IRC log for #htc-linux on 20110607

00:04.49*** join/#htc-linux WisTilt2 (
00:06.57WisTilt2jonpry: home and in coding mode.  fixed audio routing and pushing shortly.  also trying my pm changes to see if drain is better.  around 4% overnight so we need to find that.  might be speaker amp not turning off and i suspect wifi chip is always on right now.
00:07.26jonpryhey WisTilt2
00:08.18jonpryi have had massive drain with speaker amp off before
00:10.16WisTilt2ill run this test kernel with my pm stuff for an hour and see if its any better.  easy to see changes when it drops 4% in 1hr consistently.  audio routing working perfect now and i enabled the temp speakerphone mode again until i do the full acoustic stuff.
00:11.32jonpry2no multimeter for you?
00:12.26WisTilt2not here at home.  ill be at my office all day tomorrow though so plan to work on this all day
00:12.51WisTilt2unless we fix everything tonight:)
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00:14.31WisTilt2jonpry, you want me to give you the bitmask for the adm clock to shut if off in sleep and see if that's part of it?
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00:21.07jonpryWisTilt2, have you compared our clock-wince.c to .27?
00:22.56WisTilt2brb, on phone with a problem at the office
00:23.26jonpryyou see for most clocks .27 is writing the regs in long form, just like we are. but if that doesn't work they do somthing with idx.
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01:01.00WisTilt2jonpry, 41mins on the phone, audio routing worked perfect, no probs at all.  that is on this new test kernel with audio fix and my pm so guess it works.  need arrrghhh to try it on his cdma monster now.
01:01.39jonpryi just tried to do something with clocks. get reboot during boot though
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01:03.50jonpryappears to cause arm9 crash
01:04.42WisTilt2interesting.  let me pull up docs and see the arm9 clk info. maybe something is set up wrong or missing
01:09.29jonprydma.c on 27 doesn't enable or disable adm_clk
01:09.43jonprybut our 39 is trying to like nearly all the time
01:10.36WisTilt2what file you looking at in 39 with that?
01:14.29jonpryseems like adm is not going to be an power issue if its not used on 27
01:14.48jonpryattempting to turn it on and off is definitely killing arm9
01:15.23*** join/#htc-linux arrrghhh (
01:15.56WisTilt2how you turning it off?
01:16.37jonpryif (params.idx)
01:16.37jonprywritel(readl(MSM_CLK_CTL_BASE) | (1U << 5), MSM_CLK_CTL_BASE)
01:16.42jonpryto turn on anyways
01:17.20WisTilt2arrrghhh, new image to test:) audio routing fixed, speakerphone again (like .27's) and possible better battery.  need your testing skills to try and kill it.
01:17.26WisTilt2its on server
01:17.32arrrghhhi was just readin the logs ;)
01:17.52WisTilt2jonpry, need to halt the adm clock before that i believe
01:18.15arrrghhhi had an interesting issue, not sure what was up.  system just got slower and slower... until it eventually froze up completely.  kbd backlight still worked, and the screen was on... full brightness on the home screen.  beast got HOT within about 10 mins hahaha.
01:18.18jonpryone of those CTL_BASE+offset things?
01:18.27arrrghhhi'll grab the new image tho thx ;)
01:18.48WisTilt2jonpry, yeah let me look it up
01:19.59WisTilt2arrrghhh, try this kernel.  it should play much nicer now.
01:20.06jonpryarrrghhh, pulling apart at the seems
01:21.06arrrghhhjonpry, it was kinda entertaining, if not a little depressing :P
01:21.17arrrghhhwatching the slow decay...
01:21.28arrrghhhthe kbd backlight still worked, so the kernel was still happily doin its thing.
01:21.35arrrghhhat least somewhat...
01:21.41jonprymaybe adb
01:21.58arrrghhhi didn't check, unfortunately...
01:23.26WisTilt2jonpry, where is the base defined so i can compare with the base in the docs?
01:25.21jonpryumm its virt for iomap
01:25.56WisTilt2so it should be using whats in the msm_iomap-7x00.h
01:26.26jonpryi talked to acl today about autobuild using his nand server
01:26.37arrrghhho yea?
01:26.52jonpryit was very confusing though
01:27.16jonpryhe seemed ok with getting us a user account on the box
01:27.35jonprybut then he started talking about virtualization
01:28.41WisTilt2what box is he talking about?
01:28.50WisTilt2some other hosted one or what?
01:29.08arrrghhhnah the one you gave him lol
01:29.13WisTilt2lol, that would be the one i have:)
01:29.58WisTilt2i thought maybe he had something somewhere else.  that box wont run virt.  i need to move his stuff onto this 6600 and setup a some vm's
01:30.06WisTilt2easy to do and much faster anyway
01:30.21jonpryyeah i figured we don't need a whole new box. mainly because i don't want to take care of it
01:30.47WisTilt2this 6600 will scream even with 2 kvm's running
01:30.48arrrghhhjonpry, worse comes to worse i can
01:31.04jonprywhatever happened to UML?
01:31.33WisTilt2take care of what?  you forget i run an internet company and have people that keep all this stuff secure and up to date:)
01:31.42arrrghhhthere ya go.
01:31.52arrrghhhhave some of the cave monkeys do it
01:32.36jonpryyeah up to date is my problem
01:32.38WisTilt2we also monitor all co-lo servers for unusual traffic use.  actually caught a hacker banging away at acl's stuff a couple months ago
01:33.56jonpryattacking opensource. thats just wrong
01:34.34arrrghhhseriously?  wth.
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01:36.01WisTilt2yeah just some kiddie trying to get root for whatever. i think it was from china iirc and we blocked the entire country subnet to the box.  wasted their time anyway, the box is pretty secure against brute force stuff.
01:36.59stinebdoh yeah i get the ssh brute forces all the time
01:37.05stinebdi just turned password auth off
01:37.10stinebdlong ago
01:37.42arrrghhhyea, seems like the best thing to do
01:37.48arrrghhhno pass auth, cert only.
01:37.58arrrghhher keys
01:37.59WisTilt2shouldn't have password auth anyway if you want to be seriously secure. 1024 certs is the only way to go.
01:38.08WisTilt2brute force that!
01:38.43arrrghhhyea, all our routers use 1024 rsa keys
01:39.01stinebdi use 4096
01:39.14stinebdused to take my phone 2 hours to log in
01:39.19WisTilt2a bit paranoid there sir
01:39.55WisTilt2brb, need to finish comparing this clock stuff before jonpry falls asleep down there
01:40.20jonpryWisTilt2, we just need the offset for adm_clock
01:40.50WisTilt2ok thats easier, hang on
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01:44.26WisTilt2jonpry you need the adm bit to disable/enable in the global clock reg or what?
01:44.42jonprynah we have that. bit 5 no?
01:45.10WisTilt2yes, so what are you needing then?
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01:45.51jonprythere are other registers for every clock
01:46.07jonpryusually ctl + something
01:46.30jonprylike this is for i2c: writel(readl(MSM_CLK_CTL_BASE+0x64)| 0xa00
01:47.00WisTilt2so you're saying 0xa00 would be a register?
01:47.11WisTilt2or 0x64 offset
01:47.21jonpryctl+0x64 is a register
01:47.38WisTilt2ok got ya.  you want to adm register to setup the clock for it?
01:47.39jonpryand 0xa00 is two bits that get set and unset to turn it on/off
01:48.01jonpryi think the trouble is that arm9 manages ctl_base
01:48.14WisTilt2you know there are permission registers with adm that need setting up too right?
01:49.23jonpryall in the dark here
01:51.05WisTilt2adm takes a whole lot of setup.  are you trying to just turn it off, or make sure it's off?
01:52.21jonprythe adm driver should be taking care of all that no?
01:52.38jonpryand its working. i'm just trying to comply with its request to turn the clock off/on
01:55.07WisTilt2all we need to do is set the sleep enable bit for adm clock to enabled and it should wake up on the wfi.
01:55.37WisTilt2looks like doing it that way arm9 can be in control of when it happens without crashing it
01:56.00WisTilt2global enable bit needs to be on also or it's ignored
01:56.03jonpryarm9 seems to like this stuff where we use the clk_ctl+offset
01:56.56WisTilt2dont we already have those offsets defined somewhere? or partially anyway?
01:57.20jonpryyeah just not for adm_clock
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01:57.48WisTilt2we have the global enable and global sleep enable though?
01:59.16WisTilt2global enable is the base+0, sleep enable is base+0x1c.  just those 2 can shut off adm in suspend.
02:00.58arrrghhhthe speed is back... i was worried there for a while :P
02:01.21arrrghhho i should probably test audio routing.
02:01.51WisTilt2you have the latest image?
02:02.28WisTilt2check all the audio routing like you did before if you can.
02:02.30arrrghhhyea i grabbed it... 40 mins ago?
02:02.54WisTilt2yep sounds right.  build number is #5
02:03.01jonprymaybe you can tell me what bits 9 and 11 of ctl + 0x64 do
02:04.08WisTilt2jonpry thats i2c stuff, that what you looking at?
02:04.13arrrghhhyup #5
02:04.42jonprysort of
02:04.52jonpryi just want to know what the bits do with regards to i2c
02:06.53jonpryto me they are just the magic bits
02:06.54WisTilt29 is i2c clock and 11 enables tcxo signal.  what exactly it does to i2c no idea
02:07.17jonpryok so like 9. thats what we need for adm
02:09.15WisTilt2looks like if you reset bit 9 it will shut off the i2c clock
02:09.31WisTilt2or at least the signal routing to it
02:09.55jonpryso there should be similar register and bit for adm
02:13.35arrrghhhhrm.  perhaps i shouldn't tempt fate.
02:13.43jonpryhmml, INET_TUNNEL doesn't exist in 39
02:14.03arrrghhhi wanted to see if the perceived speed would translate to better gfx rendering.  it did pretty well, until it froze up exactly like it did before :P
02:14.07arrrghhhlet's see if adb works this time...
02:18.24arrrghhhwoah i can adb
02:18.29arrrghhhyou folks want a dmesg?
02:18.29jonprybetter gfx rendering?
02:18.39arrrghhhyea, right up until it imploded :P
02:19.24arrrghhhoh yea this looks juicy
02:20.59arrrghhhUnhandled fault: imprecise external abort
02:21.04arrrghhhsounds... bad.
02:22.09jonpryi don't undestand what you were doing
02:22.30arrrghhhopened neocore
02:22.34arrrghhhit played some sound
02:22.39arrrghhhwent into options, disabled
02:22.42arrrghhhthen ran a benchmark
02:22.54arrrghhhit's frozen within the benchmark
02:23.47arrrghhhit's interesting that the kernel failed in this fashion
02:23.53arrrghhhyet the phone is still functional, partially.
02:23.58jonprythats a BUGON
02:24.01arrrghhhkbd backlight still working, just like last time.
02:24.10jonprybecause the blit failed
02:25.07arrrghhhwell, hopefully the dmesg helps... imma reboot.
02:25.25arrrghhher before i do, do you want me to pull any other logs?
02:25.40jonprythats ok
02:26.38jonpryhmm. i don't have any trouble with neocore
02:26.46jonprywith or without sound
02:26.56jonpry16.2 with sound. 16.9 without
02:27.02arrrghhhthat's..... not very good.
02:27.08WisTilt2jonpry nothing else about adm clock other than global enable and sleep enable. i scanned through the entire doc, all 1500+ pages of it.  need a beer now brb
02:27.11arrrghhhi was hopin for better, oh well.
02:27.13jonpryon 480x800
02:27.22arrrghhhjonpry, same i usually get 18-19
02:27.45jonpryits totally gpu bound. i got 14 or something at 320mhz
02:28.21arrrghhhyea, makes sense.
02:28.31jonpryWisTilt2, no big deal. i am trying to enable some serious modules for wifi
02:28.36arrrghhhso this perceived speed would have no effect on it.  no surprise.
02:32.34jonpryWisTilt2, this power thing reminds me of when you sent me the new pm that made collapse on my 210 not save any power. still acted like it was collapsing, just like this. but power still the same
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02:39.41WisTilt2this test kernel has my pm in it and is showing that arm11 is indeed collapsing.  i wonder if clocks are still running with this 39 stuff and not freezing in suspend?   i also verified that the speaker amp is being turned off so scratch that one.
02:41.57arrrghhhneocore just ran thru its paces just fine.  16.8fps.
02:42.06arrrghhhaudio routing time
02:42.37WisTilt2how are you seeing the fps?  maybe i got wrong one, it just plays when i hit benchmark and loops till i stop it.
02:43.31arrrghhhdon't do interactive mode WisTilt2
02:43.42arrrghhhand for some reason i had to click 'above' it to click it
02:43.50arrrghhhevery other link worked, not sure if that's the newest neocore or what
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02:44.01arrrghhhbut everytime i'd try to hit benchmark, it would select interactive...
02:44.16WisTilt2k ill try that later.
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02:46.28WisTilt2this is so much faster than .27 in all respects.  just noticed open/close kbd how fast fb switches orientation now.
02:46.46arrrghhhpanel wakes
02:46.49arrrghhhorientation switches
02:47.00arrrghhhgood stuff maynard
02:47.23arrrghhhADW is sooo much better than the stock launcher too.
02:47.41arrrghhhWisTilt2, i know you're not much of a userland guy, but the stock launcher is pretty bad.
02:48.02stinebdi use adw on my n1
02:48.05arrrghhhat the very least i like that it can rotate the homescreens :P
02:48.43arrrghhhit's quite a bit snappier than the Launcher2 poop
02:53.23arrrghhhpanel wake seriously feels "like it should" WisTilt2.  amazing.
02:53.35arrrghhhyou said you didn't do anything messy to get it to work, just .39 hotness?
02:54.06WisTilt2yeah it comes up immediately every time.  i added my panel code from .27 to it.
02:54.29arrrghhhah, was it slow w/o it?
02:55.37WisTilt2.39 is just plain fast though.  it was slow for me, jonpry put my panel code in initially but there was no panel detect for my 300 to run the code so it went generic, now its all current 100-500 rhods
02:56.35WisTilt2so audio working right?  im really curious about 1st audio in or out after boot.
02:56.54arrrghhhso do you want me to test both ?
02:57.02arrrghhhin call 1st, reboot, out call 1st?
02:57.17WisTilt2if you can sure.  pain to reboot but yeah both tests would be good.
02:58.20arrrghhheh that's what i'm here for
02:58.23arrrghhhaudio all guten on in call
02:58.47arrrghhhalthough speakerphone audio seemed - quiet... but don't worry 'bout that.  new audio routing code i've heard really cleans up all that mess.
02:58.51WisTilt2i did find something that i think userland is doing wrong but not 100% yet.  it appears to leave mic muted on incoming calls as if that's its default state.
02:59.00WisTilt2you can volup speakerphone
02:59.09WisTilt2i change level to whatever you last left it at
03:00.00arrrghhhyea all the way up is OK...
03:00.07arrrghhhbut not great.  again, don't sweat that.
03:00.16arrrghhhit works :P
03:00.35arrrghhhi'll reboot and see if it works on an outgoing call first.
03:00.48WisTilt2it'll do until i get the acoustic stuff in here then it will blast you out of the room cleanly.
03:00.49arrrghhhhrm i kinda want to see if i can use the sip features on my tester tp2
03:00.53arrrghhhfree calling, w00t
03:01.01arrrghhhno joke!
03:01.14arrrghhhthat new audio routing code makes the phone go SO loud.  i kinda forgot how loud that little speaker'll go.
03:01.46arrrghhhhyc said he was showing Quake to someone in a restaurant and scared the shit out of most of the patrons bwhahahaa
03:02.35jonpryWisTilt2, that problem on my 210 looked like collapse too
03:02.50jonprybut it wasn't :p
03:03.00WisTilt2my kludge fix turns on speaker amp but forces mic on so its causing a big impedance mismatch.
03:03.18jonpryyou disagreed anyways and said it was collapsing. i reverted 3 lines of code and power went from 200 to 20 ma
03:03.44WisTilt2what did you remove or change?
03:05.01jonpryi reverted all of msm_sleep(). its hard to do comparisons between the 2 functions because there were so many immaterial changes
03:05.45jonpryafaict it was just ram back bias stdbyctl and maybe clk_sleep_en
03:06.50WisTilt2well, my current pm should be right then.  let me send you the modified pm i have right now and try it as is.  should see same results
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03:08.26WisTilt2emailed.  just try this pm.c and see what happens
03:11.35WisTilt2this pm handles the ram back bias the way the docs say to do it instead of that writing to that address also.
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03:14.12jonpryWisTilt2, are you trying it as well?
03:15.08WisTilt2yes started 15mins ago and only have batt % to go by but like i said, was 4% per hour so easily seen if lower.
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03:17.42jonpryi guess it requires scbs to get sleep current measurements
03:21.37arrrghhhdamn laptop.  i barely jostle the thing and it just shuts off now.  lovely.
03:21.49WisTilt2tomorrow i'll measure with meter.  best ive had on my phones were around 15ma in sleep so we can see if we're anywhere close.
03:22.03WisTilt2finicky like a woman
03:22.16arrrghhhgotta touch it just right.
03:23.15WisTilt2actually best i had was around 7ma and i still have that kernel source.  need to look that over and compare to what we have now.
03:23.53arrrghhhalright.  audio works great on boot outgoing as well
03:23.58arrrghhhspeakerphone, all of it.
03:24.01jonpryi don't think we are in the ballpark of clocks or gpio being a problem.  a11 is still on
03:24.19arrrghhhvolume... was f-ed up on speakerphone.  it said it was at full, but it was not.  it wouldn't let me go any higher.. i went low, back to high and it was back to 'normal'.
03:24.40arrrghhhbut meh.  new audio routing makes that all pointless to muck with.
03:25.27jonpryWisTilt2, how are those xor chain tables?
03:26.51WisTilt2arm11 is on with my pm? dont believe it
03:27.06jonpryi dunno about this new pm
03:27.20WisTilt2did you try it yet or still on old one
03:27.36jonprystill on old one. doing a wifi test
03:29.26WisTilt2back in about 15.  need to run to store
03:29.46stinebddriving is probably faster
03:31.11jonprydoes android expect wifi to come up on eth0 or something?
03:35.36jonpryis this a problem? E/WifiHW  ( 1334): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
03:36.00arrrghhhmight be
03:42.14jonpryneed CONFIG_PACKET
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03:52.06WisTilt2im back but doesn't look like i missed much.  expected this room to be full of exciting chat
03:53.11WisTilt2jonpry, my phone is now ice cold like it used to be and coming up on 1hr it has dropped 1%
03:55.00jonprydamn wifi
03:55.37WisTilt2which driver you sticking in there?
03:56.16WisTilt2and to answer your earlier question about xor chains, lets chat tomorrow pm when im at the office
03:56.56jonprybcm4329 for now
03:57.12jonpryandroid is liking it now. loads up and initiates a scan
03:57.59jonprythere are some pm problems though. as soon as it requests a low power state wifi unloads
03:58.31jonpryits hard to tell whats going on because i could never get wifi on my phone here
03:59.02jonprybut i get one of these every 6 seconds in dmesg: [  866.824615] Set ISCAN for wl_iw_iscan failed with -22
03:59.43WisTilt2what dev name you setting it to?  its wlan0 or something like that i think.
04:01.14jonpryits eth0. i have no idea how that is getting set, but kind of past that now
04:02.04WisTilt2do the usual cmds like iwlist and iwconfig work in android? never messed with that.
04:02.24jonprynah don't have that stuff
04:03.18jonpryi think this is caused by problems with 39 kernel wireless infrastructure
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04:09.55WisTilt2arrrghhh have you blown that thing up yet?  you need to test battery drain overnight if you can.  i think we're back to 1% per hour with this one, 1hr 15mins and still only down 1% here.
04:13.12jonprythats exciting
04:13.29jonprycan get rid of 27 once and for all
04:13.36WisTilt2phone is stone cold again now
04:13.38arrrghhhmy battery is pretty low, not sure if i can do that tonight :P
04:14.29WisTilt2yeah .27 isnt going to be on this phone anymore. been running 39 since last night and now with good battery life im staying with 39
04:14.47WisTilt2not a single sr since last night either with lots of use.
04:15.08arrrghhhyea i haven't had any reboots
04:15.14arrrghhhhad a few other moments where i thought it froze up
04:15.19arrrghhhbut it recovered
04:16.04WisTilt2so audio routing worked every time?  ill push the change then.  i think we're pretty close to a mass testing kernel dont you jonpry?
04:16.14arrrghhhyea audio routing works
04:16.17arrrghhhinstalling apps works
04:16.34arrrghhhwifi would be nice, but i guess not required.
04:17.04WisTilt2i cant wait to see the auo users trying it.  should wake/sleep fine on those.
04:17.23arrrghhhthat'll be nice... those poor saps.
04:17.33jonpryworking on the wifi :p
04:18.41arrrghhhWisTilt2, the phone has not been getting crazy hot like it has been, so far so good.
04:19.07arrrghhhwth, titanium backup... you've worked before.
04:19.26WisTilt2yeah it had a slight warmness to it but now cold like it should be.
04:19.50arrrghhhtitanium is claiming the build isn't rooted, or there's no busybox... hrm.
04:19.58arrrghhhadfree didn't seem to think it could remout rw.
04:19.58jonpryWisTilt2, i'm pretty sure that neocore problem is a BUGON in mdp. maybe it needs to be able to wait longer to retry a blit?
04:20.13WisTilt2jonpry i pushed the audio routing fix if you want to try it later on your 210
04:20.43WisTilt2yes, i think the mdp timing could stand a little more delay.
04:21.00jonpryi'm preparing spam max wifi
04:21.24WisTilt2spam max wifi lol
04:21.47arrrghhhsounds technical
04:22.51jonpryits gonna be bad
04:23.54jonpryi'd like to switch to brcmfmac
04:24.28jonprystupid thing can never locate my firmware files though
04:25.23WisTilt2what is that? some universal broadcom driver?
04:26.02jonpryafaict it is bcm4329 but a little newer
04:28.03jonpryit might have opensource firmware too. very confusing little project. says no binary blobs. download your blob here
04:34.43arrrghhhalrighty guys.  sleepy time, i'll catchya later.
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04:43.36jonpry15MB of modules is out of control
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04:46.05WisTilt2huh? did you strip it?  should be 10% or so of that
04:46.32jonpry2same options as .27
04:46.52WisTilt2i use this...
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04:47.04WisTilt2arm-none-linux-gnueabi-strip --strip-debug *.ko
04:47.19WisTilt2mine were up around 15-16mb without it
04:47.29jonpry2don't modules need symbols?
04:47.36WisTilt2only for debugging
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04:49.21WisTilt2jonpry, coming up on 2hrs and might even be less than 1% per hour just a bit:) phones feels like its turned off.
04:49.49jonpry2you know that it won't work on the 210 anyways
04:50.07WisTilt2i have faith it will, power of the force
04:50.34WisTilt2im going through mdp timing.  is this mdp from .27?
04:51.27jonpry2with those modifications you had me do
04:52.11WisTilt2yeah thats why it looks familiar.  only place i can see to try more delay already has 1000ms delay, that certainly should be plenty
04:52.41WisTilt2not delay but wait timeout
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04:55.18jonpry2is that the bugon
04:57.08WisTilt2the wait timeout of 1000 is in mdp_wait.  was arrrghhh getting the bugon?
04:57.53jonpryyeah it crashed it
04:58.09jonprymdp_ppp_dump_debug from mdp_ppp_wait
04:58.26WisTilt2damn, that shouldn't happen.  if interrupt is already enabled it shouldn't hit that same mask again.
04:58.47WisTilt2unless timing elsewhere is jacked up
04:59.32WisTilt2is the mdp_clk the same setup as it was in .27 or did all that change too?
05:01.21jonprywe are pretty much like 27 nand atm
05:01.26WisTilt2easy enough to trace.  just need to printk the current mask when it happens and see which irq its trying to enable that's already enabled.
05:02.27jonpryis it possible that if it times out on a blit and wait it would be better to retry the blit or really anything other than blowing up the kernel?
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05:03.11WisTilt2yeah retrying should be done with some kind of limit of tries so it doesn't go on forever in worst case.
05:03.47jonpryarrrghhh said it started going slower and slower until this
05:04.09WisTilt2i bet there is a spinlock missing somewhere and race condition is going on at times.
05:04.16jonprysomehow blits are taking longer until they hit 1 minute?
05:04.22jonpryer 1 second
05:04.22WisTilt2since it directly points to these irq's
05:05.27WisTilt2does it appear that blits are getting small amounts of time added until it blows up?
05:06.46jonpryyeah i think so
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05:07.31WisTilt2need to ask him to get a dmesg after this happens.  he should be seeing the global clock dumps for all the states since the code is in there for that in that condition at 1second.
05:07.59WisTilt2is that his?
05:08.51WisTilt2nice.  clock dumps are there but lost the last few when it blew up.  have a little to go on though
05:10.51jonprymaybe you should try my wifi garbage. i really can't tel if there is just no service or what
05:12.46WisTilt2can do. you want to push it or email it?
05:13.29WisTilt2this mdp doesn't look good. that mask during that error shouldn't have happened.  ill look closer at it tomorrow at the office.
05:13.31jonpryi am pushing the code and new defconfig. not sure if you want to build and package the modules
05:13.58WisTilt2i can do that np
05:14.43WisTilt22hrs 15mins and im still only down 2%, looking very good.
05:16.00jonpryWisTilt2, all pushed
05:16.32WisTilt2ok will throw it together and try it out
05:16.59jonprysomething happened to 3.0-rc2. like its on the page, but no patch, source available
05:20.53jonpryah hah. patch found
05:26.52WisTilt2did they fix any problems we're seeing with these sr's ?
05:31.27WisTilt2jonpry you have ipv6 for wifi also?
05:32.08jonprythere some fix for an arm dma regression
05:32.35jonpryhowever the patch i found was not right. linus is on hotel internet
05:32.45jonprywhich is somehow worse than mine
05:32.53jonprygotta have ipv6
05:33.51WisTilt2ok built everything and modules is just under 1MB now:)  whole kernel pack with image is right at 3MB
05:34.06WisTilt2putting it on phone and let you know shortly
05:36.00WisTilt2modules installed during boot so looking good so far
05:38.57WisTilt2congrats my friend.  works like a champ first time!
05:39.49WisTilt2spoke too great but doesnt look like it knows how to talk wpa2
05:39.57jonpryit connected?
05:40.04WisTilt2found all 3 access points i have though
05:40.04jonpryor at least scanned?
05:40.19WisTilt2yes connected then was rejected during wpa2 setup
05:40.26jonprythere is still the wakelock problem
05:40.49jonprybut at least i am not trying to make my phone scan anymore
05:41.00jonprycould have taken a while
05:42.09jonpry20 years from now. still no AP's!
05:42.18WisTilt2disabled/enabled again and it connects in about 5s then gets rejected so thats pretty close
05:42.35jonprywonder why wpa wouldn't work
05:42.48WisTilt2might be just wpa2
05:42.57jonprydoes it work on 27?
05:43.31WisTilt2connects right up, pulls ip within 10s or so
05:44.05jonpryor i guess you can look for any errors
05:44.35jonprymaybe some crypto algorithm is missing
05:45.21WisTilt2locked up when i plugged in usb
05:45.28WisTilt2with wifi on still
05:45.55jonprygotta watch out for that wakelock
05:46.21jonpryits like its setup on early suspend or something
05:47.12jonprywho needs wpa2 anyways :p
05:48.00WisTilt2lol, who needs wifi anyway?  i rarely use it.  just tried again, same thing connected rejected and hard locked when i plug in usb immediately
05:49.33jonprywhat if you turn off wifi before plugging in usb?
05:49.50WisTilt2trying that now
05:50.18WisTilt2gen.y is so much nicer when rebooting android without having to wait forever for winmo
05:51.37jonpryi use winmo most of the time
05:52.40jonpryandroids like a bastard child
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05:53.20WisTilt2ok this time i plugged in usb after it booted while wifi was off np.  pulled usb, turned on wifi then off again and usb did not lock it up.  turned on wifi while usb still plugged and as soon as scanning started it locked up.
05:53.30WisTilt2sounds like an irq prob
05:54.15jonpryi've been messing with usb and wifi this whole time. no prob. maybe something is different on 300
05:55.15WisTilt2maybe its when its starting to associate causing it, that seems about when it happened time wise this time, shortly after scanning
05:56.04jonprybluetooth maybe. after wifi comes up and firmware is loaded some stuff could be happing on bt uart
05:56.50WisTilt2yeah that sounds possible.  well i hate to leave this but need sleep. ill be online at office working on this all day tomorrow so we'll talk more then.
05:57.09jonpryok. cya
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16:04.15WisTilt2jonpry: morning.  this kernel is working very nice.  overnight dropped just a tad over 1% per hour, 10% in 8hrs so not bad at all.
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16:06.16rpierce99my .27 doesn't even do that :P
16:06.44WisTilt2even with my original 4/4 kernel?  that one should
16:07.16rpierce99my phone does too much crap
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16:07.30jonpry2WisTilt2, same here down to 84 since last night
16:07.49WisTilt2that was with my pm i sent you correct?
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16:08.36WisTilt2i keep telling people it works:)  should i push that change?
16:09.05arrrghhhWisTilt2, so far drain seems great.  we'll see how it goes throughout the day.
16:09.15arrrghhh2.5hrs, 3% drain :D
16:09.22WisTilt2we need scbs though because initial readings from 100% are way off.  not accurate until 85% or less.
16:09.27arrrghhhand that's with some usage too, had a few alarms go off, installed an update, etc.
16:09.30WisTilt2nice arrrghhh:)
16:09.46WisTilt2210,300,400 seeing same thing good
16:09.51arrrghhhnothing heavy, but good stuff!  we'll see how the extended test goes today ;)
16:10.12arrrghhhyea that is a good point, i need to let it drain some to get an accurate reading lol
16:10.48jonpry2WisTilt2, go ahead and push it. works great
16:11.22WisTilt2jonpry, are we using the cmdline acpuclock oc at all?
16:11.22raymonddullpfft,I wish i had ~1% per hour drain,my evo was at 89% when I went to sleep at 1:35am,I woke up at 7:30am and it was dead
16:11.34arrrghhhraymonddull, lmao
16:11.50WisTilt2also are we reading the cmdline sleep_mode still?
16:11.54jonpry2WisTilt2, that stuff should work. untested and i don't run oc
16:12.05arrrghhhyea i haven't oc'd either.
16:12.21jonpry2sleep_mode was set in the old pm. not sure if your new one uses iut
16:13.28WisTilt2ill check before i push it.  need to add it back if not so people that want different mode can still do it for whatever reason.  seems full collapse is the only sensible mode you'd want.
16:13.34jonpry2i'm trying not to add scbs until we only have one kernel
16:14.14jonpry2in principle your right but removing code is usually a bad idea. like during this port we didn't have collapse for a bit. then what
16:14.40WisTilt2i agree. this is fine, people just need to realize accuracy isn't there until below 80-95% or so.
16:15.19arrrghhhyea i don't see the point of the other modes
16:15.27arrrghhhbefore, 2 was necessary if you wanted to OC
16:15.33jonpry2it might be that hyc patch on the ml will apply
16:15.35arrrghhhbut bzo patched that PLL2 bug a while ago
16:16.50jonpry2panel wakes so fast that it needs to have that powermanager hide display thing else you can see the desktop before the lock screen
16:18.38WisTilt2jonpry that hide display thing is in userland iirc
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16:23.21arrrghhhdo you guys get randome freakish sluggishness?
16:23.41noobhandsno, because i have a proper phone
16:23.56arrrghhhi always have, but in this kernel is seems worse.  it's either blazing fast or freakishly slow.
16:23.58arrrghhhnoobhands, stfu.
16:24.09arrrghhhyou haz no proper keyboard
16:24.13arrrghhhno proper phone.
16:24.23arrrghhhis it part of the phone?
16:24.25arrrghhhor some BT affair
16:24.34arrrghhhyea, GTFO :P
16:24.40noobhandson screen keyboard
16:25.01arrrghhhyour keyboard is full of LIES
16:25.11noobhandsit does make many mistakes, stupid keyboard
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16:25.54arrrghhh[acl], how goes it sir
16:26.12[acl]just checking in.. so peeps know im still alive
16:26.17WisTilt2[acl] you must be physic.  can you check and make sure you can still get into your box here?  we had to move it to another shelf.
16:26.49[acl]WisTilt2: we are solid.
16:27.02WisTilt2good deal
16:27.28[acl]WisTilt2: some internal house keeping ?
16:27.43jonpry2hey [acl]
16:27.51WisTilt2yeah making room for a lot of new servers
16:28.07WisTilt2moving the toys to the old shelf:)
16:28.13[acl]WisTilt2: business must be good :-D
16:28.31WisTilt2always, people cant afford to eat but always have $ for internet
16:28.40[acl]jonpry: why is there a jonpry2 ? you got a fake running around there? means ur famous.. when there is a fake person.. means u reached cotulla status
16:29.15arrrghhh[acl], he's faked himself
16:29.29arrrghhhevidently the ploy to make himself seem more important worked...
16:29.43[acl]dang. faked himself
16:29.53[acl]genius !!
16:30.01jonpry2my internet is so bad that one jonpry is usually dead
16:30.59[acl]ahh ic
16:31.11[acl]reminds me when i was aruba..
16:31.35jonpry2they say there some kind of cable cut near nyc
16:31.49[acl]they always say that
16:32.00jonpry2could be
16:32.23[acl]its like an unwritten rule here to be multihomed
16:32.30[acl]lines always go down
16:32.36[acl]specially those old copper lines
16:33.11[acl]these lofts are so old.. copper is barely holding itself together and the ISPs wont replace it. So fiber is the preferred method ..
16:33.29jonpry2still some connectivity so must be another path
16:33.46jonpry2wistilt2 says 20% loss into my network
16:34.21jonpry2we're running out of things to fix on 39
16:34.29[acl]ohh snap
16:34.35[acl]how bad is the code?
16:34.41[acl]anyone besides yall look at it ?
16:34.51jonpry2nah nobody cares
16:35.02jonpry2looks good to me
16:35.36jonpry2if it works so good, can it really be that bad?
16:35.46jonpry2we're using nand clocks now
16:35.49WisTilt2where is sleep_mode passed?  either im overlooking it or it doesn't exist here.
16:36.16WisTilt2if that's not being passed then we're going to get another .5% per hour battery life saved
16:36.19[acl]jonpry: you using nand clocks with no issues ?
16:36.27jonpry2module_param_named(sleep_mode, msm_pm_sleep_mode, int, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP);
16:36.36[acl]nand clocks dont reset imem .. surprised its working
16:37.04[acl]yall should use my over clock code.. no more cmdline over clocking. all done via app
16:37.06jonpry2[acl] we had a small issue with adm_clock
16:37.35WisTilt2jonpry thanks, went by that several times. need more coffee i believe
16:37.48jonpry227 doesn't touch imem afaict
16:37.48[acl]WisTilt2: coffee is the nectar of the gods
16:38.02WisTilt2yep in the morning, evening is a different story
16:38.05[acl]jonpry: it resets it in the bottom.. via rpc call
16:38.08jonpry2speaking of which need to make another pot
16:38.32jonpry2i'm just using _enable() and _disable() from nand
16:38.53WisTilt2ok pushing this pm change.  sleep_mode is still controllable.
16:39.07[acl]ahh man i need some sort of schedule in my life to help out and do this again. all my nand gang is busy..
16:40.03jonpry2your grp works better than regime afaict
16:41.29[acl]jonpry2: shit was hand crafted by the gods themsevles.. actually should be identical code. its all reversed shit
16:44.26WisTilt2[acl]: any objection if i move your nand server stuff onto a new machine?  setting up a quadcore 6600 for an autobuild for .39 and 3.0 stuff and would have your's running in another KVM on same machine.
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16:45.11[acl]WisTilt2: none at all... but can i make a quick backup tonight just incase ?
16:45.37WisTilt2wont be for a few days, ill let you know ahead of time so you can backup.
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16:46.23WisTilt2we need to get this new stuff finished first, then im taking over all the old shelf for my own use:)
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16:49.50jonpry2wouldn't it be cool if there was a company that took bumped die of neato chips and put them on non deranged substrates. like say exynos 4410 on not .4mm
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16:51.40[acl]jonpry2: why yall rolling ur own system.img ?
16:51.49[acl]ginger ?
16:51.53Alex[sp3dev][acl]: cause they can
16:52.00[acl]Alex[sp3dev]: hey.. sup bro
16:52.14[acl]Alex[sp3dev]: just wondering if anyone is going ahead with ginger thats all .. :-p..
16:52.33arrrghhhginger's out there
16:52.39arrrghhhlibgps needs some lovin
16:52.40Alex[sp3dev][acl]: ginger sucks because i don't want to fix gps (yes, this IS the reason it sucks)
16:52.41jonpry2he had one to removed android tls hacks
16:52.55jonpry2er we
16:53.14Alex[sp3dev]jonpry2: is 3.0 really faster on graphics?
16:53.14[acl]jonpry2: ahh.. well those hacks dont belong there tho right
16:53.47jonpry2Alex[sp3dev], 39 is faster than 3.0. and stable
16:54.05jonpry2[acl] yeah they are supposed to be removed in up and coming android builds
16:54.11[acl]ahh ok..
16:54.15Alex[sp3dev]i have a feeling that everything that is called 3.0 ultimately sucks
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16:54.52jonpry2but this doesn't really help us because there are so many system.img out there, and binary blobs like libgles_qcom use the hacks
16:55.06jonpry2so i fixed up the kernel to support hacked tls again
16:55.15Alex[sp3dev]let's drop opengl altogether and use software implementation
16:55.46[acl]jonpry2: thing is the libgles was hacked to use the correct mem. So you have to use the hacked version no matter what.
16:55.57[acl]never designed to be used on wvga
16:56.17jonpry2yeah but i didn't want to hack tls into it
16:57.02[acl]Alex[sp3dev]: when are you going .39 ? :-p..
16:57.12jonpry2Alex[sp3dev], i went through so much to make it work :p
16:58.08Alex[sp3dev][acl]: dunno. i feel wifi should be fixed first and i want to make a generic mmc for msm boards and port blac to 35 first. but maybe i'll just hack 39 during the weekend
16:59.14jonpry2sort of have wifi now. it finds AP's but nobody has connected yet
16:59.44jonpry2[acl] when are you going to try booting this beast. have to hole the phone real tight or it could burst at speed
16:59.54[acl]bro i wanted to so bad.. im even behind on my own patches.
17:00.39Alex[sp3dev]1. bcm4329 sucks because it works and 2. it takes some bricks to shit if you want to compile nl80211 wpa supplicant. android makefile somehow doesn't handle headers properly and struct ifreq is not recognized
17:00.45[acl]jonpry2: i couldnt even finish my 3.5mm code for the 400.. my boss wife was supposed to have a baby but the little stubborn bastard wont come out
17:00.58[acl]so he isnt working and i have the office to run
17:01.38[acl]you cant make this stuff up i tell you
17:02.05jonpry2take vacation
17:02.07[acl]plus our remote office starts at 8pm and i haev to be on conf calls with those fools .. by the time this is done.. im usually passing out
17:02.30[acl]jonpry2: i need  a nice staycation.. just to work on this ..
17:02.48arrrghhhhope you get paid hourly lol
17:02.56arrrghhhcuz that sucks bro.
17:03.12Alex[sp3dev][acl]: can you route your video conferencing software to dickroulette?
17:03.13[acl]arrrghhh: no, but come xmas time when bonuses are out im usually ballin out in the city.. so its sort of worth it
17:05.57Rajkowhats good keyboard
17:06.02Alex[sp3dev]microsoft natural keyboard is a good one
17:06.04arrrghhhRajko, for PC?
17:06.06arrrghhhthat's what i use
17:06.10arrrghhhm$ natural kbd.
17:06.23Rajkofor coding
17:06.29[acl]fuck emwe is cracking out commits to .35 like no other
17:06.52arrrghhhfrantically trying to catchup to Alex[sp3dev] :P
17:06.54Alex[sp3dev]i'm using my laptop's keyboard for coding
17:06.56emwe[acl]: that's just android-msm-2.6.35 merge. i am at a halt currently. marriage preps for mother in law.
17:07.13Rajkoi have microsoft wireless laser keyboard 6000 v2.0
17:07.20Rajkoand ts fucking up skiping chars and bing an asshole
17:07.23Rajkolik yo just saw
17:07.31Rajkoitsbeen 4 years tho
17:07.44Alex[sp3dev]it's all because of too much fap
17:07.51Rajkoprobably, coroded its lines
17:08.15Alex[sp3dev]basically anything wireless sucks
17:08.22Rajkoit worked fine when i got it
17:08.29Alex[sp3dev]everyone says so
17:08.31Rajkoit was 30$ for both it and the mouse
17:08.39Rajkoi need wireless mouse cuz i cant drag cable across desk
17:08.50Rajkothe mouse is still fine
17:08.58Rajkoi can get a wired keyboard now as a replacement for this broken pos
17:09.00[acl]jonpry2: lol.. this is awesome.. im seeing ur code now..
17:09.28[acl]looks very nandish already
17:09.41Alex[sp3dev]with LK everything looks nandish
17:10.00Alex[sp3dev]gitorious sucks
17:10.21Alex[sp3dev]why the hell does it have such a small limit on commit size to be displayed in browser
17:16.01[acl]jonpry2: yall using the same ol micropklt code?
17:18.33[acl]your silence says it all
17:18.42[acl]its a shameful silence
17:19.01[acl]the kind you get when you sleep with a fat chick and your boys know about it.
17:19.21Alex[sp3dev]Abel knows everything in this life
17:19.30[acl]i try
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17:29.43jonpry2[acl] i like to call it the working microp code
17:30.06jonpry2some microp works, and others well don't
17:33.02jonpry2is she ugly? maybe
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17:50.28[acl]jonpry2: well its just ugly.. :-p.. did yall see what alex and emwe did for .35. its a nice wrapper for microp that will fit right into ur code.
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17:53.16jonpry2no aesthetic patches until it works
17:56.29Alex[sp3dev]jonpry2: you're forgetting two precepts of a linuxoid: 1. it works for me and 2. what doesn't work is not needed
17:59.02jonpry2i think 2 is mostly wron
17:59.28jonpry2and our forgetting #3, if i didn't write it, its not good enough
17:59.39Alex[sp3dev]NIH it is called
17:59.53[acl]aesthetic? lol.. the code now is just impossible to get everything working for the 400
18:00.22[acl]reason why its taking me so long to make a patch
18:00.25jonpry2unless you put in klt, then it would be easy
18:03.25[acl]its easy to just port over the mahimahi microp code..
18:03.26Alex[sp3dev]IHBLRIA is a term which is closely-matched with NIH, and stands for "Invented Here, But Let's Reinvent It Anyway"; it is the mindset that the previous work of the firm or company is sub-par or otherwise unacceptable, and should be recreated, often from scratch, rather than reused.
18:03.30[acl]how easy ? easy as pie that is
18:05.24jonpry2i think its a result of people looking at a pile of code and thinking wow this is complicated and it will take me so long to understand it, that i can rewrite it in a similar amount of time and achieve some usually non technical goal at the same time
18:06.05Alex[sp3dev]what about writing os kernel in perl?
18:06.36jonpry2sounds horrible
18:11.55WisTilt2jonpry, pm coming your way
18:13.34WisTilt2brb, need to make lunch arrangements
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18:30.01emwejonpry2: what's up with ADM_CLOCK? just defined but skipping any "use"?
18:30.33Alex[sp3dev]i had a lot of arm9 crashes and spontaneous reboots when actually disabling adm clock
18:31.12jonpry2acl's clocks insist on having all used clocks defined and 39 dma.c is trying to toggle adm_clock. but i can't get it to not crash arm9 when it toggles and 27 dma.c never even tries to turn it off. so now we just ignore it
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18:31.33Alex[sp3dev]on 35 it crashes
18:31.46Alex[sp3dev]which is quite expected
18:32.20Alex[sp3dev]since we're not using any kind of a shared semaphore to protect it.. and arm9 may rely on dma controller for many operations
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18:35.05jonpryi get immediate crash on disabling it
18:35.38jonpryi think a9 watches clk_ctl. i don't imagine it is able to make use of apps datamover
18:36.23WisTilt2i think there is some contention setting that needs to be setup that currently isnt
18:41.49Alex[sp3dev]jonpry: i assume there is single clock (and even single dma controller) but dma channels are sepparate and the only difference between arm9 and arm11 are security bits
18:43.38jonpryi would assume there are multiple dma controllers, but i don't know for sure
18:44.15jonprythey tend to be really stupid logic blocks. few k gates. only trouble is that they are bus masters and can complicate cross bars and such
18:48.19WisTilt2jonpry, btw, i tried wifi here at the office and same results with wpa2.  tried connecting to a wpa only ap and same thing. rejected and locked with usb both ways.
18:48.44arrrghhhWisTilt2, have you tried an open network?
18:48.55arrrghhhi'd have to wait until i get home to try mahself.
18:49.30WisTilt2no, didnt think of that.  ill try now before lunch
18:53.16WisTilt2wifi is only seeing the ap's i have setup, no others showing up
18:54.11WisTilt2looks like its not scanning beacons at all unless it already knows the ssid
18:55.28jonprythats possible
18:56.16WisTilt2from my office, which is on the top floor, i usually see 30+ ap's but only see the ones in our office i have in my setup list.
18:56.22arrrghhhsome supplicant crap?
18:56.30arrrghhh30+ holy cow
18:57.24WisTilt2yeah lots of them from businesses down on the main street below.  over 10 are open networks too
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19:05.41WisTilt230mins before lunch is delivered, im starving
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19:15.04dcordeswants WisTilt2's lunch. now.
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19:29.29WisTilt2dcordes ill save you some
19:29.46WisTilt2or send it to you via a packet somehow
19:31.04Alex[sp3dev]dcordes: insist on WisTilt2's using tcp if you want your food to be delivered reliably
19:32.04jonprytcp is non delivered to grenada regularly
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20:10.25TreeEaterI can't seem to find reliable information about wl1271
20:10.30TreeEateris it monitor mode capable or not?
20:11.00Alex[sp3dev]at least there are patches for wl1251
20:11.13TreeEateryeah, for wl1251 i found info :)
20:11.21TreeEateris it the same for the 1271?
20:11.31Alex[sp3dev]i'd assume they're identical and the code can be ported
20:11.41Alex[sp3dev]i wish i had 1271 though
20:12.26Alex[sp3dev]wl1251 sdio driver is a bit unfinished and power saving mode is very unstable
20:13.05TreeEateroh, i see
20:13.17TreeEateri didn't realize the wl1251/1271 are sdio
20:13.37TreeEatertheir firmware came with monitor mode capability right from the start?
20:13.45TreeEaterthat's the hurdle with bcm4329, right?
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20:14.10Alex[sp3dev]i think you're confusing with AP mode.. i'd assume every chip can work in monitor mode
20:14.29TreeEatermaybe I am? I mean rfmon, getting raw data
20:15.57Alex[sp3dev]hum. maemo forums say the current firmware does not allow promiscuous mode
20:16.37jonprybcm4329 can't get raw packets. no wifi cracking :(
20:17.31TreeEaterI see
20:20.19Alex[sp3dev]i'd advise you to look into wl1251 patches. as i understand, you need to flip a couple bits at runtime in card registers. at least, the bitmasks are also defined in wl12xx headers.
20:20.56TreeEaterso hackey :)
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20:36.30jonpry2WisTilt2, i am having serious audio routing problems
20:51.02WisTilt2jonpry, what kind of audio prob?
20:56.41jonpry2mic not working on incoming phone call
20:56.46jonpry2then i had to make like 3 more
20:57.13jonpry2and the only one where there was two way audio was caused by me using the dialpad
20:57.17WisTilt2does toggling speakerphone on/off make mic work during that same call condition?
20:57.25jonpry2which made no noise. but it turned on the speaker on like max volume. so below all the buzzing i could here the other end
20:57.45jonpry2not sure
20:57.56WisTilt2i still think userland is sending mic mute at the wrong time during incoming call at times.
20:58.30WisTilt2let me look at that logic a bit more and dmesg it while incoming call and see if i can fix that.  this has been an ongoing pita problem for so long.
20:59.49rpierce99i still have to toggle speakerphone on/off on the new audio routing code for incoming calls, but it seems i'm the only one
21:01.41WisTilt2yeah, just watched it while calling phone 3 times here and 1st 2 were right, 3rd one userland said mute should be on so kernel does what its told and mutes mic.  i can fix that by just ignoring that during initial incoming until answered, then mic mute from userland will still work if selected.
21:04.31WisTilt2looks like userland states set mic mute sometimes (random times) during ringtone, which tells it to use speaker with  mic muted but doesn't switch mute mode off when answered and switching to handset speaker.
21:05.09WisTilt2fixable in kernel. give me a few...
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21:35.28WisTilt2jonpry, pushed the fix.  try it now should work fine every call
21:36.11WisTilt2haven't looked at the acoustic stuff but i bet the same problem is there also.  random though, depending on userlands mood at the time.
21:37.01arrrghhhuserland's mood
21:37.07arrrghhhnow THAT sounds like a woman.  moody.
21:37.16rpierce99and random
21:37.20WisTilt2stinebd: speaking of userland... maybe its fixed in GB but looks like userland is setting wrong state on incoming calls occasionally where it thinks mic should be muted.
21:37.35WisTilt2so kernel just says ok boss
21:37.50emweWisTilt2: it's not setting it wrong. it bails out for me waiting for a configuration change in AudioFlinger
21:38.14emwebut that wait (2secs) never happens and the device is never reconfigured when ringtone ends
21:38.17WisTilt2well, kernel is seeing the dev stuff from userland with mic_mute set
21:38.59WisTilt2copy_from_user is what this is set by and mic_mute is = 1 sometimes when it should be = 0
21:39.28WisTilt2and yes, what you're saying sounds right. userlands fault still:)
21:39.44emweit might be the same issue i see on topa. just that your rhod doesn't freeze after 9 secs...
21:40.04emwehaven't had the motivation to track that down again...
21:40.53emwethis is what fails:
21:40.54emwe06-01 23:19:42.380  1271  1299 V AudioFlinger: ThreadBase::setParameters() routing=1 > waiting max 2 seconds
21:40.55emwe06-01 23:19:44.380  1271  1299 V AudioFlinger: ThreadBase::setParameters() routing=1 > exit with -110
21:41.08WisTilt2emwe: pull the pm.c off our .39 git and replace your current msm_sleep function with this one and see if you dont see better battery life.
21:41.21emweWisTilt2: yeah, tempted to do so.
21:41.28WisTilt2so userland never resets it to 0
21:41.43WisTilt2pm change dropped .39 right down to 1% per hour
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21:42.36emweWisTilt2: man... can google code be so much off? or is it our wincified procs...
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21:43.53WisTilt2dont know.  i just go with what i know is works:)  i setup ram back bias exactly like docs specify so maybe google is not looking at that who knows.
21:44.03arrrghhhi guess i need SCBS.  battery meter is wonky, as usual.  i'm at less than 70% and still seems off.
21:44.15WisTilt2switch to their method and you have high battery drain
21:45.03emweWisTilt2: i am running your ram back bias for a while already. it's not that...
21:45.13WisTilt2arrrghhh, battery is way off after you use phone heavily for awhile then recovers.  thats where scbs shines.
21:45.23arrrghhhi haven't been using it
21:45.27arrrghhhdevice has been sleeping
21:45.33WisTilt2emwe: try the whole function just like i have it and see
21:45.46arrrghhhit went from 85% at noon to 68% now almost 1600
21:46.11arrrghhhi guess i'll have to run it overnight
21:46.14WisTilt2apps waking it up a lot in sleep or your usual?
21:46.19arrrghhhstill have sync enabled & all my horrible apps running
21:46.32arrrghhhLED has almost always been soild green.
21:46.37arrrghhhphone is cold too
21:46.46arrrghhhso i'm thinking it's just the meter
21:46.59WisTilt2could boot winmo and get a rough comparision
21:47.14arrrghhheh nothing's running in winmo tho
21:47.34arrrghhhlast time i tested drain in winmo it was almost nil, cuz winmo is pretty much useless lol
21:47.36WisTilt2i mean boot winmo and check its battery status
21:47.40arrrghhhoh oh
21:47.47arrrghhhyea, i can do that 1 sec
21:47.52WisTilt2just to compare how far off it is
21:48.14arrrghhhso are you getting random slowness?
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21:48.29arrrghhhi don't get it.  either it's flying or dragging.
21:48.45WisTilt2not that i noticed.  ran for almost 16hrs since last night np. just rebooted with this audio fix
21:48.45arrrghhhand the dragging seems more frequent - or more prolonged - on this setup.
21:48.58arrrghhhcould still be my SD then.
21:49.26arrrghhhbattery in winmo says 57%
21:51.05arrrghhhnow 54%
21:51.13arrrghhhseems their battery meter is just as good as ours...
21:51.21arrrghhhbefore SCBS :P
21:51.56WisTilt2or just as bad lol.
21:52.25arrrghhhyea, same diff.
21:53.16WisTilt2what kind of slowness you seeing? doing what
21:53.35arrrghhhwell 99% of the time on this kernel i just swipe one screen to the right, and hit settings
21:53.53arrrghhhsometimes the swiping is smooth & quick, sometimes not.  the real problem is opening the settings app (or other apps)
21:54.14arrrghhhit sometimes just hangs... and a few times i've been able to hit the back button and re-launch the app.
21:54.32WisTilt2like the fb is dragging or is it the cpu pegged?
21:54.37arrrghhhi keep thinking it's frozen again like it did on me yesterday, but it hasn't actually locked up hard.
21:54.47arrrghhhhrm... that's a good question.  it seems like CPU not fb.
21:54.56arrrghhhbut i'll have to look at top when it's happening to see if it is CPU or not.
21:55.55WisTilt2maybe you can get it to happen sometime when you can check top while its doing it
21:56.00WisTilt2lol yeah
21:56.04WisTilt2like you said
21:56.35arrrghhhbleh with this funky spy adb i need linux huh
21:56.42arrrghhhoh well, it'll have to wait until i'm home.
21:56.59WisTilt2or telnet in, that works too
21:57.13arrrghhhah alrighty
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22:18.48WisTilt2arrrghhh, i just put up another test image for you to try.  fixes incoming audio routing and also has some debug output i want to see on your phone on incoming call and hangup.
22:19.08WisTilt2i can get that tonight, going to be leaving here shortly.
22:25.20WisTilt2jonpry: you think this things ready to put up for mass testing?
22:25.44jonpryyeah maybe not modules for wifi
22:25.47rpierce99got adb yet?
22:26.02WisTilt2yeah i agree without wifi
22:26.17jonpryspy adb
22:27.30WisTilt2people can put it through the ringer and report battery, audio routing, etc on a broad scale.
22:28.19WisTilt2curious about this sluggish mode arrrghhh sees so maybe others can see if its just certain devices maybe
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22:32.19arrrghhhyea, i'm just going to blame it on my SD for the time being.
22:32.47arrrghhhmy tester device never exhibited hte issue - i also don't have service so no data, and i didn't install any apps really.  certainly not ones that sync.
22:34.07arrrghhhrpierce99, you kinda have to force adb.  it doesn't 'just work' yet..
22:34.51rpierce99just thinking people will be reporting all kinds of issues, and without adb for them to get logs it'll just be a lot of noise
22:36.33arrrghhhyea and a lot will gripe without wifi
22:36.47arrrghhhbut WisTilt2 jonpry, if you guys want to put it out for testing i'm willing to throw it up.
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22:40.25arrrghhhi'm game.  plus with frequent updates, the forums will be happy.
22:42.00WisTilt2just let people know that there's no wifi in this 1st stage.  probably dont need many logs, just want to get an idea how it runs on all devices.  there's probably a few people that know how to telnet to get logs if we need them.
22:42.47WisTilt2they should be happy they get to try .39 and be cutting edge:)
22:43.49arrrghhhalrighty, grabbin that new kernel now.
22:44.10WisTilt2i have all audio working like .27 including the noisy speakerphone.  this should be good for test#1 and other additions can come little by little.
22:44.21arrrghhhsounds guten.
22:44.50WisTilt2might want to put up a new thread for .39?
22:45.12arrrghhhyea i will
22:45.19arrrghhhi was going to cannibalize the existing testing threads...
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22:45.31arrrghhhbut i still want people to be able to use your 4/15 test kernel.
22:45.58arrrghhhso to avoid confusion, i'll just throw up new threads.
22:52.12WisTilt2ok i am out of here. back on from home tonight.  let the testers have at it arrrghhh! catch you all later.
22:52.22arrrghhhcool!  thx dude.
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