irclog2html for #elive on 20061002

00:00.08saad3000_am on e16 I ran it using startx only!
00:00.30icedearthkeep the good work y'all over and out
00:00.34saad3000_can;t access e17 and entrance is screwed But funcional but I can't login to e16 or e17 while running it!
00:02.33saad3000_LinuxNIT: still AFK?
00:03.09saad3000_I wonder if I can downgrade to the default e17 shipped with REVO!
00:03.37Thanatermesisi3d, hotplug is not needed since exists udev
00:03.53saad3000_Thanatermesis: help me!
00:04.11Thanatermesisi3d, mmh, i need to change his depends...
00:04.29saad3000_Thanatermesis: I did the update of e17 from elive repos and entrance is screwed + I can't login to e17 am on e16 now
00:04.32Thanatermesissaad3000_, i don't use this e17... ask LinuxNIT if has the same problem
00:04.33keyraThanatermesis: e17 is in development, remember it, use e16 if you want a complete, stable, and finished WM
00:04.34i3dThanatermesis: right but elive-speedtouchconf is requiring hotplug to installed
00:04.43Thanatermesissaad3000, remove /etc/entrance_conf and reinstall entrance
00:04.48Thanatermesismaybe you don't have updated it
00:04.49saad3000_Thanatermesis: no he managed to fix everything
00:05.05Thanatermesisok i3d, i add this to my TODO
00:05.06saad3000_Thanatermesis: I did Purge entrance and installed it again
00:05.10i3dThanatermesis: are you forced to install it or what?
00:05.12saad3000_and LinuxNIT gave me his entrance config
00:05.19Thanatermesisi3d, no, is not needed
00:05.39saad3000_Thanatermesis: I ran e16 with the command:  startx
00:05.41i3dThanatermesis: ok, so I don't have to install this pkg, is that what you are saying?
00:05.48Thanatermesisbut i think to its a script writed by sinplomo_
00:06.20Thanatermesissaad3000, and restarting entrance, not has works ?
00:06.36saad3000_didn't work.
00:06.48saad3000_Thanatermesis: how do I login to e17 without Entrance?
00:08.23Thanatermesissaad3000, startx /usr/bin/enlightenment
00:10.16i3dIm finalizing our internal version with sync'ing 0.5 stable and it will be released on Monday
00:10.27i3dits done now
00:10.51i3dI guess the only difference on the pkg level is that elive-speedtouchconf.
00:10.52Thanatermesissounds good :)
00:10.58Thanatermesissinplomo_, ping
00:12.39*** join/#elive egrub (n=Elive_us@
00:16.49sinplomo_Thanatermesis, pong
00:22.38Thanatermesissinplomo_, tu hiciste el paquete ese ?
00:23.47*** join/#elive Duvelr (
00:24.26DuvelrHola Thanatermesis!
00:26.19Thanatermesishola Duvelr !
00:26.19keyraThanatermesis: que tal ?
00:26.19Thanatermesiscuanto tiempo :)
00:26.28Thanatermesisestabas desaparecido
00:26.50Duvelrsip, un monton... mis maquinas desaparecieron :( ... yo seguia por aqui
00:27.47Duvelrveo que todo ha ido bien, la 5 se ve lindisima
00:28.06*** join/#elive Elive_user38 (
00:29.15Thanatermesisdesaparecieron ? que pasó ?
00:30.59DuvelrThanatermesis, luego te cuento de las maquinas, recien leo tu correo, si tengo una actualizacion de "lucax"
00:32.04Thanatermesisperfecto :)
00:32.14Duvelr"lucax" ahora:
00:32.15Thanatermesiscon el actual e17 o con el que sigue teniendo la version de Elive ?
00:32.42Thanatermesiswow, que bueno se ve
00:33.12Thanatermesislos botones estan mucho mejor con el neon este ;)
00:33.16Duvelrlo que tengo son instaladores viejos de elive, talvez no entiendo!
00:33.35Duvelrsip, no perfectos pero me gustan mas.
00:33.36Thanatermesismmmh, estas en Elive revolution ?
00:34.10Duvelrnop, estoy reconstruyendo "mis cosas" en una compu que me trajeron para reparar :)
00:34.22egrubHola Duvelr
00:34.23Duvelrcon instaladores viejos y backups
00:34.25egrubTanto tiempo
00:34.28*** join/#elive dunkel (
00:34.34Duvelrhola egrub, si mucho tiempo
00:34.35keyraDuvelr: que tal ?
00:34.48Duvelrtodo bien keyra, y tu?
00:34.51Thanatermesisno me digas que te robaron las maquinas...
00:34.55egrubDuvelr, ya veo que tienes pc nuevo.
00:35.06egrubDuvelr, keyra es un bot que hizo Thanatermesis
00:35.07keyraegrub: hi :)
00:35.12Duvelrtenemos un brujo en el canal "todos miren a Thanatermesis"
00:35.12Thanatermesispor cierto, keyra es un bot... necesita un poco mas de mano dura pero bueno xD
00:35.40Thanatermesisegrub, no.. lo hizo felix, yo solo la eduqué un poco xD pero perdí su base de datos y esta funcionando con una vieja :/
00:35.40egrubkeyra, perra!
00:35.41keyraThanatermesis: felix, daddy... :)
00:36.15egrubThanatermesis, pero está pedazo descerebrada este... xD
00:36.24Duvelrsip Thanatermesis me robaron las maquinas, y no, no egrub, no "tengo"
00:36.28ThanatermesisxD egrub
00:36.39egrubDuvelr, :o
00:36.40ThanatermesisDuvelr, vaya... eso si que es mala suerte :/
00:36.47Thanatermesisa pr0t0cod7 también le paso justamente lo mismo el otro dia
00:36.57Duvelrpero no se robaron los backups :)
00:37.41Thanatermesismmh.. nose.. le cogieron el portatil con todo lo que habia en el
00:38.21DuvelrThanatermesis, tengo que arreglar un par de detalles con "lucax" y luego te lo paso, ok?
00:38.58ThanatermesisDuvelr, perfecto, no hay problema, pasamelo por email como siempre ;)
00:39.45sinplomo_Thanatermesis, si
00:40.15Thanatermesissinplomo_, tienes alguna actualizacion de codigo o simplemente le quito la dependencia de hotplug y lo vuelvo a subir ?
00:41.20egrub("Muy borracho.... otra vez!!")
00:41.20sinplomo_hay una actualizacion
00:41.26sinplomo_esperate un par de dias
00:41.33sinplomo_que me voy a pillar un disco duro estos dias
00:41.42Thanatermesistan grande es ? xDDDD
00:41.45egrubsinplomo_, tienes disco duro nuevo?
00:41.46Thanatermesisla actualizacion
00:45.00*** join/#elive Elive_user44 (
00:45.33*** part/#elive Elive_user44 (
00:46.07sinplomo_egrub, me voy a pillar uno estos dias
00:46.26sinplomo_al fin podre librarme de windobe y volver a debian :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
00:46.28*** join/#elive Elive_user71 (
00:47.17egrubsinplomo_, que bien. :)
00:49.17Thanatermesistienes mas aguante que katai con ubuntu
00:49.19keyraThanatermesis: Ubuntu is OFF topic
00:49.25Thanatermesissorry keyra :#
00:49.26keyraThanatermesis: np :)
00:49.48egrubTchaiksovsky todopoderoso!!
00:53.13*** join/#elive Elive_user79 (
01:01.29odla:D ... chapter 1 is done :D
01:01.42odlaLinuxNIT, yo
01:01.50LinuxNITdid you get saad3000 the msg?
01:01.57odlaLinuxNIT, yup but he still had problems
01:02.16odla<saad3000> LinuxNIT: I rebooted, and Entrance worked again with e16 down there as a session and when I press the session its screwed also!
01:02.16odla<odla> saad3000, <LinuxNIT> wget
01:02.16odla<saad3000> + Can't login.
01:02.16odla<saad3000> oke
01:02.16odla<saad3000> odla: thanx!
01:03.03LinuxNITi hope it worked for him
01:03.44i3dHi Thanatermesis, I kinda noticed that the wonderful change root winodw bg GUI entry was gone from the e17 config panel.
01:04.31Thanatermesisi3d, mmh... yes, i have changed it for "use the actual desktop for root bg"
01:04.59Thanatermesisi think to its not very usefull to set a root window from a image... but for you actual desktop yes
01:05.04i3dnow, I had to change the rootwindow.eap in order to change it
01:05.58i3dthe problem is changing the desktop bg doesn't change the terminal bg. I had to change the root bg in order to change both
01:06.58Thanatermesisyes... this is how has worked for now
01:07.29*** join/#elive Elive_user79 (
01:09.18i3dWhere is the "use the actual desktop for root bg"?
01:09.47Thanatermesis3º option
01:09.49i3dIt doesn't seem under e17 panel though
01:10.22Thanatermesisno... i mean elpanel
01:10.31i3dThe 3rd one is "Capture your Root Window Transparency"
01:10.38Thanatermesisroot window
01:11.14*** join/#elive Elive_user (
01:11.15Thanatermesisroot bg
01:11.16ThanatermesisLinuxNIT, is good this sentence ?
01:11.27i3dI couldn't find it under Look'n'Feel
01:11.59LinuxNITThanatermesis, what sentence?
01:12.15Thanatermesisi3d, is what you ahve say before
01:12.35*** join/#elive DeMoNSeEd (
01:12.35ThanatermesisLinuxNIT, "Capture your root window transparency" (for set the root bg)
01:12.50LinuxNITnot accurate ;)
01:14.06i3dThanatermesis: is that for set the root window bg?
01:14.20dunkelThanatermesis: which file to open when editing those values?
01:14.31LinuxNITi3d, yes it will take a screeen shot of your desktop and set it as the root window
01:14.39Thanatermesisi3d, yes
01:14.43Thanatermesisdunkel, what ?
01:15.40i3dscreenshot, hmm... that really isn't what I want. so sounds like from GUI, I can only use screenshots for the root window bg huh..
01:16.31*** join/#elive Elive_user51 (
01:16.31LinuxNITi3d, i dont know if you are interested but i have a script i started.
01:16.37i3dand I have to close all apps and minimize all apps in order to take a "fine" screenshot for bg
01:17.01*** join/#elive Caivax (
01:17.21LinuxNITit will cycle through the backgrounds you have in .e/e/backgounds and change the bg every X number of seconds.... it will also match the root window transparency to match
01:17.28i3dLinuxNIT: you mean a script for setup the rootwindow bg?
01:18.19i3dhmm.. sounds very interesting
01:18.21LinuxNITwell that is part of what it does
01:18.24dunkelLinuxNIT: sounds like just what i need..
01:18.32stannerim trying to compile elive e17 and when i get to the evas library and run ./autogen i get this error:aclocal: 80: macro `AM_PATH_GTK' not found in library. any one got a fix?
01:18.47LinuxNITit automatically changes the desktops bg every so often as well
01:18.53i3ddoes it force to cycle the bg's or user can setup to not cycle but just choose one?
01:19.27LinuxNITif you just want to set the transparency its a simple command
01:20.07dunkelLinuxNIT: is it usable already?
01:20.12i3dnice, that could be quite useful
01:20.20LinuxNITdunkel, yes
01:20.43*** part/#elive Caivax (
01:20.48i3dLinuxNIT: I guess the next q is where to get it?
01:20.57LinuxNIThmm just a sec
01:21.51LinuxNITi made it on a dif version of e17 so i will need on of you to test it for me.
01:22.12i3dand also another thing is currently Elive use rootwindow.eap to sustain what you have changed for root window bg, is your script be able to do that ?
01:22.25dunkeli'll try it out if you will
01:22.31i3dsure that's what I like to do
01:22.56LinuxNITi3d, im not sure what your asking
01:24.27i3dwhen you change your root window bg, I get lost next time when you login. Currently in Elive under .e/e/application/startup/rootwindow.eap, it sets it up every time when you login
01:24.44i3ds/I get lost/it gets lost
01:26.32i3dThe default Elive sets that up to look for .e/e/eliva/eliva.jpg, so you'd have to take care of that otherwise, it will set the bg back to the default Elive one every time when you log back
01:26.55dunkelLinuxNIT: does it change things or can it be run without risking stuff?
01:27.07LinuxNITits not risky
01:27.19LinuxNITall it does is change the bg and the root window
01:27.41i3dya that's nothing to do with rick I believe
01:29.25LinuxNITim on elive i just installed e17 from the tests repo so it dosent act quite thesame
01:30.52i3ddoes that work well now ?
01:31.21i3dhaven't touched that for a while.. (remember I got problem last time)..
01:31.23keyrai3d: don't ask to ask, ask your problem
01:31.38LinuxNITwell mine does
01:31.44LinuxNITand so does roxvilles
01:31.55LinuxNITbut it sounds like saad3000 had trouble
01:31.58i3dok cool. I might want to give it a try
01:32.00LinuxNITentrance didnt wanna work
01:33.12Anarienhasta mañana
01:33.30LinuxNITok bbiab
01:33.46LinuxNITfor now if you want to see how the script works there is a version on here
01:34.13i3dsure, would like to give it a try
01:34.42LinuxNITim not sure that it will work with that e17 i will know in a bit.... if not ill fix it
01:37.51*** join/#elive i3d (
01:38.26*** join/#elive erjc_ (
01:40.11i3dGot errors, pasted on elive-flood
01:44.30*** join/#elive Elive_user12 (
01:45.13*** join/#elive Elive_user59 (
01:48.11LinuxNITdid either of youtry the script?
01:50.14LinuxNITi3d, dunkel ?
01:50.56*** join/#elive dunkel_ (
01:53.13*** join/#elive m0zone (n=Elive_us@
01:54.31dunkel_huh..tremulous ran perfectly until i got fragged for the 1st time...had no choice but to hard restart. it was absolutely lag free though with fps around 80. i NEVER expected to see this happen on my hardware
01:54.38LinuxNITdunkel_, did you try it?
01:54.52*** join/#elive erc (
01:54.53dunkel_LinuxNIT: where can i get it? :)
01:54.55*** join/#elive Elive_user (
01:55.25Elive_userjust loaded elive.  how do i get a cd to play
01:55.35dunkel_i mean i never expected it to work so good, no probs with the crash :)
01:58.34dunkel_what should i use to check my hd? i had an 'error 96' as i booted up
02:03.17*** join/#elive Elive_user99 (
02:06.31i3dLinuxNIT: I tried and pasted the error to elive-flood
02:06.51LinuxNITok paste it again
02:07.02LinuxNITsorry i wasnt there
02:11.19stannercan i get some help with this error?
02:11.49stannerwhen i try to run ./ in the evas dir i get this :aclocal: 80: macro `AM_PATH_GTK' not found in library
02:11.52LinuxNITstanner, you might ask in #e
02:12.02LinuxNITpeople in here dont gennerally compile e17
02:12.12LinuxNITelive has e17 installed
02:15.04*** join/#elive Elive_user43 (n=Elive_us@
02:15.05stanneri cant seem to find #e in the serverlist
02:15.54dunkel_it's there, just /join #e
02:16.26*** part/#elive stanner (
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02:30.02get[elive]apt kernel
02:31.30*** join/#elive dunkel (
02:40.37*** join/#elive Elive_user64 (
02:52.21keyraDetox: hi
02:55.21Detoxhad a thought,,,,,,,,
02:55.32DetoxDL debian,, and apt-get enlightenment
02:56.10Detoxto see if the wifi probswoudl duplicate
02:56.27LinuxNITyou still having trouble?
02:56.34LinuxNITwhat trouble?
02:56.41Detoxcannot get any of my wifi to work
02:57.10DetoxThana said he is releasing a new in maybe two weks with kernel .20
02:57.31Detoxguess I'm impatient
02:57.52*** join/#elive Elive_user15 (n=Elive_us@
02:57.55LinuxNITwhats it doing now?
02:57.57Detoxjsut do not know whay the prob is tehre
02:58.23LinuxNITnothing shows up under iwconfig?
02:58.36LinuxNITyou said the other day it was working fine
02:58.40Detoxwith my microsoft mn520 pcmia,, it shows 2x in elpanel and the lights constantly blink ,, but will not initialize
02:58.46Detoxyes tehn I rebooted
02:58.57Detoxnope iwconfig shows nuttn
02:59.06LinuxNITdid you have to probe the module when you booted the first time?
02:59.43Detoxthis is waht i did toget it working the first time ,,, fdisked hd ,, ran elive frm cd and laoded fresh
02:59.58Detoxsis apt-get update  using a cat5 pcmcia card
03:00.11Detoxthen shut down  put wifiin
03:00.38Detoxthen it shoewd 2 wifi and got one to wrok dont know how,, shut down after feeling happy
03:00.45Detoxnext day neithe worked
03:00.51LinuxNITyou in it right now?
03:01.06Detoxno at home now and it lapto is at work
03:01.28LinuxNITon the next boot did you check to see if the module was loaded?
03:01.29Detoxtehn,,, I put the cat5 nic back in and it would not recognixe that
03:02.03Detoxjsut to satisfy me pain more,, booted from dsl , puttpy, gnoppix and kanoppis all seen both the cat5 and wife adn worked fine
03:02.19Detoxrebooted from hd (elive) and no nic would work
03:02.40Detoxso had to repartition the hd again ,, reinstall elive  now have cat5 nic working
03:02.55Detoxand there is where i stopped
03:03.12Detoxposted the ordeal in the bugs on Thana's site
03:03.47LinuxNITon the next boot did you check to see if the module was loaded?
03:03.54Detoxand ,, I have  brand spanking new belkin wifi pcmcia,, will not wrok with elive but will work with all the other distros
03:04.02LinuxNITwas it?
03:04.17Detoxpcmcia was there and yenta
03:04.31LinuxNITwhat about the module for the wifi cards chipset
03:04.44Detoxms520 is prism2
03:04.51Detoxthe belking i do not know
03:05.11LinuxNITthe prism2 module was loaded?
03:05.14odlablah blah blah
03:05.34Detoxwhen i get to work tomorrow ,,, I'll hold it up to my monitor so you cn see for yourself
03:06.05Detoxhold my laptop up top my screen then you can see it
03:06.25LinuxNITthe prism2 module was loaded?
03:06.33LinuxNITwas the prism2 module was loaded?
03:06.41Detoxdont remember ,,, maybe not dunno hav to look again
03:07.13Detoxi dont think i remember seeing it,, but became pretty frustated after a while
03:07.34Detoxi dont think i remember seeing it,, but became pretty frustated after a while
03:08.18odlaapt, kiss Detox
03:08.20aptACTION forces Detox to give get[elive] a big kiss on the ear
03:08.29Detoxohhhh uuuhhhh
03:08.38Detoxhey I'm married!!
03:09.29DetoxLinuxNIT,,, this is so frustrating for me,,,
03:09.53DetoxI really enjoy elive,, but not having my wifi is such a hinderance
03:10.23Detoxand I know you guys are a perplexed as me regarding my Dell laptops and their starnge ways
03:10.26LinuxNITi bet.... but i can help you better when you are on the system or have it next to you.
03:10.33Detoxyes I now
03:10.44Detoxjsut thought I'd vent and rant for a few min
03:10.48Detoxfeel better now
03:10.59odlaThanatermesis, did you ever get transmission figured out?
03:11.12Detoxmaybe you will be around tomorrow afternoon
03:11.22LinuxNIThard to say
03:11.45LinuxNITi assume you no longer have the 2.6.17 kernel installed right?
03:11.46Detoxif you are here, I'll holler and maybe we can give it a go 9again)
03:11.52Detoxyes i do
03:11.57LinuxNITthen boot that kernel
03:12.03Detoxyes i did
03:12.04Detoxno wifi
03:12.09LinuxNITcheck to see if the module for prism2 is loaded
03:12.19Detoxmy prism2 wifi is listed 2x
03:12.22Detoxin elpanl
03:12.41LinuxNITi thought you just said it didnt recognize your card after the reboot
03:12.46Detoxand the lights blinbk like crazy
03:12.59Detoxno ,, the card is seen twice
03:13.08Detoxit hsut will not initilaze?
03:13.30Detoxya know hit activate ,, whirrs and chruns ,, then tells me it does not want to play
03:13.43Detoxi make suyre the wifi settings are corect
03:14.29Detoxi do iwconfig,,, and hhm let me think
03:15.13Detoxif i remember,, i get add stuff
03:15.28odlaDetox, does iwconfig see the device?
03:15.30Detoxarg will have to cut tell ya when it is in front of me
03:15.52odlaDetox, you should bring your laptop home tomorrow so LinuxNIT can really help :D
03:15.59Detoxya knwo, im not really sure,, i think is shows a mac add , but nothing else makes sence
03:16.09Detoxi know
03:16.51Detoxlet's put this on hols until i can tell you exaclty what it says
03:17.10odlawait a minute...Detox_at_work is online right now...we'll ask him :)
03:17.27LinuxNITDetox_at_Work, is not the laptop is it?
03:17.31Detoxahhh ya...........................
03:17.48Detoxthat is mee at work ,, my desktop
03:18.07odlatoo bad could have ssh into it :D
03:18.12DetoxI have 6 pc's networked at work,,,
03:18.19Detoxtomorrw you can
03:18.24Detoxi will make it happen
03:18.42Detoxas long as i can get a nic card to work
03:19.43Detoxthe rub is i guress ,, ot see what is wrong via ssh i need to have the wifi in it ,, but if i put the wifi in it i cnnot get online
03:20.10odlaDetox, but you can have the wifi in the slot and be on another computer right?
03:20.11Detoxso i will see if my cat5 nic will work tomorrow ,, it it does i will set up ssh for ya
03:20.36odlaso you don't need to be online and no one even needs to ssh into it..
03:20.58Detoxwe will takcle it tomorrw hopefully then
03:21.07odlajust give LinuxNIT et al. all the info they need
03:21.40*** join/#elive i3d (
03:21.46Detoxit is 2322 hrs here now..... will be avail tomorrow at approx 1100 local time
03:22.11Detoxand will be online for at least 4 hours then
03:22.16Detoxif you guys are here
03:22.40odlai'll be probably be around...but i can't help you like LinuxNIT
03:22.54i3dLinuxNIT: need anything for testing from me?
03:23.08odlaThanatermesis, what does your nick mean?
03:23.13LinuxNITi can give you some thing i3d
03:23.15Detoxya know,, the frustating thing is ,, I'm not dumb,, and I can research stuff and attempt to figure out stuff ,, but this jsut aviods solution for me
03:23.46LinuxNITpm me
03:23.53LinuxNITwiat nm
03:24.01*** part/#elive DeMoNSeEd (
03:24.49odlaDetox, sometimes it's like'll get fixed...especially if the lights are coming on
03:25.01LinuxNITi3d, accept
03:25.26Detoxyes ,,, I have resigned myself to partaking in silent screams until it is resloved
03:25.36i3dLinuxNIT: hold on, you want me to accept?
03:25.52LinuxNITyes i sent a file.... did it not show up?
03:26.10i3dno, I think irssi doesn't support that
03:26.18odlai3d, yeah it does
03:26.21i3dlet me go to xchat then
03:26.28LinuxNITredownload the one i gave you earlier
03:26.29i3dodla: oh it does?
03:26.39LinuxNITi3d, dont bother its problably on my end
03:26.39odlai think you need to type /dcc accept or something like that
03:26.46LinuxNITmy network is screwy like that
03:26.46i3dodla: I don't see anything though
03:26.54LinuxNITi think its cause im behind 2 rotuers
03:26.55odlai3d, it won't be in this window but the server one
03:28.02i3dok I saw it from the status window
03:29.08i3dwell, its stalled
03:29.15i3dI wget it again
03:30.03LinuxNITredo it
03:30.20i3dLinuxNIT: elive-flood
03:30.21LinuxNITdelete your old file first
03:31.37Detoxwell,, my eyeballs are getting fuzzy, so I'm hitting the hay
03:31.47Detoxtalk with you guys tomorrow
03:31.56Detoxand thanks for all you do!!
03:33.30odlaLinuxNIT, how's the newer version of e17?
03:33.40LinuxNITi like it
03:33.51LinuxNITshelf has its ups and downs
03:34.01odlais shelf here to stay?
03:34.06LinuxNITlooks like it
03:34.21odlait's in the testing repository?
03:35.59LinuxNITbreaks elpanel but i think i can get elpanel back for you.... i got it back on mine
03:36.54LinuxNITand apparently entrance broke on saad3000 but not for me or rox
03:37.02LinuxNITso i dunno what happend there...
03:37.07odlado the themes work?
03:37.16LinuxNITnot the ones you have in elive
03:37.20LinuxNITthe ones on get-e do
03:37.49odlai'll probably stay with this flavour then :D
03:37.49*** join/#elive spartako (n=spartako@
03:37.55odlai really like the lucax theme
03:38.48odlano one is maintaining it are they?
03:38.56odlaso it'll die with this version of e17
03:39.16LinuxNITi dunno
03:39.32LinuxNITi dont even know where it came from cause i never saw it on get-e
03:39.51odlagoogle lucax theme just gives me tons of elive hits
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03:40.17odlahi spartako
03:44.51odlaapt, seen unduality
03:45.09aptunduality <> was last seen on IRC in channel #elive, 3d 4h 51m 38s ago, saying: 'odla i belive that piracy and free software/open source can coexist peacefully.'.
03:45.10*** join/#elive spartako (
03:46.44spartakoPrinceAMD1: hello friend how are you??
03:46.45keyraspartako: hi
03:48.22spartakoyou know as I can put in my desktop a terminal Eterm transparency without edges and menu bar?
03:49.10spartakokeyra: hi
03:49.12keyraspartako: hi :)
03:49.25odlaspartako, in e17?
03:49.50odlaspartako, right click borderless
03:50.04spartakoodla: yes
03:52.21odlai only lost to arcana 15-9 this time :D
03:52.43spartakoodla: since it did it from a terminal?
03:54.57odlaspartako, what is your native language?
03:55.29spartakoodla: spanish
03:55.58spartakoodla: my English is not very good
03:56.05odlaspartako, i don't really understand what your question is...but since it's about eterm you could ask in as they speak spanish is enlightenment help in spanish
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04:03.23spartakoodla: it is that in those channels there is very little people for that reason I ask in this although my English is a little bad
04:03.42LinuxNITspartako, what do you want?
04:05.19i3dLinuxNIT: are you trying to do a infinite loop with while x=1?
04:10.18odlaLinuxNIT, i think he wanted to make eterm transparent?
04:10.34LinuxNITtoo late now
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04:29.19i3dya, we have a lot of stuff built upon python, still learning, but ya, I use python too
04:32.48egrubEFL ya está metido en Evas?
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05:59.13K-NoXhola hay laguien
05:59.15keyraK-NoX: que tal ?
05:59.40K-NoXcomo isntalo Elive ne mi pc
06:00.42K-NoXkeyra, ME lees
06:01.10LinuxNITK-NoX, you want to install elive?
06:02.22K-NoXLinuxNIT, i no speak english
06:02.37K-NoXLinuxNIT, in spanish is good
06:02.52K-NoXyou speak_
06:03.07LinuxNITapt, x en es Do you want to install elive?
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07:25.22Elive_user67revolution is truely amazing ^^
07:29.04broadcastweenos dias
07:52.47*** join/#elive Elive_user49 (
07:53.24Elive_user49you managed to help me yesterday, could you answer one more queston for me? :D
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07:54.55Elive_user49or anyone else :D
07:55.20*** join/#elive Anarien (
07:55.44Anarienbuenos días
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11:13.46saad3000whose on?
11:15.32saad3000clso, hello ;>
11:16.17clsoim fighting with a p2 xD laptop
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11:17.56deamon85hi allZ
11:18.18clsohi deamon85
11:18.47deamon85i have a problem whit the installation of my elive revolution: /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off
11:19.36deamon85how know this error ?
11:20.25deamon85i can't install the os
11:21.37clsoi  have no idea deamon85
11:22.00clsoyou did search this error in google?
11:22.08deamon85Unifing: base ls: /DSSCD/cdrom/xserver/: no such file or directory
11:22.16deamon85yes but
11:22.29deamon85the tell about a bugs of kernel
11:23.51deamon85tnx clso
11:23.59clso:s maybe someone here can help you sorry...
11:24.26deamon85i hpe
11:25.07clsoi think they are in bed xD or taking breakfast
11:25.41clsoor is is said having breakfast?
11:25.55clsois it said
11:26.02clsomy poor english xD
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11:28.04clsohi master
11:28.40clsowizard123, :p
11:35.30clsodeamon85, see you ;) i have also problems with my cpu, gets very hot
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12:54.53saad3000Thanatermesis_, here.
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13:12.18saad3000Thanatermesis_: I guess you need to update the e17 snapshot from the test respos..
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13:30.12bodhacoucous tous
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14:25.16saad3000Running aclocal...
14:25.16saad3000./ line 8: aclocal: command not found
14:25.19saad3000what package do I need?
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14:32.37caim0saad3000 wha are u trying to do?
14:32.56saad3000compiling edje from cvs.
14:37.49saad3000I installed build-essential and yet I still have this error: ./ line 8: aclocal: command not found
14:40.15dererk[w]aptitude install autogen autoconf
14:40.28saad3000dererk[w]: thank you.
14:40.45LinuxNITsaad3000, hey
14:40.47clsoXcaim, wenas
14:40.55dererk[w]nas caim0
14:41.06dererk[w]caim0, no has venido a votar? :-D
14:41.06saad3000LinuxNIT: HEYYYYYYYYYYY! welcome back!
14:41.11*** join/#elive Elive_user93 (
14:41.17saad3000LinuxNIT: look what happened now
14:41.22saad3000I managed to fix entrance!
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14:41.37caim0clsoX hola
14:41.45saad3000it was from the theme darkrock theme displays a weird session names and can't login to either e16 or 17
14:41.58caim0dererk[w] haha no pero ya me han mandado una carta por no ir a la mili
14:42.14LinuxNITah yes i told you themes did work... i didnt think about that for entrance
14:42.19saad3000I ran startx /usr/bin/enlightenment and fixed the theme by selecting the default now entrance runs smooth from this theme!
14:42.21LinuxNIThows the new e17?
14:42.38Elive_user93how are you :)
14:42.39clsoXiam in your theme LinuxNIT :p
14:42.43LinuxNIThelloo Elive_user93
14:42.53saad3000LinuxNIT: but wait edje is still couldn't open the init_blue.edj and the new dark theme from get-e !
14:43.14Elive_user93How are you
14:43.17LinuxNITclsoX, cool
14:43.26LinuxNITsaad3000, what?
14:43.35LinuxNITso odd
14:43.40saad3000LinuxNIT: true yes!
14:44.01Elive_user93LinuxTNIT: Where are you from
14:44.02saad3000wait can you select darktheme and test it see if the session is weird?
14:44.12LinuxNITElive_user93, do you have another nick?
14:44.26saad3000edje_decc darkness_0_99_032_4.edj
14:44.26saad3000ERROR: cannot open darkness_0_99_032_4.edj
14:44.34clsoXLinuxNIT, have you repo for this theme? i think you were making changes saturday night
14:44.39saad3000ii  efl-all                          cvs20060919                  A complete EFL libs of Enlightenment 17
14:45.06LinuxNITclsoX, i havent played with that theme in a while
14:45.10dererk[w]caim, por no ir a donde????
14:45.30Elive_user93LinuxNIT: hmmmm I don't know. Im here first time.
14:45.36caim0al servicio militar :D
14:45.37LinuxNITthe only place to download it is on my
14:45.49LinuxNITElive_user93, well welcome to #elive
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14:46.11caim0dererk[w] y por no votar tambien me tengo q justificar
14:46.11Elive_user93LinuxNIT: Nice to meet you :)
14:46.26LinuxNITnice to meet you too
14:46.27clsoXpa la saca
14:46.44Elive_user93LinuxNIT: I run this Linux distro for the first time :P
14:46.46dererk[w]Es obligatorio el servicio militar caim ?
14:46.49dererk[w]Es obligatorio el servicio militar caim0 *?
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14:47.07caim0claro em Argentina no?
14:47.08Elive_user93LinuxNIT: And I'm very very very .... suprised :)
14:48.18LinuxNITElive_user93, surprised in a good way i hope :D
14:48.30saad3000LinuxNIT: did you recieve my msgs?
14:48.44Elive_user93LinuxNIT: Ou yeeeeee :) very good way :) ihhihihi
14:48.49LinuxNIToh shit saad3000 sorry
14:48.54LinuxNITim not identified
14:49.25Elive_user93LinuxNIT: I have to check all the applications cos it looks and work wonderfull :)
14:49.57Elive_user93LinuxNIT: I didn't know elive distribution before :)
14:50.27LinuxNITyeah its pretty cool
14:50.52dererk[w]caim0, no
14:51.11dererk[w]desde un caso muy fraudulento se desactivo el servicio militar obligatorio
14:51.21Elive_user93LinuxNIT: I alvays works on slackware or suse linux and now I hear about this and just checking how this is working
14:52.18Elive_user93LinuxNIT: can you tell me something ebout elive ..... ? for eg. what about updates ? and who often this distro are released ?
14:55.15*** join/#elive Detox (
14:55.57LinuxNITElive_user93, well elive uses the full debian etch repo
14:56.08LinuxNITso it gets any updates that debian etch does
14:56.26LinuxNITas far as the elive releases.... there is not a set schedule
14:56.49Detoxyahooo you are here!!
14:57.01Detoxdo  you have time to help fixing my wifi?
14:57.53Elive_user93LinuxNIT: yeap I know that :) but what about relase in iso images, how offten new version are avilibile ?
14:58.11LinuxNIT<LinuxNIT> as far as the elive releases.... there is not a set schedule
14:58.25LinuxNITapt infomail
14:58.26apti heard infomail is If you like to subscribe to Elive News (specially for are informed about releases), make a look to ,  or , depends of your language
14:58.50LinuxNITElive_user93, you can use that and they will email you when a new release is out
15:00.45Elive_user93LinuxNIT: but how offten this teke for eg. how many times a year new release are aviable ?
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15:02.13LinuxNITElive_user81, >>>>>  <LinuxNIT> as far as the elive releases.... there is not a set schedule
15:02.20LinuxNITElive_user93, , >>>>>  <LinuxNIT> as far as the elive releases.... there is not a set schedule
15:02.42LinuxNITElive_user93, about as much as i can say is i started using it on 0.3 during the spring or early summer (not sure which) since then 0.4 and 0.5 has been released
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15:06.36dunkeli'm also very suprised how good elive is working out of the box, only problem is totally crashing during trmulous or zsnes..they run 'perfectly' and crash léaving the only option to cold restart, where should I look?
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15:23.52THEoraclehello all
15:24.05THEoraclerevolution rox.....thanks guys
15:25.22caimtienes problemas con tu sonido?
15:25.28caimen elive?
15:25.36clsoXen debian
15:25.43clsoXcomo puedes ver estaba intentando preguntar
15:25.49clsoXpero todo el mundo ha pasado bastante x
15:26.13caimesq tienes q googlear y llegar con una pregunta concreta
15:26.15clsoXthey have fun in other things
15:26.29clsoXsi la he hecho la pregunta :D
15:26.29caimpero dime q has probado ya?
15:26.45caimhas hecho una pregunta muy general
15:27.09clsoXveras lo que ocure es que se bloquea iniciandose linux al cargar la linea del driver despues de instalar alsa, y no veas lo que me cuesta desinstalarlo dspues, necesito muchos reinicios
15:27.24clsoXse porque se cuelga caim
15:27.30clsoXpero no se como arreglarlo
15:27.42clsoXes porque este driver es muy antiguo, y funciona con oss
15:27.50clsoXque es algo parecido que alsa pero mas antiguo
15:28.06caimtio por q instalaste sarge?
15:28.12clsoXentonces supongo que hay un error entre oss y alsa y se joe to
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15:28.22clsoXporque queria debian
15:28.32clsoXen este portatil
15:28.36clsoXveras tengo dos
15:28.37caimpero puedes controlar los modulos q quieres q se carguen y los q no quieres q se carguen al inicio
15:28.42clsoXeste es un p2 y el otro esta elive
15:28.47caimpues debian etch!
15:29.06caimpero buenos, a ver...
15:29.08clsoXya pero no se hacerlo caim eso que dices
15:29.34caimno, te decia q la proxima vez q instales debian instala etch
15:29.36caimmas guai
15:29.50clsoXque diferencia tienen?
15:29.51caimelive es debian etch + enlightenment
15:30.13clsoXhay otra cosa, este portatil no reconoce el cd rom pcmacia que tengo
15:30.21caimetch es unstable y tiene muchos paquetes nuevos
15:30.29clsoXsolo consegui instalar debian con un diskete y por red pero eso es otra historia
15:30.45caimdeberias probar debian etch, pero esperate
15:30.48clsoXcaim cuando consiga compilar perfecto este debian, probare etch es un reto
15:31.05caimdejame acordar donde esta el archivo q carga los modulos al inicio
15:31.06clsoXpero debian ya es que es un reto que me esta tocando las narices xD
15:31.29clsoXademas mira caim
15:31.40caimhace cuanto estas en linux?
15:32.06clsoXsi te quieres pasar pa echar uamanita de vez en cuando bienvenidoje
15:32.13clsoXpues estoy desde junio del a;o pasado caim
15:32.23clsoXpero este verano no he tocado para nada linux
15:33.24clsoXhi THEoracle
15:34.16clsoXtrying to run a hate soundcard xD
15:34.26THEoracleconfiguring my printer at the o those all in 1 thingy bobs
15:34.38caimclsoX, a ver tu tienes q driver de sonido?
15:34.48clsoXmmm like a server printer?
15:34.55clsoXte digo
15:35.01clsoXmira esto
15:35.13clsoXlo acabo de encontrar
15:35.17clsoXcreo que lo explica
15:35.47THEoracleno just that one at today
15:36.10caimclsoX, pero q driver usabas cuando te funcionaba?
15:36.24clsoXa ver te explico
15:36.32clsoXpor defecto no funciona
15:36.37clsoXsi ahora instalo los alsa
15:36.46clsoXel driver siempre es nm256 por cierto
15:37.10clsoXbien si instalo alsa , EL SONIDO funciona :D pero cuando reinicio se bloquea todo.
15:37.31clsoXy me cuesta reiniciar 1000 veces para poder desinstalar alsa
15:37.47caimya creo q tendras q agregar los modulos de sonido al /etc/modules
15:38.02caimclsoX, no hace falta desinsitalar alsa tio
15:38.19caimsi quieres reinstalar el driver solo tienes q hacer un alsaconf de nuevo
15:38.36clsoXinstalo y configuro por supuesto
15:38.49clsoXpero ya te he dicho que hay una especie de problema entre alsa y oss
15:38.58clsoXya que mi driver no es de alsa o algo asi
15:39.17caimalsa no se toca, lo q se toca son los drivers... a ver
15:39.32caimesta sin sonido cierto?
15:39.36clsoXahora si
15:39.58caimy si le das alsaconf, q pasa?
15:40.07clsoXcon sonido no estaria aqui :D me refiero a que no estaria dentro de debian xD
15:40.18clsoXque funciona el sonido
15:40.34clsoXel problema es qe el pc lo tengo que apagar alguna vez xD
15:40.49clsoXy cuando lo enciendo se bloquea iniciandose
15:41.08clsoXseria plan de instalar desinstalar apagar iniciar instalar desinstalar... no es plan...
15:41.42caimclsoX, a mi ya me paso de encender debian y no tener sonido
15:41.48caimdesinstala el oss
15:42.00clsoXmira esto
15:42.11clsoXTo avoid name conflict, the ALSA stuff generally has `snd-' as a prefix to all the boot parameters.
15:42.22caimya lo se
15:42.40clsoXpuedo cambiar nm256 por snd-nm256?
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15:42.55clsoXy se solucionaria el problema?
15:44.42caimno, cambiar eso seria cambiar el drive de oss al  de alsa.
15:45.10clsoXy no se solucionaria asi?
15:45.40clsoXpuedes decirme como entrar a eso por favor?
15:46.31caimmira prueba instalr el driver alsa
15:46.44caimy luego, has un lsmod | grep snd
15:46.56caimy pega todo eso al /etc/modules
15:47.02clsoXel driver alsa te refieres a alsa-utils?
15:47.16caimtodo lo q empiece por snd, lo copias al /etc/modules
15:47.33caimclsoX, supongo q ya tienes todos los paquetes de alsa no?
15:48.46clsoXacabo de instalar alsa utils
15:48.55clsoXinstalo alsa-base tambien?
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15:49.54caimsi todos esos
15:49.55caimya esta?
15:50.15clsoXcaim he visto algo para instalar llamado alsa-oss
15:50.37clsoXlo instalo tambien?
15:50.42caimno estoy seguro si hace falta
15:50.52caimprobemos sin eso
15:50.57caimya estan todos los anteriores?
15:51.49caimprimero tienes q darle un alsaconf
15:51.50clsoXno sale nada al hacer ese comando
15:51.53clsoXah ok
15:52.47caimya esta?
15:52.53caimreconocio tu tarjeta?
15:53.03caimhas cargado los drivers?
15:53.05clsoXde momento dice que no se encontro el modulo de sonido
15:53.29clsoXcomo cargo los drivers?
15:53.45caimpero el alsaconf te dijo q no encontro nada?
15:53.53clsoXeso es lo que me salio ahora
15:54.04clsoXme pregunta que si quiero probar ISA sound cards
15:54.09clsoXle digo que si
15:54.21caimbueno, pero no encontrara nada
15:54.32clsoXinstalo alsa-oss_
15:55.50caimya estaa?
15:56.03clsoXbuscando porque ahora me dice que no existe -.-
15:56.04caimdentro de nada me ire
15:56.16caimapt-cache search alsa
15:56.25clsoXantes de irte me puedes decir donde cambiar el nombre del driver de sonido?
15:56.59clsoXvale ya esta instalando
15:57.05caimal parecer si no tienes sonido, es por q no hay drivers instalados
15:57.33clsoXel paquete ese de alsa modules es necesario tambien?
15:57.41caimel lsmod | grep snd te muestra los drivers alsa q estan instalados
15:57.48DetoxclsoX ,, got a minute?
15:58.02caimno, por que solo es para kernel antiguo
15:58.20DetoxLinuxNIT was attemptoing to assist in my wifi probs
15:58.25Detoxno success
15:58.41Detoxam using elive revolution lates build OK
15:58.46Detoxno wifi success
15:59.02clsoXi have problems with ipw2200 too
15:59.18Detoxjust put debian etch cd1 in ,, booted ,, found wifi and is now connected
15:59.30Detoxwhat is differernt?
15:59.33caimetch rulez
15:59.50Detoxbut this ver of elive is etch also right?
16:00.07caimetch have the latest kernel
16:00.26caimDetox, which kernel did u try?
16:00.35DetoxI loaded kernel 17-2 afterq installing elive
16:00.40Detoxno wifi
16:01.01caimi mean on debian
16:01.30Detoxalso ,, each time i boot from elive I get a file system error 32
16:01.47clsoXcaim, no no aparece nada con el lsmod -.-
16:01.53Detoxscrolls by fast looked in demsg to find it but not there
16:02.02caimclsoX, has hecho un alsaconf?
16:02.03Detoxwhat other log can i look at?
16:02.14caimdespues de instalar el alsa-oss
16:02.19clsoXsi caim
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16:02.39clsoXDetox, what wireless card have you?
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16:02.44caimclsoX, entonzes ahora no te puedo ayudar por q no tengo tiempo
16:02.51Detoxmicrosoft mn520
16:02.57caimclsoX, Detox bye
16:02.58Detoxworks great with all other distros
16:03.04clsoXcaim, no te preocupes tengo el mismo problema desde hace 1a;o :D
16:03.20clsoXbye caim
16:03.23caimclsoX, etch
16:03.43clsoXno idea Detox
16:04.00clsoXi have same problem than you with other wirelless card
16:04.17Detoxi jsut dont get it....
16:04.47DetoxclsoX if I may ask ,,, where are you located?
16:05.04clsoXmaybe the elive dont install correctly mmm
16:05.15clsoXin spain Detox :D
16:05.26Detoxthat is waht I am thinking but I am not a programmer
16:05.38DetoxSpain is a very old nation
16:05.50Detoxrich in heritage
16:06.49clsoXyou detox where a u from?
16:07.08Detoxok ,,, if i cnnot get elive to work wifi ,,, and I ahve a prism2 card ,,, could I install some  other thing to recognize prism2 card?
16:07.39Detoxdid google search and shows hostap as prism2 but hostap is installed in elive
16:07.46Detoxnorth carolina USA
16:07.50clsoXi have seen this card in debian...
16:07.52getprism2 or prism54 ?
16:10.09*** join/#elive kylix (
16:12.22THEoracleanybody have vmware installed?
16:13.14*** join/#elive maxtoo (
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16:21.44clsoXbyes ;P
16:24.48*** join/#elive egrub (n=Elive_us@
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16:37.58*** join/#elive saad3000 (n=elive@ fat32 patition can be read but now written to.....what fstab changes need to be made?.....i can't seem to remember
16:43.04*** join/#elive odla (
17:00.50saad3000THEoracle: on what hda you want to access?
17:01.36*** join/#elive odla|U (
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17:02.00saad3000edit your fstab
17:02.05saad3000and add a line like this
17:02.25saad3000/dev/hda3       /mnt/hda3       vfat    defaults,auto        0       2
17:02.41THEoraclethat is actually what it says now
17:02.43Elive_user64saad3000, will you join #elive-flood
17:02.58THEoracle/dev/hda3/mnt/hda3vfat    defaults,auto        0       2
17:03.01THEoracleis what i have
17:03.08saad3000THEoracle:  and it didn't mount by itself?
17:03.16THEoracleit is mounted
17:03.24THEoraclei can read it fine
17:03.32THEoraclejust not write to it
17:03.40THEoracleuser permisiionos maybe?
17:03.42Elive_user64add uid=1000 to the options
17:03.52Elive_user64then remount it
17:04.51Elive_user64or uid=username
17:05.04caim/dev/hda3       /mnt/hda3       vfat    rw,defaults,auto        0       2
17:06.22odla|Uelive should have stickers for that we can put on our lappys and monitors
17:06.33odla|Ulike the 'intel inside' stickers but instead 'elive inside
17:07.02*** join/#elive diabetik (n=diabetik@
17:07.06caimodla, i tried to make some
17:07.13Elive_user64odla|U, i love that idea
17:07.16caimbut i am not good at that
17:07.34THEoraclethank you
17:08.06Elive_user64THEoracle, which method did you do
17:08.14caimTHEoracle, yes tell us
17:08.17odla|Umaybe roxville could make stickers or PrinceAMD?
17:08.25caimmay be i was wrong
17:08.34THEoracletry caim's way now
17:09.28caimodla, i will ask him
17:09.29Elive_user64THEoracle, be sure to remount after changing the options
17:12.00THEoraclei remounted....didn't work
17:12.06THEoraclethanks tho
17:13.03THEoraclemy qemu install of xp is almost done.....wanted to play with it a little
17:13.18odla|Uyou can install xp on qemu?!?
17:14.02Elive_user64odla|U, yes if you make an image file for it to installl too
17:14.24odla|Uunduality: that video of nietzsche was great...i'll have to get you to send me some more existential goodies :D
17:14.40odla|UElive_user64: how does it run...really slow?
17:15.28Elive_user64but the more ram the better
17:15.28saad3000am here!
17:15.47Elive_user64and specify more ram when you launch qemu as well
17:15.55Elive_user64-m 1000000
17:16.05Elive_user64-m is in megs
17:16.47caimElive_user64, i tried -m 1024
17:16.49THEoracleworks really well as far as i can see
17:17.05caimand it gave an error
17:17.07THEoraclei just specified -m 128
17:17.08odla|Udo you guys know if it could run ArcGIS?
17:17.13Elive_user64caim, how much ram do you have?
17:17.26Elive_user64what error?
17:17.48caimdon't remember xD
17:17.55odla|UArcGIS is the only windows program i need and it stinks that i might have to reinstall XP on my lappy for that one program
17:19.21caimodla|U,  did u try wine?
17:19.40odla|Uyeah it doesn't really work with wine or crossoffice
17:20.30THEoraclehave you tried cedega?
17:21.09THEoracleright now the speed is nothing to brag about but it works well
17:21.29Elive_user64odla|U, did you ask for help in #winehq
17:21.39Elive_user64they are really helpful... sometimes
17:21.45THEoraclewhen i install their kernel module for acceleration it will likely be very close to native
17:24.40saad3000Elive_user64: pm me!
17:27.49Elive_user64well yalll have fun now ya hear
17:28.26odla|Udoesn't look like arcgis can run on linux
17:28.37odla|Ui'll have to probably break down and install xp again :(
17:29.02*** join/#elive mutacion (i=mutacion@
17:29.13mutacionapt x en es release
17:29.44dererk[w]apt, lart mutacion
17:29.47mutacionapt x en es accuracy
17:30.01dererk[w]en realidad es "seguridad"
17:30.09dererk[w]no exactitud, pero güe
17:30.12dererk[w]como andas mutacion
17:30.28mutacionoie dereq tienes tiempo?
17:30.32mutacionnecesito qe me ayudes con unas cosas
17:31.37dererk[w]DERERK muta
17:31.50dererk[w]si puedo dime
17:32.30mutacionmutacion dererk[w] xD
17:32.40mutacionmira hay un soft de matematicas para pocket pc
17:32.59mutacionando traduciendolo a espaniol.. y pues qiero qe me digas si estoy bien en las traducciones
17:33.19mutacionpoqe como son tecnisismos matematicos hay varias cosas qe no se si esten bien o no
17:36.38*** join/#elive damosu (n=damosu@unaffiliated/damosu)
17:37.55mutacionapt x en es allowed
17:38.50dererk[w]mutacion, dime
17:39.06mutacionapt x en es parse
17:39.20mutaciondererk[w], dame 15min para acabarlo y qe le des una chekada
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17:40.19mutacionapt x en es byte
17:40.29mutacionhaha octeto :P
17:42.45Detoxanyone wanna be frustrated with me?
17:43.12dererk[w]I certainly can
17:43.20mutacionnot on monday, Detox xD
17:43.29dererk[w]nobody cant be worse than me
17:43.30Detoxahhh spoil sport
17:44.07Detoxmy wifi probs.... ran up DSL on second laptop,, checked settings on both using iwconfig
17:44.31Detoxboth show same wlan0 and wifi0 settings for essid
17:44.40Detoxaccesspoint is good
17:44.49Detoxbut i cannot connect
17:45.03Detoxthe dam small laptop connects fime
17:45.09Detoxthe other (elive does not)
17:45.21Detoxsame laptop make and model
17:47.30Detoxwifi card is microsoft mn520 prism2 chipset
17:49.54Detoxoops, scaired everyone off!
17:50.31Detoxback in a few,,, phone
17:50.47*** join/#elive Elive_user38 (
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18:00.22mutacionapt x en es clipboard
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18:09.05mutacionapt x en es Highlight
18:10.23mutacionapt x en es parse
18:12.39mutacionapt x en es within
18:12.47*** join/#elive H (
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18:31.20wizard123viola, brand new freebsd desktop almost ready ;)
18:32.14Mutacionwizard123.. are u installiong bsd on ur pc?
18:33.20wizard123voila even ;)
18:33.59wizard123than i'll try to make my video card working.. after that.. xgl :P
18:36.14Mutacionapt x en es Default
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18:37.53Mutacionapt x en es Defaul
18:37.57Mutacionapt x en es fullscreen
18:38.19Mutacionapt x en es Taskbar
18:38.32wizard123apt kick apt
18:38.33aptbugger off, wizard123!
18:38.34Mutacionwhat wizard123
18:43.21THEoraclexgl is sweet
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18:48.30wizard123THEoracle: i've never used it
18:48.58wizard123but i made a bet with my friend who will set it up on freebsd faster
18:49.10THEoracleyou will like.....if you game you will need to make a second xserver
18:49.41wizard123he is on better position, 'cause he has nvidia gfx
18:49.46wizard123i don't game :P
18:49.46THEoracleidunno......never tried in bsd
18:49.59THEoraclegood deal then.....perfect for you
18:50.24wizard123i'm not sure if my via unichrome can handle this.. especially under freebsd
18:50.39THEoracleit may actually be able to
18:50.47THEoraclenvidia would be better tho......
18:50.59THEoraclemy ati was fine.....just took a minute to configure
18:52.57wizard123i've never get via unichrome working under freebsd
18:55.44Mutacionapt x en es plot
18:57.31wizard123Mutacion: what are you doing?
18:58.23wizard123apt x es en chica
18:59.09caimwizard123, i never get many things working under freebsd
18:59.14caimbut i like it
18:59.26wizard123caim: like what things :P ?
18:59.55wizard123that crap is building firefox from sources :|
19:00.06*** join/#elive X3n0n (
19:00.24caimsound, gnome did not work good, i hate kde
19:00.36caimgdm did not work wel either
19:00.40Mutacionapt x en es pagens
19:00.55wizard123apt x en es apt
19:00.56caimonly details
19:01.07Mutacioncaim!!! ayudame!! ya acabe xD
19:01.39wizard123caim: gdm worked very well..
19:02.32caimi tried, editing the ttys, "xdm" by  "gdm"   on  ecure
19:02.49caimand it gave problem
19:03.04wizard123not good idea.. even pkg-message in gdm port tells that you should do this
19:03.48wizard123add gdm_enable="YES" to /etc/rc.conf
19:04.00wizard123that is the correct way
19:05.55*** join/#elive fish-god (
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19:16.53bentejuyhi all!
19:17.13wizard123hi bentejuy !
19:22.02caimwizard123, thx im goingo to try that
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20:00.34Elive_user64i3d, ping
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21:06.18Elive_user64i3d, ping
21:10.30Mutacionpong xD
21:11.45*** part/#elive Elive_user43 (
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21:28.21*** join/#elive bouba_ (
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21:32.58fachexhello all!!
21:33.15fachexhow is everybody_
21:39.13*** join/#elive fachex (
21:39.29fachexhey guys!
21:40.55Mutacionqiubole fachex
21:40.56Mutacionhi.. bai
21:41.00Mutacionapt time-to
21:41.05aptfrom memory, time-to is its HAMBRITA TIME!!!
21:41.37fachexque haces Mutacion?
21:41.41fachexcomo estas?
21:41.44Mutacioncomiendo xD
21:41.49Mutaciony traduciendo un software
21:41.50fachexesta bueno
21:42.00fachexgot a problem, weird problem
21:42.30fachexI am on the internet (I am chatting with you) but my brwoser dont detect any connection?
21:42.39fachexdo you know what could that be?
21:42.57fachexme dicen que no hay coneccion, que no estoy conectado al internet
21:43.03fachexy si lo estoy,
21:43.30fachexPuedo escuchar radio..
22:09.49wizard123boo :D
22:09.57wizard123freebsd up and runnin'
22:22.47*** join/#elive Elive_user82 (
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22:30.01fachexdoes anybody know if Revolution remove the command e17 genmenu_
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23:41.49Elive_user64i3d, you here?
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23:55.07Elive_user64wb odla

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