IRC log for #htc-linux on 20120504

00:00.13*** join/#htc-linux d3tul3 (
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00:02.07d3tul3panel worse eh?
00:02.24d3tul3that's all i got .... acl's init sequence all the way
00:03.46jonpryi just put the sequence into our panel
00:03.57jonpryno changes to blank/unblank
00:04.04jonpryor anything
00:04.06d3tul3i like that
00:04.16d3tul3i know i said it works on haret more or less
00:04.22d3tul3but it's more less and less more
00:04.39jonpryoh yeah?
00:05.23jonpryi suspect it won't work right
00:05.28d3tul3jonpry, congratulations
00:05.42d3tul3you are now one of the select few
00:05.44d3tul3in particular two
00:05.52d3tul3that have commit access to my linux msm rhod repo
00:06.05jonpryoh wow
00:06.29jonprynow i can f up two repos with a single git command
00:06.31d3tul3if you delete my smd branch
00:06.44d3tul3i may come to regret this
00:07.08jonpryyou need smd?
00:08.17jonprysomehow we need to get some of these patches merged
00:08.33d3tul3we need to get CptAJ on the autobuild
00:09.03jonpryyeah he has code that is not pushed
00:11.01jonpryhere is what i came up with.
00:11.35arrrghhhwell someone side swiped me with some production problems... and now i just want to go home.
00:11.47arrrghhhi'll flash that kernel when i'm home jonpry.  cya guys.
00:12.01jonprywe need to find someone that gets better than 19kB/s to test smd
00:17.43*** join/#htc-linux CptAJ[vzla] (AJ@
00:27.42*** join/#htc-linux d3tul3 (~detule@unaffiliated/d3tul3)
00:28.27d3tul3there's not going to be any discernable difference i've added your ppp hack to tty
00:29.10d3tul3in all reality, if that hack works, and all evidence points that it does, it's a much better way of feeding the stream to the line discipline...
00:29.19jonprystill need some kind of crash testing
00:29.34d3tul3from what the ril channel?
00:29.37d3tul3not nearly enough traffic
00:30.13jonpryneed someone with high data rate to make sure this stuff is working well
00:30.30jonpryor maybe not
00:31.20jonpry3.4 is approaching and i think the goal should be to get all patches pushed before then
00:31.33jonpryslash push them no matter the cost
00:31.55jonprycan't have shit piling up waiting for never gonna get done testing
00:32.20jonprythey did that on 27 :)
00:32.40d3tul3true we need CptAJ[vzla] to submit a patch to add acoutic to his board file - that way we can get him on the commit list
00:32.45d3tul3get a little ownership of the kernel
00:33.33jonpryhe has panel code too
00:33.35d3tul33.4 we should probably move to github gitorious is getting worse
00:34.03jonprytoday was pretty bad
00:36.00d3tul3so which partitions does lk need to able to load - just boot?
00:36.11d3tul3trying to figure out if one can run anything other than yaffs on nand
00:37.54jonpryi think it loads 3 partitions but they are all hidden from linux
00:38.51d3tul3this eid_es3 sequence that acl has
00:38.57d3tul3it's actually skimpier than ours
00:40.14d3tul3i assume that's the sequence for my panel
00:40.44jonpryi'm worried about 0x5300 values
00:41.05jonpryshould be able to use nilfs on system and data
00:41.15d3tul3re you looking at the datasheet
00:41.23d3tul35300 doesn't seem that important
00:41.39jonpryi think it controls the backlight stuff somehow
00:43.43jonpryacl uses a different value in that register which will probably botch our setup
00:45.14d3tul3i am more worried about these 3b0x
00:46.35d3tul35300 we are setting to the same thing in unblank
00:47.11jonprywhat different about 3b0x?
00:47.22d3tul3acl is not setting them
00:48.34d3tul3and this regwait -> that can't be needed in nand vs haret
00:48.52jonpryhe might be setting that stuff in lk
00:49.26jonpryreset value of 3b00, is 0x3. which is invert hsync and vsync
00:49.40jonpryat least one of those we know is real
00:50.54jonpryand the other registers seem to default to porches of 3 pclks
00:52.16jonprydoubt that has any real effect
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00:52.39jonpryinverting hsync is strange
00:53.50d3tul3perhaps that's where we get the irq difference from?
00:54.06jonprythats the vsync
00:54.09jonprybut yes
00:54.36jonprywe can set those registers to 3b00 to 0x3 and then swap the polarity
00:55.26d3tul3how about this partial mode before normal mode
00:58.43jonpryno idea
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01:02.11d3tul3alright time to teach me a thing or two...looks like writing to 5100 adjusts brightness? so how come we can also write to i2c to adjust brightness....
01:06.17jonpryi don't know
01:07.00jonprybut i think it has something to do with there being many interfaces
01:07.08jonprysee it says mddi, i2c, spi
01:07.32jonpryand microp is somehow connected to the spi bus or something. its like a i2c to spi bridge
01:08.06jonpryso lots of things we can do via microp can also be done over mddi
01:16.34jonpryone could probably even bypass the microp abstraction of backlight and use the microp spi bus interface directly
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03:06.50d3tul3jonpry, how about this deep standby mode
03:07.46d3tul3that current consumption on page 291 looks to compare pretty favorably to the normal "sleep in" mode that we are setting
04:01.25*** join/#htc-linux walter79 (
04:02.11walter79detule any news about nand 3.3.4 kernel?
04:06.49jonprystill working on the panel bugs
04:09.31raymonddullwell my sprint RHOD should be here on saturday, so i can test if needed
04:10.00jonprysounds good
04:10.05jonpryanother rhod user, wow
04:10.24raymonddulltons of us, or a lack of?
04:10.41jonprylack of
04:10.44jonprybut increasing
04:10.48raymonddulloh good then
04:10.55jonpryyou would be a 12% increase
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04:11.27raymonddulland unlike a lot of people coming from xda lately, I actually know what I'm doing with adb, and have owned more android devices than most people have had any type of phone
04:11.58raymonddulland I have a mogul barely struggling along with cm6.1
04:12.51jonprythis is good. i hope we can manage to make a good nand and haret kernel
04:12.55raymonddulloh and I'll be one of the rare people that can test both the cdma and gsm parts of it
04:13.36jonprypersonally i like haret
04:13.38walter79jonpry what is new on your 2012-05-03
04:13.54jonpryi tried something new with the panel
04:13.56walter79i like nand more
04:14.07walter79do you need any logs?
04:14.13jonprynot really
04:14.23jonpryjust see if it unblanks
04:14.36jonpryor works at all on rhod100
04:14.58walter79on ICS black screen. will test on gingerbread now
04:15.52jonprydo you know what panel you have?
04:17.40walter79how can i check it. i have a replacement panel from a at&t phone
04:17.57walter79original rhodium 100 panel was broken
04:18.15jonpryhmm thats interesting
04:18.30jonpryi don't know that the phone is able to detect such a thing
04:19.30walter79tilt2 display
04:19.58jonpryall the models shipped with various panels
04:20.02walter79can you maybe replace adb files in your kernel with older one?
04:20.21jonprythere is nothing wrong with our adb
04:20.25jonpryand no
04:20.57jonpryyou probably are using a lame operating system and or a vm
04:21.08walter79adb did not work on nand Gingerbread only ICS
04:21.41jonpryso what. it works on gbx0c all day long
04:22.19walter79gbx0c is sdcard build. On real CM7 or OMGB it did not work
04:22.52jonprywhy do you downgrade it however that would be done
04:23.06jonpryer don't
04:23.17walter79sorry. with your latest kernel it now works.
04:25.05walter79no bootanimation. have to wait for finishing boot
04:27.29walter79panel black. on 2012-05-02 kernel panel works partial
04:27.48jonprycheck dmesg for "Panel type detected"
04:28.25walter79logcat shows some bma problem at the moment i press power button
04:28.39walter7906:27:44.902 Error Sensors 796  Couldn't open /dev/bma150 (No such file or directory)
04:30.21walter79do you need last:kmsg?
04:31.10jonpryinteresting it seems to know that is not a rhod100 panel
04:33.19walter79thats i have a replacement panel. check post 06:17 post
04:33.31walter79panel is from a tilt2
04:33.40walter79mainboard rhodium 100
04:33.53jonpryyeah i get that
04:34.08jonpryi just didn't think the phone could detect which panel it was
04:35.26walter79any idea to fix the panel. Boot is realy fast with this new kernel.
04:37.19walter79on your kernel build from 02.05. panel switch on after boot.
04:41.04jonpryi just uploaded a new one
04:46.43walter79ok will test it
04:49.58walter79panel goes black on boot.
04:50.11jonprythats ok
04:50.17jonprywho's doesn't
04:51.16walter79ok. but there is no bootanimation
04:52.29jonprygotta make it work at all first
04:54.08jonprydoes it work after boot?
04:56.48walter79no. panel did not switch on
04:57.08walter79yesterday it works
04:58.09jonprycapt obvious
04:59.55jonprywell i don't have a plan at the moment
05:07.36jonprywalter79, i uploaded a new one
05:08.02walter79need some minutes for testing
05:11.35jonpryhow fast is your ics?
05:16.48walter79i don t know. with old kernel i can t boot it. with new kernel no panel.
05:17.19walter79for ics we need new LK with bigger /system partition
05:17.48walter7907:12:35.614 Error Libacoustic-wince 747  Error opening dev /dev/htc_acoustic_wince (fd = -1). Error Permission denied (13)
05:19.08walter79boot finish but panel did not switch on. on old kernel display backlight was on.
05:20.16jonpryok. thanks i'll think about it
05:20.27walter79reboot from consol did not work too
05:20.40walter79(reboot recovery)
05:21.11walter79take your time.
05:28.45walter79can you ask acl if he can compile LK with 200Mb /system ? I wrote a PM but did not get a answer
05:29.58jonpryhe doesn't come around here very often
05:30.30jonpryhrm this contraption is working pretty well for me
05:31.20jonprydetule, i think this is on the right track
05:32.30jonpryer. its like it won't wake unless i hold the power button
05:39.02jonprynm, new plan. this is stupid to set all those registers on every wake if they just get preserved through sleep
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13:55.17CptAJ[vzla]Speaker working on whitestone
13:55.34CptAJ[vzla]I just copied the endpoints from rhod
13:55.48d3tul3what was the difference with the endpoints you had in there before?
13:56.12d3tul3i thought you took them from rhod in the first place
13:57.31CptAJ[vzla]I thought I did too
13:57.50CptAJ[vzla]maybe I didn't...I'm crazy like that
13:58.11CptAJ[vzla]weird though since speaker is the same endpoint on both
13:59.02d3tul3don't see anything there that would make a difference
13:59.06d3tul3same gpio setup as before?
13:59.08CptAJ[vzla]yet it does
13:59.48d3tul3hm i guess the IDLE device
14:00.02d3tul3i know the kernel does some sanity checks against the idle device end point
14:00.17d3tul3that's probably it
14:00.56d3tul3you want to clean up your acoustic additions to your board file and "git format-patch" so we can upload it to the autobuild?
14:10.37CptAJ[vzla]will do
14:21.55CptAJ[vzla]hah, they're suing nokia because windows didn't save the company like the directives said
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14:38.35arrrghhhd3tul3, seems like walter popped on last night... don't see much progress tho.  i got home last night and didn't feel like going back on the computer :P  anything i can test for you guys today?
14:53.52d3tul3i am sure jonpry will come up with something...thanks for being around
14:54.23arrrghhhno worries, felt kinda bad i didn't come back to test that kernel last night.  i don't feel so bad now because it didn't seem to work for walter anyways :P
15:06.13d3tul3anything i do to change wistilt2's panel sequence, it just makes it worse on haret
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15:12.04arrrghhhthat sucks.
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15:41.35jonpryd3tul3, you around?
15:41.55jonpryi got it to sort of work ok on haret
15:42.09jonpryabout 75% very fast wakes and the rest fail
15:42.21d3tul3i spent the night trying to get deep stand by to work
15:42.30jonpryno idea what the difference even could be
15:42.44d3tul3deep stand by flushes ram and all registers
15:43.20jonpryyeah that sounds bad
15:43.40d3tul3it's ok, there's a reset gpio that restores everything to reset
15:44.08d3tul3diff would be much better :)
15:44.23jonpryi don't think so
15:44.34jonpryjust read mddi_client_init
15:44.51jonpryi removed stuff from acl's sequences that turn the panel on
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15:44.57jonprysince we don't need to do that twice
15:45.59jonprythere are some peculiar things about nov_init_wizard imho
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15:46.13jonprylike they turn the panel on. and then start setting it up
15:46.59jonpryso for instance when you set   {0x3b00, 0x00},         // hsp/vsp high trigger after the panel is on. this will probably create a spurious vsync in a stochastic sense
15:48.45d3tul3want me to compile this for arrrghhh ?
15:49.00jonpryi think the already has it
15:49.14jonpryit doesn't work at all for walter
15:49.31d3tul3i mean the one i compiled that had pretty much stock acl sequence didn't work at all for arrrghhh
15:49.51d3tul3and even if the polarity on the irq is reversed -> wouldn't it still fire?
15:49.56d3tul3i mean it would just catch it on the other side
15:50.30jonpryyes. but the mdp could happen at the wrong time depending on the length of vsync
15:51.42jonpryhowever swapping the polarity on a running panel will create a glitch no matter what the polarity of the kernel is
15:52.26arrrghhhso last kernel i ran, screen wouldn't unblank at all.  wouldn't even see the backlight turn on.
15:52.56jonprythis one might be better
15:56.41d3tul3anyway this deep standby works for us meaning our init sequence isn't all that bad
15:57.03jonpryso all registers are reset after that?
15:57.28d3tul3yes, as a matter of fact the only way i can bring the screen back on is to toggle the LCD_RST gpio
15:57.51d3tul3and then do the init
15:58.00jonpryso in theory this won't work on anything but the eid es3?
15:58.03d3tul3(which is what the data sheet describes as happening anyway)
15:59.18d3tul3no idea, es3 is what i have to test
15:59.52jonprythe other panels have much longer sequences. presumably because the voltages and stuff have to be adjusted
15:59.59d3tul3the data sheet describes power consumption between sleep->in (which is what we have now) and deep stand by and it's on an order of magnitude less
16:00.29jonprybtw this panel.c seems to have done something strange to the colors on my panel. get this nice magenta thing going on
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16:04.35jonpryguess i have eid es3 as well
16:05.57arrrghhhflashed, let's see this magic.
16:06.33d3tul3jonpry, but you are right the doc says in sleep->in we are not only preserving registers, but ram as well
16:06.57d3tul3or whatever memory it carries on board it still has the last image stored
16:07.34d3tul3which is why i think you sometimes see it flicker on (in partial mode) before you see lockscreen
16:07.36arrrghhhpanel is still inverted
16:07.38d3tul3i may be way off
16:07.40arrrghhhlet's see how collapse/wake works.
16:08.08arrrghhhsame.  no backlight, no panel wake.
16:08.19d3tul3can you cat /proc/interrupts arrrghhh
16:08.26arrrghhhlets see if adb works.
16:08.33jonpryarrrghhh, sometimes i have to like hold the power button
16:08.35d3tul3and see if you can get vsync to increase
16:08.40jonpryand eventually it will wake up
16:08.42raymonddullsounds like my mogul
16:08.45arrrghhhadb does work
16:08.49raymonddullthough that could be because its slow as hell
16:09.34d3tul3pastebin is no good, like cat that several times while you press the power button and see if vsync count increases
16:09.37arrrghhhjonpry, you've never tested this on NAND.  it will not wake up, no matter what i do.
16:09.45arrrghhhd3tul3, no good?
16:09.56d3tul3i mean a static number is not revealing
16:09.57jonpryso holding power button for like 15 seconds has no effect?
16:10.03arrrghhhjonpry, 15 seconds?
16:10.12arrrghhhi was holding it for 5, thought that was excessive.
16:10.38arrrghhhno change
16:10.41arrrghhhtried it 2x
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16:11.11arrrghhhd3tul3, vsync is incrementing
16:11.18arrrghhh161:      13193   msmgpio  vsync
16:11.21d3tul3that's good
16:11.31arrrghhh161:      14130   msmgpio  vsync
16:11.35jonprymaybe backlight just isn't on
16:11.36d3tul3can you dmesg | grep msm
16:11.47arrrghhhjonpry, could be let me try to get some bright light here.
16:12.25arrrghhh <-- d3tul3
16:12.44d3tul3thanks arif-ali
16:12.47d3tul3arrrghhh, damnit
16:12.55arrrghhhi didn't do it
16:13.23arrrghhhjonpry, it doesn't appear like the backlight is simply off.  panel definitely seems blank.
16:13.34arrrghhhkb light fades in when i slide open tho hehe
16:14.43d3tul3jonpry, change our polarity?
16:14.52arrrghhh[  464.740000] msmfb_pan_display timeout rerequest vsync
16:14.54arrrghhhi see a lot of that
16:15.21arrrghhhyou guys want a full dmesg?
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16:16.28jonprychanging our polarity is probably a good idea
16:16.38jonprychange the reg is 0x3 and all
16:17.34d3tul3though again doc says vsync is rising
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16:23.45arif-alid3tul3, thanks for what?
16:23.53jonprydon't the docs say its selectable with 3b00?
16:24.06d3tul3tab-to-complete failed me arif-ali , was inteded for arrrghhh
16:24.08arrrghhharif-ali, your name starts with ar like mine.  you jerk.
16:26.08d3tul3right jonpry , but the default is explained on pg 64 on think
16:26.44jonpryyeah so we program the default in case winmo is doing something and swap the irq
16:28.45jonpryi think the problem is that mddi clk stuff
16:29.08jonpryprobably should dump that register on haret and nand
16:51.07jonpryat least for eid es3 it seems the init can't be wrong
16:51.30jonprycould the nand userland be screwing us up with a different hal or something?
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17:19.25walter793.3.4-g68c900e-dirty  with this kernel panel switch on. (inverted, touch did not work calibrate) NAND CM7.2
17:19.39walter79adb did not work
17:20.28arrrghhhthat's an old kernel tho eh?
17:20.44walter79         kmsg
17:20.53walter79yes it is a older kernel 2 day old.
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17:21.57arrrghhhyea, i think i ran that same kernel.  backlight comes on, and panel occasionally turns on.
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18:59.57d3tul3arrrghhh, you got a sec to flash something
19:00.50arrrghhhwhat's up
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19:04.00arrrghhhflashing now
19:04.07arrrghhhnot sure why i can't adb push to /sdcard...
19:05.35arrrghhhd3tul3, that failed
19:05.41d3tul3wait what failed
19:05.42arrrghhhnot sure why.
19:05.45arrrghhhit failed to flash.
19:06.00arrrghhh"--Installing: /sdcard/Kernel_33(3).zip"
19:06.03arrrghhh"finding update package..."
19:06.07arrrghhh"opening update package..."
19:06.11arrrghhh"installing update..."
19:06.14arrrghhh"installation aborted"
19:06.25d3tul3ok i guess i need jonpry to package this boot.img
19:06.28arrrghhhusually it says something about a kernel update as well, but perhaps that's after the successful update of ze kernel.
19:07.48d3tul3oh arrrghhh sorry one more time
19:07.52d3tul3i know what i messed up
19:07.55d3tul3let me ul it
19:10.09d3tul3arrrghhh, same link
19:14.51walter79d3tu13 did your kernel works for nand build like cm7 too?
19:16.30d3tul3no idea,thankfully we have source for the hal in omgb so we can compare
19:18.09walter79cm7 use same kernel like omgb
19:28.04arrrghhhd3tul3, sorry that took so long.  work sucks.  flashed successful, rebooting into it now.
19:28.59arrrghhhhrm.  no bootani.
19:29.25arrrghhhi have adb shell.  nothing on the screen tho.
19:29.36d3tul3see if you can turn it on once it settles
19:29.52arrrghhhi see backlight
19:29.58arrrghhhpanel still blank.  will wait, probably still booting.
19:30.05walter79no bootanimation on NAND cm7.2 will wait for finishing boot
19:31.01walter79and no adb
19:32.04arrrghhhd3tul3, i think it's done, but it's the same.  backlight fades in, but panel is blank.
19:32.20arrrghhhif i swipe where the lock should be, i can hear it vibrating.
19:32.34d3tul3dmesg | grep msm
19:32.37walter79nand: panel works
19:33.35walter79on cm7.2 nand build d3tul3 kernel works. i can switch panel on
19:34.00walter79but touch did not work
19:34.06arrrghhhi'm on omgb.  panel no workie.
19:34.30d3tul3arrrghhh, can you verify just that vsync is counting
19:34.44arrrghhh1 sec
19:35.07arrrghhhd3tul3, yep.  incrementing for sure.
19:36.01walter79arrrghhh i think you have different panel like me
19:36.15arrrghhhwell you had a panel replaced, no?
19:36.46walter79yes tilt2 panel on rhodium 100
19:37.10arrrghhhi don't see my panel type in dmesg
19:37.19arrrghhhoh wait there it is
19:37.22arrrghhhyes we do have different panels.
19:37.23arrrghhhmine is 14
19:37.33arrrghhhyours is 15 iirc
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19:39.45walter79yep, and display is black no backlight on now
19:42.28d3tul3arrrghhh, time for one more?
19:42.39d3tul3same link
19:43.30walter79d3tul3 can you fix screen calibration on your kernel?
19:43.57d3tul3walter79, patience
19:44.15walter79no problem
19:44.18d3tul3i mean we know it's broken
19:45.45walter79should i test your kernel too?
19:48.21arrrghhhno bootani
19:48.31d3tul3seems to be a theme
19:48.42walter79on .27 kernel i have this: htcrhod_init_panel: Initializing panel id=21
19:51.54arrrghhhd3tul3, no backlight either this time.
19:52.17jonprywhat ru doing d3tul3
19:52.23arrrghhhfawk, no adb either?
19:52.46jonprysomehow using acl's panel blows up the adb
19:52.52d3tul3sure is
19:53.02d3tul3jonpry, toggling the RST gpio
19:53.06walter79for me it works
19:53.27arrrghhheven more strange.
19:53.56walter79i can switch to OMGB and test if it works too
19:54.01walter79should i
19:54.32walter79d3tul3 display wakeup is faster with your latest kernel
19:54.58arrrghhhi dun get it.
19:55.01d3tul3arrrghhh, can you see if "msm_mdp" is counting
19:55.10arrrghhhwait, no.
19:55.12arrrghhhno adb :(
19:55.31jonpryi think nov_init_eid_es3[] is wrong
19:55.48jonpryprobably need to remote_read it on haret to get better values
19:56.12d3tul3how come it works for acl on 27
19:56.37d3tul3arrrghhh, you still have that previous package where you saw backlight?
19:56.54d3tul3only if you are not busy at work can you see if msm_mdp is counting there
19:57.22arrrghhhin&out, i'll let you know.
19:58.51walter79sreen calibration works partial. but i can t reboot device
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20:02.38d3tul3walter79, poweroff might be reboot
20:03.11walter79reset works. adb reboot did not work
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20:03.40walter79do you need last_ksmg
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20:04.39d3tul3no, not for something like adb reboot
20:06.55walter79i have 40s 62.230000] msmfb_pan_display timeout rerequest vsync
20:06.55walter79[   62.330000] msmfb_pan_display timeout waiting for frame start, 113199 111598
20:09.00arrrghhhd3tul3, msm_mdp is incrementing.
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20:10.29d3tul3thanks arrrghh wth
20:10.51d3tul3if that guy is counting and vsync is counting not sure why msm_fb is timing out
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20:24.11walter79if i install OMGB and latest 3.3.4 panel backlight works only.
20:25.22arrrghhhwalter79, so that means the panel doesn't paint anything?  nothing on the screen?
20:25.52arrrghhhwhy the hell would userland effect this..
20:26.02walter79on cm7.2 i can see lockscreen
20:26.19walter79arrrghhh can you test on cm7.2 too ?
20:26.27arrrghhhi shall
20:34.56arrrghhhwalter79, you're on the newest kernel yes?
20:35.54walter79the first d3tul3 posted
20:36.02walter79i can test the second again
20:36.58arrrghhhthe first?
20:37.17arrrghhhi'm kinda lost as to which kernel i should be testing on 7.2.  so far i have no bootani, nothing.
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20:38.25walter79wait i sent you a link with working kernel
20:38.58walter79boot cm7.2 with .27 kernel first
20:39.06walter79and check adb is enabled
20:39.28walter79first boots need ~ 5min
20:40.45walter79cm7 use different
20:44.20walter79 link for kernel /HTC Rhodium/kernel
20:46.55walter79this kernel work
20:47.16arrrghhhi'm booting .27 now
20:47.18arrrghhhlike you said
20:47.21arrrghhhwill try that one next ^^
20:50.44walter79i will test new kernel on ICS
20:51.25walter79after this OMGB with from CM7.2
20:54.53ahigerdAre the two .so's ABI-compatible? Switching out .so's willy-nilly is a good way to just make stuff fail to even load.
20:56.08arrrghhhok, works with .27 & cm7.  now on to that other kernel..
20:57.44arrrghhhmoment o truth
20:58.12arrrghhhno bootani :(
21:02.59arrrghhhok... then now what?
21:03.04arrrghhhpower button --> nothing
21:03.25arrrghhhno adb
21:03.46walter79green led
21:03.54arrrghhhno LED's
21:04.02walter79usb pluged?
21:04.20arrrghhhwindoze detects something is plugged in
21:04.20walter79wait some minutes
21:04.22arrrghhhbut no adb
21:04.28arrrghhhi have, i'll wait more ^^
21:04.44walter79charging led works
21:05.04walter79adb did not work on boot with 3.3.4 kernel
21:07.34d3tul3arrrghhh, so the charging led doesn't come up for you either?
21:07.37arrrghhhno adb is kinda difficult to deal with.
21:07.39arrrghhhd3tul3, nope
21:08.02d3tul3tough to tell if that's a hall issue or not
21:08.30d3tul3otherwise could be indicative that the i2c interface to the LED is not being switched on
21:10.37walter79for me everything works on cm7.2
21:11.07arrrghhhdamn you
21:11.18arrrghhh(we do have different panels to be fair)
21:13.18walter79will no test OMGB with new
21:15.29d3tul3hey arrrghhh so er this omgb build you were trying it boots with auto-backlight enabled?
21:15.33d3tul3that might be default option
21:15.40arrrghhhd3tul3, probably
21:15.52arrrghhhwant me to boot .27, disable it, and flash 3.3?
21:16.29d3tul3only if you are bored probably won't make a difference
21:16.41walter79cm7.2 has auto-backlight enabled too
21:17.11d3tul3arrrghhh, if you have adb
21:17.17d3tul3you can toggle it via adb shell
21:17.43arrrghhhthis kernel i don't have adb it seems.
21:22.43walter79on omgb with CM7.2 i have black screen with backlight on now
21:23.01arrrghhhwhy are our experiences so different...
21:23.07arrrghhharen't 14 and 15 both eid panels?
21:23.13arrrghhhi guess the init sequence could still be different.
21:24.58walter79on .27 i have panel id 21
21:37.37arrrghhhah nice
21:38.46walter7923:38:28.105 Error SurfaceFlinger 132  ioctl(24, VT_RELDISP, 1) failed 22 (Invalid argument)
21:39.18walter79if i like to switch on panel on OMGB with original
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22:38.37walter79we have working nand ICS for Rhodium
22:40.16walter79bootanimation works with 3.3.4 kernel
22:40.28arrrghhhworking is such a grand word...
22:40.57arrrghhhit is amazing that it boots at all, or is even usable...
22:41.05arrrghhhoh well, i'm out.  good work walter79, catch you later.
22:45.04walter79adb and logcat works at boot.
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23:32.24walter79good news. with 3.3.4 kernel and ICS as nand build. panel works and i can enter setup from ICS
23:33.22walter79is it possible to backported gpu driver from 3.3.4 to 2.6.27 ?

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