IRC log for #htc-linux on 20110606

00:01.37WisTilt2i just noticed an error during build saying no rule for target cpufreq.o
00:07.15jonpryyou will need that file too
00:09.21WisTilt2cpufreq.c is missing wth
00:09.39WisTilt2happened when i redid the tree then applied patch
00:11.02WisTilt2so the original .39 clock-wince should be what we use?
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00:12.34jonpryneed cpufreq.c. use 3.0 clock-wince
00:14.50WisTilt2ok all fixed and building/testing again
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00:22.26WisTilt2jonpry: works so much better with the missing files:)  booted fine and rockin' and rollin'
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00:23.17WisTilt2arrrghhh is in the house...
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00:24.22arrrghhhheh.  what's up WisTilt2
00:25.06WisTilt2just added all the fixes from 3.0 into .39 so we can compare both kernels as we do additional changes.
00:25.14WisTilt2need to see if it boots on your phone now
00:25.30WisTilt2you up for a test?
00:26.01arrrghhhyea man, hit me
00:26.18WisTilt2let me stick this current .39 kernel on server under you usual name
00:28.00jonpryall good with clock-wince?
00:28.34WisTilt2yeah, using 3.0 clock-wince and so far its getting it on
00:28.41WisTilt2going to have arrrghhh try this .39 kernel
00:29.39arrrghhhjust lemme know when to wget
00:29.42WisTilt2arrrghhh its up
00:31.26arrrghhhalrighty bootin
00:31.32WisTilt2need to start barbecue brb
00:31.56arrrghhhsounds good.  what shanks of flesh are you grillin?
00:32.09arrrghhhjonpry, i haz bootani
00:32.11arrrghhhthat's a first
00:32.17arrrghhhit's flickery, might be my image tho
00:32.30jonpryyeah we have 3d now
00:32.49jonpryit goes from real flickery to warp speed during boot
00:32.50arrrghhhyea i saw somethin in the logs about acl's hw3d code
00:33.19jonpryi figure acl's nand clocks can turn anything on
00:34.40arrrghhhseems quick
00:34.48arrrghhhno svc, might be my fault again tho.
00:34.52arrrghhhthis phone won't get data either...
00:34.56WisTilt2barbecuing lamb again, wifes orders
00:35.01arrrghhhbut it should get service
00:35.07arrrghhhlamb, how exotic. :P
00:35.56jonpryi think the cdma detector is broken
00:36.12WisTilt2jonpry, i think .39 fb is same ludicrous speed as 3.0, cant tell difference and both are very fast.
00:36.41jonpry39 is faster for me
00:37.45jonpryboth fast though. very fast
00:37.59arrrghhhi guess i'd have to compare them side-by-side
00:38.03arrrghhhwhich.. i guess i can now :P
00:41.19jonpry2 phones eh
00:42.04arrrghhhyea... another RHOD400.
00:42.14WisTilt2jonpry with those panel changes i pushed last night are you getting panel off immediately now when you hit power off?
00:43.28jonpryi mostly get panel off on an sr
00:43.49jonpryi'll keep an eye out though
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00:44.22WisTilt2second you hit power off, panel should shutdown no delay now.  arrrghhh try that also if you would
00:44.48WisTilt2that staging pmem is messing with timing and order of shutdown somehow but dont know how or why yet.
00:46.07arrrghhhk 1 sec.  rebooting, trying to see if the service problem was my doing.
00:46.09WisTilt2install isnt working again... dl's ok but fails on install
00:46.56arrrghhhpanel off is pretty instant
00:47.01arrrghhhbut it's not sleeping
00:47.50WisTilt2mine sleeps in less than 1s.  F22 rootfs and standard frx06 system here btw
00:47.59jonpryWisTilt2, doesn't look like the .config changes were pushed
00:47.59arrrghhhyea i should be on that
00:48.02arrrghhhhyc RIL too
00:48.08arrrghhhno svc...
00:48.12jonpryneed the DEV_BLK_DM and assorted _CRYPTO
00:48.15WisTilt2im on hyc ril also
00:48.46WisTilt2that all in the defconfig?
00:52.43WisTilt2cpu scaling working great and this fb is so fast. really far faster than .27 when scrolling in browser or across desktops.
00:52.58WisTilt2no sr's at all yet
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00:57.35jonpryWisTilt2, i'm not sure about the defconfig. will look i'm about done with a patch to bring us some cdma infrastructure
01:00.39jonpryi think we are going to need htc_hw though
01:00.39jonpryblasted thing
01:01.34WisTilt2k. dont know anything about the dev_blk_dm stuff.  cant we take parts of htc_hw and put it in the new devices_htc?
01:02.28WisTilt2also, i didnt push .config at all.  only pushed the source files i changed.
01:03.11WisTilt2i just menuconfig msm_defconfig then save .config so it rebuilds everything.
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01:06.00arrrghhhHrm.  haven't seen F22 in a while
01:06.05arrrghhhi wish he would commit his rootfs changes.
01:06.14arrrghhhthe autobuild rootfs is now several revisions ahead of his.
01:06.17WisTilt2my phone is rockin' nice, been up 45mins and i cant get it to crash.  need to take the meat off barbecue and eat.  be back in a bit.
01:06.46WisTilt2did it boot arrrghhh?
01:08.54arrrghhhoh yea it booted.
01:09.01arrrghhhjust tryin to sort out service & sleep.
01:09.03arrrghhhi think they're related.
01:14.10jonpryi have cdma capable kernel now. 3.0 though
01:22.04jonpryarrrghhh, you want it?
01:26.05jonpry39.1 patch is out
01:26.05jonpryhave to get wistilt2 to push his stuff so i can patch it up
01:26.05jonpryarrrghhh, usual place zimage_30
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01:55.06WisTilt2jonpry what else doidi need to push?
01:55.12WisTilt2doidi lol did
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02:00.02jonpryWisTilt2, i think cpufreq.c memory.c new clock-wince did not get pushed yet
02:00.49WisTilt2ok, how do i add them so they are tracked and show up as modified?  remember, i dont know git all that well yet:)
02:01.34jonpryi just pushed path to 39.1, but it should merge clean
02:01.35jonprygit add path
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02:02.28WisTilt2ok just did add path but i guess you have to make a change after so it know it was changed.  so i should push just those 3 changes?
02:02.50jonpry2it won't say modified in git status, it just says new file
02:03.22jonpry2yeah push. but it will make you merge. so you have to commit, pull, commit push
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02:09.11WisTilt2i see that. rejected them for not being fast forward.  i just pulled again so just commit again and push?
02:13.36jonpry2i want to try out this 39 beast :p
02:16.44WisTilt2jonpry need help here.  it says this: Your branch is behind 'origin/htc-msm-2.6.39' by 2 commits, and can be fast-forwarded.
02:20.31jonpry2git checkout htc-msm-2.6.39
02:23.08WisTilt2thats what i did.  pushing keeps saying non-fast-forward and rejected
02:23.42jonpry2did you pull?
02:24.10WisTilt2yep, it pulled a lot of new stuff.  this is my git status: # Changes to be committed:
02:24.10WisTilt2#   (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
02:24.10WisTilt2#modified:   arch/arm/mach-msm/clock-wince.c
02:24.10WisTilt2#new file:   arch/arm/mach-msm/cpufreq.c
02:24.10WisTilt2#new file:   arch/arm/mach-msm/memory.c
02:24.58jonpry2did you commit?
02:25.11WisTilt2yep and typed the comment line
02:25.33jonpry2then why is there anything in status?
02:27.04WisTilt2hmm, i did git pull, git add path to each file, git commit and typed comment, git push.
02:28.28jonpry2yeah thats not really the right order of things
02:28.28jonpry2you have to commit all your local changes, and not push them, before you pull
02:29.23jonpry2whats the output of git branch
02:29.26WisTilt2ok let me start this over
02:29.40WisTilt2* htc-msm-2.6.39
02:30.12WisTilt2thats probably whats wrong, i pushed before i pulled
02:30.33jonpry2git pull origin htc-msm-2.6.39
02:31.25WisTilt2Already up-to-date.
02:32.49WisTilt2wiped it and starting over, easy enough to start clean again.
02:33.16jonpry2thats fine
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02:47.07arrrghhhjonpry, still no service.
02:47.18arrrghhhbut i think for some reason Android isn't processing my froyo.user.conf
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02:48.28arrrghhhsorry.  messin with my wifi
02:50.38WisTilt2ok jonpry finally got it right and pushed.  i need to spend a day playing with git.
02:50.42arrrghhhcrap.  it's not processing my user.conf, so no RIL.  i had a SIM in this test phone, so that busted service.
02:51.06WisTilt2nice job arrrghhh, you need a drink:)
02:51.28arrrghhhi don't get why it's not processing my user.conf tho...
02:51.33arrrghhhand yes, i do need a drink :P
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02:54.52jonpry2WisTilt2, this is exciting. new kernels like everyday
02:55.07WisTilt2that work pretty nice too!
02:55.17WisTilt2that push look right now?
02:55.47WisTilt2im building it to see if it works like before i did all this git mess
02:56.12WisTilt2btw, my .39 ran 2.5hrs np until i just rebooted to try new kernel
02:56.13jonpry2yeah and its 39.1 now
02:56.40WisTilt2so do i need to checkout 39.1 or does .39 keep it right?
02:57.01jonpry2i didn't make a new branch
02:57.54WisTilt2ok got it.  slowly getting how this git works.  ive always been in-house ya know so this stuff takes some getting the hang of.
02:59.42jonpry2its super complicated. we have been using the high level commands which are just big scripts on the absolute madness below
03:00.01jonpry2If you want the cdma patches just copy board-htcrhodium.c devices_htc.c mach/board.h microp-ksc.c from 3.0
03:00.54WisTilt2can those just be copied then committed to .39 as is?
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03:03.39WisTilt2ok ill get .39 current with that then.  well 39.1 officially booted and running here wheee! this bootani really gets in gear, droids flying in hyperdrive.
03:05.47jonpry2BEST BILD EVRE!
03:06.19arrrghhhsleep works
03:06.22arrrghhhas does service.
03:06.30arrrghhhbut it's still not processing my user.conf.  wth.
03:06.59arrrghhhpanel wake seems very quick
03:07.12arrrghhhpanel off is instant, sleep is pretty quick after that.
03:08.04WisTilt2jonpry, ill try that now.
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03:08.46WisTilt2yeah panel off should be before you get your finger off the button.  wakes are quick of course.
03:09.41jonpry2now we just need that blasted camera, and bluetooth
03:10.35jonpry2angrybirds going on 39
03:10.59WisTilt2hows it running on your 210 now?
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03:14.09WisTilt2i went 2.5hrs without one.  arrrghhh can do his magic and try to kill it better than me.
03:14.47arrrghhhit froze up on me, but i'm still trying to figure out why my user.conf isn't being processed...
03:15.00WisTilt2arrrghhh i just put up the .39 image that is current with install fix now when you want to get it.
03:15.04jonpry2angry birds is maybe not a fair test
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03:43.20arrrghhhsome sytax error or some such thing.  it appears the user.conf is being processed, but something in it is breaking things...
03:43.25arrrghhhmostly itself.
03:45.30jonpry2WisTilt2, i am not getting places with this kernel. seems like 3.0 was more stable :(
03:46.45WisTilt2really?  mine is playing great.  ran neocore for about 10mins and a little angry birds, phone calls, music and no crashes.  battery got down to 40% so charging now.
03:47.13WisTilt2phone gets very warm playing birds
03:49.00WisTilt2are you still getting a lot of sr's or what?
03:49.27jonpry2yeah i can't play birds, won't get past loading screen. and blew up going to settings
03:49.58jonpry2i am still running that nasty tls build though
03:50.35jonpry2i don't think userland should be able to cause sr
03:51.00WisTilt2you might try he standard frx06 system.  im still running that one and f22's rootfs.  maybe the tls and hook change is foobar'n it
03:51.17WisTilt2i just pushed the cdma files also
03:52.06WisTilt2i cant get over how much smoother everything is with this fb.  tomorrow im going to see about unlocking that protected part of smi so we can get more memory that should be bigger and faster.
03:52.29arrrghhhbigger, faster
03:52.30arrrghhhsounds good
03:52.52WisTilt2the tests i did way back when seemed fb in smi was much faster
03:53.31jonpry2lol i have been running 3.0
03:53.45jonpry2finally made it to the settings screen
03:55.34WisTilt2so you haven't run .39 yet? i feel better now because this is running schweet as arrrghhh always says:)
03:57.13arrrghhhsmooth bootani, must've been the other image i was on.
03:57.21arrrghhhjonpry2, you should run a clean FRX06 image...
03:57.30jonpry2thats the plan
03:57.35jonpry2doing some copying
03:57.55jonpry2delete data?
03:57.59arrrghhhthis boot i saw the crap i put in the user.conf...
03:58.05arrrghhhyou were on an unsigned image?
03:58.08arrrghhhprobably a good idea.
03:58.20arrrghhhyou can try it, but no guarantees :P
03:58.39arrrghhhcrap.  baseband still says unknown
03:58.45arrrghhhi would think that i'm still not on hyc's RIL...
03:58.51arrrghhhyet i saw the crap i echo'd
03:58.58arrrghhhso it is processing it... wth.
03:59.08arrrghhhno adb kinda sucks :P
03:59.15jonpry2it had adb
03:59.18jonpry2er has
03:59.25arrrghhhthru telnet right?'
03:59.29arrrghhhi guess i need to figure that out.
03:59.47jonpry2ifconfig usb0; adb connect
04:01.16arrrghhhthat was easy.
04:01.24arrrghhhi don't get any indication in Android tho, heh
04:02.18jonpry2spy adb
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04:14.32arrrghhhha, i finally have a baseband version.
04:14.33jonpry2i had a terrible time gett frx06 to first boot. it just kind of stopped in the middle of installing packages. had to kill system_server
04:15.00arrrghhhjonpry2, do you have a bunch of apk's in AndroidApps...?
04:15.15jonpry2hmm. not sure
04:16.01arrrghhhWisTilt2, this thing is FAST
04:16.11arrrghhhi want to give it an extended test
04:16.20arrrghhhhopefully it won't blow up my phone :D
04:16.46jonpry2battery life is no good
04:16.57arrrghhhyea, is that still in the dumpster?
04:17.28arrrghhhso is it not really sleeping?
04:17.55WisTilt2yeah part of battery drain is fixed but still around 3-4% per hour until i find what else is causing it.
04:18.04arrrghhhhrm, alrighty.
04:18.13WisTilt2yeah its really sleeping but something else isnt being shut down, just dont know yet
04:18.30arrrghhhah... i see
04:19.18jonpry2no screen corruption on 39. sound too
04:20.29WisTilt2jonpry thats a good sign.  maybe that 210 will like this one
04:21.00WisTilt2arrrghhh, its pretty damn quick isnt it.  once it settles down with everything after boot it flies
04:22.18jonpry2cam works on 39
04:24.06arrrghhhheh, if you do put up an autobuild server
04:24.15arrrghhhit's going to be pumping out kernels like crazy haha
04:24.16WisTilt2i see the cam code is in here but thought we had more to do to get it working.  guess i need to get on the acoustic stuff soon, not much else going to be needed.
04:24.34arrrghhhWisTilt2, not sure if jb's done with it yet
04:24.35jonpry2nah i made cam work earlier we just didn't have 3d
04:24.44arrrghhhi think hyc said he cleaned up some more
04:24.50arrrghhhnot sure if speakerphone mic is workin yet
04:25.04WisTilt2yes i want to put one up. jonpry if you want to research whatever we need to put on the server ill get one setup at the office.
04:25.45arrrghhhthat'll be nice.  get modules 'n' al
04:25.51jonpry2acl got the scripts from glemsom i think
04:26.48WisTilt2i have a nice quad core 6600 im not using anymore that would work great. i only use my laptops now.
04:28.06jonpry2lol. that would be some serious high speed pumping out of kernels
04:28.18jonpry2bleh i force closed camera because i couldn't figure out what button closes the app, now phone won't sleep. some kind of wakelock out there
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04:32.55jonpry2i've been planning on putting an arm box in the corner to do random things. like compile kernels, rsync all my disks and repeat the wifi.
04:33.11jonpry2that box might need to be a rhodium :p
04:33.32arrrghhhwell this is quick
04:33.34arrrghhhbut i have no data...
04:33.39WisTilt2lol, only thing it wont do is make the coffee.  guess you could rig that up too though.
04:34.41jonpry2need some kind of server to do rsync. figure smaller the better
04:35.21jonpry2so WisTilt2 are we in agreement that whatever is going on in 3.0 is not our fault?
04:35.36WisTilt2i concur since .39 is flying
04:35.52WisTilt2you not getting sr's now with .39?
04:36.05jonpry2no sr
04:37.04jonpry2i'm convinced this will boot on nand, might need a patch to smd
04:37.19WisTilt2im trying to figure something out here... cpu scaling is working nice but a lot of the freq's i see it go to are not in any acpuclock tables so where is it coming up with these scaling values.
04:37.51arrrghhhjonpry2, NAND could use some GSM help
04:37.53arrrghhhfor sure
04:37.58arrrghhhand panel wake help... drool
04:39.20jonpry2i'm not even sure what to work on at this point
04:39.27WisTilt2maybe the governor is figuring its own multiples of 19200
04:39.32arrrghhhhrm.  i wonder why i'm not getting data.... that's going to hamper any extended testing...
04:39.46WisTilt2arrrghhh calls working though?
04:39.53arrrghhhyea, calls are workin
04:40.17WisTilt2kernel shouldn't have anything to do with data not being established i think
04:40.25arrrghhhi wouldn't think so
04:40.31arrrghhhi can't set an APN on this image
04:40.45arrrghhhi have some crap to do there methinks.  i need to go to bed tho, i'll catch you guys later.
04:40.48jonpry2is that with the cdma capable kernel?
04:40.57arrrghhhi assume it is
04:40.59WisTilt2nite arrrghh
04:41.01arrrghhhs newest
04:41.07arrrghhhanyhoo, cya!
04:41.45WisTilt2hmm, arrrghhh doesnt have the very latest one with the cdma changes.  he has the one with the install fix
04:42.04WisTilt2arrrghhh, when you read this, dl the next image with the cdma stuff.  ill put it up right now.
04:42.31WisTilt2ok uploaded
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04:43.45jonpry2the speeds i see are in the table
04:45.02WisTilt2i see speeds like 318mhz and similar
04:45.22WisTilt2i see normal ones in table also, just these others frequently also.
04:45.33jonpry2where are you reading the speed from
04:45.57WisTilt2the system panel app
04:46.04jonpry2i do sys/devices/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq
04:46.34jonpry2acl has some patches for making apps work better with our scaler
04:48.20WisTilt2btw, since last nights panel change im seeing 3-4% drain instead of 6% so still need to see what clock or whatever is not being powered off in suspend.
04:50.04jonpry2there is something going on with adm clock
04:50.19jonpry2but we have no way to turn it on or off atm
04:50.47jonpry2need to get scbs
04:51.16WisTilt2yeah we can turn off adm clock
04:51.35WisTilt2does .27 do it already or has no one address that yet?
04:52.24WisTilt2global clock state register controls all that stuff.  and yes, scbs needs to be put in here for sure.
04:52.39jonpry2comes and goes. the entires clock system seems to get replaced. so some things get fixed, and some old problems come back
04:53.32jonpry2i think what we need is JB's vfe, acl's grp, and everything else alex
04:54.51jonpry2if power consumption would go down i think we may actually have the best kernel for rhod
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04:55.05WisTilt2borg version of clocks lol. yeah alex's clock stuff works well.
04:58.43jonpry2how long until the others come running to our non stale platform?
04:59.26WisTilt2you mean devs or users?
05:00.15jonpry2users are useless
05:01.10WisTilt2the ones working on .35 will probably stay with that until they're done or go crazy
05:01.31WisTilt2i wonder does .35 fb run this fast also?
05:02.40jonpry2no. it was considered ludicrous speed back in the day which caused the 35 fb to be backported to 27. and they do about the same. we are using the same fb on 39/3.0 just forward ported
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05:03.51WisTilt2why is it so much faster on .39 than .27 if it's same fb code?
05:05.22jonpry2i'm not sure. could be vm improvements. i have heard that the process is sensitive to timing .so we might have inadvertently tuned it somehow
05:07.36WisTilt2vm has probably been greatly improved in efficiency.  everything seems snappier even with 528mhz max.  need to try stepping it up to 614400 and see how it does.
05:09.02jonpry2need to double the sd speed :p
05:09.48WisTilt2i have a question for you before i hit the sack... why are we (.27 does it also) increasing the VDD to arm11 when in power collapse?  should be other way around i'd think.
05:10.19jonpry2i haven't seen this
05:11.33WisTilt2its in set acpuclk function.  never switched it around to see what happens but noticed it long time ago and see it in the acpuclock-arm11 source also.
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05:14.19jonpry2i don't see where it is going high right before collapse
05:14.42jonpry2id imagine its not a big deal as the rail is about to collapse
05:15.24WisTilt2yeah not high priority, just came across it again.
05:15.36WisTilt2btw, on another subject.  how well versed are you with forward/reverse xor chaining tables?
05:16.39jonpry2what is that?
05:18.32WisTilt2no easy way to explain if you dont know what it is.  just curious, im working on something in that area and wanted to see if you had any experience with that.
05:18.58WisTilt2i'll talk more tomorrow and try to explain the principle
05:19.26jonpry2some kind of doubly linked list with one pointer?
05:19.50WisTilt2yeah similar principle but very complex.
05:20.46jonpry2sounds interesting
05:21.45jonpry2i need to sleep as well. tell me more about it sometime
05:22.03WisTilt2we'll talk tomorrow, need to hit the sack.  talking to you the past year i get the feeling you think this way and will understand what im doing when i lay it out.
05:22.40WisTilt2ill be on tomorrow night, busy all day with at&t meetings again.
05:22.59jonpry2ok. cya tomorrow then
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08:29.59lxsameeri boot a kernel using fastboot, how can i trace the boot process ?
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10:57.18lxsameeri boot a kernel using fastboot utility, but i stock in the bootloader splashscreen (alpharev) what can i do for tracing the errors?
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13:44.05Tilt2UserHi everyone
13:45.00Tilt2Useranyone use Rhobuntu, I just put it on my tilt2 and I can answer phone calsl but I cant hear anything.. before i go through the huge thread on xda anyone fot any ideas what coudl be the cause?
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14:05.35lxsameeri'm trying to boot a native linux kernel with fastboot utility, but i stock in bootloader splashscreen, what can i do for find out the error?
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14:22.25Tilt2Userguess not alot of people are awake right now
14:39.50lxsameerwhen i boot a fastboot kernel with "fastboot boot /path/to/image.fastboot" i stock in bootloader splashscreen, it seems that bootloader did not enter to boot process, what do you think about this problem
14:52.49lxsameeris it possible to test htc kernels with virtual box ?
14:58.25*** join/#htc-linux TreeEater (
15:00.22Tilt2UserI would wait till someone actually says they are here before oyu keep asking questions
15:00.27Tilt2Usermight be wasting your time
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15:01.43lxsameerTilt2User: :D
15:02.16TreeEaterI disagree
15:02.19TreeEaterI bid D:
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15:32.24arrrghhhjonpry2, jon__ whichever guy you are today :P
15:32.39arrrghhhi figured out my service issue... i don't think hyc's newest RIL & F22's rootfs play nice anymore.
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15:53.48jon__arrrghhh, so data works now?
15:54.27arrrghhhjonpry, yea.
15:54.31arrrghhhjust swapped the rootfs
15:54.40arrrghhhi figured it wasn't a kernel issue.
15:54.41jonpry2did you have to upgrade the kernel?
15:54.55arrrghhhi'm on wistilt2's .39 that he gave me last night
15:55.01jonpry2whatever you are running doesn't have cdma support
15:55.07jonpry2wistilt2 pushed the cdma one later
15:55.18arrrghhhwell the CDMA radio always worked
15:55.24arrrghhhi just couldn't get dat.
15:56.02arrrghhhi'm on #73 evidently.
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15:57.40jonpryi dunno what his commit id and stuff is
15:58.03jonpryjust after you left he said that kernel was old
15:58.09arrrghhhoh well
15:58.22arrrghhhdo you know if he posted a newer binary?
15:58.32jonpryhe did
15:58.37Tilt2Useranyone in here use the tilt2 rhobuntu?
15:58.50Tilt2Useror touch pro2
15:58.53arrrghhhTilt2User, not rhobuntu no.
15:58.58Tilt2Userwhen I make or recieve call I get no sound
15:59.00arrrghhhthis is a room for kernel dev too
15:59.02Tilt2Userwhat version do you use?
15:59.27Tilt2UserI jsut started playing around wiht it last night
15:59.35Tilt2UserI wanted to get rhobuntu for the torrenting
15:59.41arrrghhhthat's nice...
15:59.50arrrghhhagain, this room is for kernel dev.  not sure where you can ask about rhobuntu
15:59.55*** join/#htc-linux kvaster (~kvaster@
15:59.57arrrghhhforums are probably your best bet there.
16:02.35Tilt2Userok ill chck it out then.. thanks!
16:02.41*** part/#htc-linux Tilt2User (
16:04.09jonpryarrrghhh, hows your battery life. i left mine on over night and it killed it dead
16:04.34arrrghhhjonpry, left it on the charger overnight, so i don't know
16:05.35jonpryno sr's?
16:06.02arrrghhhi've wanted to ask... what's an sr?
16:06.20jonpryspontaneous reboot
16:06.25arrrghhhnot yet
16:07.00jonpryi think 3.0-rc2 will drop today
16:08.13jonpryhopefully will bring some stability to 3.0
16:10.00jonprynew kernels everyday
16:12.34arrrghhhhopefully wistilt2 will want to post one of 'em up soon
16:12.49arrrghhhthe forums will rejoyce, activity!  :P
16:13.16arrrghhhit seems users love activity.  whether it's good bad or indifferent, they want to see crap is still going on.
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16:34.21jonpryneed to figure out how to make wifi work. even with the modules android says something like failed to load modules. i'm not sure if i just didn't package them right, don't have some necessary modules compiled or what
16:39.18arrrghhhdamn module.
16:41.10arrrghhhdid you ever get those autobuild scripts from acl or glemsom?
16:44.02jonprynot yet
16:44.10jonprygotta put something up on the ml
16:44.22arrrghhhjonpry, i'm going to have acl forward you the script NetRipper gave him
16:47.22arrrghhhhopefully that'll kill 2 birds with one stone
16:47.33arrrghhhget the modules issue sorted for wifi, and get an autobuild server setup :D
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16:53.51arrrghhhjonpry, you should have the autobuild script in your mailbox.
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17:04.43jonprythanks arrrghhh
17:05.25jonpryguess we need a computer now
17:06.14jonprynot sure why we can't run on the nand machine
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17:09.35arrrghhhWisTilt2 seems to have another server kickin around
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17:09.49arrrghhhwish i had an extra rig with a quad-core 6600 :P
17:10.57jonpryi don't want to maintain the security patches etc
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17:14.43jonpryi dunno how many colo boxes i have lost to attack
17:15.24arrrghhhdamn really?
17:15.31arrrghhhi've never had a colo box
17:15.41arrrghhhbut if i lost my server to an attack, i'd be sad.
17:17.27jonpryits like full time job
17:18.06jonprycause there are constant patches for vulnerabilities. but as your distro gets old, they stop coming in. then you have to try and upgrade the thing over ssh
17:18.16arrrghhhyea that sucks.
17:18.46jonprybut sometimes the vulnerabilities are config based. especially if your trying to run something stupid like sendmail
17:19.18arrrghhhha, yea.
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17:46.40arrrghhhAlex[sp3dev], wassup
17:48.06Alex[sp3dev]arrrghhh: nuffin. you know my schedule - monday, tuesday and wednesday are university days. anyhoo, i'm damn happy i sold the tablet for almost the price i bought it. gotta get myself a netbook or a transformer instead. life sucks without keyboard
17:48.18arrrghhhno joke.
17:48.29arrrghhhglad to hear you got almost waht you paid for it :D
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21:04.03jonpryhey bzo
21:04.14bzohi jonpry
21:04.25jonprywhats been up
21:04.34jonpryhaven't seen you in a bit
21:05.01bzoyeah been busy, booted android for the fist time in like 2 months today
21:05.38jonpryi have .39 and 3.0 kernels that work pretty well
21:06.03bzoread a little of the logs, the progress you and wis made are impressive
21:06.58bzowhat is left to fix?
21:07.27jonpryits a power hog. wifi modules aren't packaged right and we don't have bluetooth
21:08.04jonpryi think thats about it
21:08.10bzonot far from .27 of just months ago
21:08.29jonpryyeah but its rhod only
21:08.32arrrghhhin some ways ahead of .27.  panel wakes and FB seem very fast.
21:08.46arrrghhhah that's a good point.  i didn't think of other users :P
21:09.06jonpryits blazn fast. i have fear she's going to fly apart from time to time
21:10.02bzothere aren't any non-rhod devs left are there?
21:10.23jonprystinebd has raph no?
21:10.27bzoright, and emwe
21:10.27arrrghhhyea stine has a raph
21:10.36arrrghhhjb has a DIAM i think, and maybe a RAPH
21:10.50arrrghhhemwe has a TOPA and now a RAPH :D
21:11.04arrrghhhi think he has an old RAPH kickin around as well.
21:11.10arrrghhhacl, he's got an old RAPH800
21:11.48bzoI have a diam500 handing around
21:11.56bzoseems like all the recent work is rhod focused though
21:12.05arrrghhhmost of the users have RHOD's
21:12.10arrrghhhand most of the dev's have RHODs...
21:12.18arrrghhhso the older devices for better or worse have been left out to pasture.
21:12.19jonprywe can use board-panel from .27 as is. and the board files themselves can be ported by just looking at it carefully
21:13.10jonpryvogue is still kickin elseware
21:13.47hycyeah, vogue section of xda forum is still lively
21:14.01bzovogue is where I got my start with android
21:14.18arrrghhhis it?
21:14.31arrrghhhAndroid is pretty well supported on that device, mostly thanks to dzo it seems.
21:14.54bzodzo moved on though didn't he?
21:15.09arrrghhhhe posted GB for them back in December
21:15.28arrrghhhhe might've since then tho, i don't keep up with the vogue folk.  never even seen one of those beasts in real life.
21:16.18jonpryi saw one once. they were trying to sell it as iphone competitor
21:16.23bzoform factor is nice, though it's hard to get anything done on qvga
21:16.49jonpryand without keyboard, ugh
21:17.08arrrghhhyea, i love the tp2's kbd.
21:17.16arrrghhhmy buddy is gaga over the evo 3d.  no kbd, bleh.
21:17.20jonprydoes dzo et al support the omap vogue?
21:17.23arrrghhhi guess that's the way of the future.  less is more?
21:17.24bzomeh, I just move to my computer if a keyboard is needed
21:17.53jonprywhat if you really need to /!
21:18.12bzoomap vogue?
21:18.42jonpryTI OMAP 850 201 MHz (GSM Touch), MSM7500 400MHz (CDMA Vogue) [Wikipedia]
21:19.07bzodon't think so, only cdma
21:19.32arrrghhhwow i didn't realize there was a different proc for the GSM Vogue.
21:19.35bzothough there may have been some primitive builds for the gsm version at some point
21:19.42arrrghhhyea i think dzo only worked on/supported the MSM Vogue.
21:47.41ftozis there some haret developer?
21:48.55ftozI need recompile haret with detect new machine
21:51.08arrrghhhharet is open source, isn't it?
21:51.17arrrghhhi haven't even looked at it, never needed to sorry...
22:07.25arrrghhhjonpry, i'd have to watch it more closely, but 3-4%/hr drain in sleep seems about what i'm getting.
22:09.34arrrghhhand i guess i didn't test this before - but i have to flip the speakerphone on/off to get the mic to work in-call.
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22:11.01arrrghhhweird.  it seems like there's all sorts of odd audio routing stuff goin on... i know wistilt2 was workin on that, i guess he still is.
22:11.57jonpryyeah he rewrote part of it
22:12.22jonpryftoz, are you trying to run on a new soc or just a new phone?
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