irclog2html for #elinux on 20030315

00:08.34mallumkergoth: no I lie again it does seem to build if I enter the build dir myself
00:10.22mallumkergoth: no ignore me still
00:13.07mallumIm smoking crack here
00:13.10mallumby the kilo
00:13.55kergothpcmcia-cs can blow me
00:13.58kergothpiece of shit
00:28.58Russhey kergoth
00:29.30CosmicPenguinRuss! Haven't seen you in a while
00:33.45Russya, been busy with job search
02:27.00*** join/#elinux file (
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02:27.56*** mode/#eLinux [+o prpplague] by ChanServ
02:28.10sorphinprpplague: lo
02:28.31prpplagueevening all
02:28.33prpplaguekergoth: your home on a friday?
02:28.37prpplaguesorphin: lo
02:28.39prpplaguesorphin: hey my fine fellow corporate whore?
02:28.59chouimat|musichey prpplague
02:29.09kergothyeah i'm home, i've been home since tuesday evening
02:29.14kergothcalled in sick
02:29.21kergothbeen a fucking recluse
02:29.25kergothneed to go party or something
02:29.32sorphinprpplague: bit less of one than i could be, i've actually told them things i won't do, and they can't do anything about it
02:29.34prpplaguelol, probably got lots of work done too :)
02:30.19prpplaguechouimat|music: thanks, but i'm doing an unthinkable tonight
02:30.30kergothprpplague: dare i ask?
02:30.46prpplaguei'm drinking a nice belgian ale from an american larger glass
02:31.01sorphinkergoth: prolly because he's likely keeping his job
02:31.17kergothheheh, yeah thatd be cause to feel better about it
02:31.19chouimat|musicprpplague: drink it in a wine glass or a mug I don't care :)
02:31.24sorphindecent reason to feel better bout it
02:31.52prpplaguechouimat|music: i do, you don't get the full effect of a quality brew in the wrong glass
02:33.34kergothheh, I'll be remotivated the day I leave Digi, and not beofre
02:34.09prpplaguekergoth: ya, but you work on oz
02:34.21prpplaguekergoth: i get burned out too fast on projects
02:34.41kergothyeah, this is the only one i've stuck with for any period of time
02:34.46kergotheverything else i got bored of
02:36.12chouimat|musicprpplague: good?
02:36.42prpplaguekergoth: i've to try really hard to live up to the community standards for linux, i.e. documentation,follow through on things like easy makefiles and keepin things posix
02:36.47prpplaguechouimat|music: very nice
02:37.21chouimat|musicprpplague: I'm ripping 2 song from ambeon
02:37.29prpplaguechouimat|music: for me?
02:37.30kergothprpplague: documentation? whats that?
02:37.46prpplaguekergoth: lol, guess you'd not anything about that with your digi background
02:37.52chouimat|musicprpplague: or anyone who want a sample
02:37.58kergothprpplague: hah
02:39.04prpplaguekergoth: sure you don't want to move to texas and get yourself a big hair'd east texas girl?
02:39.18chouimat|musichehe my cat just saw the Doritos bag
02:39.25kergothchouimat|music: uh oh
02:39.44chouimat|musickergoth: and he jumps to catch the chips
02:39.53prpplaguechouimat|music: mmmm, fat it up, means more tamales
02:40.02chouimat|musicprpplague: hehe
02:40.05kergothprpplague: hehe. if theres a job there with that big haired texan girl, i'm all over it :P
02:40.11kergothbrb, more caffeine
02:40.30chouimat|musicprpplague: he's favorite flavor: cheddard and japaleno
02:40.40prpplaguekergoth: we can fix you up
02:41.03prpplaguekergoth: just remember, before you kiss her, make sure you as her to take out her chew
02:42.52chouimat|musicmmmmm nothing like Doritos and guinness to be happy
02:43.35chouimat|musicprpplague: start one :)
02:43.50prpplaguechouimat|music: i need ppl with expertese
02:43.59chouimat|musicprpplague: ok
02:44.37kergothprpplague: aha fuck man, I just dumped a chick cause she smelled bad.. chew? buh-bye
02:46.29prpplaguechouimat|music: i had a chain of computer stores for 5 years, i know i'm not cut out for sales and accounting
02:46.41kergothprpplague: hmm
02:46.43prpplaguekergoth: what you don't like a chick that chew's?
02:46.52chouimat|musickergoth: nothing like a girl that got a strong fishy odor to remind a guy why he hate fishing trip
02:47.05CosmicPenguinevining folks
02:47.15chouimat|musicprpplague: ok
02:47.24prpplaguekergoth: lol, love that one
02:47.26kergothnah, she smoked too much, her very body eminated it and blended with her other scents in most unpleasant ways
02:47.58prpplaguekergoth: ya smoking is a big negative in my book
02:48.27chouimat|musickergoth: the problem is all interisting girl I meet smokes :(
02:50.50prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hey
02:51.53chouimat|musicprpplague: accept DCC?
02:52.24prpplagueshoudl be able to
02:53.33chouimat|musicprpplague: first of two
02:53.50kergoth <-fits me pretty well nowadays
02:55.36prpplaguekergoth: this one fits me -
02:55.36kergothI was going to buy one
02:55.40kergoththe apathy one
02:55.48kergothand hang it up at work
02:55.52kergothbut then i decided i wanted to keep my job :)
02:56.14kergothprpplague: yeah, that one is like the slacker motto or something
02:56.32CosmicPenguinprpplague: wassup?
02:57.08prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ssdd, just blowing my diet with some belgian ale and trying to get my motivation back
02:57.42chouimat|musickergoth: I want the indifference one :)
02:57.47CosmicPenguinIF I had a business with employees, I would encourage them to hang up some apathy posters
02:58.55CosmicPenguinI would put that one behind my desk... :)
03:00.08chouimat|musicthat one fit me ^-----------------------^
03:00.14prpplagueya what other is an odd industry, if your incompatent and take 5 hours to fix something your get paid for 5 hours, if you are good and fix it in 15 minutes you get paid for 15 minutes
03:01.04chouimat|musickergoth: :)
03:01.52kergothchouimat|music: i have that one, the small desktop version
03:01.58chouimat|musicprpplague: second of two
03:02.51kergothchouimat|music: hahah i love that meeting one
03:03.24chouimat|musickergoth: I knew you would love it
03:03.25prpplaguechouimat|music: we need to send that one to the MPAA/RIAA
03:04.43CosmicPenguinThe meeting one is my whole philosophy toward that sort of thing
03:05.15chouimat|musicprpplague: my brother just got a taster pack of rickard: 4 red, 4 honey, 4 pale
03:07.09*** join/#elinux TomW (
03:07.49kergothchouimat|music: that one is sitting on my desk at work :)
03:08.08*** join/#elinux fontenot (
03:08.36TomWMy ISP found me out and pulled the plug in my cable modem this morning... :(  I had to open a "proper" account, meaning I have to pay them $$$ each month.  I had hoped their records were badly screwed up and I'd get away with not paying for it.  :/
03:09.06fileTomW: that bites
03:09.15TomWyeah, well...
03:09.16chouimat|musicTomW: ouch
03:09.29TomWonly $36 per month for 800kb/s
03:09.50chouimat|musicTomW: 800KB/s?
03:09.51TomWsux,  but they are the only broadband connection in town...
03:10.10TomWnot KB/s it is Kb/s
03:10.27TomWapprox 100KB/s
03:10.55chouimat|musicTomW: ok here 45CAD (includeing modem location) for 1.3Mb/s
03:11.51chouimat|musicprpplague: btw enjoy :)
03:12.15TomWgood price.  These bastids want to keep the through put low enough so you'll pay much money for higher speed, yet keep it fast enough for the basic data rate to make it attractive.
03:12.49prpplaguechouimat|music: thanks will have a listen later
03:13.07TomWmoney sucking, egg sucking, low life, greedy suckers!
03:13.31TomWwish I had DSL.
03:13.57prpplagueTomW: not from SBC
03:14.18prpplagueTomW: i went with a cable modem and been pretty happy
03:14.23chouimat|musicTomW: sound like my ex-wife ....
03:14.29file$39.95/mth here CAD for 1.6Mbps down (2Mbps burstable) and 512Kbps up
03:15.02prpplagueTomW: my house is wired with cat5, frellin SBC tried to techno-bable saying they couldn't give me dsl because i needed to re-wire me house
03:15.11prpplaguechouimat|music: ex?
03:15.15prpplaguechouimat|music: divorced?
03:15.36chouimat|musicprpplague: yup officialy for 2 years now ... I ditched her 3 years ago
03:16.03prpplaguechouimat|music: fun, i got servered on the 11th
03:16.28chouimat|musicprpplague: huh?
03:16.51prpplaguechouimat|music: my wife gave me divorce papers on the 11th
03:17.15chouimat|musicTomW: sorry: download: 3.1 Mb/s upload: 180kb/s
03:17.26chouimat|musicprpplague: married how many years?
03:17.29prpplaguechouimat|music: 12
03:17.46prpplaguechouimat|music: and after takin care of her ass in the hospital for 2 months
03:18.24chouimat|musicprpplague: was married officialy 6 years and I'm only 29
03:18.31TomWprpplague: there is this site that documents about hacking the DOCSIS modems to uncap the speed of the cable modems....
03:18.52prpplagueTomW: ya, the modem i'm using is actually arm based
03:19.03chouimat|musicprpplague: love that law: you get divorce after 12 months of seperations .... :)
03:19.13TomWprpplague: ouch, divorce, btdt, not a good time to have.
03:19.18prpplaguechouimat|music: just 60 days here
03:19.44chouimat|musicprpplague: now court only pay 300$ to the lawyer :)
03:19.51prpplagueTomW: yam she said "after my near death experience, i've realized i don;t want to be married anymore"
03:20.05TomWprpplague: I have to take my modem apart and see what makes it tick.  I purchased it from them today rather than pay a monthly lease.
03:20.06chouimat|musicprpplague: she's ok then?
03:20.33prpplaguechouimat|music: in a re-hab home right now, probably be release in a few weeks
03:20.47TomWrehab, alcoholism?
03:21.09fileTomW: do you have telnet or serial access to it?
03:21.16TomWfile, no
03:21.20prpplagueTomW: lol, i wish, rehab is for physical re-hab as well as drugs and such
03:21.24chouimat|musicprpplague: I think that maybe she can have waited a little for that I mean this summer
03:21.28fileTomW: that bites
03:21.31prpplagueTomW: she;s be bed bound for 2 months
03:21.38fileTomW: I've got telnet access to mine :) read-only though :(
03:21.39prpplagueTomW: muscles tend to attrify
03:22.05TomWfile: it is snmp based protocol.  There is some dipswitches inside of it (four switches) and a 4 pin header.
03:22.12chouimat|musicwhy I'm watching gilmore girls ...
03:22.16fileTomW: ic
03:22.27prpplaguechouimat|music: hmmm the gilmore girls........
03:22.30chouimat|musicTomW: model?
03:22.33prpplaguechouimat|music: love that mom
03:22.45TomWDOXport 1010 (3Com Com21)
03:22.48chouimat|musicprpplague: me too ... a lot nicier than a girl
03:23.16TomWprpplague: heh, I've been meeting some nice women lately...
03:23.27TomWprpplague: been thinking it might be nice to ...
03:23.36prpplagueTomW: ohh, tech groupies?
03:23.43chouimat|musicTomW: I have a samsung SCM-110R4
03:24.41TomWprpplague: no, but most are profesional women.  e.g. earn a regular paycheck. :D
03:24.56prpplagueTomW: lol thats the best kind
03:25.08TomWyeah, self-supporting.
03:25.26prpplagueTomW: my soon to ex hasn't worked a day in 15 yeara
03:25.26TomWleaves me feeling like a sex toy.
03:26.10TomWyeah, my first wife was that way, she didn't work, but wanted me to entertain her when I got home from work.
03:26.26prpplagueTomW: "ohhh baby, plug that big idc header into me baby!!!"
03:26.31chouimat|musicme is open to that idea ... her working and me staying home with the kids ...
03:26.33TomWlasted a little over 6 years, then fell apart in a big way.
03:26.49TomWprpplague: LOL
03:26.52prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hope your listening!!!!!!
03:27.05TomWprpplague: "stroke my keys!"
03:27.25TomWbad, baaaad.
03:27.32prpplagueTomW: "thats it play with my via's!!"
03:27.57chouimat|musicmathieu can you leave that FUCKING computer and come to bed ..... for SLEEPING
03:28.11chouimat|musicI miss that :)
03:28.18TomWnot by much
03:29.08prpplagueahh, i bought my son a gamecube, man i have peace and quite now that he's zoned to the tv
03:29.20TomWI was talking tonite with a really nice woman who does some kind of work with the state university, she was hot.
03:29.21chouimat|musicthe last one that came here more than one night, we have some very good conversation about Moorcock boks after sex ... too bad she's back in europe :(
03:29.53prpplaguechouimat|music: moorcock after sex, you have got to be kidding!!!
03:30.06TomWYeah, I am looking for a friend first, lover later.
03:30.09prpplaguechouimat|music: thats got to have been one cool chick
03:30.36kergothsex and discussion about Moorcock?
03:30.36chouimat|musicprpplague: nope she's doing a phd in literature on the following subject: the place of the woman in scifi/fantasy books
03:30.38TomWmaybe I am too greedy? I want it all.
03:30.39CosmicPenguinprpplague: my fiance is the only one with the marketable skills.  We gotta get that girl in the workspace stat!
03:30.40kergothgood combo
03:30.47CosmicPenguinThat way I can sit around and play geek
03:30.59CosmicPenguinOtherwise I have to be all respectable and stuff - not my style
03:31.04prpplaguekergoth: ya ya
03:31.07prpplaguekergoth: good pun
03:31.25prpplaguechouimat|music: wow, not too many women like that in east texas
03:31.44TomWprpplague: what? that make their own money?
03:32.09prpplagueTomW: no, educated or have read any books by moorcock
03:32.10TomWprpplague: or respectable?
03:32.38chouimat|musicTomW: after being with a 5'10"( or is it 5'11") 125lbs chicks for 7 years I'm searching for one like this but without the "metaly screwed"
03:32.45prpplagueTomW: i've _never_ met a woman thats read LotR much less something like moorcock books
03:32.54TomWMy brother recently married a gal from East Texas, the FW area.
03:33.10prpplagueTomW: thats north texas
03:33.10chouimat|musicprpplague: my ex-wife read all my books welll atleast Elric :)
03:33.25TomWprpplague: k
03:33.44prpplagueTomW: when they say "texas: its like a whole other country!!" they mean it
03:33.49TomWprpplague: I only know where Brownsville is...
03:33.51chouimat|musicprpplague: currently reading Dune: The Butlerian Jihad and after that Moorcock's The Skrayling Tree
03:34.55kergothchouimat|music: 5'10", 125lbs, NOT mentally screwed? aha good luck man
03:34.57kergothchouimat|music: :)
03:35.36chouimat|musickergoth: hehe ... come one after being married to a model I can get lower than that ;)
03:35.39TomWchouimat|music: I'm more Asimov, Hienlien, Ann MacCaffery, MZ Bradley, Tom Clancy type of reader.  Don't recall seeing Moorcock stuff.
03:35.56prpplagueya i'm asimov fan
03:36.02kergothasimov.. I havent read anything of his in ages
03:36.04kergothI should read some
03:36.05prpplagueTomW: very dark
03:36.20chouimat|musicTomW: any K. Dick?
03:36.42prpplagueTomW: if your not into havin d&d characters that are evil, you probably not like moorcock
03:37.00chouimat|musicHeinlein ... I have 61 novels in pdb format ...  my favorit one : Friday :)
03:37.06TomWprpplague: just reread the Foundation series again.  I would like to find "Foundation & Earth", read it maybe 15 years ago but don't have a copy of my own.
03:37.27prpplagueTomW: nice, i'm a harry seldon fan
03:37.39TomWchouimat: "cat who walked through walls" convinced me that Heinlien was insane.
03:38.03chouimatTomW: I have Foundation & Earth but in French :)
03:38.16prpplagueTomW: did you know asimov is the _only_ author in history to write a book in every section of the dewey decimal system
03:38.41TomWprpplague: then when Issiac wrote "Foundation & Earth" and tied the Robot series and Foundation together, I had thought the he went the way of heinlien, but Issac pulled it off very well!
03:38.44prpplagueTomW: frank herbet is the one i'd vote for insane
03:38.45chouimatTomW: hehe didn't read that one. Just finished reread Lovecraft complete writing
03:39.03prpplagueTomW: i was amazed as well with that
03:39.30chouimatI really to finish the newest Dune ...
03:39.32TomWchouimat: try it, it is sooooo confusing.  He warps time into time warps and you get lost in try to follow what is going on.
03:39.35prpplagueanyone read the the gap saga from stephen r. donaldson?
03:39.59prpplaguechouimat: i complete the entire dune saga when i was 13
03:40.16prpplaguechouimat: my parents had no idea what i was reading :)
03:40.32TomWdonaldson sounds familiar....  But I just got back into reading again this past year.  Nothing on TV so I re-discovered novels.
03:40.32chouimatprpplague: read the Dune House serie and the latest Butlerian Jihad ?
03:41.04prpplaguechouimat: no, i;ve been out of the dune stuff for awhile
03:41.30TomWsorphin: :D  They are trying to suck every bit of Dune fanaticism out to their advantage, aren't they?
03:41.41prpplaguechouimat: like i said i read it when i was 13, it kinda had a lasting effect on my pschy
03:41.53prpplaguechouimat: that and enders series
03:41.58chouimatprpplague: Dune House serie: Dune: House Atreides, Dune: House Harkonnen, Dune: House Corrino about youg Leto, Shaddam and Vladimir
03:42.18sorphinTomW: i guess.. too bad i couldn't care less about the frank herbert dune crap
03:42.24prpplaguechouimat: i'm a tolkien fan, i have alot of unpublished material
03:42.24TomWprpplague: putting a date on my age: the Tolkien trilogy was my impressionable read when I was 13.
03:42.53chouimatprpplague: and Butlerian Jihad is about the war against thinking machine 10 000 ago (in dune)
03:42.53prpplagueTomW: i remember a particular incident with my parents
03:43.15TomWprpplague: they thought you were reading crap, right?
03:43.21chouimatTomW: any Heechees books?
03:43.26sorphinprpplague: they caught you looking at a catalog w/ models in lingere showing off POS equipment? :P
03:43.27prpplagueTomW: i was about 12 and going through all of the usually places looking for change to go to the bookstore
03:43.49prpplagueTomW: my parents asked me what i was doing, so i told them
03:43.53TomWTomW: Oh yeah!  Who wrote that HeeChee stuff?  I don't recall but it was good!
03:44.23chouimatTomW: Federick Pohl
03:44.51chouimatprpplague: I have all the John Norman Counter-Earth :)
03:44.52TomWI'll have to revisit Pohl to see what is on the racks from him again.
03:45.00prpplagueTomW: this strange look came over their faces, and my father said, "as long as i can get out of bed, you will never have to worry about buying a book, you tell us what you need and we will take you to the bookstore"
03:45.30TomWprpplague: good thing, or bad thing?
03:45.37prpplagueTomW: good things
03:45.39prpplagueTomW: good thing
03:46.10prpplagueTomW: all i had to do is ask, and they'd buy it
03:46.12TomWprpplague: cool, I lived quite a ways from town so I didn't have access to a "real" bookstore when I was growing up.
03:46.34prpplagueTomW: still brings tears to my eyes, i tell my son the same thing
03:46.57chouimatprpplague: my father is becoming a lot like my grand-fater was this day ... I recall that my grand father had 1000 of books about the WWII and my father begin to read about Churchil, Hitler and so one 3 years ago ...
03:47.01TomWprpplague: actually, the only thing I really had was the local school library and the books that it contained were carefully considered by the school staff.
03:48.05TomWwith their "fans"
03:48.09prpplagueTomW: its funny, my father grew up dirt poor, went to school got a degree and developed a bunch of oil field equipment
03:48.31prpplagueTomW: man, the library sure brings memories back to me
03:48.43chouimatTomW: I have all the books in the heechees serie
03:49.50TomWchouimat: I have been starting to collect books again.  I have all of Ann MacCaffery's Dragonriders of Pern series.  Plus a whole lot of Tom Clancy.
03:50.27prpplagueTomW: i have them on audio tape
03:50.41prpplagueTomW: i;ve been planning on rippin them to mp3 for the car
03:50.42chouimatTomW: I have all the moorcock elric, hawkmoon, von beck, quorum and all Shatner Startrek books and tekwar
03:50.55prpplaguechouimat: tekwar is good
03:51.09chouimatwait I'm missing one ...
03:51.10prpplaguechouimat: i was really surprise at shatners work on that
03:51.20chouimatprpplague: yup I improved my english alot with that :)
03:51.28TomWchouimat: :)
03:52.00chouimati'm currently missing tekkill
03:52.33prpplaguechouimat: lol, i could use a little tek about now....
03:53.34TomWI'll make some woman a good wife...
03:53.47chouimatprpplague: that remembered me of the last english class I got : advandced english (the teacher decided that we were studying slang that year)
03:53.54sorphinTomW: or bitch
03:56.03TomWYou know, I know that they (adobe, etc) would like us to accept digital books (tablets), but there is nothing like huddling down an turning pages.
03:56.53chouimatTomW: yup I got about 1500 ebooks from kazaa and once in awhile I'm printing one
03:57.29TomWchouimat: I didn't know that you could get books via p2p
03:58.15chouimatTomW: yup you can just type ebook or the name of the author ... got jordan wheels of time compendium in pdf format
03:59.13TomWI've got to peel potatoes, bbl
03:59.22chouimatok it's time for me to watch Lexx on tv
04:00.33chouimatand I also like Xinerama
04:03.17prpplagueok, is does anyone else find major carter on sg-1 attrative?
04:04.04chouimatprpplague: yup but I don't have access to the 6th and 7th seasons here anymore
04:04.04sorphinprpplague: yeah
04:04.24chouimatmmmmm Zev
04:06.07chouimatprpplague: I'm currently watching her:
04:06.44prpplaguechouimat: ya, i figured
04:07.23chouimatprpplague: that was a stupid show but I quite liked that:
04:07.26prpplagueyou can;t help but all vulcan woman look like this -
04:08.29sorphinprpplague: i'm still partial to 7 of 9 ;)
04:08.31chouimatprpplague: anytime she wants :)
04:09.19prpplaguesorphin: ya there is a great epi where she wears this red dress with her hair down
04:09.32prpplaguesorphin: she look absolutely increadible
04:09.40chouimatsorphin: just watch boston public so you will still be able to see her :)
04:10.03prpplaguesorphin: the one where she creates a holodeck ch'cote
04:10.16prpplaguechouimat: ya but its not the same
04:10.26chouimatprpplague: yup I have all the voyager episodes with her ...
04:10.51prpplaguechouimat: for us geeks she's as unreachable on BP as everyday life
04:11.04prpplaguechouimat: on voyager she appreciates a geek, lol
04:11.25chouimatprpplague: nothing like catherine Bell of jag this days ...
04:11.49prpplaguechouimat: ya i watched a JAG the other night where she wore a really nice evening dress
04:12.04prpplaguechouimat: (while is was working out at the gym)
04:12.33chouimatprpplague: the young petty officier the one with black hair, she's hot too
04:13.16prpplaguechouimat: yep, trust me, only in the navy or airforce, they aint that pretty in the army
04:13.51sorphinprpplague: cuz they'll let anyone in the army ;p
04:14.01prpplaguesorphin: any woman :)
04:14.07prpplaguesorphin: lol
04:14.13sorphinprpplague: that too
04:14.33prpplaguesorphin: naw, the women i met in the army were pretty awesome, albeit not that good looking
04:14.41chouimatprpplague: too much muscles on a chick turn me down
04:15.17prpplague1k calories and drinking beer sure makes a six pack go a looooong way
04:15.26kergothprpplague: lol
04:15.29prpplaguei've had 3 beers and i'm about to pass out
04:15.42kergothI've been drinking a LOT of alcohol, AND a lot of soda lately
04:15.44prpplagueof course it belgian so thats a +
04:15.53kergoththats like an assload of useless calories
04:16.05prpplaguekergoth: slimfast
04:16.44kergothis that stuff any good?
04:16.45chouimatprpplague: nah that taste like shit
04:16.52kergothI need a drink with low calories, but tastes alright
04:17.01chouimatkergoth: WATER
04:17.06kergothjuice isnt much better than soda w/ regard to calories
04:17.07sorphinkergoth: wussy
04:17.35chouimatkergoth: if you take beers stop eating pasta and bread
04:19.15kergothI've been eating a lot of chicken and soups lately
04:20.50prpplagueok guys, i'm off to watch "clash of the titans" with my son
04:20.54prpplaguelater guys
04:21.10chouimatprpplague: have fun
04:55.36*** join/#elinux Torkbur (
04:56.02TorkburTomW, you still eatin?
04:57.23Torkburanyone know how to free up the memory taken my a cramfs after you do a pivot_root?
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05:26.09TomW_foodTorkbur: ? hello
05:27.34TorkburHi TomW
05:28.27Torkburbeen playing around with your webpal build-root
05:28.54TomWI hadn't given the cramfs storage problem any though.
05:29.06Torkburgot to the point in linuxrc where I pivot-root over to my NFS rootfs
05:29.34TomWwhat I'd been trying to deal with is installing debian packages and getting the darned thing to stop with the "dereference to zero" error.
05:29.40TorkburOK, looks like even after I umount /mnt/initrc the kernel wants
05:29.46Torkburto hang on to the memory
05:30.01TomWchouimat|Zzz: later
05:30.49TomWYeah, I wouldn't doubt it.  Like I said, I didn't consider it as an issue as the amount of memory is so small, comparitively.
05:30.50TorkburI think I could use the util-linux "blockdev" but the arm potato dist doesn't have this
05:31.37TorkburTnx for providing the build-root though, this has opened up some new possiblities for me
05:32.01chouimat|ZzzTomW: bye
05:32.11TomWI have one of the CLPS-7500FE evb boards here.  I left the webpal alone and am in the process of getting linux installed on the EVB.
05:32.44TomWI don't know if the problem is with debian or a design problem in the webpal...
05:32.53TorkburYa, I saw your comment on the linux-hacker site. It will be interesting to see if you get the same segfault problems
05:33.26TomWnp, I just didn't like the state of affairs with people swapping patch files around and no coherent sources.  It almost smacked of elitist behavior.
05:34.05chouimat|ZzzTomW: that the hacker way of thing ..... :)
05:34.35TomWchouimat|Zzz: stinks
05:34.45TorkburTomW, where'd you get the CLPS-7500FE eval brd?
05:34.54chouimat|ZzzTomW: I know but ...
05:34.56TomWchouimat|Zzz: I like the "developer way" of doing things, you get more accomplished that way.
05:35.13TomWTorkbur: purchased it about 2 years ago.
05:35.40TorkburI looked around for one myself but couldn't locate a source
05:36.15TomWTorkbur: didn't have time to really work with it so I put it aside.  Lately I have been considering doing a new desing using the 7500FE chip and then saw the webpal being sold, so I grabbed three of them.
05:36.57TomWTorkbur: I sold "" for $50K in 2000, then spent some money on the EVB ($1K)
05:37.58TorkburWOW, $1K!!! I paid $15 for my webpal
05:38.04TomWI guess that I was one of the few to profit from the boom.
05:38.57TomWno, sorry, I paid $13 for my webpals, I was referring to how I came about to purchase the CLPS-7500FE EVB.
05:39.08TorkburI lost $30K investing in the .com's
05:39.38TorkburActually I was suprised at the price of the eval board
05:40.01TomWI went looking for an EVB for the CL-7212 a year ago, they wanted $4K for the damned thing!
05:40.46TomWActually, it was the CL-7312 that I wanted.  I cried on the Tech Rep's shoulder about pricing the small developer out of the market.
05:41.06TomWhe then "loaned" me a CL-7212 EVB, it is on "permanent loan".
05:41.20TorkburYou must of had a design in mind
05:41.28TomWonly diff is that the 7312 is SDRAM & the 7212 is EDO.
05:41.57TomWstill do, the 7312 looks really good, but it's lcd controller sux.
05:42.19TomWthe 7500 has a great lcd controller, but the RAM & MIPS sux.
05:42.46Torkburdoes your 7500 eval use VRAM or DRAM for video?
05:43.49TomWStrongARM is the best: MIPS + SDRAM + LCD controller, but it is uBGA.  My intended customer for the design is low volume (< 200 units per year) and they'll never go for the BGA stuff ($$$).
05:44.10TomWDRAM, I think.  Let me check...
05:45.21TorkburThe DRAM definately slows the 7500 down, sharing bus cycles
05:45.44Torkburor I shoudl say stealing bus cycles
05:46.19TomWlooks like it is in the DRAM.
05:46.43TorkburNE way, gotta run off to Zzz land, good to touch base with you TomW, will be sticking around this channel
05:47.19TomWI'm usually here, most times..  Good ARM embedded people here
05:47.30Torkburnight folks...
06:00.19*** join/#elinux fontenot_ (
06:14.31sorphinfontenot: evening jacques
06:20.46fontenothi sorphin
06:23.04sorphinhe's 90 years old
06:23.08sorphinand still slaving for digi
06:27.43kergothsorphin: i'd die first :)
06:27.57sorphinkergoth: no, that's the curse
06:27.58sorphinyou can't die
06:28.03kergothwell fuck
06:28.13sorphinhell = digi, remember?
06:28.18sorphinyou're already there ;)
06:34.01kergoth-rw-r--r--    1 kergoth  kergoth  19749396 Mar 14 22:13 cross-3.2-oz-2.tar.bz2
06:34.13kergoth19749396, nice :)
06:34.35kergothbetter make sure i didnt leave anything out
06:35.17fontenotkergoth: I think I found out why glibc 2.3.2 would not build for me
06:35.23kergothfontenot: whys that?
06:35.35fontenotkergoth: when you build gcc, do you use --disable-shared ?
06:36.07kergothfontenot: in the gcc first pass yes, in the gcc second pass, no.
06:36.23fontenotdamn then that's not it
06:37.04fontenotnote on one forum said glibc2.3.2 would not build with a gcc made with --disable-shared
06:37.12fontenotat least gcc 3.2.3
06:37.16fontenoti mean 3.2.2
06:37.28kergothbrowse into packages
06:37.39kergothgcc-3.2-initial, gcc-3.2, and glibc-2.3 are what you should look at
06:37.43kergothjust as a sanity check
06:37.46fontenotok thanks
06:39.18fontenothmm I dont use --with-gnu-ld
06:39.50fontenotI'll try a few permutations of things
06:43.31fontenotkergoth: how do I actually download something from that site?  like if I want one of the Makefiles?
06:43.42kergothhm, not sure
06:43.43fontenotI can only seem to get diffs and annotated versions
06:44.10kergothif you have bk, you can grab the tree itself, but i dont know how via the web interface
06:44.34fontenotso there is not a cvs interface ?
06:45.18fontenotkergoth: is everything in the packages dir cross-compiled?
06:45.52fontenotcool there is a lot of useful knowledge there then
06:45.54kergothno cvs interface, just bk. there are periodically built snapshots
06:46.10kergothbut I've made changes very recently,it'll be a bit before the snapshot is updated
06:46.17fontenotso if I dl bk and install it I can then grab all those files?
06:47.07kergothibot: bitkeeper
06:47.08extra, extra, read all about it, bitkeeper is at or at or hosted trees at or like cvs and subversion, but its non-opensource.. but its really good, even linus uses it to develop the kernel!
06:47.09kergothibot: oz buildroot
06:47.10it has been said that oz bk is bk clone buildroot-oz; cd buildroot-oz; bk -r co -q; cp def-configs/collie-opie .config (for zaurus 5000d/5500) .. make oldconfig; make; or see bitkeeper (free download but non-gpl) or see 'oz snapshot' if you either cannot or will not use bitkeeper.
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07:53.25fontenotkergoth: this is the error I get when trying to xcompile glibc 2.3.2:
07:53.28fontenot<stdin>: Assembler messages:
07:53.28fontenot<stdin>:2: Error: garbage following instruction -- `ldr lr,[sp],#4 ldr ip,=__libc_multiple_threads'
07:53.28fontenotmake[2]: *** [/home/packages/lfs/toolchain1/glibc-2.3.2-build/posix/pause.op] Error 1
07:56.45fontenoti get that with binutils 2.13.2 and
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16:55.47TomWmorning, would you like a cup of tea?
16:56.06chouimatI will go make some strong coffee :)
17:00.16TomWI gave up my morning coffee years ago, 8? 10?  I found that tea wakes me up just as well and I don't get a sour stomach if I drink too much of it.
17:01.13chouimatTomW: I have about 15 different tea here so coffee is easier in the morning ...
17:01.54TomWheh, yeah, there is no "Mr Tea" tea-maker is there?
17:08.33chouimatok my 8 cup of cofffee are on the way
17:09.18TomW:/ yuk
17:10.28TomWI almost bought a 4 cup coffee maker the other day, at least was toying with the idea.  I thought that I should sleep on it and see if I felt that I still needed one the next day...
17:10.33TomWNope, don't need one.
17:11.30chouimatTomW: I have  a 12 cup one ... and two 10-12 cup somewherein a box
17:14.24TomW0k, and a portable AC generator in case the local power grid goes down?  That way you can be sure to "have a cup"?  :)
17:15.08chouimatTomW: nah! ... I have a restaurant very near so ...
17:15.16TomWI like solution better: tea bag, tin can & a candle to heat the water.   :D
17:15.33TomW...  basic survival supplies.
17:16.24chouimatok time to start a kde compile here
17:16.38TomWno, really.  I was looking at a 4 cup maker and getting a bean grinder.  But, then, those are luxury items that I would seldom use and have to find space to store them.
17:17.23filegah dang it... I hate it when SDRAM doesn't show up as the full size in a system...
17:18.14chouimatTomW: I have a food processor that include a bean grinder so I' m ok
17:19.03TomWchocolate covered coffee beans?
17:19.18chouimatTomW: I'm out of those
17:20.51TomWI used to work that way, super strong coffee, long hours, ..., then I burned out for the first (and last) time.  That was not a thing that I wanted to do again: burn out.  It took me almost 10 months to get my mental faculties back again.
17:21.36TomWI was working 70 .. 80 hours a week when that happened.
17:21.46chouimatTomW: ok
17:22.48TomWI was even stupid enough to suggest that they purchase a couch for the reception area so I wouldn't have to drive home to sleep. whew, what *was* I thinking!?
17:23.00chouimatTomW: was working 50+ hours/week + full time student + wife to entertaint and help with her homeworks .... the only time I had for myself was when I was on the toilet
17:23.30TomWheh, yeah, "entertain the wife", I know what that means.
17:24.06filewell that's odd... this is apparently 32MB, but it's 128MB...
17:24.27chouimatTomW: we wre paying 750/month for an appartment and we where never there so getting out doesn't appeal to me much :)
17:24.29TomWfile, what system is that?
17:25.24TomWchouimat: yeah, almost makes you wish that you could get together with some other people and "time share" an apartment.
17:25.29fileTomW: what do you mean?
17:25.55fileTomW: mobo?
17:26.03TomWfile: you said something about a system that was misreporting the ram total?
17:26.17TomWyeah, mobo / embedded.
17:26.19*** join/#elinux ade|indy (
17:26.29fileTomW: yes... but apparently this stick is... only 32MB to begin with (even though my friend said 128MB)
17:26.32ade|indymorning all
17:26.44TomWade|indy, sorphin hello
17:26.50filewhat's 4MB x 64 SDRAM work out to?
17:27.10file4M x 64
17:27.40fileso my system IS reporting it correctly!
17:27.41TomW4 meg deep, 64 bits wide.
17:27.56filewell it's official, I need to buy RAM
17:30.45filelet's see how Windows likes this bad memory... muahahahahaha
17:34.45ade|indyis there a way to tag the bad addresses and stop the kernel from using them ?
17:35.36fileade|indy: on Linux yes
17:35.44fileade|indy: it's called badram
17:35.46TomWade|indy: in what way?  You mean "holes" in the ram memory field?
17:36.01fileade|indy: it allocates the bad memory areas so that programs/kernel can't use them
17:36.21ade|indyfile: sounds quite useful then
17:36.29fileade|indy: really neat idea
17:36.47ade|indyhow does it work ?
17:36.59fileade|indy: let me get you the URL
17:37.37ade|indyi thought all userland memory was assigned by the kernel is virtual addresses, how do you get 'real'
17:38.09fileade|indy: go.. and see
17:39.12TomWI did that on the Tux IDE driver, let me check the function name...
17:40.14ade|indyah its not userland entirely, but kernel land
17:41.56*** join/#elinux file[bed] (
17:41.57TomWyeah, you have to do it in the kernel.  The kernel is "God" and can do anything you tell it to do.
17:43.17TomWThe caveat is that the smallest amount of RAM that you can allocate is based upon the smallest unit that the MMU can map.  Usually 4K
17:44.16TomWade|indy: do you have a copy of Allesandro Rubini's "Linux device drivers" book?
17:44.20ade|indybrb: food shop
17:44.42TomWchouimat: time for another cup of tea.
17:45.06chouimatTomW: I have the first edition in my bookshelf and the second edition somewhere on an Hdd
17:46.18file[bed]I wish it was possible to tell Windows that it has only so much RAM... cause my bad memory is only after 150MB
17:46.22file[bed]everything before that is fine
17:46.28TomWgood book to have if you intend on writing any code for the kernel.
17:46.53file[bed]chouimat: hehe
17:47.12TomWchouimat: good luck, a cat cannot be anything else other than a cat..
17:47.16chouimatTomW: one of the numerous book I have on Operating Systems ...
17:48.20TomWunix / linux is all I have really spent a lot of money on...  lately.  I did have a shitload of windoze / dos books at one time, but they hit the trash pile a while back.  
17:48.43TomWI gave them to a friend of mine as he "cannot understand linux'
17:49.15chouimatTomW: I have some design book here I even found the design of 4.4Bsd on kazaa :)
17:49.16file[bed]nifty - there's an option in the system.ini file to specify how much RAM to use
17:49.47TomWeveryone needs an "intellectually challanged" friend.  :/
17:49.50file[bed]only in 95 though...
17:50.04file[bed]and in 98...
17:50.12chouimatTomW: nah! I just need to see my sister boyfriend for that :)
17:50.57TomWThat's my niece, she is 20 years old and rapidly attaining the status of "street trash".
17:51.17chouimatTomW: how to do call a member of the Parti Quebecois who is doing a PhD in international relations on the bad effect of the global economy ...
17:51.54chouimatand who still belive that Communism is the only way to same mankind ...
17:52.38TomWyeah, but, the problem with communism, or any other form of governmental ideal is that it involves people.  People are greedy.
17:52.44TomWby nature
17:53.16chouimatTomW: yup ... and as we said Capitalism is the exploitation of men by men and communism is the exact opposite
17:54.39file[bed]has anybody ever desoldered a bad chip on an SDRAM stick before ;)
17:56.04chouimatTomW: and my favorite answer to his speach is: that won't work because men is still an animal and the only way that your idea work is that we became being of pure energy ...
17:57.54file[bed]curses I say... curses
17:58.26TomWfile[bed]: ram is cheap, surrender
17:58.45file[bed]TomW: :)
17:58.58file[bed]I'll trade all the SIMMs I have for a good DIMM
17:59.02TomW$68  -  PC150 512MB
17:59.03TomW$37  -  PC150 256MB
17:59.03TomW$20  -  PC150 128MB
17:59.26chouimatfile[bed]: any futurshop in moncton?
17:59.34file[bed]chouimat: affirmative
17:59.42sorphinTomW: that from pricewatch?
17:59.43chouimatfile[bed]: got there
17:59.47TomWsorphin: yeah
17:59.47file[bed]chouimat: why?
18:00.01TomWsorphin: pc133 is even cheaper.
18:00.08file[bed]if I really do decide to buy then I'll just talk to my friend and he'll get it for manufacturer's price
18:00.09chouimatfile[bed]: I saw some sell on DIMM on their website this week
18:00.13sorphinTomW: you gotta remember something, file has no "real" job, so.. even that may be outta his price range :P
18:00.30chouimatsorphin: that mean
18:00.37TomWsorphin: he'll have to save his allowance up
18:00.50file[bed]$39.99 CAD for 128MB
18:02.13chouimathmmm GBA SP for 149.99 CAD
18:02.44sorphinchouimat: i don't care if it's mean, it's true :P now stay out of it, you don't even know what i'm talking about :P
18:03.26chouimatsorphin: calm down
18:03.54file[bed]chouimat: be careful - he might put you on ignore
18:04.22TomWmy ex-wife used to do that, put me on IGNORE
18:04.30chouimatTomW: heheh
18:04.57sorphinTomW: i only /ignore people when i can't stand their idiocy
18:05.04chouimatfile[bed]: ok ... we nead to have a bofh in every channel
18:05.50file[bed]chouimat: hehe
18:22.55GPSFan_sorphin: my DCT5000 just arrived.
18:23.34file[bed]saweet I might be able to afford 256MB
18:24.48TomWGPSFan_: uhoh, someone is not going to visit the parents / friends this weekend, eh?
18:25.15TomWDid Tim find that lineo port of linux to the thing?
18:25.59GPSFan_TomW: he found some stuff, before he went off th texas. I think he has to review it before releasing it to th masses.
18:26.48TomWyeah, clean it up of proprietary sources is what I think he said.
18:28.42TomWwow!  It is 50 degrees out there today!  What the heck am I doing talking with you guys?  Time to escape my "cabin" and go exploring (trolling for women :).
18:29.39file[bed]well I've got 8 hours to wait before I see if I can get these two 128MB SDRAM sticks...
18:29.54chouimatbye TomW_gone
18:30.01chouimatweatherbot: weather cyqb
18:30.03file[bed]chouimat: have you ever tried email money transfers?
18:30.05weatherbotCurrent conditions at Quebec, Que, Canada: It is -3 C (26 F), windspeed is 25.75 km/h, and visibility is 48.28 km. (Information current as of 2003.03.15 1800 UTC).
18:30.16chouimatfile[bed]: nope
18:30.19file[bed]chouimat: k
18:30.39TomW_goneweatherbot: weather kabe
18:30.41weatherbotCurrent conditions at Allentown, Lehigh Valley International Airport, PA, United States: It is 10 C (50 F), windspeed is 19.31 km/h, and visibility is 16.09 km. (Information current as of 2003.03.15 1751 UTC).
18:30.46file[bed]weatherbot: weather cyqm
18:30.48weatherbotCurrent conditions at Moncton, N. B., Canada: It is -7 C (19 F), windspeed is 25.75 km/h, and visibility is 24.14 km. (Information current as of 2003.03.15 1800 UTC).
18:31.03file[bed]ooh it's not too bad out
18:57.11file[bed]10 SIMMs for 1 DIMM, isn't that tempeting???
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19:43.07CosmicPenguinmorning folks!
19:43.13CosmicPenguinsorphin: you present and not too sick?
19:43.47anderseemorning cosmic
19:45.09sorphinCosmicPenguin: present and still sick, but better than i was
19:45.17CosmicPenguinsorphin: thats good
19:45.28CosmicPenguinsorphin: I'm prolly gonna start working on burning our wedding video to a DVD later
19:45.31CosmicPenguinsorphin: any advice?
19:45.36CosmicPenguinandersee: whats going on?
19:46.06sorphinCosmicPenguin: you gave in to having to use some windows tools along the way?
19:47.00CosmicPenguinsorphin: nope - lin-yucks all the way
19:47.24sorphinjust gonna be straight vid then i take it?
19:47.52CosmicPenguinyeah - I don't need menus or anything
19:48.07CosmicPenguinsorphin: though, I would love to help get a menuing program up and running
19:48.58sorphinCosmicPenguin: yeah
19:49.50sorphinwell, as long as you get the encoding and muxing to cooperate right
19:49.55sorphinyou should be ok
19:50.02sorphinyou already got ifogen, etc
19:51.21CosmicPenguinthe DVD-RW that we got with the drive should work in the mean time right
19:51.37CosmicPenguinSo I don't have to spend any money on a DVD-R until its absolutely nessesary
19:51.42sorphinand it'll allow you to avoid wasting blanks ;)
19:51.49CosmicPenguinmy main DVD player is extreamly fault tolerant - so I can at least test it
19:52.57anderseeCosmicPenguin: nada
19:54.00CosmicPenguinandersee: thats good - taking some time off from hacking?
19:57.12anderseeCosmicPenguin: I should be
19:57.23anderseeCosmicPenguin: Trying to debug some code
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20:31.32file[bed]CosmicPenguin: :)
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20:37.38legodudeis there a way to track network activity of a specific program?
20:37.49legodudelike track what connections the program makes
20:40.36CosmicPenguinnetstat -p
20:41.06CosmicPenguinThat at least will give you a snapshot
20:41.18legodudeI've been using that
20:41.31legodudebut the program I'm looking at connects to a different port each time
20:41.50legodudeso it seems to make and initial control connection to setup the port?
20:42.21legodudeah nice
20:42.25legodudehpux doesn't have that option
20:43.22sorphinlegodude: well, you're the one using hp(s)ux ;)
20:43.33legodudebut this program only runs on hpux
20:43.45CosmicPenguinlegodude: its propriatary?
20:43.46legodudeso it's kinda hard to not use hpux
20:44.01legodudeit's an audio program for HP X-Terms
20:44.28legodudeit would be fairly simple, I think, just dump audio at port of X-Term
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20:44.38legodudebut quick tests with nc show that is not the case
20:44.48legodudeand it keeps changing port numbers on me
20:45.26legodudechouimat|bored: does that work?
20:45.48chouimat|boredlegodude: don't know yet
20:45.52legodudethat's the parallel program, correct?
20:46.36chouimat|boredlegodude: yup a new version
20:46.55legodudeis there a continuous netstat?
20:48.04legodudechouimat|bored: that would be nice as I've given up on serial ports basically
20:54.36CosmicPenguinI did most of my college work on a hpux - hated ever minute of it
20:54.59legodudeI actually don't mind it that much after getting it setup with GNU apps
20:55.03legodudenot so painful
20:55.08legodudeless bad than Irix
20:55.33legodudeit's more of stupid HP
20:55.38legodudeinstead of using NAS
20:55.43CosmicPenguinDamn... NC State beat Wake Forest
20:55.51CosmicPenguinThere another at large bid lost... :(
20:55.53legodudeor making their audio program for other OS
20:56.00legodudethey make it hpux only
20:57.07legodudeiptraf looks like exactly what I want
20:57.10legodudebut only works on linux
20:58.09chouimat|boreds/steal/borrow :)
21:40.28*** join/#elinux GPSFan_ (~kenm@
21:44.30file[bed]10 SIMMs for 1 DIMM...
21:44.52GPSFan_new lamps for old...
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21:46.11file[bed]GPSFan_: Didn't you want a 32MB one?
21:46.43GPSFan_file[bed]: not really, I have 2 32M I'd like a 64 or 2.
21:47.07file[bed]oh well
21:53.37*** join/#elinux mallum (
22:13.03mallumkergoth: any joy getting 2.3.1 enbaled in the buildroot ? when I hack it in my .config it disables everything dependant on libc :(
22:14.17kergothmallum: yeah, hold on i'll push it
22:15.09CosmicPenguinsorphin: you around?
22:15.42kergothmallum: bk pull.
22:23.42*** part/#elinux mojonixon (
22:26.36*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
22:28.58mallumkergoth: you are both a gentleman and a scholar :-)
22:37.07mallumkergoth: whats the new kernel-headers for ?
22:37.35kergothmallum: needed a way to get headers for a toolchain build without it trying to build a kernel
22:37.44kergothmallum: as of course you cant build a kernel without the toolchain :)
22:37.59kergothso you no longer have to build a kernel to build glibc, it uses those headers
22:38.02kergothkernel is just another package now
22:38.07mallumkergoth: aha
22:38.26mallumkergoth: hmm, i have a kernel so it should need to download them headers right ?
22:38.40*** join/#elinux MonMotha4 (
22:38.59MonMotha4ok, PCs officially suck
22:39.10kergothmallum: it should download those headers regardless.
22:39.56MonMotha45 hard drives, can't boot off any but the first two of course...except that the 5th one has anohter OS on it
22:41.57mallumkergoth: okie np, btw I think /packages/kernel-headers/version.h and autoconf.h needed to be checked in ?
22:42.21kergoththey are checked in.
22:42.23kergothbk -r co -q
22:43.03mallumkergoth: aha, I though bk pull was enough
22:43.16kergothshouldve been
22:43.25kergothI put an entry in our config to automatically bk co on bk pull
22:44.24mallumkergoth: whats bk pull actually do then ?
22:44.46kergothsyncs your local repository with the remote.
22:44.55kergothyour local dir isnt a _checkout_ of the remote one
22:45.02kergothits a full on repository in and of itself
22:45.07kergothwhich you check files into and out of
22:45.21kergothsyncing your tree with someone elses doesnt imply a change in what files are checked into or out of your local repos
22:46.10mallumI see
22:46.26kergothjust remember, bk clone isnt like cvs co
22:46.36kergothbk co is like cvs co
22:47.07kergothbk cloen is like tarring up the cvs repository and downloading it
22:47.10chouimat|boredkergoth: bk clone is like cvsup
22:47.34kergothlast i checked, cvsup didnt pull down file history
22:47.35kergothso no
22:47.59chouimat|boredkergoth: just remove the TAG directive and voila you have everything :)
22:48.41*** join/#elinux andersee (
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22:50.33kergothhey andersee
22:50.35mallumkergoth: right, and I use bk emacs <existing file> to make changes right ?
22:50.52kergothmallum: yeah. which simply does bk edit [file] and then emacs [file]
22:51.07kergothwhich locks the file for editing
22:51.51mallumkergoth: okey cool, and bk new <new file> to add a new one ?
22:52.23kergothor bk add, or bk ci -i
22:55.49mallumkergoth: cool, and does the changeset just get made ? or do I need to run an actual command ?
22:56.19kergothbk ci checks in each individual change
22:56.22kergothbk commit creates a changeset
22:56.25kergothor you can us bk citool to do both
22:56.43kergothall bk pull and push do, is send/receive ChangeSets between repositories
22:56.47kergothlocal or remote
22:56.48anderseekergoth: hey
22:57.24mallumkergoth: gotcha
22:57.31anderseekergoth: tried the latest oz last night.  Looks nice.  The web browser wouldnt install.
22:57.44kergothyeah, thats becaues /var was mounted with noexec
22:57.44*** join/#elinux gatofisch (
22:57.58kergothremove 'user' from the fstab line for /var
23:01.40anderseetrying that now
23:03.14anderseekergoth: any way to check package size prior to installing?
23:03.40anderseei.e. to check if konqueror-snapshot-full will fit?
23:04.46*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
23:06.22kergothdepends. only if the package has an Installed-Size field.. and even then, its iffy, given you're installing to a compressed medium..
23:21.07anderseekergoth: seems like at package creation time one could run mkfs.jffs2 on it to determine how big it'll be.  If someone wanted to invest the effort...
23:21.13anderseeno big deal though
23:30.21kergothandersee: in fact, the tools I use to build packages do just that
23:30.33kergothandersee: :) but I dont know if opie's packaging GUI displays it
23:30.43kergothandersee: could be listed in the double-tap info page on the package

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