irclog2html for #elinux on 20030318

00:01.06kergothyou know, this lack of control+c in pure console is really getting on my nerves
00:01.37kergothyou figure out the crosscompile w/ symlink madness yet?
00:02.33mallumkergoth: I have the key next to Fn mapped as a ctrl in X
00:02.47kergoththats what i was planning on as well
00:02.50mallumkergoth: no joy with the dumb symlinkness
00:02.59kergoththat sucks.
00:03.13kergothare you using a staging area for them yet, or still linking in your toolchain?
00:03.27mallumkergoth: the x startup script fire off a big modmap that maps all the keys, including calender etc and fn mappings
00:03.49kergothwhat we should do, for most of it, is create a kernel keymap with the mapping
00:03.56kergoth(assuming their keyboard driver gives us that level of control)
00:04.11mallumkergoth: yeah definelty. tinyx should then just pick that up
00:04.13kergothsince both X and qt/e will inherit the mapping, and i want ctrl+c in console :)
00:05.02mallumkergoth: at the moment I've just edited PATH in vars make , putting the x-compile bindir last
00:05.15mallumkergoth: and making the symlinks :(
00:05.19kergothso its not ready to go upstream into my bkbits tree yet
00:05.39mallumkergoth: nope :((, thats about all its waiting on really
00:05.44kergothyeah, figured
00:06.02mallumkergoth: oh and I have to test on my SL5000
00:06.18mallumkergoth: whats the 'codename' for that btw ?
00:06.29kergothcollie = 5000d/5500
00:06.32kergothpoodle = b500/5600
00:06.34kergothcorgi = c700
00:06.37mallumcool, thats what I thought
00:06.40kergothi always forget the name for a300
00:06.42TheMasterMind1they're dogs!
00:06.50kergothyes, they are
00:07.03chouimat|cookingkergoth: next one :pitbull ?
00:07.48mallumkergoth: I started hacking the imake files to fix the symlink think but thats very orrible :(
00:07.58kergothhehe. yep
00:08.08kergothbut its one horrible thing or another.. no good solution
00:08.11mallumkergoth: can you think of some kind of LD_PRELOAD for binarys kind of hook ?
00:08.12jacquesEnglish Bulldog
00:08.34kergothmy ex- was so into pugs
00:08.41kergoththeyre funny lookin
00:08.47kergothlike they chased a parked car
00:08.50kergothsquish face
00:09.32mallumthere 6 weeks old there
00:09.53chouimat|cooking <---- distcc release-names.txt
00:09.59mallumthere my gf's really, I got her them for xmas
00:10.35kergothmallum: hah
00:10.46kergothpugs are cute, i'll give em that. funny lookin little things
00:10.52mallumkergoth: do other packages depend on x-compiler being first in path
00:11.38kergothmallum: well, the only time it could be an issue is if the user has a toolchain in their path already, it'd use that one instead of the one they specified in the buildroot config
00:15.25mallumchouimat|food: <-- my super tough black cat
00:16.04mallumchouimat|food: he got ran over and pretty messed up ->
00:17.00mallumkergoth: yeah, thats what I guessed
00:17.30mallumkergoth: Im sure theres some wierd kernel thing where you can get it todo things when a binarys no found, or it fits a certain criteria
00:18.20kergothwe could do some form of evil makefile hack
00:18.25kergothbut i dont feel up to it
00:18.31kergothafter a day of ugly evil perl hacks
00:18.47filekergoth: ooh your a perl person too?
00:19.05kergothyeah, though python is slowly growing on me due to its readability
00:19.12filekergoth: ic
00:19.16mallumyeah python is nice
00:19.22filekergoth: ever have a problem with multi threading and sockets?
00:19.40kergothnope, I only did that a few times, but the basic servers i setup worked fine
00:19.47filekergoth: ic
00:19.50kergothbasically it was just to learn that particular aspect of perl. concept code
00:19.59kergoththe other day, i lost my concept code dir
00:20.11kergothwith all the little excerpts of code i've found useful learning languages and doing things over the years
00:20.15kergoththat blew.
00:20.27filekergoth: I've been using a perl module for AIM... for connecting and such, but if I spawn my message processing code and try to send a message elsewhere - it fails miserably
00:20.36filekergoth: tried it with 2 modules, same results from both
00:22.01filekergoth: the first module caused the connection to reset, and the second one spits out an error saying I haven't signed on
00:22.17filekergoth: but if I send a message while in the incoming message processing stuff it works fine
00:22.25filekergoth: or in the event handlers
00:23.44chouimat|foodhuh? a mouse with an integreted FM radio???
00:23.49kergothchouimat|food: eh??
00:24.30chouimat|foodkergoth: just saw that on tv ... a co release a mouse with a FM receiver in it
00:24.41kergothchouimat|food: thats fucking stupid.
00:24.52mallumchouimat|food: thats not as cool as a usb powered heated coffee mug
00:25.07kergothmallum: aha
00:25.41kergoththat reminds me of the http rfc for controlling coffee pots
00:25.50chouimat|foodmallum: I what a usb powered coffee maker
00:25.59kergothchouimat|food: i'd prefer network attached
00:26.16fileI'd prefer the coffee maker to stream music as well
00:26.36kergothnah, need the coffee cup to stream music instead
00:26.36fileor maybe a toaster...
00:26.49filequite right
00:26.50kergoththe toaster needs a webcam
00:26.57kergothhey look, its almost done!
00:27.07fileprobably easily done
00:27.39chouimat|foodkergoth: nah! I want a networked oven and fridge :)
00:27.41kergothmallum: where are your current c700 X packages?
00:27.56kergothchouimat|food: yes! then it could beep me at my computer via a jabber message telling me my food is done
00:28.01kergothchouimat|food: :)
00:28.03filego Jabber!
00:28.28mallumbut not a useful as
00:28.49kergothmallum: aha
00:28.54kergothmm torengo
00:29.08filethese are splash of salsa flavored ones
00:29.13chouimat|foodkergoth: and it can tell you if you still have beer in it :)
00:29.14kergothman, there's this noname brand of salsa chips in my vending machine at work
00:29.22kergoththat are the best of that type i've ever had
00:29.29kergothfairly surprising
00:29.30sorphinwhen timmy reappears
00:29.35sorphinhe and i have to have a long talk
00:29.42kergothfedex fun?
00:29.48filekergoth: I'm addicted to Zesty Cheese Doritos
00:29.55sorphini *told* him twice here AND in the paypal notes
00:29.58sorphinFedex Gnd
00:30.03sorphinhe shipped fedex saver
00:30.07mallumkergoth: if you give me a mo, I can tarball up my latest and upload
00:30.08sorphinguess how much that's costing me
00:30.14sorphingo ahead
00:30.15sorphinguess :P
00:30.22filemore than your worth
00:30.29chouimat|foodkergoth: or tell you when the milk turn sour :)
00:30.35kergothmallum: cool. i'm heading home soon anyway, wont look at it till later.. but if you would email me the location, thatd be cool. I'd like to play around with it
00:31.03mallumkergoth: cool, I'll post up the ts_calibrate patch too
00:31.04kergotheh, $40 in shipping for a $50 device?
00:31.13sorphinkergoth: for 2 of them
00:31.17kergotheven so
00:31.31sorphingnd woulda been prolly $16 at most
00:32.23sorphinkergoth: considering he went from $10 to $50 anyways just on the DCTs :P
00:32.29chouimat|foodfile: my cat is addicted to those too
00:32.47filechouimat|food: mmmmmmmm so yummy
00:33.45mallumkergoth: where do you work btw ?
00:34.27sorphinis where kergoth calls home^H^H^H^Hhell
00:34.33chouimat|foodfile:  saturday my cat finished a 5 pepper sauce I forgot on the stove .... I was 2 rooms away and I was hearing it purring
00:34.47filechouimat|food: lol
00:36.31mallumis that like digi-uk but in US ?
00:37.36sorphinmallum: that's digi everywhere ;)
00:38.04sorphinmallum: the basts that make all that serial junk
00:38.31kergothserial ports. lots of serial ports.
00:41.22sorphinkergoth: buncha serial hackers
00:41.45kergothstuck doing stupid web stuff all day today
00:41.48kergothi need a drink
00:42.17sorphinthese dcts... are wide
00:42.20filekergoth: alcoholic?
00:42.28kergothfile: indeed
00:42.41kergothsorphin: yeah, i noticed that. seems fairly spiffy though
00:43.02sorphinkergoth: you got yours then?
00:43.07filechouimat: is there a restaraunt in Quebec City that's like an old pub? (walls are curved... people are dressed weird... serves weird stuff)
00:43.22kergothsorphin: yeah, got it on satuday, havent done anything with it yet though
00:43.28kergothibot: seen timriker
00:43.30timriker <> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 4d 34m 13s ago, saying: 'no ts on a laptop'.
00:43.30chouimatfile: there is an irish pub
00:43.43filechouimat: uh huh
00:44.22fileahhh the good ol' times...
00:44.24chouimatfile: and other bars ...
00:44.59chouimatbut if anyopne came in Quebec City and want to go to the Bar Male and Le Drague ... forget about me
00:45.13filechouimat: I liked the board walk myself... got too cold at night though
00:45.27sorphinchouimat: um.. Bar Male?
00:45.34sorphinthat already sounds like a gay bar :P
00:45.59chouimatsorphin: it a gay bar ... country one
00:46.34jacqueswhat is it about country gay bars? there is a big one in houtson too
00:46.39jacquesat least there was
00:46.49chouimatjacques: I'm in Quebec City ....
00:47.04filebeautiful Quebec City... I didn't want to leave
00:47.48fileactually somebody in my group lost their glasses at the hotel
00:50.20filechouimat: uh oh
00:51.15chouimatbrb phone
00:51.34kergothoh nice
00:51.41kergoththe new hed p.e. album comes out tomorrow
00:52.02filechouimat: Bell is satin
00:52.29sorphinnice screws on the DCTs :P
00:52.30mallumkergoth: you've got mail
00:52.33chouimatfile: huh?
00:52.43filechouimat: Bell, the phone company
00:53.02kergothmallum: got it, thanks
00:53.05filechouimat: they're slowly engulfing Aliant (phone company here for Atlantic Provinces)
00:53.16fileand they're EVIL@!#$@$%w$%^
00:53.29mallumkergoth: hope its all good
00:54.45kergothmallum: other than being a gzipped file named .bz2, not bad
00:54.46kergothmallum: :P
00:55.07sorphinchouimat: "maxim takes on quebec" "we came, we saw, we spent our warchest on strippers"
00:55.10mallumkergoth: doh, tis late here - 1am
00:55.34kergothmallum: I kinda like the subpackages/ deal
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00:55.50kergothclean way of doing it
00:56.01mallumkergoth: cool, alot of its based on jg's original ipaq x package scripts
00:56.11chouimatthe days when Mrs. Bush was giving birth to her daugthers, George was beside her, trying to confort her during the process. after both babies was placed in the nursery and the medical staff leaved the room, he turn to his wife and asked her very angrily: I want to know who is the other father!
00:56.20mallumkergoth: it pretty easy to add new packages - theres a lot in the x build
00:56.26kergothchouimat: hah
00:56.30filemmm what does everyone think of the name "Quantum Hosting"
00:56.30mallumkergoth: I need to add x11perf
00:56.39sorphinchouimat: sad
00:56.53kergothmallum: this is similar to debians, though with dirs rather than file.[packagename]
00:57.09chouimatsorphin: :P
00:59.59mallumkergoth: some of the detection stuff is a bit crap ( see /etc/X11/Xinit/* ) + repeated
01:00.16kergothmallum: k
01:00.22mallumkergoth: idealy a devdetect package than ran with both fam and oz would be nice ;-)
01:00.47kergothyeah i can split it out from oz-base
01:00.52kergothi was planning to eventually anyway
01:01.29jacquesi wonder what would happen if I plugged one of these dct5000's into my at&t cable
01:01.35jacques(comcast now)
01:02.01sorphinjacques: they've come haul you off :P
01:02.32jacquessorphin: :-(  the cable police
01:02.48sorphinjacques: something like that
01:02.50kergothjacques: you ever get a chance to hack on tslib stuffs?
01:03.28jacqueskergoth: sorry I have been totally distracted building gentoo on my ipaq - I hope to get back to the tux soon
01:03.41chouimatgrrrrr! Bush on every channel :(
01:03.43kergothnot a problem, just curious
01:03.49sorphinchouimat: that's why my tv is off ;)
01:04.17kergothtv sucks
01:04.24jacqueskergoth: tho I did get started again - I built 4.3.0 with tslib support but was having other problems like it wanting ft libs but I solved that I think
01:04.27chouimatsorphin: I just found a french translation of a german show so I will watch that
01:04.39sorphinchouimat: oh lord
01:04.55kergothshould just add tux support to the oz/oe buildroot
01:04.56jacqueswtf is b*sh doing on tv now?
01:05.02sorphinjacques: umm
01:05.05jacquesthat cant be good
01:05.12sorphintelling america we're going to an unnecessary war :P
01:05.21chouimatjacques: tell why he want to go in iraq
01:05.30jacqueslol I would love for him to slip and actually say that
01:05.35jacquesi would be rolling
01:05.45filehe's pilfering out the excuses...
01:05.58sorphinjacques: if the secret svc is watching this
01:06.16jacquesum just kidding guys
01:06.27sorphini think (kill bush) he's being a complete moron (kill the president) about all of this
01:06.43jacqueshe he
01:07.05jacquesi mena shame on you
01:07.29sorphinbtw, secret svc guys
01:07.40sorphinmy real name is Dwayne Jacques Fontenot
01:07.43sorphinand i live in sunnyvale
01:08.00jacquessomeone banking on my door and shouting
01:08.46sorphinknock too
01:10.37kergothmallum: hm, does your c700 resume when you suspend via apm -s in console?
01:10.45mallumkergoth: yes
01:11.16jacqueshmm there's a not so secret c700 club here
01:11.31sorphinjacques: yup
01:11.37kergothi dont own mine though
01:11.44kergothso i'll have to say bye to it eventually
01:11.45sorphinkergoth: close enough ;p
01:11.59kergothclose enough to 7
01:12.04sorphinsome of us don't even get one to play with :P
01:12.42jacquesdan i have enough toys for right now
01:14.49jacquesBTW weirdstuff has these for $5 minus wall-wart and remote and camera
01:14.53sorphinjacques: there is no such thing
01:15.09sorphinas too many toys, as kergoth would say
01:15.33jacquesbut I think they are too weak - I see a MC68302 as the only identifiable proc unless they are using that 8x8 chip which I cant find data on
01:15.59sorphinjacques: bout as powerful as an old cisco router :P
01:16.50jacquesthey have nice hw tho - phillips video encoder and decoders
01:17.05jacquesisdn modem
01:17.17sorphinperfect timing
01:17.21sorphinbush talking on tv
01:17.29sorphinand FX has Executive Decision on ;)
01:17.40sorphinterrorists take teh plane!
01:19.04sorphinjacques: as i said
01:19.10sorphinhe's being like daddy
01:19.12sorphinthat's all
01:19.34mallumg'night all
01:19.42chouimatnite mallum
01:19.43jacqueslater mallum
01:20.05fileThere is no spoon dammit! ONLY FORK!
01:20.36jacquesibot: yow
01:20.53chouimatibot yow
01:22.23sorphinibot: kill the president for being a moron
01:22.24ACTION slits the president for being a moron's throat
01:23.00chouimatibot be zippy
01:23.05jacquesibot: insult bush
01:24.23jacquesi wonder is anyone has made a bush-speak filter yet
01:25.45sorphinibot: move zig
01:25.46for great justice
01:25.57sorphinibot: what you say
01:26.01picobot: you have no chance to survive make your time
01:26.08chouimatibot be zippy
01:28.56sorphinibot: nuke jacques
01:28.56sorphin: I wish you would RTFM.
01:29.45sorphinibot: nuke?
01:29.46Perl Source Code for a complete automated news site with comments and surveys.. URL:
01:30.05sorphinhow lame
01:57.49chouimatfile: ping?
02:05.26filechouimat: pong
02:06.07chouimatfile Nous Bon Saddam Pas fin nous boom saddam pour mieux etre irakien rester et nous avoir petrole pour moins dépendre de Arabi opss moi pas dire ca tout haut
02:06.31filechouimat: I understood some of that
02:06.47filechouimat: but french was last semester so I've forgotten 99.995% of my stuff
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02:19.27chouimatwb prpplague
02:29.12MonMothaheya prpplague
02:29.27MonMothayou have any spare time to hack on a port of BLOB to the webpal?
02:29.40MonMotha(or does anyone for that matter)...I'm pretty busy these days
02:30.26prpplagueMonMotha: not sure, i'll know tommorrow after i get my schedule for the next few months
02:30.37fileprpplague: expecting any big trips?
02:31.02fileuh oh
02:33.27MonMothaprpplague: if you do have some time, I'll tar up my current devel tree
02:33.39MonMothasome stuff still needs to be written, but some of the core routines may be there
02:33.42MonMothamay :)
02:34.06MonMothafortunately webpals are 16 bit so I don't have to do the 32bit ROM hack, which looks liek it would require modifications to start.S
02:34.49sorphinmy webpals are currently scrapped :P
02:35.06sorphinsince i've been waiting for someone *cough*monmotha*cough* to finish his programmer
02:35.35MonMothasorphin: as I said, I've been busy
02:35.48MonMothaI just need to finish the ACK logic (I had it working, then I broke it :) and build the damn thing
02:35.53MonMothaI have all the hardware I need to build it
02:36.09MonMothalots of chips (like 15)...that takes a lot of proto boards since I don't have the facilities to make large PCB
02:36.15MonMothanot to mention lacking a SIMM slot...
02:37.05MonMothaI know for a fact it can be done with less hardware, but this way makes programming it much easier, and it should run faster as it doesn't have to use the pport under software control, but rather uses EPP mode
02:37.15sorphinthe damn protoboard i got in school could handle that :P
02:37.28MonMothathese are small proto boards, the size you find at radio shack
02:37.35MonMothaI need to get one of those giant ones
02:37.49sorphinit has 3 of those long ones
02:37.51prpplaguei'm so sick of these freaking PMSN commercials i could puke
02:37.59sorphinand then a long 4 row one for power
02:38.13prpplaguei need a super sized bug zapper that frellin moth
02:39.36sorphinpersonal msn prolly
02:39.40sorphinM$ crap
02:39.55chouimatok ...
02:43.45prpplaguePMS + MSN = PMSN
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02:46.01sorphinprpplague: you prolly like that chick.. "you wanna see my webcam?" :P
02:49.14prpplaguesorphin: ohh yaaa. love that leopard skin stuff
02:49.19chouimatweatherbot: weather cyqb
02:49.21weatherbotCurrent conditions at Quebec, Que, Canada: It is -3 C (26 F), windspeed is 16.09 km/h, and visibility is 19.31 km. (Information current as of 2003.03.18 0200 UTC).
02:50.18jacquesweatherbot: weather ksjc
02:50.20weatherbotCurrent conditions at San Jose, San Jose International Airport, CA, United States: It is 12 C (55 F), windspeed is 35.41 km/h, and visibility is 16.09 km. (Information current as of 2003.03.18 0153 UTC).
02:51.15sorphinprpplague: hehe, prolly from tx too
02:51.40fileweatherbot: weather cyqm
02:51.42weatherbotCurrent conditions at Moncton, N. B., Canada: It is -2 C (28 F), windspeed is 8.05 km/h, and visibility is 1.61 km. (Information current as of 2003.03.18 0200 UTC).
02:52.24prpplaguesorphin: no from Ok
02:54.07prpplagueweatherbot: weatherbot bfe
02:54.15prpplagueweatherbot: weather bfe
02:54.16weatherbotFailed to lookup weather at station BFE
02:56.32chouimatprpplague: I should probably put myself on one too ...
02:57.48sorphinprpplague: how you know? cuz the hair isn't tall enough?
03:02.42sorphinre mr (petty) larson(y)
03:03.09kergothsup dan
03:03.12kergothgod today blew
03:03.37sorphinkergoth: trying to figure the best way to tackle these screws
03:03.51kergothah, dct?
03:04.55sorphinditto, me either
03:05.12sorphinwas thinking taking some normal pliers and trying turning them
03:06.09prpplaguekergoth: what type of screw?
03:06.24sorphinprpplague: very small, you know how a bottle cap looks?
03:06.33sorphinlike on beer
03:06.48sorphinmake one very small and make it the head of a screw :P
03:07.07prpplaguesorphin: metric T screws
03:07.20prpplaguesorphin: tamper resistant ones with the pin in the middle
03:07.23prpplaguesorphin: ?
03:07.34sorphinjust like a bottle cap
03:07.38sorphinconvered top
03:07.41sorphincovered even
03:07.50sorphinand the ridges on the sides
03:07.57prpplaguesorphin: ahh
03:08.19sorphinlater i'll snap a macro shot after i eat ;)
03:08.39chouimatkergoth: <--- they put that face in front of my office windows
03:09.53sorphinchouimat: good or bad?
03:10.35chouimatsorphin: bad
03:11.06chouimatsorphin: the pq is the parti that want the independance of Quebec
03:11.19prpplagueargh, that frellin pmsn steve balmer pussy knat commercial is driving me nuts
03:11.34sorphinprpplague: maybe if i had a small enough bottle opener :P
03:12.04prpplaguesorphin: visegrips?
03:13.51sorphintoo big
03:14.07sorphinvise grips would be then
03:14.29prpplaguei have a nice pair of needle nose visegrips
03:15.25sorphinthe prob is, they aren't that tall of a head either
03:16.11prpplaguesorphin: how were they inserted? special tool?
03:17.14sorphinok maybe a needle nose vise might work, from the side
03:22.06sorphini can't get a grip on it
03:31.14sorphinkergoth: yo
03:33.08sorphinno luck here so far on the screws
03:33.11sorphinany thoughts?
03:37.11kergothnothing immediately comes to mind
03:37.46sorphinone sec
03:41.03sorphinkergoth: [mbm] thinks it might the the top left driver in:, top left of the pic. the prongy looking one..
03:41.07prpplaguecan anyone pull up ?
03:41.37sorphinunable to connect to host
03:41.45prpplagueok thanks
03:41.55prpplaguethats a western union site
03:43.20prpplaguealot of sites down today
03:47.52prpplaguesorphin: enough room at the top of the screw to use a fingernail file and cut a slot in the screw?
03:48.05sorphingot one semi loose
03:48.16sorphinw/ pliers.. wasn't easy
03:48.44sorphinprpplague: could if i had one
03:49.06sorphinbeen busy scratching the black back part by one of the screws :/
03:50.22chouimatsorphin: ouch
03:50.49prpplaguesorphin: can't believe you guys don't on "hacking tools" i.e. dremel fingernail-file
03:51.24chouimatprpplague: don't have one but know where to find one
03:52.40jacquesyeah those are strange looking screws
03:53.48prpplaguejacques: ya well, let me tell ya about strange looking
03:54.14kergothi'm sure you've had more than your fair share
03:56.29prpplaguekergoth: to be honest, been to lots of nudie bars, but only been with me soon to be ex-wife
03:57.40kergothreally? that's cool. not a lot of people for whom thats true nowadays
04:00.24prpplaguekergoth: what i can i say, i was a real geek
04:00.46prpplaguekergoth: married my first lay, lol
04:01.17kergothi would have
04:01.22kergoththings didnt work out the way i wouldve liked though
04:01.39sorphinjacques: like baby bottle caps
04:01.54sorphin[mbm] mentioned he thought they might be on the SNES too? anyone got one to confirm?
04:02.12kergothnot anymore.. sold it off
04:02.18[mbm]i'd look at mine but it's in storage
04:02.43jacquesapparently they are on there pretty tight? because it looks possible to get to at least som of them with pliers
04:03.01jacquesi have a dremmel and a cutoff wheel tho if necessary
04:04.22sorphingot one out
04:04.41sorphinjacques: tight enough
04:05.17jacquesheading home to play with my dremmel
04:05.19sorphinscratched the paint enough getting this one
04:06.39sorphin2 visible that actually hold the cover on
04:06.45sorphinprolly another under that rf bypass
04:06.51sorphinwhich has 2 philips screws
04:07.22sorphinreminds me of what they put on the back of one of our older cable boxes to allow it to have inputs for A/B instead of just the one it had
04:10.35sorphinis there a screw on this thing that wasn't muscled in?
04:13.57sorphinthis middle one isn't gonna be easy
04:15.06[mbm]can't you make your own bit just by taking a thin slotted screwdriver and cutting a notch in the blade?
04:16.48sorphinthat's easier said than done :P
04:17.04sorphinactually the wire seperator (i.e. for ac cords) would turn it
04:17.11sorphinbut i keep running into the damn rca
04:17.53[mbm]least it's not one of those annoying triwing designs
04:19.01[mbm]looks like a philips screw but instead of a + there's only 3 going off in a Y shape
04:19.25sorphinsee if there's atleast some kind of inside hole
04:19.31sorphini can handle getting the thing out
04:19.38sorphinbut since this only has outside
04:19.47sorphinmakes it a bit tougher
04:20.07[mbm]nod. screw remover kits work on ones with the holes
04:22.25sorphinon the ones in my IOs
04:22.34sorphini either could break the pins
04:22.42sorphinor wedge a small enough jewlers flathead in
04:22.44sorphinand turn it
04:23.52sorphintorx w/ a pin in the middle aka security torx
04:24.13[mbm]ah, pita
04:24.51[mbm]lotta places selling the security screwdriver bits for < $10
04:25.33prpplaguesorphin: i thought you said it wasn't a T screw
04:25.40sorphinprpplague: it's not
04:25.49sorphinprpplague: i was telling him about the ones in the iopener :P
04:25.56prpplaguesorphin: ohh
04:26.13sorphinprpplague: ive seen all sorts of T screws
04:26.21sorphini've *never* seen this kind before
04:26.48chouimatsorphin: they look like what?
04:27.13sorphinmini bottle cap
04:27.19[mbm]chouimat: it's a security screw, looks like a bottle cap; same shit they use on the snes cartridges
04:27.19sorphinset on top of a small washer
04:28.05chouimat[mbm]: ok like te weird one on the intellivision cartridges ...
04:29.53sorphinmore paint gone around this one :P
04:30.05[mbm]nobody is gonna look at the back ;)
04:30.43sorphinthese damn things aren't even that long
04:30.51sorphinbut threaded really tight
04:31.36sorphin#2 out
04:36.01sorphinthere's gotta be a third.. somewhere..
04:36.17sorphini screwed the nuts on the rf connectors and took out the philips screws
04:36.23sorphinbut the bypass isn't budging
04:36.56[mbm]no rca connectors screwed to the back?
04:37.18sorphinyeah, but not touching the cover itself
04:37.22sorphinthis is just the cover
04:37.30sorphinthe rf bypass block is covering part of it
04:38.05sorphinheh, so much for just the back :P a small nick near the front top on the side
04:38.52sorphinah there we go
04:38.58sorphingot the bypass to budge
04:39.00sorphinit's just tight too
04:39.24sorphinjust like the thing i was talking about on our old cable box
04:39.36sorphinit slides over 4 connectors on the back of the box itself
04:39.47sorphin2 RF ins
04:39.50sorphinto tv/vcr
04:39.54sorphinand RPT out
04:40.51sorphinand this last one is easier to get going
04:42.57sorphinheh, so i undid the nuts for the outside rf conns for nothing, only needed the philips screws.. ah well... just more scratches :P
04:50.16chouimatsorphin: how many screws?
04:53.30fontenotdremmel is only way to go
04:53.37fontenottook me about 7 minutes
04:53.58fontenotdamn everything is tiny in here
04:54.12fontenotthe "ide" connector looks smaller than usual
04:57.09fontenotah looks like a laptop connectrot maybe - 44pin
05:12.41GPSFansorphin: just got back... looks like you are not having fun opening up the dct5000.
05:12.42[mbm]in a cablebox?
05:15.25fontenot[mbm]: yes the 44pin connector is in a dct5000
05:15.35[mbm]just wondering why
05:15.53GPSFanfontenot: I traced out the power & gnd connections of that connector and they match what a laptop drive should be.
05:16.18chouimatGPSFan: ide?
05:16.21fontenotGPSFan: have I told you that you rock?
05:16.58GPSFanchouimat: I think so, the ALI southbridge has it built in as well as the usb, serials, paralled.
05:18.37GPSFanthe 44 pin connectror shell is made of SAMTEC connectors which are narrower than normal idc type connectors. but a little work with a pair of cutters and a standard laptop idc connector fits.
05:19.37fontenotGPSFan: what's the pci-net chip or whatever it's called - near the ali
05:20.06GPSFanthe amd 79c790? ehternet.
05:21.12fontenotwhat about the really old tech looking super long socketed chip near the front ?
05:21.37GPSFanfontenot: I've got most of the major chips identified, and links to their datasheets on the wiki:
05:21.56GPSFanas well as the pinnout of the jtag connector.
05:22.21fontenotyeah I saw that - nice - I dont think I have a connector that small for the jtag tho
05:23.02GPSFanthat is a macronis EPROM (I think) it's their logo, but they make custom asic's also.
05:23.16GPSFanthat's Macronix...
05:23.28fontenotlooks really out of place
05:23.40fontenothmm no data sheets on the processor ?  :-\
05:24.01chouimat|Zzzzfontenot: look at the end of the page I found them
05:24.06GPSFanyes, tim put that link in and I didn't cahnge it.
05:24.30fontenotd`oh I am going blind
05:24.40GPSFanthe 5432 is the cpu, the 5476 is the "northbridge"
05:25.11fontenotdid you guys figure out how much ram is onboard?  the video chip has its own ram which is nice
05:25.12chouimat|ZzzzGPSFan: what did you use for the jtag connector? actualy I found the cpu doc for tim but I don't care about the credit
05:25.14GPSFanthere isn't a datasheet for the 5476, but there is for the 5477 which looks to be it's replacement.
05:26.06GPSFanchouimat|Zzzz: I had a few around form a project I did with a cerfcube. got them as samples from Samtec.
05:27.11chouimat|ZzzzGPSFan:ok... the only 10 pin I have is from a serial port ...
05:27.19MonMothais it just me or is down?
05:28.05GPSFanMonMotha: works for me.
05:28.34MonMothadies at for me
05:29.20MonMothaoh well, I need to go to bed anyway
05:29.26MonMothaI'll look at it tomorrow
05:29.31MonMothaI don't even have my DCT5000 yet
05:30.38GPSFanwho is good at porting jflash? and has a dct5000
05:30.48sorphinchouimat|Zzzz: 3
05:31.17sorphinGPSFan: evening
05:31.36GPSFanhi dan, get all the wierd screws out yet?
05:32.04sorphindoing that 3rd one now.. was on the phone w/ sarah
05:32.13sorphinsneaky of them hiding it under taht rf bypass
05:32.47fontenotis tim moving now?
05:33.12sorphinfontenot: was this weekend
05:33.36fontenothmm hope it all went well
05:37.13sorphinthey don't heatsink their 5432
05:37.15sorphinlike tivo did
05:37.29fontenotlooks like 32MB onboard
05:37.33GPSFansorphin: it just gets warm to the touch with the cover off.
05:37.53sorphinGPSFan: must not be running at 200
05:37.56fontenotand I believe they claim they can take at least a 64MB SODIMM
05:38.07GPSFansorphin: 167.
05:38.18sorphini don't think tim has the 7010 on his page does he?
05:38.28sorphinthought i only saw him mention the QAMlinks
05:39.08fontenotI have seen claims of 90 and 160MB which would roughly equate to 64 and 128MB SODIMMs
05:39.54GPSFanfontenot: the ram chips are fairly small, and I thein there is only 8Mbytes onboard.
05:40.33sorphini dunno
05:40.43fontenotGPSFan: the pdf says 64Mbit
05:41.38GPSFanthe ram chips are 2M x 8bit..... oops mised the 4 bank part!!! so that means 32M. yea!
05:42.21sorphin64 Mbits
05:42.29sorphin8M x 8
05:42.35sorphinright here on a sheet
05:42.59fontenotyeah I just looked at the first line of the pdf and multiplied and divided
05:43.17GPSFansorphin: indeed, if it had been a snake it would have bitten me. ;>)
05:43.21sorphini just googled for the part #
05:43.27sorphinand found 2 pdfs
05:43.45sorphinand it said right there plain as day what i pasted
05:43.53fontenot32MB native not too shabby
05:43.56GPSFansorphin: look at the wiki, the kinkd are there.
05:44.08fontenotnot even counting the video ram
05:44.19*** join/#elinux andersee (
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05:44.38sorphini was right
05:44.43sorphintim missed the most obvious chip :P
05:44.55sorphintaht 7010 right smack in the middle
05:45.04sorphinnot even on the wiki
05:45.05GPSFanwhich is?
05:45.21sorphinsome broadcom device
05:45.24sorphinlemme check
05:45.45GPSFanah, someone who knows broadcom chips. :)
05:45.47sorphinBCM7010 SET-TOP BOX DECODER
05:45.58sorphinsjhill would know more about it
05:46.04sorphinbeing an ex bcm'er
05:46.28sorphinmpeg2 decoder
05:46.34sorphinand ac3
05:47.12sorphinok,. how do you add to the wiki? :P
05:47.24fontenothit the edit link
05:47.42GPSFanjust did
05:47.53sorphinbah :P
05:48.00GPSFanit and a link to the pdf are there now.
05:48.17fontenotjust the other day I noticed broadcom has a huge building right near where I work
05:48.23sorphinsteve prolly has the REAL pdf :P
05:48.49GPSFanyeah they just let us peons have 2 page marketing junk.
05:49.15sorphinGPSFan: see taht lil push switch on the front of the MB ?
05:49.20sorphinnext to the 2 ribbons
05:49.46GPSFansorphin: reset.
05:50.50sorphini love how much of a hack their serial port is
05:50.56sorphinlooks like something i'd do :P
05:51.01fontenot3 wires ?
05:51.04GPSFansorphin: plug it in, and play with the buttons, nothing comes out any of the video.
05:51.12sorphinGPSFan: no surprise
05:51.31GPSFan2 serial ports from the ALI southbridge.
05:51.48sorphinboth have mb connectors
05:51.56GPSFanthe one out the back is at 38400.
05:52.02sorphinGPSFan: i just meant how they're running it to the back
05:52.04sorphinis a hack :P
05:52.43GPSFanyeah is sure is, there was a modem option and I think they did the serial port hack for ease of development.
05:53.49sorphintrying to look up the video mem chips
05:53.53sorphincan't find them
05:54.12sorphinminus that ~
05:54.15sorphindamn typo
05:54.38GPSFanhold the info and menu buttons for 5-seconds or so while powering on, the display will say boot.
05:55.07sorphinmin's sitting on my lap atm :P
05:55.10sorphinmine's even
05:55.18GPSFansorphin: 3 different types of flash 2 intel 1 amd
05:55.22sorphinstill scanning the board
05:55.43sorphin2 intels of one kind, one of another and the amd
05:55.53sorphinanother physically big ram chip
05:56.00sorphinnext to that long chip
05:56.04sorphinnother VG
05:56.11sorphinmight be cache
05:56.12fontenotthat long chip is so ugly
05:56.27GPSFanthis thing has more types of ram...
05:56.57sorphini can't find the VG chips at all
05:57.11sorphinlemme check that big j lead dip one
05:58.21sorphinthe 5100 and 5200 are prolly this same board
05:58.36sorphinjust more w/ a HD and a few less missing chips :P
05:59.44GPSFansorphin: the 5000 was probably the development platform for the rest of the series, I'd bet that you are right.
05:59.59sorphinso that 44 pinner is a HDD
06:00.18sorphinand that lil jtag header is prolly gone in the 5100+
06:00.26GPSFansorphin: the pwr & gnd pins check out, and the ALI has ide out.
06:00.39sorphinall the flash chips have extra pads for longer chips
06:01.11sorphinGPSFan: figured out where that 2nd ribbon goes?
06:01.18sorphinthe 24 pinner
06:01.22sorphinthat disappears under the board
06:01.23GPSFanthe land patterns for the jtag might still be there but they probably got rid of the Mictor like connectors from the cpu bus.
06:01.30sorphinthe pcmcia?
06:01.37GPSFansorphin: yep.
06:01.50sorphinkinda neat
06:01.56sorphintoo bad we couldn't keep tim at $10 ;)
06:01.57GPSFannot enough pins, so it probably isn't pcmcia.
06:02.07sorphinin other words
06:02.08sorphinlike cisco
06:02.10GPSFansorphin: that was a bummer.
06:02.11sorphinused the slot
06:02.26sorphinbut not the electrical pinout
06:02.58sorphinwonder what j601 is for
06:04.10GPSFansorphin: and j6, j8, j9...
06:04.31sorphinwell, j601 is by the crystal chip, just a single row
06:04.38sorphin10 pins
06:05.15GPSFanand what other signals come out j7, obviously a test connnector of sorts.
06:05.46sorphineverything on that one side
06:05.50sorphingoes toward the 5432
06:06.38GPSFanyep, have to look at hte pinnout of the cpu and trace them out.
06:07.33sorphinj5's leads hit the rage XL
06:08.01sorphinand J4's the 5432 also
06:08.15sorphinJ1 too
06:09.35GPSFanJ4 and J1 are high speed integral ground plane connectors, Mictor like, maybe Samtec. probably for logic analyzer connection to the cpu bus.
06:10.36fontenotsorphin: how much ram in a series2 tivo?
06:10.45GPSFansorphin: you see the sony chip? it's 1394.
06:11.04sorphinfontenot: 32M
06:11.12sorphinGPSFan: yeah, i saw the conns :)
06:11.24sorphincould hook these suckers up to giga (since it has a firewire card)
06:11.39fontenotsorphin: so these dct5000's are similar spec as far as proc and ram but cpu running slightly slower ?
06:11.50fontenotand can upgrade ram in these
06:11.56sorphinfontenot: yeah
06:12.18sorphinand the S2 tivo has a KFir2 encoder
06:12.28sorphinand a 7030 decoder
06:12.36sorphinreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally nice chip
06:13.01sorphindoes more stuff than the 7010
06:13.57sorphinthe sheer size of these things just kills me
06:14.08sorphinwider than any of my tivos :P
06:14.18fontenotyeah me too they are big
06:14.26sorphinmaybe not
06:14.31sorphinsame width as my S1s
06:14.40sorphinbut only cuz of that psu
06:14.46GPSFanso what is a super BAP BCM?
06:15.57GPSFansorphin: it's the seperate board with a piece of coax and the flat flex cable.
06:16.11GPSFanright above the smart card slot.
06:17.00sorphinthis thing has a WDC chip on it :P
06:17.04sorphinfrom 1984
06:17.40sorphinwestern digital :P
06:17.57GPSFanno, it has a date of 4/29/99 though.
06:19.57sorphini bet i know why they're running at 167 :P
06:20.22sorphinbecause in the 1st rev of the series 2 running at 200mhz
06:20.29sorphinRF chan 27 gets noise
06:20.39sorphinso the next rev
06:20.44sorphinthey downclocked some
06:21.07fontenotthey should do spread spectrum like in PC bios
06:23.01sorphinsame diff
06:23.10sorphinSS drops cpu performance
06:28.08GPSFannite all, off to zzzz.
06:29.10*** part/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
07:24.44sorphinFr 1, Hunt, Fr 2, and repeats till Fr 8, then back to E611
07:53.29sorphinheh, i hooked up my cable to it, then it decided to just stick to FR 1 (frequency 1), hunt, and that's it back and forth.. prolly cuz i don't have digital cable :P
08:28.07fontenothmm I have digital cable
08:28.24fontenoti wonder what it would do and how long before they are shutting down my service and knocking on my door
08:37.01*** join/#elinux Sammy (~sam@
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11:27.03jekkhow can i register an interrupt handler function ???
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13:52.01sorphinheh, he doesn't give up :P
14:12.40*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
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15:07.54sievegood morning everyone
15:17.41*** join/#elinux prpplague (~JoeBob1@
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15:26.09CosmicPenguinhey, hey!
15:26.24prpplagueho ho
15:26.30prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hey crack baby
15:26.33Mornit's fat albert (sorry, reminded me of "Hey, hey, hey!!!")
15:26.41prpplagueCosmicPenguin: got a sec for some questions?
15:30.27prpplagueibot: wbpal
15:30.28prpplague: no idea
15:30.32prpplagueibot: webpal
15:30.32webpal is, like, a set top box appliance that can run Linux. see, or, or only $13 + shipping!, or schematics are available from:
15:30.55CosmicPenguinprpplague: shoot
15:31.45prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ok we have all these input widgets, but no ouput widgets
15:32.04prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i.e. text fields or number calculation fields
15:32.27CosmicPenguinprpplague: so true
15:32.34CosmicPenguinprpplague: but we can add them easily
15:32.47prpplagueCosmicPenguin: what if you needed a field answered with a formula like $qty*$unitcost ?
15:32.49CosmicPenguinprpplague: assuming of course, that we can have a simple set of rules regarding the output widgets
15:33.05CosmicPenguinI don't want to have to write a parser for polynomial expresssions or any crap like that
15:33.35CosmicPenguinprpplague: simple + - * / would be fine
15:33.44CosmicPenguinprpplague: also age calculation
15:34.22CosmicPenguinprpplague: my point being, its not an open book - but there are things we can do, within reason
15:34.28prpplagueCosmicPenguin: would something like (a+b)/c be acceptable?
15:36.34mallumhello CosmicPenguin, prpplague
15:37.01prpplaguemallum: morning
15:37.26prpplagueCosmicPenguin: or would we be limited to a single function per field?
15:38.01prpplagueis anyone still in need of webpals?
15:38.14mallumprpplague: for 13$ Id get one
15:38.23mallumprpplague: I seem to have totally missed them
15:38.51prpplaguemallum: i've got one for you and ade already set aside, just haven't had time to send them
15:39.21mallumprpplague: ah cool
15:39.38mallumprpplague: looks like Linux only just about runs on them, or is that info out of date ?
15:42.53prpplaguemallum: ya there has been some progress, but all the elinux folks have been with all the job switching, personal problems, and just plain incompatence (i.e.sorphin), not much has changed
15:43.05prpplagues/been/been busy
15:43.20prpplaguesorphin: jk
15:43.51CosmicPenguinprpplague: hmmm......
15:44.11prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hmmm?
15:44.18CosmicPenguinprpplague: you're threating to push this whole project way beyond lunch
15:44.44mallumprpplague: ah np. they look alot of fun though
15:46.34mallumkergoth`bbl: ping
15:48.57prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ?
15:49.07CosmicPenguinprpplague: j/k
15:49.26CosmicPenguinprpplague: its been a long time since I've done any expression parsing
15:49.32CosmicPenguinlike, since 7th grade
15:49.32prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ahh
15:49.33chouimathi mallum CosmicPenguin prpplague
15:49.37prpplaguechouimat: morning
15:49.41CosmicPenguinchouimat: hey
15:50.20prpplagueCosmicPenguin: its just that i talk to an inventory girls at a convenience store this morning and she showed my the form she was using
15:50.48CosmicPenguinprpplague: K.  I can do it for you... :)
15:51.04CosmicPenguinprpplague: but don't tell Scott.  He thinks I am working on the sync
15:51.05mallumhey chouimat
15:51.24chouimatfirst coffee then talking
15:51.27prpplagueCosmicPenguin: no, i was just asking, i don't want you to work on it right away
15:51.46prpplagueCosmicPenguin: unless it can be included in the bug fix portion i still owe you for
15:52.03CosmicPenguinprpplague: no charge
15:52.50*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
15:54.01prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ok, put it on the list then
15:54.34prpplagueCosmicPenguin: simple calcs and a text out widget command should round out what we have now perfectly
15:54.51CosmicPenguinprpplague: cool
15:55.35prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i've made up some templates for the test.list file
15:55.58prpplagueCosmicPenguin: was able to do about 99% of her form in a just a couple of minutes
15:55.58CosmicPenguinprpplague: nice.  I want to automate that process as much as possible
15:56.20CosmicPenguinprpplague: I bet you did... :-)
15:56.38prpplagueCosmicPenguin: her cigarette inventory usually take an hour to do, she did the whole thing in less than 10
15:56.41prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ha ha
15:57.05prpplagueCosmicPenguin: simple sync and we are in biz
15:57.38prpplagueCosmicPenguin: what is your overall impression of the concept? do you think there is anything else out there that does this?
15:57.48CosmicPenguinprpplague: no
15:58.11prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i think if it was GPL'd it would be the talk of the town
15:58.16CosmicPenguinprpplague: or rather - let me qualify that.  For stuff like this, there is nothingelse out there
15:58.29CosmicPenguinprpplague: but for inventory, you are going to be hard pressed to come up against companies like symbol
15:58.38prpplagueCosmicPenguin: nope
15:58.47prpplagueCosmicPenguin: symbol's stuff sucks compared to this
15:59.02CosmicPenguinprpplague: I went and did my wedding registry last night (
15:59.14CosmicPenguinprpplague: and we used two different symbol devices to scan the bar codes
15:59.24CosmicPenguinprpplague: it was way easy - I don't know if we can compete with that
15:59.27prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ya the pdt-6800 and 3400 series
15:59.46prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ya thats a pre-made package, something like $50k
15:59.57prpplagueCosmicPenguin: we used it in a store in nassau
16:00.41CosmicPenguinprpplague: it would be nice if we could stick our app on one of those AML devices
16:01.00CosmicPenguinprpplague: but for surveys we are king
16:01.00prpplagueCosmicPenguin: besides, the cost of a Z vs. symbol is huge
16:01.05prpplagueCosmicPenguin: already done
16:01.32CosmicPenguinprpplague: my fiance did survey work for the Sundance Film Festival this year - they still do pen and paper
16:02.00prpplagueCosmicPenguin: cool
16:02.02CosmicPenguinprpplague: part of her assignment (she got class credit) was to enter alll the suveys by hand into Excel
16:02.09prpplagueCosmicPenguin: eww
16:02.17CosmicPenguinprpplague: you could rent them a few hundred Z's and they could do the same job in half the time
16:02.24prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i would have at least used some scantrons
16:02.43CosmicPenguinprpplague: heh - maybe robert redford is too cheap
16:02.57CosmicPenguinprpplague: anyway, there were lots of text fields - not exactly scantron related
16:03.07prpplagueCosmicPenguin: heck, clara does scantron readings, it would have been easy to do that
16:03.13prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ahh
16:03.14chouimatwhy automatise a system that seem to work wells
16:03.39CosmicPenguinchouimat: what system?  Getting a bunch of college students to work for free?
16:03.43CosmicPenguinThats not a good system
16:03.50chouimatCosmicPenguin: :)
16:04.13CosmicPenguinWise man say:  He who uses cheap college labor gets what he paid for
16:04.37CosmicPenguinBut I have pin number, so that makes it better.... ;)
16:04.39prpplaguei'm gonna see about ordering for webpals, anyone wanting one please email me with webpal as the subject
16:05.03chouimatprpplague: you have found more?
16:05.29prpplagueno l
16:06.20chouimatprpplague: ok
16:12.14CosmicPenguinDoes everyone remember when operations only had one name?
16:12.27CosmicPenguinOperation Delta, Operation Freedom, etc?
16:12.35CosmicPenguinWhen did we start having two word operations?  
16:12.37prpplagueCosmicPenguin: not me
16:12.44sjhillyeah.....shoot, slap, kill, mame....those were the good ole' days
16:13.13prpplagueCosmicPenguin: from my army training i was taught that the two letter codes were started in korea
16:13.30CosmicPenguinprpplague: ahhh....
16:13.53chouimatCosmicPenguin: Operation Overlord?
16:14.04CosmicPenguinchouimat: exactly
16:14.25CosmicPenguinHow did we get from Operation Overloard to Operation "I'm gonna tell Mom"?
16:14.48prpplagueCosmicPenguin: general they are two letter codes for the operation, they just choose words to go with it
16:14.53chouimatCosmicPenguin: lack of imagination from the GQG head?
16:15.14prpplagueCosmicPenguin: like operation Enduring Freedom is actually opcode-EF in the documetns
16:16.27CosmicPenguinprpplague: I see
16:16.35CosmicPenguinprpplague: they can't reuse opcodes then?
16:16.49prpplagueCosmicPenguin: generally no
16:16.55CosmicPenguinprpplague: And I assume the letters are chosen so as not be confusing
16:17.11CosmicPenguinprpplague: like operation "Probably Quiet"
16:17.27CosmicPenguinI assume there are morse code concerns and radio issues there too
16:17.37CosmicPenguin"Did you say P or T?"
16:17.51prpplagueCosmicPenguin: well we use the radio call signs for that
16:18.03prpplagueCosmicPenguin: P=papa T=tango
16:18.51CosmicPenguinprpplague: So we've got it covered.  This is why I'm in Utah and not in Turkey at this point in time
16:19.04CosmicPenguin* and the whole country sighs a sigh of relief *
16:19.33prpplagueCosmicPenguin: lol, ya well, most of the military techniques of the modern world were developed during the american civil war
16:20.26prpplagueCosmicPenguin: iirc, more men died at gettysburg than all of wwii
16:24.29CosmicPenguinprpplague: yep - I've studied the civil war at length
16:24.29prpplaguehas anyone here had a product stolen from them?
16:24.45chouimatprpplague: huh?
16:25.02CosmicPenguinprpplague: I used to do quite a bit of role playing on the old Civl War games
16:25.04prpplaguechouimat: a product concept
16:25.10prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ahh
16:25.20prpplagueCosmicPenguin: been to vicksburg?
16:25.26chouimatprpplague: yea ... but they failed so ...
16:25.45CosmicPenguinprpplague: hardly - I want to tour the battlefields some day
16:26.03CosmicPenguinprpplague: but you can count the number of times I have actually been east of the Mississippi and not in an airport on one hand
16:26.27prpplagueCosmicPenguin: if you go to vicksburg, a word of warning, don't stay out on the battlefield after dark :)
16:26.33CosmicPenguinprpplague: ghostly?
16:26.38prpplagueCosmicPenguin: very
16:27.04CosmicPenguinprpplague: I assume the others are similar?  Gettsyburg must be especially disturbed
16:27.16prpplagueCosmicPenguin: not been to gettysburg, but i'd like to
16:27.21CosmicPenguinprpplague: me too
16:27.44prpplagueman i need to be working on my thin client crap......
16:31.11CosmicPenguinDoes the Z have userland calibration or the kernel crap?
16:31.20CosmicPenguindoes the X use *gasp* tslib?
16:31.52prpplagueCosmicPenguin: iirc kergoth has implemented the tslib stuff in the kernel for the z
16:32.04CosmicPenguinprpplague: so it *is* kernel based?
16:32.08CosmicPenguinprpplague: can we turn it off?
16:32.19prpplagueCosmicPenguin: my original tinyx used the kdrive build so it was strickly tinyx based
16:32.34prpplagueCosmicPenguin: that would be a question for kergoth
16:39.16sorphingood lord
16:39.23chouimathi sorphin
16:39.36sorphinyou 2 talk more than the director i just had to spend 1.75 hours listening to who never took a break ;)
16:40.18CosmicPenguinsorphin: damn straighit
16:40.47sorphinprpplague: btw.. stick that incompetence comment :P
16:41.12chouimatsorphin: boring speach?
16:41.21sorphinyes, and useless to me
16:41.34sorphincuz i don't deal with customers like the rest of hte group does :P
16:41.40prpplaguesorphin: you know i was jk'n
16:42.44sorphinmy breakfast now, is pink lemonade, because of that fucker, i missed the cafeteria, and lunch costs more $ than i even have right now :P
16:43.03sorphinAND i had to wear biz casual today, (as did the rest of us) for this useless director :P
16:43.10sorphinah yes, the start of a god day
16:43.15chouimatsorphin: ouch
16:44.41prpplaguesorphin: fun all the way around :]
16:51.23sorphinprpplague: the DCT5k was interesting to look at last night.. didn't react to my cable at all, except went to hunting on only F1 instead of 1-8 like it normally does
16:51.38sorphinbut considering it was 2am :P
16:54.09chouimatweatherbot: weather cyqb
16:54.11weatherbotCurrent conditions at Quebec, Que, Canada: It is 0 C (32 F), windspeed is 25.75 km/h, and visibility is 48.28 km. (Information current as of 2003.03.18 1500 UTC).
16:54.19sorphinweatherbot: weather kstl
16:54.21weatherbotCurrent conditions at St. Louis, Lambert-St. Louis International Airport, MO, United States: It is 17 C (63 F), windspeed is 9.66 km/h, and visibility is 11.27 km. (Information current as of 2003.03.18 1553 UTC).
16:54.31sorphinglad i'm not in Que ;)
16:54.57sorphinCosmicPenguin: you mean out of the channel?
16:54.58chouimatsorphin: that better than some week ago (-25C)
16:55.18*** mode/#eLinux [+o sorphin] by ChanServ
16:55.32*** mode/#eLinux [+o CosmicPenguin] by sorphin
16:55.38sorphinCosmicPenguin: knock yourself out ;)
16:55.43*** mode/#eLinux [-o sorphin] by sorphin
16:55.53*** mode/#eLinux [-o CosmicPenguin] by CosmicPenguin
16:56.15CosmicPenguinI don't want that kind of responsiblity - I like just being a peon
16:56.25chouimatCosmicPenguin: lol
16:57.35CosmicPenguinSo, has everyone filled out their brackets yet?
16:57.43prpplaguechouimat: where do you guys look up the weather stations?
16:57.56prpplagueweatherbot: weather shreveport,la
16:57.58weatherbotFailed to lookup weather at station SHREVEPORT,LA
16:58.18sorphinprpplague: um..
16:58.52sorphinbased on hte airport codes
16:59.25sorphinweatherbot: weather KDTN
16:59.26weatherbotCurrent conditions at Shreveport, Shreveport Downtown Airport, LA, United States: It is 17 C (63 F), windspeed is 12.87 km/h, and visibility is 16.09 km. (Information current as of 2003.03.18 1553 UTC).
16:59.36sorphinweatherbot: weather KSHV
16:59.37weatherbotCurrent conditions at Shreveport, Shreveport Regional Airport, LA, United States: It is 16 C (62 F), windspeed is 16.09 km/h, and visibility is 8.05 km. (Information current as of 2003.03.18 1556 UTC).
16:59.41sorphinprpplague: :)
17:00.31sorphinchouimat: airport lookup works nicely too and doesn't take but 2 seconds ;)
17:00.34CosmicPenguinThis damn war!!!!  
17:00.44sorphinCosmicPenguin: shall we ship you over?
17:00.53sorphinCosmicPenguin: then you can pixilate them
17:00.55CosmicPenguinsorphin: now they are thinking about postponing the NCAA tourney
17:01.11sorphincuz of this useless war?
17:01.13chouimatsorphin: didn't know about that one
17:01.13sorphinoh brother
17:01.16CosmicPenguinThats where I draw the line - I want basketball dammit!
17:01.31chouimatweatherbot: weather LSGG
17:01.33weatherbotCurrent conditions at Geneve-Cointrin, Switzerland: It is 12 C (55 F), windspeed is 16.09 km/h, and visibility is 11.27 km. (Information current as of 2003.03.18 1520 UTC).
17:01.34kergoth`bblmallum: pong
17:01.41CosmicPenguinsorphin: plus, I will be on Vegas on the 7th of April - which is supposed to be the night of the championship game
17:02.18CosmicPenguinkergoth: tell me a story about the Z calibration - is it kernel based or userland based?
17:02.21sorphinCosmicPenguin: that's why yo uneed a tivo ;)
17:02.35kergothCosmicPenguin: userland. technically its driver has an interface for it, but its not utilized.
17:02.45CosmicPenguinsorphin: its not that - I want to be in Vegas during a major sporting event!
17:02.46chouimatsorphin: <--- I'm gald to not be there
17:02.53CosmicPenguinkergoth: thats the way it should be, IRRC
17:02.59CosmicPenguinor rather, IMHO
17:03.25chouimatweatherbot: weather nszp
17:03.26weatherbotFailed to lookup weather at station NSZP
17:03.29CosmicPenguinAnyway, thats what I was hoping - it will give me a chance to force Greg to change the MW calilbration
17:03.35sorphinCosmicPenguin: heh, why? if it's not there?
17:03.40sorphinchouimat: haha
17:03.59chouimatsorphin: a little too cold :)
17:04.04sorphinchouimat: actually
17:04.10CosmicPenguinsorphin: mainly because everyone who is watching has some sort of interest in the game
17:04.11sorphini was haha'ing at your failed lookup ;)
17:04.18sorphinCosmicPenguin: heh
17:04.20CosmicPenguinsorphin: either they are rooting for one of the teams, or they have money on the game
17:04.30chouimatsorphin: they get the info about two time a day
17:04.42sorphinchouimat: umm
17:05.02sorphinchouimat: where is nszp? :P i bet if you had a K airport code, it'd find it right away :P
17:05.51chouimatsorphin: Admundesn-Scott South Pole Station
17:06.32chouimatsorphin: at 1150UTC about -70F
17:06.50sorphinand when i lived in WI, it was -40F
17:07.12chouimatsorphin: we didn't get that too often this year
17:07.25mallumkergoth: heya
17:07.33chouimathi kergoth
17:07.43mallumkergoth: just wanted to see if you got a chance to play with my x stuff at all ?
17:07.53kergothCosmicPenguin: agreed. coord transforms dont belong in kernel space.
17:08.10kergothmallum: fraid not.. wasnt very productive last night
17:08.48mallumkergoth: np, Im making a matchbox crystal theme to piss the gpe people off into getting round to making a proper gpe theme
17:10.34mallumand to piss the opie people off too, as obviously it will be vastly better than theres ;-)
17:11.14kergothhm, i shoudl play with prelink again
17:11.44chouimatgrrr damn cat! leave my keyboard alone
17:13.03mallumchouimat: put double sided sticky tape on its paw and a bit of chilli power on its arse hole, that'll keep it busy for a while
17:13.28chouimatmallum: i moved it to the top of one of my monitor
17:13.59mallumchouimat: yeah, thats probably the more humane option
17:21.26sorphinmallum: um.. that's just... odd
17:21.34sorphinmallum: but then, you are in the uk ;)
17:24.56mallumsorphin: yes, personally Id never to that to a cat or any animal
17:25.38sorphinmallum: good to hear
17:26.11sorphinmallum: i heard back in his younger years, that was a date for prpplague
17:27.15sorphinROTFL at these prices
17:27.25sorphinFor a limited time on you can get a Sharp Zaurus SL-5500 PDA for $198.92, combined with a coupon you can bring the price down to $169.08.
17:27.34sorphinum.. i pade $175 for mine months ago :P
17:27.37sorphinpaid even
17:27.49kergoththen you were pretty damn lucky
17:28.06sorphinkergoth: ebay baby, brand new, never opened :)
17:28.20CosmicPenguinsorphin: fell right off the truck, eh?
17:28.24sorphinCosmicPenguin: nope
17:28.28sorphinall legit
17:30.14sorphinkergoth: you bother w/ screen protectors at all?
17:33.42kergothprobably should.. but no
17:35.46sorphinlike you do on a horse
17:50.49*** join/#elinux Sammy_wms (~Sammy@
17:59.25Sammy_wmshi, does any one have use lilo booting on Disk on modules(DOM) before ?
17:59.34CosmicPenguinSammy_wms: yep
18:00.20*** join/#elinux Rocinante (~Rocinante@
18:01.16Sammy_wmscosmicPenguin:can you give me some point
18:01.57Sammy_wmsnow I try liading lilo on it , but it'
18:02.17Sammy_wmsshow up this error message "Fatal: mknod /tmp/dev.0: No such file or directory"
18:03.34*** join/#elinux chouimat (
18:03.58CosmicPenguinSammy_wms: who made the DOM?
18:04.22Sammy_wmslet me see ...
18:06.47Sammy_wmsCosmicPenguin: I use this one
18:07.21CosmicPenguinOk then - you should be good to go
18:07.42CosmicPenguinmake sure that you have a /dev/ directory on the device with the appropriate device files
18:07.52CosmicPenguinyou probably also need a /tmp directory, and of course the lilo.conf somewhere
18:08.42CosmicPenguinIf lilo is having trouble figuring out the geometry of the module, you will proabably need to specify it in the config flie with the disk= param
18:09.43Sammy_wmsthe /dev yes I have , so I need to add a dir name /tmp ?
18:10.02CosmicPenguinwell, yeah - but you should have a /tmp anyway
18:11.43Sammy_wmsI make it on on DOM , it's that right ?
18:12.33CosmicPenguinThe DOM is the root device, right?
18:15.45Sammy_wmsso if I saw "ackup copy of boot sector in /boot/boot.0301" and  "Writing boot sector." it's prossibly install finish right ?
18:16.17CosmicPenguinbut it should say added:"
18:16.23CosmicPenguinand then your target
18:17.15Sammy_wmsReading boot sector from /dev/hda1
18:17.16Sammy_wmsMerging with /boot/boot.b
18:17.16Sammy_wmsMapping message file /boot/message
18:17.16Sammy_wmsBoot image: vmlinuz-2.4.18-14
18:17.16Sammy_wmsAdded linux *
18:17.46CosmicPenguinthere you go
18:19.07Sammy_wmsok thanks CosmicPenguin :)
18:19.12CosmicPenguinnot a problem
18:20.42*** join/#elinux SSSAM (
18:21.04Sammy_wmsbtw , CosmicPenguin :do you have any idea to protect some partition of this DOM ,don't let the other people mount it on ?
18:22.46CosmicPenguinSammy_wms: The only way you can do that is to either encrypt the filesystem, or somehow change the filesystem slightly, so that only your modified driver can mount the partition
18:23.36CosmicPenguinFor example, mangle the first 512 bytres of the partition, and rewrite your driver to skip the first 512 bytes
18:23.53CosmicPenguinSammy_wms: but no matter what you do, somebody will figure it out and reverse it - thats a guarntee
18:28.01Sammy_wmsok , reboot it ...
18:32.55prpplagueGPSFan: hey, just got your email
18:33.18GPSFanhey prp: I'm just cleaning up my desk, what a mess!
18:33.27sorphinGPSFan: hey, there you are
18:33.32sorphindidn't see you sneak in
18:33.43prpplagueGPSFan: thanks for the url
18:33.49prpplagueGPSFan: i might order from those guys
18:33.52kergothhey GPSFan
18:34.00prpplagueGPSFan: i've had problems with the ppl
18:34.08GPSFansure, I had lost it for about 2 months, finally found it last night.
18:34.12sorphinprpplague: really? wouldn't have noticed ;)
18:34.38GPSFanhey kergoth: have fun with your dct?
18:34.48kergothnot really, been busy
18:34.52kergothso its been collecting dust
18:34.56kergothbut soon!
18:36.13GPSFansorphin: i think we need a bit of guidance from tim, or his Lineo contact. as to how to load stuff into it.
18:36.31sorphinGPSFan: all i got mine doing last night was hunting :P
18:36.36sorphinfreq 1-8
18:36.44sorphinhooked up my cable
18:36.49GPSFansorphin: did you  get to the boot menu?
18:36.50sorphinjust hunted F1 :P
18:37.32sorphinbtw, i checked the rf out.. nothing there either, but static
18:37.43GPSFanone of those selections must initiate a download from one of the interfaces. hopefully serial.
18:38.27GPSFansorphin: did you hook a term up to it?
18:38.47sorphinno, this was over by the tv..
18:39.02sorphinwhile everything is close, it's not *that* close
18:39.03GPSFanah, it was late too ;)
18:39.10chouimathmmm 2C outside, I will open the windows ...
18:39.53chouimatsorphin: :)
18:40.13GPSFanweatherbot: weather KGCT
18:40.15weatherbotFailed to lookup weather at station KGCT
18:40.32kergothsorphin: you finally got those screws off eh?
18:40.45chouimatGPSFan: 2 options: 1) timeout on the server 2) no info
18:40.56sorphinkergoth: yeah, the AC cord seperater in my multi lil pliers helped
18:41.15GPSFanweatherbot: weather KGJX
18:41.16chouimatGPSFan: time out on the server
18:41.17weatherbotFailed to lookup weather at station KGJX
18:41.22GPSFanweatherbot: weather KGJT
18:41.24weatherbotCurrent conditions at Grand Junction, Walker Field, CO, United States: It is 7 C (45 F), windspeed is 22.53 km/h, and visibility is 16.09 km. (Information current as of 2003.03.18 1753 UTC).
18:41.27sorphinkergoth: the prob was they're torqued so tight
18:41.34chouimatweatherbot: weather cyqb
18:41.36*** join/#elinux Sammy_wms (~Sammy@
18:41.36weatherbotCurrent conditions at Quebec, Que, Canada: It is 1 C (35 F), windspeed is 27.36 km/h, and visibility is 48.28 km. (Information current as of 2003.03.18 1800 UTC).
18:41.44sorphinenough weatherbot spam :P
18:41.49sorphinuse /m :P
18:41.56chouimatsorphin: yes master
18:42.18GPSFansorphin: yess massa..
18:43.08Sammy_wmsCosmicPenguin :can't boot, the worst case , nothing show up ... :(
18:43.15CosmicPenguinNothing at all?
18:43.25CosmicPenguinWow, that is bad
18:44.28Sammy_wmsmaybe I should copy how I do to you, to check anything wrong
18:44.52CosmicPenguinSammy_wms: everything seems fine to me.  Perhaps you should ask the folks on the LILO mailing list
18:45.37Sammy_wmsCosmicPenguin: when you install , what's command you use ?
18:46.04CosmicPenguin/sbin/lilo -r <mount point> -C <path to the lilo.conf, adjusted for the new root>
18:47.21Sammy_wmsso there is no prob here -> that's I use /sbin/lilo -v -C /etc/lilo.conf -r /mnt/dom , right ?
18:47.30CosmicPenguinWorks for me
18:48.00Sammy_wmsand what file should I have on DOM ?
18:48.51Sammy_wmsI copy the boot.b and lilo.conf and vmlinuz map massage /dev/hda1 /dev/null to dom
18:48.54sorphinCosmicPenguin: he has a proper /boot dir too?
18:49.13CosmicPenguinsorphin: good point
18:50.55*** join/#elinux andersee (
18:50.55*** mode/#eLinux [+o andersee] by ChanServ
18:51.00Sammy_wmssorphin: I make a dir name boot and copy boot.b map massage into it on DOM , is that's you say ?
18:51.20kergothhey andersee
18:51.25anderseekergoth: morning
18:51.33sorphinSammy_wms: lilo actually create map itself
18:52.09sorphinSammy_wms: when you say nothing shows up
18:52.19sorphinnot even say.... LIL- or LI ?
18:53.13Sammy_wmsnot a single word
18:54.09sorphinsounds to me like it's not really writing to the boot block or whatever scans the bootloader area of whatever a DOM is
18:54.16sorphinisn't seeing lilo
18:56.42Sammy_wmsI try format this dom again and do it again from start
19:03.08GPSFanprpplague: do you think that still has any or are they just sh*theads?
19:05.39chouimat|lunchibot praise vmware4
19:05.39chouimat|lunch: I don't know, could you explain it?
19:06.50CosmicPenguinsh* threads?  Thats the strangest variable I have ever seen
19:06.57CosmicPenguinMust be C++
19:07.03sorphinCosmicPenguin: har har :P
19:07.26sorphinCosmicPenguin: don't you have pixil to not be releasing because greg just added some new pointless thing he wants in it? :P
19:09.20CosmicPenguinsorphin: actually no - my most recent code bloat went out yesterday, and I haven't heard back
19:09.37sorphinhe must be stewing up new bloat
19:12.14*** join/#elinux Sammy_wms (~Sammy@
19:13.40Sammy_wmssorphin:if my dom is on IDE1 (hdc1) , at lilo.conf file should I still write boot=/dev/hda1 or boot=/dev/hdc1 ?
19:14.40sorphinis there a device on hda that will be in the system when you wanna boot off this "dom" ?
19:14.43mallumkergoth: I put some shots on scap of my crystal theme
19:16.27sorphinSammy_wms: and do you want lilo to only boot the dom ?
19:16.35Sammy_wmsuh , sorry no
19:16.35*** join/#elinux ade|indy (
19:16.51sorphinSammy_wms: make up your mind :)
19:17.39Sammy_wmssorry , I only what lilo boot the dom :)
19:18.02sorphinok, here's the deal then
19:18.18sorphinSammy_wms: if there's another device (an hda) in the machine
19:18.38sorphinthe BIOS is gonna look at the boot block of THAT device
19:19.36sorphinsince it's the 1st device available, unless you change it/can change it in your bios to select what device you want to go to, then it'll find the DOM w/ lilo in it's boot block
19:19.38sorphinand boot it
19:19.58sorphinyou have to actually have it write the lilo boot record to hda's boot block
19:20.06sorphinto boot from hdc w/ lilo
19:21.19Sammy_wmsdon't get it :(
19:21.41sorphinthe dom is hdc
19:21.55sorphinthere's an hda in the machine, correct ?
19:22.15Sammy_wmsI hope just one dom on machine in hda and boot lilo
19:22.43sorphinhave you tried it that way yet?
19:22.51sorphinthat's the only way this will work
19:23.13sorphinwithout having lilo write it's boot information to some device that is known as hda, if your dom is gonna be hdc
19:23.19sorphinthe dom has to be hda
19:23.29sorphinfor the bios to find lilo on it
19:24.06Sammy_wmso , ok
19:24.10ade|indymorning all
19:24.53sorphinade|indy: "yo adrian" *smirk*
19:25.17sorphinsorry, bad joke
19:25.34sorphinjust male'ized the yo adrian from the movie rocky
19:26.18ade|indylast person to try that, ended up with a new nose :)
19:26.32sorphinglad i'm over on this side of the pond then :P
19:26.46ade|indy~lart sorphin
19:26.52ade|indythats better
19:27.02ade|indy~lart sorphin more
19:27.07sorphin~bitchslap ade|indy
19:27.09ACTION beats the sh*t out of ade|indy
19:27.45sorphinthat's.. just bad
19:28.18sorphinwonder if he's made the treadmill run pixil yet
19:28.32cosmic_gymthats dangerous
19:28.45*** join/#elinux Russ (~russ@
19:29.00sorphincosmic_gym: shouldn't you be kinetic energying?
19:29.14cosmic_gymmy ipc server kept doing infinate loops yesterday, I can't imagine what would do to a treadmill
19:29.21cosmic_gymsorphin: yeah, yeah, I'm leaving right now
19:29.22prpplaguesorphin: naw, the treadmill has picogui
19:29.28sorphinprpplague: heh
19:29.57sorphinprpplague: since i've never actually witnessed pico gui *running*
19:29.59cosmic_gymprpplague: so, that means it looks awesome, but can only go 1.5 MPH?
19:30.04sorphini'd say that treadmill is dead
19:30.15sorphincp: *g*
19:30.33sorphinibot: seen scanline
19:30.33scanline is currently on #picogui (2d 19h 27m 10s) #elinux (2d 19h 27m 10s) #openembedded (2d 19h 27m 10s) #bzflag (2d 19h 27m 10s).  Has said a total of 112 messages.  Is idling for 2h 31m 21s
19:31.58prpplaguecosmic_gym: lol, no it looks good, but only has a few ppl that can run on it
19:32.36sorphinprpplague: ;)
19:32.51sorphinprpplague: one of which isn't me ;)
19:33.38*** join/#elinux akuma (
19:34.09sorphinand you're intentionally not allowed to click on pics to make them bigger :P
19:34.40sorphinprpplague: oh goodie, atleast the guy gets in here and knows what he is before we tell him *grin*
19:35.32sorphinchouimat|lunch: -:- akuma is now known as hardcorelamer
19:36.47chouimat|lunchsorphin: aaaah! ok
19:38.43prpplaguesorphin: ?
19:38.51prpplaguesorphin: hun?
19:39.06sorphinprpplague: look up to what i just showed chouimat too :P
19:39.23hardcorelamerhas anyone done work with openbricks ?
19:39.42prpplaguesorphin: oh
19:39.59prpplaguehardcorelamer: a little to expensive to play around with
19:40.00hardcorelameroh, that is not embedded enough?
19:40.07prpplaguesorphin: no just distracted
19:40.20sorphinprpplague: stop thinking of drinks to serve at the nudie bar :P
19:40.48prpplaguesorphin: more like getting sales for the hackkit
19:40.54prpplaguesorphin: trying to make it a reality
19:40.59sorphinprpplague: hehe
19:41.02sorphini was just gonna say
19:41.07chouimat|lunchwtf is openbricks?
19:41.10sorphinyou mean that thing still exists?
19:41.15prpplaguesorphin: apparently my boss has gotten wind of the project and wants in on it
19:41.27prpplaguechouimat|lunch: one sec and i'll get a url
19:41.28sorphinprpplague: heh, how much of a cut? :P
19:41.28hardcorelamerchoumat, try
19:42.07sorphinprpplague: is it me
19:42.10*** join/#elinux pattieja (
19:42.19sorphinor does that thing look familiar? :P
19:42.26prpplaguechouimat|lunch: its actually almost identical to my planned tcsx-3
19:42.46chouimat|lunchprpplague: x86?
19:42.51prpplaguechouimat|lunch: ya
19:43.08chouimat|lunchok better to get (less expensive)
19:43.55prpplaguehardcorelamer: this isn't actually made by the french company, but is a tawain knock off company
19:44.48sorphinprpplague: don't forget, if you ever do make the tcsx-3, don't ship one to file ;) it'll never get there
19:44.58prpplaguesorphin: agreed
19:45.04prpplaguesorphin: no the tcsx series is dead
19:45.10chouimat|lunchsorphin: feeling bitchy?
19:45.14prpplaguesorphin: all i have is the proto's of the tcsx-2 and 3
19:45.28sorphinchouimat|lunch: nah, i just don't care for file, so..
19:45.40sorphinchouimat|lunch: and you missed all the fun i'm refering to
19:45.41prpplaguesorphin: now, all the tawainiess knocks are selling like crazy
19:45.58chouimat|lunchsorphin: so i don't to know then
19:46.02sorphinprpplague: doh.. better hurry w/ the hackkit then, before they snag that too
19:46.05prpplaguesorphin: boss is interested in funding the entire product
19:46.24chouimat|lunchprpplague: good or bad
19:46.39sorphinchouimat|lunch: ok, at one point, prpplague had sent file a tcsx-1, and file nagged him every day wanting to know where it was
19:46.49sorphinor somesuch
19:46.58sorphinchouimat|lunch: it got stuck in canada customs
19:47.08prpplaguechouimat|lunch: good for the $$, bad for cheap developers
19:47.09sorphinprpplague: sound about right?
19:47.10chouimat|lunchsorphin: hehe
19:47.15prpplaguesorphin: yep
19:47.29prpplaguesorphin: last i heard it was on its way to be destroyed
19:47.34sorphinprpplague: doh
19:47.48sorphinprpplague: that's what you get for sending those bomb lookalikes to canada ;)
19:47.49prpplaguesorphin: no canadian fcc sticker
19:48.17chouimat|lunchprpplague: no csa sticker?
19:48.37prpplaguechouimat|lunch: if thats the equiv of fcc in canada
19:48.48prpplaguechouimat|lunch: ya i we never sold it in ca
19:48.57chouimat|lunchprpplague: it's the equivalent ...
19:49.06prpplaguechouimat|lunch: yep
19:49.27chouimat|lunchprpplague: did you wrote product sample on the custom form?
19:49.44sorphinchouimat|lunch: i usually write gift for everything
19:50.03filehi all
19:50.12prpplaguechouimat|lunch: i don't recall its been over a year
19:50.15sorphingoing to the uk atleast
19:50.27chouimat|lunchsorphin: me too but product sample  help electronic stuff without csa sticker pass the customs :)
19:50.40sorphinchouimat|lunch: i've never had anything opened
19:53.43chouimatafter weeks of ramen soup for lunch those hot stuff are good
19:55.00sorphindammit, wtf is up w/ phoenix..
19:55.05sorphinstupid thing
19:55.38prpplagueGPSFan: did you say you need two or three webpals?
19:56.33sorphinprpplague: i was gonna grab a third and have a trifecta if you had ever gotten the palette in
19:56.33ade|indyanyone know what netkit telnetd links against ?
19:57.04prpplagueade|indy: the telnetd should be tarballed with the netkit
19:57.38prpplaguesorphin: GPSFan gave a url for someone that still has some in stock that you can order from
19:58.10sorphinprpplague: so why's he needing to have you get some then he get one from you? *grin*
19:58.27sorphinor is it just so you don't buy them out before he gets one? ;)
19:58.37GPSFanprpplague: yeah, depending on $ and shipping.
19:58.43ade|indyprpplague:indeed it is, but i just need to know what the binary loads with, ldd type og thing
19:59.15hardcorelameranyone test the GP32 handheld game system?
19:59.16sorphinprpplague: heh, i see why
19:59.25sorphinC) 1,000 units at $7.00 each -  Webpal Internet Box  - access the internet through your TV set or monitor, comes with wireless keyboard. Minimum order...1,000 units
19:59.26prpplagueade|indy: ohh, one sec
19:59.36prpplaguesorphin: thats suppose to be 10 units
19:59.42prpplaguesorphin: typo, i already called
19:59.50sorphinbig typo :P
19:59.55sorphinsomeone got 0 happy
20:00.31sorphinprpplague: well, i only need 1 :P so i'd still wanna grab from you :P *grin*
20:00.43GPSFanprpplague: did they have any shipping $ info, if that's a typo, maybe I'll just get them from them.
20:00.54prpplagueade|indy: the only lib i see is libutils
20:00.56sorphinGPSFan: you need to order 10 :P
20:00.59prpplagueade|indy: what dist?
20:01.21*** join/#elinux TheMasterMind1 (
20:01.36sorphinprpplague: hold on.. where's the typo here.. both 1,000's or just the 2nd one?
20:01.42GPSFanprpplague: k, 10 is waht I originally wanted to get from or you..
20:02.06ade|indyi want to build it for arm (tuxscreen) against uclibc0.9.19 but having fun with c++ configure on the damn buildroot
20:02.55prpplaguesorphin: min order qty 10
20:03.08sorphink, which brings me back to
20:03.09fileprpplague: at $7 each?
20:03.13sorphini don't need 10 ;)
20:03.41sorphinhell, i barely even have room for 1 more, and these DCT's ;)
20:04.07filethanks to chouimat and another person I'll soon have some extra money...
20:04.43prpplagueahh hasn't had webpals in a year, thats why they never sent them
20:04.56sorphinthen they need to fix their page
20:05.03chouimathmmm the shipping cost is 24.45USD for USPS Air ... I wonder how much ground cost
20:05.33filechouimat: where? for what? that's... downright evil
20:05.53sorphinchouimat: my 2 webpals ground, cost me $22, tho i think the shipping was inflated
20:05.56filechouimat: anyway, USPS Surface usually costs roughly the same (give/take a few dollars)
20:05.57*** join/#elinux Russ (~russ@
20:06.07chouimatfile: the webpal, for CA to Quebec City
20:06.28filechouimat: sounds like a flat rate... not the actual rate
20:07.01chouimatfile: it's what it's printed on the box
20:07.38filechouimat: that's... very odd, how much did it weigh?
20:07.53chouimatfile 11lb 5
20:08.13filefor a Webpal? oh dear me... that's...
20:08.26filechouimat: what's up? lol
20:08.42chouimatfile: I paid 23.95 USD for it
20:09.03filechouimat: I hope you find a use for it
20:09.27chouimatfile: yup ... a little terminal in my bed room ...
20:09.41filechouimat: keyboard too?
20:09.51chouimatfile: yup
20:10.00filechouimat: nifty.
20:11.44filechouimat: but currently it's sitting there doing nothing? :)
20:12.00chouimatfile: yup ...
20:12.18filechouimat: well I hope the SIMM is useful to you.
20:12.34chouimatfile: me too ... 32MB?
20:12.53filechouimat: affirmative
20:13.07filechouimat: does it just have one SIMM slot?
20:20.34chouimatfile: yup
20:21.04*** part/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
20:21.50filechouimat: that bites
20:25.40*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
20:25.44sorphinGPSFan: re
20:26.06GPSFanhi, my ups died yesterday, just replaced the batts.
20:26.19sorphinon ebay
20:26.28sorphinand i don't have any damn $ now :P
20:26.58chouimatsorphin: how much?
20:27.37sorphinone at 1 day left at 95
20:27.47sorphincouple at 100, or buy it now @ 120
20:27.58cosmic_gymnick CosmicPenguin
20:27.59sorphinmade by PDC
20:28.02chouimatibot change 120 USD to CAD
20:28.28chouimatibot change 1 USD to CAD
20:29.00sorphinCosmicPenguin: btw.. if i ever manage to have $ again
20:29.00chouimatibot change 15 cad to usd
20:29.12sorphinCosmicPenguin: expect something from your registry
20:29.57sorphinchouimat: tis from my last trip that took me via .ca
20:30.09sorphinforgot i had it and so forgot to exchange it
20:30.34chouimatibot change 236 chf to cad
20:31.38chouimatsorphin: yes master ... please not the whip please, master
20:31.45sorphinchouimat: um..
20:31.55sorphinchouimat: it's called being courteous to other channel users
20:31.56chouimatsorphin: :P
20:32.22sorphinchouimat: and as an oper of this channel, it's my 1st warning to you :P
20:33.10sorphinchouimat: and fyi, it's the same for anyone, so..
20:34.06sorphinCosmicPenguin: so what's the highest preference of things on the registries? (i.e. most needed)
20:40.16GPSFansorphin: the cookies. ;)
20:40.37sorphinGPSFan: eh?
20:41.18GPSFansorphin: med & large cookie on the Tagget reg.
20:45.48*** join/#elinux andersee (
20:45.48*** mode/#eLinux [+o andersee] by ChanServ
20:45.53sorphinandersee: yo
20:46.06prpplagueandersee: welcome oh great busybox god
20:46.07sorphinandersee: found a few 256M mmcs on ebay..
20:46.09kergothhey andersee
20:46.11sorphinandersee: so..
20:46.17kergoth256M mmc? thatd be nice..
20:46.27sorphinkergoth: made by PDC
20:46.36anderseesorphin: oh?  How much?
20:46.48prpplagueandersee: ln -s busybox codewisdom
20:46.51sorphinkergoth: unfortunately, the DCT's broke me till the 28th :(
20:47.02sorphinprpplague: you got some brown stuff on your nose dave
20:47.26sorphinandersee: cheapest is 95 atm and ends in 1 day and such, couple at 100, buy it now at 120, and one just siting at 120
20:47.28prpplaguesorphin: did i get it?
20:47.34sorphinprpplague: yeah
20:48.01sorphini always find stuff i want when i'm broke :P
20:48.02CosmicPenguinsorphin: ahh, don't spend your money on me... :)
20:48.55sorphinCosmicPenguin: :)
20:49.01anderseesorphin: looks like the 128s are _lots_ cheaper
20:49.06CosmicPenguinsorphin: registries are for parents and people who feel guilty
20:49.30sorphinCosmicPenguin: true.. i won't feel guilty till i see pixil forked and we can mess w/ it ;)
20:49.34CosmicPenguinsorphin: I'm probably going to stick some charity donations up there as well - so if you get an urge to spend cash, then send it to a charity
20:49.49CosmicPenguinsorphin: I'm trying.... its like yelling at a brick wall
20:49.59sorphinandersee: well.. if you're lucky
20:50.19sorphinandersee: 256's are quite rare it seems, so..
20:50.29sorphinCosmicPenguin: yeah :(
20:50.53sorphinCosmicPenguin: btw.. stacee is nice *8)
20:51.52CosmicPenguinsorphin: thx
20:53.28prpplaguesorphin: working for wcom would imply you are always broke
20:53.53sorphinprpplague: well, not always, just closer now than i usually am.. all the bills hit this last check at once
20:54.10sorphinprpplague: normally i can balance them between checks
20:54.21sorphinbut since my next one isn't till the 28th..
20:54.26sorphinwhich is after everything is due
20:55.52prpplaguesorphin: thats why i'm 2 months ahead on bills
20:56.02prpplaguesorphin: i hate it when that happens
20:56.11ade|indyi'm looking to sell my sister off , any takers ? f/29/blonde
20:56.25prpplagueade|indy: cool, english accent?
20:56.42sorphinade|indy: need imagry :P
20:56.47prpplagueade|indy: cook a shepards pie?
20:57.04sorphinprpplague: get over it dave, you already bought yourself a hot nanny :P
20:57.16chouimatnapade|indy: pic?
20:57.18ade|indygood cook, can canoe very well.
20:57.21sorphinchouimatnap: ;)
20:57.40prpplaguesorphin: ya but i found out she partial to black men
20:57.43chouimatnapsorphin: what?
20:57.52sorphinprpplague: so bathe in shoe polish
20:57.53ade|indyerm .. as for pics .. not sure if there are any on the net .. will sort one out when i go hone in three weeks
20:57.55prpplagueade|indy: cool, whats the starting bid?
20:58.21prpplagueade|indy: man what a steal
20:58.27sorphinade|indy: cheap tosser ;)
20:58.31prpplagueade|indy: thats better than the women in honduras :)
20:58.38sorphinprpplague: eww
20:58.46chouimatat that price I wonder if there is a catch somewhere
20:58.47kergothand dave would know..
20:58.53ade|indyshes even house trained too
20:58.54sorphinkergoth: yup, he would
20:58.59prpplagueade|indy: lol
20:59.04sorphinade|indy: height? :P
20:59.11ade|indy5 foot 6
20:59.11CosmicPenguinade|indy: does she enjoy drinking and watching the Matrix several times a day?
20:59.17sorphinade|indy: coo
20:59.17filemmm... Matrix
20:59.21filewhen is the new one coming out?
20:59.26prpplaguewhen i get my divorce final, i'm gonna go find me a cute UK chick
20:59.27ade|indyshes the outdoor type
20:59.28TheMasterMind1this summer
20:59.29CosmicPenguinMay 17th, I think
20:59.30TheMasterMind1the new ones
20:59.31sorphinade|indy: measurements? :P *grin*
20:59.41sorphinprpplague: ya know
20:59.47sorphinprpplague: i saw plenty when i was in england
20:59.52chouimatade|indy: does she able to have a conversation about the moorcock or any scifi author?
20:59.58ade|indy36 DD . dont know any other bits
21:00.01prpplaguesorphin: ya well, thats where i'd suspect there would be some
21:00.05sorphinand they all loved wearing those hip hugging black pants that fit just right
21:00.09prpplagueade|indy: lol
21:00.20sorphinade|indy: too much for me
21:00.24sorphindave can have her
21:00.36CosmicPenguin5-6 and 36 DD?  
21:00.42kergothshe must have back problems
21:00.57sorphinCosmicPenguin: so? i knew a chick 4'11" that was a very full D atleast
21:01.05CosmicPenguinsorphin: that can't be healthy
21:01.09ade|indyis there some UK --to-- US breast diff?
21:01.21sorphinade|indy: hmm
21:01.21chouimatkergoth: maybe she got some reinforcement ....
21:01.25kergothif so, ibot needs to have a conversion function
21:01.41sorphini thikn there might be one
21:01.41CosmicPenguinade|indy: no - but breasts are half as big again in Canada... :)
21:01.53ade|indyshes respones to the name Bex
21:01.56kergothibot: convert_breast UK to US 36DD
21:01.58chouimat~lart CosmicPenguin
21:02.00sorphinCosmicPenguin: you mean canadian women even have breasts?
21:02.12CosmicPenguinsorphin: I think so - I mean, they must right?
21:02.19CosmicPenguinsorphin: thought I have never seen one personally
21:02.47ade|indycase study does winey singing bints for Canada have tits ??? erm .. no
21:02.47sorphinCosmicPenguin: i know women in TX do, that's where dave sets his beer
21:03.02prpplaguesorphin: yep
21:03.13CosmicPenguinsorphin: or the top of their head
21:03.23CosmicPenguinsorphin: flat headed women are very popular in the east of Texas
21:03.27prpplaguesorphin: or ones with big butts you can longneck in the crack
21:03.28sorphinCosmicPenguin: that's when all he sees is the top of their head :P
21:03.45kergoththats to set your beer on right?
21:03.48ade|indyso do i hear £10 ?
21:03.59prpplagueade|indy: i'd go 20 quid
21:04.06CosmicPenguinprpplague: lol
21:04.14sorphinprpplague: sight unseen eh?
21:04.20ade|indy20 quid is bid ... do i hear 21?
21:04.22sorphinyou're very trusting of adrian ;)
21:04.53chouimatwithout pic I will not made a bid ...
21:05.00ade|indybrb.. i'll see if i can find a pic of her out there somewhere
21:05.05sorphinchouimat: smart man
21:05.12prpplagueade|indy: she;s not one of those that i could open a pint bottle with her teeth is she?
21:05.25sorphinprpplague: c'mon dave, you know if he's trying to sell her off, it's for a reason ;)
21:05.28chouimatsorphin: I don't want to get stuck with mrs. crabtree ....
21:05.58sorphinprpplague: if she doesn't atleast look as good as ashley, i wouldn't take her ;)
21:06.05prpplaguei hope lilo doesn't get wind of this.......he'll start doing this too
21:06.22chouimatsorphin: why do you think they invented paper bag?
21:06.25prpplaguesorphin: ya well thats a might high standard
21:06.34sorphinprpplague: yup, it is
21:06.53sorphinchouimat: there are some things, even a paper bag body suit couldn't fix :P
21:06.59kergothgod i need to bitchslap whomever designed this database
21:07.07chouimatsorphin: hehe
21:07.11chouimatkergoth: which database?
21:07.18kergoth~bitchslap whomever designed this database
21:07.26sorphin~bitchslap whomever made kergoth's database
21:07.28kergothchouimat: db for our knowledge base / faq system for digi
21:07.53kergothibot: ping
21:07.56chouimatkergoth: based on which software
21:07.59sorphinibot: test
21:08.04ade|indyna, shes quite nice, just i need the money and hell its not like i'm from cornwall so i cant have her, might as well make money
21:08.06kergothchouimat: php driven
21:08.21sorphinkergoth: "oh my god! you killed ibot! bastard!"
21:08.23ade|indyno pics it would seem , least google cant find her
21:08.28prpplague"DAL-9000(Digi Answer Library) please look up this case...." "I'm sorry chris, i'm afraid i can't do that...."
21:08.49kergothI need to put in the random result mutator
21:09.03kergothevery 100 queries it returns output from my fortune database
21:09.26sorphin-:- CTCP PING reply from ibot: 0.366 seconds
21:09.31sorphinibot: yo bitch
21:09.40sorphinyup, you killed it
21:09.51kergothsee, its all this piece of shit DB's fault
21:09.57kergothfirst it drives me nuts, then kills the bot
21:10.10prpplaguewell guys i'm getting a quote on shipping for 100 webpals
21:10.11sorphinkergoth is an ibot killer! he's a murderer!
21:10.27sorphinprpplague: i think it's time for a hangin ;)
21:10.39prpplaguesorphin: "DIGI! get a rope!"
21:10.48sorphinlet's string him up
21:10.57kergothdeath, or digi
21:10.58kergothi take death!
21:11.05sorphinkergoth: death is digi
21:11.09sorphinbecause digi = hell
21:11.10kergothgood poitn
21:11.25sorphinso let's see
21:11.27prpplaguenaw, digi/abcs is more like purgatory
21:11.30sorphini've seen what CP looks like now
21:11.40sorphindave hides behind the camera
21:11.41kergothprpplague: ah
21:12.01chouimatgiving 53% of his salary in diverses taxes is HELL
21:12.05sorphinkergoth probably is in actuality, a talking digiboard
21:12.06prpplaguesorphin: hmm, see if i have my overseas work permit photo
21:12.35prpplaguewow scarry
21:12.56sorphinprpplague: he looks like a digi employee alright
21:13.03sorphinprpplague: look at the shifty eyes
21:13.08kergothyou know, i'd lart you both if ibot was functional
21:13.37sorphini see a bottle!
21:13.45sorphinbetter have been good booze :P
21:14.02kergothnaw, it was alize
21:14.07kergothat the time i couldnt afford good booze
21:14.27sorphinkergoth: you mean you actually can now? :P
21:14.36kergothwell the difference is in priorities
21:15.13kergothi was broke, i am broke. difference is, now i'll buy good booze and eat ramen
21:15.25sorphinkergoth: ramen rocks tho
21:15.32sorphingo MSG!
21:15.59chouimatI'm tired of eating ramen ... I want to do s/ra/wo :)
21:16.08sorphinkergoth: if you're broke, who'd you kill for $ for a DCT? ;p
21:16.40kergothsorphin: thats another thing, toys to improve my skills are higher priority than food
21:17.12sorphinkergoth: well, if you're eating ramen, which is only $.13/pack
21:17.17sorphinor less
21:17.25sorphinthat's still not $50
21:17.33kergothheh, i do have some decent food in the house surprisingly
21:17.36sorphinunless you usually buy by the pallet
21:17.42kergoththere some frozen fresh crab legs in the freezer and shit
21:17.46kergothcourse my bills are late
21:17.48kergothbut hey!
21:17.54chouimatpriorities: toys and club to meet nice women .. then food
21:18.02sorphinkergoth: you won't say 'but hey' if they cut your power ;)
21:18.08kergothsorphin: good point
21:18.25kergothI just need to find another roommate again
21:18.30kergoththen i'll have the buffer i need
21:18.42sorphinkergoth: or beg more people to paypal for work on OZ *grin*
21:19.03sorphinwtf does aman even do? his "profile" just says "Hello" :P
21:19.15kergothmaintains a few packages
21:19.19kergothhe and jamey maintain ipkg
21:19.33sorphinah, was curious
21:19.34kergothTheMasterMind1: right?
21:19.38kergothtmm1 = aman
21:19.56kergothi forgot to eat lunch again
21:20.00sorphinaman gupta :P
21:20.13prpplaguekergoth: work permit photo
21:20.20sorphinkergoth: heh, i got a $7 lunch for $3
21:20.22prpplaguekergoth: i actually have hair there
21:20.33kergothsorphin: howd ya pull that off?
21:21.00sorphinkergoth: cafeteria cashier and i give eachother shit every day (cuz i'm down there every day).. told her i'm broke atm, and she took care of me.. (cuz $3 was all i had)
21:21.20sorphinturkey, cornbread dressing, bread, steamed carrots and sweet potatoes
21:21.28sorphinand cranberries
21:21.37sorphinthat's what i grabbed
21:21.52sorphinprpplague: scary
21:22.10sorphinprpplague: looks like one of those photos that should actually be on the PO bulletin boards
21:23.09sorphinchouimat: what is it w/ canadians and weird graduation robes?
21:23.11chouimat < --- actual look
21:23.29chouimatsorphin: don't know
21:23.41chouimat < --- actual look
21:23.51sorphinchouimat: every chick i've seen that i know from canada, always has some weird grad robe, and a dozen roses
21:24.10sorphinor atleast 1 few or something
21:24.43CosmicPenguinchouimat: interesting window treatment there....  
21:24.51CosmicPenguinMartha Stewart?
21:24.53prpplaguechouimat: bummer, i'm fw handicaped
21:25.04sorphinCosmicPenguin: hehe
21:25.21chouimatCosmicPenguin: sorry the last photo is 10 years ago
21:25.26sorphinprpplague: as well as hair ;)
21:26.29prpplaguehmm, where did ade disappear too? i was waiting on my photo........
21:26.32chouimatarrrgg 70CAD /
21:26.39sorphinprpplague: -:- SignOff ade|indy: #elinux (Remote closed the connection)
21:27.13sorphinand who the hell is Karim Yaghmour?
21:27.33sorphinpres of "Opersys Inc"
21:27.36sorphinnever heard of em
21:27.43sorphinor him
21:28.32chouimatsorphin: Montreal Canada
21:28.56sorphinchouimat: explains it
21:29.01prpplaguesorphin: probably some college professor embedded linux wannabie
21:29.10chouimatsorphin: opersys is a company in montreal
21:29.25sorphini dunno if i trust that book ;)
21:29.30sorphinif a canuck wrote it ;)
21:29.33prpplaguesorphin: i can say that because i'm a wannabie
21:30.03sorphinprpplague: you wanna be a college professor of embedded linux? :P
21:30.10chouimatprpplague: "He now holds a B.Eng. and an M.A.Sc. from the École Polytechnique de Montréal"
21:30.28TheMasterMind1heh i should update my profile
21:30.41sorphintheDevil-: wouldn't hurt ;)
21:30.47sorphinTheMasterMind1: wouldn't hurt ;)
21:30.50theDevil-Author Karim Yaghmour, a well-known designer and speaker who is responsible for the Linux Trace Toolkit, starts by discussing the strengths and weaknesses of Linux as an embedded operating system.
21:31.05sorphinwhich i've never used, nor seen
21:31.10theDevil-sorphin: You use Debian right?
21:31.19chouimat <--- sound cool
21:32.03sorphintheDevil-: debian, sort of, my systems are hybrid debian + my own stuff... i don't use dist kernels tho
21:32.37kergothi've really taken a liking to 2.4.20-ck4
21:32.47sorphinchouimat: we get the idea ;)
21:33.00chouimatsorphin: :)
21:33.01sorphinnext you'll start singing oh canada :P
21:33.05mallumthat web page is orrible
21:33.15sorphinmallum: wow
21:33.31kergothmallum: nice work on the crystal stuff in matchbox.. looks all perty
21:33.44sorphinmallum: you said orrible, and i heard it correctly that way too, thinking in british talk hehe
21:33.46prpplaguesorphin: you know what i meant :) i want to be an embedded linux guru
21:34.03prpplaguesorphin: just ain't the brains or the time
21:34.08sorphinprpplague: then you better assimilate timmy's brain
21:34.28prpplaguesorphin: nope, just keep it a hobby and sell beer at my pub :)
21:34.40kergothgood plan
21:35.09sorphinprpplague: a free kernel compile w/ every glass?
21:35.58kergothcould really confuse the patrons and offer free blob w/ every glass
21:36.21sorphinkergoth: or a free digiboard w/ every pitcher
21:36.33kergothsorphin: as a paperweight
21:36.54prpplagueit will be the only pub in texas with net access kiosks above the urinals
21:37.25chouimatprpplague: for what for ... so your customers can still browse porn ?
21:37.54mallumkergoth: thanks
21:37.59prpplaguechouimat: pr0n, see what beer to try next, schedule a prostate exam
21:38.11chouimatprpplague: hahaha
21:38.13prpplaguechouimat: the net-possibilies are endless :)
21:38.47kergothaha thatd be sweet, hop onto
21:38.51chouimatprpplague: that better than what we have here ... advertisment ...
21:39.19filechouimat: are those Bell internet kiosks on DSL?
21:39.30chouimatfile: don't know
21:39.55mallumkergoth: I remembered to thing I thought could hack around the dumb x x-compile problems - binfmt_misc , but it dont do at all what I remembered it too :(
21:40.43kergothmallum: heh, lets just use output/staging/X/. stuff the links there, and add that as the first item in the path in the X makefile
21:41.23prpplagueanyone remember an article on one of linux newspages about HA clustering in the last week or so?
21:42.32mallumkergoth: we'll have to build a seprate tmp x-compile dir, and softling everything in there to the real one
21:42.47kergothmallum: yeah, thats what i said :)
21:43.00mallumkergoth: X specifically requests /path-to-x-compile/cc etc
21:43.14mallumkergoth: oh yeah so you did :-)
21:43.42mallumkergoth: I'll try that out later this evening
21:50.29prpplaguecrap i hate it when i lose a url
21:51.04mallumprpplague: thats what bookmarks are for
21:51.31kergothI never use bookmarks, cause i work on too many machines
21:51.32prpplaguemallum: i know, i thought i bm'd it
21:52.03prpplagueahh, found it
21:52.06mallumprpplague: did you put it and lose it in the mass of pron url's ?
21:52.27*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
21:52.27*** mode/#eLinux [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
21:52.33kergothyo TimRiker
21:52.41filehi Mr. Riker
21:53.04chouimathi tim
21:53.05prpplaguemallum: yep
21:53.26TimRikerhey all.
21:53.50filewhat yo' up to?
21:54.23mallumtexas instruments ?
21:54.38TimRikerTIhacking... er.. understanding the ti network/firewall.
21:55.23mallumTimRikerTI: new job ?
21:55.24fontenothi TimRikerTI got my boxes :-)
21:56.16prpplagueTimRikerTI: sieve and i are attending a ratebeer get together at the flying saucer friday, your welcome to attend
21:56.42fileIt's a trap!!!! He's going to take all your embedded devices!!!
21:56.48kergothfile: shh!
21:57.05CosmicPenguinHow did you get
21:57.13CosmicPenguinThere isn't another Tim in the whole company?
21:57.32kergothhe had them all killed
21:57.41CosmicPenguinare your email are belong to us, apparently
21:57.49mallumthey were all fired on condition he joined
21:57.59prpplague"i was a CTO
21:58.15prpplague"none of the other tims were, so i want plain ol tim"
21:58.56prpplagueTimRikerTI: so is today your first day at work in good ol'd DFW ?
21:59.19CosmicPenguinhaving <your name>@<your company>.com usually means you are the CEO, or the guy that hands out e-mail addresses
21:59.57filedon't they usually do, <first name>_<last initial>@<company>.com?
22:00.18CosmicPenguinfile: thats what I mean
22:00.36sorphinah tim
22:00.43fileuh oh... sorphin spotted him
22:01.51TimRikerTIprpplague: yep. /me is
22:02.12sorphinTimRikerTI: cool
22:02.46*** join/#elinux andersee (
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22:02.50filehi andersee
22:02.51sorphinandersee: re again
22:03.50CosmicPenguinandersee: and in your forest of a thousand drives, it must've been hard to find out which one was the culprit... :)
22:04.25anderseeWell, I knew it wan't the 1/2 TB 1394 array
22:05.00sorphinTimRikerTI: btw.. we updated the DCT page.. you'd missed the BCM 7010 in the middle of the board :)
22:08.00sjhillwow, wish i had spare 120gb drives laying around
22:08.15sorphinsjhill: yo
22:08.27sorphinsjhill: we could use you ;)
22:10.52sorphinTimRikerTI: so what'd you find for a house down there?
22:11.26sorphinsjhill: did you retain anything on the 7010 ?
22:13.23TimRikerTIsorphin: low 300s.
22:13.28prpplagueTimRikerTI: what part of dfw did you find a house at?
22:13.45prpplagueTimRikerTI: lol 300's wow
22:14.15prpplagueTimRikerTI: ti must be paying you a healthy salary
22:15.12prpplaguea 200k house around here is a huge house
22:15.29fontenotparty at tim's house
22:15.54prpplaguefontenot: sieve and i will crash friday for everyone :)
22:16.23chouimat|awayprpplague: sorry too far away ...
22:17.58chouimatkergoth: :P
22:19.28chouimatkergoth: that a very good song from Death Angel 's Frolic through the park
22:19.46chouimatkergoth: 1988
22:22.52TimRikerTIprpplague: heh. ya know, I've been saving money, and with the market the way it is, I decided I'd live in some of it instead. ;-)
22:23.38TimRikerTIprices in dallas are higher than other areas in TX, and I expect salarys are higher too, but likely not that much higher.
22:23.58TimRikerTIanytime you're in dalls, feel free to drop by.
22:24.39fontenotdallas and austin are relatively expensive for tx
22:29.18sorphinTimRikerTI: didn't you say you'd found some build stuff for the DCT's before your departure?
22:36.22prpplagueTimRikerTI: lol, sieve and i will be in dallas friday for a ratebeer get together at the flying saucer
22:36.29prpplagueTimRikerTI: you welcome to attend
22:36.41prpplagueTimRikerTI: however i suspect you;ll be busy moving in
22:38.10TimRikerTIsorphin: yes. I've not gone through it yet. I will and I'll post whatever I can.
22:38.57TimRikerTIprpplague: heh. well as I don't drink... ;-) I'd join just to hang out, but I'm headed back to utah friday night.
22:39.55prpplagueTimRikerTI: ahh
22:58.37fontenotTimRikerTI: wouldnt it be easier to just post all of it - not bother going through it?  :-D
23:00.22*** join/#elinux GPSFan_ (~kenm@
23:00.23TimRikerTIfontenot: easier for you perhaps, you would not have to answer the lawsuit.
23:01.11fontenotTimRikerTI: yeah, jk  :-)
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23:18.17sorphinCosmicPenguin: it always is ;)
23:18.53sorphinTimRikerTI: can you give any insights on how to get anything onto it? will it have to be jtag?
23:30.46chouimatCosmicPenguin: yup ... need to find the last version I wrote not that prototype
23:46.29TimRikerTIsorphin: not yet, no.
23:47.13CosmicPenguinonly 195 errors... not too shabby.. :)

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.