IRC log for #htc-linux on 20110609

00:11.02*** join/#htc-linux tyween (
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00:42.01WisTilt2arrrghhh can you test the autobuild to make sure its visible to the outside?
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00:46.33arrrghhhsure, pm me
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01:12.37WisTilt2arrrghhh, should be working to the outside now
01:12.59arrrghhhk i'll try again
01:13.07WisTilt2yep i see you now
01:13.19arrrghhhDNS hasn't propagated yet
01:13.57WisTilt2yeah could take a bit
01:14.53WisTilt2i tried it on my phone and came right up so at&t, which our fiber is on, already got the dns change
01:15.21*** join/#htc-linux jonpry2 (~jon@
01:15.32arrrghhhi'm on openDNS
01:15.35arrrghhhand google as #3
01:15.47arrrghhhF comcast's DNS.
01:15.50*** join/#htc-linux jonpry (~jon@
01:16.06WisTilt2jonpry your connection good enough to try to access the autobuild server?
01:16.09arrrghhhwelcome sir schizo jonpry
01:16.28jonpryi'll give it a whirl :p
01:17.09WisTilt2basic page until we put all the fancy stuff up but this will at least get people able to get current kernel as we change things
01:17.52WisTilt2i have it checking our tree every 5 minutes, then it will build and stick it on that page.  history isnt up until we finish the whole page interface.
01:18.10jonprygoing to get 3.0 kernels on there too?
01:18.28WisTilt2yeah im going to make another branch off the main page for both trees
01:20.32jonpryvery nice
01:20.34WisTilt2this is on the 6600 quad core in a kvm.  takes about 1.5mins to build and package the kernel and modules after it pulls.  ill move [acl]'s autobuild stuff onto the 2nd kvm probably this weekend.
01:21.24jonprynow we just need fix for cdma
01:21.24WisTilt2i have it doing the modules also so when we get wifi fixed i wont have to change anything on the server:)
01:21.47jonprythats going to be easy
01:22.32arrrghhhyea i'm booting it now WisTilt2
01:22.37arrrghhhw/ modules
01:22.41arrrghhhgonna test an open network.
01:22.48WisTilt2well fix it and get'er pushed!  it should autobuild it within 5mins or so.  im going home now and eating dinner. ill be back on afterwards and take a deeper look into that cdma issue.
01:22.58WisTilt2arrrghhh good deal
01:23.21jonpryi'm out of ideas on cdma. but i'll be around later
01:24.06jonprymaybe there is some difference for smd/pcom
01:24.15WisTilt2jonpry, i still think the problem is we're picking the wrong table for cdma devices and defaulting to the 1st gsm one, which has several clock steps different between cdma/gsm.
01:24.39jonpryits getting the right table
01:24.54jonprypll0,1,2 are the same on all rhod's
01:25.02jonpryand that is what is used to select the table
01:25.09WisTilt2except for 2-3 steps
01:25.21WisTilt2look close at gsm/cdma table
01:25.35jonpryi think we are not on the same page
01:25.37arrrghhhalright i'm booted, & have service/data.  you want me to try to get a dmesg?
01:25.44jonpryall rhods are "gsm capable" and use the same table
01:26.00jonpryarrrghhh, just go for wifi
01:26.33WisTilt2ok we'll talk more later.  gotta run, wife is cooking dinner and im going to be late if i dont get out of here
01:26.39arrrghhhcrap, i should do this on my tester so it'll be fast...
01:26.44arrrghhhheh.  ttyl WisTilt2
01:35.59arrrghhhjonpry, wifi doesn't scan.  even says a remembered network that is in range, is not in range...
01:37.06arrrghhhhrm, added the open network, nada...
01:37.16arrrghhhwifi does turn on tho, so that's a good sign :P
01:37.57jonprynow that emwe is at the same point on 35 he might fix it
01:38.34jonpryi'll give brcmfmac another go later tonight. i'm going to try and fix it up to use bcm4329 firmware
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01:42.55arrrghhhdamn laptop.
01:42.56arrrghhhdmesg comin
01:44.03arrrghhhdoesn't have the very beginning, but it should have all the juicy wifi crap
01:45.53jonprycool thanks
01:47.56rpierce99that is some chatty wifi :P
01:48.21jonpryspam max wifi
01:48.24arrrghhhno joke, it's spewin
01:51.19rpierce99the wlan device is eth0?
01:54.16arrrghhhit was renamed recently
01:54.29arrrghhhcuz bcm had its own name, and so did ti
01:54.42rpierce99right but that was wlan0 i thought
01:55.50arrrghhhit suddenly is seeing networks
01:56.21arrrghhhwon't connect tho.  secured or open.
01:58.26arrrghhhso... does this make sense jonpry - the device only seems to freak out when it connects to and/or uses data
01:58.37arrrghhhi'm not sure which.  i'm leaning towards uses data.
01:58.51arrrghhhbecause my CDMA tester will connect to towers
01:58.57arrrghhhbut it won't connect to data.
02:01.17arrrghhhi'm not sure if that helps with the diagnosis, but it doesn't seem to be a data issue, not a pure CDMA issue.
02:01.25arrrghhhi don't really grasp the concept of the clocks you guys are talking about tho :P
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02:14.44arrrghhhi was wondering if i was talking to myself :P
02:17.08*** join/#htc-linux Detule (
02:17.18arrrghhhhyc, there's modules on .39 now if you want to try it
02:32.03*** join/#htc-linux jonpry2 (~jon@
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02:48.06*** join/#htc-linux WisTilt2 (
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03:08.53WisTilt2rpierce99: you busy?  you have rhod400 right?
03:09.23rpierce99sure do
03:10.10WisTilt2can you get a dmesg of your bootup on .27?  just need the first minute or so.
03:10.32rpierce99i did one this morning, let me grab it
03:11.24WisTilt2ok thanks.  if you have .39 handy and want to get that also that would be great.
03:11.36rpierce99o wait, i did it greped for PLL, i have one handy from april though
03:11.48rpierce99i can boot it in a minute i'm actually repartitioning right this moment
03:12.06WisTilt2im pretty sure i know whats going on with this cdma problem, just need to compare the 2 kernels on a cdma device
03:12.22WisTilt2no hurry, im around a few hours thanks
03:13.18rpierce99ok as soon as i get my system copied back over i'll boot both
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03:20.18rpierce99how far into boot do you want it to go
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03:20.39WisTilt2just up to 30 seconds or so should be plenty
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03:23.07jonpry2hey WisTilt2. what is this theory
03:23.45WisTilt2i really dont think we're pulling the right table.  this will prove me right or wrong:)
03:24.54WisTilt2we'll know when i look at the .39 dump
03:24.55jonpry2what is smd channel 7?
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03:25.07jonpry2i think your way off
03:25.17jonpry2is that data?
03:25.51jonpry2yeah the smd_tty we are using is totally wrong and broken
03:26.11WisTilt20 is data but 7 is too somewhere.  alex kept wanting the ril to use 7 instead of 0, which original ril uses.
03:26.52*** join/#htc-linux arrrghhh (
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03:27.12jonpry2hey arrrghhh sorry i got lost earlier
03:27.22jonpry2got plan now
03:27.30arrrghhhdid you read what i said?
03:27.39jonpry2your saying the tester works fine
03:27.42arrrghhhi hope it makes sense
03:27.46arrrghhhw/o data
03:27.48WisTilt2jonpry, when you lose you connection to irc, do you lose all internet connectivity?
03:27.54jonpry2none of this slowing down bs
03:28.01arrrghhhnone thus far
03:28.11arrrghhhand i ran .39 on it previously for a while
03:28.11jonpry2WisTilt2, it depends. today the neighbors have been cycling the router alot. so all goes down with it
03:28.24arrrghhhhence the reason i thought it was so grand, and decided to move over to my main phone
03:28.29arrrghhhfor extended testing :P
03:28.54arrrghhhhackin neighbors wifi?
03:29.03jonpry2not exactly. same landlord
03:29.50jonpry2i will new kernel with smd_tty shortly. just need to make sure it boots
03:31.54rpierce99autobuilt 39:
03:32.33WisTilt2thanks, analyzing now
03:32.56jonpry2arrrghhh, whenever 517c3a7 shows up on autobuild give it a whiel
03:32.59jonpry2er whirl
03:33.38arrrghhhso there's no history now, just the 'current' kernel?
03:33.47rpierce99for now
03:34.01arrrghhhwell, i figured that wasn't permanent :P
03:34.06jonpry2i rather like acl's dir lis
03:34.18jonpry2so retro
03:34.24arrrghhhheh it really is
03:34.54arrrghhhWisTilt2, DNS propagated for me, so i added it to the post and removed the old kernel i had posted.
03:35.11jonpry2WisTilt2, does the service do make clean every time?
03:35.26WisTilt2pack had good files in it i assume?
03:35.33WisTilt2jonpry yes
03:35.37arrrghhhWisTilt2, yup
03:35.40WisTilt2and resets version
03:35.45arrrghhhit even scanned wifi briefly
03:35.47WisTilt2so its #1 each time
03:35.54arrrghhhit saw a network it didn't "know" of
03:36.07arrrghhhbut it never connected, not even to an open network.
03:37.06jonpry2its really hard for me to work on wifi because not even 27 detects anything here
03:39.30arrrghhhheh my ap is behind my tv
03:39.56jonpry2its amazing how well wifi doesn't work in my situation
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03:40.35jonpry2WisTilt2, r u sure this thing works?
03:40.53WisTilt2what thing
03:41.24arrrghhhit built one kernel at least
03:41.35jonpry2sounds like manual build
03:41.40WisTilt2yeah, built current kernel like 100 times testing it today
03:42.00WisTilt2everytime we changed the last commit id it would do its thing
03:42.08WisTilt2did you commit something?
03:42.14jonpry2yes sir
03:42.22jonpry2ultimate fix
03:42.27WisTilt2now you wait.  i have it checking git every 5mins
03:43.08WisTilt2when it see's new commit it will build and package the new one
03:43.36jonpry2ok, 5 more minutes
03:43.45WisTilt2rpierce99: can i get you to boot the .27 autobuild kernel for a dmesg?  this one is hyc's
03:43.56rpierce99i suppose
03:45.31WisTilt2i dont know what all he changed if anything, just need to compare off one im familiar with
03:45.51rpierce99why would you be familiar with autobuild, lol
03:45.59WisTilt2yeah right
03:46.44jonpry2WisTilt2, we are at t + 14 minutes no
03:47.19WisTilt2hmm, let me log on to server and see if it saw the commit change
03:48.11WisTilt2sure did.  it built a new kernel commit number 7c3a70692aca63af310281bd55e7f1b8c8d2ce at 8:35PM PST
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03:48.30WisTilt2let me make sure it got copied over to web
03:49.27jonpry2probably 517c3a70692aca63af310281bd55e7f1b8c8d2ce
03:51.51WisTilt2yeah didnt copy the first part of line that thats it.  i have 2 kernelpacks in web directory now.  17:31pm and 20:37pm with that last commit. dont know why url in page didnt update, so brb
03:52.59jonpry2now all we have to do is guess the number of seconds and we'll be able to download the mother
03:53.29WisTilt2ok its fixed now.  permission on the script that builds the html file.  we change owner after all the testing and left that file out
03:56.29arrrghhhw00t new kernel
03:58.25WisTilt2rpierce99: thanks btw
03:58.50rpierce99np, i need to find a better way to manage kernels i guess, i have 4 + modules in my andboot directory now
03:59.01rpierce99hyc, autobuild, 39, 30
04:02.41rpierce99this dewagprs guy is hilarious
04:02.48arrrghhhgood lord
04:02.53arrrghhhhilarious, maddening, whatever.
04:04.08arrrghhhWisTilt2, modules are 42 bytes?
04:04.21arrrghhhsorry, 45 bytes :P
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04:05.53jonprywho is deqgprs
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04:06.17arrrghhhone of those 'special' people on the forums.
04:07.19WisTilt2jonpry: not that this is related to the cdma problem but why in .27 is the color frame buffer 60x100 and .27 it's 60x50?
04:07.32jonpryconsole font
04:07.36WisTilt2.39 i meant
04:07.44jonprythey use something smaller
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04:17.29jonpryarrrghhh silence is a good sign
04:17.38arrrghhhno service
04:17.42arrrghhhso it's running quite well
04:18.00jonpryno service with new kernel only
04:19.12arrrghhhkernel version #77 that seems wrong.
04:19.39arrrghhhshite.  1 sec.
04:19.44arrrghhhor maybe 10min
04:23.01WisTilt2jonpry: what causes this only in .39? does .27 not mux or just not report the error?
04:23.48jonpry27 has the mux but its never used
04:23.57jonpry3rd line normal
04:24.20jonpry4th i'm not sure about but is probably ok for potentially starting up with i2c transfers in progress
04:26.07arrrghhhk i double-checked, #77
04:26.12WisTilt2well guess my table theory is shot down.   i think we should make a test kernel arrrghhh and/or rpierce99 can try without the cpu scaling just to rule something in that area out.
04:26.38arrrghhhi see another new kernel
04:27.04WisTilt2arrrghhh is that off autobuild?  that will always be #1, or should be at least unless i missed something
04:27.28rpierce99jonpry committed something else, brcm it looks like
04:28.42jonpryarrrghhh, thats not right. but yeah there is gd9a4... now
04:29.34WisTilt2jonpry you push another one and did it show up this time?
04:29.35jonpryit did
04:30.07jonprybut 45 bytes of modules is not going to cut it
04:30.34arrrghhhheh i asked about that earlier :P
04:30.42WisTilt245 bytes?  module gz file should be around 1mb or so
04:30.50arrrghhhit's... not.
04:30.55rpierce99you're supposed to strip, not rm :)
04:30.56jonpryyeah its a tad short
04:31.23WisTilt2only stripping debug, let me check size on server before and after zipped
04:31.49jonpryits also the wrong stuff inside
04:32.45jonprylike d9a4ffb commit is yielding 0af368c modules
04:33.13jonpryand according to arrrghhh its also the 0af368c kernel
04:33.40WisTilt2well the file at 17:31 is 3mb with a 990k module file, both others after your 2 commits are nothing in modules...
04:34.02WisTilt2let me manually run the build and see what size the modules come out to with your last commit, standby
04:34.23WisTilt2this will only change the build time on the webpage, commit and all will be same
04:34.44jonprythe webpage is distributing the wrong kernel anyways
04:36.42jonpryarrrghhh, i'm uploading to the usual place. zimage_39
04:37.03jonpryi still don't understand your data thing, kernel killed it?
04:37.06jonpryupload complete
04:37.40jonpryi cannot manage to build a kernel and modules that will work together anymore
04:38.47rpierce99i think arrrghhh was saying that since he was running without data it was working fine
04:38.58jonpryso he's trying to run without data
04:39.05rpierce99he believes running on his main phone w/ data is what breaks it
04:39.10arrrghhhwoah ok
04:39.13arrrghhhi was being impatient
04:39.16jonprythats why i made a fix :p
04:39.17arrrghhhbecause it took ages
04:39.21arrrghhhand the phone feels like it's on fire
04:39.23arrrghhhbut i have data
04:40.02jonpryfirey phone was not an anticipated side effect
04:40.33arrrghhhi think it was just cranking really hard
04:40.35arrrghhhto get nowhere fast
04:40.49arrrghhhtrying your new kernel now, 1 sec
04:45.37jonpryWisTilt2, at some point the man is going to come get us if we don't start importing some more not working code
04:45.56jonpryie acoustic
04:46.35rpierce99i'd run your kernel 24/7 if acoustic was in it :)
04:46.53jonpryyou want it that much?
04:46.54rpierce99only because i want to run hycs system and it has acoustic
04:46.59*** join/#htc-linux sdicm (
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04:47.09sdicmis toast on ??
04:47.21WisTilt2yeah thats next on my plate.  fixing the release info on server right now.  kernel.version wasn't changed
04:47.23rpierce99sdicm: don't you have a channel users list
04:47.45sdicmyeah just cause the naem is on there doesnt mean there on
04:47.56sdicmthey can be afk so might as well ask right quick
04:48.06rpierce99you'll be much more likely to get them if you use their full name, therefore pinging them
04:48.10rpierce99ie ping toastcfh
04:48.12jonpryi knew rpierce99 was the man
04:48.19arrrghhhthat's crazy talk rpierce99
04:48.35arrrghhhjonpry, kernel es no bueno
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04:48.47jonpryuh oh
04:48.56rpierce99you can also try ~seen toascfh
04:48.58jonpryno data, no what? works for me, but i don't have data
04:49.10arrrghhhi do have service, but it's like trying to run android on a 286
04:49.13sdicm~seen toastcfh
04:49.16apttoastcfh is currently on #htc-linux (6h 22m 37s), last said: ';x'.
04:49.18arrrghhhyou can even /msg apt seen toastcfh
04:50.01arrrghhhand... the flames.  they continue.
04:50.08jonpryarrrghhh, on gd9a4?
04:51.12arrrghhhlet me md5 it
04:51.28arrrghhhgrabbed zimage_39 from your usual place ;)
04:52.06arrrghhhjonpry, ^^?
04:52.15rpierce99apt should say when the "last said" was said
04:52.36arrrghhhdude's gone.
04:52.41rpierce99i know
04:53.13jonprythats what i have
04:53.18jonpryyou know what this means
04:53.24jonprydowngrade smd
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05:08.19arrrghhhi assume that means taking the smd code from .27?
05:08.32jonprytis all done
05:09.03arrrghhhi hope WisTilt2 figures out what's up with the autobuild, that was wacky.
05:09.41jonpryfind out soon. i am just going to boot this and make sure sound and what not works
05:10.20arrrghhhk.  unfortunately i must go to bed... i'll read the logs and catch up in the mornin.  i think i have another boatload of meetings tomorrow too, w00t...
05:10.34jonpryok, cya
05:11.00WisTilt2yeah fixing problem, going to be awhile longer.
05:11.05jonpryrpierce99, you have a 400 as well right?
05:11.18WisTilt2right kernel wrong version on modules
05:11.36arrrghhhWisTilt2, np.  good luck mang, i'll talk to you tomorrow hopefully!
05:11.49WisTilt2ill be at office so catch ya then
05:12.58jonpryrpierce99, can you do a test?
05:13.09jonpryusual place zimage_39
05:13.34jonpryWisTilt2, i'll get this monster tamed :p
05:14.21jonpryits got to be smd
05:14.41jonpryalex kept going on about smd this smd that
05:15.03jonpryhe doesn't know about the 27 downgrade technique though
05:16.23rpierce99and what am i looking for here
05:16.35jonprywell first off data and service
05:16.53jonpryand it shouldn't be slow as dirt
05:17.27jonprythen i guess running neocore usually causes progressive decay of speed until the phone appears frozen
05:19.57rpierce99i have data, and it is not crawling afaict
05:20.21jonprythat sounds excellent
05:20.38rpierce99fwiw i've booted this kernel a few times and it has never been slow thoug
05:21.26jonpryhave you used data before and not had it get slow?
05:21.51rpierce99the most i've done with it is running connectbot to pull dmesg, but data has connected 2 or 3 times
05:22.41jonpryyeah the bug is not well characterized
05:23.09rpierce99neocore is downloading...
05:23.30jonpryi mean if you can run neocore and get data on a 400 and think wow this is stable, then either it is fixed, or we have no idea what the bug is
05:24.37rpierce99download unsuccessful?
05:25.22jonprydo you have some 3d game?
05:26.43jonpryjust to get some serious fb activity along with sound while your lamo cdma connection is doing horrible things to ril
05:26.56rpierce99i won't get sound on this system
05:27.06jonpryoh yeah, acousti
05:27.44rpierce99angry birds?
05:28.53jonprycdma people are basically saying they can't use the mother. it will die within minutes
05:30.17rpierce99wonder if it matters that i put my sd card in this morning
05:30.44rpierce99err sim
05:30.53jonpryi doubt it
05:31.03jonpryi think it was an smd problem
05:31.43jonprythere is massive code in 27 smd to deal with wince devices. and we had like 5% of it in 39
05:32.41rpierce99rebooted android loading angry birds rio
05:33.56jonpryi touch the screen every 30s or so while its loading birds
05:34.06rpierce99after the reboot, signal bars came up but data is dead
05:34.18rpierce99yeah i was tapping it to make sure it didn't go back to sleep
05:34.25rpierce99oh data came back
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05:34.55jonprymaybe its blows up from audio routing?
05:35.32jonpryi dunno. i haven't managed to crash or reboot the thing in a few days
05:35.43jonprydon't get it
05:36.20rpierce99this time it soft reset
05:36.50jonpryoh, you got a system server reset
05:37.06jonpryi thought it rebooted the phone for some reason
05:37.12rpierce99yeah the first time it acted like killall zygote
05:37.21rpierce99second time back to winmo
05:38.58jonprykillall zygote might be ok. like it doesn't like unresponsive apps and angry birds takes too long to load
05:39.25jonpryback to winmo bad
05:39.27rpierce99if you want i can put together a standard build with no-partitions and see if that acts different
05:40.08jonprythat would be cool. i'm sure someone else will test it tomorrow if you don't want too
05:41.28jonpryi literally cannot crash it. but i do have no data
05:41.54jonpryWisTilt2, have you managed to get an sr or sod?
05:42.49WisTilt2nope not a one.  ran phone for about 30hrs before i rebooted it to make a change.
05:43.10jonpryso wtf is going on in the world
05:43.59WisTilt2other gsm users having sr's?
05:44.04WisTilt2with .39 that is
05:44.08jonprynot that i know of
05:44.25WisTilt2so just cdma problem with that?
05:44.34jonprymaybe there is some m2a interrupt on cdma that we don't know about and can't clear
05:45.13jonprythen again there is only like 3 gsm users
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05:46.32WisTilt2i about done with the autobuild.  environment variables like to be kept, which they aren't after we closed the console we tested this in:)
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05:48.12jonprywe will need someone to get convincing data on reliability between my kernel and autobuild
05:48.31jonpryi don't want to use this 27 smd unless we have to but there may be several problems
05:50.41jonpryrpierce99, the standard build will support audio? i'm assuming your at it
05:51.00rpierce99i'm download FRX06 now
05:51.13rpierce99got my stock no_partitions build ready other than that
05:51.22jonprythats what i'm using
05:51.33jonpry39/3.0 has nilfs :p
05:52.35jonpryno armv6 cleanerd available right now though
05:52.59jonprythe only thing about this phone is lack of fpu
05:53.12rpierce99yeah i had a game bitch at me about that today
05:53.22rpierce99like dude, really no fpu, this is going to crash.
05:53.25rpierce99then <crash>
05:53.32jonpryeventually i will throw it away because of that
05:54.03jonpryi mean 500mhz arm vs dual core 2ghz is really not as big a deal as fpu/no fpu
05:54.21jonprythey screwed us over 1mm^2 of silicon
05:56.36jonpryWisTilt2, is 7227 pin compatible? can i swap them on my rhod pcb?
05:57.41jonpryoo or 7230
05:58.04WisTilt2i have no idea on the other chips
05:58.35jonprythe biggest problem is that amss would probably fail
05:58.46jonpryi will try to buy some :p
05:58.56jonprynow that i have 3 rhods
05:59.45rpierce99booting stock
06:01.12jonpryWisTilt2, in the end we are going to have to make an automated ramconsole for these cdma people
06:05.39jonpryrpierce99, any luck?
06:05.50rpierce99just hit the home screen
06:05.55rpierce99still settling
06:06.08rpierce99data's going
06:10.57jonprywhy would they make a speaker phone with like 10db of snr?
06:14.59jonpryrpierce99, you bust it yet?
06:15.52rpierce99it's installing neocore, market had like 4 updates to do
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06:18.51rpierce99neocore kinda locked up, tall robot monster thing is on screen and not moving, phone is hot and unresponsive
06:18.57rpierce99buttons don't light
06:19.04rpierce99(not sure if that's included)
06:19.09jonpryu on linux?
06:19.17rpierce99well, mac
06:19.27rpierce99i have an ubuntu vm too though
06:19.42jonprywell plug it into usb and see if you get a device
06:19.55jonprylike ifconfig -a
06:20.38rpierce99well i have like 8 things in there
06:21.19jonprydifferent number of things with rhod unplugged?
06:22.17jonpryno idea then
06:22.36rpierce99i can maybe start a log to a file before running neocore
06:22.39rpierce99maybe get lucky
06:22.42jonpryyou know how to do ramsconsole?
06:23.08rpierce99haven't done it, could
06:23.22jonprywell reset it with the stylus
06:25.44jonpryyou have to have a copy of haret.exe in a directory with no startup.txt
06:26.32jonprythen run it
06:27.15rpierce99k i hit listen for network connection
06:27.35jonprythen plug usb, set it to active sync
06:27.50jonpryon your comp telnet
06:28.04jonpryer telnet 9999
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06:28.40jonprypwf dmesg.txt 0x8e0000 0x20000
06:30.03rpierce99should ifconfig be giving me an adapter in the 169.254 subnet?
06:30.22rpierce99hm, let me switch to ubuntu then
06:30.46jonpryi dunno if the vm will get ahold of your usb devices
06:31.20rpierce99it works great there
06:31.35rpierce99in vmware i choose where my usb devices show up
06:33.27rpierce99is that pwf line supposed to dump to dmesg.txt
06:33.46rpierce99i don't see the file
06:33.53jonprythen you have to disconnect
06:34.06jonpryit will be in same dir as haret.exe
06:34.18jonprymaybe have to copy it to sd card
06:34.45jonpryfull of garbage too. i do: strings /media/sdcard
06:35.07jonpryer strings /media/sdcard/dmesg.txt
06:36.27rpierce99yeah no strings, just a bunch of crap
06:36.36jonprystrings is a command
06:36.39jonpryin ubuntu
06:36.43rpierce99i know
06:36.45rpierce99i ran it
06:36.48rpierce99got nothing
06:37.04jonprybut you got dmesg.txt?
06:37.14rpierce99yep there's a file
06:37.28jonprymaybe the pwf is wrong
06:37.34jonpryi have never seen this not work
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06:37.48jonpryyou do it right? 4 zeroes on both 0x??
06:37.52rpierce99i'm going to boot back in and get it to crash again
06:38.04jonprydid reset via stylus?
06:38.06rpierce99i'm concerned that when i restarted it i killed it
06:42.43rpierce99of course neocore finished this time
06:43.17jonprythats what i get with no sound
06:43.26rpierce99yeah i turned sound off
06:43.30rpierce99guess i could turn it on
06:43.38rpierce99but it died last time without sound
06:43.50jonprydata on?
06:44.21rpierce993g icon, only thing going is probably google mail sync
06:45.10rpierce99there opened the browser and got data and gps goin
06:45.44jonpryi gotta sleep like 3am here. if you get it to crash put up the ramconsole. i read the logs. if it doesn't work, put that up too. could be that ramconsole location on cdma doesn't actually work
06:46.28jonprygn, and thanks
06:48.33rpierce99i just looped neocore like 4 times, nothing
06:48.39rpierce99doesn't seem gfx or load related
06:50.44rpierce99froze while downloading stuff in the market app
06:51.01rpierce99hm, spoke too soon, came back a bit
06:57.29rpierce99ok it's crrrrrrrrrraaaaaawwwwwling right now
06:57.43rpierce99started during a market download
06:57.53rpierce99usb0 is showing up in ubuntu
06:58.12rpierce99apparently mac os doesn't like Ethernet Gadget #2
07:03.01rpierce99eventually got a reboot in android
07:03.05rpierce99i was trying to set up adb
07:03.31rpierce99got connected to adb though
07:09.04rpierce99i have no idea if this contains anything before the soft reboot, but here is dmesg after it:
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07:14.12rpierce99 - logcat from the same scenario
07:14.38rpierce99i was just installing and running random market apps
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07:19.29WisTilt2jonpry: ok im going to bed.  kernel pack on autobuild is good now.  need to fix the cron tomorrow so new commits wont build until then.  nite all.
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09:21.01Fudgehi need help to start speech on android, a mate borrowed my phone and brought it back with speech turned off.
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14:22.42rpierce99jonpry2: you see those logs?
14:22.51jonpry2rpierce99, sure did
14:23.01rpierce99did they have anything from before the reboot?
14:23.01jonpry2looks like smd_tty ran it out of memory
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14:23.30rpierce99oh, good, any idea why?
14:24.51jonpry2not really
14:25.30jonpry2i wonder is thats happens with gsm data users
14:27.04jonpry2i don't understand how the allocation failed but there are 11665 free pages
14:31.58jonpry2there are some proc entries that can be used to tune the vm
14:32.02rpierce99that page allocation failure error has lots of google hits
14:32.08rpierce99yeah i was just reading about that
14:33.55rpierce99on my .27 kernel it is 1690
14:34.46jonpry2what is?
14:35.38rpierce99i assumed you were reading the same post:
14:35.59jonpry2it might be that we can just allocate a big enough tty buffer from the get go that it never needs to reallocate
14:36.41jonpry2i'm thinking maybe radio is piping stuff into a tty that userland is never even reading
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14:37.01jonpry2rpierce99, try it at 10k or something, or set vm pressure really high, 300
14:37.14rpierce99i'm going to boot into .39 and see what its set to there
14:37.47jonpry2the SLAB has been worked on significantly from 27 to 39
14:43.47jonpry2usage at time of the crash was 1032+3460kb slab
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14:48.15jonpry2they had this problem on hd2
14:48.47rpierce99can you change min_free_kbytes on the fly or does it require a reboot
14:48.47jonpry2apparently have some cool patch to limit allocation to 2kb and yield to userspace if the slab is freaked
14:48.55jonpry2have to change on the fly
14:49.07rpierce99k it's set up to 10000, i'll see if i can kill it
14:49.25rpierce99what do you think the easiest way is, based on the problem
14:49.31rpierce99lots of downloads
14:50.04jonpry2needs to be data transmitting while something else gets the kernel busy
14:50.21jonpry2not sure what the other kind of busy is. neocore?
14:51.24jonpry2where is the git for leo kernel? mdj kernel
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14:57.59jonpry2unfortunately it does not have the patch
14:58.15jonpry2data ~ 12/04/10
15:01.53jonpry2i think this why they had to use desire amss and rmnet
15:05.04D3tul3wonder how they came up with that sqrt(free_buffer * 16)
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15:05.51jonpry2where is that? i can't find any code
15:06.47rpierce99in that git?
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15:07.06D3tul3on the git tree rpierce99 posted mm/page_alloc.c line 4695 and below
15:11.37jonpry2rpierce99, you get it to break? i have a plan if not
15:11.48jonpry2er if
15:12.01rpierce99no i tried downloading something but it was a zip and android just died on it
15:12.10rpierce99ie download failed
15:12.20rpierce99just pulled the logs and it's just because there's no file type handler
15:13.57rpierce99so is your plan on how to break it, or how to fix it?
15:15.06jonpry2how to fix it
15:15.18jonpry2but need it to get broken first :(
15:15.28rpierce99well i'm going to go back to the tried and true market download frenzy
15:18.09rpierce995 market downloads & neocore simultaneously
15:20.30rpierce997.3FPS woo
15:23.10rpierce997.1 FPS this time
15:23.33jonpry2sounds like it works pretty good with more slab
15:24.19rpierce99adb is connected and catting dmesg, that's not going to make it MORE reliable right
15:24.31jonpry2not that i know of
15:25.26jonpry2i just made a contraption that should back off of the data pipe if SLAB refuses to cooperate
15:25.43jonpry2but really more slab is a better solution
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15:28.19jonpry2its actually amazing this ever worked
15:28.59jonpry2letama was on to something, but still not even close
15:29.08rpierce99i can't kill it
15:29.16rpierce99aka all downloads finished and installed
15:30.07jonpry2i put up a new zimage_39 with the backer offer. may or may not work without memory increase
15:31.21rpierce99so try to kill that one, is what you're saying
15:31.51jonpry2if you have exhausted all options with the current one
15:32.08rpierce99i don't know what else to do besides tons of market downloads and neocore all at the same time
15:32.24rpierce99i could keep trying to do those same things for longer, if you think it accumulates
15:32.28jonpry2incoming mms?
15:32.51jonpry2if data won't die on you then the pipe is empty
15:32.58rpierce99mms doesn't work on the stock build
15:33.07raymonddulldoes mms ever work?
15:33.10raymonddullon anything?
15:33.13rpierce99on hycs build
15:33.16jonpry2sms then
15:34.02rpierce99so just send myself a single sms?
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15:35.48D3tul3i wonder why would this not crop up on gsm rhods on .39
15:35.49jonpry2sounds like a plan
15:36.00jonpry2i don't have data out here
15:37.03rpierce99D3tul3: ur dataz too slow
15:37.14rpierce99CDMA RUL3Z!!
15:37.22jonpry2it could very well be packet size. if the cdma radio tries to concat packets and makes something so big that slab can't easily allocate then it will die
15:38.06jonpry2that problem is still not really taken care of because of the nature of tty
15:38.26D3tul3oh wait, rhod100 user "Unfortunately, my phone has become very sluggish with this test kernel."
15:39.38rpierce99i received the sms and data is working, what does that mean?
15:40.19helicopter88What means "warning: remote HEADS refers to nonexistent ref,unable to check out" when cloning .39 ?
15:40.37rpierce99you're cloning the branch as a tree
15:40.44jonpry2i think it means that the problem is definitely smd tty allocation
15:41.23jonpry2i don't think increasing reserved mem or my fix is going to be 100% reliable though. this stuff is a disaster
15:41.26helicopter88ty rpierce99
15:42.11rpierce99helicopter88: manekineko had the same problem yesterday
15:45.40jonpry2i wonder how this ever worked on 27
16:01.51jonpry2rpierce99, working good?
16:02.30rpierce99i haven't been touching it since i failed to kill it
16:02.37rpierce99still very responsive
16:02.59jonpry2did you try the new kernel without using the memory increase?
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16:03.57rpierce99i have not
16:04.08rpierce99i downloaded it but got distracted
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16:18.32arrrghhhjonpry, WisTilt2 yo
16:18.59arrrghhhyou guys know if your magic new kernel supports overclock?  forums seem to think no, i wanted to see what you guys thought before i thew up a caveat.  i haven't tested it myself tbh...
16:19.20WisTilt2howdy. working on autobuild so in and out for a bit.
16:20.02WisTilt2no oc afaik, dont think that cmdline switch is read right now.
16:20.05rpierce99arrrghhh: do you have a way to reliably reproduce the MAJOR slowdown
16:20.22arrrghhhrpierce99, use CDMA data?
16:20.26rpierce99WisTilt2: are you going to implement the command line or the setcpu
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16:20.37rpierce99like, even just a little bit?
16:20.42arrrghhhat least my tester rhod400 vs my normal rhod400
16:20.52arrrghhhso you're not experiencing any slowness?
16:21.16arrrghhhi mean on my main device, it was so slow... it was literally unusuable.  i've never seen it so slow.
16:21.17rpierce99i did, but only after downloading from the market a bunch and running neocore
16:21.32arrrghhhi can try another new data.img
16:21.49rpierce99i was just hoping you had a fool-proof method
16:21.55WisTilt2rpierce99 eventually but not until some of these other bugs are fixed for cdma.  we probably dont want other factors skewing problems.
16:21.56arrrghhhlol not really
16:22.00rpierce99i can't get it to crash with this latest tweak
16:22.08D3tul3you should try jonpry2's tempfix before blowing away your data
16:22.18arrrghhhoh there's a new fix?
16:22.30rpierce99yeah if it's 100% reproducable for you, you're a better tester of the fix
16:22.30arrrghhhi haven't tried any new fixes, i've been arguing with our mainframe developers for the last hour.
16:22.51arrrghhhsomeone needs to tell them that COBOL is dead :P
16:22.57rpierce99although it has to be done after boot, are you able to run cmd lines?
16:23.22jonpry2rpierce99, does the newest kernel require the memory deal?
16:23.30rpierce99i haven't tried yet
16:23.36rpierce99rebooting now actually
16:23.54arrrghhhso is there a new kernel?
16:25.04jonpry2theres also a sysfs thingy that appears to stop the problem. but i think my patch will at least prevent the slowdown. data may die, but it won't crawl
16:27.48rpierce99reading about TTY makes me cry
16:28.06rpierce99we have crap in the kernel from the days of the teletype machine? are you serious right now
16:29.07rpierce99jonpry, kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal Exception
16:29.14jonpry2yeah, working on that
16:34.53rpierce99i've gotta run for a bit, arrrghhh if you get a minute try the workaround, ttyl
16:35.38arrrghhhi will, sheesh :P
16:38.11jonpry2arrrghhh, ok its up and better than ever
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16:44.11jonpry2thats the one
16:44.37arrrghhhbootin now
16:51.16arrrghhhi have a desktop, but it seems frozen.
16:51.19arrrghhhoO there it goes.
16:51.25arrrghhhlet me see if it'll settle or not...
16:53.44jonpry2if its weird you can always echo 10000 > /proc/sys/vm/min_free_kbytes
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17:08.33jonpryarrrghhh, good to go?
17:08.59arrrghhhit's not fast, but it's not painfully slow either...
17:09.36raymonddullsounds like the tp2 in a nutshell
17:10.30jonprydid you adjust min_free?
17:10.40arrrghhhoh i see
17:10.45arrrghhhno i haven't, let me try
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17:13.06jonpryanything in dmesg | grep induced
17:13.26arrrghhhstill trying to get connectbot open to put in that command...
17:13.29arrrghhhit's still pretty slow :P
17:13.58jonpryis your data still working?
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17:14.49arrrghhhechoing that command now
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17:22.30arrrghhhcrap, i can't su
17:22.38arrrghhhsu: uid 10056 not allowed to su?
17:23.02jonpryno idea
17:23.16jonprysudo su ?
17:23.21arrrghhhno sudo
17:23.42arrrghhhi've always been able to su in connectbot.
17:23.53arrrghhhalthough i have been getting weird messages on .39 that the build isn't rooted.
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17:27.55jonpryi might be able to fix windows usb ethernet dealy
17:28.05arrrghhhwould be cool
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17:44.36WisTilt2jonpry, autobuild is fixed, however i cant figure out why it is building as dirty?  no changes to any sourcefiles and building just as they came off git.
17:45.26jonprymaybe it has a local commit
17:45.32jonprygit status and gitk it
17:46.55WisTilt2git status only shows modified files after it builds, like zImage and such. no source files showing modified at all
17:47.55jonprymaybe its having generated stuff in git
17:48.07jonpryby the time it makes utsrelease.h its already dirty
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17:50.34WisTilt2looks likes there's 3 files it thinks are modified off the git. these are showing changed but not updated right off the git tree--
17:50.35WisTilt2#typechange: arch/microblaze/boot/dts/system.dts
17:50.35WisTilt2#modified:   scripts/basic/docproc
17:50.35WisTilt2#modified:   scripts/basic/fixdep
17:51.08WisTilt2thats what is showing after cloning the tree only
17:51.35jonprydelete them
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17:55.06jonpryarrrghhh, i put up a new image. in theory it has rndis but i don't have high hopes
17:55.30WisTilt2does that need to be commited locally then pushed then? showing changes to be committed and updated now
17:56.12WisTilt2all 3 files show deleted btw
17:57.46jonpryno, just do git checkout htc-msm-2.6.39
17:58.40WisTilt2ok that did it.  like i said, i need to learn this git better since we never use it
17:59.17jonpryusing it is the best way
18:00.42jonpryWisTilt2, there should be a link to the build log on the website as well
18:02.26arrrghhhlunchtime, bbl
18:02.52WisTilt2do you have another commit to push?  want to run this locally a couple more times and be sure everything is working then push and see if it works automatically
18:03.11jonpryWisTilt2, do you use smd pppd on your device? yeah i have some stuff to push
18:04.17WisTilt2smd pppd no idea.  smd0 is all i know for data.  what should i look for?
18:05.14jonpry2i mean your 3g modem thingy
18:05.51jonpry2smd_tty.c can't possibly work afaict
18:06.52WisTilt2oh our device?  not pppd i know.  dont know what we're using actually but can check.  i know our device creates a vpn to our network is all
18:07.35WisTilt2isnt that's what is being used now in .27?
18:08.19jonpry2but it doesn't work on leo either. thats why they had to switch to desire amss and use rmnet
18:08.48WisTilt2this damn thing is still building dirty wth
18:08.55jonpry2its obvious from looking at the code that it can't work
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18:11.15jonpry2like here is the newest stuff CA has to offer:;a=blob;f=arch/arm/mach-msm/smd_tty.c;h=91b8c9931dcbef66c267ae808016f90079d2aa53;hb=HEAD
18:12.20jonpry2~128 thing is in an interrupt context and presumably has some data in SMD
18:12.20aptokay, jonpry2
18:13.55jonpry2so there are some bytes in the deal. and at 134 its telling TTY to get ready for some. but TTY realloc's its entire buffer in order to accommodate the new bytes,
18:14.37WisTilt2cant we just alloc a large enough buffer for tty and not realloc again?
18:15.01jonpry2tty manages that stuff on its own
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18:31.50WisTilt2im out of ideas.  clean off git it builds dirty.  shows no modified or changed files before building
18:34.48jonpry2dirty it is
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18:35.22jonpry2want me to push?
18:35.37WisTilt2hang on, let me get auto turned back on
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18:37.49jonpry2it looks like tty is hard coded to not allow more than 64kb of buffered data.
18:37.51arrrghhhaw i was hoping you entered that phrase into apt's db :P
18:38.09jonpry2yeah i was wondering about that
18:38.32aptit has been said that apt is a pu'ssy licker
18:38.47WisTilt2ok jonpry push.  i have cron at 1 minute intervals right now so should be new on web pretty quick
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18:47.15WisTilt2damnit. guess i should not be in such a hurry.  it built but i didnt remove my tests so its not on web correctly
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18:56.53WisTilt2jonpry can you dl the pack off website and see if it did everything right
18:59.20jonpry2will do
19:03.56jonpry2looking good so far
19:04.57WisTilt2should be #1 also.  this dirty is really irritating me.
19:05.31jonpry2don't sweat it
19:05.39arrrghhhyea that's pretty minor in the grand scheme of things.
19:06.17arrrghhhthere's probably something you have to do to tell git this is the official stuff.
19:06.27arrrghhhi can ping GlemSom or acl on that.
19:06.34arrrghhhwhich GlemSom if you are here, speak up!
19:07.14WisTilt2yeah just frustrating since it should be building clean with no changes made
19:07.38jonpry2some generated files are in git
19:07.59arrrghhhyea, i agree... but so long as it's building them correctly that's at least a start :P
19:07.59jonpry2anything in include/config or include/generated will cause this
19:08.52jonpry2[  277.274200] dhdsdio_probe_malloc: kmalloc of 32768-byte databuf failed
19:09.58WisTilt2so on the tree on gitorious these are there?  should be just the source and build config files shouldn't it. guess you can fix that, i have no idea what to do
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19:10.32jonpry2sure i'll fix it
19:10.35arrrghhhrm -rf /
19:10.45arrrghhhhehe :P
19:11.05arrrghhhthat's how i always fix my linux servers.
19:11.06WisTilt2i know how to fix it locally, just dont want to mess with gitorious
19:12.32WisTilt2cron is back on 5mins again so if you push again be patient
19:12.49jonpry2so it doesn't really matter. if the git is fubar then the build will be dirty. if not, clean. not really autobuilds problem
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19:24.58WisTilt2jonpry, allocating 32k failed? does that mean there's not even 32k available free memory at that point or a bad buffer pointer
19:25.36jonpry2there's memory available but the slab doesn't have 32kb contigous available
19:25.52jonpry2i got it to load by having the vm drop all cache
19:26.07WisTilt2did they change slab in .39?
19:26.29jonpry2but we are using lots more memory
19:28.40GlemSomI'm not here !
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19:33.20arrrghhhGlemSom, you're always here.  and never here.  a talent i'd like to learn one day :P
19:34.11XirXesits pretty easy to do
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19:51.33WisTilt2i need a nap now after that high carb lunch.
19:52.01WisTilt2jonpry, do you want to setup autobuild for 3.0 also or wait until we have it more stable with rc2?
19:53.23jonpry2autobuild everything :p
19:54.20WisTilt2everything in that pack was ok?  modules look like they built and was only 990k so we good?
19:54.40arrrghhhXirXes, kernel
19:54.41jonpry2yeah i've been using them
19:55.53XirXesthats awesome. hooray mainline
19:56.23WisTilt2looks like it built another kernel while i was at lunch so guess you pushed again or did it flake out?
19:57.05jonpry2i pushed another one
19:57.25jonpry2this one actually manages to load wifi firmware via brcmfmac
19:57.35WisTilt2nice. guess we're good then thank god. ill work on adding the 3.0 side then.
19:57.45jonpry2not that nice
19:58.02WisTilt2? nice that it built i meant
19:58.12jonpry2for sure
19:58.22jonpry2wifi is not nice
19:58.32WisTilt2tame that woman!
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20:19.20jonpry2arrrghhh, overclock might be acpuclock-arm11.oc_freq_khz
20:19.55arrrghhhdifferent command for .39? O
20:20.59jonpry2it just occurred to me that there might be consequences to renaming files
20:22.51jonpry2worth a shot anyways
20:23.24jonpry2i am only minimally inspired to make 39 startup.txt compatible with 27
20:23.25arrrghhhright now i'm fighting java, i think i may have to admit defeat.
20:23.37jonpry2oh yeah?
20:23.59arrrghhhyea, some stupid group policies at work or some such thing is breaking it for me.  daily.
20:24.12arrrghhhand i used to be able to fix it easily, but that fix isn't working...
20:24.48jonpry2run vnc server on phone
20:30.48arrrghhhhrm i wonder if my SOCKS proxy is messing with this applet.  brb.
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21:18.30arrrghhhwell i beat java.  still can't use this virtual disc mount, oh well.
21:18.38arrrghhhjonpry, any new developments?
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21:31.15jonpryarrrghhh, not so much
21:31.37jonprywe will need someone that can get dmesg to make any more progress on smd
21:31.47arrrghhhfor cdma?
21:32.18arrrghhhi think i fit that bill...
21:32.32arrrghhhyou just want a dmesg from the newest kernel starting or...?
21:32.47rpierce99i can get dmesg also
21:34.32jonpryi thought it wasn't working because of no adb
21:34.45jonpryand rpierce99 can't make his crash
21:34.58rpierce99we can force adb
21:36.17WisTilt2jonpry: hold off on any pushes for 15mins or so it you have any.  testing the dual .39 and 3.0 building and web xfer
21:41.49arrrghhhjonpry, i can use a terminal app
21:41.52arrrghhhand spy adb works
21:41.59arrrghhhrpierce99, did you verify that method works on crapple?
21:42.24rpierce99no i can only do it from ubuntu
21:42.49rpierce99usb0 doesn't show up in crapple
21:42.53arrrghhhjonpry, @ work i am... which i am @ work.
21:43.00arrrghhhrpierce99, suck.  i'll take that out of the directions then.
21:44.49jonpryi wanted to know what dmesg | grep induced has to say with current kernel after a slow down
21:45.18jonprybut now i am thinking that the memory situation is more sever
21:46.14jonprymaybe we need ramzswap
21:47.18jonpryi had kind of an epoxy accident. within the next 10 minutes i will be glued to the computer
21:47.35rpierce99my wife says I already am
21:48.43jonprylooks like the chair and table as well
21:49.33WisTilt2jonpry both kernels are on autobuild now. next time .39 builds it will change filename to same format as the 3.0 one i just built off current 3.0 tree. i'll get history of builds done later with commit info etc.
21:50.53WisTilt2once you clean the git, hopefully dirty will go away on future builds:)
21:51.49jonpryvery nice
22:00.06WisTilt2still kind of drab but quick to get current kernels available.  we'll get the fancier page done in a few days.
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22:00.41jonpryi'll still be glued to my chair
22:01.05arrrghhhWisTilt2, drab isn't such a big deal.  just need something functional.  but i've always been about function over form...
22:02.26WisTilt2well tired of working on this autobuild now so jonpry anything i can help you with code wise or you got it handled?
22:03.16jonprywe gotta figure out how to get some kernel memory
22:03.29jonprykmalloc of 32kb should not fail
22:05.22jonprymight just be some options to set. or maybe something is causing the fragmentation
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22:16.17arrrghhhhey WisTilt2, i'm getting an internet connection that'll almost rival yours :P
22:16.28arrrghhh60mbps, it's not 100 heh
22:16.37rpierce99i cannot for the life of me get this thing to crash, even without the /proc/ fix
22:16.50arrrghhhrpierce99, did you ever have issues on .39?
22:16.58rpierce99it's done it once or twice
22:17.27rpierce99i was just downloading and installing 5 apps while looping neocore
22:17.30rpierce99did just fine
22:17.37arrrghhhi wasn't even doing that
22:17.42arrrghhhi was doing things like 'opening settings'
22:17.55WisTilt2arrrghhh i doubt it
22:18.13WisTilt24 gig lines?
22:18.16arrrghhhhey, without owning an internet company, that's some pretty good speed.
22:18.24arrrghhhto your house?  i thought you just had 100mbps.
22:18.34WisTilt2oh yeah to my house is only 100mbps
22:18.47WisTilt2i can double that it you think you're going to out do me:)
22:18.51arrrghhhhrm i didn't ask the schmuck what i get up.
22:18.59arrrghhhnot any time soon :P
22:19.12WisTilt2another wireless link and bonding np, 200mbps
22:19.28arrrghhhyea i doubt i'll actually even get 60.
22:19.35arrrghhhand up.. i'd be surprised if they give me 10.
22:19.45WisTilt2what service can give 100mbps to home users?
22:19.56WisTilt2all talk
22:20.04arrrghhhif you're in their fiber area..
22:20.35WisTilt2yeah maybe but i bet 50-60 will be max.  they played that game around here with tons of ads and people only saw mid 30's
22:20.46arrrghhhthat's sad.
22:20.49WisTilt2still pretty nice for the price
22:20.52arrrghhhi've only had their 12meg svc
22:21.04arrrghhhgoing to their 60..
22:21.13rpierce99i pay for 20 and get 16-18, charter
22:21.17WisTilt2we cant touch their pricing but they cant service rural areas here either so dont care
22:21.36arrrghhhthat's where wireless companies make their money.  last-mile customers.
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22:22.22rpierce99i'm going to have every app on the market installed if i keep this up
22:23.06rpierce99whoo it's hot though
22:23.48WisTilt2jonpry, where is the kernel memory being allocated from?
22:24.16WisTilt2rpierce99 liquid nitrogen cooling in your future for extended testing
22:25.00rpierce99oh i think i finally killed it
22:25.19WisTilt2probably melting the solder off the pads
22:26.44rpierce99and, cat /proc/kmsg is either taking FOREVER or returning nothing
22:27.31WisTilt2hit space bar
22:27.57rpierce99just rebooted in android
22:27.59rpierce99it was frozen
22:28.03rpierce99it was logging fine for a while
22:30.23rpierce99yeah after the reboot same basic dmesg as last time, page allocation failures
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22:32.34jonprydoes it say anything about induced?
22:33.43rpierce99but i think those memory errors absolutely BLAST kmsg, because they are the only things in there, everything else rolled off the top
22:35.09rpierce99i have 502 lines that cover the span of 1326.40 - 1336.39
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22:42.48jonpryrpierce99, whats the stack trace. who's allocations are failing?
22:43.38rpierce99this is on your old kernel though
22:44.47jonpryonly new kernel will print induced
22:45.27rpierce99k i just downloaded from the normal non-autobuild and will reboot
22:45.30jonpryWisTilt2, i'm not sure how to answer your question. kmalloc comes out of some portion of ram i think
22:45.42jonpryrpierce99, autobuild is fine
22:46.44WisTilt2jonpry, i didn't phrase that right.  meant where is kernel memory allocated in the boot process and is it ever increased/decreased at a later point.
22:46.56jonprythis whole smd pppd thing is just sick though. like its using a framework designed for 28kbaud modems to deal with 30mbps connection on a 500mhz overloaded device
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22:48.05jonpryWisTilt2, not sure. i think it is dynamic based on demand. but it gets into trouble when the commit load is high. especially if alloc's are made in an interrupt context, ie smd, because it is unable to flush caches to collect garbage
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22:54.23rpierce99got some induceds
22:54.50rpierce99i was able to finally get a dmesg while it was frozen, before the reboot
22:55.05jonprywhat are the numbers?
22:56.19jonpryshould say induced....... needed: ?
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22:58.08jonpryyou think pppd will work with normal char device? does it need to be tty backed?
22:58.17rpierce99having trouble getting it out of the vm, just a minute
23:00.41arrrghhhalrighty then, time to go see if comcast is full of it or not.  peace!
23:02.14rpierce99pppd gets an allocation failure first
23:02.44rpierce99right when it opens ch 7
23:05.18jonpryyeah i'm gonna do away with that
23:06.17rpierce99apparently market downloads + neocore isn't the way to reproduce, that last one i did it in like 2 minutes browsing google images
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23:12.11jonpryrpierce99, do you know how to startup pppd/data from the command line?
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23:13.13rpierce99not off the top of my head
23:15.06jonpry2it will take me a while to write the new smd driver anyways
23:15.36jonpry2but the dev name will be wrong so pppd will have to be started manually or the scripts changed. i'm not sure how it all works
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23:19.50rpierce99init.froyo.rc has pppd_gprs as the service name for /system/bin/pppd
23:20.05rpierce99hm, disabled oneshot
23:20.08rpierce99maybe that's old
23:25.04rpierce99hyc did some work on pppd, can someone shine the hyc symbol
23:27.06jonpry2doesn't look like pppd is happy about non tty device
23:27.24WisTilt2jonpry before you get buried writing that new smd driver:)  should we not have IOMMU_PGTABLES_L2 enables?
23:29.08jonpry2i'm not seeing that anywhere
23:29.39WisTilt2its not in the msm_defconfig but im looking at the mmu code and thinking we might need it enabled
23:30.36jonpry2says its for a9
23:30.45jonpry2as in cortex a9
23:31.22WisTilt2looking at whats happening with the get_free_pages and matching the freeing of those.  might have some kind of memory leak where freeing isnt happening
23:31.33WisTilt2yeah your right on the cortex
23:31.51WisTilt2i guess we dont use the free_reserved_pages like normal linux does?
23:32.08jonpry2theres no memory leak. kernel commit load is low at the point of crash. 3MB used 1MB free
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23:56.44arrrghhhah well.  your b/w pipe is safe WisTilt2.  i figured the rep was full of it.  turns out he wasn't a comcast rep.
23:57.24WisTilt2lol good.  i had my installers on call in case they need to throw up another pipe for me
23:58.14WisTilt2im heading home, catch you later tonight
23:58.55rpierce99so what are you getting arrrghhh
23:59.44arrrghhhthe 60mb tier doesn't even exist.
23:59.51arrrghhhi was on 12, so meh.
23:59.56rpierce99yeah they do 50 and 100 i thought

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