IRC log for #htc-linux on 20090610

02:25.25*** join/#htc-linux l33tlinuxh4x0r (
02:28.01l33tlinuxh4x0ri have a raph800 and want to install LINUX on it not android
02:28.25l33tlinuxh4x0rhow do i make an initrd.gz for the kernel to boot and mount a drive
02:28.57tmztyou don't actually need one
02:29.21tmztjust put the rootfs on a sd partition and use root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootdelay=3
02:29.22l33tlinuxh4x0ri thought that android had one and so does angstrom
02:29.29tmztyou can make that 1 if it works
02:29.36tmztbut it's not needed
02:30.32l33tlinuxh4x0rset cmdline "mem=96M root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rootdelay=5"
02:30.35l33tlinuxh4x0ris that right?
02:33.32l33tlinuxh4x0ri just tried it and it said something about vfs not syncing and it rebooted
02:39.34tmztsorry, get disconnected from screen
02:39.45tmztthat looks fine, where is you rootfs?
02:39.51tmztwhich partition?
02:40.49l33tlinuxh4x0rsdcard first partition
02:41.23tmztyou need to actually partiiton the card
02:41.39tmztput the new linux root fs on the second partition, formatted ext2 or 3
02:42.03tmztyou can use a loop fs but you need an initrd that supports it and it makes things more difficult
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02:42.19l33tlinuxh4x0rlet me format
02:42.24l33tlinuxh4x0rgparted work?
02:44.21tmztthis is just linux/dos partitions
02:44.32tmztthings are not really any different than on a pc
02:44.43tmztat least these things, others are of course
02:50.55l33tlinuxh4x0rso i have an ext3 partition
02:51.01l33tlinuxh4x0rand a fat32 partition
02:52.14l33tlinuxh4x0rhow do i extract the stage?
02:52.21l33tlinuxh4x0ri am trying to boot gentoo
02:52.52l33tlinuxh4x0rso i have a tar.bz2 how do i extract it tar xvjf image_name.tar.bz2?
02:53.47l33tlinuxh4x0rtar -pxvjf image_name.tar.bz2
02:54.17tmztok, yes you extact it while in the partition mountpoint, or use -C dir
02:54.30l33tlinuxh4x0ri did it
02:54.31tmztyou need to extract to the root of the partition of course
02:54.36l33tlinuxh4x0rok now to try to boot
02:54.37tmzttry booting
02:55.22l33tlinuxh4x0rok i'm unmounting and it is writing data so i will wait till it is done
02:56.48l33tlinuxh4x0rcool i'm in
02:57.42l33tlinuxh4x0rnow i need help again
02:57.53l33tlinuxh4x0rhow do i ssh into it?
02:58.08*** part/#htc-linux Sot (
02:59.28l33tlinuxh4x0rcan i chroot to the sd card when i have it in my pc and edit stuff that way?
03:00.27l33tlinuxh4x0rhow do i change the font size in the kernel?
03:00.32l33tlinuxh4x0ris that in haret?
03:00.42tmztno, you can't chroot to it as the binaries are for arm
03:00.49tmztwhat font size?
03:00.57l33tlinuxh4x0rthe framebuffe
03:01.20tmztyou can use a user mode program to change it, not sure what it is on gentoo but I can check
03:01.40l33tlinuxh4x0rit doesnt matter
03:01.49l33tlinuxh4x0ri just want to ssh into my device
03:02.06tmztwhat image are you using?
03:02.21tmztthe msm- one has telnet not sshd
03:02.51l33tlinuxh4x0rwell telnet then
03:03.09l33tlinuxh4x0rfrom there
03:04.52tmztok, are you using a linux host?
03:05.06tmztyour phone should have ip of
03:05.13tmzton the host: ifconfig usb0
03:05.21tmztpress enter
03:07.16l33tlinuxh4x0rifconfig usb0 no such device
03:07.33tmztand gentoo booted?
03:07.37tmztcan you login to it?
03:08.29*** join/#htc-linux mrmoku|a` (
03:08.46l33tlinuxh4x0ryeah i can login on my device
03:09.06tmztifconfig usb0 on there then
03:10.05l33tlinuxh4x0rwhat kernel modules do i need on my host to do a a usb telnet?
03:10.30tmztusbnet or cdc-ether
03:16.49l33tlinuxh4x0ri cant type "u" on my device
03:17.50tmztjust ifconfig then
03:18.52l33tlinuxh4x0rit says that it is up
03:19.03tmztthen it's your pc
03:19.13tmztdo you see anything about cdc_ether in dmesg?
03:20.50l33tlinuxh4x0rno but i modprobed it
03:21.07tmztifconfig usb0
03:22.36l33tlinuxh4x0rSIOCSIFADDR: No such device
03:22.36l33tlinuxh4x0rusb0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device
03:22.54tmztit's plugged in?
03:23.03tmztwhat is the last line in dmesg when plugging it in?
03:23.10tmztwas it plugged in when booting?
03:23.26tmztyou should also get messages on the phone when replugging
03:24.53l33tlinuxh4x0rno meseges on phone
03:25.13tmztdid you boot with usb plugged in?
03:25.27tmztand did you build the kernel yourself?
03:25.36l33tlinuxh4x0ryes :/
03:25.43tmztokay, current git?
03:25.58l33tlinuxh4x0rwith default config
03:26.11tmztremove the rfkill line from the CONFIG_MACH_HTCRAPHAEL_CDMA makefile line
03:26.12l33tlinuxh4x0rwell defualt for the raph
03:26.23tmztand disable CONFIG_USB_FUNCTION_DIAG
03:26.32tmztnot line, remove the entry
03:27.02tmztrfkill is broken on our hardware and it not protected by if
03:28.13l33tlinuxh4x0rno to all?
03:28.35tmztthe Makefile line
03:30.43l33tlinuxh4x0rremove "obj-$(CONFIG_RFKILL) += board-htcraphael-rfkill.o"?
03:32.34tmztthen you can just disable CONFIG_RFKILL, mine is different
03:42.39l33tlinuxh4x0rok rebuilding kernel now
03:47.30l33tlinuxh4x0rnow i gots a connection
03:49.28l33tlinuxh4x0rwell my computer reconizes it anyway
03:49.35l33tlinuxh4x0rnow to actually connect
03:53.30*** join/#htc-linux l33tlinuxh4x0r (
03:58.40*** join/#htc-linux wooj (n=wooj@unaffiliated/wooj)
03:59.50*** join/#htc-linux |Jason8||| (n=root@
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04:00.33llhi have a ghost l33tlinuxh4x0r
04:00.59l33tlinuxh4x0rlol i forgot that i was logged in
04:01.52l33tlinuxh4x0rso help
04:01.59l33tlinuxh4x0ri can connect to my device
04:02.29l33tlinuxh4x0rbut i cannot download anything to it
04:03.44infidel206resolv.conf issue?
04:04.57l33tlinuxh4x0rok this sucks i can only be connected to one thing at a time the internet or my device
04:06.22l33tlinuxh4x0rmy connection drops whenever i connect to usb
04:06.29tmztdisable networkmanager or just reconnect to wifi after connecting usb
04:18.24*** join/#htc-linux l33tlinuxh4x0r (
04:18.45l33tlinuxh4x0rok how do i connect to telnet again?? I have a connection but it says no route to host
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04:20.24tmztl33tlinuxh4x0r: did you bring up the interface with an ip?
04:20.56tmztit should work
04:20.59l33tlinuxh4x0rit seems like a dns problem
04:21.15tmztifconfig usb0
04:22.13l33tlinuxh4x0rinet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
04:23.53tmztlooks ok
04:23.57tmztcan you ping?
04:27.36l33tlinuxh4x0rmask is wrong
04:28.56tmztmask is wrong?
04:29.01l33tlinuxh4x0rsubnet mask
04:29.07tmztyeah, it should me
04:29.16tmztifconfig usb0 netmask
04:29.59l33tlinuxh4x0rinet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
04:30.56l33tlinuxh4x0rdestination host unreachable
04:32.27l33tlinuxh4x0rdo i need to set something in my resolv.conf?
04:32.33tmztnot for ip
04:32.48tmztsomething is wrong on the device, can you ifconfig on there again?
04:33.54*** join/#htc-linux droid0011 (
04:34.12tmztchange back to that, sorry
04:34.26tmztnot sure what the problem is, route -n
04:35.03l33tlinuxh4x0ri just rebooted the phone
04:35.13l33tlinuxh4x0rlets see what happens when i book again
04:35.56|Jason8|tmzt: what would I set the path for the kernel and initrd to boot that gentoo stuff?  here's my default.txt:
04:36.03|Jason8|if you get time, it'd be great if you could look at it, thanks
04:36.33tmzta little distracted by pre stuff, this is exciting
04:36.43l33tlinuxh4x0r|Jason8|,  what device do you have
04:37.00l33tlinuxh4x0rwhat is that gsm unlocked?
04:37.07|Jason8|HTC Fuze
04:38.03|Jason8|tmzt: I was looking at a thread you linked somewhere about the pre, looks like that phone is going to become super popular just because of all the linux peeps, lol
04:38.05l33tlinuxh4x0rcool i'm in
04:38.10|Jason8|looks amazing.
04:38.17tmztit's already root console
04:38.22l33tlinuxh4x0rthe pre is linux based?
04:38.48l33tlinuxh4x0rjason i have a booting gentoo on my Raph800
04:39.03tmzt|Jason8|: looks ok
04:39.28|Jason8|tmzt: it can't find the kernel
04:39.53|Jason8|i don't have zImage in the same directory
04:40.07|Jason8|is it the same one that android uses?  Or do I need a specific one?
04:40.47tmztyou really need to build a different one for X, but console should work with the android one
04:42.56|Jason8|warning: unable to open an initial console.
04:43.22|Jason8|Kernel panic - not syncing: no init found.  try passing init= option to kernel
04:43.25tmztwhat rootfs?
04:43.31tmztand how did you extract it
04:43.40|Jason8|extracted it in linux
04:43.41tmztl33tlinuxh4x0r: does the telnet work?
04:43.49tmztas root?
04:44.21l33tlinuxh4x0rand i set up my computer to automaticly change my ip and let me be connected to the internet at the same time
04:44.27tmztyou should have dev/console
04:48.19l33tlinuxh4x0rhow can i get internet on my device through my computer
04:48.41tmzton you computer you need iptables
04:48.58l33tlinuxh4x0risnt that a firewall?
04:49.02tmztthe default route and resolv.conf should already be working
04:49.12tmztyes, and nat router
04:49.38l33tlinuxh4x0rwhat a pita
04:50.15tmztiptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE
04:50.27tmztecho 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
04:50.30tmztthat should be all
04:51.03tcccpiptables -A FORWARD -i $int_if -o $ext_if -j ACCEPT
04:51.09tcccpThat might be all
04:52.23tcccpthree rules
04:52.35tcccpFORWARD, MASQUERADE and that /proc/sys thingie
04:52.49tmztACCEPT     all  --  
04:52.54tmztthis is ubunut
04:53.02tmztby default
04:53.10|Jason8|tmzt: are there any pre-compiled gentoo kernels or will I have to build my own?
04:53.11tcccpyikes ;)
04:53.19tcccp|Jason8|: LOL
04:53.28|Jason8|tcccp: for the phone, bro
04:53.29|Jason8|i know, i know
04:53.35l33tlinuxh4x0rjason i can send you one
04:53.50|Jason8|l33tlinuxh4x0r: I'd appreciate it. :D  email?
04:54.03|Jason8|Thanks man
04:54.07tmzt|Jason8|: there isn't really anything called a gentoo kernel
04:54.17|Jason8|well, the zImage for our phones
04:54.45tcccptmzt: The kernel could be compiled using sys-kernel/gentoo-sources ;-)
04:55.20tmzttcccp: yes, but trying to keep this less confusing, it's not like you couldn't use an android kernel with gentoo or a gentoo kernel with debian
04:55.27tmztit's all linux
04:56.10|Jason8|also, i'm getting flooded with "[   xxx.xxxxxx] fb_helper: invalid position" with the android kernel.  I thought it was interesting that the radio was doing things, though.  I could hear it with my stereo.
04:56.29l33tlinuxh4x0ri'm sending it now
04:56.29l33tlinuxh4x0rand yes they are right
04:56.29l33tlinuxh4x0rwe use the MSM kernel
04:56.42l33tlinuxh4x0rcompiled with a config that allows us to run linux and or android
04:56.47tcccpactually, I have other problems to solve
04:56.51tcccpwithout running mad
04:57.11tcccpVMWare Infrastructure Web Access is pure anal pain
04:57.11l33tlinuxh4x0rjason check your email i sent it
04:57.16tcccpnonsexual anal pain
04:57.19|Jason8|thanks l33tlinuxh4x0r
04:57.34tmztsame as Server 2.0? the plugin thing?
04:57.42tcccpThat is VMWAre Server 2.0
04:58.00tcccpI demand the right to kill everyone using Apache-Tomcat or suggests using it
04:58.25l33tlinuxh4x0rwhat failed?
04:58.29l33tlinuxh4x0rfailed to mount
04:58.35|Jason8|the DCC chat
04:58.35tcccphey@pandora ~ $ ps auxwww | grep -c -i -e vmware-vmrc -e defunct
04:58.50l33tlinuxh4x0ryeah i aborted it
04:59.01woojI am pondering buying an HTC Touch Diamond to abuse with open source stuff.  If I were to do this, would I still actually be able to, you know, make phone calls on it?
04:59.17l33tlinuxh4x0rnot yet
04:59.36woojI could just reboot back to wince though, correct?
04:59.49woojer windows mobile... whatever its called nowadays.
04:59.53woojAright cool.
05:00.00tmztyou can make calls ce, not linux with sound yet
05:00.14tmztlinux runs in ram though with root on sd or whatever
05:00.16l33tlinuxh4x0rjason are you working with anyone to get gentoo on the Raph?
05:00.26woojwell, patience, i can do.  I'd love to be able to be in Linux or Android all the time, but I can wait :)
05:00.43tmztwe need more rpc research/drivers for that
05:01.04|Jason8|l33tlinuxh4x0r: I'm just playing.
05:01.30l33tlinuxh4x0ri'm trying to get at least x and gpe running on gentoo on my phone
05:01.48tmztrpc to the modem part of the msm chip
05:01.58tcccpl33tlinuxh4x0r: I know why I chose Debian for my iPaq
05:02.14tmztX works, gpe should as well we need to talk to solar to get a new gpe build if you want that for msm
05:02.21l33tlinuxh4x0ri just wish that i could install portage on my phone
05:02.22tmztX works with a kernel patch
05:02.42tmztyou can, the new msm-dev image supports that, but, the gcc is broken right now
05:02.53tcccpl33tlinuxh4x0r: I fear my pxa270 would burn a hole into the case if I compile bigger packages on my iPaq
05:03.25l33tlinuxh4x0rtmzt who is makeing the msm gentoo builds out of couriosity?
05:03.50tcccpwhoever it is, he's a badass :)
05:03.55tmztsolar in #linwizard
05:03.56l33tlinuxh4x0rtrue that
05:04.58tmztI'm not using gpe though, using e17 now
05:05.16tmztwhich I think has the best potential for phone, at least outside of android
05:05.28l33tlinuxh4x0ryou have gentoo working on your RAPH?
05:05.45tmztusing it now
05:05.48l33tlinuxh4x0rwith e17?
05:06.00tmztI did, the patch is missing in the current kernel
05:06.10tmztbut I'm working on cdma support for shr/fso
05:06.35l33tlinuxh4x0rwhat is shr/fso
05:11.28l33tlinuxh4x0rwhich is the best desktop for a pda?
05:11.40l33tlinuxh4x0rgpe opie gpe phone edition or e17
05:11.45l33tlinuxh4x0ror other
05:12.03tmztgpe is good for a pda, good applications as well
05:12.10tmztmaybe opie
05:12.17tmztgpe phone is not really developed
05:12.25tmztif you want phone try
05:15.10l33tlinuxh4x0rwhat about open moko is that portable to our phones
05:16.19tmztthat's what I mean, om is using shr now
05:17.46l33tlinuxh4x0rwell i got to get some sleep
05:33.52*** join/#htc-linux m0zzie (
06:12.40parhmm so five ba's connected to each other through ad-hoc wireless at their proprietary 22mbps from ti
06:13.04tmzttry open11s
06:14.02paroh 11s like the mesh standard olpc uses
06:15.40parunfortunately the driver as it is .. is very delicate
06:15.53parthe stack stops responding if i don't send packet for a while
06:16.17parand on some of the units i'm getting 20-30% packet loss
06:16.54pari wrote a script to constantly ping all of the devices with ten packets that just rotates through and goes on forever..
06:17.03parthey all seem to have stayed up and working that way
06:20.41pari'd like to put a 2gb card into the main unit and try to run nfs3 to the other units (which each have 512mb cards)
06:21.19parany idea what the minimum bandwidth requirement is for nfsv3?
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09:03.31parhi stefan
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09:25.07neoobsanyone actually here?
09:26.26tmztdo you have a question?
09:26.35neoobsI do
09:26.48neoobsIs anyone working on a port to the Herald?
09:27.30tmztis that omap?
09:27.36neoobsyes it is
09:27.53tmztprobably #linwizard, not sure if there kernel supports it
09:28.03tmztotherwise ask BabelO_
09:28.56neoobsohh ok, I am helping out darkstar (sp?) over at #wing-linux
09:29.05neoobshaving issues with the kernel
09:29.18neoobsDoes anyone have ADB support yet?
09:30.15tmztfor android?
09:30.20tmztwhat is #wing-linux?
09:30.27tmztjust for harald?
09:30.31tmztor just t-mobile
09:31.03tmztadb is probably going to require function support on omap
09:31.05neoobsbasically for herald
09:31.12tmztwhat tree are you using?
09:31.28neoobsto be honest I don't know because I am just going off what darkstar has
09:31.33neoobsnot sure where he got it
09:32.20*** join/#htc-linux Squarc (n=Squarc@
09:32.29tmztsilven in #linwizard has a new omap850 tree based on upstream linux, and ali1234 has modem support for it
09:32.41tmztwe are still waiting on audio routing to get phone calls working, candidate branch
09:33.10tmztplease don't use that for cloning though
09:34.30neoobsok thank you
09:35.11neoobsI just screwed up my linux system
09:35.19neoobsLOL... anyway to undo a rm?
09:35.27tmztext3? no
09:35.38tmztext2, yes, but it's not easy
09:36.05neoobsoh god... LOL
09:36.12neoobsI deleted my bin folder
09:40.35tmztwhat os?
09:42.50tmztyou need to get a boot cd/usb device and extract it again
09:42.52neoobseven better... I can't mount a usb drive to get my files off of it
09:42.54tmztat least it wasn't data
09:43.22tmztyou won't be able to do much of anything
09:43.37neoobsyea I have to boot the live image to do it
09:43.45tmztit's much worse on a zaurus though, there wasn't any recovery if the busybox got corrupted
09:44.23neoobsthat sucks
09:44.55tmztwell, bash should still be in ram
09:45.06tmztmaybe it could be recovered but it's not really worth it
09:45.17neoobsalready tried to open a terminal
09:46.18neoobsok so back to my questions... you said you got ADB working for your phones?
09:46.36tmztwhat is adb?
09:47.07tmztI don't think the android adb works, but cdc-ether does
09:47.15tmztyou can also use adbd over the network
09:49.44neoobsyou can?
09:50.04tmztyeah, it should listen on a port if it doesn't see the function driver
09:50.15tmztbut you'll have to look at the adb source in android git
09:50.25neoobsI know the port
09:50.27tmztdon't remember exactly
09:50.32neoobssomething in the 5900
09:51.09neoobsI have a G1 and mainly develop for that... decided to help out the herald guys since I have it lying around
09:51.25neoobsI figure I can guinea pig it since I don't care if it bricks
09:51.27tmztthey are working on android then?
09:52.02tmztI would suggest porting the android patches to silven's tree unless you have something better
09:52.21neoobsright now we can't even get the screen to work properly
09:52.38tmztdump the omapfb settings
09:52.50neoobsummm... huh?
09:52.52tmztyou can find the registers in the linux kernel source/headers
09:52.57tmztusing haret
09:52.57neoobsI am completely new to this
09:53.16tmztI think it's been done though, so check that git first
09:53.37tmztthen you need something called dumplccr or similar
09:53.45tmztwhich is a perl script
10:03.56*** join/#htc-linux marex (
10:07.26neoobsok I must be stupid... how do I use git with
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10:29.06Untouchab1eIs usb working on the RAPH800?
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11:17.47cr2the bot of NetRipper is unhappy, there are no channel logs anymore
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13:45.12AstainHellbringcr2 do we need the keyboard scan codes for athena from xda wiki
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16:37.07Marajinmorning AstainHellbring
16:38.00AstainHellbringsup Marajin
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17:20.16NetRipperthere the bot is again
17:20.25NetRippercr2, didn't know it was down ;)
17:20.33NetRippercr2, added it to cron this time though
17:20.55AstainHellbringNetRipper! morning
17:21.03NetRipperevening ;)
17:21.20AstainHellbringhows it going?
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17:21.41NetRipperim fine thanks, but no progress (for me) on linux-on-raph stuff
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18:47.55stefan_schmidttmzt: You know if xsascha has a site for his knowledge about the i780 so far? Especially GPIOs and such?
18:48.17tmztno, those are in the logs here or in his source
18:49.39stefan_schmidtlooks up his source
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19:19.26stefan_schmidttmzt: You said xsascha had usb device runniing on the i780?
19:19.46tmztI believe so
19:19.50stefan_schmidtI can find nothing different in his code compared to mine. Botha re using the ohci function as zylonite do.
19:20.24tmztnot ohci
19:20.47tmztwe tried ohci to see if there was a modem or something else there, but nothing
19:21.18stefan_schmidterr, I meant that as well.
19:21.21stefan_schmidtchecks again
19:22.08stefan_schmidttmzt: ok, will have at the git log around this time
19:22.38tmztthere is also a usb3319 or something like that apparently, not idea if it is used or even in Omnia
19:24.43stefan_schmidtyeah, same on the omnia
19:25.03stefan_schmidtexternal usb transciever
19:25.36tmztI think if the usb is working when you boot the transceiver will be configured correctly
19:27.14stefan_schmidttmzt: yup, that's what I'm thinking to.
19:27.39stefan_schmidttmzt:  But once I leave wimo with enabled and working udc I get nothing at all on linux
19:28.00tmztdo you have the gadget driver, g_ether enabled?
19:28.24stefan_schmidtwell, I will dig a bit more
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19:50.44AstainHellbringhiya dcordes-kais
19:51.13dcordes-kaishow's it going astain?
19:51.16AstainHellbringgoing well
19:51.29dcordes-kaisgood to hear
19:51.33AstainHellbringplaying with rom kitchen for athena and moving shit from xda wiki to htc-linux wiki for athena as well
19:53.01dcordes-kaisI can link athena on the front page if you like
19:53.16AstainHellbringthat would be good
19:53.29AstainHellbringam I seeing right that htc-linux wiki doesnt support tables?
19:53.36dcordes-kaisis there an athena 'main page' ?
19:53.55dcordes-kaisno, wrong. they are formatted in a different way
19:54.02AstainHellbringahh ok
19:54.09AstainHellbringI couldnt see any nice buttons to help me
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19:54.55dcordes-kaisyou can look it up in the raphael tables
19:55.11Untouchab1ejobo, are you there?
19:55.12AstainHellbringok cool
19:55.35dcordes-kaishow it's done. but there are also scripts
19:55.48Untouchab1eDcordes, Could you look at something?
19:55.57Untouchab1eil pm you, h/o
19:56.08dcordes-kaisgo ahead
19:57.30dcordes-kaisAstainHellbring tbh I didn't convert one page myself
20:00.54dcordes-kaisonly non table
20:01.32AstainHellbringahh ic
20:01.43*** join/#htc-linux hollo (
20:01.45dcordes-kaisneed the script and learn how to use it, also we need kinky front page
20:07.16AstainHellbringkinky front page huh
20:11.02Untouchab1eDoes the diamond\raph run a single core ARM processor?
20:11.29Untouchab1eyou sure?
20:11.39tmztwhat do you mean?
20:11.41AstainHellbringyes its dual core
20:11.43tmztit has a single AP core
20:11.47AstainHellbringarm 9 arm 11
20:11.53tmztthe second arm core is for the modem
20:14.47tmztwhat are you looking for?
20:15.04*** join/#htc-linux Squarc (
20:15.18Untouchab1ejust following up on a lead
20:15.22Untouchab1eso to speak..
20:15.49SquarcHey everyone
20:15.51tmztthe second core won't make a program run faster
20:16.27Untouchab1eGot it
20:16.58Squarctmzt: any update on sound driver in the kernel ?
20:17.24tmztno, sorry
20:17.32Squarctmzt: ok no problem :)
20:17.33cr2AstainHellbring: nice. a lot of things to edit
20:17.38tmztwell, I didn't get anywhere with my rpc changes to htc-hw
20:17.50tmztstill get unreachable
20:18.18AstainHellbringcr2 from xda wiki looked like athena had same sound chip as uni?
20:19.11cr2AstainHellbring: yes, but only for switching. the i2s datastream comes from ati DSP, and not from pxa270 like on uni
20:19.34AstainHellbringahh ok
20:20.23cr2tmzt: create a Kconfig option for rpc-debug driver, and strip down htc-battery.c
20:21.14tmztoh yeah, forgot the debug
20:21.29tmztby the way, San says he wrote rpc-router without any documentation
20:22.02tmztI put the relevant stuff from htc-battery into the unmodified htc-hw.c
20:22.33tmztthe connect stuff is what is leading to the errno it seems, but I can't follow the kernel code very well
20:23.05tmztendpoints are in pdata and are just ints I think, so I can't see what ept* is about
20:23.16tmztunless the audio endpoints are different from the rpc ones ??
20:34.32cr2tmzt: you query the endpoint per RPC PROG.
20:35.12cr2so you query it, and save for further usage. see the htc_battery driver.
20:35.32tmztthis is what I have
20:35.52Squarcahh yes, the battery driver problem is known allready? android does not give the appropriate staus
20:35.56tmztlocalhost ~ # echo 1 > /sys/class/htc_hw/device
20:35.57tmzt-bash: echo: write error: No route to host
20:36.02cr2that is in the ept ?
20:36.11cr2did it fail ?
20:36.25tmztto do what?
20:36.28tmztI can't tell
20:36.37cr2Squarc: it's not about the battery driver, but about the rpc
20:36.45tmztthat sets errno, not what's returned
20:36.54cr2tmzt: look how the ept status is checked in htc_battery
20:37.14Squarccr2: rpc =?
20:37.19tmzt[50690.156470] htc_hw: ept: -113
20:37.19tmzt[50690.156562] [RPC] CALL to 6f010000:15794175 @ 19026031:ffffff00 (60 bytes)
20:37.19tmzt[50690.156593] msm_rpc_write(): No route to ept [PID 122506f CID ffffff00]
20:37.38cr2Squarc: wince phones do not use htc_battery
20:37.43tmztit wasn't printing on the screen
20:37.48tmztonly in dmesg
20:37.50cr2tmzt: don't start with difficult rpc calls.
20:38.05cr2start with led control.
20:38.05tmztwhat's a simple one? I thought the battery worked?
20:38.23cr2battery rpc is for g1
20:38.36tmztoh, ok
20:38.41Squarccr2: ahh ok
20:39.04cr2tmzt: you can't write rpc driver without the AMSS docs
20:39.27cr2tmzt: how will you know what params it needs and how they are interpreted.
20:39.44cr2it's like writing windows programs without win32 docs ;)
20:39.47tmztI don't know
20:40.09cr2rpc router, maybe.
20:40.23cr2but not doing the actual rpc calls
20:40.25tmztyou can always ask San, that's the anwer I got
20:40.42tmztyeah, router
20:40.53cr2ok, he will not provide us the wince amss docs, so it's not very useful anyway.
20:41.22cr2we have enough info in the wiki already
20:42.18cr2tmzt: try to create *ept array for all known rpc PROGs
20:42.42cr2SND  0x30000002
20:42.50cr2ADSPRTOSATOM  0x3000000a
20:42.58cr2CLKRGM_SEC  0x3000000f
20:43.06cr2AUDMGR  0x30000013
20:43.14cr2MVS  0x30000014
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20:43.23cr2PDSM_ATL  0x3000001d
20:43.28tmzthow do I enumerate them?
20:43.32cr2TIME_REMOTE_ATOM  0x30000048
20:43.40cr2PMEM_REMOTE  0x30000055
20:43.47cr2PDAPI  0x3000005b
20:43.57cr2PM  0x3000006
20:44.07cr2HW  0x3000006a
20:44.16cr2create an array
20:44.36tmztok, and what do I do with these, just connect to them and see if it works?
20:45.00cr2static unsigned int rpc_progs[]={0x30000002,0x3000000a,...}
20:45.17cr211 elements so far
20:45.37cr2and try to connect and check all *epts for them
20:46.23cr2the wince api is (PROG,VERS,-1)
20:46.40cr2so if all these fail, we need to think about it.
20:46.51cr2the VERS is always 0
20:47.11tmztokay, I think I can make a attr_show function that dumps these
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20:48.56cr2tmzt: dsconect
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20:49.36tmzt13:22 < tmzt> okay, I think I can make a attr_show function that dumps these
20:54.21stefan_schmidtcr2: Some hints for attacking nk.exe with ida? Already loaded. Asking for best practices.
20:58.28cr2stefan_schmidt: not really. it depends on the developer group
20:58.47cr2stefan_schmidt: do you see the wince static ioremap table ?
20:59.10cr2it must be somewhere arter initial init, before enabling the MMU
21:05.35stefan_schmidtcr2: let me search. Need some time to get my brain around the asm stuff
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21:06.43cr2stefan_schmidt: they are in triples: virt,phys,size
21:06.54stefan_schmidtcr2: ok
21:06.57cr2and 0,0,0 in the end
21:10.10stefan_schmidtcr2: At least IDA can't find a 0,0,0 in it
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21:11.31cr2stefan_schmidt: pastebin the first 64K block (binary) ?
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21:18.10stefan_schmidtcr2: hexdump does no binary it seems. What do you use for this?
21:19.22stefan_schmidtcr2: wait I maybe found something
21:19.34stefan_schmidtcr2: it ends this way:
21:20.01stefan_schmidtgrr, c&p does not work with the ida ncurses
21:20.20cr2stefan_schmidt: use
21:21.00cr2stefan_schmidt: you may do 'od -t x4 '
21:21.38stefan_schmidtcr2: oh, crypted pasting :)
21:21.48stefan_schmidtcr2: I think I found the table
21:25.38cr2stefan_schmidt: :)
21:26.10stefan_schmidtcr2: using that already. :)
21:34.18*** join/#htc-linux NetRipper (
21:40.48WigglerAwayI'm trying to work out the framebuffer offset for a topaz device, htc_fb_console works so I know the virtual address is the same as raphael
21:41.05WigglerAwaycan I use haret to determine the physical address?
21:42.01WigglerAwaycheers, I'll give it a go
21:42.32tmztlinux boots to handover?
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21:44.01WigglerAwayit boots further, but if it tries to switch to the mddi fb code then no further screen updates can be seen
21:45.43WigglerAwaywhat's the haret command I need? v2p isn't recognised
21:46.48tmztprint "" v2p(addr)
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21:47.01tmztprint "%08x" v2p(addr)
21:47.23tmztor dump mmu 2 vaddr
21:48.45WigglerAwayah ok
21:50.30WigglerAwayprint "%08x" v2p(0xe2000000) gives me a result of "ffffffff"
21:51.17cr2WigglerAway: where does the 0xe2* appear ?
21:51.31tmztoh, linux mmu
21:51.42tmzttry print VRAM
21:52.02cr2print "%x" VRAM ?
21:52.37cr2which device is that ?
21:53.04cr2151* is a bit low. (for raph/diam)
21:53.49WigglerAwaywhat's that number?
21:54.01cr2sdram address
21:54.19cr2for the framebuffer
21:54.46tmzthtc-fb worked though
21:54.48cr2ah, topaz
21:54.50WigglerAwayit's a msm7200
21:54.53cr2is it raph2 ?
21:55.04cr27200 or 7200A ?
21:55.13cr2i think 7200A
21:55.16WigglerAwayoh sorry 7200a
21:55.39tmztcmonex: what cpu is in topaz?
21:55.48cr2WigglerAway: ok, but then you can't just use the raph code.
21:55.59cr27200 would be lame
21:56.07cr2i don't believe it
21:56.16WigglerAwayyeah, it's definitely 7200a
21:57.01cr2WigglerAway: boot with mem=64M
21:57.26cr2your fb is too low
21:57.58cr2and i think 1666a000  is hardcoded somewhere
21:58.47WigglerAwaylooking at board-htcraphael-panel.c won't MSM_FB_BASE need to change?
21:59.11cr2it depends on your amss
21:59.21cr2linux is rather flexible here.
21:59.45cr2do you have wince dmesg area ?
22:00.25WigglerAwaynope, I'm a newbie to this. I've been trying to work out what wince dmesg actually is...
22:00.26cr2WigglerAway: best of all will be to dump the spl from sram, and dcc it to me :)
22:00.53cr2it's a 1MB sdram, where wince writes its debug messages
22:01.06WigglerAwaymakes sense
22:01.08cr2but its location is not fixed, and depends on the device.
22:01.39cr2is usually somewhere close to the end of SDRAM
22:01.48cr2but before the amss SDRAM
22:02.36cr2and this is reserved amss sdram
22:02.40cr20x17300000  -  -  17300000  7fe000  r-x, thumb, strings
22:02.41cr20x17afe000 - - 17afe000 35e000 rw-
22:02.42cr20x17e5c000 - - 17e5c000 500c0 rw-
22:03.00WigglerAwayhow do I go about dumping the spl?
22:03.52WigglerAwayI've found haret documentation a bit thin on the ground
22:03.56cr2pwf topazspl 0x0 0x100000
22:06.16cr2it depends on the device, what your can dump and where.
22:09.46WigglerAwayhave you got the dcc request? I haven't used this irc client before
22:12.16cr2try again
22:14.03cr2it fails on your side.
22:14.52cr2you can put it somewhere and pm me the link.
22:15.16WigglerAwayI'm using pidgin, it's not really designed for irc
22:20.56cr2ok, got it
22:21.25cr2yeah. Topaz SPL EVT
22:21.48WigglerAwaygood good
22:22.05cr2old good friends.
22:22.48cr2[I2C_Set_MicroP]Fill Topaz AUO table
22:22.49cr2[I2C_Set_MicroP]Fill Citrine AUO table
22:22.51cr2[I2C_Set_MicroP]Fill Topaz HITACHI table
22:22.52cr2[I2C_Set_MicroP]Fill Citrine HITACHI table
22:22.53cr2wtf is AUO ?
22:23.36cr2epson mddi :)
22:24.27cr2citrine. hehe
22:25.45cr28e000000 16e00000 00000001
22:26.11WigglerAwayinteresting where are you pulling this info from?
22:26.41cr2ok, so your wince sdram size is 0x51 MB
22:27.17cr2do you have 256MB sdram ?
22:27.43cr222f00000 00000017
22:27.53WigglerAwayyeah, it's advertised at 288MB RAM. I assume 32MB is SRAM
22:28.07cr226700000  00000019
22:28.17cr2yes, it's the same as raph
22:29.03cr2ok, so you can try to 'pd' the 16d00000 and 16e00000
22:29.20cr2i guess one of them is wince dmesg
22:29.43cr2pd 0x16d00000 0x100
22:29.57cr2pd 0x16e00000 0x100
22:30.05cr2if you will see ascii text
22:30.54cr2anyway you should edit the memory map
22:30.59WigglerAwayno text
22:31.19cr2and check the htc_fb_console.c
22:31.48cr2WigglerAway: try 16f
22:32.20cr2pd 0x16f00000 0x100
22:32.34WigglerAway1 sec, phone call
22:33.12cr2i guess you have topa200 cdma phone
22:34.00cr2Touch Diamond2 T5353
22:34.12cr2or topa100
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22:35.02cr2tmzt: nand -
22:35.06cr2SECTOR0 BEGIN TAG is incorrect !!! (E9,FD,FF) 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x
22:35.07cr2SECTOR1 BEGIN TAG is incorrect !!! (4D,53,46,4C) 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x,0x%x
22:35.35WigglerAwaydump from 0x16f00000 :
22:35.46WigglerAwayis that wince dmesg?
22:36.08cr2dump the full 1MB
22:36.13cr2and run 'strings'
22:36.39tmztcr2: nice
22:37.03cr2the first 24bytes are bnary, the rest is ascii
22:38.03WigglerAwaywhat's the strings thing?
22:38.23cr2linux command
22:38.42cr2of just remove the first 24bytes
22:39.40cr2tmzt: if you can't connect and get the ept, then something is seriously wrong.
22:40.05tmzthaven't tried that yet
22:40.06cr2155ep = msm_rpc_connect(rdev->prog, rdev->vers, 0);
22:40.07cr266f82a7bSan Mehat2008-03-31 20:38:24 -0700156if (IS_ERR(ep)) {
22:40.08cr2157printk(KERN_ERR "%s: init rpc failed! rc = %ld\n",
22:40.10cr2158__func__, PTR_ERR(ep));
22:40.25cr2do yoou get "init rpc failed! rc = " message ?
22:40.48tmztI posted what I got earlier
22:40.49*** join/#htc-linux tuxhero (i=tuxhero@
22:40.54tmztI'm in ce now
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22:41.21cr2[22:37] <tmzt> [50690.156470] htc_hw: ept: -113
22:41.22cr2[22:37] <tmzt> [50690.156562] [RPC] CALL to 6f010000:15794175 @ 19026031:ffffff00 (60 bytes)
22:41.24cr2[22:37] <tmzt> [50690.156593] msm_rpc_write(): No route to ept [PID 122506f CID ffffff00]
22:41.27cr2what is '-113' ?
22:41.40tmztunreach I think
22:41.53tmztlook at rpc-router
22:42.43cr2snd->ept = msm_rpc_connect(RPC_SND_PROG, RPC_SND_VERS,
22:45.11cr21056         if (!server)
22:45.13cr21057                 return ERR_PTR(-EHOSTUNREACH);
22:45.25tuxheroIMPORTANT: Android Developers has updated there rpc api which look they added rpc router backward compatability "Code from git: #define RPC_SND_VERS   MSM_RPC_VERS(1,0)" Try your luck with new kernel. GIT URL;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/android-msm-2.6.29
22:45.46cr21055         server = rpcrouter_lookup_server(prog, vers);
22:46.26*** part/#htc-linux neoobs (
22:46.34cr2so it's rpcrouter_lookup_server(prog, vers); failing here
22:47.17cr2212         list_for_each_entry(server, &server_list, list) {
22:47.17cr2213                 if (server->prog == prog
22:47.18cr2214                  && server->vers == ver) {
22:47.19cr2215                         spin_unlock_irqrestore(&server_list_lock, flags);
22:47.21cr2216                         return server;
22:47.22cr2217                 }
22:47.50tmzt2.6.29 seems to be usable on g1/maguc now
22:48.53tuxheroyes we need to port out code to 2.6.29 so that we can take advantage of new code
22:49.01tuxheroyes we need to port our code to 2.6.29 so that we can take advantage of new code
22:49.48tmztshouldn't be that hard
22:50.03tmztwill it make rpc work better?
22:50.37tmztcr2: rpc packets are just written to smd channel?
22:51.00tuxheromay be not sure
22:51.01cr2RPCCALL channel
22:51.11WigglerAwayright, off the phone, sorry about that, topaz wince dmesg:
22:52.43cr2tmzt: they send a HELLO on rpc ? and saw a lot of rpc servers
22:53.21tuxherobut one thing 2.6.29 android kernel has support for many more boards than 2.6.27 they will be very help full
22:54.31cr2tmzt: 2) send a HELLO cmd to rpc router.
22:55.51cr2# ls -1 /dev
22:56.46cr2tmzt: so they are there.
22:56.54tuxheromsm_vibrator.c this is the drivers we need to enable vibrator. it is avalible in 2.6.29 and 2.6.27 does not has it.
22:58.01cr2we do it differently.
22:58.05cr2also the battery
22:58.27cr2tuxhero: we have a different amss, so a lot of things are different for us.
22:58.39cr2the clk_ api , for example
22:58.52cr2and gpio config
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22:59.51tuxherocr2 i already try all these methods ur trying it wont work only way is to find right Version
23:00.10cr2version is 0
23:00.10tuxheroonly place we could see it is in wince drivers
23:01.41tuxheroi dissembled wince drivers
23:01.54cr2so what ?
23:02.01tuxheroit's not 0
23:02.16cr2what is it then ?
23:04.21tuxherothey build rpc for standad communication so they don't change until unless there hardware version is changed
23:04.41tuxherofor us G1 hardware version is same
23:05.03tuxheroso G1 rpc should work
23:05.25cr2g1 uses a completely different amss
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23:05.31tuxheroas we are using wince based asmm there version number may be diffrent than G1
23:05.51Untouchab1eIsnt there a company or something that develops linux drivers for mobile device hardware?
23:06.05tuxheroonly thing we need to do is find the right version number
23:06.42Sotonly the hardwares manufactor IF they support linux, outherwise opensource community ;>
23:07.02Untouchab1eAnd the hardware manufactorer in this case would be Arm, right?
23:07.19tuxheroand the only place we could possibly see those version number in Radio ROM or wince drivers
23:07.44Sotarm is a proccessor iirc, linux kernel supports it :p what are you looking for exactly?
23:07.50tuxheroor some HTC guy should tell is which is impossible
23:08.11Untouchab1eHeh, I am thinking about the Raphael\Diamond
23:08.34tuxherobye all lessons are over
23:08.54Untouchab1eIs HTC the only ones who would be able to develop the neccesary drivers faster than us?
23:09.29tmztUntouchab1e: didn't see that post before, interesting
23:09.36Untouchab1ewhich post?
23:09.48tmztthe one cr2 linked to
23:09.56tmztabout rpc router
23:10.04Untouchab1eI must have missed it ^^
23:11.09tmztyou are Edvard?
23:11.20Untouchab1eah, that one.. yeah, Edvard would be me
23:11.48Untouchab1eI was trying to get more discussion going around that topic, but lavender doesnt seem to be reading my pm's :P
23:12.10tmztlavendard did good stuff with sd on diam
23:12.23tmztbut haven't heard from him
23:12.27Untouchab1eneither have I
23:12.34Untouchab1eive tried to contact him though, but no luck
23:13.44cr2tmzt: i get 00000000:0 only
23:14.03tmztafter HELLO?
23:14.07cr2not sending the hello, thoug
23:14.16tmztwhat about dmes?
23:14.34Untouchab1ewell, if anyone has any comments or additions regarding rpc router, please reply to the topic. I find it a great place to store that kind of info
23:15.42tmztcr2: how different are the different devices in rpcs they support
23:15.46tmztA devices
23:16.47cr2where is it defined ?
23:17.50cr2it can't be an undefined symbol
23:17.59Untouchab1eGood night all
23:18.13cr2good night
23:18.19Untouchab1eBtw, is there any hardware documentation from HTC that would be intetersting?
23:18.44cr2no. it's a software problem
23:19.08cr2tmzt: grep through the tree. i don't have the kenrel soure mounted
23:19.11Untouchab1eI see.. so there woulndt be information HTC have that could be useful?
23:19.45cr2Untouchab1e: they will not tell it to you. so forget about it.
23:19.59Untouchab1ehehe, I guess you're right
23:20.23Untouchab1eDamn HTC..
23:20.45Untouchab1eReleasing high-end phones with Windows Mobile only and then releasing ugly ass plastic toys running Android
23:21.08cr2tmzt: my dmesg is spammed by oob messages
23:21.19Untouchab1eI asked the scandinavian marketing executive (or whatever his title was) about Android support for existing HTC devices and he told me that they had no plans for it as it woulndt be possible
23:22.02Untouchab1eHold on.. I think I have the net meeting log somewhere
23:22.11cr2he probably meant m$ paid me good $$$$ so it's impossible.
23:22.59Untouchab1elol.. here it is
23:23.57Untouchab1e"Android and WM are two different platforms/segment and would be complicated if these two be mixed with updates and so on.. Currently, we have no plans of offering Android upgrades for existing devices.
23:24.40Untouchab1esolid argumentation there.. lol
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23:24.54Untouchab1eits all "complicated" :P
23:25.55Untouchab1eOh well.. off to bed.. lol
23:25.55Untouchab1eGood Night!
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23:27.22cr2tmzt: in  smd_rpcrouter_device.c
23:29.00cr2printk(KERN_DEBUG "RPC_dev init complete!\n");
23:29.09cr2this one is in dmesg
23:29.34Sotabyone here owns a rogers htc dream?
23:31.30cr2187                                         server_args.prog,
23:31.31cr2188                                         server_args.vers);
23:31.35cr2is an ioctl
23:33.12high-rezUntouchab1e: That's incredible.  Winmo is pretty much unusable, and the inconsistent interface that touchflo brings to the table makes it even more confusing to use (though the touchflo ements are at least usable with your fingers).  Why on earth would they not want a good mobile interface on their devices?  that's beyond me.
23:34.13cr2[ 1298.286334] rpcrouter_open
23:34.14cr2[ 1298.287524] rpcrouter_ioctl: cmd=21505
23:34.16cr2[ 1298.288470] [RPC] READ on ept d4a176e0
23:34.17cr2[ 1300.121783] [RR] x REMOVE_CLIENT id=1:d4a176e0
23:34.19cr2[ 1300.122790] rpcrouter_send_control_msg(): Warning, router not initialized
23:34.29cr2tmzt: i've tried od -x /dev/00000000:0
23:35.04cr2[ 1300.122790] rpcrouter_send_control_msg(): Warning, router not initialized
23:36.38cr2127         if (!(msg->cmd == RPCROUTER_CTRL_CMD_HELLO) && !initialized) {
23:36.40cr2128                 printk(KERN_ERR "rpcrouter_send_control_msg(): Warning, "
23:36.41cr2129                        "router not initialized\n");
23:40.58cr244 #define RPCROUTER_CTRL_CMD_HELLO                2
23:41.13cr2need to check nk.exe
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