IRC log for #htc-linux on 20070605

00:04.58cr2ida b0rked on switch to thumb.
00:05.18cr2maybe i've chosen the wrong checkbox ;)
00:11.14cr2hmm. in thumb it jumps behind the loader.
01:01.55Kevin2Wow, I've never seen thumb in any of the pda code i've looked at.
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04:50.53Dr_torchGood evening all
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07:59.05cr2kiozen: what projection are you using on the map canvas ?
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08:22.06donnre :)
08:22.29donnKevin2: If you read this, would like to ask you something
08:34.42kiozencr2: usually eckert2, but you can use mercator,too
08:34.52kiozencan see chinese letters :)
08:35.20kiozencan't tell if they are the right ones
08:35.29cr2kiozen: mercator/wgs84 would be the best.
08:35.49kiozenuse setup to configure
08:36.34cr2what do you think, if you have a raster image with the known pixel size (square, X meters)
08:36.50cr2and the coordinates of the corner.
08:37.14cr2can you plot it on the canvas ?
08:37.41kiozensure, do that all the time with waypoints :)
08:38.06cr2you can overlay vector data with the raster ?
08:38.12cr2in qlandkarte ?
08:38.28kiozena wayoint is a pixmap at a certain location
08:38.28cr2i usually use qgis
08:38.53cr2hmm. ok, but i mean something else.
08:39.02kiozenbut for whole maps I have to do some work ;)
08:39.41cr2think about ozf2, 64x64 tiled format as used by ozi explorer.
08:40.01cr2then you dont need to break your head with geotiff and complex libs.
08:40.26cr2and you also don't need to load complete stripes or images at once.
08:40.34kiozenThat is what I wanted to look next, after I killed all chinese bugs
08:41.21kiozenQLandkarte is pretty feature finish -> need new stuff
08:42.02cr2btw, the chinese map can use RAM more efficiently.
08:42.11cr2it takes 2.2G to load, but then drops to 1.1G
08:42.31kiozenyou after it loads ?
08:42.39cr2hi BabelO
08:42.42cr2kiozen: yes.
08:42.52cr2the ram usage drops.
08:43.17kiozenI squeeze polylines and free some stuff I do not need :)
08:43.51kiozenQt preallocates memory
08:46.28BabelOcr2: you want some ozi functionnality now ;)
08:49.38donngood morning @all
08:52.34cr2BabelO: if ozi was free software that would be nice. unfortunately it is not.
08:56.23cr2ozi has a very polished gui
08:56.41cr2but sometimes suffers from NIH thinking ;)
08:57.50cr2it includes some completely outdated libtiff cvs snapshot code
08:58.19cr2but does not use tiff as tiled raster format internally.
08:58.43cr2and uses an own replacement for it - ozf2.
08:59.12cr2greed blinds ;)
09:00.16BabelOso you find omap5912 documentation yesturday ?
09:00.24cr2but ozf2 format is documented now, and i#ve found the GPL'd ozf2->tiff converter code.
09:00.55cr2yes, i think this file simply included all others that are available.
09:01.18cr2so the CPU registers are documented to 99%
09:01.50cr2i've also resolved the nonaligned addresses bug in disassembly.
09:02.14cr2now i need to check the flash eeprom and DRAM settings with the manual.
09:02.35cr2but 4MB size stays ;)
09:03.53BabelOyou can do lot of thing with 4MB :)
09:04.21cr2is it difficult  to port to microwindows ?
09:04.35cr2there is a win32 roadmap code.
09:04.51cr2that uses pretty standard stuff.
09:05.10cr2the only problem i had is "createmenu"
09:05.11BabelOcan look at it, but nanox was doing for that
09:05.17cr2because it is missing from wince2.11
09:06.05BabelOcr2: but i think an uclinux image is better to do such thing in small size
09:07.24cr2but i thought microwindows uses a subset of win32 as its api.
09:07.50BabelOwhat do we need, nanox + uclibc ?
09:08.19BabelOcr2 : yes, there is some hello world app with win32 code
09:09.10cr2it seems to me as a better solution than nano-X +gtkroadmap
09:10.58BabelOhown much size is libgtk ? around same as libqt i think
09:11.12cr2you don't need qt
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09:11.53cr2i think win32 api is simplier (and is already there) than raw xlib :)
09:13.09cr2this was _maybe_ ok in 2000
09:13.14cr2but not now ;)
09:14.36cr2The Microwindows API tries to be compliant with the Microsoft Win32 and WinCE GDI standard.  Currently, there is support for most of the graphics drawing and clipping routines, as well as automatic window title bar drawing and dragging windows for movement.
09:15.36BabelOcr2 : we can try later with ba or universal to have standard roadmap running over annox
09:16.37cr2yes. it's just another gui port of roadmap
09:16.54cr2gtk, gtk2, qt, qt4, win32, wince, nanoX.
09:18.40kiozencr2: good hint with the memory size decreasing!
09:18.59kiozendid some wired stuff when loading single img
09:19.04kiozenfixed :)
09:19.47cr2ok :)
09:23.43cr2kiozen: why there is no "quit" button in qlandkarte ?
09:25.33kiozenyou never want to quit QLandkarte, it's so fantatstic :)
09:25.53cr2i know :)
09:26.10kiozennever needed it, alt-f4 or top right cross do it
09:26.51kiozenyou need that on embedded devices?
09:26.55cr2it's against the kde style.
09:27.04kiozenwhat kde style?
09:27.28cr2no, but it will confuse a "generic" user.
09:27.40cr2there is a style guide.
09:27.51kiozenyou should read what users say about my menu :)
09:28.00cr2file/open/cut/paste etc.
09:28.03cr2where ?
09:28.16kiozennews list
09:28.52cr2ok :)
09:30.32kiozenbtw QLandkarte does not link against kde, thus I never had the feeling to comply.
09:31.00kiozenhowever the quit menu entry is asked for quite often. I will add it
09:31.45BabelOcr2: even if we have a quit button, it does not fit in our small screen ;)
09:33.53cr2BabelO: the small screen needs a different window layout anyway.
09:34.03BabelOyes sure
09:34.19cr2and a different ram usage pattern :)
09:34.50cr2loading tile by tile is slower, but works also with 4MB RAM :)
09:35.31donnkevin2 is hard to get in the chat here, or? :-P
09:36.19cr2kiozen: there is something strange with the water polygon rendering on taiwanese basemap. i get full blue screen with some white stripes. other maps are ok, the chinese glyphs work too.
09:36.33kiozensecond, customer ....
09:38.31cr2ok, i need to do some real work now. the calculations have finished.
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10:05.05kiozencr: that's because of global warming
10:07.12kiozenthere are large comment blocks on that in CGarminImg and CGarminMap
10:07.36kiozenhowever I am not sure anymore if that is the complete truth.
10:08.39kiozenit might be some east / west overflow at 180 degree, too.
10:09.06kiozenI am in that currently
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11:16.36donncr2: could i send kevin2 an email?
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12:27.00donncr2: or perhaps you know, when he comes back?
12:35.02cr2donn: you should use "addwatch". read the help for haret.
12:36.15cr2donn: but don't ask me where are the gpio registers which you need to watch. look in the tornado/wizard source.
12:46.52Kevin2donn: During weekdays I'm only here US evenings.
12:47.09donnhi Kevin
12:47.19Kevin2I'm on my way out to work now.  :-/
12:47.26donnoh, k :)
12:47.33donnperhaps we see us together
12:47.51donnhave fun @ work :)
12:48.55Kevin2Okay.  Bye.
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16:45.28cr2hi pH5
16:45.39pH5hi cr2
16:45.55cr2omap does not look so bad as i have thought before :)
16:46.21pH5tell me everything
16:46.48cr2the SD controller on omap850 is documented, but has .bus_shift=1
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16:46.56cr2like on the omap730
16:47.22cr2it probably does not work only because the power is not applied to the card on insert.
16:47.43cr2there are card insert, card power and sdio irq gpios missing.
16:48.01cr2somebody with a device should trace the gpios.
16:48.22cr2btw, i'm excited by your script :)
16:48.51cr2it handled the switch to thumb much better than ida.
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16:49.05cr2by producing complete junk :)
16:49.49cr2ida produced some legitimate looking code with unaligned accesses ;)
16:51.21cr2so i have identified all the cpu registers
16:51.41cr2with one small exception.
16:52.51pH5heh, I touched thumb code only when playing with the htc ti calypso radio image. didn't advance far enough to warrant any work on's thumbability.
16:53.04pH5that's an impressive list. how long did you work on that?
16:53.29cr2check the wiki history :)
16:53.49cr24 days.
16:53.57pH5yeah, I figured it would be something like that. nice :)
16:54.29cr2once the SD will work, you only need to find the SPI port location for the touchscreen.
16:54.49cr2the battery is OWM.
16:55.13cr2based on TI HD1Q
16:55.20cr2linux driver exists.
16:56.12cr2and forget about the phone part. imho it's not worth the pain.
16:57.09cr2i've read here that the custom omap dsp can process gps signal:
16:57.14pH5why is that? the bb is not really autonomous?
16:57.39cr2bb uses the OMAP dsp.
16:57.56cr2voice goes over cutom spi channel
16:58.14cr2and it needs some place in main RAM.
16:58.31cr2a lot of RE with zero docs.
16:58.59cr2your code will look as a binary blob even if you'll really make it work.
17:00.27pH5that's a task for a very bored person...
17:00.28pH5but quite a lot of models would profit if somebody ever was to make that work.
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18:23.09cr2i'm back.
18:43.53cr2is 133 a prime number ?
18:48.38cr2ok. thanks.
18:51.47pH5what is bch used for?
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19:08.41pH5rmoravcik: thanks
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19:57.18cr2pH5: what is 'rsb' ?
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20:10.27cr2rsb   r3,r2,r1         ;r3 = r1 - r2
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20:16.12cr2gcc generates asm that is never generated by msvc :)
20:19.38cr2the memory size table from
20:20.14cr2it seems that it can't be applied for this cpu. so 4MB is questionable.
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21:00.55cr20x208 is 512+8
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21:56.52cr2rmoravcik: do you have docg3 ?
22:01.39rmoravcikcr2: no
22:02.51cr2so was it g2 ?
22:03.27cr2i've collected all g3 registers. the half or them is undocumented ;)
22:06.16cr2awk 'END{for(m=1;m<10;m++) {print 2^m-1,2^m-1-m}}' < /dev/null
22:06.18rmoravcikcr2: i have only s3c24xx devices and all has only samsung nand
22:06.56cr2(255,247) code
22:07.23cr2so how do i generate a matrix for it...
23:37.28cr2i think it should be possible to work around this "invention" ;-)

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