irclog2html for #htc-linux on 20060422

03:03.33mndctrlanyone know a bit about alsa in here?
03:08.58mndctrllkcl been around lately?
03:30.13*** join/#htc-linux mndctrl (n=mind@
07:17.08*** join/#htc-linux awelux (
07:46.02*** join/#htc-linux rob_w (
09:09.23*** join/#htc-linux goxboxlive (
09:16.14*** join/#htc-linux goxboxlive ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
09:16.14*** join/#htc-linux immolo ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
10:23.02*** join/#htc-linux jeanseb (n=jeanseb@
10:25.09*** join/#htc-linux rob_w (
10:37.59*** join/#htc-linux AlphaPi[jr] (
12:38.32aweluxroot@jiminy:~# ping -v
12:38.32aweluxPING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
12:38.32awelux64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.64 ms
12:38.46aweluxg_ether is alive
12:39.00aweluxsshd is next ;)
12:55.52*** join/#htc-linux rob_w (n=bob@
13:18.34*** join/#htc-linux goxboxlive (
13:51.45rob_wso those universal are too expensive .. i will stay with my ba  so far :-(
13:52.21*** join/#htc-linux goxboxlive (
15:12.10*** join/#htc-linux goxboxlive_ (
16:51.04*** join/#htc-linux BabelOued (
17:14.43immolocr2, you around?
17:53.21*** join/#htc-linux goxboxlive (
18:13.43*** join/#htc-linux husam (n=kvirc@
18:18.51*** join/#htc-linux stefan__ (
18:23.08*** join/#htc-linux goxboxlive (
18:28.37*** join/#htc-linux goxboxlive (
19:37.00cr2somebody alive ?
19:40.14cr2have a strange problem with the lcd backlight here
19:43.12goxboxlivehmm im using the same kernel as u are so i guess it's same on my universal.
19:44.46cr2have you tried the wifi ?
19:48.07goxboxlivesame as mine power = 0 backlight on.
19:48.16goxboxliveno, i dont have the modules
19:48.46goxboxliveis it the cvs is updatet yet.
19:50.59cr2then write an e-mail to cp15 aka martin-s so he will add you to the dev list. i can't ;)
19:53.58goxboxliveyes i can try.
20:03.07BabelOuedcr2: i have a question about dialog with modem on BA
20:04.38cr2hehehe. the touchscreen. now i'm wondering how it will look in wince
20:04.55cr2modem ?
20:05.55BabelOuedyes to have GPRS working
20:06.01BabelOuedi compile minicom
20:06.07BabelOuedconnect to ttyS0
20:06.11BabelOuedand send ATZ
20:06.21BabelOuedbut nothing happen no OK response
20:06.27cr2and nothing happens
20:06.45BabelOuedi get gsminit
20:06.53BabelOuedand when i start  it
20:07.06BabelOuedon minicom i see : ...AT-Command Interpreter ready
20:07.09cr2yes. you need to wrap the at commands in "0x20x16ATblabla\r\n0x0x16"
20:07.32cr2look at the gomunicator source code.
20:07.44cr2phoneComms.c or something like that.
20:08.13BabelOuedok i see that but i read 0x02 0x16 in wiki page
20:10.40cr2btw, what do you think is the easiest way to linearize that
20:11.52BabelOuednot very good :(
20:15.26BabelOuedwhere bad measure start ?do you have middle graph point
20:15.48*** join/#htc-linux welby_ (
20:31.49goxboxlivesometimes when i use the 'terminat opie' button, Opie just freez. Linux is up cause i am able to ssh it, but there is no way to shut down Opie. I allways have to reboot.
20:33.10cr2if you ssh, can you run /etc/init.d/opie stop ?
20:33.45goxboxlivedoesnt work
20:34.05goxboxlivei even tried to start it again, but doesnt help that either.
20:34.07cr2it can be related to the powerup/powerdown lcd code.
20:34.36cr2we are not doing the same what wince does. something to think about.
20:39.53goxboxliveSomething has happend with the device not in use since last cvs update. Because when i am not using it the screen goes all black. With the last kernel it went white, and then fading in to grey with som stripes on it.
20:41.42cr2there are 7 gpios to powerup/powerdown the lcd + backlight. wince and the bootloader do it differently. maybe i should stick to what wince does...
20:42.40cr2abnother problem is the split between the pxafb and htcuniversal_lcd
20:43.22cr2some functions are in the pxafb, which i would have better had in htcuniversal_lcd, to better mimick wince.
20:56.34BabelOuedcr2: it should be hard,maybe to bypass for the moment only limit to half value for X and Y
20:56.38BabelOuedand upper ax+b
21:00.31cr2the upper and right are quite quadratic, but i'm not sure what will happen with the left and lower and in the middle
21:01.01cr2maybe to sample 9 points and solve the overdetermined linear system.
21:01.20cr2for the quadratic form.
21:07.19cr2the downscaling will suppress the error in the upper right corner by 24000/640 factor.
21:24.04BabelOuedis there a small ftp server in bitbake repository ?
21:29.20BabelOuedok with nfs it work fine
22:18.41aweluxToday I managed to ping my magician via USB for the first time ^^
22:20.54aweluxcr2, I've checked in the code into cvs.
22:21.00BabelOueddo you know difference between S100 and S200
22:42.16cr2awelux: what is the current status ? can you log in ?
22:43.16mndctrlgod damn today I'm sick and tired of complex shit! I need a day on a poarch with some cigarettes and a guitar and some sun in my face!!!!!
22:43.50mndctrlI'm just tired...
22:46.23cr2mndctrl: it is minor annoyance, compared to the complexity of understanding the phone interface on the universal :)
22:57.10aweluxcr2, my parents are visiting tomorrow. couldn't prevent it. It've  to clean up the parts of the appartment I didn't touch the last few month...
22:58.53cr2i'm fighting with the touchscreen.
22:59.02aweluxthat was a no ;)
23:00.26cr2running ts_harvest on 640x480 is... how is it in english. "Mutprobe" ;)
23:00.57cr2have you seen the pics ?
23:05.23aweluxI'm looking at the picture.
23:07.08cr2a better one.
23:07.20aweluxAre you sure you can't change a setting in the touchscreen chips ?
23:08.59aweluxbecause this looks pretty bad
23:09.03cr2no. you just ask it over ssp about x,y,pressure. there are some tricks in the hx4700 driver, but it didn't understand what is behind.
23:09.19cr2i didn't understand.
23:10.17cr2i have looked at the wince dll, it has some math inside, too.
23:10.19aweluxsome physical points are mapped to the same raw coordinates.
23:11.01cr2there is some noise, of course.
23:11.21cr2from the touchscreen, and from _me_ ;)
23:34.04goxboxliveAre you getting closer cr2 with the touchscreen driver?

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