IRC log for #htc-linux on 20110528

00:43.25*** join/#htc-linux programmer8922 (~Evan@
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01:00.35*** join/#htc-linux WisTilt2 (
01:02.57WisTilt2jonpry: looks like someone's been busy.  nice job on the pmem and/or clock change.  sped things up quite a bit!
01:07.03*** join/#htc-linux ORi| (~ORi@
01:12.31arrrghhhWisTilt2, indeed it did!  are you able to install any apps?
01:12.54arrrghhhhi btw ;)  happy friday!
01:14.31WisTilt2hey arrrghhh.  yeah TGIF and a long weekend woohoo!  I tried installing an app and there's some kind of problem yes.  worked in yesterday's kernel so jonpry can probably determine what change today broke it.
01:14.56arrrghhhyea... i soooo need this long weekend.
01:15.40*** join/#htc-linux Serren (4b2a593d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:15.41WisTilt2im commenting my temporary audio routing changes to push.  then i need to see wth is drawing so much battery with this kernel, seeing 6% or so per hour in sleep.
01:16.09arrrghhhyea, device feels like it's on fire too :P
01:16.26arrrghhhat least mine usually did when i was running.39 heh
01:18.44Serrenis the .39 build on a partioned build? i tried the blob earlier, and could not get it running. kernel panic crap. I did use the proper offset.
01:18.57WisTilt2yes it is so much quicker now and no pausing at all on the screen when scrolling desktops or any animated features.  jonpry did a nice job with that fix for sure.
01:19.04arrrghhhSerren, doesn't matter
01:19.09arrrghhhi run in on a looped build
01:19.53Serrenhmmm, the blob was the just the zimage file right?
01:20.12Serrenmaybe i got the wrong parts...
01:20.19arrrghhhblob didn't work
01:21.54Serrenarrrghh, ok. that makes since. I'll just keep my eyes open for new test links.
01:22.30*** join/#htc-linux Bry8Star (debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/bry8star)
01:23.08arrrghhhmight want to ask jonpry before you just grab stuff.
01:23.32arrrghhhi guess if he wanted it private he'd keep the links to himself and just say pull the repo :P
01:26.05WisTilt2ok temporary audio routing pushed.  still need to figure out a workaround to get incoming audio on 1st call.  problem is not where I thought it was so need to either make a call after boot or you can use voice search and that fixes it also.
01:26.49Serrenyeah, that is what I was thinking,  I was going to share here what my results where to help him and wistilt with the project
01:27.23WisTilt2arrrghhh are you in test mode right now?  you get the gf all in line?
01:27.35arrrghhhi'm think i'm screwed on the latter
01:27.39arrrghhhbut i have some time to test :D
01:27.52arrrghhhgotta eat in probably 30 tho
01:28.21Serrenim tired of the bt kernel ive been on. keeps crapping out. figure I might as well help in here if i can for the future
01:28.44WisTilt2let me put up this image just to make sure it works the same, which it should.  try the voice search first, which won't be working after boot, but immediately try calling out and see if audio is working both ways.
01:29.29WisTilt2ok its up there, same name as last night
01:30.13Serrenwistilt, if you want another tester, let me know, or post the link in here and Ill share my results with you.
01:30.31WisTilt2man, we turned on our latest TDMA network changes today and im getting a solid 95mbps up and down to the office:)
01:31.04WisTilt2Serren what device do you have?
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01:31.29Serrenrhod400. im ok with adb and the such as well.
01:31.38arrrghhhno adb on .39 yet :P
01:32.50WisTilt2we have a couple 400 testers right now that have worked with us for a very long time but we'll probably be putting out a test kernel for the masses soon.  Don't know what else jonpry wants to get working before we do that though.
01:33.14arrrghhhseems like he wants it all to work lol
01:33.21arrrghhhhe was looking at cam :D
01:33.47Serrenok. no prob, Im cleaning a card now for some sort of tests tonight. daughter has friends over for the night so im hiding out with a beer :-) ill be around if you need me.
01:33.50arrrghhhi think hw3d would come first, basically the discussion we were having.
01:34.01WisTilt2he's pretty sharp thats for sure and he has lots of time to play.
01:34.24rpierce99wouldn't adb be a big thing before mass testing, need the masses to get logs
01:34.33WisTilt2i'll stick with sound and some of the PM stuff for now, that will keep me busy awhile.
01:35.02arrrghhhPM seems to need some lovin like you said earlier, drain is high.
01:35.14WisTilt2yeah adb needs to get working.  i haven't looked at it so dont know why it wouldnt work right now.
01:40.07arrrghhhhrm.  i get the double vibe
01:40.11WisTilt2looks like adb isnt working because there's no code for it at all in this kernel... missing in usb and devices
01:40.19arrrghhhbut the screen freezes basically, i never see any console.
01:41.19WisTilt2nothing in the audio would cause that.  you try again or is it doing it everytime?
01:41.44arrrghhh2x now...
01:41.52arrrghhhi made sure my startup.txt was good on the 2nd run
01:46.40WisTilt2ok standby, going to try it on my phone.  ive been running this for he past several hours and only thing i changed was adding comments.
01:55.15jonpryhi WisTilt2
01:55.35jonprylike that blazing fb?
01:55.45WisTilt2hey jonpry. nice job yes
01:55.51WisTilt2very quick
01:56.25WisTilt2brb, need to see wth broke with that last change, which was only adding comments:(
01:56.32WisTilt2my change not yours
01:56.35arrrghhhbroken for you too?
01:56.46arrrghhhk, i'm not crazy :P
01:56.54WisTilt2double vibe then freeze
01:57.16jonpryi didn't do anything intentionally. just noticed that it was happening
01:57.18arrrghhhi always think it's something i've done ha
01:57.28arrrghhhsometimes it is heh
01:59.33jonprywe need [acl] to get this 3d fixed
01:59.57arrrghhhgood luck pulling that madman away from NAND :P
02:00.08arrrghhhhe's full steam ahead in that
02:02.07jonpryi'm going to tell him about the new unified nand/haret 39 kernel
02:02.39arrrghhhthat would be tits
02:02.54arrrghhhi keep telling him that NAND kernel needs to unify with haret
02:05.03jonpryi don't remember why he decided to fork in the first place
02:05.32arrrghhhi have no idea
02:05.40arrrghhhother than he needed to change a bunch of crap to get it booting on NAND :P
02:05.48rpierce99i think stuff wasn't working so he just started stripping
02:06.10arrrghhhlol, that might be more accurate.
02:14.44WisTilt2something else is broke.  i reverted my changes locally and same thing.  jonpry are you still able to boot after your 16cffe5f commit?
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03:04.49jonpryWisTilt2, yeah running that on my phone now
03:05.07jonprythat is the kernel arrrghhh was running too
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03:06.59jonprymust have fix for weird pmem crashing. that is what makes it go fast
03:12.39*** join/#htc-linux programmer8922 (~Evan@
03:14.24WisTilt2jonpry, guess i need to clone tree again.  something must be jacked up even though no errors on building kernel, just wont boot.
03:16.10WisTilt2you still using 10MB offset?  this kernel is now over 2MB in size
03:16.11jonprythe zImage that comes with that commit works?
03:16.31WisTilt2i'll try that image and see
03:17.43WisTilt2yeah it boots fine so something in my working tree is fubar
03:18.40WisTilt2i cant see how any of the audio commits i did would cause it since its not even making to any of the linux boot text at all.
03:19.20*** join/#htc-linux Rob2222 (
03:20.11jonpryi've got some points reserved for whoever can tell me how weird pmem crashing causes slow fb
03:20.14WisTilt2sound init doesnt run until 1sec or so into boot.
03:20.41WisTilt2the current pmem is crashing?
03:26.35jonpryit turns out we didn't have android pmem driver actually building in the kernel
03:26.36jonpryand then i was looking at it and its like gralloc was crashing and this was because pmem refused all attempts to open the device files
03:26.37jonpryso i changed its funky logic to just always allow opening of the device files. and this stop gralloc from crashing, 3d still doesn't work, but fb goes like 10x faster now
03:29.19WisTilt2damn, is this just a .39 issue or similar thing happening on .27 and .35?
03:30.13jonpryi'm pulling your changes. see if they break my build
03:30.49jonprythey don't have 3d on 35. and it works on 27 so i'm guessing they don't have weird pmem crashing
03:31.21WisTilt2yeah that will be good to know.  i cant see how any of those simple sound changes could stop booting completely.
03:32.04WisTilt2i noticed this pmem is much smaller than .27
03:32.38jonprynah i'm talking about driver/staging/dream/pmem.c
03:32.52jonpryyour stuff is not booting on my phone either
03:34.15WisTilt2wth.  take a look at what i did, not much.  something in the init section maybe but i didnt change anything there. sound doesn't even init until .8secs on my phone and i dont even see the first boot line
03:35.17jonpryprobably the module_init change
03:35.49WisTilt2ah, yeah i added that and thought you had missed copying that last line
03:36.05WisTilt2doesnt need to be there since we're not using htc_hw right now again
03:36.30WisTilt2want me to fix it or you?
03:38.19WisTilt2yeah that fixed it
03:38.32WisTilt2initing something that doesnt exist:)
03:38.46jonpryit boots without that. i did forget it. and we do need it because it gets the vogue_ril entries up
03:39.46jonpryisn't there a size member to struct class
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03:39.55WisTilt2so we need to enable all the htc_hw code in there also.  i tried that and still no go and went to bed.  still missing something else somewhere
03:40.47jonpryhow does it know how many __ATTR there are
03:40.51WisTilt2yeah there should be.  which are you seeing one missing?
03:43.08jonprylooks like its a null terminated list
03:44.11WisTilt2you talking about the vogue class?
03:47.48jonpryi reduced it to this and it still crashes:
03:48.47WisTilt2we need to add the htc_hw_class
03:50.38jonprynope thats definitely not it
03:52.26WisTilt2how can the driver initialize without the rest of the driver
03:52.55jonpryi think its required to have name
03:54.07WisTilt2that would be commented out now though
03:55.26jonpryits just a collection of attributes. and a platform driver that doesn't do anything should work just fine. it doesn't need magic htc_hw code lying around
03:55.26jonpryyeah the name is fixing it. will push in a minute
03:56.29WisTilt2i still dont think this will allow the audio_store to be run though.  something else is missing
03:58.55jonprypushed. this will allow audio_store via the vogue_ril sysfs stuff
04:02.40*** join/#htc-linux manekineko (~manekinek@
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04:07.48jonpryso testers will be wanting to run this 39 monstrosity soon?
04:08.00arrrghhheh why not
04:08.05arrrghhhi'll update the kernel testing thread
04:08.32arrrghhhthe forum folk like frequent updates
04:08.38arrrghhheven if they're trash, tiad8 proved that.
04:08.58arrrghhhlol .39 isn't tho, just lots of stuff left to fix :P
04:09.29arrrghhhis the install issue still thar?
04:09.50arrrghhhi can attach the different haret and specify the offset...
04:10.13jonpryyeah install would be nice
04:10.52WisTilt2testing now...
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04:13.14jonpryi got adb working sort of
04:13.15WisTilt2jonpry, if we get lucky and start seeing the in-call state change again, ill add that audio routing back to like it should be and we should be good to test, unless you have something else to add
04:14.06WisTilt2cant install apps also for whatever reason
04:14.06jonprynothing to add
04:15.33jonpryifconfig usb0; /path/toadb/adb connect; /path/toadb/adb whatever you want
04:30.21WisTilt2jonpry, incoming call still not triggering audio_store so incall snd state cant change.  all other states are working like they should.
04:30.49jonpryi just installed an apk via ghetto adb
04:31.36WisTilt2ghetto adb?
04:32.22jonpryyeah that command i posted a few minutes ago
04:33.06arrrghhhadb install
04:33.08WisTilt2what is that the ghetto way to do adb over tcp lol
04:33.38jonprybut you need to be using a regular rootfs. our old for 39 only one had adb disabled
04:34.01WisTilt2yeah im back on f22's rootfs and normal system.img
04:34.21WisTilt2where are all these pmem spams coming from in kmsg?
04:34.31jonprythats the theory anyways. i actually did something a little different
04:37.01WisTilt2man this fb is fast.  i turned on full animation and pretty snazzy opening/closing apps, nice effect
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04:39.25jonpryi was messing with pmem. probably won't get rid of it until 3d is working
04:39.25jonprysomething is definitely funky with the mmap of gpu
04:39.26jonpryi have no data plan. so this is all i can do to reproduce not being able to install stuff. if this is really happening i will need a logcat or something
04:39.28jonpryyou had animation turned off?
04:39.39WisTilt2arrrghhh try this image, should boot now. still have to make a call though.  still working out where that needs to be fixed
04:40.07WisTilt2jonpry, i had the screen animation off yes
04:40.41jonpry2i've decided to try two connections at once
04:41.03jonpry2#1 is still bad, but #2 is working great. go figure
04:41.44jonpryso audio_store is working sometimes?
04:42.18WisTilt2audio_store not working ever.  only idle, speaker, playback states are working
04:42.50WisTilt2never makes it to audio_store on incoming call like it should
04:43.04arrrghhhsplit personalities
04:43.08WisTilt2thats the only place the state is set for that mode
04:43.10arrrghhhWisTilt2, booting
04:43.17arrrghhhsuccessfully :P
04:43.53WisTilt2arrrghhh: nice, after 1st call all audio and sound should work
04:45.12arrrghhhstill fails one-way on the first call tho?
04:45.52arrrghhhnothing for me to test then eh?  playtime :P
04:46.05WisTilt2just see if you can break it lol
04:46.19arrrghhhyou said install still fails eh?
04:46.50WisTilt2speakerphone doesnt work either.  im not going to mess with the old way so when we get acoustic audio going it will.
04:47.23arrrghhhi think jb's almost done cleaning up that stuff
04:47.25WisTilt2i havent tried install since earlier but didnt work, just hung forever
04:47.30jonpry2i don't understand why echo 2 > /sys/class/vogue_hw/audio  doesn't result in anything in dmesg
04:48.18arrrghhhthis thing on nilfs would be ridiculous.  this is basically how nilfs was...
04:49.01WisTilt2something is still missing.  i dont think vogue is actually registered or up somehow.
04:50.05jonpryit is because the entries are in sysfs
04:50.07WisTilt2jonpry echo 2 should have output that ++ in call line
04:51.00jonpryright but it doesn't
04:51.49WisTilt2echo 5 should give -- end call so its deaf
04:52.01WisTilt2this is where i went to bed last night
04:52.35jonpryssize_t(*store)(struct kobject *,struct attribute *,const char *, size_t);
04:53.01jonprylooks like prototype chnged
04:54.29WisTilt2where are you seeing that?
04:57.12jonprynm, its in device.h, but definitely changed
04:58.22WisTilt2i dont see that anywhere in .39 or .27
05:01.23jonpry2i pushed the fix
05:02.24jonpryok pushed
05:02.25jonprygotta watch out for compiler warnings when changing kernel versions. really need to clean that crap up.
05:04.48WisTilt2so that prototype changed in 39 or is 35 where it started?
05:06.30jonpry2it is changed in 39, but i don't know when
05:07.23WisTilt2ok building and testing again.  hopefully we see all the state changes now:)
05:07.37jonpry2something went wrong with patch
05:08.53WisTilt2patch itself or your connection trash a packet?
05:09.00jonpry2WisTilt2, pull again
05:09.16jonpry2i think i patched the wrong file
05:11.23jonpry2alright, works now
05:11.58WisTilt2ok building again
05:15.37WisTilt2we should probably fix the sleep after unlock problem before the masses test this or arrrghhh will go crazy with people that dont read his instructions.
05:16.02arrrghhhyea i've got a running list of broken stuffs
05:16.06jonpry2i figure that is something wakelocks
05:16.16arrrghhhi actually just had a freeze up, full wake.  screen is on too lol
05:17.04arrrghhhyea i hit the market and the screen went all white except for the notification bar - and stuck.
05:17.10arrrghhhno kbd backlight or anything
05:17.15WisTilt2i was going to try my pm and see if it fixes it.  also in evdev we need to change that wakelock timer unless .39 already has change it.  5 seconds is nuts.
05:17.53jonpry2pm.c is drop in now
05:19.03jonpry2i'm tempted to focus on kernel warnings until acl will look at 3d
05:19.59jonpry2if only he had a winmo phone to run this on. he'd say jebus thats fast
05:20.17arrrghhhi think he's getting another rhod
05:20.20arrrghhhif he hasn't already
05:20.46jonpry2yeah but you know he already put lk or something on it
05:21.48arrrghhhoh yea
05:21.59arrrghhhthat's a good point :P
05:22.05arrrghhhall the more reason to get 'em merged heh
05:22.12jonpry2looks like the cpu scalar is not there. isn't that all acpuclock?
05:26.55WisTilt2you talking about the cpu scaling table?
05:27.16WisTilt2i had to reformat my sdcard, trashed it pulling out usb while writing:)
05:27.31WisTilt2not paying attention actually
05:28.10WisTilt2good thing i keep copies of the whole thing frequently
05:28.27arrrghhhyea i take snapshots of the card
05:28.35arrrghhhplus titanium backup folders
05:28.46arrrghhhwhich i now have a froyo tb folder and a gb tb folder haha
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05:31.31WisTilt2jonpry lost both connections damn
05:31.39arrrghhhso much for his 2 username setup
05:31.53WisTilt2was just going to tell him we have ignition!  all sound states are working now
05:32.39WisTilt2ill fix this 1st call thing now, think i know what the problem is as i was watching log while the call was being made.
05:32.54arrrghhhi should talk to acl about getting his NANDness merged back so he doesn't have to keep forging on his own
05:33.45arrrghhhi know alex runs his .35 kernel on kov on both nand and haret
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05:44.11WisTilt2ok arrrghhh, try this one.  sound should work 1st time.  make sure all other sound works also.  speakerphone is only thing that shouldn't.  im looking at the sleep after unlock issue while you test.
05:45.28arrrghhhawesome :D
05:59.12WisTilt2ok, im about to test this sleep/unlock fix
06:04.57arrrghhhfirst call worked
06:05.00arrrghhhi did it inbound tho
06:06.43WisTilt2wasnt it dead on 1st inbound last night too or only on outbound?
06:07.28arrrghhhi'll have to look at the logs lol
06:07.31arrrghhhi don't remember
06:09.58WisTilt2i bet it will work 1st outgoing too.  well i found the sleep/unlock problem but need to figure out how which timer is causing it.  appears to be pmem related though with this super fast fb
06:12.18arrrghhhyup works fine on first outgoing
06:14.22WisTilt2nice.  well some timer is putting us back in sleep exactly 1200ms after unblank.  has to be something in this pmem ludicrous speed code.
06:14.49arrrghhhmy favorite kind of speed
06:15.23arrrghhhwe've gone plaid
06:15.44WisTilt2so ringtones play and other sound is working fine?
06:16.19WisTilt2and how's the volume level in a call on the handset, still too loud on your phone?
06:16.22arrrghhhspeakerphone audio worked, but the mic didn't
06:16.31arrrghhhit seemed ok, i'll have to see more
06:16.42arrrghhhperhaps it's just the frequency of my gf's voice that hurts my ear lol
06:17.19WisTilt2speakerphone will work and should be nice and loud and clear but yes, mic is not working in that mode. not going to add that until we go to the full acoustic code.
06:17.36WisTilt2hope she doesn't read here
06:17.45arrrghhhhahaha no.
06:18.20WisTilt2jonpry must have gone to bed and gave up on his connection ever coming back
06:18.24arrrghhhi don't think she'd really care tho
06:18.35arrrghhhthat cxn would drive me battty
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06:43.54arrrghhhi'm going to bed, ttyl
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13:58.34dcordesMarkinus: ping
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14:00.57Markinusdcordes: pong
14:01.03dcordesMarkinus: hey, how's it going ?
14:01.21Markinusok, but no realy time to hack in the moment :(
14:01.24Markinusand you?
14:01.40dcordesuniversity keeping you busy?
14:01.48Markinuswork and other stuff
14:01.51dcordesI'm fine also lack time :)
14:02.28TreeEatermaybe you need a time transplant
14:02.41dcordesMarkinus: you gathered quite an arsenal of qsd8250 it seems to me: leo tsunagi mozart .. :)
14:03.05Markinusits a nice platform
14:03.16MarkinusI did some work for tg01
14:03.25Markinusand finished some stuff
14:03.44Markinusbut still very much to do, very much stuff different because no a HTC device
14:04.30dcordesI see. are there amss differences ?
14:04.49dcordesand exotic components :) ?
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14:05.12TreeEateryou guys happen know gumstix-alternatives?
14:05.15Markinusyeh, very exotic, like gsonsor or camera
14:05.43Markinusonly used in this device
14:06.03dcordesTreeEater: recent HTCs with usb host mode support
14:06.31dcordesTreeEater: less hardware hackery, more features :)
14:06.38gauner1986dcordes: still on hd2 ubuntu? ;)
14:06.45TreeEaterwould be ideal - but they aren't as cheap as gumstix :(
14:06.59TreeEaterand for prototyping... I'd sure like that :)
14:07.11dcordesMarkinus: so is there any chance you will ever get the camera going ? camrea always sounds complicated to me ... and if there is total lack of driver to copy from
14:07.24TreeEaterbut just to be sure - the usb host driver works on recent HTCs as well?
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14:08.27dcordesTreeEater: alex et al. got the usb host working on kovsky and friends. it's not ehci iirc but might do depending on your aims. you might get kovsky and other msm7ka cheap now
14:09.16Markinusscordes: maybe, but i have no time to finish it
14:09.17dcordesTreeEater: it depends on device (SoC, wiring must support it) and kernel (driver)
14:11.54dcordesgauner1986: there are some regressions in the new ubuntu version
14:12.21dcordesgauner1986: it's in the wiki if you are interested
14:13.06TreeEaterkovsky is indeed cheap!
14:13.10TreeEaterI like that!
14:15.13dcordesTreeEater: even has direct boot (no wince needed)
14:15.52TreeEaterless cheap in my country, though, and customs is a killer
14:15.55TreeEatershould get a second hand one i guess
14:19.19dcordesbe aware it is not very robust
14:19.45TreeEaterhow do you mean?
14:19.56dcordesit's of lower quality than other htcs
14:20.13TreeEaterI'd assume that because of price - but anything serious?
14:20.24dcordesregarding physical properties like resistance to drop damage etc
14:20.38TreeEateri'll keep it safe
14:20.43dcordesthat should be kept in mind when buying second hand
14:21.05TreeEatergood point
14:21.50dcordesother than that is has ultra high dpi, nice speaker, looks fancy
14:21.55dcordesthe keyboard is good
14:22.07dcordesand performance isn't too bad
14:22.24gauner1986kovsky keyboard?
14:22.28gauner1986it's bad, really bad
14:22.46dcordesI would be using it as a secondary device to accompany the keyboard less hd2 if mine wouldn't have an audio defect
14:22.48gauner1986it got weared after one year
14:22.52gauner1986and i was careful with it
14:23.13gauner1986but some keys got stuck and i couldn't type anymore
14:23.13dcordesgauner1986: what kind of wearing are you refering to ?
14:23.13gauner1986build quality
14:23.23gauner1986'searching for the english word*
14:24.02TreeEaterit's awesome, getting such a cheap phone
14:24.10TreeEaterI wanted to add a GSM module to the gumstix
14:24.13TreeEaternow I don't have to
14:24.47dcordesmay I ask what you plan to do ?
14:25.05gauner1986ausleiern @dcordes :P
14:25.11gauner1986i had kovsky for 1,5 years
14:25.22gauner1986and i couldnt type on the keyboard anymore at the end
14:25.28jonpry2tp2 is the best
14:25.41gauner1986i gave it to support and they repaired it
14:25.44gauner1986before i sold it
14:26.18dcordesjonpry2: do you have working host mode ?
14:30.07TreeEaterwell, it's not all planned out - but main goal is remote controlling some devices. the kovsky might be connected to an arduino, or it will control a usb device directly, or use bluetooth
14:30.15TreeEaterbut main goal is experimenting :)
14:30.19jonpry2nobody has tried it afaik
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14:31.42TreeEaterwhat are the challenges in getting usb host to work, except compiling the same sources for another device? are there code portions very specific to the architecture?
14:32.19jonpry2should definitely work if you have external vbus. not sure if the chargepump is actually hooked up
14:33.40TreeEaterit's all about power?
14:35.03jonpry2yeah the msm hardware all supports host mode it just had to be switched on. the vbus supply may not be hooked up depending on the board though. so if you have external it can always work
14:35.24TreeEaterawesome, good to know
14:48.11dcordesjonpry2: if it is wired in virtually all the msm7ka and qsd8k I think it's likely to be wired in tp2 and friends as well
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22:29.49jonpry2hey WisTilt2
22:30.06jonpry2i've been fixing some of those compiler warnings. still like 10k to go
22:30.46WisTilt2hey, how's your connection today usable?
22:31.06jonpry2it seems like about 5% are caused by prototype changes. so some stuff might actually get fixed
22:31.16jonpry2i think its ok
22:31.39jonpry2but i gotta go out to the neighborhood party thingy. be back in a couple of hours
22:32.29WisTilt2yeah i see you've fixed a few things.  im home the rest of the day after a day with the grandkids so in programming mode.
22:33.00WisTilt2i think that sleep after unlock is happening somewhere in pmem, does that sound possible?
22:33.25WisTilt2ok on your party.  i'll be here until late tonight so catch you if you get back on later.
22:33.36jonpry2not at all. we didn't even have pmem a couple days ago
22:34.07WisTilt2it didn't do it before though did it? at least i dont remember it happening
22:34.18jonpry2it always did that
22:34.33jonpry2ever since sleep worked at least
22:34.34WisTilt2something is putting it back in suspend at exactly 1200ms
22:34.59jonpry2i'm guessing the phone puts itself back to sleep because a wakelock, wasn't regstered or didn't work
22:35.10WisTilt2maybe i'll try and track that down before i work on this battery drain problem.
22:35.27jonpry2userwakelocks are not verified to work, and i had to inegrate that stuff into the pm core. probably forgot something
22:36.10WisTilt2i'll fix it while you're partying:)
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