IRC log for #htc-linux on 20110301

00:00.03rpierce99oh so your phone is all better now?
00:00.20bzoWisTilt2: it sure would be handy to find a usable 2mb there
00:00.31WisTilt2yeah my other one ive been using for jonpry's battery tests got bricked totally but fixed now
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00:01.32XirXeshowd your tech fix it?
00:01.40WisTilt2bzo: be nice to find more than that, if its contiguous:)
00:02.40WisTilt2XirXes, dont know but it took him an hour or so. bootloader was wiped so somehow he stuck it back in there.
00:03.53bzoWisTilt2: yep, would be nice to be able to relocate some pmem regions to free up ebi some more
00:04.36WisTilt2did you ever get anything working in SMI2?
00:04.37XirXescarzy bastage. he was probably still able to talk to arm 9. when mines completly off and i connect it to usb it registers with my pc as a qualcomm modem or something
00:05.13stinebdWisTilt2: how did you wipe bootloader? with the battery log?
00:05.41WisTilt2yeah, my guys in what i call "the cave" work with that stuff all the time so obviously they know all the hardware secret backdoors.
00:05.43bzoWisTilt2: no, but jb had some success in using smi2 for camera pmem. However some users experienced issues
00:05.57XirXesthats awesome
00:06.16WisTilt2stinebd: i was writing to a misconfigured buffer address:)
00:06.27XirXeswhats the difference between smi and normal ram?
00:06.53WisTilt2smi is stacked, ram is just sdram i believe
00:07.09bzoas far as we're concerned it's just another memory bank
00:09.16bzoWisTilt2: if you pull the latest from the tree, you'll see the ifdefs where smi2 use is attempted
00:09.37WisTilt2jb's tree or our's?
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00:18.28WisTilt2i like the way this code is laid out. ill see what usable addresses i get in smi2 and we can add them
00:18.36arrrghhhyo WisTilt2.  just got your email, gonna boot it now.
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00:21.27WisTilt2arrrghhh, i take it no trees jumped out in front of you?
00:21.37arrrghhha few humans
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00:22.18arrrghhhhad a fantastic day.  snow was great, sky was endlessly blue... gorgeous day.  almost too warm tho lol
00:23.01WisTilt2nice when it's like that.
00:23.34arrrghhhmy dad pulled his nikon out and snapped some pics at the top
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00:37.29arrrghhhWisTilt2: no tearing yet :D
00:37.48WisTilt2you wont get any:)
00:38.09WisTilt2smooth, just like a good glass of scotch lol
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00:38.20arrrghhhi think i drank a little too much of that last night.
00:38.37arrrghhhso screen glitches/lag fixes
00:38.43arrrghhhanything else?  do you want me to post it?
00:39.53arrrghhhhaven't had any failed wakes yet, and it sleeps so fast.  but i've only been running it for a few minutes ;)
00:40.08rpierce99failed wakes aren't completely gone, but they are good
00:40.34arrrghhhfailed wakes aren't good
00:41.25WisTilt2yeah its good to go i think.  failed wakes at least aren't fully locked up.  im beginning to think they are caused when something ril related is going on in the background at that moment.
00:41.56arrrghhhcool.  can't wait to see what your radio programmer finds :D
00:42.03arrrghhhwhat horrors reside in our RIL
00:42.46WisTilt2i should be able to put him on this wed/thur this week.  he'll enjoy something different for a change
00:42.55rpierce99arrrghhh: you missed the news earlier from Xerxes, there was an HTC android world phone announced yesterday, and xerxes pulled RIL binaries already
00:43.35rpierce99dunno which way we'd rather go, but it's nice to have options i suppose
00:43.40arrrghhhnot sure if they'll help, but that would be awesome.
00:45.09WisTilt2bzo: do we need to do any spin locks when reading SMI2 do you know?  im going to setup a buffer to track addresses that change during device use to see if anything uses these regions.
00:45.44bzoWisTilt2: wouldn't think so, it's the same as any other memory
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00:53.19arrrghhhafter i made a phone call, back to the 30s sleep crap.  RIL being the culprit definitely seems more than likely at this point...
00:55.13arrrghhhWisTilt2: this might be too much to ask, but on your next kernel can you pull the latest GIT commits?  Lots of stuff flying onto the main tree...
00:56.23WisTilt2just pulled them but need to mod pmem with the changes i made to fb
00:56.45rpierce99arrrghhh wants some camera lovin
00:57.21arrrghhhnot me necessairly
00:57.37arrrghhhbut the masses are bitching and asking me to combine your kernel and the cam kerenl
00:57.45arrrghhhwhich, is obviously retarded.
00:58.19WisTilt2people never seem to be happy:(
00:58.31arrrghhhof course
00:58.37arrrghhhyou give them an inch, and they'll take a mile :P
00:58.54arrrghhhin reality, i just don't want your kernel to deviate too far from mainline.
00:59.05arrrghhhi don't really give a crap about cam.
01:01.15stinebdyay bionic repo fixed
01:11.36WisTilt2arrrghhh: have you posted yet?
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01:14.12arrrghhhoh yea
01:14.20arrrghhhno feedback as of yet
01:14.23arrrghhhdo you have another one?  lol
01:14.34AstainHellbringwow bionic already in repos?
01:14.38WisTilt2ok nm.  i just rebuilt with the latest git tree.  we can do that tomorrow
01:14.45arrrghhhWisTilt2: np.
01:15.19WisTilt21st of the month seems appropriate for another post to start the month off with all this and camera in it
01:17.04arrrghhhindeed :D
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01:25.40arrrghhhhey WisTilt2 - couple of questions for you
01:25.59arrrghhhhave you ever tried to make or receive a phone call while in 'silent' mode
01:26.14arrrghhhand have you ever tried to use the FN+backspace key (delete basically).
01:26.39WisTilt2yeah, audio switching is broken, something i was going to fix but forgot about it
01:26.56WisTilt2never tried FN bs
01:27.21arrrghhhi noticed that fn+backspace (delete) doesn't act as delete at all.
01:27.35arrrghhhjust curious if it was a rhod400-specific thing, or if no body has really noticed as of yet ;P
01:27.37arrrghhher :P
01:27.39WisTilt2audio is easy fix just havent done it.  state gets reset in silent mode and only speakerphone enables the bits again
01:28.23WisTilt2thanks for reminding me though, that was something i had on my list to fix when i was doing speakerphone
01:30.01WisTilt2fn+bs sounds like a key map fix for F22:)
01:30.13rpierce99my phone is sitting in orange sleep right now
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01:30.34WisTilt2then its awake
01:30.39WisTilt2not locked up is it?
01:30.48rpierce99just went green again
01:30.51rpierce99took a few minutes
01:31.05WisTilt2some app then or cell negotiation
01:31.06rpierce99i'm still having edge, so maybe just a slow sync
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01:33.42WisTilt2well everything runs the same with the updated tree so we're good with all the new stuff
01:37.25WisTilt2arrrghhh, i just put up the kernel pack with the current git if you want to test it out overnight and post it tomorrow if all is well. 446d158d7154e05d9d9ad5564a39964c
01:37.41arrrghhhgrabbing it now
01:38.11WisTilt2i probably wont be on tonight, family is taking me out for my *ugg* birthday dinner
01:38.34arrrghhhhappy b-day btw
01:38.42stinebdhappy sesquicentennial!
01:38.44arrrghhheven tho it's technically on a day that doesn't exist.
01:39.02WisTilt2thanks.  yeah next year its real so i just live though these ones
01:39.03rpierce99you were born on Feb. 29!? That's amazing!
01:39.41stinebdway to be born, guy
01:39.43WisTilt2yeah and one of my grandkids missed by a couple days
01:39.59WisTilt2hey, i'll always be a teenager
01:40.12rpierce99until you're 80
01:40.12WisTilt2unless i live to 80
01:40.17stinebdWisTilt2: you should merge our upstream tree into your working kernel tree
01:40.25stinebdbefore you make too much progress and it gets hard to handle
01:40.47WisTilt2stinebd can i just do that by doing a full clone again?
01:41.02stinebdyou're working in a prior clone right?
01:41.13WisTilt2last clone was at 1258
01:41.16stinebdie. still with git history, and your own commits
01:41.55stinebdman i need to take about a week off, fly over to you and teach you git
01:42.05stinebdand beg for a job
01:42.09WisTilt2:) oldskool her ya know
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01:42.36WisTilt2where are you again stinebd?
01:42.40stinebdeastern pa
01:42.47WisTilt2too far
01:42.51rpierce99stinebd: are we close to a frx05 release or should i pull the libs from the viruscrazy thread?
01:43.00stinebdrpierce99: define close
01:43.05rpierce99testing tonight
01:43.14stinebdfrx05 tomorrow probably
01:43.24arrrghhhi need to make new bundles.
01:43.28arrrghhhgb and froyo
01:43.38stinebdyeah ginger i'll probably have a new system image tomorrow too
01:43.54arrrghhhwith cam crap?
01:44.09stinebdi guess
01:44.26arrrghhhdon't even know what you're releasing
01:44.26stinebdi probably lost that commit with yesterday's
01:44.37stinebdor whenever that was
01:44.58stinebdi did a repo sync and forgot bionic wasn't forked
01:45.12rpierce99hates having to go into legacy devices on xda
01:45.28stinebdi had to buy the premium app just to get to the raph forum
01:45.48stinebdbut they mistakenly left diamond in the regular category
01:47.52WisTilt2ok guys im out.  catch ya'll tomorrow
01:48.59rpierce99viruscrazys OP is so confusing right now, there's 8000 download links
01:49.05arrrghhhdownload them all
01:49.08arrrghhhGOTTA HAVE 'EM ALL
01:51.07arrrghhhrpierce99: in reality you should just need the updated userland libs.
01:51.19arrrghhhkernel stuff can be ignored at this point AFAIK
01:51.21rpierce99right, that's what I'm trying to find, is that the attachments?
01:51.40arrrghhhtime to hand-feed you child.
01:51.44rpierce99found it
01:51.49arrrghhhlol ok
01:52.21rpierce99the wall of text after "PLEASE READ CAREFULLY" masked the single download link inside
01:52.39arrrghhhobviously you didn't read carefully enough :P
01:52.50rpierce99that's a given
01:53.28rpierce99it's like passwords, the more text there is the less likely to be read, the more complex the password requirement, the more likely i am to use ASDF1234 and write it down
01:58.18arrrghhhyea, i try to make my build threads concise
01:58.27arrrghhhbut still provide enough info to at least get people going.l
01:58.33arrrghhhit's hard to strike that balance
01:58.47arrrghhhplus, jb has had a lot of changes, and didn't really clean up the first post.
01:59.09stinebddodongo dislikes smoke
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02:10.06[acl]is mr stine here ?
02:10.33rpierce99stinebd: PING!
02:11.09rpierce99he was around 12 minutes ago
02:11.15[acl]fak .. ok
02:11.18[acl]ill try again lata
02:11.23rpierce99he's never far
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02:11.35[acl]but never close either
02:12.36[acl]i shall have to hunt him down later.. for now i must hit the gym..
02:13.13arrrghhh[acl]: anything you want us to pass on...?
02:13.30[acl]arrrghhh: ehh..
02:13.48[acl]arrrghhh: not sure.. Just wondering if we can make a constant for the path for pppd on the ril
02:14.07XirXesim reading the logs right now arrrghhh and fn-backspace does exactly what it does in normal android
02:14.09[acl]but then again if its just on 1 location. then i can just change it
02:14.16arrrghhhXirXes: fawk
02:14.27arrrghhhXirXes: it doesn't delete for me, it wipes out the entire line.
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02:15.06arrrghhhi wonder if it is RHOD400-specific.
02:15.08arrrghhhdon't know why...
02:15.13XirXesits worse on the g2 when you have alt-lock on and your typing in numbers and you mess up. you can imagine the anger
02:15.27arrrghhhyea i <3 my dedicated number row.
02:16.03XirXesi <3 mine so much ill probably switch back to the tp2 when androids more complete
02:16.14arrrghhhthat sucks.
02:16.23arrrghhhfreakin specs can't compare...
02:18.35XirXesyeah but i still really only use it for browsing the internet and simple apps
02:19.04XirXesthe majoraty of what i do on the g2 i can do on the tp2
02:22.45arrrghhhfood time bbl
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02:30.04XirXes"02:59 stinebd dodongo dislikes smoke" if im not mistaken dodongos live in a mountain filled with lava and smoke. They live there by choice man
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03:08.20NeoMatrixJRarrrghhh: hey, I haven't checked the logs (yet) but did WisTilt2 figure out the graphics glitches with his latest kernel?
03:08.35NeoMatrixJRor maybe not the latest anymore
03:08.47rpierce99NeoMatrixJR:  the fixed kernel is posted
03:08.57arrrghhhno need to read logs, it's in teh forums
03:14.01NeoMatrixJRu happen to know if WT2's latest includes the camera updates recently posted to the main kernel too?
03:14.09arrrghhhstabs NeoMatrixJR
03:14.15arrrghhhthey don't...
03:14.27arrrghhhi'm pretty sure i would've mentioned that... thanks.
03:14.28NeoMatrixJRok...just thought I'd check
03:14.36NeoMatrixJRI'm still loading up the forums!
03:14.39rpierce99arrrghhh is grumpy tonight :)
03:14.40NeoMatrixJRinternet being crappy
03:14.45arrrghhhrpierce99: what do you mean tonight?
03:14.52rpierce99ok the last 2 minutes
03:15.00arrrghhhi thought that we just me.
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03:15.14rpierce99oh well more than usual then
03:15.26NeoMatrixJRdude... have you read arrrghhh's forum posts rpierce99?
03:15.37NeoMatrixJRarrrghhh + newbs = bad
03:15.58rpierce99i wouldn't go that far
03:16.22rpierce99he's just.... blunt
03:16.23NeoMatrixJRsome of 'em deserve it I suppose
03:16.49NeoMatrixJRwhen they ask stuff answered in 1st post (don't shoot me arrrghhh.  I found u in here before hitting the forums tonight)
03:17.15arrrghhhwell i really do try to make the first post the end-all
03:17.42arrrghhhso newbs saying they don't want to read 30+ pages can bbaulderdashe called baulderdash upon.
03:17.52arrrghhhstupid touchpad.
03:18.02NeoMatrixJRyes, and thanks for that.  I was just checking with you in here to see if it was even worth loading up the forums
03:18.07arrrghhhcan be called baulderdash upon
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03:19.58NeoMatrixJRwishes he didn't have to work out thanks to arrrghhh's stab wound.
03:20.15arrrghhhyou're welcome.
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03:21.39NeoMatrixJRok, I gotta jump on the bike now.  might be back later.  I'm going to try to check out the BT code jbreanux (ok I didn't spell that right) was working on along with cam.  Maybe I'll learn something if I can make heads or tails of it.  I don't know 'nuthin' about clocks 'n such.
03:22.04arrrghhhwhat code did he submit for BT?
03:22.09arrrghhhi didn't think any of his BT work was public.
03:22.39NeoMatrixJRhe's got a publicly accessible tree
03:23.11arrrghhhdidn't know bt improvements were on there
03:23.17arrrghhhi thought he said that there were some userland issues too
03:23.20arrrghhhand he hasn't sorted it all out yet...
03:23.36NeoMatrixJRPM'd u link
03:23.48arrrghhhlol i know where his kernel tree is..
03:23.53NeoMatrixJRthere's userland stuff, but I did that part once on my own when I was trying to work on it.
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03:24.04arrrghhhhow did you know what to change?
03:24.04NeoMatrixJRphh told me most of the userland stuff
03:24.24arrrghhhyou're sure it's right?  lol
03:24.32NeoMatrixJRI think it's a change to an initrd file and adding the firmware?
03:24.41arrrghhhi have no clue TBH
03:24.50NeoMatrixJRI'd have to find my notes again and the stuff viruscrazy sent me
03:24.51arrrghhhi don't ever use BT... so it's really not anything i want.
03:25.08rpierce99arrrghhh only wants angry birds to run better
03:25.17arrrghhhdon't mix me up for you rpierce99 :P
03:25.25NeoMatrixJRhe got BT on RHOD to come up and pair, but no audio (which I believe is where raph and others are as well) so he got close!
03:25.38arrrghhhi just hope you've played the game enough that it's mined all of your data rpierce99
03:25.48arrrghhhNeoMatrixJR: that's status quo...
03:26.03arrrghhhBT turns on, pairs, but doesn't pass audio/data
03:26.03NeoMatrixJR?? u mean the data corruption issues? that's getting to be a REAL pain.
03:26.10arrrghhhAFAIK the TI chipsets will pass data as well
03:26.12arrrghhhbut no audio
03:26.27NeoMatrixJRyeah.. but nobody's got that far on RHOD up to this point
03:26.28arrrghhhdata corruption issues...?
03:26.44arrrghhhstatus quo is bt enables and pairs...
03:27.04NeoMatrixJRon RHOD?  when did that happen?  I've never even gotten BT to come online
03:27.06arrrghhhangry birds used to steal data from phones
03:27.17arrrghhhi guess they've now changed their policies...
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03:27.50rpierce99yeah arrrghhh BT doesn't even enable for me either
03:28.00rpierce99i think you have your chipsets confused
03:28.01NeoMatrixJRoh, no, the data corruption I was talking about was the non-dismounting SD cards causing app's data stores to corrupt. (launch corrupted app = FC)
03:28.30arrrghhhrpierce99: i guess i could be recalling from my RAPH days
03:28.44NeoMatrixJRok, as much as I wanna keep talking if I don't get on the bike the wife will KILL me.  Had a bad enough day... lost my wedding ring for half the day!
03:28.54NeoMatrixJRback later for a bit....
03:29.40arrrghhhwait the wife will kill you if you don't get on the bike...?
03:29.43arrrghhhis confused
03:29.49arrrghhhbut have fun riding to nowhereland :P
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05:45.26[acl]who der?
05:45.42rpierce99u der
05:46.01[acl]stine show his face around hur again ?
05:55.28[acl]do you guys think its worth it to port over cyanogen from source ?
05:55.38[acl]or just butcher it to run from another msm7k device
05:55.51arrrghhhi'd guess butcher
05:56.06arrrghhhprobably be easier.  not sure which would be 'better' tho...
05:56.12[acl]ahh true
05:56.33[acl]butchering is way easier.. had it running before.. but libs caused some issues.
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06:02.42WisTilt2arrrghhh, you still awake?
06:02.44arrrghhhyo WisTilt2
06:03.02[acl]dang the late night crowd
06:03.11WisTilt2just got home and thought i'd do some coding for an hour or so
06:03.11arrrghhhon that new kernel, cam works great... but it doesn't sleep.  it's a userland issue tho, i pulled the libs and it sleeps just fine.
06:03.42rpierce99WisTilt2: i'm in a laggy state again, is there anything i can do to try to narrow it down
06:03.51[acl]sounds like we all need to hunt down stine :-p
06:03.58WisTilt2nice.  so you tried it on the last pack i uploaded or on the autobuild one?
06:04.01rpierce99it's weird, it's only usb, buttons, etc, touch and apps are working great
06:04.05WisTilt2hey [acl]
06:04.06arrrghhhheh, it's jb's libs [acl]
06:04.12arrrghhhWisTilt2: last pack you uploaded.
06:04.20arrrghhhhaven't tried it on the newest git kernel to be honest
06:04.28[acl]WisTilt2: sup dood.. working hard i see.. thanks bro.. ur an animal
06:04.33WisTilt2same thing.  i synced everything
06:04.40[acl]arrrghhh: dang so jb is the culprit huh
06:04.44WisTilt2[acl], fb running nicely in SMI
06:04.57WisTilt2found more usable memory in SMI2 also
06:04.58arrrghhhseems to be... unless he has some new libs that i don't have..
06:05.07[acl]WisTilt2: i heard.. but it doesnt make sense why it doesnt work regularly.
06:05.35[acl]WisTilt2: but like i said before.. im neutral to it.. since it doesnt break anything
06:06.11WisTilt2there are several blocks that look clean but get used by different things depending on the app.  im mapping the usable ones though.  looks like we might have a 10mb contiguous block we can use there:)
06:06.50[acl]ahh man .. dont tell me uir thinking of moving 3d
06:06.59WisTilt2if we can move gpu1 out of ebi it will be worth it i think
06:07.15WisTilt2it'll be faster wont it?
06:07.20[acl]WisTilt2: i tried to be honest. its alot of work.
06:07.29[acl]the qcom lib is hardcoded to use ebi
06:07.38[acl]you will need someone to bin hack the shit out of it
06:07.44WisTilt2fixed at ebi1?
06:07.52[acl]disassemble it and you will see
06:07.59[acl]i already bi hacked it to use more mem for wvga
06:08.24[acl]originally it didnt even support wvga so we would get flickering
06:08.43[acl]gralloc is easy.. its just c++.. but the qcom lib will cause trouble
06:09.19[acl]ive yet to see a device to use smi for 3d..
06:09.32WisTilt2well we'll find something to stick in there
06:09.39[acl]yeah ..
06:10.00[acl]still keep an eye on the panel rate.. that shit is the one that we need to tackle
06:10.12[acl]right now 30 is the max we can do .. and 20 is for neocore
06:10.17[acl]havent been able to go above that
06:10.38WisTilt2whats the reason, or do we know?
06:10.50[acl]because thats how its set by default.
06:10.51arrrghhhevo had a similar issue
06:11.00[acl]issue = feature ?
06:11.01arrrghhhbut IIRC the patch that fixed their mess didn't work on ours
06:11.11arrrghhhhtc kanged the work and improved on it as well
06:11.12[acl]correct.. we cant change that reg
06:11.16arrrghhhwhich i find hilarious.
06:11.35[acl]WisTilt2: its all in the novatec doc bro.. check it out.. ur good at that shit
06:12.00[acl]emwe: had luck with moving the value a bit for the topaz but not enough to make a good dent
06:12.06WisTilt2btw, you need to add a few panel registers to your nand init's.  vsync for panel isnt set for correct trigger
06:12.13arrrghhhWisTilt2: i forgot about a potential bug that was found...
06:12.24WisTilt2ill commit that stuff later this week
06:12.33arrrghhhif the phone is in deep sleep, and you plug in a charger - LED goes orange and then quickly back to solid green... but the phone doesn't charge.
06:12.39[acl]WisTilt2: you know which one of the top of your head ? i'm trying to stick to what winmo has
06:13.05WisTilt20x3b00, 0x3b02-05.  ill email you the bitmasks
06:13.27WisTilt2works as is but with these the vsync problems went away
06:13.46WisTilt2fb dma vsync requests that is
06:13.49[acl]WisTilt2: yeah but we never had vsync issues tho.. so if it aint broke dont fix it
06:14.09WisTilt2it is in haret when you enable the logging :)
06:14.24[acl]WisTilt2: hmm.. maybe for gsm ?
06:14.34[acl]WisTilt2: got some logs to compare ours as well
06:14.37WisTilt2nope, arrrghhh got them on cdma also
06:14.50[acl]ooo .. cdma with diff settings.
06:14.53[acl]now thats interesting
06:15.07WisTilt2you never see any msmfb errors of any kind on nand?
06:15.18[acl]nahh.. if i did im sure i would have fixed it
06:15.22WisTilt2or maybe you dont have the verbose logging to show them
06:15.34[acl]WisTilt2: i wrote the patch remember.. coruse i have it
06:15.54[acl]had to enable it to verify the fps
06:15.56arrrghhh[acl]: i have all sorts of insane panel wake issues on nand... are you sure?
06:16.11arrrghhhi have no clue what was causing the wake issues, mind you.
06:16.12[acl]arrrghhh: you are the same guy who didnt boot with our kernel
06:16.29[acl]hmm .. now you got me thinking
06:16.31arrrghhhhey now a bunch of others didn't as well until nate applied his special sauce :P
06:16.36[acl]lmiller and i seem to run on almost anything
06:16.39[acl]so he cant be trusted
06:16.43[acl]well he can
06:16.48arrrghhhneither can you!
06:16.54[acl]but his device and my device dont seem to bitch i tell you
06:17.03arrrghhhi know it.
06:17.07WisTilt2msmfb_pan_display timeout rerequest vsync <-- this is the main one [acl]
06:17.19[acl]Hmm.. thats a kilelr one
06:17.39[acl]ill try with my other rhod
06:17.49[acl]maybe my 1 magical rhod doesnt care even about bad registers
06:18.12WisTilt2none at all now though with trigger changes on high instead of low
06:18.46[acl]ill have to dump some haret logs.. but from what i have.. none of that shows up. I guess it all depends on how it was left after boot
06:19.02[acl]remember you have winmo to do your work. we dont, so we go straight from spl
06:19.10[acl]who knows how spl leaves shit
06:20.20WisTilt2arrrghhh: i just tried that charger bug and mine worked.  plugged in, orange then green, then few secs later woke with screen on saying charging
06:20.34arrrghhhmaybe i was just being impatient
06:20.36arrrghhhusb or ac?
06:20.51arrrghhhhrm i tried with usb
06:20.56arrrghhhforgot my ac charger heh
06:21.04WisTilt2might be usb issue trying to bring up that interface
06:21.09arrrghhhlet me try it again and be patient.
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06:21.20arrrghhhi'm an impatient man.  sorry WisTilt2 :P
06:21.26WisTilt2i tried it 3 times now and same every time
06:21.28[acl]nothing on the other rhod too
06:22.07[acl]only time we see those errors is during boot before android takes over. But once android is up.. solid..
06:22.09WisTilt2[acl] you get those errors after a bit, always coming out of sleep for awhile
06:22.41[acl]i have megs and megs of logs bro from testing.. quick search ..nothing
06:22.42WisTilt2sometimes take 30mins, depending on how many times you sleep/woke
06:22.50[acl]30 mins
06:23.04[acl]sounds like ima leave this bad boy on and press this beotch 100 times
06:23.29WisTilt2weird. you looking at logs after the panel collapse was in place or before.  started when we powered the panel down
06:25.02[acl]arrrghhh: you are a good tester since your phone reacts differently. Can you replicate this issue on your end ?
06:25.21arrrghhhWisTilt2: well this is weird.  first plug, phone did eventually wake and show charging/usb plug.  tried it again, now it's not responding at all
06:25.28arrrghhh[acl]: those msmfb errors...?
06:25.45[acl]arrrghhh: yeah
06:25.59arrrghhhi used to get them before WisTilt2 started messing with all this fb and pm stuff
06:26.00WisTilt2not with this kernel, its fixed now
06:26.13arrrghhhi can go back to an autobuild kernel i guess
06:26.18[acl]arrrghhh: nahh man i mean nand kernel.
06:26.35arrrghhhyes, but not tonight ;)
06:28.16arrrghhhWisTilt2: can you try it on usb to make sure i'm not crazy?
06:28.23arrrghhhor perhaps ensure that i am crazy, either way.
06:28.42arrrghhhwhen i unplug usb i get a little blip of orange
06:28.46arrrghhhsame with plugging it back in
06:28.52[acl]WisTilt2: i'll have to check with the rest of my testers to see if we get those bad boys. Im very interested now
06:28.54arrrghhhbut i've only gotten it to wake/show charging once.
06:28.59[acl]arrrghhh; do you still have those haret dumps ?
06:29.16arrrghhhharetconsole poop?
06:29.22arrrghhhthere were a few i took, which ones?
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06:30.11arrrghhhsir bzo
06:30.14arrrghhhjoin the party :D
06:30.31bzoisn't it late for you boys? :p
06:30.33[acl]arrrghhh: trying to see wtf kinda EID panel you have. since im looking at the dll now.. and ther eis no 3b00
06:30.47WisTilt2arrrghhh, tried on usb and thats where problem is.  wont go into charge if sleeping but on ac works correctly.
06:31.00arrrghhhWisTilt2: ok good.  i'm not crazy.  at least not completely ;)
06:31.14arrrghhh[acl]: o... probably don't have that dude.  i can pull it again tho
06:31.25[acl]you dont have EID ? :
06:31.32arrrghhhi do have EID
06:31.40[acl]ahh ok
06:31.42bzoWisTilt2: so you found some usable smi2?
06:32.02arrrghhhon sd it said 0x14
06:32.06arrrghhhprobably not what you're looking for tho
06:32.20[acl]arrrghhh: no im looking for your panel init dump
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06:32.31arrrghhhkk.  i can pull it again, what's the commands?
06:32.34WisTilt2bzo: so far nothing has used it but only 6hrs into it. we'll check in the morning but looks like 10mb usable plus several other 1mb areas.
06:32.52[acl]arrrghhh: fuck some nonsense.. lol. check your email. you prob sent it to wistilt
06:33.15bzoWisTilt2: so perhaps this is why using that one area of smi2 for pmem like jb tried it was flaky
06:33.50[acl]anyways folks i need to go .. arrrghhh/wis/ bzo.. we shall chat tomorrow
06:33.51WisTilt2yep.  some of the promising areas turned out to be used after device was on awhile
06:34.01bzo[acl] ttyl
06:34.08WisTilt2nite [acl
06:34.20[acl]WisTilt2: i'll try to get some dumps... but that vsync thing doesnt sound like something i can use. ill test tonight.. thanks bro
06:34.25bzoWisTilt2: damn sounds like a minefield
06:35.13WisTilt2minefield is a great name for it.
06:35.29rpierce99WisTilt2: did you see my note about the lagginess
06:35.44WisTilt2only thing i havent run yet is any 3d but doubt anything hits smi2 during that?
06:36.05bzojeez, who know?
06:36.07WisTilt2rpierce99: note, no
06:36.41rpierce99lagginess came back, but it's specifically hard button, usb connection, and sleep related for some reason
06:36.48rpierce99screen and apps are working fine
06:37.28WisTilt2lagginess in what way? you mean pressing buttons are slow to respond?
06:37.38rpierce99but my end button won't work, i can't sleep, and it takes the system like 5 minutes to detect a usb cable plugged in, even when fully awake
06:37.54rpierce99that's not an exagerration either, haha
06:39.03rpierce99touching the screen and launching apps works fine, albeit slower than when it's running fresh
06:39.13WisTilt2did you run top to see if its something like system server again?
06:39.30rpierce99yeah top is showing 50%+ free
06:39.40WisTilt2whats using the other 50% though?
06:39.57WisTilt2thats high if doing nothing
06:40.06rpierce99currently top @ 23%, 0 for everything else
06:40.16rpierce99i just launched top though so it might settle
06:41.28rpierce99usb data is so laggy though, top still hasn't refreshed once
06:41.50WisTilt2top on mine is 8.3%-14% for the past minute.  what service is using 23% ?
06:41.53rpierce99there it refreshed
06:42.10rpierce998.2 system server, 1.0 google apps, .7 zeam, and lower from there
06:42.20rpierce9986.2 idle
06:42.36WisTilt2and buttons are laggy right now?
06:42.58rpierce99back works well, end/home is dead
06:43.09rpierce99send worked, but slow
06:43.18rpierce99menu works
06:43.22rpierce99so mostly just end/home
06:43.30WisTilt2if you go to app menu then hit home it doesnt work?
06:43.57rpierce99hitting home from the app drawer never took me home
06:44.11rpierce99but yeah if i launch email and then hit end/home, it doesn't take me home
06:45.26WisTilt2do you have end mapped to home?
06:45.54rpierce99spare parts method
06:46.30rpierce99i promise you i'm not crazy or stupid, another guy in the forums reported the same issue
06:46.33WisTilt2yeah same here.  im not seeing this at all, its not done in the kernel anyway so i have no idea
06:46.54arrrghhhrpierce99: but what if you're both Oo
06:47.15WisTilt2arrrghhh you having that same problem?
06:47.19arrrghhhyou are a fan of angry birds, which means your intelligence level is questionable...
06:47.26rpierce99this is the report from arrrghhhs thread: Just made a quick call.. screen was super laggy.. didn't show I ended the call until about 2 mins afterwards.. guess that's related to graphic issues in this kernel? Anyway it seem to have broken my sleep button (end call), recent program launcher (hold power button) and airplane/sound/shutdown menu (hold end call). Hopefully it fixes after a restart.
06:47.34arrrghhhWisTilt2: nope.  it only slows for me when i try to download 5 apps from the market
06:47.39arrrghhhrpierce99: that was with the OLD kernel
06:47.51rpierce99arrrghhh: i know but it's the SAME issue
06:48.10arrrghhhit was fixed in the new kernel is my point...
06:48.24rpierce99oh really which line of code?
06:48.29WisTilt2is it doing it right now? if so, pastebin your dmesg if you can
06:48.37rpierce99it is, will do
06:48.38arrrghhhrpierce99: lol seriously?
06:49.14rpierce99arrrghhh: what I'm saying is if we can't even say what the problem is, how can we know it's fixed
06:49.35WisTilt2i assume you're running the kernel that isnt posted yet?
06:49.39rpierce99i assumed it was related to the screen tearing
06:50.06arrrghhhrpierce99: i haven't had any lagginess other than the "normal" lagginess.
06:50.46rpierce99arrrghhh: so you're suggesting that myself and 2 other people happened to encounter the same old issue for the first time at the same time
06:50.47WisTilt2hmm, the tearing could have done all kinds of strange things because of memory but this kernel that is all fixed.  i need to look at your current dmesg to see if anything looks strange
06:51.19arrrghhhrpierce99: those two other people reported that issue on the old kernel.. oy.
06:51.48rpierce99the old kernel, which shockingly the new kernel is based on
06:52.38WisTilt2one this is you have the wrong modules or more than 1 module file in boot dir
06:52.56WisTilt2not that that's whats causing it but just notice that
06:54.22arrrghhhlooks like you also have all the libs mounted for cam
06:54.26WisTilt2and do you have some other lib files you added since earlier today when it wasnt doing this?
06:54.46rpierce99i had this same issue at 2pm, before adding the libs
06:55.11arrrghhhon the old wistilt2 kernel right?
06:55.37rpierce99yes the one i ran overnight and into this afternoon
06:56.03arrrghhhhrm.  i'd say pull the libs and see if it still happens.  i guess we'll see if WisTilt2 can find something else.
06:56.33arrrghhhi see 'dirty hack' in there everywhere lol
06:57.04WisTilt2yeah whatever libs are running right now are doing some weird clock stuff
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06:59.00WisTilt2it only took 8secs to bring up usb when you last plugged it in also
06:59.18WisTilt2then all the weird clock stuff happened
07:00.47rpierce99the last time i physically connected usb it took about 3 minutes, I'm looking at my IRC history as I played it out for arrrghhh in #xdandroid, that would have been 10:57CST
07:00.55WisTilt2man, my phone is working beautifully on this kernel.  made several calls, received calls and texts, and used the heck out of the browser.  still sleeping within 1s and havent had a single failed wake yet
07:01.11arrrghhhWisTilt2: haven't had failed wakes at all either.
07:01.23arrrghhhsleeping in 1s... kinda a crap shoot.
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07:02.28WisTilt2you know, what i see happening with usb rpierce99, its coming up, clocks go nuts, it resets and then starts all over again until those clocks stop messing around.
07:02.49WisTilt2usb coming up but those clocks are killing it
07:02.51arrrghhhrpierce99: just pull the damned libs...
07:03.03WisTilt2has to be the libs for sure, its not the kernel
07:03.31arrrghhhWisTilt2: oh that reminds me.  random OT question, if you hit fn+backspace does it actually act as a delete key or  does it just blast everything out?
07:03.34rpierce99so you think that this particular lagginess is completely unrelated to the earlier lagginess with which i had no libs? If that's your determination, you're the expert, I'm fine with it
07:03.59WisTilt2once the clocks start its delaying each clock 5s each also
07:04.09arrrghhhthis lagginess is different than the lagginess reported.  not sure why it's so hard to believe...
07:04.27rpierce99if these libs are problematic though we better tell stinebd to delay frx05 though, unless they are working on some unreleased libs
07:04.36WisTilt2the previous lagginess could have been from the tearing due to memory overlap
07:04.40arrrghhhyea, need to talk to stine about that
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07:04.56arrrghhhnot sure if he is using different libs or not, as i wasn't able to put the phone to sleep with jb's libs.
07:05.08WisTilt2the problem you're having right now is definitely stemming from those libs from what i can see
07:05.29F221WisTilt2: Happy B-day (for the next 55 min) :D
07:05.46WisTilt2:) thanks F22
07:06.53F221although now that i think about it, the 1st is probably even more your birthday than the 28th.
07:07.13arrrghhhmeh, it's feb still
07:08.55WisTilt211:59.999999999pm until 12:00.00000001am is about it until next year
07:09.22F221i suppose it depends on whether you round up or down. :P
07:09.47WisTilt2always did the 28th since its in the same month
07:10.21arrrghhhF221: i'd like you to check as well
07:10.29arrrghhhdoes  your delete key work as expected?  fn+backspace
07:10.47F221why am i still F221? I thought i had fixed that...grrr...
07:10.51arrrghhhinstead of deleting text in front of the cursor, it just blasts out the entire text input box for me... seems to be a RHOD400 thing.
07:10.58arrrghhhi was wondering why you changed your name lol
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07:12.19F221it says i'm already logged in as F22 so i can't change my name. hmmm...
07:13.57arrrghhhah well.  i'm exhausted, and goin snowmobiling tomorrow... so i'm going to hit the sack.
07:14.00arrrghhhtake it easy guys!
07:14.01F221F22 is not online
07:14.12F221hmm...let me try ghosting F221
07:14.22WisTilt2me too. post that tomorrow arrrghhh.  ill be on in morning for a bit
07:14.22arrrghhhthat's you tho
07:14.34arrrghhhWisTilt2: hrm... not sure i should post it.
07:14.35F221can't ghost myself
07:14.46arrrghhhi guess i can and give the warning about the libs?
07:14.58arrrghhhthe cam kernel code is kinda useless without the userland libs...
07:15.19WisTilt2true, maybe stinebd needs a look at userland first
07:15.28arrrghhhunless there's something else in the kernel
07:15.33WisTilt2the one that's up there is same without cam stuff anyway
07:15.37arrrghhhi'll just wait until they can sort out what's up with the libs.
07:15.40WisTilt2thats all i changed
07:15.47arrrghhhso i'm not worried about posting it TBH
07:15.56arrrghhhfreakin rpierce99 blew our cover tho
07:15.58WisTilt2ok nite guys.
07:16.05F221btw, what did you want me to check arrrghhh?
07:16.12F221g'nite Wis
07:16.15arrrghhhF221: delete key function
07:16.21WisTilt2bzo: ill let you know tomorrow if that region stays clean overnight
07:16.33arrrghhhbasically fn+backspace doesn't enable delete for me.  it enables the BFG9000
07:16.44F221hmm...will check
07:17.25F221any particular app?
07:17.33arrrghhhanything that has a text input box
07:17.54arrrghhhi reproduced it on the google search box
07:17.59F221works like backspace in terminal emulator for me
07:18.07bzoI'm out too guys, gn
07:18.25arrrghhhF221: hrm.  try it on the search box.
07:18.35arrrghhhnot sure about term emu, that app kinda messes up the kbd it seems.
07:19.03arrrghhhofc you pick the one app that wouldn't be so good to test this :P
07:19.29F221blasted whole line
07:19.47F221some things are app specific
07:20.05arrrghhhdid it work correctly anywhere?
07:20.18F221android doesn't force apps to treat key presses a certain way, it only recommends
07:20.33F221what is correctly?
07:20.43arrrghhhthe delete key...
07:20.47arrrghhhdoes it work correctly in any app
07:20.51arrrghhhor anywhere in the system
07:20.54F221interesting q
07:21.01arrrghhhor does it always blast out everything ;)
07:22.05F221let me see if it's set to anything different in the keymap
07:23.56F221no entry for delete in the keymap, either in mine or the original.
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07:24.11F221so that means it should behave exactly the same, regardless of whether or not FN is pressed first.
07:24.55F221it's in the layout, but not the map. so pressing fn should have no effect.
07:25.24F221yep, looks like google is treating it as delete line.
07:25.37arrrghhhexplains the issue!
07:25.38F221in search, and probably their browser.
07:25.58arrrghhhalrighty.  can you fix it?
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07:26.34F221it's either in the java framework (probably not) or its app specific.
07:26.47F221i suppose i could try to put it in the keymap and see what happens. no guarantees though.
07:27.02arrrghhhwork your magic, i'm off to bed...
07:27.08F221let me see if there is an android keycode for delete.
07:27.08arrrghhhthanks for lookin at that F221 ;)
07:27.17F221have a good night
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07:29.51F221damn, it already is set to DEL in the layout.
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10:09.12XirXesF221: the fn+backspace thing that arrrghhh was talking about. Thats how it works in native android
10:09.31XirXesmy g2 and g1 both do it
10:11.00XirXesi am positive the default behavior for fn+backspace is to clear the line your on.
10:12.26XirXesand i bet youl find looking into it that its part of some framework.jar but you should let me know on that, im curious.
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15:43.25lenfi tried 3 diffrent things but they al didnt work on my htc tp2
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15:45.57lenfcan some one help me?
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16:02.19gauner1986we should make a top 10 list of trolls saying
16:07.24fakkerfuck you !
16:07.31fakkerthat can be number 1
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17:12.03Cotullahey MN
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17:12.21Cotullahey bzo
17:12.31bzohi Cotulla
17:12.45MN--cotulla yes i booted honeycomb on hd2
17:14.31Cotullabzo, they did it finally?
17:14.51bzoCotulla: what, smi fb?
17:14.51MN--why haha Cotulla
17:14.59Cotullaya :D
17:15.25bzoCotulla: I guess it was worthwhile, apparently the fb is much faster now
17:17.34Cotullahow u check it?
17:17.57bzoall reports are subjective
17:18.14bzomaybe it is mass placebo effect haha
17:18.21Cotullajust intersting
17:18.45emwebzo: can't see any diff here on topa.
17:19.05bzoemwe: you tried moving fb to smi?
17:19.10emwebzo: gpu0@1mb size=6mb and fb right afterwards
17:19.55bzoWisTilt2 did make some panel timing changes, so I wonder if that's really the main speedup?
17:20.09emwehe mentioned some "tear" stuff
17:20.20Cotullahe fixed also vsync
17:20.25Cotullamaybe it's source of "speed"?
17:20.34bzodidn't he only change vsync trigger?
17:20.45emwein .35 that vsync irqf is positive already i think.
17:21.13emweat least i didn't mess with that at. dunno if it was changed on .27. iirc yes.
17:22.15bzoemwe: see the logs? seems maybe mystery of smi2 is solved
17:22.26emwebzo: yah, read it. lucky you ;)
17:22.44bzowell, it remains to be seen if we can find a usable spot in that "minefield"
17:23.24Cotulladoubt it's there honestly
17:23.48bzoyou can write and read data there...
17:24.07Cotullaand what u got?
17:24.30bzolots of areas get overwritten over time, I guess by a9
17:24.33Cotullait can be looped, check this
17:25.25CotullaI mean CS doesn't make differences between A and A+32Mb addresses
17:26.51arrrghhhWisTilt2's been doin all sorts of wacky things
17:27.07arrrghhhreally needs to start committing what he's doing, i'm worried his tree is going to start drifting severely from mainline.
17:27.20arrrghhhoh and bzo... seems cam code is causing a crapton of wakelocks and the phone won't sleep.
17:27.38arrrghhhalthough i haven't tested the newest autobuild kernel, just wistilt2's kernel with the newest commits on GIT
17:27.42bzowell, stop using the camera then :P
17:28.11arrrghhhif i don't use cam, it's fine :P
17:28.20arrrghhhbut i have to reboot to get the phone to sleep.  then i must not touch cam.
17:29.02bzodon't think I've seen the issue myself though, guess we will have to see if autobuild users report issue as well
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17:29.18arrrghhhi need to test on autobuild.
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17:34.29WisTilt2arrrghhh, what are you doing in here, you're supposed to be on the slopes!
17:34.41arrrghhhsnowmobile day today
17:34.52WisTilt2thats always fun
17:35.01arrrghhhmy old man needed a break too :P
17:35.58arrrghhhi'm assuming you saw my email?
17:36.09arrrghhhi haven't tested it on the autobuild kernel yet...
17:37.23WisTilt2yes.  i dont have that setup on my phone to make camera work and really dont want to go through setting it up.  try it on the autobuild, if it works ok there then we'll have to see if timing changes I made messed up the camera clocks or whatever
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17:37.58arrrghhhWisTilt2: you can try it without the libs
17:38.02arrrghhhperhaps i forgot to mention that
17:38.23arrrghhhjust try to use the cam on your newest kernel, cam won't work without the libs but the wakelocks are still present.
17:38.28WisTilt2will the camera app that comes with android work or do i have to install something else?
17:38.55arrrghhhcam app that comes with it is fine
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17:39.08arrrghhhyou'll get a black screen and probably an FC, but once you get past that, phone no sleepy.
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17:40.13bzoI think getting a FC invalidates testing for sleep
17:40.20bzowho knows what state stuff is in after that
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17:40.30arrrghhhbzo: but with correct libs i have the same issue
17:40.32arrrghhhcam works
17:40.34arrrghhhvideo record works
17:40.39arrrghhhbut phone refuses to sleep after using cam
17:40.54arrrghhhplus, the libs created all sorts of insane issues.
17:41.13bzomaybe it is incompatible with the sleep changes wis made?
17:41.24arrrghhhi guess i do need to test this on autobuild.
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17:41.27bzoyou would think people would complain about that in jb's test thread after several months of use
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17:42.09arrrghhheh they were just elated that cam worked.
17:42.23arrrghhhi'll test on autobuild.
17:42.31WisTilt2yeah got FC and now wont sleep.  camera has a wakelock thats not timing out
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17:42.47bzoarrrghhh: I suspect you will find it working, I've used camera lots and haven't seen a sleep issue
17:42.49arrrghhhnot sure i'll be able to until this afternoon/evening tho.
17:43.03arrrghhhbzo: fair enough.
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17:43.55WisTilt2only thing i can think that would be different in my kernel is where the fb is now
17:44.10WisTilt2none of the timing changes should have anything to do with this
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17:44.54arrrghhhwtf?  just had an android reboot.
17:44.58arrrghhhhaven't seen those since JIT was enabled...
17:45.11bzoWisTilt2: it may be that the sleep mode 0 is problematic with cam
17:45.55WisTilt2my kernel is locked to only mode 1, full arm collapse
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17:46.50WisTilt2im going to try it with fb back where it was before i go tracing timing crapola
17:47.04bzoWisTilt2: oh, I thought you were doing mode 0 with your new stuff
17:47.54WisTilt2no, mode 1 is better now. suspend was getting better battery only because i wasnt shutting down one of the vreg's
17:55.05arrrghhhWisTilt2: rpierce99 is saying it's now working flawlessly for him
17:55.13arrrghhhwhen he was the one having a ton of issues last night... oy.
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17:55.29Alex[sp3dev]WisTilt2: what was the fix about vsync? was it an irq thing?
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17:59.48WisTilt2bzo: well its not the fb location, same thing back in its normal spot and screen is noticeably slower so smi is quicker.  we need to see if its happening on the autobuild kernel before i waste my time figuring out what my other changes did to fubar sleep with camera
18:00.26WisTilt2Alex[sp3dev]: i changed the panel init to trigger vsync high instead of low and changed number of clock cycles to 2
18:03.05WisTilt2is the current autobuild 1276-g6a6a1c1?
18:03.27WisTilt2im going to test that one right now
18:03.41arrrghhhi don't get rpierce99's results...
18:05.30arrrghhhi'm trying again with a new data.img and libs enabled.
18:05.48WisTilt2ok booting.  what results? working now without changing anything or what?
18:06.11arrrghhhsaid he rebooted, enabled libs, booted back to droid and used cam.  sleeping no prob.
18:06.13arrrghhhso i'm trying again.
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18:06.27WisTilt2with which kernel?
18:06.41arrrghhhat least i hope yours, he freakin posting in the testing kernel thread :P
18:06.42WisTilt2hmm. dont see how
18:06.58arrrghhhme neither.
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18:07.11WisTilt2my last is current with the git other than all the fb stuff
18:07.13arrrghhhi'm trying again tho.  perhaps the lack of libs was screwing it up.
18:07.30WisTilt2that would make sense
18:07.59arrrghhhbut the presence of libs seemed to make it worse?  maybe my libs are outdated.
18:08.15WisTilt2i dont like this autobuild kernel without my fast sleep and other leds:)
18:08.37arrrghhhyea, i just used cam with libs
18:08.40arrrghhhpreview worked great
18:08.43arrrghhhnow no sleepy
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18:09.03WisTilt2well its not any changes i made because same thing in autobuild kernel that doesnt have any of my fb changes:)
18:09.07WisTilt2im off the hook
18:09.19WisTilt2yep no sleep now
18:10.02WisTilt2same exact wake lock is holding it with the autobuild kernel
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18:11.17arrrghhhyea phone definitely not sleeping after using cam.
18:11.26arrrghhhi need to get dressed for snowmobilin tho brb
18:11.30WisTilt2you trying with the autobuild?
18:12.25WisTilt2k have fun and dont go nuts driving that thing
18:12.45arrrghhhisn't that the point?
18:12.53arrrghhhthey take us out to this giant open field and let us go hog wild
18:13.03arrrghhhother than that, we're on miles and miles of trails ;)
18:13.27WisTilt2yeah that is a lot of fun out in a big open area
18:13.37arrrghhhoh yea
18:13.44arrrghhhwe do it basically every year.  great time.
18:14.07WisTilt2well enjoy.  probably catch you tonight
18:14.23WisTilt2im going back to my kernel now, this is too slow:)
18:14.24arrrghhhOo phone went to sleep
18:14.35WisTilt2? which kernel
18:14.35arrrghhhlet me see if it's the 30s sleep issue...
18:14.38arrrghhhyour kernel
18:14.40arrrghhhwith libs enabled
18:14.42arrrghhhtried cam
18:14.54arrrghhhperhaps it'll sleep eventually, just takes for freakin ever for the wakelock to expire
18:15.00arrrghhhyup, slept again.  didn't count tho crap
18:15.30WisTilt2wake lock time can be changed if we know exactly which one it is, adsp or camera
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18:15.39arrrghhhright around 30s
18:15.49WisTilt2that sounds like the ril problem
18:16.13arrrghhhyou want a log?
18:16.18arrrghhhi'm about to leave :P
18:17.13arrrghhhthis is odd.
18:17.23arrrghhhi don't see the same cam wakelocks.  1 sec, posting.
18:18.12WisTilt2ill take a look, go before you get left behind
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18:21.47arrrghhhalright, i'm out.  let me know what you find WisTilt2
18:22.26L_miller[acl] - Jumping rooms I see. ;)
18:22.45L_millerjust tried your latest ril and it was a no go. :(
18:23.01L_millerAnything else to try?
18:23.55NeoMatrixJRWisTilt2: did you test the autobuild kernel camera/sleep issue yet? I'm running it  right now, cam enabled
18:24.12NeoMatrixJRI can test
18:24.32NeoMatrixJRsorry, just got back from lunch and trying to catch up on what's going on
18:25.22WisTilt2i did and it wont sleep without the libs i guess, which i dont have.  you might try it and see if you have all the lib stuff
18:25.33NeoMatrixJRmine on autobuild (rhod400): took pic & vid.  According to the green LED it's sleeping like a baby.
18:26.16WisTilt2so it needs the libs or it never sleeps, no biggie then. im just glad its not all these other changes i made bacause im not in the mood
18:26.39NeoMatrixJRlet me grab your latest from the forums and try that with the libs
18:27.04NeoMatrixJRnp, always glad to help!
18:27.11WisTilt2curious if after using camera with my kernel you still get the real fast sleep
18:30.10WisTilt2bzo: that 10mb region stayed good the 17hrs i ran it.  im going to move the fb up there and try it.  is gpu0 required to be at the smi 1mb addy or can i move it up into smi2?
18:31.03bzoWisTilt2: it is supposedly hard coded to use smi1, but I guess you could try
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18:36.27[acl]L_miller: need to figure out whats up.. that should be it.
18:37.47NeoMatrixJRok, WisTilt2, w/o using camera (but libs installed) it is sleeping.  Now I'm going to take a pic and sleep then vid and sleep (if I can).
18:39.15NeoMatrixJRbzo: looks like viruscrazy got further on BT while working on the camera too...! said he got it to pair, but no audio!
18:39.36NeoMatrixJR(pretty sure he meant on rhod)
18:39.56NeoMatrixJRWisTilt2: your kernel's sleeping after picture ok...
18:40.05bzoNeoMatrixJR: yeah, I saw. He has to fix the audio routing to make it usable
18:40.31NeoMatrixJRraph doesn't even have bt audio though does it?
18:41.37WisTilt2bzo: sorry to keep bugging you:)  gpu0 doesnt like being moved.  can gpu1 be move out of ebi?  fb running fine in smi2
18:43.38bzoWisTilt2: if you can't move gpu0, doubt you can move gpu1. However, you should relocate the 8mb camera pmem jb was trying to put in smi2 to a workable spot.
18:43.49WisTilt2NeoMatrixJR great! now as long as everyone knows they need the libs they'll be happy
18:44.00NeoMatrixJRWisTilt2: sleeping after video.  I think it's fine if you've got the libs enabled
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18:44.25bzoNeoMatrixJR: no it doesn't. Perhaps jb's fix is applicable to all
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18:45.07NeoMatrixJRWisTilt2: it goes green then back to solid orange...but it could just be an app on my phone....
18:45.11WisTilt2bzo: can try that, looks like he's using smi2 base so ill move it up.  8mb + 2mb fb will fill that.
18:46.08NeoMatrixJRnevermind.  I think it's an app on my phone.  It's asleep again.
18:46.58NeoMatrixJRlooks like userland changes need to be done to get the libs in by default or a lot of people are going to have battery draining phones soon.
18:47.39bzoWisTilt2: that'll be great if that works. freeing up 10mb in ebi would be nice
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19:02.31NeoMatrixJRWisTilt2: I can't pinpoint the issue at the moment but it's running REALLY slow when I woke from sleep (after taking vid)
19:03.01WisTilt2run top and see whats hogging
19:04.47NeoMatrixJRsystem_server's jumping around a bit but top's only updating about once every...well, randomly I think... it takes forever and nothing is running hard enough to "hog" the cpu
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19:06.21NeoMatrixJRnow android.process.acore is on top @ 23.6%, system_server @ 13.8% and [mmcqd] @ 12.5% (top 3)
19:07.00WisTilt2im blaming it on userland
19:08.38WisTilt2can you test this zImage? since you have the camera libs... i moved camera memory but cant test it
19:10.33khorben_hi everyone
19:10.50khorben_any idea if I should be able to run Xorg (fbdev) on my TouchPro (Raphael)?
19:10.54NeoMatrixJRit's like the clocks are off.  I can slide the unlock button fine but everything else has huge lag.  had to hold the power button for 10 seconds to get the power menu....
19:11.03Alex[sp3dev]khorben_: yes and no
19:11.24khorben_Alex[sp3dev]: can you be more precise?
19:11.39WisTilt2NeoMatrixJR dmesg dump if you can get it
19:11.44NeoMatrixJRWisTilt2, can u pm me the url to your test kernel downlods again?  I've been grabbing from the forum
19:12.43Alex[sp3dev]khorben_: you need to implement the fb blank/unblank ioctls in msm fb driver and the refresh thread. if you can wait a bit, i'll try to find the patch for you
19:13.22NeoMatrixJRphone stuck shutting down
19:13.25khorben_Alex[sp3dev]: that would be great, and I could even try to fix stuff myself if things aren't working directly
19:13.40NeoMatrixJRpower down vibrate was like 10s long!
19:13.47Alex[sp3dev]khorben_: tbh, you'd better try xkdrive or something like that. with fbdev you won't be able to use randr
19:14.26khorben_Alex[sp3dev]: I'd like to get my graphical environment straight, so any X will do first (and my environment doesn't implement randr yet)
19:14.51khorben_Alex[sp3dev]: but thanks for the tip, I can try kdrive/tinyx as well
19:15.54Alex[sp3dev]khorben_: what's 'your' graphical environment?
19:16.32khorben_Alex[sp3dev]: I wrote 99% myself
19:17.22khorben_(including the GSM daemon)
19:17.24Alex[sp3dev]khorben_: wow
19:19.18NeoMatrixJRWisTilt2: don't think that kernel u sent me worked.  got a blank white screen
19:19.46Alex[sp3dev]khorben_: damn. that's what i've been thinking of doing for 3 years already. although i'd prefer to use ofono as a gsm stack. or SHR/freesmartphone. very good work
19:20.19khorben_Alex[sp3dev]: the newer version is modular, it can use any GSM backend if you write the glue code
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19:20.40khorben_Alex[sp3dev]: I'm currently writing glue for the sofia SIP library, and hopfully osmocom :)
19:21.28WisTilt2NeoMatrixJR what phone you have again?
19:21.29khorben_Alex[sp3dev]: I can also expose the internal GSM communication through dbus with a dedicated plug-in
19:21.41khorben_eg integrate with FSO etc
19:21.56Alex[sp3dev]khorben_: well.. don't get me wrong, but i'd prefer openbox, lxpanel (or gnome if i'd have a powerful phone and hw accelerated graphics in X), but with the properly integrated GSM (for example, the dialer which can block all other video and input on incoming call) and power management
19:22.37khorben_Alex[sp3dev]: hey no worries, you can try my "Phone" application without the rest of the environment
19:23.08NeoMatrixJRWisTilt2: RHOD400
19:23.10khorben_Alex[sp3dev]: it already does some power-management in dedicated hardware plug-ins (only for Openmoko Freerunner atm)
19:24.08WisTilt2NeoMatrixJR, guess that means each device is going to have different available memory addresses that im using.  figures
19:24.26NeoMatrixJRwe really need to send you a rhod400...
19:24.40WisTilt2i think im just going to buy one, would make it so much easier
19:24.41NeoMatrixJRactually, we just need to send you one of each.
19:25.06NeoMatrixJRI think I saw one for sale here @ my office cheep.  let me see if I can find it again.
19:25.24khorben_Alex[sp3dev]: so I'm impatient to get whichever flavour of X to run on other phones and improve my stuff some more :)
19:26.42NeoMatrixJRnope...gone.  sorry
19:26.50Alex[sp3dev]khorben_: guess i can't make a good patch. i'll just tar you the video driver and you'll make a diff with kdiff3 or any visual diff to get the idea of what to patch
19:27.21khorben_Alex[sp3dev]: sure, I can do that
19:27.49WisTilt2NeoMatrixJR np, ill find one
19:28.48khorben_Alex[sp3dev]: got it, thanks!
19:29.22Alex[sp3dev]khorben_: you actually need to look into msm_fb.c only
19:29.34khorben_Alex[sp3dev]: can you recommend a "good" git commit to base my work on?
19:29.35Alex[sp3dev]only the #ifdef CONFIG_FB_MSM_REFRESH stuff
19:29.43khorben_2.6.27 branch?
19:30.38Alex[sp3dev]khorben_: well, take my git (alex-linux-xperia on our git), my fb is slightly different, more vanilla, without that fix_x hacks. so it will be easier to diff. or diff against google
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19:32.29Alex[sp3dev]khorben_: i have played with that - and now i want to finish android port first. as for full-blown linux, i came to the conclusion that X11 can only be used with hardware acceleration on anything other than qvga.
19:32.51WisTilt2Alex[sp3dev] do you guys still have the spin locks in msm_fb in .35? just curious...
19:33.38Alex[sp3dev]WisTilt2: huh? i have not touched fb. only haxed it to be rgb565 for kovsky, diam and friends
19:33.53khorben_Alex[sp3dev]: I can relate, the openmoko freerunner was a real pain before we got acceleration... :/
19:34.09khorben_Alex[sp3dev]: but it looks very cool indeed
19:34.19WisTilt2you might remove all of them in msmfb_pan_update and msmfb_start_dma and see what you think
19:36.24WisTilt2gtg, bb tonight
19:36.27Alex[sp3dev]WisTilt2: hm. if there's a spinlocks, that means there's a race. iirc, msm fb deregisters interrupt handler after getting vsync and sets again before the next one. maybe that can be just put into a workqueue or some we can use mutex with trylock, so unhandled interrupts will just be ignored.
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19:37.23WisTilt2you might just try it, been running for 2 weeks fine and may have gained some performance
19:37.38Alex[sp3dev]WisTilt2: i'll try to. later
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19:52.18GNUtoo|laptophi dcordes, any news?
19:58.47Cotullahi GNUtoo
20:01.41GNUtoo|laptopCotulla, hi, any news on the image test? it's awfull? horrible? or not?
20:02.08GNUtoo|laptopnote that a better GUI is in developement
20:02.16WilldHmm, did you guys manage to get ramconsole working in smi?
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20:17.29CotullaGNUtoo|laptop, dcordes uploaded it to very slow host
20:17.33Cotullamy speed about 1kbytes/sec
20:17.34Cotullafrom it
20:17.40GNUtoo|laptopok ouch
20:17.45CotullaI am unable to finish download :(
20:17.53GNUtoo|laptopmaybe you should try my host
20:17.56GNUtoo|laptopI can wget it
20:17.59GNUtoo|laptoplike the night
20:18.05GNUtoo|laptopmine is like 50k/s
20:19.10GNUtoo|laptopfor me it 404
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20:24.00Cotullaslow %)
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20:47.17Cotullaanybody know where android store build log?
20:47.41Alex[sp3dev]in /dev/null, i'd suppose
20:47.43NeoMatrixJRanyone: can I use mount --bind or ln -s in my froyo.user.conf to override the init.cfg/init.froyo.rc BEFORE it gets read?
20:51.23CotullaI am seriously
20:51.39Alex[sp3dev]me too
20:51.51Cotullaso no log like build.log?
20:51.53Alex[sp3dev]ok, no idea actually
20:52.33Cotullawtf u talking
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20:54.45Alex[sp3dev]dunno. googling skills don't help. but it outputs to stdout anyway
20:55.13Alex[sp3dev]you can use make | tee my_cool_log to both log to file and see the log on the terminal
20:56.35Cotullastupid system
20:56.57Alex[sp3dev]yes. they should have used cmake instead of inventing the shit
20:57.31Cotullaanyway I type "build" and I got build.log build.err build.wrn in CE. And I am happy *HAPPY*
20:57.37Alex[sp3dev]the most pissing off part is that repo actually hardcodes your build dir location. so after a repo sync, if you move your build root, you cannot build it
20:57.57Alex[sp3dev]Cotulla: i'm sure there is a log, but i don't feel like launching build to check it
20:58.12Cotullawhy not put it at root of build tree?
20:58.40Alex[sp3dev]because root of tree is like root of your local repository. i suppose if any logs are present, they'll go to out
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21:36.43[acl]who hur ?
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21:39.53Cotullais it possible detect in android why so not loaded?
21:40.44[acl]nutin :-p
21:41.18bzoCotulla: you would think so, but never tried
21:43.01[acl]emwe: hey bro
21:43.09[acl]nuffin.. had some doods test the ril
21:43.11[acl]no cigar
21:43.26emwe[acl]: no worky worky?
21:43.38emwedid i screw that much?! ;)
21:43.42[acl]i dont think so
21:43.45emwewell, actually i did with my xdandroid tree
21:44.07[acl]not sure what im missing
21:44.48emweis pppd being trigged and visiable in logcat?
21:45.14[acl]emwe: i have some logcats in front of me.. no reference to pppd
21:45.45[acl]i expected more on logcat about this
21:46.24[acl]emwe: didnt you say you ran pppd from /system/bin ?
21:46.57emwe[acl]: i took it from the xdandroid build and stuffed it into rootfs
21:47.23emweehm? i just pushed. no idea what is where actually
21:47.58rpierce99shouldn't pppd show up in ps too
21:48.07emweif it works you'd see sth like this: 03-01 22:35:43.501  1599  1599 D pppd    : using channel 1
21:48.37[acl]emwe: you just moved it without changing the ril then ?
21:48.40[acl]im baffled
21:49.15emwei just pushed it to /bin via adb iirc
21:49.45emweto whatever that is actually mounted to
21:51.26[acl]i know but i have no /bin
21:51.33[acl]so i need to move it to /system/bin
21:51.36[acl]thats the goal
21:55.11emweehm? pppd is in /system/bin, why move it there?
21:55.18emwefeels tired
21:56.34[acl]emwe: cuz /bin is on initrd
21:56.43[acl]more shit i put in there the more it balloons up
21:56.50[acl]no need to have 2 sets of busyboxes
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21:56.57[acl]on in initrd and another in /system/bin
21:57.06[acl]so consolidate to one android will use.. /system/bin
21:57.32emweyes, i understand that. just don't get the issue, yet. :)
21:58.04[acl]i dont either
21:58.12[acl]im going to have to add service to my phone to debug
21:58.19[acl]thats why i didnt know about it
21:58.22emwesomebody dropped the modded ril to /system/lib/ and tried?
21:58.22[acl]i have no service
21:58.30[acl]had 2 guys try
21:58.36[acl]but their logcats dont have poop
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21:59.57emwe[acl]: shiiiiiiiiiit!
22:00.28emwe[acl]: just string'ed the ril. i beg your pardon. didn't i say i screwed earlier?!
22:00.41Cotullawhere shit?  :o
22:01.02emweah fuck. i should just stop for today
22:01.23emwe[acl]: forget. all fine. just stringed the wrong one.
22:04.24emwe[acl]: i just rechecked the dropbox file i gave you earlier. just didn't notice i had two ril in there and "string"ed the wrong one to recheck if it really contained "/system/bin/pppd /dev/smd1". everything fine. i just took the wrong oen on check.
22:05.11[acl]2 rils
22:05.30emwei should drop that one one from the dropbox.
22:05.33emwedunno what it was for ;)
22:06.36Jhintakan anyone help mee or know whats working or not wokring , about booting linux on dhd
22:07.21MassestStashhuh wha.....
22:07.24emwe[acl] one day i need a gpio introduction... i read the linux kernel gpio doc file but somehow don't get it yet entirely. especially power and "data" wise functionality....
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22:09.26[acl]u have some time now ? no more busy to death ?
22:09.45MassestStashman, who isn't "busy to death"
22:10.00[acl]mad peeps
22:10.10[acl]who shall remain nameless
22:10.18MassestStashright right, re werd
22:10.34MassestStashman, who isn't "busy to death" that's doin thangs
22:10.59MassestStashwhats good with the lack of keymappin in nand again?
22:13.39emwebye bye.
22:13.47[acl]MassestStash: lol.. we got ril issues. keymapping is last on my list
22:13.53stinebd[acl]: WHAT
22:14.14stinebdis this still about pppd?\
22:14.25[acl]stinebd: finally
22:14.33stinebd[acl]: yeah i have a job :P
22:14.42[acl]stinebd: me too..
22:14.44[acl]and im still here
22:15.01stinebdmy job doesn't involved computers in any way
22:15.29stinebdand involves several people who think computers are powered by witches and orphan blood
22:16.24stinebdwitch-powered computers. what a joke. warlocks power them. no women allowed.
22:18.45[acl]stinebd: ok.. down to busines
22:18.56[acl]you know my issue.. i'm killing /bin
22:19.03stinebdyou're what?!
22:19.07[acl]and ril seems to love /bin/pppd
22:19.19[acl]so need to move it to /system/bin
22:19.29stinebdjust gotta tell ril to look there
22:19.33stinebdpppd is already there
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22:20.01MassestStash[acl], yea touche... I'm out check back at work fo somethin to try out, but use phone to tether.... lol
22:20.02[acl]ok.. emwe did that for us. But my boys cant get it to run. I dont want go activate service on my rhod just to debug this
22:20.12stinebdneither do i :P
22:20.23stinebdoh wait i have a sim card
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22:20.27MassestStashthats what we're for
22:20.28[acl]stinebd: so check this.. there is only one line where /bin/pppd is refereced ?
22:20.37[acl]stinebd: thats it ?
22:20.44stinebdright, just the one place
22:21.01stinebdideally we should change that though
22:21.01[acl]im going to have to activate
22:21.10stinebdand have an init.rc service pppd
22:21.14stinebdthat ril then starts and stops as needed
22:21.21[acl]thats new
22:21.28stinebdi just had that idea right now
22:21.31[acl]i didnt see the ppd service
22:21.35stinebdwe can add it
22:21.40stinebdthat way we don't have to suid the binary
22:21.43[acl]well yes thats how it should be
22:21.54stinebdam i smart or what?
22:22.06[acl]ur the guru of xdandroid
22:22.07stinebdin fact i should do that for gingerbread
22:22.19stinebdgive me a couple days (most) and it'll be in the tree
22:22.43[acl]but in the mean time i need that damn froyo ril working. cdma data is dead
22:22.45stinebdkinda busy at the moment with an upcoming camera release for both versions
22:22.48[acl]so ill have to activate tonight
22:22.52stinebdgsm data is dead too then
22:22.54[acl]and do the nasty
22:22.55stinebdor it should be
22:23.16[acl]we never had gsm peeps .. cotulla handling them with magldr anyways :-)
22:23.23stinebdoh wait thats right
22:23.28stinebdi can't boot my nand rhod with sim installed
22:23.42stinebdarm9 crashes
22:23.55[acl]shit will curse at you too
22:24.06stinebdwell i never had my shit do that
22:24.11stinebdbut i usually flush it right away
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22:25.56[acl]i never bothered to look into it
22:25.58[acl]but i guess i should
22:26.19[acl]guess i have to make love to the ril tonight
22:26.44[acl]stinebd: also whats this ueventd ?
22:26.57stinebdhandles device nodes and their perms
22:27.13phhstinebd: they stopped doing that in init ?
22:27.14phhunfair :(
22:27.30[acl]stinebd: can we go without it ?
22:27.33stinebd[acl]: no
22:27.53[acl]stinebd: never saw it before.. so its gingerbread only ?
22:28.07stinebdnew in gingerbread
22:28.09phhyeah that was done by init program itself before
22:28.11[acl]phh: hello.. nice to see ur alive
22:28.22phhalive.... it's easy to say.
22:28.23[acl]stinebd: then froyo ill just remove that shit.. no reason havgin git
22:28.39stinebdjust make sure you don't use a gingerbread then
22:28.56[acl]stinebd: i dont think i am..
22:29.01[acl]but i need to double check
22:29.07[acl]i stay away from ginger
22:29.16stinebdbut it's so fast
22:29.27[acl]stinebd: well i need to wait till u have it done
22:29.29[acl]then ill venture
22:30.22[acl]stinebd: cuz i dont want to worry about this ueventd. if u already have the stuff i guess i can test.
22:30.48stinebdheh, my nand rhod is running ginger but i don't have anything packaged
22:31.00[acl]stinebd: ic
22:32.03[acl]stinebd: ok one step at a time. first ril then ill see whats on the horizon.
22:32.45[acl]stinebd: any recommendations about the /cache partition? right now im just linking it to a folder in /data
22:32.54[acl]stinebd: not sure if it deserves its own partition
22:33.08[acl]i dunno how android uses that to begin with
22:35.10stinebdi think it's fine in /data
22:35.54stinebdit's mostly used for gapps downloads and browser DRM downloads
22:36.16stinebdby gapps downloads i mean market apks during install, gmail attachments, ota updates and such
22:36.17[acl]weird that android gives it its own partition then..
22:36.40[acl]i guess in cases /data gets unmounted ?
22:36.50stinebdwho knows. crazy google.
22:37.42stinebdif you wanna make a partition for it, feel free
22:38.02[acl]i dunno.. its a waste of space.. but i can see uses for it
22:38.08stinebdg1's is like 70mb
22:38.18stinebdbecause of the ota updates
22:38.18[acl]u can run a small android in there
22:38.55stinebdwe could make it much smaller because we can put our otas anywhere
22:40.50[acl]ill have to sleep on it :-p
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22:59.23[acl]i need to bail out of work early
23:00.27[acl]Cotulla: good luck with sense. ur our only hope
23:01.08CotullaI think too less ram for sense
23:01.19Alex[sp3dev]sense sucks
23:01.34Alex[sp3dev]it's just a ram hog
23:01.40Cotullau sucks with it in queue
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23:02.12Cotullawithout sense android looks awful however
23:02.14Alex[sp3dev]Cotulla: no, we're sucking concurrently
23:02.18[acl]aite folks.. i gotta handle some business now.. ill ttyl
23:02.29[acl]stinebd: ill let u know how it goes.. thanks
23:02.40Guest84613what cell phones can be converted to Android?
23:02.53Alex[sp3dev]you cannot convert hardware to software
23:03.21Cotullahe wants make robots from cellphone
23:03.23stinebdthe tron movies beg to differ
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23:03.44Cotullait's movies
23:03.46Guest84613oh ok.. maybe im using the wrong terms, but I saw on pne pf my friends cell phone the Adndroid OS
23:04.02Guest84613and he had HTC touch pro 2
23:04.17stinebdnonsense, that's a windows mobile device
23:04.35Alex[sp3dev]well, most of htc winmo devices can run android to some extent.. but only vogue, kaiser and hd2 are more or less.. well.. usable by non-geeks
23:05.08phhAlex[sp3dev]: my TP2 is more usable than my liquid with stock rom ...
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23:05.17Alex[sp3dev]phh: of course, it has kbd
23:05.18phhwell, but the fact it reboots quite often :D
23:05.25Cotullawe won't believe u
23:05.26Guest84613oh ok
23:05.35Cotullait's why acer sucks
23:05.36phhAlex[sp3dev]: even without that
23:05.41Cotullait doesn't work out of box
23:05.46phhCotulla: oh don't worry
23:05.49Alex[sp3dev]acer sucks because they don't have an rnd department
23:05.49phhother roms aren't better.
23:06.09Alex[sp3dev]just trolling
23:06.48Cotulla+1 to android sucks
23:06.58Alex[sp3dev]Cotulla: you know what?
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23:07.10Alex[sp3dev]check your prelink map
23:07.26Cotullawhat is it?
23:07.38Alex[sp3dev]yes. it's when binaries are relocated to a fixed address and relocs are stripped
23:08.00Alex[sp3dev]in your android build tree, in out/host/blah-some-crap/ you'll find the app isprelinked
23:08.16Alex[sp3dev]if you run isprelinked, it will show the address to which it is prelinked
23:08.40Alex[sp3dev]basically, you can build android without prelinking, but most of roms and binary drivers come prelinked
23:09.09Cotullaso it means library won't work
23:09.15Cotullafrom one rom to other?
23:09.27Alex[sp3dev]in most cases, yes
23:09.36Cotullaworse than WM
23:09.50Cotullabut I can build 'normal' SO
23:09.50Alex[sp3dev]well. think of it as of wm2003
23:09.53phhtfouto: lol ? isn't windows embedded compact 7 just wince 7 ?
23:09.55Cotullaand it will work?
23:09.59Alex[sp3dev]of course
23:10.08Cotullaso how to build ...
23:10.18Alex[sp3dev]also, most vendors use the same prelink map (but hero.. uses a special one for camera)
23:10.54Alex[sp3dev]Cotulla: i think you can pull the binaries from out/target, they are stored there. just not in system. they're stripped and prelinked prior to being put into system
23:11.07Cotullalet me compare size
23:11.37Alex[sp3dev]damn ibm sucks
23:11.45Cotullathey same
23:12.25Alex[sp3dev]in out/target/..../obj/... ?
23:12.59Cotullabut this files have .rel sections
23:13.27Alex[sp3dev]then they're not prelinked. to be sure, run isprelinked on them
23:13.57Alex[sp3dev]ok, i'm off to bed. damn gone sleeping at 5 am and woken up at 9 today
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23:14.48Cotullaisprelinked: command not found
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23:50.26Jhintawhat is the maximum zsize of a kernel image for andoid?

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