irclog2html for #htc-linux on 20060710

12:02.14*** join/#htc-linux apt (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
12:02.14*** topic/#htc-linux is HTC LINUX ! THIS IS THE FORWARD CHANNEL from #htc-blueangel ; check also -> | | LOGS: at
12:02.27*** part/#htc-linux rob_w|mis (
12:45.49*** join/#htc-linux rob_w|mis (
14:11.23*** join/#htc-linux NickBee (n=Dheeraj@
14:11.33NickBeeHi Cr2
14:11.42NickBeeI am about to test the z-bee image now
14:11.58NickBeewill return ... fingures crossed ;)
14:22.27*** join/#htc-linux MB300E (
14:38.28goxboxliveNickBee Well did it work?
14:38.49*** join/#htc-linux florian_kc (
14:42.57NickBeenope, phone crashed as soon as i started it
14:43.32NickBeelot of horizontal lines, color of screen started changing to white, vibra on ... very horrible site :)
14:43.48goxboxlivehmm i c
14:44.29NickBeecr2 ... r u around ?????
14:45.06NickBeegoxboxlive ... we were trying to get the ts working with this new kernel
14:46.11NickBeeearlier we were able to reach to the point were i was able too opie splash screen, but as ts wasn't there, it was pretty much useless from that point onwards
14:46.51goxboxlivehave you tried with ts_calibrate?
14:47.42NickBeeBTW, ealier i didn't hadthis variable in default: MTYPE, so i copied it over from universal as haret complained for it, was i correct putting up the value of 855 there ?
14:48.07NickBeehow should i reach to ts_calibrate, ts won't respond to my "licks"
14:48.15NickBee"clicks" *
14:49.09goxboxlivei c
14:50.16*** join/#htc-linux punkgeek (
14:50.48NickBeeand i have no idea what MTYPE is ?
14:51.29goxboxliveit could be a opie issue (detect stylus). Otherwise if you want to try
14:51.42goxboxlivemtype = machinetype
14:51.55NickBeeoh, so what type is beetles?
14:52.18NickBeei am sure, the folder from where i picked up was for universal
14:54.07goxboxlivewhat is for universal? your zimage?
14:55.16NickBeeyes, but the machine type ?? what value should go there?
14:56.05goxboxlivewhat have you been using before in your default.txt?
14:56.20NickBeethere was no MTYPE before, i guess
14:56.43cr2NickBee: you don't need any MTYPE.
14:57.05NickBeeHi cr2, just the man i was looking for ;)
14:57.12cr2855 is wrong anyway, and will be ignored.
14:57.18NickBeeIf there is no MTYPE, it asks me for the same
14:57.27cr2which haret are you using ?
14:57.36NickBeesaying: undefined MTYPE
14:58.22cr2use one from files/haret
14:59.03NickBee ?
15:00.28NickBeeand no MTYPE ... right?
15:03.36goxboxlivebtw: But wat is the machine no. for beetles cr2?
15:03.37NickBeebooted, but no TS
15:03.47NickBeei could see some errors scroll by
15:03.59NickBeelike: modules dep not found
15:04.06NickBeeor something similar
15:05.00NickBeecan i stop opie from starting and read the messages scrolling
15:07.03NickBeeok, so i use this mtype now?
15:07.11cr2you can edit /etc/inittab and set the default level 2 or 3, then opie will not be started.
15:07.18cr2you don't need mtype.
15:07.33cr2it will be autodetected.
15:08.02cr2does your usb work ?
15:08.46NickBeeusb works with windows xp machine, not tried with linux box
15:14.31*** join/#htc-linux NickBee_ (n=Dheeraj@
15:17.51NickBee_it said: FATAL: unable to find module: /lib/modules/modules-hh3/
15:19.24NickBee_exact message:
15:20.22NickBee_modprobe: fatal: could not load /lib/modules/2.6.16-hh3/modules.dep: no such file or directory
15:21.43NickBee_starting irda:
15:21.53NickBee_modprobe: fatal: could not load /lib/modules/2.6.16-hh3/modules.dep: no such file or directory
15:22.28NickBee_staring syslogd/klogd: done
15:24.37NickBee_starting bluetooth subsystem: hcid sdpd can't open HIDP control socket: address family not supported by protocol hiddcan't open RFCOMM control socket: address family not supported by protocol rfcomm.
15:25.26NickBee_so, now its asking for login, but no keyboard :)
15:26.42goxboxlivecr2: Have you moved over to hh3?
15:30.26cr2hmm. so much for using head.
15:31.13cr2then usb will not work.
15:32.06cr2VERSION = 2
15:32.07cr2PATCHLEVEL = 6
15:32.07cr2SUBLEVEL = 16
15:32.07cr2EXTRAVERSION = -hh3
15:32.33NickBee_So ..
15:33.20cr2hmm. even if i will rename it to -hh2 i have a different compiler.
15:33.53cr2goxboxlive: which compiler did you use for opie image ? i need to have the matching version.
15:34.45goxboxlivedont remeber, but jsut install the modules with your gcc version matching the zimage.
15:35.13cr2install where ?
15:35.18goxboxliveIn the Opie image
15:35.33cr2i can create a tar.gz, so nickbee will untar it over his opie.
15:35.50NickBeeso, Ok
15:35.52goxboxlivejust delete /lib/modules/2.6.16-hh2 and do a new module install to it
15:36.33goxboxlivewich gcc version are you using cr2?
15:37.04cr2gcc-Version 3.4.4 (release) (CodeSourcery ARM Q1cvs 2005)
15:37.22cr2for historical reasons.
15:39.17goxboxlive:-) Will that be the same version as the one provided in OE?
15:39.24goxboxliveIt is gcc 3.4.4
15:43.16cr2the problem will be solved when fimbulvetr will provide the initramfs build process.
15:43.49goxboxliveSInce we did so much userspace progress this weekend i am going to upload a new Opie-image. I have tried today and make the key light turn on/off controlled by the luminance sensor but with no luck.
15:44.53goxboxlivecr2: Could we use the suspend/resume code to h4000? They seems the have it working..
15:45.40cr2i'll look at it. but it is only a partial solution. all our own drivers should support it too.
15:46.23NickBeeAnything we can do here for beetles ... ?
15:46.33NickBeeand whats hh3 ?
15:48.39*** join/#htc-linux pH5 (
15:48.56cr2wow. 880K in modules
15:54.29cr2uploading new zbee-ts kernel and bee-modules.tar.bz2
15:55.03cr2the tar.bz2 should be uncompressed in the / opie directory.
15:56.39cr2ok. done.
15:56.43cr2hi pH5
15:57.34NickBeedownloading ...
15:59.06pH5cr2: is there already a common image I should test?
16:01.05cr2pH5: opie ?
16:01.20cr2ask goxboxlive
16:02.06cr2i'm trying to do things portable. the brightness patches of yesterday should work on all our phones.
16:02.13pH5goxboxlive: I'd like to test the opie image on the magician (booting via sd on /dev/mmcblk0p2). anything I have to look out for besides providing my own kernel modules?
16:03.30goxboxliveNo i dont think so, the one in the tmp folder is latest.
16:04.14cr2bluetooth will need some tweaking. maybe.
16:04.38cr2there is no wifi.
16:06.44pH5cr2: where in the kernel do I put the gsm reset code?
16:06.55NickBeeyup, those errors vanished, but still no ts
16:06.56goxboxlivethere is wifi,, just run ifup wlan0
16:07.14NickBeei got an error regarding backlight though (and no backlight either)
16:07.36NickBeethe error was something like: Non existent folder or something
16:08.37cr2goxboxlive: magician has no wifi.
16:08.44cr2NickBee: check usb.
16:08.47cr2in linux
16:08.54goxboxliveohh i c :-)
16:09.24NickBeeok, so basically booting opie on wince and connecting to linux box
16:10.44goxboxliveHow do i check if wifi is up or not in a script. For bluetooth i jsut did hciconfig | grep hci0: . But that will not work for wlan0 since the wlan0 will be reported no mather it is running or not.
16:15.20*** join/#htc-linux rob_w (
16:16.04rob_whey all
16:16.29NickBeecr2: i booted linux on ipaq, connected the cradle to linux box, placed ipaq on the cradle, when the boot of linux on ipaq was complete i.e. asking me for the root
16:16.57NickBeeafter puting it on cradle i get: "usb reset" on the ipaq screen
16:17.05NickBeeis that normal?
16:17.27cr2it's ok.
16:17.34cr2do 'lsusb'
16:18.11cr2hi rob_w
16:18.17rob_whey cr2
16:18.23cr2rob_w: how is your gpe ?
16:18.31rob_wmy gpe-image compiled magically
16:18.46cr2new kernel without the ramdisk ?
16:18.46NickBeeyup, got microdia, broadcom, authentc and alcor micro corp
16:18.59rob_wiam preparing the ba to boot .. eh
16:19.26NickBeein all four devices it seems ??
16:19.28cr2NickBee: Compaq sa1100 of something like that ?
16:19.44NickBeeno compaq ....
16:19.50cr2pull the usb cable out and in again.
16:19.56rob_wcr2, u say that kernel will have no ramdisk ??
16:20.23cr2rob_w: you don't need such braindead setup like on wiki page now.
16:20.23NickBeestill no ...
16:20.42NickBeedo i need to boot linux on ipaq with it mounted on cradle ?
16:20.47cr2NickBee: boot with the ipaq in the cradle and cable switched on.
16:20.56rob_wcr2, say again .. :-?
16:21.56cr2rob_w: compile the kernel without ramdisk and with asic3_mmc compile in. boot with root=/dev/mmc/blk0/p2 or something like that. since you use .12 kernel.
16:22.19rob_wi see
16:22.41cr2we need to fix the w100fb on .16 then you can use it without the touchscreen :)
16:23.06rob_wwithout ??
16:23.38rob_wthis in now really dont get
16:23.42cr2what is the use for the ramdisk ?
16:24.04rob_wload asic3 && pivot_root
16:24.12cr2you can mount root directly from sd.
16:24.28rob_wyes, ok
16:24.39cr2if asic3_mmc is compiled in the kernel like on universal, beetles, et al.
16:24.49rob_wok i get that ,
16:24.58rob_wbut what is "without the touchscreen "
16:24.59NickBeecr2: strange: without even booting linux, i get Hawlett-Packard Jornada 548 Pocket PC
16:25.15NickBeebooting linux now ...
16:25.38cr2NickBee: it depends on what HP did there. does not  matter.
16:25.58cr2rob_w: i didn't port the tsc2200 to .16
16:26.16rob_wah ok ,,
16:26.32cr2because it is such braindead code :) written by lkcl 2 years ago and completely outdated.
16:26.35rob_whmm but without tsc2200 i will also miss some other friends
16:26.51NickBeeoh! no compaq still ....
16:26.51cr2rob_w: that's why you use .12 kernel.
16:26.59NickBeeplugging out and back in ...
16:27.12cr2NickBee: did the Pocket PC went away ?
16:27.28NickBeeafter booting linux
16:27.41cr2ok. did something appeared instead ?
16:28.10NickBeenothing that wasn't there ealier
16:28.14rob_whmm i think i want gpe-bootsplash disabled for now :-)
16:28.23NickBeeHP ... is no more there
16:28.41cr2NickBee: then we need a PUEN. hmm.
16:28.53NickBeebut i got the backlight error very clear on my screen now
16:28.57NickBeeshall i read it out
16:29.02rob_whmm should that make me worry :
16:29.32rob_ws  lib/modules/
16:29.32rob_w2.6.12  2.6.12-hh2-xda0-ba0
16:30.02cr2NickBee: you should run "wasic3gpio" and pull the cable in and out to detect what gpios are changing.
16:30.20cr2rob_w: it should be 2.6.12-hh2-xda0-ba0
16:30.46pH5cr2: do you know what is the reason for the local_irq_save/restore in the hx4700 egpio driver?
16:30.47rob_wyeah right, but the fresh rootfs show also a 2.6.12 dir in there
16:31.31cr2pH5: to protect from one process switching gpio on and another off. simultaneously.
16:31.52cr2because it is shadowed in RAM.
16:32.08pH5cr2: that makes sense. thanks.
16:32.36NickBeebut the backlight error is like this: /etc/rc5.d/s96backlight: 3: cannot create /sys/class/backlight/pxa2xx-fb/brightness: directory nonexistent
16:33.05goxboxliveNickBee, that is an universal script. delete it
16:33.06cr2NickBee: you don't have a backlight driver.
16:33.26cr2goxboxlive: it should be the same.
16:33.27goxboxliveIt is just made to turn the backlight on on the universal
16:33.35goxboxliveok i c
16:36.51pH5how is the lcd brightness controlled then?
16:37.08cr2goxboxlive: can you copy the ddi.dll from \windows somewhere ?
16:37.13cr2pH5: where ?
16:37.30pH5on the beetles if it doesn't  have a backlight driver
16:37.41goxboxlivewindowsXP or wince?
16:37.54NickBeeIts a "black" screen for now ph5
16:38.09cr2pH5: i should port the driver from universal, but need to data about asic3 gpios.
16:38.24cr2goxboxlive: wince.
16:38.30pH5ah, work in progress :)
16:38.56goxboxlivecr2: What's the file for?
16:39.13cr2pH5: backlight is not a problem here. it is more about lcd power up/down.
16:40.02cr2goxboxlive: the same problem. bootloader does one thing, old universal another, "wasic3gpio" shows the third ;-)
16:40.03goxboxlivecr2: It's not allowd, it's like the rilgsm.dll file
16:40.31cr2needs more sneaky way.
16:46.21goxboxliveWhy isent there a way to just copy a file. That is strange.
16:46.38*** join/#htc-linux BoSJo (
16:47.10cr2goxboxlive: because it is micros~1.
16:47.44goxboxlive:-) (like a780 :-) )
16:48.12goxboxliveHi BoSJo
16:48.31cr2goxboxlive: try
16:48.31BoSJogoxboxlive: Hi :-)
16:50.13NickBeehow do i know the ip address of my device over bluetooth :)
16:50.42BoSJocr2: I already tried all available tools on xda-dev, none works on my Norwegian sold latest Rom......just repeats the same data over and over again
16:51.50cr2BoSJo: which ones ?
16:52.16BoSJocr2:All the rom dump tools
16:52.41NickBeeguys, back in 10 minutes, have to eat something to continue )
16:52.42cr2also this one "testdump" ?
16:53.02BoSJocr2:yep all of e'm
16:53.05*** join/#htc-linux lkthomas_ (
16:53.30cr2asukal has dumped the *exe and *dll in september last year. i didn't even have an universal then ;)
16:54.04cr2i don't need some wince skin files. only ddi.dll
16:54.49cr2and "grab_it - invisible ROM dumper" does the same as "pwf" command in haret.
16:55.20BoSJocr2: tried all tools several times, none works. I know that it works on earlier roms, but not on the latest ones. Asukal (i think) also managede to load the rom into emulator
16:56.19BoSJocr2: i dont know the haret dump tools or commands, never tried them, but dump rom dossent work for me
16:56.27cr2with access to the wince kernel data structures you can just dump all memory mapped .text and .data segments and paste them together. i think it is what such tool can do.
16:56.46cr2otherwise wince will not work.
16:57.34cr2we can dump the bootloader from RAM. well, some part is overwritten by usb host buffers.
16:58.56BoSJocr2: ok, i really dont know that much to the insides of WinCe, just how to use the tools provided. Also tried the newly released EditRom tool......but it fails to unpack the rom very earli in the process
17:00.27cr2one more reason to dump wince :)
17:01.04BoSJocr2: he he, good point :-)
17:02.21goxboxlivei have the dump.bin
17:02.29goxboxlivewhat shall i do with it?
17:02.44cr2goxboxlive: only dump.bin ?
17:02.48cr2how big is it ?
17:02.52goxboxliveyes, 21MB
17:03.11BoSJocr2: but the reason i wanted to get the rilgsm.dll from the latest rom, was that (I think that you said it) that the commands from earlier versions diddent work
17:03.19cr2look at the first 8192 bytes. do they repeat ?
17:03.33BoSJogoxboxlive: it should be 128
17:03.39goxboxlivei c
17:04.00goxboxlivemin is 21.1MB
17:04.10cr2BoSJo: i know all the "old" commands
17:04.24cr2128MB is useless. it can be done with "pwf"
17:04.50cr2without any crappy windows closed source tools.
17:05.20goxboxliveWhatapplication do i read a bin file with in linux? Is it like hexedit?
17:06.25BoSJoThe best i got so far was using the RomEdit tool, succesfully decrypt the nba file, but then it stops :-( cant use the other tools on it.....forgot the name right noe
17:07.30cr2BoSJo: the perl tool by itsme is using some wince compress dll, so i had problems on linux ;)
17:08.04cr2there are 2 compression methods. one is implemented in "cabextract". the other one is unknown.
17:08.49cr2i thought it is better to spend time on making linux run, than on understanding what the micros~1 monkeys did there...
17:08.52BoSJocr2: i could imagine that, havent tried any tools directly off itsme's site, the whole perl thing dossent appeal to me
17:09.09goxboxliveOk, after F3 now what? I am totaly lost here
17:09.46cr2perl is good. i was tired of running dumprom.exe in wine ;)
17:10.16cr2because the source of dumprom did not included decompression too.
17:10.40cr2F3, then F4 to switch to hex.
17:10.55cr2then you can even edit the file.
17:11.03BoSJocr2: it might be...well actually i have heard it many times that it should be, just when i started coding....perl was a bitch getting to run on Win, and other options where there
17:11.33goxboxliveyes i am in hex mode.
17:11.33cr2cygwin ?
17:12.50goxboxliveThere are allmost just '0'x8 , exept the first cell
17:12.59cr2goxboxlive: check if the first ~8192 bytes repeat.
17:13.06cr2ok. then it is useless.
17:13.44cr2we need to write the haret command to dump the loaded *.exe and *.dll files.
17:14.09cr2there is a start with "dump modules" command.
17:14.11goxboxliveit start with FE 03 00 EA
17:14.18goxboxliveat adress 00000000
17:14.24cr2b 0x1000
17:14.35cr2typical for wince.
17:14.49cr2cane be used as a magic.
17:16.00goxboxlivethe at offsett 0x00000040 -> 0x0000004b there are hexadecimal nubmers
17:16.16goxboxlivedo you want them?
17:16.41cr2i thought it is different.
17:17.19goxboxlivethen it is just zeroes to adress 0x0001000
17:18.04goxboxliveis this what Haret is based on?
17:18.30*** join/#htc-linux toi (
17:18.35cr2it is the wince IPL.
17:18.48cr2the code at 0x0 physical.
17:18.57cr2we need to understand it for resume.
17:19.03goxboxlivei c
17:19.15cr2but it should be similar to other htc pdas.
17:21.35BoSJoWould any of you guys be able to do anything if I decrypt the .nbf to .nba?
17:21.51cr2i need some food too.
17:25.09rob_wcr2, i also dont need init=/someting in my startup.txt , right
17:26.50rob_wok , now for a beer and then i boot again
17:27.36goxboxliveu go rob_w, i on for a beer my self :-) sheers
17:32.17NickBeeguys, how to mask the output of wasic3gpio ... completly forgot ...
17:32.33NickBeeset iasic3gpio(70) 1 ??
17:34.19pH5NickBee: I think it's set iasic3gpioa, iasic3gpiob, ..c, d
17:34.47NickBeeok, but when to use iasic3gpioa, b etc ..
17:34.50*** join/#htc-linux AlphaPi[jr] (
17:35.02NickBeeto mask things like:GPLR72 0 3237181
17:35.02NickBeeGPLR73 0 3237181
17:37.19NickBeegot it
17:37.42pH5NickBee: 16 gpios for every bank, right?
17:38.02NickBeeyup, found the trick :)
17:51.13rob_wso that new haret doesnt boot my kernel .. yet the old one does, but that kernel seems to not working on w100fb for me
17:51.16*** join/#htc-linux bobofdoo1 (
17:51.33rob_wonly had colour chaning 1/6th top bar
17:51.44rob_wseems dimensions dont fit
17:52.30NickBeecr2: here is the output from wasic3gpio for usb out and in:
17:52.32NickBeeGPIOA7 S 1 ? 4380313
17:52.33NickBeeGPIOB6 S 1 ? 4380332
17:52.33NickBeeGPIOB6 S 0 ? 4384449
17:52.33NickBeeGPIOA7 S 0 ? 4384650
17:52.48NickBeeA7, B6 when the cable was plugged out
17:53.00NickBeeB6, A7 when the cable was plugged back in
18:02.39NickBeecr2: are you around ?
18:05.41*** join/#htc-linux rob_w (
18:27.16rob_wis sfnet cvs down again ?
18:28.29pH5rob_w: it lives. not sure about anoncvs though.
18:30.07pH5"strh r0, [r4], #4", doesn't that increment r4 *after* storing r0 to it?
18:38.01*** join/#htc-linux BabelOued (
18:45.29rob_woh well .. usb device is not communicating ,, and lcd w100fb does not work ..
18:53.25cr2rob_w: what kernel are you using ?
18:54.12cr2NickBee: are you sure nothing else changes ? keyboard light, etc.
18:54.32NickBeelight do comes up
18:54.41cr2rob_w: -ba0 ?
18:54.46rob_wback in those days cp15 mentioned i ve a different lcd then he had
18:54.59cr2NickBee: does it go off after some time ?
18:55.02NickBeebut, thats after the trace i sent you
18:55.04rob_wbut i was to dumb to understand the exact difference
18:55.28cr2do B6 or A7   change too ?
18:55.48cr2the usb gpio should happen only once.
18:56.11cr2rob_w: strange.
18:56.33NickBeek, let me try again then
18:56.45cr2rob_w: take my kernel from files/uni
18:58.43rob_wgot it
18:59.03rob_whang on
19:00.50rob_wnice .. w100fb is working with your kernel
19:02.16cr2does it mount the SD ?
19:02.56rob_wi appended a wrong root dev .. but i so the partitions registering ;-)
19:04.23rob_wdamn it .. my sd card is not unmounting anymore
19:04.23pH5my nk.exe contains a function InitPASIC3GPIO ?!
19:04.27NickBeeGPIOD12 S 1 ? 8727572
19:04.28NickBeeGPIOD14 S 1 ? 8727586
19:04.28NickBeeCKEN0 PWM0 on
19:04.28NickBeeGPIOD12 S 0 ? 8757559
19:04.28NickBeeGPIOD14 S 0 ? 8757576
19:04.28NickBeeCKEN0 PWM0 off
19:04.40cr2pH5: they compile a lot of crap into wince. closed source :)
19:04.43NickBeethis is the trace when the backlight goes on and off
19:05.17*** join/#htc-linux awelux (
19:05.19cr2NickBee: it is d12 and d14. we were talking about b6 and a7.
19:05.25cr2sounds like chess to me.
19:05.47NickBeeright, but this was just in case it helps with the backlight ;)
19:05.51rob_wcrap subfs
19:05.55cr2we need to separate the events.
19:06.08NickBeeabout b6 and a7, how should i seperate
19:06.18pH5yuck, this and battery and leds all access the same io mapping.
19:07.30aweluxhi ph5, do you still have a magician?
19:07.51cr2NickBee: what else causes the keyboard backlight switch on ? do you have "night sensor" ? if you press on the keyboard under darkness, does the backlight goes on ?
19:08.13*** join/#htc-linux rob_w (
19:08.18pH5hi awelux, I do. I'm currently trying to understand the cpld/battery/leds
19:08.28NickBeeit always does, if i am in light or no light, it doesn't care
19:09.12cr2so does a7 or b6 change ?
19:09.29NickBeenope, nothing happens to these two
19:10.41NickBeeso you think we will have to do a hit and trial here ?
19:11.16NickBeeGPIOA7 S 1 ? 9132439
19:11.17NickBeeGPIOB6 S 1 ? 9132449
19:11.17NickBeeGPIOB6 S 0 ? 9135815
19:11.17NickBeeGPIOA7 S 0 ? 9136016
19:11.17NickBeeGPIOD12 S 1 ? 9136034
19:11.18NickBeeGPIOD14 S 1 ? 9136052
19:11.19NickBeeCKEN0 PWM0 on
19:11.21NickBeeGPIOD12 S 0 ? 9166021
19:11.23NickBeeGPIOD14 S 0 ? 9166037
19:11.25NickBeeCKEN0 PWM0 off
19:11.27NickBeeGPIOA7 S 1 ? 9186124
19:11.29NickBeeGPIOB6 S 1 ? 9186147
19:11.31NickBeeGPIOB6 S 0 ? 9190647
19:11.33NickBeeGPIOA7 S 0 ? 9190848
19:11.35NickBeeGPIOD12 S 1 ? 9190867
19:11.37NickBeeGPIOD14 S 1 ? 9190886
19:11.39NickBeeCKEN0 PWM0 on
19:11.41NickBeesry, will use pastebin from now on
19:11.53NickBeebut i am getting these values with every "in .. out"
19:12.52rob_wh,mm i did append rootfs=/dev/mmc/blk0/p2 and is see registering of /dev/mmc/blk0: p1 p2 but the error says  : Cannot open root device "mmc/blk0/p2
19:13.04NickBeecan't we have a config file where we can put all these gpio's ;)
19:13.24NickBeeand change them beased on the device ... :)
19:13.39NickBee... without recompiling the kernel ...
19:14.32NickBeerob_w i think its "/dev/mmcblk0p2"
19:14.49NickBeei.e. no "/" between blk0 and p2
19:15.55cr2BoSJo: i can't edit this page
19:16.08rob_wmount /dev/mmc/blk0/part2 /mnt was in the old initrd
19:16.14cr2and some others, btw.
19:16.32cr2rob_w: you have a problem here.
19:16.55cr2the /dev/mmcblk0p2 is for .16 kernel that does not have devfs.
19:16.55rob_wcr2, say what ?
19:17.09cr2you must have devfs.
19:17.30cr2do you have something in /dev at boot ?
19:17.44rob_whad now change to look ..
19:18.03cr2do you have a serial cable ?
19:18.10rob_wusb i ve
19:18.15cr2or usb. can you login ?
19:18.22rob_wit panics
19:18.31cr2hmm. right.
19:18.43rob_wdoes your kernel load the pxa2_udc and g_ether ?
19:18.55cr2look in /linuxrc in the initrd. maybe it does something nasty.
19:19.22cr2rob_w: don't know. i have compiled it for somebody else, and did not test myself.
19:19.28BoSJocr2: Strange, I can?
19:19.34rob_wwell the big mighty question is why does your zimage work and mince not
19:20.54cr2no edit.
19:21.24BoSJocr2: and you are signed in
19:22.05BoSJocr2: is that the only page you can't edit?
19:23.09cr2is not editable.
19:23.27rob_wbrb again
19:24.16NickBeecr2: i switched off backlight, keyboard locked, silent mode activated, still b6 and a7
19:24.43cr2NickBee: ok. did we find vibra ?
19:24.59NickBeeyes we did
19:25.02cr2i'm writing the gpios on the sheet of paper now.
19:25.26cr2once it will be possible, i'll edit the
19:25.33*** join/#htc-linux rob_w (
19:25.37cr2do you remember it ?
19:26.24NickBeeno, let me find it out
19:27.36aweluxph5, a nice. Btw. what is this build in battery on the magician board? A build in rechargable battery or something else?
19:27.50aweluxdo we have to do anything special for this battery?
19:28.06aweluxIs the charger ic used for the main battery or this thing?
19:28.51cr2awelux: must be a backup battery.
19:29.00cr2magician has 2.
19:29.03BoSJocr2: Server Admin notified
19:29.44cr2NickBee: is you battery full charged ?
19:29.44cr2BoSJo: thanks.
19:29.57NickBeearound 30%
19:30.08cr2NickBee: i suspect that one of these gpios is charge enable.
19:30.31NickBeebut i have switched off the "USB Charge"
19:30.35cr2btw, can you charge without usb ?
19:30.52NickBeelet me check if i see anything different by turning it on
19:32.20NickBeestill the same
19:32.30NickBeeand its charging now ..
19:33.18NickBeei tried doing the exercise on linux machine as well, thinking might be windows xp is doing something
19:33.22NickBeebut still the same
19:34.27cr2found vibra in the log. d10
19:34.28pH5awelux: if you're interested, here is my current playground: (a quilt patchset)
19:35.20NickBeedid a quick test myself for vibra
19:35.21NickBeeGPIOD10 S 1 ? 10309500
19:35.21NickBeeGPIOC2 S 1 ? 10312084
19:35.21NickBeeGPIOC2 S 0 ? 10312342
19:35.21NickBeeGPIOD10 S 0 ? 10314438
19:37.47NickBeeGPIOc2 comes when the led flashes
19:37.55NickBeeto indicate a notification
19:38.22cr2btw, which colour ?
19:38.27NickBeehave started making out things :)
19:38.48NickBee"continous orange" == charge
19:39.01NickBee"blinking orange" == notification
19:39.14NickBee"constant orange" == charging
19:39.33NickBeeled i.e. the second led flashes when bluetooth is on
19:41.32NickBeecan we try something with the information we have ... before i crash on my bed :)
19:41.59NickBeeits getting late here and i have already started feeling my chair rotate ....
19:42.47cr2go to bed :)
19:42.55NickBeeOk, catch ya later then
19:43.02NickBeegood nite
19:43.06*** part/#htc-linux NickBee (n=Dheeraj@
19:54.51aweluxAbout the led. It looks like they use only one pin to control the led.
19:55.27aweluxMaybe the led is hard wired into the device.
19:55.48aweluxLike connecting the blue led to a pin on ther bluetooth chipset.
19:57.11pH5awelux: the leds are controlled by some arcane combination of reading/writing to 0xa9b00014/18. could that be some kind of onewire protocol?
20:02.15aweluxHow did you learn about these two registers?
20:02.57pH5AllLEDMgr.dll and nk.exe disassembly
20:03.32pH5(and tracing those regs with haret)
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20:16.43cr2pH5: can you also maintain the magician patches for CVS head ?
20:26.28pH5cr2: sure, there shouldn't be too many differences yet.
20:26.55rob_wcr2, was your kernel build with gcc 3.3 or 3.4 ?
20:27.12cr2rob_w: 3.4.4
20:27.48goxboxlivehi awelux, so you are alive.
20:27.52cr2if just do "make htcsomething_defconfig ; make" to build a kernel for all phones.
20:28.15rob_wcr2, didnt you use KERNEL_CCSUFFIX = "-3.3.4"
20:28.21*** join/#htc-linux _bosjo (
20:28.38cr2no. nothing special at all.
20:29.03rob_whmm that was also in you local.conf
20:29.35cr2i simply don't have time for some dirty tricks. and that's the reason for my strong call for standartization
20:29.52cr2rob_w: i never build the kernel in oe. it hurts my brains :)
20:30.44rob_woe would gives us some standardtization where there is none currently
20:31.20cr2rob_w: ask goxboxlive :) but i agree. when the kernel will become stable.
20:31.46cr2i need to have .16 kernel for blueangel first.
20:31.57cr2working .16 kernel
20:32.32*** join/#htc-linux florian (
20:34.44cr2hi florian
20:35.30cr2florian: why does detect-stylus depend on gtk ?
20:36.09rob_wcr2, so you compiled with your own gcc.3.4.4 the latest ba kernel source .12 , right .. that was the zimage you showed me ?!?
20:36.20cr2rob_w: yes.
20:36.51floriancr2: it shouldn't do that, it uses libx11 but no gtk stuff.
20:37.49cr2florian: we have hardcoded the ts device now, to remove 2MB of unused stuff from the root image.
20:38.03cr2at least 2MB.
20:39.42rob_wcr2, oh why was that ?
20:39.51florianthat might be x11 and related stuff. doesn't opie have its own tool for this job?
20:40.22cr2no. it used "detect-stylus --device"
20:40.38cr2but it does not make anything good anyway.
20:41.20florianhmm, that would be a problem. it would be good to have a compile time option to remove the X bits if not necessary.
20:41.22cr2because the keyboard device is also hardcoded, and there is no detect-keyboard afaik ;)
20:42.17cr2i have also hit a gtk-1 dependence in irdadump, but did not look further.
20:42.27pH5cr2: openembedded udev now has a rule to symlink the touchscreen  to  /dev/input/touchscreen0
20:42.58floriancr2: right, but we should have
20:43.15cr2pH5: what will happen if the bt mouse will be detected ?
20:44.03aweluxgoxboxlive, yes. I was very busy at work the last weeks. I think I've more time in the near future
20:44.04cr2goxboxlive has a bt mouse and keyboard.
20:44.04pH5cr2: kdrive has no evdev hotplug support yet. I guess for that you'd have to use /dev/input/mice
20:44.38goxboxlivecr2 : only BT mouse
20:44.59cr2hmm. it creates /dev/input/event2 entry afaik.
20:45.06goxboxlivegood to have you back awelux :-)
20:45.08pH5heh, I never got the idea to connect the bt mouse to the magician.
20:45.49cr2goxboxlive: i think bt keyboard can be quite comfortable. i use a normal keyboard now even with my notebook ;)
20:46.07cr2and normal mouse.
20:46.48goxboxlivecr2 : I agree, you have seen my typing :-) . Thats why i have a BT mouse because i am not familar with the touchpad
20:46.54rob_wok then i will now redo my kernel with gcc3.4.4
20:52.55cr2goxboxlive: why do you include xine and not mplayer in your rootfs ?
20:57.02goxboxliveis mplayer included in rootfs?
20:58.31cr2no. but i have compiled it without any problems.
20:58.34rob_wgoxboxlive, i dont think so
20:59.40goxboxliveok, so you want the xine n the rootfs (bootstrap-image), not Opie or GPE?
21:09.57crypt1do you know if anyone makes a bluetooth video adapter?
21:11.15rob_whmm so the kernel now boots and does not complain ... yet now touch or usb
21:11.42BabelOuedhi everybody
21:11.47BabelOuedhi cr2
21:11.50BabelOuedho rob_w
21:12.05BabelOuedany news on 2.6.16
21:14.17cr2BabelOued: w100fb needs a fix.
21:14.30cr2and a normal tsc2200 driver.
21:15.14BabelOuedwhat kind of fix ?
21:17.21cr2the powerup code in .12 is a mess. compare the code with hx4700_lcd.c in .16
21:17.22BabelOuedw100fb is working but with somes bug ?
21:17.44rob_wok that proofs it .. gcc 3.3.4 doens handle the w100fb or lcd stuff correctly
21:17.53cr2i could not compile the .12 code in .16 environment, so i commented some parts out.
21:18.36cr2crypt1: blueangel has 2D accel video chipset. not that shitty pxafb ;)
21:19.40crypt1cr2, im very humbled when im here im not a hardware guy and thats in all aspects, this channel is so greek to me, but its interesting each day i pick up on more and more
21:21.01cr2we are also not the hardware guys (Kevin not included), but to port linux you need to know it.
21:21.02BabelOuedcr2: maybe with a .16 kernel drivers from hx4700 works
21:21.09crypt1has anyone figured out whats going on with the wifi problems?
21:22.09cr2BabelOued: the gpios are different + boardid differences.
21:22.33cr2crypt1: i think fimbulvetr did not have  any real problems ?
21:22.46rob_walso i can selected the hima tsc2200 stuff anymore in the .12 , but i remmeber needing it for the touch on the ba
21:23.22cr2rob_w: you are doing something strange.
21:24.15rob_wi judge from that comment that ba touch will still work
21:24.18BabelOuedcr2: sorry i want to say acx drivers in .16 kernel maybe work, i ve try to make a port in .12 from hx4700_acx and drivre hang on some strange windows stuff code
21:24.37cr2windows ?
21:25.23cr2hx4700_acx only applies the power and pulls the reset line. sets the irq and memory address.
21:25.36BabelOuedyes in acx driver, they says thaht they need to write a some adress in memory or set some bit but don't know why... They do it because in windows driver they do it
21:25.47cr2do you know the memory range ? it is in pcmcia ?
21:25.58cr2no. it has nothing to do with windows.
21:26.26cr2you need to find where these two acx100 control registers are located.
21:26.38BabelOueddriver initialization seem to work ith pcmcia
21:26.56BabelOuedi write a htcbluangel_acx thaht set GPIO and reset and IRQ
21:27.02BabelOuedwhen i test
21:27.08BabelOuedi load pxa_pcmcia
21:27.20BabelOuedand run modprobe htcblueangel_acx
21:27.34BabelOuedand after driver acx load and hang with panic
21:27.47crypt1cr2, i had some problems with resolv big issues
21:27.53rob_wi compiled the usb connection in .. i can setup usb0 on my host but then it timeouts and deregisters
21:28.22crypt1cr2, if i knew how to trace the problem wi would, but i donno where the problem lies.
21:28.51cr2crypt1: wait till fim or Kevin will appear.
21:29.13crypt1alright ill talk to them tonight, i have to get to work in 5 mins
21:30.45crypt1i know that kevin fixed and i dont think fim has updated it yet, but the usb cable fix where you dont have to have it pluged in durring boot, which is pretty nice saves time ;)
21:32.48crypt1theres an ftpd ipkg but doesnt work as far as i can tell. i think im going to work on getting inetd pkg so we can install a real ftpd server which will be nice for transfering files and such to the system with out having to reboot also
21:35.43goxboxliveupdated images at
21:40.51BabelOuedcr2: can i try a latest Haret to find register, i read that kevin2 have made some modification in haret
21:42.24cr2BabelOued: it is for pxa27x. (at least) the irq names are definitely broken.
21:44.03*** join/#htc-linux BabelOued (
21:44.19rob_wman the .12-ba did really move away from working
21:44.29BabelOuedargh my opensuse 10.1 with Xgl need some fixes :)
21:45.34rob_wi cant even have proper usb serial connections
21:45.41cr2BabelOued: i don't see any memory/irq settings in the blueangel_pcmcia.c
21:46.09cr2i'll rename hx4700 functions and commented out code.
21:47.23cr2extern struct platform_device hx4700_asic3
21:47.23BabelOuedi see that
21:47.32cr2but it is not defined
21:48.23cr2probably it is not used at all.
21:49.15BabelOuedi know thati need to probe blueangel_pcmcia to have "cardctl" working
21:49.21rob_wcr2, tell me how far do you have the ba with your current binary`s ?
21:50.38cr2rob_w: i don't have the userspace anymore.
21:50.58cr2i'd better try to fix the .16 kernel.
21:51.55BabelOuedyes cr2 , there is a lot of "if 0" in .12 code
21:52.52cr2and a lot of warnings.
21:53.38BabelOuedone thing that i don't understand is if BA use pcmcia to dial with ACX, why do we need adress for register ?
21:54.10BabelOuedit is not automatic?
21:55.02cr2no. it needs a base address. is it pcmcia0 or 1 ?
21:55.20cr2try to trace the pcmcia address space with haret
21:55.23BabelOuedin cardctl i 've only one slot
21:55.30cr2which one ?
21:55.37cr2there are 2
21:56.10cr2arch/arm/mach-pxa/blueangel/blueangel_suspend.c: In function `blueangel_pm_init':
21:56.11cr2arch/arm/mach-pxa/blueangel/blueangel_suspend.c:129: warning: passing arg 2 of `request_irq' from incompatible pointer type
21:56.35BabelOuedok, maybe i ve to made some tests
21:56.49BabelOuedwhich version of Haret can i take ?
21:59.42cr2rob_w: did you install the modules for your new kernel ?
21:59.54cr2BabelOued: the latest. i'll upload.
22:00.56rob_wcr2, actually yes
22:01.06BabelOuedmaybe need to works with rob_w for .16 support on BA before, i take it
22:02.39cr2BabelOued: w100fb in .16 is not rocket science. you know the GPIO from .12 and only need to make the code look like hx4700_lcd.c from .16
22:03.33cr2once you will have the working lcd, the rest will be easy.
22:04.41BabelOuedwhat's about your dialog on GCC to use for compile ? i need which version ?
22:05.17cr2does not matter. if the code is not buggy ;) use 3.4.1 or 3.4.4
22:05.44cr2you should not have warnings.
22:06.28BabelOuedcr2: ok it's not like in windows :) lot of warning but normal thing :)
22:08.45rob_wcr2, it is buggy ;-)
22:09.05cr2rob_w: .16 is better.
22:09.21cr2it compiles even with 4.*
22:15.47rob_wi see
22:16.14rob_wi wanted to reach a fresh working ba today evening , and did not succeed
22:17.09rob_wso at wich .16 cvs are you working on ? ?
22:18.14cr2yes. it compiles but does not work.
22:18.36rob_wwhere does it stop
22:21.31rob_whmm no console ..
22:22.12cr2don't know, because the lcd is not showing anything. i don't have the serial cable.
22:23.14rob_whmm it said that there was no /dev/tts/2
22:23.43BabelOuedcr2: i take Haret from here ?
22:24.45cr2rob_w: lkcl has split the hw_init into blueangel_lcd_hw_init_pre(void)  and blueangel_lcd_hw_init_post(void)
22:24.57cr2don't remember the reason.
22:25.20cr2based on t he disassembly of something like that.
22:26.14cr2yes. blueangel_lcd_hw_init_post is only for 0x6
22:27.01cr2and then that:
22:27.27cr2i have uncommented the code, but it did not help.
22:30.15BabelOuedharet have some new stuff :)
22:32.07rob_wdamn some kiddy is trying to login to my box
22:32.31cr2yes. it uses pxa debug registers to trace any memory access.
22:35.17rob_wcr2, it something to do with timing .. so u do some steps of the lcd , then jump to the w100fb do stuff there and then jump back to the lcd
22:37.29BabelOuedyes, dump MMU works :)
22:37.58cr2BabelOued: everything works.
22:41.09cr2rob_w: the hx4700 has         // init w3220 regs?
22:41.18cr2in the init, but they don't care.
22:46.35rob_wone last boot
22:47.04cr2if you have the serial cable try to compile the .16 kernel with serial console and boot.
22:48.15cr2i don't see any obvious errors.
22:48.25rob_wi only have usb cradle
22:49.56rob_wnow my kernel did load the tsc3 touchscreen but is stuck on mmc .. i did enable some himalaya stuff and had to clean up some doubled structures
22:52.04fimbulvetrcr2, you're around?
22:52.51cr2rob_w: why is ts3 separate from tsc2200 ?
22:52.55fimbulvetrHow does this: look? It doesn't have a lot of pretty formatting, and may have grammar mistakes, but I think it should help.
22:52.57cr2fimbulvetr: yes.
22:53.36cr2wow. are you a journalist in a real life ? :)
22:54.21fimbulvetrI just realized Im not quite done
22:56.44rob_wcr2, i learned that tsc2200 is the core module of the ti chip , which then spits out its different usages ., battery , touch etc
22:57.31rob_wthe major goal would be to get the tsc2200 one dir up so both ba and hima ( and others ) use it commonly
22:59.01cr2i think it does belong somewhere else. drivers/input/touchscreen of even drivers/soc like asic3.
22:59.27rob_wyeah like asic3
22:59.32cr2there is nothing himalaya or blueangel specific.
23:00.02rob_wbeside that this chip is used in them ;-)
23:00.23BabelOuedcr2: nice, i can quit haret on my BA without reboot :)
23:01.14cr2BabelOued: i have said everything works :)
23:01.31cr2but there are some implicit pxa27x things which need to be corrected.
23:01.33BabelOuedi know i know :) good :)
23:01.52BabelOuednledon don't work for me when BA is on craddle
23:02.03BabelOuedi don't try whitout
23:02.05cr2and the "dump pxa27x*" needs some adaptation for "dump pxa26x"
23:02.21cr2powermon does not show current and temperature. that is strange.
23:03.00BabelOuedyour version from one moth ago show it fine...
23:03.21cr2it is zero.
23:04.17cr2btw, you can try to build .16 and tell me if it works for you.
23:07.49BabelOuedok get latest CVS source from
23:08.46rob_whurray ,, ive a prompt
23:13.58BabelOuedcr2: what s TAG for HTC device in linux 2.6.16
23:14.33fimbulvetrOk, should be good now:
23:14.47cr2BabelOued: head. no tags.
23:15.23cr2fimbulvetr: i'll read it tomorrow. too late now :) good night.
23:15.55*** join/#htc-linux florian (
23:20.34fimbulvetrcrypt1: You are having problems with your wlan?
23:35.33*** join/#htc-linux crypt1 (

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