IRC log for #htc-linux on 20110329

00:05.07jonpryhi WisTilt2
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00:05.41WisTilt2bt definitely has a problem messing up microp
00:05.55jonpryno i just turned of msm_hs_serial in config
00:05.55jonprybcm_bt_lpm may actually be the culprit
00:06.14WisTilt2i reverted all the bt commits and np again
00:06.22WisTilt2yeah that sounds logical
00:07.15arrrghhhhome time.  i'll ping you in a few WisTilt2
00:07.30WisTilt2k, ill be here for awhile np
00:11.17jonpryi had no_console_suspend=1 in my startup.txt for a while
00:11.52jonpryand that made is so bluetooth just caused fiery wake/sleep cycle. but without that, phone would freeze on wake
00:11.56WisTilt2was that where the 200ma was coming from?
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00:13.17jonpryno i can 400ma with that
00:13.27jonpryand 10 measurements per second
00:13.56WisTilt2ah, 10 per sec due to bt cycling things?
00:14.28jonpryyeah its like a wakeable interrupt is constant set. so phone wakes up as soon as it goes to sleep
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00:20.22jonpryWisTilt2, do you have reports of differing battery life from different models?
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00:21.25WisTilt2jonpry: arrrghhh probably does if he's taken any notes back when we were testing the first collapse code
00:22.08rpierce99i don't know if it's ever been done model-by-model because there are so many user-to-user factors that play in
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00:27.12jonpryprobably a dead end anyways. my battery last at least 3x longer without scbs
00:27.45jonprybut i cannot understand why
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00:29.26arrrghhhWisTilt2, ping
00:30.55WisTilt2arrrghhh, pong.  rebuilding and testing 1 more time
00:32.32arrrghhhjonpry, just read logs... and yea there's nothing that i noticed of drain between models
00:32.37arrrghhh'cept for those damned AUO panel folk.
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00:37.57WisTilt2there ya go arrrghhh
00:38.23WisTilt2see if anything is noticeably different
00:38.32arrrghhhlol ok
00:39.01arrrghhhthese are always fun
00:39.05arrrghhhguess what i changed!  :P
00:39.06WisTilt2also, this does not have any of my new PM stuff or FB stuff so you will most likely get more failed wakes.  im adding things back into the current git tree one at a time
00:39.10arrrghhhi'm being serious too, it is kinda fun lol
00:39.19WisTilt2this one has the BT commits gone though also
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00:39.49WisTilt2stinebd will be glad to hear i finally spent some time learning how to work git:)
00:40.38WisTilt2btw, failed wakes are like before where you touch unlock to show screen when it happens.  didnt realize how annoying that was until not having it work right
00:40.58arrrghhhlol no joke
00:41.20WisTilt2you'll know what i fixed right off the bat im guessing
00:41.30WisTilt2pretty hard to miss
00:42.42arrrghhhback to the mass of scrolling text
00:42.48arrrghhhi liked your new clean one :P
00:43.15WisTilt2yeah this is the current autobuild with only fast sleep and something else in it
00:43.42WisTilt2you on frx06 and which ril?
00:43.53arrrghhhfrx06 yes, and stock ril
00:43.57arrrghhhi reverted for testing...
00:44.04WisTilt2any will work just wondering
00:44.05arrrghhhdon't want to skew results ;)
00:44.35arrrghhhwell i would say button lights
00:44.41arrrghhhbut isn't that already in the new kernel?
00:45.02arrrghhhshame on me, i haven't really tested the newest from GIT... that sleep borked thing made me not want to run it for any amount of time.
00:45.02rpierce99button lights don't turn on, they just don't stay on
00:45.25arrrghhhwell... WisTilt2 fixxxxxored them from the looks of it.  was that the easter egg?
00:45.27WisTilt2yeah in new kernel but does it work?
00:45.40arrrghhhlike a champ
00:45.45WisTilt2no way current autobuild works the lights
00:45.51arrrghhhis that the only easter egg or should i continue?
00:45.59rpierce99no, but supposedly it disables them if they were on in WinMo
00:46.15WisTilt2no thats it in this one.  fast sleep working still?  thats all i added to the clean tree
00:46.20odzWisTilt2: current autobuild lights have been working for me
00:46.37arrrghhhhrm so fast sleep, but it seems slow.  still startup wiggles i think.
00:46.49WisTilt2odz you must be special, how'd you get them to work without any userland code?
00:47.00arrrghhhah there we go
00:47.16arrrghhhWisTilt2, yea fast sleep.  was just slow from boot methinks.
00:47.34odzWisTilt2: i just grabbed the 3/17 kernel and it worked
00:47.35WisTilt2yeah, pm fixes a lot of that
00:47.52arrrghhhhrm.  it doesn't seem as fast as your last test kernel WisTilt2 ...
00:48.04arrrghhhperhaps it's other programs messing with it.
00:48.05WisTilt2odz you telling me that your button light turn on and off when you hit them just using the current autobuild kernel?
00:48.06arrrghhhi'll keep testing.
00:48.19odzWisTilt2 yes
00:48.32WisTilt2arrrghhh it wont be as fast without the acpu changes and pm
00:48.44odzi used the 3/17 kernel for almost a week and it worked flawless with the lights
00:48.44arrrghhhah... ok.
00:48.53WisTilt2odz what phone?
00:49.26WisTilt2hmm, rpierce99 you have rhod400 and with 3/17 kernel your lights dont turn on?
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00:50.29rpierce99odz are you running frx06?
00:50.54arrrghhhisn't he on one of those tiad builds?
00:50.57odzfirst frx05 than gb now frx06
00:51.07WisTilt2there's no code in userland even in frx06 that can turn them on so i dont see how
00:51.20odznot since you made that such a big deal arrrghhh :P
00:51.20arrrghhhok, i'm gonna go run autobuild real quick.
00:51.27arrrghhhodz, lol
00:51.32rpierce99hm, yeah i am 99% sure that I tested that and it didn't do anything
00:51.33arrrghhhjust junk man.
00:51.41arrrghhhyou can run it if you want, i just refuse to support you :P
00:52.46odzwell i have no clue but it works for me WisTilt2 froyo - gb
00:54.08odzi started using 3/17 since it came out for a while until recently when i heard all the talk about sleep problems
00:54.13WisTilt2odz do you run in autobl or manual mode?
00:54.47odzwhat ever is default
00:54.56WisTilt2that'd be manusl
00:54.56odzi didnt mess with bl settings
00:55.10arrrghhhah crap i forgot to boot with them on
00:55.13arrrghhhhopefully that doesn't matter
00:55.16arrrghhhjust wanted to test that too :P
00:55.25WisTilt2shouldnt since the microp code is in there now to drive them
00:55.58arrrghhhwell i'm booting on autobuild with them off
00:56.04arrrghhhi booted yours with them off and it worked flawlessly.
00:56.45arrrghhhi'm going to have to call schenanigans odz
00:57.35odzhtc-msm-linux @ 20110317_184049 <-- your trying that?
00:57.39WisTilt2yeah kinda strange that you and pierce both have 400's and i have 15 300's, none work with the autobuild kernel
00:57.50arrrghhhodz, yea i'm on 1289
00:57.52arrrghhhjust checked
00:58.16arrrghhh*everyone get your broomsticks, schenanigans!*
00:58.50WisTilt2arrrghhh work at all?
00:59.02WisTilt2figured.  code isnt there to run them
00:59.05arrrghhhi guess i should try manual bl...
00:59.13arrrghhhyou seemed to think that would be related?
00:59.23WisTilt2manual could work but not every time
00:59.31arrrghhhi'm on manual
00:59.36arrrghhhand after going to look at what setting i was on
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00:59.40arrrghhhthe lights on the buttons came on
00:59.52WisTilt2jb's got them tied to brightness value so if you switch to manual and adjust brightness they will work until they timeout
00:59.56odzim not crazy!! woooahh
01:00.01arrrghhhok, so that's odd.
01:00.10odzit works pretty damn good too
01:00.13arrrghhhodz, i had to go to the brightness settings to get 'em on lol
01:00.19WisTilt2once they time out does hitting them turn them on again?
01:00.23arrrghhhthe don't come on when i press a key
01:00.26arrrghhhno i can't get them to come back on
01:00.30odzi guess the builds i used had autobl off
01:00.33arrrghhhyours worked with keypresses
01:00.35WisTilt2yeah they wont unless you change brightness again
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01:01.13WisTilt2thats because he's using the only userland control that was available since the correct ones dont exist yet
01:01.25arrrghhhi see
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01:01.31arrrghhhshould that be userland?
01:01.34arrrghhhlike the caps/fn?
01:02.17WisTilt2i made them work in the kernel by reading the button codes and switching them on with a timer to shut them off for now.  userland code really needs to be implemented longterm
01:03.20WisTilt2either way, they will work as they should the way i have them for now just like the caps/fn.  im not really interested in doing userland stuff until i get this other kernel stuff off my plate.
01:04.11WisTilt2odz im pretty sure that once your lights timeout, hitting button again does not turn them on unless you play with brightness control.
01:04.32arrrghhhWisTilt2, that's cool.  yea in your kernel they seemed to work just as expected, so nbd...
01:04.48WisTilt2yeah quick fix for now
01:05.23WisTilt2ok im going to add in the PM stuff now
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01:18.34jonpryrpierce99, i still can't figure out what is going on with your phone
01:18.37jonpryif you could use scbs kernel. let it sleep for a ~ a minute, then get a dmesg, it would be helpful
01:18.41jonpryWisTilt2, as best i can tell, my phone just can't be collapsing. what could be going on that looks like collapse but power consumption never goes down?
01:19.22WisTilt2jonpry: can you tell in dmesg if arm11 is actually powering down?
01:20.10jonpryit looks like it. comes back from msm_pm_collapse()=1
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01:20.45WisTilt2can you send me a dmesg and ill see if anything looks abnormal
01:20.46jonprybut i don't know any way to tell when arm9 actually goes about powering down a11
01:20.55jonpryif it ever does
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01:36.16WisTilt2jonpry you got big problems with a11 not doing what it should. look starting at line 1292 and down.  even though it says collapse state is 1 its really not or you wouldnt be seeing that loop.  update_sleep might be keeping it up
01:38.22WisTilt2in pm.c in msm_sleep add a printk after writel(1, A11S_PWRDOWN);//power down and wait for int and one after msm_pm_wait_state(SMSM_RUN, 0, 0, 0); to show sleep/wake of arm11 and ill bet you see it over and over again
01:40.21WisTilt2that way we'll know if its ever getting into collapse at all or just sleeping/waking in a loop
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01:46.30rpierce99jonpry: << it took a REALLY long time before it settle down and slept, so the end of that log is probably the only good data
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02:05.21jonpryWisTilt2, the loop is just quickwakeup
02:05.21jonprythat is how it works :p
02:06.28WisTilt2is that kernel from the current git tree or earlier?
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02:34.36WisTilt2ok arrrghhh another pack ready. see if you have kbdbl and button lights on and hit power they go right out before sleep.
02:35.30WisTilt2this one has PM in here also, just need to add the fb and a few other things later tonight.  going to be leaving here shortly to take wife to dinner
02:35.48arrrghhhawesome man.
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02:43.52WisTilt2arrrghhh gotta go.  back in a couple hours when i get home.
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04:05.18jonpryrpierce99, it doesn't look like your phone ever went to sleep
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04:25.44WisTilt2arrrghhh, so what's the verdict on the 2nd kernel?
04:26.11arrrghhhseems good
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04:26.17arrrghhhhaven't had any huge issues
04:26.22arrrghhhno huge difference tho either.
04:26.36WisTilt2button lights and kbdbl go off when you hit power button?
04:27.08arrrghhhi thought they did before tho
04:27.13arrrghhhbutton lights did
04:27.20arrrghhhi guess i didn't test kbd bl, cuz that has for a while
04:27.32WisTilt2kbdbl did, button leds i just added in the 2nd kernel
04:28.13WisTilt2they went out on timer so if you had them on and sleep happened before timer they'd stay on until you woke again
04:28.23ShapaTankis there a regular htc room? like not with linux
04:28.37arrrghhhi swear in that first one you threw me they went out with the power button
04:28.51arrrghhhShapaTank, i... don't know if there is one.
04:29.08WisTilt2nope, you must have hit power right as timer expired to turn them off
04:29.10ShapaTankim trying to see if there a non jatg soltuon to the htc i bricked
04:29.13arrrghhhlol ok
04:29.21arrrghhhWisTilt2, well that's definitely working in this one :P
04:29.27ShapaTanki didnt do that deadly radio update but i did do a europe ver on the usa one
04:29.35arrrghhhmaybe xda-devs?
04:29.42ShapaTanki can connect to the com5 port through mutty
04:29.47ShapaTankbut i cant type any commands
04:29.54ShapaTankya ive been searching all over
04:30.08arrrghhhthere's a chat room
04:30.18ShapaTankaw nice
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04:32.37WisTilt2arrrghhh next pack. see how often non wake happens where you have to touch unlock.  im trying to narrow down exactly which area i fixed that in so adding one change at a time.
04:32.51WisTilt2the kernel you have now you have to touch screen frequently?
04:33.17arrrghhhyea, moreso than with your last public released kernel.
04:34.02jonpryhi WisTilt2
04:34.56WisTilt2hey jonpry, is your connection better now? you were timing out after most of my replies to you earlier.
04:35.20jonpryrpierce99, i am crazy, it went to sleep. do you have the scbs.log that went with the dmesg?
04:37.05WisTilt2i can tell by the long delays you're connection is in the tank:(
04:38.28arrrghhhheh, that sucks.  he said he was reading faster from the logs online than in the room...
04:39.08WisTilt2sounds like that undersea fiber needs a roto-rooter
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04:40.01arrrghhhsnake that pipe, bad juju
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04:40.11arrrghhhhe didn't time out?  odd
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04:40.33jonpryyeah rooter
04:40.39WisTilt2probably threw the box out the window
04:40.55jonpryits not my connection. its like i can only use a freenode server for 24 hours before this bs starts up again
04:41.03WisTilt2jonpry, i feel for ya, thats got to be frustrating
04:41.24jonpryquick name your server
04:41.27WisTilt2is your connection like that everywhere or just to freenode?
04:41.37odzyou were doing good on
04:41.49jonprynah that gave up a couple days ago
04:42.25jonpryswitched to zelazny
04:42.51arrrghhhhrm.  still getting failed wakes... you want a dmesg WisTilt2 ?
04:43.01arrrghhhfailed wake city.
04:43.02WisTilt2if its just to freenode for whatever reason, i could set you up with a client cert vpn to our network and you can be on freenode via our network
04:43.18WisTilt2arrrghhh did you let it settle down?
04:43.28arrrghhhit's sleeping quickly
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04:43.43WisTilt2you have to touch unlock more with this one?
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04:43.55arrrghhhkinda seems like it, yea
04:44.19WisTilt2should be opposite hmm.  mine got much better
04:44.47arrrghhhi guess i could try a new data.img
04:45.34jon__i have vpn via hidemyass
04:47.50ShapaTankany1 in here have an hd2 and is willing to dump the radio like .mbn status?
04:48.37jonprywhy don't you extract it from the radio img
04:48.39ShapaTanki dunno
04:48.57ShapaTanki flashed my htc hd2 with europe and its usa
04:49.05ShapaTankbut i didnt do the deadly .51 radio
04:49.31jonpryand what does you phone think of europe?
04:49.49ShapaTankhahah doesnt get along just like us XD
04:50.02ShapaTankthat was a good one hahahahah
04:50.32ShapaTankso i was talking to some peeps in #xda-devs and he said i might have a chance if i can flash with qualcomm and a .mbn
04:50.42arrrghhhgood luck
04:51.06ShapaTankthanx man
04:51.10ShapaTanki jsut need that dumb
04:51.11jonpryi mean does it like not turn on or what?
04:51.29ShapaTanki get a quick tick when plugged into usb
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04:51.34ShapaTankand qualcomm recognized
04:51.38jonpryhopefully it is stuck in qcsbl
04:51.40ShapaTanki connect to muttty on com5
04:51.49ShapaTankbut i cant type any commands
04:51.57ShapaTanki dunno if im doing somthing wrong
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04:52.04ShapaTankthats qhat im saying
04:52.10jonprythats about right. qcsbl
04:52.14ShapaTanki think its in a diff mode
04:52.27ShapaTankbecuase if it was dead the usb wouldnt recognize at all no?
04:52.51jonpryqcsbl is not exactly good times
04:53.03jonpryi've been there before, and did not get out of it
04:53.30ShapaTankthis is the wrong one right?
04:53.32ShapaTankfor tmous
04:53.39jonpryit will take an amss.bin via some weird serial protocol
04:53.43jonprywhich is the easy part
04:54.00ShapaTanki dunno what that is but ok thats good i guess lol
04:54.04ShapaTankthe hard part is the dumb?
04:54.55jonprythen you have got to figure out how to flash it
04:55.20ShapaTanki cant use the qualcomm tool?
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04:56.17jonpryi think PSAS/QMAT may have the tools necessary
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04:57.12ShapaTankomg i nstalled it but dunno which one to use lol
04:57.17jonprythe bigger issue is that you need radio unlock to go using other carriers radios
04:57.35ShapaTankits ok
04:57.38ShapaTanki want tmobile
04:57.42ShapaTanki am tmobile
04:58.01ShapaTankor are u saying i need to be hacked in order to flash it
04:58.22jonprythe hard part is that after you get amss.bin loaded onto the processor, it may not do anything
04:58.24ShapaTanki instaled hspl 3 if that is anything or is that a sepreate issue iwth bootloader?
04:58.55jonprylike the weird devices that use the qcsbl downloader have custom amss that is designed to run on flashless devices
04:59.01ShapaTankits kool man i jsut wanna try something im downn
04:59.11jonpryleo radio may very well expect all of its code and data to be on the chip, where it isn't
04:59.50ShapaTankis this amss.bin a special file or i can get any old amss.bin
05:00.22arrrghhhWisTilt2, hrm... maybe i was just being impatient.  i let it sit for a while, guess it wasn't long enough.  it does seems better now.
05:00.44jonprythe effect will probably be similar
05:01.06arrrghhhnot perfect tho, but i can't say that it ever was... after the initial panel collapse code, that is.
05:01.20ShapaTankjonpry are you talking to me about the effect?
05:01.46jonpryyes. amss.bin is the same thing as mbn
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05:01.56WisTilt2arrrghhh still doing it more than the public test kernel?
05:02.04jonpryShapaTank, i don't think it will work. but if it does you will be a hero
05:02.23ShapaTanki will do anything just tell me what i gatta do lol
05:02.24arrrghhhWisTilt2, hrm.. now that's a tough one.  i'd say no, it's not doing it more than the public test kernel..
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05:02.50ShapaTankmy priority is finding the correct mbn right now?
05:03.02arrrghhhi haven't run the autobuild kernel for long periods in a while.
05:03.36jonpryShapaTank, i don't really know. its never been done before. but you can use qmat to get the mbn out of the radio nbh for sure
05:03.45ShapaTanki dont mean to brag but iv pulled of shit with the iphone when i had to do command stuff i dunno wtf i did but i revived my iphone i feel like i can do it lol
05:04.06WisTilt2arrrghhh, but compare to my public test kernel its about the same or worse?
05:04.18ShapaTankjonpry, from a working phone?
05:04.22jonprywell if you fail. sell it to me
05:04.45ShapaTanki really want it man if u do jtag ill be willing to pay for ur services
05:04.57jonpryShapaTank, what are you talking about. download the radio off of xda just like the europe one. then use qmat on it
05:05.00arrrghhhWisTilt2, after somewhat extended testing, it would seem to be about the same as your last public test yea.
05:05.33ShapaTanki dont mean to be a douch but i dunno which one is right
05:05.52ShapaTankmine is the leo 1024 tmous
05:06.06ShapaTankshould i jsut downlaod the first one?
05:06.17WisTilt2arrrghhh: very interesting then.....looks like proximity sensor code since that is the only thing i removed in that test.  i havent added the FB code yet, which is where i thought the issue came from.
05:06.35jonpryif you can crack that code
05:06.40jonpryer can't
05:07.31arrrghhhfailed wake still happens, but yea so far it seems about the same as your last public test... definitely better than autobuild.
05:07.39ShapaTankwhich radio version should i exract?
05:08.08jonprytry them all. how should i know
05:08.30ShapaTankoh my bad i just didnt want to further detroy my phone
05:08.31arrrghhhShapaTank, c'mon man you fixed an iPhone
05:08.40ShapaTanklol this is sooo different
05:08.44arrrghhhlol how could you further destroy it
05:08.48ShapaTanki didnt know the wrong baseband meant death
05:09.01ShapaTankthe wrong baseband in iphne ment oh shit no more unlock maybe
05:09.06jonprybricks may be a lot of things. and hard to destroy is one of them
05:09.20jonprythere is no wrong baseband on iphone
05:09.28jonprythey are all att
05:09.43ShapaTankthe only "worng" one meant no unlock
05:09.52arrrghhhidiot proof
05:09.54arrrghhhin a sense
05:10.05arrrghhhi guess nothing is idiot proof... they'll just make a better idiot.
05:10.16ShapaTanki mean i used to be extra carful with my psp never bricked it
05:10.25arrrghhhused to be
05:10.26ShapaTankthis i dunno why im such a dumbass
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05:13.36ShapaTankjonpry by doing this and if it works are we ganan post it all xda?
05:14.00rpierce99jonpry: sorry missed your messages, yes i have the log
05:14.37ShapaTankim trying to fix my bricked hd2 and jonpry might have a solution that im trying
05:14.57ShapaTankwithout jtag
05:17.03jonpryShapaTank, i really don't think it will work
05:17.08ShapaTankrpierce99, is that kinect by any chance XD
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05:17.29rpierce99ShapaTank: i have no idea what you're talking about
05:17.33ShapaTankif ther is a chance
05:17.36ShapaTankk nvm
05:18.58ShapaTankill do it
05:20.12jonpryrpierce99, thanks i will do some examining
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05:23.40ShapaTankso jonpry i extract from nbh?
05:25.35ShapaTankextract files?
05:26.43ShapaTankit extracted a file called radio.nb
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05:27.30jonpryyeah, you need to take that apart as well
05:28.28ShapaTankdo you know how? lol
05:30.26arrrghhhWisTilt2, yea failed wakes definitely still present.  so hard to accurately state whether one kernel or another has more...
05:30.36arrrghhhgf is pulling her card tho
05:30.38arrrghhhso bedtime
05:31.09ShapaTanki have that program but i dunno how to extract further
05:33.59ShapaTankoh got it!
05:34.43ShapaTankim a little afraid though it says selct deivce and only diamond gsm is availbe and i selected the radio i extracted
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05:35.14ShapaTankyay writing amss.mbn
05:35.54ShapaTankk i have a bunch of mbn files now
05:37.14jonpryi think qmat/psas has some kind of uploader for the qcsbl serial port
05:37.27jonpryif not there is a qualcomm utility floating around out there
05:38.39ShapaTanknand? rom?
05:39.30jonpryi think its called qualcomm multiloader
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05:42.11grandrewomg phh is everywhere! [not quite soon though :]
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05:52.32ShapaTanknope dont see it, i think i gotta go to my xp side since the drivers on win 7 doesnt work
05:53.35ShapaTankgang flash applicaiton from qualcomm maybe?
05:54.34ShapaTankya i think htis is it
05:55.35ShapaTankdo i need to select the amss image file?
05:56.17ShapaTankdid u say something about qcsbl?
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12:36.09gauner1986~seen markinus
12:36.10aptmarkinus <~Miranda@> was last seen on IRC in channel #htc-linux, 10d 16h 45m 9s ago, saying: 'hi'.
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12:45.00Pr0zlib dir is only drivers ?
12:45.51gauner1986hi fakker
12:45.56gauner1986how is it?
12:46.46fakkergood, you?
12:49.01gauner1986yeah fine
12:49.42gauner1986just finished my interim report
12:49.45gauner198660 pages of blabla
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13:58.58jonpryShapaTank, you fix it?
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15:55.45C00Bhi guys
15:56.12C00Bi'm trying to adapt HTC battery driver for photon
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15:57.21C00Bcan you please help me on how to get the correct values for SMEM ?
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18:22.06Alex[sp3dev]GNUtoo|bug20: ping
18:22.52Alex[sp3dev]GNUtoo|bug20: i have not managed to get wl1251 working here yet, but i have managed to get it not to crash with irq and psm
18:23.39Alex[sp3dev]well, the code there is incorrect. it requests irq before the wl1251 core is initialized and isr panics. now wait, i'll show you some code
18:24.34Alex[sp3dev]the trouble is that set_irq_flags is not exported so you cannot use it in module
18:24.40Alex[sp3dev]now, you need to hack it ;)
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18:26.13Alex[sp3dev]in wl1251, in registering irq, after set_rq_type(wl->irq, IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING), comment the disable_irq(wl->irq) and in trout mmc setup, before registering wl1251 device or better before msm_add_sdcc(1, ..) add set_irq_flags(MSM_GPIO_TO_INT(29), IRQF_VALID | IRQF_NOAUTOEN);
18:29.54GNUtoo|bug20ok I
18:30.02GNUtoo|bug20ok I'll try it at once
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18:31.10Alex[sp3dev]so, what about shr right now? does sound work, is there ui for bt? could you briefly describe how power management works, namely, disabling devices to save power?
18:31.38GNUtoo|bug20ok I'll try it at once
18:31.59GNUtoo|bug20basically we use something called FSO for all device abstractions
18:32.35GNUtoo|bug20that includes power management
18:32.58GNUtoo|bug20for devices power management like wifi etc....
18:32.58GNUtoo|bug20it's handled by an fsodeviced plugin
18:33.01GNUtoo|bug20so 2 cases:
18:33.15GNUtoo|bug20or it's not standard and you need to code a plugin
18:33.28GNUtoo|bug20or it's already coded and you need to make a device configuraation file
18:33.38GNUtoo|bug20*only need to
18:33.47Alex[sp3dev]well, i may try shr some time later. now we're close to making android rom. LK bootloader works on my X1 and the hardware except wifi, camera focus and optical joystic works with 2.6.35, so it should not be long until it's done. and then i may try shr
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18:34.28GNUtoo|bug20I'll try to make PSM work and be back
18:46.43LordDeathseems like we have this bug too :(
18:46.57LordDeathand it was fixed in the kernel
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18:51.28LordDeathI hope one of the hd2 kernel hackers can fix it ^^
18:55.06Cotullabut looks like it related to Android developers
18:55.10Cotullanot to leo hackerzzz
18:55.41Alex[sp3dev]well, if i read that bug entry correctly, one just needs to enable a few config options..
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19:06.27DJWillisAnyone here got any pointers to the current status of PXA270 patches (HTC Athena is the source of my interest)? I know mainline is a little shot to f**k for the device but I as guessing there is some patches rotting in a tree somewhere.
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19:07.58Alex[sp3dev]i suppose,
19:10.20DJWillisAlex[sp3dev]:;a=summary :), missed that, I tend to start with mainline and work down, that looks promising, thanks.
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20:05.40arrrghhhWisTilt2, how goes it sir
20:07.01WisTilt2it's going:) tracing a gpio conflict at the moment
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20:08.59arrrghhhcool.  sorry i bugged out so abruptly last night..
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20:09.23WisTilt2np, dont want to get the gf pissed
20:11.39arrrghhhyea dude no joke... i'm here to test if you've got anything tho :D
20:12.28WisTilt2i have another kernel to test but want to fix this gpio problem so we can kill 2 birds
20:13.31WisTilt2phh: you around? proximity question for you
20:13.45phhWisTilt2: I know mostly nothing of proximity sensor ...
20:13.57WisTilt2lol you wrote it:)
20:14.18phhok, that was playing with one gpio, whose code still sounds totally stupid to me
20:14.30phhwell you can try
20:14.33WisTilt2any idea why when i enable it it triggers battery driver?  this is the output [BATT] HTC Battery Driver initialized
20:14.44WisTilt2it looks to be tied to same as batt
20:14.59phh(that's a no)à
20:15.09WisTilt2your code is fine, only a couple changes to make it work with the irq wake
20:15.26phhi have to reread the code.
20:16.12WisTilt2i cant see where battery is using anything close to this so puzzled why once prox is initialized it immediately fires off [BATT] HTC Battery Driver initialized
20:16.58WisTilt2only thing close i can see is Sapphire usb using same gpio
20:17.36phhWisTilt2: so it's really the pull up/pull down that enables/disables sensor ?
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20:18.12WisTilt2no, its always working, those states are what it controls so you just read pull up/down state
20:18.37WisTilt2like light sensor, always really on, just not enabled to the code if that makes sense
20:18.51phhhow do you disable it then ?
20:19.31WisTilt2have to have some kind of state in code to not read when disabled, the hw is always active
20:19.49WisTilt2or disable the irq i guess would do same
20:19.54phhyou can enable/disable the led
20:20.27WisTilt2hmm, well the prox is actually an ir chip so maybe you can pull up/down to power it off?
20:20.54phhthat's what I understood from the haret logs I got
20:21.11phhwell that was before I knew what pull up/down mean, so I did it blindly without understanding what the hell it could mean.
20:21.35WisTilt2well i have the logic working on input4, just its conflicting with htc_battery and i have no clue why at this point.
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20:25.12emweWisTilt2: hiho. just saw jb did a rhod prox commit. just some cleanup commit. dunno if there is something coming up later.
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20:27.08WisTilt2emwe: hmm, we really need to coordinate between all the devs who's working on what so people aren't re-inventing the wheel at the same time
20:28.02WisTilt2was his commit to the regular git tree or his own?
20:28.19emwehis own WisTilt2.
20:31.58arrrghhhi haven't seen jb here in forever
20:32.08arrrghhhor on the forums
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20:58.52WisTilt2arrrghhh: another pack if you want to try it out. mainly looking for failed wake issues on this one.
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21:06.26arrrghhhgonna quit to test kernel, bb
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21:18.44Alex[sp3dev]GNUtoo|laptop: so? tried wifi?
21:19.01GNUtoo|laptopyes I had an old compat wireless and it didn't work
21:19.05GNUtoo|laptopelp errors
21:19.11GNUtoo|laptopbut I'll retry with a recent
21:19.23GNUtoo|laptoplet me finish to try it cleanly
21:19.33GNUtoo|laptopbut the thing is that it really uses the irq
21:19.43Alex[sp3dev]so, it didn't crash, right?
21:19.58GNUtoo|laptopno crash
21:20.01GNUtoo|laptopjust no PSM yet
21:20.12GNUtoo|laptopbut it got furthurer than before
21:20.15GNUtoo|laptopit USED the IRQ
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21:20.43Alex[sp3dev]well, bad. that's too hackish and unreliable to rely on board code.. maybe we should then add this code to wl1251-sdio, but then we'll have to force modular build..
21:20.56Alex[sp3dev]i mean, non-modular
21:22.03GNUtoo|laptoplet me try first with a recent wl1251_sdio
21:26.02Pr0zsomeone wanna to answer few noobs question about android ?
21:26.18Alex[sp3dev]of course not. no one likes android here
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21:28.30Alex[sp3dev]GNUtoo|laptop: well, i have ideas how to rework the thing to be less hackish and modular, but let's leave it till the weekends. for now just try as is if you can
21:28.51GNUtoo|laptopok thanks a lot
21:29.54Alex[sp3dev]for me whenever i scan it says "no scan results". i managed to scan once. i guess i'm not setting gpio properly or there is a conflict between how wl1251 and mmc handle power. which version of wl1251 are you using?
21:30.43GNUtoo|laptopI've that
21:30.43GNUtoo|laptop[  179.193359] [<bf08a0e0>] (wl1251_free_hw+0x10/0x60 [wl1251]) from [<bf0a638c>] (wl1251_sdio_probe+0x13c/0x1d8 [wl1251_sdio])
21:30.44GNUtoo|laptop[  179.193420] [<bf0a638c>] (wl1251_sdio_probe+0x13c/0x1d8 [wl1251_sdio]) from [<c01fb9d0>] (sdio_bus_probe+0x68/0x74)
21:31.28GNUtoo|laptopor with
21:31.41Alex[sp3dev]well.. look the previous lines. looks like you forgot to build minstrel or some other mac80211 stuff
21:32.11Alex[sp3dev]or is it runtime pm?
21:32.34Alex[sp3dev]you forgot to fill the data in trout mmc?
21:32.57GNUtoo|laptopthat fails too
21:33.05GNUtoo|laptopbasically after that it does that:
21:33.22Alex[sp3dev]well, that shouldn't fail.. there should be something other
21:33.41DJWillisGNUtoo|laptop: What device are you using WL1251 on?
21:33.44GNUtoo|laptopwl1251_free_hw is only called from there
21:33.56GNUtoo|laptophi DJWillis I pushed slim in oe
21:34.08Alex[sp3dev]slim? is it the login manager?
21:34.44DJWillisAhh, so is that basically Bob's hacks on top of Kalle's mainline driver?
21:34.49DJWillisAlex[sp3dev]: yep.
21:35.06GNUtoo|laptopDJWillis, no bob's hack never worked
21:35.12GNUtoo|laptopbut I have part of it
21:35.16DJWillisGNUtoo|laptop: I noticed, thanks. I should have pushed it myself, thanks for tidying it up.
21:35.18GNUtoo|laptopbob's hack messed the .name
21:35.26GNUtoo|laptopwhich made it not use the .irq
21:35.36GNUtoo|laptopbecause the platform data passing didn't work
21:36.50DJWillisGNUtoo|laptop: ahh, yep, I have used it a lot on the G1 and WL1251 in a LOT of devices (I have small, nee tiny, patches in that driver). I seem to recall you need a fair bit of hacking for the platform data passing, maybe the way we do it for the OpenPandora would be better?
21:37.18DJWillisMind you, some of our patches went in via the board stuff for OMAP so not sure if it is in MSM
21:37.23GNUtoo|laptopI use the openpandora way
21:37.29Alex[sp3dev]GNUtoo|laptop: here is my mmc code just in case well, i have no ideas what may cause it to fail, i'll try commenting out power disable everywhere and putting power callbacks
21:37.40GNUtoo|laptopwe don't have enough mainline stuff to use mainline
21:37.44GNUtoo|laptopand I've no serial cable
21:37.50GNUtoo|laptopso until now I can't use mainline
21:37.56GNUtoo|laptopand I'm stuck to 2.6.32
21:38.02Alex[sp3dev]well, i think you can ;)
21:38.11Alex[sp3dev]fastboot it and then read the last_kmsg
21:38.28GNUtoo|laptopwhat's last_kmsg?
21:38.38Alex[sp3dev]last_kmsg shows ramconsole contents
21:38.45GNUtoo|laptopit's an implementation of md *(log_buffer_address) ?
21:38.56GNUtoo|laptopI never used ramconsole
21:39.07GNUtoo|laptopor rather always failed at using it
21:39.09Alex[sp3dev]well, i have to. no other way to debug
21:39.18Alex[sp3dev]and it's the only way to know the cause of oops or panic
21:39.22GNUtoo|laptopserial, but it's not cheap
21:39.29GNUtoo|laptopshipping + customs
21:39.35GNUtoo|laptop+ the sparkfun adapter
21:39.47Alex[sp3dev]not cheap? common.. my device doesn't have external serial at all
21:40.07Alex[sp3dev]serials adapters are like $10-$30
21:40.18Alex[sp3dev]you only need a micro usb plug
21:40.26GNUtoo|laptoplet me look
21:40.58GNUtoo|laptop10$95 + shipping(about 30E if I remember) + customs(no idea)
21:41.15GNUtoo|laptopI already tried twice with headsets and failed
21:41.23GNUtoo|laptopand that was not cheap either
21:41.28Alex[sp3dev]but i think it uses TTL levels so you'll need a level shifter which is like $2 at a radio shack. or you can look for some nokia cables which already contain level shifter
21:41.36GNUtoo|laptopttl is not a problem
21:41.48GNUtoo|laptopmax3232 should do the job
21:41.53GNUtoo|laptopaltough it's 2.8V
21:41.59GNUtoo|laptopnot 3.3
21:42.11GNUtoo|laptopanyway I can buy that
21:42.33GNUtoo|laptopso what should I do with this kzalloc?
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21:42.52Alex[sp3dev]well, no idea. i'll try to make wifi work on my side first
21:43.58DJWillisGNUtoo|laptop: lack of easy serial sucks with kernel hacking, I can relate to that, on the WL1251 front, I did some of those OpenPandora bits (with Notaz doing most of them), if I had not been up for 20hrs and in need of some sleep I would hang about and hack for a bit ;). Maybe later.
21:44.15GNUtoo|laptopI'm perfectly aware of it
21:44.29GNUtoo|laptopI waisted my mental health because I didn't order serial
21:44.43Alex[sp3dev]now order it to recover
21:45.17DJWillisGNUtoo|laptop: these days I don't tend to bother if I don't have serial (he says looking at the Athena he has been hacking on 'without serial' and failing).
21:45.23GNUtoo|laptopbasically I wanted to do an order with other stuff too
21:45.35GNUtoo|laptopso I waited
21:45.48GNUtoo|laptopand at the end I didn't order
21:45.55GNUtoo|laptopand I switched to other phones
21:45.58GNUtoo|laptoplike the n900
21:46.08GNUtoo|laptopaltough n900 is not perfect yet
21:46.11GNUtoo|laptopno telephony yet
21:46.13GNUtoo|laptopno gps yet
21:46.22Alex[sp3dev]basically i think next time i'll buy the device which has already mainlined or at least well supported SoC like omap4 or msm8660 which seems to have good drivers for x11 thanks to chromium os
21:46.46GNUtoo|laptopn900 has mainlined stuff
21:46.51Alex[sp3dev]it's old
21:46.52GNUtoo|laptoplots of mainline stuff
21:46.55GNUtoo|laptopI know
21:47.00GNUtoo|laptopit's not that old for me
21:47.11Alex[sp3dev]it's not old for you
21:47.21Alex[sp3dev]it's a waste of money for someone who doesn't own it
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21:47.35GNUtoo|laptopI prefer an easy device
21:47.44GNUtoo|laptopwhat other device would you advise for GNU/Linux?
21:48.17Alex[sp3dev]i think, any omap3 device is not hard.. and omap4 is not yet out
21:48.17GNUtoo|laptopbecause msm mainline work is slow
21:48.17Alex[sp3dev]msm will never mainline
21:48.17DJWillisNothing wrong with OMAP3 but OMAP4 and 5 are interesting but your going to have to deal with the trickle down from vendor BSP's for a few years yet for them before they are mainline good out of the box.
21:48.21Alex[sp3dev]because of google
21:49.25Alex[sp3dev]well, omap3 is fast, but dual-core SoCs are emerging and have much faster GPU. but on the other hand i doubt you can have opengl in linux for anything except omap
21:50.34DJWillisAlex[sp3dev]: well no, not easilly without a lot of pain and NDA type crap (and mess). Ti are about the best at getting ImgTech drivers into the community and they are not all that good ;)
21:51.22Alex[sp3dev]DJWillis: isn't it like you can rip the opengl for omap3 from n900?
21:52.05DJWillisAlex[sp3dev]: why the hell would you, you just get the open source shims and ask Ti for the driver, no need to hack it up ;).
21:52.52Alex[sp3dev]DJWillis: could you elaborate on it?
21:52.53DJWillisThat's exactly how I build the PowerVR drivers into the OpenPandora firmware, Ti will give anyone the bins these days, they even droped the need to reg. for them.
21:53.49DJWillisAlex[sp3dev]: you build the drivers from the Ti GFX SDK (the kernel shim source is in there) and package it all up and use it. Nothing to elaborate on, all very painless.
21:54.44Alex[sp3dev]nice. but i'm waiting for dual-core devices. either acer a501 or htc evo 3d.. whichever comes before my patience breaks
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21:55.43DJWillisAlex[sp3dev]: for the OMAP3/4 bits. Not a lot of use for MSM ;).
21:56.08DJWillisAnyway, I really am going to pass out so night guys.
21:56.39Alex[sp3dev]well, for msm you can have the driver from chromium.. but yes, msm coupled with google's forking the tree and htc writing crap is not a good idea. but on the other hand it is well-researched now
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22:30.32SiscoI have an HD2 semi-bricked, caused by flashing wrong country LEOIMG.nbh. Upon power up I get no screen, one quick vibrate, and USB appears as Qualcomm Interface 3197. How can I fix this? (I think it requires flashing the correct SPL)
22:31.03Alex[sp3dev]i'd say you need someone who can jtag it..
22:31.28Cotullatotally bricked. make n00by face and return it back.
22:31.43Cotullaif u still have warranty ofcourse :)
22:31.47SiscoHow can I find someone local who can jtag?
22:32.18Alex[sp3dev]ask local mobile shops.. you may be lucky if they have the equipment and latest omnia repair tool.. but chances are too low
22:32.21SiscoThe device appears in QDLtool and other applications. Why can't I fix this without jtag?
22:32.43Alex[sp3dev]because no one can sign images for qualcomm bootloader and no one knows how to send them to it
22:33.15SiscoI have the origional bootloader extracted from LEOIMG.nbh
22:33.37SiscoI only need the correct software to flash it :/
22:33.38Alex[sp3dev]yes, you 'only' need the sw
22:34.17jonpryqcom multiloader didn't work?
22:34.20Siscowell I think so.. they have made the software for other devices, why not this one?
22:34.38Alex[sp3dev]qualcomm multiloader being qpst?
22:35.22Siscojonpry: Which multiloader?
22:35.58jonpryor qpst
22:35.58jonprythat sounds better actually
22:36.02Alex[sp3dev]well, i think it may be worth a try
22:36.14Alex[sp3dev]but it may rely on specific amss version
22:36.40jonprythis is why i can't help you
22:37.13jonpryyeah its definitely sketchy
22:37.42jonpryhe did manage to extract amss.bin, which is like half the battle
22:38.30SiscoI used NBHExtract and got parition 00 through 07 I believe
22:38.59Alex[sp3dev]tbh.. i want to get myself a diamond or some other device and research jtag. maybe just disassemble qmat..
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22:41.42GNUtoo|laptopbasically I did
22:41.50GNUtoo|laptopifconfig wlan0 up
22:41.56GNUtoo|laptopiwconfig wlan0 power off
22:42.03GNUtoo|laptop/associate and dhcp
22:42.10GNUtoo|laptopiwconfig wlan0 power on
22:42.11odzarrrghhh how did the kernel test go?
22:42.25arrrghhhgood, seems to be better.
22:42.29Alex[sp3dev]GNUtoo|laptop: i recall there was some patch for error -110
22:42.35arrrghhhnot 100%, but wis has some tricks up his sleeve as usual.
22:42.48GNUtoo|laptopthis one:
22:42.55jonpryisn't nbhextract not good enough to get amss.bin? like it is scrambled or some crap
22:42.59GNUtoo|laptopI already have it
22:43.12Alex[sp3dev]huh. add printk to switchvdd. i guess mmc disables it
22:43.16GNUtoo|laptopor are you atlking about a new patch
22:43.35GNUtoo|laptopwhere is switchvdd?
22:43.51Alex[sp3dev]in trout.. ah, it may be called trout_wifi_power or sth like that
22:44.13Siscojonpry: I think that may be true because NBHextract is calling all the files besides OS and SPL, unknown
22:47.37GNUtoo|laptopI don't understand:
22:47.53GNUtoo|laptopbasically what disables trout_wifi_power? sdio.c?
22:48.30Alex[sp3dev]yes, trout mmc. via trout_wifi_power which is translate_vdd. maybe you should try with/without runtime pm patch for sd
22:49.40GNUtoo|laptopso basically I remove runtime PM in compat wireless
22:49.52Alex[sp3dev]well, maybe
22:50.00Alex[sp3dev]i wonder wtf it doesn't fucking scan
22:50.12Alex[sp3dev]i have commented out all code that could disable power, left only enablement
22:50.49GNUtoo|laptopI'll do that
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22:58.48GNUtoo|laptop[  181.928375] wl1251: ERROR sdio write failed (-84)
22:59.12Alex[sp3dev]yep. looks like something's killing power
22:59.42GNUtoo|laptopI'll look harder
22:59.58GNUtoo|laptopfor scanning
23:00.00GNUtoo|laptoplet me remember
23:00.17GNUtoo|laptopit can't scan while associated with old code
23:00.20GNUtoo|laptopit can with new
23:00.27Alex[sp3dev]it is not associated
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23:04.06C00Bhi guys
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23:05.30C00Bim trying to fix a battery driver on htc photon, android port from wince
23:06.03C00Bsmem data is not allocated by a9
23:06.15C00Bthus cannot get any batt info
23:06.18Alex[sp3dev]disassemble wince driver and be happy
23:06.45C00Byes i did but... difficulties to understand. i use ida pro
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23:07.05C00Bdo you think i should use DEX ?
23:07.12Alex[sp3dev]well. either you overcome the difficulties yourself.. or.. no way out
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23:07.55Alex[sp3dev]you could ask me to look into it on friday.. but maybe Cotulla knows, he could probably be too lazy to do that
23:08.38Alex[sp3dev]now i start to think i'm using heretical wireless tools and libnl
23:08.40Alex[sp3dev]gotta untar SHR
23:08.57Cotullauntar it! untar it, baby!
23:09.20Alex[sp3dev]whoa. does it excite you>
23:09.39CotullaI am joking
23:09.55Alex[sp3dev]ok, it excites me then. fap-fap-fap
23:10.35Cotullahow is X1, Alex?
23:10.45C00Bmmm thanks anyway alex. do you have any useful link i could get more info on this?
23:11.27Alex[sp3dev]Cotulla: well. todos are camera focus, optical joystick and fm radio (not that i want to do fm radio). i need to clean up the bootloader and release it so other devs can use it. basically i think i'm ready to go nand
23:11.50Alex[sp3dev]Cotulla: i feel like i need another msm7200A device. X1 is my phone, among other things
23:12.05Cotullaboss wanna send me x1 too  :o
23:12.09Cotullabut looks nothing to do :D
23:12.16Alex[sp3dev]well. send it to me ;)
23:12.55Alex[sp3dev]well, you can try fixing camera focus, it's been driving me really crazy...
23:13.25Cotullawhat about power drain?
23:13.33Alex[sp3dev]oh.. don't ask me about it
23:14.18Alex[sp3dev]what about power drain on rhod, btw?
23:15.00Cotullain my .32 still problems with PC
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23:15.17Alex[sp3dev]btw. i've been playing with overclocking plls. got 24.5 fps in neocore (as opposed to 16.5 default). unfortunately that won't be stable for everyone. i wonder whether i should make a 'gaming mode' o allow to reboot to hvga resolution
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23:16.19ftozIs there some specialist to build kernel?
23:16.32Alex[sp3dev]yeah, you need a certified linux programmer to do that
23:16.33Cotullawith mddi stretch?
23:16.45Alex[sp3dev]Cotulla: yep
23:17.04CotullaI know dmd can hardware enable double pixeling
23:17.07Alex[sp3dev]Cotulla: i think on kovs/blac/raph800 we can use the epson controller to do stretching
23:17.12ftozI am trying to build kernel for msm7200
23:17.22Alex[sp3dev]ftoz: which device?
23:17.29ftozbut not see to boot console
23:17.42Cotulladmd have sharp
23:17.42ftozhtc shift msm side
23:18.00ftozneed set some gpios?
23:18.14Alex[sp3dev]oh.. that's unknown to me. ask cmonex on xda-devs
23:18.20Alex[sp3dev]if she's still alive ;)
23:19.02ftozi have lcd inir sequence
23:19.02Cotullaso Alex generally nothing to do on X1?
23:19.10ftozbut still not boot
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23:20.04Cotullashift... there 64 ram only
23:20.07Cotullaor no
23:20.19Alex[sp3dev]Cotulla: yeah, like that. i think i can do it in 2 weeks, except camera focus. but if i have some time, i can do it
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23:21.08Alex[sp3dev]Cotulla: well, actually most X1 stuff is userland now. need to fix ppp and gps on 35.. because i'm not using some hacks of 27 like remapping smd channels
23:21.14ftozneed i set come gpios before booting?
23:21.42Alex[sp3dev]ftoz: for the start just try to build a minimal image with only framebuffer and nothing else
23:22.25ftozi have it but not see boot
23:22.25Cotullaso I won't stole ur fun
23:22.32Alex[sp3dev]thank you
23:23.03ftozbut shift has maybe problem with lcd controller switch
23:23.26Alex[sp3dev]ftoz: disassembly if the only way. not many people own shift..
23:23.34ftozthere is switch between x86 s msm
23:23.47Cotullashift... each time I want to miss one char
23:23.50GNUtoo|laptopAlex[sp3dev], I've disabled runtime PM and still no go:
23:24.08Alex[sp3dev]Cotulla: yeah, HTC shit.. the essence of htc today
23:24.24Cotullait's nice idea
23:24.27ftozif i run haret, all the memory seting from wince is overwrite?
23:24.29Cotullabut hardware not
23:24.40CotullaI wanna have all hardware connected to both sides
23:24.46Cotullaor at least two SD slots
23:24.49Cotullaand etc
23:24.52Cotullaand more ram
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23:25.11Cotullaif I can, I builded such device for myself long time ago :)
23:25.37GNUtoo|laptopnote that it works without PSM
23:25.38Alex[sp3dev]it's a stupid idea.. either an x86 with low power or a powerful arm soc will do the job... but on shift htc didn't even ship the full winmobile, they locked it to dialer
23:25.51Cotullanot very stupid...
23:25.53Alex[sp3dev]GNUtoo|laptop: what's the conclusion? PSM is heresy?
23:25.57GNUtoo|laptopno idea
23:26.05Alex[sp3dev]GNUtoo|laptop: steal firmware and nvs from n900
23:26.06GNUtoo|laptopI tought you knew that stuff
23:26.15GNUtoo|laptopor from cyanogen
23:26.23GNUtoo|laptopok will steal n900 firmwaer
23:26.26GNUtoo|laptopit's even online
23:26.39Alex[sp3dev]where? i'm searching as well
23:26.54GNUtoo|laptopmeego repos
23:26.57Alex[sp3dev]fakker: privet... kak ono?
23:27.02fakkerkak dela
23:27.23fakkeri talked on telephone with pizda, i am ok
23:27.47Alex[sp3dev]wow? do you have a phone for c*nt?
23:28.01Cotullawho put it there
23:28.06fakkershe did
23:28.18Alex[sp3dev]was it hd2?
23:28.20fakkerstupid russian blyadina
23:28.22Alex[sp3dev]because it vibrated?
23:28.42fakkercarry on dev, i let you carry on
23:28.48fakkeryou have my permission
23:28.50ftozi have new dissassembly photos of shift
23:29.06Alex[sp3dev]fakker: don't even think of fucking up my laptop again
23:29.15ftozand chips number too
23:29.22fakkerAlex[sp3dev], pizda did that for you , ahhahahahaha
23:29.42Alex[sp3dev]fakker: i'll turn your ass into a pizda for that
23:30.03fakkerAlex[sp3dev], my ass won't make babies... keep trying :P
23:30.28Alex[sp3dev]fakker: that's an advantage.. we can cut down on condoms
23:30.44fakkerAlex[sp3dev], unless you want to stay clean... sure - i will also tell everyone you shoot blanks
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23:32.12fakkerSo, Russia went +2 instead of +1 for summer?
23:32.44Alex[sp3dev]who told you that
23:32.52Alex[sp3dev]you were not supposed to know
23:32.55fakkerold co-worker
23:33.00fakkerno, UK almost did same thing
23:33.02Alex[sp3dev]is he gay?
23:33.07fakkerbut yes
23:34.06fakkerwe do not give Russia the satisfaction
23:34.42Alex[sp3dev]we're quite satisfied here
23:39.32SiscoHow can I get my IMEI/ESN via adb?
23:48.46GNUtoo|laptopAlex[sp3dev], do you really think it's the firmware?
23:49.02GNUtoo|laptopbecause it worked with the android tiwlan driver
23:49.32Alex[sp3dev]GNUtoo|laptop: it's 4 am and i am not thinking at all
23:50.01GNUtoo|laptopthat's what I thought
23:50.13Alex[sp3dev]i'm just trying to copy stuff from 38 to make it work.. something subtle feels broken.. so hard to debug..
23:50.13GNUtoo|laptopnot the 4am
23:50.17GNUtoo|laptopbut that you told it like that
23:50.22GNUtoo|laptopwithout thinking a lot
23:51.56*** join/#htc-linux Segnale007 (
23:51.56GNUtoo|laptopof course nvs can make a difference between not working and working
23:52.03GNUtoo|laptoplike if you take the nvs from n900
23:52.12GNUtoo|laptopinstead of extracting from android
23:52.20Alex[sp3dev]yes, but the fw.. on the other hand, our fw (6.x) is newer
23:52.37GNUtoo|laptopI've older ones
23:52.37Alex[sp3dev]yes, and why?
23:52.48Alex[sp3dev]well, i tried with 4.x as well
23:52.49GNUtoo|laptop[  133.602905] wl1251: firmware booted (Rev
23:52.51Alex[sp3dev]same shit
23:53.00GNUtoo|laptopwhere can I get 6.x?
23:53.25Alex[sp3dev]take the one from X1
23:54.53GNUtoo|laptopI'll go to sleep
23:54.57GNUtoo|laptopI'll do that tomorrow
23:55.03GNUtoo|laptopbut I think the IRQ is working
23:55.05GNUtoo|laptopbut not PSM
23:55.30Alex[sp3dev]the truth is out there
23:55.46GNUtoo|laptopthanks a lot
23:56.41*** join/#htc-linux jonpry (~jon@

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