IRC log for #htc-linux on 20080708

00:00.48marajinstill no go on calls either
00:01.02marajinand can't hang up (it ignores the presses, isn't hung)
00:01.11gingenot checked calls in a while
00:01.18dcordesginge: my android image with your own kernel build?
00:01.29gingedcordes: your kernel build
00:02.36dcordeswith the zImage currently on my kaiser calls work
00:02.45gingeI am fairly sure my calls work too
00:02.57marajinCrazy german kaisers I say :p
00:03.30dcordesginge: with the bootkit zImage?
00:03.52gingejust booting mine again. you never know, the first might have been a fluke
00:04.34marajinginge: I'm copying your initrd now, shall I use dcordes' zImage?
00:04.52gingeyes, that seems ok. just booting now so will soon find out
00:06.13marajinRight,booting... froze I think
00:06.20marajinin Haret o.o;
00:06.30gingeit happens
00:06.39marajinI have never actually frozen in Haret
00:06.42gingeall the fscking time :/
00:06.56marajinnah seriously /never/ till now
00:07.12marajinthe only other times I've failed to get passed haret I had a 1kb zImage :P
00:07.19gingeI suppose I do an unnatural amount of boots
00:08.15marajinI boot pretty often. figure I'd have seen it freeze afore now
00:08.23marajinmaybe it's cause I opened the slide before it'd loaded
00:08.25gingestock rom?
00:08.36gingeyeah that always seems to lock mine up
00:08.38marajinnah, L26 Diamond V9
00:08.59dcordesmarajin: it is because you openned the slide
00:09.04marajinginge: TBH I sometimes slide it out early but its rare enough that it's possible I did it at a point it wasn't happy here
00:09.05gingeworks fine here
00:09.19dcordesthe framebuffer can't be taken over then properly or so
00:09.33gingeahh. I guess there is an interrupt or something?
00:09.33dcordesI experienced that before
00:09.50dcordesthere is a gpio on the cpld for that
00:10.13gingeahh. no cpld->gpio interrupt tho
00:10.41dcordesGPIOF5   0x0020   Keyboard open/close
00:11.05gingeright, but it is polled by the keyboard driver because we can't find any reference to the cpld irq
00:11.32gingeI can hang up the call in my image too
00:11.41gingedid I make some changes I forgot about?!?
00:11.53marajinello,the network host unknown took much longer t happen tis time
00:12.03gingestill happened?
00:12.16marajinyeah but it wasn't instant error a la dcordes
00:12.25marajinI think it's having issues getting a signal maybe.
00:12.27gingemaybe ppp isnt up yet
00:12.37gingetry again now
00:13.25gingelook for arrows over the G
00:13.39dcordesdo they indicate gprs being up?
00:13.51marajinnope, still gray
00:13.57dcordesI didn't know that and I didn't wait before
00:14.06marajinwill it auto try?
00:14.30dcordestrying to boot the tscal image now
00:14.34gingedunno. can you try calls in your zimage
00:14.36marajiner *auto retry
00:14.44dcordeslast time I updated my angstrom build it didn't boot..
00:14.57gingemarajin: is your kaiser different somehow?
00:15.14marajinginge: Don't think so, KAIS130
00:15.15gingeor are you PAYG
00:15.28marajincontract + unlimited data
00:15.39gingehrm. just tested with my voda sim, and still working ok
00:16.49marajinI'm wondering if it's having signal problems... but getting a uber signal in this house is only in one spot and that'd involve standing on top of someone who's asleep
00:16.53marajinthey might not like it
00:17.08gingeonly one way to find out ;)
00:17.37dcordesseems like the ts things are just broken in OE. I built with EXTRA_INSTALL (the common way in OE to add up things to your rootfs) and it is still looking for ts_open
00:19.03marajinI assume gray G means no GPRS signal and whatnot?
00:19.25marajinandroid seems to have real issues getting signals were WM doesn't mind I have to note... that may be my issue with calls too
00:20.41marajinIs android going to "reacquire" the GPRS if I wander into a signal it likes or am I going to need it at bootup?
00:21.29gingenot sure
00:21.35gingeat bootup
00:21.55marajinoh joy
00:22.10marajinsighs, grabs his hermes too and wanders out into the street.
00:32.37marajinand our survey says..
00:33.13marajinNo I'm sorry, no kaiser data or calls in the street either.
00:33.32gingeno calls either?!?
00:33.35marajinI have /once/ made a call with android though, so I'm suspecting it's issues with the signal
00:33.42gingedcordes: calls work for you?
00:34.06marajinginge: Nope, can't call in, can't call out.. it took me a while to get it to even try and dial and then it just stays 'dialing' forever, can't hang up
00:34.32gingeits broken
00:34.37marajinI'm not sure Wtf that was, the button mapping seems glitchy
00:34.54dcordeswe should start working from the same source
00:35.00marajinI spammed random buttons for a bit and then suddenly pressin the green button worked
00:35.09dcordesI'm not even 100% sure the git is ok at this point
00:35.15marajinheh :p
00:35.20gingedcordes: well I tried your bootkit zimage and your android and it doesn't work
00:35.27dcordeswhat is on my phone, enables me to call in android atm
00:35.36gingedcordes: well I tried your bootkit zimage and _my_ android and it does work
00:35.42marajinneed to clean house, do fresh testing on git and work from ther then huh?
00:36.16marajinI'm using dcordes zImage and ginge initrd and it currently boots and tries a bit harder than dcordes initrd bt fails anyway.
00:36.23dcordeswhat we really need is martin__'s ubermerge tree
00:36.25marajinBtw... your signal strength meters
00:36.31marajindo they actually /work/ ?
00:36.33ginge1 bar. fubar
00:36.44gingeit is on a todo list somewhere
00:36.49marajinso it says 1 bar permanently? even if there's no signal?
00:36.52marajinbugger :p
00:37.04gingeinfact I was just going to boot an image to see if I can get that data out :)
00:37.52marajinwould it be possible to read from the console?
00:37.56marajinIt might be enlightening
00:38.35gingeyou could set up an outgoing ssh and push the tail of the logs out in one fat stream
00:39.39dcordessomebody aroun with ts_calibrate experience?
00:40.25dcordesginge: can't you just put a scripts that sets up a tunnel?
00:40.37gingeyeah easily
00:40.48marajinginge: I could, if I could get data going :P anyone got a data enabled console image for me to play with?
00:41.25marajinConsole linux with data would have some fun applications even at the moment actually..
00:41.36dcordespick the one from bootkit
00:41.39gingewell we know that works in angstrom
00:41.43dcordesit has ginge's script in /usr/bin
00:41.53marajinwhat's the paramater order for
00:42.01dcordesapn user pass
00:42.04gingejust run it, it tells you
00:42.33dcordesginge: could you put an example on how such a tunnel script would look?
00:42.38gingeI have battery, signal and  godknows what else going
00:42.42marajinAli-G with ginger hair? it'd never wor
00:43.03dcordesginge: proc_comm?
00:43.19gingedcordes: no, signal comes in through AT commans
00:43.38dcordesoh so you fiddled around with theril?
00:43.54gingeno, I put the google ril back
00:44.13dcordesnobody tried that before??
00:44.22gingei guess not :)
00:44.27dcordescan you call?
00:44.34gingeno crashing either
00:44.45dcordescall sms?
00:44.52gingeone mo :-)
00:45.01marajinAre the nodes auto-setup in the current angstrom image dcordes ?
00:45.04gingespoke too soon. crash
00:45.18dcordesright.. I was thinking about doing that but I ditched the plan not finding the original image
00:45.40gingeits all in /system/lib and system/usr/lib
00:45.40dcordesmarajin: yep. I mknod'D them on my host pc
00:46.01marajinheh, right
00:46.15gingeokay, so... what else can I expect to work?
00:46.51gingehmm. maps app makes it lock hard. Anything with a large data transfer, actually
00:48.07gingephone app hangs :/
00:48.31marajinginge: better fire up that microwave again ;)
00:49.46marajinhuh, when I check ifconfig it doesn't return anything
00:49.56gingeanyone know a good way to test sms
00:50.02marajinwait, yes I've got ppp0 now
00:50.12dcordesmarajin: rerun the script, check if you have set apn right
00:50.31dcordesok.. it works quite reliable for me
00:50.34marajinoh.. christ how do I ctrl + c on it?
00:50.36dcordesie it always just works
00:50.40marajinI tried pinging without thinking abou
00:50.41dcordesbetter not try
00:50.58gingemarajin you cant. we need to start using a proper tty
00:50.59dcordesI open everything in a screen session because ctrl+a+d works
00:51.05marajinI'm getting buzz on my headset but no ping timings
00:51.25marajindid actually resolve
00:52.07marajin"PING ("
00:52.09marajin's me
00:52.20marajinso I'm getting SOMETHING cause I get an IP address and DNS resolves
00:52.31dcordesin the image I'm in, ctrl+c works
00:52.50dcordesit's because I still have that odd script for init, infernix provided
00:53.33dcordesjust ln -s /sbin/init.sysvinit /
00:53.37dcordesjust ln -s /sbin/init.sysvinit /init
00:53.49gingesms is working
00:53.52marajinsweet, ginge smsed me
00:54.38dcordesor in cmdline put init=/sbin/init.sysvinit
00:54.50dcordesshould work with the current bootkit angstrom.bin also
00:54.56dcordesginge: from android?
00:54.57gingedcordes: cool
00:56.19gingesms receive is not working
00:56.27gingephone is not working
00:57.05gingeno G symbol
00:57.14ginge(but data works becuase we force it up)
00:58.39gingeokay, so what could cause that?
00:59.14dcordesno clue what you are doing there
00:59.27marajinbad encoding? unexpected notification form, etc?
01:00.10gingeit works for premy.
01:00.22gingewe should try and get a hold of premys image too
01:00.41gingeor a diff
01:01.31marajindata works on angstrom
01:02.01marajinssh'd to perses from the kaiser from console
01:02.05marajinso it's something fucked in android
01:02.57gingeI could do with dcordes testing it.
01:03.14dcordesginge: I was just about to open a bug on the ts_open problem when I found
01:03.27dcordesit looks like it's just a settings thing
01:03.50*** join/#htc-linux mara-kais (
01:04.04mara-kaisit definitely works
01:04.13dcordesyou've got irssi on the bitch?
01:04.27mara-kaisum yeah
01:05.35marajinso wtf is upsetting android me old maties?
01:05.56marajin.... I'm rather pleased at my kaiser sat with irssi running heh
01:06.25dcordeswait until I meet with mickey|zzZZzz and he makes the kaiser modem run in moko
01:06.34dcordesno android needed then
01:08.51marajinOh dear, I seem to have lost the signal th... oh it reacquired nice
01:09.11mara-kaissweet =)
01:09.50dcordesis it common that you can't cp device nodes?
01:10.01gingeunless you are root, yes
01:10.08mara-kaisI think so
01:10.11gingeeven then
01:11.31dcordesmy computer did odd things when I tried before
01:11.43marajinyou're not meant to do it I rather think
01:12.24gingeit will try and open it as a char device and get stuck in an infinate read loop
01:12.27gingecat when you cat it
01:12.33marajinman that is so sweet..
01:12.47marajinhmm, so ideas why console angstrom works and android go kakky death?
01:13.00gingewell... two theorys
01:13.00dcordescause tis a blob
01:13.05ginge1) its shit
01:13.20marajinah but it /works/ for you guys, so why not on my kaiser.
01:13.24marajinclearly the kernel's ok
01:13.33dcordesno it doesn't work for me in android marajin
01:13.36ginge2) the image I made is wrong and orange allows me on the net without proper apn
01:13.42marajindcordes: what, data doesn't work?
01:13.47dcordesnot for me
01:13.50gingedcordes: even my image?
01:13.50dcordesonly in angstrom
01:13.56dcordesdidn't try
01:14.10dcordesI tried so many, I lost hope :((((
01:14.18marajinwe'll get there
01:14.19gingelast one, I promise :)
01:14.29gingeuntil I get ril working :)
01:14.45gingeI need to diff my touchscreen stuff. I am sort of waiting out how the tslib stuff gies
01:15.02marajinwe oughta get X working I guess
01:15.03dcordesginge: it should work by now. it is just the config thing
01:15.13dcordesginge: did you look at the link? that guy had the same problem as me
01:15.21gingeyeah, it looked useful
01:15.35dcordesmarajin: will you debug it through gprs ssh session when I make an X image?
01:15.42dcordesginge: I'll upload the image
01:16.10marajindcordes: can try it sure
01:16.14marajindcordes: Or ginge should be able to help too
01:17.04marajindcordes: ...wait, why can't you do it, you said data works
01:17.09gingemarajin: don't think I can generate a generic image for key pairs in ssh
01:17.11dcordesI have no unlimited gprs
01:17.25marajindcordes: That sucks :(
01:17.30dcordesI have to talk to my provider
01:17.40marajindcordes: Who is your provider?
01:17.50dcordesI already called there but the callcenter person and me had some communication difficulties
01:17.56marajindcordes: We can monkey with it, I wonder if my IP is open
01:18.07*** join/#htc-linux surgex (
01:18.59gingeI doubt you would get a real ip
01:19.10marajinsome providers give real ones I heard
01:19.11marajinbut yeah
01:19.15gingeI think we would run out of ipv4 addresses with the about of phones
01:19.31marajinhaha, well yeah it's given me a 10.x.x.x address so
01:19.38marajinwill have to tunnel out
01:19.53dcordesI get such an IP on "wap" connections here
01:20.07dcordesthere is two apns I can chose, and
01:20.48dcordeswap is very routed and limited, only giving me access to selected provider specific services, email and so
01:21.03dcordesweb is a normal type of a ip
01:21.49marajindcordes: Every provider gives those
01:22.13marajino2 here has wap and mobileweb
01:22.40dcordesmarajin: you get a 10.* IP for both of them?
01:22.55marajindunno, never ue wap., just know it exists
01:24.10gingefor reverse tunnel I guess it would be a case of specifying an ip to a script that sets up something like "ssh -f -R 2222:localhost:22"
01:24.25gingethen you just ssh to to get the remote device
01:24.39marajinno worries I have a static ip and a 24/7 server
01:25.00dcordeshave to try that
01:25.09dcordesmaybe I can even ssh out of the free wap connection
01:25.25gingessh out on port 2222
01:25.25marajiner... unlikely dcordes
01:25.59dcordescan't I tunnel through 80?
01:26.13dcordesI wonder if it's just the ports being regulated or also the data
01:26.20gingeI doubt it. you can try though
01:26.25gingejust change 2222 to 80
01:26.29dcordesmaybe it checks if there's real http data going on in 80
01:26.44gingeI would imagine a proxy of some kind
01:27.57gingeyou probably also need to mess with the sshd config files to allow port gateways or whatever it is called... marajin?
01:29.09marajinhas all the tunneling info
01:29.12gingeI was close... gatewayports wait, I tink there is a switch for that now
01:29.36gingenot bad
01:30.11*** join/#htc-linux CPress (
01:30.16ginge-g by the looks of it. so, something like ssh -f -R -g 80:local etc
01:30.22CPressHello Everybody
01:30.32gingehello CPress
01:30.45CPressHows the progress going for Android stuff?
01:30.56gingegoodnight all. dcordes let me know if that android works ;)
01:31.23CPressNight ginge
01:31.35marajinCPress: somewhat shakey for me, android hates me but I have GPRS under console linux
01:31.42marajinI even joined the IRC channel for a bit via it
01:31.44CPressNot bad.
01:32.03CPressYou guys are making amazing progress, keep up the good work!
01:32.20marajinginge has GPRS under android too I think
01:32.34marajinbut it seems rather a unique case
01:32.40CPressI see.
01:32.43dcordesug somehow the smd device nodes disappeared after using angstrom's normal init
01:32.58marajindcordes: yay -.-
01:33.18dcordesbut there are plenty others
01:33.23CPressDo you guys have a project outline actually figured out, or are you guys just doing task by task?
01:33.24dcordesit looks more like it should
01:33.39dcordeswe have to gain revenue
01:34.22marajinCPress: We're just kinda bouncing around from task to task. but with GPS, GPRS, GSM, SMS recieving, Touchscreen, Display and keyboard/hardkeys working...
01:34.24CPressWhy dont you guys setup a webiste for this, atleast a front linking to important threads on xda
01:34.27*** join/#htc-linux LunohoD (
01:34.30dcordesCPress: everybody does what they're up to
01:34.38CPressI see.
01:34.52marajinCPress: dcordes already hassome basic info about the status of things and what needs doing in his readme.txt on his site
01:35.10CPressyeah, i have been somewhat following
01:35.21CPressYep, I have seen that.
01:35.39CPressI got Android on my phone using the tips from the xda froum
01:36.30marajindcordes: So, if we get the tunneling up you want I should give you access to monkey around with it?
01:36.53dcordesI'd like to look at an X image
01:37.04dcordesbut the build is not finished yet
01:37.25marajinhow long do the builds take normally?
01:37.53dcordesdepends on what you stuff in them
01:38.29*** join/#htc-linux miknix (n=miknix@
01:38.35marajinhmm, will the kaiser draw power from the charger while in linux?
01:38.53dcordesand of course on your build machine and connection speed. it's entirely build from sources. like gentoo
01:39.14dcordesmarajin: I think when you are loading in wince, it will continue loading in linux
01:40.14dcordesbut if that's the case I doubt it will stop loading when it's full
01:40.29dcordesand LiIo batteries don't like that usually ^^
01:40.40marajinno they don't :P
01:41.01marajindcordes: Hmm, yeah what i your build machine?
01:41.14dcordesmodel name: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     E6750  @ 2.66GHz
01:41.29marajinNot too shoddy then
01:41.49marajinfunny really, seems to nearly take you longer to compile angstrom images than I can emerge -ue world sometimes :P
01:44.25CPressWhat's the ?
01:46.15marajinCPress: IT's supposed to be android that can use GPRS but it thusfar only works for ginge, not for me or dcordes
01:46.37dcordesI will add the device nodes to the in order to make the builds more portable
01:46.54marajindcordes Fair enough
01:47.13CPressIs it suppose to just work, or is there tweaking involved?
01:47.41CPressand should the phone be in a 3g area?
01:48.19marajinCPress: No, GPRS should suffice
01:48.34marajinCPress: It should just work on its own.
01:49.16CPresshmm. Maybe I will try it, just to see.
01:49.21CPressWhat radio is he running?
01:49.28marajinsome stock orange UK one
01:49.46CPressis he in the UK, is that where you guys are
01:50.19marajinginge and me are from he UK, dcordes is... I think german or somewhere there abouts
01:50.34CPressNobody from the USA?
01:50.55marajinNot at the moment nope
01:51.03CPressThat saddens me.
01:51.13dcordesmarajin: /dev/ppp is also a character device just like the smds right?
01:51.21dcordesright, that's germany
01:51.28marajinI believe so
01:52.46*** join/#htc-linux dcordes_ (n=dcordes@unaffiliated/dcordes)
01:54.01marajindcordes_: whoops?
01:54.22dcordes_marajin: I have no static ip
01:54.29CPressWell, if you guys need any done from the USA, let me know.
01:54.48CPressI am very interested in ditching WM
01:54.58marajinCPress: Well you'r welcome to test and get involved but I'm afraid it's kinda a matter of hitting the ground running at the moment
01:55.51CPressIs there a way to SSH into android on the phone?
01:56.40marajinCPress: Technically you can telnet into it but we need to get wifi/usbnet/something working firs
01:57.21CPressSo, how are you working on it then?
01:57.39marajinediting the initrd and compiling new zImages on desktop/laptops and transfering them to the device and booting and rebooting many many times
01:58.43CPressSeems like quite the challance.
01:58.59dcordes_waiting for dzo to come up with mmc code here is my high priority idle task :D
01:59.03CPressAre you guys using the Android SDK to work on this?
01:59.12marajinIt's always the same with getting new devices onto linux/etc.
02:00.10marajinmany things have to be fixed before you can start to play with the device directly. The next thing we're going to work on is we're going to make the device connect over GPRS to talk to a linux server then we can access it remotely and debug easier
02:00.15dcordes_marajin: could you help me preventing X from starting automatically if I send you the image?
02:00.27marajindcordes_: I can try
02:00.46dcordes_I put the /usr/bin/ and added all the device nodes and permission stuff there found in the other images
02:03.12dcordes_maybe it will just work
02:03.28dcordes_I didn't try too many angstrom X images
02:03.49marajinbut dcordes_...
02:03.54marajindon't turn into an optimist yet ;)
02:04.25dcordes_ok will try avoiding it
02:04.32marajingood man :)
02:04.56dcordes_it's the usual .cpio.gz
02:05.44dcordes_there should be an initscript for X called gpe-dm
02:05.49dcordes_like gdm
02:05.51marajinmm, why's it so small
02:06.04CPressHave you guys seen this:
02:06.20dcordes_no clue
02:06.52dcordes_kaiser is our evaluation board ^^
02:07.03marajinyeah, we don't need to buy more things
02:07.22dcordes_CPress: that's some PXA 270. not interesting for msm people
02:07.55dcordes_chip in kaiser
02:08.01dcordes_qualcomm msm7200
02:08.04CPressI see..
02:08.45CPressHTC not releasing anything? I thought they are part of the alliance.
02:09.12dcordes_they are google's business partners
02:09.20dcordes_google has the cpu documents
02:09.22marajindcordes_: ...I have a visible console
02:09.25marajindcordes_: I think
02:09.49marajindcordes_: yep, I have a console login prompt for angstrom with the gpe image
02:10.03dcordes_that's because of the normal init
02:10.13dcordes_should also give you ctrl+c
02:10.32dcordes_not gpe image specific thing. it's also when you boot the old image with init=/sbin/init.bla
02:10.49dcordes_try logging in and /etc/init.d/gpe-dm start
02:10.53dcordes_root blank
02:11.09marajinyeah I got root blank already I was about to check gprs/
02:11.17dcordes_does it work?
02:11.31dcordes_also booting now
02:11.57marajinI get a mknod error you must have typoed something in the script
02:12.19marajinpppd not found
02:12.40dcordes_so it's not quite good with sbin/init
02:12.52dcordes_$PATH is fubar
02:13.22CPressAlright, logging out. Good luck and great job. Night all.
02:13.24dcordes_I get mad unhandled fault: external abort on lineftech blabla errors that make the poor kaiser die
02:13.34dcordes_cy CPress
02:13.42marajinI get the same
02:13.53dcordes_it's because of X failing
02:14.04dcordes_I believe
02:14.26dcordes_did you see what mknod error it gave?
02:14.27marajinMy kaiser didn't die though
02:15.40marajinit was just a syntax prompt
02:15.49marajintelling you what parameters are expected
02:16.37marajinwhere is
02:16.52marajinoh /usr/bin/
02:17.34marajinmy guess is it's the /dev/ppp line
02:17.52dcordes_could you run it manually? I'm in wince now
02:18.21marajinhmm no it's creating /dev/ppp
02:18.22marajinhow odd
02:19.09dcordes_probably it's the chmod 0777 /var/lock ?
02:19.22marajinno it was a mknod error
02:19.52dcordes_did it create the /dev/smd?s correctly?
02:20.24marajin0, 1 and 7
02:20.34dcordes_ok cool so the script should work
02:21.14marajinyes it seems just pppd is missing
02:21.50dcordes_hm yea it's not in the rootfs
02:22.06dcordes_I will create a different image
02:23.20dcordes_we could go for an openmoko-image
02:23.44marajinheh. 88MB free, most memory a kaiser has ever had free  think
02:23.58marajindcordes_: We could but I thought that openmoko won't boot?
02:24.24miknixdcordes_, does GPE need matchbox or does it have its own window manager?
02:25.11marajinmiknix: I don't think you mean window manager ther
02:25.29dcordes_miknix: it uses matchbox-wm
02:26.00dcordes_miknix: gpe is so to say the matchbox desktop. can you suggest some image to debug X with?
02:26.07marajinmaybe you did, heh
02:26.18miknixdcordes_, sure.. I have a bunch of them
02:26.40miknixdcordes_, do you use gentoo? I'm maintaining a gpe overlay
02:26.52marajinmiknix: I have gentoo FWIW
02:26.58dcordes_no sorry. ubuntu here
02:27.13dcordes_I'm interested in debugging X mostly
02:27.42marajinwhich UIs rely on X anyway?
02:28.25dcordes_thanks will try that
02:28.37miknixthat one has twm only
02:28.49dcordes_what cmdline "init= .. do we have to put?
02:29.03miknixI have a symlink
02:29.09dcordes_to /init ?
02:29.18miknixto the default
02:29.54dcordes_ok cool
02:31.51dcordes_miknix: does it have pppd?
02:31.57miknixno.. sorry
02:32.12miknixhum.. do you have usb ether working'
02:32.12ewonso Reiser is guilty
02:32.15ewonhe's apparently led the police to his wife's body
02:32.41dcordes_miknix: nada. we only can use gprs
02:32.52marajinoh... my
02:33.16miknixdcordes_, cause I have a cool nfs root where you can install binaries packages
02:33.27miknixI think we have pppd built
02:34.17miknixdcordes_, here:
02:34.25miknixa bunch of built packages
02:34.54miknixgizard-20080602.tar.bz2 is the latest root with working GPE
02:36.21miknixyep. pppd is there:
02:36.31miknixyou can extract it to the initrd and it will work
02:36.34dcordes_miknix: we have no storage and need to run everything as initrd
02:39.53marajinewon: Where does it say he led the police to the body?
02:41.56dcordes_he's probably going to
02:42.42dcordes_he should have admitted it earlier if he really did it so he would have got 11 years only
02:43.41marajinit's still a good file system tho'
02:43.53miknixI tried reiser4 before this whole mess came out
02:45.10miknixI liked it, and I still would be using it if people didn't drop support for it
02:45.15dcordes_miknix: how are hardware drivers going on wizard?
02:45.36miknixI was away for almost a month
02:48.05miknixbut I believe they are working on GSM
02:50.13miknixI'll be back into action in the next week
02:54.22dcordes_good * all
03:01.42marajindcordes_: I think I'm going to set up a shared user account for us to build images if needed and use while working through the tunneling thing.
03:03.39dcordes_too much coffee anyway
03:03.51dcordes_that sounds quite useful. I can setup OE if you like
03:04.11miknixdcordes_, have you tried running OE?
03:04.37dcordes_miknix: I'm bitbaking an image right now
03:05.08miknixok.. I would like to have your opinion about its usability then
03:05.21marajindcordes_: If you like I was just downloading stuff myself but mtn shit itself about the file being too old
03:05.22miknixlooking at some pictures it looks nice
03:05.44dcordes_I like it and have no problems with the usability. I can't compare to gentoo though, because I did never use a gentoo machine in my life before
03:05.49dcordes_if that's your point :)
03:06.22miknixmy fault
03:07.07dcordes_nowadays you can't just speak of openmoko's usability. there are like 3 different GUIs now
03:07.25miknixbtw: our gentoo gpe overlay is based on OE
03:07.54miknixif you like OE, you will certainly like gentoo since OE uses a trimmed version of portage
03:08.00marajindcordes_: hehe, ya know rmoravcik ? he hates openmoko for doing that
03:10.49dcordes_I have seen this nick
03:11.21dcordes_miknix: I like the new e and python based GUI approach in openmoko a lot
03:11.31marajinhe got one of their original dev kits I think
03:12.07miknixhum.. python is nice. but wouldn't it be too slow?
03:12.35marajinhmm maybe forsome stuff
03:13.07miknixI tried running portage on my wizard and it was slow
03:13.23miknixemerge --info toke more than 40 sec
03:13.49marajinportage can be slow on a quad xeon miknix
03:13.55dcordes_the python/e based mooko gui is fast
03:14.20miknixI've got to try it then
03:14.23miknixI love python
03:14.30marajin8-9 seconds for emerge --info on perses
03:17.48dcordes_can it emerge coffee?
03:18.32marajinI can emerge t-coffee :p
03:18.44miknixI would like beer more than coffee right now
03:19.02marajinmiknix: I would like caffeinated alcohol with a nicotine lacing
03:19.17miknixdamn .. I got scared when I saw a "Checking DLL ../ ...: ok" line crossing on the console
03:19.30marajinheh :P
03:19.35miknixit looked like it was installing mono or something
03:19.40marajin"DLLs? Noooooooooooooooooooooooo"
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04:28.40marajinUhoh! it's the sys op!
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05:02.55marajinMorning AstainZZZZZZ
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06:32.56marajin'lo rmoravcik
06:33.56rmoravcikmarajin: hi!
06:34.38marajinrmoravcik: So people have been asking why you have not made an RX3715 build in over a year
06:35.09rmoravcikmarajin: huh, that's a good question
06:37.13rmoravcikmarajin: I was planning do that few months ago, but I didn't have free time
06:37.50marajinrmoravcik: Well whenever you get around to it, then I can say to people "Look on the site and bow before the awesomeness that is rmoravcik "
06:40.01rmoravcikmarajin: i need to quit my job and go to another university to have more free time :-)
06:40.19marajinrmoravcik: You could just hire a thug to extort your boss.
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07:37.10marajinMorning Marex
07:37.35marajinhow's it going?
07:38.45MarexI feel like waking up from cryosleep
07:38.54Marexlike if I was frozen for 10 years
07:39.00marajinThat's because you ARE, it's the year 2019
07:39.08Marexsleeping 14 hours feels so good
07:39.27Marexyea, that'd explain why I got so many mails from LAKML and alsa-ml
07:39.33marajinPalm mysteriously grew into a giant monster and pounded microsoft on the head and took over the world see
07:39.49marajinThey'll be along in a moment to have you tattoo'd with the palm logo
07:40.28marajinginge_: Morning man =)
07:41.13ginge_did you guys get your data going?
07:41.42marajinunder android? we haven't even tried
07:42.11marajinwe set up a shared account on my server though for compiling images where needed and where we're gonna land the tunneling
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07:45.31okiasHello, anyone have any idea how get from HTC Kaiser IP?
07:46.24marajinokias: for what, the wifi?
07:46.39okiasmarajin: no usb connection
07:47.10Marexokias: haret has or something
07:47.19marajinyeah haret will know
07:47.22Marexor ?
07:47.36okiasgreat :-) i going to test it :-)
07:47.41marajinit varies, DHCP servered by windows/whatever
07:48.03okiasmarajin: and when i setting connection over ifconfig eth1 ?
07:48.22okiasmarajin: i must run dhcp server on my pc?
07:48.33marajinwhy would you, wedon't have working usbnet on the kaiser yet?
07:48.42marajinoh wait, linux pc, windowsmobileon kaiser?
07:48.55okiasmarajin: yes :-)
07:49.54marajinNo idea, I don't cnnect directly to linux =)
07:50.46Marexokias: if you connect over haret, see above
07:50.51okiasmarajin: moment: i talking about connection Kaiser (WM6 - HaRET) == Linux (Debian)
07:52.59okiasmoment, going to reboot
07:53.05*** part/#htc-linux okias (
08:01.28Marexmarajin: you should have just returned 0 on his comparison ;)
08:08.28marajinhah :p
08:08.37marajinevalutes to FALSE
08:11.50Marexmarajin: that's so damned C++ish ;)
08:12.08kiozenno, that would be "false"
08:12.17kiozenit's more like C
08:12.29MarexC doesnt have bool at all
08:12.43kiozenthat is why you have to define it as FALSE :)
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08:12.47Marexit's more like pascal then
08:12.54kiozenyuck :P
08:13.09MarexBabelO_: hi
08:13.14kiozenthe most useless class I ever visited
08:13.18kiozenhi BabelO_
08:13.18Marexkiozen: well that's not case sensitive ;)
08:13.28Marexkiozen: yup
08:13.31BabelO_Marex: Where pascal ? :)
08:13.44kiozenBabelO_: at university
08:14.26BabelO_kiozen: here it is at work :)
08:14.48kiozenwonders what people are willing to take for money
08:16.19marajinFor money, I will take solid gold, beer, pizza or sexual favours!
08:16.54marajinMarex: That'd be False
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08:30.44marajinginge_: Well it looks like dcordes 'nap' is going to be rather longer than a mere nap
08:31.16ginge_oh well.  He will be back.
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09:13.03ginge_marajin: pointercal in android
09:13.31marajinthough at the moment... eh :P
09:13.42marajinandroid just will not do data/calls for me
09:15.10ginge_still not sure why you don't get data
09:15.15ginge_or calls
09:16.14marajinme either but I'm not concerned about it currently
09:16.32marajinhmm so touchscreen is definitely a glitchin android we're saying?
09:17.49ginge_touchscreen is a glitch in everything
09:18.13ginge_the toucscren driver reports some odd output that has to be corrected in the most bizarre way
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11:52.24marajinI will DESTROY you! >.<
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11:54.44marajinCan't we do something about that?
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11:55.27marajinpaulproteus: stop it damn ye, stop it!
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12:03.01Alex[sp3dev]hey, guys. i`m migrating from hh-org to mainline. do i need any patches to build a vanilla for arm? or the archive from will go?
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12:07.00marajinAlex[sp3dev]: As far as I know you'll be able to build
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12:08.19Alex[sp3dev]sounds nice.. working with new kernel will be nice, and i wont need to backport drivers or write my own
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12:12.54premyginge_: hi there.
12:13.33ginge_premy: lo
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12:14.48premyginge_: I saw last night's logs. Looks as though we're still having problems with GPRS, calls and sms ?
12:15.06ginge_premy: sort of
12:15.23ginge_premy: I almost everything working, but no-one can seem to reproduce that
12:15.47ginge_I tried the google ril too, and that won't allow calls, the only thing that works there is the signal strength
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12:16.48zooloocginge_, premy: talking about the kaiser port?
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12:17.03premyginge_: strange. I'm pretty sure I had everything working here with google's
12:17.07ginge_Zoolooc: yeah
12:17.25ginge_certainly is a mystery
12:17.59ginge_I can only assume something isn't woring as it should be in the kaiser kernel
12:20.23premyginge_: I'm going to try with a clean build and let you know how it turns out.
12:20.46ginge_ok. I am working on a build of android based on angstrom
12:21.13ginge_premy: we are also getting lockups in android with sustained data transfer.
12:21.30premyginge_: by the way, you saw dzo's rild code. Does it use the carriers sqlite table, by any chance ?
12:21.54premyginge_: can you reproduce the lockups ? What are the conditions ?
12:22.52ginge_loading maps app and scrolling more than a few tiles makes it lock
12:23.01ginge_or load the broswer and crank upslashdot
12:23.26ginge_loads about 80% of the page and then locks android solid. Kernel is still running, and ppp is still up
12:24.16ginge_premy, not that I could see. I will forward it over to you
12:25.28dcordespremy: concerning sqlite, there is a person in the forum who is working with databases inside the android rootfs
12:25.44dcordeshe does the same as ginge_ I guess
12:25.51dcordesOK this one applies cleanly, and I see that support for setting APN, USERNAME and PASSWORD from CMDLINE in default.txt is added to a (through ppp.apn=<AccessPoint Name> ppp.username=<Username> and ppp.password=<Password> variables).
12:27.00ginge_not seeing that in the patch
12:27.40dcordeshe patches the android-data.bin
12:27.47dcordeswhich already has your
12:27.59ginge_yeah, but doesnt use the ppp.apn convention I invented
12:29.50ginge_android-data has in it?
12:30.01premyginge_: isn't rild in charge of restarting the GPRS connexion if it goes down ?
12:30.16ginge_premy: it should do
12:31.01premyginge_: then I guess it must use the data in the sqlite table. That would probably be a cleaner way to do things.
12:31.02ginge_the dzo one doesn't tho
12:32.27premyginge_: I'm also wondering if it wouldn't be better to have something that would be able to handle both GPRS and CDMA, merging dzo's init code and ours.
12:32.46ginge_probably a good idea.
12:33.29premyginge_: otherwise we're going to get a lot of feedback from CDMA users (not sure if there are that many, though).
12:33.33dcordespremy: here is the sqlite provider db thing mentioned
12:34.15dcordespremy: here's the found in android-data.bin
12:34.56dcordess/setupmodem/ppp script/
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12:36.19ginge_dcordes: I am a little confused at how this works now. Did you put the into the android image?
12:37.58ginge_oh. what?
12:38.00dcordesppp is in the angstrom image stupid me
12:38.35ginge_riiight. So the forum guy is just patching against my dumb script. I think I get it now
12:38.50ginge_in that case, looking at the patch, it seems like it should work for all you guys
12:40.42ginge_the only changes the other guy made are to use opendns servers and change the debug output
12:40.43ginge_thats cool
12:41.39ginge_maybe we should do the opendns too
12:42.45ginge_actually, thats a pretty neat way of handling it
12:42.54dcordespremy: do you have any news about the mysterious fifos?
12:43.10premyginge_: I'd be surprised that many mobile ops require their customers to use hardcoded public dns
12:43.48ginge_premy: indeed.Nice fallback though
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12:49.20premydcordes: nothing really. I think I understand most of the encoding but I don't know what subsystem it addresses. You mentioned adsp, but I haven't had the time to look into this. Any pointer ?
12:52.18dcordesI just thought it could be something sound related. but cr2 said adsp is only used for qtv, so not sure if its is relevant
12:53.32premyThe fifos are definitely used to transfer ephemeris data to the GPS chip.
12:55.02premyThey are also involved when playing sounds, maybe for some setup and close work. The actual sound data does not go through them, though.
12:56.30premyBy the way, the memory map on the wiki can be updated with the latest information regarding the fifos and msm_proc_comm
12:56.40premyIf that's ok with you, I'll do it some time.
12:59.56ginge_dcordes: did you get the angstrom going with the tslib?
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13:22.11dcordespremy: I would welcome it. I can also put it now if you feed me with the info
13:24.13dcordesI hope that's the one
13:28.50dcordesI found it useful to put
13:28.52dcordesmknod /dev/smd0 c 254 0 -m 0777
13:28.52dcordesmknod /dev/smd1 c 254 1 -m 0777
13:28.52dcordesmknod /dev/smd7 c 254 7 -m 0777
13:28.52dcordesmknod /dev/ppp c 108 -m 0777
13:28.52dcordeschmod 0777 /var/lock
13:29.02dcordesinto the in order to make the script more portable
13:33.33ginge_fair enough
13:34.02ginge_you should probably check fro those nodes first
13:35.02dcordesbefore the reset of the script is ran?
13:35.24ginge_something like:
13:36.13ginge_if not test -b /dev/smd0; mknod ... ;fi
13:37.36premyginge_: with google's, signal strength, incoming/outgoing calls, incoming/outgoing sms, maps and browser work fine here.
13:37.52ginge_very odd
13:38.17ginge_sms works, signal works, data works (becuase of the manual ppp) and nothing else
13:38.22dcordespremy: could you put the initrd you use somewhere so I can test?
13:38.28ginge_I say data works... I still get lockups
13:38.38premyAndroid did reboot twice, though. And the maps app did lock once.
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13:39.20ginge_hrm. Less than stable.
13:39.30ginge_if there a newer amulator image we can tear apart?
13:39.50premyI was wondering whether the lock ups and reboots could be due to the GPRS connexion being lost and not re-initiated, because does not supervise it and restart it.
13:40.02dcordesI hear they will soon release a new sdk version with fancy stuff
13:40.37ginge_premy: a possiblity. The angstrom image doesn't drop my link.
13:40.41premyginge_: did you ever reproduce your lockups with wgets in an angstrom initrd ?
13:40.55ginge_no, once I went back to git kernel it went away
13:43.32dcordesginge_: does ts image work for you?
13:44.27premydcordes: I'll email it to you. It doesn't have the fancy setupmodem script, though. So you'll have to update /etc/init1. But anyway, the only modifications are in the init scripts and
13:44.34ginge_dunno, the link to y build server is down
13:47.13ginge_premy: what did you did in the
13:48.53premyginge_: replace with
13:49.25ginge_premy: gotcha
14:02.50dcordesginge_: linuxtogo back up
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14:03.22ginge_thanks. I will give it a go in a couple of hours
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16:51.55gingedcordes: "yup, my EMONSTER failed to get nameserver so I had to set it manually" I will update the setupmodem script with tmatsuu's patch
16:52.24gingedcordes: if the isp doesnt give you a dns, it will fall back to opendns
16:53.34dcordesuseful I have to go. let me know if you are missing something in the ts image
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18:40.58pH5tries to grasp the regulator framework
18:41.15pH5borders to overkill for the puny ti bq24022 charger ic
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20:55.01BabelOkiozen_: you see my email so ?
20:55.09BabelOgood stuff it seem
20:57.33kiozen_hi BabelO
20:57.44kiozen_yes nice gpx gadget
20:58.06BabelOkiozen_: i think it is something cr2 was looking for
20:58.26kiozen_btw, do you have a working haret/cegcc combination you can send us?
20:58.39kiozen_BabelO: he does not know yet :)
20:58.49BabelOkiozen_: ok :)
20:59.01BabelOkiozen_: yes i have
20:59.17BabelOkiozen_: what do you need ?
20:59.36kiozen_I want to compile haret to make a linload.exe
20:59.47BabelOkiozen_: ok
20:59.54kiozen_but latest cegcc and latest haret does not work
21:00.01miknixkiozen_, linload?
21:00.10miknixhi, btw
21:00.14kiozen_or loadlin.exe what ever :)
21:00.41BabelOlopi use git haret ,with
21:00.44BabelOThread model: win32
21:00.44BabelOgcc version 4.1.0
21:00.48BabelOfor cegcc
21:00.57kiozen_can you upload the cegcc toolkit somewhere?
21:01.02BabelOkiozen_: sure
21:02.05BabelOkiozen_: for haret, i use version
21:02.25BabelOkiozen_: with the diskdrive from kevin2 at linuxtogo too
21:03.05BabelOkiozen_: ok uploading toochain
21:03.07kiozen_BabelO: hw want to recompile haret!
21:03.48BabelOkiozen_: you need the full night and many beer, lol
21:04.17BabelOkiozen_: i just receive my ICOM R2500, have to go to postal office tomorrow :)
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21:08.27miknixBabelO, how's artemis going?
21:09.16BabelOmiknix: still same , missing gsm. suspend resume is not so far to work, but mmc drive broke my sdcard partition each time i resume
21:09.38miknixBabelO, I saw some pm patches on mvista
21:09.45BabelOmiknix: other thing like bluetooth, gps are working well
21:09.58BabelOmiknix: are they mmc related ?
21:10.04miknixthink so
21:10.07BabelOmiknix: i did not test with latest rc6 merge
21:10.16miknixlemmi search the mail client
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21:10.59miknixthey are working on cpu idle
21:11.09miknixand changing the mmc stack
21:11.16kiozen_BabelO: got it
21:11.22BabelOmiknix: ok, NOHZ config work, but copu freq not, i hope they fix iot
21:11.40BabelOkiozen_: you need other thing ? like startup config for linload autoinstall ? :)
21:11.53kiozen_don't know yet
21:12.37miknixBabelO, is your board already using the MMC multi-slot stack?
21:14.21BabelOmiknix: hmm, not sufre about that
21:14.36BabelOmiknix: how can i check ?
21:14.50miknixlast time I tried to get into upstream, I had to make a lot of changes in mmc
21:14.59miknixeven so mmc was not working
21:15.03BabelOmiknix: i am able to switch the multiplex sdio for wifi card actually
21:16.47BabelOmiknix: so it mean i have to check the rc6 :)
21:20.15BabelOmiknix: is gsm working for you ?
21:22.27miknixI was away for some weeks
21:22.33miknixbut yeah.. last time it was
21:22.40BabelOmiknix: multi slot is ok for me
21:22.42BabelOit works
21:22.51miknixthe only problem is the sound
21:23.08miknixwe have to boot linux with wm5 playing some sound
21:23.16miknixto leave the sound board initialized
21:23.51BabelOmiknix: same on BA at the beginning, we had a modified haret on boot
21:24.07BabelOmiknix: but you can play mp3 or only phone sound ?
21:24.45BabelOmiknix: ok, so it is not real sound, only a switch
21:24.45miknixI also added a sysfs interface to the GSM driver for selecting the audio path
21:24.58miknixphones, speaker...
21:25.05miknixbut did test
21:25.50miknixdidnt look further for the audio device.. any idea?
21:26.34BabelOmiknix: no :( i see the EAC driver, but there is no pcm support, and don't know if pcm come from EAC or from DSP itself
21:27.32miknixoh right.. I also looked at that one
21:28.44BabelOmiknix: but before i want battery read, it is over syren spi, so i just need to clone my driver and change some part
21:28.45miknixbut I'll be back into action at the start of next week
21:29.13miknixBabelO, I think we are already reading battery
21:29.22miknixthrough the touchscreen driver
21:30.00miknixnot sure though.. that was added to the wiki while I was away
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21:31.22BabelOoh cr2 :) you found a wifi point and remote access X11 ? :)
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21:31.50cr2BabelO: your cegcc is shit :)
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21:32.11cr2yes, wifi ap is kiozen_
21:32.35kiozen_but he is much slower than me :)
21:32.50kiozen_doing X over DSL is no good idea
21:33.04miknix: o
21:33.09miknixdont like screen?
21:33.18BabelOkiozen_: Free NX is better idea and faster :)
21:33.41BabelOcr2: my cegcc does not work ?
21:36.21kiozen_BabelO: nope not working
21:36.34BabelOboh ? :(
21:37.43BabelOkiozen_: ok, wait
21:38.35kiozen_but fixed it by commenting the obnoxious stuff
21:40.03BabelOkiozen_: it was an old error with the bad toolchain :'
21:43.55BabelOkiozen_: pm !=
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