IRC log for #htc-linux on 20120704

00:20.57detulejonpry, config STRICT_MEMORY_RWX
00:20.57detulebool "restrict kernel memory permissions as much as possible" <-- wtf!!!!
01:02.52jonprydetule, was that the problem?
01:04.32*** join/#htc-linux FlawlesStyle (~LOL@unaffiliated/flawlesstyle)
01:05.36detuleyeah that was that particular problem
01:06.02detulenow it just shuts down .... and i lose the ram console when i boot back up
01:06.49detulethough it could be because my machine_kexec looks nothing like stock right now
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01:10.05jonprythats possible
01:10.28jonpryyour sure ramconsole is lost, or just nothing ever got put in it?
01:11.22detulelike the ramconsole header gets corrupted somehow
01:11.27detuleand it doesn't even export last_kmsg
01:11.45detuleneed to figure out how to bypass that header check and always export last_kmsg -> this is a problem
01:12.11jonpryjust remove the ram console driver from your host kernel
01:12.15jonpryjust have the memory hole
01:12.23jonprythen you can dump the region with /dev/mem
01:13.38detulei think i am just not clearing some flag
01:15.09detulehm got a ramconsole that time
01:26.48detulethis is just strange
01:32.02jonprylooks like no initrd
01:32.52jonpryyour ramconsole must not be very big or somehing
01:32.59jonprymissing all the good stuff
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01:50.02detulethere's def stuff missing
01:50.08detulehere's one after a normal reboot
01:52.07detulei think initrd is there --> [    1.707462] init: Cannot open real block device
01:53.06jonpryyeah lloks like it mounted root and stuff
01:53.10jonprybut no display?
01:54.11detuleno, from my perspective it blanked, heard a vibe and it went to battery charging
01:54.34jonpryadb works?
01:57.15detulewhy didn't it probe msm_ts
01:57.32jonpryshouldn't use it. thats resistive only
01:58.38detulemy normal kmsg has something like [    1.472394] mms_ts 3-0048: [TSP] ISC Ver [0xbb] [0x20] [0x20]
01:58.38detule[    1.472455] mms_ts 3-0048: [TSP] fw is latest. Do not update.
01:59.46detulei think i am just mucking up the cmdline probably since it didn't parse init.qcom.rc
02:00.21detulei think it gets that init.*.rc value from something like androidboot.hardware=qcom
02:00.35jonpryhow are you setting command line?
02:00.56jonpryis it devtree enabled and what about atags?
02:01.21detulecmd=`cat /proc/cmdline`
02:01.21detulecmd="$cmd kexec"
02:01.59detulei think the kexec binary auotmatically reads atags from /proc/atags
02:02.31jonpryonly if your host kernel has /proc/atags
02:02.36detuleit does
02:02.39detulewhen i cat it though
02:02.40detuleoot.nvdata_backup=1 androidboot.boot_recovery=0 level=0x574f4c44 androidboot.emmc=true androidboot.serialno=2c1c90c6 a
02:02.50detulei get some garbled shit
02:02.56jonprythats normal
02:02.58jonpryits binary
02:03.19jonpryi'm not sure if kexec command line override the atag one or not
02:03.35jonpryi used fixed command line in the target kernel because i'm too lazy to figure it out
02:10.03detulealright i even need that?
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02:27.42jonpryyou need it if the kernel uses it
02:27.48jonpryCONFIG_OF i think
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16:24.52detulejonpry, is it normal that when the device is off and you plug in a charger, it actually boots from the /boot zImage
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16:36.53Alex[sp3dev]detule: which device?
16:38.07detuleAlex[sp3dev], sgs iii
16:38.13detuleperhaps this is standard on samsung devices
16:38.41Alex[sp3dev]either way that's a normal behavior. it is reasonable to make the bootloader as small as possible and move complex hw init and charging algos to kernel. on s2 and nexus the bootloader appends a cmdline param and launches kernel and init launches the charger splash screen
16:39.14Alex[sp3dev]detule: are you overall happy with the new exynos? doing any hacks?
16:39.31detuleyeah that's what i get.....makes me slightly more worried about flashing /boot
16:39.45detulethis is the U.S. msm 8960 edition
16:40.01Alex[sp3dev]with 2G ram?
16:40.29Alex[sp3dev]you MUST get it running ubuntu or meego. with hdmi and usb host support :)
16:40.34detuletrying to get kexec going to have an easier way of testing 3.4
16:40.58Alex[sp3dev]doesn't it have fastboot?
16:42.57detulethere's CWM and what not out there for it....however the one time i tried actually flashing 3.4 onto /boot (and of course it failed), i lost the ramconsole afterwards
16:43.52jonprymine turns on when charger is inserted
16:44.03jonpryseems to depend on what kind of off its in
16:44.51detuleyeah those logs from last nigh weren't from booting with the kexec-ed was from after the fact it going into charging mode
16:45.23jonpryi think you need to remove ramconsole support from the /boot
16:45.55detulebut i think kexec might be failing before it hits cpu reset again in which case i need it there still
16:46.04jonprynot really
16:46.24jonpryyou can write into the identity map
16:46.34jonpryeven from relocate kernel
16:46.48jonpryyour ramconsole is below 0xc*?
16:46.58detuleno way up
16:47.14jonprygotta move it down
16:47.32jonprylike 0xb
16:48.13detulei don't really get it, i register ramconsole at a physical address...the identity maping it takes out before kexec is on the userspace memory from 0 - 0xb* right? there's no guarantee what's in there
16:49.04jonpryfirst off there will be no more ramconsole. just a hole
16:49.23jonprysecond one thing will be gauranteed. the hole
16:49.51jonpryso you can do stuff like *(u32*)RAM_CONSOLE='a'
16:51.48detulei need to read up on linux MM, i thought virtual addresses from 0 to page offset are process specific and refer to dynamically managed
16:52.07jonprynot after setup_mm_for_reboot
16:52.20jonpryit zonks the whole process memory
16:52.28jonpryno process can ever run again
16:53.27jonpryand all addresses below 0xC are now idmapped. and you can pretend that mmu is off so long as your only accessing the bottom 3g
16:56.58detulealright that makes sense....first thing though i think i'll ifdef ram_console_probe if the poweroff_charging flag is set in commandline so it doesn't mess with it then
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17:09.42jonpryi finally managed to bring up aux core on kexec
17:09.55jonpryand i have a 3.0 kernel in the works
17:10.41jonpryjust a bunch of other weird stuff is not working
17:11.13jonpryi'm convinced that no omap4 has ever kexecd with aux core
17:11.56jonprythere is zero infrastructure for dealing with what actually happens
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18:37.51detulehm [    1.261803] CPU1: failed to come online
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19:07.03jonprydetule you got boot?
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19:21.28jonprydetule you got boot?
19:29.17detulebut watchdog stalled me
19:30.11detuleclock problems too
19:30.28detuleit was too much to hope for that it would be smooth on the other side of cpu reset
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21:07.28jonpryclock issues abound
21:11.48detulethere's some kind of a cpu logical map -> it always designates the booting cpu to be 0
21:14.36jonprybringing it online could be very difficult
21:15.16jonpryimho you don't really need to worry because when the kernel is finished. aux core will probably just work when not kexec'd
21:16.56detuleif i cpu_down(1) before kexec, it hangs....otherwise, it boots but cpu_up(1) fails
21:17.36zeusk_is it cortex-a9 ?
21:18.23zeusk_there was some wierd bus init for A9-SMP in arm arm docs
21:18.26detulei think 8960 is based on something newer
21:19.15jonprythe fundamental problem is that cpu startup is different in two ways in kexec
21:19.28jonpryfirst what turns on aux core is different
21:19.37jonprysecond the reset vector is different
21:19.57jonpryso you end up in a situation where it kind of boots up at the wrong time and then does a hyperspace jump
21:20.59jonprygood news is that if you hanging when booting up you've already figure out how to turn it on
21:21.11jonprywhatever happens at the hang is your secret sauce
21:21.49jonprythen you just need to move that code into the wakeup function. and figure out how to program the reset vector
21:22.42detulei'll be processing that for a day or two and I am sure i'll as you questions about it later
21:23.39zeusk_droid 3 is 8960 ? o.o
21:24.11detulemsm has some secret dual_boost() that gets called on boot
21:24.18detulethat tries to bring up non-boot cpus
21:24.35detulebut that's no good
21:24.43zeusk_secret ? maybe it's just a simple spinlock ?
21:28.43zeusk_why the hell is lk modifying T bit in cpsr, isn't that illegal ?
21:30.57jonpryso dual_boost() causes it to hang?
21:33.17zeusk_no, during boot, it checks cpu id, if it is not cpu0, the core goes into a spin loop till a value is changed in memory, dual_boost must be setting that value and releasing the core from loop and adding it to linux's scheduler
21:33.39zeusk_or it can be even implemented using wfi and ipi
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22:16.01detuleyeah i think it's dual_boost...calling cpu_up(nonboot) which then executes mach-msm/platsmp.c: boot_secondary and it fails there....need to get better debugging output to figure out what exactly fails
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22:27.57jonprydetule, sounds like it might be turning on at the right time. just doing the hyperspace jump
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22:49.44jonprydetule, you try the platsmp.c from stock kernel? that looks like some powerful stuff
22:53.27detulefrom CA?
22:54.24jonpryno i was looking at your sgsiii repo
22:55.05detulethat's the platsmp i am using
22:55.15detulethat repo is stock samsung source
22:57.02jonpryit looks like all this stuff should be able to reset it
22:58.08jonpry looks not the same as sgsiii
22:59.08detulei am trying to kexec the sgsiii kernel
23:03.07jonprythis scm_set_boot_addr is the key
23:03.33jonpryneed to make sure that is happening before the best decides to come alive
23:04.41detulethanks i'll look into that -> this is what i have right now
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23:06.34jonprysounds like you have some kind of irq storm
23:08.36detulecpu doesn't come up and modem goes into reset
23:12.50zeusk_jonpry,  looks like they're using spin locks instead of wfi, why don't you try booting without cpu1 ? (only cpu0 enabled, don't release cpu1 from holding pen in platform_smp)
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