IRC log for #htc-linux on 20110312

00:00.40*** join/#htc-linux Rajko (~Rajko@2001:470:1f0b:728:a0c1:ec16:3826:7162)
00:01.12arrrghhhWisTilt2, <---- full dmesg
00:02.01WisTilt2you have autobl off again also
00:02.13arrrghhhfresh boot, didn't check it
00:02.43arrrghhhWisTilt2, that is "fixed" tho now, right?
00:03.02WisTilt2yeah you can run manual, just saying your log shows its off
00:03.24WisTilt2notice you dont get those microp crashes in manual anymore
00:03.28Alex[sp3dev]setprop wlan.driver.status "ok"
00:03.32Alex[sp3dev]now that's a cheat
00:05.02Alex[sp3dev]E/WifiHW  ( 1442): Unable to open connection to supplicant on "foo0": No such file or directory
00:05.19arrrghhhWisTilt2, heh no but that's good :D
00:05.31WisTilt2i need to look further into that.  it has to be some wake lock time that changes after some event.
00:05.44arrrghhhwhat else do you want us to test?
00:05.50arrrghhhi can't really simulate bad service.
00:05.57arrrghhhunless you were serious about the microwave thing
00:06.32WisTilt2thats it, ril data was the main thing unless you can get bad signal data.  yes serious about microwave, should knock signal down a bunch
00:07.07arrrghhhlol ok
00:07.07arrrghhh20 mins on high?  :P
00:07.07WisTilt2and jonpry saying wrap in foil is actually good also
00:13.48arrrghhhalright gonna pull it and get you another radio log
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00:22.23WisTilt2arrrghhh: got your signal down pretty low there but it stayed connected.  good data though
00:23.34jonpryWisTilt2, i think i got a ramconsole from an sod. the kind that happen in airplane mode
00:23.36arrrghhhWisTilt2, awesome!  let me know if you want moar.
00:24.14WisTilt2jonpry: sounds juicy!  must see
00:24.36jonprydoes light turn orange before or after autobl?
00:24.52WisTilt2on boot you mean?
00:25.20jonpryon wake
00:25.33WisTilt2let me look
00:25.35jonprythink glemsom. green == sleep
00:26.58WisTilt2actually, autobl is always on now if enabled.   my last commit doesnt have the microp resume anymore i believe
00:27.10jonpryafaict the thing woke up
00:27.28jonpryuserland and whole deal, but light was still green
00:28.13jonpryor not, i can't make heads or tails
00:28.32jonprylittered with garbage :p
00:28.39arrrghhhmost SoD's are
00:28.55arrrghhhsometimes they're botched so bad there's nothing useful...
00:28.59jonprynah debug printks
00:29.36jonprybut it looks like it woke up at 9719.670806
00:29.40WisTilt2looks like it began about 1.5 mins before it crashed
00:29.57jonpryi reset it eventually
00:30.01jonprycause i thought it was dead
00:30.24WisTilt2i wonder if there is something with clocks at times when a11 comes back up, that's kind of what this looks like
00:30.41jonprythe laps between 9719 and 9182 is strange
00:31.02jonpryshould be logging every 5 seconds
00:31.25WisTilt2oh, you're not correcting timestamps yet.  that should have continued with the previous time
00:31.48WisTilt2and whats with line 2694
00:32.19jonpryit looks like 9182
00:32.38WisTilt2yeah but it shouldnt be missing 3 chars [ 9
00:32.52jonpryits probably missing a lot more, hence the jump in time
00:32.58jonprylike -1000 or something
00:33.19WisTilt2are you suspending arm11 or full power collapse
00:33.29jonprysleep_mode = 1
00:33.48WisTilt2autobuild code with no mods to pm?
00:34.56jonprythere is quickwake in pm subsystem though.
00:35.37WisTilt2this is the first actual dump from a sod.  the fact that time is missing, along with characters, thats a start in where to look
00:36.18WisTilt2quickwake isnt doing it i dont think.  i bet this would be the same logs from most sod's, we've just never seen them
00:36.36jonpryits almost like its running, but something has gone terribly wrong
00:36.40arrrghhhdropbox isn't a good method?
00:37.02WisTilt2dropbox doesnt get updated when sod happens
00:37.41jonpryWisTilt2, it seems obvious to me that the write pointer has been clobbered, or otherwise lost, ram refresh failure?
00:37.55jonprylook at garbage at beginning and end
00:38.04jonpryDBGC ?
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00:38.12jonprythats new
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00:38.27jonpryfirst couple bytes of ram console are the write pointer
00:38.58jonpryfrom there, ramconsole may actually be able to clobber the whole rest of kernel
00:43.34WisTilt2moving ramconsole do any good? its right under the base of smi2
00:43.57jonprydidn't you try that?
00:44.09WisTilt2mine is running in smi2 now on my test kernel
00:44.26jonpryin smi2?
00:44.27WisTilt2arrrghhh virtually never gets sod's and he's been running it a long time
00:44.49WisTilt2yes, i found an area that doesnt get hit by anything in smi2
00:45.30WisTilt2you want the address so you can stick it in your kernel?
00:45.49WisTilt2ok standby
00:46.08arrrghhhWisTilt2, how long is your list of commits now?  :P
00:46.17arrrghhhyou've been fixing sooo many things.
00:49.13arrrghhhWisTilt2, so your new RIL... it seems like we need someone who had reproducible SoD's
00:49.23arrrghhhi have at least one dude that can produce them on command hehe
00:50.05arrrghhhor are you wanting to wait until you flesh out the code more from our logs?
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00:53.07odzwould like to test
00:54.01jonprymine is overclocked, is that correlated with sod?
00:54.37arrrghhhhow much?
00:54.45arrrghhhhow much you juicin
00:54.49jonpry718 or something
00:54.53arrrghhhroid raging
00:55.13arrrghhhdisable it, see what happens
00:55.20arrrghhhi don't OC anymore really
00:55.52jonprywhy not?
00:55.59jonpryarrrghhh, are you sleep_mode=1?
00:56.29arrrghhhno OC tho
00:56.43jonpryand you got no sod while running scbs?
00:56.57jonpryand it was sleeping?
00:56.58arrrghhhnot a one
00:57.05arrrghhhgetting great battery life too
00:57.16jonpryhmm, then sod for you is impossible
00:57.23arrrghhhnot necessairly
00:57.26jonpryit probably woke up 10,000 times
00:57.29arrrghhhgot one driving thru glenwood canyon
00:57.42arrrghhhyea i ran it all night
00:58.22jonpryi can only get like 5 minutes of sleep before its caput
00:59.00arrrghhhdamn no joke?  that's weird.
00:59.05arrrghhhi didn't try it in airplane mode...
00:59.10WisTilt2jonpry: sorry phone again.  i have ramconsole running at smi2+22.  that works on rhod 300-500 as we tested but your 210 might not so you should be safe at smi2+1 since it's small.
00:59.38jonpryok, will try
01:00.32WisTilt2jonpry: 718 is pushing it.  700 works ok on mine but probs at times so ive been running 614400 forever now with no issues.
01:01.47WisTilt2arrrghhh: going to glean through the log data and wont put out a test ril until we get more stuff coded.
01:01.57arrrghhhWisTilt2, makes sense.
01:02.08arrrghhhi just can't replicate SoD due to service very well
01:02.17arrrghhhso... i'm not the best test case there.
01:02.32arrrghhhas much as i love testing :D
01:03.11WisTilt2i actually thought a bit ago that all our fiber equipment is in our building's basement and i have virtually no service down there so going to try it down there.
01:04.04arrrghhhdon't hang out down there much huh?
01:04.18WisTilt2jonpry: that 22 is 22megs i assume you already know
01:04.32WisTilt2didnt really make that clear
01:04.44phhMiB of course ? :D
01:05.38jonpryWisTilt2, i kind of figure it wasn't 2 bytes or anything
01:06.56jonpryi'm messing with lower clock atm. so far no sod
01:07.29jonpryi wonder if we need to ramp up clock on resume
01:07.57jonprythats how smart reflex works on ti
01:08.00phhbecause they are ramped down on suspend ?
01:08.28jonpryno because pmic can't throttle the voltage yet
01:08.55jonprythey have some mechanism for raising the voltage when it appears that the device won't be able to work at the current clock rate
01:09.14jonprybut if you go jumping from off to 600mhz, that stuff isn't going to work
01:12.50phhwell, what I thought at some point, is that resume might reset PLL from <cpu freq> to 1048 (don't remember the proper value)
01:12.53phhso cpu running at this speed
01:12.55phhand boom :D
01:13.34arrrghhhset it to 2048
01:13.37arrrghhhand then come talk to me.
01:13.58jonpryphh: sounds like a good theory
01:14.17phhjonpry: that was an actual problem when porting O/C to android devices
01:14.32WisTilt2didnt bzo's pll patch fix that possibility so it couldnt happen?
01:14.40phhI don't remember precisely, but I had to rewrite PLL frequency on every cpu frequency change or something
01:15.27jonpryargh, sod at 614mhz
01:16.17phhjonpry: try at 500MHz with overclock option to confirm.
01:16.25phhwell freezing at 614MHz is definitely not normal :p
01:17.22jonpryphh: its like accelerated aging. wakes up every 5 seconds
01:22.02jonpryso in this log, its almost like it failed to go back to sleep. just processor randomly hung
01:23.39jonprynever gets to htc_pwrsink
01:24.14jonpryphh, is there an underclock?
01:24.24phhjonpry: what do you mean ?
01:24.36jonprycan i force it to run at 300mhz?
01:24.46phhwith modded PLL or not ?
01:25.06jonprysimple is better
01:25.27phhso with normal clocks ? just write 300 to cpufreq_max_freq or something like that somewhere in /sys
01:26.02jonprywhen it resumes will it use that?
01:27.32jonpryphh: you should go ahead and push the scbs patch :p
01:27.48phhthe setting should be kept yes
01:27.58phhjonpry: tell acl :p
01:28.06phhi haven't even seen your patch actually
01:28.11phhah or that's mostly userland stuff ?
01:28.20jonpryacl doesn't like to push anything. he says ask phh
01:28.33jonpryits and interface for userland stuff
01:28.44jonpryrequired some hacking of kernel
01:28.55arrrghhhjonpry, did you get it all automatic-like?
01:29.20phhjonpry: yeah well i'd like to see that userland stuff :p
01:29.21jonpryno, but that is a userland problem
01:30.34arrrghhhoh lol
01:31.18jonpryonly scaling_max_freq is rw
01:32.15phhjonpry: yeah that's that one
01:34.22jonpryphh i have binaries
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01:35.09phhluenberg is a friend of kalman ?
01:36.01jonpryit works on the good :p
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01:38.58jonpryhi bzo
01:39.20bzohi jonpry
01:41.28phhjonpry: could you link me again the kernel patch for scbs ?
01:41.56jonpryphh: i sent it to the ml, its not posted anywhere atm
01:42.10phhah that was on the ml, ok
01:45.10phhjonpry: ah that patch is to get me is a slow-motion heart attack ? :D
01:46.02phh1.enabled only for rhod
01:46.10phh2.not an option (ok that's not critical)
01:47.09phh3.deleting some mutex ?
01:47.21emweuh... what is that makes boot so much slower when acpuclock and pm debug is enabled!?
01:47.28stinebdemwe go to bed!
01:47.48emwelol is that change in pm.c ? isn't that one of our big problems ? :D
01:49.03phh5.msmrtc_rewake.... really ? i'm pretty sure there is a proper api for that
01:49.08jonpry3. the mutex's are all messed up in htc_battery. you pushed that garbage in the beginning :p
01:49.33phhi did some battery code ?
01:49.40jonpryi just removed some useless ones that were botching the whole deal
01:49.49jonpryno its camro's but you pushed it
01:50.03jonpryhe's got mutexes guarding things like x = y
01:50.07phhthat's what you cann "beginning"
01:50.46phhthat was quite the end for me :D
01:50.51phhand yeah, I never understood that code
01:51.00jonpryand then there are mutexes that start in one subroutine, and get closed in a different one
01:51.10phhreally ?
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01:51.27jonpryyeah thats why the deletion look so weird
01:51.44phha patch in a patch \o/
01:51.54stinebddouble diffing
01:53.38phhjonpry: well my only real concern is concerning the waking up thing, it seems to me you wake up every 5 seconds ? and you might conflict with android own control
01:53.45jonprythe change to pm.c may not be necessary, but seemed like a good idea
01:54.04phhit sounds so yes
01:54.12jonpryphh that only happens if scbs userland is running
01:54.55jonpryand i haven't experienced any troubles with. android doesn't seem to require that the phone be sleeping for any particular time. its just forces it to be awake
01:55.14phhthe aim is that scbs always run no ?
01:55.21phhor i totally misunderstood your code ?
01:56.30jonpryyeah, that is the goal. but until userland is distributed, its not like its going to break the build
01:56.44jonpryyou don't like msm_rtc_rewake?
01:57.30jonpryi thought it was a good idea because it is called when the phone is not actually awake or sleeping
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01:57.50jonpryas opposed to the other functions which may assume the phone is in some sane state
01:58.03jonpryi don't roll well with sane
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02:02.02phhwhy not use RTC's set_alarm function for instance ?
02:02.05phhi think there are even higher level functions
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02:03.02phhhaha. higher level functions are only available to userspace
02:03.03phhthanks android
02:04.23jonpryi guess the trouble was that i had to clobber alarm time to use msmrtc_suspend
02:04.42jonpryand suspend is actually only available as a pm function
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02:05.51jonpryhow stupid is that :p
02:05.56jonpryi gtg
02:06.21phhjonpry: i wonder how this code can actually work
02:06.30phhit seems to me android overwrites the rtc alarm at suspend
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03:12.58jonpryphh: there?
03:14.12jonpryguess he does not like my patch
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03:17.12dcordesjonpry: send to mailing list ?
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03:22.18jonprydcordes, i sent it yesterday
03:22.23jonpryand nobody liked it then either
03:23.10jonprythen phh started ranting, and i had to cower and run.
03:24.13jonpryhrm, like a thousand sleeps at 300mhz
03:24.59jonpryarrrghhh, you hearing that :p
03:25.40rpierce99he's not getting sods
03:25.45jonprymy sod problem is gone at 300mhz
03:26.21arrrghhhlol wtf
03:27.48rpierce99wishes he didn't have to click ok 18000 times to restore from backups
03:27.52jonpryer, scbs wasn't running
03:28.05arrrghhhactually paid for TB.....
03:29.41jonpryeverybody wants 300mhz
03:30.41jonpryanyone try turning off proximity? this looks kind of bad.     5.002136] Unbalanced IRQ 154 wake disable
03:30.49arrrghhhi didn't realize you could force acpu down that low lol
03:32.07jonpryi did it with scaling_max_freq but i have no idea how/when/if its working
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03:32.44jonprymaybe bzo likes my patch better
03:33.25bzohaven't really looked at it yet
03:33.49jonpryphh said it almost have him a heart attack
03:34.18bzolol, I suppose all that waking looks a little scary
03:36.38dcordesjonpry: where di you send it ?
03:36.51jonpryxdandroid ml
03:37.31arrrghhhjb just sent his BT patches thar as well
03:37.42arrrghhhbzo's gonna be busy :D
03:37.53arrrghhho lord of the commit
03:38.00dcordesI still don't see the reason for the isolated 7kA specific development processes
03:38.05jonpryits a little early, but i can't manage to get sod at 300mhz yet. or for that matter a slow or failed wake
03:38.36dcordesjonpry: how does it help excluding the reviews from people who work with other platforms ?
03:38.52bzoarrrghhh: I still have an unpushed front key backlight patch from jb as well
03:39.06arrrghhhfor all RHOD's?
03:39.26bzoshould be, don't think it is sensitive to rhod variant
03:39.32jonprydcordes: it doesn't help anything, but it allows our phone to move forward
03:39.37bzoonly problem is that it doesn't work for the end key
03:39.41arrrghhhi thought wistilt2 ran into an issue
03:40.27bzoit's retarded, the first 3 keys are mapped like a keyboard key, the end key is a separate gpio button
03:40.57dcordesjonpry: yes and it allows peter to become lead guitarist and funding maintainer ...
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03:43.04jonprydcordes, that link is broken. and i don't catch your drift
03:43.49jonpryshould i post to arm-llkml. the people who have refused all patches submitted in the past 10 years?
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03:45.09arrrghhhbzo, ah i remember hearing you (er seeing you) talk about that
03:45.57bzojonpry: think that fixes that unbalanced irq thing you were talking about?
03:46.19dcordesjonpry: we have the mobile-linux discuss list which is also subscribed by people who don't have your msm7ka device
03:47.12jonpryoh. somebody signed me up for xdandroid, and then messages regarding patches started coming in, so i started making my own
03:47.47dcordesjonpry: it's obvious that most of our (all non-official msm/qsd kernels) don't have much potential for mainline.. it's not needed to upstream everything but I also think it makes no sense to go the other exterme and have the development in a very small circle only coping with one or few machines
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03:48.30dcordesjonpry: hence this channel, the wiki and all the other infrastructure without device specific restrictions
03:49.10dcordesit's not #htc-linux-msm7xxxA or
03:49.26dcordescause it wouldn't make no sense
03:49.39jonprybut xdandroid-dev it msm7k specific?
03:50.00dcordesthese things existed.. #htcblueangel, vogue etc. but have less potential
03:50.07dcordesbecause they are restricting.
03:50.58jonprysoon everyone will be using scbs. it will ship on native android devices :p
03:51.09arrrghhhlol jonpry
03:51.13dcordesjonpry: I don't even know the website claims it is about 'a series' of devices but it always seemed to me it's raphael & friends only
03:51.28dcordesi.e. 7ka
03:51.45fakkerup early, or late dcordes?
03:51.46arrrghhhdcordes, we support a boatload of devices, but you're right they're all msm7k
03:53.18dcordesfakker: early if you will. but I will go for further nap :P
03:54.03jonpryneed to find an overachiever like camro to go figure out the scaling factor for all supported devices
03:54.31arrrghhhthat's what phh meant when he said it'll only work for RHOD huh
03:54.56jonpryi dunno, it should work on all devices
03:55.13dcordesjonpry: anyway just wanted to point you to the mobile-linux-discuss [[Mailing_Lists]] if you like extra review
03:55.23jonpryyou just have to run it with scbs -cf -vf
03:55.27jonprydcordes, i am signed up
03:56.29jonpryi have been signed up apparently
03:56.47arrrghhhlol, against your will
03:57.24jonprythe trouble is that the last 2 messages were 4 months ago:     * Einladung in mein Netzwerk auf LinkedIn   Lukas-David Gorris via LinkedIn
03:57.36bzoI think I'm going to sign up jonpry to some lists of interest to me
03:58.40jonprythe good news is that sending it there would offer about the same chance of commit as xdandroid-dev
04:01.15bzoI think due to the nature of the change, it's gonna take some time for people to get comfortable with it
04:01.56jonprylike most things, they will only get confortable with it, when they realize they have been running it for weeks
04:02.46bzoseriously though, you ought to get it wistilt's kernel tests
04:02.57bzoerrr, get it into...
04:03.34jonprywe need to get 300mhz out to the people. its awesome
04:03.44jonpryalmost as good as turning off JIT
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04:04.08jonpryarrrghhh, can you contact the guy that SOD's on command and get him on 300mhz?
04:04.24arrrghhhhow did you do it again?
04:04.33arrrghhhhe's actually in #xdandroid right now ironically
04:04.37bzoI am looking forward to getting the new battery stuff in, the results sound impressive
04:05.56arrrghhhhe uses an airave, and older one and he said it SoD's it on command basically
04:06.20jonpryarrrghhh, echo 300000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq
04:06.28dcordesjonpry: the question is where you want to put the code
04:06.34bzoand for once we'll be getting some cutting edge stuff instead of some hand me downs from somewhere else
04:06.38arrrghhhjonpry, poop
04:07.35jonprybzo: it seems to work pretty well. you can try it if your looking to waste some time
04:08.35bzoI do plan try it
04:08.48jonprywhat is airave?
04:09.13bzofor sprint
04:09.23arrrghhhgives better service to people that have shitty service
04:09.31arrrghhhinside buildings etc
04:09.48bzoand another opportunity to charge you
04:09.51arrrghhhin theory it helps in rural areas as well
04:09.59arrrghhhbzo, oh yea.  but in some cases they give 'em out for free
04:10.14bzodon't they count minutes/data the same as being on their network?
04:10.14arrrghhhif you bitch about service at your house, and you're supposed to be in the service area
04:10.18arrrghhhthey'll hand 'em out
04:10.27arrrghhhit's just a booster for the existing network, so yes
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04:10.44bzoI thought it routed everything through your broadband
04:10.48arrrghhhjust improves signal on your phone by grabbing signal and boosting it
04:10.50arrrghhhnot sprint's
04:10.52arrrghhhthat's tmo
04:10.55arrrghhhwifi calling
04:11.03arrrghhhthat uses minutes too, for some god awful reason.
04:11.11arrrghhhdifferent thingy tho ;)
04:11.19bzooh, the sprint thing is a relay?
04:12.30jonpryand this airave is blowing his shit up?
04:13.00arrrghhhcauses SoD's like crazy
04:13.05arrrghhhsimilar to bad cell service tho
04:13.12arrrghhhwhich isn't really your type of SoD it seems
04:13.17jonprymaybe the trouble is output power
04:13.19arrrghhhcuz you're in airplane mode the whole time right?
04:13.32arrrghhhthese might not be the same SoD
04:13.36arrrghhhthere could be multiple causes...
04:13.45arrrghhhwistilt2 in theory has fixed it in his new RIL
04:13.55arrrghhhwhich i also want this dude to test, but wistilt isn't wanting to release
04:14.04jonpryi'm thinking it turns up the output in bad areas. putting lots of rf in the power supply
04:14.59jonpryand you just can't run it that fast coming out of sleep. no power yet, no heat, all bad
04:15.21arrrghhhcan't we wake it "slowly"?
04:15.26arrrghhhramp up proc?
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04:15.34jonpryyeah if you can confirm fix, we can do something
04:15.47arrrghhhyou seem to get a lot of 'em
04:16.06arrrghhhif fishingmedic can as well, that would be interesting.
04:16.32jonprycould be celebration time
04:16.51arrrghhhso many fixes
04:17.11jonpryi've notice that at 300mhz, i have to hold power for over 1 second to wake
04:17.19jonpryat 500, its an instant press
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04:18.36WisTilt2arrrghhh are you really still in here or just a ghost?
04:19.06odzhes here
04:19.13arrrghhhblow my cover
04:19.21arrrghhhWisTilt2, wassup
04:19.39WisTilt2did my duties and took wife out for dinner so play time.  are you currently running my ril setup?
04:19.47arrrghhhyup ypu
04:20.12jonpryWisTilt2, i think i have fixed sod
04:20.16WisTilt2can you do me a favor and logcat and grep for triggering: 75 and see how many you have?
04:20.38WisTilt2fixed the weak signal sod?  how
04:21.18WisTilt2? locked cpu to 300mhz or still scaling?
04:21.38jonpryi have some flashy delusional theory about why it happens on low signal
04:21.53WisTilt2how would that stop sod?
04:22.09WisTilt2unless cpu goes full on out of sleep i dont see how
04:22.20arrrghhhWisTilt2, i don't know what's in this thing, but it is SO freakin fast.
04:22.40WisTilt2its my turbo kernel
04:22.47jonprywell its cold and power is not fully ramped, and pll isn't stable, so trying to hit the gates at 500mhz is not going to work
04:23.15arrrghhhWisTilt2, I never see Triggering:75....
04:23.26WisTilt2space after : i believe
04:23.43arrrghhhthey're all Triggering:61, 57, 45, etc
04:25.07arrrghhhi even grepp'ed for 75, nothing that has triggering
04:25.10WisTilt2jonpry: yeah i agree.  doesnt cpu out of sleep start at bottom 2xxmhz whatever and ramp up?  if its going full on that will cause problems, especially if sleeping long and nice and cooled down components
04:25.25WisTilt2arrrghhh: any 27's?
04:26.09arrrghhhno 27's either
04:26.20arrrghhhlot's of 61's
04:26.26WisTilt2how long you been running this ril since last boot?
04:27.06jonpryWisTilt2, i think it ramps but i am not sure how fast or really anything about how that works
04:28.01bzothere is some control over how quickly it ramps
04:28.05WisTilt2need to add a delay out of sleep that limits scaling to a set point until X time has passed
04:28.09arrrghhhWisTilt2, a little over 4 and 1/2 hrs
04:28.15bzoin the userland init, it is set more aggressive than default
04:28.54WisTilt2arrrghhh: let it run over night if possible and see if any 75's ever show up
04:29.34WisTilt2bzo, out of sleep does it always start at lowest clock then ramp from there?
04:29.59bzonot sure, but it is controlled by the cpu governor
04:30.09bzoacpuclock just does what is requested
04:30.18jonpryapparently it is too fast :p
04:31.50bzohere's the line in init:
04:31.52bzoecho 40 >/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ondemand/up_threshold
04:33.32WisTilt2another problem is in the ril caused by los or switching cells. there is an error if triggered stays in an eternal loop.  our radio programmer confirmed this.  im almost thinking this cpu issue could actually cause that condition.
04:34.40WisTilt2bzo: what value does that expect, or what do the values mean
04:35.42bzoit just sets the sensitivity to how quickly the cpu ramp up, I think the numbers may be arbitrary
04:35.56bzohaven't looked in a while so don't remember what the default is
04:36.11WisTilt2do you think they're based on number of clock cycles or time?
04:39.08jonpryarrrghhh, i'm confused, did his phone sleep or not?
04:40.14arrrghhhsounded like he said it did
04:40.18arrrghhhtook a while to wake
04:40.29arrrghhhand i guess he opened the market and it rebooted within android.
04:41.37jonpryso he gets sod on every sleep?
04:43.16jonpryWisTilt2, it seems to fix panel wakes too. any ideas on that?
04:43.20jonpryor just timing?
04:43.51arrrghhhjonpry, not every sleep i'd say
04:44.00arrrghhhhis airave just makes sleep horrible.
04:44.59bzoWisTilt2: actually it looks like a percentage, the cpu needs to be at that utilization to ramp to the next higher freq
04:45.11bzoso 40 seems pretty aggressive to me
04:45.35bzodefault is 80
04:45.48jonprythat seems very strange
04:45.54jonpryand not good enough
04:46.12jonprylike when it comes out of sleep, nothing prevents it from being pegged
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04:47.18bzothere is a sampling interval, so any ramping would not be instantaneous
04:47.24bzoand it should take a few steps to get up to max
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04:47.54bzoI suppose we ought to make sure that before we suspend, we're at the min rate though
04:47.57jonpryso the sampling interval is more the parameter we want to control on wake right?
04:48.21bzowell, both make will have an effect
04:49.51jonpryi've been at this for a bit now, and i just can't get an sod
04:50.00jonprymaybe i need an airave
04:50.09WisTilt2jonpry: 300mhz fixed panel wakes?
04:50.19jonpryi think so
04:50.25bzojonpry did you test running w/o OC at stock freq?
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04:50.48jonprybzo: no i only made it down to 600mhz
04:51.03jonpryand decided to do something more drastic :p
04:51.13bzobecause another factor when enabling OC is that we change the divider on the pll to derive the clock
04:51.22bzothat is probably less stable
04:51.37jonpryyeah, but i'm pretty sure that people have turned off OC and still get sod
04:51.47WisTilt2ive been saying it was a timing issue and worked around it as best as could be done by bringing up panel quicker
04:52.09WisTilt2wouldnt have thought cpu speed itself would have affected that though
04:52.20bzojonpry: I think it's worth a test in your case to see what kind of difference it makes
04:52.37bzoyou need to rename the oc parameter, setting it to 528 is not the same as stock
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04:53.40bzoI suspect however there is more than one cause for SOD
04:54.03jonpryi dunno. i started being able to get ramconsoles of it
04:54.24jonpryand its like the processor starts up, and hits the ground running, and then flys off the handle and stops
04:55.23WisTilt2bzo, that brings up something interesting... does the divider on the pll change only if acpuclock is set in cmd line? if its not there and we're running at default freq is pll back to normal?
04:55.32bzoin any case, this seems like a good lead. If we're lucky once fixed, there won't be any more causes
04:56.08bzoWisTilt2: the presence of the parameter changes the divider, even if set to 528
04:56.27bzokeep in mind there are 2 different levels of divider
04:56.40bzothe one I'm referring to is the master divider off the pll
04:56.54bzofrom there, another divider is applied to get the desired frequency
04:58.16WisTilt2jonpry: with your sod gone, you do have oc set or took it out of startup.txt?
04:58.25jonpryi had it set
04:58.34jonprybut now i am trying oc off, no under clock
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04:59.30jonprymy sod off, is like it being impossible. with the accelerated aging and all
04:59.47WisTilt2so that means that the divider is in use right bzo?  if jonpry is oc'd 600mhz and capping max to 300mhz, what is the divider equating to off that 600mhz?
05:01.06bzowould have to look at the stepping tables in acpuclock, I doubt there is a 300mhz setting, so it picking the next lowest
05:01.17bzoat only the table will tell you what pll is being used
05:01.36bzothe oc setting only changes the master divider of pll2
05:02.00bzothe beginning of the dmesg will tell you what the table looks like (it will be different for any give OC setting)
05:02.06WisTilt2im trying to correlate this to what i think is throwing off the vsync clock.
05:02.39WisTilt2i need to actually see which clock vsync fires off of
05:02.42bzopll2 is only used for the cpu, so I wouldn't think it would affect vsync
05:04.38WisTilt2jonpry: with max freq locked to 300mhz is it taking longer to wake the panel or about the same?
05:04.58jonpryabout the sam
05:05.15jonprybut my kernel has mod where it wakes it 30 times just for fun
05:05.32bzobtw would have to double check the table, but it looks like if you cap freq at 300mhz, it will only go up to 256mhz and never touch pll2
05:06.15WisTilt2hmm, not a good test then:)  im betting it will take longer to come up and if it does, vsync is getting its clock off that somehow.
05:07.12jonpryWisTilt2, it takes longer, like 2 seconds or something. but it used to have only marginal improvement in failed wakes
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05:07.25jonprygot rid of 1 of 3 kinds of something
05:07.50jonprybut the 1 kind was a big problem with scbs because it used 10ms of time during wake, srewing the whole thing up
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05:08.49bzoha, scbs is like the prime95 of suspend/wake testing
05:09.32bzofor those who don't know prime95 is the overclocker's tool of choice to test stability
05:09.45jonpryi thought it was superpi
05:09.57bzothat test is kinda useless, too short
05:10.13bzorunning prime95 overnight is considered to be fully stable
05:10.43jonpryit helps to be able to reproduce the problem :p
05:13.30jonprydoes sod happen on others? topaz, kaiser, etc?
05:13.59arrrghhhAFAIK yes
05:14.33jonpryi am having considerable trouble getting an sod with no oc
05:14.55arrrghhhdid you try to run with no OC?
05:14.58arrrghhhi don't mean underclock
05:15.01arrrghhh528mhz :P
05:15.22jonpryyeah i'm on stock clock now
05:15.35WisTilt2bzo: what is the turbo table in acpuclock?
05:15.36jonpryhowever i think this is way less cool than oc and 300mhz
05:15.52bzopretty much all new htc devices
05:15.53arrrghhhwouldn't surprise me if there were several triggers for SoD
05:16.07jonprycause if we can wake with oc enabled, then we can ramp, and everything is cool
05:16.08bzothey OC pll1, apparently to get a faster ebi clock
05:16.29WisTilt2so we're using those turbo tables for he most part?
05:17.11bzorhodium and probably topaz are turbo, others like diam,raph are non-turbo
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05:19.38bzooops, wrong window for vi
05:19.45jonpryunderclocking seems to invoke a very negative perception
05:20.38bzoI just noticed that the power collapse frequency is set to 19.2mhz, one that is not normally used in wake
05:20.46bzothat may cause more transition than is necessary
05:22.18bzoWisTilt2: maybe running this slow coming out of wake is screwing up the panel timing
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05:23.19jonpryits so strange that phone that works fine at 720, can't wake itself up at 600
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05:23.48jonpryhow sure are we that ramping is actually happening?
05:24.13bzoturn on the debug code in acpuclock, and you will be flooded with messages ramping up and down
05:24.25jonprybut non oc 528 looks pretty good.
05:24.59jonpryit must be ramping awfully fast then, cause it is crashing before the light turns orange
05:25.27arrrghhhoh WisTilt2 now that you're here, can you describe the issue you had with the 4-button lights to bzo ?  I don't know the details, but i thought you got it to work on some RHOD's but not others...?
05:25.34bzoit would think it would crash immediately if ramping onto an unstable pll
05:26.35jonpryin that case oc 528 should crash as well right?
05:26.54WisTilt2arrrghhh: button lights work fine on all phones, it was the kbd backlight we had probs on.  i just havent got back to finishing cleaning up that button code to commit it.
05:27.14arrrghhhoh, i thought there was some RHOD that you had problems with.
05:27.14WisTilt2we did have some issues in the beginning with those but that was long time ago
05:27.21bzojonpry: not necessarily, but it would narrow down the cause - i.e. whether changing master divider causes instability
05:27.28arrrghhhwell i guess jb made a commit, and they're having issues with the end key?
05:28.28bzothere's no mystery around it, just a vexing thing to decide how to fix
05:28.47arrrghhhwell WisTilt2 fixed it AFAIK
05:29.17arrrghhhjust tryin to help, without duplicating efforts ;)
05:29.31WisTilt2jb got button lights done?  good, then i dont have to finish that cleanup now:)  end key shouldnt be a problem, its one led lighting all 4 buttons, unless there is independent leds i didnt find.  mine turned all on and off together if you remember when testing.
05:29.42bzothe cause is well understood, the options to fix just annoying
05:30.00arrrghhhWisTilt2, i do...
05:30.12bzoWisTilt2: the issue is that 3 keys are mapped as keyboard keys, and the end as a gpio button
05:30.30bzothere's no easy way to get notified when the end button is pressed
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05:30.46bzowithout some hacking of the gpio driver
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05:30.47WisTilt2ah, to get them to come on yes.  end uses a gpio
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05:31.18bzoright, microp knows about he first 3 keys but not the end
05:31.18jonprygpio keypad?
05:31.55bzoit has no provision for a call back, it just sends it to the input system
05:32.00arrrghhhoic, for triggering.  i was thinking just turning it on, d'oh.
05:32.34WisTilt2bzo: yep.  i kludged it via irq but thats certainly not the right way to do it.
05:32.39bzoI suppose you could register a listener to the input system, but that seems overkill to monitor one key
05:34.21bzoanyways, I'm leaning towards just letting userland control it
05:34.52jonprywill it pass the phh test?
05:35.21bzoI would think so, that is the proper place for it
05:35.27WisTilt2back on the ramping... when we suspend, is the cpu clock frozen to that level and resumes there when wake or does wake start things back up at the bottom?
05:36.44jonprythings could be different in theory and practice
05:37.01bzothe answer is in pm.c, it is aware of acpuclock
05:37.18WisTilt2im watching cpu freq in system panel and it looks like its resuming where it was at suspend.
05:37.32bzoyeah, that's what the code looks like to me
05:37.32WisTilt2that could just be delay to update though
05:37.59bzoacpuclk_set_rate(pm_saved_acpu_clk_rate, SETRATE_PC)
05:38.07jonpryok, so i got an sod with 528mhz oc
05:38.19arrrghhhjonpry, you removed the acpu statement or...?
05:38.25jonprybut not with no oc. confidence interval = 50%
05:38.41bzodamn, guess there's a reason qualcomm runs the pll clock at 2x
05:39.01jonprybut that doesn't really mean anything
05:39.19jonpryi mean, since your change to pll, i had to go down from 798 to 720mhz
05:39.32jonprybut whatev. its a little jitter, that costs you hertz
05:39.44bzowhich change to pll?
05:40.01jonpryi think it was the divider
05:40.10jonprywas in december or something
05:40.19bzoright the wake fix for OC
05:40.49jonpryso like a 450mhz with this divider should be the same as 528 with the other or something. they needn't be the same
05:40.55bzohmm, that could be the cause of instability
05:41.04bzomaybe not waiting long enough after changing the divider?
05:41.10WisTilt2it was happening before then
05:41.10bzothat would happen right after wakeup
05:41.39bzothat's what makes me think there may be more than one type of SOD
05:42.24jonpryi dunno fishingmedic has the ultimate to be caused by radio sod, and he can't get one on 300mhz
05:42.39jonpryhe can turn on that box and crash it, lol
05:44.30bzothere's a 50ms delay for that oc wake fix, maybe that is too high, lol
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05:44.38bzoif it's hung there you could see how it could lose a vsync
05:44.44jonpryunstable pll, is not the same as high jitter pll
05:45.15bzoI'm talking about the lost vsync problem WisTilt2 was asking about
05:45.33bzoI'm assuming that nothing else can run while in that mdelay?
05:45.47WisTilt2looks like vsync gets its clock from ebi clock, does that sound right?
05:46.05jonpryyeah, or if the stupid thing is preserving clock rate across sleeps. then wake timing will be way different. you know, like 6 different scenarios
05:46.14bzonot sure but probably, most things are clocked off pll1
05:46.59bzoWisTilt2: for the lost vsync panel wake issue, the kernel is still alive right? just the panel is stuck?
05:47.31bzook, so it is a totally different SOD
05:47.48bzo(SOD to the user's point of view)
05:48.02jonpryit will wake up in a few
05:48.11WisTilt2yes and with that one every single time we get the msm fb vsync errors timeouts
05:48.23bzoit recovers from the lost vsync?
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05:48.40jonprybut it has to timeout first or something
05:48.45bzoah, not a SOD then
05:48.54WisTilt2it does recover but sometimes its almost a minute
05:49.37bzoWisTilt2: I think it's worth testing a smaller delay, 50ms is excessive, maybe it should be more like 50us
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05:50.17WisTilt2you talking about a delay in acpuclock?
05:50.33bzothe delay I put in my oc wakeup fix
05:50.39bzoyes, acpuclock
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05:52.16WisTilt2you have it at 50ms right now?  yeah that might be way too much.  what im seeing is what seems to be panel unblank being called before clocks are fully up.
05:52.31bzoyeah, most of the other delays to wait for pll to settle in acpuclock are udelay(50)
05:52.51WisTilt2btw, the last cpu clk rate is what it resumes with according to the current pm code.
05:53.05bzoyes, that's how it seemed to me
05:53.26jonpryWisTilt2, i think if you change that all will be well
05:53.28WisTilt2that could be easily changed to drop it to the bottom rate
05:53.57bzowtf is the cpu_relax() function
05:54.13bzoI could use a me_relax() function
05:54.41arrrghhhbzo, it's the scotch function
05:54.54WisTilt2whats this bring_me_another_beer(int quick) function?
05:55.07bzoarrrghhh: right, a wrapper to drink_scotch() function
05:55.08arrrghhhwife: because beer is heavy
05:55.41bzouser customizable though, for jonpry it would be configured for drink_rum()
05:56.00jonpryand it exports arrrghhh
05:56.26jonpryyou know piracy and all
05:56.40arrrghhhno... i have no idea what you're talking about...
05:56.49arrrghhhwink wink nudge nudge saynomore saynomore
05:57.28WisTilt2bzo: dumb question here but shouldn't the scaled freqs be multiples of 19200?
05:57.35arrrghhhthey are
05:57.42WisTilt2they're not
05:57.51WisTilt2in the tables anyway
05:57.56arrrghhhthey're supposed to be then ;)
05:58.12bzoonly the master clocks needs to be a mult of 19200
05:58.13WisTilt2unless my math is way off
05:58.23bzoif you apply a divider to the clock, it won't necessarily be a multiple
05:58.57WisTilt2so the pll's do not need to be?
05:59.12bzoby master clocks, I mean pll
05:59.26bzothe freqs in that table are some pll freq / something
06:00.32jonpryis cpu_relax something it can do that won't be affected by poor quality clock?
06:01.16bzoI would think anything executing with an unstable clock is liable to fail
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06:01.58jonprymaybe some reset vector halt stuff
06:02.57bzojonpry: know what a compiler barrier is? that's what cpu_relax() is supposed to be
06:03.17jonpryknow i don't
06:03.35jonpryavoids reordering?
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06:04.18bzonot sure, has something to do with yielding, also some talk of a memory barrier
06:04.24WisTilt2bzo: looks like all the other delays are already udelay except that one in PLL_2
06:04.44bzosounds like we found the panel resume culprit
06:04.49WisTilt250ms is a long time
06:04.57bzoyeah, an eternity
06:05.39jonpryso like line 312 in pm.c, if we just get rid of that, it will be cool right?
06:05.41WisTilt2thats your patch, you want to patch that:)
06:06.09WisTilt2need delay. udelay(50)
06:06.15bzoWisTilt2: I think fixing that, and forcing resume to start at 128mhz would be a good next test kernel for you
06:06.24WisTilt2yes me too
06:06.45WisTilt2i might do that right now and get arrrghhh to put things in motion
06:07.03arrrghhhsprings into motn
06:07.10WisTilt2if someone would push jonpry's batt stuff i could have that in there also:)
06:07.19arrrghhhheh can't correct that can you apt
06:07.25arrrghhhWisTilt2, lol
06:07.26jonpryWisTilt2, or you could apply
06:07.30arrrghhhbzo, do eeeeet
06:07.54WisTilt2jonpry: is that ready to run without any user intervention?
06:08.04bzoWisTilt2: you'll have to apply jonpry's stuff locally to your tree, doesn't sound like phh is ready to accept yet
06:08.12arrrghhhuserland magic needs to be done
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06:08.38jonpryWisTilt2, i think the kernel stuff is done. but userland needs work. putting the kernel stuff in doesn't do any harm when there is no userland
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06:09.06WisTilt2so if i stick it in the kernel, users will still need to push scbs over and do the whole chmod and mknod thing?
06:09.09jonprybzo, i think phh will crack. he just needs to realize there is no better way
06:09.40arrrghhhand run scbs manually
06:09.42jonprybut only if they want to. just works like it used to if no scbs is done
06:09.45arrrghhhand crunch data
06:09.48arrrghhhetc :P
06:09.57arrrghhhjonpry, it is quite elegant.
06:10.02bzoI think getting this into WisTilt's kernels will push things forward on the scbs front. That will alleviate concerns about the frequent wakes
06:10.08arrrghhhnot sure how well it actually works in reality.  hoping to run it moar.
06:10.28jonpryyou just have forgotten how bad the old meter was already :p
06:10.43arrrghhhi honestly haven't run it much :/
06:10.49bzohey, it's accurate to at least +/-30% :P
06:10.51arrrghhhother than that one night.
06:11.28jonprybzo the really cool part is when it swings 60% during a plug in
06:11.51bzosay, will improving the meter fix the incomplete charging problem?
06:11.55arrrghhhthat's a feature
06:12.03WisTilt2jonpry: last scbs.c and .h i have is 03/09
06:12.14jonpryi don't know that there is an incomplete charging problem
06:12.27jonpryWisTilt2, do you get xdandroid-dev?
06:12.40bzodoesn't charge as full as winmo fo rme, maybe 90-95%?
06:12.47WisTilt2oh yeah, i saw you had the patch on the ml
06:12.47bzoturns off charging current prematurely
06:13.21WisTilt2ok let me make all these clock, batt, panel, whatever changes before my brain fails
06:13.32arrrghhhWisTilt2, lol
06:14.06WisTilt2jonpry: thanks for the email:)
06:14.13jonpryoh sure
06:14.31jonprybzo, afaik arm9/pmic takes care of charge termination
06:14.53jonprybut it can take a long long time. and android might tell you its done, when its not
06:15.20arrrghhhjonpry, so assuming i do get a testing kernel, can i publish the necessary info on scbs so people who do want do use it, can?
06:16.04jonpryi want to make a rootfs. so you don't need to add the dev entries and stuff
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06:16.48bzojonpry: looks like htc_batt can set charging to off/slow/fast, i suspect it is getting set to slow prematurely
06:16.51jonpryfeel free to publish whenever
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06:17.09jonprybzo, but that is the rpc
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06:17.41bzonah, gpios
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06:18.01bzolook at battery_charging_ctrl()
06:18.35jonpryi guess if that stuff works its possible
06:18.47jonpryi wouldn't put too much stock in it though
06:19.38jonpryi mean we have keyboard buttons and bluetooth interrupts switched. how would charge enable get figured out
06:20.37bzopretty sure it does, we had a problem early on because slow charge was used and not charging the batt
06:20.45bzofast enough
06:21.04jonprywhat about charge_enable?
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06:21.28jonprywe we can definitely figure out something, i had thought it necessary
06:21.35jonpryer hadn't
06:22.13bzowhich charge_enable?
06:22.29jonpry.gpio_charger_enable = RHODIUM_CHARGE_EN_N,
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06:23.15bzothat just defines the gpio pin that is used by that function, no?
06:23.34jonpryyou asked which one?
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06:24.00bzoI didn't know what you were asking about: "what about charge_enable?"
06:24.18jonpryoh, you think it works :p
06:25.01bzoon the phone side the battery charging is very simplistic
06:25.29bzothe chip in the battery takes care of the sophisticated stuff like termination
06:26.21jonpryi dunno. i'm pretty sure the electronics in the battery actually just prevent over discharge. pmic is doing most everything else
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06:27.36bzoto me those things seem the same (charging logic = prevent overcharge)
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06:28.34jonpryearly charge termination is usually used to prevent too many cycles on the battery. like you try to enforce some kind of thing where you won't try again until its down to at least 90% or so
06:29.25bzoyeah, i wouldn't expect the battery ic to do that. Just prevent over charge/discharge
06:32.30bzojonpry: btw, you think udelay/mdelay are busy waits?
06:33.03jonpryspin loop no?
06:33.22bzofor micro sec resolution, you would think so
06:33.52bzopoint being, you can see how spinning for 50ms could cause some instability right after a clock change
06:34.22jonprynot really
06:34.56jonprywhy would that be worse than doing anything else after a clock change
06:35.34bzomost other things probably are blocking, preventing maxing out the cpu
06:35.55jonprythere no such thing as a block
06:36.13jonprytheres just reducing clock speed, or collapsing power
06:36.49bzosure the cpu runs at the clock freq, but there's a big diff in noop vs doing work
06:37.13jonpryon some arch's there is
06:37.33bzoit must be that way on arm, given the focus on power consumption
06:37.38jonprybut like on x86 that is fairly recent, like pentium III i think
06:37.55bioterrorbooting Rhobuntu 9.04 19_09_2010 on htc kovsky is really trivial
06:38.02bioterrorsometies it boots, sometimes it doesnt
06:38.13jonpryi dunno, to keep power consumption down you just want minimize the number of function units in action
06:38.38jonpryso an op that decodes to like r0=r0, doesn't really fire up much
06:39.53jonprybut anyways, on arch's with flashy nop, udelay can be implemented with a bunch of nops per loop
06:40.46bzoyeah, I suppose these busy waits may actually be pretty well optimized
06:45.00WisTilt2jonpry: your quickwake kinda took me by surprise when compiling.  thought i forgot to set the environment there for a minute
06:45.45jonpryyeah needs a new config
06:45.58arrrghhhWisTilt2, going to bed soon.  do you think you'll have a new kernel or should i just go with that RIL test kernel and see if i get any of those 75's?
06:45.59WisTilt2going to boot this kernel up and make sure it works with all these goodies in it then arrrghhh cant stop drooling
06:46.11jonpryit builds?
06:46.11arrrghhhjust tired mang :P
06:46.28jonpryi thought applying the patch may be hard on your branch
06:46.28WisTilt2go with this one, if you havent gotten 75's by now then its not going to happen, no biggie
06:46.42arrrghhhheh ok.  what are you lookin for?
06:46.49arrrghhhwith these mysterious 75's
06:47.00WisTilt2built fine no errors to speak of other than lots of whitespaces during the apply
06:47.16arrrghhhkernel pack for masses?
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06:47.43WisTilt2those are a type of beacon that i guess cdma towers dont send
06:47.59WisTilt2yeah pack shortly after i make sure this all boots up
06:48.07bzoWisTilt2: does a wakeup happen on radio changes, like switching/losing towers?
06:49.03WisTilt2depends, switching normally no but if los and re-registration happens then yes
06:49.36jonprythat would explain the low signal correlation
06:49.39bzojust wondering if maybe that condition is like lite version of scbs, and causing lots of wakes and potentials SODs
06:50.27WisTilt2scbs doesnt fully wake everything does it jonpry?  btw, kernel booting so far so good
06:50.57jonpryWisTilt2, it used to. but it wakes enough for acpu and to break
06:51.14WisTilt2does it make it to microp resume at all?
06:51.23jonpryno resumes
06:53.56WisTilt2ok at lock screen just like normal:)  i have wake cpu clk at 128mhz and fixed the udelay.  over a dozen sleep/wakes and this puppy is turning on screen instantly now every time so far.  this is with my pm though with the fast sleep but looking good!
06:54.23arrrghhhWisTilt2, will this be RIL-test friendly as well?
06:54.28arrrghhhnot sure what you changed in that kernel TBH
06:54.34WisTilt2damn, that clock did it.  the screen is on almost exact same time orange comes on now
06:54.55arrrghhhdrooling uncontrollably
06:55.12WisTilt2arrrghhh you can run this kernel with my ril test system but dont know what it will break
06:55.12arrrghhhsome might say frothing at the mouth
06:55.23arrrghhhWisTilt2, lol
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06:55.40arrrghhhWisTilt2, so which would you rather me run overnight?
06:55.46arrrghhhi guess that is the question.
06:55.59WisTilt2ok kernel pack is uploaded.  run this kernel and ril image and see how it works
06:56.23WisTilt2oh yeah..... this is definitely much much better bzo
06:56.38arrrghhhWisTilt2, a278f11c95f2e3a4bdc8f24800a2c025
06:56.47WisTilt2panel comes on out of sleep just as fast as if it was just blanked and still powered on
06:56.47arrrghhhgotta be new
06:56.51arrrghhhbased on timestamps
06:56.59WisTilt2yep thats it
06:58.10jonpryWisTilt2, i think i may have included the wake it up 30 times in that patch
06:58.37WisTilt2what file you put it in?
06:58.37jonpryyou may want to check for a function called power_on_panel2 in msm_fb.c
06:59.07WisTilt2i would have gotten a conflict on that file applying i think.  i have heavily modded that file
06:59.17WisTilt2or would it still apply it?
06:59.21jonpryits in the patch
07:00.20bzowell, not necessarily a bad thing for this test. That will be some serious stress testing
07:00.28WisTilt2yeah its in there.  loop 10 times
07:01.11jonpryi find it to help. but maybe its all fixed now
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07:01.44WisTilt2so this sets up work to start the panel up sequence?  that means all my logging is going to be in dmesg 10 times each wake lol
07:02.10jonpryno its started as delayed work
07:02.16jonprythen it hammers the panel
07:02.27arrrghhhWisTilt2, market hammering the RIL with multiple dls.  let's see if it reboots within android...
07:02.32bzohmm, maybe that's not so useful for this test then
07:03.07jonprytheory was that vsync was not being started somehow. like mddi_remotewrote was getting botched
07:03.28WisTilt2arrrghhh: it might still crash if you run too many.  i only have it handling 10 streams now but that will be a good test.
07:03.29jonpryso i figure if it works sometimes, then if we do it 10 times, it will definitely work :p
07:03.58bzoonly problem is then we don't know exactly what fixes the problem in this test
07:03.58WisTilt2where you calling that from jonpry?
07:04.07WisTilt2bzo agree
07:04.24WisTilt2i can remove it and test locally real quick
07:04.33jonpryINIT_WORK(&msmfb->resume_work, power_on_panel2);
07:04.51jonpryyou can remove the 2 from that line
07:04.58jonpryand it will be back to norml
07:05.52WisTilt2isnt there a panel on already though with same name?
07:06.04jonpryit doesn't have the 2
07:06.19WisTilt2yeah if i remove the 2 we'd have 2 funcs with same name
07:06.27jonpryugh, no in the call
07:06.35jonpryINIT_WORK(&msmfb->resume_work, power_on_panel);
07:06.36WisTilt2ah got it
07:06.47jonpry2 calls 1 10 times
07:07.24bzoLOL, just saw what scbs is abbrev for
07:07.26WisTilt2arrrghhh test it but dont upload it yet, might have a modded one
07:07.50arrrghhhWisTilt2, sure.
07:08.07arrrghhhpanel has trouble waking with all these downloads
07:08.12arrrghhhbut it hasn't rebooted
07:08.17arrrghhhwould've a long time ago usually.
07:08.41jonpryspontaneous reboot? that is a current bug?
07:09.24arrrghhhjonpry, i could consistently recreate it by deleting my data.img and going to the market.  it would download 5+ updates, and the phone would slow to a crawl and eventually just choke and reboot to bootani
07:09.34arrrghhhafter that it was fine lol :P
07:11.09jonpryarrrghhh, if the phone was not sleeping then i don't really see how anything would have changed
07:12.02WisTilt2whoot!  still waking like it was never powered off
07:12.13arrrghhhjonpry, eh?
07:12.43arrrghhhmarket is downloading a lot of apps.  it seems like my button presses aren't registered, or are delyaed
07:12.49arrrghhhonce they do register, panel wakes quickly in fact.
07:13.23bzowell, that's satisfying progress for one evening. doubly so if the SOD is also fixed
07:13.48arrrghhhno joke
07:14.00arrrghhhbzo, have you looked at the BT commits?  :D
07:14.03WisTilt2this almost makes me think its not going into sleep but logs show arm11 collapsed and everything really is down, nice!
07:14.16jonpryarrrghhh, yeah i've been seeing the 1 second press requirement
07:14.25bzoarrrghhh: yes, but they won't be useful until jb is ready with the rest of the stuff
07:14.57WisTilt2arrrghhh: uploaded the new one to post for the masses. 55420aa6d8f32078baf859910b8ee2c6
07:15.16arrrghhhWisTilt2, what's the difference?  just doesn't have that loop?
07:16.01bzook, I'm out, gn all
07:16.08WisTilt2nite bzo
07:16.11jonprynight bzo
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07:17.50WisTilt2arrrghhh: this kernel has the full new pm also, which the 3/1 did not.  its also running fb in smi but i think the previous one was also, dont remember
07:18.09WisTilt2and, as you already noticed, its a bit faster
07:18.39Timberanyone using the touchpro2 or tilt2?
07:18.49jonpryyeah some of us
07:19.49Timberdoes the tv out function work on it for rhobuntu?
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07:20.05jonprydon't you have to like solder something on for that?
07:20.05Timberor the linux version for the it?
07:20.27Timbernot to my knowledge if using it out of the boc it supports tv out
07:20.39Timberbut dont know if the tv out works when runnign linux
07:21.02arrrghhhkernel definitely doesn't have the code to support it
07:21.10jonpryactually i think it does
07:21.29jonpryits part of qcomm msm_fb
07:21.36WisTilt2arrrghhh have you posted that pack yet?
07:21.38jonprybut i dunno how you turn it on
07:21.43arrrghhhWisTilt2, yes...?
07:21.55WisTilt2change it to the first one if you have it
07:22.02arrrghhhdel'd it
07:22.13WisTilt2you still have the prev one?
07:22.23jonpryWisTilt2, you think the loop is a winner?
07:22.53Timberim lost here one person says it works another says it doesnt?
07:22.58WisTilt2yeah i do. sod is probably fixed with the clock deal but wake fail still happens now and then
07:23.08WisTilt2jonpry: timing problem for sure
07:23.14Timberjust a heads up, i just bought th tilt2 today so Idont have it to try for myself
07:23.30jonpryTimber, that doesn't make any sense
07:24.03Timberim just nasking if I can use the tvout function if I put linux on my phone
07:24.05WisTilt2arrrghhh: e4cdc304f381b38c337ae451b5089eac
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07:24.13Timberthe tilt 2
07:24.24jonprybelieve it or not, nobody has tried
07:24.26Timberwhich supprts tv out out of the box
07:24.35arrrghhhTimber, in winmo
07:24.38arrrghhhwith the extUSB
07:24.47WisTilt2it doesnt work ive tried it
07:25.07WisTilt2get no sig on tv
07:25.10jonpryisn't there some msm_fb option to turn it on?
07:25.21jonpryand maybe tlmm_config
07:25.27WisTilt2probably, i didnt know much about this stuff back when i tried it
07:25.34Timberok so ill need to do it in winmo then.. how well does it work with winmo I was hoping ot stream movie (files not internet streams) to my tv
07:25.59WisTilt2Timber, works great in winmo.  i also have a tilt2 btw
07:26.33Timbero, guess ill just leave my movie files to the winmo then. most of them are .avi anyway
07:27.08WisTilt2jonpry: panel_on triggers the whole mddi init seq right?
07:28.06WisTilt2so with this loop banging it, that points to timing.  its like unblank gets called before clocks are stable or fb has data
07:28.50jonprycould be. seems like all results are inconclusive
07:28.56Timberis it true that ubuntu has alot of lag on the tilt 2?
07:29.14jonprylag in what
07:29.53arrrghhhit runs it as well as you can expect a 528mhz single core arm proc with 288mb of ram can handel
07:30.10jonprywith no floating point
07:30.40jonprythe msm xserver is not good either
07:32.10Timberlike  if im watching a video in the vmcplayer or something inside linux on it is it going to be useless or will it make do?
07:32.40TimberI assume presentations and word proecessing woudlnt be an issue.
07:33.00arrrghhhhow to present them?
07:33.07jonprydon't even go there. i spent a few days trying to get mplayer to work. and like it could only play if you use 1/4 of the screen
07:33.19Ondalflemme guess - no gpu support for normal xserver
07:33.26arrrghhhyea there's a screen res limiatation it seems
07:33.33arrrghhhi'm freakin tired.
07:33.52jonpryarrrghhh, we need to know if sod is fixed
07:34.01arrrghhhWisTilt2, as always, thanks for the updates
07:34.10arrrghhhjonpry, i'll update you tomorrow
07:34.16WisTilt2of course, and thanks for, well being you
07:34.17arrrghhhi have a few guys that get a lot of them
07:34.29arrrghhhupdated gingerbread bundle
07:34.33WisTilt2chief tester
07:34.44arrrghhhthat got some nice updates.  plus new dialer.  gonna get that on froyo too
07:34.54arrrghhh<3 the real freakin dialer screen
07:35.00arrrghhhi've always hated our blank dialer.
07:35.51arrrghhhman this sleeps fast
07:35.55arrrghhhlet me make a phone call
07:36.01arrrghhhsee if i can muck it up :P
07:36.04WisTilt2under a second still should be
07:36.42WisTilt2you still using the ril image also?
07:37.20arrrghhhheh, back to the long sleep after a phone call.
07:37.28arrrghhhyou want a dmesg after it finally sleeps?
07:37.37WisTilt2only after you made a call?
07:37.50arrrghhhyea it was sleeping fine until i made a call
07:38.30WisTilt2see if powermanager wake lock is still holding it
07:39.15arrrghhhlooks like evdev
07:39.21arrrghhhlet me see if they long sleeps continue
07:40.13arrrghhhindeed they are
07:40.14WisTilt2i have all those clamped down pretty far so none of them should have anything like 30s
07:40.19arrrghhhi'll go thru a couple
07:42.40arrrghhhyup, more powermanager service
07:43.08WisTilt2if its not too much trouble can you paste that
07:43.48arrrghhhno trouble 1 sec
07:45.03Timberthank oyu for the assistnacce
07:45.07Timberimheading ot bed now!
07:45.16WisTilt2ok ill go thru this you go to bed.  hopefully we can get some input by tomorrow on this kernel
07:45.40Timberi cant do any testing
07:46.52arrrghhhTimber, you're so helpful
07:47.10arrrghhhWisTilt2, sounds good.  i'll let you know what the feedback is, as usual ;)
07:47.32WisTilt2ok, ill be around sometime tomorrow
07:47.54odzrunning smooth with the latest gb build so far
07:48.16WisTilt2wow arrrghhh, you had a kind of system_server issue on that log
07:48.27arrrghhhdidn't notice it
07:48.38jonpryno vysnc messages
07:48.41arrrghhhi mean i was downloading a lot of crap
07:48.47arrrghhhpegging proc doing that
07:48.49WisTilt2yeah, starting at line 946, thats what we saw the started the whole slow down
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07:49.27WisTilt2oh thats while you were dling.  still shouldnt be getting binder errors like that
07:49.52WisTilt2jonpry you looking at his log?
07:50.13WisTilt2lines 890-896 whats that all about
07:50.27WisTilt2first time ive seen that in any logs like that
07:51.06jonprywhat is that
07:51.37WisTilt2the suspend is normal but not like that.
07:51.56WisTilt2line 872 is what it should look like before and after
07:52.21WisTilt2it was after he put it so sleep but it didnt make it all the way
07:53.03jonpryyeah thats the stupid timer thing no?
07:53.47WisTilt2which one?
07:54.28jonpryin arch_idle is does these very strange checks to see if sleep can happen
07:54.45jonpryand this: sleep_time = msm_timer_enter_idle();
07:54.59jonprylike how would msm_timer know anything about sleep
07:55.28arrrghhhalright, sleep time for reals.  talk to you guys later!
07:57.49jonpryi gotta sleep as well. good night all
07:58.00WisTilt2nite, catch ya tomorrow
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17:54.17arrrghhhwhat's up Cotulla
17:56.01jonpryfishingmedic says he got crashing. i wonder if that was on 300mhz or the new ramping kernel
17:56.07jonpryer sod
17:56.26arrrghhhwith his airave?
17:56.32arrrghhhthese might be different SoD's jonpry
17:56.38gauner1986hey Cotulla
17:57.14Cotullasomething strange
17:57.20Cotullahey Gau
17:58.59Cotullaarrrghhh, u?
17:59.23arrrghhhCotulla, not much.  trying to see why things break ;)
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18:35.38Alex[sp3dev]jonpry: hi
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18:38.28arrrghhhAlex[sp3dev], jonpry went into hiding.
18:38.47arrrghhhjonpry, just wanted to mention, one of the users that can reproduce the SoD's due to service still have that issue.
18:39.01arrrghhhwith WisTilt2's newest kernel.
18:39.01Cotullatell us his new nick :P
18:39.18Alex[sp3dev]Cotulla: it's not YOUR kind of hiding i guess
18:39.32Cotullawe not talking about me now
18:39.39arrrghhhhiding in plain sight you see
18:40.04Alex[sp3dev]Cotulla: got collapse working on 32 yet?
18:40.36CotullaI was busy with otehr things
18:40.55Alex[sp3dev]yeah.. exams are coming. but until then, i'll do some hacking on 35
18:42.00Alex[sp3dev]i've disables SMI mpu (to allow writing to 0x0 to set resume vectors) - modes 0 and 1 seem to work, but drain power. if i insert dex call (well, a raw write to command and counter) before collapse(), it dies. if i insert after, seems to work but wake up often. but that may be unrelated
18:42.26Cotullathere must be wake up source somewhere
18:42.26Alex[sp3dev]Cotulla: ok, i know exams are not even remotely a reason to worry for you
18:42.40Alex[sp3dev]Cotulla: playing captain obvious? sorry
18:43.05Cotullaarrrghhh, is it obvious for u?
18:43.36arrrghhhthat you're not concerned about exams/
18:43.43arrrghhhi don't even know if you're in school so, no.
18:43.46CotullaI mean about wake up source
18:44.08arrrghhhno idea on the wake up source
18:44.16arrrghhhwistilt2 went romping thru PM
18:44.27Alex[sp3dev]wistilt2 is on 27 though
18:44.29Cotullait's just looks like Alex have exams every month
18:44.31arrrghhhbut i he hasn't committed it to .27 tree yet
18:44.40Alex[sp3dev]Cotulla: every 2 month to be more precise
18:44.41arrrghhhAlex[sp3dev], i would think his PM changes could help .35?
18:45.30Cotullait's why u talking so much about them
18:45.39Alex[sp3dev]yeah, they suck
18:46.26Cotullaso how other it wake ups
18:46.40Alex[sp3dev]Cotulla: i think, once in 2 seconds or so
18:48.06arrrghhhemwe was having the problem too AFAIK
18:48.17Cotullaand is it big problem?
18:48.20Alex[sp3dev]yes, but i didn't see his pm.c code
18:48.22Cotullait can go to sleep again?
18:48.42Alex[sp3dev]Cotulla: well, i'll reboot and make a dmesg. it may be failing to enter, actually
18:52.19*** join/#htc-linux AndIrc__ (
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18:53.05Cotullayes looks like making PM working is nice idea
18:53.09Cotullanow it have big drain\
18:53.14Cotullaabout 230 with screen off
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21:05.36jonpryphh: you reread the rtc patch?
21:05.46phhnot yet
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21:33.08*** join/#htc-linux gauner1986 (
21:43.33jonpryi'm not hiding :p
21:44.06Cotullabut u reading logs
21:45.35jonpryCotulla, how is your .32?
21:45.43CotullaI tell u truth: it was arrrghhh words
21:45.47gauner1986it's boring.. where are the leo updates?
21:45.56arrrghhhleo is done
21:46.02arrrghhhyou guys have everything :P
21:46.13gauner1986thats the problem
21:46.15Cotullamuch more than everything
21:46.18arrrghhhlet us get some lovin
21:46.29gauner1986missing 720p
21:46.40arrrghhhfix it then :P
21:46.55gauner1986teach me some assemblerskills
21:47.01arrrghhhyou first
21:47.03gauner1986maybe i can fix agps then also
21:47.12arrrghhhdoesn't work?
21:47.19arrrghhhoh right quickgps
21:47.24arrrghhhi was thinking cell tower netloc
21:47.25gauner1986or xtra
21:47.28gauner1986like quickgps does
21:47.37arrrghhhi'd like that to work on RHOD as well
21:47.56gauner1986needs some additional rpc calls
21:48.02gauner1986that probably are in quickgps dll or exe
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21:48.54jonpryi think we have some of it
21:49.27jonpryafaict its part of the rpc that turns on gps. you have to tell modem proc some network info, and then it downloads the crap all by itself
21:50.14arrrghhhentropy was trying to fix gps
21:50.16Cotullau too like word crap :P
21:50.17arrrghhhthat 0,0 bug
21:50.25*** join/#htc-linux aZuZu[Doma] (
21:50.29aZuZu[Doma]hi to all!
21:51.03aZuZu[Doma]i'm porting honeycomb to x10mini..
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21:51.31Cotulladcordes appear from air
21:51.31dcordesaZuZu[Doma], no such device
21:51.34Cotullaor maybe it's bot
21:51.39Cotullanew channel bot? :P
21:51.41gauner1986did any of you guys try to use the loc_api driver?
21:52.04Cotullawhich parse word "porting to" :D
21:52.29Cotullalooks like bot
21:52.46dcordeswhat's up ?
21:52.51Cotullau not bot?
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21:53.12dcordesCotulla, no I'm the true dcordes
21:53.17aZuZu[Doma]so can i ask question or not?
21:53.34gauner1986you're trying to trick unilinky to recursion?
21:53.36dcordesaZuZu[Doma], if you tell us what device you're talking about. I don't know x10mini
21:53.50aZuZu[Doma]sony-ericsson x10 mini
21:53.54jonpryits one of those home automation devices
21:54.02Cotulla7627 I guess
21:54.13arrrghhhhome automation lol
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21:54.26dcordesaZuZu[Doma], does it have a codename? what SoC does it have? where are the kernel sources you are using on it?
21:54.40aZuZu[Doma]but device model it self is not important
21:54.57aZuZu[Doma]it is msm7227 / adreno200
21:55.08jonpryoO vfp
21:55.34jonprydoesn't it already run android?
21:55.45dcordesaZuZu[Doma], kernel ?
21:57.45aZuZu[Doma]2.6.29 i think..
21:58.28jonprybut honeycomb will not run without es 2.0
22:00.35dcordesaZuZu[Doma], =#
22:00.43dcordesaZuZu[Doma], you think this might be it ?
22:01.14aZuZu[Doma] << this is screen shot with msm7k gralloc
22:02.14aZuZu[Doma] this i w/o pure and sdk gralloc.
22:02.45jonprythe second one just has wrong stride
22:03.16jonprypixels per line
22:03.21dcordesaZuZu[Doma], have you ever booted an adreno kernel you compiled ?
22:04.03aZuZu[Doma]i didn't compile kernel
22:04.21aZuZu[Doma]it is sdk port
22:04.28arrrghhhsdk ports seem pointless
22:04.34arrrghhhwait for AOSP code to drop
22:05.12aZuZu[Doma]i was right...
22:05.13aZuZu[Doma]android = new WM..
22:06.03jonpryxdandroid is sdk port
22:06.12arrrghhhwe use AOSP
22:06.16Cotullait won't ever replace is WM
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22:06.18arrrghhhwe don't port from SDK
22:06.19aZuZu[Doma]wait till someone does all .. you just copy..
22:06.37arrrghhhaZuZu[Doma], google is a pretty good maintainer
22:06.44arrrghhhi don't mind them maintaining upstream
22:06.50jonprythere's no honeycomb port in AOSP?
22:06.57arrrghhhjonpry, code hasn't been released
22:07.09arrrghhhonly SDK
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22:07.38jonprywell, i think his problem is that screen res is set wrong
22:07.46jonprymaybe it should be 256 instead of 240
22:08.06aZuZu[Doma]it is qvga device lol
22:08.20jonpryyeah, but the math is faster if you waste a little framebuffer
22:08.34jonpryits obviously wrong
22:08.56aZuZu[Doma]tho is did test to max 230..
22:09.20aZuZu[Doma]mayby is sould test upper.. values
22:09.30jonpryit 240x320 yeah?
22:09.49jonprybut you only tried 230?
22:10.45jonpryok. i don't get it, but mess with the width and it will get unwarped
22:12.13aZuZu[Doma]that is the point with sdk gralloc and libgles w/o anything else.. in hw and egl...
22:12.34AstainHellbringwhats new jonpry
22:12.49aZuZu[Doma]libcat says device reconfigured new size 156x1246 or something..
22:13.06jonpryAstainHellbring,  battery meter
22:13.21aZuZu[Doma]libcat = logcat
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22:22.24dcordesaZuZu[Doma], you mean like user space port ?
22:22.39dcordesaZuZu[Doma], I always thought android is heavily depending on kernel version
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22:23.24arrrghhhdcordes, we run gb on .27
22:23.46dcordesaZuZu[Doma], the link above does in fact include the kernel sources
22:23.50arrrghhhnot sure if it's a good idea or not.
22:23.53arrrghhhbut it does work
22:24.23stinebdnot sure if running gingerbread on a bunch of old winmo devices is a very great idea either
22:24.31arrrghhhthat is a good point
22:24.32arrrghhhbut we do it
22:25.48dcordesLOL it includes grub source code ?
22:26.23dcordesaZuZu[Doma], adreno device doesn't come with grub installed, does it ?
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22:32.28aZuZu[Doma]wonders how to compile anything without sys folder in source..
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22:43.43Cotullanow we can find ur first words
22:43.55NetRippermy words?
22:44.10dcordesNetRipper, awesome! you're da man
22:44.15Cotullaor somebody else
22:44.25Cotullabut filter works only for today
22:44.29Cotullait reset day month
22:44.41NetRipperthe search is for all period
22:44.43NetRippernot only today
22:44.50NetRipperit just displays today if you click it
22:44.52CotullaIf I select other
22:44.59NetRipperyes doh, then it shows just thatd ay
22:45.01Cotullaand type something again
22:45.03NetRipperit doesn't search in that day :)
22:45.11Cotullait go to 13 march again
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22:45.35Alex[sp3dev]stinebd: ping
22:45.42stinebdAlex[sp3dev]: pong
22:45.45NetRipperCotulla, the search is cross-date
22:45.57Alex[sp3dev]stinebd: building gingerbread fails for me
22:46.03Alex[sp3dev]packages/apps/Calculator/src/com/android/calculator2/ cannot access org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser
22:46.04Alex[sp3dev]bad class file: org/xmlpull/v1/XmlPullParser.class(org/xmlpull/v1:XmlPullParser.class)
22:46.04Alex[sp3dev]unable to access file: corrupted zip file
22:46.05NetRipperi.e. the date selection does not matter... you always get the 'latest'
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22:46.40stinebdAlex[sp3dev]: that looks like it's likely something on your end
22:46.52Alex[sp3dev]NetRipper: according to search results, [acl] and me are the top users of the words fuck and poop
22:47.31Cotullahm search search everthing?
22:48.18jonprylucky bastards
22:49.09Cotullabut slow :P
22:49.20NetRipperonly if you search something that is uncommon
22:49.35NetRipperbut if you search something common, like dcordes, it is fast
22:49.36Alex[sp3dev]google indexes that all anyway
22:49.37Cotullau hardcode list of words there
22:50.10dcordesNetRipper, I noticed the general log viewing got much faster
22:50.42*** part/#htc-linux Total_Meltdown_ (
22:50.51jonpryirc log search is awesome. absolutely none of it makes sense
22:51.10jonpryUnholy yea but i wouldent care much snince im alredy dranning my battry of at 700mhz
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22:52.07NetRipperdcordes, also works for looking up urls like you wanted to:
22:52.23dcordesjonpry, now we can spy ourselves better
22:52.50NetRipperdcordes, yes it got a lot better since i reworked the table structure
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22:54.04dcordesI prepared meatsy foodstuffs and now I smell like garlic 10km against the wind direction
22:54.18NetRipperwhen did you not smell?
22:55.50dcordesI'm happy to announce marajin prepared salmon with garlic end of July 200 and eight
22:58.18stinebdAlex[sp3dev]: dont know man, i'd say try syncing again and make a make clean
22:59.15Alex[sp3dev]stinebd: i'll try to disable building that app and see if it breaks again
22:59.40Alex[sp3dev]but android build system is such crap
23:00.00Alex[sp3dev]they could've used cmake and it would be faster.. and easier to do partial builds
23:00.29dcordesAlex[sp3dev], port it to openembedded
23:00.40Alex[sp3dev]dcordes: why spoil oe with android?
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23:05.07Alex[sp3dev]stinebd: which machine do you have for building android btw?
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23:05.28stinebdAlex[sp3dev]: quad-core phenom running gentoo
23:05.53Alex[sp3dev]yeah. gentoo guys need top hardware to survive
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23:22.53MassStashwho should i ask just a random Q bout why the HD2 doesn't put CWM on a partition instead of running off the sdcard?
23:23.18Cotullau have TP2?
23:23.31MassStashyea, but work on my friends HD2 from time to time
23:23.51MassStashwe were messing with it yesterday n i learned that u need the sdcard still in to run CWM roms right?
23:24.08MassStashthat's sorta a degression from your MAGLDR
23:24.10Cotulladunno how u learned this... ppl flashing CWN to partition as well
23:24.20MassStashoohhhh k
23:24.27MassStashperhaps i stopped looking into too soon
23:24.30Cotullabut some start to think that it can be on SD also
23:25.15MassStashdo you see any need for CWM then really?
23:25.50MassStashits sorta nerd prefference at that point?
23:26.10Cotulladifferent people have different opinions :)
23:26.16MassStashriiight right
23:26.19MassStashkoo thanks
23:26.37MassStashyou see acl's recovery pic? pretty sweet
23:26.39Cotullamy opinion is oldscholl - every time when u flash rom it must clear all device, to prevent random bugs.
23:26.47MassStashwerd to that
23:26.53MassStashsame mentality here
23:27.01CotullaI am against "updates"
23:27.17MassStashgot cha
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23:33.17MassStashhow's things coming along for you then Cotulla?
23:34.17RaiderXis there a WP7 development channel?
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23:41.55Cotullathere was some channel
23:42.00MassStashhtc-WP7 Pro?
23:42.07Cotullaor maybe nto
23:44.45jonprywhat is easiest config file format to parse?
23:47.04Cotullaor just plain text
23:47.10Cotullaone line - one item
23:47.23Cotullabut I ask this question too :P
23:47.39jonpryyeah INI could work
23:47.51Cotullabut for INI u need parser
23:48.14jonpryi know, but it needs to be human readable
23:48.21jonprybunch of floats will suck
23:48.44jonpryi don't know about categories. maybe just foo=bar
23:49.22Cotullafloats will suck anyway

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