irclog2html for #htc-linux on 20060513

00:00.07mrevilbut it's lost after the next hard-reset, isn't it?
00:00.21mrevilhow can haret "autostart"?
00:00.38aweluxyes. that's why I use a pc side script to copy all the files to the magician including haret.
00:00.56aweluxThen I use the synce.prun to start haret remotely
00:01.37mrevilok, i'm seeing light.
00:02.22mrevilsorry, concentration is leaving me,
00:03.26aweluxnever mind. It's a lot of new stuff. I'm on it since january. And others are working on this for years.
00:05.33mrevilit's really a lot of stuff. without your help it would take me a long long time just to start the system - even without writing a single line of code
00:07.04mrevilhmm, even with initrd: kernel-panic
00:07.16mrevilcannot mount rootfs
00:07.21aweluxyes. I know what you mean. It took about two month untill the system first bootet. And after that I didn't change a single line of kernel code. Just found out which modules to load and to use Image instead of zImage
00:08.41aweluxwhen the system bootet. Did you notice if the red bar was thicker
00:09.10mrevilyes, it seemed to be thicker
00:09.59aweluxok.then the initrd was loaded into memory.
00:10.13mrevilyes, it was
00:10.43mrevilbut init was not executed. gave just the usage-int
00:11.57aweluxI will try to recreate that
00:15.52aweluxcan you mount the rd file under your normal linux ?
00:15.57aweluxmaybe it got corrupted ?
00:16.19aweluxprobably no
00:17.06mreviloh. might be i took the incomplete one..
00:17.14aweluxah another idea
00:17.30aweluxhow big is the file ?
00:17.53aweluxBecause it should be an compressed ext2 image
00:18.09aweluxso if you gunzip it you can mount it
00:19.27mrevilthe size is 5503300
00:19.32mrevilabout 5M
00:20.13mrevilah - that one works
00:20.25mrevilnext try
00:24.15aweluxbtw. do you know where I can find a bigstorage rom for magician ?
00:25.12mrevili am using one :)
00:25.34mrevilgot it from
00:26.07mrevilbut give me a few seconds to remember the procedure
00:27.26mrevilthere was a nice text on the side... hm, was it inside the forum or the wiki?...
00:28.05aweluxthis maybe?
00:29.29mrevilyes, that is the page
00:32.10mrevili step-by-step used that page (linked from the one above) :
00:33.20mrevilthe second part is the interesting one
00:34.37aweluxDid you also use the netherland rom or a german one?
00:35.18mreviloh, sorry
00:35.29mrevili oversaw that
00:35.51mrevili'm O2 customer but took the Tmobile one
00:36.42mreviltmobile germany
00:38.14mrevilat first i had problems with the update-program
00:38.34mrevilit told me about "wrong provider" or something like that
00:38.37aweluxyes. it seams to be fow windows only ;)
00:39.17mrevilat that time i was not able to connect it to linux
00:39.35mrevilbut there is a way with help of an sd-card..
00:40.25aweluxI'm about to activate a windows notebook. that should do the trick
00:40.28mrevilthat should work without windows
00:42.05mrevilif you press reset while holding the camera and the "power"-switch
00:42.14aweluxI've used that windows update procedure before for a normal rom upgrade
00:42.57mrevilok, that shold be not really different from a normal update
00:43.48mrevilif you like your providers pre-installed tools you shold remember to backup the 'hidden' partition
00:44.15mrevildo you know how to access this partition?
00:46.23aweluxyes. the trick with pressing reset in the first 3 seconds
00:49.12mrevilif you don't want to use windows, the sc-card-procedere should be your thing
00:49.34i386awelux: :)
00:50.00i386awelux: how goes the magician port?
00:50.11mrevilawelux: if you press the buttons, mentioned above you get into the "bootloader"
00:50.51aweluxi386, very well. We are just installing the current state on mrevil's magician
00:50.54mrevilawelux: backlight is of but if you connect to usb and use a lamp you see "usb" on the screen
00:51.47aweluxI've seen that. But the notebook is already booted up
00:51.55i386do you have something I can run from my flash card?
00:52.17mrevilhehe, ok
00:52.18i386or demo?
00:52.37aweluxDo you have haret i386 ?
00:53.40aweluxWe are not yet in easy to use demo mode yet.
00:54.29aweluxBut with haret it should be fairly easy to boot a kernel.
00:54.43aweluxThe next step would be to mount some root partition.
00:55.05aweluxmrevil, how does the other (complete) initrd fare? Better?
00:55.05i386I have haret
00:55.44aweluxdo you have a sourceforge account ?
00:56.10i386or mrevil?
00:56.19mreviljust at that moment it failed again :(
00:56.25aweluxi386, you.
00:56.30i386yes I do
00:57.06i386say if I helped out with testing/debugging
00:57.17aweluxBecause I would like to see if you can check out the right cvs tree if you use a sf account instead of anonymous cvs
00:57.46i386is there a real chance of bricking my htc phone?
00:57.51i386awelux: sure
00:58.06i386just give me the CVSROOT string
00:58.17aweluxcvs -z3 co -P -r K2-6-12-hh2-xda0-un0 linux-2.6-xd
00:58.25aweluxthat should do the trick. I hope
00:58.40aweluxi386, there is a slight chance yes.
00:59.04aweluxBut right now things are fairly harmless
01:00.16aweluxWe don't use much functionality of the magician and I don't see where it could break the device.
01:00.44i386hold on
01:00.49mrevilawelux: how far is your bigrom-expedition?
01:00.49aweluxRight now I'm just carefull with the USB host options in the kernel. I'm having them disabled for now.
01:00.55i386I forgot to install cvs on this new box
01:01.07aweluxmrevil, not far. Eating my soup now
01:01.22mrevilah, ok, bon apetit!
01:01.47aweluxbut it's strange that it stops at the same place.
01:02.27i386checkling out
01:05.47i386awelux: ok
01:05.54i386what do you want me to look at?
01:05.54aweluxi386, can you see something in the folder arch/arm/mach-pxa/magician/ ?
01:06.05aweluxare there some c files in there ?
01:06.44i386james@cabbage:~/hacking/linux-2.6-xda/arch/arm/mach-pxa/magician$ ls
01:06.45i386CVS  htcmagician.c  htcmagician_core.h  htcmagician_lcd.c  htcmagician_lcd.h  htcmagician_ts.c  Kconfig  Makefile
01:07.26aweluxThanks. It seams it's not possible to get these files with anonymous access.
01:07.47aweluxAnd I was really puzzled for a while because I was sure I checked them in.
01:08.15aweluxThen I feared that only I could see these files with my account.
01:08.29aweluxBut obviously any sf account can see them.
01:08.51i386sounds odd
01:09.02aweluxyes. But no action needed.
01:09.11aweluxDo you have an arm linux crosscompiler ?
01:09.25aweluxarm-linux-gcc ?
01:10.22i386No I dont
01:10.52i386oh is a 256mb SD card enough?
01:11.10aweluxyes. right now the distros are very small
01:11.16awelux64mb would be sufficient
01:12.00i386awelux: I dont have the time to build the code right now
01:12.14i386someone is about to pick me up
01:12.51mrevilawelux: when i try to co anonymously it tells me "cannot find module `linux-2.6-xd' - ignored"
01:12.56aweluxAh. It will probably take an hour anyway to get the system booted
01:13.23i386ahh ok
01:13.27i386awelux: I have to go
01:13.29aweluxmrevil, interesting.
01:13.34aweluxi386, cu later
01:13.51i386keep up the good work man
01:13.53mrevilcu, i386
01:14.07aweluxmrevil, and now what do we do with your problem.
01:14.07i386cya mrevil
01:14.08i386goodluck :)
01:14.15mrevilthx :)
01:14.27mrevilhm, don't know.
01:14.49mrevilperhaps i should take a look into the initrd start-up-scripts
01:14.50aweluxdid you try mto unzip the rd file and moun it on your normal pc ?
01:15.07aweluxthere are no initrd startup scripts.
01:15.14mrevilbut i will give up for tonight...
01:15.42aweluxtake a look at init/main.c of the kernel
01:15.49aweluxRight at the end
01:16.58aweluxthat's where the kernel is loading the init process. A little before it mounted the root fs
01:17.07mreviltherer is alinuxrc inside the initrd, is it ignored?
01:17.17aweluxshould have mounted
01:18.01aweluxno. that's why you pass the line init=/linuxrc to the kernel
01:18.20aweluxinstead of the default init it will start linuxrc
01:18.32aweluxso linuxrc is the first thing that's executed.
01:18.43aweluxBut the initrd has to be mounted by the kernel before that
01:19.46aweluxIf you have 15 more minutes we could try to use my kernel and my haret version
01:20.03aweluxor I will upload them and you can try it tomorrow
01:21.49mrevilmy concentration is down, i should better put it away now..
01:22.04aweluxok. it'S really late.
01:22.11mrevilah - the haret-version
01:22.50mrevilwait, i made a screenshot, perhaps i was not precise enough..
01:23.53aweluxIt's unlikely haret has anything to do with it when you reach the kernel. It'S also possible that I missed something in the magician_defconfig.
01:25.06aweluxAnyway. good night mrevil
01:25.21mrevilgoodnight awelux!
01:28.07mrevilgood n8
05:11.10parmastersee the movie "Slipstream"
07:16.03*** join/#htc-linux awelux (
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11:27.43m1ndhow goes the wifi hacking?
11:39.46goxboxliveawelux: I tried with your settings, and i got allmost the same result. But why is your *-ts.c so diffrents from ours? I tried to just replace Magician with Universal in the file, but it refused to compile.
11:40.32goxboxlivehi , so youre here allready :-)
11:40.41aweluxI started with the hx4700_ts.c file instead of the universal one
11:41.01goxboxliveok i c.
11:41.42goxboxliveIs there many files i have to change to try with your ts.c file?
11:43.18aweluxNo, but I don't think that will make any difference.
11:43.33goxboxliveok, i c.
11:43.41aweluxThe TI2046 TS chip has very few settings
11:44.02aweluxYou send a 7 bit and you get a response
11:44.27aweluxthe upper 3 bit are 100% clear
11:44.42aweluxthe lower 4 bit depend on the TS hardware.
11:45.32aweluxyou could try and google for tsc2046.pdf . That's the reference of the chip
11:46.18goxboxliveok, i am not so in to this, this is way over my knowlegde so i guess i'll only make it worse :-)
11:46.23aweluxbit 3 is 8bit/12bit mode so it's almost 100% certain that we will use 12 bit mode there.
11:46.46awelux8bit mode is just faster with aquireing samples
11:47.17aweluxSo it's really just the bits 0-2 which can be changed to something else.
11:49.00aweluxBit2 is most likely 0. That's recommended for good precission and it's the case anywhere else.
11:49.28aweluxSo for starters I would play around with the last 2 bits.
11:49.32goxboxliveBut why does the magician use SSDR_P2 and while the universal use SSDR_P1?
11:50.31aweluxah. Yes I remember now. It didn't work for me until cr2 reminded me that the tsc2046 is connected to different gpios on the magician
11:50.46aweluxThere are three ssp interfaces on the pxa272
11:51.16goxboxliveok, but with the last two bits you mean the one after "d" and the one after "9" right?
11:51.27aweluxIt's certain that SSDR_P1 is the right one for you since you got some data already
11:51.42aweluxyes. exactly. the one after the d or 9.
11:51.59aweluxafter that we just send two filler bytes.
11:52.11aweluxand in this time we expect an answer
11:52.22aweluxwhich will be written into an internal fifo and read out later
11:53.19goxboxliveok, i'll try some out :-)
11:54.40aweluxWhen you try them out I recommend to start ts_test, draw a few horizontal and vertical lines, start ts_calibrate, then ts_test again.
11:55.23aweluxThat's probably the safest way to recognice changes in the TS behavior.
11:55.33goxboxliveOk, i have tried ts_calibrate first, and then ts_test. I have problems with closing the ts_test
11:55.54aweluxI closed it with a second ssh login and kill
11:57.01aweluxFrom the way things are wroking x and y calibration should be independent. So you will probably get straight lines in one direction first.
11:57.35aweluxwhen you are in ts_test, can you check if the measured TS position is sensitive to preassure?
11:58.21aweluxFor me the position changed slightly when I applied more preassure until I had the right settings
12:01.39aweluxI would like to know if the universal TS shows the same behavior sometimes.
12:03.18goxboxlivehmm i tried now with 0xd9* and 0x98* but i got the same result :
12:04.08aweluxok. why 0xd90000 ?
12:05.42aweluxI thought you would try out 0xd10000, 0xd20000, 0xd30000, 0x910000, 0x920000, 0x930000 ?
12:05.47goxboxlivebeacause regular is 0xd0 and i thougt that if i changed it as much as i can, the imybe would se an diffrents with ts_test
12:06.20aweluxit's not a nob. it's more like 7 buttons
12:07.07aweluxthe last two button/bits are the interesting ones
12:08.04goxboxliveahh, i c. i'll try out :-)
12:10.37aweluxlooking at this picture I would bet on 0xd20000 adn 0x930000 to work
12:10.57aweluxbecause I had a similar picture once but turned 90 degree
12:12.37aweluxif you have one of the values right one axis should be linear already
12:12.51awelux<- crossing my fingers
12:17.39goxboxlivehmm i tried out 0xd1 and 0x91 now, the ts_test cganged a bit.
12:18.29aweluxI consider this progress :)
12:19.07goxboxlivei'll try out 0xd20000 adn 0x93000 now
12:19.18awelux<- crossing my fingers again
12:22.14goxboxlivehmm with SSDR_P1 = 0xd20000 and SSDR_P1  = 0x930000 the touchscreen is dead
12:24.02goxboxlivehmm this is not good. It's dead even when WM5 start's. I have to take the battery of and reset it again
12:24.44aweluxI guess it's because the ts IRQ was powered down
12:25.15goxboxliveok, well let's hope that :-)
12:25.31aweluxWe might have to swap the sampling of the X and Y coordinates
12:26.18goxboxliveIt helped to tka eout the battery. Maybe i should try d1 and 93
12:26.49aweluxso when we get a penirq we can switch off the penirq to measure the y part and then switch it on while meassuring the x part.
12:26.58aweluxor wait
12:27.18aweluxcay you try 0xd20000 and 0x920000 ?
12:27.28goxboxlivehold on
12:27.44aweluxthis will leave the irq enabled and we should get linear meassurements on one axis
12:28.15aweluxif it works we can swap the x and y sampling in the code and retry 0xd2 and 0x93
12:29.48aweluxthat's probably why noone succeded before
12:36.39goxboxlived2 and 91 the same as d1 and 91
12:36.52goxboxlivei mean d2 and 92
12:38.13aweluxdraw a cross over the middle of the screen
12:39.38goxboxlivethe cross is perfect, except it dosent start in the corner. It's allmost same as in the corners
12:39.41aweluxI wonder if there is a way that the nonlinear calibration in one direction will cause the other to appear nonlinear too
12:40.35aweluxI meant a cross with horizontal lines going through the middle
12:41.17aweluxI drew a grid on the screen.
12:41.53aweluxBut it's probably a good bet to do the swap of the x and y sampling right away
12:41.57goxboxliveits an x² function
12:42.37aweluxok I will think about this for a while
12:42.48goxboxlivehow do i swap the x and y sampling
12:43.09aweluxa ) swap the for loops with the 0xd20000 and 0x93000 .
12:43.58goxboxlivebut the but the derivated of x² ( dont know the exact name of the function) is very low
12:44.33aweluxb) swap the sections in ts_time_call back which read out the x and y samples
12:44.42aweluxthey are similar in structure:
12:45.24aweluxanother for loop
12:45.32aweluxand then either x= or y=
12:45.42aweluxactually swapping the x and y there is enough
12:47.47aweluxhmm. the raw values of a good ts setting will look like a parallelogram
12:48.20aweluxthe calibration will map this to a box
12:48.57aweluxusing the Y (in your case probably X) value to calculate the X (Y for you).
12:49.03goxboxlivecan you swap the x and y for me awelux: Here is the ts.c at pastebin. Jsut modify it and oastebin it again,:
12:49.51aweluxsomeone changed that driver :)
12:51.17aweluxswap the while sections at lines 200-209
12:52.50aweluxand swap lines 298 and 299
12:53.05aweluxand use  0x930000
12:53.09aweluxthat should be all
12:54.12goxboxliveywiyh this you mean: move the while * to line 209?
12:56.20goxboxliveywiyh = with
12:57.05aweluxline 204 and it's comment in 202 should be swapped with 209 and the comment 207
12:57.35aweluxwhile(!(SSSR_P1 & (1 << 2)))
12:58.05aweluxSSDR_P1 = 0xd20000 /* | (lower_bits << 0) */; /* May want bits 0 and 1 set for keeping power up */
12:59.01aweluxthis structure is twice at the lines 200 to 209. The first tells the tsc2046 to get an x sample the second to get an Y sample
12:59.21aweluxWe want to swap the to demand the Y sample first.
13:02.56goxboxliveso it look like this?
13:03.45aweluxexactly change the 0x92 to 0x93 and swap lines 298/299
13:04.31aweluxuh. I forgot to change the x920000 to 0x930000 too
13:07.21goxboxlivelike this?
13:08.17goxboxliveand of course line 298/299 like this:
13:08.30aweluxnow we swapped lines 200- 209 twice :)
13:08.55goxboxlivehmmm i not so in to this u know. But am i ready to compile now?
13:09.32aweluxno wait
13:10.22aweluxcompare the lines 200 -209 again.
13:10.42aweluxand the X and Y are hopefully uppercase in 298/299 right?
13:12.02goxboxliveno they where in lowercase before i edited it
13:12.22goxboxlivei just swapped the x to line 299 and y to line 298
13:13.56aweluxok. strange. they look like uppercase in pastebin
13:16.28goxboxliveyou right :-)
13:17.08goxboxlivei changed it and try to compile it
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13:25.20goxboxliveexactely the same result
13:28.27aweluxbut at least the ts is mworking with 0x930000 now?
13:29.00aweluxbecause before this didn't work.
13:29.38goxboxliveyes it does
13:30.06aweluxcan you start ts_print
13:30.31goxboxlivehold on, i have to boot again.
13:30.37aweluxoh and what about the preassure ?
13:30.56aweluxdoes it make a difference how much pressure you apply to the ts?
13:33.45goxboxlivethe pressure seems more stable now. Doesnt have to press har. I'll try ts_print
13:34.55aweluxdo you get a movement in the X or Y direction when you apply more preassure ?
13:35.43aweluxtry that somewhere in the middle where you almost have horizontal and vertical lines
13:36.30goxboxlivets_print doesnt do a thing. Just hangs
13:36.41aweluxtouch the ts ?
13:36.57goxboxliveyes a lot data appera
13:37.17aweluxis there a ts_printraw or something like that?
13:38.13aweluxotherwise you can also do od -x -v /dev/input/tsraw0
13:38.42goxboxlivea list of cordinates? appear when i touch the screen.
13:38.47aweluxhmm. It's tricky to interpret this data.
13:39.11aweluxprobably mthe most interesting part is if the raw data changes only mon one coordinate if you apply more preassure
13:40.16aweluxand note down which coordinate changes when you use different vaules of 0x[d9][0123]0000
13:41.27aweluxhopefully you will see that different coordinates change for different values and sometimes an axis remains stable regardless of preassure.
13:41.30goxboxliveok, i'll have to try later. Have to take a trip out now. Thanks alot for your help
13:41.39goxboxliveok i c
13:41.55aweluxyes. cu around.
13:43.34aweluxthere is a slight probability that we have to use both 0x93 and 0xd3. the preassure tests could indicate that.
13:44.06aweluxif that#s the case we will have to reactivate the penirq after we aquire the samples.
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15:58.16aweluxcr2, There are huge changes in the universal TS driver. Why? It looks like there is code to do nonlinear calibration.
15:59.59aweluxIn case the TS is not the problem but the setup of the tsc2046 is, would this build in "calibration" transform a first order linear behavior into a higher order one that can't be corrected by ts_calibrrate?
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19:50.36goxboxlivecr2: Are you there?
19:59.50aweluxhi goxboxlive
20:00.13aweluxDid you use the time to buy something for mothers day?
20:02.44goxboxliveMothers day? Wasen't that in february?
20:05.22goxboxliveActually, my son has birthday today ( he was 2 years :-) )
20:06.11aweluxic. It seams mothers day is celebrated on different days in different countries.
20:25.12goxboxlivehmm kind of strange. I rolled back a few versions of the ts driver (the latest one without all equations) nad edited the 0xd and 0x9 . Now the edges is way bether, but in the midles it draws about 1cm over my point ( using ts_test)
20:26.54goxboxliveacyually the upper 1/4 is quite good, but the longer down i come the worse it gets..
20:35.09goxboxliveawelux: Do you want here something?
20:35.31goxboxliveI have a perfect screen calibration on my Universal
20:36.02goxboxliveI used d1 and 91 and now the ts_test is perfect :-)
20:36.03aweluxwhat did you use?
20:36.09goxboxliveThanks a lot for your help.
20:36.35goxboxliveAnd i rolled back some versions of the ts.c driver.
20:37.15aweluxyes. I wanted to ask cr2 about the recent changes of the driver.
20:37.40goxboxliveman, this is great. Have to try Opie. :-)
20:38.07aweluxYou mentioned right at the beginning that the universal driver is very different from the magician one
20:38.38goxboxliveyes, i saw it where a lpt of mathematics eqution in it, and your didnt have that.
20:39.18aweluxAnd I thought it was just that I restarted based on the hx4700 driver.
20:40.01aweluxThe old universal driver is somewhat similar with a few modifications. The new one needs work or a revoke to the earlier version.
20:40.14aweluxHow is opie when you can hit the buttons ? ;)
20:41.01goxboxlivehold on, it's booting, had to reset it because of the ts_test.
20:41.41*** part/#htc-linux rmoravcik (
20:42.31goxboxliveit works great. cool, have to post on xda forum so people get intrest again.
20:42.59goxboxliveeven the exit cross in the corner is a peace of cake to handle now :-)
20:49.30aweluxThe really nice thing is that it's now possible to work with applications.
20:49.55aweluxSo the people who wanted the universal for applications can start using it.
20:50.03aweluxwell program for it.
20:50.37aweluxNow we need power management. To be able to reload the batteries
20:51.15aweluxThen people can start running linux 24/7 :)
20:59.00aweluxgee. I just bought an application for the ppc but this crazy double activation register process is slower and more work than searching for a crack :/
21:04.58goxboxlivelook at the screenshot :-)
21:06.33*** join/#htc-linux goxboxlive (
21:12.10aweluxwow beautifull :)
21:17.33goxboxliveyes cool this is cool.
21:17.51aweluxI've finally a bigstore rom installed, everything is setup again, some applications moved to the new bigstorage and I've a complete backup.
21:19.16aweluxah. I should again try to checking the htcmagician_ts.c
21:21.59goxboxliveyes i should that to, bit i'll wait to i have talked to cr2.
21:23.33aweluxquestion: cvs commit -t -m "linear ts" htcmagician_ts.c
21:23.40aweluxshouldn't that work ?
21:24.04aweluxBut I get:
21:24.04aweluxssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
21:24.46goxboxlivehave no idea.
21:27.22aweluxStrange. The total file size of the files in the /windows/ foilder without it's subfolders is already 71.5MB
21:37.30goxboxlivehmm yes it's big
21:40.34cr2hi guys ! i'm excited by your success !
21:48.43goxboxlivecr2: Yes this was cool. Have to go to bed now, have oversleep visitors, and they sleep where my computer is. night :-)
22:03.24cr2awelux, it does not work with 2.6.16 driver. not good ;)
22:03.39aweluxah hi cr2
22:03.57aweluxI guess you are refering to the ts?
22:04.43aweluxI'm having trouble with the cvs. Do you havbe any idea why I can't check in the magician_ts ?
22:05.11aweluxand, shouldn't I be able to connect to sf server via ssh with my account ?
22:05.28cr2i can't too.
22:05.46aweluxah. ok. So it's a sf problem and not my problem?
22:05.49cr2ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
22:05.52cr2i think so.
22:06.49aweluxok. being the cvs noob that I am I thought I forgot something.
22:07.34aweluxAnyway. what to do now? Does the 2.6.16 kernel boot for you? What's the tag you use to check it out?
22:08.45aweluxWhat about power management? Any idea what's needed to get the battery charging working?
22:09.56aweluxAnd, we should think of the propper was to share the TS driver between the magician and universal.
22:11.14aweluxBeside the port SSP1/2 and the tsc sample request byte the systems are similar.
22:13.24cr22.6.16 does not work for me.
22:14.05cr2power management is big: power monitor, charging, and suspend/resume. 3 different problems.
22:14.28aweluxcharging would be most usefull I think.
22:15.43cr2you should not use it without the monitor to avoid overcharging.
22:16.29cr2i have found a charge enable gpio and the monitor code partly works, but there are some things to resolve.
22:26.33aweluxhow does the monitor work in principle?
22:26.42aweluxdoes it monitor the voltage somehow?
22:27.01aweluxdoes it try to keepm track of the amount of elictricity used?
22:27.17cr2ba and uni have a custom chip.
22:27.42cr2through measuring current (voltage on a known resistor)
22:28.18aweluxok. So the chip keeps track of the battery status.
22:28.35cr2yes. but you don't have such chip in magician.
22:28.41aweluxDo you know if we have to give the chip feedback or calibration points?
22:28.41cr2maybe tsc2046 ?
22:28.57cr2ba uses the ts chip, btw.
22:29.01aweluxthe tsc2046 should be able to meassure the voltage
22:29.38cr2no, but you need to know how to decode its output.
22:30.21cr2universal has a chip on the w1 bus of asic3.
22:33.56aweluxdoes the no mean that the tsc doesn't meassure the voltage ?
22:36.07aweluxIt does look like it has a function to meassure the voltage. I'm not sure if it's used for the power management so.
22:36.23aweluxIt's not trivial to map voltage to charge status.
22:39.33cr2the uni is a expensive device and it has a special chip that measures a lot of things, has eeprom, etc. it is like on older ipaqs. DS2762.
22:40.23cr2i don't see it on magician, and you need something that understands w1. on uni it is asic3, which you also don't have.
22:41.46aweluxstill, somehow wince manages to track the charge status.
22:42.31cr2look how ba does it.
22:42.59cr2you can measure the charge current and integrate it over time.
22:43.36aweluxfor charging this might work. But how about power usage?
22:43.57aweluxIt seams that the power usage is highly dynamically.
22:44.11aweluxJust measuring from time to time might not be enough
22:59.30cr2i don't know how wince calculates the % from voltage and current. but obviously both are used.

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