IRC log for #htc-linux on 20111127

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03:03.22jonpryarrrghhh, any luck?
03:07.23WisTilt2jonpry: i have oc'd memory working now.  still testing for maximum before it becomes unstable but with ebi1/n oc'd it is noticeably snappier.  haven't tried smi yet
03:09.15rpierce99jonpry: i think his idea of brb is different than mine
03:11.23arrrghhhWisTilt2, nice
03:11.33arrrghhhjonpry, sorry went a little insane.  still copying stuff back.
03:11.57WisTilt2hi arrrghhh
03:12.18arrrghhhhowdy WisTilt2.  how goes it
03:12.23WisTilt2rpierce99 you want to give this kernel a try and see if it is faster on cdma?
03:12.47rpierce99sure, i still have that last tester installed with no 3d and camera :)
03:13.05WisTilt2arrrghhh, just been going over some clock stuff comparing to how we have our device setup
03:13.21arrrghhhvery cool
03:13.22WisTilt2rpierce99 this one will get you all that working again and around 190mb memory
03:14.51rpierce99i assume its already been upped?
03:15.26WisTilt2not yet, changing the pmem stuff back for cdma
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03:15.46WisTilt2i havent finished the variant stuff yet so have to do it manually
03:20.25WisTilt2doing a full rebuild rpierce99 from a clean tree so it will be a few mins.  this kernel also has some other clock changes and should work fine on all rhods.  curious if you notice it waking up from sleep quicker, panel wise
03:21.28rpierce99k, i'll run it through its paces for a while then, probably won't be able to tell right away things like overall speed and panel wake
03:22.05WisTilt2i think we also should be drawing less in sleep - the way the clocks are at least in .39, the dsp chip is still up when in sleep but its off now in this one.
03:23.06arrrghhhvery cool1
03:23.08WisTilt2yeah probably need to play with it awhile to see anything diff.  you should have 192mb free with this also
03:23.12arrrghhhi meant to say nice find
03:23.17arrrghhhstupid up key
03:23.38WisTilt2arrrghhh you will have to try this also since you have a nack for finding hidden issues:)
03:23.48arrrghhhjonpry, booting now :P
03:24.03WisTilt2you guys still working on ics?
03:24.16arrrghhhjonpry threw me some libraries he built
03:24.40arrrghhhthat i'm going to try on GB
03:24.50WisTilt2that guy's a madman
03:25.01arrrghhhtell me about it
03:25.34arrrghhhi mentioned his work on ics on the tp2, and someone commented "isn't he working on the touchpad?"  i responded "you don't know the animal that is jonpry" lol
03:26.00rpierce99haha yeah, you know just doing some minor work rewriting gralloc, libgles, surfaceflinger, and kernel, no biggie, lol
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03:26.17WisTilt2yeah no kidding
03:26.40dr1337man hunting down textures in surfaceflinger is such a pain in the ass
03:26.45arrrghhhwriting his own compositor.  no biggie.
03:27.37WisTilt2ok pierce99 kernel is up and ready
03:28.43arrrghhhheh i see permission denied in the console when i plug in adb
03:28.51arrrghhhi should probably run that unsecure rootfs...
03:29.06arrrghhhjonpry, i don't think it's booting tho.  if hw3d isn't working, would i still see a bootani?
03:30.23WisTilt2rpierce99 you should notice apps open fast right off the bat hopefully.  memory is oc'd 20% in this build, im still looking for the upper limit. we run our device's at 20% on this chip and no problems reported by any of our users.
03:30.39jonpryoh no. i forgot. you have to delete /system/bin/bootanimation
03:30.46arrrghhhjonpry, check
03:30.47jonprycause all 3d apps are broken
03:31.06arrrghhhi'll run that unsecure setting too so i can adb w/o gui
03:36.15dr1337jonpry, do you know where surfaceflinger is calling a surfacetexture object?
03:36.49dr1337trying to see if instead of replacing the enum for texture_external with texture_2d to try and modify it at the root
03:37.15jonpryi did that
03:37.17dr1337this would have been so much easier if they released the source for the opengles drivers
03:37.53jonprybut it doesn't really get you anywhere with the need for the extension
03:40.44dr1337what do you reckon is the best way around that?
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03:42.30jonpryyou haz kgsl?
03:42.43dr1337or i suppose we can hope and wait for qcom to release proprietary drivers with the extensions
03:42.55dr1337i could build a kernel with it
03:43.05jonprybut your drivers don't use it?
03:43.27dr1337oh actually the drivers do use kgsl
03:43.32dr1337kgsl and mmu
03:43.35dr1337so no need for pmem
03:43.52dr1337i thought you were referring to the newer gnu drivers
03:44.01rpierce99WisTilt2: moving around in launcher, launching and switching between apps does feel smoother, i also ran a 3d game and it seemed smoother, wish neocore textures were working so i could gauge approximate performance
03:44.25arrrghhhrpierce99, back to froyo with you
03:44.33arrrghhhi wonder why those textures never worked in gb
03:44.35jonpryyour implementation will have to be different than mine because of the mmu. but basically i think you can catch a texture allocating in kgsl
03:44.39arrrghhhand why it only seemed to effect neocore...
03:44.52rpierce99they worked for WisTilt2 in some configurations
03:45.01WisTilt2rpierce99 nice.  does it wake quicker?
03:45.10arrrghhhok booting again
03:45.35jonprydr1337, my plan is to create a texture. upload random data into it, find it in the pmem, and then create an android surface on it
03:45.38dr1337jonpry so this is not going to happen in userspace?
03:45.39WisTilt2arrrghhh for whatever reason i can only get textures when i move gpu1 into smi so might be gb issue who knows.  minor problem in my book at this point
03:45.53arrrghhhit is minor
03:46.06arrrghhhfrom what i've gleaned, games and other apps don't have missing textures
03:46.22arrrghhhjonpry, i haz lolcats
03:46.32jonprydr1337, well mine is in userspace. yours is complicated from the mmu
03:46.48jonpryarrrghhh, but no lockscreen?
03:46.59arrrghhhwell so far it's still booting
03:47.12arrrghhhthis is the first attempt w/o /system/bin/bootanimation
03:47.23arrrghhhsome surfaceflinger errors
03:47.37rpierce99with my lights set to notification i can't tell when its fully sleeping, but at points when I *think* it is fully sleeping, it seems lightning fast, activity on the phone and weird timing (trying to wake it while its still trying to go to sleep) do still seem to cause slow or failed wakes
03:47.45jonprythat may be my coding style. LOGE ftw
03:48.49dr1337jonpry yeah, did you also get the black screen problems like the n1?
03:49.07jonpryit just crashed the blob
03:50.09arrrghhhseems to have stopped booting there.  do you want a dmesg too?
03:50.27WisTilt2rpierce99 that wake while in process of sleep happens in the other kernels too, never looked into it but it does seem to get out of wack waking up again unless you wait 10secs or more.
03:50.28jonpryseems like the blob will not work
03:50.50dr1337i wonder if it will be easier to try and revert back to how gingerbread dealt with textures
03:50.57jonprycan you build a new surfaceflinger?
03:51.00arrrghhhWisTilt2, usual link for that new .39 hotness?
03:51.02rpierce99WisTilt2: i know we've tested wake performance a lot, and the phone will get into "good" cycles and "bad" cycles but this feel really really fast
03:51.13dr1337afaik, gl_texture_2d and texture_external are interchangeable
03:51.26dr1337except texture_external is more memory efficient
03:51.38WisTilt2arrrghhh yep, but ill send it again, you might not have the latest one from past couple weeks
03:52.08jonprytexture_external is much faster because it doesn't have to be converted and uploaded to gpu mem
03:52.56jonprythis is especially important when the actual screen update might only be part of the texture
03:53.21dr1337it seems though that very few current vendor opengles drivers support that
03:53.37dr1337i think only tegra currently supports it
03:53.40jonprypmem hack will do it
03:53.44dr1337not sure about any of the adrenos
03:54.11WisTilt2rpierce99 the memory oc'd the way it is now is speeding things up but i also changed a couple other clocks that didn't match how we have on our device.  im going to build another with another 5% and see if its stable.
03:54.30dr1337how is pmem hack going to fix it?
03:54.57jonpryit will allow the android process to draw directly on the gpu texture
03:55.10jonpryso it can update as few bytes as it wants. and ditch like 3 copies
03:55.21dr1337also, it seems like the msm7k in ICS is a little outdated compared to codeaurora
03:55.35jonpryor even GB
03:56.38dr1337the new platform/hardware/qcom/display.git even supports ION
03:57.08jonprywhat is that?
03:57.14rpierce99it might just be the way i'm holding it or using it so much, but it feels warm
03:57.23dr1337it's google's new memory management system
03:58.05WisTilt2rpierce99: probably using it too much:) depends on what you're doing.  might let it sleep awhile and it should be nice and cold.
03:58.34jonpryarrrghhh, do you have a build setup for the xdandroid GB?
03:58.41arrrghhhjonpry, i did
03:58.52arrrghhhit's horridly outdated
03:58.58arrrghhhi haven't built anything from thar in a while
03:59.03jonpryrepo sync?
03:59.37arrrghhhrepo init -u git:// -b gingerbread
03:59.55jonprydon't need to run that again
03:59.59jonpryjust repo sync
04:00.02jonpryfor new hotness
04:00.09rpierce99ooh ooh are we playing the name a random repo command game, that's my fav
04:00.22arrrghhhgit stash
04:00.42WisTilt2jonpry are you still remote building on arrrghhh's machine?  i could certainly set you up with an ssh shell on one of our i7's if you're interested.
04:01.03arrrghhhheh.  mine's only got 4 physical cores...
04:01.05jonpryi haven't built ics in a bit. trying to get this sorted out on GB first
04:01.20arrrghhhmy laptop has an i7.  how sad.
04:01.22dr1337jonpry check this new git too
04:02.28jonprythis ion is scary. not clear what it will do on msm7k, need userland changes. we have like 5 production kernel trees atm, and some number of userspaces as well
04:04.29dr1337it's currently being used on the GN
04:05.24rpierce99this thing is waking like winmo for me
04:06.00dr1337and tegra too from that kernel
04:06.03jonpryWisTilt2, i could go for new machine.
04:06.19dr1337but i think it's only the tegra tablets
04:06.21arrrghhhjonpry, his 'net is WAY faster too :P
04:06.23jonprymoving back to the states next week. probably get a new computer that doesn't overheat w/ ics build
04:06.32rpierce99jonpry: i could get you ssh into a pogo plug :)
04:07.00jonpryi built linux kernel on the touchpad. its actually not even slow. just a few minutes
04:07.46rpierce99i hear ICS is a whole different animal
04:08.09jonpryits just llvm afaict
04:08.27rpierce99by that i mean slow as all hell
04:08.30jonprytakes at least half of the build time
04:08.59jonpryas usual the real problem is the android build system
04:09.38jonprylike one cannot choose to not build llvm. so unless you have changes arch's. why does it need to be rebuilt every time?
04:12.31jonpryi think adwlauncher is just kicking my flingers arse
04:14.00jonprymaybe not. maybe it just blows
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04:15.36rpierce99WisTilt2: is there any benefit to equally OCing the proc to what we do with mem on this bad boy, I generally don't OC on this thing, but I know on my pc they kind of go together
04:16.28WisTilt2you can oc'd the cpu but tbo i dont see much increase.  i run mine at 614400
04:16.55jonpryits pretty well starved for memory bandwidth with the lack of processor cache
04:21.53WisTilt2rpierce99 are you still showing 192mb free?
04:22.28rpierce99192568 total via free
04:22.59WisTilt2after you kill whatever you can in systempanel how much does it show available?
04:23.23WisTilt2should be up around 90mb on that device.  im at 104mb with that kernel
04:25.52rpierce99with stuff restarting itself all the time the highest i got it was 81
04:26.12dr1337i think anything < adreno 200 is going to be really difficult to port
04:26.18rpierce99but 17.2 of that is SPL
04:26.29rpierce99so 82 + 17 = 99
04:33.21arrrghhhdownloading from the market over 3g t'was fast
04:33.30arrrghhhnever seen 3mb go that fast before...
04:33.38rpierce99my 3g has been slow lately :(
04:33.46arrrghhhusually it struggles on 300kb
04:33.57arrrghhhthe wakes have been pretty slow
04:34.00arrrghhhbut it's doing 15,000 things
04:34.04arrrghhhhad to make a new data.img
04:34.32arrrghhhdoes feel quite a bit snappier so far
04:34.40WisTilt2let it do its thing and set all settled down then it should be flying
04:34.44arrrghhhand this is on a first boot... that's saying something.
04:35.01arrrghhhyea i just setup sync and downloaded an app from the market while it was syncing
04:35.08arrrghhhand it was fast... i'm impressed.
04:35.14WisTilt2ok i booted ok at 25% memory oc so we'll hammer it and see if it blows up
04:35.48rpierce99is the intention at some point to make a startup.txt option for mem oc? never know when someone gets a lame chip
04:36.27WisTilt2yep for sure
04:36.44arrrghhhthat would be cool
04:36.48WisTilt2no telling with differences between hardware as we've seen so far
04:36.51arrrghhhdifferent levels even
04:36.54arrrghhhjust in case
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04:40.55arrrghhhWisTilt2,  Mem:       192568
04:42.14WisTilt2every little bit helps
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04:57.29WisTilt2we're using PMDH not EMDH i hope
05:02.14WisTilt2arrrghhh you haven't crashed it yet?
05:02.37arrrghhhnot yet.  restoring on tb...
05:02.49arrrghhhi guess i should've tested some stuff but i didn't feel like downloading a ton of apps :P
05:02.58jonpryprobably time for some benches
05:03.07rpierce9925% still going well?
05:03.14arrrghhhgimmie 90
05:03.42WisTilt225% no probs so im trying 30% right now
05:03.46arrrghhhwhat about the GPU?
05:04.00arrrghhhi know some other devices got that and had a pretty good boost
05:04.14arrrghhhi think it works on kovs/blac/raph/diam
05:04.42WisTilt2i need to do smi memory also but gpu's we'll see also
05:05.53arrrghhhoc all of it
05:06.36arrrghhh1.21 gigawatts
05:06.45WisTilt2jonpry whats a good app or method to benchmark this?  if we are locked at 30fps from vsync i guess neocore wont tell us anything if we oc the gpus
05:06.52WisTilt2lol doc
05:07.11arrrghhhah, right.
05:07.26arrrghhhwell there's a bunch of benchmark apps
05:07.27jonprynot unless neocore reports less that ~29
05:07.32arrrghhhi'm not sure which one is "good" or not.
05:07.45arrrghhhfps2d is the one that seemed like we could get higher than 30fsp
05:07.48WisTilt2im getting 29.7 now on neocore
05:07.52arrrghhhbut it never averaged more than that
05:07.57arrrghhhantutu?  never used that one
05:08.03arrrghhhthere's others that seem dubious
05:08.13jonprylinpack is not 3d
05:08.21arrrghhhoh i thought we were testing overall perf
05:08.25arrrghhhnot just 3d
05:08.44jonpryw/ compositor coming. there is only one metric
05:08.51arrrghhhi see
05:09.25jonprydur. i try to tell cm7 not to go to sleep when usb is plugged in. just does it anyways
05:13.35arrrghhhthat tests 3d...
05:13.44arrrghhhthat's another one that seems to vary drastically tho
05:14.05arrrghhhyou might like this one sir jonpry
05:14.13arrrghhhAlthough Quadrant does perform a number of different tests and compiles them into a file score, in my experience it’s a bit tilted towards CPU performance. If you’re interested in isolating the GPU, NenaMark is a great choice.
05:15.07jonprynenamark is es 2.0
05:15.17arrrghhheven the original?
05:15.20arrrghhhnenamark 1
05:16.06jonprynenamark it is
05:16.18arrrghhhi'm trying to find out details about it...
05:16.44arrrghhhthe v1 page still says it's 2.0
05:17.17jonprydoesn't quadrant give like individual scores?
05:17.24arrrghhhi believe so yes
05:17.32jonprysounds perfect
05:18.17arrrghhhsounds like you have to get the "advanced" version to have sub scores tho.
05:21.43arrrghhhjonpry, incoming pm
05:23.09jonpryatm all i have is broken cm7
05:24.19arrrghhhyou want a gb image?
05:25.11jonpryi have it. just only one sd card
05:26.35jonpryi think half the problem is that all of the layers are in 32bit argb
05:27.04jonprysucking up oodles of ram and slowing the texture copies to shit
05:27.24arrrghhhyou can put as many builds as your card can hold
05:27.35jonpryarrrghhh, its your kind of pixel format
05:28.05WisTilt2rpierce99 give this one a try.  this is crazy fast now and stable so far here.
05:28.17jonprywon't this partitioned thing not work?
05:28.28arrrghhhput no_partitions on your cmdline
05:28.35arrrghhhrootfs will ignore the partitions
05:32.47arrrghhhi see kexec in the menu - WisTilt2 is the .39 kernel ready to use that?
05:32.58arrrghhhhells yea
05:33.07arrrghhhthis is definitely fast.
05:33.09WisTilt2guys this is like a different phone now.
05:33.15arrrghhhi just played a little words with friends
05:33.46WisTilt2arrrghhh get this next kernel, its much faster than the last one
05:34.01WisTilt2im trying to find a decent benchmarking app
05:34.03arrrghhhgot it
05:34.07arrrghhhkexec'ing :D
05:35.01elliswaywhat devices you guys playing with
05:35.12rpierce99wish i could, but someone hasn't fixed adb on the mac :P
05:35.33rpierce99cue the mac comment from arrrghhh
05:35.49arrrghhhuse a real computer or something
05:36.31elliswayjust upgraded to a new handset but have many htc devices
05:36.36rpierce99i just managed to remove the app drawer icon from adw
05:36.41rpierce99no idea how to get it back now
05:36.46arrrghhhrpierce99, it's annoying
05:36.56arrrghhhi usually lock the desktop for that reason
05:37.10arrrghhhi don't know if there's an easier way, but i just long press on the desktop and create an icon for it
05:37.14WisTilt2rpierce99 i still havent tried it on the mac at the office but can you look at dmesg in the terminal and see what errors out when you establish the connection and then try to use it
05:37.18arrrghhhthen drag that icon onto the empty slot
05:37.22arrrghhhthen lock the desktop :D
05:37.43arrrghhhkexec is p i m p
05:37.49jonpryyou guys are using adw?
05:38.02arrrghhhjonpry, i bounce back between adw and golauncher
05:38.11arrrghhhi kinda like golauncher's widgets but it feels slower.
05:38.24jonprywhat kind of framerate you get on adw?
05:38.30arrrghhhzeam i've heard if fast, i haven't really used it much tbh
05:38.44arrrghhhi wouldn't know framerate
05:38.53jonpryis it smooth?
05:38.59arrrghhhyea, it's much better than launcher2
05:39.07arrrghhhbut... pretty much anything is.
05:39.19jonpryi get like 5fps
05:39.26arrrghhhl2 sux
05:39.33arrrghhhreplace it with _anything_
05:39.33jonprythats on adw
05:39.43arrrghhhyou're on cm7 tho right?
05:40.12arrrghhhthe adw cm7 bundles seems... shitacular
05:40.23arrrghhhi don't know why
05:40.26arrrghhhit's still adw.
05:40.45jonprybtw i can manage to get some texture corruption
05:41.03jonpryso something may not be good with gpu0
05:44.54arrrghhhmy phone definitely seems warmer than usual, lol
05:45.08rpierce99yeah i thought so too
05:46.03jonpryWisTilt2, have you hit 50% yet?
05:46.11WisTilt2its on steroids so should be lol.  it should be normal temp if you're not working it real hard though.  that quadrant benchmark is nice. scored right below the nexus 1
05:46.55WisTilt2im at 35% right now and this sucker is flying crazy fast.  dont know if pushing it higher will be noticeable but im going to try 40
05:47.21WisTilt2you guys run this new one yet?
05:47.40rpierce99running it now
05:47.49arrrghhhditto, have been for a little while
05:48.02arrrghhhwhen i was talkin 'bout kexec is when i started running it
05:48.06WisTilt2after this 40% try im going to oc smi at the same 35% that i know is stable
05:48.10arrrghhhturnaround is soooo much faster when you skip winmo :D
05:48.16rpierce99seems good, hoped angry birds rio was going to be like omg fast so we could impress all the noobs, but seems we are gpu limited on that one
05:48.20WisTilt2then we move on to gpus
05:48.27arrrghhhrpierce99, lol
05:48.56rpierce99but with the free ram and OC launcher is like lightning
05:52.02jonpryi got it up to like 8 fps
05:52.23WisTilt2well it runs at 40% and it might be a little faster but not such a big just as when i went from 20-35. 35% is amazingly fast
05:59.43arrrghhhhaving the RAM oc similar to the proc oc would be nice
05:59.45jonpryWisTilt2 i have some questions about msm_fb if you have time
05:59.57arrrghhhso then people could just push it as crazyfar or as low as they want.
06:00.09WisTilt2sure but give me 1
06:00.41arrrghhhi'm just thinking when it's "finalized"
06:00.48arrrghhhi dun need it now :P
06:00.50rpierce99he was talking to jonpry
06:00.55arrrghhhthat too.
06:00.57WisTilt2rpierce99 did you plug usb in about 30s after booting?
06:01.10rpierce99hm, probably less than that, my batt is low
06:01.18rpierce99it was still booting when i plugged it in
06:01.32rpierce99it very well could have been 30s
06:02.21WisTilt2ok ill have to try this on our mac at the office to figure it out.  looks like the data channel never gets setup by the mac so kernel just waits
06:02.34jonpryoo, maybe 12 fps
06:03.45WisTilt2arrrghhh that last kernel even better?
06:04.53arrrghhhyea, seemed to be
06:05.01arrrghhhi got stuck with something calling GPS on
06:05.06arrrghhhand it wouldn't shut down
06:05.14arrrghhhso i disabled it and rebooted.  getting back now.
06:05.14WisTilt2lol we need to fix or remove that from .39
06:05.38WisTilt2jonpry let me grab another beer and we'll talk fb:)
06:06.53jonpry12fps is pretty nice on the cm7. if i can double that it will be as good as touchpad
06:07.21rpierce99you don't mess around when you set goals, yeah i'd like to double that...
06:08.09jonpryimho in software that is the only goal worth achieving. in 2 years a new processor will do it anyways
06:09.30WisTilt2ok jonpry fire away
06:09.42jonpryso where exactly is the framebuffer?
06:10.03jonpryfrom what i can tell its definitely not in that pmem region
06:11.01jonpryer. do we have remotefb?
06:11.49WisTilt2i thought pmem is where it is, or at least something fb related uses that.  stick it in a dead memory area and no workie
06:12.23WisTilt2ive never looked at msm_fb deep enough in that aspect to actually see
06:12.25jonpryi'm not saying that memory isn't used for anything. its just that if i write stuff in there. it does not automagically end up on the screen
06:12.48arrrghhhapps that never scroll smoothly are now scrolling at a pretty decent speed.
06:13.00WisTilt2open faster than hell to dont they?
06:13.05arrrghhhthat too :D
06:13.09WisTilt2app menu especially
06:13.09arrrghhhthis is awesome man
06:13.28WisTilt2jonpry maybe pmem fb area is a pre buffer?
06:13.44jonpryremotefb would explain it
06:14.02jonprybut yes its somekind of not really the framebuffer thing
06:14.02WisTilt2our of msm_fb or where would that be setup
06:15.51arrrghhhoh well.  gonna go get some sleep.  thanks for the test kernels WisTilt2, lookin forward to seein what you can do for the GPU ;)
06:16.18WisTilt2ok arrrghhh.  ill oc smi memory next then onto gpu and see what trouble we can get into
06:16.40rpierce99i won't be satisfied until we have a personal heater
06:16.45jonprywe needz juice
06:18.41WisTilt2jonpry im looking at msm_fb and fb gets allocated there but i dont see where the pmem side comes into play
06:19.21jonpryit sets somekind of variable called fix
06:19.38jonpryit uses platform data and not pmem, but its the same region
06:19.47WisTilt2ok that makes more sense
06:20.18WisTilt2you sure we dont have 2 fb's going on here the way this is now?
06:20.33WisTilt2a ghost in pmem that really never gets used
06:20.44jonpryi've attempted a blind write to all of it everywhere
06:20.57jonpryand nothing takes effect unless i make an ioctl
06:21.12WisTilt2writing to the 2mb pmem region directly you mean?
06:21.52jonpryand the ioctl causes a mdp dma operation to something
06:23.03WisTilt2if you write to pmem region and make the ioctl does it then appear in fb?
06:29.25jonpryif its using remotefb, then that is fine. just wondering if there was a way to avoid the copy
06:30.10WisTilt2jonpry: is line 756 where the fb in pmem is setup?
06:31.26WisTilt2looks like it so if the resource isnt there then what happens?
06:31.26jonpryi have 762 but mine is patched
06:31.33jonprystatic int setup_fbmem(struct msmfb_info *msmfb, struct platform_device *pdev)
06:31.44WisTilt2resource = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 0);
06:31.53jonpryyeah thats it
06:32.20WisTilt2ok the way that code is there is a test if the resource isnt there to do what?
06:32.22jonpryit aborts if there is no fb
06:33.26jonprymaybe all mddi panels are remote fb
06:33.40WisTilt2right, so that would be the only fb area right?  so the ioctl triggers the copy from that buffer.
06:34.33WisTilt2i know once its passed to the panel it stays on the panel unless fb updates it again
06:34.59jonpryso the other question i have is about using very strange framebuffer formats
06:35.34jonprylike 565 rgb, then 16bits of nothing
06:35.56jonpryis that going to be possible with our old mdp?
06:37.08jonpryfairly certain i could get it done on mdp4
06:37.48WisTilt2i need to look at this but should be possible.
06:38.38jonprythis is the price of using the adreno output as the framebuffer
06:38.56jonprymost stuff will want depth buffer which is interleaved with the rgb
06:39.36WisTilt2we already have 565 in mdp
06:39.46WisTilt2case 16
06:39.49jonprythis is 56516 though
06:39.59jonpry32 bits per pixel
06:40.04WisTilt2does our panel support that?
06:40.31jonprymy understanding is that mdp is an overgrown dma engine
06:40.44jonpryso you tell it, like take this buffer packed like this, and output it like that
06:41.07jonprypanel probably only takes one format, but mdp takes all sorts of them. like 8888
06:41.37WisTilt2so mdp does all the reformatting
06:42.09jonpryso can it be programmed to essentially skip every other 16bit pixel
06:43.03WisTilt2should be doable.  you trying to run 32bpp on 16bpp or what
06:43.14jonprydepth buffer
06:44.49jonprygotta pretend its not there
06:45.23jonprycurrently i have pmem_fb == pmem_gpu1
06:48.05WisTilt2overlapped?  so part of gpu1 base is fb then
06:48.19jonpryyeah the bottom
06:48.30jonprycauses thats where gpu puts its output buffers
06:48.43jonpryvery convenient when using opengl composition
06:49.28jonpryi can even sort of get page flipping to work. but there is a problem
06:49.45WisTilt2that almost sounds like the ioctl that copies fb copies it to the base 2mb of gpu1 then
06:50.39jonprymsm_fb has no idea bout gpu1
06:52.33jonpryi can't figure out if egl is using the top or bottom buffer at any instant. android must know somehow to do the blit. urg
06:55.22WisTilt2rats nest
06:56.21jonpryi think this compositor is going to bring new life to our phones
06:57.26WisTilt2bring it on!  if we can get the gpu's oc'd we'll have state of the art new old devices
06:58.05jonpryfor sure :p
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07:30.24WisTilt2jonpry: panel supports 8,16, and 24 bit depth with rgb 565,666,888 formats
07:30.56WisTilt2sounds like you need to write a 56516 converter in mdp:)
07:32.53jonprywell working on the buffer flipping problem for now
07:32.57WisTilt2rpierce99 if you're still awake, was that last kernel you tried the 30% oc one?
07:33.18WisTilt2ok. im going to oc smi then have a go at gpu's before i hit the sack
07:33.36rpierce999:27p your time
07:33.59rpierce99my chat log doesn't go back that far
07:35.33WisTilt2yeah that was at 30%, 35 works nice so does 40 but i dont see much diff from 35-40 thats worth it.  let me oc smi to 35% and ill upload for you to try if you want.
07:35.46jonprywhat about 50?
07:35.51jonpryor 100?
07:36.01WisTilt2lol, dont want to melt my phone
07:36.15WisTilt2ill try 50 real quick
07:36.41WisTilt2it will die at 100 i can pretty much guarantee
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07:38.50rpierce9910" honeycomb tablet for $229, one of you guys should buy one so you can make android awesome for me :)
07:39.37bzoI got my 10" ICS (to be) tablet for $100 :P
07:39.46rpierce99what kind?
07:39.59rpierce99that's 10?
07:40.17rpierce99is still mad about that
07:40.18bzoof course that's moot since there are no more
07:40.30rpierce99unless you buy an hp laptop
07:41.36bzoI got really lucky to run across that deal exactly when it was available
07:42.06rpierce99yeah i talked to a guy yesterday that was standing in a best buy store when someone came up to the employee he was talking to and was like dude we can sell the tablets now
07:42.43bzoI ordered mine from the hp site, so I didn't even have to leave the house
07:43.21bzothat whole touchpad debacle got everyone else offering their tabs at a reasonable price now
07:43.40bzoit seems like the going rate for a 10" tab is down to like 300, instead of 500-600
07:44.05bzoeveryone but apple that is
07:46.34jonprybut none are as good as touchpad
07:47.03bzowhy? aside from it running your kernel :P
07:47.51jonprythe 8660 is the best processor out there
07:48.36rpierce99not a tegra 2 fan?
07:48.48jonprytegra can't play 1080p
07:49.29jonpryand its got no neon. like wtf
07:49.43bzois the 8660 an a8 or a9 like generation chip?
07:50.25bzoso it's not just a faster snapdragon then?
07:50.36bzoI mean higher clocked, that is
07:51.07jonpryit still is a snapdragon
07:51.22jonprymore or less same as 8260 without the radio
07:51.29jonprymuch faster than 8x50
07:51.44bzoI thought the snapdragon was like a slightly better a8?
07:52.33jonpryafaict a9 is just dual core a8
07:54.31bzoI think the a9 has much better ipc, shorter pipeline and OOE
08:03.29WisTilt2rpierce99: 35% kernel is up
08:03.53bzoWisTilt2: what is the default speed of memory?
08:04.01WisTilt2jonpry above 50% is no good and 50 is not stable
08:04.40WisTilt2as our kernels have it you mean?
08:04.52bzoright, out of the box
08:05.49rpierce99so this is the first thing you OCed, and then smi to 35?
08:06.31WisTilt2dont know for sure, im using our stuff from our device right now.  i think .39 is 132mhz
08:06.43WisTilt2rpierce99 yes both are at 35 now
08:07.22rpierce99why on earth am i watching the crocodile hunter
08:07.40rpierce99i stayed up to catch this sale
08:07.55rpierce99and apparently ignored the tv
08:07.55bzofor the tablet?
08:08.05bzowhich one is it?
08:08.31bzodid that come out at $500?
08:08.40rpierce99the 16gb was up there
08:08.46rpierce99this 8gb is a new sku
08:08.50rpierce99just released today
08:08.57rpierce99er, like 20 minutes ago
08:09.20bzoah, ic. Though the difference in BOM for 8gb must be like $4
08:09.41rpierce99yeah probably, sd card slot anyways, i don't care either way
08:10.09bzoyeah, that's the only downside of the touchpad, no sd
08:10.43bzothat and the somewhat lo-res xga display
08:10.57bzohp really knocked themselves out copying the ipad
08:11.51bzoWisTilt2: I would think that at the time the tp2 was manufactured, the min speed of ram would be like 166mhz
08:12.10bzoso, the 25% from 133 to 166 is still probably in spec
08:13.46WisTilt2you'd think so, ddr ram from a few years ago was good up to around 200 i think
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08:14.59WisTilt2at 35% oc this puppy is really flying and i dont see enough difference above that to risk it
08:15.43bzofrom my experience, OCing desktop 166 ram to about 180 is pretty safe (i.e. your 35% oc)
08:15.56WisTilt2rpierce check and make sure you still have 192mb free with this, i may have dropped that in this build
08:15.59rpierce99yeah this is noticeably faster than the last, which is way faster than the normal, this is silky smooth
08:16.11WisTilt2sweet isn't it
08:16.11bzoa lot of stick wouldn't hit 200 reliably though (your 50% oc)
08:16.26rpierce99only concern for me is this heat = energy = lower battery life
08:16.41rpierce99nope, 192568
08:16.46WisTilt2bzo that sounds right on with what im seeing
08:17.09WisTilt2ok good, thats the max memory on cdma i can squeeze out at this time i guess
08:17.26bzoheh, I guess phh was right - ocing the memory is a big win
08:17.43WisTilt2this is like a totally different device now
08:19.01WisTilt2bzo:found another power saver in sleep also. we weren't shutting down the dsp.  dont have the fluke and test battery to measure here though but should be less drain
08:19.35WisTilt218ma is where im at as is with scbs running, thats still pretty nice
08:20.12bzoI may be able skip a phone upgrade for another year
08:20.54WisTilt2rpierce if you cant blow it up i think ill set 35% as the number for now.  i need to hit the sack so ill try oc'ing gpus tomorrow
08:21.24WisTilt2bzo true, i have 15 rhod300's so i dont need to upgrade all those now either:)
08:21.52bzoI ought to measure the drain on the 400, must be higher than the 300s
08:22.14bzodid you hack a battery to add a test point or something?
08:22.24WisTilt2would be curious myself.  it seems cdma users dont get the same bat life we do on gsm
08:22.41WisTilt2yes, spare battery wired to it and have fluke in line
08:23.32rpierce99go over 30 fps on neocore :)
08:23.38rpierce99with no textures :)
08:23.46WisTilt2you got over 30?
08:24.29WisTilt2its probably higher than that but jonpry said vsync is locked to 30fps so we never see higher.
08:24.47bzorpierce99: have you tried fps2d?
08:24.59rpierce99not on this kernel no
08:25.00WisTilt2i cant get over how fast app menu opens not to mention opening apps now
08:25.25rpierce99yeah, it's hard to find apps that don't have some network component to test with though
08:25.31rpierce99neocore loads up fast
08:25.36bzomight not see better fps2d result until the smi is OCed also
08:25.51WisTilt2it is in this kernel
08:26.11bzoah nice, you got to both of them
08:26.25WisTilt2so is gpu0 2d then?
08:26.44bzoI was thinking about the framebuffer memory
08:27.00WisTilt2i dont get why i can set gpu0 down to 1mb and nothing changes with anything.  its like that gpu never gets used
08:27.25bzowinmo has gpu0=2mb and gpu1=13mb
08:27.50bzowe have our 7mb/8mb config because that's what the qcom lib is hardcoded for
08:27.51WisTilt2really... why do we have gpu0-7mb
08:28.35bzoback in the day, we tried hacking the lib for th 2+13 config, but it didn't seem to do anything
08:28.40bzoso we didn't put any more work into it
08:29.24WisTilt2any idea how much oc we can do to the gpu's?
08:29.45bzono clue, didn't alex play with that a while back?
08:30.11WisTilt2dont know but if he did he might know the upper limit and save me some time
08:30.41WisTilt2i just went in 5% steps with memory and hammered it for stability
08:30.54bzolol, is there anything we use the gpu except for necore?
08:31.12rpierce99avg=30 stdev=6.14
08:31.42bzoof course, when jonpry gets the compositor working the gpu will be huge
08:32.16WisTilt2yep.  tp2's out perform the new stuff would be nice
08:32.21bzorpierce99: hmm, not much change then
08:32.42rpierce99we're capped at 30 though
08:33.10bzotru, though I would hope one would be pegged closer to 30 and have less deviation
08:33.33bzojust ran on mine and got the same result
08:35.41rpierce99some of the crappier 3d games that aren't quite as gpu intensive run much better
08:35.49rpierce99paper plane is smooth now
08:36.25bzohave you tried the all important angry birds?
08:36.39rpierce99only rio
08:36.42rpierce99i don't have regular
08:36.44rpierce99rio is still slow
08:36.51WisTilt2i need to hit the sack guys. rpierce99 you might run in sleep mode overnight and see what kind of battery drain you get now.  im seeing .8% hr before the dsp fix so hoping for less tonight.
08:37.07rpierce99i don't have enough batt to do a drain test
08:37.26rpierce99it's been off charger all day
08:37.36rpierce99so i'll charge it overnight and then let it drain tomorrow
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08:37.40WisTilt2np, when you can. nite guys, gpu oc tomorrow:)
08:37.44rpierce99cant wait
08:38.15bzoI'm out as well, gn
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12:25.12LjLhi. uhm, i was thinking of getting a used HTC Universal, but apparently the wiki in the topic doesn't list it. do you know whether i could run a decent version of Linux on it?
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16:02.47jonpryouch it hurts
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16:22.09arrrghhhjonpry, the htc universal?  lol
16:22.23arrrghhhLjL, i wouldn't.  it seems it *can* run linux, but from what i've gleaned it doesn't run it well.
16:22.49jonprymostly my hangover
16:23.10arrrghhhwha'd you drink last night?
16:23.41jonprysomething roughly pronounced glasgo
16:24.05arrrghhhmy parents were feeding me this stuff they called "gluvine"
16:25.00jonprywhich is just the lazy pronunciation of clark's court
16:25.31jonprynot big into the consonants here
16:25.47jonprywhat is gluvine?
16:26.07arrrghhhbasically wine with boos and some other flavorings cooked on a stove
16:26.13arrrghhhso it warms you as you drink it
16:26.17arrrghhhplus, boos.
16:26.20detulesounds slavic
16:26.25arrrghhhgerman IIRC
16:26.28jonprylike spiced wine
16:26.36arrrghhhjonpry, exactly
16:28.21jonpryi tried that once. not bad
16:28.28arrrghhhyea, good stuff
16:28.36arrrghhhmy dad put a shitton of hard liquor in it tho
16:28.48jonprymine didn't have that extra kick
16:28.51arrrghhhyou couldn't really taste it, but damn.  2 little mugs of it and i'm good
16:30.00jonpryi am not feeling that good atm
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16:32.03detulefight fire with fire?
16:32.35detuleor as my people would say, "use a nail to hammer out a nail"
16:32.43arrrghhha little hair of the dog
16:34.31jonpryjust need a little rhodium hacking
16:35.40jonpryarrrghhh, i was thinking that xdandroid might do something w/ stock surfaceflinger. if you just use that kernel and the libgles
16:36.05arrrghhhjonpry, sure
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18:58.28arrrghhhjonpry, hrm.  i'm noticing perms might be screwed for the test i ran
18:58.39arrrghhhi should try this with the same perm's.  d'oh.
18:59.11arrrghhhthe one i put in has executable rights... that's the only difference.
18:59.21arrrghhhoh well, i'll try it with just your GLES and kernel.
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19:55.31arrrghhhjonpry, it appears to be working
19:55.41arrrghhhi have a blank screen where i assume the bootanimation normally would be :P
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21:17.12jonpryarrrghhh, thats a good start. what about real graphics?
21:18.21arrrghhhjonpry, i didn't have any benchmark apps
21:18.27arrrghhhshould i just try to run neocore and see what i get?
21:18.35jonpryno 3d stuff won't work
21:18.52jonpryfps2d probably will. but is it smooth?
21:19.02arrrghhhoh right
21:19.11arrrghhhyea, seems smooth
21:19.19arrrghhhwhether or not it's a huge improvement, i can't really say...
21:19.24jonpryhmm. wonder why its not on mine. have logcat?
21:19.25arrrghhhjust flipping around the UI
21:19.29arrrghhhi can get one
21:19.41arrrghhhyou're running this on gb?
21:19.42arrrghhhor cm7?
21:19.53arrrghhhthat might be why
21:20.01arrrghhhcm7 is kind of a pig for our phones
21:20.12jonprystill not smooth. and i have speed up patches in surface flinger
21:20.54arrrghhhwell... gb wasn't like dramatically smoother
21:20.59jonpryi saw a cm7 video for rhod on youtube. looked pretty smooth. tbh i didn't pay much attention to it before i started hacking away
21:21.44arrrghhhwe really need a better way to empirically tell if it's better or not.
21:21.53jonpryassuming it is actually working. then any level of smoothness is pretty amazing
21:22.08arrrghhhyea, that's the other thing
21:22.09arrrghhhis it working
21:22.14arrrghhhi'll get a lolcat here shortly
21:22.16arrrghhhjust want one from boot?
21:22.20arrrghhhcuz it's booting now
21:22.48jonpryyou get any funny stuff on the screen?
21:23.10jonprythats a sure sign of it "working"
21:23.19arrrghhhfunny stuff?
21:23.31arrrghhhother than weird issues when the phone would try to sleep, nothing out of the ordinary
21:23.59jonpryshould be like occasional messed up textures
21:24.23arrrghhhother than the normal android ones
21:24.26arrrghhhi didn't see any
21:24.31arrrghhhi loaded a data.img with all my poop in it
21:24.31jonpryand sometimes it gets confused about which is the front and back buffer. then everything starts looking half drawn
21:24.34arrrghhhi'll see what i can break
21:24.46arrrghhhnever saw anything like that
21:26.31jonpryyeah there is probably at least one patch to flinger you need for it to startup
21:35.56arrrghhhjonpry, it does do some crazy wacky things in sleep
21:36.01arrrghhhi'll randomly see the console
21:36.12arrrghhhand it doesn't want to behave
21:36.21arrrghhhbut other than that... unfortunately i don't notice any tangible benefits.
21:41.19jonpryi doubt its working
21:42.17arrrghhhprobably not
21:42.30arrrghhho right
21:42.34arrrghhhi never grabbed one o dem
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21:58.53arrrghhh[acl], what's up
21:58.58arrrghhhjonpry, do i have to boot with usb plugged in?
21:59.01[acl]arrrghhh: pissed at the rhod 100
21:59.13[acl]arrrghhh: fuck that thing.. im not gonna bother with it
21:59.15jonpryarrrghhh, shouldn't
21:59.17arrrghhhi don't remember if there's any hoops i have to jump thru for adb in .39
21:59.25jonpryworks for me
21:59.26arrrghhh[acl], lol.  pissed because it's so much different?
21:59.37arrrghhhjonpry, damnit.  i think it was working before.  it's not now for some reason.
21:59.44jonpry[acl] that is not the spirit
21:59.46[acl]arrrghhh: yeah bro.. shit has completely diff way of doing things
22:00.08arrrghhhit does.  with the front cam and different panel
22:00.13[acl]arrrghhh: prox for them wont work.. so they will have to suffer like dogs
22:00.15arrrghhhi'm sure there's a lot of poop different under the hood
22:00.20arrrghhhjust rhod100?
22:00.24arrrghhhother gsm devices are fine?
22:00.29[acl]works on 300
22:00.43[acl]granted 300 is also very retarded but workable
22:00.52[acl]i dunno im assuming 210 is the same
22:01.03[acl]where is cotulla
22:01.13[acl]cotulla has a 300 or 210 ?
22:01.15arrrghhhsomewhere in russia
22:01.22arrrghhhAFAIK he has a 100
22:01.24arrrghhhbut i could be wrong
22:01.30[acl]i need to compare some notes with him i guess save each other some time
22:01.49jonpry[acl], i have hardware composition in gingerbread
22:02.09[acl]jonpry: explain thyself ..
22:02.15[acl]you got my attention :-)
22:02.33jonprysurface flinger uses a hardware gl context
22:02.48jonpryi mean it does now. it didn't used to
22:03.14[acl]jonpry: some parts were gl. I did some work on the electron beam
22:03.25[acl]jonpry: but some older shit wasnt
22:03.38jonpryyeah but its using the software renderer. if you check the lolcat. it says Render: pixel flinger
22:03.42jonpryer renderer
22:04.03jonprybut nows it says Renderer: Q3Dimension
22:04.18[acl]jonpry: i was always confused about that. The gl calls are made to do all the fun stuff but then copied back via software right ?
22:04.45[acl]jonpry: i think because natively they used frame buffer objects on gles 2
22:04.47[acl]which we dont have
22:05.01[acl]so newer devices dont ever use software
22:05.11jonprythe wormhole and electron beam require FBO's
22:05.24[acl]well beam i switch to use gl1 calls
22:05.33[acl]but the copy back to the framebuffer
22:05.41[acl]would still be done software wise
22:05.43[acl]i think
22:05.44[acl]not sure
22:05.55jonpryall of surface flinger is done using software atm
22:06.08[acl]even for newer devices?
22:06.28jonpryall gles2.0 probably use hardware
22:06.35[acl]ahh yeah thats what i mean
22:06.41[acl]yeah i get you
22:06.44[acl]we are on the same page
22:06.54jonpryso i've got it running on gles 1 now
22:06.55[acl]so you got the copy back to fb done via hardware ?
22:07.19[acl]damn i might be able to bump the beam to 24 frames again :-)
22:07.21jonpryskipping that whole process. just put fb at the bottom of gpu1
22:07.26[acl]the fill rate was killing me
22:07.44[acl]put fb bottom of gpu1 ? woa...
22:07.50[acl]didnt wistilt try this in the past
22:07.52[acl]many moons ago
22:07.57jonprythats where the output surface is
22:08.31jonpryi haven't got page flipping to work quite right. sometimes it the back and front buffers are flipped. i can't sync it
22:08.49[acl]yeah i can imagine that being a beotch
22:09.51arrrghhhbut [acl] - wistilt2's been overclocking the RAM
22:10.02arrrghhhfancy fancy.  got a pretty good boost
22:10.07[acl]that dood has 100 rhods to fry
22:10.22arrrghhh15 i think, but yea.
22:10.22[acl]maybe mre
22:10.29arrrghhhmight as well be 100 :P
22:10.34[acl]i know right
22:10.39[acl]took me 3 years to fry 1
22:10.46[acl]so he has a long time
22:11.47[acl]well jonprys work is interesting
22:11.52[acl]cotulla and i talked about it in the past
22:11.57[acl]but both too lazy to do it
22:12.05WisTilt2hi guys.  arrrghhh im about to put up  a test for you with gpu overclocked once i test this build
22:12.23[acl]WisTilt2: sup dood.. heard you are over clocking stuff
22:12.36arrrghhhWisTilt2, sweet
22:12.48WisTilt2yeah compared clock stuff with how we are doing it on our device, many changes:)
22:13.15WisTilt2oc'd ebi and smi really woke these tp2 up bigtime
22:13.15[acl]love innovation..
22:13.42WisTilt2jonpry get composition going and we'll have some nice "old" devices
22:13.46[acl]break the 30 fps yet ?
22:14.00WisTilt2we need to fix that vsync or whatever locks it at 30
22:14.18[acl]either lower the rate or change it to something usable
22:14.41[acl]it starts at 60hz, so unless u match that, 30 is the next best thing :-(
22:15.04WisTilt2where is this?
22:15.04[acl]or do what alex did, just lower the resolution
22:15.12[acl]WisTilt2: panel init
22:15.20[acl]we went over this dood remember.. about a year ago
22:15.21shaky153hey guys
22:15.32WisTilt2hmm, so we're locking vsyn in panel?  that should be easy to change
22:15.40[acl]WisTilt2: the evo had the same issue
22:15.52[acl]WisTilt2: so their patch changes a few values around
22:16.23[acl]thing is, not sure if all the panels have the same init value. I know evo may have had epson ? not sure but we have tons to worry about
22:16.59jonpry[acl] so the when it starts up stuff has 50% chance of being all in sync or all out of sync, and it will stay that way. some things seem to roll the dice again. i figure it call fbPost without eglswapbuffers under some circumstances
22:17.00WisTilt2[acl]: i need to look at panel vsync then.  after i get gpu's oc'd ill see what i can do with that.  we can work out the different panel type once we get it working on these
22:17.03[acl]WisTilt2: if you search back at the chat logs you should be able to find it. I know you and i spent some time reading up on it.
22:17.14WisTilt2yeah we did
22:18.30[acl]if our rate can go higher, then thats a possible solution. Or we can lower it to the point where we can match the vsync
22:18.59[acl]so if we lower it at 45 and our fill rate can match that, well then boys our devices will be the msm7k to envy
22:19.21jonpryisn't the eye kind of limited?
22:19.22WisTilt2whats a good benchmark app that only tests gpu?  this quadrant is good but checks everything
22:19.34jonprywhy waste so much memory bandwidth on invisible frames?
22:19.38[acl]jonpry: yeah .. we will def notice
22:21.38[acl]jonpry: so how much of memory are you over lapping?
22:21.58arrrghhhWisTilt2, other than neocore or neamark... not sure.
22:22.06[acl]wait, that made no sense. how much mem are you allocating to 3d now ?
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22:25.01jonprysame old 8mb
22:25.35jonpryit doesn't seem to work with anything else. could probably hack the driver somehow
22:25.59[acl]jonpry: hack the oem driver ? we tried but there were no gains
22:26.11[acl]bumped it up to like 13 i think
22:26.16jonprythis all started because i can't get it to copy its output buffers anywhere when its running in surface flinger. yes oem
22:26.21arrrghhhjonpry, did you get that lolca?
22:26.40jonpryyeah working on it
22:26.48WisTilt2jonpry are you overlapping fb @ 8mb to fill all of gpu1?
22:26.48arrrghhhok np
22:26.52arrrghhhjust wanted to make sure you got it ;)
22:27.43jonpryWisTilt2, no. i think it doesn't matter what size you set fb at as long as its larger than the 1.2MB or whatever is required
22:28.12WisTilt2im still puzzled about that 1mb hw3d
22:30.28[acl]aite fellas.. gotta go to the gym. the ladies dont care about my android work.. they just care about my arms :-(
22:30.39[acl]bitches :-(
22:30.54jonprythey don't know about nerds?
22:31.16[acl]they do but they arent exactly chasing after them
22:31.27WisTilt2later [acl]
22:31.45[acl]jonpry: let me know how it goes dodo.. sounds interesting ..
22:31.54[acl]WisTilt2: dont fry your phone :-p
22:31.59WisTilt2got backups:)
22:32.03[acl]nice nice
22:34.02jonpryi can't find a definition for egl_native_window_t anywhere in the gingerbread source
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22:41.07WisTilt2jonpry: are you using the board panel file from .39 for your tests?
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22:42.14jonpryWisTilt2, yes
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22:42.48WisTilt2well, i dont know when or how stuff got removed from init but there is stuff missing so im fixing it.  lots of it is has to do with vsync and hsync.  all that timing stuff i did last year is not in here now
22:43.06rpierce99WisTilt2: I've been doing sort of a mini drain test today, purposefully leaving the phone off, even when i get alerts. I took it off the charger 7 hours ago and I am at 56% battery
22:44.24WisTilt2rpierce99 was it at 100% when you started? thats way too much drain.  overnight i averaged just under .8%hr so dsp dropped it a small amount.
22:44.40rpierce99well my drain has never been as much as yours
22:44.54WisTilt27hrs you should only drop 7% at worst in sleep unless its not really going into full sleep from some app keeping it awake
22:45.00rpierce99only dropping 45% over 7+ hours is good for this build
22:45.18arrrghhhWisTilt2, remember he's got a lot of stuff syncing'
22:45.20WisTilt2cat /proc/msm_pm_stats and look at the idle-sleep numbers and see how high it is
22:45.46arrrghhhi've noticed a few apps i've added auto-sync and there's seemingly no setting to enable to disable that 'feature'
22:46.16arrrghhhoh well.
22:46.21arrrghhhenable or disable :P
22:46.31arrrghhhauor-sync, win
22:46.40WisTilt2well if apps are waking it up a bunch that idle-sleep counter should be pretty high over 7hrs, if its low then its really going into sleep most of the time.
22:46.49rpierce99idle-sleep: count: 10194, total time: 646.69
22:46.59arrrghhhis that time in seconds?
22:47.12WisTilt2have you rebooted at all since this 7hr time?
22:47.15arrrghhhthat's only 10 mins or so
22:47.25rpierce99idle-request is ridiculously high
22:47.35WisTilt2yeah that was my next question
22:47.55WisTilt2ok let me ask you this...
22:48.27WisTilt2did you have charger plugged in until full charge then just start the test from there or did you reboot first after charging?
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22:49.32rpierce99i had it plugged in all night (3am-9:30am), then just took it off
22:49.40rpierce99and used it, no reboots
22:50.05rpierce99so it has been on/running since you provided the 35/35 kernel last night
22:50.11WisTilt2thats why idle-request is so high.  look at idle-abort and it should be very high also.  see what idle-failed is also
22:50.34rpierce99idle-abort is only20379.17
22:50.35WisTilt2i have it prevented from idle-sleep with any usb plugged in
22:51.17WisTilt2what is the counter value for idle-abort compared to counter on idle-request?
22:51.23WisTilt2top number
22:52.40rpierce99174,537,411 - 176,922,748
22:52.46WisTilt2yeah thats good
22:53.01WisTilt2idle-failed count and time is what?
22:53.26WisTilt2idle-sleep failed i think its called
22:53.33rpierce99idle-failed-sleep: count: 132, total_time: 0.16
22:54.16WisTilt2yeah thats good also.  so this means it is going to sleep most of the time.  you didnt use it at all during this 7hr period?
22:54.47rpierce99nope, screen off, just syncing, i received about 10 emails, so a few alerts went off, and it rang once or twice
22:55.42rpierce99android says cell standby is 51% of usage, phone idle is 48%, display is 3%
22:55.43WisTilt2it was in idle-sleep for almost 170mins thats good but it does look like you're awake for 4hrs out of the 7 then so apps are hogging battery waking it up too much now that i look at it
22:55.58rpierce99and actual time unplugged is 7h22m
22:56.46WisTilt2if you run in winmo with same apps syncing do you get around same drain?
22:56.59rpierce99can't say, i've never used winmo on this phone
22:57.08rpierce99threw xdandroid on there the same week i got it
22:57.09arrrghhhcan't really get the same apps to sync either
22:57.13rpierce99and there's no GV app
22:57.23rpierce99or gtalk
22:57.26rpierce99or latitude
22:57.29arrrghhhthere's nothing in winmo
22:57.36arrrghhhwhy do you think we're here WisTilt2 :P
22:57.40WisTilt2you might try running scbs so you get a more accurate battery reading also. cant imagine that much drain
22:57.52arrrghhhrpierce99, original battery?
22:57.53WisTilt2yeah good to here no winmo)
22:57.58rpierce99yeah original
22:58.20arrrghhhbattery might just be old too.  i would say we should compare drain with our own batteries/devices/usages
22:58.28arrrghhhunless we're running radio off no syncs
22:58.36arrrghhhcan't really compare apples to apples
22:58.57WisTilt2scbs would tell battery age condition better than the standard battery algo too
22:59.07rpierce99scbs means new rootfs right?
22:59.33WisTilt2yes, i can send you emwe's that im using that jonpry added the daemon to if you want
22:59.44arrrghhhrpierce99, IIRC it's a 1-2 line chane in rootfs
22:59.46rpierce99yeah that'd be great
22:59.54rpierce99i don't have the binaries either though arrrghhh
23:01.31WisTilt2rpierce99 its on the server same path but rootfs.img - i didnt compress it sorry so its 15mb
23:01.37rpierce99no prob
23:02.20WisTilt2you'll have to make the model so you'll have to do the charge discharge thing again while it stats so you can make the model.
23:02.55WisTilt2unless you have an old scbs.conf file from back in the testing days
23:03.00rpierce99i'll get the low end of the charge tonight, charge it up again overnight, then let it drain again
23:03.08rpierce99i probably do still have all of my old scbs files on my sd
23:03.41WisTilt2just take the most recent .log file and make the model from it and that should be close
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23:17.19detulejonpry, if you send me those surfaceflinger patches i can probably build a suitable xdandroid image
23:18.15jonprysounds good. let me get it working again though. got it all screwed up atm
23:18.52arrrghhhnice.  all i can do is run them and look dumb detule :D
23:27.43detuleWisTilt2, the panel code in the .3x trees is as you left it in June/July....which clock/bus are you oc-ing btw?
23:33.53WisTilt2i cant believe those panel inits got missed but i guess i left them out.  this oc'ing, im using what we do in our device.  need to integrate it into the current clock code when we're happy with the values
23:34.29rpierce9935/35 is great
23:34.41rpierce99on mine at least
23:34.52jonprydetule, you need a fb==gpu1 kernel?
23:35.00WisTilt2still snappier than standard and it hasn't slowed down over time?
23:35.30detulejonpry, no i can do that
23:35.42rpierce99no i had one slowdown right before bed but i'm sure it was just doing something, it's super snappy again now
23:36.28WisTilt2did you try running quadrant benchmark on it?  mine right now is just below nexus 1 at 453rating
23:36.50rpierce99no i''ll d/l quadrant
23:37.38detuleWisTilt2, so mysterious :)
23:40.24jonprydetule, i think you got a kernel anyways. this one is funky when it works. the buffer situation seems to get swapped whenever a new program takes full screen kind of view. so opening and closing the settings or something has a good chance of getting it working
23:40.42jonpryor breaking it
23:41.25rpierce99now that i've been playing with it for a bit i'm being told battery is <15%
23:42.40WisTilt2you need scbs.  standard batt stuff seems to go all wrong below 40% thinking battery is lower than it really is.
23:42.59arrrghhhstandard batt stuff seems wrong no matter where it is :P
23:43.13arrrghhhbut yea, above 90 and below 40 seem really erratic.
23:43.51WisTilt2yes i notice after a short call, maybe 10mins talk time, it thinks its over 20% lower but recovers after a few mins.  scbs tracks and reports pretty spot on
23:44.32rpierce99this 2nd run of quadrant is going much better than the first, first one was laggy because the phone was busy i think
23:44.46rpierce99placed the same though, hmm
23:44.56rpierce99420, just below xperia x10
23:45.38WisTilt2420 hmm, im 453 but you dont have this kernel yet.  im testing the panel changes then ill upload for you guys to try new one
23:45.51rpierce99whats new?
23:46.24WisTilt2more clock changes in axi and gpu1 oc'd 10%
23:46.35rpierce99haha gpu oc, nice
23:46.50detulei recall starfox overclocking the axi clock
23:47.23WisTilt2did he see any improvements?
23:47.28detulebut then emwe pointed something out that the axi clock never gets used, this is all from very vague recollection
23:47.39detulerpierce99, and arrrghhh perhaps remember better
23:47.53rpierce99never worked with starfox, never tested his kernel
23:47.56detuleand this was on .27 which still uses JB's clocks
23:48.07WisTilt2axi is used! wouldnt run without it
23:48.21WisTilt2unless he's changed to run ahb
23:50.03WisTilt2arrrghhh/rpierce99 kernel is up
23:50.22WisTilt2this also has cpu oc'd at 614400
23:51.46detulethis is what i am thinking about : emweXofrats: btw... can you please verify... ebi1_clk doesn't work. so increasing the axiclk rate does just nothing IIRC. tried that 2 years ago ;)
23:51.49arrrghhhWisTilt2, CPU OC built-in...?
23:51.56WisTilt2can you guys tell me if its my imagination but stuff on the screen is much cleaner looking now.  panel changes should be only thing that would have affected that
23:52.10WisTilt2arrrghhh yes for now.  oc from cmd line wasnt working anyway
23:52.24arrrghhhoh right, i forgot 'bout that
23:52.53jonprythis stuff has meltdown written all over it
23:53.02WisTilt2detule yeah ebi1_clk gets set (structure anyway) but its never used again.  axi is something totally different
23:54.07WisTilt2my phone actually only gets slightly warm after pounding it all day. cdma devices seems to be getting hotter though, still not that warm imo
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