IRC log for #htc-linux on 20111220

00:12.45arrrghhhjonpry, i think it was changed over to userdebug
00:13.41*** join/#htc-linux d3tul3 (~detule@unaffiliated/d3tul3)
00:20.21jonpryi don't see that as available
00:21.04arrrghhhi thought it was just in the build file thingy
00:22.51arrrghhhTARGET_BUILD_VARIANT := userdebug
00:22.54arrrghhhi don't think we use lunch.
00:25.28*** join/#htc-linux ALoGeNo (
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00:25.54d3tul3jonpry building xdandroid?
00:34.40jonpryyeah trying to
00:34.48jonprywho doesn't use lunch
00:35.00d3tul3there's lunch stuff in envsetup
00:37.06arrrghhhjonpry, you know me, i'm a n00b
00:37.26arrrghhhi would take everything i say with a grain of salt.  or maybe some larger denomination of salt.
00:39.56*** join/#htc-linux asnos_ausente (~Tob@unaffiliated/asnos)
00:40.03d3tul3don't give him any special treatment
00:40.12d3tul3you should do what you always do -> point him to the wiki
00:41.32arrrghhhthat's what i did basically
00:41.36arrrghhhi didn't see anything about lunch
00:41.40arrrghhhjust the
00:41.42arrrghhhbut i g2g, cya guys
00:41.43jonpryis this wiki correct for gingerbread?
00:42.00arrrghhhjonpry, yes, i believe so
00:43.22d3tul3jonpry i needed this
00:44.19d3tul3also Books*apk is not i whtever gapps is linked on the wiki page so i needed to remove it from whatever build file
00:46.56*** join/#htc-linux raymonddull (
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00:52.51jonprysomething about libgps?
00:53.24d3tul3hm i don't remember that
00:55.09jonpryme neither
00:59.02jonprymake: *** No rule to make target `vendor/xdandroid/msm/proprietary/', needed by `out/target/product/msm/obj/lib/'.  Stop.
00:59.50d3tul3do you have libgps?
01:00.05d3tul3in msm/prop*/
01:01.22d3tul3hm i see it here, just need to figure out where i got it from
01:01.38jonpryare you supposed to download something before running
01:02.50d3tul3it's in the dream zip
01:10.10*** join/#htc-linux Rob2222 (
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01:22.11d3tul3why are we compiling drivers/media/rc
01:28.27jonpryit built
01:35.59*** join/#htc-linux d3tul3 (~detule@unaffiliated/d3tul3)
01:36.41d3tul3jonpry want the gposit frameworks_base diff?
01:37.46jonpryi'm trying to do a non gposit version of fb in gpu1
01:38.05jonpryneed to get another sd card though
02:05.20*** join/#htc-linux TheXev (
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02:21.25d3tul3jonpry isn't there a sysfs entry to read the active wakelock
02:51.14jonpryonce the device is out of the crazyland its always powermanagerservice
02:52.07jonprymy guess is that this otg irq is not really firing
02:55.56jonpryi got a new sd card. but i am missing initrd and rootfs
03:01.19mgross029jonpry, I can link those files over to you just a moment
03:04.52mgross029There you go...  You have everything else?
03:07.04mgross029You may want to clean up the setcmd I have some debug stuff in there
03:07.31*** join/#htc-linux d3tul3 (~detule@unaffiliated/d3tul3)
03:07.34mgross029plus change relpath of course
03:08.30jonprythanks i think i have it all for now
03:10.13jonpryi dunno what that is
03:10.48jonprydidn't seem to get the initrd. i probably have the wrong haret
03:11.44mgross029I'll zip everything up into one package and pm you a link.  Don't want to leak to the masses. :)
03:12.18jonprythe other 3?
03:13.04mgross029I'll just send everything in my folder that I use minus the data.ext4
03:13.24jonprydon't bother with the system.img
03:13.30jonpryi am building one from source
03:14.07*** join/#htc-linux asnos_ausente (~Tob@unaffiliated/asnos)
03:14.13d3tul3you can get the haret from your own thread
03:14.19d3tul3damn not that
03:14.54jonpryah hah
03:15.17d3tul3i am glad i didn't have my other more embaressing build path there
03:16.43jonprycooking with gas now
03:17.21mgross029ok so you have everything now?
03:17.30jonpryi think so
03:17.38jonpryenough to break something
03:19.21jonprywhats with these msmfb_start_dma msecs after vsync request
03:19.40jonprylike the numbers are 180  or bigger
03:19.45jonpryup to 600 or so
03:19.52jonpryall of which seem unreasonable
03:19.56d3tul3?this something on boot
03:21.49jonprysomething in that startup.txt causes it
03:22.51jonpryidle collapse i think
03:23.05mgross029Let me clean up that setcmd to what you may need minimum. sec
03:23.07jonpryand its also doing a number on my data.img creation
03:23.37mgross029I have ext4dev in there so it will actually create a data.ext4
03:23.49jonpryi removed that
03:26.24mgross029Ok now that link above should have a clean setcmd just need to add your relpath and keyboard layout
03:27.11jonpryk thanks
03:29.38mgross029d3tul3, 3.0 runs pretty good so far.  I still haven't had a chance to test out bt yet.
03:30.36mgross029I'm out for now.  Later guys.
03:34.43*** join/#htc-linux WisTilt2 (
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03:55.27jonpryhmm. somehow this blob on the mailing list is configured 2+13
03:59.16*** join/#htc-linux Cass (
04:00.25jonpryd3tul3, is your kernel configured 2+13?
04:00.40d3tul3which one
04:00.51d3tul3only gposit
04:01.50jonprythe non gposit blob was modded for 2+13
04:02.27jonpryso bad things could be happening
04:02.53d3tul3i guess i could have pulled the wrong one but i don't think i was messing with gposit when i was hexing that blob
04:03.14jonpryprobably best not to name names
04:03.34jonprythe guilty wish to remain anonymous
04:03.54jonpryso i have a 7+8 blob
04:04.07jonpryor you can change kernel to 213, which i think is best
04:05.38d3tul3i am in the middle of trying to figure out why after an alarm goes off the phone refuses to suspend
04:05.49d3tul3but yeah 7+8 for this kernel
04:06.31*** join/#htc-linux Rob2223 (
04:14.25jonpryE/AndroidRuntime( 1044): java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Cannot load library: reloc_library[1311]:   671 cannot locate 'putchar'...
04:28.51jonprynm mailing list blob is 7+8
04:36.05jonprymaybe i got a bad neocore apk. other apps seem to work
04:39.06*** join/#htc-linux TheXev (
04:44.37d3tul3WisTilt2 when you get a chance can you turn on sleep debugging on .39 and set the alarm
04:44.47d3tul3after it goes off and you hit either dismiss or snooze
04:44.56d3tul3does your device suspend?
04:46.01d3tul3jonpry did you get a better apk
04:46.11WisTilt2d3tul3 can try that now, whats the startup cmd for sleep debug?
04:46.43d3tul3just echo "2" > sys/module/board_htcrhod*/par*/led_regime
04:46.56jonpryif only i could figure out how to remove the existing one
04:46.58WisTilt2k, give me a few and ill let you know
04:47.41d3tul3adb uninstall? *shooting from the hip here
04:49.09jonprygot it
04:53.07*** join/#htc-linux mitsutaka (~mitsutaka@
05:00.20d3tul3where _is_ neocore installed
05:10.28WisTilt2d3tul3: tried 5 times and alarm went off each time, both snooze and dismiss, went back to sleep green every time.
05:10.54d3tul3thanks for giving it a run, must be some of these new alarm apis in 3.0 and 3.1
05:10.55*** join/#htc-linux AstainHellbring (AstainHell@unaffiliated/astainhellbring)
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06:02.45jonprydur that didn't work so good
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09:03.16Guest32751hello, anybody there who's knows CWM recovery on blackstone ?
09:04.08Guest32751volume down works -> menu   ... but i can't confirm a option there - seem only volume keys work
09:31.12*** join/#htc-linux LjL (~ljl@unaffiliated/ljl)
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09:40.17Guest32751thanks anyway
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17:04.05kipillsmem_find( 13, 2048 ): wrong size 2304
17:04.30kipilland after kernel panic((( what its mean?
17:05.31emwethat sounds familiar. what device?
17:07.46kipillits htc mega
17:08.30*** join/#htc-linux AstainHellbring (~AstainHel@unaffiliated/astainhellbring)
17:12.03emwekipill: this was smsm int info, right?
17:17.00emwekipill: struct smsm_interrupt_info
17:19.28*** join/#htc-linux asnos_ausente (~Tob@unaffiliated/asnos)
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17:21.45kipillemwe: what exactly in this?
17:21.46emwekipill: for amss6125 we needed this: ; add the reserved extra padding and it should do it.
17:22.35kipillemwe: let try this, thanks!
17:22.36emwekipill: shared memory state machine interrupt info shared accross the processors
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17:40.01kipillemwe: hmm .. i'm added this two lines 127,128.but again error(((
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17:52.43emwekipill: if you read logs; .. and it's use. i was wrong with the former, but it might come into play for you as well.
17:59.52*** join/#htc-linux kipill (
18:00.46emwekipill: if you read logs; .. and it's use. i was wrong with the former, but it might come into play for you as well.
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18:24.18kipillemwe: heh, now i see this log: smem_find(14, 16424): wrong size 40  smd_alloc_chanel()cid 0 does not exist  smem_find(15, 16424): wrong size 40  smd_alloc_channel() cid 1 does not exist  Kernel panic!
18:28.04*** join/#htc-linux kiozen (
18:28.14emwekipill: looks like SMEM_SMD_BASE_ID. perhaps you should try to compare your tree agains ours and see what is missing.
18:31.45kipillemwe: thanks for help!
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23:02.57kipillsmd_alloc_channel() cid 1 does not exist   Kernel panic - not syncing:Aiee, killing interrupt handler! ((((
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