel, multisynk too?
23:12.40ptfd9100that is mailing list for multisync, ??  multisynk?
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23:15.58srednaannma: Uhm, now I also got it comitted, I didn't notice it failed before
23:16.16srednaBut now you can check it out if you want to
23:17.07annma:) I will
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23:18.20annmawhat fails?
23:18.51srednaOh, my files were not up to date
23:18.55srednaI just had to update
23:19.11spenserHey guys. An old fluxbox guy has a question.  I recently switched to KDE after being blown away by the look and even more importantly the speed of kde.  I'm doing a little customizing and have changed the theme for KDM, and my background in KDE, and also the splash screen that shows while kde is loading.
23:19.20sredna... and looking closer at my text, I still miss a few markup details :p
23:19.48spenserbut after the kde splash screen goes away it shows a different background then changes to mine. what is the name of the first background that shows and where can i change that setting?
23:20.28superstonedhaaa, spenser, i would love to know ;-)
23:20.49superstonedseriously, i think it might very well be the background root choose...
23:20.59Bonkieit isnt the default kde background ?
23:21.01superstonedor something in X (the default X picture?)
23:21.40spenserthe distro i am using is Whax. based on Slax.  It has a default background that i changed.  when it boots it shows the original background then switches to mine
23:21.49annmasredna: wooow, it looks good
23:22.06srednaIt shows the kdm background until yours is ready, that normally happens before the splash is closed
23:22.09srednaannma: Ty :)
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23:22.22spenserand actually shows a blue screen before it shows the original background. I have found the source of hte blue through the system administration tools in the control center and the login manager.
23:22.28Bonkieyes, here it shows kdm background as well
23:22.35srednaI missed a few <parameter>, which I will add as they greatly improves the readability
23:22.36superstonedaaaah sredna > you're right this can be set up
23:22.44spenserwhere would I change that background?
23:23.18superstonedspenser: just choose the background in kcontrol -> loginscreen.
23:23.31spensersuperstoned, ok. thanks
23:23.38superstonedyou can then choose a theme with kdmtheme ( should work.
23:23.44spenseri'm still having a hard time believing how fast it runs
23:24.18spenserafter years with flux and the occasional run-in with gnome on red hat boxes I stayed away from the big desktop environments.
23:24.18superstonedyeah, and KDE 4 will be MUCH faster ;-)
23:24.29superstonedalso with the latest patches for speed it starts up 50% faster.
23:24.30spenseri decided to give kde a shot again since i hadn't used it in years.
23:24.45spenserwow, 50% faster?
23:24.54superstonedor more.
23:25.05superstonedfrom 10 to 5 sec, as fast as XFCE (old laptop)
23:25.21spenserright now kde is faster than my windows desktop. i never thought i would see the day when a real linux desktop was as fast as the windowsone.
23:25.55spenseri'm gonna give this login screen a shot. brb
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23:27.04superstonedhey goin' to bed
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23:43.19KiLOScan somebody help me with k3b?
23:43.33KiLOSit won't copy an encrypted dvd, but it will for everyone else
23:43.55KiLOSi have the latest version, and i got it from packman
23:44.17Bonkiemaybe you need the css stuff ?
23:47.03KiLOSi have libdvdcss
23:47.15KiLOSi can play the movie, just not copy it
23:47.27KiLOSi even own the stupid movie, don't even want a copy of this movie
23:47.36KiLOSall i want is to be able to copy a movie in the future
23:47.49KiLOSand to test it and get it ready now
23:47.53KiLOSreally making me angry
23:48.25Bonkieerr, dont know much about k3b, but id check css support in k3b
23:48.36KiLOSany idea where to look for that?
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