irclog2html for #htc-linux on 20060921

00:29.05*** join/#htc-linux sess (
01:02.24*** join/#htc-linux gnif (n=gnif@
01:02.30gnifhi all
01:03.12gnifafter stuffing around with my toolchain I have decided to try the prebuilt one on
01:03.47gnifthe file seems very old though, anyone know of the state of this toolchain?
01:18.30gnifhey, kernel 2.6.18 is out :D
01:28.51gnifwell, installed the toolchain, so far it seems to be good :D
01:58.09gnifcompiled a kernel fine... now to see if it can boot
02:02.30gnifkernel boots :D
02:02.48gnifonly problem is, the old toolchain is pre gcc 4.0
02:02.55gnifthus no abi support
02:03.01gnifbut thats ok for my needs :D
02:33.10gnifwoo, got dropbear compiled :D
02:33.32gnifhad to compile zlib, then point dropbear to zlib
02:33.52gnifand modify the makefile to include the zlib dir in the CFLAGS
02:34.05gnifseems that ./configure doesnt do that
02:35.05gnifnow to get busybox
03:11.50*** join/#htc-linux g3gg0__ (
05:28.36gnifit seems that a kernel compiled with pre gcc 4.0 wont boot an initrd image on the magician
05:29.05gnifi dont have a card reader/writer with me at the moment, so I cant test booting directly from a SD card
05:53.25gnifmy initrd image is good tho
05:53.36gnifit built a RSA and DSS key, and started dropbear
05:53.53gnifnow to just figure out how to configure the ethernet
06:01.56*** join/#htc-linux awelux (
06:06.02gnifchanged a few settings, trying to get the kernel to boot the initrd
06:18.24gnifno go, need a new toolchain
06:33.37*** join/#htc-linux rob_w (
06:42.47gnifho rob
06:58.18gnifsorry, using screen, remoting into my pc @ homt
06:58.37gnifhave you had any problems building kernels with the old gcc-3 toolchain?
07:03.48gnifi m trying to build a new toolchain
07:03.51gnifall is good so far
07:04.06gnifbut... I cant compile glibc-2.3.6
07:04.58rob_wwhats the error
07:06.51gnifit complains that linuxthreads doesnt exist
07:07.11gniffrom what I can tell, its a seperate file to dload that needs decompressing into the glibc dir
07:07.20gnifis this correct?
07:07.33*** join/#htc-linux rno (
07:08.39gnifwait.. i think i got it
07:08.56gnifdidnt realise there was 2 dirs in the linuxthreads tar
07:09.10gnifseems to be working now LD
07:12.25gnifI am following the tutoral from
07:12.48gnifneeds a few steps added
07:13.42gnifasm-generic also needs copying to the include dir
07:14.43gnifonce my build has finished, and I make sure it works, do you want me to tar it up as a new pre-build?
07:14.53rob_wpeople mostly use oe to build also standalone toolchains
07:14.56gnifusing gcc-4
07:16.02rob_wthats a big toolchain in that sense in order to build whole images for gpe or opie or such
07:16.19rob_wit also has image targets which equal a tool chain ..
07:16.40rob_wyeah get into that , that will make live easier for you and all others
07:16.50gnifi am not too keen on prebuilts, i like to know that i made everything properly myself
07:17.00gnifand how to do it if somthing breaks in the future
07:17.36rob_wthere is no prebuild , it sucks all sources freshly , and it is higly configurable
07:17.46gnifhrmm, new error while building glibc
07:18.11gnifBUS_ISA undeclared
07:18.29gnifsounds like a missing include
07:18.54rob_wor configure switch ,, see this is all well handled with oe
07:19.18gnifhave to have a look at it
07:19.39gnifsounds a little like scratchbox
07:19.59rob_wit is in that sense, but not little ;-)
07:20.39gnifwell, once I have built this one... will look at oe
07:22.09gnifahhh, BUS_ISA has been renamed to CTL_BUS_ISA
07:22.24gnifthis ver of glibc has not been patched yet
07:25.21gnifyup, that did it...
07:32.14gnifheh, more probs... these were fixed ages ago (2005-11-17), makes me wonder about the freshness of this tar
08:15.24rob_whehe see ,, you dont have that with oe either
08:19.54*** join/#htc-linux florian_kc (
08:22.08gnifhutup :P
08:22.24gnifHit more problems... gonna try out oe
08:27.08florian_kcgood morning
08:28.06gnifcrap, the OE db is large
08:28.09rob_wgnif,  florian_kc is a good point to get oe knowledge
08:28.28rob_wgnif, as i said " .. not little " , hehe
08:28.56gnifno, its larger then a large pile of poo
08:29.33gnifmeh, i am on 1.5mbit... 10 mins, max
08:31.07gnifwhy does everyone have a "_" in their nick?
08:40.54*** join/#htc-linux toi (
08:41.03rob_wwell my name is robert wxxx so i go rob_W
08:41.05rob_wwell my name is robert wxxx so i go rob_w
08:45.47gniffair enough
08:47.20gnifhey, in the OE conf, it wants "MACHINE"
08:47.29gnifI assume "ipaq-pxa270.conf" would be correct
08:47.35gnifI am using a magician
08:48.19rob_wno it goes like BLUEANGEL or such .. either we do have MAGICIAN already or u need to define it
08:48.40gnifthere is no magician
08:50.03gnifwow, how much does this thing build? its got defines for xserver/modules/patches
08:50.27rob_wit can build a full fledged distribution ...
08:50.56rob_wok go check the following dirs to get an idea oe/conf  oe/packages/*/*.bb
08:51.11gnifalready looking at em
08:51.39gnifjsut following the "getting started"
08:52.01rob_wgo inside oe/conf/machine and copy a magician.conf from blueangel.conf ideally
08:53.14rob_wthen see fe, oe/conf/distro where you see major distro targets .. then in oe/packages/meta you will find meta targets ... either full gpe or fe a dev sdk image
08:53.42gnifsorry if I sound reall noobish, but this is confusing as hell
08:54.06rob_wyou can bitbake gpe-image , which will do the whole gpe for you in a image .. or you can then build single packages via  bitbake -b path/to/oe/packgages/myapp/
08:54.24rob_win the beginnning yes but then it gets quite hot !! i promise
08:54.46gnifsounds cool...
08:55.07rob_wand fe. bitbake -c clean -b path/to/oe/packgages/myapp/ clean that builds for the packages
08:55.49rob_wfor a full gpe image calculate some 2 -4 gb disk space ( as it gets all sources and cross compiles them )
08:56.16rob_wwith this chain , you can easily port to many architectures , either arm or mips or ppc or even x86
08:56.32gnifits got in the conf "BA_MODULES_kernel26" and a stack of blueangel stuff... I have patches for the 2.6.18 kernel, what do I do here?
08:57.07gnifi am already impressed btw
08:57.47rob_wthat tells what modules should be included in the image .. you can change them .. in order to get your kernel+patch combination you most probably make your on oe/packages/linux/ file
08:58.08rob_wyeah it is impressive and even feeds me and my family now for almost a year ;- )
08:58.20rob_w~hail florian_kc and oe
08:58.24aptACTION bows down to florian_kc and oe and chants, "I'M NOT WORTHY!!"
08:58.53gnif~hail me
08:58.54aptACTION bows down to gnif and chants, "I'M NOT WORTHY!!"
08:59.13gnifi wanted it to say "bows down to me"
08:59.24rob_w~massacre gnif
08:59.26aptACTION sets seeds of discontent and difference among the gnif; years later two factions have formed; history will take its course
08:59.39gnifwhos bot is that?
08:59.56aptextra, extra, read all about it, apt is the Advanced Package Tool, an advanced frontend for dpkg and rpm (depending on your system).  APT is also known as the best package management system in existence today.
09:00.09rob_wwell it is that apt bot here
09:00.15gnifyes, i know what apt is...
09:00.17rob_waka ibot
09:00.21gnifi couldnt live without it
09:00.33rob_wyeah he is so cool if you feel lonely
09:00.45gnifi cant understand why people still use rpm
09:01.10rob_wdamn i do need to create a 5 dimensonal array .. but i cant imagine how and if even i need it really
09:02.28gnifwhat the hell do you need a 5 dimn array for?
09:02.40rob_wi ve a log fucntion which is called with 4 parameters ( 3 integers 1 char string)  so now i do need to flag each combination so in order to know if that exaxt error log was there before
09:02.56rob_wsee what i mean ?
09:03.10gnifcreate a hashtable
09:03.21rob_wso i can fill my logs only when the error starts and when it goes away ..
09:03.22gnifgenerate a md4/5 sum from the 3 ints and string
09:03.34gnifthen look in the hashtable for the md5
09:03.46gnifif it exists, then dont add it
09:04.40gnifif that makes any sence?
09:04.44rob_whmm sounds interessting .. so i have a 2dimension array with the flag (0|1) and the md5
09:04.53gnifnah, not event that
09:05.02gnifjsut make a dynamic array
09:05.19gnifif the md5 exists in it, then you know the log has happend before
09:05.28gnif1 dimention
09:05.33rob_wi see
09:05.53gnifshould be fast too, no need to do string comparison
09:06.45rob_whmm but i do need to repeat that error when it goes away so i do need the combinations of the 4 parameters
09:07.17gnifwell then create a 2 dimention array, 1 dimn = the md5, 2nd = a struct with the details
09:08.24gnifbtw, doesnt have to be md5, just get a nice fast hashing alg that will generate unique values
09:08.50rob_whmm sounds more interessting .. so but the struct does need to carry ints and char strings . so i need a union ?!?
09:09.43gnifstruct LogEntry {
09:09.43gnifint your_int1
09:09.43gnifint your_int2
09:09.43gnifint your_int3
09:09.43gnifchar *errormessage
09:10.53gnifi would just use a vector
09:12.25gnifstruct LogEntry {
09:12.26gnifint your_int1
09:12.26gnifint your_int2
09:12.26gnifint your_int3
09:12.26gnifchar *errormessage
09:12.36gnifand put the md5 in that struct
09:12.56gnif... let me start over...
09:13.10rob_wits ok
09:13.29rob_wso i will go for a simple XOR
09:13.30gnifcreate a struct that contains, the MD5, your ints, and the char... then just create a vector<yourstruct>.
09:14.05gnifthen itterate the vector and look for entries that the checksum matches
09:14.15gnifcrc32 would probarbly be better
09:14.36gnifXOR is going to just encrypt your data
09:14.50gnifyou want a lossy alg that gives you just a hash
09:15.00gnifotherwise too much data to store
09:15.04gnifand compatre
09:15.27rob_wstruct logarray {
09:15.27rob_wint source;
09:15.27rob_wint id;
09:15.27rob_wint class;
09:15.27rob_wchar *message;
09:15.28rob_wint checksum;
09:15.32rob_wstruct logarray logmessage[50];
09:15.43gnifis 50 big enough?
09:15.52rob_whmm for the start
09:16.04*** join/#htc-linux WizMaui (n=WizMaui@
09:16.10gnifdont know too much c
09:16.16gnifdo vetors exist?
09:17.07gnifthen you could have:
09:17.11rob_wvectors ,, hmm u dont mean pointers don tyou
09:17.26gnifa vector is a dynamic array
09:17.55gnifvector<logarray> logmessage;
09:18.09gnifto add an entry:
09:18.18rob_wright i might want the iterations of my messages tobe dynamic .. then i can add members as i wish
09:18.47gnifyou also then dont risk a buffer overflow
09:19.08gnifto itterate a vector:
09:19.21gniffor (int i = 0; i < logmessage.size(); i++
09:20.27rob_whmm that would be really nice ,., but i do need to look up for dynamic array`s .. let me start with some fix values and then i see
09:20.33gniffprintf(stdout, "%d, %d, %d = %s\n",,,,;
09:21.07gnifthe question remains, does C have vectors?
09:21.49gnifanyway, tis time for me to go home... will jump back online when i get there
09:23.05gnifbtw: I have a background in delphi, and have been learning c++ for the last 3-4 months... so if there is a better way, go for it.
09:23.21gnifok, gone now :P
09:24.11cr2gnif: C is the portable assembler, there are no arrays as you know them.
09:24.42rob_whi cr2
09:24.49cr2hi rob_w
09:28.47rob_wwhat if i do struct logarray logmessage[] ;  isnt that dynamic then ?? but how do i iterate through or load ?
09:30.41cr2you need to allocate the space for this array yourself, so you will know where it is in memory, and what is its size.
09:32.31cr2malloc() and free() make things dynamic. everything else is static, but you have an "advantage" of being able to point to any address in your process' address space.
09:33.54cr2if it is in the kernel, then to everywhere ;)
09:43.49rob_wi see
10:40.19*** join/#htc-linux toi (
10:55.11*** join/#htc-linux gnif (n=gnif@
10:55.25gnifyay, finally got back :D
10:56.05gnifI re-installed my pc last night due to making a really stupid mistake (sudo rm /v* -R)
10:56.23gnifdebian unstable is really nice
10:57.50gniftook me about 10 mins to install a base system
10:58.04gnifthen 20-25 mins to setup and install all the gnome packages
10:58.23gnifand just then, good old module-assistant built my video drivers for me :D
10:58.57gnifrob, you still there?
11:05.53rob_wsorry was on lunch
11:06.16rob_wwhats up
11:06.37gnifjust wanted to know how you went
11:07.02rob_wi am doing ok , i think .. i went for the structure  and a 1dimens array of that struct ..
11:07.24gnifi am getting my oe thing setup
11:07.32rob_wthen i now load the error into the struct if it is not existant yet .. still i need to find a point in my code where to check if the errors are gone ..
11:07.51rob_wso then i can go one calling my log functions as i like
11:08.16gnifwhats the app for (if you dont mind me asking)?
11:08.43rob_wsure , it is a deamon to talk to some elektronic hardware of my boss, where we monitor and control a big biogas engine
11:09.01gnifsounds interesting
11:09.06gnifhow is it interfaced?
11:09.10rob_wand i did the image with oe , and the gui with gtk , only the deamon will be "closed" ion that sensce
11:09.40rob_wit talks to some device via canbus and to the controlling unit via rs485
11:09.45gnifi love it when i hear of commercial applicationw with linux
11:10.04gnifwhats rs485? just a variation of 232?
11:10.42rob_wgnif, yes it is serial connection but with some respect to its electronics .. so it is 2 wire diffrential ..
11:11.15gnifdo you do much with the hardware side of things? or mainly software
11:11.48rob_wwell i try to get into the electronics amap but yet i did drivers for the display device ..
11:12.16rob_wmy boss is the electronic engineer , he will show you the running 1 and 0`s on a oszi with a second
11:12.44rob_wits quite cool , but yet i could need more money , ,bla anyway i need to finish that log thing today
11:12.54gnifcool... I wish I had that level of experiance... I have been trying to learn alot of the hardware site... but as soon as it gets more complex then a simple 16f type pic i get lost
11:14.08rob_wi learned alot about those intefaces since i am here ,, so i can talk canbus quite good now ( at least enough to survive)
11:14.43gnifquestion: "Psyco JIT Compiler ( not available. Install it to increase performance"
11:14.46gnifshould i do it?
11:14.49gnifand if so, how
11:14.58rob_whmmi think i need another flag bit inside the struct to indicate it is already in
11:15.16rob_wpscyo is quite good if you have lots of ram .
11:15.23gnif2GB enough?
11:15.56rob_wparsing the packages the 2nd and son time (despite you changed a bb file ) will get much quicker
11:16.01gnifits soooo nice to come home and sit down to a linux pc... i hate my work computer
11:16.03rob_wbut your ram will fill like hell
11:16.13rob_wyour aussie , right ?
11:16.16gnifas long as it cleans up afterwards
11:16.31rob_wcool , would love to get a foot there someday
11:16.57gnifwell, I am government, so cant do that much for ya unfortunatly
11:18.01rob_wi am just interested in some landscape s you have down there ,, rocky costs , outback , salt crockodiles n didgeridoo`s .( which i play btw )
11:18.18gnifheh, ive never touched one :P
11:18.30rob_wi love them
11:18.46rob_wthe clean my head quite fast and clean
11:18.58gnifi play guitar a bit
11:19.04gnifbut nothing serious
11:19.26gnifsick!! "bitbake nano"
11:19.32gnifits like doing an emerge
11:19.35gnifin gentoo
11:20.08gnifwhat country are you in (i know your in the UK)
11:23.55rob_wwrong germany is my one
11:24.29gnifcool, my gradma is from over there
11:24.30rob_wgnif, yeah i bet you know #oe .. for your future detialed questions on the chain itself
11:24.44rob_wso your a quarter german ,, interesting
11:24.55gnifshe was a "klenke"
11:25.04rob_wsounds familiar
11:25.26gnifdunno, the only think I can say in german is "i love you"
11:25.42WizMauierm...can I use openembedded out of the box for building sth for htc wizard?
11:25.48gnifand I only learnt it because its such a rough word
11:26.27gnifWiz: I only discovered it today, ask rob
11:26.42rob_wWizMaui, wizard might also lag it as MACHINE , but so you only need to create a wizard.conf inside oe/conf/machine and there you go ..
11:26.57WizMauisounds good ;)
11:27.03WizMauihey i'm from germany too ;)
11:27.10rob_wmost diffreence might be the kernel for all devices .. but we aim to catch that with different .configs
11:27.17rob_wWizMaui, geil
11:27.17gnifi feel special, theo only auzzie :D
11:27.39WizMauihehe ;)
11:27.48rob_was you are government you should be best to bring us into auzzie land , right ! ?
11:28.00gnifhaha, just a developer
11:28.14gnifich liebe dich
11:29.03gnifjust point out while I am at it... i am not gay... nor do I really love anyone
11:29.16gnifjust the only words in german I know
11:30.10rob_wnow i come to the point to rip apart my good old log functions .. brb
11:30.18rob_wich dich auch !
11:30.41gnifso what does OE do when its finished building a package? make a .tar?
11:30.49gnifhold on, google translator time
11:32.42gnifdebian unstable is worlds ahead of where it was before
11:32.55gnifsystem responsiveness is awesome
11:38.04rob_wIMAGE_FSTYPES = "jffs2 tar"
11:38.43gnifwhats jffs2?
11:39.05WizMauias you know htc wizard currently only boots via haret an cc.ext2.tar.gz ...which fs type would i need in oe
11:39.26gnifactually, haret just boots the kernel
11:39.37gnifyou can use whatever fs you like
11:40.08gnifbut because of the nature of the device, and limited space, I stick to ext2
11:42.09WizMauihmmm...i think we should get the sd card driver working...
11:42.43rob_wi would recommend ext3 on your sdcard , but you are right
11:42.43gniffor which device?
11:42.43WizMauiopie and co. are to big for my builtin memory
11:42.43WizMauihtc wizard ;)
11:42.43gnifi thought mmc was working
11:42.43rob_wjffs2 is a block fs for flash
11:43.22gnifok, so OE builds a package to install into a final image... or what?
11:43.45WizMauinope, the driver commands all timeout when initialize the mmc card
11:44.31rob_woe builds a rootfs in that sense but it is able to pack it also into a jffs2 image in order tobe flashed as total
11:45.24rob_wand yes it does build packages in first place , socalled ipk`s    those then in the finally stage it installes those ipk`s into its chroot rootfs
11:45.44rob_wits like baking as you see !
11:46.51gnifpackage qemu-qop-nogfx-native-0.8.0+svn20060921-r0: task do_compile: failed
11:47.08gnifblock-qcow.c:26:18: error: zlib.h: No such file or directory
11:47.31gnifhost needs it, or its a broken dependency?
11:48.18cr2WizMaui: oe for zaurus fits into 16MB, even 14.
11:48.39WizMauimhhh might be worth a try
11:48.52WizMauibut i would rather put that stuff on my mmc card ;)
11:49.04WizMauierm...i meant minisd
11:49.16cr2it is slower, and needs more power.
11:49.20gnifthat fixed it, host needed the headers for zlib
11:52.05gnifWizMaui: MMC is much slower then system ram... if you can run the main stuff out of system ram it would be much better anyway
11:52.43WizMauiok, agree with you
11:53.28WizMauibut i would appreciate it working on mmc too, because someone could want linux on a spare sd card and see nothing of it when it's not plugged in
11:53.40gnifyeah, i know what you mean
11:54.12WizMauifirst i have to fix the kerneltree in our mercurial repo
11:54.24WizMauidon't know why but it lacks a lot of files ;)
11:55.17rob_wgnif , all packages having "native" on them are need on your host .. so yes you will need zlib.h reachable on the host
11:58.15WizMauidoes someone of you knwo where to get monotone 0.27 or newer for debian sarge amd64?
11:59.12gnifdunno, I was running alioth64... but stopped after getting so frustrated that packages such as shockwave didnt work
12:01.18cr2WizMaui: compile yourself. the only weird dependency is boost lib.
12:01.47WizMauiyep...but now i need a more current version of libboost?
12:02.01WizMauii assume it hase no deb control files ;)
12:02.11cr2try ./configure. it will tell you :)
12:02.40cr2i compile oe on a machine with 8GB RAM.
12:03.48WizMauithe unstable packages work as well ;)
12:04.22cr2bitbake opie-image works
12:04.42cr2i also routinely compile zroadmap
12:08.45gnif8GB, showoff :P
12:08.52gnifi thought 2GB was lots
12:09.08gnifbut then again, this pc is almost 2 years old
12:09.54WizMauimy server runs a core 2 duo :p
12:10.36WizMauibut it has only 512mb ram :(
12:11.03gnifoh yeah, well my pc runs on a Z80
12:11.11gnifoverclocked to 14mhz
12:11.24WizMauihot ;)
12:11.44gnifi wonder how long gcc will take to compile
12:12.28WizMauihey, was one of you ever annoyed of these "hello i'm a mac" adverst by apple?
12:12.54gnifwe dont get adverts like that over here
12:13.16gnifand if we did, i would have dug my eyeballs out with a spoon
12:13.51WizMaui :(
12:14.05cr2WizMaui: i have linux-ppc running on a powerbook :)
12:14.21gniftis ok if your running linux on it...
12:14.32WizMauii just don't like that most mak users think they are cooler than pc users ;)
12:14.39gnifbut you should have just bought a pc and saved 100000 dollars
12:14.47WizMauithis is crazy, even since macs are now built with the same hw
12:15.00gnifyou can run XP on em
12:15.22cr2who cares. i also have a dec alpha with linux. 64bit since 1992. cpu diversity is good.
12:15.56gnifyes, but big endieness is not a sign of performance
12:16.04gnifat the time yes
12:16.15cr2alpha is littleendian, btw.
12:16.26gnifwhatever :P
12:16.34gnifi mean, 64bit
12:16.49gniflooking at opie screenshots, looks very cool
12:17.16gnifdoes the phone work with it?
12:17.59cr264bit cpu don't let you do crappy programming. sizeof(*) != sizeof(int)
12:18.14cr2there is no "real" opie phone app.
12:19.19cr2zphone and qomunicator were 2 attempts at it.
12:19.27gnifbut then again, if your doing crappy programming, you need to be slapped about with a dead fish
12:19.37gnifare they any good?
12:19.44cr2not really.
12:20.13gnifits very pretty
12:20.35cr2write one :)
12:20.42gnifI plan to
12:20.49gnifgotta make my magician work first tho
12:21.19cr2the phone on magician.
12:21.33gnifi think its broken atm
12:21.40cr2polishing the rest can take some time.
12:22.29gnifyeah, tell me about it... I have been working on a linux based media center for the xbox for months now... tis a big job just to make it useable, let alone pretty
12:23.30gnifand no, not based off anything, I hate mythtv/freevo... etc... and it has to be fast because of the limited hardware in the xbox
12:24.01WizMauiwhat about xbmc
12:24.01WizMauiit's rather complete, isn't it?
12:24.02gnifi am using it already, but...
12:24.09gnif40char filename limitation
12:24.12gnifno samba server
12:24.22gnifweb interface is horrible
12:24.27gnifand its illegal
12:25.02WizMauiif ms would'nt be so restrictive on their xdk ;)
12:25.21WizMauias with xbox360 on the market i think they should consider releasing it ;)
12:26.40gnifthey wont tho...
12:26.46gnifyou are speaking about microsoft
12:26.50WizMauii know ;)
12:27.28gnifthey dont know the meaning of free, and dont care of making people's life easier, just making money
12:28.36rob_wok now i can check my logerror magic
12:30.22rob_wsegfault .. hehe not special on the first try
12:30.31rob_wafter one hour of coding blindly
12:35.23gnifdoes OE generate the locale's every time, or is this just because its my first package?
12:38.04rob_wit generates them once ... so if dont change your glibc then its ok and done only once
12:41.15rob_whmm i am having problems with the 4th paramter to the log function which is a const char *message
12:41.38gnifhow can it be a const char
12:41.42gnifits not constant
12:42.02gnifif it makes it easier, you could use a string saved my day ;)
12:43.27rob_whmm if i take this const away .. wonder if i then still can call my log function like logerror(VALUES, siCounter, PWARN, "überschritten");
12:44.12gnifyou can
12:44.38rob_wno i cant it says warning: passing arg 4 of `logerror' discards qualifiers from pointer target type
12:44.56gnifok, mayb thats a c++ thing
12:45.03gnifcoz I do that all the time in c++
12:45.15rob_wshit .. that s a problem now
12:45.33gnifwhy cant you use a const char
12:45.35gnifwhats the error?
12:46.13rob_whang on
12:47.34rob_wit segfaults on strcpy(printfmessage , message);  where char *printfmessage;
12:47.56gnifahh, did you allocate the memory in printfmessage?
12:48.12gnifmemalloc(printfmessage, strlen(message));
12:48.12rob_wnot that i know ?=!
12:50.22rob_wehm malloc doesnt take 2 arguments !?!
12:51.00gnifpfrintfmessage = malloc(strlen(message));
12:51.08rob_wah right
12:51.15gnifsorry, i work with about 8 languages, its easy to get mixed up
12:51.16rob_wnow i get over it .. hang on
12:51.45gnifmake sure you clean up after, you need to release that memory when your done with it
12:54.32gnifhow long you been using c?
12:54.53rob_whehe ,,,
12:55.09rob_wi never managed to get those string stuff to well
12:55.20rob_wso i never had to do this things
12:57.34gnifyou might want to read up on pointers and memory management
12:57.52gnifor your apps will crash unexpectadly
12:58.04gnifand you will get gray hairs trying to figure out why
13:04.44gnifyay, its finished the locales... now itc building gcc-cross
13:10.53gnifyay, its building nano :D
13:10.57gnifall done!!!!
13:11.50rob_wgood job .. your first oe image within 2 hours
13:12.10gnifmind you, an hour of that was eating dinner and driving home :P
13:13.37gnifso... "bitbake linux" will build me the kernel?
13:14.11*** join/#htc-linux iggy (n=iggy@
13:17.20rob_wbitbake -b oe/packages/linux/
13:18.21gnifok, so is that how I configure the kernel?
13:18.24gnif& patch
13:19.58*** join/#htc-linux pH5 (
13:21.21gnifthere is no linux-2.6.18 :(
13:21.30cr2gnif: are your patches for the CVS ?
13:21.40cr2then i can simply commit them to the tree.
13:21.48gnifthey are not my patches
13:22.09gnifthe guy that made em has done STACKS
13:22.16cr2well, then try to adapt them.
13:22.28gnifproblem is, they rely on 2.6.18 stuff
13:22.45cr2are they all magician specific ?
13:22.55gnifwell, sorta
13:23.03gniflots of the pxa audio stuff
13:23.15cr2hmm. tough luck.
13:23.18gnifand he has re-written the usb gadgets
13:23.29cr2i hate patches.
13:23.37gnifcouple thousand lines of diff
13:24.05gnifwait, he has updated those
13:24.29cr2you know the procedure: it has zero chance to be ever applied to something mainstream, if not split into pieces.
13:24.42gnifoh, the patches are
13:24.56gnifthere is about 8-9 patches
13:25.00gnifi think
13:25.14cr2these are binary modules.
13:25.25gnifwrong link
13:25.41gnifwrong again
13:25.54gnifi should learn to read ey :P
13:26.24gnifhe has called it all by "magician" not "htc-magician" so i dont know what that will affect
13:26.32cr2ok. that looks better.
13:26.40gnifi have a feeling the gadgets stuff is much more advanced then whats @
13:26.51gnifand the alsa driver doesnt oops on the magician
13:27.14cr2the machine name is "magician". it has historical roots.
13:27.37gnifyeah, i know that... i mean, i dont know what problems patching will cause
13:28.16gnifie, the arch/arm/ dir is magican, not htcmagician
13:28.52cr2it is called htcmagician in CVS
13:28.58gnifyeah, i know
13:29.03gnifthats what I am saying
13:29.12cr2704K patch, hmm.
13:29.18gnifthe sources wont compile for magician, none of the lcd stuff has been updated
13:29.28gnifthe structs are wrong
13:29.31cr2it's easy.
13:29.42cr2i will update universal today.
13:30.09gnifi fixed it all myself, then found this stuff and realised that its being maintained more actively
13:30.16gnifso dropped the hh cvs version
13:30.24gnifnow i regret that decision
13:30.56gnifwhats the chances of migrating hh to 2.6.18?
13:33.20gnifI would be happier using cvs... and would gladly see about moving these patches into it
13:36.40pH5gnif: unfortunately I don't have too much time, lately. I'm going to split up magician.patch as a first step (remove the asoc sound stuff).
13:37.34gnifso do you want me to see what I can do?
13:37.41pH5gnif: did you have problems with 2.6.18?
13:38.13gnifeven the fast fpe works
13:38.29pH5I didn't rewrite pxa audio - that's just the AsoC framework from the openzaurus kernels
13:38.47gnifahhh, are you Zabel?
13:39.11gnifhow come these patches are seperate to
13:39.29gnifi would be happy to help move them in
13:39.56gnifyour usb gadgets code is very different
13:40.03pH5I didn't want to depend on too many things.
13:40.36gnifwell, i must say that the  2.6.18 kernel with your patches runs excellent
13:40.37pH5The usb code is from, too.
13:40.42gnifonly detected one problem
13:41.11gnifthe volume/up/down (whatever key that is), up doesnt seem to be mapped
13:41.15gnifbut I can look into that
13:42.59pH5gnif: those should be mapped to KEY_VOLUMEUP/VOLUMEDOWN, maybe they don't appear in the xserver due to some 7bit limitation
13:43.19gnifnah, i havt even got xserver running
13:43.32gnifI have had real problems with my crosstool
13:43.42gnifthese guys finally pointed me to OE
13:48.56gnifanyway, i am off to bed, its 11:50pm here
13:49.34gnifcya's all tmw...
14:20.08WizMaui| /usr/bin/ld:/stuff/tmp/work/x86_64-linux/qemu-qop-nogfx-native-0.8.0+svn20060921-r0/trunk/x86_64.ld:62: parse error
14:20.08WizMaui| collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
14:20.08WizMaui| make[1]: *** [qemu-arm] Fehler 1
14:20.28WizMauiNOTE: package qemu-qop-nogfx-native-0.8.0+svn20060921: failed
14:20.28WizMauiERROR: Build of opie-image failed
14:23.02WizMauidoes someone have a clue whats wrong with it?
14:23.24cr2WizMaui: this is the infamous locale problem
14:23.45cr2in build/conf/local.conf
14:24.35WizMauithanks ;)
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19:58.19youpi_yagood ev
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22:59.50Kevin2cr2: Are you still around?
23:02.06Kevin2Well, if you get this message, I put a new haret patch on svn.  I can now compile HaRET with -O again.
23:03.16cr2Kevin2: just wake up and wanted to go to bed :)
23:07.12cr2hmm. interesting. is wince capable of handling things like that #define __irq __attribute__ ((__section__ (".text.irq"))) ?
23:09.31Kevin2It does work.
23:09.37florianlooks scary :-)
23:09.52Kevin2It is the linker that handles that stuff.  wince never sees it.
23:10.43Kevin2To be honest, though, I can't guarentee the next ld/gcc version wont croak on it.  However, it should be something we can fix up if it does.
23:11.02Kevin2The Linux kernel does this stuff too.
23:13.09cr2i was worried that the wince dynamic loader does not know what to do with .text.irq section.
23:13.58Kevin2I don't think it ever sees it.  By the time the linker is done, it just tells wince to load some blob at some address.
23:14.59Kevin2Hrmm.  The name is in the section headers.  But I confirmed that it does work for me.
23:15.35cr2objdump -h
23:16.04Kevin2Yeah, I just did that (-x).
23:17.19cr2i have looked deeper into the phone control.
23:17.33Kevin2If you're concerned, I might be able to reorg it so it gets merged back into .text.  However I did test it without issue.
23:17.41Kevin2Cool, anything interesting.
23:17.58cr2this is really scary.
23:18.14cr2.text.irq is CODE, so it will be properly handled.
23:19.03cr2the phone control is a really complex thing. even with a lot of stuff disassembled, there is a lot of things to understand.
23:20.54cr2the usb host control just makes it even more compicated.
23:21.14Kevin2I'd like to see whatever descriptions you can put together for them.  The various phones likely have a lot in common.
23:21.55cr2we have 3 different "base" phones.
23:21.56Kevin2Hrrm.  So you think host is directly involved in control traffic.  That sucks.
23:22.45cr2it is difficult to separate the gpios that work for the phone and for the usb host.
23:23.10cr2because these things happen simultaneously.
23:23.15Kevin2BTW, I was thinking of rewriting linboot to use the section stuff also, and rewrite most of the assembler boot code in C.  We really only need about 10 assembler lines - just about everything can be done from C code.
23:24.12*** join/#htc-linux gnif (n=gnif@
23:24.17gnifhi all
23:24.23cr2and we need much less C code. AllocPhysMem is saving us a lot of trouble.
23:24.30cr2hi gnif
23:24.44Kevin2I know you and ph5 got in a discussion the other day about phone tracing.  wgpio isn't really useful for watching phone gpios, because it only shows a snapshot in time - it can't show ordering of gpio events.
23:25.23cr2and my old idea of linking the zimage into haret.
23:25.53Kevin2Unfortunately, tracing gpio activity via the "wi" stuff isn't too easy.  If you watch the full range of gpio registers, you get a lot of traffic.  Further, it isn't easy to tell what was being written (or read) on the gpio registers, because you don't get the register read in some cases.
23:26.31cr2well, i have traced the pxa and asic3 gpios and disassembled a lot of wince code.
23:26.54Kevin2We may be able to trace host activity by watching writes to the usb host registers, and then dissasembling the areas that write to it, and then setup instruction breakpoints on those areas of the code.
23:27.15cr2i can assign most of the (phone) gpios to some wince code, but not all.
23:27.33Kevin2I'm reluctant to get into diassembly -- I really don't have the patience for it.
23:27.46cr2i'd like to avoid disassembling the usbh.dll maybe there is an easier way to do it ?
23:28.54cr2i have learned to find the gpios and addresses really fast. but the full logic behind them needs much more patience.
23:28.58Kevin2I was reading the pxa usb specs the other day.  It doesn't look easy to catch in the general case.  However, they may be using some simplified scheme that we could setup instruction breakpoints on.  (And then code up a handler that copies what was being transfered to the "trace buffer".)
23:29.33cr2btw, is there a gdb for wince, or something like that ?
23:34.51Kevin2Not that I know of.  The "wi" stuff is basically a homegrown gdb.
23:37.35cr2stepi/dis ?
23:38.36Kevin2"set insn 0xaaabbbcc"
23:41.06cr2and setting a break address ?
23:43.41Kevin2It will set an instruction breakpoint.  When it fires, it sets an instruction breakpoint for the next instruction and resumes.  When the next trap fires, it resets the break point to the first instruction and resumes.
23:45.17cr2i'll learn the opcodes this way :)
23:52.34gnifsorry to interrupt... just a quick q... there is no support in OE for the magician, the kernels complain that its an incompatible device... what do i do about this?
23:54.42cr2there should be a way to insert a C driver to usbh. like the snoopypro is doing it.

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.