IRC log for #htc-linux on 20110610

00:00.03arrrghhhi get an extra 8mb and my bill is $20 instead of $60
00:00.06arrrghhhyea, 50 and 105.
00:00.33arrrghhhturns out it was some marketing company, it wasn't comcast.   the rep *claimed* they were from comcast.
00:00.44arrrghhhi have it all recorded, i'm calling them to talk them about it.
00:01.08arrrghhhi've been happy with my service, it's never dropped to my knowledge and the speed is always there.  but this dude called me and had some ridiuclous offer.
00:03.30arrrghhhit did sound way too good to be true, but the guy on the phone was pretty convinced.  i talked to him for almost 30 minutes, i wanted to make damn sure it was legit.  i guess i didn't do a good enough job @ that...
00:09.39arrrghhhhrm.  the supervisor was very disturbed and is sending this over to their security dept.
00:10.02arrrghhhgonna send 'em the recording.  Google Voice ftw!  Just wish I had recorded the full convo...
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00:40.42arrrghhhbleh.  i'm going to record all calls from comcast from now on.  ridiculous.
00:42.36jonpry2hey guys grab dc5c8f5 when it posts. has some small chance of being able to recover from a channel failure. bbl
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01:19.08jonpry2arrrghhh, you try out that new kernel?
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01:29.13arrrghhhnot yet... and gf's bugging me to go out to dinner.  hooray.
01:30.15arrrghhhg2g, i'll hopefully have some time to test later ;)
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02:13.19jonpry2rpierce99 can you recreate the crash?
02:13.54rpierce99i was able to the last time i tried
02:14.43jonpry2there is a new 39 kernel on autobuild that might fix it
02:25.35rpierce99would it log anything if your fix worked, or do i just play with it for hours until i give up
02:28.42rpierce99well last time i booted, went to google images, looked at 2 random pictures of cars, and it crashed, so far i've gone through about 10x as many pages
02:30.29jonpry2rpierce99, maybe. if you can get a induced in dmesg those probably used to be fatal
02:33.50rpierce9912 induced messages and going strong
02:37.07jonpry2sounds promising
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02:41.56jonpry2rpierce99, you need a faster data connection to blow it up :p
02:42.16rpierce99got one i can borrow
02:43.03jonpry2no. only 9600bps
02:43.57rpierce99well dude i can't kill it
02:44.18jonpry2great. i think this is a step in the right direction
02:48.35jonpry2rpierce99, can you download something big? new code might kill connections
02:49.23rpierce99hm, i tried to download frx06 the other day and android kills downloads of unknown file types
02:49.30rpierce99so i need to find something big to download
02:50.22jonpry2linux for android
02:50.58rpierce99hm, i bet i could wget something from terminal
02:53.28jonpry2sounds promising
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03:01.49WisTilt2jonpry, i see another commit.  that one looks interesting, any improvement or has anyone tried it yet?
03:02.06rpierce99i can't crash it
03:02.19jonpry2rpierce99 he also reported an induce and recovery
03:02.58WisTilt2sounds like you squashed it maybe
03:03.36WisTilt2i havent tried any kernel since the last one on 6/7.  guess ill give this one a try and see how it does on the ole 300
03:03.37jonpry2WisTilt2, realistically we will probably not get very far with this. like qcom had to write rmnet amss because this smd stuff is not good on linux
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03:05.43WisTilt2sounds like emulation time or can we run rmnet amss from some other device that it works on or is there such a thing
03:06.17jonpry2i'm not sure that any android amss will run on rhod
03:06.33jonpry2bravo/leo are basically identical hardware
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03:08.40WisTilt2nothing in docs is going to help much?
03:10.05jonpry2don't think so
03:10.40jonpry2it would be easy to write a char driver that doesn't need to allocate memory for every stupid packet
03:10.51jonpry2but pppd would need serious work
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03:34.25WisTilt2jonpry: is this smd_tty.c directly from the original .39 with just your mods?
03:35.07jonpry2i switched to 27 smd_tty yesterday
03:35.23WisTilt2line 99 was in .27?
03:37.07jonpry2nah i did that
03:37.17jonpry2thats a patch from earlier today. i
03:37.25jonpry2'm calling it the backer offer
03:38.23jonpry2i probably committed that along with 27 as one big blob because it was the first time anything worked better than 39
03:39.58WisTilt2we've had this discussion before but you're thinking HZ is 100 or 1000?
03:40.38jonpry2i did everything from 83-105 and whatever else was needed to make that work
03:40.42jonpry2HZ is 100
03:41.53WisTilt2i know im beating a dead horse but i can almost guarantee that line HZ/50 is going to yield 20ms and wakelock at line 115 will be 1/2second.
03:42.14WisTilt2i can point to you to why i know this to be true...
03:42.32jonpry2yeah thats the desired effect
03:43.30WisTilt220ms is what you think it will yield also?
03:43.44WisTilt2then HZ=1000 not 100
03:43.53WisTilt2100/50 != 20
03:44.14jonpry2100/50 = 2 jiffies. 1 jiffy @ 100HZ = 10ms, so 20ms
03:44.56jonpry2thats the whole point of HZ. no matter what HZ is, HZ/50 will be 20ms
03:45.43WisTilt2ok, jiffies thank you. HZ =1000 for calculation purposes is easier in my brain i guess
03:46.26WisTilt2i got stuck on that back in the kbd backlight timeout HZ * 10 for 10 seconds so assumed HZ=1000ms, which is does in those terms.
03:46.53WisTilt2now back to that wakelock. is 1/2second enough right there?
03:47.25jonpry2thats basically what is used for the interrupt wakelock bumping throughout the code
03:47.57jonpry2idea is that whatever the effect of the interrupt was will have time to propagate to userland in .5 seconds
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03:48.38jonpry2i haven't noticed the phone passing out to be a problem atm
03:49.52WisTilt2i think pppd being redone is whats going to have to happen, at least on wince devices.  rmnet may be more stable but is it going to be as fast?
03:50.32jonpry2its hella fast
03:50.42jonpry2pppd is all bs
03:51.00jonpry2er smd is bs
03:52.08jonpry2i just don't see patching amss as a feasible solution
03:52.19WisTilt2well i need to see what we're running, of course its not a wince device, or native android for that matter so no telling what we're doing.
03:54.04jonpry2can you send me your wifi-nvram? i may have done something bad
03:54.30WisTilt2you wipe it?
03:55.07jonpry2nah i uploaded garbage to the chip. and then stuff happened and overwrote my .txt with the garbage
03:56.22jonpry2for that matter there is new kernel and modules up with new bcm4329 driver
03:56.39jonpry2give it a whirl if you would like
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03:59.37WisTilt2i have no usb0 now... phone detected usb and is charging
04:00.23WisTilt2thats not with your latest, still on the 6/7 one
04:00.37jonpry2maybe plugged to early
04:01.23WisTilt2and now phone isnt sleeping.  let me put the new kernel on it
04:04.09rpierce99ruh roh, it locked up
04:04.43jonpry2still usb working?
04:05.26rpierce99trying get usb0 up
04:09.03rpierce99adb says the device is offline
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04:15.15WisTilt2jonpry you just need the wifi-nvram.txt file?
04:15.40jonpry2WisTilt2, did i mention that ramconsole may not be working on cdma
04:15.48jonpry2yeah just the nvram
04:16.00WisTilt2ok ill email it shortly.
04:16.11jonpry2rpierce99, sounds broken
04:16.19WisTilt2no, did i mention that cdma devices should be banned
04:16.57jonpry2they basically are
04:17.20jonpry2takes the user for head exploding ride
04:17.24WisTilt2no offense arrrghhh or rpierce99.  they are just a pita
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04:17.29arrrghhhWisTilt2, i've noticed.
04:18.08jonpry2arrrghhh, you gotta blow this thing up
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04:19.21WisTilt2jonpry my imagination but this last kernel is running noticeably faster on my 300 once it settled down.  fb is snappy like we first had.  data and everything came right up.
04:19.51WisTilt2after i send you this file ill run it though some tests
04:20.28jonpry2fastest kernel evre
04:20.53jonpry2i think this is some magic sauce: echo 8 8 > /proc/sys/vm/lowmem_reserve_ratio
04:20.54jonpry2echo 8192 > /proc/sys/vm/min_free_kbytes
04:20.59WisTilt2the previous few seemed to be slower like scaling was in low mode but it wasnt.  this time its way faster
04:21.22jonpry2all seem about the same to me
04:21.41WisTilt2the 210 only know 1 speed:)
04:22.10WisTilt2wifi-nvram.txt only 466 bytes is that right?
04:22.25arrrghhhso did you two hear what .39 has spurred already?
04:22.26jonpry2not sure. mine is all messed up
04:22.54jonpry2do tell
04:23.01arrrghhhfaked multitouch support
04:23.09jonpry2who did it?
04:23.11arrrghhhmankineko or whatever enabled the zoombar
04:23.21jonpry2hells yeah
04:23.23arrrghhhso it works as multitouch points, there's a vid of it in action 1 sec
04:23.35jonpry2where d patch?
04:23.43arrrghhhhe wanted to test it, i'll bug him
04:24.43WisTilt2jonpry there ya go
04:24.43jonpry2pretty clever
04:24.58arrrghhhjonpry2, he's sending the patch via ML
04:25.08WisTilt2dont sell my wifi mac addy now ok?
04:25.18jonpry2worth big money?
04:25.38WisTilt2never know it might be that special one everyones been looking to unlock all kinds of things
04:26.51WisTilt2so autobuild is working good?  you've done a couple commits since i left the office and guess they are building without crashing
04:27.18jonpry2yeah so far so good
04:27.28jonpry210 minute wait is a bit annoying
04:27.37arrrghhhdamnit i tried to restore a cisco server with my sd card today
04:27.41rpierce99here's the ramconsole output from that freeze, it wraps around so highest timestamp is somewhere in the middle
04:27.41arrrghhhand only got part of my crap back on...
04:28.10WisTilt210min? you must have committed right after the cron, 5min intervals then build and copy to web server.
04:28.27rpierce99yeah that's right, i just pulled crap with haretconsole, i feel so l33t, even though i just copy/pasted jonpry's steps, haha
04:28.47WisTilt2i can change cron to 1min i guess. just didnt want to hammer gitorious that often with all that https stuff and pulling
04:29.08jonpry2nice rpierce99
04:29.23WisTilt2so whats with cdma no ramconsole?
04:29.57jonpry2apparently nothing
04:30.33jonpry2WisTilt2, you see that thing? its caught in sleep wake cycle of madness
04:30.35WisTilt2man this kernel is mucho faster
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04:31.14WisTilt2you talking the pastebin or the youtube?  wasnt paying attention
04:32.16WisTilt2thats interesting
04:32.32jonpry2maybe not related to smd
04:32.42WisTilt2whats all the msm_irq_exit_sleep <SM NO INT_INFO> ? never seen that ever
04:32.46jonpry2actually it could be
04:33.01WisTilt2smd_ds? didnt you change that
04:33.13rpierce99keep in mind with this log, my testing has involved installing every app on android market, so anything that can be caused by apps, probably is
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04:35.48WisTilt2shouldn't wakelock be smd_data1 not smd_ds or is the cdma not on 7 now?
04:38.39WisTilt2jonpry, this is working great.  i just dl'd a 70mb file off one of our servers and took 2min 15ses. in hspa mode and phone didnt slow down or do anything weird after that much data.
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04:40.08jonpry2i'm not getting any errors with the new wifi, but no AP's either
04:40.24jonpry2i have none so not sure that is indicative
04:41.04WisTilt2ill try that next, running neocore now
04:42.08WisTilt2neocore 15.9fps with sound on
04:43.42jonpry2isn't 500kbit slow for hsdpa?
04:43.56WisTilt2that was 4mbps
04:44.08WisTilt2get as high as 6 at times
04:44.35WisTilt2wifi sees my aps but no others and does not connect still.  good news is plugging usb didnt lock up this time
04:45.34jonpry2anything interesting in dmesg or logcat?
04:46.12WisTilt2still playing and havent looked yet.  this is one fast fb
04:47.55jonpry2i got a succesful scan somehow
04:48.43WisTilt2usb appears to be dead
04:49.05WisTilt2charging ok but laptop not recognizing it
04:55.00WisTilt2somethings causing wakelock after usb fail so not sleeping now.  dmesg in terminal has nothing other than early_suspend: sync followed immediately by late_resume: call handlers
04:56.16jonpry2but charge detection is working?
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04:59.04WisTilt2yes every time i plug in/out it see it for charging, just no usb data com on either end
04:59.34WisTilt2should i try 5078?
05:00.51jonpry2yeah thats a good one
05:00.56jonpry2what are you on?
05:01.52WisTilt2ffab was that one so ill try 5078, didnt see you put it up until after i got ffab
05:02.42WisTilt2need to setup email notification when we have a new kernel.  i just happen to refresh the autobuild site before i closed browser and saw the new one
05:03.06jonpry2the only time it scanned for me there was some kind of power related thing going on, followed by a page allocation fail
05:03.29jonpry2maybe we need to push to the server and not use gitorious :p
05:03.39jonpry2faster builds
05:03.54jonpry2non broken gitwek
05:04.11WisTilt2i still have cron at 5min
05:04.33jonpry2without gitorious there would be no hammering to worry about
05:04.34arrrghhhbedtime, i'll catchya guys tomorrow.
05:05.32WisTilt2i wonder how often glemson polls?
05:08.59jonpry2i don't like packaging my own modules
05:09.16jonpry2and haven't written a script
05:11.34jonpry2WisTilt2, we gotta apply these mt patches
05:11.41WisTilt2heres what is happening.. plug in usb 1st time and works fine, telnet etc. pull usb and plug back in it breaks but charging still works.  from then on device doesnt ever sleep
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05:12.15jonpry2i don't have that problem :p
05:13.20WisTilt2thought it was my cable but does same thing on another one.  got dmesg on 1st plug but does not good afterwards
05:15.55jonpry2phy reset is disabled
05:16.08jonpry2might want to give that a try
05:18.43jonpry2WisTilt2, pushed a301
05:19.54WisTilt2k. i just tried same thing with charger cable and it didnt prevent sleep.  will try a301 now
05:21.06WisTilt2brb while waiting for the autobuild
05:34.21WisTilt2jonpry: that fixed it.  plug/unplug 5-6 times np.  whatever other change you did sure fixed the usb delay and it spews dmesg instantly.
05:38.47WisTilt2no msgs about wifi during scan or connect, only the initial dmsg when i turned it on
05:40.22WisTilt2im hitting the sack.  be on tomorrow at office all day so catch you then.  we'll see how this survives overnight.  good job!
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07:09.53bikererHey, ive made some progress porting the msm_qsd fb drive to debian, but i need the linux/bounds.h file, and i really do not want to recompile the kernel. could anyone pm me its content?
07:11.09bikererpokes dcordes
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09:36.48bikererwhoohoo, got the msm-qsd driver compiled
09:44.08phhok, xorg driver
09:44.48phhno change for a year -_-'
09:44.50bikereryep, been struggling with it fo ra while
09:45.46bikererhm, damn i was sure i had 1.3.0 somewhere
09:45.57bikerermeego has some chages but they might be megooped
09:46.30bikereroh well i dont care as long as i can get this working, seems to be wanting to work though
09:46.50bikererxorg complains about hte screen mode , only 16 and 24 apparently and its not obeying
09:58.28bikerer(EE) msm(0): The driver can only support 16bpp and 24bpp output
09:58.28bikerer(EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration.
09:58.45bikererugh , my xorg.conf is not playing ball
10:08.28phhwhat's the depth of your fb ?
10:09.19bikerertried 16 and 24, i must have malconfigured
10:13.04bikerer theres the driver if anybody's interested
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10:23.19bikererooh! i nearly got it ! (EE) msm(0): DRI2: Unable to open DRM
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15:33.22WisTilt2hey arrrghhh: i just checked my bind mount to hyc's ril and it's binding correctly.  dont remember if that was not working for you or not?
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15:34.33arrrghhhit wasn't...
15:34.42arrrghhhhow could that be a CDMA-only issue.
15:34.56arrrghhhi had another RHOD400 user say the same thing
15:35.06arrrghhhand IIRC it happened on my tester to, lemme verify.
15:35.11WisTilt2damn these cdma devices:)
15:37.06arrrghhhbastard children.
15:41.22WisTilt2jonpry: i changed cron to every minute on autobuild.  also, we have some kind of meltdown going on possibly out of memory. this morning my phone had orange light on, battery down to 7% and crawling but not locked up and still functional in slow motion.
15:41.32rpierce99don't know why you folks are bind mounting hycs ril, it's build into the newest autobuild rootfs
15:41.52WisTilt2does that rootfs have F22's mapping?
15:41.59rpierce99ah, well no there's that
15:42.03arrrghhhand rpierce99 that's the "old" RIL
15:42.17arrrghhhril1 if you will.
15:42.19rpierce99oh not ril2
15:42.26WisTilt2that's why i still do it this way:) cant live without his mapping now
15:42.33arrrghhhheh +1
15:42.38arrrghhhhe really needs to commit that...
15:42.56WisTilt2im still using hyc's 4/14 ril also, which is very stable
15:44.35arrrghhhyea i don't think he's changed/added a lot since then.
15:45.06arrrghhhGlemSom, how frequently does the autobuild check for new code on GIT?
15:48.23WisTilt2rpierce99: how did your phone do with jonpry's last change and did you get to run it overnight?
15:48.57rpierce99i didn't try, that build has way too many apps, and none of my stuff (work email, etc) so i boot it to test and boot back when i'm done
15:49.06rpierce99i couldn't get it to crash though
15:49.56WisTilt2does it run pretty fast after it settles down for a few mins after boot?
15:50.01rpierce99although i'm sure i didn't boot his LAST change, i know after fixing the freeze I think he was working on wifi or something
15:50.24rpierce99seems there's a new commit every 10 minutes, haha
15:50.36arrrghhhautobuild FTW
15:50.45rpierce99i didn't have problems with the speed, but I also wasn't blown away by the speed
15:52.02WisTilt2on my 300 it is significantly faster in all respects compared to .27 - i booted up .27 autobuild and could see a noticeable difference in fb and just navigation to menus and apps.
15:52.50jonpry2WisTilt2, i have been using the magic kernel vm parameters
15:52.52WisTilt2so this is a gsm happy kernel i guess at this point
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15:53.21WisTilt2jonpry what is that?
15:54.04jonpry2echo 8 8 > /proc/sys/vm/lowmem_reserve_ratio
15:54.17jonpry2echo 8192 > /proc/sys/vm/min_free_kbytes
15:54.33rpierce99arrrghhh noticed speed improvements also. It might be because the first time i booted my goal was to kill it and I started downloading random apps
15:54.56arrrghhhbooting the newest from autobuild on my tester now
15:55.03arrrghhhwanting to see if user.conf is getting processed or not.
15:55.11WisTilt2jonpry: i saw you mention that last night but didnt try it.  ill try that and see if i get the meltdown again
15:55.15jonpry2i think we need ramzswap
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15:55.32WisTilt2can you take a look at something in smd_tty.c?  not clear on something
15:56.04WisTilt2lines 282-289.  shouldn't we only register the single tty that's being used?
15:57.30jonpry2that basically makes the /dev entries. and we have rill tty, pppd tty, gps nmea, and dunno what the other one is
15:57.34jonpry2userland rpc probably
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16:11.26arrrghhhWisTilt2, confirmed on my RHOD400 tester.  user.conf either outright isn't being processed, or some such thing.  I have that command to delete all the .rec files, and they're not being deleted.
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16:12.20arrrghhhjonpry, wb
16:12.25WisTilt2weird. works with same setup and different kernel though?
16:12.39arrrghhhWisTilt2, literally if i change the kernel it works again.  nothing else.
16:13.14arrrghhhi'll go back to .27 on my tester here to doublecheck, but that's how it worked on my main phone.
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16:21.54GlemSomarrrghhh, It check's git every 600th second
16:24.19arrrghhhso just over 5 mins
16:24.25arrrghhher no
16:24.26arrrghhh10 mins
16:24.36arrrghhhi'm good at math.
16:24.52GlemSomYeah, it's REALLY hard to device 600 by 60... ! ;)
16:24.57arrrghhhi noes.
16:25.04arrrghhhwasn't thinkin thar.
16:25.09arrrghhhWisTilt2, so there's your answer.
16:25.31arrrghhhand i did confirm on my tester, same behavior on swapping kernels.  user.conf commands magically start working again.
16:25.33WisTilt2i changed it to 1 min so maybe 5 min wasn't all that bad.
16:30.09rpierce99arrrghhh: is there something higher in your user.conf that might be crapping out on the kernel?
16:30.38arrrghhhWisTilt2, with how fast you guys change things, every 60 sec might be a good thing :P
16:31.23arrrghhhrpierce99, perhaps... it craps out in .39 but not .27
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16:37.40arrrghhhi'll double-check, but i do recall seeing the line "Using /sdcard/etc/conf/froyo.user.conf" when booting .39
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16:38.19arrrghhhso it's not like the user.conf isn't getting processed... i don't have swap or any of that stuff enabled, i'm just using the default user.conf from FRX06.  the only things i changed were in the customcommands second.
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17:23.29arrrghhh[acl], yo
17:23.50[acl]yo who is this manikineko dood ?
17:24.04arrrghhhsome madman that really wanted to use the zoombar
17:24.17arrrghhhi guess he's been hacking at it on .27 for a while lol
17:24.19[acl]just wondering. the name dnot look familiar
17:24.28arrrghhhyea he hasn't posted to any dev lists.
17:24.36arrrghhhi've only seen him in chat and on the forums randomly.
17:24.44[acl]ok.. just making sure.
17:24.50arrrghhhhe hasn't posted before to any dev lists i should say.
17:25.07[acl]ok.. ill brb
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17:32.41raymonddullthat zoom bar actually does something? 0.o
17:32.54arrrghhhwhat did you think it was for?  show?
17:33.08raymonddullI have no idea
17:33.57arrrghhhsee this vid
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17:55.58WisTilt2arrrghhh, i just put the rm *.rec back in my user.conf and it didnt delete either.  Looks like it is now case sensitive.  changed to rm -f FSCK*.REC and deleted them fine.  bind mount has always been working though so dont know why your's doesn't.
17:56.19arrrghhhWisTilt2, i have both statements in there
17:56.27arrrghhhFSCK*.REC and fsck*.rec
17:56.30WisTilt2ok then its cdma fault:)
17:56.49arrrghhhcrap... it's FSCK*.rec
17:56.53arrrghhhmight be a problem..
17:57.19arrrghhhare you bind mounting the RIL to /system/lib or /lib/froyo?
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17:58.31WisTilt2/lib/froyo i believe
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17:59.28arrrghhhhrm.  i put it in both places to be sure.  i think the "new" place is going to be /system/lib.
17:59.36WisTilt2i also did the /sys/vm changes jonpry said earlier in the user.conf and i see it changed them after booting also
18:07.34WisTilt2and confirmed again the its bind mounting hyc's ril->
18:07.35WisTilt2I/RILC    ( 1306): RIL Daemon version: HTC Vogue Community RIL hyc 1877434 2011-04-14 14:31:04 -0700
18:07.44arrrghhhhrm.  ok.
18:07.57WisTilt2so at least on the 300 this all still works
18:07.57arrrghhhcan you pastebin your user.conf, just to ensure there isn't something different?
18:08.07WisTilt2sure hang on
18:09.58WisTilt2Exactly whats on my phone now.
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18:11.10arrrghhhhrm.  yea looks pretty standard.  i'll keep pokin around.
18:11.53WisTilt2looks like we can set those /sys/vm values within the vm{} in user.conf also without doing the echo
18:16.48arrrghhhyea the using /sdcard.../froyo.user.conf statement appears.  so it's definitely still hitting that file.
18:19.26mesdoes the builtin email client have the ability to access the contacts database so when composing an email the address doesn't have to entered by hand?
18:19.51arrrghhhmes, not the right room to ask.  this room is for kernel development.
18:20.04arrrghhhbut mine works just fine
18:20.05mesoops, didn't see that
18:34.35arrrghhhWisTilt2, this is baffling.  I got the rm *.rec crap working, but the RIL still won't mount.  gonna make sure case is consistent.
18:36.01arrrghhhcase all seems correct :/
18:38.09WisTilt2you trying to use hyc ril?  is it still loading the 0.8 or whatever the orig is?
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18:41.45arrrghhhcompcache looks to be enabled on my user.conf, but disabled on yours.
18:41.48arrrghhhlemme change it.
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18:45.48arrrghhhthis is odd... no service & no baseband version - don't have adb, but this seems like i'm on the stock 0.8 RIL.
18:48.09arrrghhhthe rm commands are definitely getting processed - i no longer have any .rec files at the root of the SD... hrm.
18:48.37WisTilt2frx06 standard and what rootfs?
18:49.16arrrghhhyes to FRX06.  and i've tried a few, on hyc's newest RIL it seems you need his rootfs as well.
18:49.56WisTilt2maybe its something with the newest ril setup.  im still on his older one that doesnt care about what rootfs
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18:50.14arrrghhhwell let me verify the bind mount is even happening.
18:50.29arrrghhhperhaps it is, and the failure is for some other reason.
18:50.35WisTilt2his rootfs might supersede those user.conf cmds dont know
18:50.53arrrghhhhrm... i doubt it.
18:51.11arrrghhhalthough, with his rootfs, i'm pretty sure the RIL has to go in /system/lib
18:51.18arrrghhhi tried both, didn't fix it..
18:51.35arrrghhhso you think that's all that is different?  .39 is case-sensitive?
18:51.40arrrghhhi thought linux was always case-sensitive...
18:51.42rpierce99have you tried running those commands once android is started, see if there's an error
18:51.52arrrghhhrpierce99, the bind mount statement?  no.
18:52.03arrrghhhthe rm command is working tho
18:52.06rpierce99since you know the line is executing
18:52.12arrrghhhso the user.conf is being processed, and at least somewhat correctly.
18:52.15rpierce99exactly, so there has to be an error when doing that
18:54.59arrrghhhthere's no froyo directory in /lib
18:55.48arrrghhhrpierce99, poop.  i can't su and the mount command needs it.
18:56.08rpierce99you don't have to su from adb
18:56.11WisTilt2i have one with .39 booted. maybe hyc rootfs
18:56.21arrrghhhi don't have adb in winblows.
18:57.54arrrghhhls -la doesn't show the bind mount, but based on the permissions & date/time stamp that is the new RIL.
18:57.59arrrghhhcould permissions be hosing it?
18:58.14rpierce99only on the new kernel?
18:58.16arrrghhhit's 777, while other things in /system/lib are 644 it looks like
18:58.26rpierce99that's less restrictive
18:58.26arrrghhhyea, if i revert to a .27 kernel it's fine.
18:58.40arrrghhhi know but sometimes permissions that are too permissive cause issues.
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18:58.55arrrghhhi'm by no means an expert on linux file system permissions and when they break things or not...
18:58.59rpierce99uh, issues like letting you do stuff you shouldn't be able to
18:59.26arrrghhhi'm serious tho.
18:59.56WisTilt2my /lib/froyo/ is 777
19:00.13rpierce99he doesn't have a /lib/froyo
19:00.23arrrghhhyea, i'm thinking hyc pulled that out of his rootfs
19:00.30arrrghhhwhy he didn't pull donut or eclair, not sure.
19:01.03ray|yarI still say you should make a donut build
19:01.06arrrghhhmount says that /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 on /system/lib/
19:01.15arrrghhhray|yar, there is, STFU.
19:01.40rpierce99um, a partition is mounted to a file?
19:01.43ray|yarfor TP2? since when?
19:01.43arrrghhhthere's also an eclair build, but no one wants to use them.
19:01.48D3tul3is it just me or that mount statement doesnt make sense
19:01.51arrrghhhrpierce99, yea that doesn't quite make sense.
19:02.00WisTilt2/dev/block/mmcblk0p1 on /lib/froyo/ type vfat (rw,relatime,fmask=0000,dmask=0000,allow_utime=0022,codepage=cp437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,utf8,flush,errors=remount-ro)
19:02.01WisTilt2none on /dbgfs type debugfs (rw,relatime)
19:02.02arrrghhhray|yar, it's ancient and no one uses it.
19:02.12arrrghhhWisTilt2, that's how mine looks
19:03.15arrrghhhwell, other than the /lib/froyo part :P
19:03.36rpierce99i'd remove the one that doesn't work, in case it sends that conf file spiraling
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19:03.42rpierce99the /lib/froyo one
19:03.45rpierce99assuming it comes first
19:03.49arrrghhhrpierce99, i did
19:03.55arrrghhhwell i commented it out
19:04.30arrrghhhand /system/lib statement came first... hrmmm
19:04.32rpierce99i guess i could do us all a favor and try myself, hycs ril2 and hycs rootfs?
19:04.36arrrghhhlemme flip back to .27 to see if i have service.
19:04.45arrrghhhhis rootfs from 6/1
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19:04.49arrrghhhand his ril from 5/31
19:05.10arrrghhhgonna go whip up some lunch, brb.
19:18.35jonpry2WisTilt2, working better with the vm options?
19:20.29arrrghhhhrm.  it seems my issues are user-error, wth.
19:22.13arrrghhhmount verifies again, the RIL is mounted.
19:22.44rpierce99yep, it's mounting, but rild is failing
19:23.31jonpry2that makes more sense
19:23.57arrrghhhwhy would rild fail?
19:24.06arrrghhhit's failing for me on .27 or .39, so it seems i fudged something up.
19:24.32rpierce99creating GSMPhone
19:24.41jonpry2arrrghhh quit breaking things
19:29.36jonpry2this multitouch patch is awesome
19:31.13stinebdmultitouch for rhod?
19:31.22arrrghhhstinebd, faked
19:31.26arrrghhhuses the zoombar
19:31.39stinebdoh manekineko's junk?
19:33.26arrrghhhjonpry2, did you put the patch into the main .39 tree?
19:33.49stinebdyou guys gotta work on raph for that btw
19:34.08jonpry2doing it right now
19:34.28arrrghhhha, raph's zoombar... right?
19:34.55stinebdraph .39
19:35.07arrrghhhCouldn't find 'rild' socket; retrying after timeout
19:35.15stinebdthat means rild crashed
19:35.27jonpry2pushed :p
19:35.29arrrghhhyea, the question is why
19:35.36stinebdthe answer is logcat
19:35.53arrrghhhlogcat isn't killing the RIL.
19:36.11rpierce99regular logcat doesn't have any instances of the word ril
19:36.13stinebdit could be
19:36.36stinebdas a belieber, you should never say never
19:37.26stinebdanyway, failing logcat, just edit init to run it through strace
19:37.42arrrghhhwhat have i done...
19:38.59arrrghhhUnknown permission android.permission.ADD_SYSTEM_SERVICE in package
19:39.31stinebdso uh
19:39.41stinebdgrep tiad /build.prop && kill -9 1
19:40.00arrrghhhthis isn't a tiad8 build :P
19:42.02rpierce99i can't read strace output
19:42.45WisTilt2jonpry, so far vm changes seem good but we'll know after lots of hours.  im in and out for a bit.  got things going on here at office for next couple hours.
19:43.21WisTilt2and did i forget to say, 39 IS SO FAST, no matter what the cdma users say:)
19:43.30stinebdyes you did
19:44.13jonpry2its actually just that rhod is strong enough to not fly apart
19:44.34arrrghhhwhy would it be so much faster on GSM?!?  madness.
19:44.45stinebdbecause gsm is rockin
19:44.56arrrghhhWisTilt2 really is just a salesman for AT&T
19:45.22stinebdnothing wrong with that
19:45.46arrrghhheh i don't feel like paying more money for less service.  thanks.
19:45.59stinebdtroll troll troll your boat
19:46.09stinebdthey're all the same price and they all provide the same crap service
19:46.12stinebdyou're welcome.
19:46.20arrrghhhnot true, but ok.
19:46.34rpierce99so it's starting ril-daemon as root, but we have problems with su, any concern there?
19:46.40stinebdyou're right
19:46.49arrrghhhi don't get the problems with su
19:46.49stinebdmetropcs provides slightly worse service than the others
19:47.02arrrghhhyou forgot cricket and all those other shitty regionals.
19:47.11rpierce99uh, arrrghhh, do i need to go up like 20 lines to copy and paste where you said you can't su
19:47.20arrrghhhno i know we have problems with su
19:47.26stinebdwe do?
19:47.27arrrghhhi don't get why we have problems with su.
19:47.31rpierce99ohhh ok
19:47.36stinebdin frx06?
19:47.36arrrghhhstinebd, begone, this is .39 talk :P
19:47.42jonpry2i tried to run wpa_supplicant yesterday from console and it kept flipping about permissions
19:47.51jonpry2so i ran su, but same thing
19:48.21rpierce99su works from adb
19:48.30rpierce99not from android apps
19:48.40stinebdah, most likely a change in the android security module then
19:49.14stinebdbinder is ipc
19:49.50jonpry2what is android security module. this is a vanilla kernel so there are potentialy modules i didn't add
19:50.34arrrghhhrpierce99, if su was messing with RIL, then it still wouldn't work if it was push'd to the system image.
19:50.51arrrghhhwhich... i didn't have problems with previously
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19:54.11stinebdwait, who's committing as root?
19:55.07jonpry2i started with a .deb of 39 which set the source owner to root
19:55.11rpierce99wpa_supplicant starts as root too
19:56.08D3tul3jonpry2: i spent some time trying to compile nilfs2-tools statically, and wow what a nightmare that is.....
19:56.44D3tul3needless to say unsuccessfully
19:56.47jonpry2yeah me too. managed to get the executable to cross compile. but the library failed
19:57.41jonpry2i suspect if i put all the source in one directory it could work. just need all the defines they are setting on cmd line
19:57.55D3tul3yeah the dynamically linked binary comes out, but it seems it's linked to god-knows-what
19:58.46jonpry2putting the source into android build system usually work better for me
19:59.02jonpry2gets right compiler and libs that way
19:59.34D3tul3could be, at this point i just don't think that the entire package can be compiled against bionic....but maybe nilfs_cleanerd on its own could be
20:00.25jonpry2other devices have cleanerd
20:00.51D3tul3yeah i saw that, i would kill whoever crosscompiled that for their commandline
20:01.07jonpry2since cleanerd is gpl i was thinking about putting out some compliance notifications
20:01.25jonpry2if they made an it could be fair game
20:02.33jonpry2rhobuntu might be the easy way
20:03.10jonpry2is there someway to convert an executable and its so's into a static binary expostfacto?
20:03.38D3tul3beats me...that would be nice
20:03.51stinebdsure, by relinking it ;)
20:07.47messtinebd, I've been wondering does that work with kernel modules?
20:11.13mesin htc_battery_smem.c, debug_mask = 0; I assume this needs to be 1 for battery details, is there a way to change that on module load?
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23:01.49jonpryanyone try out the fake multitouch kernel?
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23:04.48arrrghhhnewest autobuild has it?
23:04.58arrrghhhi downloaded it, but i need to try it.
23:05.30jonprysure does
23:07.57arrrghhhalrighty then, gonna give it a whirl now.
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23:15.02arrrghhhworks EXACTLY as expected i would say.
23:15.05arrrghhhvery nice
23:15.14WilldFake multitouch? :)
23:15.16arrrghhhrpierce99, you are also correct, ln -s worked.
23:15.19arrrghhhWilld, kinda
23:15.24arrrghhhfaking it w/the tp2's zoombar
23:15.29WilldDo explain?
23:15.35arrrghhhthe tp2 has a zoombar...
23:15.41arrrghhhlet me show you a vid, even better
23:15.49WilldHeh, thanks
23:16.57WilldOh, that's kinda nice :D
23:17.06WilldGood way to fake it
23:17.35arrrghhhit works really freakin well
23:18.02arrrghhhand so simple.  i barely did a thing :P
23:18.12Willdarrrghhh: Your idea? :D
23:18.57arrrghhhevidently he was hacking at it on .27 for a while
23:18.59arrrghhhand gave up
23:19.08Willd.35 made it possible? :o
23:19.15arrrghhhvery shortly after .39 came out, he put it in
23:19.21arrrghhhnot sure which one tbh..
23:21.33arrrghhhit seems like .39 is where .35 is at
23:21.36arrrghhhor beyond...
23:21.41arrrghhhfor RHOD at least :P
23:23.05stinebdit'd be really cool to get the other boards in there
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23:26.52arrrghhhjonpry, did you try the fake MT?
23:26.58arrrghhhdid it work well for ya?
23:32.16WilldWe're still dealing with some major drainage issues on .35
23:32.18WilldBut .39 would be fun :p
23:32.33arrrghhhdamn samsung troll.
23:32.46Willdarrrghhh: 'course darling ;)
23:33.01stinebddrainage issues?
23:33.08stinebdphone getting flooded?
23:33.10Willdstinebd: Yeah, still debugging though
23:33.32Willdstinebd: Right now it seems like the prox gpio won't release a wakelock
23:34.17WilldDunno if that's the only problem we have though :)
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23:48.45jonpryarrrghhh, i have no data and wifi so haven't been able to test it
23:49.03jonpryWilld, what device?
23:49.06arrrghhhjonpry, same but i tested it on google maps.
23:49.13Willdjonpry: Samsung i7500
23:49.35Willdjonpry: Looks like one of our devs commited a fix though
23:50.06arrrghhhi dunno how or why but i was able to load up google maps and zoom in and out.  no connection to speak of.
23:50.13raymonddullhey,the i7500 is almost the same phone as my intercept
23:50.19arrrghhhwifi is a bummer dude.  my tester device depends on it :P
23:50.27jonprymaybe its working
23:50.45arrrghhhit seems very hit-or-miss
23:50.47Willdraymonddull: Oh? :)
23:51.06raymonddullthey have VERY similar hardware
23:51.12raymonddullmine is basically the cdma version
23:51.14Willdraymonddull: Well, so does tp2 :p
23:51.26jonpryi can't really test the wifi. but it seems to scan for me eventually
23:51.45Willdraymonddull: You could try one of our roms :p
23:51.49arrrghhhjonpry, imma send you an AP :P
23:51.55arrrghhhwifi to nothing
23:52.29raymonddullwonders if that would work because all of the intercept roms suck
23:52.32jonpryi'm gonna get a router when i'm in the states in 2 weeks. then i'll set it up as dd-wrt repeater
23:52.35arrrghhhi think emwe and alex are battling wifi on .35 as well
23:52.46arrrghhhjonpry, i have that in mah house :D
23:52.48Willdraymonddull: How much RAM does your device have?
23:52.51arrrghhh2 dd-wrt routers
23:53.04jonpryalex has tiwlan doing something
23:53.09Willdraymonddull: Hm, your device should blossom with our rom :p
23:53.39Willdraymonddull: Behold 2 was on fire, back when it ran our 1.6 rom
23:54.01Willdraymonddull: Their devs couldn't get 2.x running though
23:54.30arrrghhhi need to go.  bbl, possibly...
23:54.50raymonddullpeople still use the Behold 2?
23:55.24Willdraymonddull: It is as old as the i7500 :p
23:55.41raymonddullbut it just fails.
23:55.56raymonddullplease at least tell me you got rid of that damn cube
23:56.09Willdraymonddull: Never had one
23:56.21Willdraymonddull: But they ran our vanilla rom, so I reckon they did
23:56.23raymonddullthe behold 2? yeah it did
23:57.03jonprywe are using wifi driver from leo now. but i can't manage to use the wifi firmware from leo. its like we need there nvram too
23:57.37jonpryanybody have one of those?
23:58.17Willdjonpry: Which chip do you actually have?
23:58.32jonpryer bcm4325
23:58.39WilldAre you using the open driver?
23:58.55jonpry4325 doesn't like the firmware
23:59.01WilldHm, sec
23:59.31raymonddullI have a friend with an HD2 aka leo if we need anything from it

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