IRC log for #htc-linux on 20111211

00:03.40*** join/#htc-linux WisTilt2 (
00:18.37jonpryheya WisTilt2
00:19.09WisTilt2hi jonpry whats up
00:19.39jonpryguess d3tul3 is breaking 30fps in neocore
00:20.25jonpryno particular reason why. with 60hz panel
00:20.28WisTilt2cool, what did he do?  arrrghhh got 36+ at one point but that was pretty oc'd
00:21.31WisTilt2over 30 with 60hz is not really possible i'd think unless something is upping vsync with whatever he's doing
00:21.32d3tul3did nothing, happened twice this morning, can't reproduce crossed my mind it might be a weird interaction with some timer issue
00:22.03WisTilt2d3tul3 is this on .39 or 3.x?
00:22.12jonpryi got the compositor going. still need moar speed though
00:22.40d3tul3oh wait it happened again 33.3 ok now i have my wife here so i can take a photo with her phone
00:23.17WisTilt2i took out the fake vsync crap and msm_fb seems happier but without oc'ing and setting vsync to 70hz i have no idea how fps would go up.  could be some timer jacking with the calculations for fps in neocore maybe?
00:23.20jonprygotta make sure your not hallucinating
00:24.08jonpryi still do not understand the origin of the refresh/2 limit
00:25.31WisTilt2jonpry what kind of frame rate you getting now with compositor working?
00:26.02jonpryi can't run any of the benchmarks so its all subjective
00:26.16jonpryi could probably put in something to measure it i guess
00:26.29WisTilt2did you ever try pumping up gpu another 50mhz or so?
00:26.46jonpryits still not quite as fast as the no compositor setup
00:26.53jonpryno i'm on stock clocks
00:27.28WisTilt2simple change in clock-wince if you want to see if it makes any visual difference?
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00:28.03jonprywell i think the big killer right now is that surfaces are in non cached memory, where as it used to be cached
00:28.20jonpryalso i don't have copybit
00:28.37WisTilt2jonpry: change these 2 lines in clock-wince in grp rail and try it ->
00:28.39WisTilt2REG_AND(MSM_GRP_NS_REG, 0x7fff);
00:28.39WisTilt2REG_OR(MSM_GRP_NS_REG, 0x1a);
00:29.06WisTilt2those values will run gpu at PLL2/4 which should be 1056 if you're not oc'd
00:29.43jonpryright now gpu is at 196?
00:30.12WisTilt2yes, sorry, thinking memory.
00:30.49jonpryk. i will try. be a bit. trying to build a 7.1 image
00:30.52WisTilt2those changes just set the gpu registers to use PLL2/4.
00:31.17*** join/#htc-linux Cass (
00:31.29WisTilt2im cleaning my wifes laptop.  she seems to have clicked something she shouldn't have and has 16 different trojans on it now:(
00:31.46WisTilt2stupid windows 7 crap
00:31.52jonpryi suspect that little time is spent in the gpu. all getting wasted by the things that render onto surfaces
00:32.27jonpryyeah gotta get rid of that windows
00:33.26WisTilt2ive tried, she's hard headed about going to linux so has to live with all the MS problems
00:34.28jonpryi pulled the tech support plug. said its either linux or phone support
00:34.55jonpryi think she's buying a mac now. go figure
00:36.22WisTilt2lol i even tried getting her into a mac but you know the old dog new tricks saying
00:37.05WisTilt2d3tul3 does it get that fps all the time or is it hit or miss?
00:37.47jonprydoes it have all the stuff? smoke and flames?
00:38.00d3tul3yeah all textures
00:38.07d3tul3hit or miss
00:38.22d3tul3this is the 3rd time it's scored that today probably 20 runs
00:38.32WisTilt2sound off also?
00:38.37d3tul3yeah sound off
00:39.16WisTilt2well 60hz +/- 10% so i guess 33fps would be right in that area.
00:40.00WisTilt2just wonder what is letting it go that high.  does it test down at 24-25fps at times with this same setup?
00:41.35WisTilt2d3tul3 what are your 4 PLLx @ lines currently?
00:41.40jonpryi think it gets stuck in bins
00:41.51jonpryso refresh/2 or /3
00:42.53d3tul3WisTilt2, sorry rebooting but I am sure the PLLs are stock
00:43.02*** join/#htc-linux mitsutaka (~mitsutaka@
00:49.58WisTilt2do you guys know if GB actually is setup correctly for enabling BT?  i've been back working on that and everything is working on the kernel side afaict but userland never enables it.
00:53.49jonpryhci0 goes up?
00:55.39jonpryandroid/libhardware more or less expect hciattach to never return and for a device names hci0 to go into the UP state within 10 seconds
00:57.02WisTilt2yes every up but acts like when userland tries turning it on it never sees that its up
00:57.23jonprynetcfg shows it in up state?
00:58.01WisTilt2using hcitools i can see BT devices so its up i assume
00:58.48jonprymaybe the dev name is wrong or something?
00:59.21WisTilt2yeah thats what im wondering.  dont know what name userland expects and i dont have the source for that to look.
01:00.55WisTilt2thats what it is.  whats puzzling me is the device isnt there until i check it on in userland so its working at that point.
01:01.25jonpryso userland unchecks it for you eventually?
01:01.44*** join/#htc-linux toer (
01:02.05WisTilt2it never get the check mark, says enabling then times out but the kernel does startup the hci0 device when you check it.
01:04.35jonprythis cm7.1 build came out pretty nice
01:04.51jonpryits like a few frames away from feeling like a galaxy
01:05.35WisTilt2i guess uventd.rc is not there after boot so need to mount system image?
01:06.00jonpryit should be
01:07.06WisTilt2im adb'd in and its nowhere to be found on the running system
01:09.29WisTilt2there is no /dev/hci* in there at all
01:09.50jonpryeven after the device comes up?
01:11.05WisTilt2nope, just checked it, userland said turning on bluetooth, the hci0 is there in /dev but ueventd.rc doesn't have it
01:11.44WisTilt2looks like it has everything else including camera which i havent used this boot
01:12.07jonprywhat are the perms on /dev/hci0?
01:12.29WisTilt2i changed those, they were 640 i think
01:12.50WisTilt2or 644 they were
01:13.55jonpryyou can't really manually change it. thats what ueventd is for
01:14.47d3tul3WisTilt2, apart from enabling BT_LPM are you doing much beyond that in the kernerl
01:14.48WisTilt2dont remember where i changed that but it was 644 i believe. either way its showing 666 in /dev
01:15.02d3tul3i would like to give it a go but don't want to start reinventing the wheel
01:15.36*** join/#htc-linux asnos_ausente (~Tob@unaffiliated/asnos)
01:15.44WisTilt2i enabled several other things BT related in config also.  need to diff from autobuild to see which ones, been awhile since i put this aside
01:15.59jonpryi dunno that /dev/hci0 is actually used. probably just the dbus socket
01:20.33*** join/#htc-linux toastcfh (
01:20.59WisTilt2d3tul3: looks like these are the other 2 changes in config ->
01:21.01*** join/#htc-linux toastcfh (~toastcfh@unaffiliated/toastcfh)
01:22.27d3tul3alright, you also said you changed the permissions on that bdaddr hook right?
01:22.34WisTilt2i have to look at the source and see what else i changed.  i did something else but like i said its been awhile.
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01:22.44WisTilt2yes bdaddr was what i changed from 644 to 666
01:23.03WisTilt2thanks for reminding me, knew some perms were changed and that was it
01:23.45WisTilt2i think you were the one that actually suggested that
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01:28.49WisTilt2actually perms were 400 initially
01:32.18jonpryd3tul3, definitely some serious trouble on the 210 with 3.1
01:32.48d3tul3jonpry, still with the g-sensor?
01:33.02jonprydon't think so
01:33.29jonpryi went back to "Disable g-sensor: could be causing...." and its still broke
01:33.45d3tul3what's the issue?
01:34.06d3tul3i thought you had tried it and it was working fine for you
01:34.24jonprythe x axis is either all left or all right
01:35.20jonpryi've gotten it in the middle occasionally
01:36.46WisTilt2d3tul3: other thing i changed, which may not matter dont know, is CONFIG_SERIAL_MSM_HS=y
01:38.47d3tul3WisTilt2, thanks, bcm_bt_lpm is missing completely in 3.1
01:44.37d3tul3jonpry, no idea, no need to revert all the way, just disabling CONFIG_BMA should not compile the driver at all....didn't 3.1 work for you at one point in time?
01:45.57jonpryyeah it was fine
01:48.15jonprythe broken kernels are being built on a different machine
01:48.37jonprystill doesn't work at upgrade to 3.1.4
01:49.07jonprybefore i run calibration, there are both x and y coord. but after i only get y's
01:50.11d3tul3different toolchain?
01:50.37d3tul3the new codesourcery toolchains do something funny with software alignment
01:50.44d3tul3memory alignment
01:50.52jonpryjust sounds like such a strange thing to happen
01:51.16d3tul3need a config patch, though it's something to explore for the future, like we can have some sort of hardware alignment
01:51.30d3tul3alignment_Trap i think the config otpion is called
01:51.41jonpryhrm. and that will fix it?
01:51.42d3tul3supposedly reduces overhread
01:51.56*** join/#htc-linux snadge (~snadge@unaffiliated/snadge)
01:52.14d3tul3well i tried the patch once and built with the same toolchain and had some strange things happen to my home screen
01:52.56snadgeim working on a vision ICS build, and ive merged the EGL workarounds and using the msm7k libgralloc
01:53.28snadgebut i cant get it to boot unless i push a libhwcomposer from another build.. i cant figure out what builds hardware qcom display libhwcomposer..
01:54.47jonpryd3tul3, that sound like what is happening to me. only i don't have the config option
01:55.50jonprysnadge, i had to use the null composer thing in libhardware. just built it with mm. make didn't seem to do it automatically has ifeq BOARD_USES_QCOM_HARDWARE .. which is defined in
01:56.15snadgeahh is not from msm7k
01:56.39d3tul3jonpry, let me find you the chat log i had with emwe
01:57.29snadgeso i just want the null composer that makes since.. since i dont want to be using it yet, im using hax /
02:00.18snadgeInstall: out/target/product/vision/system/lib/hw/  ... FFFFFuuuu ;)
02:00.21snadgethanks jonpry
02:01.34snadgeso thats what the problem has been all along.. been on this for a few days now
02:04.42*** join/#htc-linux asnos (~Tob@unaffiliated/asnos)
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02:15.49snadgeyou cant build libhardware until after you've build the .zip ?
02:27.26jonpryprobably not
02:33.42snadgehow do i hack into the build
02:34.21snadgeso you just manually copy it in after its built?
02:35.11jonpryyeah i don't mess with those filesystem images
02:35.20jonpryand never to make clean
02:35.27jonpryer do
02:50.35snadgeyou can add to your device/vendor/
02:51.29snadgePRODUCT_PACHKES += libhwcomposer.default \
02:51.51snadgeerr PRODUCT_PACKAGES .. you get what i mean ;)
02:53.25jonpryah. makes sense
02:54.15jonpryi dunno what source your working from but there is also a really nasty bug in that composer
02:54.37snadgei will check
02:55.36snadgelooks old
02:56.06jonpry line 89
02:56.20jonprydpy and or sur can and will be null sometimes
02:56.38jonprydepending on the renderer, this will send it sky high
02:57.12snadgeok so test for null and not call swap buffers?
03:03.44snadgesomething like that?
03:03.54jonprythat'll do it
03:04.18jonprysome people are working on a copybit based thing for msm8k
03:04.34jonprynot sure if 7230 has c2d
03:05.44snadgeim working on vision atm.. other people have semi working builds with egl workarounds
03:06.06snadgethe repo im working with is cm based and public tho
03:07.08jonpryvision is 7230 right?
03:08.20jonpryi've been using straight cm9 repos. but we have lots of trouble with ics on these old 7201's
03:19.06snadgeyeah i just thought i'd help out, out of curiosity.. im learning a LOT as im doing this
03:19.20snadgebut because of that, unfortunately im not a huge help
03:19.49snadgejust assisting with others efforts really.. trying to get something semi useable and buildable.. so other people can look and fix bugs, without having to port half the device first
03:23.41jonpryics is a tough one. lots of strange changes
03:24.07jonpryjust had his phone enter hyperspeed
03:24.25jonprymight as well rename it the touch pro 3
03:24.48rpierce99liking your new mod a little better now?
03:25.13jonpryyep added another patch. and now it puts the old stuff to shame
03:25.25jonprycm7 way faster than gbx0a
03:25.54rpierce99because of your magic or just in general?
03:26.10jonpryand more magic
03:26.14jonprylaced with magic
03:26.25rpierce99with magic sprinkles
03:26.32jonprythat too
03:31.12*** join/#htc-linux rzk (
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03:49.15snadgehow do i get it to rebuilt the image files ?
03:49.35snadgenever mind it worked :)
03:49.45snadgedelete system.img
04:06.26*** join/#htc-linux raymonddull (
04:19.45snadgehmm.. my gralloc.msm7x30 is half the size of the one which works
04:19.53snadgei just kanged it from CM repo
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04:31.02snadgejonpry: are you using a modded hardware/msm7k/libgralloc ?
04:48.20*** join/#htc-linux d3tul3 (
04:53.39*** join/#htc-linux AstainHellbring (~AstainHel@unaffiliated/astainhellbring)
04:58.10*** join/#htc-linux NeoMatrixJR (
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05:55.39arrrghhhWisTilt2, you thar?
05:56.07WisTilt2hi arrrghhh, just watching a dumb movie with the wife
05:56.21arrrghhhsounds... fun?
05:56.42WisTilt2oh yeah.  something about ice tornadoes
05:56.55arrrghhhjust got back from our company holiday party.  skipped out just before the b-52's went on stage.
05:57.04arrrghhhdunno who the hell voted for them, but they can suck it.
05:57.36arrrghhhwell if you're busy i won't bug ya.
05:57.54arrrghhhjust wanted to see where you were at and add some context to BT if you needs it
05:58.25WisTilt2no fire away.  movie is over thank god
05:58.41arrrghhhAFAIK BT has worked for a while in GB
05:58.53arrrghhhbut audio routing was kinda flaky w/o acoustic
05:59.11arrrghhhemwe enabled BT in .35 and ran into an interesting bug where the phone wouldn't sleep unless BT was on.
05:59.28arrrghhhi think he said his headset would pair & work fine, but he couldn't xfer any files.
05:59.42arrrghhhi had a similar experience.  i could pair with another data device, but when it came down to xfer it wouldn't budge.
06:00.22arrrghhhthere's also some odd ways WinMo bleeds over to Android with BT
06:00.33arrrghhhlike if you leave BT on in WinMo, it freaks out Android... not sure if you were aware of that bug.
06:00.49arrrghhhi think we discussed it.  can't remember who i've talked with what about anymore :P
06:01.13WisTilt2i never had the prob with sleeping. i had it working on .39 with froyo but no audio of course due to acoustic in the kernel but in GB it wont enable so i put it aside for the night.
06:01.40arrrghhhi'm sure there were changes between Froyo and GB.
06:01.58arrrghhhwhat, I'm not sure.  emwe would be able to answer that one better than I.
06:02.30WisTilt2its something simple im sure and has to be kernel related, just need to go through it again and find why userland isnt seeing it come up.
06:02.50arrrghhhwell autobuild .35 BT  works I'm almost 99.9% sure.
06:03.02arrrghhhjust that odd bug I mentioned earlier is still outstanding.
06:03.40WisTilt2yeah i tried alex's tree and it works, cant remember when i tried that if it was with froyo or gb though, that was couple months ago.
06:03.53arrrghhhit's all a wash.
06:04.12arrrghhhit does work on GB tho.  emwe cranked on that for a little while.
06:04.25WisTilt2yeah we'll get it working.  there's not a whole lot in .39 that isnt working so coming down the home stretch.
06:04.38arrrghhhi'm pretty sure he said it works really well with his headset.  just not with another phone/PC for xfer.
06:04.46arrrghhhyea that's sweet :D
06:05.20arrrghhhi wish jb had time to come back and play with this stuff
06:05.30WisTilt2i didnt much care about BT before but my new truck has it and its pretty nice but i have to use *cough* winmo to use it now
06:07.13WisTilt2that brings back memories of the old show Sanford & Son lol
06:07.35arrrghhhcan't say i've seen many episodes of that show... if any.
06:08.08WisTilt2yeah many decades ago, back when tv was simple
06:08.38arrrghhhhehe.  i don't even really have tv service, but i watch tv shows...
06:08.53arrrghhhi get some of the OTA channels piped thru with my cable interwebs.
06:09.47arrrghhhso what's new with .39?
06:09.48WisTilt2directv here for 18+ yrs.  cant live without espn and a few other channels
06:10.20arrrghhhseems like that mystery has gotten more convoluted...
06:10.24jonprysnadge, mine is way different. i think the usual strategy is to use gingerbread gralloc except for framebuffer.cpp
06:10.34arrrghhhi wish you could buy channels a la carte
06:11.01arrrghhhretarded i have to buy a package with 200 channels when i maybe watch 5 main channels.  might order 15-20 at most lol.
06:11.17WisTilt2me too. pay for hundreds of channels you never watch
06:11.19jonpryWisTilt2, i got hyperspeed
06:11.25arrrghhhjonpry, do tell
06:11.29WisTilt2? ludicrous speed?
06:11.32jonpryits like touchpad
06:11.38jonpryfor sure
06:11.38arrrghhhyou tease
06:11.43jonprytouch pro 3
06:11.52jonpryno joke
06:11.57WisTilt2tp3 i like that.  what'd you do?
06:12.12arrrghhhjonpry, they made that device.  t'was a flop.
06:12.20jonprymy compositor is just that good
06:12.40WisTilt2is this on GB?
06:13.06jonpryyeah cm7.1
06:13.15arrrghhhyou haz 7.1 singing?
06:13.30jonpryi think i can get a little more speed by getting rid of the debug messages
06:13.48jonpryand i'm running with no OC of any kind
06:14.31jonpryi'll image it. need to make a change to the init
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06:16.37WisTilt2what kernel you running?
06:17.21jonprywhy's that?
06:17.41WisTilt2we're going to have to retire .39:(
06:17.44arrrghhhbleeding edge ftw
06:17.52arrrghhhWisTilt2, it will live on
06:18.22jonprywell. i think 3.1 is a continuation of that effort
06:18.31arrrghhhjonpry, seriously if you got CM7.1 to be fast, I'm sure other stripped builds are going to scream.
06:19.05jonprylatest kernel without simultaneous upgrade of random drivers
06:19.34jonprythat was the goal. and we need to keep it alive. as soon as its possible to abandon 39. we should do it
06:20.18WisTilt2is 3.1 fairly up to date with all the .39 changes?  i know detule has been working it over quite a bit
06:20.43jonpryi'm not 100% convinced it is stable. but detule has been doing a good job of keeping it up to date
06:21.52jonpryarrrghhh, who needs stripped builds. we have touch pro 3
06:21.55WisTilt2tomorrow ill boot it up and give it a whirl.
06:22.33arrrghhhjonpry, lol
06:22.44arrrghhhyou are a tease.
06:22.59jonpryimage in a few
06:23.14WisTilt2btw, ill have a rhod400 in my hands monday
06:24.32WisTilt2not that i wont be sending kernels your way arrrghhh, just will make it easier to work out some of these differences quicker.
06:24.54arrrghhhnp, i'm sure it'll make it a lot easier on you.
06:25.16arrrghhhi know when i was trying 'help' jonpry with building ICS i was just severely slowing him down lol
06:25.45jonprystill gotta get this compositor going on ics
06:26.20snadgeim still trying to buypass the compositor ;)
06:26.33snadgeand you were right.. it is libgralloc-qsd8k that it needs to be linked to
06:27.53jonpryeven if you bypass the hwcomposer thing. you still have a way better compositor than we do
06:28.14arrrghhhICS seems pretty gfx intensive to put it lightly.
06:29.23jonpryand floating point
06:30.03jonpryi think zerofree is the key to images
06:49.14jonprydecompress and dd to card
06:49.31jonprydon't let it sleep
06:49.49arrrghhhdon't let it sleep
06:50.06jonprysometimes screen does not refresh properly
06:50.18arrrghhhso it just dies in sleep?
06:50.31jonpryit will restart flinger
06:50.39WisTilt2so this needs to go on sd card by itself?
06:50.41arrrghhhminor details.
06:51.02arrrghhhdd it to a fat32 partition...?
06:51.13arrrghhhdd it to an entire card
06:51.21arrrghhhi see
06:51.26jonpryits 2 partitions
06:51.30arrrghhhah right
06:51.32arrrghhhlike ICS
06:51.42WisTilt2i dont have my other cards here so will have to try the magic tomorrow
06:51.46arrrghhhi can use a 512 mb card?  or is that too small
06:52.06arrrghhhdrat.  i have a 2gb layin around too somewheres...
06:52.09WisTilt2i guess i can copy my current one and clear it.  this one is 8gb
06:52.24jonpryit would fit on 512 but things would need to get resized
06:53.01jonpry8gb is fine. my card is 8gb
06:53.36WisTilt2so just format fat32 the dd it thats it?
06:54.18jonpryno formatting
06:54.37jonprydd to the root device. image includes the partition table
06:55.08WisTilt2k. need to copy my stuff off first...
06:55.41jonpryi went for maximum easy install
06:56.18jonprythere are a lot of bugs. i think most of them are not real big problems
06:56.33jonprywill take some work to fix though
07:15.44arrrghhhi did it to /dev/sdf1 instead of /dev/sdf.
07:15.50arrrghhhlet's try that again...
07:15.53WisTilt2lol noob
07:16.01arrrghhhno joke :P
07:16.22arrrghhhat least i was able to identify my failure haha
07:16.30WisTilt2i just started dd a couple mins ago, took forever to copy off my 6.4gb of stuff on the card
07:16.34arrrghhhabout my only saving grace usually
07:16.54arrrghhhit was done then i thought about it, and looked at fdisk again and facepalmed.
07:17.06jonprynot double i hope
07:17.42arrrghhheh, i'm not dd'ing stuff daily.  i wish i got to work more with @ work.
07:17.53arrrghhhi missed 'linux'
07:18.01arrrghhhi wish i got to work more with linux @ work.  yeesh.
07:18.59jonpryi thought you meant dd
07:19.11jonpryyou are familiar with this?
07:19.16arrrghhhnah, we only have a few linux servers in my dept
07:19.32arrrghhhmost are "appliances" which means no root access.
07:19.44arrrghhhlol, yea i am aware of the double facepalm :P
07:21.19WisTilt2jonpry did you stick a SSD in that new laptop?
07:21.58jonpryno. i'm not sure if this one has a slot. other one did
07:22.08jonprygot 7200 rpm drive though
07:23.13WisTilt2i have a 256gb ssd along with the 500gb mechanical for mass storage.  linux is so fast on a ssd with an i7
07:23.25arrrghhhjonpry, the first partition is FAT16?
07:23.55jonprycould be
07:24.01jonprylike 68mb or something
07:24.07arrrghhhoh well.  giving it a whirl
07:24.16WisTilt2so we just hit haret and thats it?
07:24.41WisTilt2wow that haret boot was way faster than normal
07:25.13jonpryno boot animation
07:26.09jonpryso long wait. then you gotta hurry up and unlock it. but things are real sketchy. because it hasn't settled yet. and i think it switched orientation to landscape and then back again for no particular reason
07:26.24WisTilt2i mean haret itself.  bar went by so fast then scrolling text
07:26.53jonpryi find the speed is related to the card
07:27.16WisTilt2same card.  seemed about 4 times quicker
07:27.44jonpryit might be best to let it crash and then unlock it on the second time. then it won't do that crazy orientation stuff
07:29.44WisTilt2so this is in landscape only or did i mess it up?
07:30.06jonpryjust hit back button
07:30.19jonpryit takes a few seconds to switch then
07:30.34WisTilt2ah, that did it. ok this is nice. definitely ludicrous speed hehe
07:31.07jonprycoming apart at the seems
07:31.44WisTilt2opps i hit end key for home by habit and i probably need to pull battery now
07:32.13arrrghhhthat's a pretty crippling bug, sad.
07:32.45jonpryits just all kinds of serious bugs
07:32.59jonpryneed to find out if they are worth fixing
07:33.37jonpryi think its pretty sweet
07:33.39arrrghhhludicrous speed sounds worth fixing.
07:34.07jonpryyou get yours going arrrghhh?
07:34.11WisTilt2its peppy ill say that.  rebooting and making note not to hit end this time
07:34.30arrrghhhjonpry, literally just clicked haret.  had to flash back to winmo lol :P
07:34.55WisTilt2jonpry haret it actually around 10 times faster than normal
07:34.57jonpryugh nand
07:35.13WisTilt2blue bar goes by so fast you almost dont see it
07:35.35jonprymust be my super awesome formatting
07:35.51arrrghhhjonpry, you love nand
07:35.51WisTilt2yeah its like the sd card is on steroids now
07:35.57arrrghhhwhat DPI is this?  seems tiny
07:37.29arrrghhhlots of wacky artifacts for sure.
07:37.33arrrghhhif that's what you call 'em.
07:38.04jonprydepends on what you are doing. there are like 3 issues i know about
07:38.49arrrghhhwell notification bar kinda freaked out
07:39.05jonpryyeah. it uses a special method i have disabled
07:39.47arrrghhhswiping screens seems to create visual artifacts too
07:39.57jonpryyou can bring it down. key is to press on it for 5 seconds or so
07:40.02jonpryor i don't have that
07:40.08jonpryer oh
07:40.51jonprythe status bar flashes while swiping. but that is just the normal problem with status bar
07:41.16arrrghhhthis RIL/build seems to be GSM only as well.
07:41.25jonprytalking about artifacts elseware while swiping?
07:41.26arrrghhhi guess that shouldn't surprise me :P
07:41.35jonpryi think it has no ril
07:41.40arrrghhhthey were in the status bar and on the desktop as well.
07:42.03jonpryi don't have any except in the status bar
07:42.05WisTilt2yeah no service here on gsm but everything is very smooth.  i have no artifacts yet here
07:42.07arrrghhhyea you can see these lines flickering in the top dots
07:42.17arrrghhhno artifacts?
07:42.23snadgejonpry: what version of libgralloc-qsd8k are you using?
07:42.27jonpryyeah top dots
07:42.34snadgethe ones im using come up with an error about 3 buffers or something.. and 0hz
07:42.46snadgefrom CM
07:42.47jonprysnadge we don't have snapdragon
07:43.06jonpryplain libgralloc
07:43.20arrrghhhWisTilt2, can you try to move an icon/widget around on the desktop?
07:43.25arrrghhhit's... let's just say broken for me.
07:43.32jonprythat will make stuff happen
07:43.45snadgeoh okay.. therse a port for Desire S that has a gralloc.msm7x30 that works
07:43.50snadgebut its 3kb smaller than the one im building
07:43.55jonpryits just the erase thing is not quite the right size
07:43.59snadgei'd *love* to know where they got that from
07:44.22snadgei can just overwrite my non working version with that one.. but thats not the point ;)
07:44.23jonpryprobably cm7.2
07:44.25jonpryer 7.2
07:44.55snadgewhich wont build against an ICS tree right?
07:45.05snadgeeg.. copying that lib in there is unlikely to just work
07:45.14arrrghhhjonpry, this says it's 7.2 RC0
07:45.20arrrghhhfrom ze Hero
07:46.16arrrghhhin about phone
07:46.41arrrghhhnbd, still a cool preview.  thx jonpry, gonna hit the sack.  talk to you guys later.
07:46.44jonpryi pulled today. they must be up to something :p
07:47.10jonprythanks arrrghhh . good night
07:47.24jonprysnadge, it will build fine
07:47.47jonpryjust have to patch framebuffer.cpp because ics passes refresh rate = 0
07:47.59jonprywhich causes a divide by zero in unpatched gralloc
07:48.08WisTilt2this is pretty nice.  i did get the lines at the top when dragging icons but everything else is looking good.
07:48.22snadgeahh cheers.. i'll try that :)
07:49.22jonpryWisTilt2, thanks. the fixes shouldn't really change performance. just need to make sure this is actually going to be fast enough before trying to polish it all up
07:49.51WisTilt2its fast for sure.  i like this resolution also, looks real clean
07:49.58jonprydon't need general pmem pool
07:50.34snadgewtf does this code mean
07:50.44snadgeint refreshRate = 1000000000000000LLU /
07:50.56snadge(  ... whole heap of crap ... );
07:50.57snadgehuh ?
07:51.11jonprylook at how they do it in hardware/libhardware
07:51.20jonprythere is a new variable. refreshRateQuotient
07:52.19snadgepixclock must be 0?
07:53.13snadgei'll just comment that out
07:53.39jonpryWisTilt2, ldpi fan?
07:54.06WisTilt2yes. nice seeing more stuff on things like settings, folders, etc
07:54.53jonpryisn't that how froyo used to be?
07:55.10WisTilt2not like this
07:55.45jonprylike how you can how fast its rendering in the status bar?
07:56.11WisTilt2by the flickering?
07:56.17snadgejonpry: what about the error 3 buffers thing ?
07:56.43jonprynot sure what that means
07:57.11snadgeso thats why cms one was forked ;)
07:57.40jonpryhaven't seen that error before
07:58.02jonprydequeue native buffer and black screen is common
08:00.25jonpryi gotta sleep. good night
08:00.47WisTilt2jonpry: nice job. me too, ttyl
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18:07.46d3tul3jonpry you have the new toolchain going?
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18:42.45jonpryd3tul3, no i switched to 2010q3 and everything works again
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18:48.26[acl]who is this animal who emailed about 3.5mm
18:48.54[acl]damn.. i see how its gonna be ...
18:49.02jonpryhi [acl]
18:49.04d3tul3[acl] hey
18:49.07[acl]hey dood
18:49.09rpierce99i wondered the same thing
18:49.23d3tul3you try that camera patch?
18:49.26[acl]jonpry: dood quicik question. Is this scbs part of .35 ? i never understood the whole thing
18:49.36jonprymust be the 3rd user of nand
18:49.49[acl]jonpry: doubt it since that patch isnt on nand
18:50.00d3tul3scbs is not in .35
18:50.04[acl]ahh ok
18:50.05jonpry[acl], no. there is patches for 27. and i ported it to 39/3.x
18:50.09[acl]thanks for clearing it up
18:50.28[acl]detule: patch for cam ? sorry i havent had time.
18:50.34jonpryi got hyperspeed cm7.1
18:50.44[acl]cuz of the GL ?
18:50.47rpierce99d3tul3: did you ever look into the scbs freeze when plugging in while sleeping thing?
18:51.01[acl]yeah i saw the patch but didnt realy look
18:51.02[acl]good work
18:51.29jonprylots of bugs. not really ready for primetime
18:51.47d3tul3rpierce99 haven't had a chance
18:52.07rpierce99is that only on rhodw?
18:52.44[acl]i'm confused a bit by thie egl patch that was email tho
18:52.54[acl]all i see is some LogD's and a null returned
18:53.03[acl]guess so we can report back whats available ?
18:53.31d3tul3yeah it was so that we can see which extensions are supported by the vendor blob
18:53.40[acl]fucking qcom
18:53.53[acl]the winmo driver has more extensions i think
18:53.59jonprythe return null is what makes it go
18:54.01[acl]actually im sure it does
18:54.22[acl]i always supported the idea
18:54.27[acl]plus vial the damn ril too :-p
18:54.48[acl]this is just sad. we were gayed out of some good functions
18:54.55jonprywhat does it have?
18:55.29[acl]forgot. but i remember being able to use the driver directly to draw on screen. while on android you cant do some shit. this was from early work back in the good ol days when 3d didnt work
18:55.39jonpryd3tul3 pointed out the other day that our blob actually does support frame buffer objects
18:55.48jonprybut they have ARB on the end of the function names
18:56.15jonprywe can directly draw on screen
18:56.42jonpryi'm doing that with compositor. not quite finished yet
18:56.55[acl]damn with FBOs all those small hacks would natively work
18:57.42[acl]well hope it all goes well. and im shocked to be honest
18:57.52[acl]no other msm7k device actually dove into this
18:58.15jonpryblazing trails
18:58.22phhrhod is top android msm7k device !
18:58.24phhwait what.
18:58.38[acl]phh: sup dood
18:58.57[acl]detule: hey dood this cam patch. work for you good ?
18:59.06d3tul3works fine
18:59.13jonpryhey phh
18:59.28[acl]detule: damn so my dreams of bringing open source jpeg encoding die here
18:59.42[acl]detule: but it made sense
18:59.53d3tul3well not sure if you were having the same JPEGTASK crap out that we were having...try it out
19:00.20[acl]detule: yeah that was the issue for a while, but ill try it out. that was bugging everyone
19:00.59[acl]jonpry: have you tried to call the FB0 function alredy ?
19:01.05[acl]jonpry: damn im exited for this
19:01.30jonpryno. but its working well enough that i could try to turn on electron beam
19:01.32d3tul3i would like to try getting those patches in xdandroid rather than replacing whole repos
19:01.51d3tul3i mean get them in my xdandroid tree
19:02.53jonprywhy use an old frameworks_base?
19:03.09jonprypatch may apply clean as its against 2.3.7 now
19:03.31jonprycomplete overwrite of msm7k/libgralloc would be best
19:03.39d3tul3the xdandroid  frameworks_base has quite a few patches in
19:03.50jonpryand libhardware/include/gralloc stuff
19:04.04jonpryi'm guessing most of those patches are just cm kangs
19:04.10[acl]pretty much
19:04.11d3tul3there's telephony stuff
19:04.25phh(still noone interested in hacking a D3 or ? :D)
19:04.47phh(and erm, its keyboard is really great)
19:05.17jonpryso just rip the whole services/surfaceflinger libs/ui include/ui
19:05.51jonpryphh my new touch pro3 is way better
19:06.17jonpry <<< source
19:09.00d3tul3jonpry it's just the top commits in frameworks base right don't need to go digging in there
19:09.23jonpryumm no
19:09.39jonprycause i worked on it for long time. then fast forwarded to .7
19:10.04jonpryprobably need to git diff against the cm-7.1.0 tag
19:15.24jonprymaybe not the tag. ad3d4bb0f5bb352516e74b56d7618befe27ddd91
19:20.05[acl]jonpry: hmm.. i think effin qcom didnt have FBO calls in the original blob. This 1.1 does have more deliciousness. This is why it may have never matched winmo back in the day
19:20.21[acl]cock gobblers
19:20.31[acl]im too upset to work..
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21:16.12d3tul3jonpry, thanks for the diff
21:21.56WisTilt2hi d3tul3.  i just pushed the 70hz panel change to .39 if you want to stick it in 3.1.  im cloning 3.1 and guess we'll do any further stuff on that kernel rather than have all the previous ones to keep in sync.
21:24.30d3tul3oh cool yeah 3.1 is just that and the fake vsync commit behind
21:25.05d3tul3btw, scbs is currently disabled in 3.1 once you clone it just add CONFIG_SCBS=y it will re-enable all scbs related code
21:25.20WisTilt2that needs to get updated also.  its been working great on all our rhods and gained another .5fps
21:25.35WisTilt2ok on scbs thanks.  cant live without that beauty:)
21:26.07d3tul3scbs is what is causing the sod when plugging in during sleep btw, some interaction with the idle code
21:26.19WisTilt2did you push that pmem check removal on 3.1 or we leaving it in for now?
21:27.03d3tul3the pmem check is still there, you should try out the userland patch, i can shoot you a patched binary
21:27.22d3tul3this way that check can remain in place for other resources that use pmem_adsp
21:27.26WisTilt2userland patch fixed the overlap?
21:27.53d3tul3i don;t think there ever was an overlap, it's the vendor blob that's misrepresenting the situation
21:28.18d3tul3but yeah a userland patch can rectify the situation
21:29.00WisTilt2i can live without it for now.  i really dont use the camera anyway so its critical for me.
21:29.41WisTilt2ill look into why scbs and idle are causing that.  should be easy to trace if you are sure scbs is interacting with it to cause that sod condition.
21:30.22jonpryits probably quickwakeup
21:30.36d3tul3yeah works fine without, also, i feel like I have to say this but since i've removed scbs, i have not had any timer issues whatsoever in 3.1
21:31.14WisTilt2hi jonpry.  i can probably fix that in idle then.  that whole idle code really isnt what it should be anyway since no one really used it.
21:31.35jonpryhi WisTilt2
21:31.53WisTilt2idle is probably putting things back in suspend before quickwakeup finishes
21:31.55jonpryi've been getting lots of i think usb related sod's w/o scbs on 3.1
21:32.33jonprythe usb is so bad on my rhod. i think its might need surgery
21:32.54d3tul3i have had a few too, these are different from before happen when device is not in suspend
21:32.55jonprybtw. Is msm7x27 pin compatible with 7201?
21:33.15WisTilt2solder time?  my main phone i use to do all this testing is getting close to need of repair on usb plug also
21:33.50WisTilt2yes afaik they are pin for pin but there are several internal diffs with register offsets
21:34.14jonprycause they just release a new 8k device that is drop in for 7x27
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21:35.15WisTilt2we have some addendum's to our docs that has several of the other msm chip specs so ill look tomorrow
21:35.33jonpryserious solder time with that thing
21:38.19WisTilt2btw, my autobuild is offline until sometime tomorrow.  we had the lock re-keyed for that new closet and the keys the locksmith left are wrong ones.  we had a 6hr power outage last night so that server and [acl]'s nand server are down.
21:39.10d3tul3i think i got the patches in, it will be a minor miracle if this builds
21:39.39jonprygot the hardware stuff too?
21:39.55d3tul3yeah that i just copied
21:40.20jonpryso not a clean patch?
21:41.02d3tul3the frameworks_base was not clean, had to copy paste a few hunks over
21:42.44d3tul3what's this in your patch  ifeq ($(BOARD_HAVE_BLUETOOTH),true)
21:43.07jonprywas having build problems with cm7
21:43.13jonpryjust remove that
21:43.27jonprytrying to make sure it was not building with bluetooth
21:45.15d3tul3wow it actually built surfaceflinger
21:45.25d3tul3errored out in gralloc i must have messed something up
21:45.39jonprywhich gralloc?
21:45.48jonprymine also tried to build
21:46.21d3tul3oh right
21:46.25d3tul3the wrong gralloc is erroring out
21:46.27jonprywhich doesn't work. so i changed hardware/libhwardware/ to not import the gralloc makefile
21:47.51d3tul3i see it
21:51.15jonpryprobably need kernel patch?
21:52.46jonpryis it 8 minutes to touchpad firesale?
21:53.10rpierce992hr 8 min
21:54.35jonpryprobably need some blobs too
21:54.45jonpryand there are 2 changes to ueventd.rc
21:55.03d3tul3i need a sdcard reader
21:55.19jonpryphone not good enough?
21:55.44d3tul3my usb port is in as much of a need of surgery as yours
21:58.43jonpryi think we should ditch rhodium fixup and go with cmd line like normal people
21:59.00d3tul3api errors coz i had to butcher api/current.xml....isn't tehre some easy way to update that
21:59.09jonprymake update-api
22:01.56jonpryalso i uploaded a new gralloc this morning
22:02.09jonpryhopefully you have the stuff with gpu1_cached
22:02.26d3tul3i just kanged it 45mins ago
22:04.11jonpryshould be fine then
22:04.51jonprythis is xdandroid high speed edition?
22:05.35d3tul3:) don't know about that, likelihood of this build working as it should is probably pretty low
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22:08.15d3tul3hey WisTilt2
22:08.40d3tul3mentioned something about userland source re: bluetooth
22:08.45d3tul3this is where it errors out for me
22:09.35d3tul3jonpry, it built
22:10.19WisTilt2d3tul3 is that where its erroring out after you enabled all the kernel config stuff?
22:10.19jonprythats half the battle
22:10.56d3tul3yeah, that ioctl must fail and it gives me a "Timeout"
22:11.20WisTilt2so its getting to the timeout message?
22:11.26d3tul3though i also brought in rfkill from Alex/emwe so my results might be off from yours but i thought you said something similar happening with you as well
22:11.40d3tul3yeah i get the timeout message
22:11.52WisTilt2looks like it thinks the device never comes up but it does
22:12.31d3tul3do you get that Timeout message as well?
22:12.33WisTilt2i did notice that there is also a dbgfs/dev/hci0 coming up when you enabled it via userland so no telling
22:12.41WisTilt2no mine never made it that far
22:12.52WisTilt2to the timeout message that is
22:13.03d3tul3also what's proper output of "hciattach"?
22:13.28WisTilt2proper output?  dont follow
22:14.06d3tul3when i type in hciattach in an adb prompt i get certain output, i wasn't sure what it's supposed to be outputting
22:14.23jonprywhen it works it hangs
22:14.30d3tul3thanks it hung
22:14.45WisTilt2what you get with hcitools dev?
22:15.32WisTilt2i mean hcitool dev
22:15.52d3tul3sorry didn't try that and don't have that kernel going...i did see what looked like a mac adress in the hciattach output and something about restarting brcm4325 firmware
22:17.01WisTilt2you should be getting the mac addr.  finally finished dl'ing 3.1 so going to build and get that loaded.
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22:22.23d3tul3jonpry, changes to uevent
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22:23.14*** topic/#htc-linux is Welcome to the HTC Linux project | Community portal & WiKi | For IRC logs, HaRET & kernel mailing lists etc. see | The project is not affiliated with the HTC Corporation | This channel is for development purposes - Join #htc-linux-chat for offtopic
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22:35.05d3tul3jonpry, forgot to take out bootani
22:36.32*** join/#htc-linux MethoS- (~clemens@
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22:47.17d3tul3hey jonpry this look right to you: 12-11 17:42:35.832 E/libEGL  ( 1455): load_driver(/system/lib/egl/ Cannot load library: get_lib_extents[759]:  1416 - /system/lib/egl/ is not a valid ELF object
22:56.54jonpryd3tul3, md5 d6cb69c27e99f8161c10def661e8cb91
22:58.55d3tul3perhaps i messed up the dl
22:59.22jonprysize 533456
23:00.18jonpryi just downloaded it from github and got the same md5
23:01.49d3tul3i was messing up
23:09.51d3tul3what did i do wrong
23:11.39jonpryyou have a bootanimation?
23:12.18jonpryfor whatever reason its not using the qcom renderer
23:12.28jonpry12-11 18:09:11.857 I/SurfaceFlinger( 1455): renderer  : Android PixelFlinger 1.4
23:12.31jonpryis not right
23:13.18jonprybut it appears to have loaded it
23:13.42jonpryand this is a good sign 12-11 18:09:11.847 I/SurfaceFlinger( 1455): # of configs : 24
23:13.57jonpryas pixelflinger only supports 8 configurations
23:14.13d3tul3no bootanimation
23:14.54d3tul3it kills adb at that point and all i have is a blank screen
23:15.30jonpryiirc this had something to do with libegl
23:15.37jonprybut its not in the diff
23:20.17jonpryd3tul3, EGLUtils.cpp
23:21.45jonprynot sure what yours looks like
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23:26.58d3tul3i guess I am missing a few things
23:31.12jonpryah yes that won't work
23:48.06jonprymake sure that NO_RGBX is defined. that other codepath is the one that will actually allow selection of a hardware context
23:49.21*** join/#htc-linux sykosoft (
23:49.32sykosoftWisTilt2: Send out that rhod400 on Friday
23:50.02WisTilt2lol. got the email thanks.  it will be put to good use over the next couple weeks.
23:51.24WisTilt2d3tul3 kexec not working in 3.1 even though its enabled in kernel?
23:51.32d3tul3WisTilt2, correct
23:51.49WisTilt2k, thought it was me but after several tries i figured
23:53.15WisTilt2between the fake vsync delete and moving fb where i normally run it i gained 1.2fps, not a lot but probably worthwhile
23:55.10WisTilt2sykosoft did you send that 3 day or how?
23:56.11sykosoftchecking (had my wife do it)
23:57.04WisTilt2she did bill it to our fedex account i hope
23:57.31d3tul3food time

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