irclog2html for ipaq on 2001.06.25

00:30:17nelsonNermal: the EArthmate is a module a little bigger than a deck of cards, not PCMCIA.
00:39:05Nermalhow do you use it with the ipaq then ?
00:39:19Nermalnotes nelson must have read a long way back :)
00:54:54catasdfHi iss 40000 cps reasonable during xmodem (115k) transfer ?
00:58:01catasdfThat almost half of the serial speed.
01:18:47DWdoes the current 802.11 support in familiar include ibss mode?
01:22:48catch23DW, yes the current 802.11b support in familiar DOES SUPPORT ibss mode.
01:23:23catch23just do a 'iwconfig eth0 mode ad-hoc'
01:24:27catch23in fact, sometimes when I'm not using my wireless hub when i'm on the road, I can still use my laptop's wireless card in adhoc mode to nfs-mount intimate from familiar.
01:25:00catasdfcatch23: yes ?
01:25:28catch23nevemind...  hehe...  i'm a grad student at GT in case you wanted to know info about me...
01:25:44DWoh, speakage.
01:25:57DWthanks catch23, that's what I wanted to know
01:26:23catasdfcatch23: Is there another way to install familiar other then xmodem ?
01:26:32DWI was too cheap to/didn't want to use an AP, so I just have a box acting as a gateway :)
01:27:38catch23catasdf, I don't believe so...  
01:27:42catch23xmodem not working?
01:28:00catasdfSloow 40000 cps I wonder if that is normal.
01:28:02catch23or...  you don't have the serial line?
01:28:18catch23hehe it takes a long time to flash familiar... 5megs on a slow modem.
01:28:58catasdfsince I have a microdrive I wonder if I can download it from there.
01:29:36catch23oh, well if it's on the microdrive, and you know exactly what hex it is, yes you can.
01:29:57catch23you can use memcpy... but then i don't think the bootldr actually detects the microdrive anyway, so you're still stuck.
01:30:16catasdfhow about using redboot ?
01:30:30catch23I haven't tried that...
01:30:56catch23I hear it's good for wince/linux dual booting... but I dont' use wince so...
01:31:18catasdfback to the xmodem.  Is it reasonable to download at 40000 cps eventhough the serial is set at 115K
01:32:21redboot is, like, at
01:34:46DWoo, that would be cool
01:34:50catasdfI wonder if there is something wrong with my serial cable or computer or ipaq ?
01:36:24DWI would love to have the ability to simply boot linux dynamically, get mobile IP and keyboard support, and NFS mount the rest. Just so I could access the mobile ip network and have wince the rest of the time
01:41:40DWdrools at the thought of seemless coexistance like that :)
01:42:05DWknowing of course I'm probably the only one that cares about running linux AND wince :)
01:49:31Septoranyone get PocketLinux to cross compile from an i386 box to their iPaq?
01:55:42catch23pocket linux?
01:55:59DWdifferent distrib
01:55:59catch23I used toolchain to crosscompile from an i386 to the ipaq..
01:56:25catch23does that run on i386 class machines?  or is that something else?  
01:56:43catch23if not, why do they want an i386 crosscompiler?
01:56:54DWout of curiosity, is there any documentation on anyone installing familiar on redboot?
01:57:17DWthe installation of redboot itself looks surprisingly simple
01:57:39DWjust pushes me to go ahead and buy a compact flash card though :)
01:57:57catch23why use redboot?  do you want to dual boot or something?
01:58:18DWdid you not read my message above?
01:59:05catch23nfs root stuff?
01:59:15catch23is that want you wanted?
01:59:20catch23I do that already
01:59:23catch23with familiar....
01:59:36DWthat was not the point
01:59:56catch23i'm am unclear what you are getting at?
02:00:26DWI DO want WinCE intact. I only want linux for Mobile IP access, at which point I can NFS mount the filesystem and access X, etc.
02:00:46catch23DW, ah...  now I get it...  heh
02:01:19DWlinux is useless to me as a manager at this point, so yeah, I do want WinCE for the things it is good for. :)
02:01:58catch23personally, I feel the ipaq is useless for normal pda-like tasks at the moment...  get a palm, but there are so many things the ipaq can do which can be potentially very cool.
02:02:52DWI already use the ipaq as a PDA. I have for months. personally I like it better than a Palm, at least the way I use it
02:03:12jacquescatch23: the qpe 1.3.1 stuff looks pretty good for a PDA
02:04:00catch23hm...  any screen shots?  that message on the mailing list didn't offer any links to any though :P
02:04:22jacquescatch23: hmm, I downloaded the x86 demo and it's pretty cool
02:04:34jacquescatch23: it runs in a virtual frame buffer
02:04:55catch23hmm nice....
02:05:33jacquescatch23: I had to make one symlink because it wasnted a slightly different libstdc++, but afte rthat it ran great
02:10:23catasdfcatch23: here some nice screenshot on qpe
02:13:08catch23WOW, that qpe looks really sweet....
02:19:20jacquesit *is* pretty sweet, I would consider having it around for when I want to use my ipaq as a pda
02:19:27jacquesinstead of a handheld computer
02:49:42DWstill wonders if there is any info on redboot and dual booting. I am not finding any experiences in the archives, or google searching
02:50:14BZFlagredboot sits in memory where CE is normally so
02:50:24BZFlagdual boot from flash will not work
02:51:02DWk, I was just going on what catch23 said. was hopeful :(
02:51:05BZFlaghowever, running osloader and then launching redboot with an initrd might be possible to get it to boot off CF.
02:51:30BZFlagI don't know anyone that has done that though.
02:52:18DWhmm, ok
02:53:56BZFlagIf someone would buy me a 32M ipaq, I'd mess around with dual boot that way. ;-)
02:54:25DWyou mean the 32 meg rom?
02:55:20DWI have never even seen one, where are people getting them?
02:55:32BZFlagyeah, the 32M rom version.
02:56:05BZFlagthere aren't any new ones being made that I know of, they were a limit deal while the 16M parts were hard to come by.
02:56:19BZFlagthough I hear that the japanese ipaq might have 32M of flash.
02:57:16DWI have the 3670, it would be awesome if there was a way to segment the ramdisk an use that.
02:58:58DWrealistically, I only need an image of a couple megs at most, similar to the linux on floppy distribs
02:59:41DWI wish I had time to get into devel.
03:05:56catch23according to davep, it's possible using just the bootldr to dual boot I believe (you need the wince version or something)
03:09:00DWyeah, but has he actually done it :)
03:12:01BZFlagthe new bootldr/osloader I believe can also load a kernel and ramdisk. that should make it possible. not that you will erase all the ram on the device when you boot to linux, so you need to have backed up the ce ipaq someplace.
03:12:14BZFlagCF card or hotsync should work.
03:12:32catch23davep has done it...  he does it in fact...
03:12:41DWyeah, cf would be convenient enough for ram restoration
03:13:09DW(granted I have to get a cf card)
03:15:23DWit's a shame so few people in the linux community know how to write documentation
03:16:00DWthe "I did it, so you can do it" attitude gets old quickly
03:21:10DWof course, I understand the mentality, I've just gotten used to working with people who actually document their work over the last few years, and it is so invaluable.
03:26:43DWsomething I don't seem to be seeing off the bat, how does familiar handle execution memory space?
03:52:17DWwell, thanks fo the input anyway. I'll come back around later this week :)
13:25:04perfroanyone alive?
13:25:27hi, nikos
13:25:35nikosibot: have a botsnack
13:26:41perfrodoes anyone got the installtion files for windows ce on ipaq? i installed pocket linux but forgot to backup ce:)
13:26:49perfroso i need them now, hehe
13:27:10nikosI long since lost mine.
14:10:19mallumis away: stuff to do........
14:16:34nikosHello gillus
14:23:18gillusI am trying to gain few kilobytes in order to try QPE.
14:23:37gillusHas someone get any clue to what is less important?
14:26:18nikosgillus: Just look through ipkg status.
14:28:57nikosis away: Errands...
14:48:07mallumis back (gone 00:37:48)
15:00:52sjohnsonis away: lunch
15:10:53nikosis back
16:24:26sjohnsonis back
16:51:53mallumis away: stuff to do........
17:58:27mallumis back (gone 01:06:34)
17:58:34mallumis away: stuff to do........
21:20:55finrodQ: is there a good site for a newbie to learn more about linux especially familiar?
21:21:15finrodI have been searching wiki and handhelds till it went down this afternoon
21:21:25nikosfinrod: Down?
21:21:38nikosfinrod: It all works for me.
21:21:49finrodyeah from about 1200 GMT (from UK)
21:21:49nikosfinrod: Might want to check out,
21:22:00nikosfinrod: Must be routing issue again.
21:22:12finrodyeah thought it might be
21:22:44finrodis X for ipaq/familiar the same as other distributions?
21:22:48nikosfinrod: Yes.
21:23:01finrodso any generic doc should do. sweet!
21:23:41finrodanother thing, spent a long time looking this afternoon, is there a binary of gcc around?
21:23:57nikosfinrod: For what platform?
21:24:06finrodfamiliar on ipaq
21:24:21nikosfinrod: You would have to have external storage, a development environment takes considerable space.
21:24:31nikosfinrod: In which case I would point you at Intimate.
21:24:34finrodI heard a lot of discouraging info yesterday about cross-compilers. So I don't think I am nearly good enough for that
21:24:48nikosfinrod: Use the skiffcluster.
21:24:56skiff is at
21:24:56nikosibot: skiff
21:26:08finrodyes will do. can u ftp onto the skiffcluster with the same credentials?
21:26:26nikosfinrod: I think so.
21:26:29finrodI was having probs trying that. (there was a binary I wanted to try)
21:26:44nikosfinrod: You can't use passive mode with the skiffcluster.
21:26:50finrodusing guest and a blank password failed to authenticate
21:27:34nikosfinrod: Which one did you try?
21:27:49finrodskiffcluster3 and skiffcluster5
21:28:12nikosfinrod: use skiffcluster1
21:28:35nikosfinrod: Files uploaded into /home/ or /home2 are available from all of them, so it doesn't matter which one you ftp into and which one you compile on.
21:29:28finrodnikos: thanks for that I have access :)
21:29:36nikosskiffcluster2 works for guest as well.
21:30:05finrodso I could now compile my own gcc and use it natively? (spare time in work firewalls and all that)
23:04:34pisymbolHello, hello!
23:04:59pisymbolIs still an active website?
23:08:52pisymbolC'mon, anyone?
23:09:36Bubit's up now
23:09:46Bubjust checked
23:10:15pisymbolWell, yes, but I noticed the discussion forum is down
23:10:24pisymbolAnd the last news item is about a year old
23:15:01pisymbolokay, how about the mailing lists?
23:16:58pisymbolanyone run iPAQ+Linux+iPAQnet?
23:17:06Bubi think the news is does
23:17:30pisymbolnews - oh - what about the forum?
23:17:47Bubi'm assuming it's the same thing
23:18:09jacqueswhat's ipaqnet?
23:18:22Bubi didn't check news, but the discussion group on the web site
23:18:50pisymbolI see - ipaqnet is the wireless networking package
23:18:54Bubbtw, if anyone here if the dude who needs a news server for such, lemmie know what's wrong, if it's bandwisth i may be able to help
23:19:23Bubdepending on how much bandwidth is involved
23:19:43Buband my buddy will discount for opensource project bandwidth (near cost)
23:20:13pisymbolI guess no one is running Linux + wireless?
23:20:33Bubi plan to
23:20:38NermalTangent: is
23:20:50Bubi hav ethe expansion pack on order
23:21:07Bubthe modem isn't cheap though
23:21:17NermalBub: you getting a wireless modem or network card?
23:21:18Bubneither is an ibm microdrive
23:21:33Bubi ordered the pc card pack
23:21:42pisymbolwait - are you running off a local LAN or off of Compaq's network?
23:22:03Nermalwho ?
23:22:04Bubmy phone provide more then likely can support my wireless
23:22:06pisymbolIts like 550+40/month for "anywere" service
23:22:24NermalI mean a local lan card
23:22:26Bubpisymbol: call your local isp's
23:22:27Nermallike 10 bs t
23:22:30Nermalbs = base
23:22:44pisymbolBub:  I doubt my local isp will offer wireless!?
23:23:02Bubyour phone company mights, depends where you live
23:23:10NermalBub: I mean a wireless modem or a  wireless network card
23:23:32pisymbolThat's true Bub - I was just curious if anyone runs off of Compaq's service
23:23:57Bubwireless privite network from your own server, and/or wireless via cellular
23:24:17pisymbolRange is a problem from a personal server
23:24:20Bubit's quite limitless
23:24:29Bubpisymbol: yes
23:24:46pisymbolBut, yeah Bub, crapping on the can and checking your email - nice!
23:25:11Bubhardware to send privite cellular to your handheld nation wide would cost you billions of dolars
23:25:33Bubso we typicaly rent it
23:25:37pisymboltrue - put for 40/month you can use Compaq's existing service
23:25:58pisymbolOfftopic (ontopic?) - how easy is it to screw up an install?
23:26:07Bubdunno yes
23:26:13Bubthe bootloader scares me
23:26:17pisymbolthat bad
23:26:28Bubi only read a bit
23:26:31pisymbolHave you installed Linux?
23:26:43Bubi'm waiting till i'm in the mood to screw with it
23:26:43pisymbolreceives his iPAQ 3670 tomorrow!
23:26:57Bubi have the same one, keep comming here
23:27:04Bubwe can help eachother
23:27:12pisymbolttyl. I need to pick up someone from work...
23:27:14Bubi know unix-like os's very well

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