IRC log for #htc-linux on 20080801

00:01.41Marajindcordes: not to mention geordies, cocknies, manks, brummies, etc. ?
00:02.30Marajinginge: What else is there/
00:02.37dcordesI just stumbled across that one when I looked up wossname
00:03.52Marajindcordes: Plenty more for you to look up then ^_~
00:05.14dcordesWhere did you disappear to? - Oh, I've been working at the play doh factory.
00:05.29Marajinwtf is that meant to mean?
00:06.07dcordesthat's the question
00:07.18MarajinOne day we'll have a HTC European LUG meeting and you can boggle at the accents I guess :P
00:07.54dcordesthat'll be fun and you can laugh about my b0rken english
00:09.12MarajinWe already do that!
00:09.17MarajinI mean er... No we wouldn't!
00:10.00Marajinwell if you ever feel upset by it just make me speak german, you'd have plenty of chance to abuse me
00:12.24gingeyeah and I learned Russian at school, so no german at all!
00:13.13Marajinginge: How about french?
00:13.33MarajinParlez vous un petit peu de francais?
00:13.38MarajinNon? Sacre bleu!
00:13.55NAiLParlez frog?
00:14.04MarajinHey I'm from lancashire though, my family things the french for "thanks" is "mercy bucket"
00:14.31dcordesJulien habite dans la rue Daguerre
00:14.44Marajin"Egg 'n chips ya froggy bastard! Mercy bucket silly plait"
00:15.06gingeour familys would get on famously
00:15.22MarajinDude, I'm not marrying you :P
00:15.30gingeя не понимаю
00:15.58NAiLMarajin: Heirate Mich!
00:16.03gingeя люблю Вас :o
00:16.21NAiLhas been listening too much to Rammstein lately
00:16.40MarajinNAiL: Nee! Die Ehrbeeren sagt dass ich muss nicht!
00:16.49gingedamn Rammstein torched my eyebrows at a gig
00:16.57MarajinUnd die haehnchen hab die knussknacker
00:16.58gingepissing fire on me
00:17.11Marajinginge: Ever seen gwar in concert ? :D
00:17.30gingeMarajin: nope
00:17.35dcordesund die haenchen hab die knussknacker
00:17.40Marajindcordes: Yes I know how insane what I just said is ;) I said that in my school exam once during "rolenspielen"
00:18.09Marajinginge: Man they're fun :P
00:18.14NAiLIch verstehen ein bischen deutch, but that's about as far as it gets :P
00:18.24gingeMarajin: i'll bet
00:18.34Marajinginge: They spray so much fake blood that manchester academy was 3 inches deep by the end of the concert.. like all of it
00:18.53MarajinNAiL: I basically said that the strawberries said I mustn't and that the chickens have nutcrackers
00:18.58NAiLI do however have (although not strictly german) a pair of Lederhosen! :-P
00:19.13dcordesMarajin: that's right
00:19.13Marajinginge: I put my head under the shower and the water ran red for /15 minutes/
00:19.14gingedare not ask
00:19.35Marajinginge: Then again I was stood front center 2nd row :p
00:19.55gingeMarajin: that sounds like one of those arctic monkey gigs... but its not fake blood...
00:20.05Marajinginge: At one point they essentially had one of those riot pressurised watercannons spraying it. If you put your hands up you got it in the face.
00:20.05dcordesMarajin: you have another one of those?
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00:20.09dcordesMarajin: sentences?
00:20.12NAiLMarajin: I *kinda* guessed something about berries and nutcrackers. I had a german GF a few years back :-P
00:20.33Marajindcordes: Um, I used to have a ramble about low flying strawberries that gave the best armoured fistfucks
00:20.37MarajinNAiL: Me too :P
00:20.48MarajinNAiL: Crazy, crazy woman
00:20.58NAiLMarajin: Well, you're probably German. But I'm not. She was Crazy though ;)
00:21.01rikkkkhi there excuse me what kind of linux can be installed on htc tytn 2 a.k.a. kaiser?
00:21.19MarajinNAiL: I'm english
00:21.45dcordes23:09 < marajin> rikkkk7: It's possible to run linux on the kaiser yes
00:21.45dcordes23:09 < dcordes> get this stuff!
00:21.55NAiLMarajin: Why'd you hook up with a german girl then? :P
00:22.07MarajinNAiL: Cause she was hotter than a supernova
00:22.13rikkkkiok sorry if already asked but i lose the logfile
00:22.17rikkkktnx anyway
00:22.18gingeMarajin: lol
00:23.08Marajinwhat's the song, "Damn, you're crazy bitch but you f*** so good, I'm on top of it" ?
00:23.41NAiLI met a german girl in .ie
00:23.51rikkkkis there a software for that pda thaa can make me talk with dead people? o_O
00:24.00Marajinrikkkk: yep!
00:24.28NAiLNow, I had gotten used to the irish girls, and the german girl was a stunner! Of course, that's because .ie girls are fugly as heck.
00:24.28rikkkkall right
00:24.46MarajinNAiL: Hah, most of them, most of them ;)
00:24.57MarajinNAiL: I knew a fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine irish girl once
00:25.26NAiLMarajin: There were a *select few*, but they only showed up on Sunday evenings for some f*cked up reason. The rest of the week they were nowhere to be seen.
00:25.42MarajinNAiL: Dude, it's ireland, their dads are so overprotective it's nuts
00:25.55NAiLI'm not surprised
00:25.56Marajinscotland can be interesting
00:26.15Marajinthey're... quite adventurous the scot lasses
00:26.36NAiLI was a bit too young to discover that the two times I visited scotland
00:26.48MarajinIf there's grass on the wicket..
00:27.06MarajinHey I said wicket, not pitch, different genders!
00:27.41Marajinmessed around with 20-somethings at 14 actually..
00:27.55Marajinwhich nowadays is kinda disturbing :P
00:27.59MarajinBut at 14 it's just fun
00:28.23gingeat 14 I was too busy soldering and writing code to notice girls
00:28.35MarajinAmazingly I managed to do both.
00:28.45MarajinTruly my best years were over by the time I left my teens :(
00:28.46gingeyou lie!
00:28.59gingedoesnt that go for everyone?
00:29.19Marajindunno, I thought it was fashion int he geek world to discover women at 25? :P
00:30.20gingeif at all
00:30.35MarajinANd thus we are gods amongst the geek-kind
00:31.14gingedepends on your geek level too.
00:31.58Marajinhow so?
00:32.15MarajinI think you're thinking of nerdery, 's a different thing :P
00:32.41Marajinthe point where you have to find your best anorak, wipe the slobber off the pamela anderson poster and actually go outside?
00:33.17gingeage of interest in women if higher the geekier you are
00:33.45MarajinSo you're saying I have no geekery at all?
00:34.31gingesocial skills are like another skill to learn in the geek skillset.
00:35.13gingeimagine a mud where you are a geek and you cant talk without people leaving until you practice up your socials skills
00:35.25MarajinWho needs social skills
00:35.31Marajinraw charm and charisma stats!
00:35.46gingeMarajin: those are also things that can be practiced up
00:35.48Marajinand actually some of the MUDs with language skills are like that
00:35.52gingeMarajin: well learned and studied
00:36.00MarajinWell, you have a natural base and a learned modifier yes
00:36.04gingeMarajin: yeah, I chose an example you might appreciate
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00:36.43Marajinheh, I /wrote/ MUDs, I so don't appreciate them ;)
00:37.00gingeMarajin: I hacked on some muds :)
00:37.09gingeMarajin: I'll let you play it when I have broadband
00:37.26Marajinquietly sweeps his DGD mudlib into a tarball and hides it somewhere on the filesystem.
00:37.57MarajinI once made a friend in real life like that :P
00:37.59gingeI hacked on envymud
00:38.13MarajinHe glanced at me coding on my laptop and went " you MUD perchance?"
00:38.15gingeMarajin: I went to mudmeets a couple of times :)
00:38.41gingewhat level of geekdom is that?
00:38.49Marajinmudmeets? not really, they're social events ;)
00:38.52MarajinMan they're comical though
00:38.59Marajindrunk mudders?
00:39.02gingeits just beer beer beer
00:39.05Marajingoing nuts because a few female muders turn up
00:39.38MarajinZOMG! TITS!
00:39.47Marajinthere are no girls on the internets!
00:39.50dcordeswtf is MUD?!?!!
00:39.58Marajinpats dcordes on the head.
00:40.02MarajinYour geek-fu is no good!
00:40.02gingethe youth of today :/
00:40.37gingedcordes: like a mmorpg but in text and well better
00:40.40dcordes~lart dcordes
00:40.40aptslaps dcordes upside and over the head with one freakishly huge killer whale named hugh
00:40.43Marajinginge: Yeah, these damn whippersnappers
00:40.48gingeget off my lawn!
00:40.49dcordesI'm only half good in everything
00:40.55NAiL"Multi-User Dungeon"
00:41.02Marajindcordes: Yeah, they were MMOs but in the 70s- 90s
00:41.13dcordesI tried the grue game :)
00:41.18NAiLnever did MUDs, unlike a few of his friends
00:41.34Marajinginge: 'member zork?
00:41.40gingeyou were eaten by a grue
00:41.40dcordesit's so not my generation
00:41.48Marajindcordes: Dude, how old are you?
00:41.50dcordesI'm a command and conquer freak when it comes to gaming
00:42.00gingedcordes: snap
00:42.04NAiLwas more into BBS'es... I guess L.O.R.D. is kinda a mud :-P
00:42.15MarajinI had an acoustic coupler for my QL
00:42.23Marajinfear that dialup arrangement!
00:42.25gingeMarajin: those were the days :)
00:42.33ginge2400 bps over a coupler
00:42.40Marajindamn straight!
00:42.47Marajinwe were flying through the byes
00:42.53NAiLhad a ISA 2400baud modem
00:43.02NAiLUsed it to telnet to an IRC server
00:43.08Marajinnowadays I get upset if I have to use a slow broadband connection :(
00:43.32gingeMarajin: this gprs is killing me.
00:43.37Marajinginge: srsly
00:43.42dcordesI've seen the internet the first time in my life when my brother turned un the 56k and logged into AOL on christmas eve when I was a small fart
00:43.48gingewhen the high speed doodad works it is blazingly fast
00:44.04MarajinHSUPA? yeah
00:44.09MarajinIcan get sub 200ms pings on HSUPA
00:44.16gingeMarajin: HSDPDSPSDSDASD or whatever
00:44.18NAiLdcordes: You were a small fart when 56k existed? Pretty young then? :P
00:44.19Marajinbut I have to stand on the front bedroom windowsill to get it
00:44.27MarajinNAiL: He just said he's 20
00:44.35NAiLdang, didn't see that
00:44.41NAiLthat's like 10 years less than me
00:45.32gingenight all
00:45.39NAiLwants to play the original Legend of the Red Dragon again :(
00:45.44Marajinnight ginge
00:46.19MarajinHe's just running before anyone asks how old HE is ;)
00:46.24NAiLThe closest BBS to me that had LORD was just a long-distance call away. My parents went nuts every month.
00:46.53Marajinhaha :P
00:47.06Marajinyeah I used to get chewed out for dialing up when I was meant to be doing homework
00:48.11NAiLMy parents cut my phone cable several times... I had to sneak it past their bedroom at night to play :P
00:48.19Marajinhah :P
00:48.37MarajinMy parents gave up with me eventually
00:48.54Marajinby 14 I pretty much went to bed when I felt like it and stayed connected all night
00:49.19NAiLThey never gave up on me, until I packed up my things and moved to Ireland :-P
00:49.23Marajindials up and chooses "Global Thermonuclear War"!
00:49.59Marajinya know they actually made a sequel to that movie this year?
00:50.22NAiLno shit?
00:50.27dcordesthose pixels on my screen blinking multi colour everywhere make me worry about gpu temp
00:51.52MarajinNAiL: No shit, the original machine even makes an appearance
00:52.24Marajindcordes: Er you have artifacting, that's probably bad yes
00:52.29NAiLMarajin: title?
00:52.35MarajinNAiL: War-games 2? :P
00:52.46MarajinNAiL: "Wargames 2 : The Dead Code"
00:54.52NAiLtakes a look
00:55.28MarajinTis a silly movie
00:55.34NAiLI don't doubt it
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00:58.08MarajinIs it time for the lunacy to set in yet?
00:58.49NAiLUser Comments:
00:58.50NAiLWhy? Oh why? Oh why!!
00:59.13MarajinI actually enjoyed it but not because the movie was good, but rather because it was bad
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00:59.31MarajinI generally enjoy terrible movies :P
00:59.32NAiLsome bad movies rock :P
00:59.38MarajinHard rock zombies!
01:00.20NAiLI'm busywaiting for an OE build to finish anyway, so might as well watch something
01:00.29Marajinyeah that happens
01:00.48MarajinThis is why my /store/vids/Movies folder contains about 300 files :P
01:00.49dcordesNAiL: what are you building for?
01:00.58NAiLdcordes: a NAS device
01:01.14NAiLIOMEGA Storcenter
01:01.33dcordesdoes it have a machine type or does it require extra care?
01:02.26NAiLIt's powerpc, but the original u-boot doesn't pass dtc, so I've built a chainloaded u-boot that does.
01:03.59NAiLI don't think a single one of my devices properly passes dtc or atag with stock bootloaders
01:04.30MarajinGotta love it
01:04.51NAiLheh, yeah
01:05.14NAiLlike the NSLU2, where a short assembler snippet that creates the correct ATAG is prepended to the kernel image.
01:05.53Marajinguh, more caffeine and nicotine required
01:06.18NAiLMy Thecus N2100 might actually pass the correct data... Thecus actually listened to us and updated redboot :-P
01:07.12MarajinAh thecus aren't so bad
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01:08.18NAiLThe latest redboot for the n2100 is semi-broken though. It only uses its compiled-in environment
01:09.22Marajinanyway I'm off to get tea
01:10.38NAiLcrap, my build bombed
01:10.45mib_cvnqi1p8hello all- by chance, does anyone know anything about the HTC Shift?
01:11.12mib_cvnqi1p8My friend just got one and we've been messing with it...
01:11.57Marajinmib_cvnqi1p8: What do you want to know about it?
01:13.18mib_cvnqi1p8well our eventual a general goal is to try to get it to make voice calls...
01:13.34mib_cvnqi1p8but I'm sort of new to the mobile thing, and I'm just kind of interested
01:13.35Marajinit doesn't have the AT for it, it's data only
01:13.42mib_cvnqi1p8the AT?
01:13.46Marajinyou'd hve to use VoIP
01:13.57Marajinit doesn't have the hardware to make voice calls
01:14.37mib_cvnqi1p8see, I was thinking... I just had a dolphin handheld, which DID make voice calls, but it had to run an emulator of a phone
01:16.31mib_cvnqi1p8what hardware does it need to make voice calls? more than just a MIC or something, I take it?
01:16.51Marajinyeah it's the chip that does the communication with the carriers
01:17.47mib_cvnqi1p8so it cant "modulate" voice, or whatever it is that is done with cellular?
01:17.58mib_cvnqi1p8Or it has a ROM that only allows it data access?
01:18.09mib_cvnqi1p8or are you talking about the SIM card?
01:18.19mib_cvnqi1p8forgive me, I'm new to the phone thing...
01:19.31mib_cvnqi1p8is there anyway to install over the version of WMobile that's on it? Is there any way to install anything besides the windows vista that comes on the other side of it?
01:19.33Marajinthe SIM card might well allow voice (many of the data only cards I see work as voice calls)
01:19.46MarajinI don't think the shift is common enough to be properly hacked yet
01:19.58mib_cvnqi1p8well, that's what I'm trying to do...
01:20.12Marajinas far as I know the whole cellular bit is deal with by the pda/WM side of it
01:20.24Marajinand that only allows data
01:21.16Marajinand the PDA side of it isn't really a full version of WM anyway
01:21.20mib_cvnqi1p8but why does it only allow data? because of what's written on the sim?
01:21.37mib_cvnqi1p8Right, which is why I'd like to put a full version on it
01:22.28mib_cvnqi1p8Hell, it won't even let you see that "permanent" folder in explorer
01:22.58mib_cvnqi1p8but you can sync it to itself, which is kind of crazy
01:23.44mib_cvnqi1p8anyways, isn't there something that I can put on an SD card that will boot and install WM?
01:23.44Marajinit's mad
01:23.54Marajinbasically though it's a cut down PDA bolted to a vista UMPC
01:24.02Marajinand we can't flash the PDA ROM yet.
01:24.10MarajinTechnically the hardware isn't much different froma HTC Kaiser
01:24.19Marajinbut the software running on it won't let you do anything
01:25.05mib_cvnqi1p8actually, how do you soft/hard boot the pda side?
01:25.12mib_cvnqi1p8if anyone knows...
01:28.13mib_cvnqi1p8okay... I just had this dolphin 9500 handheld, and it was a PDA that is used for inventory tracking, etc... updates through the 3G or GSM network data-wise, but it can also be used as a cell phone.
01:28.36mib_cvnqi1p8BUT, you did that by running an emulator of a phone in WM
01:29.42mib_cvnqi1p8is there anything like that out there?
01:30.40mib_cvnqi1p8actually, let me ask- what exactly is required to make voice calls over an already connected data GSM network that the shift lacks or has had "disabled".
01:31.06mib_cvnqi1p8and why aren't you able to flash the ROM on the shift yet?
01:31.41Marajinbecause we dunno how to ake working roms for the shift and because what's ON the shift only gives the illussion of windows mobile, it isn't and thus you can't really install programs on it
01:33.16mib_cvnqi1p8does the pda side of it still work as normal and it's just a hobbled ver of WM? We can install progs on it like a regular WM device by activesyncing to it and running it.
01:34.16mib_cvnqi1p8and my friend installed internet explorer, and we also installed a WM update from an .exe on the computer syncd
01:35.51mib_cvnqi1p8so isn't there some way of putting a REAL version of WM on it? or at least installing some things that allow what their version removes?
01:37.52mib_cvnqi1p8on the dolphin, you could use autostart on the SD card to make it run before what was on the PDA's flash rom (but that was WM2003- I don't even know if WM5 and 6 even work the same...
01:38.12dcordeswooo finally got that order sorted
01:39.00Marajinmib_cvnqi1p8: I guess you can try the xda-developers forums and see if they mention it. Ultimately it'd be hackable but right now we just don'tknow
01:39.18Marajindcordes: Woo1
01:39.48dcordesgood night
01:41.33mib_cvnqi1p8i did look through there a bit, but I didn't see anything relating to the shift... does anyone have any links to any technical info about the shift? Like what processors it uses, and whether it uses a seperate one for the pda side, or what?
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01:44.00mib_cvnqi1p8and if anyone had any links to any technical info about GSM voice/data and how the phone makes the calls, that'd be nice. I used to run a BBS back in the day, so I keep thinking of the cell as just another modem... but they're probably totally different...
01:47.01Marajinheh, they're not that different
01:47.43mib_cvnqi1p8do they take AT commands? :)
01:49.49NAiLhasn't seen a cell that doesn't
01:50.18Marajinyeah they take AT commands
01:50.32mib_cvnqi1p8HA! really? I was joking, I didn't think they still worked like that...
01:52.24Marajinfunny how underneath everything stuff doesn't really change much
01:53.41mib_cvnqi1p8What's different? At some point it gets converted to data (bits) instead of being sent as modulated frequencies... oh, so is the reason it can't do voice calls because it doesn't have whatever converts the audio to data? Actually, how is data sent on a cell network? Packets? Cells?
01:54.48mib_cvnqi1p8I guess I could look that up, huh?
01:56.22Marajingoogle is your friend really :P
01:56.27MarajinI'm kinda tired to go into the technicals
01:56.30Marajin*too tired
01:58.36mib_cvnqi1p8thanks for the help, later on-
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02:05.26Marajinsleeeeep time
02:05.31Marajincatcha around NAiL
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06:59.27tgreermorning all
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07:51.46kiozenBabelO_: morninig
07:52.08BabelO_morning kiozen
07:52.24BabelO_kiozen: what are your last change to M ? i see some file on update
07:52.44kiozenBabelO_: I am improving GPS setup
07:53.01kiozenBabelO_: but not working yet
07:53.30BabelO_kiozen: ok, on small screen, we really need a separate settings, not flying window
07:53.51BabelO_kiozen: i increase the heigh, but still too small
07:57.32kiozenBabelO_: yes different screen resolution is a real PITA
07:57.53kiozenBabelO_: if I do it right for small screens it looks bad on a big screen
07:58.00kiozenBabelO_: and vice versa
07:59.13BabelO_kiozen: so just need to do all component like visual key class :)
08:00.12kiozenBabelO_: somehow, but that would increase memory usage
08:00.32kiozenBabelO_: inheritance and virtual classes are nice
08:00.49kiozenBabelO_: but not cheap in terms of memeory
08:01.15BabelO_kiozen: so compilation time ? with CONFIG+=...
08:01.33kiozenBabelO_: hm, that would be the recommended way
08:02.29kiozenBabelO_: but for that we need to restructure the code
08:02.52BabelO_kiozen: how much size increase with virtual class ?
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08:11.20kiozenBabelO_: I have never measured it, but you need quite some space for the function mapping table
08:11.40kiozenBabelO_: and Qt signal/slot will get more complicated too
08:11.53BabelO_kiozen: ok, but i ll like Signal / slot :)
08:12.08kiozenBabelO_: me too, it's a brilliant idea
08:12.38BabelO_ok, coffee time :)
08:12.38kiozenBabelO_: M eats 30MB of mem on my loox in -qws mode
08:12.56kiozenBabelO_: lol you just started
08:12.57BabelO_kiozen: i ll check on artemis after coffee
08:23.44Bastiaan_WakkieCreating 200MiB root file takes how many minutes?
08:24.50kiozenBastiaan_Wakkie: depends on what you do
08:24.52Bastiaan_Wakkiei am already over 5 min
08:25.29Bastiaan_Wakkiestarted the latest Qtopia-Linux-htcblueangel.exe
08:25.43kiozenah ok
08:26.51Bastiaan_Wakkiehave a 1Gb card splitted in 300/700Mb  I dropped all Qtopia stuff in the 300Mb disk and started the file from withing Windows mobile 2003
08:28.21kiozenhm, that might take some time, but BabelO_ can tell you more after his coffee :)
08:28.23Bastiaan_WakkieProbably wait till BabelO comes back from a coffe break ;-)...
08:28.44Bastiaan_Wakkiehehe same thought ;-)
08:29.27Bastiaan_Wakkiehtc t3300 is doable too? I saw some lying around here in the office
08:30.16Bastiaan_Wakkie(might as well get some coffee... BIAMO5)
08:38.45BabelO_hi Bastiaan_Wakkie
08:39.05Bastiaan_WakkieJust rebooting the angel
08:39.13BabelO_Bastiaan_Wakkie: on my BA it take more than 5min, because of my slow sdcard
08:57.33*** join/#htc-linux tgreer (n=tgreer@
08:57.39tgreerhey all
09:06.54Bastiaan_WakkieBabelO_ ok and does it also looks like it hangs ->  no dot is apearing?
09:07.40BabelO_Bastiaan_Wakkie: no, it works well even on artemis
09:07.57BabelO_Bastiaan_Wakkie: you copy both file on root folder of your sdcard ?
09:08.09BabelO_Bastiaan_Wakkie: and you have 200Mb free
09:08.29Bastiaan_Wakkie300Mb disk
09:08.58Bastiaan_Wakkieand I took all files from
09:09.18Bastiaan_Wakkieso I only take the exe and the bz2 file?
09:12.28*** join/#htc-linux tgreer (n=tgreer@
09:12.53BabelO_Bastiaan_Wakkie: .exe and .bz2 on root folder of your sdcard, on the fat partition, and you need 200Mb free on your fat partition, no need of 300Mb part
09:17.01Bastiaan_Wakkiehi tgreer ;-)
09:20.58tgreerBastiaan_Wakkie, hello
09:26.18tgreerhunts for dcordes
09:29.24*** part/#htc-linux Wild_Rover (
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09:32.56Bastiaan_Wakkiehmm the files on the sdcard are read-only somehow
09:33.05Bastiaan_WakkieI cant even delete them!
10:23.51*** join/#htc-linux dcordes (n=dcordes@unaffiliated/dcordes)
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10:34.45tgreerdcordes, hello
10:35.59dcordeshey there
10:37.14tgreerhows things?
10:38.32dcordesI'm ok, you?
10:38.40dcordesno news about the initrd
10:39.23tgreerthe original .bin i had worked excep the ctrl key afaik
10:40.29dcordesI'll look at it
10:42.07tgreer:) awesome trying to show it off to my boss
10:43.56dcordesuhm did you retry yesterday and got the same error?
10:44.46dcordesyou could try booting a) with SD card out, b) with init=/sbin/init (mind showing me your default.txt?)
10:47.15dcordesit's very strange you get an error initializing the sd clock, which should not really be affected by changing the initrd
10:47.28dcordes(at least not when booting off initrd)
10:59.23tgreersorry was 'working'
10:59.32tgreertried it several times
10:59.50dcordesok I will try it on my kaiser
11:00.42tgreeras for trying without sd card, the files are on the SD card
11:00.46tgreernot enough space on my kaiser
11:10.11dcordestgreer: ok soemthing must be broken in the initrd
11:10.20tgreer:( clk_get_rate 21:1
11:10.29tgreerin mine or the one one u put up?
11:10.43Marajin'lo there
11:10.54tgreerMarajin,  afternoon
11:11.06dcordestgreer: aren't those equal?
11:11.14dcordeshi Marajin
11:11.30dcordestgreer: angstrom-new2.bin
11:12.09Marajincrashes with OutOfCaffeine error at address 0xDEFEC8ED
11:12.22tgreerthe one i've got unless you've uploaded a new one
11:13.20tgreerYeh, meant to suggest ... see the folder icon (Fn + Right Arrow) could you bind that to Esc?
11:13.40Marajinyou did mention that yesterday tgreer
11:14.34tgreeryes, wasnt sure if it was noticed though :)
11:14.51dcordesfor your vi needs? can't you set that with loadkeys?
11:15.00Marajinwell I saw it, anybody else it's unknown
11:15.10tgreerI dont know ... not played with it though :(
11:16.58tgreernot going to use vi now I know nano's installed :)
11:20.18dcordesthat micro sd reader is great
11:22.19tgreer:( my memory card reader doesnt work :(
11:22.26tgreerneed to transfer files via activesync
11:22.45tgreerdcordes, i'm assuming it works fine on your kaiser?
11:24.30tgreerppp works fine on the original
11:24.39tgreerthe one in kaiser-bootkit folder
11:27.29dcordestgreer: no angstrom-new2.bin gives me the same errors after sd is initialized
11:27.38Marajinlet me know if you need me to ratify anything :P
11:29.01dcordesno I already removed it. don't know what went wrong with the build
11:29.21dcordesI'm making an initrd.cpio.gz of my current angstrom ext2 now
11:29.30dcordestgreer: want any packages in?
11:30.16tgreer*shrugs* phone? :P
11:31.33dcordesif ts would work in Xfbdev, I would have tried openmoko-dialer2
11:31.44*** join/#htc-linux cmonex (
11:32.56tgreerand is it likely to work with Xfbdev? :)
11:35.23tgreerI'm guessing: not anytime soon
11:39.39dcordestgreer: can you make an ext2 partition on your sd?
11:39.45*** join/#htc-linux Marex (
11:39.57dcordesso you have a vfat with the kernel and bootloader and the rootfs on ext2?
11:40.40tgreerdcordes, not atm
11:40.49tgreerin work, no card reader
11:40.56tgreeri have acticesync only
11:44.15tgreerare you uploading a new .bin?
11:47.29cmonexhi all
11:51.12tgreerdont suppose anyone knows of a windows mobile partition/format tool?
11:51.20tgreerso i can format my memory card :)
11:59.05tgreerBack in 5
12:07.28Bastiaan_WakkieBabelO_: You where right... it takes a long time to create the 200 Mb... its done now
12:08.08Bastiaan_Wakkiesomehow Qtopia is very dimm I can't hardly ready anything
12:14.19gingedcordes: ping?
12:14.29Marajin'lo ginge
12:14.38gingebriefly ;)
12:15.12gingeoh well. in a bit
12:15.54MarajinSneaking some time in while she's not looking? :P
12:15.55tgreerginge, he was about
12:16.19gingeMarajin: at my old house waiting for virgin to collect the tv box
12:16.21tgreerlast i hears he was:I'm making an initrd.cpio.gz of my current angstrom ext2rn                     now
12:16.37Marajinginge: YOu could be waitin months for that :P
12:16.41gingeMarajin: seriously
12:16.52gingeMarajin: at least I still have broadband while i;m here :)
12:17.00Marajinhah :P
12:17.09gingeMarajin: the tubes will be getting clogged around mancheste as i drain the whole internet onto my laptop
12:17.26Marajintoo many trucks in the t00bs!
12:17.28*** join/#htc-linux nighthawk08 (
12:17.47tgreerginge, Marajin: dont suppose you know of a partitioner for windows mobile
12:17.52gingegoing to go and buy a new lightswitch now... B&Q ftw
12:17.58gingetgreer: no idea :(
12:17.58Marajincan't say I do
12:18.10nighthawk08got a problem with bitbake while running do_configure in linux-handhelds... uclibc/images/htchimalaya// does not exist, you may need to bitbake it seperatly
12:18.19nighthawk08how do I bitbake that seperatly?
12:18.37tgreerdcordes wanted me to make a ext2 partition on my memory card, but I'm @ work n no memory card reader
12:20.49nighthawk08dcordes: can you help with the ts and screen driver?
12:25.10knobo`I just talked with the guy who had the HTC phones for me. And the other phone with keyboard that I was talking about was a hermes
12:25.32knobo`So, as I understood. It woas no point of making a demo with that one.
12:26.27knobo`Is threre any HTC phone that I could get up and running with qtopia? I'll go and buy one.
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12:28.36knobo`Maybe the himalaya
12:29.45nighthawk08I'm using the hima,.
12:30.01knobo`nighthawk08: but not with linux?
12:30.28nighthawk08I am trying to compile the gpe-image right now,. having some problems with it
12:31.04knobo`nighthawk08: so, what you are saying is that it should be possible?
12:31.25nighthawk08due to the fact that I am a total newbie, I do not know...
12:31.54nighthawk08I got help from dcordes, installing the linux with angstrom linux,. but the ts and screen driver are faulty there...
12:51.46Marajin'lo knobo`
12:51.57Marajinand yeah the hermes isn't going to be much of a demo
12:53.53tgreer:( @@ broken linux on my kaiser
12:54.06Marajintgreer: Patience, we'll get there!
12:55.15nighthawk08bitbake log sais: | /home/nighthawk/Desktop/Draft/sources/tmp/tmp/deploy/uclibc/images/htchimalaya// does not exist, you may need to bitbake it separately --- why doesn't it succeed  creating the directory,. or finding it...
12:55.46Marex~seen pH5
12:55.47aptph5 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #oe, 20h 55m 56s ago, saying: 'hi'.
12:55.56BabelO_Marex: poor :(
12:56.04BabelO_Marex: how are you ?
12:56.14MarexBabelO_: hi, quite fine, thanks
12:56.38tgreerMarajin, okok :P
12:57.16*** part/#htc-linux tgreer (n=tgreer@
12:57.24BabelO_Marex: any clue how to pilot the suspend device order in kernel ?
12:58.01BabelO_Marex: it seem that on omap sd driver goes to suspend before all others... :(
13:02.20Marajinnighthawk08: heh, no idea but I can try building a himalaya image on perses
13:03.07nighthawk08whats "perses"?
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13:04.46Marajinnighthawk08: My server
13:05.35nighthawk08I'd apprechiate it very much if you build it...
13:05.50nighthawk08cause I am having hardtime solving the probs I get from it
13:07.54MarajinI'll give it a try
13:07.58Marajintask 200 of 4600 :P
13:08.34MarexBabelO_: ewww ... no, no idea
13:08.41Marexbut it shouldnt matter
13:09.49BabelO_Marex: my main problem is that when device going to suspend, i see on screen message that a process try to write to SD card, but sd driver says that write is out of sdcard
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13:13.19Marajinnighthawk08: 600/4600... hope you'renot in a rush :p
13:17.13nighthawk08that is probably would be faster than what I compiled..
13:17.31Marajin850 now
13:24.35BabelO_kiozen ?
13:29.08*** join/#htc-linux tgreer (n=tgreer@
13:29.12tgreerhas returned
13:33.08nighthawk08Marajin,. whats the status?
13:35.53Marajinnighthawk08: 1800ish
13:38.39Marajinqemu is taking ages tho
13:41.00Marajinginge: Still waiting eh?
13:50.26*** join/#htc-linux Marajin-phone (
13:50.47tgreerMarajin-phone, ello
13:50.52tgreerlinux client? ie irssi?
13:51.05Marajin-phonenot at the moment
13:51.15Marajin-phoneyeah this is WM
13:51.24Marajin-phonebut I can use irssi
13:51.34tgreeri cant
13:51.41Marajin-phonejust didn't bother booting linux for it yet
13:51.49tgreermine wont boot the new image i was supplied with last night
13:52.01tgreersame error as last night
13:52.08Marajin-phoneI'll check stuff with dcordes when he gets back
13:52.58tgreerstupid questions but is wifi working? (I missed this part of the convo last night)
13:53.31Marajin-phoneunder linux? nope
13:53.39tgreerwas worth a try :P
13:54.01tgreerok next question .. increase the font size, possible?
13:58.50gingetgreer: yes
14:04.44*** join/#htc-linux nighthawk07 (
14:05.20Marajinnighthawk07: counting backwards?
14:06.08Marajinnighthawk08 -> nighthawk07
14:06.21nighthawk07oh :)
14:06.32nighthawk07th machine halted on nighthawk08
14:06.43nighthawk07had to boot, using MS,. what can you expect...
14:06.59tgreerginge, fancy explaining how?
14:17.51Marajinnighthawk07: Looks like the bitbake hit a slow bit in the 1800s
14:18.00nighthawk07still there?
14:18.08nighthawk07in 1800s?
14:18.39nighthawk07again, still it is much much faster than my compilation...
14:34.23knobo`who has been asking HTC for the HW spec?
14:34.48knobo`And did he/she get any answer at all?
14:35.36knobo`Do we know that asking for the spec has been thoroughly done?
14:47.22tgreerno-one knows...
15:06.01*** join/#htc-linux cmonex2 (
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15:19.08nighthawk07Marajin: whats the status?
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15:40.52tgreerdcordes, any luck?
15:47.45Marajinnighthawk08|away: Ithink bitbake crashed sorry
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16:04.29Marex~seen pH5
16:04.34aptph5 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #oe, 1d 4m 43s ago, saying: 'hi'.
16:07.03tgreerMarajin, do u have a working .bin i can use?
16:07.08tgreerfor the kaiser
16:13.34*** join/#htc-linux tmzt (
16:20.40tgreer~seen dcordes
16:20.42aptdcordes is currently on #htc-linux (5h 56m 51s) #oe (5h 56m 51s) #openmoko (5h 56m 51s). Has said a total of 24 messages. Is idling for 4h 39m 41s, last said: 'ok'.
16:21.40*** join/#htc-linux tmzt_ (
16:26.18*** part/#htc-linux tgreer (n=tgreer@
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16:53.20dcordestmzt_mp900c: hi there. I managed to build the debug tslib.o
17:04.45*** join/#htc-linux JEEB (
17:06.49tmzt_mp900chey, been locked out by adsl and router issues
17:07.01*** join/#htc-linux JEEB (
17:07.32tmzt_mp900cfor Xfbdev, (and, if you have a working eabi Xfbdev can you send me the ipk?)
17:15.21tmzt_mp900cdcordes: for Xfbdev? (and, if you have a working eabi Xfbdev can you send me the ipk?)
17:26.34*** join/#htc-linux Zoolooc (
17:27.24dcordestmzt_mp900c: need to rebuild one minute
17:30.39*** join/#htc-linux Bastiaan_Wakkie (
17:35.40dcordestmzt: sent.
17:35.43dcordesg2g bye
17:39.35*** join/#htc-linux tgreer (
17:40.40tgreerevening all
17:53.02*** join/#htc-linux bertramt (n=chatzill@
18:02.28*** join/#htc-linux BabelO (
18:10.46tgreerhey BabelO
18:11.02BabelOhello tgreer
18:53.58*** join/#htc-linux exco (
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19:49.43tgreerhas returned
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20:22.00Marex~seen spyro
20:22.01aptspyro <> was last seen on IRC in channel #oe, 10d 2h 8m 58s ago, saying: 'piroko: its FAIL not fail :-)'.
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20:32.50*** join/#htc-linux apt (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
20:32.50*** topic/#htc-linux is HTC Linux Channel: Find logs at | please check | | <cr2> let's define a common setup.
20:36.13*** part/#htc-linux okias (i=ejabberd@
20:46.14dwaradzynwhat is the cheat code to delay mounting rootfs ?
20:46.55*** join/#htc-linux tgreer (
20:48.34tmzt_mp900cdid that work?
20:48.53tmzt_mp900cdcordes: ping?
20:49.16dwaradzyntmzt_mp900c: i will know within minutes
20:49.22tgreerdcores, prods
21:02.52dwaradzyntmzt_mp900c: i used "delay=15 rootdelay=15" and it worked (after about 10 reboots, damn haret hangup thing...)
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21:08.47tmzt_mp900cwhat device and what ce rom?
21:09.42*** join/#htc-linux tmzt_ (n=tmzt@
21:09.43bertramtIs there any way to get the hardware keyboard working on the mogul/titan?  or anything that can be done to help get it working?
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21:12.49dwaradzyntmzt_mp900c: polaris, swtos WM6.1 WWE OS 5.2.20270 ( Build 20270 1.3.1 ) V0.8 eXtreme
21:17.12tmzt_mp900cpolaris is kaiser without keyboard, right?
21:17.36tmzt_mp900cbut haret only works some of the time to boot?
21:17.54tmzt_mp900chave you asked in the xda thread (or whatever) for that rom?
21:18.03dwaradzynyes, it mostly depends on used roms
21:18.13*** join/#htc-linux BabelO (n=Fabrice@unaffiliated/babelo)
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21:41.04infernixanyone know if the kaisers sd driver is working yet?
21:41.44dwaradzyninfernix: it does work, there are some problems, but it is possible to mount sdcard and even have rootfs on sd
21:41.59infernixwhat are the problems?
21:42.01infernixdata corruption?
21:42.40dwaradzyninfernix: do not know the details, i know only it is irq/time related
21:42.47infernixah, interrupt loss
21:43.23infernixwhat about calling in gsm mode? I read that it only worked in 3G
21:44.24dwaradzyninfernix: the only symptoms for sd problems i've encountered are some timeout messages in /var/log/messages
21:45.47infernixdid you partition your sd card so that the second partition is the linux root fs?
21:46.03infernixim wondering if I can keep a part for wm6 as well as a part for linux
21:46.06dwaradzyninfernix: not sure about kaiser and 3g, but polaris can make and receive call and sms and gprs works for data (tested under android)
21:46.51dwaradzyninfernix: yes, i have 3 partitions: fat (>7.5gb) , ext2(128mb), ext2(128mb)
21:47.08dwaradzynand it works just fine: wm6 does not complain
21:48.28*** part/#htc-linux okias (
21:49.26dwaradzyni just tried on polaris and it does boot, gets all the way into x windows, and then wants to calibrate the screen
21:50.16dwaradzyntouchscreen does not work under x windows, so i coulnd get further
21:52.03dwaradzyni am about to try to boot angstrom-opie
21:52.25infernixyeah i have all the build tools right here
21:52.30infernixjust have to remember the commands
21:55.28*** join/#htc-linux okias (
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21:59.30Zooloochi there
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22:50.52Marajininfernix: Still there?
22:51.13Marajininfernix: Kaiser SD problem = DMA error/timeout on large amounts of disk access.
22:51.20infernixi read
22:52.28Marajininfernix: And as dwaradzyn says, TS isn't actually registering in X which we don't understand as tslib apps see it and it works in android
22:52.41Marajinand you can cat the device node and get the info, etc.
22:53.10infernixwell i also read that gsm calls arent working yet
22:53.20infernixbut sd card access is a good step forward
22:53.47MarajinCalls work under android.
22:53.50infernixi ran framebuffer on angstrom a while ago
22:53.56infernixyeah, only on 3G, not GSM
22:54.03MarajinI suspect they may depend on the network access yeah
22:54.14MarajinI could never get them to work properly except a single time
22:54.33Marajinfrankly I don't think anyone cares till we get X to behave with the TS
22:54.52MarajinNo X/TS, no dialer, call functionality = borderline pointless
22:55.07Marajinandroid's so unstable it would never be practical at the moment
22:56.01*** join/#htc-linux Marajin-phone (n=pocketir@
22:56.34infernixso what about limo
22:56.54Marajin-phonewhat's limo?
22:57.14infernixdo they have any code repos at all?
22:57.20Marajin-phonecan't really view URLs right now
22:58.11Marajin-phonedo who? Limo? never heard of them so I dunno
22:58.32infernixThe mission of the LiMo Foundation is to create an open, Linux-based software platform for use by the whole global industry to produce mobile devices through a balanced and transparent contribution process enabling a rich ecosystem of differentiated products, applications, and services from device manufacturers, operators, ISVs and integrators.
22:58.52infernixFounder Members of the LiMo Foundation are Motorola, NEC, NTT DOCOMO, Orange, Panasonic, Samsung and Vodafone.
22:58.53Marajin-phoneSo it's openmoko all over again?
22:59.02infernixCore Members
22:59.02infernixAccess, Aplix, Azingo, LG Electronics, McAfee, Purple Labs, SK Telecom, Texas Instruments, Verizon and Wind River have joined as Core Members of LiMo Foundation.
22:59.09infernixAssociate Members
22:59.09infernixAcrodea, AMD, ARM, Broadcom, Ericsson, ETRI, FueTrek, Huawei, Infineon, Innopath, KTF, Kvaleberg AS, MontaVista Software, Mozilla Corporation, NXP B.V., Open Plug, Red Bend Software, Renesas, Sagem Mobiles, Samsung SDS, SFR, SoftBank, STMicroelectronics and Trolltech are Associate Members.
22:59.24infernixnot quite, openmoko wasn't backed like limo is
22:59.32Marajin-phonewell mate sounds like they won't care about us
23:00.01Marajin-phonethey'll be aiming at production models shipping already on a linux base
23:00.02infernixif its open source they are required by license to open the stack
23:00.15infernixthus provide source
23:00.25infernixi guess they're not that far yet though
23:00.29Marajin-phoneyeah but our only problem is driver support in the kernel
23:01.47Marajin-phoneAnd there isn't much more than bit work and debugging for half of that since google are developing for MSM devices
23:03.51Marajin-phoneWe have FB, TS, GPRS, SD/SDHC... audio is half done, BT is in the pipeline... It's not too bad an amount of progress ya know?
23:04.02Marajin-phoneoh we have GPS too
23:05.15infernixlast time i tested we only had framebuffer and keyboard :)
23:05.22infernixso yes, good progress
23:06.35Marajin-phoneReally if a few bugs were fixed and PM/Audio get done... working phone the kaiser/polaris/vogue become
23:06.50Marajin-phonegoes Yoda-stylee there..
23:07.47Marajin-phonePretty bright future I'd say.
23:08.36punkbusterI'm trying to get an application installed on the kaiser w/ android, what needs to be done kernel-wise before that is possible?
23:09.26punkbusteris there USB support yet?
23:09.34Marajin-phonedzo has already included apps into his android images before
23:09.37punkbusterI'm curious as to how we transfer the files
23:09.54punkbusterI'm assuming it's the android-data.bin file I need to update
23:09.59Marajin-phoneerm we put them on sd or roll them into the image files
23:10.12punkbusterI read sd didn't work yet, but I guess I read wrong :)
23:10.22infernixoh man i love Zero Punctuation
23:10.33Marajin-phoneunfortunately the dma bug stops us booting android from SD...
23:10.43Marajin-phoneangstrom'll boot from sd
23:10.53punkbusterI had android booting off of an SD card with the Nokia N810
23:11.14Marajin-phoneinfernix: Which review? =)
23:11.15punkbusterit's a tablet pc, I'm curious as to what is different about the kaiser
23:11.27infernixMarajin-phone: any, but the recent E3 is good :)
23:11.28punkbusterthat doesn't allow booting from the sd card
23:12.04punkbusterwhat format do you guys store the android-data.bin files in?  Or rather, how do you roll them?
23:12.05Marajin-phoneThere's a bug in the sd driver means that the reading will break when there's lots of activity
23:12.17Marajin-phonecpio and gzip
23:12.30punkbusterok, I can look into that
23:12.42Marajin-phonegoogle for extracting and creating initrd files
23:13.57Marajin-phoneIt's pretty easy to do on a linux host
23:14.04punkbusterah, ok, you guys just named them differently :)
23:14.28punkbusterno, I was used to unpacking those from android when installing on the N810
23:14.46Marajin-phoneenjoy then
23:16.05punkbusteris someone already looking into the sd issue, or can I take a hack at it?
23:16.41Marajin-phoneGinge is working on it but is moving house right now so he only has minimal hack time
23:16.46*** join/#htc-linux tmzt_mp900c (
23:20.43Marajininfernix: Oh btw, we can technically send SMS too I forgot to say
23:21.16infernixi'll have a look soonish, will have to bug dcordes for build scripts
23:21.46Marajininfernix: Build scripts for what?
23:23.02infernixshit what's the name of that toolkit again
23:23.12Marajinopenembedded? we're just included in it
23:23.22infernixive slept only 4 hours, my mind is failing
23:23.25Marajinuse perses if you want we have an account there with OE set up to build for the kaiser
23:24.09Marajinperses = my server
23:26.58infernixok now i've lost you
23:27.10infernixyou host the OE code repos?
23:27.37Marajininfernix: See PMs?
23:28.36Marexinfernix: 4 hours is way too much sleep
23:28.53infernixnot for me
23:29.27infernixspent all night preparing a drupal multisite for a client review
23:30.24Marajinjoy :P
23:31.24Marexwebsite ... ewwww
23:31.39MarexI dont want to recall writing html ...
23:31.47MarajinMarex: HTML wuvs yoooo
23:32.02infernixi don't do the theming
23:32.03MarexMarajin: hah ?
23:32.07infernixjust building content with drupal
23:32.29infernixi think i'll spend about 60-80 hours total for 9k euros
23:32.34infernixwhich is ok really
23:33.15infernixits really not hard, i hadn't touched a CMS in years but drupal is well built
23:33.24Marexhehe :) anyway, my body is failing so Im off ... gnight
23:34.01Marajinsee ya Marex
23:34.33Marajininfernix: 9k euros? buying us all a raphael for er.. an early christmas present then? :)
23:34.44MarajinMy birthday is this month ya know... :P
23:34.46infernixdid you miss the part where i spend time doing it? :)
23:35.08infernixhalf of what i earn goes to taxes and company costs anyway
23:35.11MarajinI found it convienient to ignore that bit :P
23:35.21infernixplus it has to make good for the months where work isn't abundant
23:35.24Marajin4.5k euros in 80 hours = cha-ching regardless :P
23:35.37*** part/#htc-linux punkbuster (n=herriojr@
23:35.42Marajinwell you can just buy er... ginge, dcordes and me one? :P
23:35.53Marajinscrew it, ginge can afford one, dcordes and me? :P
23:35.59infernixyeah i'm not complaining but if it has to cover for 3 months worth of salary, its different
23:36.21Marajinyeah, I'm joking, I know how THAT game goes
23:36.44infernixits a nice side project though. im mostly into system architecture
23:37.29Marajinkeeps ya quiet then :P
23:37.42infernixi actually have considered buying some people a kaiser
23:38.07MarexMarajin: screw you, Im not yet totally asleep ;)
23:38.14MarexMarajin: you forgot about me ;)
23:38.18infernixbut last i checked cr2 wasnt interested and im not sure if there's any other guys good at reverse engineering
23:39.05Marexinfernix: reversing kaiser ?
23:39.06MarajinMarex: Dude, you're a palmite still aren't you? ;)
23:39.17MarexMarajin: yea, any problem with that ?
23:39.26infernixMarex: yeah. i have no coding skills so i cant do it :)
23:39.28Marajininfernix: CR2 has been vaguely helping but he's more interested in the hermes and all
23:39.28Marexwell I have 2 wince devices by now anyway ...
23:39.42MarajinMarex: Why do you want a raphael then?
23:39.58Marajininfernix: Do you know what the raphael is? Man that thing is sexy.
23:40.20infernixnope. i like the looks of the diamond pro
23:40.27MarexMarajin: it looks horribly, but the hardware is interesting
23:40.44infernixbut i am not buying a new phone that doesnt have good linux drivers
23:40.45Marajininfernix: That IS the raphael :P
23:41.03Marajininfernix: Well it's a 7201A, it may mesh better with googles code than the kaiser does
23:41.03infernixMarajin: htc and their naming scheme >.<
23:41.10infernixkeyword: *may*
23:41.30Marajinbut the MSM devices are all quite similar in general so we're doing ok
23:41.48MarajinI mean this isn't so much the kaiser as the kaiser/vogue/polaris/(titan)/etc. port now
23:42.06infernixwhich is a good thing :)
23:42.09Marajinvery good
23:42.42MarajinLotsa lotsa overlap means any breakthrough by one dev on any of the devices quickly moves to others generally
23:43.08Marajininfernix: Ya know the dream is due soon I think...
23:44.26Marajininfernix: First android device to market
23:44.46infernixi don't like how google handles SDK access though
23:45.08Marajininfernix: Doesn't matter does it? we'd have a linux kernel with full driver support on a nice HTC device
23:45.23Marajininfernix: We'd be able to gut it and put openmoko or something on it extremely quickly
23:46.15*** join/#htc-linux herriojr (n=herriojr@
23:46.19infernixthats true
23:46.24cmonexhow does google handle sdk access?
23:46.46herriojrwho did you say had installed applications through the images again?
23:47.00Marajinherriojr: dzo had
23:47.14Marajinherriojr: I think ginge has modified the images for his ownstuff before too
23:47.20infernixcmonex: restricting access to the latest sdk
23:47.33cmonexduh, why?
23:47.38cmonexworse than apple!
23:47.39Marajininfernix: It is a alpha/beta product
23:47.53infernixif its an open source project, don't go around denying source access
23:48.24infernixhow many open source projects have closed dev cycles like that? none that I am aware of
23:48.37herriojrhmm, I can't seem to get it to show on the menu...I unpacked the adroid-data.bin, inserted my program, then packaged it back up
23:48.39Marajinbut we'll see what happens after release
23:48.44Marajinand there's git repos for some stuff
23:48.56infernixthis is not in line with the philosophy and thats what open source is (should be) about
23:49.09ali1234infernix: sveasoft, and everyone hates them for it
23:49.43Marajinherriojr: I don't understand android well enough to help sorry, I know it's possible but I'm ignoring android till it's more stable/full featured.
23:49.53herriojrok, np
23:51.43Marajininfernix: Anyway... let's just judge them on their actions when android goes into production models and whatnot
23:52.02cmonexwill it ever?
23:53.21Marajincmonex: planned for release on a production phone this year
23:53.37cmonexplanned.. heh
23:53.42MarajinWell appreciated
23:53.49Marajinbut HTC don't tend to be toooo bad with their release dates
23:56.18cmonexHTC has a planned release date?
23:56.25cmonexoh? more details?
23:56.31cmonexhtc dream or what? when?
23:57.12MarajinHTC Dream, Fall 2008 they say
23:58.46Marajinwe know OEMs have android kits and are working on android ready devices.. It kinda makes sense

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