irclog2html for ipaq on 2001.10.18

00:57:04On3is a semi-proud owner of familiar 0.5 bootstrap + qpe on ipaq 3765 :) weee
01:00:13TangentOn3 : Only semi ?
01:01:17On3well...yeah.  i still am upset the jffs2 ate itself yesterday :)
01:01:29On3and my NICs don't work in my pccard sleeve
01:02:00On3anyone wanna donate an arm-compiled 2.4.7-rmk3-np1 module for a 3c575? :)
01:02:14On3or the xircom cfe-10 (ne2000 i think)
01:02:30TangentOn3 : Isn't 3c575 a cardbus card?
01:02:45TangentOn3 : Yeah.. it is...
01:02:55TangentOn3 : No chance that'll ever work on the iPAQ
01:03:54On3? 16bit only?
01:04:03TangentOn3 : Yep...
01:04:19TangentOn3 : PCMCIA = ISA card.. .Cardbus = PCMCIA card
01:04:25On3just re-route bits 16-31 to ground :)
01:04:28Tangenterm.. cardbus=PCI card
01:04:45On3figures.  dangit
01:04:56TangentDifferent frequencies etc
01:04:57On3make it work anyway.  kernel hackers can do anything.  (i've seen it!)
01:05:07TangentApparently the Xircom can be made to work with the pcnet_cs driver
01:05:21On3the compactflash ethernet card?   really??
01:05:32On3i got a link light on it today but no eth0 device
01:05:33TangentOn3 : Only kernel hacking I'm good for uses an axe
01:05:54TangentOn3 : What's it say on the console when you insert the card?
01:06:10TangentOn3 :
01:06:15On3well, earlier it was REALLY upset that the modules weren't there :-) heh..
01:06:40TangentOn3 : Oh.. there'll (probably) be some ipkg with the right modules in
01:07:04On3i got all the modules now.. but haven't tried it since
01:07:47On3i need the nic to get it on the net so i could reinstall all the packages. i rebuilt it today with the 0.5 prerelease after 0.4 ate itself last night.  inexplicably too..
01:09:09TangentOn3 : I'd guess that this is the one you need...
01:11:04On3k.. hangon
01:11:06On3thx btw
01:15:51On3had to move the laptop and ipaq from the living room [watched enterprise] to the noc
01:19:14On3ok i already had that package installed...  ?
01:21:49On3i did modprobe xirc2ps_cs and i get no eth0 interface
01:21:53On3try pcnet_cs ?
01:22:44On3pcnet_cs didn't init either
01:23:11On3any ne2k modules lying around?
01:28:09On3welcome back all :)
01:28:18On3hope u enjoyed your netsplit.. heh..
01:28:43On3Tangent: pcnet_cs and xirc2ps_cs didn't work ...hmm
01:30:09sgodsellOn3: is your sleeve single or dual?
01:30:24On3pccard not cf
01:30:37On3have the cf card in the pcmcica adapter provided by xircom
01:30:39sgodsellAre you using -hh6?
01:31:19On3familiar-0.5 prerelease
01:32:03sgodsellfrom where?  there is a number of images?
01:33:05On3is there a mirror/archive of the ipaq mailing list i can search for help too?  i hate to keep bugging people when i am pretty sure i can find it myself rather easily...
01:33:57sgodsellThere is maillist, there is also ibot
01:34:12On3 is nothing but an hasty-witted bag of squishy bat toenails.
01:34:12sgodsellibot insult On3
01:34:19hola, sgodsell
01:34:19sgodsellibot hello
01:34:20On3: huh?
01:34:20On3ibot: you don't know jack
01:34:28somebody said lorien was CRL feeds or or see IpaqFeeds wiki page
01:34:28sgodsellibot lorien
01:34:35scream is an mp3 front end that was formerly known as pypaq.mp3 and pypaq. Available at
01:34:35Disconnectibot: scream
01:34:35familiar is probably a Linux distribution for handhelds, at
01:34:35sgodsellibot familiar
01:34:45scream is probably an mp3 front end that was formerly known as pypaq.mp3 and pypaq. Available at
01:34:45Disconnectibot: scream
01:34:47On3j/k dude !
01:35:02sgodsellok, I see you are aquited with ibot :)
01:35:34sgodsellso you installed task-bootstrap.jffs2, right?
01:36:04On3g00gl3 r0x0rz!!!
01:36:41On3G o o g l e 'z c4Ch3 iZ d4 Sn4Psh07 iT L33cH3D oF da P4g3 a5 eeT cr4wL3D DA WEB#@!*#
01:36:48On3google hacker language pref
01:36:55On3it k1ckz
01:37:00On3m33p m33p, d00d
01:37:17sgodsellAhhh, the date on that image is prior to -hh10
01:37:27sgodselland -hh9
01:37:40On3what image? on the ftp or the google cache?
01:37:41sgodsellso you will have problems with the single sleeve
01:37:51sgodsellhold on
01:37:58On3i need cvs code ??
01:38:15sgodsellYou want to build your own?
01:38:20On3oh hell no
01:38:22On3i just want the nic to work
01:38:54On3googles cache said the 2.4.0-test-blah-hh1 worked with that card
01:38:58On3i figured the 2.4.7 would by now
01:39:05On3bad a55umption?
01:41:53sgodsellinstall hh10 packages
01:42:11On3okey dokey
01:42:20On3ALL of them?
01:42:36sgodselljust the ones you have now
01:44:09On3heheh... nice :)  "we had to get creative"...
01:44:42On3can ipkg grab them nicely?
01:45:05On3looks like it will be a bitch for ipkg to figure it ou
01:45:05sgodsellyes it can
01:45:46sgodselldo you have networking setup via serial or usb?
01:47:46On3haven't messed with usb-eth yet
01:48:05On3would like to tho :)  wonder if i can make some usb hub hacks.. hehe..but probably not.
01:48:20On3i got qpe installed on it.  using it's package manager thingy
01:48:22On3works nice
01:48:25rumour has it usbnet is at
01:48:25sgodsellibot usbnet
01:49:12On3got that bookmarked :-)
01:49:39On3note: don't hold styluses in your mouth. it will hurt when you move your hand really close to your mouth.
01:52:53sgodsellAre you a rocket scientist by chance  ;)
01:53:14sgodsellHi Tangent
01:53:26Tangentsgodsell : Hi
01:53:28On3yeah... suuuuure :)
01:53:48TangentDamn stupid client was sitting there disconnected, and didn't realise until I typed something
01:53:48On3i can be one.  "tank, i need a rocket scientist program.  stat!"
01:53:53sgodsellHi jg
01:54:05On3i'm a rocket scientist now.
01:55:58Disconnectheya jg
02:01:04jg  how goes the battle?
02:01:22On3ugh.. usb net didn't work..grrr
02:01:31Disconnectjg: intimate now has splash screens, a working installer (including nfsroot) and a working linuxrc (also including nfsroot)..
02:01:57jgwhen I recover, I intend to take it for a spin...
02:02:16Disconnectjg: a7r still hasn't got a way for maintainers to update packages, so ipaqstat is out of date in 0.5pre (but I figured out how to make debs, so the intimate package is up to date)
02:02:29Disconnectjg: we've missed you, cracking the whip on jamey and co ;) ;)
02:03:03jgupdate the package, and put it in /home/familiar/incoming, and send him hate mail...
02:03:18jgDisconnect: I've been pretty well out of action....
02:03:21Disconnectjg: sent him hate mail, put the package on skiff. will post it to incoming tomorrow..
02:04:23jgDisconnect: I've sort of felt like I was hit by a truck, but I'm improving...
02:05:00Disconnectjg: trying to come up with something to donate to CRL when the bootldr supports suspending on cf/microdrive root. (that'll let us dual boot intimate/wince.. with suspend support .. yay.)
02:05:25Disconnectjg: surgery does that. :( so long as you are getting better, we won't ask for any speeches for a while ;)
02:05:51jgwith jaws rubberbanded shut, that is a bit difficult right now...
02:06:24jgtalking with your mouth closed can be done, but it isn't what I consider pleasent...
02:07:25jgtrying to get off narcotics at the moment....
02:07:28Disconnecthas had his wisdom teeth out. TG for perkies. Talking wasn't an option. and that was just wisdom teeth..
02:07:56On3holy shit... usbnet DOES work.. whoa....COOL
02:08:02jgThey removed a couple of them along the way....
02:08:21jgthat accounted for one hour out of 7 1/4 hours of surgery.....
02:08:43DisconnectOn3: try intimate-over-nfs-over-usbnet .. a linux workstation on your ipaq.. so long as it stays plugged into a linux workstation. ;)
02:09:06Disconnectjg: urgh. :(  any ideas on how well it worked?
02:09:53jgI'll know better over the next week or two as I get off narcotics.  my preliminary assessment is that it seems to have worked, but that is still preliminary....
02:10:22Disconnectcongrats.. preliminarily.. p)
02:11:50jgbut the narcotics confuse the picture some...
02:13:01sgodsellis away: Got to go
02:13:04Disconnectslept through closing on his house that way ;)
02:13:08Disconnectcya sgodsell
02:14:26On3Disconnect: that is pretty wild (nfs-over-usbnet)
02:15:25DisconnectOn3: its in the cute-but-useless dept (well, nfsroot-over-usbnet is anyway)
02:17:38Disconnectis away: sleep, work, repeat
02:17:47On3right now my whole pda is in the damn-cool-but-functionally-useless dept
02:18:19On3once i get the pccard nic working, i'll be doing LOTS of stuff
02:19:38On3why does the screen turn off now?
02:19:45On3it used to have the tux logo
02:19:56On3then this new familiar release 0.5 turns off the lcd controller.. ?
02:25:51On3<whine> ipkg doesn't upgrade to the hh10 releases! .. whyy!!?????   </whine>
02:30:54On33y3 am a l337 hax0r now... wooooo
02:31:01On3i can write scripts. hehe...
02:37:56KuroihasuDoes familiar include an xServer?
02:41:53On3use the task-complete image
02:49:24Kuroihasuthank you
02:51:57On3knock knock
02:52:01On3i need a developer..
02:58:06TangentNot that I really count... but I;m here
02:58:16TangentOn3 : You want to ipkg install task-complete
02:59:50SleepingDragonis away: night all
03:01:34On3i'm trying to update form the spot.  trying to get the hh10 modules.  ipkg is being a dick.
03:01:58On3i'm a slackware user. we beleive in tar and gzip. not this package based horse shit that doesn't work.
03:02:07TangentOn3 : I don't get on well with iPKG... I believe in apt-get
03:03:48On3this is bullshit.  /lib/modules/`uname -r`/pcmcia/serial_cs.o EXISTS
03:04:03On3yet ipkg's crap says:  ./pcmcia/serial_cs.o:  no such file or directory
03:04:09beeblebroxis away: Away!
03:04:15beeblebroxis back (gone 00:00:02)
03:04:17On3wtf??  i KNOW it's using /lib/modules/`uname -r` as the -d dest
03:04:25On3[i tried to force it and it made nice mean subdirs\]
03:10:15On3found a bug
03:11:30On3why does the screen turn off now?
03:11:38On3it used to have the tux logo
03:12:04TangentOn3 : You'd need to ask a Familiar person.. .I do the intimate distro
03:14:46TangentOn3 : I guess that means that it worked
03:15:03On3i have ethernet now
03:15:12On3updated, painfully, to the -hh10 modules
03:15:14TangentHooray :)
03:15:15On3and kernel.
03:15:19On3bleh that sucked.
03:15:32On3and found a bug in all of the postinst scripts
03:15:40Tangent_ALL_ ?
03:15:43On3just about
03:16:11On3the depmod commands are .... wrong...
03:16:22On3./kernel/drivers/sound/blah.o \
03:16:29On3./kernel/drivers/sound/bleh.o \
03:16:39TangentOh joy... I'm just greatful that it's 'Not My Problem(TM)'
03:16:43On3the depmod on a line by itself is a command
03:16:58On3the next lines are interpreted as commands but trying to execute .o objects :)
03:17:13On3thus the "no such file/dir" error or "permission denied" i keep getting.
03:17:24On3UNLESS i am misinterpreting the functionality of the script...
03:17:34On3which is doubtful because i am a demi-god.
03:17:41On3{cough cough}
03:17:47TangentOn3 : Strange... I didn't get that problem when I installed the wlan-ng stuff, but maybe that postinst is not broken?
03:18:00TangentAnyway... 5:25AM here...
03:18:05On3go to bed!!
03:18:05TangentTime for me to defrag brain...
03:18:10Tangent<- Zzzzzzz
03:18:11On3hope u don't have to be at work at 8
03:18:36TangentOn3 : Nah... got no work to go to...
03:18:55On3or .com layoff
03:18:59TangentOn3 : Currently between jobs (voluntarily so)... I quit to move house, and build my new office
03:19:16TangentOn3 : It's taken me about two months so far to build my new office
03:19:56TangentOn3 : I've gone for lots and lots of automation in my office.. climate control etc
03:20:12TangentOn3 : And the only way to acheive that was to design and build all the hardware myself
03:20:20TangentOn3 : And then write some software to control it all
03:20:41TangentThe hardware is probably only three days from completion now...
03:21:42On3COOL! i'll hit the pics..
03:21:57On3"hello world"!
03:22:07On3anything like x10?
03:22:07TangentOn3 : Well.. you gotta :)
03:22:25TangentOn3 : x10 is going to play a part, but it's not controlled yet...
03:22:33TangentOn3 : Here's the rundown....
03:22:59Tangent106Watts of solar panels outside.... 90AH deep cycle battery indoors...
03:23:04TangentMains inverter...
03:23:07Tangent2xPIR sensor
03:23:15Tangent2X Digital in (Light Switches)
03:23:25Tangent4XPWM speed controlled FAN
03:23:36Tangent5 X individually controlled lights
03:23:43TangentAircon (Not yet automated)
03:23:48Tangent6x Temp sensor
03:24:03TangentVoltage sensors etc (current sense not yet built)
03:24:25Tangenterm.. Lots of room to expand too...
03:24:33TangentSoftware currently looks like this
03:24:37On3u are either bored or are a genius
03:24:50TangentPossibly both :)
03:24:52On3unix.. cool
03:24:55On3not a surprise
03:25:07TangentEach light/fan can be switched to either mains, or inverter power
03:25:28On3ah... i see.  just noticed the contol buttons. (min,max,close).
03:25:44TangentOn3 : The plan is to run the interface on a TuxScreen
03:25:55On3like a touchscreen?
03:26:18TangentOn3 : Linux Phone
03:27:03On3damnit.. my minicom is now ALL damnit this day has totallty sucked!
03:27:04TangentOn3 : Getting linux on it is still under development, but I'm told someone has Intimate booting on it now :)
03:27:19On3that's sad... sheesh
03:27:59TangentOn3 : Well.. in for a penny, in for a pound... If you're gonna play geek, may as well give it your all :)
03:28:42TangentAnyhow.. I seem to remember saying something like Zzzzzzz
03:28:44TangentNight again...
03:28:57On3thanks for your help
03:29:27TangentHrm.. the worst part of it all is, that I'm only really going to bed now so that I'm not _still_ up when GF gets up for work
03:29:32TangentNight again anyway
12:32:56frankusMoD which feed are you using?
13:27:12pattiejais back (gone 16:19:32)
13:32:32mtbgot a dead ipaq here, I ran the battery down and now it seems to have lost the bootloader
13:32:40mtbany ideas?
13:33:01pattiejamtb: can you boot it with the power plugged in?
13:33:29mtbnope, plugged in the power, yellow led if flashing, but nothing else
13:33:33nikosmtb: Why do you say 'it seems to have lost the bootloader'.  What are you seeing that gives you this idea.
13:33:44nikosmtb: Let it charge up a while...
13:33:48mtbwell, I am seeing nothing
13:33:52pattiejamtb: there was an e-mail which explicitly told about the evils of allowing the battery to discharge completely
13:33:53nikosmtb: Turn off the switch on the bottom for a few minutes
13:33:57nikosmtb: Then turn it back on.
13:34:19mtb??? the reset switch?
13:34:22nikospattieja: It takes considerable time for damage to occur.
13:34:24nikosmtb: No
13:34:31nikosmtb: The switch behind the sliding door.
13:34:35pattiejanikos: like how much time?
13:34:55nikospattieja: I'm not sure anyone knows.  But hours or days at least.
13:34:56mtbhuh? what door?
13:35:02nikosmtb: What model ipaq is this?
13:35:25nikosmtb: Looking at the bottom of the ipaq, to the left of the connector.
13:35:35nikosmtb: Between the serial/usb and power plug.
13:35:36sgodsellis away: bbi 30 minutes
13:36:07mtboh - how do i open it?
13:36:29nikosmtb: Use the stylus to slide it.
13:36:31mtbah ok
13:36:41mtbdifficult cos it is plugged in
13:36:47nikosmtb: Don't do it right now.
13:36:59nikosmtb: Let it finish charging and the light stays on solid.
13:37:14mtbis this normal, this is only the second day I have had it
13:38:37nikosmtb: It's not unusual if you let it fully discharge.  This is a lithium based battery, it is not a good idea to run it completely down.
13:39:17mtbI installed 0.4 seemed to work fine, then this morning upgraded to 0.5, seemed fine. then at work ran it ito the ground...
13:40:20mtbso how long can I use it before running into trouble - this is meant to be replacing a IIIc which seemed to last a week...
13:42:10nikosmtb: Varies wildly, either monitor /proc/apm or install ipaqstat to make it easier.
13:44:34mtbok, thanks - this was a bit of a shocker, the price has dropped here in Tokyo so I thought I would get one.
14:03:43mtbThat worked!!! Thanks nikos!!!
14:04:14nikosmtb: Great, you are welcome.
14:05:19mtbso, if I run into power trouble again, I should suspend the ipaq?
14:06:58nikosmtb: Sure, just generally suspend whenever you aren't using it.  I use the ipaq for 8 or 10 hours a day off and on and rarely go lower than 85% as ipaqstat reports it.
14:07:09nikosmtb: Whoops, that's with the dual sleeve though.
14:07:17nikosmtb: 3 times the battery power.
14:09:16mtbhmmm, I was using no sleeve - Ok, I'll install netstat... thanks again
14:12:28nikosmtb: ipaqstat ;)
14:13:22sgodsellis back (gone 00:37:45)
14:15:44pattiejais away: bank
14:25:01pattiejais back (gone 00:09:17)
14:39:37radtunaare there any ARM-ish channels with any fair amount of traffic?
14:39:43radtunaor is #ipaq the most frequented?
14:39:50radtuna(and silent still :)
14:40:40nikosradtuna: is probably the biggest, but primarily handheld-oriented probably.  kernel issues would tend to be discussed on the kernel channels.
14:43:36radtunathank you.
14:44:19radtunaI'm actually looking more for general info on arm-linux handhelds other than ipaq at the moment.  My psion 5mx died and im looking for something new.
14:44:36radtunaipaq may be the best alternative, but i'm trying toi track down any others first.
14:46:05radtunaIts somewhat disappointing, (though not surprising) that is almost exclusively ipaq-centric in their focus.
14:52:32nikosradtuna: Are you looking for handheld info or server/workstation?
14:52:57radtunahandheld, pretty much.
14:53:31radtunai'm considering yopy/ipaq/the new sharp toy/hp720 or something different
14:53:39nikosradtuna: ipaq is the only currently viable choice, no other manufacturer has provided even a fraction of the support for linux on the handheld that Compaq has.
14:54:00radtunaI'm quite aware of that. I'm also extremely reluctant to give up my keyboard.
14:54:02nikosradtuna: I've heard very little about the Yopy recently.
14:54:06sjohnsonradtuna: is being sponsored by Compaq. So that is the major thoust at the moment. But they have said they are willing to host other work
14:54:15nikosradtuna: Hmm?  There are keyboards for the ipaq.
14:54:29nikosradtuna: So you want a palmtop not a handheld then?
14:54:37radtunamy 5mx has a 6" keyboard integrated into the unit
14:54:47nikosI see.
14:59:29radtunasorry, (i'm being distracted by server issues actually at the moment)
14:59:45radtunasomeone deleted all the graphics from their web site!
14:59:53radtuna"help! my web page looks like crap!"
15:00:10radtuna"It's been down for two days :("
15:00:24radtunaer.. you could have told me two days ago?
15:01:14SleepingDragonis back (gone 16:17:12)
15:02:10nikosradtuna: :)
15:02:17nikosradtuna: I'm fully familiar with that sort of thing.
15:16:23radtunathanks, nikos. There's much good info, for development anyway.
15:17:17radtunaI guess at the moment I'm looking for user-experiences in relation to the hardware.
15:18:00radtunathe hp720 (palmtop) looks like a nice machine; decent keyboard and all, but is hideously bloated, and insanely expensive
15:19:30sjohnson_awayis away: lunch
15:28:19radtunathe ipaq looks "best of breed" in terms of software/hw support
15:28:36radtunaand with swappable cf/pcmcia it looks hard to beat
15:28:45radtunano keyboard hurts :(
15:28:53nikosradtuna: I will note that hp720 Linux development seems to be nearly dead.  Nico Pitre has said that unless someone steps up, it is being removed from his Linux dev tree.
15:29:21radtunaThanks for telling me.
15:29:37radtunaI suspect the reason nobody is developing for it, is because nobody has one.
15:29:45radtunaBecause they are *way* too expensive for a PDA
15:30:11radtunaits a tiny, tiny market.
15:31:02radtunaipaq isn't cheap, but $500 for a pda/handheld seems to be about the going rate
15:31:28radtuna$1100 (at compusa) for an hp720 sounds a little crazy
15:33:08radtuna$500 for a psion 5mx was really okay though. the screen... sucked. the case was flimsy and fragile, but the combination of great kand 80col screen, was good to see.
15:33:57radtunadevelopment is sketchy,but far from dead.The first successful C /pcmcia drivers were released about a week agol
15:34:21radtunahowever, the hardware platform *is* dead, as psion is out of the hw business
15:35:12radtunathe sharp pda, if it ever ships, should have a pullout keyboard; from pictures it looks almost useable
15:35:46radtunahas some totally daft features though; no microphone, no pcmcia, and is probably going to be heavy is all ipaq too, right?
15:36:08radtunasorry to bother you :)
15:36:16radtunathanks for listening (if you haven't ignored me already)
15:40:57nikosradtuna: url for sharp pda?
15:41:15nikosradtuna: is pretty much all ipaq too, yes.  Although it's open to all open source handheld development.
15:53:27radtunaits in English fortunately.
15:53:31nikosradtuna: Great, thanks.
15:53:55radtunatheoretically, they started shipping developer units today...
15:54:13nikosradtuna: I'm uncomfortable with Linux projects that are not pursued within the community.  That's why is so great.
15:54:33nikosradtuna: I'm also somewhat of a gtk bigot. ;)
15:55:21radtunaI'm not yet clear on how intelligently Sharp is pursuing this beastie.  If its anything like the YOPY, it should be ugly.
15:55:47nikosradtuna: That keyboard idea is really cool though, I have to agree.
15:56:17nikosradtuna: They better have esc, ctrl and meta keys though, or oh boy...
15:56:28radtunaI've been tracking the YOPY lists since the beginning, and the developer community, frankly, has been lied to, endlessly, treated like shit, and then ignored. and then lied to some more.
15:57:05nikosradtuna: Open source projects tied to commercial entities always were me, especially in the current economic environment.
15:57:35radtunanikos: i dont know if those screenshots are "final".  there's a japanese version of the unit, that actually runs amigados (can you belive it?!) and the USA unit is still being re-engineered somewhat.
15:57:44radtunanikos, very much :(
15:58:11radtunaThe presense of such luminants as Jim Gettys, is hopeful though.
15:58:41nikosradtuna: Very true, not to mention Jamey Hicks and George France, Russ Nelson, etc, etc.
15:59:10radtunaI've seen pictures of a snapon-keyboard for the new ipaqs though... *if* it really snaps on solidly, and can be treated as inseparable from the main unit, I might well consider it
15:59:11nikosradtuna: The project is much more loosely tied to Compaq and even if all Compaq support suddenly ended could hobble on quite readily.
15:59:25nikosradtuna: That blackberry thing?  Yeah.
15:59:30radtunaif its a "sits on top" rather than "locks in hard" I will be leery yet.
16:00:17radtunaI wonder why the palmtop form never really caught on.
16:00:42radtunaThe *individual* examples of it, have all been wanting;
16:01:17radtunahp's are big, butt-ugly and expensive.  Psion's are quirky and incompatible with the rest of the world.
16:01:22nikosradtuna: I've got to run for a bit.  Talk to you later.
16:01:31nikosis away: Errands
16:01:33radtunathanks for your help!
16:01:38nikosAWAYradtuna: Sure
16:11:30DragonEagleis away: bbiaw
16:21:32zootywhere might i find an uptodate version of setipaqtty and ipaqsendfile?
16:32:29nikosis back
16:33:26DragonEagleis back (gone 00:21:54)
16:43:32sjohnson_awayis back (gone 01:24:02)
16:47:25nikoszooty: Can you remind my of what those are?  They ring only the vaguest of bells.  What are you trying to do?
17:14:06DragonEagleis away: bbiab
17:45:11DragonEagleis back (gone 00:31:05)
17:56:29zootynikos: useul scripts for flashing directly with sx so minicom doesn't eat your brain
17:58:11nikoszooty: The installation process is changing and getting simpler, so they are less useful.  Old versions of it almost certainly won't work.
17:58:27nikoszooty: To my knowledge no one is maintaining them anymore.
17:59:08zootyhmm minicom still gets lots of nasty errors with bl 2.14.15
18:02:31nikosI wish people could be a little more specific.
18:05:45sjohnsonnikos: ...and patient.
18:07:11nikossjohnson: Yeah, he started out OK, but I guess he thought he got all the info he was going to get.  Oh well.
18:08:03sgodsellI was helping him in another window.  He said he had to catch a train
18:08:15nikosAh OK. Cool.
18:08:24nikossgodsell: What was his problem?
18:09:11sgodsellHe wants to update his v0.4 familiar to the latest v0.5, and the latest bootldr
18:09:54sgodsellHe has a CF storage card, so I told him to put a /boot directory on with the 2.4.7 kernel and install the modules as well
18:10:28nikossgodsell: Was have having xmodem upload problems?
18:10:33sgodsellThen save his root image using dd if=/dev/mtdblock/3 of=/mnt/hda/myroot.jffs2
18:29:00sgodsellis away: bbl
19:08:21[E]FoxCan anyone tell me what the process is for reflashing an incommunicado iPAQ?
19:08:35[E]Foxi.e., what the guys at Compaq do when you're beyond self-help
19:09:14MalteseFalcon[E]Fox: I eneded up having to ship mine to Jamey and waiting a couple of weeks.  :)
19:09:23[E]FoxYeah, but what did Jamey do with it
19:09:55MalteseFalconHe works at CRL, it's where Hogwarts was spun off from.  ;)
19:10:05[E]FoxOk... so what does CRL do to them :)
19:10:58MalteseFalconActually, I think it was actualy cracking the case open, and doing some real low-lever things with wires and soldering and such.
19:11:16[E] looking for specifics on that :)
19:11:21MalteseFalconWhat did you do to yours?
19:11:44MalteseFalconWell... I'm not sure.. I guess Jamey is actually the one to ask.
19:11:55[E]FoxYah im actually already in contact with another CRL guy from here
19:12:32[E]Foxim just thinkin a. I dsont wanna be without ipaq and b. maybe an investment in equipment that can fix this can be recouped by a 'fix ur ipaq' service :)
19:13:14[E]Foxhmm... I bet
19:13:20[E]Foxit involves removing a flash chip from a working ipaq.
19:14:15sgodsellIt does not involve removing the flash chips
19:14:32[E]FoxGlad I didnt put anything on that bet.  ;)
19:14:55sgodsellI am sorry I didn't put any money on it  :(
19:15:06[E]FoxSo what is the process, sg?
19:15:29sgodsell[E]Fox: I would have to kill you if I told you  ;)
19:15:40[E]FoxCouldn't you just maim me badly?
19:15:51sgodsellI signed a NDA with compaq
19:15:52[E]FoxI'll bleed real enthusiastically, I promise
19:16:37sgodsellI can say this.  It involves using a jtag
19:16:42[E]FoxWould replacing the 0th flash chip be a viable approach?
19:16:57[E]Foxis the register to enable writing to flash physically triggerable?
19:17:04sgodsellDo you want to upgrade your iPAQ to 32Mb of flash
19:17:06[E]FoxOh well. Dont break your nda
19:17:09[E]FoxNo, I want to fix my bricks :)
19:17:35MalteseFalconsgodsell...I'm still thinking about that myself
19:17:53sgodsellThen get in touch with jamey, and sign a NDA
19:18:07sgodsellHe will tell you what you need to know
19:27:45[E]Foxsgodsell: Thanks
19:31:02sgodsellNo problem
19:31:37radtunaare pretty much all the shipping ipaqs with 16mb flash?
19:31:59[E]Foxwith rare exceptions
19:32:12[E]FoxI think the first few out were 32.
19:33:09radtunais there *any* indication that compaq will put more flash into upcoming systems?
19:33:37radtunait would seem a small thing, as cheap as ram of all sorts is heading
19:33:58radtuna(cheap, and small)
19:34:28radtunathough, granted, demand may be small :(
19:35:22radtunawhat sleeves are available as dual?
19:35:28radtunadual-CF or dual-PCMCIA?
19:35:30radtunaor both?
19:38:11sjohnsonradtuna: Only Dual PCMCIA sleeve for now.
19:39:33nikosradtuna: More than 32MB you mean?
19:39:58radtunamore than 16, anyway
19:40:03radtunamore than 32 would be nice
19:40:06nikosradtuna: All 3700 and above models have 32MB of flash now, it's required by PPC2002
19:40:13radtunanikos: good :)
19:40:22nikosradtuna: The only thing that will drive more flash is M$ unfortunately.
19:41:06radtunaand the only thing that will drive them out, are a hooting flock of penguins, unfortunately
19:42:15radtunafamiliar uses something like 13mb?
19:42:22[E]FoxThere's a little indication
19:42:35[E]FoxPPC2002 uses 22 I believe
19:43:19[E]Foxthere is (and will have to continue to be) an install that fits into 16.
19:43:20nikosradtuna: Familiar uses what ever you decide to use. ;)  We don't have a fixed distribution.  You install whatever packages you like.
19:43:35radtunathat *does* sound familiar...
19:43:47nikosradtuna: You can get by using as little as 6-8 I think.  A pretty complete system with X etc is a good 13 or so.
19:44:40[E]Foxdemand is going to go up, cos ppl are gonna want their 363x to have the software of a 367x
19:44:51[E]Foxor whatever ships with that full 2002
19:45:21radtunaI'm sure compaq would like them to just buy another one
19:45:45radtunais there a click-through EULA for wince?
19:45:59radtunalike the desktop versions have?
19:47:32[E]Foxim sure they will, but it's a recession
19:48:22[E]FoxI know I'd like to buy another one myself but it's not happening, esp. after getting this sleeve and microdrive.
19:49:13[E]FoxHeh, I wonder if CRL is hiring
19:49:30radtunamaybe i should just "fuckit" with the keyboard isseue,ue, get an ipaq and go completely wearable
19:49:48[E]Foxkeyboard issue?
19:49:53radtunaHUD goggles, wrist keyboard and so on
19:50:09radtunajust forget about the ipaq as a user interface device
19:50:18[E]Foxspeech is around the corner
19:50:21radtunakeep it in my pocket or a pouch or something
19:50:35radtunaspeech sucks for well-articulated communication
19:50:43[E]Foxyeah but for command and control
19:50:53radtunavery simple command and control
19:51:02radtunabut a touchpad is okay for simple command and control
19:51:07[E]Foxit's further along than you might think
19:51:18[E]Foxand when you're driving or have your hands otherwise occupied... :)
19:51:21radtunatouchpad is nogood for writing stories
19:51:33[E]Foxno... neither for coding
19:51:34radtunai have a tape recorder, carry it around with me
19:51:36radtunafor voice notes
19:51:43[E]Foxyeah, I have a little panasonic digital dealie
19:51:44radtunaand later transcribe them into text
19:52:05radtunaits  (for me) more awkward, than stopping to pull out my psion
19:52:11radtunaand typing something out
19:52:19[E]Foxnot to mention the case when its otherwise in use
19:52:34[E]Foxtask switching is not as smooth as it could be
19:52:59radtunai have a feeling that the blackberryesque kb's of the new ipaq
19:53:13radtunaand the sharp pda, are simply going to be new ways to suck
19:53:31[E]Foxwe're nowhere near the bottom of that barrel ;)
19:53:43radtunanot reallly ;)
19:54:03radtunathe psion was really pretty nice
19:54:20radtunaim sad, that mine is broken now, and psion no longer makes or supts them.
19:54:39radtunaWell... its big-ger than ipaq, its heavier, and the screen is far inferior
19:54:50radtunabut its 640x240
19:54:59radtunaso you have (theoretically) much more space to work in
19:55:07radtunabut the best part, hands down, is the keyboard
19:55:16radtunapalmtop, clamshell design
19:56:04sgodsellWhen you get to those sizes, you may al well buy a notebook  ;)
19:56:08radtunaflip the top, and you have 53 keys
19:56:10radtunawell, no.
19:56:19radtunaits pocket-sized
19:56:28radtunanot shirt-pocket, maybe
19:56:32radtunabut pants pocket
19:56:35sgodsellLike the hp700 series
19:56:39radtunasmaller than those
19:56:43radtunaand lighter
19:56:55radtunanot much smaller, but enough to notice
19:57:09radtuna60% of the weight
19:57:32radtunamaybe the same lenght-width, but much less thick
19:58:11sgodsellHmmm, sub-notebook comes to mind
19:58:32radtunai can't see the point in subnotebooks actually,
19:59:07radtunato *me* the salient difference between a "laptop" and a "handheld" is whether or not you can carry it on your person, in ordinary clothing
19:59:12radtunapockets and the like
19:59:20radtunalaptops, you carry in your hand, or in a bag
19:59:25radtunathere's no other way
19:59:50sgodsellWell the psion you need a really big pocket, or a bag
19:59:52radtunasubnotebooks you carry in your hand or in a bag. little tiny bag, but its still extra rap to lug
19:59:59radtunai have big pockets :/
20:00:01sgodsellsame thing with the hp 700 series
20:00:12radtunaa little smaller than the 700, mind you
20:00:35radtunai think if i had a 720 it would bother me more to carry
20:00:41[E]FoxI am looking forward to tablet size stuff
20:00:44sgodsellSo in a shirt pocket the psion looks good, does it
20:01:04[E]FoxI think thats where its gonna be at
20:01:12[E]Foxdigital clipboard
20:01:42radtunae-fox: i want either a cheap/disposable, or a goddamned bulletproof tablet, if it comes to that
20:01:43sgodsellWell each to his own,  I guess
20:01:49[E]FoxTrue, true
20:01:56[E]FoxI just want more screen area
20:02:07radtunaif i could treat it like a clipboard, and bash it around and not have to worry about damaging it, that would be a significant plus
20:02:25[E]Foxremind me not to loan you my ipaq
20:02:33radtunaheh :)
20:02:50[E]Foxbah,they'd be safer with anyone besides me actually
20:03:06radtunadon't carry your ipaq to the places I go,then
20:03:21[E]FoxI've probably seen more broken ipaqs than 99.99% of people who do not actually make a living with them in some way
20:03:46radtunado you breakt hem?
20:03:59[E]FoxI've only broken one
20:03:59radtunaor watch other people breaking theirs?
20:04:02[E]Foxand that was a suicide
20:04:08[E]Foxno, they were all mine except for two
20:04:27[E]Foxat one point I had 5 ipaqs
20:04:34radtunascreen, or other parts?
20:04:43[E]Foxmy breakage was screen
20:04:47radtunamy psion's case is pretty much disintegrating
20:04:50[E]Foxone had a caved in power button
20:04:53radtunathe screen is fine
20:04:58radtunaannd it works great
20:05:04[E]Foxone didn't turn back on after it was turned off
20:05:13[E]Foxor maybe it didnt turn off
20:05:15[E]FoxI forget
20:06:14[E]FoxI was doing a carepaq for myself and a co-worker, so they got sent...  the wrong units were sent (& one didnt work) so another couple came...  so before I handed off the good one and sent back the bad ones I had like 4 of them in a pile
20:06:21[E]Foxand then I'm on my 3rd one since then
20:06:25radtunaon the other hand,
20:06:33[E]Foxlast two were bootloader-ectomies
20:07:00radtunaif i'm building a borgish wearable, maybe i should go with the subnotebook/backpack route
20:07:09radtunamuch more flexible, even if its heavy
20:07:13radtunaand requires the backpack
20:07:27[E]Foxwho sells goggles, anyway
20:07:31radtunathe palmtop wearable would require a belt pouch
20:09:20[E]Foxhud goggles would be neat
20:09:44radtunaa few places.
20:09:45[E]FoxI considered trying to mount the ipaq in a swim mask for a brief period
20:10:23radtunahas a 320x200 greyscale, very borg-ish for $500
20:10:27[E]Foxno ping response
20:10:45[E]FoxIs there like, one with a VGA input on the market?
20:10:53[E]Foxnot even HUD, maybe VR-type goggles
20:11:01radtunatekgear m-1
20:11:08[E]Foxno ping response :)
20:11:10radtunais 320x200xgrey monocle
20:11:10[E]Foxoh well
20:11:15[E]Foxlaugh monocle
20:11:21radtunamaybe it doesn't like your icmp?
20:11:34[E]Foxnope, dns doesnt like it
20:12:14radtunatakes VGA or ntsc
20:12:25[E]Foxωνω BitchX: nslookup of host failed.
20:12:25radtunastandard 15pin D-sub
20:12:37[E]Foxgrayscale is gonna keep me a mile away from that shit
20:13:03radtunathey have a color 800x600 that's binocular
20:13:10radtunabut opaque
20:13:11[E]Foxthats more my speed
20:13:14radtunanot see through or around
20:13:18[E]Fox100% fine
20:13:39radtunaalso looks pretty dorky
20:13:50[E]Foxalso fine; I'm not gonna be blind out in public
20:14:05radtunacy-visor ($900)
20:14:20[E]Foxdamn this new pcmcia sleeve anyway
20:14:46[E]FoxI can't believe I fry my ipaq on the day I get it.  I was so psyched for not having a naked 'paq
20:15:06radtunahow'd you fry it?
20:15:36[E]FoxInstalled the pocketpc2002 pre-release RTM that can only address 32 megs
20:15:49[E]FoxI grew impatient and tried to uninstall it
20:16:05radtunayour own fault, for not loading linux first
20:16:22radtunaand for actually trying to upgrade a microsoft product :(
20:16:55pattiejais away: I'm busy
20:17:57[E]FoxI do work for them though so :P
20:18:49[E]Foxis not evil, he swears
20:18:59[E]FoxPing statistics for
20:19:00[E]Fox    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss),
20:19:41[E]FoxI give up.  :)
20:20:01radtunawhere's your traceroute die?
20:21:56[E]Foxits confused by the firewall proxy. :/
20:22:06[E]Foxor rather the proxy is confused by the address
20:22:32[E]Foxhmm but the web page has loaded
20:22:50[E]Foxfear a two-handed wrist keyboard
20:26:22[E]Foxfwiw, the upgrade wasnt the problem this time
20:26:31[E]Foxit was the downgrade that bit me
21:12:44sgodsellis away: I have got to go!
21:24:17mlphello nikos
21:24:52mlpcan somebody guide me how to link C++ functions from C code ?
21:25:29nikosmlp: These are global functions or member functions?
21:27:35nikosmlp: I'm more or less a newbie with C and C++ myself, I doubt I could provide any help.
21:27:48nikosmlp: I've got to go unfortuntely.  Try #C or #C++
21:28:01mlpok :) thanks nikos
22:53:00sgodsellis back (gone 04:23:59)

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