irclog2html for #kde on 20050406

00:00.12gcbirzanI'm going to write a script which first runs the --remote one and if no FF is started, start it.
00:00.40intrepidwouldn't remote do that?
00:00.58Dhraakellianand it works for me
00:01.03gcbirzanintrepid: Yes, but I don't know how to tell KDE to put the URL in a certain position in the command.
00:01.10gcbirzanAs in, not at the end.
00:01.16intrepidoh i see
00:01.19intrepid%u i think
00:01.20Dhraakellianexcept in akregator, where I can't seem to open something *just* in a new tab in akregator
00:01.47gcbirzanThough, the script thing is better because if there's no started Firefox, -remote will fail.
00:01.47derelmDhraakellian: i think that can be configured inside akregator
00:01.49intrepidat least that's how it is in the redhat application preferences dialog
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00:01.56intrepidbut that's gnome
00:02.08intrepidyeah remote does fail if none is open
00:02.19derelmgcbirzan: you could have a look at gentoo's mozilla-starter or something like that
00:02.35Dhraakellianderelm, when I tell it to open in akregator (and not in an external browser), opens it in akregator and still sends it to firefox
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00:03.10Mathmanhi guys.  anyone know how I do a screenshot off the top of their head?
00:03.33Dhraakellianoh, my bad...
00:03.49Dhraakellianit doesn't seem to open it in akregator; it just opens the tab
00:03.59Dhraakellianand procedes to open it in Firefox anyway
00:04.01intrepida short script would do it to... just something like  firefox --remote "openURL($1)" ;  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then firefox $1; fi
00:04.10intrepidoh wait..
00:04.14Dhraakellianhmm... or is it still loading?
00:04.18Mathmanderelm: hmm, I tried that, print screen I guess you're saying no?  anyway, nothign pops up.  does the shot just automatically go somewhere then?
00:04.19intrepidthat would open it twice if another error happened..
00:04.31intrepidbut something _like_ that would work.. you'd probably have to figure out the right error code
00:04.51gcbirzan/usr/bin/firefox -remote "openurl($*,new-tab)"; if [ $? -eq 2 ]; then /usr/bin/firefox "$@"; fi
00:04.55derelmMathman: just do a ctrl-v in any folder and name it screenshot.png
00:05.19intrepidsounds good
00:05.23Mathmanderelm: k, lemme give it a shot.  thanks
00:05.28derelmMathman: alternative ksnapshot
00:06.59sarah03Grr. "Direct booting from floppy is no longer supported."
00:07.07DhraakellianI think I set it up so that printscreen would launch ksnapshot
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00:08.13intrepidderelm.. i think i figured out what to do.. just create my own Mail directory tree from within kmail from scratch
00:08.21intrepidthat way i know it will work in kmail
00:08.33gcbirzanTrying to start a browser adds as starting "Konqueror", which changes to "ff" (my script) then disappears to the task barb.
00:09.25intrepidi bet outlook put those stupid cur, new, and tmp folders in there in the first place!
00:09.34gcbirzanIs there a way to disable that?
00:09.38derelmintrepid: i don't think so
00:09.52gcbirzanintrepid: Er, no. That's a standard maildir setup.
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00:11.36EViLGiMpanyone here good with networks, i feel i'm forgetting something and need another opinion
00:12.07gcbirzanintrepid: Using it is a Good Thing â„¢. You can figure out which mails you've read and which you've not and be able to keep that between MUAs.
00:12.15gcbirzanEViLGiMp: You can try :-)
00:12.19markcdcop kdesktop KBackgroundIface setColor '#ffffff' false = object not accessible ... runing 3.4, do we still have a dcop interface these days ?
00:12.21EViLGiMpright now ifconfig gives me Link encap:UNSPEC
00:12.25EViLGiMpfor eth0
00:12.56intrepidother email clients don't show them though and i can still see what mails i have read and which i havent
00:13.01derelmmarkc: kdcop ... it takes 2 arguments
00:13.04DhraakellianEViLGiMp, just out of curiosity, do you run a photo-editiong RPG or something
00:13.22intrepidand when i go into those cur, tmp, and new folders (via shell or kmail) they're always empty anyway
00:13.23gcbirzanintrepid: No client is supposed to show them, but interpret the directory as a maildir.
00:13.25EViLGiMpsetting up gentoo
00:13.26derelmmarkc: sorry, misread
00:13.43intrepidso kmail just doesn't handle it correctly then?
00:13.50markcderelm> does the above work for you ?
00:14.01gcbirzanEViLGiMp: That's a wired NIC, right?
00:14.09derelmmarkc: did you try without '#' ?
00:14.42EViLGiMpip's and gateways all config'd, but as soon as i boot to gentoo no net
00:14.55markcI'm just wondering if I'm not running all of kde or something... just now without the #, same result
00:14.56gcbirzanEViLGiMp: And this card worked before?
00:14.57EViLGiMpgives me the UNSPEC
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00:15.02EViLGiMphell ya
00:15.42derelmmarkc: have a look at kdcop, navigate to kdesktop .. KBackgroundI... setColor
00:15.46markcEViLGiMp> I get that when my firewaie modules a loaded first
00:15.58EViLGiMpno firewall installed yet
00:16.09derelmEViLGiMp: check ifconfig
00:16.15markcderelm> there is no kdesktop in my kdcop...wierd
00:16.29gcbirzanEViLGiMp: Using that same driver?
00:16.38derelmmarkc: ok, then something seems to be wrong ;)
00:16.48gcbirzanintrepid: Possibly, 'sbeen a while since I last looked at KMail.
00:17.01markcI've got kded, klauncher, knotify.. and kommander... but that's all
00:17.25derelmmarkc: are you logged into kde?
00:17.26markcderelm> yeah, that's why I'm here :-)
00:17.48markcderelm> yep, those 3 items do show up in kdcop
00:18.12derelmmarkc: do you have the "k-menu" and stuff like that ... icons on the desktop and so on?
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00:18.22gcbirzanEViLGiMp: What kind of NIC is it?
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00:19.11markcderelm> ys... duh!! ... this is when I run kdcop from a root shell... if I run it from the actual users shell all the other parts are there... sheet
00:19.29derelmmarkc: ;)
00:19.34intrepidok this is weird.. i can add a (local) maildir mailbox to kmail and it created a tree structure with all those subdirs i described before... but it can't handle them over IMAP??!?!
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00:19.51markcderelm> thank you.. your "are you logged in" question helped :)
00:20.17derelmintrepid: i think it's a server thing ...
00:20.37intrepidbut it works with thunderbird
00:20.42EViLGiMprealtec gigabit
00:20.53gcbirzanintrepid: It is a server thing.
00:21.00gcbirzanEViLGiMp: What PCI IDs?
00:21.14gcbirzanI'm going to look it up in discover's db, since I'm too lazy for anything else :-)
00:21.30EViLGiMphow do i check that?
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00:22.48EViLGiMprtl 8169
00:23.22derelmEViLGiMp: did you compile the kernel yourself? did you add the needed nic-driver?
00:23.41EViLGiMpgentoo genkernel
00:23.57markcderelm> thanks for your help
00:24.03EViLGiMpdriver listed in the drivers/net in lib
00:24.06derelmEViLGiMp: lsmod, does it show a rtl driver module loaded?
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00:25.59derelmEViLGiMp: does ifconfig show your card?
00:26.16Paleosometime , since I upgraded to 3.4, KDE shut down and restart without any apparent reason
00:26.18Paleoare there log somewhere ?
00:26.52derelmPaleo: you could use startx from console, then you get plenty of debug output
00:26.58EViLGiMpit shows my addresses for it
00:27.15EViLGiMpbut encap is UNSPEC
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00:27.50gcbirzancat /sys/bus/pci/devices/$(lspci | awk '/Realtek/{ORS="";print $1}')/{subsystem_device,subsystem_vendor} should print two lines, first is the device id, second vendor id
00:28.24phxguyanyone know how i can play music from itunes in linux?
00:28.54gcbirzanIf you don't have a network connection, that's going to suck. :-P
00:29.19derelmphxguy: try pymusique or sharpmusique (google for these)
00:29.41derelmphxguy: or was it more about playing aac files?
00:29.49gcbirzanSo, in /sys/bus/pci/devices/(first value from lspci for your NIC)/ you cat those two files.
00:30.34phxguyderelm right now they are m4p files.... from the itunes music store. I just to be able to play them if I can convert them thats even better
00:30.57derelmphxguy: vlx can play these i think, mplayer should maybe too
00:31.09derelmphxguy: vlc i mean
00:35.35phxguyderelm: does vlc run in kde? or just gnome
00:36.39derelmphxguy: i am not really sure, i am not using it myself ... chances are that mplayer will play m4p's aswell, in a desktop-neutral way
00:38.15sarah03ls .
00:39.41phxguyhmmm looking at the features and it doesn't mention anything about being able to play m4p files
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00:47.45meganhey when i try to rotate a jpeg image i get the error 'couldnt find the program "jpegorient +90 %u"' ...anybody know whats with that?
00:49.33phxguythat would be great if i had gentoo... im using ubuntu/kubuntu
00:49.41derelmmegan: it should be in your path, coming with kde
00:49.57meganits in my path its just not working:/
00:51.17Dhraakellianphxguy, I've heard of people using gentoo documentation for other distros and just replacing the gentoo-specific stuff (emerge, etc) with general stuff (rpm command or manual building)
00:51.45eisregenphxguy: you can do it an any distri ... just ignore the genoo-ness .. also look for: QTFairUse
00:51.52phxguysorry.. im kinda a noob here...
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00:51.59derelmmegan: try running jpegorient 90 /file... to a jpg file you can spare and see if it works
00:52.23Dhraakellianit's probably not teh easiest to do with all  gentoo docs, but many of them can be used for all distros with a little adaptation
00:52.41derelmmegan: where you replace "/file..." with the path to the file ;)
00:52.55meganlol i know that much:P
00:53.24meganhmm it says....unable to move temp files
00:54.04derelmmegan: are you trying to rotate a file you don't have enough permissions on?
00:55.45meganhmm ok scrap that picture its in my windows partition...ummm when i use one (that does have the right permissions:)) it says a whole lot:/
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00:55.54meganumm but it doesnt work
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00:56.27derelmmegan: can you post the output to
00:56.59*** join/#kde Boingo (
00:57.15BoingoMy KDE locks up at random.  The mouse cursor moves, but everything is locked up, no clock, no clicks, etc.  Any ideas?  Or, is there a prefered way to troubleshoot kde lockups?
00:57.40canllaithDo you have another WM or DE installed ?
00:57.40annmadefine locks
00:57.54annmais it frozen?
00:57.56BoingoNo apps are working.
00:57.58meganok its pasted
00:58.02BoingoThe clock stops, the apps stop, etc.
00:58.04canllaithIt would be a good thing to test under Gnome for a day or two to see if these lock-ups happen under it
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00:58.21annmaBoingo: does that occure from the day you installed KDE?
00:58.22BoingoFrozen, yes.  Except for the mouse cursor.
00:58.46derelmmegan: hmmpf... are you still using kde 3.2?
00:58.52annmaor was it OK and then it got messed
00:58.56Boingoanma: no, I didnt use it for a while, when I came back to use it, is when they happened.
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00:59.08annmaso at first it was OK?
00:59.09Boingoanma: It didnt lock before.
00:59.14annmaBoingo: try a new user
00:59.20BoingoIt works for weeks under windows.
00:59.39annmaunder windows?
00:59.52meganummm yes:/
00:59.56annmaBoingo: create a new user and log in KDE with it
00:59.57Boingoanma: I mean it most likely isnt hardware.
01:00.12annmaBoingo: try the new user
01:00.13Boingoanma: I logged into kde under root.
01:00.19mattrhmm, that could be part of it
01:00.23derelmmegan: well, ok fine so far ... but somehow the script seems to have problems with contained exif data, sorry, can't help you with that
01:00.24annmahow stupid, Boingo
01:00.25canllaithI think I am having an encoding problem
01:00.33annmacanllaith: fun, me too
01:00.34Boingoanma: It doesnt seem to lock under root.
01:00.37megandamn ok thanks fro trying:)
01:00.39mattrcanllaith: everybody has an encoding problem . :P
01:00.50canllaithmattr: Konqueror is showing ' as little boxes :(
01:00.51annmaBoingo: will you create a new user and try it PLEASE
01:01.04mattrcanllaith: hi!
01:01.06annmacanllaith: wrong font?
01:01.10mattrcanllaith: bad konqueror!
01:01.13canllaithannma: Same one I use always :(
01:01.16Boingoanma: Yes.  Hang on.
01:01.30annmacanllaith: what language?
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01:02.03annmahi mattr
01:02.08mattrhi annma
01:02.11canllaith:P damnit you're the third person to think I'm rather Romulan.
01:02.56mattrwhat the hell?!? first i get hugged half to death (but i liked it) :) and then i get assassinated?
01:03.05*** join/#kde inviso11 (
01:03.10mattrwould you people just make up your mind whether you're going to love me or hate me?
01:03.18annmawe love you
01:03.20canllaithWhy can't we just use and abuse you as we see fit at the time?
01:03.26Dhraakellianisn't the circumflex the one that looks like the caret?
01:03.37canllaithYou love the attention, we like to routinely hug you and pick on you, what's the problem? :P
01:03.55annmathat;s the circonflexe, reversed caret
01:03.57illogic-albîte me Dhraakellian
01:04.11mattrcanllaith, annma: hmm, that works too. :)
01:04.18Boingoanma: Take it back, it happens under root too.  While using kuser to add a user, it froze up.
01:04.31canllaithBoingo: I'd grab memtest and run it over your machine to test
01:04.32annmaBoingo: think!
01:04.47annmaBoingo: use your distro utility to add a user!!
01:04.47Boingoanma: Ok, I am trying.
01:04.51canllaithEven if it does work fine under Windows, Linux puts different stresses on a computer
01:05.00canllaithparticularly if you often use gcc
01:05.01annmaBoingo: it's ok I think for you
01:05.09mattrcanllaith: hehe, been there done that. :D
01:05.13Dhraakellianillogic-al, what do you take me for? A humanitarian?
01:05.28illogic-alhrr hrr
01:05.35canllaithI just sucked badly at a job interview noooooooooooo
01:05.48mattrcanllaith: what?!??! nooo, i'm sure you did fine. :D
01:05.58canllaith*sniff* I feel like I sucked
01:06.15annmaBoingo: what is your distro? <Gentoo as answeris not admitted>
01:06.20canllaithAlthough, I spent an entire year listening to the boss whinge about the previous employee and how much he sucked :) So next to him I still look good.
01:06.43canllaithbut I still suuuuuuuuuuuuucked :'(
01:07.30Boingoanma: :)  Gentoo.
01:07.35derelmannma: why isn't gentoo admitted?...
01:07.44annmaderelm: just a joke
01:07.57annmabecause he was as root
01:08.02annmaso I guessed it
01:08.12Boingoanma: Nah, I dont use it as root normally.
01:08.18annmawell you did
01:08.20Boingoanma: just when testing.
01:08.37annmaand sucha b0rked distro can only be Gentoo
01:08.39Boingoanma: I use a normal user, normally.
01:08.40derelmstill root-usage is disencouraged, even in gentoo-land
01:08.41Dhraakellianannma, admitted or permitted?
01:08.57Boingoderelm: Yes, I agree.
01:09.05annmaSuperLag: you are in charge of that user
01:09.19sarah03Hm. I haven't run into all that many issues with Gentoo. I'm having more "fun" trying to get a new kernel running on my laptop right now.
01:09.29annmaderelm: well it's a known fact that Gentoo users are very often root
01:09.44derelmBoingo: i didn't read from the beginning, to you have some wm/de aside kde installed?
01:09.48annmaDhraakellian: no way, you know I am a cvs user
01:09.49Boingoanma: I have never had any problems with gentoo except this one, and I run in on several machines.
01:10.03annmaBoingo: this one pretty sucks
01:10.04Dhraakellianannma, I'm not saying that you wouldn't use CVS
01:10.15annmaanyway, I was right! no?
01:10.19Boingoanma: True.
01:10.21annmaso stop fussing!!!!!!!!
01:10.32annmaportage! emerge!
01:11.17Dhraakellianannma, it's #gentoo-kde
01:11.21annmaanyway, I see there is enough people taking care of that poor user
01:11.30annmaDhraakellian: it exists?
01:11.43Dhraakelliannot very active, it seems, but it exists
01:12.02annmaso I suggest to mv every Gentoo user here
01:12.09annmaso we can cuddle in peace here
01:12.16Dhraakellianor cp or ln, at any rate
01:12.28annmamv is better than cp
01:12.30annmaI don
01:12.46annma't want even a symlink here
01:13.08*** join/#kde dalin_ (
01:14.11annmaDhraakellian: did you get amarok from cvs today?
01:14.22annmamine seems to fail to build
01:15.02Dhraakellianhaven't updated today
01:15.14DhraakellianMon Apr  4 19:56:20 EDT 2005
01:15.24derelmbtw whats the status of the cvs->svn move?
01:15.28annmaand it was OK
01:15.32Dhraakellianwell, ~6:20 before that
01:15.37annmaderelm: on hold at the moment
01:15.44annmawill be soon
01:15.46Dhraakellianderelm, yeah, while they evaluate bitkeeper
01:15.50derelmwasn't that planned fo today?
01:15.56annmaderelm: nope
01:16.07annmano date was fixed for this week
01:16.19Boingoanma: Ok, yes, it does lock up under antother user/
01:16.23derelmthought i read something abouth the 6th...
01:16.33annmaBoingo: bingo, you'll have to emerge it again
01:17.02annmaderelm: well I got no notifications
01:17.03BoingoI emerge the bas libs already
01:17.12Boingothe base-libs that is.
01:17.15annmaBoingo: ask in #gentoo-kde
01:17.33annmaI hope you use the monolithik ebuilds
01:17.35Dhraakellianthere are only 10 people in there atm
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01:17.48Dhraakellianincluding myself and a bot, I think
01:17.49annma10 is good if you are among them, Dhraakellian
01:17.50Boingocanllaith: I will try it right now.
01:17.57Boingoanma: Yes, I did.
01:18.15annmaDhraakellian: just scroll back and read
01:18.21annmahe says his kde locks
01:18.26annmain all users
01:18.33annmawindows is ok
01:18.36gcbirzanI doubt it's a memory problem.
01:18.37annmathat's all I know
01:18.54annmamaybe he used a lock-in-45-days flag
01:19.01annmaI told him not to
01:19.13Boingoanma: Thanks.
01:19.21annmaor he configured --with-lock
01:19.26derelmannma: ...
01:19.30annmasorry, bad joke
01:20.15BoingoRunning memtest now.
01:20.25derelmin germany we say something like "annma, did you eat a clown earlier that day?" ;)
01:20.28BoingoI doubt it is memory though....
01:20.41apowderelm: i ate a clown once.
01:21.03Dhraakellianlike the "crash every three hours" setting in Windows^WNifty Doorways?
01:21.09canllaithBoingo: but if you test, then you know for sure it is not memory :)
01:21.27Boingocallaith: I agree.  That is why I am doing it.  :)
01:21.56Dhraakellianapow, very humanitarian of you
01:22.46*** part/#kde dalin_ (
01:22.51canllaithDamn. I can't remember what I was doing.
01:23.06canllaithargh I opened webbrowser for a reason! Why?
01:23.09derelmtrying to get 's right?
01:26.09derelmgrr, i wonder why my kmails imap cache is getting out of sync every now and then...
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01:34.53phxguyso how can i plllay my itunes music in linux...
01:35.24phxguyi 've got pymusique but it just lets me connect to the itunes store
01:35.41thiagocan you download the file?
01:35.57Dhraakelliancan stuff like xine play it, given the correct codecs?
01:36.09Dhraakellianor gstreamer?
01:36.19thiagogiven the correct codecs, sure
01:36.26phxguyI have xine a gxine install and it isn't playing it
01:36.42phxguywhat codec should i have for playing m4p files...
01:37.05thiagophxguy: what codec is it?
01:37.10phxguyi have a codec in xmms that lets me play m4a files but not m4p files
01:37.19phxguyyes what codec is it thiago
01:37.35Dhraakellianisn't there a utility to remove the DRM?
01:37.39thiagophxguy: sorry, I am asking you that
01:37.49phxguyi dunno
01:37.55thiagoI don't have any file from iTunes
01:37.57phxguyi dont know what codec
01:37.59thiagois it AAC?
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01:38.14phxguyi think they are protected aac files mp4's
01:38.24sarah03iTMS is AAC in a FairPlay wrapper.
01:39.07sarah03So... I've heard there are utilities to remove it, I can't remember what any of them are off the top of my head, though, as I've never had reason to use one.
01:39.11phxguysarah03: will that let me play the songs
01:39.49sarah03phxguy: The easiest way to make them playable away from iTunes is to go find a utility to remove the DRM.
01:39.59sarah03Or to burn them to CD and then rip them.
01:40.15phxguyi got pymusique from here and there was alink about itms
01:40.57phxguysarah03: im not able to burn them to cd for some reason either.... tried under windows in itunes4..7 and it wouldn't let me... That is what i had done in the past
01:42.04sarah03phxguy: As I said, I've never had a reason to try removing DRM from a .m4p from iTunes, because I've never purchased anything from iTunes,
01:42.57phxguyneither have I ... the songs i have are from pepsi caps about a dozen of 'em
01:45.22Dhraakellian[21:45:16]<lfranchi> Dhraakellian:
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01:55.05BoingoOk, memtest passed all tests.
01:55.51Boingocallaith: any other ideas?
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01:56.29aikihi anyone know a kde app that can show rss feeds on a (say transparent) desktop widget?
01:57.07aikiits got a rss feed?
01:57.47gcbirzanNo. But I was mentioning it nevertheless.
01:58.02phxguyim looking at jhymm and looks like they only have files for windows or mac platform
01:58.22BoingoThere are no plugins for superkaramba that have rss?  I would be surprised.
01:58.51phxguyBoingo: I thought i seen some at kdelook
01:58.55teki was thinking the same thing, that has to already exist
01:59.05Dhraakellianphxguy, I just glanced at it, but I think there's a cli version that works on *nix
01:59.19phxguythe superkaramba site doesn't have a whole lot in the way of plug-ins
01:59.28aikiok found one.. superkaramba skrssreader
01:59.30gcbirzanphxguy: You know, that threw me off too.
01:59.45gcbirzanBut, then there's:
01:59.54BoingoOk, so when my KDE locks up, sometimes when I reboot, the KDE is only 640x480 and that is the only option I have.  Does that lead to a driver issue?
01:59.55phxguydoesn't make a whole lotta sense to me.... but oh well
02:00.09phxguyI need to try out this jhymm in windows.... Thanks for all your help people
02:00.25thiagoBoingo: cold or warm reboot?
02:00.34Boingothiago: warm
02:00.37DhraakellianBoingo, just a total guess, but is it an X11 configuration problem?
02:00.43thiagoBoingo: what happens if it's a cold reboot?
02:01.13*** join/#kde Tpo1 (
02:01.53Tpo1what was that trick for getting a program to use artsd?  some way to "wrap" the binary
02:01.56Boingothiago: A cold reboot after a lockup?
02:02.07thiagoBoingo: yes
02:02.12BoingoDhraakellian: I suppose, but I havent changed anything that I know of.
02:02.22Boingothiago: Unknown, havent tried it.
02:02.24thiagoBoingo: in fact, I am wondering how you managed a warm reboot at all.
02:02.39Boingothiago: pushed the reset button on the box.
02:02.41gcbirzanTpo1: artsdsp
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02:02.49thiagoBoingo: in any event, I'm asking because the hardware could have been left in such a state that the driver can't initialise it
02:02.57thiagoBoingo: or recognise or whatever
02:03.02Dhraakelliandefine "warm reboot"
02:03.03thiagoBoingo: that's a cold reboot
02:03.03Boingothiago: Gotcha.
02:03.11thiagoDhraakellian: Ctrl+Alt+Del
02:03.18*** join/#kde X-The (~X-The@
02:03.29thiagoBoingo: I've seen that happen, but it's not common.
02:03.31BoingoI was under the impression that warm was without a powerdown/shutoff.
02:03.36thiagoX-The: did that fix your problem?
02:03.49Boingothiago: But why is it locking up in the first place?
02:03.52Dhraakellianwhat about alt+sysrq+s,u,b?
02:03.53thiagoDhraakellian: same thing, since Ctrl+Alt+Del runs /sbin/reboot
02:03.54X-Theobrigadinho pela resposta q me deste no icq
02:04.34Dhraakellianthiago, but the ssh one still works sometimes when the interface is totally frozen
02:04.35Boingothiago: I cant use the keyboard once it locks up.
02:04.51BoingoSo no, CTRL+ALT+DEL.
02:04.52thiagoDhraakellian: not sure about Alt+SysRq+B
02:04.53DhraakellianBoingo, got another computer handy?
02:05.03thiagoDhraakellian: I think Linux performs a cold reboot
02:05.03BoingoDhraakellian: Yes.
02:05.08Dhraakellianwell, sync, unmount, reboot
02:05.16DhraakellianBoingo, got ssh?
02:05.26BoingoDhraakellian: Yes.
02:05.33DhraakellianBoingo, !;)
02:06.10DhraakellianBoingo, out of curiosity, is there any particular event that causes it?
02:06.19Dhraakellianlike random things in kaffeine?
02:06.21BoingoDhraakellian: Not that I can find.
02:06.39thiagoX-The: how about the kdenetwork problems?
02:06.46BoingoDhraakellian: I have had it lockup in many different ways.  I can't find a similarity.
02:06.53X-Thestill the same
02:06.55Dhraakelliansuch that even killing X doesn't help
02:06.57*** part/#kde mogknight (~mogknight@
02:07.00X-Theand cvs isnt working
02:07.06thiagoX-The: what CVS server?
02:07.07Dhraakellianand I have to reboot remotely
02:07.25X-Theeither webcvs
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02:07.48BoingoDhraakellian: If I stay in console, it doesnt lock up.  Only under KDE.
02:08.10DhraakellianBoingo, once it's frozen, can you ssh in and reboot from cli?
02:08.25Dhraakellianor actually do anything else of use
02:08.44thiagoX-The: the anon servers seem to be down
02:08.54thiagothe master server is working, though
02:09.03X-Theand that kdenetwirk build error continues the same
02:09.13thiagoX-The: I can give you the fix, though
02:09.41*** join/#kde straw (
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02:10.22thiagoX-The: patch sent to your email
02:11.17BoingoIf the screen comes up 640x480 and I CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE then KDE reloads and is back in hi-res.
02:12.13Tpo1artsdsp doesn't seem to want to work... it works fine when I kill artsd though heh
02:13.23LeeJunFanThat's like having a car that works w/o the engine :)
02:13.27*** join/#kde vi4m (
02:13.52vi4mbut why kde use arts?
02:14.13BoingoDhraakellian: The machine is responding normally via SSH when it is locked up.
02:14.21vi4malsa+dmix+gstreamer does the arts work better
02:14.23*** join/#kde VexX (
02:14.34canllaithalsa + dmix + gstreamer did not exis when arts was written
02:14.59Tpo1ya well, I don't have gstreamer
02:14.59*** join/#kde Latem (
02:15.15Tpo1scratch tat, I misread
02:15.20katyaarts is easier to setup
02:15.31Tpo1reading is fundamental
02:16.54vi4mbut when running arts realtime, the system is less reponsive
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02:17.29canllaithMaybe for you.... works fine here
02:19.04BoingoDoes anyone have any other ideas?
02:22.55[_]illogic-alBoingo: prob?
02:23.08BoingoKDE locks up at random.
02:23.40[_]illogic-alstop using nvidia driver for X. TADA!
02:23.52BoingoThink so?
02:23.59katyawhat do you suggest, ATI?
02:24.02canllaithThat also works fine here.
02:24.16BoingoI am running nvidia.
02:24.24vi4mBoingo: play with nvidia NvAgp settings
02:24.25[_]illogic-alconsidering that _everyone_ who's had that problem (including me) has been using the nvidia drivers... yeah, i think so.
02:24.35BoingoI am running a fx5200 as well.
02:24.36katyaBoingo: kde isn't really... anything.  what is 'kde locking up' supposed to mean
02:24.49katyakde is a collaboration of applications, utilities, and stuffs.
02:24.54[_]illogic-alit's not a KDE problem, it will happen in gnome too.
02:25.03BoingoAll the applications stop respoing, the clock stops ticking, etc.
02:25.13*** join/#kde grepster (
02:25.23[_]illogic-altake it from someone who has spent months trying to troubleshoot this
02:25.27BoingoI CAN ssh into the box though, and it is still running.
02:25.43BoingoSo what driver DO I try?
02:25.57[_]illogic-alnormal X driver.
02:26.02vi4mtry default nv X driver
02:26.03canllaithSo what about the hundreds of people who use nvidia cards with no problem at all
02:26.12katyaBoingo: that sounds like X is dying, not 'kde'.
02:26.15Boingocanllaith: I was thinking the same thing.
02:26.18canllaithand the hundreds of people who have lockups using ati, neomagic, etc etc ?
02:26.21[_]illogic-alkatya: yup
02:26.32canllaithby all means, try the nv driver
02:26.34katyaBoingo: is your gpu fan working?
02:26.38canllaithIt could very well help.
02:26.58Boingokatya: Yes.
02:27.36*** join/#kde _bodly (
02:27.44canllaithah sod, maybe I don't want to game and compile KDE at the same time......
02:28.14*** join/#kde zodiaq (~zodiaq@
02:28.45BoingoWhat disadvantage will I get from switching to the nv driver?
02:28.55canllaithKiss your gaming goodbye ;):P
02:28.58[_]illogic-alno 3d
02:29.03*** join/#kde commander_robot (~andrei@DU102.N222.ResNet.QueensU.CA)
02:29.04[_]illogic-aland slower 2d
02:29.15Boingocanllaith: I dont really do much gaming.
02:29.31Boingocanllaith: Plus, I cant do much of it right now anyway.
02:29.42zodiaqok im in trouble... i cant get my keyboard to work in kde. xkbcomp is saying some stuff about "type "ONE_LEVEL" has 1 levels, but <RALT> has 2 symbols. ignoring extra symbols"
02:30.05zodiaqanyone have any clues?
02:31.21tekdoes it work in just the command line?
02:31.59teksay in a virtual console
02:32.31Dhraakelliancanllaith, don't let him get your goat
02:33.36BoingoOk, changed the driver to nv.  Time to see if it crashes.
02:35.40canllaithyay! :)
02:35.59eisregenis there any editor for kde that can the captures as part of the replacement when searching and replacing with regex ?
02:36.08eisregen*can use
02:37.28gcbirzaneisregen: vim? :-)
02:38.01BoingoNo crashes yet.  It normally would have by now.
02:38.16*** part/#kde ViaD123 (
02:39.18eisregen[_]illogic-al: the captures .. like in /this->([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/  <- everything in the braces is 'captured' and should be usable in the replacement part ... otherwise one can only use minimal of the power pcre's provide ---
02:39.39[_]illogic-aleisregen: kate can i think
02:39.54[_]illogic-aland therefore kwrite as well
02:40.23canllaithhahaha whoops, forgot to plug the keyboard back into the right port
02:40.40eisregen[_]illogic-al: THANKS =D =D
02:40.42[_]illogic-althat's what usb is for :-)
02:40.47[_]illogic-aleisregen: np
02:40.50canllaithNah this is an old IBM model M keyboard
02:40.56eisregenI didn't notice ... this wasn't available in 3.3.* I bnelieve =)
02:41.04EViLGiMpoh hey, just to let ya's know i fixed my ethernet issue
02:41.07[_]illogic-aleisregen: it was
02:41.11mattroooh, i want a model M keyboard
02:41.25eisregen[_]illogic-al: oh ... then I probably tried with $! ^^
02:41.32eisregen* $1
02:41.34[_]illogic-ali want kopete to stop crashing, but i don't think that's gonna happen either }:-)
02:41.56slayerbob[_]illogic-al: kopete stops crashing for me as soon as i stop trying to run it
02:42.00canllaithmmmm do I enable HIGHMEM for 1.5 or not? Prolly not I guess
02:42.16mattrcanllaith: you have to enable HIGHMEM
02:42.19canllaithI don't for 1.... I should for 1.5 ?
02:42.24eisregen[_]illogic-al: kopete crashes here everytime I close a window or a tab ...
02:42.40mattreisregen: upgrade libxml2 and libxslt
02:42.43slayerbobcanllaith: wasn't that the problem that we had with notholly only claiming to have around 800MB RAM ?
02:42.50canllaithslayerbob: iirc, yes
02:42.53slayerbobie. me not having highmem set...
02:42.53mattrcanllaith: yes, you should, anything a gig or higher
02:43.00canllaithSo I have HIGHMEM on hal
02:43.11eisregenmattr: I have the most up-to date STABLE I believe ... I wan't use any cvs version ^^
02:43.20sarah03canllaith: You have to enable HIGHMEM for >1G, that way the kernel knows to not keep all of the memory mapped at all times.
02:43.21[_]illogic-aleisregen: in 3.3/3.4 you can just click on [] Regular expression in the Find/Replace box
02:43.23mattreisregen: no, you don't have the most up to date stable then
02:43.31mattreisregen: there's a new version out
02:43.38canllaithsarah03: ok :) I rarely have more than 1GB in my home machine so I wasn't sure.
02:44.04sarah03*shrug* The closest I've come to 1G in any of my machines was 896M.
02:44.34canllaithI have 3x 512 modules here and 1x 256... not enough slots for the 256 :(
02:45.10sarah03I've only got the one 512M DIMM right now... picked it up while it was "cheap".
02:45.19eisregenlibxml2-2.6.18 ... oh I see libxml2-2.6.19 is out =P
02:45.26canllaithYeah, I got these, my mobo and my cpu for doing a web site for someone :)
02:46.01tekhave 1.5 gig of ram on desktop machine and 2.5 on server
02:46.21BoingoSeems like it is working.  Thanks all.  In case I dont come back.  (hopefully)
02:46.29sarah03I've got ... er, 16 ... in my laptop.
02:46.54tekouch, your kidding right?
02:46.55sarah03And I discovered that I can buy an 8M memory upgrade for it for $119.
02:47.03canllaithThat sounds rather steep for 8M
02:47.35sarah03canllaith: Yeah, it does. That's the price I found, though. The sad thing is, the 64M upgrade costs less.
02:47.47tekthat is steep for 512M, i think i can get a gig stick for that
02:48.03sarah03But yes, it does only have 16M of memory in it. It looks like it takes so-dimms but I'm not certain given it's age.
02:48.14tekwhat kind of laptop is it
02:48.24sarah03tek: Toshiba Satellite Pro 445cdx.
02:48.29[_]illogic-aladios oingo Boingo
02:48.32canllaithIt's a TOSHI!
02:48.49sarah03canllaith: Was free. :D
02:48.52canllaithslayerbob: is that the same as the legendary toshi who fell at the hand of the deadly korean socks?
02:49.12canllaithsarah03: my brother in law had one of those, having to hang around in Germany longer to get it fixed was how he met his wife iirc
02:49.18canllaithIt only recently died.
02:49.58slayerbobnah his was a portege
02:50.15canllaithAw :( So not the same as toshi
02:50.18canllaithpretty similar though I bet
02:50.24sarah03canllaith: Yeah, that's the one thing I've noticed about them [I've had 2 others, one dead because the display was cracked, the other cound be considered "dead" because the keyboard sucks.]
02:50.39sarah03This one feels like it was a tank, though.
02:50.46canllaithalthough, slayerbob does seem to have a talent for BREAKING MY LAPTOPS
02:51.03strawuh oh
02:51.04*** join/#kde snugglemonkey (
02:51.41strawgrr. stupid camera
02:52.42strawi've been fooling with usb-storage for the past coupla days
02:53.08illogic-also i got this article from the journal of biomedical science on hiv
02:53.18slayerboboh now don't you make out like it is my fault that that toshiba kept breaking
02:53.18illogic-alrather interesting it is.
02:53.27*** join/#kde chavo (
02:53.37slayerbobhow many things on it broke *before* you gave it to me ?
02:53.39canllaithThis place is starting to look properly geeky
02:53.46illogic-alin realted news Sin City rocked!
02:53.57illogic-alawesomest movie of the year.
02:54.04canllaithA desk isn't geeky until you have a hdd sitting in a clam and some random sticks of memory wrapped up in plastik bags.
02:54.27strawadding it to unusual_devs.h and rebuilding usb-storage.ko gets me /dev/sda but no partitions get found on the device :/
02:54.53illogic-alstraw: what are you speaking of?
02:55.17strawillogic-al: a Labtec DC-505 digital camera
02:55.44illogic-allabtec? i thought they were bought out by logitech.
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02:56.26illogic-alyes. this info has nooo bearing whatsoever on your problem.
02:56.29strawit's reported as a vivitar
02:56.55sarah03canllaith: No, a desk isn't really geeky until you've got a bare processor and hard drive sitting on top of one of your monitors, cds scattered all over the place, and completely random expansion cards for various things floating around your desk. :D
02:57.02strawthe device ids match a vivitar vivicam 3705
02:57.25illogic-alvivicam eh?
02:57.29illogic-alsounds kinky.
02:58.04katyathe last part of my PC uniform arrives soon :D
02:58.04strawsarah03: you forgot the drawer full of miscellaneous cables
02:58.04katyamy 17" black LCD
02:59.45sarah03straw: Drawer?
02:59.49gcbirzansarah03: Bonus points if the hard drive is missing its cover.
03:00.21sarah03straw: All of my cables are one giant knotted mess floating around my desk.
03:00.29tek<sarah03> that descibes my whole house, computer gear everywhere.
03:00.31strawsarah03: lol
03:01.13mattrcanllaith: you and sarah03 sound like you could be best friends. ;)
03:01.21katyai only have 4 cables :D
03:01.25canllaithOr rivals.
03:01.42katyabluetooth + wifi :D
03:01.48canllaithAt least if I take other girls to computer shows they're not competing with me for the good kit ;)
03:01.54katyawell, you could break that down more too
03:02.20tekoh, hey that is a good question, anyone gotten a bluetooth keyboard to work with linux yet?
03:02.35sarah03katya: I've got probably 20 cables running out of the back of my computer.
03:02.53teki have a linksys bluetooth adapter and frogpad bluetooth keyboard, cant get linux to see it at all.
03:02.55sarah03Ok, 12. Close enough.
03:03.38tekat least not as a keyboard, can get kbluetooth to see it but it does not treat it as a keyboard, my mac does without issues, this is for a pc that is going in my truck
03:03.56sarah03canllaith: *shrug* I pick up most of my gear from fellow geeks. As a result, I should be picking up a powerbook running OSX here soon, for us$40.
03:04.09canllaithWhat kind of powerbook? An older one I guess :)
03:04.25sarah03Dunno, but it's gotta be relatively new, because it's got OSX running on it. :D
03:04.34canllaith( brucehoult has a pismo (266Mhz, 320MB runs OSX reasonably well)
03:04.37tekpowerbooks look great but airport extreme cards do not work under linux
03:04.46Dhraakellian"Today, on Lives of Spoiled Geek Girls..."
03:04.50tekhave a g4
03:04.53canllaithSpoiled geek girls?
03:04.55sarah03Dhraakellian: lol
03:04.57canllaithI work for a living sunshine.
03:05.20Dhraakellianoh, right... it's the guys with geek girlfriends who are spoiled
03:05.53Dhraakellianand working for a living doesn't necessarily mean that you aren't spoiled
03:06.46snugglemonkeyShe makes other wife's cringe when I tell of my spending exploits.  :)
03:07.23snugglemonkeywow.  wife's wives wifes      
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03:45.01rkroetchIf anyone is online who tried to help out with DCOP and changing the kdesktops color.. I did an alternate route and modified kdesktoprc with sed... If anyone wants random backround colors at startup have a shell script for it now :) Thanks to the room for trying to help
03:46.14*** join/#kde tim_h__ (
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03:46.50xueshengHello there...
03:48.48rkroetchHello... or goodbye... perhaps both...
03:49.12*** join/#kde scrooge (the@alone.user)
03:50.03*** part/#kde _bodly (
03:51.22rkroetchOh dear
03:51.40rkroetchscrooge: If anyone is online who tried to help out with DCOP and changing the kdesktops color.. I did an alternate route and modified kdesktoprc with sed... If anyone wants random backround colors at startup have a shell script for it now :) Thanks to the room for trying to help
03:51.45rkroetchYou were there last night, no? lol
03:54.18rkroetchOoh, it has a few issues... like if you run it too fast... it likes to magically eat parts of your kdesktoprc... I really should have it output to a temp file and then mv it over kdesktoprc... oh well
03:54.22*** join/#kde alejandro (
03:54.47rkroetchI blame it on this line... `sed -e "s/Color1.*/$parsed1/" /home/user/.kde/share/config/kdesktoprc | sed -e "s/Color2.*/$parsed2/" > /home/user/.kde/share/config/kdesktoprc`
03:55.09scroogelol :S
03:56.44rkroetchsed is fun
03:58.30*** join/#kde commander_robot (~andrei@DU102.N222.ResNet.QueensU.CA)
03:58.43rkroetchcommander_robot: any relation to cmdtaco? ;)
03:58.47rkroetchIf so... DUPE!
03:58.55commander_robotHehe.  None at all.
03:59.32rkroetchAhh... slashdot readers here I see
04:00.13*** join/#kde Blu3 (
04:00.36commander_robotA lot of people do read slashdot... I imagine the intersection between the set of people who read slashdot and those who use kde is siginificant.
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04:01.58rkroetchI would assume so
04:02.06rkroetchFinally ... RoboShark!
04:02.09rkroetchHmm dear
04:06.17gcbirzanI'm trapped between incredibly hard to configure superkaramba and memory leaking gDesklets.
04:07.40*** join/#kde mobtek (
04:08.15rkroetchgcbirzan: Go windows! There is no way to do any of the things those programs provide! So no worries! AAND if you take advantage of Windows ME, you get all the memory leaks you could ever want
04:08.45eisregendamn ... konqi crashes when filesize-view is active and still at work and you do for example delete a file ... it works everytime ...
04:09.13eisregenalso when doing renaming in a directory and refershing konqi also crashes (though not everytime but very often)
04:09.17rkroetcheisregen: file a bug report if there isn't one already
04:09.21*** join/#kde commander_robot (~andrei@DU102.N222.ResNet.QueensU.CA)
04:12.23gcbirzanActually, I have to figure out why my computer just shut down a while back.
04:12.28gcbirzanAnd won't start, that is.
04:15.16rkroetchgcbirzan: My recommendation would be power supply failure
04:15.20rkroetchDo you get any lights on the board?
04:15.25rkroetchFans starting?
04:15.36gcbirzanFor a moment, the fans start.
04:16.24rkroetchOk, check to make sure your RAM is seated properly (make sure you don't void a warranty if you have one) -- It's very doubtful your CPU would become unseated so I wouldn't risk/bother checking that
04:16.40rkroetchI've had RAM come unseated before
04:16.45gcbirzanI've taken out RAM and CPU
04:17.03rkroetchHmm, remove all IDE drives / cables etc?
04:17.35teksounds more like powersupply
04:17.50rkroetchMake sure ATA power cable is well seated and has good-looking connections, make sure there aren't any loose screwes sitting on your mobo as well, I had a random turn-on-computer instance with a loose screw on a mobo
04:17.57tekunable to regulate and it shuts itself down
04:18.07rkroetchtek: I agree, but other tests are pretty easy to do :)
04:19.50gcbirzanI was thinking PSU too, but that involves opening up another computer. :-P
04:20.21rkroetchAnd loose screws can cause havok... it was a very painful debug to have the computer turn on at random intervals....
04:20.31rkroetchWithout the switch being pushed....
04:22.22teklol, yeah i had a reset button that had gotten pushed in and pushed over so it did not return out of its closed position. lost hair on that one.
04:24.16gcbirzanAnd this is why I hate hardware. :-P
04:24.29tekswapped out a lot of shit before i realized what was really going on, that was in a really nice anodized aircraft aluminium chilli case. never suspected the case hardware as it was so nice.  
04:25.33rkroetchMmm Chili....
04:29.15*** part/#kde mattr (~mattr@mattr.kde)
04:29.41rkroetchNight for me too
04:29.43rkroetchHave fun ya'll
04:29.44MrGrimfirst thing I ever check is the on/off and reset buttons :P
04:29.45gcbirzanI'm not extraordinarely bright. I put the new PSU in, turned it on, then stared for about half a second at the CPU fan before jumping to unplug it as it wasn't turning :-P
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04:30.25MrGrimfortunately all my failing cpu fans have made noises before failure :P
04:31.39gcbirzanBy failing you mean not plugged in? :-P
04:31.40slayerbobi have had customers who thought that their pc was dying because of the horrible noise but then assumed that it had fixed itself when the noise went away :P
04:31.56gcbirzanThough, this case annoys me. I have to take the CPU fan out to take out the PSU
04:31.59slayerboband of course then the hardware that the fan was cooling would die shortly thereafter :P
04:32.05MrGrimslayerbob: lol
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05:00.37*** join/#kde qfh^ (
05:01.24lunitik~tell root about root
05:02.16scrooge*burrrrrp* scuse me ^_^
05:03.01*** join/#kde xuesheng (
05:03.06lunitikscrooge: different channel... but I can't be asked to type that much to a moron  ;)
05:03.49scroogegood thing i didnt ask ^_^
05:03.51scroogei think
05:04.38*** join/#kde Colossus (
05:05.02marcusUPeople are all grumpy and mean online tonight.
05:05.03ColossusHey, guys ... I installed KDEbase, but that doesn't have screensavers on it. Anybody know what package has them?
05:06.29*** join/#kde huerlisi (
05:06.32scroogeor that
05:06.37scroogeblahh i use xscreensavers :)
05:06.51Colossusah, thanks.
05:07.30marcusUI don't suppose that there's a cross-reference for the channels on freenode.
05:07.46lunitikmarcusU: /list
05:08.02marcusUUh, that's not very practical.
05:08.15scroogexchat's channel list :P
05:08.43scroogehaha i made xeyes eyeballs look like a total doofus
05:08.43*** part/#kde marcusU (
05:09.11*** join/#kde marcusU (
05:09.25scroogethere should be a setting for making the menus transparent
05:09.33marcusUNormal menus?
05:10.25marcusUI might vary based on widget style, but there's an option for translucent windows in mine.
05:12.03scroogebut not the real kind right?
05:12.14scroogethe real transparency is only in translucency settings
05:12.26scroogeas in not fake, actual see-thru windows
05:12.33scroogestuff scrolls begind it, etc
05:12.34marcusUI don't know. I don't have transparency.
05:12.47scroogeancient xorg and kde version? :s
05:12.55marcusUNo. I'm not using Xorg.
05:13.03scroogeahh thats why
05:13.06scroogelol :P
05:13.22marcusUI decided against the 3 hour download.
05:13.33ColossusOnly transparency I've ever seen was from GNOME stuff, and that just shows the background.
05:13.36marcusUI really don't need it, and I'm worried it would screw up other things.
05:13.41ColossusDoesn't show the desktop. Shows the BACKGROUND.
05:13.48ColossusSometimes even if you /change/ the background
05:14.05scroogeColossus, xorg-6.8.2 + kde-3.4.0
05:14.07scrooge+ nvidia
05:14.13scrooge== OMG uberness
05:14.18marcusUTransparency seems useless. Something for people to get excited about for no reason. Utterly useless.
05:14.19scroogereal transparency
05:14.23ColossusI'm not sure what's on this laptop...
05:14.26scroogemarcusU, to u
05:14.28ColossusI think it's got current xorg
05:14.39Colossus(Not sure of the vid card, though)
05:14.43scroogegotta add in an Extension section to xorg.conf
05:14.46ColossusMy desktop has an ATI Radeon 9000.
05:15.01scroogei have ati mobility 9200
05:15.04scroogeomg i wanna cry
05:15.10scroogecompositing dont work with it AT ALLLLL
05:15.20marcusUI haven't had a crying spell in a while.
05:15.28scroogea wahhhhh?
05:15.45scroogeshit, my hardware can handle it
05:15.49scroogemight as well :D
05:15.59ColossusSo ... where do you get xscreensavers?
05:16.01scroogemarcusU, are u like anti-mouse also?
05:16.04Colossusand how do you configure it?
05:16.05marcusUI just want a nice crisp display that can show DVDs nicely.
05:16.26*** join/#kde scrooge (the@alone.user)
05:17.19lunitikColossus: I get it via 'apt-get install xscreensaver' ... thats not necissarily useful to you though  :P
05:17.29Colossusoh, it'd be this RPM
05:17.31Colossusright here
05:17.36Colossusthat says "xscreensaver"
05:18.27*** join/#kde chavo (
05:19.19ColossusAh, it's already installed.
05:19.26ColossusAny idea how to configure it?
05:19.42scroogeright click on desktop
05:19.47scroogeconfigre desktop
05:19.57scroogeor look in kmenu
05:21.24ColossusNone of the other screensavers are showing up
05:22.38*** join/#kde peppelorum (
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05:25.25jcookanynone know where the "Global Keyboard Shortcuts" are stored?
05:32.55*** join/#kde TheSimkin (
05:34.16lunitikjcook: KControl > Regional & Accesability > Keyboary Shortcuts ...
05:34.25lunitikPretty retarded place to put it though if you ask me...
05:34.32jcooklunitik: i meant the text file
05:34.35jcookI found it
05:35.08lunitikjcook: bah
05:35.10jcookbut now I need to find out what Win+> is suppose to be   ... eg Win+< = "Win+Greater"
05:35.32jcookI tried "Win+Lesser" but that didn't seem to make any difference
05:35.33lunitikjcook: the key with the windows logo on it...
05:35.56jcookwho cares ... .. its the Meta key
05:36.28jcookthe kcontrol module interperates Win+< as Win+>
05:36.53jcookand no ... Win+> doesnt come out as Win+<
05:47.39*** join/#kde jake (
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06:00.03*** join/#kde katya (
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06:10.48gcbirzanWhat can be wrong if KDE startup stalls at "Starting interprocess communication" then prints "Could not read network connection list\n/home/gcbirzan/.DCOPserver_meteor__0\nMake sure dcopserver is running"?
06:10.59*** join/#kde Sho__ (
06:14.19srednagcbirzan: Try removing any filed ~/.DCOP* and ~/.ICE* and restart KDE
06:15.19*** join/#kde elcuco (
06:15.26OctaneI have KMail as my default email client in Component Chooser, but Firefox still loads thunderbird when I click on an email
06:15.28Octaneany idea how to chagne this?
06:15.55scroogeabout:config in firefox maybe?
06:16.16gcbirzansredna: Yeah, fixed it, thanks! I'd done that with .DCOP, I was reading the output of dcopserver when trying to start KDE and zeroing on that, heh.
06:16.27srednagcbirzan: Good :)
06:16.40Octanesredna, nope nothing there for mail client
06:17.25gcbirzanOctane: You need an extension.
06:17.27srednaOctane: Maybe there is a #firefox channels where someone knoows. Moxilla probably have a command that yuou need to put in the config javascript file
06:17.38Octanegcbirzan, an extension?? exists
06:17.43Octaneto change the email client?
06:17.49Octanescrooge,  i know im in there too :D
06:17.55scroogeOctane, yea like a "extra prefences" extension
06:19.16gcbirzanOctane: I think you need it to associate it with something, but I wouldn't know since I never install Thunderbird.
06:19.30gcbirzanPlus, firefox is segfaulting on me. :-P
06:21.15Octanemconnor Octane: yes, set whatever in the GNOME mime service/control center
06:21.15OctaneOctane mconnor, ah ha!
06:24.19Octanegcbirzan, thansk for the link, but i dont think that would help -- its a very old extension and may not be comptabile
06:24.52*** join/#kde snugglemonkey (
06:26.51Octanegot it
06:27.04Octaneone has to run "gnome-default-applicatios-properties"
06:28.31Octanethanks for all your help gents
06:30.28*** join/#kde emeteo (~NoPatents@mteijeiro.developer.kde)
06:30.41kendrickkinda works!
06:31.10kendrickit freaks out javascript a bit, for a while
06:31.42Octaneworks with firfox w/o a problem ;X
06:31.58kendrickyeah, i know
06:32.24kendricki upgraded to kde 3.4 the other day, and it looks like google maps works with safari, so i thought i'd try it ;)
06:33.10*** join/#kde TheSimkin (
06:38.14Octanewhenever I go to Devices in my Nav Panel I get the error "protoctol not supported devices"
06:39.02*** join/#kde xamdm (
06:39.48srednaOctane: Try Media:/
06:40.02srednaLower, media:/
06:40.08Octaneyes that works
06:40.13Octane(uppercase works too btw)
06:40.33srednaOk, thanks :)
06:40.34Octaneshould I chagne the URL to media:/ instead of devices:/ ?
06:41.34srednaIf you have a link to devices:/ it is invalid afaik
06:42.41Octanesredna, youre alwasy very helpful thank you
06:42.50srednaNpp :)
06:44.31Octanehave a good day
06:45.17*** join/#kde lilo (lilo@levin-pdpc.staff.freenode)
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07:27.53katyastrange to have a channel with over a hundred people, and no talkers :p
07:28.26kendrickshhhh :)
07:28.56katyai'm so impatient!
07:29.05katyawhy does ebay take so long on the auctions...
07:29.34katyalike, somebody thinks since nobody's bidding on their boogers at a $200 starting price, they should just extend the auction
07:31.03*** join/#kde Smirftsch (
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07:33.57slayerbobkatya: lots of people talk in here
07:34.05slayerbobbut sometimes we just soak up the ambience
07:34.52katyaof join/parts :p
07:35.15slayerboboh there is ambience, but if you are not a regular you probably won't see it
07:35.47kendrickit's in between the commas
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08:08.28slayerbobhiya lauri
08:08.36slayerbobwhy purple ?
08:08.43laurihi :)
08:08.51lauribecause that's what colour the joins and parts are
08:09.03slayerbobah :P
08:09.17slayerbobhere they are green and reddy brown
08:09.20*** join/#kde katya (rissy@2001:5c0:80ca:1:0:0:0:101)
08:10.31slayerbobso how is sweden today ?
08:11.24lauriI have to work
08:11.34laurisad, innit
08:11.40slayerbobwish i did :(
08:11.47slayerbobwell... i do... but there is vodka here :P
08:11.57slayerbobwatching a crap movie atm
08:12.13slayerbobi think it would be unwatchable without the vodka
08:13.31*** join/#kde thefish (
08:14.58katyait's so late here :x
08:15.17*** join/#kde furianSousLinux (~msd@
08:15.33slayerbobyeah it is late here too
08:17.00laurislayerbob: I can give you work
08:17.21slayerbobooooh work
08:17.38*** join/#kde rodia (
08:17.39slayerbobbut i am drunkenly watching people being stabbed in the back
08:17.43slayerbobwith pikes :|
08:18.08lauriwell, that sounds like a useful skill for working here
08:18.16laurican you bring your own pike?
08:18.33slayerbobi would not use such a primitive weapon
08:19.04lauriwell, foreigners aren't allowed to bring sniper rifles into the country
08:19.06lauriso your choices are limited
08:19.17slayerbobsniper rifles are just as primitive as pikes
08:20.00lauriwell, hurry up and tell me what's modern, so I can go work without the suspense dragging me back here?
08:20.22slayerbobsociological weapons are the only ones worth using :)
08:21.00laurino blood, and far too slow
08:21.08lauribring a pike
08:21.09slayerbobbut far more effective :P
08:21.12*** join/#kde thefish (
08:21.28lauriless immediately gratifying
08:21.30lauriI have a short attention span
08:21.34slayerbobon the other hand, stabbing someone in the back with a pike has a certain elegance to it :P
08:22.05lauriindeed, it's got the whole 'classic, well tested' thing going on
08:22.05slayerbobwow thefish survived that comment without leaving immediately
08:22.11slayerboblauri: yuppers :P
08:22.37thefishslayerbob, im all killed out, just flushed the last limb down the neighbors toilet
08:22.44lauriok, and because you are drunk, I just want to check
08:22.51lauriwe're talking about the sharp pointy kind of pike, not the thefish kind
08:23.06katyafish! :D
08:23.11laurialthough one of those, frozen, would make a pretty good club
08:23.14slayerbobyuppers the sharp pointy type
08:23.20laurialso, dinner
08:23.28thefishand you could eat it afterwards, thus eliminating the evidence
08:23.33slayerbobalthough there was a classic ep of south park recently with a woman doing a pike impersonation
08:23.54slayerbobthefish: there would still be the bones
08:24.11lauriok, once you get to south park, I manage to find the motivation to leave and go be gainfully employed
08:24.51thefishooh new south park series in uk - still not seen it tho
08:24.55lauriso I'll toss a bottle of vodka on ice for you, and pick you up in ... hmm, about 35 hours, I make it
08:25.05slayerbobmmmm vodka
08:25.10*** join/#kde cryos (~cryos@cryos.developer.gentoo)
08:25.47lauri(31 for the flight, last time I did it, you'll need a couple to get packed, get to auckland, and a couple more to nicely wrap the pike so you can check it in your luggage
08:25.49*** join/#kde marcusU (
08:26.02marcusUOh, I found the answer.
08:26.04slayerboblispies ?
08:26.12lauri))))))))) a bunch they can save up for later
08:26.25slayerbobwhat is a lispie ?
08:26.26lauri(you (know (the) scheme and lisp) programmers)
08:26.40slayerboblauri: nope i do not believe that such things exist :)
08:26.42lauriwahhh, stop distracting me
08:26.47slayerbobdammit this movie has crap scenery
08:27.01slayerbobit's like they are just using cg for the scenery or something :S
08:27.06marcusUslayerbob: You watch pr0n for the scenary?
08:27.27slayerbobmarcusU: even drunk i cannot be bothered with porn
08:27.33slayerbobjust don't see the point
08:27.57marcusUIt's an alternative to actual sexual activity. People who are ugly like me can't get sex with real people.
08:28.08lauriwhen I get back
08:28.16lauriI will find you canllaith's ode to lisp again
08:28.21slayerbobmarcusU: ok i am not an op here but that was probably not suitable for the official kde support channel...
08:28.26*** part/#kde thefish (
08:28.29slayerboblauri: oh cool :)
08:28.33slayerbobi shall look forward to it
08:28.50marcusUslayerbob: Whatever
08:28.58laurislayerbob: riiiight
08:29.12lauriwhile the conversation about you coming over to go postal on my co-workers with a pike, is entirely suitable
08:29.33slayerboblauri: well you know... death and mayhem... :P
08:29.57slayerbobi guess i have just spent too much time amongst palmerstonians
08:30.13marcusUWhat is a palmerstonian?
08:30.18laurithat'd do it, probably
08:30.22lauriok, I am *really* going
08:30.28slayerbobmarcusU: you would have to have been there :P
08:30.39slayerbobok have fun at work lauri :)
08:32.10slayerbobwhat you kicking me for ?
08:32.16marcusUCuz you're mean to me.
08:32.24slayerbobi was mean to you like once
08:32.26slayerbobmaybe twice :P
08:32.39slayerbobthat's nothing compared to how often i am usually mean to people on irc :P
08:33.04marcusUI don't need anyone to be mean to me. I'm mean enough to myself.
08:33.13slayerbobgood-o :P
08:33.25marcusUBut I haven't cut myself in a few months.
08:33.50katyaif you like to bleed....
08:33.56katyajust get a sex change
08:34.06marcusUkatya: I do not want to be a woman.
08:34.18katyaneither do i, but we take what we get
08:34.48slayerbobalthough apparently they are government-funded here now :P
08:34.52slayerbobi have no idea why :S
08:34.56marcusUThe idea is that some people seem as though they have the wrong sex organs.
08:35.11katyai've met a few, marcusU
08:35.13marcusUI mean that in a totally objective way.
08:35.22katyasome don't deserve any at all
08:35.36marcusUFor all practical purpose, I'm asexual.
08:35.41slayerbobok we are probably getting off topic again here... let's get back to killing people with pikes :P
08:36.13marcusUI used to think about killing myself more often.
08:36.51slayerbobso things are looking up in recent times marcusU ? :P
08:37.03katyaslayerbob: seems he found KDE :D
08:37.09marcusUI do not know. My therapist thinks I'm doing better.
08:37.25slayerbobwell that has to be a good thing :P
08:37.32marcusUkatya: When I started using KDE, I was looking forward to the 2.0 release.
08:38.54slayerbobhmmm this movie has suddenly gone all monty python
08:39.18slayerbobalthough they have had fake english accents throughout
08:39.56slayerbobnah alexander
08:40.05katyameh... same thing
08:40.06katyatroy is like that
08:40.06slayerbobit sucks
08:40.19slayerbobi think i would have stopped it already if i was not drunk :P
08:40.23katyait's greece, they're american, and they're speaking in brit!
08:40.33slayerbobthat's pretty much it
08:41.03*** join/#kde StevenR (
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08:41.52slayerboband the funny thing is that fake british accents are really obvious to everyone except for the americans :P
08:42.19*** join/#kde globbitz (~globbitz@
08:43.43StevenRwhen i start up konversation, it joins several channels for me. But it doesn't keep the size of the nicklist to the size i set it to last time I ran the app. It keeps making the nicklist half the screen in size. How do I stop this behaviour?
08:46.04katyathat drove me nuts too :(
08:46.47markeyugh, kvirc
08:46.48markeynasty :)
08:48.19*** join/#kde Enforcer_JB (
08:48.20Enforcer_JBHi everybody
08:48.26slayerbobg'day Enforcer_JB
08:49.00Enforcer_JBI'm having problems using cut&paste in KDE 3.4 ... everytime I select something with the mouse the cursor freezes for some seconds. is this a known bug? I didn't have it in 3.3.x
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08:49.21Enforcer_JBthis is especially annoying in web forms like on wikipedia where you use a lot of cut&paste
08:49.36slayerbobEnforcer_JB: how fast is your cpu ?
08:49.43Enforcer_JB1.8GHz, 512MB RAM
08:50.04slayerbobi get a slight effect like that on my 500MHz p3
08:50.15slayerbobbut nothing at all like that on anything over 1GHz
08:50.49Enforcer_JBI wonder because during this effect (~5-10sec) the CPU useage is at 0%
08:50.55Enforcer_JBit just stays frozen
08:50.59katyahmmm... maybe klipper?
08:51.03Enforcer_JBand its 100% reproducable
08:51.07Enforcer_JBI'll check .. wait
08:51.09katyadoes it happen in anything outside of kde?
08:51.50Enforcer_JBno, it's not klipper. it freezes without klipper too
08:52.09*** join/#kde Xeon3D (
08:52.12Enforcer_JBthe strange thing is, after the freeze the selected text is automagically unselected again
08:52.35katyaseems like something is trying to intelligently interpret it :x
08:53.06Enforcer_JBand it only happens reproducably in <textarea>s ... only sometimes in single line fields like the location field in konq
08:53.27katyamaybe ispell/aspell then... :/
08:53.47katyasorry, never had that happen so... i can't give you a direct answer
08:55.07*** join/#kde jakob (
08:55.10Enforcer_JBnot outside KDE at all - at least not in firefox
08:55.52katyawhich KDE/Konq versions?
08:55.53Enforcer_JBif I disable the spellcheck in the context menu it freezes too
08:56.08Enforcer_JBkatya, KDE 3.4.0, as above - SuSE RPMs for suse 9.2
08:56.24Enforcer_JBit did not happen with 3.3.x or 3.2.x I used
08:56.26katyawell it's not just konqueror though, is it?
08:57.02Enforcer_JBwhich other app with a multiline edit field can I check?
08:57.11katyakedit / kate
08:57.19katyadifferent widget though i suppose
08:58.03Enforcer_JBall OK in kate
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08:58.26Enforcer_JBI guess it's just konq
08:58.37Enforcer_JBdue to lack of contradictory evidence ;-)
08:58.40katyawell, my Best Guess(tm) is a bad build, or just some fiddled libraries
08:59.02Enforcer_JBI'll ask in #suse ... maybe the problem is known
08:59.08katyait works for me though, no issues... at least, none i've noticed, and i'd notice 5-10secs :P
08:59.10katyaalright, good luck
08:59.18slayerbobwell konqueror is pretty slow here - have never seen it slow on anything over 1GHz though...
08:59.58Enforcer_JBit's quite fast here, only when I use copy&paste it freezes solid(the whole app) for ~5s
09:00.24katyacpu MHz: 1984.898 <- :D
09:00.28katyaa good year...
09:00.33katyathe year MS took over!
09:00.40katyajust like that book said!
09:00.55katyawell, g'night all
09:01.12Enforcer_JBare you in australia? :)
09:04.38gcbirzanHm. How do I associate, say, Win+D, to minimizing all windows?
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09:06.45Favoritanyone knows any good stock exchange rates monitors for KDE?
09:07.15gcbirzanMaybe something with RSS?
09:07.41Favoritwell, would be nice to have something as an applet or so..
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09:13.30Favoritah well :)
09:13.39*** join/#kde lstep (
09:18.29lstephello, is there someone that is "ebuild fluent"? I'm trying to make an ebuild ( but the downloadable file is of the form "${P}.tar.gz", so when ebuild downloads it, it saves it as "index.html?file=basket-0.5.0.tar.gz". How do I correct this?
09:20.15*** part/#kde lstep (
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09:29.51*** join/#kde acid (
09:29.52Xeon3DWhile trying to compile something I got this error: checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!  <- what package do I need?
09:30.01acidhow do i go about telling kde not use to artsd
09:30.12canllaith(or something similarly named)
09:30.15Xeon3Dcanllaith, is that for as well?
09:31.02acidi dont see that option
09:32.05acidfound it
09:32.20*** join/#kde do3cc (
09:33.00Xeon3Dcanllaith, found it.. it was x-dev (for
09:33.10canllaithNo, only for your distro. They all call it something different.
09:33.29acidwhen i try to change it to alsa, it causes it to crash
09:33.34acidwhat should i do?
09:33.47Xeon3Doopsiee. okie canllaith  :D
09:35.42PhilRodacid: please be more specific - what option did you change to 'alsa'?
09:36.24PhilRodbut the basic way to stop artsd being used is control center->sound & mm -> sound system -> "enable the sound system"
09:36.30PhilRodand disable that option
09:36.57acidin the kcontrol, i changed the sound system to alsa from auto detect
09:37.06acideverytime i change it it crashes
09:37.25*** join/#kde irreverentrevere (~bah@
09:37.36PhilRodthen if you want system sounds, you'll need to go to control center->sound & mm->system notifications, and set an external program
09:37.54PhilRodthe setting you're referring to just changes the output method that artsd uses
09:38.12PhilRodso if you're trying to not use artsd, it's not relevant
09:39.32*** join/#kde Ragan (~Ragan@
09:43.07acidPhilRod: brb going to open irc from inside x
09:44.16*** join/#kde acid_ (
09:44.26acid_philrod: ok back
09:44.31acid_i dont get it
09:44.40acid_ok i turn the sound system to external player
09:45.22acid_still no worky :] whenever i try to select anything from the kcontrol panel., i select like alsa or ass instead of auto detect and it does a sig 11 and freezes
09:46.10PhilRodhave you disabled the sound system?
09:46.55PhilRodwhy not? I thought you wanted to disable artsd?
09:47.00acid_ok it is disabled
09:47.13PhilRodcheck with "ps" that it isn't still running
09:47.47acid_working now
09:47.51acid_thanks :]
09:48.16acid_i can tell you really know your stuff, :] hehe
09:48.34PhilRodheh, it's just such a frequent question here :-)
09:49.29PhilRodanyway, arts is being retired, which will hopefully help with some of the problems that people seem to get
09:50.19acid_ok one more question. I have never launched a java app from inside kde, if i wanted for example launch /home/acid/LimeWire/
09:50.41acid_how would i go about adding that was a quick launch , i tryed several different ways, but it does not launch
09:51.31acid_i can run it from terminal fine with ./home/acid/LimeWire/
09:51.38PhilRoddo you just want an icon for it in the kicker panel?
09:51.40*** join/#kde huerlisi (~shuerlima@
09:53.50PhilRodok, right-click on the desktop, create new->link to application
09:53.58PhilRodand, well, it should be obvious from there
09:54.02acid_doesnt work
09:54.08PhilRodthen you can drag n drop it onto kicker
09:55.16acid_just sits there for a sex
09:55.49PhilRodfreudian slip?
09:56.02PhilRodafter putting "ass" for "oss", I think it may be
09:56.06slayerbobthe keys are like right next to one another
09:56.21PhilRodheh, they are too
09:56.29slayerbobok "a" and "o" couldn't easily be further apart though :P
09:56.47acid_x and c are right next to each other
09:57.10PhilRodobligatory quote:
09:57.33slayerbobi think that the keys being next to one another was just a glitch
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09:58.06acid_you guys think Limewire has the best results?
09:58.19slayerbobPhilRod: how often do you see me use the word "like" like that ?
09:58.38slayerbobacid_: define "best results"
09:58.53acid_well i used to use gift, and i didnt get near the returns
09:59.13PhilRodslayerbob: heh, I'm obviously not sufficiently conversant with NZ English :-)
09:59.20acid_i just started using limewire, and it really brings back results, but it is so damn slow, since it is java
09:59.41slayerbobPhilRod: we never use "like" like that :P
10:00.05slayerbobacid_: context is everything
10:00.14acid_what do you mean?
10:01.00slayerbobwell it would help if you told us what you were using limewire for... this being the official kde support channel i am sure you were not using it for the downloading of illegal materials so you really need to provide a little more information
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10:04.35acid_oh yea im using it to download music
10:04.42acid_trance only
10:04.50slayerboband of course none of us would ever suggest that you use something like apollon instead
10:05.07xueshengor the stunning kmldonkey :p
10:05.20acid_do they all use the same network?
10:05.24slayerbobno because that would be bad and we are all good here :)
10:05.35slayerbobacid_: who can tell about such things ?
10:05.35acid_thats what im wondering
10:05.45acid_oh well :] its cool
10:05.50acid_thanks for your help guys
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10:21.22deushow can i add transparacny to the console
10:22.36Slackmandeus: by configuring the konsole...its in the konfigure options =)
10:23.31Slackmandeus: are you using konsole?
10:23.35Slackmanor aterm?
10:24.05Slackmanif your using aterm, its not a kde component and as such you are unlikey to find anyone in #kde using aterm
10:25.01deuswell blame the fluxbox guys they asked me to come here
10:25.28PhilRod...although you should stil be able to set the transparency on its window with the kwin transparency stuff, as I understand it
10:26.02PhilRodbut I haven't used transparency myself, so I don't really know
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10:26.32christianphi all
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10:26.57PhilRoddeus: but wait, you're using aterm in fluxbox and you were told to come to #kde??
10:27.00PhilRodhi christianp
10:27.06christianphow can i set sounds for events with KDE?
10:27.21Slackmandeus: if your using aterm try reading the docs on the aterm site....and i doubt #fluxbox would consider aterm to be a kde technology
10:27.30christianpWhen kde starts i hear no sound
10:27.43PhilRodchristianp: kcontrol -> sound & mm -> system notifications
10:27.55PhilRodcheck they're switched on there. If not, read:
10:27.58PhilRodapt: artstr
10:27.59aptfrom memory, artstr is
10:28.05PhilRodhrm, don't read that
10:28.14PhilRodread the FAQ instead (see topic)
10:29.04deusPhilRod: uhm, yeah
10:29.15PhilRodapt: no, artstr is
10:29.16aptPhilRod: okay
10:29.39christianpok, tks
10:29.52*** part/#kde christianp (
10:29.52laurideus: I think they were trying to be funny (and failing)
10:30.08laurideus: (and feel free to tell them I said so)
10:30.42PhilRodfailing miserably, no less
10:31.38deuslauri: probably
10:31.54*** join/#kde Geert (geert@geert.staff.freenode)
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10:32.38willwork4foolo y'all. if I have a folder full of .tar.gz files, is there a quick and easy way of decompressing and untarring them all with one single command?
10:33.15PhilRodfor i in *; do tar zxvf $i; done
10:34.09willwork4foothanks PhilRod
10:34.30PhilRod"for i in *" is my way of handling every scripting task ever :-D
10:34.48PhilRodand the variable *must* be called "i", otherwise it's just not right :-)
10:35.04willwork4foocould it not be called "j" ?
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10:35.31ritalindoes kde have a IDE for building gui applications like gnomes glade?
10:35.51gcbirzanPhilRod: find -print0 -maxdepth 1 | while read -d $'\0' i; do echo $i; done :-)
10:35.54PhilRodritalin: qt designer or kommander
10:36.10willwork4fooaye aye.
10:36.18ritalinPhilRod ty
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10:36.44PhilRodgcbirzan: hehe - as long as the variable's called "i" :-)
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10:37.05ritalinis qt designer free?
10:37.25PhilRodyes, I think
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10:37.55askiewillwork4foo: Fortran? :)
10:38.29PhilRodcertainly free as in "no cost", probably, but possibly not free as in "complex fundamentalist rules for things being 'Free'"
10:38.53iceman__ritalin: yup!
10:39.03willwork4fooaskie: that's the badger.
10:39.11willwork4foothanks for assisting my b0rked memory.
10:40.14PhilRodtime to do some work
10:40.34askieIndeed. Time to get back to exams.
10:41.01*** join/#kde dozer (
10:41.22dozerhow can I configure the notification dialog behavior?
10:41.50iceman__just wondering here.. doest the death of the website mean no more arts? even for kde4?  I thought we could still use it since it works quite well esp. with Akode, and there no replacement for tools like artsbuilder etc?
10:42.28*** join/#kde than (
10:43.56dozerI've found the system notification tab in the control center,
10:44.09dozerbut would like to be able to trigger notification events from e.g. a shell script
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10:44.54dozeralso, I'd like to be able to customise the location and appearance of the message box
10:46.43willwork4fooanyone here used SuperKaramba?
10:47.29gcbirzanI tried doing it.
10:47.35gcbirzanIt's incredibly hard to customize.
10:47.46gcbirzanAs opposed to gDesklets, that is.
10:47.46*** join/#kde scrooge (the@alone.user)
10:48.13gcbirzanWhich, yes, requires GNOME, but... *shrugs*
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10:48.34willwork4fooI think I'll stick with my GkrellM
10:48.42willwork4fooit's limited, but at least it works
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10:49.21Xeon3Derm... my KDE says that the composition manager (xcompmgr) is crashing and that it will be disabled for the session. How can I disable it forever?
10:49.48scroogecontrol center
10:49.54scroogewindow behavior
10:50.01scroogetranslucency tab
10:50.06gcbirzanwillwork4foo: So does gDesklets.
10:50.06scroogeuntick checkbox
10:50.24scroogegdesklets is a ram whore i heard
10:51.30gcbirzanIf you don't run Nam T. Nguyen's Disk IO display, because that will start eating your RAM faster than anything I've seen leaking memory so far.
10:51.51gcbirzanIt managed to use up ~1.3GiB of memory in about 2 minutes.
10:52.49gcbirzanscrooge: Eh, it's not so bad: 12124 gcbirzan  15   0 66212  29m  18m S  0.3  5.9   0:04.66 python
10:53.14gcbirzanThough, my version is pretty screwed up and only has a couple displays, heh, couldn't load the others.
10:55.07gcbirzanWell, no, it's a problem with displays, according to b.d.o.
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11:05.12damjanIn konsole (kde-3.4) I don't know why, but CTRL-D stops working
11:06.02damjanI can't logout from local or ssh sessions, and I can't close programs that need CTRL-D (like an intercative python session)
11:06.14scroogecanllaith, ping?
11:06.24*** part/#kde dozer (
11:06.46scrooge:O hi :)
11:06.52scroogethe height thing u told me before
11:06.55scroogefor the tab height
11:07.41canllaithtab height?
11:07.45canllaithOh, the taskbar thing?
11:07.48scroogeya :)
11:09.33scroogeaww crap. changing the KDE Sound System volume kills sounds
11:09.38canllaithunder [General]
11:09.59canllaithheight in pixels
11:10.06scrooge:D:D thanx again ^_^
11:10.18scroogeya :P
11:12.58gcbirzandamjan: Try Ctrl+Q, you're probably pressing Ctrl+S instead of D :-)
11:13.12gcbirzanHappens to me a lot when trying to press Ctrl+A (for screen)
11:13.14scroogeoh blahh. now quicklaunch wont keep 2 rows :S
11:14.05scroogethe icon size is set to 16., 2 rows makes 32, kicker is 34px and its single lining them :/
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11:18.57damjangcbirzan: no, that's not it
11:19.19gcbirzanWhat happens when you try it?
11:20.13damjangcbirzan: CTRL-Q? nothing
11:20.20gcbirzanNo, Ctrl+D
11:20.26damjangcbirzan: nothing again
11:20.49gcbirzandamjan: Do you have anything on the current line? You need to be at the start of the line for that to work.
11:21.27damjangcbirzan: I know that, there's nothing on the line
11:22.07*** join/#kde simmerz (~simmerz@
11:22.16damjangcbirzan: I've made a small python script to test it... CTRL-D doesn't even go to the app
11:22.50gcbirzanHm, don't know, sorry.
11:23.23damjangcbirzan: the problem is, ctrl-D works when I start konsole... but after some time it stops working
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11:36.30sycoflyRenze ..
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11:50.55atomikI have a lot of probem with spam filtering using kmail.  I use bogofilter and the spam wizard to configure but I not detect spam....all e-mail I received is considered as spam...
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11:54.34eckhartthere is svg support in kde
11:54.46eckhartwould you call the konqueror svg support "native"
11:55.33eckhartor is it more like a "plugin"
11:56.15eckhartat the moment, opera presents its new browser as "the first browser who natively supports svg"
11:56.46dolphineverything in KDE is less or more plugin
11:57.07*** join/#kde SuperLag (
11:58.35scroogeopera 8 is nice
11:58.49eckhartwell, but then you could also say "konqueror is such a bad browser, it does not even have native support for jpeg"
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11:59.14grepperor text :)
12:00.01scroogenot showing for me...hmm
12:02.00grepperscrooge: looks fine here
12:02.30scroogeu see the circles?
12:02.34scroogei dont :/
12:02.57dolphincrashes here :)
12:03.10scroogeguess there claim is correct :P
12:03.22grepperkonqueror 3.4.0
12:03.48dolphinKDE: 3.4.0 Level "b"
12:03.48dolphinKonqueror: 3.4.0
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12:04.03grepperlevel "b" ?
12:05.10grepperthat's what you get when you buy "b" grade stuff
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12:09.49chakiehm, doesn't kmail apply filters to incoming mails? or have i just not checked some option
12:10.18chakiei always have to select new mails and "Apply all filters" to get them sorted
12:10.59askie_chakie: Settings-Configure filters
12:11.24askie_There's an Advanced options part "Apply this filter ..."
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12:11.49eckhartwhen has svg been introduced in kde releases?
12:13.02chakieaskie_: yes, there is a "incoming messages", and it's checked. still it doesn't apply it
12:15.44chakiethe filter (one only so far) works perfectly when applied manually, no problems there
12:17.32askie_Then I'm out of ideas...
12:20.46chakieok, thanks for the help though
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12:22.10damjanThat SVG example page works great for me
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12:24.30scrooge3.4 konqi?
12:24.35scroogedamjan, ^^
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12:28.31grepperthere you go, upgrade your kde to 3.4 :)
12:28.33damjan10.1 missed kde-3.4 for a couple of weeks
12:29.27*** join/#kde langenberg (
12:30.08langenbergKDM uses /etc/X11/xdm/Xsession, right?
12:31.08damjanlangenberg: in slackware it uses /opt/kde/share/config/kdm/Xsession
12:32.52langenbergAh, thanks. Maybe that will work better.
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12:37.51langenbergAh that works fine damjan, thanks
12:37.53*** join/#kde expose (
12:39.08exposeHow to disabple blinking icons next to the mouse when you start a app? i went to kcontrol -> Design (or whatever it is in engl. version) --> display Start activity
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12:39.38exposethere i turned the pulldown menu to "off", or "dont display"
12:39.44exposewhich had no result...
12:39.53langenbergexpose: restart KDE
12:40.01exposei see, thanks
12:40.13langenbergexpose: I think it's a bug, I've noticed it couple days ago
12:41.08*** join/#kde quentin (
12:42.11exposedid you report it?
12:42.16exposeor check for a reportß
12:43.07expose(brb for restarting kde)
12:43.10langenbergexpose: No, should I?
12:43.30langenbergany KDE-dev around then?
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12:44.43langenbergexpose: worked?
12:44.45exposeokay, now it works...thanks again, and maybe report it.
12:45.24langenbergYeah I remember KDE-3.3.2 doing the change emidiately.
12:46.51quentinhello! where are konqueror's bookmarks saved?
12:48.12langenbergquentin: I don't know, but maybe .kde/share/apps/something?
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12:57.23r00tsh3llmorning guys
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13:26.55r00tsh3ll -- is there a recent version of this book?
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13:33.33AciDwhere does korganiser (via kontact) store the calendar info (rendez-vous and more important the periodic info, which aren't exported in ical format) ?
13:34.59BilleAciD: $KDEHOME/share/apps/korganizer
13:40.07*** join/#kde Blissex (
13:41.17BlissexIs this a bug? When I have the 'Application Launcher' in the Kicker, it never gets focus under KWin, so it is unusable. but if there is no window manager, or I use FVWM as the window manager, the 'Application Launcher' in the kicker gets focus...
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13:49.59Sho__Any common reasony why k3b wouldn't recognize my DVD recorder as a DVD recorder, but only as a CD recorder?
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13:52.06atomikis there a "function" to resize images like with firefox.  It's useful when the image is bigger than the screen.
13:55.39Blissexatomik: in my Konqueror that happens automagically...
13:56.07Blissexatomik: but for the case where the image is the whole thing.
13:56.25AciDataxic > me too, try installing showimg
13:56.40CeruleanSho__: #k3b?
13:57.37atomikAciD: it's not a default feature of konq...?
13:57.55AciDi don't know
13:58.40Sho__Cerulean: I'm there (as you probably saw), but pretty much alone
13:59.05CeruleanSho__: So it seems
13:59.16Blissexatomik: it is and it is not. Konqueror can delegate showing things to various sub-''components''.
13:59.34Blissexatomik: if you install ShowImg, it will delegate image display to it, and it does scaling by default.
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14:01.04Blissexatomik: in any case have have a look at the 'Control Centre's 'KDE Components' menu, it will show you just how flexible Konqueror is.
14:01.38espen_how can access the dcop server as root using suid user
14:02.29Blissexespen_: no need to do anything special... Unless you are doing something funny.
14:02.34espen_i want to control my mp3 player my hotkeys over the acpid
14:03.07espen_if i do a "su - user -c "dcop" it returns command not found
14:03.21quentinhm, i've a problem since i've upgraded my suse
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14:03.43quentini've backuped my configs, but kde4.3 does not seem to like them
14:04.34quentinkmail now asks on every start for the account passwords which i cannot save and every encoded message will require the entry of my passphrase which won't be rememberd either
14:04.49quentinit seems that kgpg is ok, but the rest is strange!
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14:07.29Blissexespen_: «command not found» is probably just because you haven't put the 'bin' directory where the KDE commands are kept in the 'PATH' of that user, in its ''profile'' or in a global profile.
14:08.00Blissexquentin: sometimes you have to delete the configs and recreate them from scratch. Howver...
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14:08.18Blissexquentin: check the configuration for 'kpasswordmanager' (IIRC the name).
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14:08.57quentinBlissex, yes, i selected the configs i copied, but its not plasant to reconfigure that stuff, pwds, accounts, keys,...
14:09.26quentinBlissex, kpasswordmanager? don't have!
14:09.34espen_yes gto it working, thx
14:09.50espen_nice :)
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14:16.06BlissexIs this a bug? When I have the 'Application Launcher' in the Kicker, it never gets kb focus under KWin, so it is unusable. but if there is no window manager, or I use FVWM as the window manager, the 'Application Launcher' in the Kicker gets kb focus... If not a bug, what config do I need to change?
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14:37.08quentinBlissex, can i keep my old config? will it be updated by kmail or remain old? if new features came with the new version, will they be saved?
14:37.42Blissexquentin: you can probably keep it, but perhaps some bits of it annoy the new version of the software.
14:38.02Blissexquentin: BTW, it was 'kpasswdmanager' and it is basically as the name indicates the KDE wallet manager.
14:38.05caleb__is there an xplanet image of KDE developers similar to somewhere?
14:38.41quentinBlissex, yes, kmail now wants to access the kwalletmgr, can i prevent it? i don't want to use it
14:39.10Blissexquentin: trouble is, the wallet manager is the right thing to use.
14:39.33Blissexcaleb__: there are various group photographs of KDE developer meetings... usually on private sites.
14:39.37quentinno, it sucks that i've to enter my master-pw on every session
14:39.49Blissexquentin: that is better than the alternative...
14:39.59quentinno, i'm not paranoid!
14:40.31Blissexquentin: then i suspect, but I am far from sure, that you can config the wallet manager not to request a password, or use a default one you configure...
14:40.46quentinBlissex, and why do i always have to enter my passphrase when opening an encrypted mail? can't kmail remember my passphrase, at least for the session?
14:41.27Blissexquentin: that is dangerous, and probably that should be handled by Kleopatra or KGPG or whatever (cant remember the right names).
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14:45.16quentinBlissex, it's configured that the cache lasts 600 sec
14:46.25quentinwhat is meant with not to "grab" mouse and keybaord
14:47.02*** part/#kde caleb__ (
14:47.31Blissexquentin: a mouse/kb grab is a application that gets exclusive use of the X server.
14:47.45Blissexquentin: it is often needed in security cases.
14:48.27quentinBlissex, and what does it have to do with the kgpg-agent, Blissex ?
14:48.55Blissexquentin: probably it grabs the kb/mouse when prompting for the pass phrase.
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14:49.15Blissexquentin: to prevent other applications from reading the passphrase key events.
14:50.37quentinanother thing, kde 3.4 sorts a file or dir in the middle of a columnn if its name is too long, how can i change that?
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14:54.39bruno-anyone any idea why the ftp KIO slave doesn't shut down after it's job has finished?
14:54.57Blissexbruno-: optimization probably.
14:55.52bruno-doesn't seem to be very optimal to have 50 kio_ftp's running (even after the application has closed) if you do some KIO::stat's
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14:56.14bruno-and I get max user errors in my application
14:56.19bruno-leading to wrong results
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14:57.03Blissexquentin: as to «i'm not paranoid!» KDE is designed to support the worst case, because that's matters... And it is hard to do everything right, for example applications that read the private key into memory must lock themselves in memory to prevent the swapping out of that private key, and so on...
14:57.37^rob^did anyone succseeded to start gubed on quanta? - i have debian kde q33 - i can see quanta in debug - but it does not work
14:57.48^rob^i have even gubed php code
14:57.53^rob^still nothin'
14:57.57^rob^what am i missing?
14:58.06do3ccweird, my kontact just started to suck all my CPU cycles, but the whole system, and all components of kontact are still snappy and responsive
14:58.19do3ccany hint how I can find out whats going wild?
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14:59.10TinoWspeaking of KIO... why does kate not recognize filetypes via mime from webdav?
14:59.17quentinyes, but i suppose you can imagine how it's annoying to enter for each encrypted mail your passphrase...
15:00.01^rob^gubed sux BIG
15:00.08^rob^quanta too :(
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15:00.31Blissexbruno-: it may also be that the FTP KIO slave does not realize the connection is closed. There are many cases, especially involving NAT, where the FIN pcket or something similar gets lost, and the connection becoms half dead until some longish timeout happens.
15:00.44^rob^and i suck too - coz i did not understand how the heck gubed+quanta+php can debug.
15:01.02bruno-Blissex: hmmm ... any way to solve this?
15:01.16Blissexquentin: yes, but that's why things like the wallet etc. have been invented, to centralize all such difficult issues.
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15:01.49Blissexbruno-: no idea, you are not saying anything identifiable except ''doesn't work'' :-)
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15:02.30quentinBlissex, but kwallet can't handle gpg-keys, and thats what disturbs me! the encrypted emails
15:03.09TinoWbruno-: maybe you use ethereal to debug whats going on
15:03.12bruno-bruno     2707  0.0  2.2 32972 11672 ?       S    17:02   0:00 kdeinit: kio_ftp ftp /tmp/ksocket-bruno/klauncher5TJUEb.slave-socket /tmp/ksocket-bruno/synKhronizenTJflb.slave-socket
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15:03.29bruno-and netstat gives a bunch of tcp        0      0      TIME_WAIT
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15:03.39manchotI am stuck at kde splash screens.
15:03.58manchotit says 'initializing system services" and remains there forever, how to fix this problem?
15:04.02TinoWbruno-: I have no idea btw, why thy dont just give you ssh/sftp access
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15:04.15manchotwhat system services does KDE want to initialize?
15:04.25TinoWmanchot: rename/delete ~/.kde
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15:05.53manchotTinoW: yes, I renamed .kde into kde and it starts the wizard mode.
15:06.11manchotbut again, in 'initilizaing stage' it freezes
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15:09.15Tpo1who invented the polio vaccine?
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15:13.08TinoWTpo1: Dr. Jonas Salk
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15:45.13apowok before i panic
15:45.33apowcan you guys tell me if there is a known bug in 3.4 that makes kontact nuke your inbox?
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15:48.03Slackmanapow: panic inbox is fine
15:50.03PhilRodapow: are you using dimap?
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15:53.43PieDI'd like to get the kdevelop sourcecode from HEAD : what is the svn command for that ?
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15:55.47PhilRodhiya Flendor
15:55.56FlendorHey there Phil, how's it going?
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15:57.10apowPhilRod: nope.
15:57.37apowmy luck is that i'm dling my gmail thru pop, and even when i do so, mails remain in server
15:57.44apowso i'm recovering them now
15:57.53PhilRodFlendor: not so bad - need to do some uni work though.
15:58.06TinoWapow: while pop is the protocol which is especially designed for the opposite
15:58.09apokryphosapow: that option can be changed from gmail settings (though it's not necessary, with some 2 gig of space...)
15:58.13apowi had these 2 subfolders under inbox, in which i had my mails, both where nuked
15:58.30apowapokryphos: i dont want to, if i didnt have that i'd have lost all my mail
15:58.45apokryphosYup :)
15:58.57apowTinoW: what does it have to do with the fact that kontact vaporized my folders?
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15:59.15TinoWapow: nothing at all I guess.
15:59.23PieDthanks PhilRod
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16:00.48PieDbut I get this error :
16:00.50PieDpinaraf@ubuntu:~/tmp/kdevelop$ svn checkout
16:00.50PieDsvn: URL '' doesn't exist
16:01.40PieDwhat should i do ?
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16:04.00PhilRodmaybe kdevelop hasn't reached svn yet - I guess you could try anoncvs
16:05.46PieDbut when I try the CVS comand from, it fails too :( (please wait a bit for the message)
16:09.21langenbergCan I get a split view in konqueror?
16:09.48langenbergSo I don't have to launch Konqueror twice for copying files
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16:11.13Billelangenberg: right click on the status bar
16:11.19Billelangenberg: and your wish will be granted
16:11.36Billelangenberg: or look at the Window menu
16:13.14langenbergBille: aah that was really where I was looking for!
16:13.48langenbergBille: I've never seen such a great desktop environment.
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16:17.09TinoWhehe. langenberg... what a nick... ;)
16:17.10langenbergA pitty Konqueror crashes while splitting a site with some embedded sound.
16:17.27langenbergTinoW: What's wrong with my nickname?
16:17.40TinoWlangenberg: nothing. Its just the name of my birhtown ;)
16:18.33langenbergTinoW: It's my last name :)
16:18.52langenbergTinoW: Where do you come from if I may ask?
16:18.59TinoWlangenberg: Germany :)
16:19.40TinoWlangenberg: while my last name is the name of at least 3 towns too ;)
16:20.16langenbergFunny tho
16:20.25TinoWyeah ;)
16:21.09langenbergDie Gemeinde Langenberg ist mit rund 8.500 Einwohnern die kleinste Gemeinde im Verband der dreizehn Kommunen des Kreises Gütersloh.
16:21.12yannuxbisoir tlm
16:21.28Flendor:0 Ich kann es nicht verstehen!
16:21.55TinoWFlendor: use :)
16:22.15TinoWlangenberg: where do you came from?
16:22.24langenbergMaybe the parents of my parents of their parents of their parents come from Langenberg, and when they moved to Holland they've use it as last name :D
16:22.47TinoWlangenberg: while the langenberg I'm coming from is in thuringia ;)
16:23.20langenbergFrom what?!
16:23.59FlendorHey, first time I hear of that :)
16:24.28TinoWlangenberg: pardon?
16:24.50langenbergwhat is thuringia?
16:24.55TinoWFlendor: "Samstag" or "Sonnabend" - depends on where you are :)
16:25.02TinoWlangenberg: Thüringen
16:25.04langenbergalso a german place?
16:25.13TinoWlangenberg: east/middle germany
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16:26.39langenbergAah, cool :D
16:26.48JWcan anyone tell me how to shut down a KDE application from a command line? I had a user at a remote office leave Kmail running and I need to shut it off through ssh.
16:27.01JWI've read of a way to do it with dcop or something in the past.
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16:27.25JWFound an article about it on KDE's site but it's not working right.
16:27.55langenbergJW: Just kill the PID
16:28.02eliripshello. suddenly i don't have the option 'switch user' in the kde-menue no more. what am i missing? i have kde 3.3.2.
16:28.11JWlangenberg, yeah I was wanting to avoid using kill.
16:28.37langenbergJW: why? It has no side affects that I'm aware of :)
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16:28.41langenbergjust killall kmail
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16:31.31s3m10selirips: it may be in the control center, under kde componentes and session manager
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16:32.22Zxcvb_any plans for a kde 3.4.1?
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16:33.54PieDZxcvb_: only bugfix !
16:35.15Zxcvb_isn't that what the .1 or .2 means?
16:35.48langenbergI'm using kdenetwork-3.4.0-r1 :) bugfix
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16:37.02Zxcvb_langeberg: where did you get that?
16:37.16langenbergProb. gentoo only tho, don't know if it's official.
16:37.31Zxcvb_langeberg: what did it fix?
16:37.51langenbergthe error Kopete gave when exiting
16:38.34langenberg*kdenetwork-3.4.0-r1 (03 Apr 2005)
16:38.34StevenRhow do I stop konversation from resizing the nicklist every time I start it? It always fills half the chat window when i open it
16:40.01*** topic/#kde by JW -> KDE 3.4 rele/quit laterased | KDE FAQ: - the answer to your question might already be here! | Please don't flood the channel, use a paste service: | If you've just upgraded to 3.4 using Konstruct and your KDE has strange colours and symbols everywhere, check your $QTDIR !
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16:40.15JWof all things...
16:40.24*** topic/#kde by JW -> KDE 3.4 released | KDE FAQ: - the answer to your question might already be here! | Please don't flood the channel, use a paste service: | If you've just upgraded to 3.4 using Konstruct and your KDE has strange colours and symbols everywhere, check your $QTDIR !
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16:49.59Zxcvb_langeberg: looks like those patches are gentoo only
16:50.08Zxcvb_langeberg: managed to download the patches anyway though
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16:55.38djaquayis there a way to slow down terminal output (i.e. in konsole) to approximate a slow modem connection?
16:57.21TinoWdjaquay: use ssh and a traffc shaper ;)
16:57.57djaquay:)  i'd like to have it effect local commands, though...
16:58.16djaquayno latency, limited throughput
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16:58.22StevenRhow do I stop konversation from resizing the nicklist every time I start it? It always fills half the chat window when i open it
16:58.38TinoWdjaquay: you can always connect locally too :)
16:59.32*** join/#kde kay (
16:59.46djaquayTinoW, well, that's true, but wouldn't a traffic shaper still deliver results in chunks?
17:00.20TinoWdjaquay: most console output is buffered too. So this would not make much difference
17:01.44TinoWdjaquay: or construct a stream limiter program which reads stdin and writes to stdout and use it for both input and output on your console ;) I dont think you can simulate with stty
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17:03.44djaquayTinoW, that's an idea, too, although I was hoping this could also work with interactive pgms, like vi or emacs
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17:04.30imohi all
17:05.14TinoWdjaquay: then go for the ssh approach I'd say. I wonder why stty has no effect
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17:07.28djaquayTinoW, yeah, stty looks like it should do what i want...
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17:09.56langenbergAm I the only one which experiences crashes of Konqueror sometimes?
17:10.24langenbergI want to figure out if it's my distro or just some bugs in Konqueror.
17:11.27pontolangenberg:  i also get several crashes.    on one machine more than twice a day.
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17:12.36langenbergI've have them mostly when Konqueror use embedded media. When I watch a website which has an embedded .mp3 file and I'm splitting the window.
17:12.44langenberg(for example)
17:13.45langenbergBut it looks like Konqueror 'learns' from it's mistakes. It's a bit weirde because it'll go flawless most of the time when I try to reproduce the error.
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17:39.28jeff1trying to figure out why my password will not work when i try and unlock my kde desktop (using fedora 3).  my pw works fine for logging in, but not when i lock the system
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17:47.27langenbergCan I launch that 'Desktop Settings Wizard' I see at my first login again? Looks like it's hiding from me :-O
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17:51.54srednalangenberg:  kpersonalizer
17:52.09langenbergaah thanx you
17:52.24langenbergI didn't see it in the control centre.
17:52.43srednaIt's not there, it is a separate application
17:53.18srednaAnd frankly, not well behaved, it changes settings each time you press next
17:53.22srednaSo be warned
17:53.25slayerbobhiya sredna :)
17:53.37srednaHello slayerbob :)
17:53.44langenbergOh, too late. There goes my font settings
17:53.53FlendorHello sredna.
17:54.00srednaHi Flendor :-)
17:54.28FlendorHow's it going?
17:54.38BlissexIs this a bug? When I have the 'Application Launcher' in the Kicker, it never gets kb focus under KWin, so it is unusable. but if there is no window manager, or I use FVWM as the window manager, the 'Application Launcher' in the Kicker gets kb focus... If not a bug, what config do I need to change?
17:54.40srednaFine, thanks
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17:55.18srednaBlissex: If it does not get keyboard focus if you click it, it is a bug
17:56.03Blissexsredna: argh. as I said, it gets kb focus if the WM is missing or not KWin, so it is likely to be a bug in KWin.
17:56.56srednaBlissex: So, you should check if it is reported, and do so if not
17:57.08Blissexthe funny thing is that the cursor changes shape to the I-beam as it should as soon as it is over the text entry field, it just does not get focus...
17:57.13Blissexsredna: yes, Ill do.
17:57.18srednaThanks :)
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17:58.38nxv__i want do compile something using krootpixmap
17:58.46nxv__i have set :
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18:00.12nxv__-L/usr/kde/3.4/lib -I/usr/kde/3.4/include
18:00.12nxv__but still get the
18:00.12nxv__undefined reference to `KRootPixmap::KRootPixmap[in-charge](QWidget*, char const*)'
18:00.12nxv__what else do i have to commit to the linker?
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18:09.34nxv__wie findet man raus welche linker optionen ein header braucht?
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18:13.30Billenxv__: -lkdeui ?
18:14.05Bille-L just says where to find the libraries named with -l IIRC
18:14.50nxv__Bille: danke damit compiled er
18:15.04Billenxv__: bitte
18:15.06nxv__wie finde ich denn raus welchen flag ich brauche? woher wustest du das?
18:15.35Blissexah yes, the no-focus-on-Application Launcher is a bug and has been fixed post 3.3.x:
18:15.59Billeschmerzen im rechten unterbein - heisst immer -lkdeui noetig oder regen morgen ;)
18:17.30Billenxv__: schau in den kdelibs sourcen - krootpixmap wird wohl in kdeui/ definiert
18:18.15nxv__Bille: wie meinst du das?
18:18.29nxv__compiler optionen kenne ich nur aus makefiles
18:18.48nxv__wo kann ich die sonst rausfinden? hab vesucht die aus makefiles zusammenzusuchen die das gleiche nutzen wie ich
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18:20.03Billenxv__: ich benutze lieber automake - da muss man allerdings am anfang die richtigen vars aus anderen suchen
18:20.46nxv__hm ich schau mir mal an
18:20.50nxv__wonach muss ich das suchen?
18:21.34Billenxv__: kapptemplate kann das alles fuer dich vorbereiten - oder kdevelop
18:22.34nxv__hab jetzt z.b. das von konsole hier vor mir, dass benutzt die funktion die ich verwenden will, habe aber keinen blassen wie ich jetzt rausbekomme, was ich einstellen muss um diese auch in meiner anderen app zur verfuegung zu haben, wie gehe ich da vor?
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18:24.53nxv__danke bille, hoffe ich steig da auch mal durch, das ist fuer mich noch das groesste raetsel mit c++ wo in welchen bibs libs was zu finden ist und wie ich darauf zugreife
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18:25.26Billenxv__: klar, man braucht ein bisschen gefuehl und glueck am anfang
18:25.46nxv__ja und wenn man bei kde weiss wo man was findet geth das suchen in einer anderen lib los
18:25.55nxv__hm da finde java schon sehr angenehm
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18:26.05Billenxv__: - identifier search hilft dabei, ein app zu finden den die klassen schon benutzt
18:26.07nxv__vorallem eclipse mit seinem auto import
18:26.24Billeist alles warmduschen ;)
18:27.22Billenxv__: in #kde-devel wirst du vieelleicht besser bedien
18:27.26nxv__Bille: manche nennen das rapid development, weil es zeit und nerven spart :)
18:28.46Billenxv__: mein Tip - verwendung mit grep -ir oder finden, und dann in dessen schauen
18:29.23Bitteguten tag
18:29.25Billenxv__: es gibt nur wenige unterschiede von app zu app
18:29.32nxv__Bille: eine c++ frage noch
18:30.07nxv__was bedeutet es, wenn am anfang des header nur class KrootPixmap steht
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18:34.03Billenxv__: class KRootPixmap; ?
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18:35.25Billenxv__: deklariert den classenamen, damit man KRootPixmap * im header benutzen kann, ohne den ganzen krootpixmap.h zu #includen
18:35.37Billemach die Uebersetzung schneller
18:36.08Billedie eigentliche #include "krootpixmap.h" ist im foo.cpp
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18:37.20nxv__sehr interessant
18:37.42nxv__dachte zwar das prinzip header cpp wuerde dem zwar gerade wieder sprechen aber gut :)
18:40.12Billenxv__: fuer die zweite satzhaelfte versagt mein verstand :)
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18:44.39chakieah, this is tonight
18:45.04Billechakie: my potion of german has just worn off, you're safe
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18:46.00chakiedon't mind me, didn't mean to disrupt
18:46.17chakiei grokked 90% of what was said
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18:57.55X-Thei would like to know if in other latptos the fan is alwaus working, i ask this because is Windows isnt like this, i think i will get deaf soon , any thoughts?
18:58.20annmaX-The: mine is working a lot
18:58.28annmaX-The: but I am also compiling a lot
18:58.42annmait's noisy as hell, yes
18:58.48annma(cheap laptop)
18:58.52X-Thein windows isnt like this
18:59.03annmaI don't use mine in windows
18:59.05X-Thethe fan doesnt work when isnt needed
18:59.16X-Theand in linux alwaus running...
18:59.25annmamaybe your distro has not a good kernel
18:59.33annmawhat kernel version do you have?
18:59.37annmawhat distro?
18:59.39chakieX-The: ask you laptop manufacturer for drivers for the laptop power management stuff
18:59.46annmashould be good
18:59.58X-Thebut as i remember this always was like this
19:00.04PhilRodX-The: you should be able to switch off the fan - I think linux has some stuff in /proc that you can use
19:00.11X-Thei use linus about 3/4 years
19:00.12PhilRodtry asking in #yourdistro
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19:00.26annmaX-The: ask in #mandrake, yes
19:00.29X-Thebut that sould be done automatically
19:00.48X-Theid dont go to #mandrake the ops are too arrogant
19:00.57annmaoh? they are fine with me
19:01.07annmaI always got nice answers
19:01.20X-Thean op from there baned me just because now im using cooker
19:01.28X-Theone caled ahuntedunix
19:01.36annmamaybe your power management is not enabled
19:01.50X-Thesome like this
19:01.58X-Thebut it is
19:02.08X-Thei have acpi configured
19:02.23PhilRodwell, we can't do anything about ops from other channels, but a quick google search suggests that you want to twiddle /proc/acpi/fan/something
19:02.34annmatry looking in google and your laptop, X-The
19:03.01X-Thebut annma didnt u said that your laptop also haves fan always working
19:03.10annmayes but I am compiling
19:03.12annmaall the time
19:03.24annmaso I suspect my laptop needs it
19:03.33annmaand my laptop is cheap
19:03.38PhilRodoooh, reith lectures on BBC radio 4 - all about technology
19:03.42annmanot a limousine
19:03.44PhilRod(so it's kinda on-topic)
19:03.54X-Thei have an Asus a2h
19:04.02annmaX-The: I listen to music with a headset
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19:07.20nes_hi, is there a way to smooth line arts in kpdf, as it can be done with acroread ?
19:07.27xbeanxdoes KDE use famd for anything useful?
19:10.57nxv__xbeanx: i just guess for keeping konqueror file display uptodate
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19:18.20tzangerdoes anyone know why I can't get non-ttf fonts in konsole?  I am trying to get the system font (8x8) in there but I can't choose it, only TTF fonts
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19:20.03caligacan anybody tell me what i have to do to make the "pages per sheet" option in the printer-settings available? (kcontrol)
19:21.18caligadoes this depend to the installed cups driver?
19:22.09termocaliga: i don't know, I can only use it on my printer (not for "create pdf" e.a.)
19:22.24termocaliga: so I guess it has something to do with cups...
19:23.20caligatermo: but "create pdf" is not a cups printer, is it?
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19:23.48caligatermo: it s not available in all my printers... virtual and real ones
19:24.28termocaliga: Nope, that's why I guess it's cups, but I'm not really into the printing/driver stuff, so can't really help you, It works on suse+cups+hp-printer here :)
19:25.20caligatermo: well... i don't have suse, but the rest fits :)
19:29.56termocaliga: well, KDE page says that it's a postscript filter built-in in KDEprinter
19:30.24termocaliga: so perhaps it works only on printers that 'speak' postscript, allthough I doubt mine does...
19:30.58caligatermo:mine does... i think up to level 3 (laserjet 6l)
19:31.26tzangerlasrjet 6L supports PS?
19:32.34*** join/#kde forest (
19:32.35caligatzanger: the cups test page tells me so
19:33.21caligatermo:well... maybe it's because im using kde 3.4 and the missed a few things...
19:35.14caligacan i use a different command line than "kprinter" in my applications? like... "cups --pages-per-sheet 2" ? (what man page?)
19:36.25termocaliga: did you check the filters?
19:36.37caligatermo: haha! stop! :)))))
19:37.20caligatermo: i missed the kcontrol option "current printing system" ....
19:37.54caligatermo: it was set to unix lpd instead of cups...
19:38.18caligathanx, now the option is available :)
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20:21.11X-Thewhats happening with cvs? i cant retrieve
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20:34.28L_Killerhey there, how do I adjust my brightness and/or gamma in KDE?
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20:43.52_jorgpanyone else experience issues with k3b changing gap rate between songs to song length
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20:48.11eliripshow can i install the german language for my kde and kmail?
20:48.59Blissexelirips: depends entirely on your distribution's packaging policy.
20:49.13eliripsBlissex: debian sarge
20:49.33Blissexelirips: then use 'aptitude' and select one of the KDE language packages :-)
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20:49.40X-Thecant conect to cvs
20:50.11eliripsBlissex: yeah, but what are the names of this packages? searching in apt-cache for thinkg like german and kde, etc doesn't give me anything usefull
20:50.48Blissexelirips: that's why I suggest using 'aptitude' or 'synaptic', which present all available packages in clearly organized sections by topic...
20:51.46eliripsBlissex: okay... going to go through it... hoped that someone could just shout the name at me ;)
20:52.01Blissexelirips: so you can find the right package in an intuitive way, without having to guess that the KDE language packages have names beginning with 'kde-18n'.
20:52.17*** join/#kde elcuco (
20:52.18eliripsBlissex: thanks a lot :) now i got it.
20:52.21Blissexelirips: a tiny bit of initiative is often a good idea.
20:53.09eliripsBlissex: where comes that name kde-18n from? for me that doesn't sound like language-packages...
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20:53.57Blissexelirips: 'i18n' mispronounces in ammmericaaan sound a bit like 'internationalization'.
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20:55.00sarah03elirips: "internationalization" -> "i-18 letters-n"
20:55.10sarah03Which is where "i18n" comes from.
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20:58.02ArcaneHrm, can Cygwin run KDE?
20:58.25ArcaneYay, thanks.
20:58.45eliripsdo this language-packages only make kde (the k-menue, control-center, etc) german, or also kde-apps like kmail, korganize, kaddressbook, etc..?
20:58.48scroogetheres a guide how to do it
20:58.57sarah03Arcane: It'll run, but it'll likely be slow starting things, because Cygwin is stuck under the win32 process model.
20:59.15sarah03Which basically means that fork(2) is slower than shit.
20:59.15ArcaneI can't use Linux, though, so I believe it'd be my best bet. :\
20:59.48*** join/#kde bmfan (
21:00.16chavoArcane, they are only up to KDE 3.1.4 on Cygwin, it runs fine though.
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21:16.54tricentegood evening
21:18.16pwn3dbitchgood something
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21:25.26tricentehas anybody an idea about the regional key config? my AT-sign hides.
21:26.49Blissextricente: yes.
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21:29.48TinoWtricente: you would tell us the region
21:32.19tricentei tried to manage the problem with kbr - without sucess!
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21:32.43BienniumIs there a list somewhere about which AltGr keys and combinations lead to which characters?
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21:34.16tricenteyes, setxkbmap -option -option compose:rwin,caps:shift_nocancel,altwin:meta_alt
21:35.10tricentekeyb is generic 105 intl
21:35.30BienniumSo far, I've worked out that AltGr-accent + character gives accented character, but I don't use those very often.
21:36.02tricenteah thanx, i'll try
21:38.14tricenteseems to need a system restart?
21:39.28BienniumNo! Keymap usually don't need reboot to change, and reboot resets it to whatever is the setting on boot.
21:40.38tricenteo.k.  thanx,
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21:45.20tricenteNo, i tried everything with kbr - without sucess!
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21:45.42ArcaneMeh, better'n not having internet and sound in Linux. :P
21:46.17BienniumAnd to make things more fun, there seem to be different keyboard settings for X and console.
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21:54.58tricentebye and good night!
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22:14.12babyhueyKDE PWNZ ALL OTHER WMS!!!
22:16.28gcbirzanToo bad it's not a window manager.
22:16.47babyhueywhats it called?
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22:17.40derelmits a desktop environment
22:18.02babyhueywhat is the difference between a windows manager and a desktop environment
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22:18.40Blissexbabyhuey: there are discussions of this...
22:18.42derelma window manager simply manages to show windows, while a desktop environment come with apps that "form" the desktop
22:18.54Blissexbabyhuey: online, but what derelm says is mostly correct.
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22:19.12derelmBlissex: thanks ;)
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22:19.45babyhueyok, well i learned something new today
22:20.06babyhueyso let me rephrase what i said earlier:  KDE PWNS ALL OTHER DESKTOP ENVIRONMENTS!!!
22:20.22Blissexbabyhuey: yes, but thats not news....
22:20.41derelmbabyhuey: i gues you should learn to not use caps all the time
22:20.58babyhueyi dont use it all the time, just when i am yelling
22:21.18derelmbabyhuey: well, ok, then you should stop yelling every second line ;)
22:21.36babyhueyi only yelled on 2 lines thank you
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22:22.24caligawhat does it mean that a filter is "not available: requirement not satisfied" (or like that) in the printing dialog? what can i do to make it available?
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22:27.53babyhueyit means its not available
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22:50.11Xeon3DHi... I'm looking for a KDE Bluetooth App similar to the Gnome-Bluetooth package...
22:51.03aseigoXeon3D: you didn't even bother to visit google did you =)
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22:55.28Octanewhats the name of the gui find/replace program within files
22:55.34OctaneBorg^Queen, you post on kde apps!
22:55.39Borg^QueenI'm testing my new SDSL connection.
22:55.48Borg^QueenYes Octane why?
22:55.57Octanei was just pointing that out
22:56.02slayerboboh nice :P
22:56.04slayerbobwhat speed ?
22:56.07OctaneIRC is serious bandwith, you sure your SDSL can handle it
22:56.14Borg^QueenHey slayerbob
22:56.19slayerbobhiya Borg^Queen :P
22:56.28Borg^Queen1.1 Sync
22:56.43Borg^QueenAfter sharing with 2 other computers
22:56.53slayerbobi only have 128kbps up here :(
22:56.55Borg^Queenwithout, its about 4.1 mps
22:57.03slayerbobalthough my server in town has 512kbps up so that's not too bad
22:57.17Borg^QueenAfter all the networking I have to do, I'll be lucky if I end up with that much lol
22:57.40Borg^QueenSigh, but I have to share.
22:57.49Borg^QueenAny, nice to talk to you.
22:58.01Borg^QueenNeed to get back to wiring, and drilling and fun stuff
22:58.12Borg^QueenOctane: which post did you read?
22:58.32Borg^QueenThe one were I threaten to take over the world. Or the one about chocolate?
22:58.52Borg^QueenAll KDE apps should have chocolate come with them when you download them.
22:59.01Borg^QueenIt can happen
22:59.11OctaneBorg^Queen, just remember your name is all
22:59.36Borg^Queen`Ok I' gone. Please resumed your normally scheduled lives
22:59.41Borg^Queenresume even
22:59.46Borg^QueenLater humans
23:01.26Octaneshe is really into her Borg character
23:01.47Octanemaybe she really is borg!
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23:12.10gregdaywhere can i find info about the svn move?
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23:12.41richmooregregday: what kind of info?
23:13.23gregdaywell, servers for example
23:13.50gregdayi shouldve guessed
23:13.53richmoorethough that is not currently the live system
23:13.55gregdaykde people always go the smiple route :)
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23:14.19gregdayi dont suppose any of the cvs mirrors are supposed to be down are they?  i mean related to the svn stuff
23:14.37richmoorenot as far as i know
23:14.44annmaanoncvs is down but not related to svn move
23:14.53annmait seems to be down for what I heard
23:15.07annmabut that's probably a server failure
23:15.32gregdayok, just making sure it's a 'regular' downage
23:15.54gregdayi figured if the cvs stuff went offline for good, it would be a long awhile after svn had been functional
23:16.10richmooregregday: the CVS will switch to read-only before the move
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23:16.42gregdayi just pull from anoncvs anyhow, i rarely submit patches to the lists
23:17.04annmaI was told anoncvs is down for 2 days now
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23:17.38richmoorei guess everyone who could fix it is busy preparing for svn
23:17.55rkroetchAnyone else experiance KDE's backround renderer rendering SVGs different than the embedded KSVG library in Konqi?
23:18.25annmadoes not render for me at all with yesterday's cvs code
23:18.47gregdaydoes KSVG use librsvg at all
23:18.50rkroetchI'm in KDE 3.4
23:19.07rkroetchaccording to Konqi it's using KSVG - libart backend
23:19.18rkroetchBut I see no noticable information about it for kdesktop
23:21.05annmarichmoore: can I make a PassivePopup position on the left of a widget and not on the right
23:21.49richmooreannma: yeah, you need to use the constructor rather than the static methods then move it (or reimplement position self)
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23:22.09annmaok, thanks
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23:22.57s3m10sso flash doesn't work in anything less than 24 bit, huh? and neither does firefox
23:24.27s3m10sunder kde, I mean
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23:26.33Kryczekso hello
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23:29.33antimattervortexwhat setting would cause a screensaver to perform poorly.
23:29.52s3m10sgl subsystem?
23:30.15antimattervortexmy open gl screen savers work fine as root but they suck big time in any other user account. it must be a setting i made as root... i'm not sure what.
23:30.22antimattervortexmaybe something in xset....
23:30.27s3m10smaybe permissions on the device
23:30.49antimattervortexwhat device?
23:30.53s3m10sthe video card
23:31.14s3m10ssomething like /dev/nvidia
23:31.15antimattervortexwell they still run they just have an increadibly slow frame rate.
23:31.54s3m10sI remember having that problem bout 4 months ago
23:31.54antimattervortexlike some background proc is sucking up all the cpu cycles or something.
23:31.55antimattervortexeven if i create a new account.
23:32.02antimattervortexroot is the only one performing correctly.
23:32.09s3m10sI'm going to try an experiment here.
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23:34.22tzangergood evening
23:34.22antimattervortexthe onlything i remember doing before was "xset s noblank"
23:34.22antimattervortexon root.
23:34.22tzangerI've got an encrypted message sitting in my inbox but kmail says that the openpgp plugin can't decrypt it...  I have gpg and in the kmail config openpgp is checked but I can't configure it...  any help would be greatly appreciated
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23:34.33antimattervortexbecause kde kept freezing the screen after 1 minute. until i moved the mouse...
23:34.39s3m10sI have no idea what that is. my experiment didn't work either, so I got no idea what the problem is.  maybe when I've used linux more than 1 year I can help
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23:35.32s3m10sanyone get Doom3 to work without cedega?
23:35.50rkroetchantimattervortex: As an experiment, make a new user and see if KDE can boot
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23:36.36antimattervortexif i make a propper .initrc file it's fine with new users. (i've tried that already).
23:36.38HuntsMans3m10s: in Linux?
23:37.00s3m10sHuntsMan: of course. works fine in windows, but I don't boot that very often
23:37.18HuntsMans3m10s: but why Cedega? DOOM 3 has a Native Linux version....
23:37.34s3m10sthat's what I mean. the native linux doesn't work but cedega does
23:37.55rkroetchs3m10s: I've had no issues
23:37.57HuntsManand why doesnt? any error messages?
23:38.37s3m10shold on a sec.  it just crashed kicker
23:39.11rkroetchantimattervortex: Must be something wrong with your per-user configurations... try to remove your session config to start a blank session... if that works it's session... otherwise my method of solving it would be backup your .kde directory, then delete it.. then copy back settings that you like (Kopete, etc)
23:39.19rkroetchI'm sure there is a better way... but that should work
23:39.40s3m10sstops at dlopen(  Couldn't get a visual
23:39.54HuntsMans3m10s: video card?
23:40.14s3m10s5700 ultra.
23:40.18antimattervortexalright, i'll toy with it.
23:40.21HuntsManwith latest propietary drivers ?
23:40.36s3m10syes sir
23:40.47HuntsManworks fine to me :S
23:41.02s3m10sUnable to initilize OpenGL. all other GL stuff works great
23:41.38HuntsManmaybe it can't find the right libGL
23:41.46HuntsManany command line opts to specify the libGL?
23:41.49s3m10sI think I only have one.
23:41.54s3m10slet me see . ..
23:43.04s3m10swell I'm off to bed. tnks
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23:51.53tzangerwhen I send an encrypted message kmail can't even read it in the sent mail folder
23:53.00tzangerand when I send to myself PGP/Inline I get correctly asked for my passphrase and hten kontact sigsegv's
23:54.05tzangerkmail can't handle anything but inline PGP
23:54.09tzangeryet it's depricated
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23:55.28jonohi all
23:56.06Kryczektzanger: works here
23:57.05nutshell42hi, the image index plugin in kcontrol tells me
23:57.07nutshell42KDE can make use of the GNU Image Finding Tool (GIFT) to perform queries based not just on filenames, but on file content.
23:57.07nutshell42For example, you can search for an image by giving an example image that looks similar to the one you are looking for.
23:57.26nutshell42so now that I have the necessary index
23:57.44nutshell42how does kde make use of gift?
23:59.19*** join/#kde smithjd (
23:59.48*** join/#kde nico_ (

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