IRC log for #htc-linux on 20090528

00:00.11cr2it's some agps thing. i didn't see it here.
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00:06.36tmztcr2: hey, did you see somebody asking about topaz?
00:12.52maejrepcr2: think the RPC battery code will work? ;)
00:18.38cr2maejrep: did j0b0 commit his changes for raph100 ?
00:18.48cr2tmzt: where ?
00:19.43cr2tmzt: the first thing to do is to post the haretlog.txt. then it's useful to dump the spl from sram and the smem data
00:22.56maejrepcr2: I don't know what raph100 changes those are.  I got the new kionix i2c chip driver
00:23.01maejrepbut I think that was a while ago
00:23.07cr2maejrep: if you can commit your tiacx code to git, that will be great too
00:23.32cr2maejrep: [00:21] <j0b0> cr2,
00:23.53maejrepI have rpc log from answering a call, and hanging up :p
00:24.05cr2interesting :)
00:24.36cr2grep for '00030 '
00:25.43cr2and edit the
00:25.56cr2i'll add my data eventually too
00:26.06cr2now it's 2:26
00:26.08cr2good night
00:30.20tmztmaejrep: what is this rpc log?
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00:43.24Kevin2Bleh - just missed him.
00:44.14Kevin2mickeyl: You need to request to join on the ltg project page.
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01:20.07maejreptmzt: mmutrace
01:20.46tmztit should be the same on raph500 for making a call, right?
01:20.57tmzthave you been able to parse it?
01:21.19maejrep+buffer->batt_temp = values_16[1] / -6 + 750;
01:21.25maejrepwhy /-6 + 750?
01:21.33maejrepshouldn't it just be /100 to give you *C ?
01:21.53maejreptmzt: didn't try..  just happened to be in haretconsole when my roommate called :p
01:28.50maejrep[   14.315335] [BATT] e01fc140: 00000206 00000d49 00000c59 000006bd 0000000d  v=3101 c=  0
01:29.00maejrepstill can't figure out capacity :/
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02:10.31infidel206par, i'm totally about to give up on x windows for the BA /Debian :/
02:11.01maejrep0xBA081422 -- that's where it stores the % capacity
02:11.26tmztinfidel206: which xserver are you using?
02:12.00infidel206tmzt xorg
02:12.30infidel206i cant figure this out
02:12.31infidel206xf86PciVideoInfo is not set
02:12.31infidel206Could not get primary PCI info
02:20.20tmztyeah, that makes no sense
02:20.21tmztyou have to use the fbdev
02:20.24tmztdriver in .xorg
02:25.21infidel206yeah, i'm just getting impatient :s
02:25.30infidel206too much coffee
02:28.02AstainHellbringhiya maejrep
02:28.52AstainHellbringhows it going
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03:06.10maejrepnot bad
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03:21.20infidel206tmzt, w00t... i got X
03:32.02infidel206now for the damned touchsreen driver
03:32.48tmztcat /sys/class/input/*/name
03:36.42infidel206tsc2200-ts is what its using, so tslib will work right?
03:37.21tmztthe output of that command should tell you the device to use
03:37.59infidel206yeah i saw earlier it was /dev/input/event3
03:38.25infidel206was actually the first thing i did when i got debian running was cat ^
03:47.31tmztTSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event3 ts_calibrate
03:47.40tmztbut I don't know howw to set up xorg.conf
03:47.44tmztI use Xfbdev
03:47.58tmztI think you use tslib as driver though
03:48.34AstainHellbringsup tmzt
03:51.52infidel206i'm getting close... i'll figure it out after dinner
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04:15.01parhaha, yeah remember to host that image once you get X up working properly
04:15.09parwhat are you going to use for voice calls?
04:16.01pari wanted to run the arm asterisk server on the phone itself and then hook in to voip
04:21.45partmzt: what do you use for voice calls on your phone?
04:28.35infidel206par, x works... touchscreen works.. working on calibration atm
04:30.09infidel206also that bts file BabelO gave me is weird, in that I have to send first an hciattach /dev/ttyS3 any 921600, then hciattach /dev/ttyS3 texas 921600 (then hciconfig hci0 up) for bluetooth to work
04:30.38infidel206i have to use any then texas
04:32.43infidel206...and i'm hoping this other ac adapter i rigged up (different from the one last night) doesnt blow up my cradle :0
04:32.57infidel206no smoke so far
04:48.37tmztpar: voice calls don't work without the audio driver on touch pro
04:49.33tmztthere's an image here with shr though which should work on vogue, though you'll have to echo something to enable sound
04:49.38AstainHellbringtmzt does BT work with it yet?
04:49.51tmztno, not with my kernel
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05:04.13infidel206grrr... ts_calibrate doesnt give me a good pointercal
05:07.57infidel206gonna have to play with the horiz / vert offsets til its ~right
05:08.27tmztwell, is it reporting any errors?
05:12.46parhow is sound working?
05:13.10infidel206par, i dont know.. i need to get the calibration first
05:13.14pardon't spose you are at a point where you can check
05:13.36infidel206xfce4 looks nice on it, but i cant play with it yet
05:14.26infidel206and that patch to silence asic3 dmux = fail
05:15.47infidel206i'm gonna have to cron something to strip out the messages in kern/syslog :0
06:09.34infidel206No luck whatsover with ts_calibrate. The strange thing is that after i calibrate, it seems like it 'shrinks' the coordinates down by 1/4th.. like the aspect ratio of the screen itself is off compared to the pointercal values
06:11.06infidel206i can trace the touchscreen with the stulus, from corner to corner, and the arrow makes a perfect rectangle.. top left is perfect, but when i go to the right/down/bottom left its off... hard to explain
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06:26.28infidel206anyone know of documentation describing the /etc/pointercal values
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06:39.08parhey buddy
06:39.11parwhats up?
06:39.25parwhere is the ts_calibrate being supplied from?
06:39.34infidel206yeah i installed it
06:39.44parthere was a bug that was worked around in ts_calibrate
06:39.52infidel206o? o.o
06:40.19infidel206i'm loading gpe on sd right now.. backed up lenny, and will try using the pointercal from it real quick
06:40.31infidel206what was the bug?
06:40.49pari don't rememeber it was something from 2004
06:41.05paris there any way you can grab it from angstrom?
06:41.19infidel206ts_calibrate or the pointercal file?
06:42.03pari dunno?
06:42.09parboth  maybe?
06:42.24parts_calibrate most likely
06:42.26infidel206well the pointercal files are missing from all of the BA builds i've seen...
06:43.10infidel206the filesystems are setup to check for /etc/pointercal, and if they're not there.. it runs a shell script to run ts_calib
06:44.02infidel206/etc/X11/Xinit.d/30xTs_Calibrate is the file
06:44.44parfor creating the /etc/pointercal use the ts_calibrate from angstrom?
06:45.12infidel206i cant really see the benefit
06:45.26infidel206+ it might be a pita to get to run
06:45.32parwell i thought the bug was in ts_calibrate
06:46.21infidel206i'm not sure.. i'm literally 2 mins away from having a pointercal file for my BA in GPE, so i'll see if it works for lenny (hopefully)
06:46.22parthat would be the purpose of using the handhelds version
06:46.36paroh cool! yeah that should work ok
06:50.17parcool, let me know how it works out
06:52.55infidel206these values look better
06:53.00pardidn't realize you were running simultaneous images
06:53.35pari just remember they had to change around ts_calibrate for universal and ba
06:55.23infidel206nah i've got formatting the sd cards down to a science
06:55.53paryeah i have literally a small bag full of older images
06:56.28parand even after somehow i lost the one where everything in gpe works for voice calls and driving the phone portion
06:56.41parbefore they redid gpephone
06:56.55infidel206no good :/
06:57.48paror gomunicator rather
06:57.50infidel206i gave lenny ~180gb of swap this time
06:58.30paroh eheheh
06:58.34infidel206lol.. 180gb of swap on a phone would be nice
06:59.05parwell the total ram of the device is 128
06:59.10parso you could really do 256
07:00.00paron your cards do you make a speerate partition for swap at 180mb?
07:00.13infidel206unfortunately, i only mostly have sdhc cards, my biggest sd card is 1gb :/
07:00.25pari have a few 2 gigs
07:00.28infidel206yeah seperate partition
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07:01.32infidel206yeah and i was _just_ at best buy 2 days ago and was staring @ 2gb non sdhc sd cards :s
07:01.45infidel206knew i should have got a couple
07:01.45paryeah they are getting cheap
07:01.53parlike a 10 pack from is cheaper
07:02.08infidel206yep...real cheap in 10 packs
07:02.48parany luck with the pointercal file?
07:03.11infidel206copying lenny back over as we speak
07:05.48infidel206for the netripper record 4474 -25 -1169874 -9 5905 -1747872 65536
07:06.05pari just want to get a nice stable image ready for the ba and load it on all of mine and then customize them
07:06.41infidel206soon enough
07:07.08parthey're so cheap nowadays i could probably pick up 10 blueangels for $300
07:07.35infidel206uni's are getting cheap as well, but too bad they suck
07:08.12infidel206i wish they had acx on sdio and 128 ram out of the box
07:08.21infidel206and usb host
07:11.43parwell they have acx
07:11.52parthey don't have the ram tho
07:12.03parseen people do crazy shit to add the ram tho
07:12.10infidel206yeah but the acx driver sucks, as well as the 16 bit slave mem crap
07:12.32parisn't it the same acx driver as you are running right now?
07:13.45infidel206yep, but BA is sdio
07:13.51infidel206sec... small issue
07:17.24infidel206pointercal =fail
07:18.02parlets just put random shit in it then
07:18.08infidel206already did that
07:18.11parlet me see if i can find a pointercal file
07:18.22infidel206i've tried several
07:18.49infidel206its like virtually impossible to calibrate by hand
07:18.58infidel206cant even get close
07:20.16par4567 2 -1424848 20 5908 -1679124 65536
07:20.51par30 8945 -2702484 -12036 25 45127260 65536
07:20.55par(from old logs here)
07:21.12infidel206yeah i tried a bunch from the old logs
07:22.13infidel206ooo.. wait a sec
07:22.28infidel206prolly wont make a diff but... 1 secd
07:22.36parfirst one is from babel0
07:22.41parsecond one is from cr2
07:23.15infidel206i saw that in logs
07:24.02infidel206i wish one of them were here right now
07:25.03kri5hello there
07:25.24infidel206i wonder if somehow its related to fbdev / xorg
07:33.26pardid you look at the openmoko stuff
07:35.28infidel206yeah its of no use
07:39.57pardo you use wpa_supplicant with your acx wirless connection
07:41.13infidel206not yet
07:45.38kri5does anyone manage to have a bootable android build on htc?
07:47.09parhtc which?
07:48.17par67 36365 -2733100 -48253 -310 45219816 65536
07:49.29kri5htc blackstone ^^
07:49.35parahhh blackstone
07:49.44kri5need something to wake up :p
07:49.51parhaven't seen anyone working on that one in ages
07:49.57paris that what you're working on?
07:50.19kri5following the tutorial on xda dev wiki, i managed to run android 1.0 on it
07:50.49kri5then i build the kernel myself with the haret and android image from same tutorial ( 1.0 ) and it still worked
07:51.02kri5but when i build cupcake it seems to be different
07:51.21kri5i don't get the same files so i don't know how to make it boot on it :/
07:52.23parcupcake sucks anyway
07:52.51parwhat about 1.1?
07:52.59kri5which branc should i build so, and how to build it?
07:53.06kri5and run it too :)
07:53.22kri5i'd like to have at minimum 1.5 :D
07:53.36pari have no idea
07:54.03pari'm running a v1.1 on vogue
07:54.25parit works really well though
07:54.37kri5any body else have 1.5 running on there htc?
07:55.05parv1.5 for me still has some stuff broken that has to be addressed for my device.. so i'm waiting
08:00.20infidel206android sucks period imo
08:01.04parkind of a waste in overhead
08:02.28infidel206crap i broke apt
08:09.36pari hate when that happens
08:17.53infidel206meh... luckily i just made a backup
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08:57.57szsoftwaredcordes: ping
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09:10.50infidel206BabelO, hi.. do you know if there is some bug with ts_calibrate, where the pointercal file it produces isn't correct with xorg? I've been trying to get my calibration set right in debian (using fbdev driver and tslib). The pointercal coordinates seem like they are 1/4 size too small :(
09:11.53infidel206i'm also wondering if the display manager has something to do with it.. in my case, i'm using xfce4 with xfwm)
09:15.23dcordes~pong szsoftware
09:15.24aptszsoftware: PONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
09:17.14BabelOinfidel206: hi, ts on ba works well with gpe or qtopia which use fb. the only problem i got was related to xserver setup
09:20.15infidel206BabelO, hmm.. i'm going to insall matchbox real quick and see if there is a difference. What kind of issues did you have with xserver?
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09:37.22BabelOinfidel206: no issue with the correct server, but i ve tried x for ati and another one
09:49.13j0b003:21:20<maejrep> +buffer->batt_temp = values_16[1] / -6 + 750;
09:49.13j0b003:21:25<maejrep> why /-6 + 750?
09:49.13j0b003:21:33<maejrep> shouldn't it just be /100 to give you *C ?
09:49.13j0b0i found that values_16[1] holds a value that goes down when temperature goes up (and vice versa). the -6 and +750 are guesstimates to scale and offset this into a sane range. i have no idea what the battery 'officially' reports. the value i (try to ) report to linux is: 10x'C
09:49.41j0b0the reason you dont get good capacity reading might be because you dont break the loop when (v < battery_table[i])
09:49.52j0b0but then you should always get c=100, not c=0
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10:07.17infidel206hmm.. i just realized i have a semi old version of xorg...tslib
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10:18.13infidel206man i might as well just start over and install squeeze
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11:17.48mickey|cafecan we get touch events from the sensor keys in addition to press events or is that hardwired to the led controller?
11:20.29dcordes_mickey|cafe: hi. you got ppp working with the patch/zImage I posted or different?
11:23.55tmztmickey|cafe: in maejrep's driver they cause the leds to light up, I think we can get both touch and what softkey is pressed when clicked
11:26.58dcordes_mickey|cafe: want to put it in git
11:28.53mickey|cafedcordes_: i have a set of three patches, two from cr2, one from me, and an adjusted conf
11:29.01mickey|cafedcordes_: i have requested commit access via ltg
11:29.10mickey|cafedcordes_: once i have it, I'll apply the stuff to git
11:29.18mickey|cafetmzt: wow, that'd be awesome!
11:29.40mickey|cafei can imagine some nice usability possibilities
11:30.12mickey|cafebtw., it looks like it's charging now when connected via usb
11:30.18tmztI would very much like forward/back
11:30.43tmztit should if it's plugged in when booting with haret, I have had the phone running for almost a day on usb now
11:31.09mickey|cafei only get 5kb/sec over ppp
11:31.18tmztwhether that's the full draw or not I don't know, cr2 mentioned it earlier
11:31.21mickey|cafedo we need to explicitly enable EDGE via AT?
11:31.36tmztcan you do the AtDbgLog?
11:31.46tmztand enable/disable 3g
11:32.12tmztfind anything with backlight by the way?
11:32.14mickey|cafeargh, you alway want to force me  back to ce
11:32.25mickey|cafei have a patch that fixes the backlight
11:32.33tmztwhich way did you go with that?
11:32.43mickey|cafecatch up the led names in the platform
11:33.04tmztand not class device yet?
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11:33.15mickey|cafeno, that'll take some more time
11:33.16tmztbacklight class is usually in graphics though
11:33.19mickey|cafemy kernel skillz are rusty
11:33.41mickey|cafewell, every device i've seen uses the baclight class
11:33.45mickey|cafeexcept the HTC ones :)
11:34.21tmztI thought one of the htc backlight drivers became the generic one?
11:34.50mickey|cafenot in msm-2.6.27 as far as i can see
11:36.25tmztmaybe it was corgi, looking at that driver now
11:37.07tmztbacklight_device_register(name, &pdev, NULL, &ops)
11:37.37mickey|caferichard purdie did most of that stuff
11:37.44mickey|cafeinitially for the zaurus family
11:37.47tmztbut this probably means klt needs to be mfd
11:38.58tmztname became generic-bl, so that's used in pdata now
11:39.08tmztor something like that
11:39.11mickey|cafeya, either mfd or making the backlight class another module that just uses an exported functoin from klt
11:39.20mickey|cafethat's how they did it in older times
11:39.26mickey|cafedunno whether it's considered good or bad style
11:39.32tmztI think maejrep did that on the keyboard input driver for ksc
11:45.12mickey|cafeKevin2: i've requested project access via ltg
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12:10.04mickey|cafei guess if you would do the backlight conversion, it'd be 10 times faster than when i do it ;)
12:10.21mickey|cafei'd cover integrating your patches for cdma instead
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12:16.11tmztmickey|cafe: well, I'm not quite sure how to make it work with mtd or registering multiple devices, I think I can convert the corgi-bl to use klt_ exported functions though
12:19.13mickey|cafethat should be sufficient for a quick result imo
12:19.46tmztworking on it, wondering if I should keep the internal state/logic for power management/battery low
12:19.56mickey|cafei wouldn't do that
12:20.17tmztsuspend/resume though?
12:21.00mickey|cafefrom the middleware point of view, the optimal behaviour is:
12:21.07mickey|cafekernel should not touch it on suspend/resume
12:21.27mickey|cafeso that i have the chance to decide when to turn the display off (pretty early in suspend) and when to turn it on again (a bit later)
12:21.41tmztoh, ok
12:21.42mickey|cafekernel should bring the hw state back to logical state it was on suspend
12:21.44tmztthat makes sense
12:21.55tmztso I need to save that
12:22.11mickey|cafeto improve UI experience this is very necessary
12:22.19mickey|cafeotherwise we risk flickering etc.
12:22.39mickey|cafeespecially when you think about planned resumes to check some conditions
12:22.46mickey|cafewe don't want to the lights to turn on in that case :)
12:22.53mickey|cafesince we just check some values and return to suspend
12:22.54tmztyeah, I would like to see something like kms/drm at some point which would make this even more controlled from userspace
12:23.05tmztanyway, I'll leave that out, restore the pwm settings
12:23.16mickey|cafeok, great. thanks a lot.
12:23.19mickey|cafemoves back home
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12:30.22infidel206par, success!!
12:30.48infidel206tmzt, yessir
12:30.58tmztwhay did you reference, squeeze?
12:31.08infidel206it was an old bug with an older version of libts
12:31.48infidel206yea debian squeeze has many more newer packages for armel
12:32.26infidel206lenny's repo is outdated, + i had issues compiling the new tslib on my dev box -- so an upgrade was in order
12:32.50infidel206etch > sid > lenny > squeeze
12:33.24tmzthadn't heard of it, that's testing now?
12:33.38infidel206fresh packages ftw
12:34.02infidel206no.. 0.5.4.. i havent tried 1.0 yet
12:34.21infidel206i didnt see anything major on the lists about it (except bugs)
12:34.25tmztI mean the soname, still 0.0?
12:34.53tmztif squeeze has newer xorg it might support the evdev driver for touchscreen without tslib
12:35.53infidel206squeeze provides xserver-xorg   1:7.3+18
12:36.07infidel206and xserver-xorg-core                 2:1.4.2-11
12:37.40infidel206grrr... these asic3 dmux messages are killing me
12:38.12tmzttry that, install xorg-dev first
12:39.06infidel206i will... gonna take ~30 mins for xfce4 to install (in progress) :s
12:41.20infidel206tmzt, what is the advantage of using evdev over tslib?
12:42.07tmztnot depending on an external driver library with it's own configuration, I think the goal is to use hal for the device specific configuration and calibration
12:42.27tmztit's going to take some more research to determine if it's worth it
12:42.27infidel206from what i remember with my sony ux280p / umpc -- evdev was a nightmare and when tslib came it fixed everything
12:42.32infidel206ah ok
12:42.46tmztyeah, because it doesn't have the filters in that version you used
12:43.07tmztany possibility squeeze has xserver-xfbdev?
12:43.35tmztin armel?
12:44.03tmztI would suggest trying that also then
12:44.10infidel206actaully, no
12:44.11tmztit should be faster
12:45.27infidel206i just see the fb display driver in squeeze (xserver-xorg-video-fbdev), sid is the only one with xserver-xfbdev
12:45.50infidel206not to say it cant be built
12:46.37tmztof course sid would be newer that squeeze, which is newer than lenny
12:47.28tmztI've built it with qemubuilder before, but it took a lot of changes to get it to build and they were'nt very clean
12:48.13infidel206no fun
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12:48.47infidel206i can ask the maintainers to package it
13:02.53tmztmaejrep: if you get a change, can you add a generic_bl_info to raph? I don't want to make changes to the machine file
13:03.47tmztI'm working on a small driver that will have to use a klt_ export to get this working for mickeyl
13:05.27tmztactually, it looks like having the export in microp_klt be microp_klt_backlight_set_intensity would work, I assume it's the same as the existing sys_write in the led code?
13:05.54tmztthe set that that function as .set_bl_intensity in the generic_bl_info
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14:37.00paroh, so i guess it was the bug
14:41.08AstainHellbringbug bug?
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14:48.33pardid he get the touchscreen working?
14:48.55tmztyeah, the tslib was outdated
14:49.09tmztare you trying this on vogue or ba?
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14:49.39pari'm not trying it
14:49.52parjust watching his progress on the ba
14:50.18pari'll set it up when he gets done
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19:05.58paronce its all done i could set up a nice order taking system for waiters/waitresses through it for use at a big restaurant
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19:06.26parput a linux box in the back to keep/print out the orders that are sent in from each pda
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19:11.17pH5par: make sure there's good wifi reception all parts of the restaurant :)
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19:29.23parpH5: :D
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19:30.21pH5par: I've seen a waiter having to take 5 steps back from our table to be able to take the order with extended arms.
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19:38.42parits common in asia to have the pda to base station setup
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19:39.06pari noticed it a lot when i was in hong kong
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19:39.21parright now i'm trying to get 4 BA's for $100
19:41.57parif i can't find a use for them after i crak the carrier lock.. i'll just give them away to people abroad as gifts
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19:46.31kri5hi there
19:53.21parbah, soneone snagged all of em for  ahundred
19:53.40paroh well i wouldn't know what to do with that many anyway
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20:19.01parhahaaa turns out i got them
20:19.30par4 cingular branded blueangels for $112.50
20:19.36WigglerAwaydoes anyone know the qualcomm dev git repo? It's something like
20:32.04parumm wow acx has host ap mode?
20:34.29*** join/#htc-linux dcordes (n=luke@unaffiliated/dcordes)
20:35.29dcordespar, that's cheap. I sold one blueangel for 85 USD
20:35.34dcordeseven a board id 5 :D
20:35.43pardcordes:  :D
20:36.29paryeah and i'll have 4 gsm data network connections each with their own access point!
20:36.56dcordesthe built in acx can do master mode?
20:37.01dcordesor you talking about bluetoogh ap
20:37.11kri5hello there, i want to contribute to android port on blackstone, but i don't manage to build system.e2img, data.e2img and cache.e2img, any ideas?
20:37.13parHost AP mode doesn't support power saving.
20:37.19parthats the only drawback
20:37.32parClients attempting to use
20:37.44parthe only caveat about Host AP
20:38.15dcordesdidn't know the acx100 driver can do master mode
20:38.36parHost AP        In this mode the driver acts as an access point (base sta-
20:38.58pari just found it out myself
20:39.15parmostly from
20:39.23dcordescool I find out about the device's qualities after I sold it
20:41.50j0b0kri5: create an empty 64M file names system.e2img. do mkfs.ext2 (or 3) on it. mount it copy the contents of yourdroid/target/product/generic/system/ into it, unmount it. for the data and cache, 32M is enough, you can stop after mkfs.
20:42.53kri5j0b0: thanks, i'll try it right now :)
20:43.49pardcordes: i'm just hoping that the asterisk server lite will run on it properly
20:45.16BalsatKri5 : or you can do make -j3 TARGET_USERIMAGES_USE_EXT2=true
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20:46.07kri5Balsat: ok then i'll first try to use TARGET_USERIMAGES_USE_EXT2
20:48.13Balsatforget the "-j3" if your running on a 32 bit machine
20:50.34j0b0Balsat, shouldnt that be '..if youre running on a single processor/core machine'?
20:51.19BalsatJobo yes my mistake ;>)
20:52.45kri5Balsat: i'm running 64bits but it has nothing to do with -j option
20:53.19BalsatYes i know my mistake
20:53.53kri5Balsat: Oh sorry i haven't seen what you said previously
20:54.14kri5I tried both method but i don't get android cupcake to boot :/
20:59.21dcordesmickey|bbiab, do you have the htcraphael_angstrom_defconfig locally?
21:00.02dcordesI created it with nand and fb refresh enabled
21:00.30MethoSkri5: didn't some mentioned this could be because of a missing battery driver?
21:01.38j0b0MethoS that was me, but i dont think kri5 even gets that far
21:01.50j0b0kri5 do you get to the android boot animation?
21:02.01kri5MethoS: never heard about this, but if you say so, i'll try to boot android 1.0 and start learning kernel devel on it
21:02.25kri5j0b0: yes i get to animation, android in the middle of the screen, and it blinks every 10seconds
21:03.01j0b0oh, ok, can you telnet in and see what logcat complains about
21:05.39kri5j0b0: i must keep phone plugged?
21:05.55kri5that not what i wanted to meen
21:06.23kri5what will be the ip of the phone?
21:06.48j0b0you need your phone connected to your host on usb in order to find out why your andrdoid doesnt boot. once it works you dont need to anymore.
21:07.32j0b0the phone is, its default gw is, which you should assign to usb0 on your host
21:07.43j0b0if you use the same initrd setup that ..uhm.. goes around
21:17.28kri5i need some support on my pc kernel isn't it?
21:19.13cr2dcordes: have you committed the patch to git ?
21:21.07j0b0kri5 not really. i run pretty much standard ubuntu and the phone shows up as HTC MSM USB [0100] and it automatically creates usb0 as a network interface
21:22.24kri5j0b0: i run gentoo with home confed kernel so i just found where was this option, i just activated it as module and i'll try to load the good one :)
21:29.30kri5ActivityManager Service crashes :/
21:32.13kri5and also "couldn't load <> library (Cannot find library)"
21:33.12j0b0libhgl is for hardware gl you dont have it. the message is normal
21:34.29kri5Uncaught handler: thread ActivityManager exiting due to uncaught exception
21:34.34kri5*** EXCEPTION IN SYSTEM PROCESS.  System will crash.
21:34.45kri5this is the other error :/
21:35.29j0b0kri5 i have some from 2 or 3 weeks ago here -> see if these work for you
21:36.04dcordescr2, I have no usable test result
21:36.43kri5j0b0: i tell you in few minutes :)
21:37.33mickey|bbiabdcordes: can you check with this defconfig:
21:38.00j0b0kri5 i dont usually produce images so i dont have any newer ones, but Balsat might
21:38.16mickey|bbiabKevin2: do i have access yet?
21:38.20dcordesmickey|bbiab, check what?
21:38.32mickey|bbiabah, forget it
21:38.37mickey|bbiabyou have no raph
21:38.43mickey|bbiabi always forget that
21:38.58kri5j0b0: i'll first try with you, to see if i still have got the same problem
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21:39.27dcordesmickey|bbiab, were you able to establish the ppp connection with the zImage/patch I posted?
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21:39.49mickey|bbiabnot with your image, but with mine
21:40.12mickey|bbiabso yes, with the patchset ppp works fine w/ gprs speed
21:40.23mickey|bbiabas for edge and 3g this has to be investigated
21:40.45mickey|bbiabi have an additional patch that unbreaks the leds again
21:40.45dcordescan you post git diff?
21:41.11mickey|bbiabi don't have the git tree checked out, i have three patches
21:41.28mickey|bbiabwhat's the clone URI if one has access?
21:42.41dcordesgit clone git://
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21:44.47dcordeswe should update OE once it's in git
21:46.01mickey|bbiabi have enabled a bunch of netfilter modules in the config
21:46.04mickey|bbiabwhich we need
21:46.21mickey|bbiabsome config entries are unknown
21:46.26mickey|bbiabguess there are drivers missing
21:46.28mickey|bbiabe.g. for
21:47.13mickey|bbiab-# CONFIG_TROUT_BATTCHG is not set
21:48.04mickey|bbiabok, cloning the repo now
21:48.09kri5j0b0: same error as before
21:49.57j0b0kri5 then i dont know.
21:50.09kri5j0b0: no soucy
21:50.16kri5i'll investigate :)
21:51.27j0b0at least youre now 'in business' so far as that you can build your own kernel and image and telnet in to gather diagnostics
21:52.55Balsathmmm i'cant run Android with a fresh build kernel
21:53.36j0b0Balsat what device is that? raph100?
21:53.52kri5j0b0: yes thats it :)
21:54.25Balsatjust maked a git pull and the i cant run android
21:55.12kri5j0b0: but i think the problem might come from some kind of battery driver
21:56.10BalsatI thing yout right kris5
21:59.05j0b0Balsat yesterdays commit enables oncrpc and battery_smem in blackstone. which is needed. it changes nothing for raph or diam. last commit before that was a month ago. when did you last sync before
22:01.00Balsatless than a week ago
22:02.30j0b0are you building head or head plus the diff i posted on the forum
22:03.40BalsatBuilding without the diff
22:04.23dcordesgee I didn't visit the forum in a while.
22:05.07j0b0Balsat can you boot with an older kernel?
22:05.35BalsatI will give it a go
22:05.43j0b0or checkout the previous commit and build that
22:06.25j0b0altho the only file the last commit touches is blackstone_defconfig
22:06.46kri5j0b0: i think i synced 2 days ago
22:08.58kri5i'll try to pull right now and test with freshly built kernel
22:09.28j0b0Balsat, i added a commit to this post --> it'd be interesting if you can port the battery stuff from raph to diam in defconfig and board-raph/board-diam
22:10.07j0b0i guess the diam100 has the same smem layout as the raph100 and the diam-cdma the same as raph-cdma
22:11.14j0b0and the device pdata and device_fixes()
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22:16.28dcordesmickey|bbiab, ok that's good
22:16.55infidel206par, congrats on your 4 BA's
22:17.55dcordesyou can also use spare ba as paperweight
22:18.25dcordeslifts ba
22:18.57parinfidel206, well they may be hariers
22:19.03parwe'll se either way its cheap
22:19.36parinfidel206: did you get X fully up and running?
22:19.44infidel206i'm getting an apache today/tomorrow for $40
22:20.00pari have an apache layin around here
22:20.08infidel206par, I did get X running, but decided that xfce4 is toooooooo heavy on graphics
22:20.14pari saw a bulk lot of apaches for sale for like $120 for ten
22:20.20infidel206and too lib dependent to be practical
22:20.36infidel206i'm going to try and get awesome win manager running
22:20.42parw / matchbox
22:21.56infidel206so i need to figure out the keymap isse first, for the phone keys (not-qwerty keys) and try and emulate right click
22:21.59parhave you bluetooth paired any input device yet
22:22.03parlike a mouse or a keyboard?
22:22.28kri5i'll try  new kernel tomorow
22:22.36kri5good night everyone
22:22.57infidel206i paired it with my macbook pro and also my raph100
22:23.14infidel206and with a linux vm
22:23.17Balsatj0b0 i got a "D/ShutdownThread(   79): Shutting down power." in the newest android, can it be because of the battery?
22:23.38j0b0it sure can, but it makes no sense that it would work last week
22:23.52BalsatTrying with an older android
22:27.08parwhen i'm on my days off work i'll build up an image and throw it into my harrier to see what happens
22:28.25parthe kernel recognizes board id 4 and adapts for it nowadays
22:29.40parexcept the camera flash led remains on and will eventually burn out
22:29.56parthere has to be a way to shut it off with haret
22:31.31j0b0Balsat since we're on the subject of you testing my stuff ;D (or any takers that is who have a diamond or raph>100) i'd love to know if this works on anything other than raph100 --> because if it does we could add it to git
22:31.43infidel206dcordes, lol... up until a few days ago, my BA was being used as a paperweight :p
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22:32.40j0b0evening maejrep
22:32.48BalsatI will try i tomorrow, i'm off to bed soon
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22:36.17Balsatj0b0 i got the same error with an older build of Android!
22:36.43j0b0how about an older kernel
22:36.54paryeah, i carry a BA with me when i trvel internationally
22:37.13parwhen under attack you can bash the hell out of someone with it ;)
22:37.55BalsatI will check your "touched area size" kernel now, and then off to bed
22:39.13j0b0that kernel was made htcraphael_defconfig, not diamond, you may have to apply the diff
22:39.16j0b0..tomorrow :)
22:40.23BalsatI use the htcraphael_defconfig, there is no diamond_defconfig
22:40.55j0b0oh, good. :) now for a single board-raphdiam
22:41.41j0b0actually there hasnt been a diamond defconfig since .27 iirc
22:47.20BalsatI cant see whats happening on the phone, must sleep... night all
22:47.50j0b0bed time for me too ..
22:47.55j0b0good night Balsat
22:48.06BalsatNight jobo
22:50.54mickey|bbiabok, applied the patches
22:50.57mickey|bbiabcan't seem to push
22:51.00mickey|bbiabremote end hangs up
23:05.02infidel206what exactly is Q8650BSDCAALZA2140 in the aurora git?
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23:21.39parinfidel206: what kernel did you say you're running on it?
23:22.00infidel206par, hh20 from cvs i built
23:22.37parthink you need at least 2.6.27 for hostapd to actually work with acx
23:22.52parwould be nice to have a cellphone access point though
23:23.18paractually when pH5 is done it should be all goog eventually
23:23.19infidel206owuld be nice if the freerunner had a 3g modem :/
23:23.40infidel206with asic3 u mean?
23:25.03infidel206meh.. she wants $80 for the htc apache... $80 != $40 :s
23:25.23infidel206i dont even have cdma service so forget that
23:25.57parshe crazy
23:26.24parwell if pH5 has the way to bring it up to 2.6.30
23:26.40parthen yah, i guess if its just asic3 sure
23:26.49cr2par: he said that the asic3_mmc works ?
23:27.05parcr2: no no, i'm just being hopefull
23:27.37pari haven't been following progress really
23:28.16parall i know is when the ba has a kernel 2.6.27 or higher then hostapd will work allowing you to configure it as access point
23:30.00infidel206ok, so now i got the new tslib i gotta figure out the keymap issue for the BA keys (non-qwerty keys).. i see keymaps for everything but the BA in the GPE image
23:52.47infidel206hmm.. .maybe i'll hijack the openmoko dbus code to get right click
23:54.36infidel206oh maybe i dont need to
23:54.44infidel206"The official Debian package of xserver-xorg-input-tslib (Version 0.0.5-4 and up) includes an easy way to right click with the stylus. To activate it add a new line to your xorg.conf in the InputDevice section. "
23:55.14infidel206i'd still rather have it mapped to a button tho

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