IRC log for #htc-linux on 20111207

00:27.16jonprypretty sure i did this all wrong. oh well
00:52.14jonpryfully functional on lock screen
01:04.51*** join/#htc-linux avinashhm (~avinash-h@
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02:54.00jonprynot good. <4>[ 1584.528900] pmem: request for unaligned pmem suballocation 3f0020 100000
03:01.04arrrghhhalign that chit
03:01.15rpierce99NO U
03:01.20arrrghhhno u
03:12.46*** join/#htc-linux jonpry_ (
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03:22.56jonpry_if only i knew how
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03:36.51arrrghhhback in the states and his internet still sucks.
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04:17.47*** join/#htc-linux AstainHellbring (AstainHell@unaffiliated/astainhellbring)
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04:26.27[acl]jonpry: tried that sniper thing
04:26.37[acl]shit just bombs out when connecting to the server :-(
04:27.22rpierce99hm, so it's not even gfx related from the sounds of it
04:27.40[acl]yeah some lib gays out
04:27.43[acl]forgot which one
04:27.46[acl]but not gfx at all
04:28.10rpierce99wonder why it doesn't bomb out for us then
04:28.16[acl]who knows
04:28.24[acl]i need to pastebin the log next time
04:37.41jonpryi got no bombs
04:38.26*** join/#htc-linux Rob2222 (
04:39.16[acl]W/PackageManager(  121): Trying to update system app code path from /system/app/Vending.apk to /data/app/
04:39.21[acl]after this
04:39.43[acl]cant look into it now
04:40.29jonprysounds like your android has a problem
04:46.49jonprydur. so close to compositor. yet so far away :(
04:48.48jonpryit actually works at the lock screen fwiw
04:50.30[acl]so close
05:01.55jonpryever try just getting rid of the 32mb pmem pool?
05:05.24jonpryseems like the ashmem fallback would work fine
05:08.55jonpryE/gralloc (30458): Could not mmap handle 0x159128, fd=47 (Permission denied) size (0x00801000)
05:09.27[acl]man i havent touched that in ages
05:09.30[acl]since the good ol days
05:09.35[acl]damn i miss the good ol days
05:09.48arrrghhhwhen nothing worked?  :P
05:10.01jonprythey're still going afaik
05:10.02[acl]yeah bro
05:10.20[acl]but i remember the biggest issue before was like no wifi
05:10.34[acl]ahh how i miss good ol eclair
05:10.34jonpryi don't understand how this stupid pmem driver works
05:10.46jonprymight end up having to make something new
05:11.08jonprythat was before my time
05:11.23jonpryi was barely around for donut
05:12.21[acl]i joined right when eclair was out
05:12.34[acl]there was a leaked version of the hero rom with sense
05:12.39[acl]so that was my mission
05:12.43[acl]to port it over with klinux
05:12.54arrrghhhgood ole rosie
05:13.13[acl]now.. fucking errors come when you least expect it
05:13.27jonpryif only they would stop making new versions
05:15.34jonpryor even new phones
05:15.41jonprythats the worst
05:16.56jonpryjust new kernels
05:18.06jonpryi'm probably gonna have to reboot to fix this pmem
05:19.12jonpry[acl], you got 3.1 yet?
05:19.18[acl]3.1 wha ?
05:19.27arrrghhhhe's still butchering .27
05:19.35[acl]yeah dood .27
05:19.42jonprytime to pull the plug on that
05:19.57arrrghhhemwe has started to pull him from the doldrums
05:19.58[acl]only nand worthy kernel so far
05:20.16[acl]thank god emwe is doing good on those changes
05:20.30jonpry39 doesn't work on nand?
05:20.43[acl]shit didnt compile last time i checked
05:21.46jonprypretty sure it compiles
05:21.57[acl]maybe now
05:22.20jonprybeen compiling it for like 9 months now
05:22.20[acl]but too much work to get it to work ..  .35 is closer and im lazy
05:22.57arrrghhhwistilt2's been putting some greased lightening in .39
05:23.02jonpryi think everybody runs 39 now
05:23.07jonprymaybe not rpierce99
05:23.28[acl]hmm detule seems to be cherry picking quite well
05:23.38arrrghhhhe's been maintaining 3.1
05:23.40arrrghhhand 3.0 i think
05:24.00jonprythey are all up to date atm
05:24.35jonpry3.1 has broken kexec i guess
05:24.36arrrghhhwonder what happened to glemsom
05:24.54[acl].39 panel vregs are still broken
05:25.20[acl]plus rhod 100 doesnt seem to share the same vregs are 210/300
05:25.44arrrghhhthat phone is annoying, and strange.
05:25.47jonpryyou fix it in 27?
05:25.49arrrghhhhas a front cam
05:26.05[acl]jonpry: yeah .. but i just recently found out about 100
05:26.16[acl]jonpry: but i havent comited to the haret kernel
05:26.20[acl]shit i should do that
05:26.23[acl]but since no one uses it
05:26.27[acl]who cares
05:26.33[acl]emwe already cherry picked on .35
05:28.46[acl]prox sensor is outdate as well
05:28.55[acl]jebus this isnt nand worthy
05:30.14[acl]these panel inits wont work on nand. they expect the LS to already be up and running. if its not a nice black screen
05:31.07[acl]damn i can go on
05:31.14[acl]but i think iv proven my point
05:31.58jonpryics just refuses to run with kernel < 39
05:32.21[acl]how do the hero and eris guys do it then. they still on .29 with some experimental shit on .35
05:32.28[acl]i should check that out
05:32.33[acl]its dog slow tho
05:32.36arrrghhhthey're on .29
05:32.37[acl]i feel bad
05:32.40jonprythey probably did not pull my nonsense detector patch
05:32.50[acl].29 is the last official kernel they have
05:33.08[acl]i know they have a .35 around not sur ehow stable
05:33.22[acl].29/.32 arent that diff
05:33.29[acl].35 was a big jump in my eyes
05:34.08[acl]fuk fuck.. im pissed about this crash
05:34.18[acl]arrggg: you saw that log that dood posted ?
05:34.29arrrghhhdidn't look at it closely no
05:34.34arrrghhhi saw you guys discussing it tho
05:35.02[acl]its an old ass bug but not sure how it came back. i blame the new code for gsm boot. only explaination
05:35.27[acl]has it happened to you?
05:35.42arrrghhhmaybe once
05:35.53[acl]do you recall doing anything different ?
05:35.57arrrghhhi still need to install the new chit
05:36.06arrrghhhjust out of nowheres
05:36.11arrrghhhboom, 'splosion
05:36.23[acl]yeah .. funny thing was that its not even waking up
05:36.26[acl]its like in the middle of shit
05:36.38arrrghhhlocks up HARD
05:36.54[acl]kernel goes ape shit
05:38.39[acl]i dont think i can fix it anytime soon. ill just have to keep plowing through .. plus i gotta return the gsm phone
05:38.53arrrghhhis that guy gettin touchy?
05:39.02arrrghhhseems like you've made good progress with it
05:39.04[acl]no but i promised him a month
05:39.12arrrghhhw/o service, not sure what else you can do
05:39.15arrrghhhi guess that mic problem
05:39.19[acl]from no boot to boot.. yeah i say thats good
05:39.23[acl]oo mic problem
05:39.33[acl]i need to test
05:39.42[acl]seems like he has all the sensors working tho
05:39.45[acl]but not on the 300
05:39.52[acl]so 210 and 300 diff a bit it seems
05:40.23arrrghhhevery rhod is slightly different it seems...
05:40.33arrrghhhmadness htc.  madness.
05:40.37[acl]except the 400/500
05:40.42[acl]cant find a diff yet
05:41.03arrrghhhradio's and all
05:42.15[acl]i can test mic on the 300. i forgot i have sip service
05:42.20[acl]no need no stinkin gsm
05:44.35jonprywho uses nand anyways
05:44.59[acl]like 2 people
05:45.00jonpryits like running linux bios
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05:45.26jonpry[acl] are you one?
05:45.35[acl]maybe 3 on a good day
05:45.46jonprybetween you and cotulla there are as many nand users as boot loaders
05:46.30[acl]sometimes.. i dont even use it :-p .. count fluctuates 2 to 3 to 1
05:50.34[acl]does anyone run the hd2 on haret ? i think for them the hardest decision is maglr or clk huh
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06:05.21jonpryor when to throw it away and buy a tp2
06:13.27[acl]fawk.. its time for bed
06:13.50[acl]jonpry: ill ttyl dood.. g luck with gles
06:14.02[acl]arrrghhh: ill ttyl too .. lataz
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13:00.38detulei don't get it why not xdandroid nand build....everything is in place ril, HAL...
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15:34.48jonpryhi detule
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15:41.47d3tul3hey jonpry
15:43.24jonpryturns out that fd=open(/dev/null) was not a good idea
15:43.48jonpryoh and i think you can just get rid of the 32mb pool
15:43.59jonpryprobably by making it unreasonably small
15:44.06d3tul3everything is backed by ashmem?
15:44.32jonpryit should fallback to ashmem. haven't really tested that code but if it works it works
15:44.39d3tul3or i guess if gralloc is the only place where it gets used
15:45.25d3tul3i got the kexec printk's, it goes all the way through to cpu_reset which i see as the last command in machine_kexec
15:45.29mgross029jonpry: Not sure if you saw this but I just happen to stumle upon it today while doing some Googling.  Looks like they've added some msm7k items into ICS
15:45.52jonpryin cm9 or aosp?
15:46.16mgross029Sorry for got the link.
15:46.53jonpryi tried to get in contact with those people and they did not respond
15:47.17mgross029Ahh bummer
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15:49.46jonpryi'll see if there is anything i can kang when i get back to ics. gotta finish this GB compositor first
15:49.55d3tul3yes you do
15:50.10jonpryit appears to actually work except for this fd problem
15:50.37d3tul3still using PM_CONNECT?
15:50.43d3tul3may actually have to figure out what it does
15:51.03jonpryyes along with a bunch of voodoo to get it page aligned
15:51.24mgross029Have you been working with updated gles or is it still the 1.1 stuff from 2010 that was in froyo?
15:51.57jonprythe memory in the client process appears to be the wrong stuff. trashes things when used
15:52.18d3tul3what the virtual addresses the client sees are wrong?
15:52.18jonpryits a modified 1.1 from frx7.1
15:52.46jonpryi assume the virt is correct since its arbitrary. just maps to the wrong phys
15:53.36d3tul3something similar is happening to the camera blob using carries two v. addresses, one provided by pmem and one from who knows where for internal bookeeping
15:53.58d3tul3there are no overlaps in the vaddreses provided by pmem, but the internal ones overlap
15:55.22jonprycould be something wrong in pmem. here is the relevant code:
15:57.34jonpryi added that malloc() line. it allows the lock screen to continue normally. otherwise bad things happen
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16:02.52d3tul3this thing with keeping track of the file descriptors is a biatch
16:03.32jonpryits how they move memory allocated in system_server to other processes
16:03.58jonpryso lock screen works because its running in system_server and doesn't need to be remapped
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16:08.40d3tul3how are you computing these offsetts without an allocator
16:14.49d3tul3there has to be some automated way in android to create a mempool
16:15.18d3tul3that's better than what's in gralloc.cpp
16:17.33jonpryi have a super complicated allocator
16:17.45jonpryits just ogl_alloc()
16:22.01d3tul3what's wrong with just letting pmem do all the allocation
16:24.02jonprythere is a particular thing i am trying to do
16:24.20jonprybypass the performance killer
16:25.08jonpryand all of this is like a logistics disaster with implementing a relatively simple workaround
16:27.29jonprysurface flinger and all its code more or less boils down to this:
16:28.04jonpryand its this glTexSubImage2d() that actually takes all the time
16:28.11jonpryprobably 75% or more
16:29.22jonprymy method obviates the need for that call. but there are difficult conditions that must be met for it to work
16:38.14jonprymaybe not difficult. but awkward for sure
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19:34.53WisTilt2jonpry: after 2 days running without this fake vsync on all 15 or our rhods everyone said its snappier and no issues.  im pushing the msm_fb change unless you have any reason to keep it?
19:46.11WisTilt2arrrghhh/rpierce99: when either of you get a chance could you dump this 1 line from dmesg with no oc'ing on the autobuild .39 kernel?
19:46.12WisTilt2PLL2 @ f8005338: MODE=00000007 L=00000037 M=00000000 N=00000001 freq=1056000000 Hz (1056 MHz)
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20:27.07jonprysounds good WisTilt2
20:31.09WisTilt2jonpry, any further luck with your gpu tests?  im working on memory clocks right now btw.  everything is so underclocked with the standard kernel code.
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20:31.53jonpryit basically works. just having some trouble with processes outside of system_server
20:33.19WisTilt2does your 210 have PLL2 @ 1056mhz when not oc'd do you know?
20:44.08jonprynot sure. i'll check next time i reboot
20:45.35WisTilt2no hurry, pretty sure it is 1056 just verifying.  looks like smi is much faster because its running off the modem pll which is 245mhz. ebi without mods runs at 120mhz
20:46.25jonpryi'm seeing these very weird inode errors. <4>[49759.320861] WARNING: at fs/inode.c:884 unlock_new_inode+0x28/0x6c()
20:46.33jonpryever see anything like that?
20:47.02WisTilt2no. what is it doing when that occurs?
20:47.38jonprynot sure
20:47.41jonprystarts at <4>[49759.321716] [<c009fefc>] (do_sys_open+0xd8/0x170) from [<c0009000>] (ret_fast_syscall+0x0/0x30)
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21:51.31jonprygot launcher
21:55.42jonprycan't manage to get the app drawer to open
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22:17.59jonprywhy is #htc-linux so popular?
22:18.26Willdjonpry: Because you keep on working :)
22:20.05Willdjonpry: Good enough of a reason? :p
22:21.27jonpryif they could just stop with the new android versions
22:21.37jonpryi could get some sleep
22:21.54Willdjonpry: If only!
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22:31.51jonprygot app drawer
22:34.58jonprycan't open settings app
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23:00.31WisTilt2rpierce99 you still there?
23:22.32jonprynew laptop has arrived
23:24.26WisTilt2what kind did we get?
23:26.21jonpryasus n53sv-dh72
23:27.15TheDeadCPUjonpry, GT540m in that?
23:27.19WisTilt2is that a i7?  should be nice for building
23:27.37jonpryyeah some i7 qm and 540m
23:27.49TheDeadCPUjonpry, got the same model only i5
23:28.18jonpryi just hope the acpi is better than my lenovo
23:30.00TheDeadCPUjonpry, I just hate how this laptop doesn't have 5Ghz wifi
23:31.20jonpryit doesn't?
23:31.26TheDeadCPUnope -.-
23:31.33TheDeadCPUIt's driving me insane at uni
23:31.38jonprythis keyboard is obnoxious
23:31.47TheDeadCPUEveryone is on 2.4 so the whole network is so slow
23:31.50jonpryits like netbook size
23:31.55TheDeadCPUYou'll learn to love it
23:32.02TheDeadCPUI hated it at first, now I love it
23:32.15jonpryi'll probably get used to it
23:32.58rpierce99back WisTilt2, sorry had to make a quick run
23:34.00WisTilt2np.  can you boot .39 autobuild without no oc'ing at all and dump your PLLx @ lines?  just those 4 lines that start with PLL
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23:42.37rpierce99[    0.073394] PLL0 @ f8005300: MODE=00000007 L=0000000c M=00000004 N=00000005 freq=245760000 Hz (245 MHz)
23:42.37rpierce99[    0.073486] PLL1 @ f800531c: MODE=00000007 L=00000032 M=00000000 N=00000001 freq=960000000 Hz (960 MHz)
23:42.38rpierce99[    0.073577] PLL2 @ f8005338: MODE=00000007 L=00000037 M=00000000 N=00000001 freq=1056000000 Hz (1056 MHz)
23:42.38rpierce99[    0.073638] PLL3 @ f8005354: MODE=00000000 L=0000000a M=00000006 N=00000019 freq=196608000 Hz (196 MHz)
23:43.20WisTilt2thanks.  ill put up a test kernel in a few if you want to try it
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23:56.00WisTilt2rpierce99: kernel's up. run without oc'ing and see what quadrant cpu+memory test gives you. then neocore
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