IRC log for #htc-linux on 20111128

00:02.26detuleas totally different as they may be, eb1_clk is being adjusted according to an axi parameter in acpuclock*.c, though you are right the discussion was about eb1_clk not being relevant
00:04.24rpierce99my 3d graphics are messed up on this, got some vertical bars coming down from the top
00:04.41rpierce99got me to a 437 though
00:04.50arrrghhhneocore is really messed up
00:05.02rpierce99neocore has always been messed up
00:05.10arrrghhhthis is more than usual tho
00:05.10rpierce99but all 3d is messed up
00:05.23WisTilt2thats with only 10% but i do see something with fb i did that probably mess you guys up
00:05.38WisTilt2let me leave it at 10% and fix fb and try again.
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00:08.23WisTilt2ok try this kernel, sorry bout' that
00:08.37WisTilt2im trying to verify this vsync stuff at the same time
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00:10.01arrrghhhkexec'ing now
00:10.59detulejonpry, no go?
00:11.20jonpryhmm. no email?
00:11.43detuleoh got em
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00:15.45rpierce99that fixed the graphics artifacts
00:15.55d3tul3well it was too much to hope it would apply cleanly
00:16.18arrrghhhi wonder if my SD is bad
00:16.30arrrghhhmy phone is still slow from boot...
00:16.50arrrghhhstill crap starting up
00:16.51WisTilt2thats same phone as rpierce99?
00:16.53rpierce99mine was too, i ran angry birds anyways
00:16.58arrrghhhoh ok
00:17.08arrrghhhi'm waiting for it to settle to run neocore.
00:17.16rpierce99figured i wasn't looking for performance at that point, just the artifacts
00:17.23arrrghhhtrue dat
00:17.38WisTilt2yeah it seems to like to settle down for a couple mins.  i usually wait 15s or so after i get the green bars
00:17.47WisTilt2then it flys
00:17.50jonpryd3tul3, your applying against GB?
00:18.01arrrghhhWisTilt2, same
00:18.15d3tul3jonpry, yes
00:18.20arrrghhhall the missing textures in neocore is kinda entertaining
00:18.38arrrghhhi can use my imagination and put stuff in where there's trails of jetpacks etc
00:18.55WisTilt2arrrghhh:you're still going to be limited to 30fps in neocore til we change this vsync rate. quadrant is probably better to see if you're increasing.
00:19.05arrrghhhah ok
00:19.09arrrghhhrunning quadrant now
00:19.17WisTilt2run quandrant and see if you're around same as pierce
00:19.24jonpryd3tul3, well let me know if its a big deal. maybe just transplant the whole surface flinger
00:19.26arrrghhhi'll just run the 2d and 3d tests in quadrant
00:19.47WisTilt2run whole thing so you can get the xxx number
00:19.50WisTilt2to compare
00:20.02WisTilt2im at 453, pierce went up to 437 from 420
00:20.14rpierce99the problem comparing scores is part of this is IO perf, which we all have diff sd cards
00:20.30WisTilt2thats true.
00:20.37arrrghhhyea, i was hoping to isolate the scores to only 2d/3d perf
00:20.41arrrghhhbut you're right
00:20.46arrrghhhthen i get a 50 lol
00:20.59WisTilt2what quadrant you have that lets you do custom benchmarks?
00:21.01rpierce99435 on this run
00:21.13arrrghhhsome 'advanced' versin
00:22.41arrrghhhyou can still see the individual score at the bottom
00:22.45arrrghhhunless that's this stupid advanced version again.
00:23.02WisTilt2mine only show the bars with devices and score
00:24.24arrrghhhwell i guess i can run a bunch
00:24.29arrrghhhand compare to previous kernels
00:24.35arrrghhhsee how that particular metric changes
00:26.56WisTilt2that'll work.  im messing with changing vsync atm.
00:27.12jonpryis there a simple way to dump a pmem to file?
00:29.28WisTilt2setup a buffer file on sdcard and readl/writel should work
00:32.59rpierce99where do i get the scbs calculation app
00:33.29d3tul3jonpry can't you go with the file descriptor?
00:33.38arrrghhhit's a binary in the rootfs no?
00:33.44arrrghhhi can't remember.  check the scbs thread :P
00:34.00rpierce99the daemon is, but the apk to actually generate the profile is not, afaik
00:36.54jonpryd3tul3 i was kind of hoping to do it from command line
00:37.04jonprybut that probably will not work
00:37.33arrrghhhSOD with the screen on...
00:37.58arrrghhhi was going to to 10 tests with the gpu oc kernel
00:38.03arrrghhhand 10 tests on the kernel from last night
00:38.08arrrghhhto see if there was any big difference...
00:38.15WisTilt2what was it doing when it locked up
00:38.24arrrghhhone of the gfx tests
00:38.26jonprymelting down
00:38.30arrrghhhlol, that.
00:38.33arrrghhhit wasn't hot tho
00:38.35arrrghhhoddly enough
00:38.37WisTilt2damn, thats only 10% oc'd too
00:38.44d3tul3alright jonpry got the patches in
00:38.51arrrghhhWisTilt2, i've had it happen before, could be a fluke.
00:38.59jonpryd3tul3, also maybe one other thing i forgot
00:39.38d3tul3surprisingly it actually built
00:40.01jonprynm its already in
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00:46.52WisTilt2jonpry: these panels only do 70hz max, 50hz minimum
00:49.18jonpryi think its running @60
00:49.57jonprythe mdp update rate is not really the same thing
00:50.04WisTilt2it is now yes so i guess best we can get is 35fps at best
00:50.50WisTilt2ok 20% on gpu1 still working so far
00:52.13d3tul3jonpry, no bootani blank screen
00:52.28jonpryyeah have to delete /system/bin/bootani
00:52.33jonpryall 3d apps will blow up
00:53.08d3tul3should i reboot or will this recover back to the home screen
00:53.16arrrghhhmaybe i should do 20 tests
00:53.30arrrghhhthese numbers are all over the place, and all i'm doing is rerunning the test over&over
00:53.33jonpryif you delete the animation and kill system_server it might recover
00:56.00jonpryi did some performance testing and this external texture thing is killing it. pixel flinger is faster than the hardware renderer if we have to use gltexsubimage
00:59.42arrrghhhok, going to back to the mem OC kernel only to compare.
00:59.50arrrghhhperhaps i should go back to .27 vanilla and compare :D
01:04.01*** join/#htc-linux bzo (
01:04.02WisTilt2.27 would be a good test too
01:05.34bzoWisTilt2: the OC code in .39 works fine, I've been running 768mhz the whole time
01:06.26arrrghhhimma make a google doc outta this to make sense of it all
01:06.28WisTilt2really?  it might be my config then
01:06.32arrrghhhbzo, is that with a different command tho?
01:06.53bzoyeah, in .39 it's slightly different
01:06.57WisTilt2or maybe i dont have the right cmd in startup, have same as .27 and never changed it
01:07.08arrrghhhyea, i'm thinking that's it
01:07.11arrrghhhthe OC command changed
01:07.24d3tul3the file name changed
01:07.27arrrghhhor that
01:07.35arrrghhhdid that change the actual command detule ?
01:07.38arrrghhher d3tul3
01:07.50WisTilt2lol, never even looked at it.
01:08.12bzothis probably explains why I'm the only one that ran into the mdelay/udelay OC bug that I recently pushed
01:08.22arrrghhhlol bzo
01:08.23arrrghhhthat's awesome.
01:08.46bzoI thought it was weird no one else was having SODs on .39
01:09.10arrrghhhno one else was overclocking, properly or otherwise :P
01:09.19bzoIt's only taken me like a week, but I'm finally back to a stable running config
01:09.50bzoat one point I was almost thinking my phone had a hardware problem
01:10.29d3tul3jonpry, it's up and running...though er wouldn't call it running really
01:10.32arrrghhhwell first test seems to indicate gpu OC didn't do anything....
01:10.42jonpryd3tul3, whats wrong with it?
01:10.56d3tul3screen is messing up in all sort of ways, perhaps i patched this wrong
01:11.08jonprytry opening and closing the settings app
01:11.21jonprythe buffers get switched around
01:11.41jonpryand that fixes it 9 times out of 10
01:11.59d3tul3can't unblank the screen
01:12.15jonpryyeah can't let it blank or its over
01:12.38jonpryeventually system server will restart itself though
01:12.46arrrghhhthat's what kept happening to me
01:12.52arrrghhhsystem server does eventually restart d3tul3
01:14.06bzod3tul3: are you just cherry pick commits to sync up .39/3.x?
01:15.15d3tul3bzo, at this point yes, they are pretty much in chronological sync, so only the top few commits are missing at a time
01:15.49d3tul3(except that in 3.0 there was an extra patch required to silence certain scbs related WARNs)
01:16.04bzook, was going to fix that acpuclock bug in 3.0 and wanted to see if there was a better way than that
01:16.23d3tul3if you wish i can merge that into 3.0 with whatever the top commits that missing from .39 are
01:16.39bzosure, if you're going to do so anyways
01:17.13bzoblech, 3.0 still has that annoying extra checked in files problem that was fixed in .39
01:17.30d3tul3yeah i have it merged locally i just wanted a change to run 3.0 with it for a big, i had one or two occasions where the screen power-on didn't work while usb was plugged in, not sure if it was pathological or something from the recent commits
01:17.59bzoare you actively keeping 3.1 up to date as well?
01:18.15d3tul3no 3.1 is missing some commits outside of /mach-msm
01:18.25d3tul3in particular sdio core and evdev (jonpry has a much better idea)
01:18.32d3tul3also wifi
01:19.04jonpryand /proc oom permission thing
01:19.09d3tul3after those it's missing everything recent
01:19.16bzoI may go back to 3.0 this week now that I seem to up and running reasonably again
01:19.57bzobtw, I do suspect that the bma150 is sucking power with the sensor enabled gb
01:20.10bzojust did a back to back run, and I'm losing an extra percent or more an hour of batt
01:20.15d3tul3jonpry, can't explain it it's unusable
01:20.58arrrghhhWisTilt2, 2d was slightly lower and 3d was slightly higher on the non-GPU OC kernel...
01:21.08arrrghhhi'm thinking that's pretty inconclusive and would probably wash out over lots of tests.
01:21.13arrrghhh10% is pretty small too
01:21.22arrrghhhlemme try .27 then if you have the 20% one ready i'll give it a whirl
01:21.42WisTilt23d is lower on the oc'd one?
01:21.51arrrghhhyea, makes no sense.
01:22.05arrrghhhthe avg is 4.5 points higher on the non-OC'd one.
01:22.24arrrghhhbut the deviation was pretty big
01:22.31arrrghhhfrom 173-195 on the non-OC
01:22.40jonpryd3tul3, i dunno. it's definitely very quirky on mine. but i can use it for sure
01:22.41arrrghhhand 173-195 on the OC lol
01:22.57WisTilt2unless i did the math wrong that cant be right
01:23.06d3tul3i probably patched this wrong i see a lot of these E/SurfaceFlinger( 1420): BufferManager: initEglImage
01:23.20jonprythats ok
01:23.26jonprywell not too many is ok
01:23.31d3tul3here's the patebin
01:24.37jonpryyeah thats too many
01:24.52jonpryi think its caused by running out of gpu memory
01:25.52jonpryyou don't have one of those 1mb gpu0 setups?
01:27.13d3tul3here's  my pmem
01:28.21jonprythat doesn't show gpu0
01:29.42jonpryshould i upload my cm build or something?
01:31.33d3tul3i am on a slow internet conenction that will likely take up the rest of the night...
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01:32.03jonpryit sometimes takes me 3 or 4 surface flinger starts before it will work. high quality software here
01:32.40d3tul3it's at a point here where the screen doesn't register any touches
01:32.58jonpryyeah thats usually system_server restarting everything
01:33.17jonprythats what i have to go through several times
01:33.56jonpryi think it depends on the goal here. like if you want to hack on it. then we will make it work :p. i'm already fairly certain it will be slow
01:35.54d3tul3'ts ok my contribution here is marginal at the very best
01:36.21arrrghhhWisTilt2, don't be mad but my first quadrant test on .27 was... really good.
01:36.36arrrghhhlike 10pts higher
01:37.09WisTilt2mad? lol. i may setting our gpu the other way if its lower like that
01:37.19arrrghhhthis is just odd
01:37.23arrrghhhit's getting higher...
01:37.32WisTilt2is the test you're doing just testing 3d
01:37.51arrrghhh2d i just got 140 on .27
01:38.04arrrghhhi didn't get over 80 on .39
01:38.30arrrghhhshould i ignore 2d testing?
01:38.36arrrghhhthis is very strange.
01:38.49jonpryis there a cpu test?
01:38.51arrrghhhi almost want to do a full set of benchmarks comparing
01:38.53arrrghhhjonpry, indeed
01:39.09arrrghhhright now i'm doing a custom benchmark, only checking 2d and 3d
01:39.11WisTilt2thats odd.  let me put that app on mine and try it to see what i get on .39, then ill look over my method on gpu1 for errors, which we obviously have it seems
01:39.17jonpryneed that for these ram clocks
01:39.30arrrghhhWisTilt2, you want me to share this google doc with you?
01:39.38WisTilt2which is that?
01:39.59arrrghhhi'm just putting down and averaging all these benchmarks i'm taking
01:40.08arrrghhhjust punching in numbers and letting it do the work basically
01:40.25bzoarrrghhh: you don't have the OC enabled on .27 right?
01:40.34arrrghhhoh shoot
01:40.43arrrghhhi probably still have that in my startup.  that's not fair.
01:41.06WisTilt2bzo does oc just turn up cpu, ahb and axi or what?
01:41.08arrrghhhwhich the 10% GPU OC kernel is overclocked to 614
01:41.32bzojust have both acpuclock.oc_freq_khz and acpuclock-arm11.oc_freq_khz set and it will work in both
01:41.39arrrghhhbzo, awesome
01:41.46bzoWisTilt2: it turns up pll2, so anything connected to that...
01:42.07bzoI believe it's only the cpu clock though
01:42.43arrrghhhwell i might as well run these all at 614
01:43.05bzoarrrghhh: that is if WisTilt2 didn't disable the OC code in his latest kernels
01:43.07arrrghhhcrap... nvm.  if oc works, it'll work in any kernel.  unless did you hardcode it in that test kernel with 10% OC WisTilt2 ?
01:43.40WisTilt2yes, because i have this test kernel locked at 614400 max but dont know what it will do if you also have oc'ing enabled.  i pretty much removed most of the clock stuff and put ours in but no telling.
01:44.13arrrghhhi'll just have to check to see if the OC works when i flip back to .39
01:44.16bzoarrrghhh: in that case, I suppose you should set both params to 614400 and it should all be teh same regardless
01:44.32arrrghhhbzo, yea i was thinking that too.  gotta redo all but one then... oh well.
01:44.34WisTilt2i think i have any of the regular oc stuff gone for these tests anyway so just set your .27 tests to 614400
01:44.53arrrghhhsounds good
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01:45.55bzoWisTilt2 and d3tul3 : I think we are going to have to go through the 27 commits since 39 was forked
01:46.10bzogiven that the acpuclock fix was missing, and Wis noticed the panel code was old
01:47.14WisTilt2hopefully anything else missed was bad anyway:)
01:47.22WisTilt2.39 is running so nice
01:48.00bzoyeah, aside from the OC hangs that are now gone, it's running great
01:48.16bzothough I think the 27 kernel is better on power right now, but that may be just from the panel code
01:48.17WisTilt2bzo you did that udelay fix a long time ago iirc.  it is odd that its missing along with the panel stuff, which i did myself
01:48.51bzojonpry did fork 39 quite a while ago
01:49.10bzowell by fork I mean copy over the existing 27 stuff at the time, hehe
01:49.12WisTilt2im .8% hr in sleep everyday
01:49.35bzohaven't done much better than 3%, think I was under 2% with 27
01:50.08rpierce99generated my battery profile :)
01:50.22d3tul339 initial commit May 8, 27 acpuclock fix May 13
01:50.23WisTilt2you want to try this test kernel with the memory oc'ing and compare?  be interested if it drops to 1% or better
01:51.32bzoWisTilt2: maybe later, I'm trying to figure out if the gsensor is sucking power right now
01:52.39WisTilt2bzo i haven't added it yet but did you see [acl]'s gpio find for the gsm gsensor?  i have the bma150 disabled in my kernel but need to add that gpio and turn it back on.
01:53.17bzoI'll be interested to know if you see the power drain also
01:53.29d3tul3isn't acl's gpio find related to capella not bma?
01:53.40bzothat may be only on the new gingerbread build though, it has a new userland driver
01:53.47WisTilt2yes, dont know what im thinking:)
01:54.46d3tul3that userland driver looks like a carbon copy of most of the bma stuff in froyo/sensors but perhaps something is different after all
01:55.09d3tul3bzo, if you turn off auto-rotate in settings, do you still see the g-sensor being activated in logcat
01:55.32WisTilt2i do have gsensor disabled though still along with prox via the variant
01:55.58d3tul3the kernel side gsensor driver is unchanged from 27
01:56.39d3tul3though emwe found an actually BOSCH oem driver that he is using in .35
01:57.11d3tul3it migth be worth looking into, since there's quite a few hacks in the current bma driver
01:57.38bzod3tul3: yeah, turning off auto-rotate stops orientation msgs in logcat
01:57.51bzothough would need some more debugging to see if it actually gets turned off
01:57.57WisTilt2rpierce99 which dataset did you use, one of your most recent older ones?
01:58.09bzod3tul3: agreed, maybe we should switch drivers to begin with
01:58.20rpierce99i had one that was like 1.7mb from a few months ago, haven't taken any recently
01:58.22arrrghhhi'm still getting higher scores in 2d on .27
01:58.36WisTilt2that should be close enough for a good model to start with
01:58.50WisTilt2how much higher arrrghhh?
01:58.53arrrghhhwe'll see how it averages out
01:59.07arrrghhhWisTilt2, almost double
01:59.43WisTilt2let me look over this code again
01:59.48arrrghhh3D, not so much
01:59.54arrrghhhwe'll see how this pans out overall tho
02:00.08WisTilt22d i dont care about:) thats not from gpu1
02:00.15arrrghhhi see
02:00.22WisTilt2i havent touch that gpu
02:00.47arrrghhhi wonder if doing this plugged in helps
02:01.38WisTilt2shouldnt matter
02:01.57*** join/#htc-linux EdLin (~EdLin@securabit/listener/edlin)
02:05.13arrrghhhWisTilt2, i'm really curious if these two metrics are higher on your fandangled GSM device.
02:05.35arrrghhhi need to redo the mem OC only tab
02:05.48arrrghhhbut the 10% GPU OC kernel already had the 614 set...
02:05.59WisTilt2im moving that app on it now to test it
02:06.29arrrghhhadb install is nice ;)
02:06.38arrrghhhi always forget about it
02:13.58d3tul3you fella's know if we have ever mapped the g-sensor power on/off gpios?
02:17.59arrrghhhWisTilt2, 3d avg is 15 points higher
02:18.25arrrghhh2d is... yea.  almost double... 63 points higher.
02:18.37arrrghhh^^ in .27
02:22.10WisTilt2ok sorry, had an issue to deal with in the backyard with our cats
02:22.23arrrghhhgot some puma's roamin around?
02:22.32WisTilt2arrrghhh: 2d=76 3d=188 is what i got
02:22.56arrrghhhyea, that's about what i was getting on .39 with the 10% GPU OC
02:23.04arrrghhhare you on 20%?
02:23.04WisTilt2lol, just some wild cat made it in trying to steal our cats food.  3 cats all 18yrs old now
02:23.29WisTilt2i tested that on same kernel as you to compare
02:23.33arrrghhhyea your 3d score was a little higher
02:23.40arrrghhhmy avg 3d score on .39 was 180
02:23.44arrrghhhhighest was 195
02:23.53arrrghhhwhat's weird is on .27
02:23.58arrrghhh3d was 195 avg
02:24.12arrrghhhbut the lowest?  192.  highest was 198
02:24.59WisTilt2ok let me make another kernel with the gpu oc changes gone so only the memory oc stuff left and see if it changes
02:25.12arrrghhhi tested with the mem OC only
02:25.17arrrghhhbut that was 528 cpu
02:25.23arrrghhhso the numbers... aren't accurate
02:25.32WisTilt2did 3d numbers get lower?
02:25.36d3tul3for what is worth stock .39 scores better than .27 in neocore in froyo
02:25.36arrrghhhand i g2g to the store right now, can't pull new numbers.  will be back soon
02:25.38arrrghhhWisTilt2, yes
02:25.56arrrghhhavg 3d was 184 on mem OC only
02:25.57WisTilt2ok arrrghhh ill be on a few more hours
02:26.08arrrghhhsounds good
02:26.21arrrghhhi'll take some more tests
02:26.34arrrghhhwith everything as equal as i can get it...
02:26.35d3tul3at least i know my .39 neocore was 20.1, and i don't ever recall scoring that high witth .27
02:27.02WisTilt2d3tul3 you get 20fps on neocore on .39?
02:27.16arrrghhhi assume on froyo
02:28.12WisTilt2if he's lower than 30 in gb that would be a good way to see if we're going anywhere with this or now since it should be higher with oc'd gpu1
02:29.05arrrghhhi should probably do this on a fresh data.img
02:29.09arrrghhhwith only quadrant installed
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02:36.39d3tul3WisTilt2, 20 in froyo, in gb with no textures 28-29
02:37.52d3tul3also i am not sure if arrrghhh and rpierce99 are testing with a reduced pmem pool down to 16MB, gralloc requisitions the entire pmem pool it seems when 3d is running, so perhaps this is somehow skewing the results
02:39.54WisTilt2thats possible... i have pmem pool at 16mb right now so probably need to go back to 32 and test again
02:40.25jonpryso i create a texture. then download all the memory. can't find it anywhere dur
02:48.13d3tul3bzo, 3.0 caught up
03:00.41*** join/#htc-linux FlawlesStyle (~LOL@unaffiliated/flawlesstyle)
03:07.43toastcfhjonpry, hows progress going?
03:08.44jonpryi'm working on gingerbread trying to get the hardware composition going
03:08.51jonpryi have something. just need to make it faster
03:09.12toastcfhin gb?
03:09.24toastcfhi got that working on7x30 and 8x60
03:09.35arrrghhhWisTilt2, very strange overall.  .27 "feels" slower overall.  2d/3d numbers don't agree, but i'm not comparing anything else ATM.
03:09.37jonpryi don't know what that is
03:09.39toastcfhthink 7k does it too
03:11.07d3tul3arrrghhh, try .39 straight from the autobuild
03:11.13toastcfhguess im gonna try and figure out the Unable to dequeue native buffer issue with gl
03:11.20arrrghhhd3tul3, good idea
03:11.26d3tul3should give us a baseline
03:11.47jonprytoastcfh i'm pretty sure that is caused by not having the external texture extension
03:11.48arrrghhhglemsom's hasn't built anything usable in a while.
03:12.10toastcfhjonpry, but ive nuked all that
03:12.21jonprysort of. you nuked it in glBindTexture
03:12.25toastcfhjust change it to the old
03:12.40jonprybut the stuff that creates it EGLImage, and then attempts to load it is not nooked
03:12.59arrrghhhi don't think i'll be able to kexec from .27
03:15.10toastcfhjonpry, i mean i redefined it
03:15.29toastcfhits not  0x8D65 anymore
03:15.51jonpryyeah i know about the patch. you made GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL = GL_TEXTURE_2D
03:16.28jonprybut it doesn't do anything for the calls to glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES
03:16.44jonpryor eglCreateImageKHR
03:17.29jonpryits really a miracle it works at all
03:18.35jonpryin gb flinger there is reference code on how to deal with lack of those extensions, but its slololo
03:19.12toastcfhlol what stubs
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03:22.33d3tul3er what's he doing here
03:22.54arrrghhhraping and pillaging, obviously.
03:23.08toastcfhjonpry, my gl supports those so idk
03:23.37jonpryif it supports those then GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL would work
03:23.41jonpryits all the same thing
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03:24.06toastcfhheh well it works. just something else is dering
03:24.36toastcfhbeen looking through the new elg blob thats throwing the error
03:24.40toastcfhin ida
03:24.46Azuske|AFKwho are the HTC Linux devs
03:25.20toastcfhnone they all rage quit ;/
03:26.34jonpryfakker mostly
03:27.38jonpryand tiad8
03:28.10d3tul3i wasn't aware he's htc only
03:28.45jonprytoastcfh, isn't that error coming from SurfaceTexture.cpp?
03:30.11toastcfhE/Adreno200-EGLSUB(  333): SwapBuffers() Unable to dequeue native buffer
03:30.25toastcfhits coming from this new egl blob
03:31.31jonprythey change the NativeWindow prototype?
03:31.44d3tul3arrrghhh, you got that autobuild kernel churning
03:32.24toastcfhwell they are from HC 3.2 so thats like october so.... it should be right
03:32.54arrrghhhd3tul3, yea it's settled i think... doing testing now
03:32.56toastcfhid think if it was wrong it wouldnt work at all
03:34.23jonprywell who implements that? FrameBufferNativeWindow.cpp?
03:34.48toastcfhyeah the "name" has changed but its the same shit
03:35.23jonprydoes it enter dequeueBuffer right before it fails to deqeue?
03:36.26toastcfhidk i havent got that far into debugging. mainly just seeing how it works. guess i could throw a line in to see
03:37.17jonpryi think the blob just wants somebody to return zero after it hopefully jumps somewhere
03:37.46jonpryif its working it must be hitting that
03:38.49jonprystrangely i am the only one not getting those errors
03:40.43arrrghhhWisTilt2, in case you're curious, the numbers are on-going ;)
03:41.48toastcfhlooks like an issue waiting to happen
03:45.35jonpryarrrghhh, is that just a single kernel?
03:45.45arrrghhheach tab is a different kernel
03:45.54arrrghhhi guess i need to be more descriptive in the tabs
03:45.58WisTilt2arrrghhh: with gpu oc off my total is 458, 2d 76, 3d 192
03:46.04arrrghhh.27 is 'vanilla' .27 acoustic
03:46.04WisTilt2sorry was eating dinner
03:46.15arrrghhh.39 is vanilla .39 from 11/23
03:46.22arrrghhhmem OC only is a test .39 kernel from wistilt2
03:46.32arrrghhhand 10% gpu oc is another .39 test kernel from WisTilt2
03:46.42arrrghhhWilld, np.  hrm.
03:46.42WisTilt2what you get on the memory only test?
03:46.50d3tul3i think .27 vs .39 comparisons are probably somewhat useless because of the different clock structure, probably the relevant tabs are .39 vs .39 oc'ed
03:46.50arrrghhhi need to redo that one.
03:47.02arrrghhhWisTilt2, i originally tested that one without OC
03:47.31WisTilt2mem on mine is 172, dont know what the baseline is with oc though
03:47.34jonprylooks like 39 is getting taken for a ride
03:47.57arrrghhhd3tul3, i think it's still an interesting distinction tho
03:48.04arrrghhhi'm not comparing anything else.  just 2d/3d.
03:48.09WisTilt2as fast as .39 is right now i cant believe the numbers are lower than .27
03:48.13arrrghhhother metrics might be different.  perhaps i need to add more columns lol
03:48.19jonpryobviously we need to engage in benchmark optimization
03:48.23d3tul3not really, because of the different clock structre different tests i feel like will favor the different kernels
03:48.38WisTilt2no kernel have i ever run that opens apps and has such fast response
03:48.52arrrghhhWisTilt2, yea i need to get back on the mem OC kernel
03:48.59arrrghhhdo you know the timestamp on the highest one there?
03:49.05arrrghhhdid you settle on 35%?
03:49.13WisTilt2let me upload one without anything on the gpu, just 35% memory
03:49.26d3tul3hah benchmark optimization
03:49.28arrrghhhi should label these
03:49.33WisTilt2also d3tul3 i added pmem back to 32 and it looks like it may have helped
03:50.06arrrghhhd3tul3, well in theory it'll make for the best 2d/3d performance... but yea, i've always wondered about these benchmark tools.  there's ways to trick 'em, obviously.
03:50.16WisTilt2arrrghhh kernel is up
03:50.20d3tul3question is, are those 16MB more useful in the pool for the occasional 3d boost, or in ram where they might get used more often
03:50.37WisTilt2d3tul3 im thinking yes from the way it looks
03:50.54d3tul3:) that was not a yes/no question :)
03:51.00arrrghhhd3tul3, yea, and benchmarks are completely useless for real world tests... indeed :P
03:51.31Azuske|AFKLast warning
03:51.41Azuske|AFKwoops wrong place
03:51.41jonprypmem pool isn't for 3d
03:51.47d3tul3damnit jonpry
03:51.53WisTilt2i think more ram would be better but even with pmem at 32, less ram now its still crazy fast
03:52.04d3tul3what is gralloc using it for
03:52.15jonpry2d android surfaces
03:52.23jonprybitmaps or widgets, whatever
03:52.25d3tul3oh there you go, i was close enough
03:52.34toastcfhjonpry, pretty strang shit
03:52.56toastcfhso it is able to do it
03:53.04toastcfhit just errors anyow
03:53.14toastcfhmaybe the bish needs time
03:53.33d3tul3ok so the 16MB in the pmem pool are more impotant than just "the ocasional 3d boost"
03:53.52jonprytoastcfh, it looks like it starts being able to do it?
03:54.26jonpryd3tul3, there is only so many apps we can keep resident on this little machine
03:54.36toastcfhjonpry, it gives the error then it goes throiugh with it anyhow
03:54.51toastcfhjonpry, i used LOGE out of lazyness
03:55.08jonpryisn't that like 16 deqeues that worked and only 1 failure?
03:55.38toastcfhi see no failure cept by the blob
03:56.01toastcfhthe blob is bitchign but going through with it anyhow
03:56.23toastcfhmight be a race
03:56.35jonpryon another note. those things have different PID
03:56.37toastcfhlock it a little
03:56.53jonpryguessing flinger is 138
03:57.08jonpry349 must be some other app trying to use 3d
04:00.33toastcfhapp_30    349   139   272272 35412 ffffffff 00000000 S
04:00.56jonprysounds important
04:01.16d3tul3WisTilt2, by the way, not sure if your pm adjustments have anything to do with it, but I think you may have inadvertently helped alleviate the gp_timer issue....couple of times now i've been in a situation where i've tried to power off the screen and I notice the phone goes through this slow-mo screen power off sequence as if in a timer slow-down, but then at some point after the screen is off it actually manages to suspend (
04:01.16d3tul3green light) and upon resume everything is never managed to properly suspend during a slowdown before
04:02.08toastcfhand yeah flinger
04:02.11toastcfhsystem    138   1     96472  9756  ffffffff 00000000 S /system/bin/surfaceflinger
04:02.39toastcfhso its failing before it gets there
04:03.28jonprydeqeue is implemented by somebody else then
04:03.35toastcfhflinger is just taking over cuz of its fail
04:04.59jonpryprobably SurfaceTexture
04:05.31jonpryor SurfaceTexture_client
04:07.05WisTilt2d3tul3: that reminds me, there is another fix for pm i need to push.  no telling what in pm would be fixing that slow down on power up again. i havent seen any slowdown for so long now.
04:07.44WisTilt2or did i already push that?  was a fix in sleep2
04:09.03d3tul3no idea i am just running my mouth here nothing scientific in all of this k i am out later everyone
04:09.35arrrghhhalright food tiem.  moar #'s later
04:09.43WisTilt2looks like that fix went in with the idle suspend/collapse commit so maybe that's what did it.
04:15.22toastcfhjonpry, hehe #define ALLOW_DEQUEUE_CURRENT_BUFFER    false
04:15.32toastcfhchanges it
04:15.52toastcfhin surfacetexture
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04:16.49jonpryi really wish we did not have blobs
04:19.37toastcfhheh interesting result
04:20.27toastcfhno change cept it would give the error and only spam 8 of my messages between errors instead of 16
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04:21.04jonpryi'm not sure if thats an improvement :p
04:21.35toastcfhme either
04:21.39toastcfhbut interesting
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05:16.38arrrghhhWisTilt2, got some more numbers.  was the memory overclocked in that 10% GPU OC kernel?
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05:17.36WisTilt2the last one has gpu oc removed.  i found some interesting things looking at this acpuclock oc'ing code.  we could be wasting time here
05:18.27WisTilt2if i follow this right it looks like when you set oc both the cpu and ebi memory get clocks increased.  only thing that doesnt is smi memory and gpu's
05:21.11WisTilt2if you take the stock .39 autobuild kernel and set oc to 614400 or whatever, you should see everything benchmark better except gpus, although if 2d goes up then smi is also clocking higher
05:21.58WisTilt2haven't tried that but i bet thats what it will do.  im still figuring out how this code works to see if we need to just move on to gpu1
05:27.40WisTilt2bah.  well smi is also getting oc'd and since gpu0 is in smi it also is so you should see 2d scores higher.  i do see 1 change we need to make to speed it up even more when oc'd though.  check the stock one and ill make a change and you can compare to see if memory speed goes up even more.
05:28.09arrrghhhi'll add cpu and memory metrics to the table
05:28.31WisTilt2k. this should be interesting
05:32.45WisTilt2ok kernel is up.  this should give higher scores over the autobuild with the same oc freq you set hopefully
05:33.54jonpryi located the texture :)
05:34.49jonprythis is interesting
05:34.54WisTilt2jonpry where was it hiding?
05:35.18jonpryi had to use it to get it flushed out to gpu
05:35.39jonprytexture memory apparently starts at gpu1+0x12c000
05:36.06jonpryso if the framebuffer is really at gpu1 base, we have a serious problem
05:36.38WisTilt2so texture is fixed to that offset?
05:36.47jonprythe first texture is
05:36.55WisTilt2oh, in the gpu1 yeah
05:37.12toastcfhW/GraphicBufferAllocator(  138): free(...) failed -22 (Invalid argument)
05:37.12toastcfhE/guardedRun( 1175): guardedRun
05:37.12toastcfhE/guardedRun( 1175): java.lang.RuntimeException: eglSwapBuffers failed: EGL_BAD_ALLOC
05:37.25toastcfhhehe got angrybirds to play tho
05:38.01jonprywhat did you do?
05:38.31toastcfhi added back copybit to gl
05:40.03toastcfhstill derping on Unable to dequeue native buffer tho >_>
05:43.00jonpryWisTilt2, so this is likely the cause of that line i was seeing, and massive distortions with my compositor
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05:47.17WisTilt2yep sounds logical.  looks like compositor is just around the corner
05:50.28jonprythis fix is needed for you guys too
05:55.24jonpryit totally got rid of tons of problems
05:55.54jonpryWisTilt2 you want the lib?
05:56.40WisTilt2sure, email it if you can
05:58.06jonpryk, you are hooked up
05:58.09WisTilt2thanks got it
05:58.33WisTilt2so that would be the base addr in gpu1 for textures
05:59.00jonprynow its +0x2f0000
05:59.59bzojonpry: is this the cause of the missing textures in neocore gb?
06:00.03WisTilt2question for you then, GB textures dont work in neocore but when i moved gpu1 into smi2 i got all the textures
06:00.35jonpryi got stuff to sporadically work as well
06:01.37WisTilt2unless my alignment in smi2 happen to put it in the right place maybe.  textures worked every time.  so this with this lib in gb should work?
06:02.11jonpryits untested. but stuff should better now than before
06:02.22WisTilt2bzo i have some acpuclock info for you also after i try this
06:02.46jonpryi'm looking at some early dumps, ie barely used, from gpu0. seems to have some info in the first 0x100
06:02.53jonprythen a stack like thing at the top
06:03.43jonpryabout 256kb
06:04.25jonpryer. 512kb
06:04.55jonprybzo you want the lib?
06:06.34jonpryshould have it
06:06.52bzogot it thx
06:07.11bzowhat did you have to patch?
06:08.58jonprycouple bytes :p
06:09.31jonprythere was the weird bb800+bb800 > 12c000 thing
06:09.50jonpryand then this new one
06:10.15bzooh, did we not patch one of the framebuffer size constants originally?
06:10.47jonprysomebody gave me this blob from frx7.1. i guess i can't really tell what was patched, but it never worked right for me
06:11.18bzoI think I patched that one, there was only one change which was to change the old fb size to 12c000
06:11.42bzoer, I mean the 2f0000
06:12.06jonpryi found two more 12c000's then
06:12.44bzocan't say I'm surprised, my disassembly skills are rudimentary
06:13.14jonpryida does a good job with constants
06:13.59bzoheh, my ida skillz are rudimentary also
06:14.40jonprydid the old blob from froyo work with gb?
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06:15.07bzothat old blob dated back from the dream, so 1.5 or 1.6?
06:15.26jonprythe gles 1.0 one
06:15.44bzoyeah, it was extracted from one of the dream recovery images
06:16.05bzothe 1.1 I suppose was extracted from a newer device
06:16.28jonpryyeah cliq probably
06:17.00jonpryneither of those have neocore textures?
06:17.19bzoI thought they worked fine in froyo, just not in gb
06:17.33arrrghhhbzo is correct
06:17.42arrrghhhperhaps the lib in gb just needs to be swapped
06:17.53arrrghhhdunno if anyone really pursued the missing texture issue in neocore, lol
06:17.57jonpryw/ my new contraption?
06:18.11arrrghhhjonpry, no
06:18.27arrrghhhneocore is fine in froyo, but missing textures in gb.
06:18.30jonprymaybe froyo does not work with this strange egl double buffering
06:18.34bzoarrrghhh: I have a feeling jonpry's patched lib is the solution
06:18.36rpierce99WisTilt2: with scbs running i've dropped ~10% in the last 1 1/2 hours
06:18.44arrrghhhbzo, perhaps.
06:18.59jonpryyou need a copy arrrghhh?
06:19.06bzoarrrghhh: it seems the patch job the first time around was incomplete
06:19.18arrrghhhjonpry, sure lay it on me
06:19.24arrrghhhbzo, i see
06:19.28arrrghhhfor Froyo as well?
06:19.34WisTilt2jonpry: textures on neocore now with that lib however, its crawling slow and its the old test not the rocket on
06:19.52bzoarrrghhh: well, even in froyo angry birds was missing textures, maybe this will fix
06:20.13arrrghhhhrm.  i guess i don't know what angry birds should look like.  it always ran like a bag of ass for me.
06:20.24jonpryWisTilt2, that tends to happen when its working, lol
06:20.30WisTilt2rpierce99 you must have some heavy hitting apps in the background.  at least now with scbs you'll get a more accurate idea of the battery over many hours
06:20.45WisTilt2looks excellent, all textures are there just fine
06:20.55bzoarrrghhh: I don't think invisible hills are as designed
06:21.01rpierce99got a score yet?
06:21.41WisTilt2this is running way too slow for a score until tomorrow lol. looks like about 2fps atm
06:22.08jonpryhmm. maybe its not working right then
06:22.30jonpryi had to depatch the lib from something else
06:22.46WisTilt2jonpry, even loading neocore once you hit run it takes about 15s before menu
06:22.50jonpryyou get the "system process, deny" thingy in logcat?
06:23.20jonpryneed that. my personal version has it removed
06:23.51jonpryWisTilt2, i think thats about the experience i've had
06:24.39WisTilt2dont see any deny in logcat
06:25.04jonpryhrm. you see the stuff where surface flinger starts up?
06:25.10jonprysays like Renderer: and such?
06:26.00WisTilt2maybe this is what you mean. i have a ton of these ->
06:26.01WisTilt2W/PackageManager(  221): Not granting permission android.permission.STATUS_BAR to package (protectionLevel=3 flags=0xabec5)
06:26.11jonpryno not that
06:26.58jonpryD/EGL.oem ( 1023): system process, deny GL contex
06:27.21WisTilt2I/pixelflinger(  703): Needs: n=0x03545444 p=0x00000177 t0=0x00008501 t1=0x00000000
06:27.26jonprybut if it wasn't working. you would probably have no boot animation
06:27.42WisTilt2bootani looked normal
06:28.12jonpryand i don't think neocore will run on pure software renderer
06:31.35WisTilt2jonpry: quadrant errors out now with "This device does not support stencil buffers"
06:32.55WisTilt2as much as i hate it, birds works fine
06:33.13jonprywhat? this whole thing makes no sense
06:34.00WisTilt2just reporting the facts:)  anything else i need to change with fb?
06:34.47jonprywhat build are you running?
06:34.47WisTilt2birds works but slow like the neocore was actually but it looks great
06:35.00WisTilt2GB build or kernel?
06:35.20jonpryand you renamed the thing
06:36.03WisTilt2build is 2.37 164458
06:36.06jonprynothing else to suggest
06:36.22jonpryi think your phone is out of control
06:36.31jonpryprobably a partial meltdown
06:37.26WisTilt2no idea. ill mess with it tomorrow at the office.
06:37.31rpierce99did arrrghhh get the same results?
06:37.59jonpryi don't think anyone else tried
06:38.13bzoI'll give it a try momentarily
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06:39.01WisTilt2GB isnt signed so i shouldnt need to make a new data.img correct?
06:39.33jonpryit won't care about the 3d blob anyways
06:40.00WisTilt2jonpry where do you have your fb if that matters.  i have mine in smi1 right after gpu0
06:40.52jonprymine is in the normal git place.
06:41.14WisTilt2that would be in ebi, maybe ill move it just to rule that out
06:41.28jonprybut i am not using this particular blob. or anything normal for that matter
06:41.38bzohmm, my first attempt at kexec is fail. guess kernel must be in sd root...
06:49.08WisTilt2same thing with neocore with fb in ebi.  textures are looking good though so we'll see what bzo gets
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06:54.38dr1337I wonder if it's possible to use LK to chainload WP7 on a Nexus One...
06:54.52jonpryWisTilt2, that doesn't really show the startup of anything
06:55.35WisTilt2scrolled off probably.  let me capture it while i start neocore
06:55.55bzoLOL! I only see smoke and explosions now
06:56.18jonprystartup of flinger is more important than neocore i think
06:56.37bzo28.4 fps of only textures
06:56.50dr1337how's the porting going on jonpry?
06:57.21jonpryfixed some bugs. closing in on the texture external replacement
06:57.36jonpryi can locate a texture in gpu memory now
06:58.09jonpryyeah its gonna be cool. ultra speed
07:03.09bzoquadrant runs fine though
07:04.07WisTilt2jonpry: this should have all the neocore part of logcat
07:04.55jonprynothing useful in there
07:05.08jonprynever seen this I/pixelflinger(  749): Needs: n=0x03313144 p=0x00000177 t0=0x00009501 t1=0x00000000 before
07:05.54WisTilt2those dump in logcat frame by frame it appears. there are tons of them until i close neocore
07:06.34WisTilt2bzo which neocore animation are you seeing the robot in space one or city?
07:06.39jonpryneed logcat from boot
07:06.54jonprydon;t care about apps
07:06.58bzoWisTilt2: it's all black except for lights, smoke, fire and moon
07:07.15WisTilt2but its the city scene?
07:07.47bzoyou mean in the intro before the test?
07:07.49WisTilt2jonpry you want boot up to running neocore ?
07:08.09WisTilt2no when you start benchmark you have buildings or the space scene?
07:08.24bzoit's all black, hard to tell
07:08.26jonpryjust need the early boot
07:08.34jonprylogcat at lockscreen will be fine
07:08.48WisTilt2ok so no neocore gottcha
07:09.41jonprydo you know the file size of your old blob?
07:09.51WisTilt2bzo the smoke you're seeing sounds like the one from the rockets.  with this lib im now getting the old froyo neocore scene of the city with the tanks etc, no smoke until the explosion later
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07:12.54jonpryi think there is still something wrong with it i get these strange allocator crashes. those should show up as FC's
07:15.26jonpryit did not find the lib
07:15.35jonprymaybe wrong name, permissions. dunno
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07:17.03WisTilt2im going to bed.  ill be on tomorrow all day from office. later guys
07:17.31jonprybzo so this is better or worse than it used to be?
07:23.15dr1337jonpry what was the reason you think we get the dequeue buffer?
07:23.26dr1337was working with a guy last night who had the same thing on a Droid 3
07:23.39dr1337which essentially has the same CPU and GPU type as the Galaxy Nexus
07:24.02jonprythose calls to the external texture api fail and send it down some weird path
07:24.53dr1337i'm no expert in opengl, but do you think we could convert external textures to textures 2d?
07:25.54jonpryyeah it can be done. there is code in gb's TextureManager.cpp to do it. but its not super easy to integrate
07:26.10jonprythey like to use all the null's and stuff to encode states. ugh
07:26.29dr1337yeah we were doing a bit of strace last night
07:26.44dr1337managed to pin the thing down to somewhere in layer.cpp
07:27.14dr1337man the inheritence on Android is such a biatch
07:27.38bzojonpry: so far worse I think. neocore is the opposite of before, and angry birds just dies
07:27.57bzonot to say the patch is wrong, it may be exposing other problems
07:27.59jonpryand my compositor works great
07:28.48jonpryyeah i think the patch is right. but we haz serious issues
07:29.47jonprywe could always move to a single egl buffer or something
07:30.45jonprydr1337, earlier we figured out dequeue happens in other apps. not flinger itself. looks like surfacetexture_client negotiates with surfacetexture
07:31.06bzoanyhow, I'm out, gn
07:31.12jonpryk, cya
07:32.30dr1337jonpry interesting find
07:33.01jonprydr1337, the method in texturemanager looks pretty good. it handles all kind of corner cases and stuff i hadn't really though about
07:33.19jonpryjust jack it :p
07:35.28jonpryi think i can get ~4x performance from pmem hacked textures though
07:35.40dr1337i wonder if we could intercept the call to bind the texture before it gets drawn and convert it to TEXTURE_2D
07:36.23jonprybinding it is not the problem. its updating the contents
07:36.41jonpryusing nonexistant api's to update texture_2d is not a winner
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07:38.22dr1337hmm if you're going down the pmem road
07:38.54dr1337maybe i might have to redo my kernel and force the gpu to use pmem instead of mmu
07:39.07jonprythats the easy way
07:40.11dr1337gahh that's what happens Google develops Android behind closed doors
07:40.14Willdarrrghhh: Hmm?
07:41.12jonprymmu will make bypassing the driver somewhat more difficult
07:41.50dr1337i'm tempted to give ION a go
07:42.02dr1337except then I'd have to port the mahimahi stuff to 3.0
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16:45.38Blistahi yerself!
16:46.13Cotullawiped temp folder in Blista's brain
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17:06.14WisTilt2well bzo's thought about gsensor sucking power was correct.  with it disabled my battery drain overnight was .58% per hour, and that's with scbs daemon still running.
17:08.01WisTilt2jonpry: i looked more at this lib and it looks like GB is trying to only load, i dont see anywhere its loading the qcom one.
17:08.33jonpryit probably has wrong name, or permissions
17:08.37WilldWisTilt2: Is the config set to use hardware then?
17:08.59jonprythe .nosys on the filename needs to be removed exactly
17:09.16WisTilt2it is changed to .so if that's what you mean
17:09.16Alex[sp3dev]WisTilt2: what about memory overclock?
17:09.22WisTilt2yes thats how it is
17:09.25jonpryprobably set it mode 666
17:09.34WisTilt2k ill try that
17:09.48jonprycheck egl.cfg make sure it has both android and qcom entries
17:09.49Cotullahi Alex
17:09.53Cotullahow is it?
17:10.21WisTilt2Alex[sp3dev]: looks like using cmd line oc the cpu and memory already get oc'd from what i can tell.  gpu1 is only thing that isnt
17:10.26Alex[sp3dev]Cotulla: hi.. it goes...
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17:11.18Cotullato unversal interface for everything? ^^
17:11.37Alex[sp3dev]WisTilt2: i tried overclocking the grp_3d, but seems like it ignores the divider and the only way to gain moar speed is to overclock the entire pll
17:14.40jonprythis 3d blob is a piece
17:16.30WisTilt2jonpry: cfg has 0 0 android and 0 1 qcom
17:17.19jonpryassuming the permissions are ok. the only real possibility is a type in the filename
17:17.53WisTilt2Alex[sp3dev]: im going to attempt to oc gpu1 a different way today.  what you're saying about the divider might be what i saw last night, seemed the more i oc'd it the worst the scores for gpu1 were with the benchmark
17:18.41WisTilt2lol, well perms on my is 600 so guess ill try that at 666 now:)
17:19.22WisTilt2the original was 644
17:21.10jonpryguess it depends who its owned by
17:28.50WisTilt2jonpry: well that was the problem but now its back to the normal neocore scene but no textures.  neocore loaded fast again also and fps was 29.5
17:29.28jonprysmoke and flames?
17:30.09WisTilt2checking logcat
17:30.13jonpryi don
17:30.22jonpry't really know what to do about the textures
17:30.47WisTilt2yeah its loading your lib now
17:31.19WisTilt2gralloc is allocating 770048 size
17:32.15WisTilt2should gralloc be allocating that twice in 2 different locations?
17:32.31jonprydouble buffer
17:32.40WisTilt2D/gralloc (  221): allocating GPU size=770048, offset=0
17:32.40WisTilt2D/gralloc (  221): allocating GPU size=770048, offset=770048
17:33.19jonprythe usefulness of the double buffer is highly debatable. but atm i don't see a way to stop it
17:33.40WisTilt2im not seeing any of those pixelflinger lines now either
17:34.25jonprymaybe put the gpu1 in smi2 and see if the texture appear?
17:35.02WisTilt2ill try that with this lib.  got textures with the other lib but only in smi
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18:02.38WisTilt2jonpry no 3d at all now just black screen.  whats interesting is i changed back to the original qcom lib and it works fine. This is where gpu1 is now, ebi is just the name ->
18:02.39WisTilt2D/EGL.oem (  772): ebi: offset=00000000, len=00800000, phys=0x2800000
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18:04.28WisTilt2with orig qcom textures all work and i get 28.7fps most of the time
18:04.45WisTilt2move gpu1 back to ebi and no textures with same lib so i have no idea
18:04.50jonpryfire and flames?
18:05.16WisTilt2fire/flames only in ebi.  in smi2 rockets and robot are there also
18:05.46WisTilt2i dont see how smi should be any different for textures
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18:06.49jonprydunno. textures in general work great using this blob
18:07.05jonpryfor me on cm7. can't try neocore
18:09.13jonprymight be able to debug it with this gpu memory dump thing. make sure other stuff is not being allocated in the wrong place. vertex buffers or something
18:14.17WisTilt2i just moved gpu0,fb, and ram console to ebi and put gpu1 in smi1 and neither lib has textures, just smoke and flames so now i really have no idea now.
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18:24.44jonpryme neither. no interesting EGL.oem errors?
18:25.29WisTilt2nope no errors at all.  it all looks like it should be working
18:27.41jonprysun ibx patched libEGL and then everything works
18:27.54jonprydoesn't say with what :(
18:30.24WisTilt2ill give that a try but would like to know what they did.  the fact i get textures in smi2 makes we wonder about some offset in gpu1 that isnt aligned in the right place where we have it stuck in memory.
18:31.52jonpryi have a totally different libEGL than you. may already have the patch
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18:35.57Cotullajonpry, how is it?
18:38.39WisTilt2jonpry that fixed it totally.  running your lib still also and have gpu1 in ebi again.  looks fantastic and smooth.  getting only 20.5fps but looks nice
18:39.27jonpryyou just used the binary w/ unknown patch?
18:39.35jonpryhi Cotulla
18:39.37WisTilt2now im going to stick gpu1 back in smi and see if it speeds it up at all
18:40.18WisTilt2i used that egl and still have your qcom lib
18:40.49jonpryhopefully we can do better than some random egl blob. for another day i guess
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18:54.01WisTilt2jonpry: not that it matters since no one can used it but me:) but gpu1 in smi2+8 works like a dream.  popped me up to 27fps in neocore instead of 20.5 in ebi so i guess smi is much faster than ebi.
18:54.19arrrghhhand hi
18:54.23WisTilt2hi arrrghhh
18:54.39WisTilt227fps with full rendering is not bad imo
18:54.47arrrghhhthat's really damned good in fact
18:54.52arrrghhhfor our phones
18:55.12WisTilt2if i can get gpu1 oc'd in ebi we might get up there
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19:03.11jonprycan't we all do gpu1 at smi2 base?
19:04.39WisTilt2smi2 base should be ok but didnt you see some quirks there?  the bottom 8mb should be good on all rhods afaik
19:05.49jonpryquirk could have been from the bugs in the blob
19:06.25WisTilt2thats true.  ill whip one up that arrrghhh and/or rpierce99 can give a try
19:06.32arrrghhhsounds good
19:06.44arrrghhhi'll be in-and-out.  back to the grind for moi..
19:10.00jonprywhat clock rate is the adreno running at?
19:15.59WisTilt2jonpry: black screen in 3d with gpu1 at smi2 base.  this makes no sense
19:17.01jonprytry setting fb==gpu1. sometimes its just not blitting
19:17.25WisTilt2so overlap fb at gpu1 base?
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19:23.58WisTilt2jonpry: no difference
19:27.31jonprythat seems ok. but i haven't tried smi2 since i saw the line thing
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19:28.21WisTilt2is this normal locked_open_wait_for_gpu: has client, waiting
19:28.44jonprydon't think so
19:29.48WisTilt2nothing unusual showing up on display, no lines etc. maybe fb needs to be offset into gpu1 at that 0x2f0000 whatever base?
19:30.13jonpryno. definitely as base
19:30.37jonpryyou have any hw3d interrupts?
19:30.48WisTilt2bah, just rebooting now
19:31.15WisTilt2let me boot this back up.  was going to move gpu1 back to ebi with fb at base and see if it works
19:31.56jonpryyeah i haven't done any testing with that lately because it all of a sudden started blitting for me
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19:32.15jonprywe can make it work w/ a little bit of effort
19:33.23jonprythe biggest issue is that i don't know how to stop it from blitting. so i think it does memcopy from src == dst
19:33.48jonpryuntil that stops there is not even any performance gain
19:35.48WisTilt2no hw3d ints at al
19:36.25jonprythen its just broken
19:36.49WisTilt2going to try fb overlap in ebi then ill move on
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19:47.06WisTilt2jonpry: this fb overlap works when gpu1 is in ebi but it flakes out the screen while its running. like its flipping fb and 3d back and forth on display but it didnt affect the benchmark scores.
19:48.18jonpryyeah we can't probably fix that somehow. but i'm not sure how at the moment
19:49.07WisTilt2well im moving back to working on oc'ing gpu for now.  let me know if you need me to try anything else.
19:49.16jonpryok. thanks
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19:50.22detulehey WisTilt2
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19:50.50detulei have the same problem on .39 and 3.0 I was hoping you could help me out with
19:51.17WisTilt2sure whats up
19:51.24detule.39 from the autobuild -> i let the my phone fall in suspend (green light) then i plug any kind of charger wall or usb and i can't wake it up
19:51.32detulegreen light stays on
19:52.13arrrghhhdetule, i mentioned that... i was told to just make sure it's on before i plug in :P
19:52.15detuleif i press rapidly on the power button i will eventually get orange led and screen will come back on, but i have to rapid/press perhaps 10-20 times
19:52.19arrrghhh.27 is the same way
19:52.20WisTilt2you have sleep mode set to 0 or 1?
19:52.48detulehm i guess i haven't checked/changed my startup.txt in a loooong time
19:52.53detulemy guess is pm.sleep_mode =1
19:53.03WisTilt2i think that only happens in mode 0 which ive been against forever:)
19:53.18detulewell if i revert your recent PM commits it doesn't happen
19:53.32arrrghhhwhat about that insta-plug ISR or whatever?
19:53.38detuleso perhaps we need a new thing in startup.txt?
19:53.47WisTilt2which ones the idle suspend/collapse stuff?
19:53.53arrrghhhACL has it working swimmingly on NAND.  i know enabling it on HaRET caused SOD's in the past.
19:54.16WisTilt2hmm, let me try mine. i run mode 1 full collapse and dont think i have that issue, standby
19:54.29detulemy pm.pm_sleep_mode=1
19:54.32detulein startup.txt
19:54.48arrrghhhdetule, is that the command verbatim?
19:54.53WisTilt2arrrghhh you're probably right, i dont think we have any insta plug in .39
19:55.03arrrghhhdetule, ok.
19:55.12arrrghhhWisTilt2, yea when i asked you about this you said just make sure it's turned on before plugging in
19:55.28arrrghhhwhat's odd is on .27, it won't recognize the plug in - but it also doesn't have issues waking if you do plug in when sleeping.
19:55.59detuleyeah something is not 100% ok with the recent work
19:56.47WisTilt2detule you reverted the idle suspend/collapse and it doesnt happen is what you're saying?
19:57.16WisTilt2ok i think i know why thats happening then. need to take a look
19:57.18detulewith idle suspend/collapse it's reproducible 10 out of 10 both on wall and usb charger
19:58.55detulealso i was thinking about usb/adb terminating in idle, and i know you had a workaround, but i was wondering if initing this wakelock for IDLE would make a difference
20:00.23WisTilt2yes, the temp workaround isnt the way it should really be done permanently and that appears to be whats causing the sod when in sleep.  otg is supposed to be preventing idle modes from happening but it isnt
20:00.54detulehow about that wake_lock in htc_battery isn't that preventing sleep/idle while a power source is present
20:01.35detuleif it's init'ed to IDLE that is
20:01.53WisTilt2supposed to be but problem is in pm's idle code that nevers see those wakelocks
20:02.32WisTilt2this idle code really needs reworking since no one has really ever enabled it to find out it has issues:)
20:04.05jonpryneed to add idle wakelocks
20:04.18detulei thought allow_sleep in pm.c
20:04.24detulechecks for idle wake_locks
20:04.32WisTilt2i did in otg, maybe they are needed in udc also
20:04.45jonpryprobably does. then just need to change the vbus wakelock type
20:04.51detuleit's in there
20:04.53detulein htc_battery
20:04.59detulejust re-init that wake_lock for idle
20:05.29WisTilt2isnt htc_battery disabled with scbs though?
20:06.11detulei would think the interrupts are still firing
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20:09.50bzoWisTilt2: I don't the the acpuclock OC code changes the memory speed
20:09.52WisTilt2ok this should fix it, building and trying now, brb
20:10.28bzojonpry: that other lib_egl fixes my 3d as well
20:10.56WisTilt2bzo it is according to memory benchmarks by a large amount
20:11.31bzohmm, I would think the mem bus is independent of the cpu freq
20:11.44bzoafaik, pll2 is only used for certain freqs for the cpu
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20:12.12WisTilt2ebi is off axi and axi is being stepped up with oc
20:12.50jonpryultra turbo
20:13.13bzoso the OC code is changing the same registers you were doing for the mem OC?
20:13.24WisTilt2bzo yes in a round about way
20:13.50bzoso you were changing the axi dividers?
20:14.05WisTilt2the axi calcs are wrong though in oc, you can actually step axi up to 192mhz, oc now only goes to 160
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20:14.29bzoin that case, I guess we only need to tweak the freq tables a bit to make that happen
20:14.33WisTilt2i was using our clock setup we use on our device but yes regs and dividers directly setup
20:14.55WisTilt2yes, i wanted to go over my suggestions with you about that
20:15.12WisTilt2let me finish testing this wakelock first
20:15.43jonprythe meltdown saga continues
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20:31.07detuleWisTilt2, with that wake_lock redefined, and without the usb_connected business, my adb connection persists past screen off, though still the same problems with resume after plugging in cable while in suspend
20:31.22WisTilt2detule: just to verify what you're doing, phone is in sleep and you plug in either charger or usb.  locks at that point or when you try to power up? i added vbus wakelock check in pm and now if phone is in sleep and you plug usb in it wakes up after 10s or so and doesnt sod at all
20:31.47WisTilt2guess we were typing at same time
20:32.22WisTilt2until we get insta-plug it has to wait on battery time to poll the usb
20:32.25detulei wonder why it's having these issues powering back the device from suspend after plugging in a power source
20:33.20WisTilt2timer in battery code, sometimes its right away, sometimes up to 10s before it knows it plugged in.
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20:33.47detulebut why would that make the device not responsive when pressing the power button
20:34.13detuleit does a very good SOD impersionation
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20:40.20detulei have a sneaky suspicion it's that enable_irq_wake call in _udc
20:46.33WisTilt2need to test a couple more things with this wakelock later.  lunch is here shortly so bzo let me grab you before you get out of here
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20:47.10WisTilt2unless you're tied up we can hookup later
20:47.10bzoif this ebi clocking is happening, it is new for 39
20:47.40bzolooking at 27, in the set clock code, it just exits if ebi is requested
20:47.46bzobut the new 39 code may be doing something
20:48.52bzoin any case though, it doesn't seem like the OC code touches the ebi table freq
20:48.57WisTilt2it is.  run memory benchmark in normal mode then try oc.  huge memory speed increase
20:49.25bzomust be an unintended consequence :)
20:49.51WisTilt2where does memory get its clocks in .27?
20:50.09bzodoesn't, never changed from bootup afaict
20:51.27bzothis alone could be why 39 feels so much faster than 27
20:52.46WisTilt2yes, even without oc it seems so.  we were seeing similar benchmarks with my hardcoded memory oc against .27 in oc mode though with arrrghhh so .27 has to be stepping it up also i'd think
20:53.59bzojudging from the axi table freqs, it can derive them from pll0 or pll1
20:54.04bzomaybe it does from pll2 as well
20:54.20WisTilt2i havent looked but are we using reg 0x14 off msm clk base at all?
20:55.01jonpryisn't there some kind of acpuclock problem w/ idle collapse?
20:55.25WisTilt2not that i know of, like what?
20:55.28bzoWisTilt2: not sure
20:55.47jonprywe have that patch that sets acpuclock resume speed to minimum frequency
20:56.04jonprywhich is probably a good idea for suspend collapse
20:56.07WisTilt2didnt i take that out, or at least go around it so its not used now?
20:59.30jonpryhmm. i don't see it
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21:24.57detulehm how comm our proc_comm_wince looks so skimpy
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21:28.31WisTilt2lunch wasn't such a good idea, now im sluggish.
21:29.01WisTilt2bzo: you also need to change max_axi_khz=200000 in board file for it to step up higher
21:29.11arrrghhhWisTilt2, this benchmark testing i fear is inconclusive.
21:29.21WisTilt2i forgot i have that bypassed in acpuclock for testing
21:29.41WisTilt2arrrghhh between .27 and .39 or what?
21:29.57arrrghhhi still need to do vanilla .39 with cpu and memory tho
21:29.59arrrghhhjust finished up .27
21:30.25WisTilt2yeah .39 stock and oc'd will tell you right away
21:30.32arrrghhhprobably need to redo all the tests with a fresh data.img, but it'll probably still be inconclusive
21:30.37arrrghhhall tests are on 614400
21:30.45arrrghhhoh well.  take a look if you want
21:30.50arrrghhhi made a handy comparison chart
21:30.56WisTilt2sure email it
21:31.03arrrghhhso you can easily see how it's not conclusive :P
21:31.15arrrghhhanyone can view my horrors
21:31.17jonpryprobably should use the new gl lib and egl for any 3d benches
21:31.42arrrghhhjonpry, sounds good.  i will redo the tests on a fresh data.img and with that new lib.
21:31.54arrrghhhfor now.... i must go install things off-site.  cya guys
21:32.27WisTilt2later arrrghhh
21:32.40WisTilt2i wonder why .27 2d is so much higher than .39
21:33.12jonpryis it the same GB build?
21:33.33WisTilt2good question
21:33.55WisTilt2that i dont know. best 2d i get is 98 compared to 135 damn
21:34.50detulehey you guys seen any problems with half the stuff missing out of proc_comm_wince in .39
21:35.04WisTilt2whats missing?
21:35.48detuleall the suspend/resume hooks
21:36.27detuleall the DEX interrupt flags (perhaps they were moved somewhere)
21:37.05WisTilt2i think they were.
21:37.40detulethe msm_proc_comm_wince_irq is not there
21:37.41WisTilt2jonpry: in PM are you talking about that hard value for acpuclock where we set it like 128mhz or so?
21:38.26detulewhich i guess is only relevant if we decide to go with instant plug notification (i think that uses that irq)
21:38.55jonpryWisTilt2, yes
21:39.21jonprywe don't want dex irq
21:39.33jonpryi forked it before that madness came along
21:40.42WisTilt2we had that set to cpu minimum yeah, wonder if we still need that.  i think the way its setup now the cpu resumes at the lowest freq anyway and thats why we got rid of that.
21:43.56WisTilt2detule did you say you added a wakelock for this usb problem?  if so, what exactly did you do.  i added vbus wake check in pm but looks like we really should have idle wakelock in battery code.
21:44.45detuleWisTilt2, I didn't add any wakelocks to pm, there is a wakelock in htc_battery, it just init's to be defined for IDLE rather than suspend
21:45.16emweguys, look at what i did to htc_battery_smem.c on .35 back months ago and what i reverted to recently.
21:45.19emwei had the very same.
21:45.45emwearm11 suspended/resumed several times a second on usb... which then somehow broke it.
21:46.03emwethen some weeks ago i had to revert that back after those massive longterm patches to .35.14
21:46.07jonpryis there a way we can increase gpu1, like mega?
21:46.11emwewhatever it was it is now so like it was on .27.
21:46.21detuleWisTilt2, this should prevent IDLEing with power source present
21:46.59WisTilt2yep that will do it i believe
21:47.13detulethough i don't think it solves the issue with the apparent sod when trying to power on the device
21:47.23detulefrom suspend after plugging a power source
21:47.50detuleemwe apparently redefining this wake lock to idle is needed with these recent PM changes
21:48.01WisTilt2emwe did that fix the sod in sleep with usb or is this just to keep it awake?
21:48.19detuleemwe, had to revert it to SUSPEND from IDLE because he had sods
21:48.48WisTilt2idle is what we want but only if idle code is enabled in PM i guess
21:48.54emweit did try to suspend resume several times a second. with SUSPEND and after some time (minutes) froze.
21:49.04emwethen somehow i reverted that back to ILDE and is ok now.
21:49.18emwei dunno what made it change the behaviour.
21:49.46WisTilt2do you have idle suspend/collapse enabled in smd?
21:50.12detuleemwe, you currently have that wake lock to SUSPEND right?
21:50.38emwedetule: yes, back to SUSPEND some weeks ago as mgross029 had it reported to cause trouble again.
21:50.41emweWisTilt2: smd?
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21:52.30emwerpierce99: the 40% overnight drain-companion ;)
21:52.40rpierce99you too? :)
21:52.54emweofc RHOD400 GSM with... well syncs
21:53.03emwegoogle and k9mail
21:53.28emwebut all RHODW have the two VREGS not toggled on panel suspend because they were said to be data-connection-breakers.
21:53.40emwei will test again over night and see.
21:54.16WisTilt2emwe, sorry got 10 people talking at once to me at the office.  do you have smsm_interrupt_info changed in smd_private so idle is enabled?
21:54.36rpierce99so today i've been off charger for 8.5 hours and i'm at 47 according to android, now it's already given me a "you should plug in your power cord" so take that with a grain of salt, it'll probably die any minute :)
21:54.42emweWisTilt2: i gave you the hint, so yeah, it is enabled since the early beginnings of .35 :P
21:55.03WisTilt2i know:)  wonder if with it enabled if idle wake works instead of suspend
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21:56.37WisTilt2ill be back in a bit, need to bang some heads around here
21:56.39emweIDLE will for sure do for you guys.
21:57.33emweplease don't ask me what made it "revert" to the original behaviour and just work again.
21:57.49jonpryanyone try with gpu1 larger than 8mb, 13 perhaps?
22:00.00rpierce99want to make sure to mention, it doesn't hard lock, after like 5 minutes of button mashing i can get it to wake up again
22:00.04rpierce99but the clock is stopped
22:00.08rpierce99had it happen last night
22:00.13rpierce99clock was still stopped in the morning
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22:08.38detuleyes, that about sums it up though my clock picks up after I manage to resuscitate
22:09.16rpierce99i rescued mine around 1am, but the clock still said 1am at like 7am when i got up
22:09.19mgross029I didn't do it. :p
22:09.26rpierce99i might not have rescued it enough
22:09.48detuleI think the vbus wake_lock to IDLE will solve the issue with losing adb/usb connection after going to sleep, without the need for any _udc/pm.c additions, however it does not alleviate the issue with these bouts of unresponsiveness
22:10.01detulerpierce99, the sleep debugging comes in handy
22:10.15detulenot rescued completely until it manages to go back to sleep again
22:10.28mgross029emwe, I've found better call respond if I turn on bt, because the phone doesn't go to sleep fully. :)
22:10.45mgross029s/turn on/turn off
22:11.14mgross029I thought you may find that funny. heh
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22:38.46[acl]cotula ?
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23:03.46WisTilt2<jonpry> anyone try with gpu1 larger than 8mb, 13 perhaps? <- need to to try that? what we looking for
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23:26.39WisTilt2jonpry: gpu1 @ 13mb stops 3d from working also.  gpu1 must be 8mb for whatever reason.
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23:41.53arrrghhhWisTilt2, jonpry to answer your question the tests were all done on the same gb system image, with the same apps installed/data.img
23:43.12arrrghhhi did my best to keep all the tests equal ;)
23:43.47WisTilt2im getting nice high numbers but dont know why .27 2d is so much higher than .39
23:44.00arrrghhhhigher than what i was scoring?
23:44.07arrrghhhi still need to go and do .39 vanilla
23:44.23WisTilt2yep but best 2d is 98, far from what you got in .27
23:44.42rpierce99did we rule out the 16m/32m thing as the cause of that?
23:44.49WisTilt23d running up in the 215 area
23:45.05WisTilt2this is with pmem at 32mb now
23:45.14WisTilt2which seemed to increase it a bit
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23:46.34WisTilt2arrrghhh im also using the other lib's that fixed textures
23:46.42arrrghhho right
23:47.21WisTilt2wow my total quadrant core was 494, not bad at all
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23:56.02WisTilt2rpierce99: your earlier comment about battery today, is that better than before?
23:56.40WisTilt2and is that with scbs running
23:57.53rpierce99scbs is running, but i honestly don't think my model is very good, so I don't know how accurate the meter is
23:58.16rpierce99it was 92 when i took it off the charger this morning, and i just watched it in the last 15 seconds drop from 45 to 22
23:58.27rpierce99now back up to 30
23:58.38arrrghhhyou already ran the app, built the model, etc?
23:58.40WisTilt2need to fully charge, reboot then discharge to say 30% or so, charge back up then use that for the model.
23:58.55rpierce99yeah that's what i'm doing, going to let it drain tonight
23:59.12WisTilt2that should be good to go then
23:59.17rpierce99i didn't know which of my old logs was a complete battery cycle, so i just picked the biggest one
23:59.52arrrghhhold logs might be pretty useless.  battery's gone thru quite a bit since the last one was taken (i'd imagine)

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