IRC log for #htc-linux on 20071224

00:01.45elliswayappleII damn i remember them although never hada  II myself i had the super400 :)
02:06.59*** join/#htc-linux TeringTu1y (
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06:56.45*** join/#htc-linux goxboxlive (
07:21.19paulproteusHey goxboxlive.
07:21.26paulproteusMaybe you coming online means I really should go to sleep.
07:21.55goxboxlive:-) good morning
08:18.32paulproteusI'm tracking the qtopia_snapshots in git now.
08:18.37paulproteusAutomatically. (-:
08:18.49paulproteusEvery night I check for a new snapshot and import it.
08:20.33goxboxlivepaulproteus: great, could you also make sure that device htcuniversal is in that git tree?
08:20.46paulproteusgoxboxlive, Tomorrow, for now I *must* fall asleep (-:
08:20.52goxboxliveThis will make my job so much easier
08:21.04paulproteusI *know*, mine too.
08:22.22goxboxlivepaulproteus: isent that just to make a symlink to htcuniversal?
08:23.09paulproteusI want to try to use branches properly, so that it's always easy to see the diff between our tree and the current official snapshot.
08:23.13paulproteusAlso bye bye sleep for real.
08:23.42goxboxlivegood night :-)
08:43.12*** join/#htc-linux dcordes (n=dcordes_@unaffiliated/dcordes)
09:16.14goxboxlivepaulproteus: how do i checkout the sources
09:29.44*** join/#htc-linux goxboxlive (
09:54.59elliswaymorning all
09:58.41*** join/#htc-linux Pryan2 (n=Pryan@
09:59.52Pryanim in holidays in Alicante ( spain )
10:01.49Pryandcordes hola tio
10:41.23*** join/#htc-linux kbingham (
10:41.35dcordeshi ellisway, Pryan others
10:41.50dcordesmerry xmas to everybody celebrating it
10:45.02Pryanhahahh, im drinking champagne
10:45.15Pryancelebrating xmas
10:47.03Pryanafter this ill start the development, arround day 4
11:01.29*** join/#htc-linux kbingham (
11:23.54*** join/#htc-linux BabelO (n=pocketir@unaffiliated/babelo)
11:25.49BabelOgoxboxlive you need to define depot/qtopiacore/target as qtdir and export bin directory from same path to use it for qmake
12:14.23goxboxliveoh man i'm still cleaning :-((
12:18.18goxboxliveBableO: I have it like this in the make line: QTDIR=/path/blbla is that enogh?
12:18.48*** join/#htc-linux diogene31 (
12:36.21dcordesgoxboxlive, messing with qtopia builds?
12:45.54goxboxlivedcordes: i am trying to build roadmap for Qtopia
12:46.03goxboxliveplaning to test it onNEo
12:46.20dcordesI would like to try it but all I have is kaiser and akita
12:46.36dcordesakiser and kaita
12:51.15*** join/#htc-linux Marex-notebook (
12:54.14goxboxlivedcordes: ok
12:54.57dcordesgoxboxlive, or have you heard of people firing qtopia on the zauri=?
12:55.09goxboxlivedcordes: yes
12:56.08goxboxlivedcordes: the sources for zaurusclamshell and c3200 exist as a device in the source
12:56.16dcordeshey that's great
12:56.25dcordesI took a look once at google
12:56.46dcordesall I found was that greenphone site which did only mention greenphone and gta01 as machines
12:57.56goxboxlivethe sources for the officaial machines. We also have for openezx and htc devices. But they are not supported by Trolltech
12:58.58goxboxlivewell back to cleaning :-)
13:03.10dcordesgoxboxlive, so how would I go about getting zaurus machine type into the source?
13:31.40*** join/#htc-linux lieter_ (
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13:51.20cr2hi dcordes
14:02.23cr2goxboxlive: from xda-dev -> "3. There's any way to boost this openwoko? Seem kind of slow... :("
14:02.34*** join/#htc-linux hollo_ (
14:06.20goxboxlivecr2: what you mean?
14:06.32goxboxliveopenwoko on universal?
14:09.35*** join/#htc-linux BabelO (n=pocketir@unaffiliated/babelo)
14:10.24goxboxlivecr2: switch to portrait mode, and it will speed up a little. To get it in portrait mode you have to either held the power button, or the cam but. dont remember.A new menu will eppear
14:10.26goxboxlivehi BabelO
14:11.34goxboxliveBabelO: check this out:;a=summary
14:12.24cr2goxboxlive: athena for gx accel :) or hermes...
14:12.49goxboxlive:-) cr2 openmoko on the ficphone is faster than on universal.
14:12.56goxboxliveor maybe the same
14:12.59goxboxlivei think
14:13.20goxboxliveI have only tested openmoko on the ficphone once. I flashed Qtopi aback to it
14:13.26cr2impossible :)
14:13.42goxboxlivecr2: nope
14:14.18goxboxliveit's true. I thinks it is because if the 128MB ram, and also it runs from flash and not sd
14:14.40cr2ok, flash is faster, that#s true
14:14.53goxboxliveMagician is also fatser than universal with openmoko, but they use diffrent themes so it'snot compareable
14:15.05cr2do you run qdsync and other weird stuff in background ?
14:15.21goxboxlivecr2: yes i gues
14:15.28cr2magician uses SRAM ? it's 1/4 size also
14:15.58cr2is it possible to disable qdsync and things ?
14:16.00goxboxlivecr2: did you see that paulproteus had made a git tree for Qtopia
14:16.05cr2as an option
14:16.17cr2goxboxlive: no.
14:17.21cr2is there qualcomm support ?
14:17.43goxboxliveI hate the way Trolltech is doing it. It's a lot of work to udate the source when they have made a new snapshot. Now with the gitree it will be a lot easier. He will also include htcuviversal, and probably other devices too.
14:18.00goxboxlivecr2: we will rename the htcuniversal to qualcomm when we have it done
14:18.39goxboxlivei will upload openezx to have that supported to
14:19.00goxboxliveI have to learn git thoug
14:19.00cr2does the phone work on a780 ?
14:19.59goxboxlivecr2: no, one guy contacted me to make the device forlder. I sent him mywork so he could work further on it. Since i allready had made the keyboarddriver he would go straight on the gsm part
14:20.25goxboxlivethen he should take gprs he said
14:21.01cr2i guess gps does not work too.
14:21.17goxboxliveit sgould work, but no application for it as far as i know.
14:21.26cr2gpsd ?
14:23.48BabelOhi cr2, goxboxlive
14:24.18cr2hi BabelO
14:24.25*** join/#htc-linux goxboxlive_ (
14:24.27cr2goxboxlive: have you compiled roadmap ?
14:24.38goxboxlive_They say gps 80%
14:25.00goxboxlive_cr2: no it's failing
14:27.06cr2goxboxlive: nothing new on gps
14:27.57cr2hehe. one can't use haret to sniff the serial gps data ;) soldering is unavoidable.
14:28.13cr2BabelO: can you  compile roadmap ?
14:28.38cr2goxboxlive_: it's probably a good idea to add roadmap to qtopia git too.
14:29.08goxboxlive_cr2: i agree, but first it _must_ compile
14:29.38cr2BabelO: help :)
14:30.33dcordeshej cr2
14:30.57cr2goxboxlive: the xanadux version diverted from mainline a bit. mainline does not use popt now. but it supports a much better layer support
14:31.12cr2dcordes: i've added irq names from android kernel
14:31.28cr2dcordes: you also never see the SD irqs ??
14:32.10dcordesthat's right
14:32.13dcordesonly insert me think
14:32.34dcordesthe spamming irqs are display something
14:32.45dcordesso that can't be sd/wifi/*#
14:32.48cr2which irqs are spamming ?
14:33.22dcordesI'm on windoze right now maybe I have a paste around let me google
14:34.23dcordesDecember 18th, 2007 at 4:57pm MST
14:34.28dcordesthat has to be me
14:34.34dcordesthey do display refresh afaik
14:34.50dcordesthey only spam when display is activy - setting display state to off with the haret command, makes them shut up
14:35.21dcordesbut that's a nice crhistmas present with the irqs
14:35.33dcordesdid you take over all of my old wikipage?
14:36.20BabelOYes i can coùpile roadmap without problem
14:36.59cr2dcordes: 16 and 19 are ok :)
14:37.02BabelOgoxboxlive_ did you try like i say?
14:37.15cr2BabelO: why goxboxlive_ can't compile it ?
14:38.11cr2dcordes: "speaker, camera related ?"  is probably sound in both cases
14:39.02dcordeshmm we will let camera related with a question mark for now -
14:39.07cr2dcordes: the BT is 4mbit, maybe that explains why it's not on an UART. i'm still wondering how it's connected.
14:39.19dcordesI think I made sure there was no sound when I sorted the camera thing for
14:39.23dcordesargh no mid mouse paste
14:39.39dcordes4mbit? what does that mean?
14:40.19cr2bluetooth speed is 4mbit
14:40.44BabelOcr2 : he need to use buimd directory and not sources
14:41.20cr2BabelO: can it be added to the git tree ?
14:42.53dcordesand mmutrace xmas menu ^^
14:43.08dcordescr2, BabelO others have a nice day
14:50.39BabelOcr2 this directory contain binary
14:51.20*** join/#htc-linux hollo_ (
14:51.47cr2BabelO: which one ?
14:53.13goxboxlive_BabelO: yes, i have qtdir=/ but it still failes
14:53.22goxboxlive_or QTDIR=/
14:56.19BabelOgoxboxlive do you locate target directory i mean?
14:57.52goxboxlive_BabelO: how do i do that? THis is my line
15:01.17goxboxlive_ANd this is the bug:
15:02.33BabelOgoxboxlive_ under your build directory, you have qtopiacore/target ?
15:03.03goxboxlive_roadmap build dir?
15:03.12goxboxlive_or qtopia?
15:04.20BabelOqtopia build dir
15:05.03goxboxlive_yes i have qtopiacore/target
15:05.33BabelOok then export QTDIR for this directory
15:06.29BabelOthen export subdirectory bin into your path for qmake
15:07.32goxboxlive_ok, i have to test it later. thnaks anyway
15:09.13BabelOgoxboxlive_ then qmake use arm specifoc settings
15:14.20goxboxlive_please give me th eline how to export  subdirectory bin. i have no idea what it is
15:28.11*** join/#htc-linux diogene31 (
15:57.11Kevin2diogene31: Can you try a "wi 10" with "addlist traces cp 15 0 2 0 0" ?  (The cp15,2 register stores the mmu base.)
15:57.53Pryanhi kevin2
15:59.06Kevin2Hi Pryan
16:00.58Pryanwhen i got linux on athena ill sayd you if your driver works for me
16:05.13Pryanthere is a site to download the kernel with it ?
16:08.59Pryanthe latest kernel of and a config file for athena
16:10.14Pryancvs kernel if its possible
16:10.37Kevin2Pryan: You need to use git -- see
16:10.45Pryanor a standard kernel with your driver kevin2
16:13.01Pryanand it is cloned to the current directory ?
16:13.21Pryanand the config ?
16:16.33Kevin2Pryan: The driver is in the "work" branch.  Someone will need to setup Athena to work with the driver.  (I only made the driver work with Hermes.)
16:17.25Pryanok, cr2 have a athena, doesnt ?
16:18.02Pryanits only to enable it in .config kernel
16:20.29Kevin2No, one has to put together the list of keys and spi config.  See arch/arm/mach-s3c2442/htchermes/htchermes.c
16:21.10Pryanah ok
16:22.04Pryanim impatient to use linux on my athena
16:41.04Pryankevin2 do you want to make this driver work for athena ?
16:41.16Pryanyou have the keys
16:41.18paulproteusgoxboxlive_, cr2, Good morning all.
16:41.28paulproteusLet me make sure that git repository can be cloned by people other than me.
16:41.32Pryanhi paulproteus
16:42.11paulproteusMorning Pryan.
16:42.15Pryanits cloned to the current dir ?
16:57.52Pryanpaulproteus its cloned to the current dir ?
16:58.35paulproteusPryan, Currently you can only access it over SSH.
16:58.40paulproteusI'm fixing that now.
16:59.31Pryanwhen you finish, everybody can access how explains ?
17:01.19paulproteusI'll explain once it's ready.
19:35.19paulproteusPryan, git:// - You can clone that now.
19:35.31paulproteus(as documented at;a=summary )
19:35.44paulproteusI'll write this up on sometime, I figure.
19:37.38paulproteuscr2, I'm interested in if you have anything to say about Qtopia/this git repo, btw.
21:24.41goxboxlive_oh man i  need a break. 6 kids, all under 4 year.......... They make a lot of noise :-/
21:26.42paulproteusgoxboxlive_, I updated with the git info.
21:27.37paulproteusI haven't added the work from ymerejt yet, though.
21:27.53goxboxlivepaulproteus: good, remember to add universal. Make me an account and i'll add openezx too.
21:28.07paulproteusI'm confused - what exactly is openezx?
21:28.38goxboxlivewill the git be updated everytime trolltech update their snapshot?
21:28.42paulproteusYes! (-:
21:29.08goxboxliveopenezx is same as we htc-linux.  It's a crew that develop drivers for phones
21:29.20goxboxliveonly they work on motorola phone, and we universal phones.
21:29.31paulproteusI see - are they using this Qtopia stuff at all?
21:29.44goxboxliveBut i have made QTopia for openezx since most of them are gtk fans
21:29.50goxboxliveyes i am
21:29.52paulproteusAh, I see.
21:29.57paulproteusGreat then.
21:30.29goxboxlivewe should also adapt something from the opie2source to it, like tetrix (tetris) and screenshot.
21:30.34goxboxlivead some widgets
21:31.06goxboxlivewell i have to go back to my guests.
21:31.36paulproteusSounds good - come back sometime and we'll talk more.
21:49.39paulproteusgoxboxlive, Once we have everything in git I'm going to really want to have a standard way of building Qtopia binaries.
22:07.11*** join/#htc-linux SmallR2002 (
22:45.30paulproteusgoxboxlive,;a=shortlog;h=htcuniversal has all of ymerejt's changes now.
23:10.56*** join/#htc-linux dcordes (n=dcordes_@unaffiliated/dcordes)
23:11.56dcordescr2 not on- scary :)
23:16.45paulproteusWhoa, that is scary!
23:24.50dcordespaulproteus, what machines do you own?
23:25.06paulproteusdcordes, Universal, Neo 1973 (though I'm about to lend it out), Magician.
23:25.20paulproteusThe Universal is the one I'm using lately since it actually works well (even though I get teased at least daily about how large it is!).
23:25.26dcordesI would like to have a neo just because of the display
23:25.33paulproteusThe Uni is 640x480 also.
23:25.36dcordesisn't magician one of the omap based?
23:25.41paulproteusI don't remember?
23:26.44dcordesI have seen 640x480 on a pda (zaurus also has vga) but dpi of neo is unbeatable isn't it?
23:27.01paulproteusYes, unbeatable, but also nearly unjustifiable. (-;
23:27.18paulproteusWhere are you based?
23:27.18dcordeslol you mean compared to neo usability?
23:27.43paulproteusUSA, usually San Francisco, though right now I'm at my parents' house for Christmastime.
23:27.50paulproteusparents' house in Rochester, NY, that is.
23:28.31dcordesmy location is usually NRW and I just returned from my parents which is not that far
23:28.42dcordessame town ^^
23:29.40dcordespaulproteus, ;)
23:32.44paulproteus,_New_York then!
23:34.07dcordesdamn! home of the garbage plate
23:34.12dcordeslooks yummy
23:34.56paulproteusIt pales in comparison to the amazing sausage and schnitzel and kraut your country produces.
23:35.42dcordeslots of good krauts here ^^
23:36.24dcordesI would like to have one of those hot dog garbage plates
23:47.32dcordespaulproteus, did you ever try stuff with magician?
23:47.51paulproteusdcordes, Yes but...
23:48.51dcordespaulproteus, what do you mean by ttyl?

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