IRC log for #htc-linux on 20110225

00:07.42*** join/#htc-linux mitsutaka (
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00:33.27WisTilt2arrrghhh: new kernel for you to try, your filename.  Don't freak during the initial boot screen.  Bootup time should be much quicker.  You can play with it and figure out what's now working perfectly. I think you'll like it:)
00:33.55stinebdi DEMAND access to this super secret kernel
00:34.00stinebd(not really)
00:34.07arrrghhhstine does have a RHOD now.
00:34.09arrrghhh2 in fact
00:34.14stinebdi have to reflash the 400 to windows
00:34.20WisTilt2stinebd: you have a rhod now dont you?  you can try it if you like
00:34.35WisTilt2oh, no rhod now?
00:34.39stinebdtwo of em
00:35.03WisTilt2ah, you want to try this kernel then?
00:35.18stinebdyeah but it'll take me a while because i need to flash winmo to it
00:35.54arrrghhhWisTilt2, 2053880170f0c75617d7f3af5afbbdc1?
00:36.06WisTilt2arrrghhh if this one works like it should on your 400 ill make it a test for the masses to get feedback
00:36.17WisTilt2yes correct one
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00:36.41WisTilt2almost seems like something is wrong with this working right now lol
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00:37.18WisTilt2and no, its not fixing the cdma netloc.  ill work on that next
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00:38.58WisTilt2stinebd: we are using the htc generic ril correct?
00:39.26WisTilt2the one you gave me the url to the source that is
00:40.23stinebdWisTilt2: right but it's at a new location now
00:40.45WisTilt2k, as long as the source i have is what we're currently running
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00:44.04arrrghhhnice work WisTilt2 !  so what was it, clocks or vsync?
00:44.15WisTilt2you found it already??
00:44.19arrrghhhboot was certainly... unique.
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00:44.36arrrghhhwell unless i'm just dead wrong, phone wakes instantly from sleep now.
00:44.41WisTilt2lol yeah, makes you think its lagging doesnt it.  how fast did you boot to the unlock screen?
00:44.50arrrghhhi'd have to time it...
00:44.57arrrghhhobviously a lot less flying text
00:45.02WisTilt2it should be damn near instant wake now since things are working right
00:45.08arrrghhhbut i'd say boot time was almost the same.
00:45.18arrrghhhyea, wake is... ridiculous.  it's like sleep now, instant.
00:45.33WisTilt2sod problem was in this mess too i think so that should be gone now too
00:45.44arrrghhhzomg yes
00:45.47arrrghhhwhat was it?
00:46.53WisTilt2complicated but basically was timing problem based on the state of a clock.
00:47.07arrrghhhso are you done with PM?
00:47.21arrrghhhseems you're just slaughtering bug after bug romping around in there...
00:47.37WisTilt2thats why if you were lucky to hit it in the right state it would work, other times it would pause the task until the next correct clock state
00:47.59arrrghhhmakes sense.
00:48.01WisTilt2PM has more i need to do.  its full of stuff i need to take out now
00:48.19arrrghhhyou are the man!
00:48.20*** join/#htc-linux kubi (~Adium@miranda/user/kubi)
00:48.21WisTilt2you like the led sequence going into sleep?
00:48.37arrrghhhi didn't notice any difference tbh
00:48.42arrrghhhblinking led on arm11 collapse
00:48.50arrrghhhand solid green on microp collapse...
00:49.08WisTilt2that right you have that already.  no, blinking is process freeze and mem sleep, solid is when arm11 is fully powered down
00:49.48WisTilt2should be around 5secs all the time now hopefully.
00:50.05arrrghhhi've had a few that were longer, but that was on first boot.
00:50.06WisTilt2screen wakes every time now wheeee!
00:50.10arrrghhhlots of processes were probably complaining.
00:50.20arrrghhhi'm definitely going to put this thru the ringer.
00:50.32arrrghhhif you say it's good, can i get a pack with modules to post before i go home?
00:51.09WisTilt2yeah i think its good for testing.  let me upload the kernel pack and you can post it for people to tear apart
00:52.45WisTilt2let me remove some of this debugging stuff i dont need in here real quick...
00:55.09arrrghhhsounds good
00:57.14*** join/#htc-linux Nautis (6318d8ca@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:59.06WisTilt2arrrghhh: kernel pack 60b7caf9baaa43c480db79b3b19d47cc. make sure people know about the boot up screen and the led changes so they dont think its broken.
00:59.57arrrghhhmatches, i'm posting :D
01:00.21WisTilt2if people still get non wakes they've been drinking
01:00.46WisTilt2and battery life has to be what you're seeing, or there about
01:02.46arrrghhhdid i ever tell you that you're freakin awesome?
01:02.49arrrghhhcuz you are <3
01:03.12WisTilt277secs to unlock screen for me
01:03.25WisTilt2boot time that is
01:04.05WisTilt2that bug has been annoying me for so long so thought i'd take one more stab at it then forget it.
01:04.57arrrghhhthe boot time?
01:05.13WisTilt2non wake bug
01:05.42WisTilt2kept thinking it was my panel collapse causing it, it wasnt:)
01:05.55arrrghhhoh yea.
01:06.08arrrghhhwell, i'm very glad you fixed it as well.  because it was driving me nutso also :P
01:06.46WisTilt2hitting the unlock now and then was ok but when it never woke until you waited, that was getting annoying
01:07.28arrrghhhand i've now stayed late.  it was worth it :P
01:07.30WisTilt2i also added the panel type that F22's other 210 had so we should be covered on all of them
01:08.05arrrghhhyea no complaints from 100 folk other than the usual
01:08.09arrrghhhSoD's, reboots to WinMo, etc.
01:08.12WisTilt2im stuck here at the office until my wife gets back with my truck so going to look at the ril stuff for a bit more
01:08.24arrrghhhlet me know if i can help with the RIL madness.
01:08.28arrrghhhi know i won't be able to, but hey.
01:08.36WisTilt2reboots to winmo is probably something else, we'll have to see what all this fixes
01:08.46arrrghhhyea reboots to winmo are all over the board.
01:08.52arrrghhhbad SD cards are a big culprit
01:09.01WisTilt2pull that SERV and see what it returns. ill be on again from home later tonight
01:09.16arrrghhhok.  i'm goin home, i'll catchya later.  thanks again!
01:13.20*** join/#htc-linux MassStash (
01:22.08jonpryWisTilt2, thanks for the data
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01:32.02WisTilt2hey jonpry.  getting ready to leave the office.  look ok in that real complex format?
01:33.52WisTilt2if you look at the voltage after it starts getting down into the 3900 range it seems to hang there longer before dropping.  system was under the same load the whole 4hrs with sync off really nothing running but the polling.
01:34.32*** join/#htc-linux arrrghhh (
01:34.34WisTilt2ill be back on from home after dinner if you're around.
01:34.42WisTilt2arrrghhh, still working?
01:34.50arrrghhhi'm not sure wth i did
01:34.55arrrghhhbut i did have one completely failed wake.
01:35.00jonpryformat is nice, but i think we need higher loads
01:35.10WisTilt2call your phone from sleep and see if it comes up quicker
01:35.12arrrghhhLED went orange for ~10s, then went back to blinking green and eventually solid green.
01:35.17jonprydoes .2ohm impedance sound right?
01:35.19arrrghhhi tested that as well, seems to work fine.
01:35.34arrrghhhi can't reproduce the failed wake tho, i've let it sleep and woken it probably 30x.
01:35.36WisTilt2jonpry: i thought tonight overnight id leave panel up and see what we get with that much more load
01:35.52jonpryneed lots of changes
01:35.56jonprybig di/dt
01:36.02WisTilt2.2ohm?  how you get that number?
01:36.26WisTilt2thats kind of high isnt it?
01:37.21WisTilt2high drain it should be low if temp is going up
01:37.34WisTilt2other way around actually
01:38.35WisTilt2other factor will be how old battery is and how many cycles left on it as resistance will go up
01:39.53WisTilt2arrrghhh, that might have been some background system process that froze a task that long.  as long as it didnt stay that way locked up:)
01:40.30arrrghhhyea i haven't been able to reproduce it whatsoever.
01:40.55arrrghhhwakes great on calls too, i've tested 2 now from deep sleep :D
01:41.08WisTilt2screen wakes immediately now right?
01:41.10WisTilt2on calls
01:41.16arrrghhhbasically yea
01:41.29arrrghhhi see the orange LED, and much less than a second later the screen comes on
01:41.39WisTilt2ok im going home guys.  back on after dinner
01:42.05D3tul3oh too bad he left
01:42.26D3tul3i guess i can tell you arrrghh, just had a failed wake on a call
01:42.26arrrghhhdamnit.  just had another failed wake with a phone call, wtf.
01:42.33arrrghhhD3tul3: yea i did too.
01:43.20D3tul3wake fine after call rung through...i got a message "activity phone is not responding"
01:43.52arrrghhhnext call was fine.
01:44.53D3tul3same here...
01:45.16arrrghhhwell, i'll work it thru with him...
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01:45.32arrrghhhi was hoping that the kernel he threw me had some extra debugging stuff in it
01:45.44arrrghhhbut if you got the kernel pack from my thread, that should have all that mess removd...
01:46.00D3tul3yeah that's where i pulled it from
01:46.25arrrghhhi'd say the failed wake issue is mostly crushed.
01:46.28D3tul3i kinda feel for the guy....looks like he's pouring his life into this panel issue :)
01:46.38arrrghhhit's really been bugging him
01:46.45arrrghhhi thought he was just going to leave it until we move to .35
01:46.47D3tul3just don't tell him :)
01:46.53arrrghhhdamnit man i have to
01:49.22*** join/#htc-linux fakker (
01:49.24D3tul3another failed wake on call...sliding blindly answered....well shaite...back to 1253....
01:49.47arrrghhhyea i guess that doesn't have any panel fixes in it
01:49.52arrrghhhcan't imagine battery life is so good tho
01:51.20arrrghhhD3tul3: 1253 also has the .35 panel crap
01:51.32arrrghhhso there's still the touch to wake problem...
01:52.53D3tul3for some reason it work pretty damn well on my phone..except when i go to low coverage...than i get sod's and kernel panicks pretty regularly
01:53.21arrrghhhbattery code needs to get ripped out.  jonpry and wistilt are workin on that as well.
01:53.33D3tul3yeah i wish i knew what the hell they were talking about
01:53.51D3tul3i think i need an elec engineering degree
01:54.13arrrghhhoh you're talking poor service
01:54.23arrrghhhi wonder if that's our butchered RIL
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01:54.31arrrghhhoy.  wish we could just wrap the RIL.
01:55.08D3tul3yeah in my world kernel panick = poor service...
01:55.30D3tul3though there is probably a lot more to it than that...
01:55.47arrrghhhperhaps all your kernel panics are related to poor service
01:55.58arrrghhhsome of mine were related to a crappy SD card
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01:56.22arrrghhhwe're probably in the hardest stage of a project like this
01:56.37D3tul3i am just amazed at the level of coordination
01:56.42arrrghhhother than maybe the very first stage lol
01:56.52D3tul3not that i have any experience working on a project off a git tree but damn
01:57.02arrrghhhyea, it's difficult.
01:57.16arrrghhhi've heard .27 is a cluster.
01:59.33*** join/#htc-linux BHSPitMonkey (~stephen@unaffiliated/bhspitmonkey)
02:00.53*** join/#htc-linux |Atom_wk| (~atom@
02:06.43jonpryyou fix that pppd thing?
02:06.55arrrghhhheh, i guess i should flash back to nand and see
02:07.03arrrghhhi guess we'll just have to symlink pppd
02:07.22jonpryis that the problem? its just not starting?
02:07.29arrrghhhit's not in /bin
02:07.35arrrghhhi think acl said it was in /system/bin?
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02:08.05jonpryi don't know where ril expects it to be
02:08.16jonprybut /system/bin is fine for all i know
02:12.05stinebdril currently looks for /bin/pppd
02:12.05rpierce99ril expects /system/bin, stinebd posted the line a couple hours ago
02:12.14rpierce99thats what i meant
02:12.24rpierce99got confused
02:12.28arrrghhhwait if it expects it there why doesn't it work?
02:12.33arrrghhhacl said that's where it is...
02:12.37arrrghhhgets to flashing
02:12.42rpierce99arrrghhh: i was backwards
02:13.05arrrghhhbut... that doesn't make sense rpierce99.
02:13.17jonpryi dunno, the point of running the command was to find out whats wrong, it should print to console
02:13.34rpierce99ril looks in /bin/ file is in /system/bin
02:13.48arrrghhhjonpry: flashing now to try :D
02:13.52jonprythats actually the problem?
02:14.02stinebdthat would prevent data connections
02:14.03jonpryso ln it
02:14.07jonpryand see if you get data
02:17.43jonpryi think there is a memory leak in my battery program
02:18.04jonpry1.7GB to process wistilt2's data
02:18.41arrrghhhah crap
02:18.47arrrghhhi forgot to un-disable that script
02:22.14jonprythats more like it 640kb
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02:22.41arrrghhhslight difference
02:22.57jonpryyeah one object i forgot to free
02:28.20*** join/#htc-linux seektherapy (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/pradalvr)
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02:28.40seektherapyis this Texas linux??
02:28.44jonprywe may have to create the all mighty battery server in the sky
02:29.28seektherapyis so .. any Asians in here?
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02:29.48arrrghhhseektherapy: uhm... i think you have the wrong room.
02:30.22arrrghhhTexas linux...?
02:30.30seektherapyaren't you in Texas
02:30.51arrrghhhnot last time i checked.
02:31.04seektherapyWell it says it in the irc search.. i would know
02:31.16arrrghhhyou would know.
02:31.25seektherapyare you Asian?
02:31.29arrrghhhi'm convinced, i'm in texas.  sorry to ever doubt you.
02:31.37arrrghhhwhat, it doesn't say that in your IRC search?
02:31.43jonpryand all texans are asian
02:31.57arrrghhhor are all Asians Texans?
02:32.03seektherapyjust asking
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02:32.32seektherapydon't all jump on me at once
02:32.50arrrghhhseektherapy: we're just confused.  why did you join and ask about texas linux?
02:33.44arrrghhhalright finally.  bootani.
02:33.49arrrghhhjonpry: makin my way there, slowly.
02:33.49stinebdit all makes perfect sense to me
02:33.52seektherapy   search "Texas Linux "
02:33.52stinebdespecially the nickname
02:34.08arrrghhhyea, either way that was fuckin funny.
02:35.05jonpryso how much faster do you think a pc is than phone at floating point?
02:35.12jonpryno simd or anything
02:35.26stinebdpossibly a lot
02:35.31stinebdmaybe even slower
02:35.32seektherapyMy friend is looking for a boyfriend.. I am telling her to go for a programmer and she likes Asians men... and so
02:35.51arrrghhhseektherapy: don't come in here trolling for dick.
02:36.00arrrghhhthat's beyond disrespectful.
02:36.28jonpryalgorithm take 5 minutes on way to small data set on my pc
02:36.37seektherapyHEY!!! trolling for dick... that's the first
02:36.52*** join/#htc-linux MassStash (~MassStash@
02:36.58seektherapyyou should all be happy
02:37.09jonprymost of us are
02:37.17arrrghhhi'm pretty happy usually.
02:37.59stinebd5 minutes?
02:38.09seektherapyit isn't often you get a girl coming to irc looking
02:38.19arrrghhhseektherapy: it isn't...?
02:38.26jonprystinebd: battery analyzer
02:38.40arrrghhhi think she should "seek therapy" if she's looking for dudes in dev chat rooms.
02:38.45stinebdanalyzing wis's results?
02:38.47seektherapyNow.. where can i find a channel
02:39.07arrrghhhseektherapy: don't care, not here.
02:39.26jonprystinebd: yeah i ran them through, but i have no idea what to make of the results
02:39.32jonprywe need a lot more data
02:40.07jonpryand then there is this bug :p
02:40.14seektherapyfine bye
02:40.14stinebdwell good luck
02:40.23*** part/#htc-linux seektherapy (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/pradalvr)
02:40.29stinebdbattery meters are why it takes htc 4 months longer than expected to release a handset
02:40.36stinebdand they have docs!
02:40.43*** part/#htc-linux shi__ (
02:41.11jonprythen all there phones will be coming out 4 months faster
02:41.16arrrghhhjonpry: i'm assuming i can do this thru adb?
02:41.29jonpryarrrghhh, yes i think so
02:41.37arrrghhhi'll try
02:41.45rpierce99oh but you don't have root, can you do it?
02:41.54arrrghhhkeyboard layout is fubar
02:41.55stinebdno root?
02:41.56arrrghhhrpierce99: i can su
02:42.03rpierce99i thought root was broken
02:42.10jonpryonce they have SCBS noone will need to make battery meter ever again
02:42.30jonpryarrrghhh, you will need to remount root rw somehow
02:42.41arrrghhhrpierce99: i think busybox is broken, not sure.  either one will throw that error in tb
02:42.56arrrghhhwell i guess let's find out
02:43.34arrrghhhno /system/pppd
02:44.09arrrghhhdo i have to pass anything else?
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02:44.19arrrghhhno device specified
02:44.20jonpryto link it or run it?
02:44.49jonprybut i don't think running pppd will necessarily bring up data
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02:45.20jonpryril writes bunch of authentication crap into some files
02:45.55arrrghhhwell that command "worked" in the sense that it didn't throw an error.
02:46.02jonprythats good
02:46.18MassStashjnonow try apn find network shit?
02:46.19jonprytry: ln -s /bin/pppd /system/bin/pppd
02:46.42arrrghhhother way around jonpry?
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02:46.53arrrghhhln -s /system/bin/pppd /bin/pppd?
02:46.55jonprydon't think so
02:47.00jonprytarget source
02:47.09arrrghhhln: /system/bin/pppd: File exists
02:47.10jonpryer, yeah your right
02:47.37jonprythen go airplane mode or something
02:47.41jonpryand bring it back up
02:50.12arrrghhhno data yet...
02:50.18arrrghhhAPN was ofc disabled
02:51.30MassStash.... lol
02:51.46arrrghhhi guess i can try deleting and recreating the APN
02:51.52arrrghhhnot sure what else i can do to try and force data
02:51.55MassStashalmost done with work.... but looks like you got things arrrghhh
02:52.03MassStashdo the mobile networks search for and register thing
02:52.05rpierce99get a ifconfig, logcat, and dmesg
02:52.07MassStash2 under apn
02:52.09rpierce99lets break this down
02:52.19stinebdi'd try it but it has fits with a sim card installed
02:52.52MassStashi'm phone as modem for another 20
02:53.13jonpryeverybody's doing phone as modem at work these days?
02:53.32MassStashlol yeeeaaaaa, it's slow as hell nowadays
02:53.34arrrghhhwell ifconfig shows only the lo
02:53.49jonpryps ax | grep pppd
02:54.17arrrghhhit's running
02:54.24arrrghhh-a is an invalid option evidently
02:54.38MassStashdid you copy pppd to /bin or are you trying to reference in the /system/bin?
02:54.47arrrghhhMassStash: symlink
02:54.58MassStashin /bin?
02:55.40arrrghhhweird, when i look in normal ps i don't see pppd
02:55.44MassStashis that really same thing as copying the entire file over?
02:55.53MassStashcp that shit maybe
02:56.07MassStashcp that shit
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02:56.12arrrghhhMassStash: do you know how soft and hard links work?
02:56.27jonprymaybe cat /etc/ppp/*
02:56.37stinebdarrrghhh: one thought... we have to suid pppd in rootfs. make sure it's suid in /system/bin too
02:56.41MassStashi may have a MISunderstanding
02:56.43arrrghhhjonpry: woah
02:57.11arrrghhhjonpry: lots of jibberish.  and some readable text.
02:57.24jonpryyeah sounds right
02:57.54arrrghhhstinebd: -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     2000       143580 Jan 22 02:58 pppd
02:58.10stinebdok remount /system and chmod 4755 /system/bin/pppd
02:58.45stinebdit may or may not make a difference
02:59.14*** join/#htc-linux Ondalf (
02:59.57jonprystinebd, that sounds like a winner to me
03:00.30jonprydoes the simlink need suid?
03:00.47arrrghhhthat's the beauty of symlinks ;)
03:01.22arrrghhhok that worked
03:01.25arrrghhhlet me try data again
03:01.57jonprypppd logs to syslog no?
03:02.28jonpryso long as its starting we should be able to get something readable
03:03.18arrrghhhi have a 3g emblem
03:03.44arrrghhhdoesn't seem to work
03:03.58arrrghhhlets see what ifconfig says now
03:04.08Ondalfmay i interrupt with general linux question? -chat talked about flights
03:04.20arrrghhhOndalf: general linux...?
03:04.28jonpryi think logcat would be in order
03:04.41arrrghhhjonpry: sure.  ifconfig still only has the loopback...
03:04.50Ondalfhow to generate diff with +add_this_kinda_line and -remove_this ? default format is > <
03:05.02stinebddiff -u
03:05.09Ondalftyvm ^^
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03:07.34jonpryarrrghhh, is the 3g thing new?
03:07.42*** join/#htc-linux swc|666 (~x00@unaffiliated/swc666/x-4934821)
03:08.04Ondalfthe thing why i asked - taking diff from vmware-modules from vmware-server-2.0.2 modules and against kernel 2.6.38 which i got fixed while ago
03:08.07arrrghhhjonpry: yea never had the 3g logo w/the arrows
03:08.23arrrghhhjust the signal strength meter
03:08.50arrrghhharrows never move tho
03:08.55arrrghhhand ifconfig shows only loopback
03:09.01arrrghhhi see "Genie" requesting data and failing
03:09.05arrrghhhlet me paste this logcat
03:09.48stinebdyou left your imei in there!
03:10.03stinebdno good
03:10.06stinebdneed logcat -b radio
03:10.53stinebdW/pppd    (  801): Couldn't allocate PPP unit 0 as it is already in use
03:10.53stinebdE/pppd    (  801): Couldn't attach to PPP unit 1: Invalid argument
03:10.58stinebdnevermind about the radio
03:11.05arrrghhhlol k
03:11.17stinebdkillall -9 rild pppd and try again?
03:11.40jonprylooks like it is connected
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03:11.56jonpryyou have ip address via pppd, even if iface is down
03:12.48arrrghhhstinebd: sure 1 sec
03:13.23arrrghhh"killall: pppd: no process killed"
03:13.35jonpryifup ppp0
03:13.42jonpryer ifconfig ppp0 up
03:13.59arrrghhhifconfig: SIOCGIFFLAGS: no such device
03:14.14arrrghhhholy crap
03:14.18arrrghhhi have a ppp0 in ifconfig
03:14.24arrrghhhdidn't see that before.
03:14.40stinebdifconfig up does that
03:14.51stinebdby default ifconfig won't show interfaces that are down
03:15.03jonpryyou have ip?
03:15.39arrrghhhi can haz ping
03:15.54arrrghhhno dns tho
03:15.59arrrghhhcan't ping
03:16.17jonprydhclient ppp0
03:16.33jonpryer does android have that?
03:17.27arrrghhhi did dhcpcd ppp0
03:17.30arrrghhhooo it's done
03:17.32arrrghhhhung for a while tho
03:17.45arrrghhhbad address still
03:17.54stinebdwhich means no dhcp reply
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03:18.06arrrghhhcan i specify DNS?
03:18.16arrrghhhor are we supposed to get them from the provider
03:18.17jonprywell, i think this is all caused by us starting things in weird order
03:18.17stinebdi think ppp doesn't use dhcp anyway, pppd is supposed to handle network state during chat
03:18.41jonpryyeah and it got the address and dns, but never brought up interface or setup resolv
03:18.58arrrghhhshould i just reboot?
03:19.04jonprywill those symlinks survive?
03:19.05stinebdif you reboot you lose that symlink
03:19.34stinebd/ is a ramdisk
03:19.43stinebdso reboot, adb shell in and make the symlink really fast before data connects
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03:21.02jonpryhe might be right
03:21.09arrrghhhi can try
03:21.12jonpryadb comes up before boot anim
03:21.31arrrghhhlets see what i can manage
03:21.38stinebdis your pc linux?
03:21.57stinebdadb wait-for-device ; adb shell mount -o remount,rw / ; adb shell ln -s /system/bin/pppd /bin/pppd
03:22.05stinebdwill do it automatically as soon as adb can connect
03:22.17arrrghhhWisTilt2: yo.  had a few completely failed wakes.  but it seems it either completely fails or wakes correctly.
03:22.26arrrghhhstinebd: yup, i'll try that thx
03:22.42jonpryis there a su needed?
03:22.58WisTilt2arrrghhh: huh? failed wakes when you hit power or incoming calls?
03:23.10stinebdi didn't need to su on gingerbread
03:23.45jonpryWisTilt2, you think 20 milliohms is too much?
03:23.47WisTilt2ive given up trying to make it fail.  at least 50 times while on way home, not 1 fail.
03:24.09arrrghhhWisTilt2: i can't seem to make it fail on waking alone
03:24.16arrrghhhbut i had several from calls, yes.
03:24.27arrrghhhi did have that one that failed on my way out of work.
03:24.44WisTilt2calls trigger in a different way so probably have timing issue there also, need to look at that.
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03:25.05arrrghhhWisTilt2: ok.
03:25.21WisTilt2jonpry: you talking .2ohms in what battery state?  l
03:25.43jonprywell whatever your battery was in
03:26.18WisTilt2oh, thats what you got from the data. how did it figure that
03:26.31WisTilt2if it doesnt know temp?
03:26.33arrrghhhstinebd: do i need to do the ifconfig pppd0 up again?
03:26.45jonprythats a very involved question
03:26.46stinebdif it's working correctly, no
03:26.51arrrghhhit's not
03:26.53WisTilt2i mean it it doesnt know temp it wont be accurate
03:26.59arrrghhhsymlink is there
03:27.05arrrghhhbut ifconfig only shows lo0
03:27.10arrrghhhand there's no 3g icon/arrows...
03:27.20stinebdverify apn?
03:27.23WisTilt2does it figure it based on time,volt change, and current change?
03:27.46jonprythe temp is just something we can factor out later
03:27.47arrrghhhstinebd: apn and data are enabled.
03:28.05stinebdlogcat please
03:28.37WisTilt2if those current readings are actual ma's then the device doesnt use that much when panel is powered down but everything else is still running
03:28.38jonprywistilt2: like you know how you can model a battery as capacitor with ESR
03:28.43WisTilt2i expected those to be higher
03:28.58jonprynot those are all very small and very noisy measurements
03:29.27jonpryso like given current readings and an idea about the initial voltage of the battery, we can predict the voltage in the future
03:29.41jonprycause if you draw 1 A/S out of it, then voltage will go down by some amount
03:30.30WisTilt2but, heavier drain will skew that depending on how long we have higher drain.
03:30.31stinebdlooks like pppd isn't running at all
03:30.41arrrghhhmaybe i didn't symlink it in time?
03:30.54jonpryWisTilt2, this is simplification, we actually use something better than RC model
03:31.02jonpry3 R, 2C
03:31.14WisTilt2you want me to run it tonight with panel powered on and see what we get with that higher drain added?
03:31.40jonprywell more drain is good
03:31.50jonpryand di/dt it good, so like people actually using it
03:31.53WisTilt2or i could move the capture into the idle but that would probably kill the battery very quickly
03:32.15jonpryand maybe even shorter captures
03:32.31jonpry10hz :p
03:32.33WisTilt2tell me what you want interval wise.  easily changed
03:32.35arrrghhhstinebd: do i still have to run it manually?
03:33.10WisTilt2can do 10hz but you see the numbers, it looks like they dont change hardly for many seconds at a time
03:33.20stinebdarrrghhh: not if it's working correctly
03:33.29jonprywell i'm hoping at larger currents it will be better
03:33.43WisTilt2you make any sense out of the temp values?
03:33.46arrrghhhlol well obviously.  i've never had to run it manually before.
03:34.46arrrghhhgot it to come up again, manually
03:34.49arrrghhhbut no dns
03:35.11jonpryWisTilt2, not really. there is a formula in battery_smem though. did you try that?
03:35.22arrrghhhifconfig gives me an IP.  but no 3g symbol, and i can't ping out... :/
03:35.41jonprythen it is not working :p
03:36.08jonpryarrrghhh, do you need to chmod?
03:36.09WisTilt2jonpry: never looked that far into that code. didnt realize camro had temp in it
03:36.24jonpryi think its before camro
03:36.24arrrghhhjonpry: crap probably
03:36.30stinebdthe chmod should've survived
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03:36.39arrrghhhlet me ls -la again
03:37.04arrrghhh-rwsr-xr-x    1 root     2000       143580 Jan 22 02:58 pppd
03:37.46stinebdhow about
03:37.50stinebdchmod a+s pppd
03:37.58stinebdsgid too
03:39.03arrrghhhRO still
03:39.12jonpryjust get [acl] to fix rootfs
03:39.28arrrghhhhe wiped that bitch out
03:39.32WisTilt2arrrghhh: quick question, failed wakes on incoming calls...touching unlock wake it or does it have to sleep again before you can wake it?
03:39.36arrrghhhlots of crap to fix on NAND
03:39.55arrrghhhWisTilt2: IIRC touching didn't resolve the problem.
03:40.29WisTilt2but it wakes again after the call stops and it slept?
03:40.56arrrghhhi hit power 2x and it woke
03:41.04arrrghhhi had swiped it earlier
03:41.09WisTilt2during call or after it ended
03:41.13arrrghhhand it "saved" that swipe if that makes sense
03:41.25arrrghhhso when i woke it up, i saw the swipe i had made earlier...
03:41.25WisTilt2ok got it.  needed to know where to look
03:41.27jonpryWisTilt2, your log is interesting because it exhibits relaxation. like you can see voltage going up even though it is unplugged :p
03:42.24WisTilt2jonpry, yes and whats interesting is when it goes up it isnt always when current goes down like you'd think.
03:42.46jonprythats what 3R 2C is all about
03:42.48WisTilt2i see that with the spare parts battery monitor also though
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03:45.02arrrghhhthis is just odd.
03:45.21arrrghhhOo 3g icon again
03:45.23arrrghhhout of nowhere.
03:45.50arrrghhhheh, nothing.
03:46.08jonprywhy does ril give pull path to pppd?
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03:47.06arrrghhhthis is awesome.
03:47.12arrrghhh3g icon seems to be completely meaningless.
03:47.20arrrghhhas i have it now, but ifconfig shows only the lo interface.
03:47.33jonprywhat if you bring it up?
03:47.54arrrghhhi tried...
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03:48.33arrrghhhstill not popping up.
03:48.50jonpryifconfig ppp0 up
03:49.14arrrghhhindeed.  nothin..
03:49.20arrrghhhgives me that error
03:49.26arrrghhhbut ifconfig still only shows lo
03:50.24jonpryso how does this work again? nand has no rootfs?
03:50.36arrrghhhyea, i think i should just let acl fix his mess
03:50.46arrrghhhhe self-proclaimed "ripped a lot of shit out"
03:50.54jonpryout of what?
03:50.57arrrghhhcollapsed the rootfs as well, which nate was going to work on
03:51.06arrrghhhkernel, rootfs, initrd
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03:51.49jonpryso the rootfs is a tarball or something decompressed into the ramdisk?
03:55.45arrrghhhi'm... honestly quite ignorant on how they are doing that mess.
03:55.59arrrghhhthe initrd i heard they shrunk way down
03:56.04arrrghhhand they collapsed the roots
03:56.09arrrghhhno mo .kl's evidently lol
03:56.43arrrghhhbasically there's a bunch of crap that needs to be reintegrated
03:56.59arrrghhhthat were placed aside, because of all the wacky issues that were initally run into with NAND development.
03:57.33jonpryugh, nand
03:58.19arrrghhhi'm just a little excited at getting rid of WinMo.  definitely can't run this full time tho heh
03:59.16jonprywinmo was gotten rid of way back with the kernel on nand, android on sd abomination
03:59.32arrrghhhlol yea
03:59.35arrrghhhthat was terrible tho
04:01.34jonprydoes rhod support opengles2.0?
04:01.41arrrghhhheh i was hoping nand would drive more development
04:01.49arrrghhhno, i don't think the chipset does
04:03.25arrrghhhcrap.  phone froze i think.  too many ifconfigs
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04:06.24hycpretty sure the chipset only does gles 1.1
04:07.09arrrghhhWisTilt2: i want to go back to your kernel now :(
04:07.24jonprythe one with the battery logger?
04:07.28arrrghhhneed to merge NAND code mainline heh.
04:07.33arrrghhhi dunno if it has the battery logger
04:07.48arrrghhhbut it works a heckuva lot better than this bastard child NAND kernel i must use.
04:07.59hycI'm waiting for 2.6.35 kernel to be integrated
04:08.09arrrghhhthat's gonna be a while.
04:08.28hycand hopefully from there it will be easier to keep up with linux mainline
04:08.34jonpryalex says he fixed my microp-ksc
04:08.54arrrghhhthat madman with the kovsky
04:10.07jonprysomehow interrupts are inverted on 35
04:10.18WisTilt2anyone know if in either jb's or alex's clock commits, vsync was messed with? vsync definitely has a problem now and then
04:10.31arrrghhhL_miller: you are in here as well, didn't even notice you slip in.
04:11.13WisTilt2jonpry, msmfb_pan_display happens every time there is a failed panel wake and its always a problem with vsync requests timing out
04:13.10jonpryi dunno, thats what i was seeing on .35 long time ago
04:14.29arrrghhhacl backported the .35fb to .27
04:14.52jonpryalong with the problem, well maybe
04:15.12arrrghhhdo you still get that problem in .35?
04:15.18jonpryseems like there were a number of failed boots on .27fb as well. and no mdp sleep
04:16.36WisTilt2looks like problem is when msmfb dma is coming up out of sleep...
04:16.52WisTilt2got to be clock related
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04:40.37arrrghhhWisTilt2: i certainly don't know the extent, but there has been a lot of clock code flying around lately.
04:40.44arrrghhhbetween jb and alex..
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05:07.52jonpryi don't think its clock problem
05:08.33jonpryat some point i was able to get it to happen without touching clocks on boot
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05:16.30sykosoftnetripper: first major issue is the 'is like'. As you're not doing an inexact comparison, the best way to do that will be to use = or != statements.
05:16.49sykosoftnetripper: such as 'SELECT date(`when`) FROM log WHERE `where` = '#htc-linux' ORDER BY `when` DESC LIMIT 1;'
05:19.03sykosoftyes, mysql is SUPPOSED to be able to use an index with LIKE in cases like that, but it may be choosing a different index, I'd love to see the explain plan for that query
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05:19.57sykosoftone other recommendation, add a multi column index across three columns in this order: when, who, where
05:20.59sykosoftI imagine that'll help greatly with queries that are using where clauses with "when", such as displaying messages for a day
05:22.12sykosoftas a further curiousity, what sort of machine does this run on? do you have my.cnf tunings for key_buffer, etc based on your ram?
05:22.19sykosoftI'll look for your answers in the log
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05:39.54arrrghhhah well.  bedtime.  g'nite WisTilt2 shoot me an email if you have any amendments or any breakthrus.  didn't have time to try that SERV command, sorry...
05:40.13MassStashwhat serv command?
05:40.15WisTilt2np.  ill be around tomorrow
05:40.32arrrghhhtake it easy!
05:40.41MassStashwheres that at?
05:41.03WisTilt2it was a command for him to run to get some cdma data for ril
05:41.46MassStashi'm very interested in getting the data workin in nand as well...
05:41.58MassStashi can flash to it now....?
05:42.08MassStashis it worth re setting eerrrrrvthing up?
05:42.45MassStashor you have to go soon or something, or do we have a lil time to try some things? idk what else your doin'
05:42.59WisTilt2no idea where thats at right now.  im working on the haret side of things and havent messed with nand at all
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05:45.18MassStashright, that's what i thought. cool man
05:45.35MassStashthank you as well good sir
05:45.47MassStashneed a rhod400 for haret, i'm back to that, letme kno
05:46.17WisTilt2still working out some wake glitches
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11:52.50camrohi guys
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12:09.15arrrghhhcamro: !
12:09.33camrooh, hello arrrghhh :)
12:10.31arrrghhhhow you doin?
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12:33.49camroarrrghhh: do you remember on "call recording" ?
12:34.08arrrghhhsorry man, i must go to work.  hopefully i'll catch you later!
12:34.21camrowe did that for a while ... but can't rememeber, if it was kernel related or framework ...
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14:30.42jonpryhi camro
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15:04.40camrohi jonpry
15:05.36jonprylong time no see
15:06.00jonpryi am working on battery now :)
15:06.40camrooh, cool
15:06.59camrowas my code complete uselesss ?
15:07.31jonpryi dunno, mine is different technique
15:07.34jonpryuserland app
15:08.01jonpryi have kind of same problem though. need lots of logs from people
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15:10.32jonpryi tried using some of the logs you had people make
15:10.40jonprybut they don't have discharge current
15:11.18camroi would have a lot oflogs here
15:11.27camroincl. xls
15:11.50camrothere i had a lot of logic inside, to calc the best value
15:11.58camroand the milestonse to set
15:12.43jonpryi mostly just need log of voltage reading and discharge current
15:12.52jonprysoftware calculate the rest
15:13.14camrowell, if wanted i can take a look to make you a package..
15:13.28camroor look on xda, there i post always the XLS incl. logs ..
15:13.29jonpryyou have logs with discharge current?
15:13.37camrothe logs i can easily import to XLS
15:13.51camroso, it is very easy to see the curves ..
15:14.06camrocurrent, sure, all infos are in there ...
15:14.23camrofor which devices ?
15:14.27jonprylie this
15:16.50jonpryhmm, current number is strange
15:16.57jonpryalways multiple of 120ma
15:17.58camroi looked into
15:18.19camrocurrent was not all on devices suüpported ...
15:18.52camrobut the xls should help a lot to analyse ..
15:19.42camrojonpry: short question: do you remember on "call recording" ?
15:20.19jonpryyou want to record during call?
15:20.38camrothe devel of CM don't want this, ethic reason ...
15:20.43camrobut i need this ..
15:20.55camroand for now ... DUCK ... i only have a sgs :(
15:21.26camrobutcan'T remember if this was only kernel related ...(i think so, but not sure ...)
15:21.41camroand i can'T accept that decide of the devels :)
15:22.03camroso, the show to build itself will begin - hehe
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15:23.04camroso, do you remember - was this only kernel related ?
15:23.28camroui, hey :) nice to meet you cotulla :)
15:23.41jonprycamro: i'm not sure how it would be done. you would need userspace mods to setup the routing, and amss would need to support it
15:23.43camrohave thought, noone will talk with me (as sgs user :)
15:24.13camrosamsung galaxy S ... duck ...
15:24.23Cotullawon't talk with u also :)
15:24.27camroi know, don'T kill me .. it was cheap ..
15:24.28jonpry[acl] has sgs
15:24.33camrogot it for free :)
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15:24.54camrooh, really ? funny acl
15:25.11camroscreen is very good
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15:25.31Cotullajonpy, u had something like this
15:25.32Cotulla<4>[  249.333557] msmfb_pan_display timeout rerequest vsync
15:25.32Cotulla<4>[  254.333557] msmfb_pan_display timeout waiting for frame start, 2 1
15:25.45camroups, my pizza is ready .. see us later ...
15:25.51camrois mal weg ...
15:26.33jonpryCotulla: mine would freeze in pan display
15:26.44Cotullawould or would not?
15:26.46jonprybut it was hard to debug because console is locked
15:27.05Cotullahm but how it's working for u?
15:27.21jonprynot sure, somebody else made it work
15:27.34jonprybut they may have just got the timing in a better window
15:27.48jonprymine would work like 1 out of 3 times
15:28.35Cotullait's not working in 32
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15:28.58jonprytrouble is freeze in pan_display, if caused by fb_console, means all console locked, including ram console
15:29.16CotullaI have not fb console enabled
15:29.23jonprycheap :p
15:29.38CotullaI specially didn't enable it, because it's not compatible with msm_fb
15:30.00jonprywhy, freezes pan_display?
15:30.25Cotullamaybe vsync not come
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15:30.37jonpryyeah there is that
15:31.09jonpryor not setup right if your using gpio vsync
15:31.22jonprybut external vsync i think does not actually work
15:31.24CotullaRHO use GPIO97
15:31.35Cotullaisn't it?
15:31.48Cotullathere 98
15:31.51Cotullalet me check %)
15:35.57Cotullayeah RHO is 97
15:36.02Cotullathere in code 98 specified
15:37.26CotullaI copied mddi client from buzz kernel
15:39.42CotullaANDROID logo come
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15:40.22jonprystupid android
15:40.29CotullaE/libEGL  (   91): No EGLDisplay for hardware EGL!
15:40.41Cotullaow booted
15:41.58Cotullahm 3D not worked if in second bank?
15:42.18Willdgpu0 or 1?
15:42.23jonpryyeah need pmem just like it is on .27
15:43.09Cotullain EBI1
15:43.24NetRippersykosoft: updated the pastebin with some answers:
15:43.45jonpryCotulla, yes
15:43.45Cotullahm intersting
15:43.50Cotullabut on saphire it worked
15:44.01NetRippersykosoft: i ran the queries multiple times, this is the average
15:44.35jonpryCotulla, that same logic is why we didn't have 3d for a year
15:44.52Cotullabut I can move all PMEM stuffs before radio
15:45.01Cotullaand second bank will be fully free for OS
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15:47.20jonpryi wanted to put fb in smem
15:47.29Cotullathough about it
15:47.50jonprywould like double memory bandwidth
15:48.03Cotullaif decrease SMI GPU part
15:48.08Cotullait's possible
15:48.40WilldCotulla: Can you do that?
15:49.09Cotullabut GPU will have 6 mb instead of 7
15:50.38WilldCotulla: How do you decrease it?
15:50.56jonprycan't we use 31MB of SMI?
15:51.20Cotullawe can use only up to 0x00900000
15:51.42Cotulla0x0010 0000 - 0x0080 0000 - 7 MB GPU
15:51.59Cotulla0x0080 0000 - 0x0090 0000  RAM CONSOLE (and here was HVGA FB)
15:52.37CotullaHVGA FB need only 0x96000 bytes, while WVGA FB needs 0x177000 bytes
15:53.17jonprya9 using < 0x800000?
15:53.53CotullamARM use all rest of SMI
15:54.25jonpry6mb gpu sounds good to me
15:55.44Cotullaheh touchscreen not calibrated
15:56.13Cotulladid u analyze touchscreen calibration?
15:56.20Cotullais it near on all devices?
15:56.30jonpry35 is hacked to have default calibration
15:56.44Cotullaofcourse it can be read from nand
15:56.51jonpryit is near, for given variant. sometimes is reversed and stuff
16:03.03jonpryworks for me
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16:19.07Cotullaanybody tired to overclock GPU
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16:32.49NetRippersykosoft: i think i should split date and time into two seperate fields, so that date can be properly indexed
16:32.51jonpryhi emwe
16:33.30emwehi jonpry.
16:33.56jonpryare you going to commit my rhodium 35 patches?
16:34.25emwejonpry: let me quickly commit qdsp hack after a short test
16:34.38jonpryyes, dsp would be nice
16:35.15emwejust wan't to verify if we need to send CMD_BYE on CMD_HELLO. it's apparently not needed. or at least not for amss6125
16:35.21emwei still not to make that stuff dynamic...
16:35.40emwealex has some approach to it, but didn't yet have a deep look.
16:36.10emwejonpry: what was it with your userland battery stuff? app just to log raw data provided?
16:37.04jonpryi have stuff that can use model of battery to clean out certain kinds of noise
16:37.26jonpryand in theory an app that can find the parameters of the battery model just by searching through lots of raw data
16:37.38jonprybut that is not well tested because i don't have enough data
16:41.13emweparams of the battery model as input for the algorithm?
16:42.10jonpryso it can tell that you have 17kilofarad battery at .2ohms or whatever
16:42.31jonpryit uses a 2 parallel battery model
16:43.05emwethat sounds like out of my scope ;)
16:43.10jonpryone for surface charge and another for bulk charge
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16:45.14jonpryits a very strange piece of software
16:46.18emwejonpry: the goal is to have the algo in kernel fed by some parameters gained during your mass raw data analysis, right?
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16:47.23jonpryno i think it will all be userland. going to hook up to kernel to gather raw data, and then it will store/analyze and provide information to android somehow
16:48.46AstainHellbringhow goes it jonpry
16:49.20jonpryhi AstainHellbring
16:49.25jonpryits goes pretty well
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16:56.03emwejonpry: i see. perhaps let the app stuff back current values spit out by the analysis back to kernelland then and have it that delivery to userland again ;)
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17:00.46jonpryemwe, that would be the easiest way integrate with existing software
17:09.41Cotullajonpy, do u have in logcat "system process, deny GL context" during boot?
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17:14.22NatJohnnydo anyone got a startup.txt for a HTC Touch 2
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17:18.02arrrghhhNatJohnny, this isn't a support channel.
17:18.05arrrghhhcome join us in #xdandroid
17:19.23arrrghhhor... not.
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17:25.16Cotullajonpry, ur ts calibration works, but X is inverted :P
17:25.56arrrghhhon TS or gsensor?
17:26.05jonpryjust uncomment that one line
17:26.21CotullaI think I will read coordinates from nand
17:26.39jonprythat would be cool feature
17:26.46arrrghhhCotulla, yea you can get them from SPL
17:26.53jonprywe haven't yet found where it is
17:27.02arrrghhhjonpry, i thought acl did
17:27.07jonpryhmm maybe
17:27.10jonpryi might have missed it
17:27.12arrrghhhpicked apart some touch.dll i thought
17:27.24arrrghhh*shrug* it hasn't been implemented.
17:27.33arrrghhhi know he wanted that for NAND tho
17:27.40arrrghhhget rid of ts-calib
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17:28.02Cotullaheh my first boot of android from nand :P
17:28.29arrrghhhmagldr booting eh?
17:28.34arrrghhhhow's .32 goin?
17:28.46Cotullabut 3D not working somehow
17:28.49Cotullawill fix it now
17:29.03Cotullaflashed android directly via DAF to nand
17:29.43Cotullait show
17:29.43CotullaD/EGL.oem (   84): system process, deny GL context
17:29.43CotullaE/libEGL  (   84): No EGLDisplay for hardware EGL!
17:29.57Cotullaarrrghhh, do u have first line on ur 27 boot?
17:30.24arrrghhhis that on a logcat i assume?
17:30.47Cotullalooks pls
17:30.48arrrghhhi'll have to reboot, my logcat has certainly cycled by now... i won't be able to see the beginning.
17:31.52arrrghhhD/dalvikvm( 1369): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 3 objects / 48848 bytes in 190ms
17:31.52arrrghhhD/dalvikvm( 1369): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 96 objects / 4480 bytes in 180ms
17:32.02arrrghhhthose are the first two lines in my logcat... probably need to reboot tho :/
17:33.34NetRippersykosoft: yep, splitting date/time into seperate columns and a single index on the date field makes the query execute in 0.0004 seconds instead of 6 seconds :)
17:33.57CotullaNetRipper, who is sykosoft?
17:34.06arrrghhhhis db haxxxor
17:34.18Cotullaarrrghhh, it may appear at start
17:34.22Cotullaat early logcat
17:34.27NetRippersykosoft: and retrieving the log lines for a whole day themselves only take 0.16 seconds now
17:34.47arrrghhhCotulla, D/libEGL  ( 2118): loaded /system/lib/egl/
17:34.48arrrghhhD/libEGL  ( 2118): loaded /system/lib/egl/
17:34.52NetRipperCotulla, yea someone that offered to help me with db query optimization
17:35.20CotullaI/SurfaceFlinger(   84): EGL informations:
17:35.46arrrghhhD/EGL.oem ( 2118): smi: offset=10000000, len=00700000, phys=0x100000
17:35.46arrrghhhD/EGL.oem ( 2118): ebi: offset=00000000, len=00800000, phys=0x16300000
17:35.46arrrghhhD/EGL.oem ( 2118): reg: offset=20000000, len=00100000, phys=0xa0000000
17:35.46arrrghhhD/gralloc ( 1369): allocating GPU size=1245184, offset=0
17:36.07Cotullacopy whole logcat pls
17:36.14arrrghhhheh i was just going to ask.
17:36.14arrrghhh1 sec
17:40.07Cotullathnks, but it's not start :(
17:40.14CotullaI/SurfaceFlinger(   84): EGL informations:
17:40.15CotullaI/SurfaceFlinger(   84): # of configs : 8
17:40.16arrrghhhi'll reboot, brb.
17:40.17Cotullathere no this lines
17:40.26arrrghhhok, it probably cycled.  brb.
17:40.31Cotullaor maybe use *:V
17:40.34Cotullaverbose mode
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17:47.50arrrghhhCotulla, this one looks better
17:48.59Cotullathere also
17:48.59CotullaD/EGL.oem ( 1369): system process, deny GL context
17:48.59CotullaE/libEGL  ( 1369): No EGLDisplay for hardware EGL!
17:49.10Cotullabut 3D working for u in android???
17:49.25arrrghhhwell i'm not sure how to confirm
17:49.30arrrghhhi was told if i get bootani, 3d is working...
17:49.34Cotullalooks like it choose
17:49.35CotullaI/SurfaceFlinger( 1369): version   : 1.4 Android META-EGL
17:49.44Cotullait choose software library...
17:49.51arrrghhhi got a ton of these: D/Sensors ( 1369): Got unknown event type:
17:49.52Cotullacan u check?
17:50.11arrrghhhhow can i confirm hw3d is actually working?
17:50.27Cotullamaybe run some game
17:50.32Cotullaand look if it run smooth
17:50.37arrrghhhlol no games do
17:50.47Cotullaare u using 27?
17:51.02Cotullahm strange
17:51.07arrrghhhmy fave labyrinth does
17:51.12arrrghhhbut not very graphic intensive.
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17:51.14Cotullabut looking to logcat - it choose SW 3D
17:51.19arrrghhhi know people love angry birds, they have a lot of problems.
17:51.29arrrghhhCotulla, perhaps hw3d isn't working...
17:51.33arrrghhhstinebd said if i get bootani, it is.
17:51.39Cotullabut [acl] got it work
17:51.50arrrghhhhow did he confirm?
17:51.53MassStasharrrghhh, and you don't get bootani?
17:51.59arrrghhhMassStash, i do
17:52.02CotullaW/zipro   ( 1378): Unable to open zip '/data/local/': No such file or directory
17:52.14arrrghhhi saw flying XDAndroid droids
17:52.26CotullaMassStash, can u make logcat too?
17:52.44jonpryarrrghhh, we had those way before hw3d
17:52.49Cotullahm anybody with hero/saphire here, who can make logcat dump?
17:52.50MassStashin nand?
17:53.09MassStashim currently installing lastnights acl autobuild...
17:53.16arrrghhhjonpry, i know but stinebd said something about now that hw3d is enabled bootani would fail if hw3d wasn't enabled...
17:53.31Cotullawhy it will fail? it will use SW 3D
17:53.43jonpryi dunno
17:53.48arrrghhhi honestly don't either..
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17:53.53Cotullajonpry, can u make logcat?
17:54.04jonprygot to reboot
17:54.19jonpryarrrghhh, whats your neopeek?
17:54.25arrrghhhmy neopeek?
17:54.46arrrghhhusually around 19-20 IIRC
17:55.06Cotullaand now?
17:55.08jonprytry it again, maybe your 3d just dide
17:55.14arrrghhhlol ok
17:55.20arrrghhhCotulla, it's always been that AFAIK
17:55.29arrrghhhroughly 19-20.  sometimes lower, sometimes higher.
17:55.32arrrghhhnothing above 21.
17:55.56arrrghhhi always run w/o sound too
17:56.17jonpryyeah FPS
17:56.40Cotullaand now u how many got?
17:57.03jonpryi'm still rebooting and don't even have neocore installed
17:57.06jonprybut i will try
17:57.17Cotullacan u make logcat too?
17:57.23Cotullaearly logcat...
17:57.27Cotullawhere Android init EGL
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17:58.01arrrghhhstupid tether
17:58.03arrrghhhyes fps
17:58.05arrrghhhjust got 18.9
17:58.11arrrghhhseems "status quo"
17:58.17arrrghhhi wonder if hw3d has never worked correclty
17:58.26arrrghhhi was told i didn't need to enable in my startup.txt anymore
17:58.27Cotullamaybe hw3d working only for external apps?
17:58.33arrrghhhit was hard coded to on.
17:58.44arrrghhhperhaps that's not true, as i don't have any hw3d statement in my cmdline
17:58.49CotullaI/SurfaceFlinger( 1369): EGL informations:
17:58.49CotullaI/SurfaceFlinger( 1369): # of configs : 8
17:58.49CotullaI/SurfaceFlinger( 1369): vendor    : Android
17:58.49CotullaI/SurfaceFlinger( 1369): version   : 1.4 Android META-EGL
17:59.04Cotullabut this means that at start up it choose software opengl implementation, right?
17:59.13Cotullaat least in LEO we have such before HW 3D
17:59.30arrrghhhjonpry, yours says the same.
17:59.39arrrghhhdo you have hw3d explicitly enabled in your startup.txt?
18:00.03jonprynot sure anymore. its usually on, but my startup gets zonked every 5 minutes
18:00.05arrrghhhW/zipro   ( 1312): Unable to open zip '/data/local/': No such file or directory
18:00.06arrrghhhyou have that too lol
18:00.16arrrghhhjonpry, can you check dmesg?
18:00.35CotullaI think we need log
18:00.35jonprynothings stopping me anyways
18:00.37arrrghhhotherwise i'll reboot again and enable it by force, see if it changes.  i doubt it will.
18:00.39Cotullafrom native android device
18:00.49Cotullalike dream/hero/magic
18:01.01arrrghhhCotulla, i know a guy that has a hero, just isn't on right now.
18:01.02Cotulla~ping GNUtoo
18:01.02aptpong GNUtoo
18:01.16CotullaGNUtoo, here?
18:02.37Cotullaarrrghhh, what about logcat and dmesg when u run neocire?
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18:03.01arrrghhhlogcat seems to recycle quite frequently
18:03.07arrrghhhbut i can pull it again
18:03.25jonpryi started getting the system_server problem
18:03.37arrrghhhyou on an old rootfs?
18:03.47jonprypretty old
18:03.48BoominSVXadb wait-for-device logcat
18:03.49jonpryits fixed now?
18:03.52arrrghhhjonpry, yes.
18:04.55arrrghhhCotulla, logcat
18:05.19BoominSVXjust in case
18:05.31CotullaD/libEGL  ( 1865): loaded /system/lib/egl/
18:05.31CotullaI/ActivityManager( 1369): Displayed activity se.illusionlabs.labyrinth.lite/ 620 ms (total 620 ms)
18:05.31CotullaD/libEGL  ( 1865): loaded /system/lib/egl/
18:05.31CotullaD/EGL.oem ( 1865): smi: offset=10000000, len=00700000, phys=0x100000
18:05.31CotullaD/EGL.oem ( 1865): ebi: offset=00000000, len=00800000, phys=0x16300000
18:05.32CotullaD/EGL.oem ( 1865): reg: offset=20000000, len=00100000, phys=0xa0000000
18:05.32CotullaD/gralloc ( 1369): allocating GPU size=770048, offset=0
18:05.41arrrghhhCotulla, dmesg
18:05.45Cotullafor this process it's working?
18:05.54arrrghhhhrm.  ok
18:06.10arrrghhhi haven't done a thing since running neocore, still on the 18.9 FPS page in fact.
18:08.33Cotullabut it's strange
18:08.41Cotullawe need logs from native devices...
18:09.13arrrghhhi guess we'll just have to wait
18:09.21arrrghhhall the native devices around me are new.  n1, ns, etc.
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18:09.25jonpryif it works..
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18:09.56CotullaI mean with MSM7200A
18:10.02MassStasharrrghhh, man, my nand flies bro...
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18:10.30arrrghhhCotulla, i know.  i don't know of anyone at work with a native android device that's old.
18:10.45arrrghhhseveral peoples i know have android, but they're all newer devices...
18:10.58Cotullayeah with MSM7200A & AD22
18:11.08arrrghhhnow you're just bein picky :P
18:11.53jonpryshouldn't google be able to provide?
18:12.57BoominSVXCotulla: sorry man. I guess my logcat got cut a bit too.
18:13.51MassStasharrrghhh, adb work in nand for u?
18:14.01arrrghhhMassStash, yup
18:14.14BoominSVXit should. just spits out funny characters
18:14.16arrrghhhBoominSVX, yea if you don't pull that crap right away it'll cycle
18:14.22arrrghhhfunny characters?
18:14.29arrrghhhi didn't have any problems with adb in nand...
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18:15.08BoominSVXsu changed my commands all up, but it worked.
18:16.45CotullaI mean
18:16.46jonpryi found log for adreno200 device
18:16.47Cotullalook at this logcat
18:16.57MassStasharrrghhh, fn key work?
18:17.02jonpryit uses meta-egl, and fails to get a surface on first call
18:17.06Cotullathere also OpenGL informations
18:17.08arrrghhhMassStash, no
18:17.15arrrghhhMassStash, no rootfs.. no keyboard layouts yet.
18:17.16Cotullawith vendor : Qualcomm
18:17.20Cotullaand extesions
18:17.45Cotullaas well
18:17.45CotullaI/SurfaceFlinger( 1260): extensions: GL_AMD_compressed_3DC_texture
18:17.58Cotullabut our logcats don't have this, I guess because it failed before
18:18.03CotullaD/EGL.oem ( 1369): system process, deny GL context
18:18.16BoominSVXCotulla: this is right from the command prompt.
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18:19.04Cotullaso I am intersting is it same on native android devices with MSM7200
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18:20.06arrrghhhwasn't that the logcat jonpry just pasted?
18:20.24Cotullait was "jonpryi found log for adreno200 device"
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18:40.03Alex[sp3dev]hey fellas
18:40.43Alex[sp3dev]Cotulla: did you notice i'm very inattentive?)
18:41.19Alex[sp3dev]remember that talk about gpio interrupts? i have found out that the key for which they were not coming are controlled by microp. i feel stupid ;)
18:41.43Cotullai tell u to check it
18:41.45jonpryhi Alex[sp3dev]
18:41.52Alex[sp3dev]jonpry: hey
18:41.54jonpryi cannot make ksc work
18:42.00jonprystill hang for me
18:42.02Cotullau have logcats from native devies>
18:43.19Alex[sp3dev]jonpry: i can send  it to ya. but it's undone yet, just hacked it together for kovsky.. in a dirty way. wonder how to handle key depress properly and autorepeat in some less stupid way. so that we don't use that stupid 250ms delay and input is not bombed with undebounced keys (hm.. microp should take care of that?)
18:43.51Cotullawho did
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18:44.24Cotullaand is it working??
18:44.34jonpryAlex[sp3dev] so you didn't use my code
18:44.37jonpryCotulla, yes
18:44.38Cotullafor me there NO matrix, only direct GPIO keys
18:44.50Alex[sp3dev]jonpry: yes, i have commited some microp-ng changes to make it even more obfuscated (to pass i2c_client as drvdata which is sooo un-linux.. but nevertheless, now we don't have to copy i2c code to each driver which is a win). so i can send you the hack i've built on top of it
18:44.55Alex[sp3dev]jonpry: no i did not
18:44.56jonpryon rhod there are matrix keys
18:45.40Cotullano... GPIO18 - RED, GPIO39 - VOLUP, GPIO40 - VOLDOWN, GPIO83 - POWER
18:46.10Cotulla1)matrix gpio they are have special numbers 2)in WM driver it looks like direct GPIO key
18:46.27Cotullaas well in MAGLDR I just check state of each this GPIO... no matrix
18:46.54Cotullaur front keys are gpio right?
18:47.02Alex[sp3dev]only power and camera
18:47.10Cotullabut they are direct gpio, not matrix
18:47.21Cotullawtf this driver worked
18:47.39jonpryi think it has to do with the userland keymap
18:47.52Cotullabut it complete wrong
18:47.53jonpryother devices have matrix and needed the 6 entries
18:48.09Cotullait switch state and put current to buttons
18:48.09ali1234direct gpio is equivalent to a matrix keyboard with only 1 row and the 1 output gpio is always on... so yeah it would work with a matrix type driver
18:48.22Alex[sp3dev] jonpry: here's the hax. and board-htckovsky has an example of how to register the shite. if you want to use it, check out my updated microp drivers on git
18:48.24ali1234if you put in the right values
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18:48.42Cotullaali1234, but code assumed that it need switch state
18:48.49jonpryAlex[sp3dev], i just don't see why ksc needs any of that stuff
18:48.59Alex[sp3dev]jonpry: of which stuff?
18:49.05Cotullastatic unsigned int rhodium_col_gpios[] = { 35, 34 };
18:49.06Cotullastatic unsigned int rhodium_row_gpios[] = { 40, 39, 36, 18 };
18:49.13Cotullaanyway this code crazy :(
18:49.21Alex[sp3dev]Cotulla: and wrong
18:49.31arrrghhhnot surprising
18:49.32CotullaI gotta copy saphire driver as new
18:49.35jonprymaybe not, it might be hooked up to the matrix controller on pmic
18:49.36Alex[sp3dev]jb said some bt gpio was misused there
18:49.56arrrghhhyea with kbd
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18:51.26Alex[sp3dev]jonpry: seems to me microp reports scancode when pressed, and when depressed it only reports zero. should we store the last keycode somewhere and manually 'depress' it or is there some nice way to do it?
18:52.35ali1234what does it say if you press two keys then release one?
18:52.53Alex[sp3dev]ali1234: looks like i need to boot up linux to see
18:54.04Alex[sp3dev]btw, what makes me wonder.. i've gotten random data aborts in some mdp blit function. in some 'debug' routine. it comes after ioctls. maybe ioctls of 35 and 27 are different and userland needs a fix?
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18:56.26Alex[sp3dev]ali1234: epic fail here. my 'algo' with storing the last key has failed and the input now just rejects any info from ksc. i think i'll look into how it was done for 27 since it's working
18:57.35Alex[sp3dev]also, got some troubles with rfkill. namely, i seem to have requested gpios in probe, but when i control it, it prints a warning. but maybe my fault. and some dma error and uart doesn't seem to work. i remember Cotulla had that on hd2, no?
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18:57.53Cotullamaybe better refactor old 27 kbd driver?
18:58.21Alex[sp3dev]Cotulla: will look into it tomorrow. need to finish alda homework today to be free on weekend
18:58.29Cotullathere maybe other DMOV channel used
18:58.33Cotullalike on leo
18:58.52Alex[sp3dev]is it defined in some header in mach-msm?
18:59.27Cotullasomething like this (example from leo)
18:59.36Alex[sp3dev]ah, thank you. will diff 27 and 35 to see
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19:00.58Cotullalol it's fucking sow
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19:01.28Alex[sp3dev]jonpry: do you fully understand what we're doing with sound on 27? looks like we're manually tracking state and hot-patch the data coming from userspace. was it done for compatibility with htc libs? maybe we can patch userspace to properly call ioctls when routing is changed?
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19:02.10CotullaAlex, each android support every DPI?
19:02.11jonpryAlex[sp3dev] htc_acoustic might just take care of it
19:02.16jonpryit knows when to update ADIE
19:02.24jonprywith the right stuff
19:02.42Alex[sp3dev]Cotulla: yes. but well, you can build it without hdpi resources, for example. it will stretch mdpi ones but look like crap
19:03.01CotullaI am running HVGA on WVGA
19:03.04Cotullaall is too small
19:03.40Alex[sp3dev]Cotulla: add ro.sf.lcd_density=240 to build.prop
19:04.28Cotullait's so laggy
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19:04.41arrrghhhCotulla, crap a snapdragon into it?
19:04.46Alex[sp3dev]jonpry: i mean, the userspace is not issuing the call to disable the speaker when it is done playing, for example. and it enables it on boot. that's the reason all the crap with kernel-side tracking was introduced
19:04.52Cotullaheh but I dunno how it worked on ur roms
19:05.04Alex[sp3dev]Cotulla: those were not 'roms' ;)
19:05.06Cotullaany example video on utube?
19:05.26Cotullayaya I am running it from nand, sd card doesn't work at all yet ;)
19:05.34jonpryAlex[sp3dev]: yes but userspace may be telling acoustic about it
19:05.35Alex[sp3dev]Cotulla: i'm envious
19:06.19CotullaAlex, how to check if 3D is working?
19:06.33WilldStart camera, does the gui work?
19:06.58Alex[sp3dev]Cotulla: i would run some game. if it is slow and pixelated, then it is not working. or watch lolcat, but it tells you crap about unable to get context at boot
19:07.24CotullaI looked to logcat, there not clear
19:07.43CotullaCotullaD/EGL.oem ( 1369): system process, deny GL context
19:07.43CotullaCotullaE/libEGL ( 1369): No EGLDisplay for hardware EGL!
19:07.46Cotullau have this also?
19:08.01Cotullais it normal?\
19:09.02Alex[sp3dev]btw, with 35 the ui seems to be a bit more smooth. but neocore still shows 18.7 fps for X1
19:10.02arrrghhhCotulla, evidently the original samsung galaxy is msm7200
19:10.07arrrghhhwill a logcat from that help?
19:10.15Willdarrrghhh: Yarp
19:10.15Cotullawith AD22?
19:10.24arrrghhhWilld, ?
19:10.31Willdarrrghhh: What do you want from my phone?
19:10.36arrrghhhis it AD22?
19:10.48WilldWhat's AD22?
19:10.58arrrghhhsmth video i assume
19:11.00WilldNever seen it in any log :#
19:11.05arrrghhhCotulla, ?
19:11.08CotullaAndroid 2.2
19:11.12arrrghhhoh lol
19:11.17arrrghhhyou confuse me boy
19:11.21arrrghhhWilld, just need a logcat.
19:11.22WilldCotulla: Stupid acronym >:(
19:11.31rrewTPZyep it is
19:12.54WilldCotulla: AD22 is AOSP-based btw
19:13.08Cotullait doesn't matter I think
19:13.18Cotullaqct drivers are same
19:13.32Alex[sp3dev]Cotulla: yep, you were right on dma
19:13.45WilldI hope my kernel is okay, no clue if it's working..
19:13.51Alex[sp3dev]27: #define DMOV_HSUART2_RX_CHAN   9// wince value, does not clash with USB
19:13.56Alex[sp3dev]35: #define DMOV_HSUART2_RX_CHAN   11
19:14.07Willdsado1: Do you have a recent logcat?
19:14.07Cotullaokay next my thing will be battery
19:14.24Alex[sp3dev]Cotulla: will you port android and magldr to the battery?
19:14.36Alex[sp3dev]why not
19:14.47CotullaI gotta make new battery driver from ds2784.c
19:15.04Alex[sp3dev]oh. why not patch ds2784?
19:15.22CotullaI mean I will replace code inside
19:15.33Cotullainstead of i2c data collection, will get them via dex
19:15.40Alex[sp3dev]just don't add usb charger *there* ;)
19:15.41Cotullabut driver already implements slow/fast charging
19:15.50Cotullaas well temperature checks
19:15.57Cotullaso it's great reuse of code
19:15.58WilldCotulla: Bah, faulty kernel, I'll get someone else :)
19:16.59Alex[sp3dev]damn. i will need to either disassemble wince driver or make logs for a proper lookup table for ds2746.. i don't want htc driver because it has values for other battery capacity only and because it sucks like.. you know like what
19:18.09jonprythis is soft implementation of ds2746 table:
19:18.18Alex[sp3dev]jonpry: oh?
19:18.39Alex[sp3dev]jonpry: how come you're messing with ds2746?
19:18.56jonpryi just needed standard OCV table for prismatic cell
19:19.14Alex[sp3dev]maybe you have a more precise table?
19:19.15CotullaSuper cool battery software
19:19.17jonpryand ds2746 datasheet has good one
19:19.17Cotulla:D :D :D :D
19:19.45Cotullau know that 2746 have ACR inside?
19:19.50Alex[sp3dev]Cotulla: i do
19:20.11Cotullaso PERCENT = (RAAC - AEL) / (FL - AEL)
19:20.33Alex[sp3dev]accumulated currency register
19:20.34Cotullayes ACR - Active Current Register
19:20.52Alex[sp3dev]yeah, no one knows how to type properly ;(
19:21.04Cotullait integrate current which passed via it
19:21.15CotullaAEL - is Active Empty Level
19:21.18CotullaFL - is Fullload
19:21.18jonpryyeah the coulumb counter for when OCV is not good approximation
19:21.25Cotullathey are different for different T
19:21.48Cotullaso this can't not called  "Super cool battery software", sorry
19:21.51f2hello allll
19:21.57bzojonpry, ur in the cnc business?
19:22.03Cotullaas well
19:22.05jonpryCotulla, you didn't read the rest of the code :p
19:22.12Cotullaint nelem = 9; must be static :D
19:22.13jonprybzo, used to be
19:22.15f2arrrg i am baccck
19:22.31Cotullaokay double on MSM7200 is awful
19:22.37bzojonpry, ah. another hobby of mine, though inactive lately
19:22.49Cotullaso it must be part of userspace program
19:22.53Alex[sp3dev]Cotulla: why?
19:23.03jonpryCotulla, yes that is the plan
19:23.24f2is this the right place to talk about gingerbread build?
19:23.24Cotullakernel gave problems with floating point helpers
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19:23.33arrrghhhWisTilt2, join the party
19:23.38rpierce99f2 this is kernel, the #xdandroid for the system image
19:24.02Alex[sp3dev]jonpry: maybe the compromise is to provide a rough approximation via the kernel driver and a precise userspace one?
19:24.03WisTilt2i need a party.  about to fire all my techs today, im in that kind of mood
19:24.13f2i suppose that messg was for me right?
19:24.16jonpryCotulla: yeah kernel is not right place for this code
19:24.17arrrghhhWisTilt2, lol i know the feeling.
19:24.43Cotullawe have board-htcleo-log.c :P
19:24.56WisTilt2jonpry: no data for you, phone died overnight in that test mode so need to shorten it and watch it while im awake.
19:25.04Cotullau can guess from 3 times what is inside? ;)
19:25.15jonpryWisTilt2, :p
19:25.18Alex[sp3dev]Cotulla: the binary logarithm?
19:25.43jonpryWisTilt2, are you just loggin to dmesg?
19:25.50Cotullashit u too smart :(
19:26.08Alex[sp3dev]Cotulla: nah, i just remind you hacking it in back in summer
19:26.15Cotullaholy shit
19:26.19CotullaI forgot about it
19:26.21WisTilt2jonpry: logging to the ring buffer then when its finished i dump it to sd card
19:26.24Cotullaokay I back to battery
19:27.43jonprybinary log, is that like for(i=31; i > 0; i--)if(m&(1<<i)return i
19:28.28Alex[sp3dev]jonpry: yes it is
19:28.59Alex[sp3dev]but i think he's using ieee754 floats
19:29.55jonpryonly function my crappy code needs is sqrt
19:30.16Cotullalook in open watcom - there good standalone implementations
19:30.17Alex[sp3dev]jonpry: use bubble sort
19:30.39jonprythey don't have -lm for kernel?
19:31.06Cotulladon't know try
19:31.18Alex[sp3dev]jonpry: they have sort in kernel
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19:32.05jonpryit would never work. need permanent storage, and it does something like > 1 billion malloc's to do one regression
19:32.58jonprystupid matrix math
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19:39.41NetRipperdamn irclog is fast now
19:45.21Alex[sp3dev]i think WisTilt2 will be proud. today my phone 'died' in suspend (it was discharged). when i came home and plugged it, the leds turned on meaning linux was alive, but it won't wake up. anyway, i haven't touched PM on 35 yet
19:46.31WisTilt2Alex[sp3dev] ?
19:46.57Alex[sp3dev]WisTilt2: i know that recently you've all been experiencing troubles with SOD. or is it resolved?
19:47.22arrrghhhnot resolved...
19:47.26Alex[sp3dev]jonpry: btw, with this reworked microp (with leds in workqueue) and my yesterday fix to add them to workqueue immediately, i can use heartbeat and mmc0 triggers. kinda funny
19:47.26arrrghhhseems RIL related tbh
19:48.22WisTilt2only time i get sod is in weak signal area it seems but not happening with changes i made yesterday, at least not yet for me
19:48.48arrrghhhWisTilt2, folks with airaves are having all sorts of issues.  i don't have one, so i really can't test it.
19:48.52WisTilt2arrrghhh i have another fix i will have you put up later today.  fixing the manual backlight in this also
19:48.54WilldCotulla: logcat from a (hopefully) fresh 2.2 on i7500
19:48.59Cotullathere nothing about EGL
19:49.01Cotullaneed log from start
19:49.03arrrghhhWisTilt2, schweet!
19:49.05Cotullavery early start
19:49.30WilldThere's nothing bout EGL because or 3D works :)
19:49.47Cotullait must be before
19:50.08WilldOh wait, wonder why it cut out
19:50.42arrrghhhWilld, you need to get logcat immediately on boot or it will cycle
19:51.51WisTilt2arrrghhh, anyone notice the much faster bootup time with the last kernel?
19:54.01CotullaD/EGL.oem (  192): system process, deny GL context
19:54.02CotullaE/libEGL  (  192): No EGLDisplay for hardware EGL!
19:56.17arrrghhhWisTilt2, yea, several people noted it booted faster.
19:56.51arrrghhhthat's what i wanted to talk to you about
19:57.10arrrghhhWisTilt2, couple of people trying to get me logs from SoD found their dropbox logs are not as verbose as they used to be... did anything change with that?
19:57.32WilldCotulla: What are you researching at the moment?
19:58.12CotullaI am coding my battery driver
19:58.25Cotullabcz I had discharged my RHO too often
19:58.56WisTilt2arrrghhh: yes, i removed lots of spam that really isn't needed with the parts of the system that have been working forever now.
19:59.16arrrghhhWisTilt2, hrm... let me show you this log, it's... let's just say missing a few things.
20:00.25WisTilt2is that dmesg?
20:03.05arrrghhhWisTilt2, SYSTEM_LAST_KMSG from an SoD
20:03.16arrrghhhdude is using an airave, i think that may be the source of a lot of these SoD's.
20:03.25arrrghhhthat and crappy signal
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20:21.34bzoarrrghhh: you ever see problems getting good logs from ramconsole on the rhod?
20:22.01arrrghhhsometimes they get garbled, yes.
20:22.23arrrghhhand i'm not sure what's up with the newest test kernel, but we're missing basically everything from the newest kernel.
20:22.46bzojb has it moved in his latest code, trying to decide whether to keep the change or go back to the old location
20:23.31arrrghhhnot sure what you mean by that TBH
20:23.36WisTilt2bzo: now much memory does ramconsole have allocated by default?
20:23.54Alex[sp3dev]WisTilt2: 128 kb
20:24.26bzoarrrghhh: jb moved ramconsole to a different memory address
20:24.49bzothe downside is a loss of another 1mb of usable memory
20:25.02WisTilt2hmm, what im seeing in testing is when ramconsole fills up, or is full, thats when the panel wakes start happening frequently.
20:25.37bzoseems weird that it would be related
20:25.44bzoisn't ramconsole a ring buffer?
20:25.53emweit is
20:26.01Alex[sp3dev]emwe: hey
20:26.03WisTilt2should be but wondering if has a leak
20:26.03emwewraps around
20:27.45Alex[sp3dev]emwe: i think we can go without supporting *both* android and wince amss in one kernel (who needs it) and only use dynamic switch for wince builds. this way we can ifdef some stuff (like snd struct) and not hack it further. basically, what we have now. ok, working on bt and pm ;)
20:28.36bzoWisTilt2: how about you? experience any issues with the current ramconsole address on rhod?
20:29.45emweAlex[sp3dev]: i wish i had more time to actually start looking at your stuff
20:31.20WisTilt2bzo: did this address recently change?  i notice lots of msmfb dma timeouts and lots of vsync timeouts lately but thought it was related to the changed im making:)
20:31.41bzoWisTilt2: no, just in the proposed patches by jb
20:32.24WisTilt2do the current git clocks that you pushed have alex's and jb's merged stuff in it?
20:32.46Alex[sp3dev]bzo: did you experience violet tint on camera for rhod?
20:32.54bzoWisTilt2: yep, it's mostly alex's, with a few clocks handled by jb
20:33.17bzoAlex[sp3dev]: no personally, though some testers had a pink image issue
20:33.24WisTilt2was vsync clock messed with at all in either of those?
20:33.33Alex[sp3dev]bzo: it is good
20:34.06bzoAlex[sp3dev]: eh, what is good?
20:34.13Alex[sp3dev]bzo: that i'm not alone
20:34.28bzoWisTilt2: what's the name of that clock?
20:34.55bzoAlex[sp3dev]: I think the problem on rhod had more to do with using theoretically unusable smi2 memory
20:35.29Alex[sp3dev]bzo: well, i'll look into camera after fixing other stuff. maybe jb could help me a bit
20:36.22bzoAlex[sp3dev]: yeah, I'm sure jb could be a lot of help
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20:37.29bzoWisTilt2: one difference in alex clocks is that it no longer sets the PMDH rate
20:37.41bzothat's why we had the screen problem in diam/raph
20:37.46jonprybzo, where is this theoretically unusable smi2?
20:38.25bzowell, usable according to oemaddresstable
20:38.30bzobut acknowledged nowhere else
20:39.03Alex[sp3dev]jonpry: why do we send low speed 2 on suspend and speed 7 to arm9 on resume? are they taken out of random? does arm9 dynamically reduce it frequency on its own?
20:39.27Alex[sp3dev]bzo: what if you read/write from there.? data abort?
20:39.49jonprycan we put fb there?
20:39.50bzono errors, just weird behavior depending on what is trying to use it
20:39.52WisTilt2Alex[sp3dev] those do nothing as i just found this morning
20:39.59bzojonpry: tried, doesn't work, white screen
20:40.06Alex[sp3dev]bzo: like, inconsistent data? or is it not working at all
20:40.22Alex[sp3dev]WisTilt2: eh? so i can drop them? fo sho?
20:40.24jonprybzo, is there a reason not to use 6mb gpu0?
20:40.25bzostrangely the only thing able to use smi2 is certain pmem
20:40.39WisTilt2ive been running without them all morning np
20:40.55Alex[sp3dev]WisTilt2: it *will* work, but won't it drain more power?
20:41.16WisTilt2nope, still seeing same drain for the past several hours
20:41.27jonpryAlex[sp3dev], try setting it to speed 2, and never to 7
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20:41.35jonprymaximum savings :p
20:41.39WisTilt2jonpry tried that also, no difference at all
20:41.41bzojonpry: maybe, we've run with 2mb successfully
20:41.54Alex[sp3dev]jonpry: who did it in the first place? cr2?
20:42.04WisTilt2i dont think those dex calls are doing anything in the memory its setting and arm9 never does anything from it
20:42.10emweWisTilt2: perhaps phh can ressurrect the reasoning for adding them. perhaps some haret traces on suspend/resume
20:42.16Alex[sp3dev]maybe we need some Cotulla power to clarify?
20:42.56WisTilt2i just know setting both to 2 or 7 of comment the whole thing out made no difference in performance or battery
20:42.59NetRipperapt what is cotulla power
20:42.59aptNetRipper: I think you lost me on that one
20:43.00jonprybzo, then we can have fb in smi
20:43.34Alex[sp3dev]bzo: is that enough for wvga, games and others?
20:43.50bzojonpry, I tried that before with the 27 gb, but saw no difference. Maybe it would help the 35 fb
20:44.25bzoAlex[sp3dev]: probably, neocore ran. But I would be hesitant about mucking with it
20:44.41bzothe binary libs would need to be modded as well
20:45.31bzojonpry: not sure if the smi is any faster on turbo devices like the rhod
20:47.02jonpryits extra 35mb/sec of memory bandwidth
20:47.18bzooh, you benched it
20:47.33jonpryno just 480x800x30x3
20:47.53bzoright, you mean removed from ebi load
20:48.39bzohmm, what is the raw bandwidth?
20:48.44bzois our ram even ddr?
20:48.54jonpryyeah i think its ddr200
20:49.04jonpryor 266
20:49.24bzoI thought it wass 266 on non-turbo, and 333 on turbo
20:49.40jonpryebi1_clk 166mhz?
20:50.40jonpryis it /32 part?
20:51.08bzono idea
20:51.15jonpryso thats like 1066MB/sec peak
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20:53.14jonpryso thats like 10% maybe
20:53.39jonpryhello 23 on neocore :p
20:53.47Alex[sp3dev]jonpry: will 5 mb be enough for gpu0?
20:53.55Alex[sp3dev]and is gpu0 2d or 3d, again?
20:54.10WilldAlex[sp3dev]: 2D
20:54.51WilldAlex[sp3dev]: How are you changing it btw?
20:55.00Cotullaoverclock it nah
20:55.00WilldJust lowering the alloc?
20:55.13Alex[sp3dev]Willd: pmem and userspace library patch?
20:55.28Willd'kay :)
20:55.43jonprywill it let you use like 6.75mb?
20:55.46Alex[sp3dev]Cotulla: will look into overclocking. it is not done properly on 27 i think, for kovsky it messes display. maybe need to overclock only ram or only gpu, not both
20:55.58Alex[sp3dev]jonpry: how much fb mem is actually needed?
20:56.13jonpryit just barely doesn't fit
20:56.55WilldAre you working with wvga?
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20:57.17Alex[sp3dev]jonpry: maybe disable mpu and overwrite bootloaders in ram?
20:57.37jonpryis it big enough?
20:58.03Alex[sp3dev]jonpry: according to memory map, qcsbl is 1 mb and oemsbl is 1 mb. but may be wrong. and maybe radio writes there and corrupts memory
20:58.28jonprythat easy enough to tesy
20:58.38Alex[sp3dev]to test corruption?
20:58.42jonpryjust /dev/mem it
20:58.51jonpryblast random in there and hope for best
20:58.53Alex[sp3dev]yeah, right
20:59.05Alex[sp3dev]if it survives a couple suspends, then we can use that
20:59.35jonprysounds good to me
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20:59.41jonpryhave to disable mpu first?
20:59.47Alex[sp3dev]yeah, smi mpu
21:00.06Alex[sp3dev]i think you can write to mpu regs via devmem as well
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21:02.26jonpryWisTilt2, is this a good idea?
21:03.26bzohmm ramconsole is the qcsbl region
21:03.34bzoguess that why it's gets trampled sometimes on wince boot
21:03.39Alex[sp3dev]ah, then we can use it
21:04.01Alex[sp3dev]bzo: for me, ramconsole survives even a battery pull
21:04.31bzomaybe they secretly put sram in your device, or even mram :p
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21:04.51jonpryActually the 6mb plan involved using both qcbl and oemsbl
21:04.55jonpryso we are nowhere
21:05.16cedesmith~seen cotulla
21:05.31aptcotulla is currently on #htc-linux (3h 40m 35s). Has said a total of 213 messages. Is idling for 10m 31s, last said: 'overclock it nah'.
21:05.31Alex[sp3dev]jonpry: ah. for 5225 we have 7mb free smi for gpu. so i think i will try to abuse those 2 extra mb for fb
21:05.42bzojonpry: if we use qcbl+oemsbl doesn't that free up 2mb for fb?
21:06.02jonprywe're already using oemsbl for gpu
21:06.09jonpryso we have the 1mb where ramconsole is now
21:06.14jonprywhich is not 1500kB
21:06.18Alex[sp3dev]jonpry: i don't believe you
21:06.31Alex[sp3dev]we have 7 mb starting at 1 mb
21:06.39Alex[sp3dev]that means we're not touching qcsbl
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21:07.09bzoand why we can use ramconsole in qcsbl
21:07.19cedesmithcotulla i finaly got off mode charging to properly work on HD2 (kernel and CWM patch required), will you add support in magldr for it ?
21:07.25Alex[sp3dev]maybe it's not qcsbl but someone mapped it wrongly?
21:08.30jonpryone would assume that 0x8e0000 was not chosen over 0x800000 for no reason
21:09.01bzomaybe it was a cross your fingers and pray qcsbl doesn't use the upper portion
21:09.39bzoI think phh picked it, we should see if he remembers why
21:09.42Alex[sp3dev]bzo: we need to find out if radio is writing there after it is booted up. we can get along with fb trashing during early boot
21:10.46bzowe could fill it with zeros and see if it changes later?
21:11.04Alex[sp3dev]bzo: or better with some other pattern
21:11.37jonpryor just read it, and diff it later
21:11.57Cotullacedesmith, yes
21:12.39cedesmithnice, just boot recovery instead of reboot
21:13.09cedesmithposting CWM patch that fixes it now
21:13.19CotullaI will add option to menu
21:13.50Cotullasame can be applied to RHO
21:13.52Cotullaand TPZ
21:24.15cedesmithcwm image with patched cwm && kernel at
21:24.59Cotulladid u talk with RaiderX ?
21:26.07cedesmithi did last week but then i just looked what is wrong and since seamed fairly easy i did it myself
21:26.35Cotullawhich parameter must be added to command line or atag?
21:26.59Alex[sp3dev]Cotulla: maybe you should add proper charger support directly to your bootloader?
21:27.15cedesmithcmdline  androidboot.mode=offmode_charging
21:27.36CotullaAlex, I plan also. because I support few OS :)
21:28.25Cotullaseems I gotta copy board-htcleo-log.c to board-htcrhodium-log.c :P
21:29.14cedesmithAlex[sp3dev] i just did all cotulla needs to do is boot recovery with androidboot.mode=offmode_charging appended to cmd line :P
21:29.40Alex[sp3dev]cedesmith: it is not a solution. Cotulla can just add a couple lines of code. don't allow him to be so lazy
21:30.51WisTilt2jonpry: sorry, went to lunch.  is what a good idea?  didnt really follow the flow
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21:41.50WisTilt2Alex[sp3dev]: you sure ramconsole is 128k?  looks like its being allocated 1mb
21:42.49Alex[sp3dev]WisTilt2: you're on rhod. so why are you looking at raph500?
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21:43.57WisTilt2yeah, :)
21:44.22Cotullabut 1MB ram console will be great
21:44.34Alex[sp3dev]i'd even say huge
21:44.51jonpryWisTilt2, is it ok to go zonking oemsbl and qcsbl
21:44.59Alex[sp3dev]for me if something bad happens, it usually happens before reaching the first half of ramconsole ;)
21:46.37Alex[sp3dev]Cotulla: your opinion?
21:47.02Alex[sp3dev]Cotulla: about putting framebuffer into 0x800000, in place of qcsbl and oemsbl
21:47.40Cotullaif they are free for WM use, yes
21:47.56Alex[sp3dev]Cotulla: do you know if radio uses them?
21:48.09Cotullatry to write something to them
21:48.16Cotullafirst MB is working - there ramconsole
21:48.24Cotullatry to write at second MB
21:48.30Alex[sp3dev]Cotulla: we can disable mpu after all. we're doing it anyway for suspend
21:48.31Cotullaif it success it means it's free :P
21:48.39jonpryramconsole upper 128k of first mb
21:48.51Cotulladon't play with mpu
21:49.09Alex[sp3dev]you think it mpu can be buggy and accidentally disable nand mpu?
21:49.13Cotullaif memory protected, it means protected for some kind of use :)
21:49.25Cotullaso if this two MB are not protected, they are free
21:49.32Alex[sp3dev]ok, will try to write
21:49.36Cotullafirst MB is not protected, we know already it
21:49.40Cotullabecause there ramconsole located
21:49.41jonpryor protected because it is topsecret
21:49.58Alex[sp3dev]jonpry: or because they're ashamed of showing their code ;)
21:50.13Alex[sp3dev]actually it cannot be topsecret since they're distributing amss
21:51.07WisTilt2jonpry: no
21:51.10Cotullalol why not finish porting of other stuffs? is it really important now to move FB now?
21:51.34WisTilt2that would corrupt whatever is in that memory
21:51.55Alex[sp3dev]Cotulla: we're chatterboxes. and yes, i'm developing. moving pm stuff to 35
21:52.06Cotullaokay xD
21:52.32jonpryWisTilt2, maybe it is dead code
21:53.07Alex[sp3dev]jonpry: no luck here. if i write to 0x800000, i read back 0xffffffff (mpu'ed?)
21:53.35jonpryhmm, i get bad address with dd and /dev/mem
21:54.16Alex[sp3dev]jonpry: i'm using my custom app which does not do error handling, so it's not showing errors, but kernel does
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21:58.56Cotullajust got idea
21:59.02Cotullaif we turn on something powerful
21:59.09MassStashCotulla, mind if i get a rho MAGLDR update for the forum?
21:59.10Cotullait will increase drain current
21:59.27Cotullabut because it happens fast
21:59.33Cotullawe can assume battery capacity not changed
21:59.46Cotullaso  I1 & I2
21:59.52Cotullaand V1 & V2 voltage
21:59.55jonpryCotulla, i'm way ahead of you on that stuff
22:00.06Alex[sp3dev]Cotulla: it's not linear
22:00.23jonprydV = RdI
22:00.38CotullaMassStash, what u mean?
22:01.01Cotullabut ok I reversed Hero level calculation algo
22:01.10Cotullamaybe it will work *normal* for RHO
22:01.33emweAlex[sp3dev]: did you verify that you explicitely need to send CMD_BYE before CMD_HELLO via rpc in order to get amss to reregister servers? looks like i don't need that on 6125.
22:01.49Alex[sp3dev]emwe: i can do it if you like
22:02.29MassStashCotulla, last i heard you were making a rom n kernel or something off the t-mo saphire rom
22:02.47jonprybzo: i had an EE question for you
22:02.47emweAlex[sp3dev]: just when you find the time. can verify later when getting to raph. in ehm... months ;)
22:03.17bzojonpry: you can ask, but all my ee studies are likely long forgotten :)
22:03.46jonpryhmm, well worth a shot i suppose. looking at this:
22:03.53jonprypage 3, fig 1
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22:04.27Alex[sp3dev]gotta hate mass storage in htc winmo
22:04.43jonprybzo: seems like Rt is not necessary. like there is always an equivalent circuit where Re, Rt, or Rc is zero
22:05.56Alex[sp3dev]emwe: fo sho, works without BYE
22:06.23CotullaMassStash, yes
22:06.33CotullaI able to boot saphire rom with my 2.6.32 saphire kernel
22:06.52Alex[sp3dev]damn i need a nand bootloader.. yes, DIY, i know
22:06.53Cotullabooted from nand directly
22:07.00emweAlex[sp3dev]: ah cool. some lines less of modification. thx for testing!
22:07.25CotullaI continue to move stuffs to new kernel and clear them
22:07.44Alex[sp3dev]emwe: wait a bit, will test again. i seem to have commented out wrong lines. maybe hello was not sent
22:09.00emweAlex[sp3dev]: i just have the CMD_HELLO in msm_rpcrouter_probe. which might be just required on haret.
22:09.18Alex[sp3dev]emwe: you're so impatient
22:09.25bzojonpry: I think you could incorporate rt proportionally into re/rc for the same result, the equation reflects that with the only use of rt
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22:09.40bzohowever, there's no equivalent circuit for zeroing out re or rc
22:09.57emweAlex[sp3dev]: impatient? just wanted to tell what is the only modification if have in there since some time :P
22:10.08bzoat least that is how it seems to my rusty brain
22:10.20Alex[sp3dev]emwe: there's some other amss which we cannot test. 6150, aite?
22:10.22jonprybzo, yeah i thinyou Re/Rc can work if your will to accept negative resistance possibility
22:10.47jonprybut i don't really want that anyway
22:11.16emweAlex[sp3dev]: yes. don't remember which of the cdma devices that was for, though.
22:11.26Alex[sp3dev]raph500 and diam500?
22:11.52bzojonpry: yeah, so as long as the you maintain the same voltage divider and overall impedence, I think rt is there just for convenience
22:11.59bzoand to more realistically model the system
22:12.18arrrghhhAlex[sp3dev]: for what?
22:12.37jonpryits really messing with my regression :p
22:12.44Alex[sp3dev]emwe: the comment in 27 router says that disabling BYE kills sound on some phones. but we're registering our server then.. let's come back to it once someone with this amss pops in and tests
22:13.14emweAlex[sp3dev]: yeah, agreed.
22:13.27emwebzo: thanks. we'll try to remember when getting to that again ;)
22:13.40g3rmbzo: isn't Rt THE voltage divider?
22:13.54Alex[sp3dev]jonpry: do you think i should try acoustic?
22:14.06bzo[acl] has a raph800 and I have a diam500, so one of us ought to be able try it at some point
22:14.44bzog3rm, yeah but I was talking about the voltages applied to cb/cc
22:14.53bzowe don't really care what the voltage are on the resistors
22:16.55g3rmok so it's fine to drop it
22:17.39bzoI believe so
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22:18.31jonprycool half way to full rank matrix
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22:58.56Alex[sp3dev]hideous acl clone?
22:59.10alauraim logged in from texas
22:59.24[acl]better :-)
22:59.28Alex[sp3dev]in texas, you're forced to use real names? real id is the law?
22:59.44[acl]nahh .. dumb laptop had real name :-p
22:59.54[acl]sup fellas.. yall hacking away ?
22:59.59Alex[sp3dev]yes of course
23:00.24[acl]helping people here with a wedding .. not fun
23:01.00[acl]i was promised chicks.. but all i see is a bunch of cows..
23:01.10jonpryWisTilt2, its official, your battery has negative capacitance
23:01.57arrrghhhbzo: i didn't know you had a DIAM.  think the panel collapse stuff can get ported to those sad old phones?
23:02.38[acl]bzo: u here? yo you gonna work on this over clocking thing ? i really want to use set cpu instead of cmd line poopy
23:02.58bzoarrrghhh: needs to be someone proficient in disasm the dlls, though jb mentioned he might be willing to look into it
23:03.03Alex[sp3dev][acl]: wanna make overclock via cpufreq?
23:03.15WisTilt2jonpry: huh? thats because my secret collapse code regenerates so i never have to charge it
23:03.27[acl]Alex[sp3dev]: well yeah .. its actualy easy.. you can even cat into the /sys if u wanat to so u dont need an app
23:03.30bzo[acl] maybe another day, I'm going through a giant set of patches from jb
23:03.34arrrghhhWisTilt2: lol
23:03.47jonpryWisTilt2, just be sure not to turn it off, or it could explode
23:03.48Cotullagood work :D
23:03.49[acl]bzo: more cam ? or bt?
23:03.56bzoall cam
23:04.01arrrghhhbzo: no rush, just wanted to see if it was doable.  if jb wants to tackle it lovely :D
23:04.18Alex[sp3dev][acl]: i'm striking with bluetooth poop and wifi poop and all other sort of pooping on 35
23:04.20[acl]bzo: told u it wouldnt be easy.. glad u got it under control tho
23:04.35bzo[acl] jb reworked them a bit from the original ones he sent to list
23:04.53[acl]bzo: aite.. patch the patch then :-p
23:04.54jonpryi think positive currents are discharging or some crap
23:06.31WisTilt2jonpry: we'll see if we get the same capacitance with more load.
23:06.45jonpryInitial voltage: 4.101648, Rc: 0.071172, Cc: 0.371894, Re: 0.005015, Cb: 39.988957
23:06.45[acl]Alex[sp3dev]: any patches for .35 yet we can commit? emwe hasnt been on much huh
23:06.46WisTilt2did it come up with average drain?
23:06.48arrrghhhWisTilt2: had some of the pigs report ridiculous battery life with this newest kernel.  i've noticed it too, drain is amazing.
23:07.22emwe[acl]: alex has a shitload of commits. think i lost track. :P
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23:07.34WisTilt2arrrghh: told you it should be drawing less:)
23:07.34Alex[sp3dev][acl]: i think when i'm done i'll start a new branch and prepare the clean set of patches. maybe even send them to aosp for trolling
23:07.36[acl]emw: sup buddy.. didnt think u were on
23:07.54arrrghhhWisTilt2: never doubted you :D
23:08.12sosasmithProject Android Wont load on my touch pro2 for spring
23:08.25sosasmithHow do I fix that?
23:08.39jonpryWisTilt2, the numbers i got from your data are in line with what i believe it to be, so i think we might be good
23:09.12arrrghhhsosasmith: this room isn't for support.  come over to #xdandroid
23:09.22WisTilt2interested to compare battery response with heavy load though
23:09.51arrrghhhbattery meter is still fubar until you guys fix it :D
23:10.05Alex[sp3dev]now what the f is bt not working on 35
23:10.21WisTilt2jonpry: you want the same intervals over same time as before, just with more load?
23:10.30Alex[sp3dev]clocks are the same as on 27, dma doesn't claim anymore.. maybe that phh's uart hacks are needed?
23:10.40jonpryWisTilt2, thats sound like a good plan
23:10.42Alex[sp3dev]but again, it's the same chip as on dream. maybe init is fubar
23:11.22WisTilt2jonpry: ill run it when i get home and email it before i hit the sack, that way no dead phone and no data
23:11.39emwe[acl]: haven't been on much, no. just stumbled over undocumented wince changes in .27 holding qdsp back... in the meantime alex just came by with a dozen other stuff :)
23:12.03emweAlex[sp3dev]: nice dex_comm stuff ;)
23:12.31Alex[sp3dev][acl]: i have sound on 35 and even spent the whole day at school playing mystique (3d opengl game) ;)
23:13.14WisTilt2while the heavy hitters are in here... anyone know why ramconsole is being put at 0x8e0000? its right above GPU0 but why not at the top of SMI?
23:13.31Alex[sp3dev]WisTilt2: top of SMI is SPL
23:13.46Cotullatop is SMEM?
23:13.46Alex[sp3dev]i think we may depend on it for suspend. or not?
23:13.54Alex[sp3dev]Cotulla: 0x0
23:14.00Cotullatop is top
23:14.02Cotullamore high
23:14.06Cotullaif u draw
23:14.11Cotullafrom zero
23:14.15Alex[sp3dev]i'm drawing zero on top
23:14.27Cotullaand all other ppl draw zero at bottom
23:14.40Alex[sp3dev]you're a liar
23:14.51Cotullait's raelity
23:15.00[acl]cotulla a liar ? blasphemy
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23:15.26Cotullait's alex though wrong
23:15.43Alex[sp3dev]i reject your reality and substitute my own
23:16.00WisTilt2SPL looks to be at 1st meg of SPI
23:16.15L_miller[acl] - never got the camera to working on nand.
23:17.04L_millerI added this to the cmdline: board-htcrhodium.is_cdma=1 and added the correct drivers. Ithink.
23:17.50bzoWisTilt2: in any case, no on seem to know why the ramconsole is in qcsbl. You may want to to relocating to ebi if you suspect this is causing an issue
23:18.07Alex[sp3dev]bzo: i think no one wanted to spare memory elsewhere
23:18.17WisTilt2bzo: i do.  something is stepping on it i think
23:18.23bzoAlex[sp3dev]: yeah, most likely
23:18.33[acl]L_miller: i think we are mising stuff
23:18.45[acl]L_miller: so no worries..
23:19.06L_millerok sounds good. Just thought I would let you know. ;)
23:19.19bzoL_miller: in a matter of days or hours, I will have jbruneaux's camera code committed to main
23:19.29[acl]L_miller: i fixed the cdma part. We should no longer need it after my next fix..
23:19.51[acl]L_miller: same as the kb detection.. thing of the past now
23:20.13L_millerThanks bzo!
23:20.34L_millerwhat did you have to fix [acl]?
23:20.37[acl]L_miller: im actuallay re-activating my phone .. so i can use it fully
23:20.49L_millerlol about time! ;)
23:21.07[acl]L_miller: since we can detect the variant type, we can enable and disable cdma based on that
23:21.14[acl]same as keyboard
23:21.28L_millerok. sounds good.
23:22.00[acl]i heard stine had a list of other fixes tho.. i havent heard any from him so im waiting
23:22.29bzo[acl] is there going to be a centralized place to query variant type?
23:22.29L_millerrunning nand right now. and everytime I go to turn on GPS it just reboots.
23:22.55L_miller[acl] - he is over on xdandroid. :)
23:22.59[acl]bzo: depends on who needs it .. if kernel then not yet.. but userland should
23:23.27bzo[acl]: jb still has the module param hack in place to detect rhod400/500 for the cam
23:23.41arrrghhhL_miller: he's here too lol
23:23.56L_milleropps. !
23:24.00arrrghhhstinebd: bacon!
23:24.13[acl]bzo: but i talked with him about this already. we already detect it.
23:24.21[acl]htc_hw i think
23:24.31[acl]i tihnk wistilt commited it to the main
23:24.31Alex[sp3dev][acl]: did i tell you htc_hw must die?
23:24.36stinebd[acl]: who told you that?
23:24.44[acl]Alex[sp3dev]: no u didnt .. for .35 ?
23:24.51[acl]stinebd: nate ..
23:25.06[acl]stinebd: u got some goodies ?
23:25.07stinebdheh, i don't really have any fixes yet
23:25.16stinebdi was just fighting to get gingerbread to boot
23:25.26arrrghhhin NAND?
23:25.26[acl]stinebd: ahh ginger.. cant wait
23:25.30Alex[sp3dev][acl]: i think, yes. thinking of a better way to do it. we need to export model to userspace.. but all the rest like vibe and audio should be done elsewhere
23:25.42stinebd[acl]: most of my fixes, i plan to put in /system anyway
23:25.52stinebdsilly stuff like updated and add ueventd (which ginger needs)
23:25.53bzo[acl] ok ic it. I'll swap out the hack for that stuff
23:25.55[acl]stinebd sounds sexy
23:26.05Alex[sp3dev]stinebd: do you think we can possibly integrate our stuff to CM instead of supporting the fork of aosp?
23:26.13stinebdAlex[sp3dev]: i dislike cm
23:26.14L_millerI'm out! Later guys.
23:26.20stinebdi prefer the stock android experience
23:26.35Alex[sp3dev]stinebd: why? it doesn't spoil anything except taskbar
23:26.38[acl]Alex[sp3dev]: im finishing up the cm for nand if it makes u feel better :-p
23:26.46bzostinebd: has jb sent you another set of patches?
23:26.49stinebdAlex[sp3dev]: er, have you actually used it?
23:26.53Alex[sp3dev][acl]: cm as from source or hand-editing
23:26.55Alex[sp3dev]stinebd: yep
23:27.07Alex[sp3dev]stinebd: i like his applet to control color leds ;)
23:27.09[acl]Alex[sp3dev]: nahh not from source.. im just butchering their hero builds
23:27.10stinebdit spoils quite a lot actually
23:27.20[acl]I really really want to implement reboot
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23:28.26Alex[sp3dev]stinebd: what else? i like the comm manager in the drawer (or how do you call that draggable panel) and support to change skins without metamorph
23:28.50stinebdAlex[sp3dev]: there are intrusive source changes everywhere. frameworks, settings, browser, ...
23:29.01stinebdwebkit, dalvik, package manager
23:29.06stinebdi could go on and on
23:29.08Alex[sp3dev]ok then
23:29.22Alex[sp3dev]someone else will make cm if we make a proper nand rom i guess
23:29.28stinebdif someone else wants to maintain a cm tree with xdandroid stuff integrated, that's good on them
23:29.41[acl]Ahh while you guys are here.. who do i have to kill to move the microp autobl away from dgb fs so something more solid?
23:29.45Alex[sp3dev]stinebd: have you looked into gps issues on ginger?
23:29.57Alex[sp3dev][acl]: move it to sysfs
23:30.19stinebdAlex[sp3dev]: i've tried to nudge the current driver into the updated libhardware api but i'm unsuccessful to this point. i'm way too busy for it at the moment.
23:30.22[acl]Alex[sp3dev]: yes.. but someone needs to do the userland change
23:30.48Alex[sp3dev]stinebd: so, you also think it's a good idea to rewrite gps code to resemble dream/nexus one as close as possible?
23:31.06stinebdAlex[sp3dev]: passion one. yes. i did a similar thing with the accelerometer driver for gingerbread.
23:31.22stinebdi don't know what the dream one looks like
23:31.25emwe[acl]: just do it. likely just one line defining the path in liblights. ;)
23:31.28stinebdmaybe the same layout?
23:31.53[acl]emwe: i just might :-p .. i wonder if we can eliminate it tho..
23:31.59Alex[sp3dev]stinebd: could you please do so that accelerometer service is not started for kovsky?
23:32.00bzo[acl] err, machine_variant_show is only for detecting the rhod300...
23:32.15Alex[sp3dev]stinebd: akmd or what?
23:32.20stinebdwe don't use akmd
23:32.27stinebdthat's proprietary
23:32.28[acl]bzo: hmm i'll look at the code.. i use it for us right now..
23:32.53Alex[sp3dev]anyway, if sensors don't use polling, i'm fine. if they do, i'd prefer not to have them since kovs has no accelerometer
23:33.28bzo[acl] I think wis added a limited version just for his use, I can fix it up to be a bit more general
23:33.28emwe[acl]: eliminate the hook entirely? perhaps as atribute on led backlight device entry itself? (dunno offhand if there's custome attribs possible)
23:34.09Alex[sp3dev]stinebd: ok, we want to get rid of rootfs. how much stuff is left board-specific? also, what do you think of preparing build.prop et al in advance and only bind-mounting them so that we can have system entirely ro?
23:34.35Alex[sp3dev]emwe: a custom led trigger?)
23:34.44stinebdwifi and bluetooth are board-specific at least
23:34.52[acl]bzo: fak.. ok .. worse case just pull my code from nand.. ahh ill look at it. ur already busy..
23:34.58WisTilt2bzo: i added that mainly to detect rhod300 for flipping the caps/fn hardware bits
23:35.30[acl]WisTilt2: sup dood.. thanks for the server bro.. we really really use it now
23:35.37WisTilt2all other rhods are normal, or actually rhod 300 is normal, all others aren't
23:35.49bzoWisTilt2: yeah, I figured. I want to change it to be a little more general
23:35.54WisTilt2[acl]: np, glad you're putting it to use!
23:35.59[acl]emwe: i figured if we set the led brightness out of bounds then we can assume its auto .lol
23:36.23Alex[sp3dev][acl]: i suppose brightness is a char so you'll just overflow
23:36.34bzoWisTilt2: is that queried only from userland right now?
23:37.23WisTilt2nothing in userland yet, all logic is hacked into kernel until userland can be hooked to it
23:37.24[acl]Alex[sp3dev]: hmm does it have to be a char ? int that betoch
23:37.41WisTilt2we talking autobl or caps/fn?  im confused now
23:38.04Alex[sp3dev][acl]: ahum. dunno. but the led subsys can force it to be char. anyway, try and see, i'm fixing bt
23:38.18bzoWisTilt2: machine_variant_show()
23:38.33WisTilt2bzo: thats only for caps/fn
23:38.45bzoso only used for microp right now?
23:39.13bzoWisTilt2: ok, I'm going to mod that function to return the model #, i.e. 300
23:39.28bzoI'll update micrp-ksc accordingly
23:39.37WisTilt2sounds good.  i threw it together quickly and only tested for the "3" field
23:39.41[acl]Alex[sp3dev]: fak.. i didnt know
23:39.47WisTilt2to flip the logic
23:41.03[acl]bzo: would be better if you can just define some constants so we can compare to .. i could use that as well :-p
23:41.50bzo[acl] how about #define RHOD_VARIANT_300 300 :p
23:43.48[acl]sure .. i dont really care for the values just the names :-)
23:44.01WisTilt2wow, moved ram console to EBI right under GPU1 and working like a charm
23:45.06bzo[acl] ok, I'll come up with something and put the defines in htc_hw.h
23:45.34*** join/#htc-linux manekineko (
23:47.50WisTilt2damn, i might be getting excited too soon but whatever was stepping on ram console isn't anymore.
23:55.31MassStash[acl], what was different in that autobuild from lastnight?
23:56.26*** join/#htc-linux tyween (
23:58.23[acl]MassStash: Huh ?
23:58.35[acl]MassStash: last autobuild has Nates working payload
23:58.48*** join/#htc-linux SG (
23:59.01[acl]aactually .. i thought i erased the old so there should only be one
23:59.18*** join/#htc-linux arrrghhh (
23:59.25*** join/#htc-linux AstainHellbring (~AstainHel@unaffiliated/astainhellbring)
23:59.43*** join/#htc-linux Samsunguy (

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