IRC log for #debian on 20070925

00:00.09*** join/#debian Cueball|Laptop (
00:00.47peterSsysop2: I don't know of a way to get what you want, though.  you can get total bandwidth by monitoring something like '/sbin/ifconfig
00:00.50sysop2peters there is nothing for real time stats?
00:00.55astronautewell it wont install :/
00:01.04abrotmansysop2: ntop or jnettop maybe ?
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00:01.13peterSsysop2: try ntop, see if that has any stats, I don't remember if it does or not
00:01.19sysop2thanks both of you guys.
00:01.20astronauteyou said etch have java already ? how to know it version please ?
00:01.28abrotmanastronaute: aptitude update && apt-cache search jdk
00:01.44sysop2I knew someone here would know the answer
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00:04.11astronautethank you abrotman it worked with aptitude :)
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00:05.04klhrevolutionistmount vroot.img vroot -o loop mount: mount point vroot does not exist
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00:06.44klhrevolutionist/debhelper help
00:06.58klhrevolutionist/Chanserv help
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00:07.08klhrevolutionist/ChanServ HELP
00:07.17peterSklhrevolutionist: /msg chanserv help
00:07.25klhrevolutionistof course..
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00:07.31sysop2just installed jnettop thats exactly what I need, #debian rocks as usual.
00:07.33peterSklhrevolutionist: though what are you trying to do?  chanserv doesn't have services for most ordinary users, maybe you want nickserv?
00:07.42curtmackokay, so apparently kpackage sucks?
00:07.56curtmackit just crashed my box
00:08.02klhrevolutionistpeterS: I'm trying to mount this file: mount vroot.img vroot -o loop mount: mount point vroot does not exist
00:08.05curtmackwith the strangest and frankly scariest error message ever
00:08.18peterSklhrevolutionist: I doubt ChanServ will be able to help you much with that question, to be honest
00:08.32Nylevroot is not a mount point
00:08.42peterSklhrevolutionist: anyway, you want to 'mkdir vroot' first
00:08.45Nyletry mkdir /vroot or ~/vroot and mount there
00:08.56Nyleor current dire if you want
00:08.58peterSvroot totally looks like a Dutch word
00:08.58h2k_no idea on mouse/keyboard dying on sid's latest X?
00:08.59sysop2curtmack, I still use dselect
00:09.00*** mode/#debian [+l 765] by debhelper
00:09.02Nylemakes a dirty system
00:09.10NylepeterS: whats up man
00:09.19abrotmansysop2: that's just wrong
00:09.24peterSNyle: dunno, just chillin, looking out for that stoned troll
00:09.27klhrevolutionistI'm trying to follow these directions:
00:09.35NylepeterS: yeh heh
00:09.38curtmacksysop2: I have two devices full of packages. No list, just a mass of packages. Can dselect handle that?
00:09.53sysop2I know I need to switch to aptitude, but I like dselect
00:09.55curtmackin my experience dselect requires a list file of some sort
00:10.22curtmackand I can't get aptitude to work at all, just keeps complaining that it can't find the mirror servers (which well it shouldn't, since that computer isn't online)
00:10.34curtmackbut it goes something like this
00:11.03*** join/#debian Varange (
00:11.11sysop2I would make a script to make a list file from the directory listing. but I would listen to the #debian ops
00:11.12curtmackAptitude: I CAN'T FIND MY SERVERS! Me: Umm... that's okay, all the packages I want to install are on this CD. Aptitude: But I CAN'T FIND MY SERVERS! Me: *sigh*
00:11.40Varangehi. How do I change the domain that a box is in? e.g. from to
00:11.46curtmackanyway yeah, my box is currently hanging on a lovely mess of ASCII
00:11.58curtmackI have it all written down on my hands if anyone's interested
00:12.00asgVarange: man hostname
00:12.06Varangeasg, thx
00:12.13abrotmancurtmack: drop them in /var/cache/apt/archives/ ?
00:12.29curtmackabrotman: I'll try that.
00:12.50peterSright or just use the direct method, 'dpkg --unpack foo.deb ...; aptitude -f install'
00:12.51curtmackas for the current state of my comp, are there any ideas to restore normal operation or should I just hard boot it?
00:13.11curtmackpeterS: I have like 77 packages I want to install
00:13.47Varangeanother thing: I get the dreaded: [warn] NameVirtualHost has no VirtualHosts ... how to fix this?
00:14.07curtmackI have a thought
00:14.27peterScurtmack: you can always comment out the extra bits in sources.list and 'aptitude update'.  if copying to /var/cache/apt/archives/ doesn't do the trick
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00:15.01jm|laptopanyone one sid find AutoRepeat no longer works?
00:15.20curtmackwell my computer is still functioning
00:15.29curtmackI just can't make it do anything
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00:15.44curtmackI only know it's still functioning because it made "I'm doing something!" noises when I pulled out my stick drive
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00:15.49Varangefunctioning means it IS doing something, not?
00:15.58curtmackyeah, but I can't make it do anything
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00:16.14curtmackmy user interface is currently a mess of seemingly meaningless ASCII
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00:16.19Varangemy computer won't make coffee either :(
00:16.32curtmackand my keyboard and mouse don't appear to have any function
00:16.32asgcurtmack: type 'reset' and see if that helps
00:16.38curtmackI'll try that
00:16.39peterSI hope your stick drive doesn't make noises too
00:16.40itrebalI'm reading through the Exim configuration file, and I keep seeing things like "DEBCONFsomethingehereDEBCONF" - any ideas what that is?
00:16.43Varangetry the reset button
00:16.45peterS'cause that would indicate a pretty weird situation
00:16.58slaqanyone know a good way to keep multiple debian hosts in sync, package-wise?  i do not really want to dist-upgrade them to the latest and greatest all the time but instead only spread packages that have been tested on a "master host"... any sysadmins around? :)
00:17.01amphicurtmack: try ctrl-v ctrl-o [enter]
00:17.17asgitrebal: they are macro definitions that are replaced by answers provided by dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config
00:17.23Varangeitrebal, that's probably the debian configurator putting stuff there
00:17.41Varangeoh ok
00:17.45itrebalasg: in other words, if I back them up I can remove them?
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00:17.50curtmacktyping reset didn't do anything, and I don't think my computer has a reset button
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00:17.57curtmackactually I know it doesn't
00:18.03Varangecurtmack, does it have a power cord?
00:18.05itrebalcurtmack: try pushing/holding the power button
00:18.11curtmackwell yeah, I know that
00:18.25curtmackI was just thinking if there were any other possibilities
00:18.29curtmacksince it is still running and all
00:18.33Varangeso how do I fix the Apache [warn] NameVirtualHost has no VirtualHosts thing?
00:18.58curtmackis there an X equivalent to ctrl-alt-delete?
00:19.20curtmackor some other "make this application go bye bye" keystroke
00:19.21itrebalCtrl Alt Backspace will kill X
00:19.26itrebalAlt F4 I think works
00:19.31curtmackI'll try those
00:19.34curtmackin reverse order
00:19.41asgitrebal: you should be able to. At the very worse, you can reinstall the package and get the missing config files (/msg dpkg confmiss)
00:19.58daliasthe xkill command
00:20.02CakerXhow do I get ssl working with apache, I enabled mod ssl
00:20.07daliasgood window managers have a 'kill' option in the per-window menu
00:20.12itrebalyea, alright; thanks
00:20.20daliasif not, running xkill manually will let you kill a window
00:20.26dalias(forcibly destroy it)
00:20.38daliasthis does not necessarily kill the process
00:20.48daliasfor that you should open a shell and use the normal kill command
00:21.06daliasxkill just severs the client's connection to X and destroys all its resources
00:21.09Varangecurtmack, is it just with the GUI stuff taht you have probs? the CLI works fine?
00:21.18peterSand eats its babies
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00:24.04itrebaloh mythis is so confusing :P
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00:24.30Varangethere's a debian command to restart  a daemon instead of going /etc/init.d/whatever restart. What is it please?
00:24.46asgVarange: invoke-rc.d
00:25.05Varangeasg, thx
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00:26.10peterSinvoke-rc.d doesn't really save any typing, the main point of it is for scripts to call in order to only start or stop a daemon if the local admin has set a policy allowing this.  (thus you can override the packaging scripts or whatever, if you want.)
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00:26.24peterSsince invoke-rc.d checks to see if the daemon _should_ be run in the current runlevel
00:26.37bigmattumm i'm wondering what's the best and easiest way to get windows users to send files to a debian box? i was thinking either samba or ftp, but maybe there's something else i can't find
00:27.08peterSbigmatt: samba works very well, in my experience
00:27.30bigmattso a simple apt-get install samba would be all i need? of course i need to configure it hehe :)
00:27.54peterSbigmatt: if you want the sort of thing where a user submits a file for processing, a samba-based print queue might work.  I've used that to set up a frontend for a PDF generator so people didn't have to buy Adobe Acrobat, way back when
00:28.01mmlj4bigmatt: do they have shells? winscp works
00:28.10bigmattthey'd rather not use a shell lol
00:28.19VarangepeterS, ahhh yes, that makes sense
00:28.25bigmattbut ya thx guys i guess i'll look more into samba
00:28.27peterSbigmatt: winscp doesn't require using the shell - it just requires the shell to be _accessible_, so that winscp itself can use it
00:28.29mmlj4i mean do they have accounts? winscp is just like an ftp client
00:28.36bigmattahh I see
00:28.41bigmattya they have accounts
00:28.54mmlj4no config needed then
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00:29.09peterSmmlj4: well except password management if you don't have single sign on
00:29.30mmlj4but why are they putting files on the linux box? are these web files?
00:29.42peterSideally you want something that uses NTLM auth, which I'm not sure you can get with ssh.  with NTLM the user's workstation caches his login password and reuses it, essentially, so the user doesn't have to type one
00:29.58peterSsamba supports NTLM by letting you join the NT domain
00:30.07peterSjust like any windows workstation would do
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00:30.12bigmattI see very nice
00:30.22peterSthat requires a bit of setup and access to the 'domain admins' account, though
00:30.29Solethey where would i find logs that might tell me why a box just randomly hung?
00:30.38abrotmanSolet: does it crash ?
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00:30.52peterSSolet: /var/log/messages if anything.  but a box that _completely_ hangs might hang before it gets the chance to write that file
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00:31.01bigmattthx again guys see you later :)
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00:36.03Soletwhat's "ACPI: Power Button (FF) [PWRF]" "ACPI: Power Button (CM) [PWRB]"
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00:36.20Soletis it saying the power button was pressed? because.. it wasnt
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00:41.40abrotmanSolet: probably just loading the module
00:42.19curtmackpeterS: Where's sources.list?
00:42.29peterScurtmack: /etc/apt/
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00:43.48fougis there anyway to make X and KDE start automatically? I did a netinstall of debian, should i just do a full CD?
00:43.59asgfoug: install kdm
00:44.27fougasg: what is that?
00:44.42curtmackit's a package
00:44.42Maxdamantusfoug, desktop manager.
00:44.49curtmackyeah that
00:44.50asgfoug: the KDE display manager. It gives you a nice login prompt
00:45.27MaxdamantusAm I able to use apt to install directly into a directory other than "/"?
00:46.25fougasg: Maxdamantus: "unable to fetch some archives" is what it tells. Seems there is a problem with the repository?
00:47.00abrotmanyou can manually unpack a .deb
00:47.11Maxdamantusdpkg -i package.deb
00:47.24fougi'm trying to do it through apt-get
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00:47.55asgfoug: yes, /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/sources.lst will give you an example if your sources are incorrect. Don't forget to run 'apt-get update' after making changes.
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00:48.34sputnickhi there
00:48.37sputnickI've made a script to make a list of services in runlevels for debian  but I have an unknow problem, the /etc/rc0.d is not listing...
00:48.38curtmackI don't remember what my other problem was
00:48.39curtmackenver mind
00:48.51curtmackoh wait, I do remember
00:49.11foughmmm, asg, it seems i can't install anything. apt-upgrade and apt-get xchat both give me similar errors
00:49.22curtmackbut it's more of a KDE-specific problem
00:49.29fougo, my network cable is unplugged, sorry for my lack of common sense, lol
00:49.54amphifoug: heh
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00:57.39pythonichi! does nginx in etch not support ssl?
00:58.05abrotman!depends nginx etch
00:58.11dpkgnginx: depends on libc6 (>= 2.3.6-6), libpcre3 (>= 4.5), zlib1g (>= 1:1.2.1)
00:58.23*** part/#debian klhrevolutionist (
00:58.24pythonicso, no.
00:58.46Varangewhen a user accesses my computer through SSH, I want the system to display his home directory by default, and not the root directory. How do I do this?
00:59.07pythonicfairly important feature for a reverse proxy, no?
00:59.22mzuverinkHi, this is a newbie question, I have a debian server w/ apache2 on it, and want to somehow get content into the /var/www/ dir, specifically an index.html file.  Proftpd wont allow a root login, what is the proper way to do this?
00:59.23sputnickmy script is ok, but not on all services. networking service is wrong, the script doesn't see runlevel 0
00:59.28pythonictime to compile from source then.
00:59.43curtmackokay, reeeally stupid question
00:59.56curtmackIf I'm commenting out a line in /etc/apt/sources.list
00:59.59curtmackwhat's the comment character?
01:00.01hexmodemzuverink: set apache to look somewhere that proftpd will let you upload content to
01:00.06Varangemzuverink, the common way is to have a public_html directory under the user's home directory, and to use that
01:00.08hexmodeand don't use prftpd
01:00.14hexmodeuse sftp
01:00.21hexmode(and openssh)
01:00.43mzuverinkhexmode, i use openshh, whats the advantage of sftp?
01:00.49Varangemzuverink, yes, and use sftp, which is FTP through a SSH tunnel
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01:01.05Varangemzuverink, FTP has security issues
01:01.17mzuverinkVarange, terribly new to all this I appreciate you help
01:01.31Varangemzuverink, SFTP uses openSSH
01:01.46mzuverinkVarange, kk
01:01.47Varangemzuverink, can you SSH to your box>
01:02.08mzuverinkVarange, yes
01:02.16curtmackwhat character(s) do I use to comment out a line in /etc/apt/sources.list?
01:02.18Varangeok, then you can use SFTP
01:02.30namiti have been searching thru my system for vunrabilities and wondering would process lets day /proc/1895/attr/exec being -rw- for everyone be a vunrability?
01:02.32Varangemzuverink, are you on a windows or a linux box?
01:02.40mzuverinkVarange, what ftpd do I need installed?
01:02.54mzuverinkVarange, linux on both boxes
01:02.59Varangemzuverink, you don't need ftpd at all
01:03.02JordiGHIs there any way that rebooting should recognise a wireless card that isn't seemingly recognised so far?
01:03.08Varangemzuverink, you use sftp instead
01:03.18mzuverinkVarange, ok, checking this all out now
01:03.21JordiGHAlso, if modprobing the wireless module works, does that mean that Linux sees the card?
01:03.27mzuverinkVarange, thankyou!
01:03.54amphiJordiGH: if ifconfig -a shows the interface, 'linux sees the card'
01:04.25JeremyKanother way to check is to look at 'dmesg'
01:05.07JordiGHOh well. They're rebooting.
01:05.08*** join/#debian pitakill_ (n=pitakill@
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01:05.23JordiGHLet's see if they come back online through a wireless connection.
01:05.50JordiGHThis is her third wireless card. She's really gone the distance to get wireless working with free drivers. :-/
01:06.04CakerXdoes debian have a wiki?
01:06.16fougasg: so kdm will take away the slow booting and convert it to a gui
01:06.16JordiGHCakerX: A bunch. For what topic?
01:06.20pythonicdebian is web 2.0 compliant
01:06.29CakerXSSL on apache
01:06.41CakerXusing 4.0r1
01:06.57*** join/#debian nomasteryoda (
01:07.18JordiGHThere's probably an Apache wiki for Debian.
01:07.28*** part/#debian Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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01:07.58Varangemzuverink, working?
01:08.25CakerXmeh, I've been looking
01:09.04mzuverinkVarange, yeah
01:09.21Varangemzuverink, and the public_html thing? is my guess. My internets are broken, so I can't really check.
01:09.41CakerXoh, heh why didn't you just say so
01:10.29mzuverinkVarange, just fine, thanks
01:10.39Varangecool, have fun.
01:12.34*** part/#debian pythonic (
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01:16.19JordiGHThis is a pci card you plug in on the laptop's side.
01:16.23JordiGHlspci should list it, right?
01:16.55abrotmanthat's called pcmcia :)
01:17.04abrotman!whats my hardware
01:17.04dpkgYou can use lspci, lsusb, lsscsi, lspcmcia, lshal, hwinfo, dmidecode, and/or lshw to find out what kind of hardware your machine might have, or or you could crack the lid and look inside ... oooh, shiny!
01:17.36CakerXok, it works
01:17.55JordiGHI can't believe you gave me a smiley face instead of telling me how much of an idiot I am.
01:18.15abrotmanimplied :)
01:18.20JordiGHAh, thanks.
01:18.25JordiGHI was feeling unloved for a second.
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01:22.04dawkanyone care to share a screenshot of their desktop?
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01:22.28JeremyKmine's boring.
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01:22.39CakerXw00t ssl works
01:22.46dawkJeremyK: any look will do.
01:22.48fougI installed Debian using a netinstall and have been using it for a few days now. I am now getting the error "Invalid boot Diskette, please insert into drive A:"
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01:22.54dandersonIs this the correct channel for asking stupid newbie questions about creating Debian packages?
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01:23.18JordiGHdanderson: Try #debian-devel in OFTC. But very simple questions may be ok.
01:23.22dpkgi heard mentor is i heard mentor is tarzeau's hero, and, also, the one mumbling to himself in the corner (stay away from him). He can't type. and he hates PDF files, especially badly written ones (hear that QDI!). The name is an ironic comment an his ability (or maybe yours) for the uninitiated. grammatically conscious. No, not the Hacker's Manifesto either.
01:23.23dpkghmm... mentors is Please /msg dpkg mg and/or try and/or try #debian-mentors on, or
01:23.24JeremyKwell, my desktop isn't even debian, or *nix at all, so yea, it's very boring
01:23.25abrotmanthere we go
01:23.37dandersonabrotman: thanks.
01:23.39dandersonJordiGH: thanks also.
01:23.51*** join/#debian chuckzim (
01:23.55dawkJordiGH: is that lenny?
01:24.02JordiGHdawk: That's etch.
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01:24.36JordiGHdawk: A customised etch, but etch nonetheless.
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01:25.27JordiGHmanchego is a Mexican cheese name. I named all the computers in my little etch network with cheese names. I like cheese. :-)
01:25.32abrotmanso not etch ? :)
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01:26.19JordiGHWell, it's all etch packages except for the Beryl package made for etch.
01:26.28amphiJordiGH: manchego is a spanish cheese name ;)
01:26.44JordiGHamphi: Not the way we make it here. ;-)
01:26.56onymahello, does anyone know if there's any good reason to keep a swap partition around?  I've got 2GB RAM and "free" always reports swap use as 0, but ... when I didn't have a swap partition, I run testing and update the system fairly regularly.  Could the freezes have been just a coincidence?
01:27.15amphiJordiGH: perhaps not - I've had some delicious manchego in .es though
01:27.26debianitomanchego is a spanish cheese no mexican
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01:27.47pipelineonyma: tmpfs, hibernate, crash dumps
01:28.07onymapipeline: huh?
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01:28.18JordiGHdebianito: It's been appropriated, I'm afraid. All your cheese are belong to us.
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01:28.41pipelineonyma: reasons to keep swap
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01:28.58namitif a process file in /proc is world writable can that be exploted ?
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01:29.06Azerthothokay I have been away from debian for too long, I just had to alias emerge to apt-get install
01:29.11curtmacktrying to use aptitude
01:29.16RAVTUXwhat is the command for the terminal to update to Opera 9.5?
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01:29.28JordiGHRAVTUX: Opera isn't in Debian.
01:29.28dpkgOpera is a cross-platform web browser and Internet suite which handles common internet-related tasks including visiting web sites, sending and receiving e-mail messages. Opera is Freeware (>=Version 8.5), but NOT Open-Source. see <opera apt>
01:29.29curtmackI have a bunch of .deb packages in, say, /home/curtmack/usb
01:29.46onymapipeline: thanks... do you know why free would perpetually report zero use?
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01:29.49curtmack/home/curtmack/usb/ I mean
01:29.55curtmackhow do I get aptitude to open them
01:30.09abrotmancurtmack: put them in /var/cache/apt/archives/ ?
01:30.13curtmackI can't
01:30.27curtmackI tried, but I need root priveleges to do so
01:30.37abrotmanthen how the hell do you think you're going to install them ?
01:30.39curtmackand instead of asking for the root password it just said "No, you can't."
01:30.43JordiGHShould lspcmcia say something different if I plug in the card or take it out? Of course, right?
01:30.47gpmdpkg i
01:30.47dpkgi heard i is the imaginary unit, the square root of -1 and other nifty things, or the chemical symbol to iodine and a personal pronoun together with me, my and myself, or roman numeral for 1, or the letter between h and j, or commonly used as an iteration counter, or rapidly becomming the most tacked-on factoid. used as a block index in much of the rsync code
01:30.48gpmdpkg -i
01:30.54curtmackI can get root priveleges. It just doesn't ask for them.
01:31.10abrotmancurtmack: so do it as root
01:31.16qmrI need a wiki that can put pages in "categories", has some ACL stuff, and that I can easily add adsense code too ... any suggestions?
01:31.40gpmcurtmack: install the packages with dpkg -i <somefile>.deb
01:31.57curtmackgpm: I have 77 package files, you do it
01:32.10gpmcurtmack: for i in *.deb; do dpkg -i "$i"; done
01:32.14*** join/#debian pc300 (
01:32.28curtmackgpm: I want to be like you when I grow up
01:32.28gpmcurtmack: though i must warn you we don't support unofficial packages in here
01:32.34gpmespecially when they hose your system
01:32.44curtmackI think they're all official
01:32.48pc300how do you set up wireless networking?  I have netgear usb MA111
01:32.59curtmackthey're on the directory at anyway
01:33.36onymacurtmack: copy them to /var/cache/apt/archives
01:33.42gpmcurtmack: so why not add that repository to your sources.list and install that way?
01:33.44onymathen do the normal apt-get stuff
01:33.48*** join/#debian bier_ (
01:34.02JordiGHIf I plug in a pcmcia card and do "lspcmcia" and nothing shows up, is there anything I can conclude?
01:34.09*** join/#debian Dibbler_ (
01:34.11curtmackgpm: because the computer in my bedroom is internetless
01:34.28*** part/#debian RAVTUX (n=jozef@unaffiliated/ravtux)
01:34.32gpmcurtmack: oh. bummer. well then you could try what i told ya
01:34.38*** join/#debian dfinn (
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01:34.52curtmackJordiGH: wait, was your computer ON when you plugged in the pcmcia card?
01:34.55grumbelis X11 in unstable currently broken (something with version missmatch between server and modules)?
01:35.30gpmgrumbel: a little bit yeah.
01:35.41gpmgrumbel: check the BTS out
01:35.48JordiGHcurtmack: Yes.
01:35.50curtmackokay thanks
01:35.55dfinnanyone else running a lenny/sid image in vmware w/X?  Looks like i'm running into Bug # 442853 and I'm wondering if anyone else has seen this.
01:36.18curtmackaren't you not supposed to have the computer on when you plug in pcmcia cards, or am I behind the times?
01:36.26curtmackor just an idiot
01:36.28curtmackthat might be it
01:36.32JeremyKcurtmack: pcmcia cards are hot-pluggable
01:36.35JordiGHI'm usually the idiot around here. Ask abrotman.
01:36.42curtmackokay then
01:36.49JeremyKi mean, if you're booting off a pcmcia device, you probably don't want to unplug it while it's running ;)
01:36.55JordiGHabrotman: always? :-)
01:36.57JeremyKbut a network card or something, yea, that's safe
01:37.11gpmno, i'm the eternal idiot
01:37.26curtmackanyway yeah, doing what gpm told me to do because he's smart and WOW that was ironic
01:37.43JordiGHJeremyK: and if lspcmcia doesn't show the card, then...? We haven't managed to make Debian show anything we plug into that pcmcia slot.
01:38.22JeremyKJordiGH: does debian see your pcmcia controller?
01:39.13JordiGHJeremyK: What's that? Some yenta thing?
01:39.36JordiGHSomething shows up. Just not the wireless card.
01:39.39amphiJordiGH: it's most likely cardbus; if the controller is working, a cardbus card will just show up on the pci bus (lspci)
01:40.12*** join/#debian Chascon (
01:40.34JordiGH02:06.0 CardBus bridge: Texas Instruments PCI1410 PC card Cardbus Controller (rev 01)
01:41.04fougif i want to erase everything off of my hard drive, should i install an LVM? I don't quite understand this Wiki on LVM's
01:41.42JeremyKJordiGH: that looks about right.  I'm sorry but that's the extent of my knowledge with that.  I haven't done any pcmcia stuff with *nix in a very long time
01:42.20JordiGHThe best thing is that * matches "GNU/" :-)
01:43.08*** join/#debian gravity (
01:43.25streunerhey gravity :-)
01:43.34abrotmanbrown noser!
01:43.36gravityHi streuner
01:44.12mmlj4not personally
01:44.25mmlj4it's a joke... gravity always pulling things down, etc.
01:44.30Varangehow do I check whetehr apache mod-perl is installed?
01:44.40mmlj4remember... it's not just a good idea, it's the law
01:45.06streunerhaha, nice talk :-)
01:45.37streunerpoor gravity, just joined a channel and got this kind of convo :-)
01:45.58gravitystreuner: It happens a fair bit. I'm used to it.
01:46.14gravityIt's what I get for choosing this nick
01:46.25*** join/#debian m4 (
01:47.21mmlj4hey, at least you didn't choose "electron"
01:47.22abrotmangravity: /nick inertia ?
01:47.29*** join/#debian b4ggi0 (n=Patrick@
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01:47.55mmlj4i know choosing a nick is serious business, gravity
01:48.17JordiGHI'm starting to suspect that the pcmcia slot is damaged. Any way to test this?
01:48.17*** join/#debian b4ggi0 (n=Patrick@
01:48.27abrotmantry the other one
01:48.35JordiGHThere's only one.
01:48.35streuneryou should respect the work who is spenting for Debian
01:48.54pc300nuf respect due
01:49.11streunerwho cares about nicks...
01:49.22mmlj4missed the joke, apparently
01:49.34streunernm then
01:50.22gravityheh, I got the joke
01:50.27gravityI've just heard them a few times :-)
01:50.31*** join/#debian atoponce (n=aaron@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.bronze.atoponce)
01:50.31JordiGHYes or no: if I plug in a wireless card into the pcmcia slot and do "lspcmcia", it should just show up, right? Something should show up, even if Linux can't recognise what it is?
01:50.44JordiGHThe only thing that shows up is yenta_cardbus
01:51.03atoponcedoes the latest update have serious bug issues in sid? it keeps crashing on me very intermitently
01:51.26streunergravity: see ^^^
01:51.30gravityatoponce: amd64?
01:51.31JordiGHatoponce: I get X crashes in lenny if I use the 2.6.20.* kernel
01:51.49JordiGHOr I did. I haven't tried booting that kernel recently.
01:52.00JordiGHIt may have gotten fixed.
01:52.02atoponcegravity: yes
01:52.03gravityatoponce: There's a few known bugs, hopefully yours is a known one that's being worked on.
01:52.04dfinnmy mouse doesn't work in lenny using vmware but I think I found the bug ID for that
01:52.21gravityatoponce: Yeah, ok. I don't think there's a fix for that yet... let me double check though
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01:52.50atoponceaptitude held it back, but after yesterday's conversation in here, i upgraded. bad idea. i'll keep with 'aptitude safe-upgrade' from here on out
01:53.14gravityatoponce: Also, what driver are you using?
01:53.33gravityOk, yeah, that's not it then. ati has been a real problem
01:53.41JordiGHThere's a safe-upgrade command in aptitude?
01:53.48JordiGHIs that new, or have I just completely missed that?
01:53.57atoponceyeah. 'upgrade' has been deprecated
01:54.57gravityatoponce: Is there anything useful in the /var/log/Xorg.0.log?
01:55.13JordiGHAnd dist-upgrade is also gone?
01:55.34JordiGHHm, been synonimised to full-upgrade.
01:55.40JordiGHLooks like they just changed the names.
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01:55.52atoponcegravity: not that i could see
01:55.53ampex2Is there a way to find out why a package is being held back?
01:55.59chrisbi do not have a key to authenticate ncurses-base in testing.  is there a new key for "testing" now?
01:55.59atoponceJordiGH: yes. use 'full-upgrade'
01:56.03JordiGHAnd dist-upgrade is deprecated because this is no longer the way to upgrade from one distro to the next, I guess.
01:56.22JordiGHWhen lenny gets released, looks like I'm in for a bit of fun.
01:56.36streuneratoponce: just show him the whole log
01:56.36atoponcei did full-upgrade on xserver-xorg, ad now i'm paying for it
01:56.43gravityatoponce: What sort of crash is it? Does X just die and you have to restart it, or is it a hard lockup that you have to reset the machine?
01:56.44*** part/#debian danderson (
01:56.44atoponcestreuner: ok. just a sec
01:56.52dpkgPlease do not paste anything at all to this channel. Instead, use: or or for pics.
01:57.02*** join/#debian schallstrom (
01:57.06gravityI know I've seen this bug somewhere, but I don't know where
01:57.07atoponcegravity: it just restarts. screen goes black and takes me back to gdm login
01:57.36atoponcestreuner: yes. i am aware of pastebin. thx
01:57.48*** part/#debian foug (
01:58.03gravityok, thanks
01:59.32JordiGHgravity, what packages do you maintain?
01:59.34gravityatoponce: I'd be more interested in one that happens after a crash
01:59.40gravityJordiGH: I help with the X packages
01:59.47gravityAnd I maintain a few others that I have almost no time for
02:00.10streunergravity: Dont be so shine :-)
02:00.11JordiGHThat's almost like being a kernel hacker imho.
02:00.30abrotmanso shine ?
02:00.47gravityatoponce: Ok, your bug seems to match #443794
02:00.58streuner!dbugs 443794
02:01.01dpkg#443794:N[xserver-xorg] xserver-xorg: server crashes randomly in libGLcore; Mon, 24 Sep 2007 06:39:02 UTC
02:01.38gravityatoponce: I'd follow that bug. If you want, you could add a me too reply to it, with your xorg.conf and post-crash log
02:01.43*** join/#debian EbilPhish (
02:01.46dpkgI ain't no stinkin' bot.  I am a finely tuned and hand crafted tool.  Oh wait... I guess I am a bot (that you should not abuse).
02:01.55gravityatoponce: It's kinda bizarre. I don't know why DRI is disabled for you.
02:02.06gravityatoponce: Anyway, that's the best I can do for you right now.
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02:09.06JordiGHBah. I don't know why I try going to #ubuntu
02:09.11JordiGHNoisiest channel ever.
02:09.16streunerYou have solved so far every problem in X, so what?
02:09.29*** join/#debian naught101 (
02:09.48streunerJordiGH: heh?
02:09.59abrotmanJordiGH: you'll fit right in
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02:14.40JordiGHabrotman: You calling me an n00buntite? I think I'll draw the line there.
02:14.57sixty6billyhi, just getting to grips with debian/linux. in one's home directory, all the .xyz files are profiles for program xyc. for setting various programs
02:15.38sixty6billyhow do you set these or other programs to run at startup and or when a user logs in?
02:15.55streunerhm, it must be late in .ie
02:15.55EbilPhishDoes apt-get use wget for retrieving the packages? and is it possible to override the wget settings like timeout?
02:16.10sixty6billyit is
02:16.45streunerapt doesnt depend on wget
02:16.56streuner!depends apt
02:16.58dpkgapt: depends on libc6 (>= 2.6-1), libgcc1 (>= 1:4.2-20070516), libstdc++6 (>= 4.2-20070516), debian-archive-keyring
02:17.53*** join/#debian hexmode (
02:18.00streunerEbilPhish: what kind of problem do you have?
02:18.01*** join/#debian abchirk (n=rapunzel@unaffiliated/abchirk)
02:18.49JordiGHsixty6billy: You can use /etc/skel to put stuff in there that will be copied to each new user you create.
02:18.50EbilPhishstreuner:  My internet connection is screwed, it keeps stalling but if I set a low timeout and retry it goes fine
02:19.22streunerEbilPhish: Do you use official mirrors?
02:19.59JordiGHsixty6billy: So you can put those configuration files there. Other than that, you'd have to manually copy them to each user's home directory.
02:20.14EbilPhishstreuner:  Yes, its the connection, happens on a lot of servers, need to get isp to fix it
02:20.35abrotmanluckily apt does partial downloads!
02:20.37*** join/#debian metafollic (n=metafoll@
02:20.40streunerwe cannot help on this issue
02:20.58streunertalk to your ISP
02:21.27EbilPhishstreuner:  I didn't ask about fixing my internet connection, just if it was possible to set a timeout like wget --timeout=10
02:21.28nomasteryodaEbilPhish, have you looked at the route?
02:22.19EbilPhishabrotman:  Problem is that it will just get %20 of the file, wait some huge timeout then move onto the next file
02:22.32nomasteryodalike... if the DNS servers are not set right in the router, then your system won't get the proper route . and slow down... esp if you have say a wifi and an eth and they both are on, but one is pointing to a non-existent connection and route
02:22.38abrotmannot an MTU issue type thing ?
02:22.59nomasteryodahmmm, it could be ... check the settings on the router
02:23.11atoponcegravity: thx. sorry. was afk for a bit
02:23.16nomasteryodato check what i said " route -n"
02:23.16*** join/#debian klhrevolutionist (
02:23.28nomasteryodaturn off the port you are not using
02:23.47klhrevolutionistapt-get install firestarter
02:24.12EbilPhishIt just started happening randomly one day so the setting shouldn't have changed
02:24.16nomasteryodawith ifconfig eth? down --- or wifi0 down
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02:24.38nomasteryodabut on an update to say Networkmanager it might have dorked something
02:24.44nomasteryodai'm drawing straws...
02:25.11streunerEbilPhish: if it works, the configuration should be fine..
02:25.13EbilPhishIts not specific to debian, its happening on my linux and windows boxes
02:25.38abrotmana dsl modem in between?
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02:25.45nomasteryodaah, check the router for sure
02:25.50abrotmancan't you set the router mtu ?
02:26.24nomasteryodareset it if you can... some of them over run the ram ... i.e. memory leak type condition...
02:26.26EbilPhishabrotman:  Yeh, its 1400 currently
02:26.35dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, mtu is Maximum Transferrable Unit..  Maximum Transmission Unit, or what tracepath (package iputils-tracepath) can find about, or can be configured in interfaces - see <interfaces>
02:26.38abrotmanoh well
02:26.53sixty6billyJordiGH: cool. can you tell me briefly what the story with files that end in rc are. ie. .bash_profile is for bash login shells, ...rc for non-login, but there are various others...
02:27.18JeremyKsixty6billy: rc files are just generally configs
02:27.33JeremyK.vimrc .muttrc etc
02:28.00sixty6billyJordiGH: right. and /etc/init.d would contain non user specific config files?
02:28.08JeremyKiirc, only shells really separate interactive and non-interactive
02:28.19JeremyKno, /etc/init.d/ is for startup scripts, not config files
02:28.34*** join/#debian bagualas (n=bagualas@
02:28.38bagualascacti or mrtg?
02:29.09JeremyKsixty6billy: note that 'rc' files are also generally for user-run programs, like editors, mail clients, etc
02:29.26sixty6billyso thats where you control what you're running on startup, and user specific startup scrits are in $
02:29.32curtmackI downloaded the wrong architecture for one package
02:29.38curtmackman I'm tired
02:29.51JeremyKsystem daemons (like apache, postfix, mysql) generally have their config files in /etc somewhere
02:30.06JeremyKsixty6billy: well, no.  /etc/init.d/ is just where the startup scripts live
02:30.14Varangehow do I install the CGI::Session Perl module?
02:30.27abrotmanapt-cache search ?
02:30.30sixty6billyJeremyK: right.
02:30.39Varangeah thx
02:30.44JeremyKsixty6billy: symlinks inside /etc/rc*.d/ control what is started/stopped at various runlevels
02:31.31sixty6billyJeremyK: yeah, kinda getit.
02:31.54*** part/#debian klhrevolutionist (
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02:32.53sixty6billyJeremyK: last thing, there doesn't seem to be a config file for x in my home dir, is there such a thing?
02:33.20JeremyKsixty6billy: generally that lives in /etc/X11/xorg.conf
02:33.31JeremyKyou can override certain things locally, with ~/.Xdefaults
02:33.37daliashardware config is not configurable by a user
02:34.06dalias.xsession controls what runs under X when you start it
02:34.19JeremyKor if yo'ure running a specific windowing environment like fluxbox, kde, or whatever, they will also have their own config files in your homedir
02:34.24daliasand .Xresources contains configuration for various older X apps (read their manuals to see what resources are available)
02:35.49*** join/#debian pimentinha (n=pimentin@
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02:38.17shamrockCan anyone tell me why there is no mysql-admin in Debian Testing?
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02:42.11ShadowMajesticanyone got the phpbb2 package setup?
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02:43.43vengerhow can i get lirc_serial to take precidence over the modules 8250, 8250_pnp and serial_core ?  right now lirc_serial is simply in /etc/modules
02:44.37vengerprecedence* and meaning to load first during boot
02:44.51abrotmanuse the module rules
02:44.55sixty6billythanks for the info, hopefully i won't break anything trying to use it.
02:45.07*** join/#debian Rusty1 (
02:45.15abrotman!why is mysql-admin not in testing
02:45.15dpkgmysql-admin is not in testing for the reasons listed in
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02:47.37popthelp, who use postgresql here on debian 4?
02:48.17poptI need help to editing hb_hda.conf file
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02:48.36poptthis is my settings:
02:48.40juiouhhhm, usually, whay is 'vanilla' software/release/code ?
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02:49.05poptI can't figure out how to enable tcp/ip connection from
02:49.30poptas you see my settings file: It should work well
02:49.47poptbut it doesn't
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02:50.28bpunany programs i can use to prevent user download-then-execute stuff?
02:51.37\amethystbpun:  put /home and /tmp on a no-exec filesystem
02:51.48\amethyst(and any other directories the user can write to)
02:51.51bpun\amethyst, ok thanks :)
02:52.45bpunthat's much easier than i thought actually thanks :)
02:52.52\amethystbpun:  that might also keep them from using a .bashrc or .profile, too
02:53.04\amethystbpun:  Actually, I guess those two don't have to be executable
02:53.25\amethystbpun: But .xinitrc and so on (dot files meant to be executed) could have problems
02:53.28bpunwas wondering then why do the faronics people made a deepfreeze for linux..
02:54.32\amethystbpun:  because preventing the user from running executables won't reset the disk contents on every boot
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02:56.22bpun\amethyst, or if one was smart enough, he'd mount a user home image but have written changes flushed upon shutdown or reboot :)
02:56.42ameyerdepends on exactly what you want to do
02:56.46bpun\amethyst, (per say-- /not/ flushing the image)
02:57.18ameyerand noexec doesn't prevent shell scripts or interpreted languages
02:57.38ameyer(lots of fun can be had with, apparently)
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02:59.05solar_anthi all
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03:00.00ameyersince perl would actually only execute perl
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03:00.22bpunameyer, so there's probably a daemon or pammod for this? ( to prevent certain user home scripts from running-- bash is ok)
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03:03.17ameyerbpun: no clue, I'm just saying that I've seen all sorts of stuff done on a noexec filesystem
03:03.19vengerabrotman, i tried to find data on "using module rules" but i can't find what you are referring to. is there a specific command or search term i can use ?  (this is about getting modules to load in a certain order)
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03:03.56ameyer(perhaps Debian behaves slightly differently than OpenBSD in this regard)
03:04.07bpunameyer, well that's not more than scripts i guess.. should be solvable..
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03:05.08bpunameyer, it's simple..
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03:05.15ameyerdon't install python/perl/java?
03:05.55bpunameyer, even if it were with openbsd.. i can make a stub script-- and veto out the others.. the header of the stub script would check the path of the script file..
03:06.06ameyeralthough I'm not sure how usable a system without interpreted languages are
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03:07.36jellynetso does / have to be created outside of the software raid or can I do /boot?  if I create a 1gb / in one drive, what do I do with that 1gb in the other 5?
03:07.48jellynetsoftware raid 5..
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03:07.55shamrockAnyone know my mysql-admin is not in Lenny?
03:08.10atoponceX just died again
03:08.16atoponceclicking on a tab in iceweasel
03:09.34bpunatoponce, if X died again then it's a serious problem..
03:09.52shamrockwow. true insight.
03:10.03*** join/#debian kenchu (
03:10.14atoponcebpun: i agree. i'm hoping to find some help getting it resolved
03:11.00bpunatoponce, try running iceweasal in safe mode..
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03:12.33atoponcebpun: do you think iceweasel is the culprit? i guess i'll have to pay closer attention
03:12.40atoponcenothing yet, however
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03:15.19bpunatoponce, dunno, but you can try..
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03:15.59gravityIt's a known problem
03:16.06bpunatoponce, your X setup may be causing something.. or perhaps something with the mousing events between firefox and x..dunno..
03:16.24ameyeratoponce: like I said in the other #debian, Iceweasel might be the cause, but IMO, a program shouldn't be able to crash  X
03:16.26gravityatoponce: If you want to solve it, I'd try to get a log of X actually crashing
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03:16.46atoponcegravity: where is the X error log?
03:16.48gravityatoponce: If it's in GLcore, then you need to figure out why DRI isn't enabled for whatever reason
03:16.55gravityatoponce: The same place it always is. /var/log/
03:17.13gravityThat's pretty much what the bug I pointed you to earlier was saying
03:17.25atoponcei have you the log earlier, and you said that wasn't it...
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03:17.53gravityNo, that's the bug
03:18.16gravityAt least, as near as I can gather from the log you showed me, but I'd need the full crasher log or a backtrace to know for sure
03:18.34atoponcewhich i'm not sure how to get
03:19.11gravityI'd disable gdm, start X using startx, and wait for a crash. Then when it happens, copy /var/log/Xorg.0.log over to a safe place. Then you can re-enable gdm
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03:20.53bpungravity, he can also increase the verbosity for x if nec..
03:21.15gravitybpun: I know, but that's for later.
03:21.50gravityFinding out first if the bug matches is a good start
03:22.22gravityBesides, with a really verbose log it can be hard to figure out what's going on
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03:22.33bpungravity, he can pass it to the startx probably.. makes it easier
03:22.50gravityOne thing at a time
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03:23.16gravityGetting a normal log would be very helpful
03:23.40bpungravity, i think he knows all this.. why not let him try to send his current copy?
03:23.48gravitybpun: I already saw it
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03:24.01gravityIt didn't have the crash with the backtrace.
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03:24.50gravitybpun: If you want to see the bug that I think it is, it's #443794
03:24.53bpungravity, well that's why i hinted probably a verbosity may help..
03:24.57gravityHave at it. I've no idea why GLcore is loading
03:25.01atoponce# update-rc.d -f gdm remove?
03:25.15gravitybpun: The backtrace wasn't there because gdm restarted after the crash, overwriting the log
03:25.15bpunatoponce, nah.. just invoke-rc.d it.. stopping it is fine..
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03:25.27gravityThere's no magic
03:25.34bpungravity, so you make it seem so difficult..
03:25.43bpunit really isn't this complex ..
03:26.12gravitybpun: Let me put it to you this way. If you want to maintain X and triage these bug reports, feel free.
03:26.18gravitybpun: If not, you can let the maintainer handle it.
03:26.34atoponcebpun: i'm not familiar with that method...
03:26.58bpunatoponce, so is there a match?
03:27.25gravityatoponce: There's a manpage for it
03:27.48gravityAnd bpun is right, you don't need to disable gdm permanently. Just stop it.
03:27.49Supaplexgravity: gmta, good call. =)
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03:29.26atoponceinvoke-rc.d gdm stop?
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03:30.00bpunatoponce, --help usually hints commands.. (fyi)
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03:32.56bpungood luck fellows.. gotta go..
03:33.01atoponceok. so, when X crashes again, check the contents of /var/log/Xorg.0.log?
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03:33.06atoponcebefore going back into X?
03:33.15gravityatoponce: Copy that log
03:33.22gravityatoponce: I'd like to see it if possible
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03:36.05JordiGHsixty6billy: Did you get answers for your questions? I scrolled back, but I couldn't see anything in the buffer.
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03:44.10sixty6billyJordiGH: the reference manual at has been keeping me happy. the stuff about system initialisation was just a little all over the place, or maybe i wa just a little lazy :)
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03:45.34ampex2gentoo is so much more manly than debian
03:46.02Guerinif by `manly' you mean `futile, like lifting weights just because they're heavy'
03:46.04ampex2although compiling everything is a massive waste of time in most cases
03:46.34Guerinreal men don't just lift things because they're heavy - they find heavy things which NEED lifting
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03:48.07daliasi love and advocate building things from source from time to time, or entirely for small systems
03:48.15daliashowever the gentoo model is utterly idiotic
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03:48.25jamesdellyeah thats true dalias
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03:49.00ampex2running through a Gentoo install does force you to learn more about the underlying concepts behind modern linux than Debian does though
03:49.14ampex2not that that's always a positive experience
03:49.17daliasif you're going to use automated distro-scripted builds for everything you might as well just use distro-provided binaries and save yourself all the time/cpu cycles/electricity
03:49.36sixty6billyi know two linux users. one gentoo, one debian. the former likes taking things apart and poking them, the other a google sysadmin. from that i gather gentoo isn't the way to go if you wanna get shit done
03:49.41daliasif you want to learn, use slackware
03:49.53daliastyping 'emerge' does not teach you anything about the underlying concepts
03:50.14daliascertainly not any more than typing apt-get does
03:50.28Guerinampex2:  I found gentoo made me learn more about the stupidities inherent in following a recipe you found on the internet that you don't really understand.
03:50.34catbotWhy the xChat in debian can not be wrap line?
03:50.40Guerincatbot: it can.
03:50.57catbothow setting?
03:51.03*** join/#debian gustavo (n=gustavo@
03:51.09Guerinno idea, haven't used it since 2004
03:51.26*** join/#debian ksh256 (
03:51.26JordiGHcatbot: Uh, xchat wraps lines by default. Are you using etch?
03:51.27*** join/#debian b4ggi0 (n=Patrick@
03:52.16catbotnow, i can just see "Are you using ", it is not complete
03:52.48OhMyGodshello,who can help me? I have problems with serial programing.
03:53.03JordiGHcatbot: are you using etch?
03:53.10catbotthe last a few word, i can not see
03:53.23ampex2Question for you guys: I can't seem to get Debian to properly configure a six disk software RAID 5 array during install. I know enough about mdadm, creating manual block devices and partitioning to do it by hand, which I can shell out and do, but there is still strangeness in the install partitioner.
03:53.32JordiGHcatbot: I think you may have to resize the window.
03:53.47*** join/#debian BaD_CrC (
03:54.09catbotI use sid
03:54.26*** join/#debian sharika (i=shyam@
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03:54.36ampex2I got the install to finish, but upon rebooting, my root fs was missing. I started over installing to a four drive RAID5 array which works fine. I added the other two drives and waited for the long reshape process.
03:54.37JordiGHcatbot: bad idea
03:54.53ampex2After rebooting, I was dead in the water again
03:54.57catboti have resize the width, but it still
03:55.05ampex2I believe this time because my initrd still contained an mdadm.conf with four devices.
03:55.05catbotbad idea?
03:55.42sharikamy iceweasal is frequently hanging,also epiphany..but all other softwares are working fine...i donno why..whats the best i could do to cure that?
03:56.24catbotdid it related to my window manager?
03:56.53JordiGHcatbot: Sid is unstable. If you have problems with sid, that's because you like having problems.
03:57.52sharikahanging is soo frequent that there will be one for each in one session..and it works fine as i
03:57.59sharika"start a new session"
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03:58.28sixty6billydebian for me is good as a noob cause i can still do day to day tasks while learing how to use linux... with slackware or gentoo i'd say a newbie would be well advised to dual boot windows, or any os they know how to use
03:59.45ampex2I still haven't found a distro that will let me install to lvm2 over raid on a six disk sata array without issue (Debian didn't, haven't tried CentOS, it might). Gentoo did the trick for me.
04:00.10JordiGHsixty6billy: Heh. Debian has a reputation for being a difficult distro, but I also started using it because I thought it was a good newbie distro.
04:00.11catbotI don't think it is version problem, i don't sure
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04:00.22ampex2Anyways, this is #debian, and I'm a big fan of Debian
04:00.26ampex2so, I'll stop with the distro wars
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04:01.22catbotthe words like be marked by a something
04:01.42sharikai have noticed iceweasal being stuck when i try to open a you-tube video or so..(i havent installed a flash player)
04:02.09catbotthe xchat's version is XChat 2.8.2
04:03.17mmlj4sharika: use konqueror for the youtoube stuff
04:03.25Guerinbetter yet
04:03.28Guerinuse youtube-dl
04:03.53JordiGHHow's  gnash coming along?
04:04.13Guerinmostly unusable last I tried
04:04.17Guerin(months ago)
04:04.18sharikammlj4: installing iceweasal can cure the frequent hanging?
04:04.51mmlj4sharika: no. you said you didn't have flash installed, that's probably your issue
04:05.13catbotThe last words in each line, i can not always see them. this is really distraught
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04:07.57daliaswhat is the best spell checker for international/non-latin support?
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04:08.23dalias(not necessarily with existing dictionaries; i'm looking for one to add a dictionary to)
04:08.39catbota long time
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04:09.44catbota long time for testing, if i can see
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04:09.57catbot"ee" i can not see
04:10.15sharikammlj4: but its hanging even if i am not going to youtube..
04:10.31mmlj4can't help you
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04:16.11sixty6billyJordiGH: yeah, t'was recommended to me by a friend who knows his shite. also means i can bug him about how to do this or that... probably a bad habit. seems to be working out fine anyway, having more trouble at this stage with other software anyway (mainly the ion wm)
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04:18.28catbotlong long long
04:18.29sixty6billyone thing that does confuse me about debian (dunno with other distros) is that it treats sata drives as scsis. i think sata drives were an issue when etch was testing, seems to me like a compromise of sorts
04:19.03catbotOh, i change my font from mono to Sans, and i can see the complete line
04:19.45catbotI think, the font in linux still is a problem
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04:23.30\amethystif you want the outputs to be sequenced rather than intermixed, then you almost certainly want a temp file
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04:24.03JordiGHIs there a way to rebuild Debian menus if I manually screwed them up?
04:24.21\amethystJordiGH: update-menus ?
04:24.22*** join/#debian indraveni (n=indu@
04:24.37JordiGHLet's try...
04:26.21JordiGHThat only messes with the Debian menu, right? Not the other KDE/Gnome menus?
04:26.44*** join/#debian tyh_123 (n=tyh-user@
04:28.31tyh_123hi everyone
04:28.51tyh_123hi catbot!
04:29.15tyh_123ah,i have a problem.can you help me?
04:29.15catbothi tyh_12
04:29.49catbothere, every body can help you if they can
04:29.51*** join/#debian GarryFre (
04:30.44tyh_123oh,first.i'm a chinese college student.i'm in debian 4 now.
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04:31.35catbotSounds interesting
04:31.40Guerintyh_123: please ask. And use proper english.
04:31.47Guerin`4' is a number
04:31.56\amethystdebian 4 = etch
04:32.07Guerinmy bad :)
04:32.08catbotmaybe sid
04:32.14catbotmaybe lenny
04:32.18tyh_123sorry,my english is broken....
04:32.30Nyleuse some glue, im sure it will fix it
04:32.33Guerintyh_123: no, it seems mine is broken.
04:32.34tyh_123yes ,i know debian 4 = etch
04:32.43Guerintyh_123: please continue.
04:33.16tyh_123i very wonder ,why debian 4 is not include pidgin?because i wanne login my QQ.
04:33.20NyleI am feeling the effects of food
04:33.27Nyleer.. pizza from earlier
04:33.34simonrvntyh_123: because debian hateses you ;p
04:33.35*** join/#debian poncha|laptop (n=poncha@unaffiliated/poncha)
04:33.38\amethysttyh_123:  it's still called "gaim" in etch
04:33.47Nylesimonrvn: hi
04:33.50Guerintyh_123: pidgin was released after debian 4 was. You can probably use gaim, or get a backport.
04:33.51catbothehe, debian hate QQ
04:33.53tyh_123hatess m ?
04:34.17simonrvnhullo Nyle
04:34.23\amethysttyh_123:  simonrvn was talking like Gollum
04:34.24Nylemy tummy hurts
04:34.31Nylehe waS?
04:34.34catbotdebian hate the man using QQ
04:34.46Nyleoh yeah
04:35.07tyh_123hehe ,gaim-QQ only can cilent 2006 sever ver in debian.
04:35.24catbotWhy do not you try GTalk , or Skype., or IRC?
04:36.09Nylesimonrvn: hows the throat?
04:36.20\amethystcatbot:  QQ is the most popular free IM in China
04:36.32catbotjust you think
04:36.44simonrvnNyle: better. still a bit rough around the edges, but a day of not talking fixed it up good
04:36.46Nylechina kicks ass
04:36.55NyleI love chinese food
04:37.00tyh_123i wanne any program.and i have many friend in QQ
04:37.12catboti love girl
04:37.13*** join/#debian Kevin`_ (
04:37.15Guerinchina does indeed kick ass, and not just for the food
04:37.31tyh_123i hate QQ too.because it have not cilent for linux
04:37.52catbottime for launch
04:38.16Nyleits a donkey
04:38.21Nylejust a name for a donkey
04:38.31Nyleyou know, a little tiny horse like thing
04:38.40tyh_123oh ?
04:38.40\amethysttyh_123:  'kick ass' = 'is very good'.
04:39.01tyh_123\amethyst, thanks
04:39.10Nyletyh_123: basically anything that kicks donkeys is good
04:39.12\amethystit's not polite, though
04:39.23\amethyst"ass" is the human bottom
04:39.25Nyleit isn't very polite, but its an honest compliment
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04:39.46Nyle\amethyst: not really, thats just a meaning some people give it
04:39.51*** join/#debian paNix3d (i=paNix3d@
04:39.58Nyleit really is a donkey
04:40.01\amethystNyle: yes, that's how words work
04:40.12\amethystNyle:  they're spelled differently in BrE :)
04:40.22Nylearse vs ass
04:40.25Nylei am aware
04:40.37Nylehowever, ass is still a donkey
04:40.39tyh_123the china have a word
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04:41.03tyh_123can every want look?
04:41.09Nylei love chinese food
04:41.18Nyletyh_123: what exactly did you need help with?
04:41.48tyh_123i often go to newsgroup
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04:42.00tyh_123i wanne find a good explor for linux
04:42.19Nyletyh_123: what kind of explorer? newsgroup client?
04:42.27tyh_123looks like ,oe for windows.....
04:42.32tyh_123newsgroup client
04:42.35Nyletyh_123: try Thunderbird
04:42.41\amethystcan evolution do NNTP?
04:42.45tyh_123i'm using
04:42.46Nylenot sure
04:42.57Nyletyh_123: thunderbird is an excellent client
04:43.02XenguyNyle: is the TB interface nicer than Pan ?
04:43.07Nylei think it is called icedove here
04:43.12tyh_123i think Thunderbird is not for me
04:43.16Nylei am not familiar with pan
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04:43.41NyleXenguy: would you kindly enlighten me?
04:43.56czeroxwhat do you use to download music?
04:44.01XenguyNyle: just a GUI newsreader/client
04:44.07Nyleaudio cds
04:44.24Nyleif i don't feel like paying for it i use google
04:44.31Nyleyou should use google too
04:44.34czeroxim looking for programs, what do you recommend?
04:44.38stiv2khey is there a way i can swap the entire contents of 2 hard drives that come from 2 different computers?  One of my PC's has a 160 gb hard drive that i'd like to swap into my server and use my server's 80 GB drive on my pc.
04:44.59Nyleczerox: are you going to download copyrighted music?
04:45.06\amethyststiv2k:  first of all, how much free space on the PC?
04:45.06czeroxcreating a network :P
04:45.07tyh_123google?oh,i can't,because my net......
04:45.11amphiczerox: if you mean, "what is a good bit torrent client?", I would say 'rtorrent'
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04:45.22NyleI would say ktorrent
04:45.26tyh_123i often go to
04:45.31stiv2k\amethyst: lots... unsure atm but i'd say like only 20 of 160 GB is used...that may be an over estimate
04:45.35czeroxill go by rtorrent
04:45.43tyh_123they have google page....
04:45.53czeroxwhat about emule?
04:46.02stiv2kczerox: use bittorrent
04:46.07Nyletyh_123: you want a newgroup reader or a newsgroup binary leecher
04:46.33Nyleczerox: you do know that rtorrent is curses based?
04:46.34tyh_123i don't how say.likes oe.....
04:46.36Xenguyczerox: 1. there are interesting videos on youtube of how to search google for a lot of music out there; 2. there is a firefox extension that piggiebacks on google to find music on the net; 3. there are p2p clients like 'gtk-gnutella' and others; 4. there is of course bittorrent.  Take your pick :-)
04:47.02NyleXenguy: are you a xen guy?
04:47.07stiv2kNyle: is rtorrent better than the standard ?
04:47.11*** join/#debian rmayorga (n=rmayorga@unaffiliated/rmayorga)
04:47.15Nyleof course
04:47.23czeroxwow a lot of help :D
04:47.26czeroxthat's good
04:47.27czeroxthanks ;)
04:47.29Nylebut for new users its a bit of a hassel and takes some getting used to and reading
04:47.30stiv2kNyle: interesting never heard of it before
04:47.30atoponcewhen will libwnck-2.20.0 hit the repo?
04:47.33stiv2k\amethyst: any idea?
04:47.44\amethyststiv2k:  then you can (preferably from a boot CD so you're not using the HD) copy the server data to the PC, copy the PC data (excluding the copy you just made) to the server, remove the originals, and move the new directories into place
04:47.44XenguyNyle: my nick precedes Xen chronologically actually :-)
04:47.57XenguyNyle: short answer, no :-)
04:48.00\amethyststiv2k:  preferably while the machine is quiescent
04:48.08stiv2k\amethyst: quiescent?
04:48.14stiv2k\amethyst: does it matter which machine i do it on?
04:48.18\amethyststiv2k:  you don't want writing going on while you do this
04:48.30stiv2k\amethyst: so like from a linux livecd or something
04:48.31Nylei like rainbows
04:48.40simonrvnatoponce: has already. ii  libwnck22                  2.20.0-1                   Window Navigator Construction Kit - runtime files
04:48.42Nylei have not seen a real one in a long time
04:48.57atoponcesimonrvn: hmm
04:49.00*** mode/#debian [+l 777] by debhelper
04:49.09simonrvnjust came in today
04:49.09czeroxNyle: are you a male or female?
04:49.11stiv2k\amethyst: i feel kind of sketched out doing that, im always afraid i'll mess something up and my data will be gone
04:49.12\amethyststiv2k:  yeah... if you can put both drives in one machine you could do it with cp -a, otherwise maybe rsync
04:49.18\amethyststiv2k:  hmm
04:49.40\amethyststiv2k:  how much space does the server have free?
04:49.41*** join/#debian TheDreamer (
04:49.47stiv2k\amethyst: only a few GB
04:49.55stiv2kits like 80-90 % full
04:50.01XenguyNyle: rainbows are wonderful; I love it when I see one (actually saw a double rainbow not too long ago - wow :-)
04:50.04stiv2kthats why i want to swap them
04:50.11stiv2kthe one off the pc has double the storage
04:50.22*** join/#debian concept10 (
04:50.24\amethyststiv2k:  then verify the directory trees against one another once you've copied them
04:50.38\amethyststiv2k:  hm
04:50.46stiv2k\amethyst: i guess... but when i'm actually doing this i'm now going to know exactly how to do all of it
04:50.50stiv2know -> not
04:50.51czeroXNyle: are you there?
04:50.54atoponcesimonrvn: ok. i asked the question badly. lemme rehprase:
04:50.58stiv2ksince i've never done it before :/
04:51.05stiv2kever get that feeling
04:51.29czeroXNyle: are you a male or female?
04:51.31atoponcelibwnck18 depends: libwnck-common (< 2.19), but 2.20.0-1 is to be installed
04:51.37NyleczeroX: both
04:51.38Xenguygood answer ;-p
04:51.41stiv2kNyle: roflamo
04:51.46atoponcewhen will *that* change? :)
04:51.51czeroXi was asking nicelly :S
04:51.57simonrvnatoponce: just use aptitude
04:52.02NyleI was being truthful and honest
04:52.08atoponceyeah, that's what got me into this whole mess
04:52.12simonrvnczeroX: why does that matter?
04:52.13stiv2ki wonder if chicks really dig *nix
04:52.19atoponcedid an aptitude full-upgrade when i shouldn't have
04:52.22czeroXi just wonder
04:52.24GarryFreIs there a nice way to ask strangers personal questions? :)
04:52.28czeroXit sounds female to me
04:52.32atoponcenow i've lost a ton of packages, and i can't get them back
04:52.54tyh_123Do this room have program engineer?i found some people like attack others!The tree was very big and have any bird.
04:52.58stiv2ki think im gonna reboot to linux and upgrade the 150 packages available for sid :S
04:53.00atoponcegnome-power-manager for example
04:53.04amphiczeroX: 'Nyle' is pink in my client, I think you've got it ;)
04:53.12Nyleif you are not a woman, you are a man+woman, period.  This is a known scientific fact.  Female = XX, Male = XY.  Technically we're not really men, we're half men.
04:53.23stiv2kamphi: how does your client know the gender of other users
04:53.31*** join/#debian FuzzyB_ (n=FuzzyB@
04:53.36tyh_123channel?i think here more likes chat room
04:53.42amphistiv2k: irssi can do anything ;)
04:53.51simonrvnor, alternately, half-women
04:53.52czeroXwasnt easier to say male or femail?
04:53.52GarryFreCould alway just say sometimes. that will confuse em.
04:53.56stiv2kamphi: humor me
04:53.59Nyleamphi: you're pink too in my client
04:54.02Nylebright shocking pink
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04:54.10simonrvnczeroX: it doesn't matter
04:54.21amphiNyle: magenta, I hope ;)
04:54.23Nylesimonrvn: he thinks i am a girl
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04:54.34NyleI like to say it like 'magneeta'
04:54.42Nylei hate that word, magenta.. ugh
04:54.46Nyleugly souding word
04:55.11Nylesounds like you're wiping a cockroach from your shoe
04:55.16Nyleor something
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04:56.01czeroXwell thanks either way
04:56.05GarryFreI remember playing a game and some player asked me if I were really a female and freaked out before I could say My toon is female cause if I'm going to have to stare at a pile of pixels I might as well like what I see.
04:56.06en1gmasup all
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04:56.28tyh_123It is not like Linux genius.
04:57.06atoponcelinux needs a time machine
04:57.15stiv2ki bet if anyone ever invents a time machine,
04:57.19stiv2kit's going to run linux :/
04:57.24atoponcewhere i can go back to yesterday and have the packages restored to prior versions/installs
04:57.32en1gmaim still having problems with my (ide dvd-rom) using "abit serillel 2 ide-sata adapter" here is my lspci, lsmod and dmesg it starts at line number 461
04:57.40simonrvn!tell likevinyl_ -about away
04:57.47en1gmaif someone can help me get this working i would be much appreciated
04:57.50*** part/#debian likevinyl_ (
04:57.52tyh_123atoponce,are you sure?(linux needs a time machine)
04:58.12NyleI think I'm in love with my desktop
04:58.14*** join/#debian yoshio (
04:58.21atoponcetyh_123: wanna come fixed my b0rked sid for me?
04:58.27amphiatoponce: sounds like you want fossil/venti (of plan 9 ;)
04:58.35GarryFreGentoo has some front ends that allow you to go backwards in versions for selected packages, but I found the interlocking a puzzle to drive me mad.
04:58.36Nyle!sid faq
04:58.36dpkg[sid faq]
04:58.39stiv2katoponce: it's shouldnt get surpised if it b0rks
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04:59.01stiv2ki dont know the exact spelling
04:59.11stiv2khave you ever considered sidux?
04:59.18dpkgi guess sidux is a GNU/Linux Live CD distribution based on Debian's <unstable> branch.  Go /join #sidux @  See also <based on Debian caveats>.
04:59.26stiv2kyeah i use it
04:59.41stiv2kits debian sid but they have a neat script that usually takes care of b0rkages pretty well
04:59.44Nylehow different is it from sid?
04:59.48tyh_123atopence,can you find the linux gennis in google ?
04:59.48Nylewhat are they doing
05:00.00stiv2ki.e. the maintainers of the script update it to hold back packages that they know will b0rk your system
05:00.10stiv2kits automagic... sorta
05:00.17GarryFreOther people got nice errors that siad packageName 1 is blocking packageName 2, but I got one the hundreds of packages you need to upgrade was blocked by one of the hundreds of packages you already got installed.
05:00.33stiv2klike when xorg 7.3 came out they put it on hold because it breaks a lot of stuff... i think its still on 'hold'
05:00.36stiv2kknow what i mean?
05:00.37atoponcetyh_123: 1. tab complete is your friend. 2. i have no idea what you're talking about
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05:03.03GarryFrestiv2k reminds me of a doctor telling a heart transplant patient "We took the old heart out and the new one doesn't work so we are going to put a hold on this new heart. Hold on, we going to get your heart beating soon."
05:03.31stiv2kGarryFre: heheheh
05:04.00stiv2kGarryFre: that would be sad if we applied the way we maintain packages to heart surgery :P
05:04.13tyh_123atoponce, i have some problem with debian kernel in fact.but this room!yes it most likes chat room's people is not,i must is you are not a program engineer!
05:04.44GarryFrestiv2k Yeah, "Don't worry, its just a small leak."
05:04.52*** join/#debian sharika (i=shyam@
05:04.54GarryFrestiv2k a small artery
05:05.01tyh_123the pidgin proglem is only the most small one.
05:05.14stiv2kGarryFre: your new heart still has a lot of bugs in it so.... we have to wait for it to be released into 'testing' before we can put it in ya
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05:06.40GarryFrestiv2k Reminds me of Wine, I love it, but it seems no matter how terrible a bug they produce, they won't release a new version for two weeks.
05:06.57tyh_123Chinese join the debian plan and help debian plan in fact!why?because we love mustn't use debian !
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05:07.33tyh_123you can have level!!!
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05:11.51en1gmaif someone can help me i will get you a hairy lipped iranian prostitute
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05:11.59en1gmathey are in high demand like oil
05:12.10stiv2ken1gma: ooooooh sounds like you got yourself a deal
05:12.29stiv2khairy lipped iranians excite me
05:12.40en1gmabest i could do on short notice
05:13.09en1gmai said that in another channel and i cant believe no one even responded to it
05:13.19en1gmagawd...the nerve of some ppl
05:13.39niruI have postscript installed
05:13.45en1gmaif your lucky she might even have a uni-brow
05:14.05nirubut still samsungs ML 3051 ND printer is not displayed in the printer configuration opriton
05:14.29niruen1gma, any idea
05:15.58en1gmai never really had a printer hooked up to linux....well a few years back i did and i had to configure it through a web browser if i rem right
05:16.57en1gmaniru whats the problem
05:17.04en1gmai might be able to help track a fix down
05:18.04niruen1gma, I clicked on add a new printer option
05:18.26niruwhen selected the manufacturer samsung
05:18.33niruI got a list of models
05:18.44nirubut I dont find ML 3051 ND model listed there
05:18.58Gokee2Anyone know if I can get knoppix`s 3.something with only a 2.4 kernel to use its grub install to restore my grub menu system?  I normally chroot to my main (real) debian part then run grub from there somehow but its been a while....  (trying to get a game to work so I installed windows)
05:19.03niruthis site shows I need to have postscript driver
05:19.12niruthis is already available in my machine
05:19.16JordiGHAny idea what config file(s) holds the Gnome menus?
05:19.27niruso why that model is not displayed under smasung
05:19.35en1gma"PPD file needs to be taken from the Windows drivers though." <<< you get that part already?
05:19.57niruen1gma, I did not get you
05:20.07en1gmathats in the instructions on that link
05:20.19en1gmait says you need to take that file out of the windows driver
05:20.33en1gmasomeones not reading
05:22.02en1gmaniru cant believe you send me a link (that you tell me to read when you havent read it yourself)
05:22.13en1gmaLAZY :)
05:22.24*** part/#debian tyh_123 (n=tyh-user@
05:22.35niruen1gma, but the same postscript driver works for all HP printers how
05:23.26en1gmait says that the linux ppd driver dont work correct
05:23.41en1gmayou have to dlaod the windows driver extract it and steal the ppd driver
05:23.52en1gmato my understanding
05:24.30niruen1gma, cant I download it from somewhere
05:24.38en1gmaprobably from samsung
05:24.43niruen1gma, but then will it be opensource
05:24.48en1gmathats who has the drivers for it i would assume
05:24.55niruI mean can I distribute that PPD file
05:25.08en1gmaim not a lawyer
05:25.22en1gmai do alot of things im not supposed to do
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05:25.53JordiGHDoes the etch install still have a 2.4 kernel in the boot options?
05:27.00en1gmaJordiGH im not sure
05:27.04en1gmai use the net-install
05:27.15en1gmadont rem seeing it
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05:43.11simonrvnJordiGH: i don't think so, but check
05:45.56jairhello guys, I am using xmms2 to play my mp3s and it is supper light weight (command line) :) but in order to play the audio cd conventionals (wav) I need a plugin that is available only for SID and I am usig ETCH
05:46.04jairis there a workaround for this?
05:46.26jairhow unestable will be my system if I install that plugin from SID distribution
05:46.48jairxmms2-plugin-cdda <= this is the package
05:46.48Penixjair: you'll end up with more than just the plugin from sid
05:47.05jairPenix: hmm you mean this is bad :(
05:47.22jairdependencies you mean
05:47.45Soletafter modifying zones in bind... how do i restart bind to make mychanges go live?
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05:49.54jairSolet "/etc/init.d/bind restart"?
05:50.06jairor reload
05:50.12jairor zone
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05:50.59jaggz-so I'm having problems installing debian.. a TON of problems.  The most recent is installing from a DVD and it locks up at "Select and install software" screen where it says "Retrieving file 119 of 119".
05:51.02*** join/#debian jack_wyt_ (n=jack@
05:51.25Soletjair: none of those gave me any output to indicate that they did anything
05:51.30jaggz-Term F4 shows: in-target: Need to get 0B/53.7MB of archives. After unpacking 176MB will be used.
05:51.30jaggz-in-target: Writing extended state information...
05:51.56jaggz-I'm trying to find some webpages to help but any assistance or direction is appreciated.  I've spent a week and a half on this
05:53.08jairSolet: one sec
05:53.45dondelelcarojaggz-: has it totally locked up or can you still switch terms?
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05:54.13jairSolet: got it. do this => "/etc/init.d/named restart"
05:54.13jaggz-the computer's okay.. software's just sitting there
05:54.35jaggz-I can switch terms, login to consoles
05:54.43Soletjair: bash: /etc/init.d/named: No such file or directory
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05:55.11jairone sec
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05:55.42dondelelcarojaggz-: drop to a console and ps to see what is going on with it; most likely its still trying to retreive the packages or similar
05:55.42CactusMDhas anyone had their sound muted after rebooting, even though everythings fine in alsa?
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05:56.47jaggz-oh, and I told it not to use a mirror, so I was just trying to install from the DVD with no network (although I accidentally left the network cable plugged in)
05:56.52jairSolet: try this => ndc restart
05:57.11jaggz-the idea was for it to be really secure as it's an important server :)
05:57.26Soletjair: command not found
05:57.33Soletwhat package has named?
05:58.00jaggz-I'm looking at ps.. I am not familiar with the install process though -- I see some perl's running things and aptitude -o APT::Status-Fd=4 etc .. and dpkg-preconfigure
05:58.13jaggz-solet, bind?
05:58.27jaggz-(why does named/bind require root privs?)
05:58.34jairSolet: rndc restart?
05:59.27jairSolet: are you log in as user then you issued this command " su -" then put the password to be root?
05:59.58jairif not you need to give it all the path
06:00.13Soleti'm in su
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06:00.16jairSolet: like "/sbin/rndc restart"
06:00.21jairsu -
06:00.24jair"su -"
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06:00.52Soletwhen ever i do changes to system stuff i su to root
06:01.00Soleteasier than having to type sudo every other line
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06:01.33jairSolet: but with the "-" dash like => su -
06:01.37Soletrndcrndc: 'restart' is not implemented
06:01.42Soletwhat's the dash do?
06:01.43jairthen enter it will export the paths to root
06:02.13jairsu - it will give the path to the root
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06:02.28jairanyway did you try the last one I gave you?
06:02.38jairrndc restart
06:02.44Soletyeah... says restart is not implemented
06:02.54jairhmmm :(
06:02.59jairone moment
06:02.59Soletwhat package is named in?
06:03.21jairis "named"
06:03.25jairI think that is the one
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06:03.51jairbut the command says ndc restart or rndc restart will do it
06:04.00Soletsays cant find package named
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06:05.08jairSolet: what version of Debian are you using?
06:06.46jairSolet: do this in the other I will put it here:
06:07.00jair1- log in to a new terminal with a regular user
06:07.11jair2- su - then put the root password
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06:07.38jair3- run this command => "/etc/init.d/bind9 restart"
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06:08.07Soletthat actually did something
06:08.12Soleti swear to god i've tried that before
06:08.16jairSolet: haha
06:08.17czeroXhow do i know what version i am using?
06:08.32jairSolet: you have to get use to use su -
06:08.34jairmy friend
06:08.36_lyte_czeroX:  ? what version of what ?
06:08.54jairSolet: cool now?
06:09.04Solet-_- still not resolving the machines in the network -_
06:09.25_lyte_czeroX: cat /etc/debian_version ??
06:09.27Soletsomething's gotta be fucked with my zone files or something :(
06:09.45*** join/#debian Havis_ (
06:10.09_lyte_czeroX: so thats the version
06:10.32czeroXdebian 4.0 is that it?
06:11.18Soleti have a debian 1.0 boxed release... the mistake/prerelease ^_^
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06:11.53czeroXwhat is the newest version?
06:11.58Soleti want to install it on an old junk system... but i dont want to open the plastic
06:12.11gpmczeroX: that's the latest official, 4.0r1
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06:12.15_lyte_I use debian 4 (etch) which is the stable one ..
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06:12.35czeroXok tnks
06:12.56tuvis it safe to modify the backup user entry in /etc/passwd or is this user used by any standard tools by default?
06:12.57gpmczeroX: that and much more is all available and easy-to-read at
06:14.06Soleti wonder if my dns isnt working because it's fighting with the nat...
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06:14.30Soletnat, dhcpd, and dns are all running on the same machine..
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06:14.35popthello, which appilcatio  on debian can read djvu document
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06:15.08Soletapt-get install djview
06:15.11jairSolet: that sounds very interesting
06:15.49poptthank you
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06:16.06Soletjair: do you think they'd play more nicely if on different machines?
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06:18.01RvGaTegood morning debian
06:18.28poptand is there a method I can grab whole files under a ft dir?
06:18.46Soletjair: have you ever built a nat box?
06:18.47poptfor example:
06:19.06poptI want to download all files uner tools dir
06:19.17poptwhich command I should use ?
06:19.38poptand is there a method I can grab whole files under a ftp dir?
06:19.46poptmiss letter 'p'
06:20.23jairSolet: not really :(
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06:20.48jairSolet: I think that three of then can be in the same machine
06:21.06jairyou will need at least two network cards though
06:21.27gpmpopt: man ftp?
06:21.47Soletjair i got the 2 ftp cards
06:22.00Soleti cant read and type at the same time
06:22.08Soleti'm behind the nat right now
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06:22.20Crush`anyone know how to suppress INPUT in a bash script?
06:23.00Soleti dont have the port openings for the servers made in the nat, and the lan dns isnt working at all
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06:23.21czeroXhow do i add a proxy to bithcx, i know that i shoud go something like /set sock_host and /set sock_port but what else do i have to do?
06:23.35pythonicwhy does etch installer "select and install software" install a whole pile of shit without asking me?
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06:24.24Soletpythonic: if you unselect everything in the last set of options, it will only install the base system required to boot and move around
06:24.36thedonvaughnpythonic, what did you choose during the installation?  if you want a custom install just install the base and add what you need via apt.
06:24.37pythonicSolet: i'm not offered any options.
06:24.42Soletyes you are
06:25.02Soletthe very last dialogue, has the "desktop, webserver, print server, dns, file server, base system"
06:25.04pythonicright after selecting no to popcon it starts installing 600+ packages
06:25.08Soletuncheck everything, even base system
06:25.15pythonicthere is nothing to uncheck
06:25.27RvGaTepythonic: we all experience it different :P
06:25.39neighborsdid you use the netinst disk?
06:25.41Soletyou have a magical install disc... i suggest cracking it in half and getting a less magical one :P
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06:26.05neighborsget the netinst disk and start over
06:26.08neighborsthat's why
06:26.12thedonvaughnwell uhm
06:26.12Soletholy shit... so you mean the kde disc installs kde?
06:26.16thedonvaughnyou got the kde disc lol
06:26.20Solet(sorry... bit snarky tonight)
06:26.25RvGaTeSolet: what? you gotta be kidding me!?
06:26.32ddmaanybody knows if its possible to use dd to make a backup of a mounted partition?
06:26.40pythonicSolet: without asking?
06:26.49SoletRvGaTe: i know right... fucked me out of my tree
06:26.59RvGaTepythonic: you already choose to download the kde install....
06:27.00Soletpythonic: it doesnt have to ask... it assumed you wanted kde when you installed the kde disc
06:27.04pythonicthe "standard" cd-1 has gnome packages, but it doesn't install those automatically
06:27.10Soletthat's like asking why a winxp disc doesnt install fedora core
06:27.17thedonvaughnpythonic, yes it does
06:27.20RvGaTepythonic: start over, using the netinstall disc...
06:27.21pythonicthe kde cd-1 has kde packages. why does it install them automatically?
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06:27.23jaggz-ddma, sure, why not?  just try not to let anything write to the drive while you're backing it up or your backup may be corrupt and bad
06:27.23pythonicwithout asking?
06:27.38Soletcause it's called kde
06:27.39jaggz-remount it readonly if you can
06:27.48neighborsyes but if you got "WINDOWS XP WITH OFFICE XP" you'd probably have office installed
06:27.50pythoniccd-1 installs gnome without asking?
06:27.59thedonvaughnpythonic, you choose desktop as an install option obviously
06:28.01jaggz-if you think anything's going to be writing to it and you can't do that.. maybe you shouldn't be doing the backup that way :)
06:28.09pythonicthedonvaughn: i didn't get the option
06:28.10jaggz-now, why not just back up the files on the drive instead of the dev itself?
06:28.10thedonvaughnpythonic, no it doesn't.  you have to choose desktop.  we've gone over this
06:28.34Soletif you're that worried about it installingshit with out asking... go get gentoo minimal
06:28.38thedonvaughnpythonic, i mean on the "standard" cd.  the kde just assumes you want KDE installed i guess.  i've never used the kde cd
06:28.41pythonicok. so cd-1 does not install gnome without asking? why does kde cd-1 install kde without asking?
06:28.53Soletdude for fucks sake
06:28.59neighborshe probably had "desktop" selected
06:29.00neighborsthat's why
06:29.09pythonicno, i want the kde packages on the cd, i don't want 600+ packages installed
06:29.09Soletif it's in the title of the whoring disc... IT'S GOING TO FUCKING INSTALL THE SHIT!
06:29.23thedonvaughnpythonic, we told you what to do.
06:29.29RvGaTepythonic: i think the message is clear now :P you've chosen to install kde by downloading the kde install disc.. if you want a clean abse system to star out with, you shouldn't have downloaded that one in the first place... we all suggest you start over using the netinstall.... cant be anymore clear then that...
06:29.37ddmajaggz-: I was hopping that if I backup the dev then I could restore the whole system (so its bootable straight away) but that might not be possible?
06:29.53pythonicso there's no cd with kde packages that also asks me if i want to install them?
06:30.03RvGaTetroll anyone?
06:30.11Soletpythonic: vista...
06:30.22thedonvaughnmaybe a nintendo wii would be nice for you
06:30.35czeroXthat was rude
06:30.37RvGaTegameboy... even better... you can take it with ya
06:30.42*** join/#debian Azar (
06:30.48Azarhello honorables!!
06:31.01RvGaTewho you talking to? :P
06:31.08thedonvaughnpythonic, i believe it does ask.  you should have an option for desktop, webserver, etc etc.  I'd do the install again
06:31.10Azaryou and you and you... everyone
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06:31.31RvGaTethedonvaughn: he didn't use the netinstall... he used the kde install...
06:31.37SoletPROTIP: cd's install the shit listed in the title of the disc
06:31.39pythonicthedonvaughn: no, it does not ask.
06:31.51Azardamn right I am glad I don't use ubuntu!! blasphemy! now Dell tries to do automatic driver downloads!!!
06:31.52neighborsdid you have "desktop" selected ?
06:31.52RvGaTeoh god... here we go again :P
06:32.00pythoniclike "debian" cd installs all of debian?
06:32.10RvGaTepythonic: you clearly still dont get it... lol
06:32.19neighborsI'm sure you had "desktop" selected and on a kde disk that's KDE
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06:32.39Azarhuh? you install only what you want man!
06:32.40pythonicthere was no selection
06:32.42pythonicno options
06:32.52Soletthe kde disc prolly makes that assumption
06:32.52Azarno shit... what about tasksel ?
06:33.01neighborsthen maybe you clicked through it on accident
06:33.08neighborsmaybe the enter key registered twice
06:33.14Soletkinda like... oh... how a halo2 disc doesnt bother to ask you if you want to play splintercell isntead
06:33.17neighborsit defaults to desktop
06:33.21Penixa user made a mistake? impossible!
06:33.23neighborsso maybe you completely skipped that menu
06:33.27RvGaTepythonic: --> S T A R T   O V E R <--- (using the netinstall)
06:33.39neighborsif you didn't see it it's obvious you left it at the default which is desktop
06:33.47Azarpythonic: yeah, what RvGaTe said, and READ the prompts :)
06:33.51pythonicneighbors: there was no option
06:34.03neighborsdo it over and pay attention this time
06:34.04Soletpythonic: what kind of computer do you have?
06:34.11pythonicSolet: laptop
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06:34.15Azaris asking you to pick software man...
06:34.19pythonicRvGaTe: stop trolling please.
06:34.28AzarRvGaTe: is not trolling
06:34.29czeroXpythonic: why dont you give it a try and use it like you have it...
06:34.47RvGaTepythonic: im trying to give you a message... but clearly, you're not reading them...
06:34.51Soletor use apt to get rid of the shit you dont want
06:34.55pythonicSolet: 80GB disk 1GB ram
06:35.07Azarpythonic: more than enough
06:35.12pythonicRvGaTe: because i'd like the kde packages on the cd i use to install
06:35.17Penixcalm down. enough with the caps. stop feeding the troll
06:35.29neighborsyou want the kde packages?
06:35.33neighborsthen what's the problem?
06:35.48pythonicneighbors: i want the kde packages on the install cd. i want to choose which ones to install, if any.
06:35.58neighborsit doesn't give you that detailed of an option
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06:36.00AzarRvGaTe: is Etch not having a tasksel no more like on the older versions?
06:36.08neighborsif you pick desktop you get a set of kde related packages
06:36.19RvGaTeAzar: what you mean with tasksel?
06:36.23pythonicRvGaTe: have i insulted you? who's the troll here?
06:36.25Azarneighbors: I guess desktop options installs gnome
06:36.26neighborsif that's too high level then do netinst and apt-get exactly what you want from a standard system instead of desktop selection
06:36.33ddmaIf I make a backup of a root partition using dd, will it be possible to restore it easily (make it bootable right away)?
06:36.33Soletif you want the old selection process... go grab a woody install... install your shit
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06:36.40Soletthen apt-get upgrade about 900000 times
06:36.43Soletcome back in a week
06:36.53Soletand hopefully some one will have stolen you computer and put it to better use...
06:37.11AzarSolet: pshhhttt, that is the way I am installing and shush, it takes only 3 hours to get up to Etch
06:37.12RvGaTepythonic: im not going to spend any more time on you today... sorry.... just start over using the netinstall...
06:37.35pythonicthanks for offering the non solution several times
06:37.38RvGaTeAzar: 3 hours?! you must have a shitty connection, lol
06:37.42neighborsthat IS the solution
06:37.47neighborsthat's the correct solution
06:37.51AzarRvGaTe: from Woody to Etch I ment
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06:37.57pythonicso i can't have packages on a cd AND choose which ones to install
06:37.59RvGaTeAzar: ouch...
06:38.00czeroXi thought i was bad :S
06:38.18Penixpythonic: you clearly don't understand the concept of task selection and metapackages
06:38.25RvGaTepythonic: that will end up using the same version anyway... so doesn't matter
06:38.27AzarRvGaTe: I love it that way :)
06:38.32pythonicPenix: there was no task selection option
06:38.36Penixpythonic: that's nice
06:38.43neighborspythonic how many times did you try?
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06:39.00czeroXnow im confused
06:39.07Azarmaybe he is doing ubuntu installation where eh yes, there are no many "choices"
06:39.09Penixonly just now?
06:39.11pythonicneighbors: i've tried normal and expert install.
06:39.16RvGaTeAzar: i think my computer wont handle a 8 years upgrade :P
06:39.25pythoniceach time, right after popcon, it installs 600+ packages
06:39.25neighborsI suspect you missed the dialog that lets you unselect desktop
06:39.34pythonicneighbors: twice?
06:39.41Soleti suspect he's using a retarded ass install disc
06:39.48RvGaTesome custom one
06:39.51czeroXwhy dont you try pc-bsd pythonic?
06:40.29neighborspythonic, you can always do the netinst, do a standard system, and add the other disk to your sources.list to load packages from
06:40.47neighborswhen you do apt-get install it will ask you to put your kde disk in the drive at that point and load packages from it
06:40.47pythonicSolet: so, who's the troll here?
06:41.04RvGaTepythonic: have you tried starting over ?
06:41.08Soleti'm bitchy, you're being a twit...
06:41.10RvGaTepythonic: using the netinstall
06:41.14czeroXmm now i am confused again
06:41.14Soletwe've fucking told you exactly what to do
06:41.22RvGaTea dozen times
06:41.26pythonicSolet: that's not a solution.
06:41.30neighborsyou can load packages off your kde disk
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06:41.38czeroXi think he's joking
06:41.47pythonicSolet: right... so who's the troll here?
06:41.50neighborsafter doing a minimal install with a different disk (if your disk REALLY doesn't allow you to unselect desktop which I'm skeptical of)
06:41.56RvGaTepythonic: lol, 30 people are saying that it IS the solution...
06:42.03pythonicRvGaTe: 30?
06:42.03AzarRvGaTe: new installers (Etch) are intimidating me
06:42.03AzarI hiccup at partition time
06:42.16pythonicRvGaTe: count them
06:42.39RvGaTepythonic: you count them... its at least more then 5... why you still think its not the solution ?
06:42.40czeroXpythonic: you are joking right?
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06:42.48Solet!ops pythonic == troll
06:42.48dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, ):, helix, ljlane, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk, gravity, azeem, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Alife, Myon, Ganneff, Maulkin, weasel, zobel: solet complains about: pythonic == troll
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06:43.09pythonicbecause i'd like the packages on one cd.
06:43.13RvGaTethis is what i call a bad start in the morning
06:43.38neighborsyou can load packages from any cd you want by adding it to sources.list
06:44.37RvGaTei was expecting more like.... "hey i have a problem... blabla"   "this is the solution dude!"   "thx, ill give it a try!"..... and that would've solved the problem.... but noooo.... things are going waaaaaayyyy different....
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06:44.50czeroXi really think that pc-bsd will result just fine
06:44.57RvGaTekanaldrache: morning :)
06:45.38kanaldracheI have a system account that just i just need to login per ssh key authentication and i have a strange feeling clobbing the home directory with it. Where would you put the homedirectory of such a user?
06:45.44kanaldracheSomewhere under /var
06:45.48SpeedyGRvGaTe: isnt it more like this "Hey, i've got a problem blabla" ... "oh, this is the sollution to that" .... "*click*" (phone hung up) (or random irc-quitmsg, or person walks away)
06:45.50pythonicRvGaTe: no, it was more like "here's a problem" "hahaha you moron, kde cd installs kde obviously!"
06:45.54PenixRvGaTe: are you sure you meant to join #debian? ;)
06:46.21RvGaTePenix: ehmm... i never leave? lol
06:46.27Soletwe were nice atleast the first 8 times
06:46.48Penix8 strikes and you're out seems pretty fair
06:46.49pythonicSolet: no, you were snark, straight up.
06:46.52Soletfuck even _I_ was nice the first time...and i've been near postal all day
06:47.15RvGaTepythonic: thats Solet for you... every person is different... he just happens to be an ass all the time
06:47.16Azarpythonic: usually there are several, (7, 14) CDs for Debian... myself I only use the 1st CD only as is the BASE install with no gui, no X no desktop... nada. From there I start installing on my own stuff that I need only
06:47.29Penixfunny how someone can be willing to waste so much time debating nothing when they could use that time to try again
06:47.51RvGaTePenix: dont forget to tell he needs to use the netinstall
06:47.57SpeedyGPenix: innit? ^_^
06:47.59Azarpythonic: so if you use a CD custom made that has desktop "by default" it is your problem then
06:47.59czeroXi did the same as Azar :D
06:48.15PenixRvGaTe: but it dosn't ask me. lolz kthx bai
06:48.22Solet[01:22] <pythonic> why does etch installer "select and install software" install a whole pile of shit without asking me? [01:23] <Solet> pythonic: if you unselect everything in the last set of options, it will only install the base system required to boot and move around <-- this was before you allerted us to your shit install disc
06:48.24SpeedyGRvGaTe: depends.. netinstall didnt work for me (at least, one of the older ones didnt)
06:48.39RvGaTeSpeedyG: you do need internet tho.. :)
06:48.58Azarit takes a bit of work to install and configure video, sound.... etc but it is worth the effort, in the end I end up with exactly what I want
06:49.00Solet[01:24] <Solet> you have a magical install disc... i suggest cracking it in half and getting a less magical one :P <-- after we realized there was no way you were using the real disc
06:49.10pythonicit is a real disk
06:49.12SpeedyGRvGaTe: the only thing I needed, was a working driver for my Intel e1000GT adapter ... that was just the one that wasnt included in that cd :D
06:49.26Solet[01:25] <Solet> holy shit... so you mean the kde disc installs kde? <--- when you acted like this was a fucking enigma
06:49.34SpeedyGRvGaTe: it was included in the first full disk
06:49.37RvGaTeSpeedyG: what kind of adapter was that?
06:49.45RvGaTenetwork ?
06:49.54RvGaTeah.. figures..
06:49.56Penixwe need a big bag of chill pills and some /ignore love right about now
06:50.15RvGaTeaawww..... grouphug ! :P
06:50.22Penixc'mon. you know ya wanna!
06:50.22SpeedyGRvGaTe: took me 2 netinstall cds to figure that out
06:50.34pythonicwhy is it "obvious" that the cd with kde packages should install kde without asking?
06:50.49AzarI don't want automatic driver updates I surely hope Debian will not adopt this system
06:51.02SpeedyGpythonic: for the same reason windows crashes without asking? :D
06:51.06RvGaTepythonic: seriously... please... dont waste our time any longer... you know the answer, its up to you to listen or not...
06:51.11pythonic"holy shit... so you mean the kde disc installs kde?" is quite out of place if you can't answer that question
06:51.11Soletazar: i'm sure you'll be able to shut it off
06:51.24AzarSolet: the very idea gives me chills
06:51.28Soletthe question had been answered 6 lines before
06:51.28Azaris a BAD idea
06:51.45SpeedyGAzar: it would be nice to have that option tho
06:51.46pythonicno, it hasn't been answered
06:51.52SpeedyGfor the 'inexperienced' user
06:51.53Soletyes it has you twit
06:51.56Soletget the netinstall
06:51.59Soletinstall from that
06:52.02pythonicthat's not a solution
06:52.02Soletonly base system
06:52.07Soletthen put your shit kde disc in
06:52.18Soletadd it to your sources list
06:52.20Penix!cookie RvGaTe
06:52.25pythonicyeah, only base packages available too without a connection
06:52.25Soletand apt-get install kde
06:52.25Azarguys, would you like to get crappy updates from some driver company? they don't code, man they script
06:52.42RvGaTePenix: no idea what im doing... :x
06:52.46czeroXi'll cry
06:52.49pythonicor two cds
06:52.55Penixdunno where that came from
06:52.57Azardon't trust driver, firmware shoddy code to get automatically on your machine
06:53.19SpeedyGAzar: as I said, for the inexperienced user, that would be kinda like a sollution... because they dont want to think about 'oh, i have to update my drivers, but how?'
06:53.33SpeedyGAzar: they want 'hey, an update for my driver ... press ok to continue'
06:53.34AzarSpeedyG: that where ubuntu kicks in
06:53.35PenixAzar: I'm sure most people here aren't using an ubuntu equipped dell. and if they are, they'd probably be smart enough to wipe it clean first
06:53.39Solet <--- here gnome live cd... surely wont intall a billion kde packages
06:53.45RvGaTepythonic: have you tried the netinstall yet?
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06:54.02SpeedyGAzar: ok, good point :) tho i'd still like to have the option of installing it ;)
06:54.28AzarPenix: ubuntu is for first time linux users to get their toes dip in the water...
06:54.49Penixwhat better time to force them to apt-get their way to driver updates
06:54.56RvGaTeAzar:i think ubuntu is a great choice for starting linux users...
06:54.59AzarSpeedyG: ahhhhh I see, yea as an optional package, yes... why not
06:55.10AzarRvGaTe: yep, indeed
06:55.23Azarthen who wants to learn more can move to Debian later
06:55.26gpmi think ubuntu is a fine choice for anyone
06:55.32gpmi think debian is a fine choice for anyone
06:55.54Soleti have 2 of each infront of me right now
06:55.55RvGaTeAzar: tho they could work on their graphical installer... seems to take up to 5 hours just to select a timezone... lol
06:56.05gpmi think elitism is bad.
06:56.06RvGaTeAzar: and im not kidding
06:56.28czeroXi think im hungry
06:56.31gpmdid something about font rendering change in sid recently?
06:56.33AzarRvGaTe: well yes but it has colors, sound, icons and a cursor moving on the screen man :)
06:56.35Soleti think building a debian router/dns is a fine choice for insanity
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06:56.58AzarSolet: I would call that a fine hobby
06:57.08gpmi think i agree.
06:57.11Soletazar: driving me up the fucking wall =/
06:57.12RvGaTeSolet: i always have problems with dns :S
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06:57.45Soleti think i'm gonna splitit up... run dhcp and nat on one box, and dns on another inside the nat
06:57.47AzarSolet: it is painful until you get to figure out things
06:58.06Soletslap a fire wall infront of the mess at some point
06:58.19garoDo I have to do something to after I change /etc/security/limits.conf to make the changes active ?
06:58.22Soletazar: have you done it?
06:58.39AzarSolet: try Douglas Comer's Internet Working with TCP/IP :)
06:59.14AzarSolet: no, but it is the dream of my life to get the time to become a pro on the field
06:59.22RvGaTegaro: according to google... no
06:59.45Soletoh my god that's a big ass book
06:59.50garok, thanks...
07:00.03AzarSolet: got it as a gift from a dropout student :)
07:00.13Soletazar: it gets easier when you forget to sleep
07:00.16Soletlots of spare time
07:00.42Azarunfortunately my job which I love does not let me much time for all I wish to learn..
07:00.57RvGaTeAzar: working 6 days a week huh?
07:01.02Soleti need to figure out wtf to do with 8 dual proc pentium pro (200mhz), 300meg of ram, 2gig scsi drive servers
07:01.10AzarRvGaTe: sometimes months with no day off
07:01.17Soleti picked up a server rack today with 8 of them for 75 bucks
07:01.25RvGaTeAzar: what kind of work you do ?
07:01.32RvGaTeSolet: cheap..
07:01.34AzarRvGaTe: accounting
07:01.41noob_in_dangerhow can i install php5 support for apache2, in chrooted apache2?
07:01.46Solethas a goofy kvm missing cables (and they're strange printer port looking plugs)
07:01.49RvGaTeSolet: chain them together... make a super computer :P
07:01.51Solethas the 220v power hub
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07:02.20Soletcontrolled cooling system (just fans... but withspeed controllers and temp sensors (no readout tho))
07:02.44Soletfully enclosed rack... weighs 280lbs empty with doors off
07:02.58Soletabout 340 with the switch, kvm power hub and doors all on it
07:03.09Soletabout 700 with all the servers in it
07:03.23DawnLightjust because...
07:03.30Soletcarrying that thing down the stairs empty sucked hard core
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07:04.13Penixgaro: you need to relogin
07:04.53AzarSolet: I used to love having my 4PCs setup all running around, until one day, lightning strike... and destroyed all my nice interfacing..
07:05.45garoPenix: Who is 'you' ? Do all the users that are affected by the change in limits.conf have to relogin ?
07:06.42garoOr is just killing the processes that are now taking too much memory enough ?
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07:07.22Penixgaro: is this a server or desktop scenario?
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07:07.37wolsnoob_in_danger: make sure your php5 files are  inside the chroot?
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07:08.40noob_in_dangerwols: thats the problem... how can i do this? ldd ???
07:08.41garoPenix: a shell account server
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07:09.02garorunning on a vps with not enough memory
07:09.11wolsnoob_in_danger: dpkg -l php5
07:09.24wolsoops. dpkg -L <package>
07:09.31SelenolycusOk, I have a problem: I had a three-hdd system, but one HDD acted funky, so I took it out - is there an easy way to install GRUB on the new primary partition/hdd now?
07:09.45Azargood morning mister wols!
07:09.47pythonicnow i've found a real solution.
07:09.58pythonicthanks trolls
07:10.21RvGaTenow im getting curiuss.... whats the solution pythonic ?
07:10.29Azarpythonic: you remind me of a good old joke man...
07:11.00noob_in_dangerwols: i compiled it manually
07:11.11pythonicthe kde cd is an official debian cd. i hoped it would work just like cd-1 but with kde packages on the cd.
07:11.21pythonic(instead of gnome packages on the cd.)
07:11.27pythonicunfortunately it doesn't.
07:11.28Azartwo guys in a countryside train... one opens up his lunch box and starts eating some fish...the other just watches. When the first guy finishes the fish tells the other: hey, if you want , I can sell you the fish bones.
07:11.40fireba11pythonic : i'm curious . what's hard about installing without desktop and doing "apt-get install kde-base" later ?
07:11.41AzarThe other is like ok, how much? Five bux replies the other
07:11.46pythonicit installs without asking. but i can override at boot
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07:12.12AzarThe guy buys the fish bones, starts sucking at them then all of a sudden asks: why five bux?
07:12.15pythonicfireba11: i'd need two cds or a network connection
07:12.40pythonic(network connection + one cd :-)
07:12.41AzarThe original guys say: I sold them cheapily to you, see how your brain has already improved?
07:13.03RvGaTepythonic: so you didn't have an internet connection?
07:13.20fireba11pythonic : that's rather normal nowadays
07:13.20pythonici'm not assuming that i will
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07:13.44noob_in_dangerwols can u help?
07:13.45SpeedyGpythonic: ah, that was kinda unclear :)
07:13.49pythonicand if i did i don't want to download hundreds of megs everytime (diverse locations)
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07:14.37Azarwell thank you, pythonic: you could have told us you don't have / or want an internet connection for downloads... that makes sense.
07:14.42pythonici never want to install the whole kit and kaboodle, but i want to have the packages available
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07:15.18Azarpythonic: people around here usually use an internet connection to pick and cherry packages, with no connection you don't have much of a choice do you?
07:15.27AzarNyle!!! :D
07:15.41pythonicthe alternative is using more than one cd, but i don't like that option much either
07:15.42Nylecolon capital d indeed
07:15.52AzarNyle: read my joke up ^^^^
07:16.03Nyleit was funny
07:16.11Azarthat how I got you out huh?
07:16.18RvGaTepythonic: you installing it on multible systems ?
07:16.31Nylei just woke up to eat food
07:16.42pythonicyes, and i need to document the install process
07:16.43Nyleim going back to bed
07:16.52Azarok good night Nyle
07:16.54pythonicso i'd rather not choose the "expert" option
07:17.05pythonicbut a boot line option is ok
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07:17.27pythonic(maybe you didn't know the kde cd-1 is official debian cd?)
07:17.45pythonicand why i might expect it to work the same way...
07:17.50AzarI know that a kde "option" was included with Etch
07:18.12Azaror.. there is an Etch with KDE installer somewhere
07:18.20SpeedyGpythonic: we do know that, but that cd is supposed to install KDE, as you pick the choice of downloading a KDE-cd, which assumes you want KDE (and all 600+ packages) installed
07:18.41Azarholly bloat!
07:19.08pythonicit also listens on{111,113} or something...
07:19.09fireba11Azar : and that is why you usually only want to do apt-get install kde-base
07:19.24SpeedyGfireba11: or non-kde at all :D
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07:19.25Azarit is rather nicer to have a no-desktop install then install KDE on your own
07:19.38Azaryeah kde base
07:19.53RvGaTepythonic: this is what works best for you... grab one pc... plug it into the internet... install it using the netinstall, install all the packages you want... after setting up the system, grab the dpkg archive and burn all the .deb files to a disc, and use those to install all the other pc's...
07:20.31RvGaTepythonic: that way, all your systems would be exactly the same
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07:22.52schemelabIf I install the Debian Plone, what port will it serve on? Can this be changed so that both apache and plone can serve webpages?
07:22.57schemelabEtch/4.0 Debian I mean
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07:26.23SpeedyGschemelab: have you taken a look at allready  ?
07:26.50schemelabSpeedyG: no, but thanks for the link. I will check it out
07:26.54SpeedyGyw :)
07:27.11schemelabI think there is a way to use apt-cache to get this sort of info isnt there?
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07:27.44dondelelcaroschemelab: not that particularly bit of information
07:27.51dondelelcaroschemelab: but like all webservers, it should be configurable.
07:27.57schemelabapt-cache info filename.deb?
07:28.09dondelelcaroschemelab: no, apt-cache show foopkg; man apt-cache.
07:28.23dondelelcaro(apt-cache doesn't deal with .deb files)
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07:29.45Azargood morning honorable dondelecaro :)
07:30.17RvGaTeAzar: you didn't honor me... whats up with that? *angry look*
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07:30.36Azartrying to install (again) Debian GNU
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07:30.52AzarRvGaTe: I honored everyone when I stepped in
07:31.04RvGaTeAzar: oh.. right...
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07:31.17AzarRvGaTe: funny how new visitors label you "troll" hehe
07:31.42RvGaTeAzar: yeah... guess that was kinda funny..
07:31.53RvGaTei wonder why tho ... :P
07:31.55daliashey, i've had this really strange bug with firefox^Wiceweasel for a long time and don't see it reported anywhere:
07:32.27daliason many links, when i move the mouse over them, the text glitches slightly by moving one pixel to the side
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07:32.33SpeedyGRvGaTe isnt a troll? o_ô ;) :P
07:32.39daliasfocusing another window with the mouse undoes the glitch
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07:33.14Azardalias: strange objects on the internet....
07:33.20dondelelcarodalias: yeah, there are some issues with the text rendering in firefox
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07:33.25daliasalso when scrolling, sometimes text is offset one pixel up/down
07:33.41dondelelcarodalias: one of the more common issues is with ligatures
07:33.51daliasi know that issue
07:33.55daliasbut this is a separate issue
07:34.12dondelelcarofile a bug?
07:34.24SebbohHow long can a bash command line be?  Specifically, suppose I do something like ls *   but, the current directory has 200,000 files in it.. And they have long names. :P .. bash is using 20 megs of ram so far and it hasn't even spawned the child process, it's just chewing on the glob. :P
07:34.27daliaswell i'm trying to figure out if it's known
07:34.40dondelelcaroSebboh: you want to use find + xargs
07:34.41daliasand if it's already reported
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07:34.55daliasbut i can't even think of the right keywords to search for
07:35.02dondelelcaro(or don't even bother ls'ing that directory)
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07:35.26daliassebboh, "ls *" makes no sense
07:35.33daliasyou should just use "ls ." or plain "ls"
07:35.42Sebbohdondelelcaro, the child process isn't ls like I indicated, it's exiftool (a perl script).  ..Hmm, I can still use xargs for that, huh?
07:35.42enoufuse echo *
07:35.49daliasenouf, no, baaaaad diea
07:35.54daliascommand line limit is usually 32k
07:36.00daliasincluding the environment and command line
07:36.11dondelelcaroSebboh: yes.
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07:37.01daliassebboh, xargs will run the program several times, filling up as many names as will fit on the commandline each time
07:37.18enoufand/or use +, instead of \;
07:37.25Sebbohbtw, if I really wanted to know a list of the files in that dir, I'd ask the database. ;P  the ls was an example.  Ok guys, thanks.  dalias, hmm, I have definately already gone over 32k command line length..
07:37.43Sebbohdalias, sounds good.
07:37.57dondelelcaroyeah, we don't take well to examples. In the future, tell us exactly what you're doing.
07:37.57Azaro/t but isn't rather strange that once Stallman went to Peru two events of importance happened: 1. Stallman stepped down from the airplane and an earthquake happened: a BIG ONE too. 2. A meteorite fell near titicaca lake... now what next?
07:38.06wols_NooB: why did you compile it manually? it exists in debian just fine, as does apche
07:38.24Azarmesser dimir :)
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07:38.48wols_Azar: the aliens will land and will capture so he can become their new all enlightened leader
07:38.59Azar:D heeehehehehe
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07:39.09dondelelcaroone hopes not
07:39.14daliasso anyone else observed link text jittering by 1 pixel when you move the mouse over it?
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07:39.22wols_alternatively strange coincidences will continue until the CIA finally has perfected their new eaponsystem they're testing on stallman
07:39.35Azarwols_: it is said that fumes from the meteorite made sick people there... bull! it was Stallman's farts
07:39.40dimirAzar: ;)
07:39.51daliashmm it only seems to happen on some sites
07:39.53daliasnot others
07:39.54Sebbohdondelelcaro, examples have their purposes.  My question was about shell wildcard expansion, not about the perlscript.  If I hadn't accidently picked an absurd example, our conversation would have been more efficent. ;)  Not that I'm complaining.  This went well.
07:40.13Azardalias: same as some sites are killing my firefox..
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07:40.23wols_Azar: if anything, it was the stallmans body odor, strenghtened by not showering for weeks
07:40.37Azardamn right!
07:40.41SebbohI googled across Stallman's personal add earlier today.  (Accidentally, I assure you.)
07:40.46daliasazar, do you perhaps have a dangling symlink to a nonexistant font in one of your font dirs?
07:40.52daliasthat's the most common reason for it
07:40.57enoufman i fucked up my irc client config
07:41.05wols_nobody knows what lives in that hair of his. no one who started a expedition to his hair has ever returne. Heart of Darkness indeed
07:41.26dondelelcaroAzar, wols_: that rumor is a bit strange, though; it seems that the only people who propogate it are people who haven't actually met and talked with him for any period of time
07:41.33Sebbohheh wols when you state into the abyss, the abyss stares back.
07:41.36Azardalias: no idea, but I use the simplest firefox browser (no plugins... or other stuff)
07:41.59Azardondelelcaro: I was just joking, /me loves Stallman
07:42.05wols_dondelelcaro: it should be obvious I'm joking. and no I haven't ever met him. we can't all :P iirc.
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07:42.26Sebbohrandom stuff.
07:42.45Sebbohazar, double eew.
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07:43.25Azartho I would still use vim over emacs
07:43.25dondelelcaroAzar, wols_: since he's been no dirtier than I was on any of the occasions I've talked with him (not that I'm a great example of concern with personal hygene, though.)
07:43.26Sebbohsee what happens when you take RMS's name in vain?  The net has split.
07:43.38Azardondelelcaro: I am just glad he escaped injury on the earthquake and wasn't hit by the meteor
07:44.16SebbohThat was just peru's way of saying Hey everybody, look who's here.
07:44.30Azarbut I allways was thinking: ouch, Stallman is there (everytime something happened in Peru)
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07:44.51Sebbohdamn irc is a blackhole.  must flee
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07:45.21Sebbohdawn hehe you invoked /link eh? ;)
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07:45.46DawnLightthanks spirits!
07:45.58SebbohDawnLight :)
07:46.03Sebbohanywho peace all
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07:47.19Azarmister tarzeau!!! long time no see :)
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07:48.06noob_in_dangerhey. is there any way to make a chroot of my system, so i can install services i want and then run them all chrooted, without the need of copying files from my default system to a chroot dir?
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07:48.55Trewashumbolto: changing gconf settings with gconf-editor etc "official" tools (not by editing the files directly) should make the changes take effect immediately
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07:50.23tarzeauAzar: hello
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07:51.48humboltoTrewas: does not seem to be the case for evolution
07:51.51Azartarzeau: got Halo3?
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07:52.24tarzeauAzar: nope
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07:52.45humboltoTrewas: I have a completely weird error after I used my gnome 2.18 home with gnome 2.20
07:53.02kiorkyhelloo im searching the current debian developpes number
07:53.12kiorkyif someone has some approximation about it :p
07:53.14Azarphone number?
07:53.24kiorkyno, total number of core devc
07:53.39Azaruh I only know they are hundreds and hundreds..
07:53.57Azarmaybe dondelecaro knows better
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07:55.26kiorkydondelelcaro: any idea? :)
07:55.53dondelelcarokiorky: do you want developers or maintainers?
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07:56.02kiorkydondelelcaro: both if possible
07:56.20RvGaTeAzar: you up for a game? :P
07:56.35dondelelcarothe number of developers is somewhere around 800, though the number of really active ones is probably closer to 350-400.
07:56.41tarzeauAzar: tried the new pingus yet? or funguloids?
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07:56.56Azarmy my, now mailing list archives at linux includes BSD , maybe buddy buddy with Theo now
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07:57.15dpkgUpdating debian files... please wait.
07:57.17Azarpingus? funguloids? /me rushes to install :D
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07:57.32dpkgDebian Distro Stats on sid... 21565 packages, 1881 maintainers, 54697 MB installed size, 18907 MB compressed size.
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07:57.35kiorkydondelelcaro: thanks
07:58.08Azar:P yay!
07:58.36dondelelcaroheh. looks like unstable is entering the 6 DVD range
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07:59.18geo-rge!+dstats etch
07:59.19Azarholy bloat!
07:59.19dpkgUpdating debian files... please wait.
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08:00.06rzimek78in which file there is how many virtual terminal I can have?
08:00.10dpkgDebian Distro Stats on etch... 18715 packages, 1729 maintainers, 42065 MB installed size, 13766 MB compressed size.
08:00.26geo-rgethats pretty close
08:00.54rzimek78in FreeBSD it is in /etc/ttys, but in GNU/Linux?
08:01.07dondelelcarorzimek78: it's /etc/inittab
08:01.13RvGaTeonly 42gb for a complete install of debian etch?.... cool... thats less then vista.... lol :P </sarcasm>
08:01.16geo-rgeso now you have to be able to think about 5 things, -2 or +19000
08:01.23dondelelcarorzimek78: assuming you're talking about real vts, not ptys.
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08:02.02geo-rgeRvGaTe: on top of which some of those conflict
08:02.15wols_RvGaTe: abd yiz get about a dozen MTAs, 200 editors, 20 WMs and DEs,...
08:02.16rzimek78tty1, tty2 and so on, :)
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08:04.03aspWorkanybody else having problems with gnome-applets under sid as of late? sysmon, media_player, weather etc all crash on load for me since this morning
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08:04.53ddmadoes anybody know of a debian mirror with woody?
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08:05.20Dreamlinuxhi there
08:05.40tarzeauddma: which arch? you still have such systems?
08:05.47Dreamlinuxi have a problem my friends.
08:06.05Azarthank you tarzeau! :D
08:06.23ddmatarzeau: i686
08:07.06Dreamlinuxhow i can read a file in format .cgi from my browser?
08:07.16tarzeauDreamlinux: you can't
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08:07.29tarzeauDreamlinux: unless it's not executed on the webserver, and sent in clear text
08:07.38tarzeauDreamlinux: you can ask the people who wrote it to give you the source?
08:07.47wols_a cgi is a script that creates html or something else that your browser understands
08:08.25Dreamlinuxyou want see the source?
08:08.27wols_Dreamlinux: it's the same with .php: you can't see the php code when you call the page in your browser
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08:09.37jelly-home... unless your cgi is one of those apps that output their own code
08:10.08Dreamlinuxwell here are the sourcecode >
08:10.26wols_jelly-home: or the webservre is misconfigured (much more likely) :)
08:10.33aspWorkseems like a broken dependency to libwnck18 is the problem
08:10.42aspWorkwonder if sid really was for me <g>
08:11.05wols_welcome to sid aspWork
08:11.12AzarLenny could be less broken
08:11.19aspWorkwols_, thnx =)
08:11.54wols_!wayttd Dreamlinux
08:11.55dpkgWhat Are You Trying To Do, Dreamlinux?
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08:12.17wols_aspWork: fyi, currently there is no nvidia driver in lenny :)
08:12.26AzarI wonder, if sid is not recommended for new users... and ubuntus are based on sid... and is advertised as the esiest on new users... does make it sense?
08:12.29Dreamlinuxlook.. i follow this guide
08:12.43wols_and lenny krenel 2.6.21 is unable to run the driver since there is a GPL symbol problem :)
08:12.56aspWorkwols_, well, etch it is then <g>
08:13.21SpiAzar: it makes sense since Ubuntu is JUST based on Sid. Not equal
08:13.23AzarI stay with Sarge on this box for now
08:13.37AzarSpi: ah I see.. thanks
08:13.51daliassarge is really outdated..
08:14.02Penixwindows xp is really outdated
08:14.12wols_Dreamlinux: an what is your problem exactly?
08:14.14Azardalias: for those who want to use the latest PC.. latest gadgets, yes
08:14.27daliaseven etch is really outdated
08:14.32DawnLightmy etch here is outdated so i don't know what you're thinking with that sarge
08:14.37Azaroutdated for... what?
08:14.39daliasand i would never dream of using 'latest pc'
08:14.54Azardefine outdated
08:15.00Penixdefine define
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08:15.03jelly-homeI'm outdated but I still work
08:15.06Azarfor me, outdated is a thing that is not working no more
08:15.16DawnLightit has wrinkles
08:15.19mhallWhat's the right kernel mailing list for asking questions on SATA controller driver issues? linux-scsi?
08:15.43Azarmy outdated version has nvidia driver, alsa working good, ..
08:16.05daliasazar, from my perspective, it has fairly bad multilingual support
08:16.07DawnLightaren't you tempted to upgrade?
08:16.11daliasdoesn't even default to utf-8
08:16.31Azarbut do I need multilingual support? or utf-8 ?
08:16.42daliasthat's why i said from my perspective
08:16.50daliasother issues would be that it probably packages old versions of firefox and openoffice, etc.
08:16.53Azarah yes for those who need them indeed
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08:17.20aspWorkdo we have a timeframe for gnome 2.20 to be included in sid?
08:17.21DawnLightif you're not using a desktop environment, i can understand. but a newer set of my favorite apps is always welcome!
08:17.32Azardalias: yes packages are old indeed. but they work
08:17.39Penixlots of people own cars manufactured ~40 years ago
08:17.46Penixsome (most?) don't have airbags
08:17.50Penixthey don't all upgrade
08:17.58daliaspenix, we just had this conversation on #emacs earlier
08:18.04daliasthe claim that airbags save lives is false
08:18.09Penixdoesn't matter
08:18.11Penixit's a 'feature'
08:18.14Penixwhether or not it works
08:18.21Azarthe newer versions come with lot of improvements and thanks to the Debian team efforts to bring 'em on
08:18.28Azarbut they are bloated by the version
08:18.51daliasyes, sadly software that gets overall-better rather than just more bloated is rare :(
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08:19.02daliasemacs is one of the few exceptions. i love emacs
08:19.05AzarLet's see next year on Lenny if it comes out if it fits on 3GB (all apps included)
08:19.19daliasbloat has increased very little since the early 90s, but functionality has improved a lot
08:19.32Azarhehehe dont you touch that!
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08:19.40Penixso, what's the opposite of bloat? stagnation?
08:19.44Azarif I ever "upgrade" I go to Debian GNU
08:20.06PenixI've never understood the connection between new features and this mystical 'bloat'
08:20.06daliasthe opposite of bloat is studying and understanding the problem you're trying to solve and solving it in an efficient and clever way
08:20.11Azardamn I can't manage the partitioning yet!
08:20.22daliasrather than just applying whatever patch some ignorant newbie coder gives you
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08:20.53Penixif you're an accomplished developer applying 'newbie' patches willy nilly, you've got bigger problems
08:20.55jelly-homePenix: bloat <-> elegant?
08:21.21tarzeaubloat is cumbersome, so software that doesn't feel cumbersome is the opposite (call it what you want)
08:21.28daliaswell consider apps with problems supporting ctl languages
08:21.31wols_Dreamlinux: msging people in #debian randomly is a very DUMB idea. please don't do it
08:21.46daliaslots of them don't understand international text support issues
08:22.19daliasso they just accept patches to "attach pango" from someone who understands the issues partially, but who doesn't understand coding well at all
08:22.31daliasand then you end up with big bloat
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08:22.51daliasit doesn't mean the feature was bloated
08:23.00daliasit means the problem was solved in the wrong way, resulting in bloat
08:23.03Azarpatches... in Debian?
08:23.23Dreamlinuxbye all.. thank!
08:23.25daliashacking pango into firefox was done by redhat iirc
08:23.30daliasand that patch is from them
08:23.41*** part/#debian Dreamlinux (
08:23.52daliasthankfully firefox 3 is redoing it mostly correctly
08:24.03daliasbut it's not out yet :(
08:24.29daliasrxvt-unicode is another great bloat example
08:24.31Azardalias: bloat: amount of storage and hogging down memory by a big bunch of applications and their dependent processess
08:24.38daliasrxvt was designed to be a light xterm replacement
08:25.08PenixAzar: you definition is extremely relative
08:25.12Penixyour rather
08:25.14jelly-homedalias: rxvt-unicode has compile time options to disable most of the options
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08:25.24daliasthen this crazy c++ guy came and added unicode support (along with lots of other features) in a way which made rxvt over 10x as resource-hungry!
08:25.28AzarPenix: well is just what I feel when I say "bloat"
08:25.36microtuxiwant to set up a serial console for my linux; but i have some problems. Someone could help me ?
08:25.46PenixAzar: that's why I have a problem with the term
08:25.51wols_!tell microtux about ask
08:25.58jelly-homedalias: I like and need unicode
08:26.03daliasjelly-home, compile-time isn't very useful for a dist. and even if it were, even with all the new features disabled rxvt-unicode is still a ton better than rxvt
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08:26.07daliasjelly-home, of course. we all do.
08:26.14daliasread what i said!
08:26.19daliasunicode support is not bloat
08:26.20dondelelcarodalias: except that it's not rxvt, it's now rxvt-unicode, and as far as unicode support it's pretty much the best terminal extant
08:26.27daliasrxvt-unicode's horrible implemntation is what's bloat
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08:26.50jelly-homedalias: uh, UTSL?
08:27.26daliasdondelelcaro, rxvt-unicode has no support for CTL, indic langs, etc. and very poor support for combining characters
08:27.30daliashardly good unicode support...
08:27.37daliasjelly-home, ?
08:27.45jelly-homefix the code.
08:28.06daliasjelly-home, what does UTSL mean?
08:28.23jelly-homeuse the source, Luke
08:28.28daliasahh :P
08:28.42microtuxwols_, understood, thx
08:28.42Penixdalias: I see your point, but despite the methods used, unicode support was the goal, and that goal was achieved
08:28.42geo-rgemicrotux: you've read the serial-howto?
08:28.44dondelelcarodalias: I never said it was good, I just said it was the best.
08:28.46daliaswell rxvt-unicode is pretty much the wrong starting point
08:28.47Penixpoor support doesn't imply bloat
08:28.51microtuxgeo-rge, yes
08:29.04microtuxgeo-rge, it asks me for login/passwd
08:29.13geo-rgeso the link works
08:29.20dondelelcaro(or at least, the best that I know of)
08:29.23mhallWhat's the right kernel mailing list for asking questions on SATA controller driver issues? linux-scsi?
08:29.26daliasif all you want is simple unicode support on the level of what rxvt-unicode has, it could be hacked into plain rxvt (with minimal size increase) much more easily than debloating rxvt-unicode
08:29.26microtuxyes the link works
08:29.32geo-rgeboth ways?
08:29.56microtuxbut when i enter login passwd it says no passwd for mocrotux on ttyS0
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08:30.05jelly-homedalias: on my machine, urxvt uses less VSZ than say aterm.
08:30.26geo-rgenever seen that before
08:30.36Penixspeaking of terminals, I can't believe I'm still an eterm whore without even knowing why
08:30.58jelly-homedalias: maybe you missed that Debian has two builds of it, one without freetype (and other bloat ;-)
08:31.36thedonvaughnrxvt-unicode and rxvt-unicode-lite
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08:32.00dalias3380 drf       15   0 13152 7428 5548 S  0.0  5.9   0:00.35 rxvt
08:32.07daliaslooks pretty big to me
08:32.13dalias1.9 megs
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08:32.24mhallsteinchen: moin
08:32.24steinchenhow do i change the cpufreq in lenny?
08:32.43daliascompared to
08:32.44dalias2581 drf       15   0  5688 1132  976 S  0.3  0.9   0:26.75 uuterm-x11
08:32.48steinchenmoin moin
08:32.57Fox_1_hi all
08:33.01*** join/#debian Um3ggh1U (n=mDm@
08:33.20microtuxgeo-rge, here is the full message
08:33.26jelly-homedalias: is that rxvt-unicode or rxvt-unicode-lite?
08:33.28microtuxgeo-rge, invalid password for `root' on `ttyS0
08:33.36daliasjelly-home, the full one
08:33.43Fox_1_people I have added unstable repository in my sources.list and now want to upgrade my system, but not all packages. for example only firefox. how can I do that?
08:33.43jelly-homedalias: well duh
08:33.56daliasshould i try the lite version? what is is missing?
08:34.08geo-rgemicrotux: can you log in as any other user?
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08:34.25jelly-homedalias: freetype / antialised fonts is what is most visible
08:34.47microtuxgeo-rge, no, the same problem for all users
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08:34.55daliaswell that would be important if it were going to do CTL support, but since it doesn't that's fairly useless..
08:35.17geo-rgewhat do you have the other end of the serial cable hooked to
08:35.32daliasi'll check it out
08:35.36jelly-homedalias: and there's also its client/server model of you want to further reduce the memory footprint.  downside: you kill the daemon, all windows die.
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08:35.53jelly-homeand it doesn't play well with session management
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08:36.26Knight_LordHi. Did anyone ever installed Lustre with debian?
08:36.34geo-rgewhat getty you using
08:36.49daliasjelly-home, i only use one terminal window usually anyway...
08:37.04microtuxgeo-rge, i'm using a usb-serial cable, the usb is hooked to my box, the serial to the system i'm trynig to access
08:37.06Knight_LordI'm planning on trying it out and I was wondering how difficult it is to set it up and if anyone has any good pointers?
08:37.08steinchencpufreq-set and cpufreqd doenst work together??
08:37.17jelly-homemicrotux: is ttyS0 listed in /etc/securetty?
08:37.25daliasok, i had the -ml package installed which is apparently very bloated
08:37.32daliasi'll try the lite
08:37.32microtuxjelly-home, yes
08:38.28geo-rgemicrotux: well the baud rate is correct
08:38.47geo-rgebut I'm thinking the parity setting is different on either side
08:38.57daliasmuch better at least:
08:39.01dalias3611 drf       15   0  7144 2728 2384 R  0.0  2.2   0:00.05 rxvt
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08:39.45geo-rgecan you kill off the getty temporarily and put minicom on the local side
08:39.51microtuxgeo-rge, the baudrate is ok, but i'll check the parity
08:40.25microtuxkill getty on remote system?
08:40.37daliasok, this is certainly a usable terminal aside from the limitations on its unicode support
08:40.46geo-rgeumm wait
08:40.52geo-rgedescribe the situation first
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08:41.44microtuxgeo-rge, ok, i'll describe
08:41.44daliasso rxvt-unicode was not one of the best examples for bloat, sorry
08:42.05geo-rgeso you have the box to be logged into on one side of the serial link
08:42.16microtuxi'm trying to establish a serial console between 2 linux boxes. i'm
08:42.17geo-rgeI guess that's the nonusb side?
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08:42.25jelly-homeis this bloat?
08:42.28jelly-home10626 jelly     20   0  138M 30996 18824 S  2.0  1.7 -  1:04.25 amarokapp
08:42.50microtuxyes the remote box is on the serial side
08:42.58microtuxthe local box on the usb side
08:43.04slapfacewarecan i ask something about iptables?
08:43.09geo-rgeare they in the same room?
08:43.22slapfacewarei want to find out which script load firewall
08:43.56geo-rgemicrotux: are you also in that room?
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08:44.54microtuxgeo-rge, yes
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08:45.14geo-rgeok, so it's not like you have to drive a thousand miles to reboot the box
08:45.46geo-rgeor pay for some admin guy to do it
08:46.00microtuxgeo-rge, of course, but i rebooted it so many times
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08:46.10geo-rgenot asking you to
08:46.11steinchenthinkpad T41 isnt able to scale the cpu frequency in lenny???
08:46.42geo-rgejust making sure you have physical access to the machines on both sides of the serial cable
08:46.52maddash_my box has been hacked
08:46.56jelly-homesteinchen: it ought to, which cpu?
08:47.21microtuxyeah i have physical access on both machines, the boxes are in my desk
08:47.30geo-rgeok one sec
08:47.58steinchenjelly-home, Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1600MHz
08:48.18DawnLightmaddash_: who did it!
08:48.31wols_microtux: can't you log in as "microtux" or such?
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08:48.47microtuxwols_, no i can't
08:48.51wols_cause if you can type your name and you can see the login prompt, the connection is alright
08:49.00*** mode/#debian [+l 789] by debhelper
08:49.09wols_then it can only be a software or configuration problem
08:49.16wols_can you log in to the normal console?
08:49.19wols_or via ssh?
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08:50.26geo-rgeit -looks- like the link is good
08:50.34microtuxwols_, ssh is not setup yet,
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08:51.16jelly-homesteinchen: do you have acpi-cpufreq or speedstep-centrino modules loaded?
08:51.23geo-rgelet's name em
08:51.25microtuxwols_, the link is ok cause it display linux boot sequence via serial link
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08:53.24steinchenfirst yes, 2nd modprobe brings "FATAL: Error inserting speedstep_centrino (/lib/modules/2.6.21-2-686/kernel/arch/i386/kernel/cpu/cpufreq/speedstep-centrino.ko): Device or resource busy
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08:55.29jelly-homesteinchen: that's ok, either one ought to work with a P-M
08:56.05*** join/#debian Trentster (
08:56.12jelly-homesteinchen: is cpufreq_ondemand loaded?
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08:56.38TrentsterHey all, is it possible to put a dynamic dns hostname into " /etc/hosts.allow " I am trying with this format but it wont work " sshd : " any ideas?
08:56.49steinchenjelly-home, yes, aswell as "freq_table              4512  3 acpi_cpufreq,cpufreq_ondemand,cpufreq_stats"
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08:58.20jelly-homesteinchen: cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_*governor*
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09:01.16steinchenjelly-home, cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_*governor* - powersave userspace ondemand conservative performance - userspace
09:01.33slapfacewarehow to find out which script load firewall
09:02.04*** join/#debian Antharist (n=devel@unaffiliated/antharist)
09:02.16jelly-homesteinchen: you have a freq. managing daemon installed?  Try echo ondemand > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
09:02.46slapfacewareis there good howto about iptables usage?
09:03.28jelly-homesteinchen: you can also verify there's more than one freq listed in scaling_available_frequencies
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09:04.20steinchenjelly-home, there are all frequencies listet ... cpufreqd is installed, yes
09:04.39steinchenthat echo command did not gave any output but worked
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09:05.12Greek-BoyI tried to run debian etch on an HP DL180 G2. Everything works fine until there is activity on the NIC. It just drops the connection and I have to bring it back up with ifdown eth0 and then ifup eth0. Very strange behavior.
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09:05.29Greek-BoyI tried to install debian sarge on the same server but it doesn't detect the ide raid :(
09:05.34jelly-homesteinchen: cating the same file should confirm that you're now using the ondemand governor (and freq. should drop unless you have cpu intensive app running)
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09:05.58wols_Greek-Boy: what do your logs say?
09:06.24Greek-Boywols_ which logs should I look at?
09:06.42wols_all of them, especially the ones where the kernel outputs stuff into
09:07.13Greek-Boywill have a look...
09:07.20Shiftyhow can i locate the folder .torrent?
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09:07.53wols_Shifty: with locate or find
09:08.20steinchenjelly-home, mmh.. cat gives out ondemand now, but starting i.g. google-earth doesnt raise the freq .. still at 600mhz all the time
09:09.05Shiftywols ... how do you do that, that you can alwayst be online?
09:09.09wols_hmmm, seems they don't find .dotfiles. maybe try ls ~/.torrent
09:09.19Shiftyit worked
09:09.33wols_linux serverr running 24/7+screen+irssi
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09:10.29jelly-homesteinchen: what about running cp /dev/zero /dev/null & ?
09:10.58jelly-homesteinchen: can you pastebin the output of cpufreqd-get ?
09:11.04Shiftywhat do you do all the time? working?
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09:12.02steinchencpufreqd-get - No cpufreqd socket found
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09:12.57jelly-homesteinchen: sounds like it isn't started at all, is it in the process list>
09:13.16steinchen2665 ?        Ss     0:17 /usr/sbin/cpufreqd -f /etc/cpufreqd.conf
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09:14.30jelly-homesteinchen: anyway, check scaling_max_freq ... if it's at 600000, that's the reason.  echo 1800000 (or whatever's your max) into it.
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09:16.48steinchenjelly-home, where?
09:17.05jelly-homesteinchen: same file, same /sys directory
09:17.45dondelelcarowell, that was annoying
09:17.50dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, console is the opposite of x, or your ass in a can
09:18.12jelly-homesteinchen: take a look at the contents of the directory, the writable files are tunables for cpufreq
09:18.49Um3ggh1Uanyone have problem to install mod_mono?
09:19.00RvGaTejelly-home: you actually saying that you can tune your cpu using those files? i thought they were read only..
09:19.05maddashI changed my static ip, and now my box is sending out icmp packets to my old ip
09:19.14steinchenjelly-home, thanks .. thats it
09:19.28steinchenwhy was it at 600mhz only? can i set it defaulty to 1.6ghz?
09:20.21Shiftyhow can i set chomd for user xy if i am root'`? (cant find info in man)
09:20.21jelly-homesteinchen: it's possible cpufreqd has dumb defaults.  If you want to use it, you need to uncomment (or add? not sure anymore) enable_remote=1 in [General] section of the conf file.  also put your users' group in remote_group= to be able to change the current setup as user.
09:20.24microtuxgeo-rge, still here
09:20.33dondelelcaroShifty: chown foouser foofile; man chmod
09:20.50dondelelcaroShifty: and you probably also want to info coreutils 'File Permissions'; while you're at it.
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09:22.14microtuxwols_, i made another try using minicom, it asks me for a login/passwd, but minicom shows the status 'disconnected'
09:22.23microtuxand i can't write login passwd
09:22.29jelly-homesteinchen: the simplest setup would probably be to remove cpufreqd completely, install cpufrequtils instead, and set up the variables in /etc/default/cpufrequtils
09:22.58Shiftydondelelcaro how for a directory?
09:23.12steinchenjelly-home, thought so too thanks.. already on it
09:23.14dondelelcaroShifty: for a single directory, it's the same thing.
09:23.18PenixShifty: like he said, man chmod will tell you
09:23.29jelly-homeRvGaTe: yes, files in /sys and /proc/sys that are writable are usually so for a reason
09:23.33Shiftyit doesnt work
09:24.03Shiftyinvalid mode
09:24.52Shiftychmod user 777 /dir/ <--- that should work right?
09:24.57PenixShifty: are you trying to apply it to the dir and the files inside?
09:25.03wols_microtux: can you write the username?
09:25.11microtuxwols_, no
09:25.18dondelelcaroShifty: chown user dir, not chown user MODE dir.
09:25.25dondelelcaroShifty: man chown; man chmod; man chgrp;
09:26.41ShiftyPath is not writable - make sure you chmod +w this path
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09:26.48Shiftyso how?
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09:27.38dondelelcaroShifty: what path? what is giving you that error message? what have you tried already? what is the output of stat /foo/path for that path?
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09:28.16BigH26I'm using debian testing, and I need a package from unstable. What's the 'good' way to go about doing this?
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09:29.16fastaIs there a document that tells me how to get rid of broken packages?
09:29.58fastaI.e. an xemacs script goes into an infinite loop.
09:30.14fastaWTG QA...
09:30.20mmchow can I find a package wit Elisp files  which uses CDBS (i.e. the source package has cdbs as dependency)?
09:30.26jelly-homefasta: which release?
09:30.35fastajelly-home: not Stable...
09:30.49jelly-homefasta: well, you're the qa then.
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09:31.34fastajelly-home: I don't even want xemacs nor vanilla Emacs.
09:31.48PenixBigH26: you could rebuild it against your testing system
09:31.52Penixfasta: then remove it
09:31.52fastaIf I just could tell Debian that I already have Emacs installed...
09:32.01jelly-homefasta: if the installation script is !#/bin/sh, you can add set -x to it and see what happens
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09:32.17fastaPenix: some other packages depend on it (while in fact my Emacs23 also works nicely with them).
09:32.31jelly-homefasta: /msg dpkg equivs
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09:32.38ruben_Hello, what do I need to have two instances of qmail with the same host?
09:32.55Penixruben_: ask #qmail
09:33.21Shiftyok got it (only wrong user (doh))
09:33.25ruben_Penix: what is a 'specific' debian question?
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09:33.46jelly-homeruben_: qmail isn't really supported in debian
09:33.53troubledwols_: /nick wols!!
09:33.58daliasqmail is non-free isnt it?
09:34.04Penixiirc, yes
09:34.07fastajelly-home: regardless of QA, there should be a canonical command to remove something completely(even when the uninstall scripts don't work).
09:34.13wols_yes. very onerous license
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09:34.17daliasit also intentionally violates the rfcs in ways that will lead to lost mail
09:34.19troubleddalias: /msg dpkg qmail
09:34.34ruben_jelly-home: ok thank, better response :)
09:34.44daliasand it has a vuln which djb refused to acknowledge or fix
09:34.52fastaAnd it should be documented here:
09:35.14daliaswols_, rather lack of ANY license, iirc
09:35.17jelly-homefasta: that command might leave the system in an unconsistent state.
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09:35.29Ronini believe he did give an answer though dalias but its way to early to squabble about qmail :)
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09:35.41jelly-homefasta: and users of stable are not supposed to get in that situation
09:35.47fastajelly-home: It might leave some unused files behind.
09:35.51Penixfasta: are you referring to debian post install scripts when you say 'uninstall script'?
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09:36.01fastaPenix: yes
09:36.19jelly-homefasta: it might make a system unbootable, if it's say a kernel image package.
09:36.31geo-rge!info widtools
09:36.41fastajelly-home: yes, well then a flag: --IknowWhatIAMDOING
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09:36.54fastajelly-home: clearly XEmacs is not important
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09:37.07jelly-homefasta: you don't, if you knew you'd be able to debug the issue. :-)
09:37.08jmspeexAnyone from the Debian VoIP Team here?
09:37.22fastajelly-home: I am able, but I _don't_ care
09:37.37jelly-homefasta: so put an exit 0 into the script.
09:37.43fastajelly-home: I am not able to fix it in 5 minutes, which is all the time I am willing to invest.
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09:38.32jelly-homefasta: that's a pebcak then... you don't want to have problems like these, the only safe thing is not to use testing/unstable
09:38.46mmccan I install /download  only the .dsc file?
09:39.00*** mode/#debian [+l 798] by debhelper
09:39.12simonrvnmmc: uh, you can't install the dsc
09:39.14fastajelly-home: but I do want to install some new software and that depends on newer libc versions than stabel.
09:39.23jelly-homefasta: backports
09:39.43fastajelly-home: I doubt they get made for libghc6-* but they might, yes.
09:39.52Penixmmc: you can always get it from p.d.o
09:40.02mmcsimonrvn:  I want to see the Build-Depends  .... I am searching for an example of packages which uses CDBS
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09:40.19simonrvnmmc: so you download it
09:40.34simonrvnor you look at apt-cache showsrc foo
09:40.54jelly-homefasta: you have conflicting wishes.  Either you use stable + reasonably safe, or you use testing and deal.
09:41.13fastajelly-home: they are not conflicting in a logical sense.
09:41.25fastajelly-home: merely limited by current infrastructure.
09:41.54troubled/etc/init.d/simonrvn stop && apt-get remove --purge simonrvn
09:41.56jelly-homefasta: or you can pay a 3rd party to make you a backport
09:41.56mmcsimonrvn:   thanks    "showsrc" is what I needed
09:41.59simonrvnmerely limited by your conflicting wishes. /msg dpkg simple sid backport
09:42.17Penixyour current 'infrastructure' isn't a horrible stable+sid hybrid by any chance, is it?
09:42.26simonrvncat troubled > /dev/null
09:42.48simonrvncat /dev/null > troubled
09:43.01Penixeven better, urandom
09:43.09jelly-homecp /dev/zero simonrvn... make 'im asplode!
09:43.15simonrvnfull of NULs ;)
09:43.18troubledPenix: :p
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09:43.33simonrvnjelly-home: hehehe
09:43.54troubledsimonrvn: i know you are into that sorta thing :)
09:43.57Penixif that's not 'Dudes humping furniture', don't bother!
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09:44.01simonrvnoh gah. tell me what it is before i go d/l it or something
09:44.11troubledsimonrvn: money system
09:44.31simonrvn*blink* what?
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09:45.04troubledsimonrvn: short documentary on currency/monetary system
09:45.15troubledsimilar what you gave me other day
09:45.16simonrvnoh, 'k
09:45.40jelly-homedudes humping _bank_ furniture?
09:46.05simonrvnwhat furniture ? ;p
09:46.08dondelelcarojelly-home: your personal kinks are being exposed
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09:46.11simonrvnthe atms?
09:46.13Penixif banks have ottomans and wall mirrors
09:46.24jelly-homedamn you, Freud!
09:46.26simonrvnmy local one does o_O
09:46.40Penixsimonrvn: all you need is about four other dudes and a camera then!
09:47.17simonrvndoesn't have mirrors, just generic art
09:48.20Penixdo they play generic R&B?
09:49.40MattUKIs there a huge different between 4.0 and 4.0r1? Just I hvae 4.0 on CD and the 4.0r1 ISO but don't have any blank CDs
09:49.45simonrvni don't know, i don't stay long enough to listen ;)
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09:50.04PenixI hope that's coz you're an efficient customer ;)
09:50.21Penixspeaking of music, I really need to write a 'Whore this song' plugin for something like rhythmbox
09:50.51themillMattUK: the difference is a few security updates that you will get with an aptitude update && aptitude upgrade
09:51.39MattUKOk, cheers - no need to wait for blank cds then :)
09:51.40troubledi_dont_know_why_i_even_bother->{Penix}; :)
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09:52.34MattUKRight well I'm off to make the switch to debian then
09:52.39simonrvnPenix: yup. i use the atm
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09:55.00RvGaTewhat is this for an idea... everyone has seen the boot from network options when starting up his computer... is it actually possible to have a few copies/images availble on the pxe server... so that you can boot from any given cd (knoppix, winxp, debian netinstall) using the network boot option... so that i dont need to carry all the discs... is there an guide somewhere on how to set this up?
09:55.47dondelelcaroRvGaTe: yeah, there are.
09:55.51troubledRvGaTe: fai doc's might give you a good walkthrough on that sorta thing
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09:56.07dondelelcarothere are a couple on pxe boot d-i preseeding
09:57.02RvGaTetroubled: fai docs? where can i find these?
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09:57.54troubledRvGaTe: try #fai on oftc
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09:59.24scan anyone tell how can i use apt-get if the connecting http server requires authentication
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10:00.37troubleds: http://user:pass@hostname/....?
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10:15.27Ahriwhy is it that executing `ssh -L localhost:8000:' just logs me in, instead of doing port forwarding?
10:15.42Ahrithe remote server is running debian etch
10:16.06jmdIt should do both.
10:16.15themillAhri: is the local port already bound by something else?
10:17.11Ahrihrm could be, i'll try nmaping myself
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10:18.15themillAhri: is the client running debian too? netstat -antp|grep :8000
10:19.13shamrockCan anyone tell me why mysql-admin is not available in Lenny?
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10:20.05Ahrithemill: ah thanks a lot :)
10:20.21geo-rge!why is mysql-admin not in lenny
10:20.21dpkggeo-rge: what are you talking about?
10:20.27geo-rge!why is mysql-admin not in testing
10:20.27dpkgmysql-admin is not in testing for the reasons listed in
10:20.58geo-rgeklik awaaaaa
10:21.19themillshamrock: do you mean the command line tool mysqladmin?
10:22.06lukas___Hi, what typ of optimization should one fill in kernel compilation (PRocessor family for Core Duo (not core 2))
10:22.14lukas___Could anyone say?
10:22.30gkiagialukas___: pentium 4
10:22.57lukas___gkiagia: are you sure?
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10:24.23mooperhullo, Im having problems getting cups working
10:24.31shamrockthemill - no, the gui admin interface that installs in the menus. Do I have the name wrong?
10:24.31lukas___gkiagia: thanks
10:25.26themillshamrock: no, you're right. Just checking. The link that dpkg gave earlier tells why.
10:25.54shamrockaha thanks. I didnt see dpkg's line.
10:27.22shamrockso basicaly, it's just not ready.
10:28.52themillshamrock: yep... and it has to wait for other things to be ready to, quite possibly. Bringing that package into lenny has to wait until it doesn't stuff up other packages already in lenny.
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10:29.58shamrockno chance to get a statically linked "backport" or something?
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10:31.17jmdHow do I change the default font in X ?
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10:35.16themillshamrock: you could hope/assume that all of mysql-admin and it's deps will get into lenny sooner or later and are relatively bug free and try to pull just those packages in from sid, but if you didn't think of that yourself, you probably don't want to do that....
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10:35.37themillshamrock: you could also make your own backport to lenny if you want. /msg dpkg simple sid backport
10:36.59CAiROjmd: there is no default font for x.. gnome might have a default font or kde.. i bet you can configure it somewhere in the settings
10:38.05CAiROjmd: for gtk applications, you can set the default font in your ~/.gtkrc-2.0
10:38.24jmdI'm not using kde or gnome. I just want to change the font size that applications use by default.
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10:39.13CAiROthat depends on the widget toolkit they use
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10:40.39jmdBut how do I change the default for the server?
10:40.48lukas___Could anyone advise how to find out which linux driver is needed for some Broadcom card on Acer Aspire 4220?
10:40.50CAiROthat's what i'm telling you, the server has no font :)
10:41.08CAiROyou need to change the default font for the toolkit
10:41.41*** part/#debian AV1611 (
10:42.19CAiROfor xlib applications you can probably set it somehow in /etc/X11/Xresources/.. but that won't have any effect on gtk oder qt applications, and i assume you'll mostly use gtk or qt applications
10:42.29CAiROgtk is ~/.gtkrc[-2.0]
10:42.50gkiagialukas___: what does "lspci | grep Broadcom" say?
10:43.32valvolamaybe grep -i is more indicated :P
10:43.59gkiagiavalvola: what does -i do?
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10:44.22gkiagiaok I saw the man page
10:44.41lukas___gkiagia: huh, nothing, I found it on lsusb 0a5c:2101 Broadcom Corp
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10:45.32testerggHi all, We just took a live system hard disk from a athlon 2600 asus socket A motherboard running etch and put it into a new amd64 motherboard nvidia with a realtek 8169 netcard, this card works fine in the live system, but in the amd64 system the hd boots linux fine, and ifconfig shows the network card is fine, but I am only able to ping the static ip listed in /etc/network/interfaces I am unable to have networking get off the box, any
10:45.33testerggsuggestions? we are running kernel  2.6.8-2-386 etch
10:45.53jelly-hometestergg: upgrade your kernel?
10:46.04gkiagialukas___: I have this device too. it's a bluetooth device and for me, it just works out of the box :) you just need to install the related bluetooth packages to use it
10:46.16jelly-hometestergg: that one sounds like a leftover from sarge install cd
10:46.30jmdCAiRO, What you're telling me is clearly not true.  For instance what would the point of xfs be.  What do you think the FontPath lines in x.conf are for? Why do you think there are at least 5 xfonts-* packages?  Have you ever noticed how if you start X using plain "X" instead of "startx" you get really tiny fonts? .....
10:46.53testerggjelly-home: while in the live system what kernel should I upgrade to?
10:46.58azeemjmd: those are all for legacy X11 apps
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10:47.12lukas___gkiagia: oh, sorry then, I know there is some wifi, but I am not able ti figure out which
10:47.22lukas___gkiagia: Have you any idea?
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10:47.37jelly-hometestergg: the current in etch, something like linux-image-2.6-k7
10:48.03CAiROjmd: well, maybe x technically has a default font, but what does it help if no application uses xlibs anymore? the xserver itself doesn't display any text.. unless your just using xterm the "default x font" doesn't help you set the default font for your applications
10:48.07jmd"legacy" is a bit of a loaded term.  Anyway it seems to affect many applications even very recent ones (like gnumeric for instance).
10:48.27testerggjelly-home: can you explain the networking issue, or is it just a incompatibilty with the sarge to etch and our hardware?
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10:48.30gkiagialukas___: what does this show? "lspci | grep -i net"
10:48.37azeemjmd: what is "it"?
10:49.24jelly-hometestergg: could be any number of reasons, but a 3+ year old kernel would be my prime suspect
10:49.40testerggjelly-home, thanks I will give it a try
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10:50.05testerggjelly-home: what is the best way doesn't apt-get do it automatically?
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10:51.01lukas___gkiagia: I thing this one is wifi 02:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (rev 02)
10:51.13lukas___gkiagia: madwifi driver?
10:51.24gkiagiano. the ipw3945 driver
10:51.28dpkgIf you're running a recent version of Debian (etch or greater), do the following: add contrib and non-free entries in your sources.list and aptitude update; aptitude install ipw3945-modules-2.6-686 firmware-ipw3945 ipw3945d; If you are not using the 686 kernel, replace the 686 with the kernel variant you are using (486)
10:51.29jelly-hometestergg: install linux-image-2.6-k7, that's probably most appropriate for your cpu
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10:51.40timbobstevehey all
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10:52.00testerggjelly-home: thanks for your help, it's much appreciated
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10:53.13EbilPhishIs it possible to use a package from SID in Lenny? I need kernel 2.6.22 instead of 2.6.21 for nvidia drivers
10:53.13timbobstevehi all... silly question, but I am trying to make a backup of my apt cache using apt-cacher. I want to re-download all the packages on my system, but apt-get -d install $package doesn't download them... it says they are already installed. Why is this?
10:53.58*** part/#debian testergg (
10:54.06user1__how do i add a rule to allow ftp from any to any
10:54.50jelly-homeEbilPhish: in general, kernels are rather safe to replace.  make sure you don't pull in any other dependency from sid
10:55.32EbilPhishjelly-home:  How do I go about doing it though? Or should I just grab the .deb and do it manually
10:55.42jelly-homeEbilPhish: (rather safe with respect to the rest of the system... there's always a possibility of making your machine unbootable ;-)
10:56.46EbilPhishtimbobsteve:  Maybe try the --reinstall option?
10:57.05jelly-homeEbilPhish: if you go the manual way, you need matching linux-image-* and linux-headers-*, possibly linux-kbuild-* too
10:57.24timbobsteveEbilPhish: thanks... just as you said that I read it on a ubuntu forum. :D
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10:57.52EbilPhishjelly-home:  Any idea if theres a nonmanual way?
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10:58.36jelly-homeEbilPhish: add sid in sources.list and either set up pinning or install what you need and remove it
10:58.40MattUKWell, im on Debian now :D
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10:59.03jelly-homeEbilPhish: it = sid from sources.list
10:59.17EbilPhishjelly-home:  okies, thanks
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10:59.42jelly-homeEbilPhish: I'd do a --dry-run first to see what other crap will get installed
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11:05.10valvolai got to go, bye ...
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11:08.14[RUsh]Is there a way in debian to save/restore iptables state on shutdown/reboot? Maybe some init script? Or I should write it myself?
11:08.19lukas___gkiagia: That is why it did not worked for me. The module loads fine, but I am not able to see the interface.
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11:10.31dondelelcaro[RUsh]: there are a bunch of different ways, actually.
11:10.49dondelelcaro[RUsh]: iptables comes with a sample init.d script in /usr/share/doc, and you can also use packages like ipmasq or similar
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11:11.09[RUsh]dondelelcaro, ok, I'll see
11:12.25[RUsh]dondelelcaro, I don't see any init script in /usr/share/doc/iptables ;-/
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11:13.56dondelelcaro[RUsh]: well, it used to have one (though it was deprecated)
11:14.14dondelelcaro(you can also rather trivially use iptables-save > foofile; iptables-restore < foofile; or similar in rc.local)
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11:14.42[RUsh]yes, I know
11:14.54[RUsh]anyway, thanx - I'll look at ipmasq
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11:16.46dpkgthanks, themill.  It's good to be back.
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11:20.24coucou747hi all
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11:24.28indravenihi all
11:24.42indraveniin my system, i executed the command,, syslinux /dev/sdb1
11:24.56indraveniand it threw an output as,
11:24.57indraveniSyntax error at line 1 column 6 in file /root/.mtoolsrc: drive letter expected
11:25.18indraveniand my file, /root/.mtoolsrc, is having only one line as,
11:25.30indravenidrive sdb1: file="/dev/sdb1"
11:25.41indraveniwhat does that error message mean ?
11:25.54indravenieven renistallation of syslinux dint work for me
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11:30.46EbilPhishHow much effort/day2day hassle is involved in going SELinux ?
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11:34.41muh2000what was it to change the apt-get question level when installing packages ?
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11:35.22azeemmuh2000: dpkg-reconfigure debconf, I think
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11:36.41muh2000azeem yes that is it :)
11:36.58dondelelcaroif you just want to temporarily, you can also just set DEBIAN_PRIORITY
11:39.28loeshhello, how do i change wich java version i use the debian way?
11:39.35loeshcompletly forgot :(
11:39.43enoufmuh2000: installing configure-debian might help in the future for those type of questions
11:40.15abrotmanloesh: java5 is in etch
11:40.44harkloesh: update-java-alternatives
11:40.45muh2000enouf: maybe :) when i dont forget the name of the package... :)
11:40.57loeshabrotman, yea i know but i need to switch between versions..
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11:41.08loeshhark, thanks!
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11:42.53Airbottlei got a problem: i connected a bsd disk to sdb1 and now he wants to check it always, but its removed so i get en error every time i restart: fsck.ext3: No such file or directory while trying to open /dev/sdb1
11:43.29Airbottlehow can i tell him there is no /dev/sdb1 anymore?
11:43.46scan anyone tell how can i use apt-get if the connecting http server requires authentication
11:44.20abrotmans: there are proxy options .. man apt.conf IIRC
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11:44.32abrotmanAirbottle: why don't you have fsck.ext3 ?
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11:45.10sbut its not working by proxy settings
11:45.32Robbie-does anyone know what the problem could be:
11:45.36wols_Airbottle: is /dev/sdb1 in your fstab?
11:45.55abrotmanRobbie-: etch ?
11:46.00abrotman!info zd1211-firmware etch
11:46.06sthe server itself requires authentication
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11:46.16Robbie-ok abro i'll try it
11:46.23abrotmani was asking
11:46.42dpkgzd1211-firmware: (Firmware images for the zd1211 and zd1211rw wireless drivers), section non-free/base, is extra. Version: (etch), Packaged size: 14 kB, Installed size: 124 kB
11:46.53abrotmanRobbie-: it's in non-free .. do you have non-free sources?
11:47.23Robbie-seems i dont have them?
11:47.48scan anyone tell how can i use apt-get if the connecting http server requires authentication
11:47.54Airbottleyes wols_
11:48.04Airbottlecan i delete it without problems there
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11:48.35wols_sure, if the disk is not present anymore. you can also set its options to noauto of course
11:48.37abrotmanRobbie-: right .. so add them
11:48.43abrotman!tell Robbie- about non-free
11:48.47splease help me Airbottle
11:48.55splease help me dpkg
11:48.57Airbottleok, thanks wols_
11:49.02abrotmans: what have you tried? which application are oyu using?
11:49.04abrotmanand dpkg is a bot
11:49.33si have used the apt.conf configuration
11:49.48wols_what kind of auth mechanism does the prox< use?
11:49.54xand!help s
11:50.05sacquire http::proxy .....
11:50.44sit is not the proxy that requires authentication
11:51.11sits the http server repository that requires authentication
11:51.50abrotmans: what mirror are you using ?
11:52.04dondelelcaros: have you tried or whatever?
11:52.14dondelelcaro(and there's no official mirrors I know of that require that)
11:52.37Robbie-abrotman, can u let me know the command i need to add the non-free sources? (im new to linux)
11:52.37Airbottlegive the whole message you got s
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11:52.52Airbottleor do apt-get update
11:53.26Airbottleand post output somewhere (i know there must be a place to paste it, but i'm not a regular visitor here)
11:53.31abrotmanRobbie-: in your /etc/apt/sources.list .. add non-free to the end of your sources line
11:53.38swhen i have used apt-get update the error message 401 authentication required has come
11:53.51xands: I would say that if someone's providing such a mirror, they should tell you how to use it
11:54.06Airbottleuse another mirror then s
11:54.26Airbottlemirrors are in /etc/apt/sources.list
11:54.34sbut i want packages from that mirror only
11:54.59sit has something i require
11:55.02Airbottleah ok
11:55.18Airbottlemaybe the link is outdated?
11:55.31Robbie-abrotman , my /etc/apt/sources.list is not editable it seems
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11:55.46Airbottleyou need to edit it as root Robbie-
11:55.49RoninRobbie-: as root
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11:56.19snot the problem of link
11:56.23Robbie-i am root
11:56.33abrotmanhe's apparently IRCing as root
11:56.34Airbottlemaybe synaptic is open
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11:56.41abrotmans: what mirror are oyu using ?
11:56.59Roninabrotman: so i see, Robbie- tell me you're not really ircing as root?
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11:57.07abrotmanRonin: /whois ?
11:57.11Roninabrotman: yep
11:57.27SmallR2002not a good idea at all
11:57.30Robbie-i am root
11:57.51RoninRobbie-: disconnect and come back on as a user would a really good idea
11:57.53Airbottlestart a shell and type su
11:57.56Airbottlethen password
11:57.57si am using my own mirrors and i want that it asks for authentication when i want to use apt-get
11:58.01wfq_Hi guys
11:58.02Airbottlethen it will work
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11:58.15abrotmans: did you try what dondelelcaro suggested ?
11:58.19wfq_do you think a Load System as 33 is absolutely out of control?
11:58.22boniiI have been asked to develop some Image Processing programs using Matlab by my mentor. Can anyone tell me if I have any software which I can install on my Debian system to achieve it.
11:58.22Robbie-i did that, and im 100% im root
11:58.27abrotmanwfq_: no
11:58.41abrotmanwfq_: i've "tried" to use vi on a system with a load over 100
11:58.52SmallR2002Robbie-, seriously, use a user account for normal activity like irc and anything which could theoretically compromise your system with root priv's
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11:59.01tamiyahey guys
11:59.03RoninRobbie-: then you're editing it wrong, i suspect that your not in the directory and so nneed to use the full path but in any case why are you ircing as root?
11:59.38tamiyaI'm tring to install IBM's Lotus Symphony only it wants glibc 2.4. How do I install glibc? Which apt-get package is that from?
11:59.45Robbie-im using a wvmare image. im just trying to do some thing..
12:00.08swhat does dondelelcaro suggest
12:00.33swhat does that means
12:00.38wfq_abrotman, but the ideal system load is 1 and 3, of course that is not possible hardly ever but 33 seems to be too much
12:00.40Airbottleyou searched for it in synaptic tamiya
12:00.56abrotmanwfq_: so find out what's going on
12:01.10SmallR2002has anyone ported slocate to life yet?
12:01.34sok mamamiya
12:02.21tamiyayeah, but no packages mention glibc_2.4
12:02.25boniiI have been asked to develop some Image Processing programs using Matlab by my mentor. Can anyone tell me if I have any software which I can install on my Debian system to achieve it.
12:02.30abrotman!info libc6 etch
12:02.32dpkglibc6: (GNU C Library: Shared libraries), section libs, is required. Version: 2.3.6.ds1-13etch2 (etch), Packaged size: 4588 kB, Installed size: 10804 kB
12:02.39boniiWhat is the Free alternative of Matlab
12:03.11sit means u dont want to help Airbottle
12:03.16Robbie-guys, should i edit /etc/apt/sources.list from the terminal? or browsing to the folder?
12:03.29sand leave me where i am
12:03.37Airbottlei cant help you without any further information s
12:03.39ssearching odd things out
12:03.41tamiyarobbie: terminal is fine if you know how to use vi
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12:04.23Robbie-i dont know how to use vi, i'll be more interested in editing from the folder, but it doesnt work even if im root
12:04.37Airbottlemake sure you define your problem well s! i must admit that i dont really understand your proble
12:04.50Airbottlebut i probably missed something
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12:05.08sAirbottle: i have setup a http repository that requires authentication and i want to use that for my apt-get
12:05.55abrotmanbonii: octave .. maybe
12:06.04sbut the issue is that apt-get is unable to prompt me for a username
12:06.12AVRS2hmm... I don't remember rebooting, and the soundcard works again...
12:06.28sit means apt requires some configuration
12:06.32tamiyaanyone know how to install glibc?
12:06.56*** part/#debian testergg (n=gilbert@
12:06.56boniiabrotman: But Octave comes with a lot of less features specially for Image processing which I require the most
12:07.00tamiyaI don;t know why IBM doesn't just include the thing
12:07.13sAirbottle: but what that configuration is i don't know
12:07.28*** part/#debian Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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12:07.42Airbottlei actually cant help you, because i never tried such a thing for myself s, sorry
12:08.01sno hard feelings
12:08.05Wyzardtamiya: You already have glibc, just not a recent enough version -- etch has 2.3.6 and you need 2.4
12:08.07Airbottlebut maybe someone in here knows
12:08.15Wyzardtamiya: You could upgrade to testing/unstable, which have glibc 2.6
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12:08.33dondelelcaros: it won't prompt you for a username; you have to be using basic authentication
12:08.38Wyzardtamiya: or if you'd rather not use something that isn't a formal release, try another distro
12:08.46dondelelcaros: which means deb http://user:pass@fooserver blah blah blah
12:09.13tamiyawyzard: how do i upgrade to testing/unstable? Do i just add the appropriate sources in /etc/apt/sources.list and do an 'apt-get upgrade'?
12:09.35Wyzardtamiya: You'd use dist-upgrade rather than upgrade, and in fact, aptitude is preferable over apt-get
12:09.36*** join/#debian root_ (
12:09.38Wyzardtamiya: but basically, yes
12:09.57*** join/#debian smoser (n=smoser@
12:09.57root_I'm trying to install libmotif3 from unstable on top of my testing machine
12:10.06si am trying it dondelelcaro
12:10.16BigH26I'm trying to install libmotif3 from unstable on top of my testing machine
12:10.33Ronin!tell BigH26 about root
12:10.44BigH26I'm using the command apt-get install libmotif3 -t unstable
12:10.54dawkis there a linux alternative to windows directx?
12:10.57tamiyawyzard: thanks
12:11.10BigH26Ronin thx, an accident
12:11.16lunkdawk: windows is the alternative
12:11.27dawklunk: no no, directx.
12:11.30Robbie-im trying to update, is the server down or what: Could not connect to (, connection timed out
12:11.32BigH26It says it can't find the package in unstable
12:11.40lunkdawk: yea, just run it in windows, much less grief
12:12.01*** join/#debian s0d0 (n=john@
12:12.02BigH26Internet queries say the package is in unstable, anyone knows what's going on?
12:12.08Wyzarddawk: wine/cedega has a DirectX implementation, but it's not as complete/correct as Microsoft's...  DirectX is basically Windows-specific
12:12.11dawklunk: you serious?  i mean directx is a major enhancement.
12:12.23WyzardBigH26: Do you have unstable sources in your sources.list?
12:12.35lunkdawk: Team Fortress 2 is making me do weird things, like install windows
12:12.55RoninBigH26: do you run unstable? mixing and matching releases is a quick way to mess up your install
12:12.58BigH26Wyzard No
12:13.08BigH26Ronin I need just that one package
12:13.12Wyzarddawk: DirectX is a Microsoft-proprietary set of APIs used by many games...  "major enhancement" over what?
12:13.18BigH26Ronin and its not in testing but only in unstable
12:13.25WyzardBigH26: apt only knows about packages that  you have sources for
12:13.27dawkWyzard: video.
12:13.42dawkWyzard: to be specific, graphics.
12:14.11dawkor to be more specific, 3d.
12:14.21Wyzarddawk: So you're talking about Direct3D in particular
12:14.28dawkyah, maybe.
12:14.35*** join/#debian PDani (
12:15.03Robbie-im trying to update, is the server down or what: Could not connect to (, connection timed out
12:15.09Wyzarddawk: 3D graphics can also be done with OpenGL, which is just as powerful as Direct3D and well-supported on a variety of platforms, including Linux
12:15.41streunerRobbie-: just use 'traceroute"
12:15.48*** join/#debian master_of_master (
12:15.49Wyzarddawk: Direct3D is Microsoft's proprietary alternative to OpenGL, which they encourage game developers to use because it locks the games into the Windows platform
12:16.04dufficusWyzard: hear, hear :P
12:16.08Robbie-streuner, could you let me know the syntax ?
12:16.17dawkWyzard: do you know a WM that takes advantage of graphics or 3d?
12:16.17daliasthe games are already proprietary and locked-in for many other reasons anyway
12:16.27daliasso i see no reason it makes a big deal if they use d3d
12:16.36streunerRobbie-: easier ;-)
12:16.40bobfdawk, try beryl or compiz.
12:16.48bobfOr compiz fusion as I think they're calling it now.
12:16.53dawkbobf: feels like a bloated KDE.
12:16.57Wyzardbobf: Those are both superseded...  yeah, Compiz Fusion
12:16.57Ahriberyl's been merged in
12:17.01microtuxi have a device attached to my debian box via serial link, how can know wich ttyS it uses?
12:17.33bobfdawk: you want a WM that uses 3d hardware but isn't bloated?
12:17.34Wyzarddawk: Compiz Fusion is the new WM that uses hardware acceleration for nice effects, analogous to Apple's Quartz Extreme and Vista's Aero Glass
12:17.35dawkbobf: and gnome depends on too many apps.
12:17.44dawkbobf: yes... please.
12:17.56Wyzarddawk: Compiz Fusion isn't GNOME
12:17.57streunerRobbie-: PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. ; 1 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 0ms
12:17.58bobfWell you can use beryl without kde.
12:18.02bobfOr gnome.
12:18.14streunerRobbie-: should be soon fixed
12:18.24microtuxabrotman, i have a device attached to my debian box via serial link, how can know wich ttyS it uses?
12:18.52streunerRobbie-: just use so far, switch back tomorrow
12:19.01RoninRobbie-: try a different mirror?
12:19.59streunerRobbie-: another thing, why do you use a german mirror?
12:20.21*** join/#debian linomix (n=Cannot@
12:20.31Robbie-because i dont know how :)
12:20.48streunerknusper:/home/user# ping -c1
12:20.49streunerPING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
12:20.58streuner1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
12:21.24Robbie-they seem to be down
12:21.36streunerspanish mirror as well?
12:21.40abrotmanmicrotux: minicom perhaps
12:21.55RoninRobbie-: then use a different one
12:22.29Robbie-can you let me know the syntax
12:22.51*** join/#debian smhar (n=salman@
12:23.05RoninRobbie-: look at your sources.list and change the country code
12:23.11Shiftyis kde 4 available for debian?
12:23.12streunerdeb etch main
12:23.19Robbie-i cant edit my sources
12:23.25wols_or use
12:23.29Shiftyhow do i install it?
12:23.30streunerwhy, you are "root" :-)
12:23.33wols_Robbie-: then you can't run apt-get either
12:23.34*** join/#debian naught101 (n=naught10@
12:23.41Roninstreuner: been there done that question multiple times
12:23.43streunerhe is root
12:23.50abrotmanShifty: has it even been released yet?
12:24.00wols_abrotman: only alphas. not even a beta iirc
12:24.04streuner[Robbie-] ( root
12:24.19Shiftydont know... but suse 10.3 will have it (release date 4th oct)
12:24.25wols_why can he talk here?
12:24.33Shiftybbut i think kde 4 is beta
12:24.36Roninwols_: i was wondering that myself
12:24.39streunersomebody seems to remove the ban
12:24.58wols_maybe i=root vs n=root?
12:25.06*** join/#debian edistar (
12:25.07wols_or simply we have that i=/n= thng now?
12:25.33Ahri says it entered beta 1 on august the 2nd and is now into beta 2 as of september the 6th
12:25.46abrotmanShifty: ask #debian-kde
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12:26.08dawkyou need gnome to work with compiz?
12:26.19microtuxabrotman, no i didn't meant that
12:26.30abrotmanmicrotux: you want pancakes too?
12:26.31wols_dawk: no
12:26.43*** join/#debian Y|W (
12:26.44dawki apt compiz.  doesn't show in gdm.
12:26.49*** join/#debian abchirk (n=rapunzel@unaffiliated/abchirk)
12:27.16microtuxabrotman, no thanks
12:27.19*** join/#debian nunu (
12:27.20abrotmanstreuner: no .. ban still there
12:27.22microtuxabrotman, bye
12:27.37Y|WAnyone here having experience with apache2+auth_pam ?
12:27.40dawkwols_: i checked the wiki.  says that you need to log into gnome first.  not sure though.
12:27.50streunerabrotman: hm, any idea why is able to speak then?
12:27.55abrotmanask don ..
12:28.02*** join/#debian Alexy_ (n=user@
12:28.07streunermight be a chanserv problem as well
12:29.03wols_dawk: you need to be in X obviously. nothing to do with gnome
12:29.05streunerdondelelcaro: Any idea why "Robbie-" is still able to speak? ^^^
12:29.13Nihillis there any reason to actually log into the root account anyway? isnt su enough?
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12:29.29abrotmanNihill: you could still irc after doing 'su'
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12:29.34dawkwols_: i just tried compiz --replace in xfce.  it says it can't find clearlooks theme.
12:29.38wols_Nihill: if you use su, you are looged in
12:29.55dondelelcarostreuner: he's no longer here, but in theory, he shouldn't have been able to
12:30.16streunerdondelelcaro: chanserv problem?
12:30.20*** join/#debian SmallR2002 (
12:30.28eyowinhi there, I want to update a package of mine wich I created with dh_make -e --native -s - I want to increase the version-number
12:30.29Roninhe and bigh24 could though
12:30.55dondelelcarostreuner: well, it's server wide, not just chasnerv... but actually, I'm not sure who changed it to be ?= instead of *=
12:31.01eyowinI copied the original folder from version package-0.0.1 to package-0.0.2 and changed the
12:31.09*** mode/#debian [+o dondelelcaro] by ChanServ
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12:31.32dawkwols_: i'll try again after this apt finishes.
12:31.38streunerwell, iam not able to speak ^^^
12:31.40eyowinhow can I archive that the thingiy is updateting?
12:31.47smharWyzard, stew, hello again, I am back with the same problem, although I got another realtek based pci network card, I still can not connect to network from the problem computer
12:31.49*** join/#debian darkapostrophe (
12:32.19smharWyzard, stew, here is a link to some of the testing results:
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12:32.44streunerdondelelcaro: maybe an exeption?
12:32.47dondelelcarocould be
12:32.50wols_smhar: never address specific people with your problems out of the blue. always ask the whole channel
12:32.53Yorlikcrap - I always get disconnects here - do i need any authentication or something ?
12:33.19smharwols_, taht is even better :-)
12:33.30JosefAssadIn debian etch, hasanyone tried kazehakaze? I enter urls in the location bar and press enter, but precisely nothing happens
12:33.32dondelelcaroactually, I really need to clean out these exemptions
12:33.42wols_smhar: either the cable or the switch. take your pick
12:33.53smharwols_, it was them becaue they effortlessly tried to help me before in two sessions
12:34.13wols_smhar: it doesn't matter. that was yesterday or so. LONG ago
12:34.20wols_neither Wyzard nor steq are online right now
12:34.24*** join/#debian mosno (
12:34.44smharwols_, neither, when I boot from windows or an old live knoppix , it works
12:34.49*** mode/#debian [-eeee *!*@ *!*@* *!*@* *!*@*] by dondelelcaro
12:35.00*** mode/#debian [-eeee *!*@* *!*@wikipedia/harddisk oguz*!n=oguz@85.98.*.* exsir!*@*] by dondelelcaro
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12:35.10*** mode/#debian [-eeee *!*@ evrenkan86!*@* apsuva!*@* *!*@sussudio.user] by dondelelcaro
12:35.17wols_then it's prossibly a firewall issue or such, but even that is doubtful
12:35.31*** mode/#debian [-ee roote!*@* oguz!*@*] by dondelelcaro
12:35.38Yorlik|testI don't have any trouble in other irc servers
12:36.03Yorlik|testAnd i don't see any more answers now
12:36.19smharwols_, I can ping the router from other computers in the same network
12:36.23*** mode/#debian [-eeee denemee!*@* *!denemee!*@* e!*@* ArchitectSinan!*@*] by dondelelcaro
12:36.30*** mode/#debian [-eee ElectricElf!*@*.node.tor Xsquared!~Xsquared@*.node.tor tyranix!*@*] by dondelelcaro
12:36.30*** mode/#debian [-r] by dondelelcaro
12:36.37*** mode/#debian [-eeee bob3killer!*@* *!*@13.24) (hash!*@* *!*@21.34)] by dondelelcaro
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12:37.10*** mode/#debian [-e PowerPC(r)!*@*] by dondelelcaro
12:37.44*** mode/#debian [-eeee *!* NetzwerkZwerge!*@* _cd_!*@* kullanici!*@*] by dondelelcaro
12:37.49*** mode/#debian [-eee vladster!*@* xored!*@* maddash!*@*] by dondelelcaro
12:37.51*** mode/#debian [-o dondelelcaro] by dondelelcaro
12:38.21*** mode/#debian [+o dondelelcaro] by ChanServ
12:38.26*** mode/#debian [-o dondelelcaro] by dondelelcaro
12:38.29streuner!beer dondelelcaro
12:39.01*** mode/#debian [+l 811] by debhelper
12:39.11streunerthis kind of work is almost a fulltime job
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12:41.15troubledlet me guess, fall cleanup?
12:41.31Dave2damn some of those exempts must've been old.
12:41.33*** join/#debian PriceChild (n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.student.PriceChild)
12:41.57troubledyou guys should just wipe the slate clean and start fresh imho
12:42.03*** join/#debian Yorlik|grr (
12:42.52n3klAnyone know how to get imap calendaring?
12:43.04*** join/#debian dutche- (n=dutche@
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12:48.29dondelelcaroI'm going to do a fairly massive unbanning, 40 or so lines, so you probably want to /ignore #debian MODES
12:48.38dondelelcaro(or whatever your client's equivalent is)
12:49.04*** join/#debian cast_ (n=cast@fsf/member/cast)
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12:49.24dondelelcaroagain, /ignore  #debian MODES is strongly recommended
12:49.29*** mode/#debian [-bbbb SuSEIsGood!*@* *!*@unaffiliated/zemus *!*=DANI-INA@* *!*=none@*] by dondelelcaro
12:49.33*** mode/#debian [-bbbb *!*@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ *!*i=sci-fi@* *!*i=psyko@* *!n=xfg@*] by dondelelcaro
12:49.36*** mode/#debian [-bbbb *!*@unaffiliated/stephaknee *!*@wikipedia/Magnus-animum *!*n=juLio@189.168.2.* *!*@unaffiliated/pfa] by dondelelcaro
12:49.39*** mode/#debian [-bbbb [B]abyFaCe!*@* AngelGirl[18]!*@* *!*@unaffiliated/blazed *!*@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] by dondelelcaro
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12:49.48*** mode/#debian [-bbbb *!*i=aless@* Hymie!*@* *!*karkar*@* Mehmet!*@*] by dondelelcaro
12:49.49cast_i had a thought. is that fellow who keeps fucking up debian, and doing multiple reinstalls in the one day still around somewhere? he should use lvm snapshots to revert his system back :>
12:49.51*** mode/#debian [-bbbb Samantha[copier]!*@* *!?=Sevim*@* *!?=Vallez@* *!*bmwm5@*] by dondelelcaro
12:49.53*** mode/#debian [-bbbb *!*n=lolol@* kawfee*!*@* *!*@201.216.242.* *!*relis@dynamic-*] by dondelelcaro
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12:50.00*** mode/#debian [-bbbb *!*n=unknown@* *!*n=user{@201.137.148.* *!*=Zambrano@* *!*n=Yiyi@*] by dondelelcaro
12:50.03*** mode/#debian [-bbbb *!*n=cvxb@209.128.101.* *!n=Misc@* *!*n=Misc@221.124.24.* *!*n=bulent@*] by dondelelcaro
12:50.06*** mode/#debian [-bbbb *!*=JavaUser@* *!*n=bus@66.178.105.* *!*n=vivien@* *!?=ery@*] by dondelelcaro
12:50.09*** mode/#debian [-bbbb *!*n=start@* *!*n=krok@* *!*=dontemai@* [98*!*@*] by dondelelcaro
12:50.12*** mode/#debian [-bbbb *!*n=@85.104.21.* *!*n=ADEM@85.104.21.* *!*n=meile@* *!*i=Guser@59.144.129.*] by dondelelcaro
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12:50.21*** mode/#debian [-bbbb *!*=grapefru@* *!*=crash_ov@* *!*n=aluno@* *!*=c42e0006@*] by dondelelcaro
12:50.25*** mode/#debian [-bbbb *!* *!*i=me@* *!*n=b00st3r@195.225.128.* *!*n=sdsdd@*] by dondelelcaro
12:50.28*** mode/#debian [-bbbb *!?=cusoon9*@* *!*n=alumnos@* *!*i=PleXo@* *!?=supybot@*] by dondelelcaro
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12:50.35*** mode/#debian [-bbbb *!*i=uber@* *!*n=malba@83.230.233.* *!*n=mosky@83.230.233.* *!*n=ircap8@*] by dondelelcaro
12:50.38*** mode/#debian [-bbbb *!*n=kmw@* *!?=xmaddnes@* *!*i=kmw@* *!?=i_own@*] by dondelelcaro
12:50.41*** mode/#debian [-bbbb *!*n=stoner@* *!*n=alberto@* *!*] *!*=Rastafar@*] by dondelelcaro
12:50.44masushi , "configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check". can anybody help ?
12:50.44*** mode/#debian [-bbbb *!*=CyBerGir@85.106.175.* *!*] *!*@!#debian-es *!*n=adem@*] by dondelelcaro
12:50.48*** mode/#debian [-bbbb *!*n=ems@* *!*=dunduncs@200.140.86.* *!*n=lizby@62.178.245.* *!*n=t@*] by dondelelcaro
12:50.51*** mode/#debian [-bbbb *!*=izkorpti@* *!*n=ana14@83.230.233.* *!*=yxaxaxax@85.249.194.* *!*n=Arme@213.150.165.*] by dondelelcaro
12:50.55*** mode/#debian [-bbbb *!*n=bitch@* *!*i=Front@200.138.26.* *!*n=x7382@* *!*=@] by dondelelcaro
12:50.58*** mode/#debian [-bbbb *!*=@ *!*=@ *!*=NetWorKs@* *!*=traveler@*] by dondelelcaro
12:51.02*** mode/#debian [-bbbb *!*i=gorilla@* *!*i=aifds@201.24.178.* *!*=raultala@83.230.235.* *!*n=me@72.29.237.*] by dondelelcaro
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12:51.12*** mode/#debian [-bbbb *!*n=sdswfd@85.101.84.* *!*usuario@* *!*bojan&@* PaPyRene10!*@*!#knoppix] by dondelelcaro
12:51.16*** mode/#debian [-bbbb *!*n=BuNnYy@217.9.226.* *!*=und3rt4k@85.95.86.* *!*i=RaTMX5@84.7.15.* *!*n=kurumin@200.219.184.*] by dondelelcaro
12:51.16wols_!tell masus about b-e
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12:51.22*** mode/#debian [-bbbb *!*n=Jmax@* *!*n=aluno02@200.223.98.* *!*n=aluno*@200.223.98.* *!*n=Nav@*] by dondelelcaro
12:51.26*** mode/#debian [-bbbb *!*=ramonbor@200.223.156.* *!?=fsaf@* *!*Metalgir@85.107.171.* *!?=_B_anu@*] by dondelelcaro
12:51.26streunermasus: show us the whole error in paster bot (/msg dpkg paste)
12:51.26wols_masus: if that doesn't help: check the configure log
12:51.28*** mode/#debian [-bbbb underzsod!*@* zenason!*@* *!*=shaman47@62.136.15.* spammer!*@*] by dondelelcaro
12:51.31*** mode/#debian [-bbbb uR2nUb*!*@* *!*n=city-t@89.109.199.* *!*i=bhc@80.252.141.* *!*n=a@*] by dondelelcaro
12:51.34*** mode/#debian [-bbbb %Host!*@* %*!*@pdpc/supporter/active/Muisje %Rowan*!*@* %*!*@unaffiliated/CppIsWeird] by dondelelcaro
12:51.37*** mode/#debian [-bbbb %*!*@unaffiliated/lsduser %*!*@* %*!*@unixboard/users/dackel %*!*@unaffiliated/dererk/bot/pivot] by dondelelcaro
12:51.40*** mode/#debian [-bbbb %Improved!*@* %*!*x2Fusion@* %veli_!*@* %Csop!*@*] by dondelelcaro
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12:51.46*** mode/#debian [-bb %dada!*@* %JSka!*@*] by dondelelcaro
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12:51.56*** mode/#debian [-bbbb *!* *!* *!* *!*@] by dondelelcaro
12:51.59masusi'll try first
12:51.59*** mode/#debian [-bbbb *!*@2001 618:46e:0:0:dead:babe:cafe *!*@3ffe:321f:0:a7e:0:0:0:1 %*!*@ %*!* ] by dondelelcaro
12:52.03*** mode/#debian [-bbbb %*!* %*!* %*!* %*!*] by dondelelcaro
12:52.06*** mode/#debian [-bb %*!* %*!*@2001 5c0:8ef3:b4b3:0:0:0:3 ] by dondelelcaro
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12:52.35dondelelcaroyou can /unignore #debian MODES; if you want
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12:53.12h1deki1hi, anyone know much about lighttpd config? im trying to set up auth access to multiple places and i wish to do this via regexp but i cant find how to do in lighttpd
12:53.44masusit' working thanks all
12:53.49troubleddondelelcaro: i bet the server cpu usage justy dropped 50% :)
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12:54.29ampexis the symbolic link from /vmlinuz to /boot/vmlinuz* necessary for boot?
12:55.04wols_ampex: depends what's in your menu.lst
12:55.08wols_but not really necessary
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12:55.32ampexwols_: my root is RAID5, my /boot is RAID1, so my menu.lst references the names of the files in /boot
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12:56.17wols_ampex: so you don't need it
12:56.46cast_whats the reasoning for having /boot in RAID1 and seperate from / in RAID5? surely you're taking up 2 more drives for what gain?
12:57.02ampexYou can't boot to RAID5 with Grub can you?
12:57.11ampexAnd the RAID levels are just partitions on the same three disks
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12:57.24ampexthis is software RAID I'm talking about
12:57.27wols_ampex: you can I think, but it's hard
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12:58.03cast_ahh, ok.
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12:58.42aspWorkthink i acctualy managed a downgrade to etch, so now all is well again
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12:59.10dondelelcaroaspWork: you can, so long as you can access the kernel somehow
12:59.40aspWorki did a pin, then a dist-upgrade, now i am running from the etch repo
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13:00.04aspWorki will probably move to lenny though, but i wanted to get back to something that worked
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13:00.26eyowinmaybe I should ask a little bit more smarter: How can I update a Makefile, when I use autoconf, automake. I edited - What do I have to run so that the Makefile is generated?
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13:00.54smharanyone can give me some hints on my problem, please?
13:01.04Wyzardeyowin: isn't directly related to a Makefile
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13:01.34Wyzardeyowin: Run autoconf on to generate a new configure script, and run the configure script to generate Makefile from
13:01.45eyowinWyzard: aah ok
13:01.56masussmhar: u don't have a default gateway
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13:02.03Wyzardeyowin: is produced from by automake
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13:02.28smharmasus, it is a fresh install, how to add it?
13:02.44eyowinWyzard: that worked fine, thx!
13:02.47masuslook at this "route add default ...."
13:03.10EbilPhishAnyone had expirence programming with cmake or one of the other atuotools alternatives?
13:03.22masusor add it to your /etc/network/interfaces
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13:03.28WyzardEbilPhish: I've used scons
13:03.31masusand restart network
13:03.34ampexWhat does debian use to create initrd images?
13:03.54EbilPhishWyzard:  Found it much better?
13:03.56Wyzardampex: update-initramfs
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13:04.58smharmasus, I check the route -n in my working debian pc, this one, and the result is exactly the same, the only difference is is instead of eth0 it is eth1
13:05.03WyzardEbilPhish: It's much less complex than automake for building stuff
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13:05.25masussmhar : ok let me show your interfaces fle
13:05.26WyzardEbilPhish: More recently it got some autoconf-like portability features, but they're not as mature as autoconf yet
13:05.35ampexWyzard: does this automatically pull in my mdadm.conf for software RAID and such? Isn't there also a configuration file that tells initrd what modules to include?
13:05.42masussmhar: /etc/network/interfaces
13:05.55villersudo mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom: you must specify the filesystem type. What?
13:05.57Wyzardampex: Yes, it supports booting from software RAID
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13:06.32Wyzardampex: I'm using LVM on dm-crypt on RAID5 and didn't have to do anything special with the initramfs
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13:07.59ampexWyzard: but if I add a few disks to my RAID5 and reshape it, I'm assuming I'd have to update my initrd to include an mdadm.conf with the right number of devices
13:08.07masussmhar: or try this "route add default gw"
13:08.19smhar interfaces
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13:08.34masussorry wait
13:08.38Wyzardampex: don't think so...  the RAID devices themselves have all that metadata
13:08.58Wyzardampex: but at most, you'd just run update-initramfs again
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13:09.07villersudo mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom: you must specify the filesystem type. What?
13:09.08masussmhar: why do u have 2 eth0 in your config file
13:09.33masussmhar: u must have one for eth0 and one for eth1
13:09.45AVRS2When I install pango-graphite, Firefox trunk becomes like this:
13:10.20masussmhar fix it
13:10.34ampexhow does the debian update-initrd know which modules to load?
13:10.40ampexis there a configuration file somewhere?
13:10.56smharmasus, it all started with the builtin intel network controller not connecting so I was advised to get a realtek based pci card and I did
13:11.01WyzardAVRS2: I see un-hinted text in that popup menu
13:11.15AVRS2Wyzard: all the spaces are double-width.
13:11.31bobfampex, look /etc/init.d/
13:11.38masussmhar : both are work
13:11.38Wyzardampex: /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf
13:11.50Wyzardampex: The default setting of "MODULES=most" is fine
13:12.08WyzardAVRS2: dunno about that, sorry
13:12.14masussmhar: or delete the one config, u have all both
13:12.14AVRS2np, thx
13:12.27masussmhar: first fix it
13:12.40smharmasus, right now, none works, the builtin one was working with windows
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13:12.49smharmasus, what config, the interfaces?
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13:13.35WyzardAVRS2: I see Zapfino mentioned on that page though...  I'd been wondering if/when Freetype would support all the nifty stuff in Zapfino Extra
13:13.43fatalerrorshi every body
13:13.54AVRS2Wyzard: that page is not really related.
13:14.05AVRS2Wyzard: I just remembered about this bug because of it.
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13:14.23fatalerrorsi need help with a big problem on a debian system i've installed
13:14.48AVRS2Wyzard: the text field uses DejaVu Sans, and other stuff probably also uses it, because it's the default in Minefield, and I only have free fonts installed.
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13:14.51techbee!tell  fatalerrors about ask
13:15.02smharmasus, oh, I got you, that was a pasting problem, this is the interfaces file
13:15.13AVRS2Except for Vikidemia, which I don't know about.
13:15.24AVRS2All the other fonts are from lenny.
13:16.10masussmhar: are both eth0 and eth1 plugged to a switch ?
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13:16.40smharmasus, no I alternate between them
13:16.50fatalerrorsi have done an update from debian etch to debian testing cause i need some of the package of the testing. during update non problem at all but after restart when  the x serrver make crash all the system
13:17.07masusi think your cabel is pluggged to eth1
13:17.12castfatalerrors: using nvidia?
13:17.14fatalerrorshow can i do to come back to the old x server version?
13:17.33fatalerrorsno it's an old machine... 3dfx voodoo 3
13:17.56fatalerrorsa version integrated on the motherboard
13:17.58masussmhar : switch it and "/etc/init.d/networking restart"
13:18.11masusand try again
13:19.01fatalerrorscast: any idea?
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13:19.27smharmasus, done, and it is the same
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13:19.50castnope, nfi.
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13:20.25masussmhar: i do not why but there is no default gw
13:20.28fatalerrorsi'm bad about it :( !!!
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13:22.03Wyzardfatalerrors: Theoretically it should be possible to install the older xorg packages, but that's tricky and downgrades aren't really supported
13:22.18Wyzardfatalerrors: and that wouldn't really *solve* the problem -- you can't keep running the same old xorg version forever
13:22.28castfatalerrors: how many packages did you need from lenny?
13:22.28Wyzardfatalerrors: It'd be better to figure out why the newer one is crashing
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13:22.42castfatalerrors: you know, you could go the whole way and see if sid crashes :D
13:22.57dondelelcarothe way you do it is add an apt source which has the old packages (like, select the version you want to install, and walk through and resolve any broken dependencies.
13:23.27fatalerrorsi only need to replace "testing" by "sid?
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13:24.04dondelelcarocast: please don't recommend that people upgrade to unstable unless you're willing to personally support them...
13:24.21Shiftyhow can i mount a ntfs volume with ntfs-3g?
13:24.25dpkg[ntfs-3g] a NTFS driver with write support. Available in lenny but not for etch except as a backport.
13:24.30castdondelelcaro: hey...i don't recommend people go paste stable.
13:25.00fatalerrorsWyzard: i cannot know why cause the entire system crash before writing anything in log file... in more, i must power off and on
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13:26.09fatalerrorsWyzard: i've tried tdfx and vesa server with exactly the same result
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13:26.15harkShifty: man ntfs-3g
13:26.24wols_Shifty: like any other partition
13:26.33fatalerrorsWyzard: it seems very strange for me !!
13:26.36lukas___Could anyone say what is the framebuffer driver for intel945? I tried intelfb, but it seems that the resolution can not be set high like 1024x768.
13:26.43Shiftyi dont know how :(
13:27.02wols_lukas___: try vesa then
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13:27.13wols_Shifty: type ntfs-3g, that's all
13:27.51fatalerrorsWyzard: in the case where don't work have you a link explaining how to come back to an old version ?
13:28.21*** part/#debian nunu (
13:28.34Shiftywtf: error reading bootsector
13:28.35Wyzardfatalerrors: No, but see what dondelelcaro said a few minutes ago
13:29.00*** mode/#debian [+l 820] by debhelper
13:30.05fatalerrorsi know this but i need last version of kde in fact cause we work on it
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13:31.12fatalerrorsthat's why we absolutely need to use testing or sid version
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13:31.43fatalerrorsand we haven't the time for compilig everything...
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13:34.06lukas___wols_: great, it works, just to be sure vesa can not handle 1200x800?
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13:34.25Wyzardlukas___: yes it can
13:34.50lukas___Wyzard: really? I have never managed to do.
13:34.59Wyzardlukas___: I use it on my laptop
13:35.10Wyzardlukas___: The trick is to find out the right mode number for it
13:35.12*** join/#debian assasukasse (
13:35.12dmcmorris_1200x800? or 1280x800?
13:35.35Wyzard1280x800...  I assumed that was a typo
13:35.42lukas___Wyzard: 1280, yes
13:36.03*** join/#debian ruben (
13:36.05rubenHello, I have a dude, if I use a mysql compiled by me (using INSTALL instructions) when I launch mysql I have aprox 6 o 8 process running mysql, but if I use debian mysql I only have one process, why? how can I use only one process with my custom installation?
13:36.09harkWyzard: vesa or vesafb?
13:36.13dmcmorris_I thought so also ;).  But assumptions can be dangerous ;)
13:36.15WyzardVESA 1.0  had a fixed list of supported video modes, but in 2.0 it's up to the video card what modes it supports, and what modes they have
13:36.49WyzardIf your laptop has a 1280x800 screen, the video card probably has a 1280x800 VESA mode
13:37.04Wyzardoops, meant to say "and what numbers they have", not "and what modes they have"
13:37.09*** join/#debian faust_ (n=willy@
13:37.11dmcmorris_ruben: Sounds like a "prefork" setting.  Anyway, for custom MySQL installations, you'd want #MySQL.  This is a channel for debian (and the debian packages)
13:37.19windyhI just installed lenny wtih the netinstall cd from 9/22, and it didn't go so well. At the end of the install, it left me at a plain text console, no xserver, no repositories. I edited sources.list by hand and got gnome installed. I had to apt-get install less, so I suspect a lot of other stuff is missing. Is this normal, and is there some way to get the rest of the usual default install that would be more efficient than installing s
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13:37.56Wyzardwindyh: sounds like you got just the base system...  with no repos, that's not surprising, since it'd mean nothing else could be installed
13:38.05lukas___Wyzard: so what should be in the grub?
13:38.05Wyzardwindyh: Maybe your installation didn't complete successfully?
13:38.24windyhyeah, when tasksel came up, there was only one choice, and I think it was for base system
13:38.25lukas___Wyzard: I do not see how to find out that number
13:38.44Wyzardlukas___: On my laptop it's vga=874, which is 1280x800x16bpp
13:39.15Wyzardlukas___: but it could be a different number on yours -- and there's a possibility that the video card actually *doesn't* have a 1280x800 mode
13:39.24*** part/#debian bobf (
13:40.53Wyzardlukas___: There are programs you can run that'll give you a listing of the VESA modes supported by your video card
13:40.55lukas___Wyzard: oh, ok, how have you found your number? On mine 874 seems to be impossible
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13:41.47Wyzardlukas___: and at one point I got a full mode listing in my Xorg.0.log, while the video driver was initializing, but I don't get that anymore so I'm not sure where that came from
13:41.59Wyzardlukas___: I might've been using the vesa xorg driver at the time
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13:42.59atoponceso, everytime X crashes, it seems i was browsing to a tab in iceweasel
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13:43.08atoponcei haven't been able to get it to crash otherwise
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13:47.23lukas___Wyzard: well you had lucky day
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13:49.15lrpany imagen editor better than gimp ?
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13:49.36masusadobe photoshop :)
13:49.45castmasus: that's not better ;>
13:50.02alexfranci_qual'e' un buon newsgroup reader?
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13:50.23lrpmasus hahahah that was good
13:50.45lrpmasus i read about pixel but where to download ?
13:51.16masusi don't hear about it
13:53.04masusPixel 1.0 Beta 7 build 699 for Debian/Ubuntu/x86, Multilanguage
13:53.22masusok ?
13:53.26gkiagialrp: krita is good too
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13:54.38masuskrita looks better :9
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13:56.36windyhshouldn't I see nvidia-glx in synaptic if I added contrib and non-free?
13:56.56\amethystwindyh:  did you update after adding them?
13:57.08lrpkrita does not look good to me
13:57.14windyhyes, and this is in lenny
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13:57.39\amethystwindyh: lenny doesn't currently have nvidia-glx
13:57.50windyhoh, ok
13:57.52cyber_brain_mfkghi all! i have a few iptables questions to resolve my problem
13:58.42cyber_brain_mfkghow to forward torrent ports useing ip tables because torrent client can't connect to tracker
13:58.43windyhthanks  \amethyst
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13:59.41wols_cyber_brain_mfkg: you behind a NAT made by iptables?
14:00.08cyber_brain_mfkgand when i do iptables-save and restart my machine and type iptables -L -n it seams like i did nothing before restart!
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14:00.39cyber_brain_mfkgwols_, my iptables rules are now at default
14:01.49wols_cyber_brain_mfkg: then you can connect to trackers and no iptables config ever will help you
14:01.54AVRS2Wyzard: Oh, forgot: when pango-graphite is installed, Minefield keeps outputting:
14:01.55AVRS2** (gecko:22175): WARNING **: Exception in gr::RangeSegment
14:02.28*** join/#debian Ramattack (
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14:03.04Ramattackdoes rsync backup open files? mainly in Linux? and on windows? AFAIK or think on linux while they arent ddbb it's ok... but could anyone confirm me this? and have seen on windows people have some issues... but what about linux?? what do you think about it? are the copies consistent?
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14:03.45gileswwwrkhi debianers
14:03.54wols_Ramattack: use your brain. and rewrite your question
14:04.07cyber_brain_mfkgwols_, i used to type "iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT" and that worked fine but something was wrong in last ISP says they did't closed any port!
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14:04.28gileswwwrkI've got a weird problem now when I use sudo after enabling pam lookups
14:04.39wols_cyber_brain_mfkg: so you don't have a default iptables setup but a very shitty NAT?
14:04.45wols_!tell cyber_brain_mfkg about ipmasq
14:04.49Ramattackwols_, I have used my brain, done some tests, check rsync mailing list... so I think that what you said it's not very proper mate.. sorry
14:05.01gileswwwrkIf I sudo as a local passwd file based user I get prompted twice for a password
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14:05.08gileswwwrkfirst time always fails
14:05.12Ramattackbut needed to ensure
14:05.14atoponceiceweasel -safe-mode seems to keep X from crashing. i updated to the lastest xorg update. any ideas?
14:05.21wols_Ramattack: I meant to use your brain to pose a proper question. Just think HARD about thid:  < Ramattack> does rsync backup open files?"
14:05.22Ramattackand I'm asking for people experience...
14:05.33wols_Ramattack: what do you think about this genius?
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14:06.24RamattackI don't see nothing weird there... sorry wols_ ...
14:06.56wols_if you backup an open for write access but unlocked file, your data is inconsistent, no matter the OS, period
14:07.19\amethystthere is still the question of how inconsistent it will be
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14:07.25wols_there can be even inconsitences since file y is version n and file x is n+1. file write across different files are never atomic...
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14:07.38Ramattackmmm yeah but for example how do you say about people backing up mail or web servers with rsync without stoping them?
14:07.42wols_ameyer: undecidable
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14:08.01Ramattackwould you say they're inconsistent? it's quite used... bad or good... but is used....
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14:08.30kswhy date -s "Tue Sep 25 14:04:04 UTC 2007" doesn't set it
14:08.48ksit runs inside Vmware
14:09.02wols_Ramattack: it depends on the app you try to backup and on its state: undecidable
14:09.22wols_ks: use ntpdate
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14:09.36cyber_brain_mfkgwols_, when i type iptables-save and reset machine and type iptables -L it shows as i did't put any rule!is that normal???
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14:09.39\amethystRamattack:  you could stop mail service, backup the mail directories, restart mail
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14:10.22wols_cyber_brain_mfkg: very normal yes
14:10.24Ramattackmmmm not cool mate... tell that to yahoo people or google people... there should be a way for doing that... although that was only an example...
14:10.45Ramattack\amethyst, I think there should be another better way.. don't know...
14:10.46kswols_ i need to supply correct to the program, it connects to remote server which allows 10 minutes gap only
14:10.56wols_Ramattack: lock _that_ particular user's mail. back it up. unlock it again. repeat
14:11.04cyber_brain_mfkgwols_, and that means that my rules are in use by iptables or not?
14:11.11wols_ks: english pelase
14:11.13ksi think it is python script that uses date
14:11.17wols_cyber_brain_mfkg: not
14:11.33wols_ks: is the script run as root?
14:11.36Ramattackwols_, and how do you lock files?
14:11.45kswols yes su -
14:11.53cyber_brain_mfkgwols_, how to set them to be default after restarting computer?
14:11.53troubledRamattack: chattr +i?
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14:12.45wols_cyber_brain_mfkg: iptable<tab><tab>
14:12.46troubledRamattack: if your using lvm, things are a tad easier with snapshots if your looking to backup live fs though
14:12.48wols_and you will see
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14:13.12troubledwols_: /nick wols! ;þ
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14:13.38Ramattacktroubled, yep I'm trying to backup live filesystems... you know
14:14.02troubledRamattack: any chance its on top of lvm?
14:14.05Ramattackbut anyway... what could lvm do?
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14:14.32troubledRamattack: lvm can take a snapshot of an LV at a point in time that doesnt change while you back it up
14:14.44cyber_brain_mfkgwols_, it shows that there are: iptables,iptables-save,iptables-restore!!!and when i do iptables-save after restarting there are no rules :S!!!!
14:15.07wols_now WHY would you do iptables-save after a bootup? do you ever think?
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14:15.38wols_cyber_brain_mfkg: and when you do NAT, why aren't you using ipmasq?
14:15.49py_I've a debian sarge box. I want to load the softdog module at startup. Where can I tell I want it loaded?
14:16.25Ramattackso... then there's no way... of backing up filesystems succesfully with rsync? is always required another soft?
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14:16.28wols_py_: is that a kernel modules?
14:16.36Ramattackyou know open files
14:16.41Ramattacklive production server
14:16.48py_wols_, yes it is
14:16.54wols_py_: /etc/modules
14:17.02py_wols_, thx
14:17.10cyber_brain_mfkg!etch repositories
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14:17.20EnselicHello, our company is pondering to package an application in a .deb. To use the applicatino however, the user would have to agree on an EULA. Does .deb support these kinds of things?
14:17.45wols_Enselic: is the software Free software? is it DFSG compliant?
14:18.00EnselicThat is, that the user have to agree to an EULA before being able to use the program
14:18.03troubledRamattack: theres no easy way to back up in use files. windows have shadow copy, but thats similar to lvm snapshot. you need to take care to look at each daemon you use such as db's and ensure you dump them seperate for consitent state
14:18.06wols_!tell cyber_brain_mfkg about mirrors
14:18.07Enselicwols: nope
14:18.23wols_Enselic: then it can never ever be in debian and your question is wholly irrelevant
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14:18.41wols_but you can shoehoern it with debconf of course
14:18.42Ramattackyep quite true mate....
14:18.44Enselicwols_: we are not looking for having it in a repo, simply just providing a .de
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14:19.05wols_Enselic: then your question is still irrelevant. debian doesn't care about other people's repos
14:19.08RamattackI needed a system for that... for backing up live servers
14:19.31Enselicwols_: um, sorry but I don't see how an EULA support in .debs have anyting to do with debian repos
14:20.01wols_I don't see how anything non debian related has anything to with #debian either, but there you are asking irrelevant questions
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14:20.24EnselicI am asking a question abou the debian file format, I think that's pretty debian related
14:20.40Enselicthough I guess a debian development channel would be more appropriate
14:20.46wols_ubuntu is not debian, strangely enough they use .deb files too
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14:20.59wols_Enselic: and I long ago gave you the answer
14:21.03py_wols_ is a question about the .deb format irrelevant for #debian? Quite strange!
14:21.17troubledRamattack: lsof is handy to cruise the system with as root though
14:21.28Enselicwols_: not really, you just said my question was irrelevant
14:21.32wols_py_: we have tons of people who have questions about .e.g. apt-get while running ubuntu. that is very much OT too here
14:21.45Ramattacktroubled, yep.. may be...
14:21.51wols_Enselic: you are mistaken16:18 < wols_> but you can shoehoern it with debconf of course
14:22.01RamattackI'm trying to simulate an isp backup system...
14:22.03Enselicwols_: oops, sorry, missed that
14:22.08Enselicthat's pretty embarassing
14:22.10Ramattackfor my servers
14:22.15castEnselic: at the very least debian is a about *free* software :) which AFAIK never have EULAs. so you seem to want to do something contrary to the spirit of debian
14:22.21cyber_brain_mfkgwols_, i've just installed ipmasq!what now?
14:22.26troubledRamattack: really, i would think a dbms would be the main thing affected though, thus an sql dump daily just before the backup fires
14:22.30py_wols_: yes I see the point. But where should generic questions about the .deb format be asked, then?
14:22.30RamattackI suppose most isp will use veritas in one or another way
14:22.40wols_cast: debian has a TON of EULAS. GPL, LGPL, MIT, artistic, MPL, etc :P
14:22.44Ramattacktroubled, yep thats done
14:22.44\amethystcast: openoffice has a click-through I think
14:22.55wols_py_: oftc has channels I think.
14:22.57ZelestI just installed Debian on my new laptop with the hope to learn more about this distribution.. Yet, it's a laptop and I expected some issues with getting some of the hardware to work.. I've figured I need the ipw3945 modules and downloaded a .deb file from
14:23.03castwols_: i thought there was a difference between a license and a EULA?
14:23.05Wyzardwols_: Those aren't really EULAs, they're copyright licenses
14:23.10RamattackI always backup databases dumping databases before... but you know...
14:23.20Wyzardwols_: A EULA is a contract that the vendor makes you agree to before you can use the product
14:23.21Ramattackthere are other software like mail, web...
14:23.29Ramattackin wich you can't do a dump
14:23.36wols_Wyzard: license which apply to end users. GPL applies to me as the MS EULA. same thing
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14:23.46ZelestHowever, I get "Dependency is not satisfiable" and I've upgraded all packages and such.. What am I doing wrong, and how can I solve it? :)
14:23.48troubledRamattack: svn also makes a decent backup method. commit changes to svn, this way a loss/corruption of a file in use is likely to be safe/sane in svn, which is backup seperately and safely
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14:23.55\amethystwols_:  GPL doesn't place limitations on end-users AFAIK
14:23.59\amethystwols_: only on distributors
14:24.01Wyzardwols_: Not at all...  you're free to install and use GPL software even if you don't accept the GPL
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14:24.14OliverKruegerI have an ethernet / driver problem: I have a Debian Etch within an Knoppix environment (booting the kernel from knoppix). After modprobing my eth driver (pcnet32) and "ifconfig eth up" i get a "eth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: no such device". Why? dmesg says: pcnet32: 1 card found.
14:24.23Wyzardwols_: It only applies to *distribution* of the software
14:24.24wols_the only difference is that I WANT the GPL to apply even when shaky cause otherwise I have no business using the software, while a typical (MS) EULA is pure bullshit (in .de at least)
14:24.27Ramattackwhats svn??
14:24.33Wyzardwols_: (except GPL3, but that's why there's so much controversy over it)
14:24.37OliverKruegerRamattack: subversion
14:24.43dpkg[subversion] a compelling replacement for CVS, or available at  read the book:, or it adds: atomic commits and file renaming/copying, very tight network protocol. at #svn
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14:24.46OliverKruegerRamattack: version control tool
14:24.51cyber_brain_mfkgwols_, i've just installed ipmasq!what now?
14:24.52Ramattacka cvs?
14:25.02wols_Wyzard: no I'm not. cause then copyright applies. and no one gave me permission under that copyright to use the linux kernel. so either GPL applies or I am SOL
14:25.04EnselicRamattack: It's a great system
14:25.06castRamattack: consult wikipedia, a version control system
14:25.15troubledRamattack: basically, little more modern though and better than cvs (easier as well)
14:25.28wols_while no one might sue me for copyright violation for using Linux, I'm technically still liable
14:25.51wols_cyber_brain_mfkg: nothing. now you have working NAT
14:25.55Ramattackbut I didn't want to have mailbox repository that could be nasty
14:26.03wols_cyber_brain_mfkg: which should be a bit more secure than what you had before
14:26.27Wyzardwols_: Copyright law doesn't restrict you from using the Linux kernel
14:26.29OliverKruegerIs this the right place to ask questions like my ethernet ques above?
14:26.43wols_OliverKrueger: there never ever is a "eth" on any linux system
14:26.48wols_OliverKrueger: run /sbin/ifconfig -a
14:26.50Wyzardwols_: It only restricts you from *copying* it
14:27.10wols_Wyzard: to use it I have to copy it...
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14:27.24Wyzardwols_: and the temporary copy made by loading it into RAM for the purpose of running it is exempt
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14:27.38wols_I have to copy it to my harddisk
14:27.39Wyzardwols_: There's an established precedent for that, I believe
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14:28.21OliverKruegerwois_: thanks alot for the hint (-a). :-) Now I have to find out, why its eth2 instead of eth0.
14:28.33jetscreamernow the fonts look different AGAIN
14:28.41jetscreamerbut that is not why we are gathered here today
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14:28.44muh2000hard disk error: do i use the wrong driver or is my hard disk dying ?
14:28.53jetscreameris there some usb borkage in sid that i don't know about?
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14:29.42Wyzardwols_: I think from a common-sense perspective, installation to your computer is part of the distribution done by Debian
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14:30.21Wyzardwols_: I've read lots of discissions of GPL compliance online and never heard a serious concern raised over the need for a license to install software that was obtained legitimately
14:31.30wols_Wyzard: you CANNOT obtain GPLed software legitimately unless the chain of sale or whatever complies with the GPL
14:32.01wols_and while you might have done nothing wrong (e.g you bought "stolen" software by no fault of yours in good faith) you still can#t use that software then. you have to destroy it
14:32.10Wyzardwols_: Of course, but the GPL's requirements are on the distributor in that case, not on you
14:32.32wols_if you buy windows from a crook dealer and that dealer gets busted, MS might knock at your door and tell you to delete it or licnese "proper" windows
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14:33.24Wyzardwols_: And that's because you agreed to a EULA, while installing Windows, saying that you can only use the software with Microsoft's permission
14:33.40wols_no. cause I live in a country with copyright laws
14:33.54Wyzardwols_: Copyright doesn't cover use, and it has exceptions for fair-use personal copying
14:33.55wols_this applies not only to software but ALL stolen goods
14:34.19Dave2.o(Good job copyright infringement != stealing, then...)
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14:34.31wols_if I buy a TV that dropped from the back of a van, the rightful owner can come and demand his TV back. and there is nothing I can do except suing the thief for my lost money
14:34.32Wyzardwols_: If you buy a CD, for example, you can legitimately copy it to your computer; that's exempted as fair use
14:34.34Dave2(A case where the distinction is important.)
14:34.59Wyzardwols_: and listening to the music (either from the CD or from your computer) has nothing to do with copyright at all
14:35.20Wyzardwols_: "stolen goods" applies to physical property, like a stolen Windows CD
14:35.22wols_Wyzard: In .de I can even copy it and give it to my friend while keeping the CD. but I've never seen this apply to software here. EULA or no
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14:35.36wols_in fact, EULAs are non binding in .de anyways
14:35.38Wyzardwols_: Copyright infringement is not stealing
14:35.51FastPuttyhi someone could help me out with OPenVPN and SSL encryption
14:36.02wols_e.g. I can resell OEM liecenses like any other software. no "OEM stays with the PC it was bought with)
14:36.04kswhy hwclock might show 06:33 and date 10:07 ?
14:36.06Ramattackthanks a lot mates!!
14:36.07Wyzardwols_: If someone steals a Windows CD and gives it to you, you've received stolen goods and you have to return it when you find out about it
14:36.08Ramattacksee you!!!!
14:36.28themillWyzard: copying a cd onto your computer is *not* fair use in many countries including .uk and .au
14:36.29Wyzardwols_: If someone *copies* a Windows CD and gives it to you, what you've received is not stolen goods
14:36.31wols_Wyzard: then I copyright infringed, doesn't matter. I infringe and have no right to use it, period
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14:37.12wols_I don't get sued for the infringing unless I don't comply and destroy the copy after MS or whoever told me about it. and then MS could sue
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14:37.50themillWyzard: be very careful when talking about "fair use". Such things vary lots between jurisdictions and are often poorly or differently defined if they exist at all.
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14:38.20Wyzardthemill: That's true; I know it's fair use under US law but I'm sure it differs in other places
14:38.46wols_Wyzard: if I could continue to use GPL or windows software that was made in an infringing way, copyright would be useless. I'd sjust claim "I found the CD lying on the street" and happily ever after use it
14:38.50wols_that can't be the solution
14:39.13wols_and it doesn't matter if the finding on the street happens in .de or in .us. same applies
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14:40.58seanp2ki think i broke gcc
14:41.21seanp2klook under core tests
14:41.23Wyzardwols_: In the Windows case there's more than just copyright involved, because of Microsoft's EULA...  in the GPL case, I believe you *could* use the software anyway
14:41.46*** join/#debian Nebukadneza (
14:41.47Wyzardwols_: Suppose you found a Debian installation CD in the street -- binaries without source code
14:41.55seanp2kin particular usr/local/include/gnu/stubs.h:7:27: error: gnu/stubs-32.h: No such file or directory
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14:42.21Nebukadnezai've got a problem with the debian command_not_found_handle() extension to bash. i'd like to check whether the command not found is a dir, if so cd to it, and if not try to ssh to what was not found.
14:42.23Wyzardwols_: Whoever left the CD there didn't comply with the GPL in giving it to you, but you can still install it and use it if you want
14:42.27cyber_brain_mfkgwols_, i restarted my machine and routing with other machine works just fine,but torrent downloadnig wont start again :(!"problem connecting to tracker - time out exceeded"???
14:42.36Nebukadnezaproblem is that cd'ing there doesnt work since the handle is executed in a subshell
14:42.40Nebukadnezawhat can i do?
14:42.50Wyzardwols_: *You* aren't violating the GPL by using it, because the GPL says you must include source code when distributing the software, not when installing or using it on your own PC
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14:44.10WyzardNebukadneza: sounds like that can't be done with a subshell, but bash can load new builtin commands (as compiled .so libraries) which could probably do that sort of thing
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14:44.43wols_cyber_brain_mfkg: are you sure the tracker even exists? I have my doubts
14:45.09NebukadnezaWyzard: ouf. doesnt sound like a setup i'd want to run for more than a few boxes
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14:45.41wols_Wyzard: ok. from now on i "find" all my windows and office CDs in the street. wonder what MS and the courts say. I can always say "Your Honor, I didn't infringe copyright. I FOUND it. some evil dude did all the bad deeds"
14:45.41WyzardNebukadneza: Well, it can load them dynamically; it's not like you have to recompile bash
14:45.52Nebukadnezaah, ok
14:45.54WyzardNebukadneza: See the bash-builtins package
14:46.05wols_Wyzard: what do you think the court will reply?
14:46.28Nebukadnezahm, let me guess - i have to write c?
14:46.32Wyzardwols_: You'd probably be violating Microsoft's EULA by installing a copy that you didn't buy
14:46.38WyzardNebukadneza: probably
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14:46.46Nebukadnezahmmm, housto, we have a problem
14:46.48Wyzardwols_: That's distinct from copyright
14:46.54wols_Wyzard: EULAS don't apply here... remember?
14:46.55jorgpanyone have any ideas how close gnome 2.20 is to being completely uploaded to unstable? I know its in progress
14:47.27wols_not to mention very few 10 year old buy their own PCs which they get at Xmas. with a perfectly fine WIndows installed
14:47.28Wyzardwols_: Yes they do...  that's the whole point of a EULA, to make you agree to additional terms (beyond the scope of copyright) before *using* some software
14:48.01seanp2kso no ideas for missing stubs-32.h?  I can't compile anything in C++.
14:48.03wols_Wyzard: you sure about german law? please point me to the one that legitimates EULAs
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14:48.15wols_!tell seanp2k about b-e
14:48.23Wyzardwols_: Copyright is law so you're bound by it whether you agree or not (i.e. you can't distribute without permission), but the additional terms in a EULA are beyond the scope of copyright, so it has to be a contract that you must explicitly agree to
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14:48.31rowlandchanehi in here
14:48.53Wyzardwols_: I don't know about the legal details of EULAs in Germany, and "clickwrap" licenses are shaky even in the US where I live
14:48.58rowlandchaneany packade make who could help me?
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14:49.05NebukadnezaWyzard: you sure there is no easier way of 'cd'ing' a shell from a bashrc function?
14:49.08Wyzardwols_: I'm just telling you how they're intended to work, and how they're distinct from copyright licenses
14:49.08wols_Wyzard: if you get a good in an illegitimate way (see van bought from the back of a truck) then you can't use that good. same with software
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14:49.20wols_so the EULA is moot: if you got it in the wrong way, you cannot use it
14:49.37wols_at least if the copyright holder demands it (it's a civil thing with copyright)
14:49.49WyzardNebukadneza: A subprocess can't change the current directory of its parent process
14:50.09seanp2kwols_: already have build-essential...GCC WAS working, idk what i did
14:50.11Wyzardwols_: I'm neither a lawyer nor a German, and that sounds plausible, so I won't argue that point
14:50.36Wyzardwols_: but how does that relate to your original claim (the one I'm mainly concerned with) that you can't install Debian on your own computer without agreeing to the GPL?
14:50.42NebukadnezaWyzard: okay, thanks anyway
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14:51.41wols_seanp2k: /msg dpkg search   Just look where stubs-32.h is included, what package
14:51.43cyber_brain_mfkgwols_, try yourself this one
14:51.59cyber_brain_mfkgwols_, it won't work 4 me
14:52.12Wyzardwols_: My understanding is that Debian distributes software in compliance with the GPL (i.e. *they* have to abide by it), and using their CD as-intended to install to your computer is part of their distribution activity, not new distribution activity on your part
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14:52.32wols_cause otherwise nothing would grant you the right. by defualt every piece of code is under copyright. while Linus might not sue you if you don't agree with the GPL, it doesn't mean he can't
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14:52.51jorgpthe desktop does not completely load yet in gnome/unstable
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14:53.09lindenleho do i change my local time zone?
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14:53.35stewcyber_brain_mfkg: illegal trading of copyrighted material has no place on this network.  you've been silenced for 10 minutes
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14:53.48Wyzardwols_: You should ask debian-legal about that, because I don't think that's their interpretation
14:54.15Trewaswols_: that might be relevant, "You are not required to agree to anything to merely use software which is licensed under the GPL."
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14:55.07Kurin-What's the name of the apt package that includes all the general dev tools?  gcc, libraries, etc
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14:55.14abrotman!b-e Kurin-
14:55.15dpkgKurin-: Sounds like you need to aptitude install build-essential.
14:55.16EnselicKurin-: build-esseitnal
14:55.19WyzardTrewas: Installing (copying from CD to hard drive) is distinct from running, though
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14:55.54seanp2kapt-file can't find anything on stubs-32.h
14:56.09abrotmandid you apt-file updat e?
14:56.13seanp2ki'm on a 32bit system and don't know why i'd need 32bit header build stuff
14:56.19TrewasWyzard: seems to be splitting hairs, software cannot be used without installing
14:56.22abrotman!find  stubs-32.h etch
14:56.44wols_Wyzard: if I install a normal debian there is of course no problem, but say someone bundles vmware with debian and sells THAT to me, then me installing debian is infringing
14:56.47WyzardTrewas: I understand wols_' point; I just think we'd be hearing a lot more discussions about that sort of compliance if using an installation CD the way the distributor intended to be used was considered a new distribution on your own part
14:57.41wols_and while I won't be sued for installing it, if I delete it, "they" could sue if I don't comply with their wish
14:57.42Wyzardwols_: The person giving that to you would certainly be infringing...  but I don't think you would be
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14:57.58wols_Wyzard: I would. fruit of the poisoned tree basically
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14:58.12wols_I had a ship shape debian install with evil vmware. something that is not directly allowed
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14:58.39Trewaswols_: but you would not be breaking/infinging gpl in any way just by using the software, no matter how you get it
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14:59.01wols_it's not that plausible with my example of course but consider a consumer router maker that violates the GPL as many did and do
14:59.03Wyzardwols_: Well, that's analogous to your earlier example of a Windows CD that fell off a truck, so again I'm not going to argue that point
14:59.05en1gmadoes linux have a greeting card designer app....or do i have to get wine so i can install the hp greeting card designer cd
14:59.25abrotmanen1gma: yes
14:59.26wols_in that case it's not really possible for me to comply with the GPL by removing the closed source part for example
14:59.35Wyzardwols_: What about the case of a normal, legitimately-obtained Debian CD, which you want to install, but you don't accept the redistribution terms of the GPL?
14:59.36en1gmaabortman yes to what
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14:59.48loca|hosthello all
15:00.02abrotmanen1gma: you could use one of the office suites to make one
15:00.15wols_Wyzard: intent is (in this case) not punishable. so I will only be nailed when I actually act on it
15:00.16en1gmado they have already made templates?
15:00.18stewWyzard: then you can't copy the software at all, since it is copyrighted
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15:00.38Trewaswols_: you only have to comply with gpl when you distribute the software, merely using it requires no agreement to anything (according to fsf's faq)
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15:00.42stewWyzard: its only the GPL that grants you the additional, not normally granted, right to copy the software
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15:00.45Wyzardstew: Not even running the installer on the CD?
15:00.49polpociao a tutti
15:00.49Wyzardstew: I understand that
15:00.59loca|hosti've plugged a modem into my serial port and have nothing in my /var/log/messages, is there any module to load to get serial ports working ? how to debug my situation ?
15:01.01en1gmaabortman i only have kde base installed so i cant check yet
15:01.02Ethanis there a way to add a driver to a netboot install ?
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15:01.31stewWyzard: right.  you wouldn't have the right to copy the software from the install cd
15:01.33abrotman!tell Ethan about custom netinst
15:01.35Wyzardstew: but the stance of GNU and the Debian project seems to be that you only need to agree to the license in order to give the software to others, not to install it on your own computer from the normal distribution channels
15:01.59Ethanabrotman: where is the bot :D
15:02.11abrotmanEthan: he didn't msg you ?
15:02.14abrotmandpkg: hi
15:02.14dpkgniihau, abrotman
15:02.20stewWyzard: the stance of GNU and debian is that you are operating under the terms of the license, you are talking about not operating under the terms of the license
15:02.26Trewaswols_: I see your point about windows CDs but IMHO it does not apply at all to GPLd stuff, a stolen debian CD would be of course illegal but running the programs you installed from it would still be fine
15:02.26Ethano yes
15:02.32Ethanstrange name lol
15:02.38Azarhello honorables!
15:02.53wols_Trewas: no. not doable with current copyright
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15:03.29Wyzardstew: No, I mean, the stance seems to be that people who don't agree to the license are still OK to install; they just can't redistribute
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15:03.54Wyzardstew: That's the impression I've gotten from various discussions I've read (on debian-devel and debian-legal as well as places like Slashdot and Reddit)
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15:04.33AzarWyzard: that's what I understood too..
15:04.36themillWyzard: that's correct.
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15:05.07Trewaswols_: why not? in case BSA comes to visit (and they visit only companies) they only care about the purchase documents of software that is used, the install media itself is of no interest to them
15:05.11themillWyzard: that's why I truly don't understand how the BSD people think the GPL is a restrictive licence.
15:05.30wols_Wyzard: legally it is not right if they do it, the problem is there is no sensible way to sue them
15:05.47wols_especially since suing them would go counter to the goals of the GPL
15:05.51Azarbecause GPL requires that along with distribution the release of code should be going along...
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15:06.10themillwols_: no, legally it's ok. perhaps morally lacking, but the licence only applies to distribution not usage.
15:06.32AzarBSD does not care what the end user does with the code, if it locks it or release it
15:06.40WyzardAzar: Good point -- that'd mean that anyone who installs Debian to their hard drive without also putting all the source code on their hard drive is violating the GPL  :-)
15:06.50heloAzar: but they really do :)
15:07.07wols_themill: yes, but coypright applies ALWAYS. and copyright forbids it. and the only thing that waives that copyright is the GPL which we said one doesn't follow...
15:07.11wols_catch 22
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15:07.21themillWyzard: no, that's not the case.
15:07.25Azarhelo: some commercial companies, take the software and locks it. (blocks access to the code)
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15:07.34wols_Wyzard: no. since I don'tr distribute I don't have to do anything with source
15:07.41en1gmais koffice same as openoffice
15:07.49heloWyzard: i think the distribution only comes into affect when modifications are made
15:07.57xerophyte4i could not find the rndc or ndc .. for the bind does anybody know which package has that
15:08.00heloand only if you were to set it up and give it to someone...
15:08.08Azarhelo: no, I guess in any situation
15:08.14wols_en1gma: no
15:08.15themillAzar: take an old windows machine and grep for Berkeley in the the system32 directory....
15:08.18Wyzardwols_: but if installing from CD to hard drive is copying which may only be done under the terms of the GPL, that means you're obligated to copy the source code to your hard drive too
15:08.30wols_Wyzard: no
15:08.35heloAzar: i was referring to their whining regarding the GPL'ing of BSD code :)
15:08.41themillWyzard: no, distribution is giving to to someone
15:08.43Azaris like buying a game, try re-sell it without the instructions of the game
15:08.46wols_copying stuff to my harddisk is no distribution. GPL only comes into play when you actually distribute
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15:09.05Azarhelo: well, BSD.... is just penix envy there
15:09.17helowols_: but even if you distribute, if you make no modifications you still don't have to make the code available, right?
15:09.40Wyzardwols_: That's my understanding too, but you said earlier that you can't install GPL software without agreeing to the GPL, because installation is copying
15:09.42stewhelo: incorrect
15:10.02Azarhelo: in a way BSD guys have their say... they give code unconditionally they only are upset that GPL puts conditions which they do not agree with
15:10.12stewhelo: well depending on how you received your offer of sourcecode
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15:10.22wols_Wyzard: yes. copyrigh regulates ALL copying. so you technically and legally infringe
15:10.32wols_it's just that it would be silly to sue you only for that
15:11.05themillInstallation is not copying.
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15:11.15stewhelo: and by that i'm referring specifically to 3c of GPL-2
15:11.33PenixAzar: gee, you've really done your homework there...
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15:11.34Azarcode taken from the GPL by BSD, modified and licenced as BSD does not work very well because BSD licence crosses the main GPL condition: free for taken by anyone to share or lock (wee don't care)
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15:11.56AzarPenix: I am fencer, what can I say....
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15:12.59stewAzar: uhh, that would be illegal
15:13.06Azaryou take GPL code, modify it or not, distribute it you gotta share like it or not
15:13.12kevinOhello when i run apt-get update, i get a few errors:
15:13.20dpkgPlease do not paste anything at all to this channel. Instead, use: or or for pics.
15:13.34Azarstew: poor wording on my part the last portion of sentence was about what BSD does
15:13.38PenixAzar: the exact opposite is actually what's happening right now
15:13.43loca|hostanyone ?
15:13.53AzarPenix: huh?
15:13.57stewAzar: "code taken from the GPL by BSD, modified and licenced as BSD".  you can't relicense it.
15:13.59loca|hosti've attached a serial modem that i cant see it where in /dev
15:14.03kevinOErr htp:// etch/updates TRelease.gpg //Temporary failure resolving '
15:14.15loca|hosti've tryed with minicom with /dev/ttyS* and nothing
15:14.24RoninkevinO: its spelled wroing
15:14.28Ronindamn it
15:14.28loca|hostdmesg and /var/log/messages show nothing about the modem
15:14.33Azarstew: yes I know, I was just saying "why" (if this would be allowed) is not working
15:14.34kevinOthemill who pasted anything
15:14.40RoninkevinO: its debian not debain
15:14.51dpkgDebian! D-E-B-I-A-N! The founder of Debian was not named "Ain". Sheesh!
15:14.56themillkevinO: it looked like you were about to...
15:14.59Wyzardthemill: Installation is definitely copying; it's just not distribution
15:15.04PenixAzar: people using BSD licensed code in a GPL project and effectively locking out non-GPL contributions back to the original project
15:15.12kevinOnope i know better :)
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15:15.19Azarpersonally, I would like to see BSD and GPL making peace in some way...
15:15.23themillkevinO: :)
15:15.29Penixor, rather, not offering a non-GPL 'payback'
15:15.31Wyzardthemill: I guess that's the root of what I'm wondering about -- copyright law talks about copying, but Debian and the GPL talk about (re)distribution
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15:16.07themillWyzard: *nod* but you (and others) were using "copying" to mean "distribution" which is why you were getting confused about installing requiring you to agree to the gpl.
15:16.45kevinOok guys that spelling was my error, its spelled right in sources.list
15:16.56Wyzardthemill: I think it *doesn't* require acceptance of the GPL just to install, according to the prevailing legal theory in the open-source community, but I'm trying to understand the legal basis for that
15:17.15SpeedyGlol, so I'm sitting at the helpdesk of my school working, two students come by to _ask_  if its allowed to download stuff (nobody ever asks if its allowed)
15:17.25AzarPenix: it is too sad BSD guys don't understand that their code is being taken and used for profit by individuals/companies that are locking the code... who knows later down the road claiming ownership of the software..
15:17.30SpeedyGand all they wanted to download, were just two debian iso's :D
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15:17.52amphiAzar: what makes you think they don't realise that?
15:18.18Azaramphi: the way they defend their licencing ?
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15:18.52PenixAzar: see, the this is, it's not evil companies etc. 'locking' code. they're using the code like they're entitled to. in the case of the GPL though, if the BSD licensed project wants to integrate the GPL project's changes, they have to adopt the license
15:18.55kevinOis down?
15:18.55WyzardAzar: They do realize that...  it's well-known, for example, that Windows has used a BSD-derived TCP/IP stack
15:19.01Penixs/this is/this is the thing/
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15:19.13wols_Azar: they don't defend it against said companies, right no some BSD folks only "defend" it againt people using GPL licenses
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15:19.27stewthemill: one never has to accept the terms of the GPL unless you want to copy it or distribute it.  in which case, you do
15:19.31AzarI mean come on, they are OK with "anyone" getting their code as long as it contains credit lines for the author, but not caring if their code is being grabbed and locked?
15:19.50amphiAzar: what 'way'? AFAIK, they assert that their licence is more 'free', as people can incorporate it in proprietary sw if they want
15:19.52themillstew: you are absolutely correct. That's what I've been trying to say.
15:20.13HardDisk_WPhow do I tell APT to ignore the state of VLC package?
15:20.14PenixAzar: the whole 'viral' argument comes in to it I guess
15:20.17stewthemill: but you seem to be saying that somehow distribution requres the license but copying doesn't?
15:20.19Azaramphi: free for taken..
15:20.21HardDisk_WPIt depends on ubuntu libs, but works fine
15:20.27HardDisk_WPbut APT is whining
15:20.36kevinOmaybe #ubuntu can help me
15:20.45HardDisk_WPI use debian
15:20.49RoninkevinO: pastebin the exact error
15:20.51AzarPenix: "viral" meaning that everything it touches impose obeying by the rules
15:20.53HardDisk_WPbut installed a Ubuntu package
15:21.02kevinOok it will take me a minute
15:21.06amphiAzar: what do you mean, 'taken'? the code they 'took' is still available, the  only difference is they can build on it and distribute, without making src available
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15:21.08themillstew: copying for your own use or for backup purposes does not require you to accept the gpl.
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15:21.14wols_got a question about nvidia 100.14 drivers in from sid in etch: they need a libc6 2.5.5. is this deliberate? nvidia settings works fine with etch libc6
15:21.19stewthemill: based on what?  fair use?
15:21.32wols_and afaik the downloaded drivers on which the debian ones are based too. so why this dependency?
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15:21.51wols_and more importanlty: how to edit it in the nvidiia-graphics-drve source file?
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15:22.10PenixAzar: in certain cases, obeying the rules involves importing GPL licensed code in to a BSD licensed project, which just causes more problems than the benefits gained from merging changes
15:22.21PenixAzar: ie. relicensing
15:22.28rmajis tehere some comfortable tool to setup firewall (generate firewall script or soemthing)?
15:22.48themillstew: the only thing that the gpl regulates is giving binaries to other people. If there is no other person involved, then the gpl just gives you the right to do whatever you want with the code.
15:22.55rmajshould I by hand add a init.d call to stat firewall script or is there some existing method?
15:22.56themillrmaj: firestarter
15:23.05Penixbut, anyway, there are plenty of wonderful articles floating around atm about all of this
15:23.08Penixtime for bed...
15:23.18Wyzardaha:  Copyright law (in the US at least) allows making an additional copy "provided that such a new copy or adaptation is created as an essential step in the utilization of the computer program in conjunction with a machine and that it is used in no other manner"
15:23.34castnight folks
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15:23.37stewthemill: are you talking specifically about gpl3 now?
15:23.37WyzardThus, installation of software is allowed by copyright law, and doesn't require acceptance of the GPL (again, in the US at least)
15:23.40hellopcan I just stick any script in my /etc/rc2.d directory?  what should the permissions be?
15:23.40AzarBSD are upset at GPL because linux devs will not give them some codes (while they say they are ok to share theirs - true) because BSD then will re-licence some of the code as BSD then commercial companies will take it and lock it a way: is a vicious circle
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15:23.47themillstew: the same is true for gpl2.
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15:24.03stewthemill: can you tell me which section of the gpl2 says that?
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15:24.15softworki have a x64 system but x-fi drivers say is not 64 system! how i do?
15:24.16amphiAzar: they can't "lock it away", what are you raving about?
15:24.40amphiAzar: all the bsd licence allows is for them to distribute a derived work in binary only
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15:24.48Azaramphi: not BSD, some other parties benefiting from BSD works
15:24.55hellopDo I have to do anything special besides placing a script or link in /etc/rc2.d, to ensure that it runs on bootup?
15:25.18amphiAzar: yes, the bsd licence does not require them to release the source of derived works
15:25.20stewhellop: you have to ensure its name starts with 'S'
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15:25.27stewhellop: and that it is executable
15:25.36Azaramphi: yes right
15:25.41amphiAzar: that is not "locking away" any bsd-licensed code
15:26.05softworki have a x64 system but x-fi drivers say is not 64 system! how i do?
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15:26.12amphiAzar: presumably people who use the bsd licence for their code do not have a problem with that
15:26.17hellopstew, thanks I got that.  What about perms?  the links are 777 isn't that bad?
15:26.53stewhellop: links are always 777, which is fine, becuase you still need permissions of the file they link to
15:27.01jthomashello!  One of our servers cannot fully boot due to some issue with the graphics (really just display, no X) being out of sync range.  It boots properly with one monitor but not when connected to the KVM.  Is there any way to set it differently so that it will boot and display properly?
15:27.05softworkhow i force a install?
15:27.14fluxdudewhat are the security implications of allowing Gateway Ports in sshd_config?
15:27.21hellopstew, ok cool  gotcha  thanks
15:27.32hellopso, links 777 ok,   scripts 777 bad
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15:27.48Azaramphi: the short version of what I am understanding is: bsd licence is not compatible with the gpl licence because it does not require from the end-user to share the code and derived work from it with anyone
15:28.01fluxdudeI have someone who wants to open a port tunnel back to his own machine doing something like ssh user@tunnelmachine -R port:localhost:port
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15:28.12stewhellop: links are 777, nothing you can do about that, for files, 777 is always bad
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15:28.28kevinORonin: it seems all that i needed was to reboot after changing my /etc/host file, it works now
15:28.40amphiAzar: yes - the gpl is more restrictive than the bsd
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15:29.16EthanI want to boot from my hard drive
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15:29.34kevinOturn it on
15:29.50Azaramphi: and thanks to the gpl, the free software movement has advanced so far that now we got AMD, DELL and IBM on its side... hardware, drivers start moving in our way, slowly but is a reality
15:30.00jthomashello!  One of our servers cannot fully boot due to some issue with the graphics (really just display, no X) being out of sync range.  It boots properly with one monitor but not when connected to the KVM.  Is there any way to set it differently so that it will boot and display properly?
15:30.05Ethanbut I don't how to download the files :p
15:30.12hellopjthomas, new kvm!
15:30.22jthomasit is new
15:30.25kevinOethan what are you booting from now?
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15:30.32Ethandebian 3.0
15:30.40Ethanwithouth CD-drive
15:30.43Azartry Mach Boot :)
15:30.45jthomasand the monitor its connected to works WHEN I unplug the other one and plug the KVM in.  But if I boot with KVM, it doesn't boot.
15:30.48amphiAzar: yes, I think it's tolerably obvious why corps would prefer to release code under the gpl rather than the bsd licence
15:30.54kevinOethan are you booting from the hard drive?
15:30.56hellopjthomas, won't boot because of the video??  I don't think so
15:31.08Ethanthe netboot doesn't recognize my ethernet card
15:31.12Azaramphi: huh? thats a new one for me.. :)
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15:31.19EthanI am under a debian 3.0 (already installed)
15:31.21jthomashellop: not sure since I cannot see it, but I cannot SSH into it when thats the setup.  Nor ping it.
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15:31.28Ethanand I want to install the 4.0
15:31.28Azarwoody!! yay!
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15:31.36RoninEthan: you want to update on the machine you're on now?
15:31.45jthomashellop: I *have* to boot with the seperate monitor, and then swap the conneciton.
15:31.46amphiAzar: I don't know about these corps being on "free software's side" - they are on their own sides ;)
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15:31.58kevinOethan i dont know how to help man, try asking again
15:32.02EthanI would rather like to have a clean install
15:32.05Ethanso no update
15:32.11AzarEthan: did you tried modconf? see if your ethernet card is there?
15:32.17hellopjthomas, try going to bios with good monitor, then switch to bad, then boot linux.  That will tell you if it's a linux issue, or a hardware issue like a short causing a MB lockup
15:32.23kevinOethan, cant you just download the full disk?
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15:32.39Azarwoody runs on almost all older machines
15:32.39jthomasEthan: take the drive out, do a minimal install with the harddrive connected to a desktop, and then put it back in the laptop and continue
15:32.49amphiAzar: eh? it's obvious why the gpl is more appealing; releasing code under bsd would allow a competitor to junp start a derived work and give nothing back that could be used by the first corp
15:33.04Ethanjthomas: I would prefer not to
15:33.08Azaramphi: bingo! :)
15:33.20EthankevinO what do you mean ?
15:33.20jthomasEthan: then... get a USB cdrom device
15:33.29amphiAzar: wtf?
15:33.33themillstew: s5 says that you are only required to accept the terms of the gpl if you distribute the program. See also paragraph 2 of s0 which says that "the act of running the Program is not restricted". See also the click-thru faq on the gpl the url of which was posted earlier.
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15:33.42amphi< Azar> amphi: huh? thats a new one for me.. :)
15:33.45Azaramphi: but then it comes back to bite his behind: it will be forced to share the derived work
15:33.47Ethanthe usb drive won't e recongized....
15:34.07amphiAzar: I have no idea what you're talking about
15:34.07jthomasEthan: can you do a minimal install of sorts from floppy?
15:34.13AzarEthan: yeah woody don't do usb, alas
15:34.17jthomasEthan: can you do a network boot?
15:34.22stewthemill: where does it say i can make copies myself?
15:34.33Ethanlike I said the netboot doesn't know my card....
15:34.38kevinOethan says the netinst cd wond recognize his nic card
15:34.43stewthemill: the faq has no legal weight
15:34.53hellopjthomas, or just, just see if the computer can POST with the kvm... if not then you can't change no settings in linux to fix it
15:34.56Azaramphi: what I am saying is that corps are still hesitant of using GPLed works since they don't fully understand what the legal issue is coming from the licence
15:35.02Darkclaw55I am looking for someone to get me a backup script going. I can pay with paypal. Send a message if youre interested.
15:35.10simmerz|workaptitude purge apache will only delete config files, not everything in /var/www right?
15:35.13jthomashellop: I can get to Grub with KVM, POST etc all that
15:35.16themillstew: I know that, but it had been prepared by people who actually do know what they are talking about...
15:35.24Ethani did the modconf
15:35.34Ethanand SMC Ultra Support is installed
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15:35.42amphiAzar: you say this on the basis of what? talking with corporate legal departments?
15:35.46Ethanonly that
15:35.49AzarEthan: did you find any module for your ethernet? is yours a laptop?
15:36.03Ethanso that must be the driver/module for my ethernet
15:36.11kevinODarkclaw55: i will find someone to do if for 600 dollars :)
15:36.18AzarEthan: then you maybe did not configure your interfaces correctly
15:36.19Ethanno a very old computer not a laptop
15:36.29stewthemill: who?
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15:36.51Ethanunder my old already installed debian 3.0 all works fine
15:36.58Ethanbut not on the netboot
15:37.11Ethanand I can't configure during the netboot...
15:37.19AzarEthan: your ethernet happens to be a rtl ?
15:37.23Ethan(I am not sure I will ba ble anyway)
15:38.07AzarEthan: well, if your ethernet driver is installed, and you don't have a connection, means you did not configure your DNS and interfaces fields properly
15:38.16EthanI have
15:38.21Ethana connection
15:38.33Ethanbut not when booting with the netboot
15:38.41Azarthen try linx >> go to yahoo or google see if you get something
15:38.43softworki use debian x64 but i get this error /usr/include/asm/rwsem.h:8:3: error: #error This header is not available for x86_64
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15:39.51kevinOethan have you installed the netinst cd?
15:40.08kevinOare the netboot and netinst cd the same?
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15:40.46jthomasEthan: can you add a different network card?  I have a little LinkSys USB-to-RJ45 (network jack) that is recognized under Etch, makes my laptops have ethernet
15:42.03hellopHow can I figure out what is causing dhclient to run on boot?
15:42.17hellopit's not in my rc scripts
15:42.21wols_hellop: your /etc/network/interfaces ist
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15:43.04jthomashellop: My monitor (with KVM setup) goes out when the kernel is displaying the message: "radeonfb: Found Intel x86 BIOS ROM Image" or maybe "Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 120x33" or somewhere in there.  So I can initially read the monitor but it goes dark early in the boot process.
15:43.33EthanI don't have the CD-drive....
15:43.34sepskijthomas, it probably dont like your framebuffer resolution,
15:43.52jthomassepski: ok, how would I change that?
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15:44.42sepskijthomas, iirc it's vga=$value in the boot
15:44.47sepskior nofb to turn it off
15:44.56jthomashmm ok
15:44.57sepskibut it should be very well documented on google
15:45.18jthomaswhere would I find info to learn which the $value should be?
15:45.33sepskijthomas, i would have to google for it.
15:45.42jthomasi can
15:45.43sepskijthomas, even tho i have seen it 10 times i still have to google for it :P
15:45.45jthomasbut what terms?
15:45.54jthomasdell 860 frambuffer ?
15:46.00hellopwols, thanks  I am now statically assigned
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15:46.27sepski"framebuffer resolution vga" or something like that
15:46.33hellopjthomas, yeah..
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15:46.45wiedenmannhow can I see wheter I use usb 2.0 or 1.1 with my usb stick?
15:46.47jthomask thanks guys
15:46.51hellopjthomas, are you trying to run at 120x33 characters?
15:46.57jthomasno idea
15:47.02sepskiwiedenmann, i think dmesg after you plug it in ,
15:47.12jthomasit was rsynced from another machine, which does boot with this KVM setup fine
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15:48.09wiedenmannsepski: Vendor: TrekStor  Model: USB MASS STORAGE  Rev: 1.00 doesnt look like it mentioned it anywhere
15:48.16jthomashellop: where would I look for that information?
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15:49.22sepskiwiedenmann, i usualy see something like high speed usb device $n connected at $address something or the oter
15:49.29sepskibefore what you stated
15:49.30kittonianhi all. i'm having a major problem here. i'm getting massive kernel panics whenever i try to copy a file off of one of the hard drives. it's a 2.4gb file and i need to back this up so I can work on this issue. i've already compiled a new kernel but that didn't seem to help
15:50.03wols_kittonian: do you really mean a kernel panic?
15:50.12wols_crash of the whole box?
15:50.17kittonianmy thought was to backup this file and then tar up the entire contents of that drive, put that tarball on another drive and then completely erase the hard drive that's having issues and then put everything back on
15:50.36kittonianwols_, yes, I really mean a kernel panic. as in stalling teh entire machine with a message that says kernel panic
15:50.51wols_you sure it's not a broken harddisk? checked with smartmontools?
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15:51.02Ethanback to my first question, how can I boot from the hardrive ?
15:51.21EthanI need to get some files but the doumentation doesn't tell where they are located...
15:51.25jthomasEthan: you cannot boot from the harddrive if you want to replace its data.  You'll need to boot from something else.
15:51.26hellopjthomas, it here's a link
15:51.27kittonianwols_, it's certainly possible the hard drive is bad, that's why I'm trying to back things up
15:51.32en1gmai installed open office but i dont see the greeting card creator app
15:51.35en1gmawhats it called
15:51.43hellopDoes your KVM not support 1024/768?
15:51.45jthomasen1gma: there isn't one
15:51.58en1gmaabortman told me there was one
15:51.59sepskikittonian, in those cases i usualy  boot a livecd.
15:52.04jthomashellop: not sure.  where would i look in the original install for this info?
15:52.16jthomashellop: it certainly does support that tho
15:52.29en1gmajthomas do you know of any app for linux that can let my mom create greeting cards easily
15:52.49kittoniansepski, how would that help?
15:52.49hellopjthomas, so.. you only run in console mode on the server right?
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15:53.02Ethanwouldn't be a solution
15:53.03jthomasen1gma: nope, its holding my mom back also.  There is KreetingKard I think, but its japanses or something and I was unable to figure it out.
15:53.09Ethanusing grub on my machine ?
15:53.13jthomashellop: on this server, yes.
15:53.39en1gmamaybe ill just install wine and it will load the hp greeting card cd app
15:53.48jthomastry it and let us know
15:53.53*** part/#debian ak70 (i=ak70@
15:54.39hellopen1gma, greeting cards: Open Office writer
15:55.12softworkhow i use gcc 3.4 for default?
15:55.28jthomasen1gma: or this
15:55.30themillsoftwork: you have to change the /usr/bin/gcc symlink
15:55.33jthomassame app tho
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15:55.55en1gmahellop does it have templates already
15:55.57themillsoftwork: if your makefile supports it, CC=/usr/bin/gcc-3.4 might work
15:56.11stewsoftwork: don't change that symlink, use the CC environment variable
15:56.22simmerz|workaptitude purge apache will only delete config files, not everything in /var/www right?
15:56.23GmLBAnyone know how to change the stack size in the compile options for a modern kernel??ee
15:56.26themillstew: that only works if the makefile supports if
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15:56.30stewthemill: yes
15:56.31hellopen1gma, I dunno, but you could make some and release them on sourceforge.
15:56.37softworkis to compile binary x-fi driver
15:56.38themillstew: and many don't...
15:56.49softworki need gcc < 4.0
15:57.02stewthemill: and if it doesn't, the makefile should be fixed
15:57.17PSyKomay someone help me to boot on a pcmcia cd drive?
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15:57.25themillsoftwork: actually... sorry.. don't change the symlink in /usr/bin, symlink it into /usr/local/bin/ and change your path.
15:57.35stewsoftwork: don't change the symlink
15:57.56themillsoftwork: (that's the maintainers recommended way, you could also link into $HOME/bin and change $PATH)
15:58.05stewthemill: which maintainer?
15:58.12themillstew: the gcc maintainer.
15:58.33softworkok thx
15:58.41en1gmathat kreeting card looks good but it japaneese
15:58.50themillsoftwork: or fix the makefile.. but that's not always that easy ;)
15:58.50en1gmaok got wine installed 1 min
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15:59.40stewthemill: where can i read this recommendation?
15:59.45jthomasen1gma: if you google for it, there are some tutorials.  if your mom is willing to learn a bit.  the app has english menus etc.
15:59.58HardDisk_WPhow do I repack a unpacked .deb archive?
16:00.20themillstew: in that bug report
16:00.20stewsoftwork: don't make a new symlink, use the CC environment variable
16:00.37stewthemill: where in there does it recommend making a /usr/local/bin/gcc?
16:00.37softworkis binary file how i do?
16:00.54stewsoftwork: export CC=/usr/bin/gcc-3.4
16:01.17themillstew: the question was how to change the *default* compiler.
16:01.33dondelelcarothemill: you generally don't want to change the default compiler.
16:01.35hellopPSyKo, just like booting on a regular CD drive if your bios supports it.
16:01.40stewthemill: and the answer to that question is "you don't want to change the default compiler"
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16:01.57softworktar: XFiDrv_Linux_US-1.04: time stamp 2009-09-20 07:31:00 is 62692166.866137 s in the future
16:01.57softworkchecking for gcc... no
16:01.59themilldondelelcaro, stew: true.
16:02.07softworkdont detect, i have 3.4 installed
16:02.11softworkgcc 3.4
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16:02.19dondelelcarosoftwork: uh... it's 2007, not 2009.
16:02.32wwallacehello to all i have installed doom3-demo
16:02.40dondelelcarosoftwork: so whatever tarball that is is kind of broken.
16:02.41wwallacebut im doing doom3-demo
16:02.44wwallacenothing happenes
16:02.49wols_dondelelcaro: creative is a VERY futuristic company
16:02.50hellopdondelelcaro, he live overseas you insensitive clod
16:02.50PSyKohellop, i cant
16:02.56stewwwallace: in kanotix?
16:02.59PSyKohellop, i got only a pcmia cd drive
16:03.05stewwwallace: please go to #kanotic
16:03.09stewerr #kanotix
16:03.15jthomaswwallace: what if you (at a console/terminal) type doom[tab][tab] ?
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16:03.19wwallaceoh shit i forgot this is the #debia
16:03.25jthomas[tab] means hit the [tab] key
16:03.29wwallacei did that
16:03.34jthomasand it filled in?
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16:04.25wwallacewwilliam@MP3J:~$ doom3/
16:04.25wwallacebash: doom3/: is a directory
16:04.30stewwwallace: jthomas: please take it to #kanotix
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16:04.36iruleI added bacula-dir      9101/tcp to a /etc/services and lsof does not see etch listening, I must not reboot, how can I restart something so that it start listening? thanks
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16:04.54hellopPSyKo, if your bios doesn't support PCMCIA booting, then you will have to boot to something else, like a floppy or network boot, then load PCMCIA drivers.
16:05.04jthomaswwallace: sorry i cannot do that
16:05.11wwallaceok thanks
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16:05.28jthomasi don't know more, maybe try #kanotix i guess
16:05.33rokraPLease someone can help me , I have this error :  /usr/bin/ld: crt1.o: No such file: No such file or directory
16:05.42*** part/#debian Bleupomme (
16:05.52wols_rokra: /msg dpkg b.e
16:05.55amphirokra: install build-essential
16:05.56wols_rokra: /msg dpkg b-e
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16:06.26rokraamphi: ok thx
16:06.44Nuyihi all
16:07.07PSyKohellop, i got only floppy bootable
16:07.19PSyKohellop, but, i dont found a pcmia floppy boot
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16:07.33PSyKohellop, smart boot manager cant boot on it
16:08.20hellopPSyKo   keep googling for: floppy boot pcmcia linux
16:08.36PSyKoi search from ~24hours
16:08.40PSyKoi dont found anything
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16:08.57hellopI've seen it done
16:09.00*** join/#debian Kwitschibo_ (
16:09.38PSyKoi got not webcard hellop
16:10.11PSyKonetword card hellop
16:10.14dpkgdebian mirrors is, like, or | ask me about <apt-setup> or <apt-spy> | to make a mirror, see
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16:11.43hellopPSyKo, I was searching for 2 seconds, and I found 731,000 for linux boot pcmcia floppy drivers.  Weird how you found nothing.
16:12.11merc_workmay i ask for a quick FTPD recommendation from you fine folks?
16:12.21jthomasen1gma: i just installed KreetingKard 0.6.2 on my Kubuntu Feisty, its pretty nice.  Default templates suck tho.
16:12.32dpkgrumour has it, ftpd is the daemon that speaks the FTP protocol. The following choices are available on Debian: ftpd, the *BSD daemon (good, robust piece of software without anything shiny on it), wu-ftpd (a high-performance, multi-homing and anon-only capable daemon that has caused traffic on bugtraq lately), and proftpd which is somewhere in between
16:12.51PSyKoi dont found nything whos correct
16:13.09merc_workseems proftpd would be the way to go then...thanks wols_ :)
16:13.17wols_merc_work: that's outdated unfrotunately. vsftpd, proftpd or pure-ftpd. thos are your main choices
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16:13.45merc_workill just google them and see which i like best :)
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16:14.05merc_workunless anyone else has a favorite?
16:14.05maxdoubtdoes hping3 support ping scanning a subnet like nmap?
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16:14.28hellopPSyKo, that sux.
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16:14.52PSyKohellop, so..?
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16:15.58jthomasvsftpd allows for easily jailed logins.
16:16.15jthomasmerc_work: ^^
16:17.10faemirCan someone tell me why iceweasel is failing to load? it's kind of a problem...
16:17.20merc_workword, thanks jthomas
16:17.26Roninfaemir: log files
16:17.37faemiroh wait, terminal is chucking out an error
16:18.13faemirRonin: Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "gnomebreakpad": cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Segmentation fault
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16:19.35hellopfaemir, you need gnomebreakpad!
16:19.49hellopThat'll be $40.
16:20.16faemirwill an ipod do? XD
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16:25.20kenjyguys I can't remove a package with apt-get remove --purge nginx :S can you help me please?
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16:25.32macsimhi, anybody know where I can found documentation about courrier-imap-ssl and multi domains ?
16:25.45jthomaswhat path do i follow to find package lists, in a web browser, for Debian?
16:25.53macsimkenjy: try aptitude purge yourpackage
16:25.54softworkwhere is alsa includes?
16:25.58softworki dont find
16:26.25wols_!tell softwork about alsa install
16:26.54kenjymacsim: the same problem :S
16:26.55wols_macsim: it's "courier". google for that and you might find something
16:26.56stewjthomas: /msg dpkg pdo
16:27.15jthomasstew: ??
16:27.23macsimwols_: yep courier-imap-ssl , but I just found documentation with 1 domain not for more
16:27.26stewkenjy: edit /etc/init.d/nginx ; make the second line read "exit 0" so that it will do nothing and return success
16:27.45stewjthomas: that is one way; i'm recommending another
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16:27.49macsimkenjy: try aptitude update&&aptitude purge nginx
16:28.07jthomasstew: but I am at a browser, not at a Debian box (on Kubuntu here)
16:28.23jthomasstew: but where to go from there to see the list or packages?
16:28.27kenjytnks macsim it work with the exit 0 code
16:28.37macsimkenjy: good ;)
16:28.41softworki get this error checking for built-in ALSA... no
16:28.50stewjthomas: the second link on the page is "view package lists"
16:28.52cyber_brain_mfkghow to add repositories to debian 4.0 etch???
16:29.06macsimcyber_brain_mfkg: /etc/apt/sources.list
16:29.17jthomasstew its not :(
16:29.25stewjthomas: /msg dpkg pdo
16:29.35stew!tell jthomas about pdo
16:29.37cyber_brain_mfkgmacsim, where can i find list of active repositories?
16:29.40jthomasstew I am not on a Debian box to run that
16:29.49*** join/#debian nkuttler_ (
16:29.50dpkg - here you can search for debian packages and their contents.  Pretty Damned Obvious, isn't it?, or, in some contexts.  Maybe even
16:29.52stewjthomas: its a command to type into your irc client
16:30.03*** part/#debian techbee (
16:30.07jthomasaahh, thank you
16:30.28themill!tell cyber_brain_mfkg about mirrors
16:30.48softworkwhere is built-in alsa?
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16:31.08softworki install alsa-utils
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16:31.15stewsoftwork: /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/sound
16:31.43stewsoftwork: what do you mean by "built-in" alsa?
16:31.44jthomasaww man.  I was hoping Etch had a newer release of that KreetingKard KDE app, but it doesn't have ANY release of it.
16:31.57softworki get this error checking for built-in ALSA... no
16:32.14stewsoftwork: what are you doing when you get this error?
16:32.49softworkto install x-fi drivers i need
16:33.12softworki need alsa include directory?
16:33.24peterSsoftwork: sounds like you need the alsa library development package
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16:33.37peterSsoftwork: probably libasound2-dev
16:34.00jthomashow do i request a debian package to be included in the distro>
16:34.11stewjthomas: /msg dpkg RFP
16:34.19peterSjthomas: RFP ('request for packaging') - see
16:34.20*** join/#debian FastPutty (
16:34.32jthomas:) thanks stew you're the bestest!
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16:34.47peterSjthomas: note, there are a lot of existing RFPs out there, most of us ignore them and just package what we personally care about
16:34.56FastPuttysomeone here, i got a quesiotn, how do you start openvpn with the configuration file?
16:35.05FastPuttyi have nothing in the /etc/openvpn/
16:35.19jthomaspeterS: too bad i thought Debian was like the 'catch-all, everyman's every package' distro :(
16:35.20softworki get error checking for built-in ALSA... no
16:35.34SlayerXPFastPutty: most people would start by reading the documentation, which contains example configurations
16:35.46themilljthomas: best thing is to start work on a package yourself and talk to debian-mentors about getting it good enough to go into debian.
16:35.48stewsoftwork: did you install libasound2-dev?
16:35.52peterSjthomas: yes it is, _if_ you are willing to do the work to produce a good package.  if not, you are at the mercy of someone else deciding to do it
16:36.04peterSjthomas: you can help convince someone else to do this work for you by, for example, paying them a salary
16:36.24stewsoftwork: how did you invoke ./installer this time?
16:36.26Roninor buy them beer jthomas
16:36.33FastPuttySlayerXP: i hav it configurated, but i strat the server with openvpn --port --dev --uifconfig
16:36.37jthomasRonin: where do we meet?
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16:36.49softworkno i use ./installer
16:37.32softworkhow i put in <alsa_include_directory> ?
16:37.37SlayerXPFastPutty: there's no such words as "configurated" or "strat"
16:37.43SlayerXPor "hav" for that matter
16:37.46fluxdudearg, I'm booting Knoppix 5.1.1 with 1 sata disk but I get "port is slow to respond" and "failed to IDENTIFY (I/O error,...)" stuff
16:37.47peterSsoftwork: should be automatically detected by most software. debian uses standard locations for this stuff.
16:37.59stewsoftwork: try just "./installer" and if that doesn't work, try "./installer --with-alsainc=/usr"
16:37.59jthomasanyone know a good **beginners** guide to Perl?
16:38.10peterSjthomas: "Learning Perl", published by ORA
16:38.11SlayerXPfluxdude: and the reason you're asking knoppix questions in the debian help channel is......?
16:38.18SlayerXPjthomas: Learning Perl on O'Reilly press
16:38.27Alaric`Quickie question here, folks:  Is it feasible to create a netinst CD with a custom kernel on it, without having a working Debian install around to build it?  Can I just compile a new kernel and replace the kernel on the CD image with the new kernel, not changing anything else?
16:38.31FastPuttySlayerXP: it a simple quesiton, if you dont know how to answer you dont need to give opinion
16:38.34jthomaspeterS: thats my plan, just wondering if there were other suggestions
16:38.36*** join/#debian Thuryn (
16:38.39fluxdudearg, I'm booting Knoppix 5.1.1 with 1 sata disk but I get "port is slow to respond" and "failed to IDENTIFY (I/O error,...)" stuff
16:38.50themilljthomas: my wife said that this one was good:
16:39.00jthomasthanks themill
16:39.02peterSfluxdude: right, and this is #debian, not #knoppix
16:39.06SlayerXPFastPutty: no, it's not a simple question. you have provided us with _zero_ useful information to help you debug the problem you're having.
16:39.07stewfluxdude: please go to #knoppix for help with knoppix
16:39.15softworkstew: dont work
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16:39.45themill!doesn't work
16:39.45dpkgLook buddy, "doesn't work" is a vague statement.  Does it sit on the couch all day long?  Does it procrastinate doing the dishes?  Does it beg on the street for change?  Please be specific!  Define 'it' and what it isn't doing.  Give us more details so we can help you without needing to ask basic questions like "what's the error message".
16:39.59stewsoftwork: try /usr/include/alsa then
16:40.08fluxdudestew: ok, but generic linuxy stuff dude
16:40.16stewfluxdude: ##linux then
16:40.58stewfluxdude: so you do have a openvpn conf file?  or not?
16:41.03stewFastPutty: ^^^
16:41.06stewfluxdude: not you
16:41.18FastPuttystew: sap
16:41.26stewFastPutty: what?
16:41.33FastPuttystew: i have the config file tat i made :o
16:41.43FastPuttystew: i created one in /etc/openvpn/
16:41.49FastPuttystew: it do not have one by default which is weird
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16:42.00FastPuttystew: i can find one in /usr/share/doc/openvpn/examples/easy-rsa/openssl.cnf
16:42.09FastPuttystew: oops its ssl sorry worng conf
16:42.18cyber_brain_mfkghow to add mirror in sources.list?
16:42.23stewFastPutty: it couldn't create one by default, since it wouldnt' know the path to your certs
16:42.24*** part/#debian Nuyi (
16:42.35SlayerXPcyber_brain_mfkg: using a text editor would be your best bet
16:42.35stewcyber_brain_mfkg: editor /etc/apt/sources.list
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16:42.45stewFastPutty: so your question is simply how to start it?
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16:43.04mike^^how can i donate via paypal? :>
16:43.07FastPuttystew: i was able to launch openvpn in cleared text with openvpn command, but it cannot read the conf i wrote
16:43.10cyber_brain_mfkgSlayerXP, stew -- is there some syntax i should follow?
16:43.14FastPuttystew: is there a way to make it read it?
16:43.18stewcyber_brain_mfkg: man sources.list
16:43.20abrotmanmike^^: donate to what ?
16:43.29Alaric`hm.  think I have a new method to try.
16:43.29stewFastPutty: what makes you say "it cannot read the conf"?
16:43.31FastPuttystew: i have all certification/key shared
16:43.42*** part/#debian Alaric` (n=alaric@pdpc/supporter/active/Alaric)
16:43.57mike^^abrotman, debian
16:44.08FastPuttyi have the dh keys/dh512.pem whcih suposed to be the encryption
16:44.09dpkgi guess spi is Software in the Public Interest, the umbrella organization for Debian and other Free Software projects, and the home page is
16:44.16FastPuttystew; but it sitll has no encryption when i start it
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16:44.26zorro« Un saluto a tutto il canale! »
16:44.30mike^^i tried looking but there was no easy to copy and paste mail
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16:46.31merc_workanyone ever get the warning that root .bash_history file size is zero from chkrootkit?
16:48.07FastPuttystew: got any solution to my problem
16:48.11stewFastPutty: what makes you say "it cannot read the conf"?
16:48.25FastPuttybecause it ignore a lot of my parameter set i nthe conf
16:48.32FastPuttythat the reason im sure openvpn do not read it
16:48.32stewFastPutty: like what?
16:48.45FastPuttymy encrption /certiication / dev
16:48.59stewFastPutty: which encryption setting is being ignored?
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16:49.17stewFastPutty: there is another config file that it is reading instead?
16:49.31mike^^stew. thanks
16:49.40mike^^abrotman t00
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16:49.55FastPuttywhen i use "openvpn --port 8147 --dev tun0 --ifconfig --cmop-lzo verb5
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16:50.02twotwohey, what's wrong with this: tar --no-recursion --ignore-case --no-wildcards-match-slash -cf - -C '/home/mamador/public_html/fotos/matriculas' *.jpg
16:50.11FastPuttyit use a cleared text  (no encryption)
16:50.36FastPuttyi tried to use the encryption with SSL
16:50.44FastPuttyso i have all certifiacate, and key
16:50.46FastPuttyshared on both server
16:51.00*** join/#debian atperez (n=atperez@
16:51.04FastPuttyi put the .cnf in the /etc/openvpn/
16:51.10mike^^i'll try it when i get payed
16:51.16stewFastPutty: make sure /etc/default/openvpn has "AUTOSTART=all" then run /etc/init.d/openvpn start
16:51.32stewFastPutty: name it .conf, not .cnf
16:52.02FastPuttymy file named: openvpn-ssl.cnf
16:52.05FastPuttyis that normal?
16:52.08stewFastPutty: no
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16:53.32jellynetI setup software raid and LVM on debian installer, then when it rebooted I got an error that it cannot read from /
16:53.37jellyneta grub error..
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16:53.54petemcjellynet: did you let the debian installer set it up, or did you do it manually?
16:54.04FastPuttystew: isnt it suposed to have a file name: server.conf?
16:54.11SlayerXPjellynet: do we have to guess what the grub error is?
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16:54.46jellynetpetemc: manual in the installer. is there a way to do it automatically in the installer or is that what you meant?
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16:55.44stewFastPutty: it can be named anything as long as it ends in .conf
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16:56.11jelly!nickometer ArtIChoke
16:56.12dpkg'ArtIChoke' is 8.000% lame, jelly
16:56.17FastPuttyok stew, thanks for the info
16:56.40FastPuttyi will take a look at it. if anything happen, i will let you know
16:56.50jellynetjelly: your nick is remarkably similar to mine
16:57.14jellyjellynet: I was going to comment but couldn't think of a suitable pun
16:57.21dkrsomeone has a firm grasp of the obvious
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16:58.26jellynetjelly: mine is short for jellyfish though, i presume your the strawbery kind?
16:58.34dkrjelly ⊂ jellynet
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16:59.14dkr"your" is a completely different word from the phrase "you are" or its contraction, "you're"
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17:00.01jellyjellynet: the nickname's derived from my last name, but I'm not a stranger to the berries.
17:00.33jellydkr: you know about UTF-8 and are not afraid to use it?
17:00.33dkrgrape jelly > strawberry
17:01.13dkrjelly: the entire world should be using utf-8!
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17:01.46jellynetjelly: why?
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17:02.33jellyjellynet: sounds nicer than
17:03.06jellynetit seems to be taken btw
17:03.14jellythat it does.
17:03.44jellyno domain squatting for me today.
17:04.12jellyneti have my .com completely unabrevieated
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17:05.33jellyjellynet: or something different?
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17:05.51jellynetjelly: jellyfish network
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17:08.01jellyjelly: should be .edu, not com
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17:08.10jellyjellynet, even
17:08.44jellyjellynet: since basically a jellyfish network would be a school of jellyfish
17:08.45jellynetjelly: running an institution?
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17:09.05jellyneto lol.. mine is an seo company.. ish
17:09.07jellyba-dam pssch
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17:09.44johnzhello. I had to delete my root partition and make a new one. Now I've copied over the backupped files to the new root partition. basically everything is ok again, besides one disturbing flaw: nautilus is now showing some "8.8 GB Volume" which is my root partition. the icon shows "not mounted" (it is mounted, of course). I guess that icon shouldnt be there at all (cuz there are also none for my other partitions). how do I get rid of it?
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17:12.32dnanarhi all !
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17:14.05FastPuttystew; my vpn server work thanks for your help
17:14.11dnanari'm trying to add plugins to iceweasel. /usr/bin/iceweasel is a link to /usr/lib/iceweasel/iceweasel . in /usr/lib/iceweasel/plugins/ i have got all my plugins. I put the java library (.so) file into this directory, but: about:plugins does not show the new plugin (and the plugin does not work).
17:14.13liriit seems like there's a dead process which is in D mode (/proc/xxx/status says Disksleep) and it's locking a file which requires to be access. is it possible to somehow terminate the process or it's control over fd? I thought about maliciously deleting the /proc/xxx/fd/* nodes :)
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17:16.01rswarbrickHello all! Does anyone know a program with which I can check what program is making my disk thrash? Top doesn't have that option - does something else?
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17:16.27stewrswarbrick: /msg dpkg am i swapping
17:16.52aadilrswarbrick, lsof?
17:16.58dnanaranyone has got an idea please ?
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17:17.11geo-rge!any ideas
17:17.11dpkgYeah, I have an idea!  But I'll need a bag full of condoms, a little cod liver oil, and a dozen sex-crazed badgers.  And keep the Cabal off my back for the next few minutes!
17:17.13stewdnanar: is there some reason you aren't using the java package that debian provides?
17:17.55themilldnanar: for java and i386, you can use the package sun-java5-plugin from non-free
17:17.56kittonianseems as though i may have a bad hard drive on my hands, however everything seems to be fine with all the other server apps running on that drive except for zope. i am trying to simply copy a file called Data.fs which is just over 2.4gbs and i get a kernel panic around 1.5gbs copied which takes the whole system down. How can I copy this file properly and get it off this drive?
17:17.59rswarbrickstew, I'm not swapping - I'm running gkrellm and so I could see that already :( It's honest-to-god I/O!
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17:18.57geo-rgegood thing the bad hd is on you hands instead of in your system!
17:19.03dnanarstew & themill : oh thanks i didn't see this package
17:19.10muh2000i am getting these: "invalid port/service `ssh' specified" how can i fix that ?
17:19.37stewmuh2000: when / where are you getting that?
17:19.38dnanarmuh2000: modify ssh prt.
17:19.40rswarbrickaadil, Hmm. How would you use lsof to do that?
17:19.42muh2000iptables stew
17:19.52stewmuh2000: use '22' instead of 'ssh'
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17:20.44muh2000stew: why doesnt it work anymore ? i used it before. another problem ping localhost resolves ping: unknown host localhost
17:20.50aadilrswarbrick, am not sure if lsof is right - what do u mean when u say thrash ur disk?
17:20.55geo-rgedid you muck with your /etc/services?
17:21.05madsaraHey, how does one upgrade libc6, I'm getting this message: depends on libc6 (>= 2.6.1-1) Version of libc6 on system is 2.3.6.ds1-13etch2?
17:21.20stewmuh2000: does "getent services ssh" return 22/tcp?
17:21.28madsaraI'm guessing I need to upgrade to a different profile, but any pointer would be good.
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17:21.31dpkgUr is the ancient Sumerian city that dominated Mesopotamia from 6000 BC to 600 BC.  If you mean "you are" or "your", just say so. Also swedish for clock, and a swedish word meaning "from within". a german prefix for refering to something very old  Urdu, a language based on the arabic script spoken like hindi. For debian support in urdu/hindi join #debian-ur.  Urdu/punjai/hindi support ke liye #debian-ur mein tashreef le ayen. Shukrya.
17:21.32themillmadsara: you don't without very good reason... what are you trying to do?
17:21.34muh2000stew: no
17:21.47madsaraInstall aiccu
17:21.49stewmuh2000: that is why.  does /etc/services exist?
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17:21.57rswarbrickaadil, As in after I've been using system for ~20 minutes (it's a laptop) the disk starts being used really heavily and everything slows to a crawl including mouse etc.
17:22.00abrotmanmadsara: where did you get aiccu ?
17:22.02dnanarthemill: well, i just installed sun-java5-plugin, but that didn't add the plugin to iceweasel.
17:22.09muh2000stew: yes and ssh is written into that
17:22.12nepbabuwow, this mac isn't too bad
17:22.18rswarbrickNothing's swapping, so I can't work out what's causing it. :(
17:22.19stewmuh2000: does /etc/nsswitch.conf exist?
17:22.25madsaraFrom, it's listed as unstable.
17:22.30muh2000stew: yes
17:22.32abrotmanmadsara: don't do that .. ever
17:22.33rswarbrickI did wonder about firefox, but would like to be able to confirm
17:22.40abrotman!tell madsara about simple sid backport
17:22.42geo-rgerswarbrick: are you sure you're not swapping?
17:22.48aadilrswarbrick, use top to find to processes consuming cpu and memory (the 'i' option might help if am not mistaken)
17:22.56stewmuh2000: what does nsswitch.conf have for "services:"?
17:23.01aadilthen take the PID then use with lsof -np PID
17:23.06dnanarthemill: it added to /usr/lib/iceweasel/plugins/, but it didn't add java support to iceweasel.
17:23.08ConcealedOneI'm an intermediate to advanced linux user, and I was wondering what the ups and downs to using debian as opposed to a redhat based distro for developer and day to day use
17:23.12aadilto find the files the process has opened rswarbrick
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17:23.18muh2000stew:  services:   ldap [NOTFOUND=return] files
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17:23.26madsaraThanks abrotom
17:23.33themilldnanar: did you restart iceweasel? I'm not sure if that's needed or not.
17:23.42dnanarthemill: yes i did
17:23.59stewmuh2000: so i'd guess that it doesn't know about ssh becuase your ldap server doesn't know about ssh
17:24.03rswarbrickgeo-rge, Yes. I'm sure - running top gave 0kb swap usage.
17:24.03stewmuh2000: what does it have for "hosts:"?
17:24.04ConcealedOnecan anyone tell me what makes debian a better choice (opinions welcomed) to other distros?
17:24.10themilldnanar: and it's not listed in about:plugins?
17:24.17rswarbrickaadil, I was using in total about 2% CPU. :(
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17:24.28rswarbrickSo that's not too much help.
17:24.30muh2000stew: hosts:          dns ldap
17:24.45abrotman!why debian
17:24.45dpkg or
17:24.47en1gmadoes adding 2 different atapi devices to an ide cable make the speed set to the slowest one? ex: primary master = ata66 hard drive and primary slave = pio cd-rom
17:24.51themilldnanar: hrm. that should be all that is required. Is there any other monkeying that you did?
17:25.12aadilrswarbrick, did u atleast try what i said?
17:25.16abrotmanen1gma: ask #hardware
17:25.19dnanarthemill: mokeying ?
17:25.23stewmuh2000: so you are ignoring /etc/hosts, and neither dns nor ldap coudl resolve "localhost"
17:25.26geo-rgeen1gma: yeah, it'll take the speed of the cdrom most likely
17:25.55themilldnanar: you said that you had been trying a few different things before you used the debian package; did you undo those changes?
17:26.05en1gmai have so many different devices as far as the ata`s and pio`s its making it hard to figure what i need to go where
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17:26.18stewis ldap even valid in nsswhitch.conf?  it isn't in the manpage
17:26.38muh2000stew: i have to add "file" to hosts ?
17:26.45rswarbrickaadil, As in the vmstat question? Yes, and the other suggestions would all tell whether I was swapping.
17:26.50stewmuh2000: i would recommend putting it first
17:27.02pickcoderif I want to create a new module in a remote cvs repos, I use the import function. right?
17:27.07dnanarthemill: yes
17:27.09rswarbrickAnd I'm pretty certain it wasn't. But thank you very much for the ideas.
17:27.19stewmuh2000: do any files named like /lib/* exist?
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17:27.27themilldnanar: check that /usr/lib/iceweasel/plugins/ points to /etc/alternatives/ and that in turn points to /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/jre/plugin/i386/ns7/
17:27.45rswarbrickAlso, just killed firefox, octave and emacs on laptop. One of them was presumably responsible because everything's behaving nicely again.
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17:28.02\amethystrswarbrick: out-of-memory?
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17:28.14\amethystrswarbrick:  or you killed them explicitly?
17:28.22geo-rgepickcoder: yes, and btw it would be a good thing if the remote cvs and all developers who contact it to update or import use ntp to keep their clock set
17:28.22themillrswarbrick: I'm not sure which of those I'd put my money on...
17:28.22muh2000stew: no :(
17:28.24rswarbrickAs in kill -s 15
17:28.39stewmuh2000: then putting "ldap" in /etc/nsswitch.conf isn't valid afaict
17:28.46stewmuh2000: how did 'ldap' get in there?
17:28.57rswarbrickYeah - I was guessing firefox, so I'm now running it nice 20.
17:29.02pickcoderso how do you specify an ext login  with import
17:29.08muh2000stew: i am trying to set it up ^^ where do i get the libnss_ldap from ?
17:29.09rswarbrickIf something happens, at least I can kill it easily
17:29.10pickcoderI keep getting command line arg errors
17:30.06stewmuh2000: /msg dpkg apt-file ; apt-file search libnss_ldap
17:30.24geo-rgesame way you do with any cvs command... with cvs -d <repospec> <command> ...
17:30.47geo-rgeor put <repospec> in the env var CVSROOT
17:31.01dnanarthemill: ok i'm checking
17:31.10pickcoderthe cvs import function has -d as "use the file's modification time as  the time of import"
17:31.22pickcoderI exported the vars already
17:31.34geo-rgeif you're doing ssh, put "ssh" in CVS_RSH
17:31.45themillpickcoder: -d will have different meanings before and after the <command>
17:31.55geo-rgethat would be cvs import -d ...
17:31.59rswarbrickWell thanks everyone for the ideas. Nothing's using the disk heavily now and all the apps are open... It's going to have to stay a mystery for a bit :(
17:32.27geo-rgebut if you have CVSROOT and CVS_RSH set, it should work
17:32.32stewaltering CVS_RSH should not be necessary
17:32.33pickcoderit doesn't
17:32.40pickcodersomething is goofy here
17:32.55themillpickcoder: what do you have for CVSROOT?
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17:32.57pickcodercvs import  qmxml
17:33.36geo-rgewhy not try this...
17:33.41themillpickcoder: ok, unset that CVSROOT and put the import *after* the -d ;)
17:33.44stewpickcoder: cvs -d:ext...  import, not cvs import -d:ext...
17:33.55pickcoderhodl on
17:33.59pickcodertoo many suggestions
17:34.22themillpickcoder: cvs commands are of the form "cvs option command option" and the same option will have different meanings on the left and right side.
17:34.26stewpickcoder: if -d comes after import it is the modification time option to import, if it comes before import it is the repository option to cvs
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17:34.49themillpickcoder: cvs is a pig like that.
17:34.49pickcoderthemill: I either get Bad CVSROOT or command-line arg errors
17:34.55geo-rgeexport CVSROOT=""
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17:35.32geo-rgethen you don't have to put the cvs -d:ext:... (command) (args)
17:35.50geo-rgeyou can just do cvs (command) (args)
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17:36.25pickcoderI have never had this problem before
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17:36.41dnanarthemill: yes symbolic links does correspond
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17:36.55geo-rgebut again the -d that specifies the repository goes RIGHT AFTER cvs and BEFORE the cvs command (like import)_
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17:38.14pickcoderstupid vendor tag
17:38.37geo-rges only for stupid vendors...
17:38.52themilldnanar: hmmph. That's all that should be needed.
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17:39.21pickcodernow I have duplicate source roots in the CVSROOT path
17:39.33pickcoderoh well.. that's SF for ya
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17:40.28themilldnanar: I can't think of anything else to check as that is literally all i've ever needed to do or tell people to do ;)
17:40.29pickcodercrap.. it imported the whole CWD
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17:44.10Darkclaw55I am looking for someone to get me a backup script going. I can pay with paypal. Send a message if youre interested.
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17:44.36petemcDarkclaw55: dirvish is very easy to set up yourself
17:44.44maxdoubtwhat's a good room to ask questions about nmap, hping, fping, etc...?
17:45.17User_FriendlY_petemc: lol, just take the money :P
17:45.26User_FriendlY_if you know how its done
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17:51.00danieldgHow do you generate an empty package to enable dependency overrides? I want to pretend to have a specific package installed when I have a self-compiled version
17:51.07danieldgI know there's a package to do it, I just forgot the name
17:51.22aadilDarkclaw55, how much u willing to lose? and what's to backup?
17:51.24\amethystdanieldg: equivs
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17:53.42lrpfriends i need the original source from debian mirrors
17:53.56lrpto add to my apt list
17:54.11dpkgYour /etc/apt/sources.list should have a line like "deb http://ftp.<cc> etch main" and "deb etch/updates main" where <cc> is your country code. Be sure to run "aptitude update" after editing sources.list in order to refresh your database. Also see <mirrors> <etch security> <testing security> and /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/sources.list
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17:57.02jazbo2185What can I use to make 3d wireframe animations?
17:58.06jazbo2185User_FriendlY_: thanks
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18:00.00dutchfishhi, how can i open (or convert) ms publisher files?
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18:00.36derjohnif I build a deb with dpkg-buildpackage ... how is the "etch1" revsison added when buildting for r1 ?
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18:03.58jewardSo I just upgraded from sarge to etch and the system hangs at: Starting portmap daemon....
18:04.44jewardDoes that mean I should have answered differently on the "bind portmp to the 127 subnet" question?
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18:07.51TrueDDSalut à tous
18:08.01TrueDDhi all
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18:09.50_etched-TrueDD: Salut!
18:10.09TrueDDSalut _etched-
18:10.09jewardThe second ethernet card isn't being configured on reboot after upgrading from sarge to etch.  Any ideas why?
18:11.41jewardThere are no error messages in syslog...
18:11.53jewardThe card is set to auto configure...
18:12.06*** join/#debian CharminTheMoose (
18:13.14derjohnjeward, chipset? /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net .... ?
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18:13.48jewardUnless this is an error: eth1: no IPv6 routers present
18:14.25*** join/#debian softwork (n=softwork@
18:14.27jeward-bash: cd: /etc/udev/rules.d/: No such file or directory
18:14.29softworki get this error /usr/include/asm/rwsem.h:8:3: #error This header is not available for x86_64
18:14.32softworkwhat mean?
18:14.38softworkhow i do?
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18:14.54jewarde1000: eth1: e1000_probe: Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Connection
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18:15.17jewardderjohn: Same as eth0.
18:15.54geo-rge!tell softwork -about ask
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18:16.32derjohnjeward, you didnt install udev? might it be that you still use the sarge kernel and no udev? I would upgrdae the kernel and install udev
18:16.54jewardderjohn: Ah, maybe that's the problem.  I did dist-upgrade.
18:17.17jewardderjohn: What kernel package do I need and will it automatically install udev?
18:17.21geo-rgeso udev is good these days?
18:17.22derjohnjeward, IIRC that doesnt touch the kernel. apt get install that manually.
18:17.43derjohngeo-rge, well, IMVHO there is not much way around it.
18:18.07derjohnjeward, apt-cache search linux-image....
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18:18.43jewardi   kernel-image-2.6.8-4-686-smp    - Linux kernel image for version 2.6.8 on PP
18:18.43jewardroot@kw132:/var/log# uname -r
18:18.52jewardI need to reinstall it?
18:19.09geo-rgethat would be an older kernel alright
18:19.17jewardOh, what's the latest?
18:19.28jewardThat's all I see in aptitude search|grep smp
18:20.07*** part/#debian kyndabyffer (
18:20.13jewardI wonder why I don't see those as being available?
18:20.44geo-rgeif you were to grep ^deb /etc/apt/sources.list | wc -l
18:20.47geo-rgewhat would it say
18:21.15*** join/#debian danilom (
18:21.19jewardWe have our own mirror.
18:21.35geo-rgewhat's the first line?
18:21.51derjohnjeward, Etch has a 2.6.18-5 IIRC.
18:22.03derjohnjeward,'s stable is 2.6.22
18:22.16jewardIs it possible our mirror doesn't have up to date kernels?
18:22.34*** join/#debian xingu (
18:22.34jewardMaybe our mirror is broken?
18:22.46derjohnjeward, if "apt-cache search 2.6.18" doesnt show you, then ypu apt-source is outdted.
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18:22.59jewardOkay, let me try that.
18:23.02stewjeward: don't grep for smp
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18:23.23derjohnstew, is right, the -smp is abandoned.
18:23.24jewardSO I don't install an smp kernel?
18:23.27stewjeward: all kernels >= 2.6.17 are smp enabled except for the -486 flavors (so any -686 kernel is smp)
18:23.34jewardWell that's different!
18:23.35geo-rgedo you have dual cpus or something
18:23.44derjohnjelly, to stew word listen you should ;)
18:23.47jewardQuad Xeons I think.
18:23.59jewardLet me see what I have without smp.
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18:26.20jewardWhat exactly should I search for?  kernel-image?
18:26.26FastPuttysmeone know why my openvpn syslog show me this message: VERIFY ERROR: depth=1, error=certificate is not yet valid.I have the certifiaction on both server
18:26.27stewjeward: linux-image
18:26.39stewjeward: they got renamed linux-image as of 2.6.12 since we have viable non-linux kernels now
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18:27.27jewardstew: Just install this one: linux-image-686 ?
18:27.51stewjeward: that would install whatever is the latest -686 image
18:27.59FastPuttyhey stew need you little advice xD
18:28.18jewardMemTotal:      1035848 kB
18:28.29jewardI don't need bigmem, right?
18:28.46FastPuttymy syslog show that the handshake is failed, and i thikn it a problem with the certification. I have generate one in the server and share it with the client
18:29.04jewardOkay, let me install the latest kernel... Do I need to tell it to install udev, or will that come automagically?
18:29.08stewFastPutty: show us the output of "openssl x509 -in /path/to/cert -text" ; use a pastebin: /msg dpkg pastebin
18:29.16jellynetso I installed debian last night and tried to set it up with lvm and raid5.  I put my /, /tmp, /var and swap on the lvm drives, and put /boot on a usbkey.  When booting on grub, it looks like it loads the bzImage and initrd, but then when it goes to savedefault i get Error 29: Disk write error
18:29.22wols_FastPutty: perhaps a timing error. e.g the cert is dated in the future. how did you create the certs?
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18:29.44stewjeward: the new kernel doesn't need udev.  udev will however be installed automatically unless you try to prevent it
18:29.45wols_FastPutty: you usually don't share. you create a cert for each
18:29.49wols_a different one
18:29.54wols_how did you create the cert(s)
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18:30.23jewardAll I care about is eth1 coming up on reboot.  :)
18:30.49geo-rgejeward: in that case man 5 interfaces
18:30.53jewardNew kernel installed, reboot in progress.
18:31.02stewFastPutty: change "/path/to/cert" to be the actual path to the cert in question
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18:31.17jewardgeo-rge: It sopped coming up after the upgrade, someone suggested udev.
18:31.23james__hey gusy - anything wrong with the non-Us mirrors?
18:31.25FastPuttywhere is the path exactly locate?
18:31.28stewjeward: there is a decent chance that udev will rename eth1 to something else upon reboot
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18:31.35wols_FastPutty: where you put it
18:31.37stewjames__: yes, they became obsolete years ago
18:31.38FastPuttyoh ok
18:31.44jewardstew: Oh, that's bad maybe.
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18:31.49geo-rgejeward: well let
18:31.51jewardstew: Actually, maybe not.
18:31.53stewjeward: /msg dpkg z25
18:31.54geo-rgeus see what happens
18:32.00james__stew: really i was using them in my apt sources last week :/
18:32.13james__Failed to fetch  404 Not Found
18:32.19stewjames__: you don't need them: /msg dpkg crypto in main
18:32.20wols_james__: there once was a repo. stew means that
18:32.22corey_Debian RULES
18:32.30jetscreamerthere is no non-us
18:32.31jewardStill hangs here: Starting portmap daemon....
18:32.39jellydpkg, who owns you?
18:32.39dpkgdondelelcaro does
18:32.40wols_james__: use a different mirror
18:32.46jewardI can ^C and it comes on up, but eth1 wasn't coming up before.
18:32.59corey_stew you know how I can validate dns servers?
18:33.01valdynjeward: dpkg-reconfigure portmap, maybe
18:33.11james__i tried numerous mirrors... mostly uk but then, EU... seems a mirror update a few days ago nuked it :/  wondered if there was any official news
18:33.18valdynjeward: no idea why its hanging exactly, binding to a non-existant network maybe
18:33.43wols_Validity:   Not Before: Sep 25 15:15:35 2007 GMT    Not After : Sep 22 15:15:35 2017 GMT
18:33.44jewardProbably because the eth1 card isn't coming up?  eth0 is the line before portmap.
18:33.47wols_FastPutty: see the problem?
18:33.50jellydondelelcaro: dpkg thinks it ought to accept regexps as argument to listkeys, but doing eg. "listkeys n.*smite" does not yield any results.  compare "listkeys smite"
18:34.01garowhat generates ?
18:34.01jellyneti guess i can try reinstalling
18:34.03jewardConfiguring network interfaces...e1000: eth0: e1000_watchdog: NIC Link is Up 10x
18:34.03jewardStarting portmap daemon....
18:34.09valdynjeward: look into 'ifconfig -a', what's there and what is not
18:34.12jewardHangs there until I ^C.
18:34.21stewFastPutty: is the date/time/timezone correct on the machine giving you that error?
18:34.24jewardOkay, let me interrupt it.
18:34.27wols_garo: menu does
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18:34.32FastPuttystew: oh lol
18:34.38robboplushello folks
18:34.43stewcorey_: what do you mean by validate?
18:34.46james__so basically, its mysteriously gone :)
18:34.49geo-rgejeward: so eth0 is up...
18:34.57robbopluswhat kind of problem is it, when it says Begin: Waiting for root filesystem ?
18:35.01jewardYes, but eth1 is not.
18:35.12jellydondelelcaro: and more importantly, I need a smite to smite people who wrongly tabcomplete me. :-)
18:35.18geo-rgerobboplus: "it"?
18:35.18stewjames__: its not mysterious.  it was planned, and you don't need it
18:35.23wols_james__:  works fine for me in unstable
18:35.31james__i was using sarge :P
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18:35.37jewardIt's on the new kernel.
18:35.39robboplusgeo-rge booting up a box and it just said that
18:35.39wols_stew: he is not talking about the old non-us mirrors
18:35.45james__i was just looking for news on the dbian site...
18:35.51corey_stew I was using mirrors for debian and they would send me borked packages at public connections...I want to not waste the time is like they are ghosting mirrors and sending me to them ;-)
18:35.54valdynjeward: so which interfaces are listed in ifconfig -a ?
18:35.54james__no i'm not talking about the old non-us mirrors
18:35.55wols_stew: he simply talks abour mirrors outside the US
18:36.19jewardvaldyn: eht0, eth1, lo, sit0
18:36.23geo-rge!jellytabbysmite jelly
18:36.25stewwols_: he is talking about an old non-us mirror that he doesn't need
18:36.39valdynjeward: and eth1 is not up?
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18:36.48jewardvaldyn: Correct.
18:36.53jellygeo-rge: smitesmite would be appropriate here ;-)
18:37.00valdynjeward: 'ifup eth1' gives what?
18:37.05james__yeah doesn't ahve it too
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18:37.14corey_stew maybe there is a ip list for mirrors somewhere?
18:37.23jewardADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth1: link is not ready
18:37.23stewjames__: forget about non-US, its gone, you don't need it
18:37.24james__basically is there any official news item or post as to why is was removed inly last week?
18:37.29jewarde1000: eth1: e1000_watchdog: NIC Link is Up 100 Mbps Full Duplex
18:37.30wols_james__: the debian-non-US stuff is LONG gone. far longer than last week. it's history and not needed anymore
18:37.31jellygeo-rge: sorry, smitessmite (not the same)
18:37.34valdynjeward: so fix your cabling
18:37.49jewardIt works fine after I issue ifup.
18:37.51james__stew:  thanks i know, i was just looking for official info?
18:38.00wols_!tell corey_ about mirrors
18:38.00valdynjeward: oh ok
18:38.01FastPuttySTew: working, it effectiyly was my time setting was wrong lol
18:38.01geo-rgeok, man 5 interfaces
18:38.03jellystew: actually, I can imagine needing non-us to upgrade old systems (say, woody)
18:38.04geo-rgelike I said
18:38.08FastPuttystew: dumb me :o
18:38.12james__jelly: hence my issue :P
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18:38.27wols_jelly: since everything in there is now in main, why would you?
18:38.29jellystew: but it's totally gone... and archive.d.o doesn't have any archives
18:38.40jellywols_: _to upgrade old systems_
18:38.44geo-rgehave you looked at your interfaces file?
18:38.56corey_wols_ thats no help...I need there current ip's.
18:38.56wols_old systems are upgraded to sarge where all the packages are in main. so why would you?
18:39.02jellywols_: every now and then a potato user comes here
18:39.09jellywols_: things like that
18:39.12wols_corey_: ask the DNS server of your choice
18:39.13valdynjeward: there's no guarantee that eth1 and eth0 are not reversed - that's something you should easily see though
18:39.15jewardauto eth1
18:39.23H4z3Guys, when i install apache2 it says it can't find apache2.conf, i thought apache2.conf came with apache2.common.. Anyone have any ideas on a way to reinstall with apache2.conf?
18:39.28tarryboneis there a channel specific to apt? i found #apt-get but its not active. apt stuff here or somewhere else?
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18:39.40wols_!tell H4z3 about confmiss
18:39.42jewardvaldyn: I can reach, so the external link is on.
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18:39.56wols_tarrybone: are you running debian or a debian based distro?
18:39.57valdynjeward: eth1 is on dhcp?
18:39.57jewardvaldyn: eth1 is on an internal net.
18:40.04jewardvaldyn: Static.
18:40.05wols_tarrybone: also look on oftc
18:40.06corey_wols_ well I guess a more public dns might have correct info...was looking for a good public dns.  Do you know one?
18:40.13JasonFAre there "security upgrades" for lenny? I know at one point there was a discussion of providing security patches for testing.
18:40.15corey_wols_ in the states.
18:40.16tarrybonewols_: debian
18:40.31valdynjeward: no reason why it should not come up then
18:40.31wols_!tell JasonF about security
18:40.35geo-rgeare you running the ipmasq package?
18:40.35jellyjames__: if you're on sarge, you can just remove non-us from sources.list... it's ok.
18:40.47amphicorey_: opendns?
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18:40.51valdynjeward: check dmesg if there is any hint at all
18:40.53jewardvaldyn: Agreed, but it hasn't come up on the last four boxes I've upgraded.
18:41.02jewardvaldyn: Okay, rechecking.
18:41.03valdynjeward: all identical?
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18:41.07stewjelly: why would you need non-us to upgrade an old system?
18:41.22jewarde1000: eth1: e1000_probe: Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Connection
18:41.28jellystew: because I had packages from non-us installed?
18:41.38stewjelly: then you can get them from main
18:41.42valdynjeward: 'ls -l /etc/init.d/*.dpkg-dist' gives what?
18:41.42jewardADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth1: link is not ready
18:41.53tarrybonewols_: oftc has three matching chans but none have occupants
18:42.02jewardls: /etc/init.d/*.dpkg-dist: No such file or directory
18:42.14H4z3wols_: i get this error:
18:42.15corey_amphi never heard of it like uhm cool...just update resolv.conf to it? where is it out of?
18:42.17wols_tarrybone: as long as you run real debian we support you. if we know the answer...
18:42.28stewjelly: for instance, the "ssh" package is available from any sarge mirror, you don't need a non-US to upgrade from woody's ssh package to sarge's
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18:42.33valdynjeward: is bootup trying to bring it up?
18:42.47jewardvaldyn: What do you mean?
18:42.49tarrybonewols_: fair enough, thank you for the help. i dont have a particular question atm, just looking for somewhere to soak up cool apt tricks and tips.
18:42.53jellystew: upgrade paths require not to skip releases... would that work for potato?
18:42.59amphicorey_: san francisco, it seems
18:43.04valdynjeward: do you have a confirmation that debian is trying to bring up eth1?
18:43.09stewjelly: no
18:43.10geo-rgetarrybone: man apt, man sources.list
18:43.11jellystew: ie. is ssh for woody available at archive.d.o?
18:43.25jewardvaldyn: How do you mean?
18:43.37jewardvaldyn: It's set to come up in the interfaces file.
18:43.42geo-rgeconfirmation... sureness...
18:43.42valdynjeward: all *I* know is that it hangs
18:43.51jewardvaldyn: Me too.  :)
18:43.58valdynjeward: i dont know if your boot up process is running 'ifup eth1' orequivalent at all
18:44.10corey_amphi have you used it before?  uhm you just sign up and point to it?
18:44.17jewardvaldyn: Well, I believe it is, not sure how to verify that though.
18:44.18valdynjeward: so maybe your 'auto' line is somehow mangled
18:44.18JasonFwols_: thanks!
18:44.19*** part/#debian JasonF (n=jay@no-sources/jasonf)
18:44.27geo-rgevaldyn: he says there's an auto eth1 there
18:44.40valdyngeo-rge: that's not the confirmation im after
18:44.59geo-rgeso you're saying in dmesg
18:45.09jewardvaldyn: What I see in dmesg is link not ready.
18:45.14stewjelly: yes, in main
18:45.22geo-rgemaybe he should pastebin the output
18:45.23jewardBut then as soon as I do ifup from the command line, it comes up.
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18:45.55jewardIt's 4 lines.
18:45.59jewardMay I paste?
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18:46.07geo-rgein a pastebin, sure
18:46.09dpkgPlease do not paste anything at all to this channel. Instead, use: or or for pics.
18:46.30stewjelly: ohh, but non-us went away before woody's release
18:46.33valdynjeward: i need to see your /etc/network/interfaces
18:46.40H4z3Anyone have any idea about this error: grep: /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/*.load: No such file or directory
18:46.41jewardOkay, pasting.
18:46.43H4z3Starting web server (apache2)...Syntax error on line 141 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf:
18:46.46H4z3Invalid command 'Order', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration failed!
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18:46.57valdynjeward: its probbably mangled somehow, though probably not exposing that on sarge, who knows
18:47.02H4z3wrong paste >.<
18:47.02stewjelly: so this is an issue for slink->potato
18:47.12jellystew: well, you get the point anyway. ;-)
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18:47.20corey_amphi cool! THANKS!
18:47.58jewardvaldyn: I dunno, lloks fine to me...
18:48.09mineralecan someone tell me why this page does not show: -- it seems to exist in the google cache still:
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18:48.18stewjelly: i'd guess people are ok with breaking slink->potato upgrades at this point
18:48.52geo-rgejeward: same here, looks good
18:49.18valdynjeward: i cant see an error, try adding the eth1 to the 'auto eth0' line, see what happens
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18:49.39stewminerale: get rid of the '.html' at the end
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18:49.41jewardvaldyn: Okie.  Leave the second auto eth1 there?
18:49.50valdynjeward: yea
18:49.55jewardOkie, one sec.
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18:50.27jewardvaldyn: Reboting.
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18:50.37jellynetmy debian install still hangs at boot.  Trying raid5 and lvm from the installer
18:50.44valdynjeward: from my pt its not even trying to bring up eth1, but uh
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18:50.52jewardHmmm, it said it couldn't read the interfaces file as it was shutting down!
18:51.08jellystew: yeah, still it would be nice if archive.d.o was complete.
18:51.21valdynjeward: literally?
18:51.23jellystew: and indeed does not have bin/ssh
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18:52.00jewardvaldyn: Yes.
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18:52.12jewardvaldyn:Though it didn't hang this time!
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18:52.32valdynjeward: now tell me that eth1 is up.. ;)
18:52.50jewardvaldyn: Sorry, it didn't bring either interface up this time!
18:53.14valdynjeward: that file is broken.. somehow
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18:53.21jewardvaldyn: I think it didn't like both cards on the same auto line?
18:53.21valdynjeward: can you upload it to ftp/www server?
18:53.30valdynjeward: that's legal
18:53.37jewardLet me think where.
18:53.45valdynjeward: i dont know what paste sites to with whitespaces
18:53.54jewardvaldyn: Agreed.
18:53.58valdynjeward: auto lo net0 net1 ppp0 is my line - it works..
18:54.05jewardLet me put it somewhere you can get to it.
18:54.15jewardAfter I bring up the external interface... :)
18:54.34jeward/etc/network/interfaces:17: interface eth1 declared allow-auto twice
18:54.41jewardOkay, you can't have it tweice...
18:54.49valdynjeward: ok, my bad..
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18:55.28jellynetwhy would i get a disk write error from grub after fresh install
18:55.32jewardI restarted networking and it hangs after eth0.
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18:55.49jewardCould it have to do with this: /etc/network/options is deprecated (see README.Debian of netbase).
18:56.15valdynjeward: doubt it
18:56.19valdynjeward: what's in it?
18:56.20jewardI did too.
18:56.24jewardLet me check.
18:56.37stewjeward: that woldn't have anything to do with it, but, does the word "yes" appear in /etc/network/options?
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18:57.14jewardCiould it be spoofprotect?
18:57.15jellyjeward: I have the exact same options and it doesn't make problems on my lenny machine
18:57.33valdynjeward: new location for these settings should be /etc/sysctl.conf
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18:57.38jewardjelly: Got two Intel nics?
18:57.49jellyjeward: nope
18:58.25stewjeward: edit /etc/sysctl.conf and uncomend the 'rp_filter' lines, and delete /etc/network/options, and this has nothing to do with your problem
18:59.17jazbo2185is there any photo stitching software better than hugin?  the cannon software does it all automagically, hugin takes forever working with control points then doesnt stitch it properly.  Anything automatic out there?
18:59.21yllarwhen i try to make initrd i get error "yaird error: bad device link in /sys/class/input/event0/device (fatal)"
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18:59.50stewyllar: is there a reason you are using yaird instead of initramfs-tools?
18:59.51yllar2.6.23rc6 yaird 0.0.12-22
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19:00.04yllarstew, guess not
19:00.10stewyllar: do you have udev installed?
19:00.12yllarits my first kernel
19:00.30Airbottlecan i install debian basic system with gnome with the first cd only?
19:00.34yllaruhh udev-dev ?
19:00.38jewardstew: That may not have anything to do with the problem, but I thinkit fixed it, rebooting to test.
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19:00.45cloakableAirbottle: yes
19:00.46abrotmanAirbottle: yes
19:01.00stewyllar: then i'd recommend initramfs-tools as yaird is dead upstream
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19:01.12windyhI'm having trouble installing nvidia drivers in lenny. Error message says that the version of gcc used to compile the kernel (4.1) is not the same as the installed version (4.2). What's the best way to deal with this?
19:01.13Airbottleok thanks (i dont have an internet connection on the computer i want to install it)
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19:01.20stewjeward: all that would have done was get rid of the warning about /etc/network/options
19:01.28yllarstew, ok i'll try, thank you
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19:01.51jewardstew: It did, AND eth1 started...
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19:02.05jewardLets see if the same is true on reboot.
19:02.14abrotmanAirbottle: it's not a full gnome .. just enoguh to get a GUI
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19:02.20abrotman!tell Airbottle about cd contents
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19:02.34valdynwindyh: install gcc-4.1 and run your nvidia driver installer or m-a with something like 'CC=gcc-4.1' or 'MAKEFLAGS=CC=gcc-4.1' prefixed
19:02.36stewjeward: see if it still works after "sysctl -p"
19:02.45jewardstew: You were right, it still hangs. :(
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19:03.32valdynwindyh: if this is a lenny kernel, then you cant compile nvidia drivers though
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19:03.44valdynwindyh: (2.6.21 does not work w/ nvidia )
19:03.47jewardstew: Though eth1 does come up if I do: /etc/init.d/networking restart
19:04.10windyhvaldyn: it worked fine in the 64bit version a couple weeks ago
19:04.34jewardstew: And that was after sysctl -p
19:04.56FastPuttystew: got any idea why my P-t-P is same than my inet adress on my tun0
19:05.15Airbottleok, thanks abrotman
19:05.41valdynjeward: eth1 is starting now but portmap still hangs?
19:05.44jewardstew: I'll try another reboot and wait a little longer, and hope.
19:06.04jewardvaldyn: It starts when I run /etc/init.d/networking restart
19:06.19jewardvaldyn: Still seems to hang on boot, though I'm retrying.
19:06.44valdynjeward: do you need portmap at all?
19:07.01jewardvaldyn: I don't now?  I am mounting NFS, but not exporting?
19:07.16jewardvaldyn: I think it's actualy hanging on eth1.
19:07.25valdynjeward: yea
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19:07.38jewardvaldyn: I'll wait a littl longer this time.
19:08.14jewardConfiguring network interfaces...e1000: eth0: e1000_watchdog: NIC Link is Up 10x
19:08.14jewardStarting portmap daemon....
19:08.19jewardThis is where it hangs.
19:08.31jewardI THINK it should talk about eth1 before portmap.
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19:09.41jewardvaldyn: Just hnags. :(
19:09.53jewardHangs even.
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19:10.51jewardWorks fine if I restart it from /etc/init.d
19:10.55valdynjeward: read that site
19:11.39jewardvaldyn: You do know that eth0 is the same card, right?
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19:13.40jewardvaldyn: Hmmm, I don't see anything in there?
19:14.00tobb87hi, i m installing debian on a pc with 40GB harddisk.
19:14.00tobb87/ 4GB
19:14.00tobb87128 MB swap
19:14.00tobb8736 GB /data
19:14.00tobb87my question: is 4 GB enough for a samba, dns and ftp server?
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19:14.05jewardvaldyn: What were you thinking I should try?
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19:15.08zinxrootfs                3.8G  772M  2.9G  21% /
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19:15.15valdynjeward: is it a dual port adapter?
19:15.18zinxdoh, i jumped the gun
19:15.33jewardvaldyn: That I don't know, I don't have access to the hardware.
19:15.45abrotmantobb87: it depends where you're going to store your ftp data, and samba data and so forth
19:15.46jewardvaldyn: Let me see if I can find that out.
19:15.49valdynjeward: i guess lspci should hint at that
19:15.53zinxtobb87: that's samba, apache, php5, ruby, and probably a bunch of other crap :P
19:16.15jewardvaldyn: Want me to pastebin that?
19:16.16valdynjeward: driver bug is my favourite 'candidate' atm, but without _any_ error message...
19:16.22valdynjeward: ok
19:17.00zinxalthough that does not include /etc, /var, /tmp, or /home
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19:17.11Vasisthatobb87: assuming you're using that 36 GB /data partition for all your samba and ftp upload and download data, then the answer is yes, 4 GB is plenty for your root partition to store all the binaries, libraries, manuals, etc.
19:17.53zinx5.2M /etc    333M /var
19:17.56jewardvaldyn: I THINK that looks like two cards?
19:17.57crn__for some reason df  hangs. any ideas why?
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19:19.43valdynjeward: yea
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19:19.50structwhat packages are installed by default during etch install?
19:20.07structis there any list of packages so you can download them and put them on cd or something?
19:20.08jewardvaldyn: Should I try switching their position in the interfaces file?
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19:20.48valdynjeward: i dont know what that does, or switching the order in the auto line or of the auto lines
19:21.08jewardvaldyn: Let me try a few things...
19:21.23valdynjeward: is neat, but im not finding your issue precisely
19:22.05jewardvaldyn: We have half a dozen or more of these servers and I'm getting the same problem on each one after upgrade to etch.
19:22.21jewardvaldyn: They've worked fine for years on sarge.
19:22.41jewardvaldyn: If that helps at all.
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19:23.32Vasisthastruct: the ones that are on the netinst cd ;)
19:23.37jewardvaldyn: I tried switching the order on the auto line to eth1 eth0
19:23.45valdynjeward: try booting with the kernel options 'acpi=off'
19:24.20jewardvaldyn: Oh, okay, next time around.
19:24.35stewstruct: aptitude search '~prequired' '~pstandard'
19:24.54Vasisthaso, I have a usb flash drive here that appears to be dead: when I tail -f /var/log/messages and plug the thing in, there isn't a single message. So I assume the thing is probably dead.  My question: what's the likelihood that I will ever retrieve the valuable data on that drive?
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19:25.26dpkgi guess statistics is a way of measuring something with numbers.
19:25.31jewardvaldyn: Okay, I caught it in time.
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19:25.52jewardvaldyn: That fixed it!
19:25.53garo(How) Can I add a program that doesn't have a package to debian's menu system ?
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19:26.01valdynjeward: what fixed it?
19:26.07jewardvaldyn: What are the negative impacts of acpi=off?
19:26.20dpkgfrom memory, acpi is Advanced Configuration and Power Interface -- a power management interface that gives more control to the BIOS, or horribly horribly broken. for suspend software check , or "run this arbitrary code in ring 0", or, or generally better than APM but see also swsusp, or for a list of supported systems/BIOSes, see
19:26.22*** part/#debian tobb87 (
19:26.27jewardvaldyn: Either the order in the auto line or your suggestion.
19:26.34Vasisthagaro: try kmenuedit
19:26.35jewardLet me verify that eth0 came up!
19:26.45valdynjeward: you don't need acpi if its not a laptop
19:27.08garoVasistha: will that place it in debian's menu system ?
19:27.13jewardvaldyn: So that's the only need for it?
19:27.13garoore only in the kde menu ?
19:27.21valdynjeward: ( and if you dont know what it does.. theere is server applications of acpi, but obviously you're not using those
19:27.21Vasisthagaro: that will give you a gui tool that can help you set it up
19:27.36jewardvaldyn: Evidently not! ;)
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19:27.52Vasisthajeward: acpi gives you temperature readings, suspend/standby stuff, and some other bells & whistles
19:27.58jewardvaldyn: Let me try the same thing on another server.
19:28.49valdynjeward: SLES (based on v2.4 kernels): ACPI enable may cause Intel(R) Dual Port PRO/1000 Adapters to fail
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19:29.05valdynjeward: that's from the wiki, so that being the source of the error is a little far fetched..
19:29.16jewardvaldyn: :)
19:29.27jewardvaldyn: As long as my servers reboot, I'm happy!
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19:29.31jewardvaldyn: Thanks!
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19:29.56jewardI need to go back and upgrade the kernels on the other three I've done so far, but thanks so much!
19:30.12valdynjeward: welcome, i hope it wasn't a fluke
19:30.34FastPuttyjust a simple quesiton on openvpn, is that normal that my server vpn has and ptp and my client got and ptp ?
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19:31.22dkrseems fine to me
19:31.27pickcoderFastPutty: you can define the virtual network it creates
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19:31.37pickcoderyou can also state the IP range that clients get
19:31.40jewardvaldyn: We'll see shortly!
19:31.54FastPuttyi thought ptp need ot be the  server ip
19:32.02FastPuttywhy ?
19:32.29jewardOoops, sorry.
19:32.29FastPuttyi thought ptp for vpn server shoud be and the client ptp need to be
19:32.59dkrthe exact numbers used don't matter if the routing is setup correctly
19:33.08k31thguys, any one have any recomends for installing java on debian?
19:33.24dpkgJava is Sun's cross-platform OO language.  Sun partially released java as GPL on Nov 13, 2006 (rest expected to be released in 2007).  There are other implentations available in Debian such as 'free-java-sdk' for use with applications like Eclipse.  The Sun JRE/JDK is in non-free.  Also, ask about <install java>, <non-free>.
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19:34.05garoVasistha: doesn't work
19:34.11Vasistha!doesn't work
19:34.11dpkgLook buddy, "doesn't work" is a vague statement.  Does it sit on the couch all day long?  Does it procrastinate doing the dishes?  Does it beg on the street for change?  Please be specific!  Define 'it' and what it isn't doing.  Give us more details so we can help you without needing to ask basic questions like "what's the error message".
19:34.17garoI tried running update-menus
19:34.26garoi logged out and back in
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19:34.33garobut the menu stays the same
19:34.36k31thdkr: all I want is the JRE
19:34.44abrotmank31th: there's a jre package
19:34.44softworkdebian 4.0r1 is compiled it gcc 4?
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19:34.53softworkthe kernel
19:34.55k31thabrotman: in apt?
19:34.55garoaltough i can see it in kmenuedit
19:35.07abrotmangcc version 4.1.2 20061115
19:35.13abrotmank31th: in non-free .. yes
19:35.24softworkok thx
19:35.54k31thabrotman:  i have deb sarge main non-free contrib
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19:36.04k31thin apt, so i should be good to go, but i don't see it
19:36.13Vasisthagaro: you hit the little save icon in kde menu editor when you were done?
19:36.20abrotmank31th: uhm .. that's sarge .. nothing but java-pacakge in sarge
19:36.25abrotman!tell k31th about java-package
19:36.29garoyes :)
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19:36.52garoI can still see the entry in kmenuedit, but it doesn't appear in my menu
19:36.54Vasisthagaro: dunno what to tell ya. Maybe ask in #kde
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19:37.03softworki have a problem, if driver need gcc < 4 i need a kernel < 4 ?
19:37.12garoAre you sure that kmenuedit is for the debianmenu and not the kde-menu ?
19:37.19Vasisthasoftwork: what driver is this, and for what hardware?
19:37.25softworkx-fi driver
19:37.33abrotmanwtf is x-fi ?
19:37.33stewsoftwork: you'd either need to fix the driver, or recompile your kernel with an older gcc
19:37.39FastPuttydkr: so my vpn routing seem to be fine right?
19:37.41softworkcreative x-fi driver
19:37.42k31thwell I am looking to upgrade this box in the near future abrotman
19:37.48garobecause i really don't care how the kdemenu looks, i don't use kde
19:37.50Vasisthasoftwork: is that a sound card?
19:38.01k31thwill installing java-package break an update?
19:38.04abrotmank31th: okay .. well .. it's up to you
19:38.12FastPuttydkr: so my vpn routing seem to be fine right?
19:38.19valdynk31th: no
19:38.31jewardvaldyn: Loks like it was a fluek. :(
19:38.37k31thhow long will sarge be supported for?
19:38.45abrotmanabout til april 2008
19:38.54Vasisthagaro: oh, sorry, I missed your question about "does that place it in debian's menu system or just in kde's" ... I've never tried to add stuff to the debian menu (I actually don't use any of those menus at all, I do everything by command-line)
19:38.59jewardvaldyn: acpi=off, right?
19:39.04valdynjeward: yea
19:39.27garoah well, nevermind
19:39.46jewardvaldyn: It worked when I manually set that from the grub menu, but not subsequently.
19:40.16valdynjeward: you're sure it was really there subsequently?
19:40.33jewardvaldyn: Yeah, checked it in the grub menu.
19:40.47jewardDamn, I thought we'd figured this out.
19:41.07valdynjeward: so its a race of some kind, maybe bringing that interface up later will work always
19:41.30jewardkernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-4-686 root=/dev/sda2 ro console=tty0 consol
19:41.30jewarde=ttyS0,115200n8 acpi=off
19:41.45jewardOrder isn't important, right?
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19:41.54valdynjeward: right
19:42.04jewardOr whitespace?
19:42.17ChasconAre there any ramifications of installing Debian with a 32 bit kernel and then installing a 64 bit kernel over top?  I mean are 64bit repositories kept apart from 32 bit and will mixing kernel with useland bit technology lead to problems other than multimedia problems?
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19:42.35stewChascon: iptables will stop working
19:42.46valdynjeward: one space is ok, i dont know the source code or experimented with whitespaces there...
19:42.52jewardkernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-4-686 root=/dev/sda2 ro console=tty0 consol
19:42.52jewarde=ttyS0,115200n8 acpi=off
19:42.56jewardOoops, sorry.
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19:43.06jewardvaldyn: I had two, retrrying with one space.
19:43.42jewardStill hangs. :(
19:44.22valdynjeward: you can remove the auto for eth1 and 'ifup eth1' in /etc/rc.local to change timing, that's just so ugly though
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19:44.43jewardvaldyn: Yeah, there's a LOT of stuff going on over eth1.
19:44.53jewardvaldyn: Might be better to go the other way even!
19:45.11valdynjeward: or ' pre-up "sleep 5" '
19:45.19valdynjeward: not much less ugly
19:45.30jewardvaldyn: Where does that go?
19:46.23valdynjeward: to eth1, below netmask etc or in between
19:46.33jewardvaldyn: Let me try that.
19:48.58jewardvaldyn: No luck. :(
19:49.46jeward/bin/sh: sleep 5: command not found
19:50.08valdynjeward: /bin/sleep
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19:50.34merc_workhow long can passwords be until they are truncated?
19:50.51merc_workassuming that we're not trying to stay with the 8 to be compatible with older stuff..
19:50.57jewardvaldyn: Has to be without quotes.
19:51.05jewardvaldyn: Rebooting to test.
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19:52.39jewardvaldyn: No luck.
19:52.50geo-rgemerc_work: look into the shadow passwd suite, which is whqt debian has been useing for years
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19:52.59ezguyhi, can found out which disk part is label /boot?
19:53.01Szeraaxjeward: sorry to interupt, but what are you tyring?
19:53.01merc_workgeo-rge: thanks
19:53.04ezguyhow can i ...
19:53.23FordCortinaWhen you make a backport of a package in debian, you are in fact compiling source from a later distribution against the (older) libraries in your current distro, are you not?
19:53.45jewardSzeraax: I have a server with two e1000 nics and after upgrading to etch, the second fails to initialize on boot, but does from the command line.
19:53.46Szeraaxezguy: what are you using to access it? (grub command line?)(gui?)(console?)
19:53.46geo-rgeSzeraax: to insert a delay to allow a nic to become ready
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19:54.38Szeraaxezguy: can you find it with command 'du' ?
19:54.53dkrSzeraax: I think you mean df
19:54.55Szeraaxezguy: is it dedicated boot?
19:54.57geo-rgeFordCortina: assuming there is something in the package to compile, yes
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19:55.08geo-rgeand that would be a simple backport
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19:55.40Szeraaxyeah nano /etc/ fstab would work then too
19:55.44jewardIt's something about etch, even a very old kernel hangs in the same place.
19:55.50geo-rgethings that would make it complicated would include changing apis and tools
19:55.57ezguyLABEL=/boot             /boot                   ext3    defaults        1 2   doesn't show part #
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19:56.15FordCortinaand a "complex" backport would be porting a bug fix in version 2.0 to version 1.0?
19:56.17valdynjeward: what if you remove portmap btw?
19:56.44Szeraaxezguy: should have a /dev/hdxn in it too...
19:57.05geo-rgemore would be having to alter the source or build system to accomodate some change in the older system
19:57.34ezguyszeraax: it using label not the partition for mounting.
19:57.35Szeraaxjeward: so you want to just give it more time to init the second device, right?
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19:58.10FordCortinageo-rge: i think i see what you mean, thanks
19:58.13Szeraaxezguy: and 'df' and 'du' do nothing too?
19:58.13ezguySzeraax: i want to know/findout which labels is map to which partitions
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19:58.23abrotmanSzeraax: he could just cat it
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19:58.41ezguySzeraax: df works
19:58.49Szeraaxso it told you?
19:58.54jewardSzeraax: I did, it booted this time... will try again in one hour.
19:58.59softworkwhat gcc version debian 4.0r0 is compiled
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19:59.24Szeraaxezguy: so you got it?
19:59.48ezguySzeraax: yes, but it only work mount partition
20:00.00Szeraaxezguy: ?
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20:01.02ezguySzeraax: if the partition is not mounted, df doesn't show the info.
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20:01.18Szeraaxezguy: yeah
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20:01.59Szeraaxezguy: you can try looking in /boot/systemmap or whatever that is (i think it is systemmap)
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20:02.11beardyWyzard: IIRC you run firehol? Do you run the Debian stock version of it?
20:02.16Szeraaxezguy: maybe devicemap
20:02.27ezguySzeraax: is there any cmd that which show mount/unmount disk/part info like it label
20:02.42Szeraaxezguy: mount -a, i think...
20:02.42ezguySzeraax: may tune2fs?
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20:04.19ezguySzeraax: it looks tune2fs /dev/hda1 does the job.
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20:04.31Szeraaxezguy: sweet
20:04.35ezguySzeraax: using the -l option
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20:05.20Szeraaxezguy: glad you got it.
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20:05.43Szeraaxjeward: I hope it works for you later... that's pretty annoying...
20:06.01yigalwho should sid ?
20:06.05ezguySzeraax: me for the advices.
20:06.10Szeraaxbye all
20:06.10yigalthat is who should use sid?
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20:06.17ezguySzeraax: thanks for the advices.
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20:07.13yigali recently installed the latest kernel from sid, i normally use testing but I can't get NVIDIA to work with 2.6.21-2-686 I have to go with the .22
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20:07.41yigalI am wondering if I shouldn't just cross the fingers and move testing --> sid ?
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20:08.33valdynyigal: just get the sid kernel, you dont need to use sid
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20:09.28yigalvaldyn: its just that I have been using a lot of the programming packages from sid also because lenny has older one's and its nice to use deb vs. svn/cvs if I can get away with it
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20:09.51aebonyneHi, I have been having troubles with X since a few days ago. Some of my X apps seem to randomly segfault / abort (ran strace to see signal), mainly xfce-session and iceweasel, but epiphany and amarok have done it as well. I thought it was the nvidia closed driver, but I am using nv now and getting the same effect. Any ideas? / How would I collect info for a bug report?
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20:10.34yigalaebonyne: if you open iceweasel in a browser what kind of nasty garbage does it feed you?
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20:11.19aebonyneIf I open iceweasel it runs for me bit and then dies with "Segmentation fault"
20:11.29aebonyneNot sure how to gdb it for a backtrace.
20:11.51eallikis it OK to do a dist-upgrade to unstable right after installing a fresh 4.0 stable?
20:12.08valdyneallik: sure
20:12.11yigalwhat a waste
20:12.12eallikor should I first remove certain packages to avoid dependency issues?
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20:12.35valdyneallik: if you have to ask you probably shouldnt use unstable at all
20:12.56ealliklol, yeah
20:13.02themill!tell eallik about etch->lenny
20:13.14valdyneallik: but beyond that, just run dist-upgrade, there's nothing specific, only the general fact that sid is permanently in a state of flux and anything may happen
20:13.36yigaleallik: if you really must do safe-upgrade first!!
20:14.16aebonyneyigal: Oh, I just ran strace iceweasel and this time it aborted and froze with "futex(0x2b85106ac9a0, FUTEX_WAIT, 2, NULL" while trying to clean up after itself before exiting.
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20:14.43aebonyneSorry, system type might help: I am running Debian Sid on x86_64 SMP.
20:14.58eallikactually the dist-upgrade was a success with the exception that I got a "W: couldn't stat source package list unstable/updates/main ..."
20:15.12yigalaebonyne: its interesting that its happening across the board on your box, from a KDE application to iceweasel, to epiphany ?
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20:15.16stewaebonyne: see if it happens if you remove your extensions/plugins
20:15.28yigaleallik: there are no security updates for sid
20:15.40aebonyneiceweasel -safe-mode runs a bit longer before dying in the same way.
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20:15.46aebonyne(Long enough to actually do something.)
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20:15.53eallikyigal: so I should just remove the security updates line from sources.list?
20:15.58themillIs there an equivalent for badblocks for ntfs or vfat partitions?
20:15.59plbDoes anyone know what the debian solution for apache2 auth against a nis database is?
20:16.00stewaebonyne: have you checked the bts?
20:16.12themill!tell aebonyne about bts
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20:16.22yigaleallik: I guess so, if you are going this rout, or just use # infront of the lines
20:16.24aebonyneah, I will look
20:16.49yigalaebonyne: did you upgrade recently?
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20:17.18eallikyigal: lol, thanks, btw I know how to uncomment stuff :) I'm just not too familiar with Debian
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20:17.29aebonyneyigal: Yeah, this started after an upgrade sometime after xorg 7.3 came out and before I upgraded to it.
20:17.47yigalaebonyne: have you upgraded after the time you had problems?
20:18.06steweallik: if you aren't too familiar with debian you probably don't want to be running unstable
20:18.07yigalaebonyne: so there is nothing more for you to upgrade?
20:18.21aebonyneI am fully dist-upgraded right now.
20:18.37yigalaebonyne: and you have restarted your machine?
20:18.44aebonyneI thought the problem was a conflict between new xorg stuff and the old nvidia driver because there are forum posts about similar symptoms from that.
20:19.08eallikjust one more simple question: how do I detect the currently running version of Debian?
20:19.22aebonyneSometimes it freezes and I either have to do alt+sysreq or even that does not work and I hit the reset button.
20:19.32plbeallik: what do you mean by currently running version
20:19.32dpkgKernel: uname -r.  Debian: cat /etc/debian_version. and: dpkg -l libc6 | tail -n 1.  Package: dpkg -l _pkgname_.  Miscellaneous: try --version on the command. check /etc/apt/sources.list; run apt-cache policy <packagename>, or lsb_release -a
20:19.33Batchycat /etc/debian_version ?
20:19.36steweallik: compare libc6 to available versions on
20:19.43eallikplb: is it stable, unstable or testing
20:20.14yigalaebonyne: sounds like an IRQ problem?
20:20.49yigalwell I get to reboot into my nice new 2.6.22-686 with Nvidia, cross the fingers, working
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20:20.58plbeallik: look at /etc/apt/sources.list
20:21.20stewplb: he just edited that
20:21.22eallikplb: I just want to detect if the dist upgrade was successful
20:21.34eallikI guess if I got no error messages, it must have been OK
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20:22.45ealliklibc6 is 2.6.1-5
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20:25.43kittonianis there a hardware compatibility list for debian? I'm spec'ing out new server hardware and want to make sure everything on the list is supported
20:25.54kittoniani checked but didn't see one
20:26.27aebonynepresumably it would be the same as the compatibility for any Linux distro.
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20:26.58daliasnot necessarily
20:27.00plbaebonyne: mostly, I know there is some dissimilarity when 3rd-party packages are concerned
20:27.12daliaslots of distros patch in all sorts of unstable drivers into the kernel
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20:27.24daliasand/or include proprietary drivers
20:27.27SpooForBrainshey all
20:27.30daliasneither of these will be in debian
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20:28.04FastPuttyis there a way to see the packet text
20:28.07plbdalias: not to mention packages where Debian's version is older because the maintainer is behind
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20:28.09main2me / and my dev. partner both need to be able to write stuff to /var/www - we both have a normal user account,   should i add ourself to either 'admin' or 'wheel', and then chown the /var/www as that group?
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20:28.12FastPuttyi heard about tethereal but i cannot find it
20:28.20kittonianwell, things like the newer motherboards from supermicro, the quad-core intel chips (Xeon's, Core2Duo's, etc.)
20:28.22SpooForBrainsCan anyone tell me if having approximately 6GB used on a freshly formatted 400GB disk using ext3 is normal?
20:28.44plbkittonian: motherboards and processors are rarely an issue (as far as I know)....
20:28.46petemcSpooForBrains: space is reserved for root
20:28.48kittoniani'm quite sure that SATA drives are supported and that's pretty much all that's going into this new machine besides memory, a motherboard and processors
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20:29.17kittonianplb, whether or not it will work is one thing, whether or not they are fully supported to take advantage of all they offer is another
20:29.26plbkittonian: as far as linux is concerned a quad core is no different from two dual cores or four single cores
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20:29.48SpooForBrainspetemc: I used -m 0 "0 blocks (0.00%) reserved for the super user"
20:29.58daliasspooforbrains, what do you mean by "used"?
20:30.07yigalvaldyn: in any event the sid kernel is working with Nvidia, so that is nice - although it isn't open source :(.
20:30.13kittonianplb, ok, well that solves the processor discussion. how about the motherboard and all the features like the LAN ports, USB ports, etc.
20:30.24daliasa lot of space will be taken up by filesystem structures but that does not get included in the output of "df"
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20:30.51SpooForBrainsok, I created the partition initially using gparted. Then when I was told about ext3 reserving space for superuser I ran the make2fs command manually with the -m 0 switch
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20:31.24plbkittonian: USB should not be an issue.. LAN is going to depend on the chipset it uses and the best bet is just search.. some LAN don't have kernel-space support but do have user-space support (the broadcom adapter in my laptop comes to mind)
20:31.25SpooForBrainsadmittedly I didn't delete the partition first
20:33.23plbkittonian: is a good starting place
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20:33.56main2any linux god that can answer my question? :)
20:34.03kittonianplb, ok thanks. here's another question. all of these new processors seem to be 64-bit. i don't really want to run a 64-bit OS and have to deal with whether or not certain software is available in 64-bit format. what do you suggest?
20:34.54petemcuse 32bit
20:35.04SpooForBrainshuh. gparted: size 372.61GiB used 6.04GiB unused 366.57GiB
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20:35.18kittonianpetemc, ok, so i can use 32-bit even with 64-bit processors right?
20:35.26kittonianplb, that hardware list is ancient
20:35.31kittonianpetemc, ok
20:35.53kittonianare there any suggestions for what to purchase as far as motherboards and processors go?
20:36.01SpooForBrainsdf: /dev/hde1        size:367G  used: 195M  free: 367G
20:36.02kittoniani know we want ECC memory to be supported
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20:36.23kittonianbut the wierd thing is i've got a very old server running right now on dual PIII 550's and the processors are 95% free most times
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20:36.28SpooForBrainsso is that discrepancy accounted for by file system overhead? 6GB is a LOT of overhead!
20:36.35Kszhow to build mailx from source? there is not README file
20:36.44kittonianthe memory gets significant useage but we're only running some websites, pgsql, mysql, and zope
20:36.51kittonianthat's all we'll be doing on this new box
20:37.10silent[ca]I might have just transfered sensitive information over an ssh pipe, would there be any logs of the ssh session on my current terminal (public) that I should be aware of? or does ssh not log through bash to any files?
20:37.23kittoniani just want to make sure we have another 10 years on this new server like we've had on the last one. and hopefully things will run even faster with the newer technology (although they are pretty speedy right now)
20:37.26plbkittonian: processor is not a big issue for most serving applications (except J2EE)
20:37.51bhundvenkittonian: I usually just gather a list of motherboards that are close to what I want and look at what chipsets are on the board and google for anyone needing support with those boards and seeing if anyone has had problems. If nothing shows up, then maybe it works perfectly or no one has tried.
20:38.11plbkittonian: until a year ago my Research Lab was running our web off of a Sparc 15
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20:38.28kittonianplb, exactly my point
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20:38.45kittonianbhundven, ok, good idea. what are you using on your latest higher end server?
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20:39.34bhundvenwell. the company I work for makes vpn appliances, so I typically reuse their hardware (it's cheaper for me). but I usually go with supermicro boards
20:39.44bhundvenor intel boxed boards
20:39.57aebonyneSo, I got iceweasel to run in gdb (iceweasel --debugger gdb) and... it is not crashing now. This bug hates me.
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20:40.51kittonianbhundven, ok, i was going with supermicro so that's cool
20:41.02kittonianhow about for processing. do i go Xeon or Core2Duo?
20:41.43bhundveneither should be fine
20:41.48GNU\colossusyou go for a Xeon if you need to do SMP
20:41.50valdynkittonian: core2duo is a specific cpu, xeon is intel server cpu brand
20:42.01GNU\colossusif you're fine with core multiplexing on one DIE, you go Core 2 Duo
20:42.37bhundvenyea. I'd suggest xeon, but on a budget, the core2duo should be fine
20:42.42GNU\colossusif you want to do symmetric processing on a larger scale, say, 8 cores plus, AMD's K8 beats the crap out of the Xeon though
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20:43.25kittonianGNU\colossus, yeah I know but I'm trying to gauge this by the fact that dual P3 550's are running just fine with lots of headroom at the moment
20:43.48kittonianbhundven, i suppose i don't need to worry about multiple processors since these have two cores right?
20:43.49GNU\colossuskittonian: then AMD is your best bet, really. much more energy efficient when idle.
20:43.56kittoniana single Xeon 3000 series should be fine
20:44.04Kszwhat is that
20:44.04KszSep 25 22:13:32 s10 kernel: mail[14290] trap divide error rip:2ba0d5162f1a rsp:7fffd594e640 error:0
20:44.22kittonianGNU\colossus, ok, what motherboard do you suggest if I went the AMD route
20:44.29GNU\colossuskittonian: well, a dual core CPU has 2 cores, but no more. you can have 8way dual core systems from AMD, and at least 2way quad-cores from intel by now.
20:44.44toori want to buy a amd athlon 64 X2 6000+, anybody using this cpu?
20:44.54jgarveyis there any reason debian/etch wouldn't see a second ide drive in a thinkpad dock with a tp42p
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20:45.02GNU\colossuskittonian: well, right now, something powered by nvidia nforce is the safest bet. go for Tyan as the manufacturer if you can.
20:45.10aebonynejgarvey: Was it there when you booted?
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20:45.21eallikbasically if I install a package using aptitude, then all the packages that will be installed as dependencies will be marked auto and will be removed again once nothing depends on theme?
20:45.35jgarveyaebonyne: I'm not hot plugging anything
20:45.36GNU\colossustoor: I'musing a X2 4400+; they only differ in clockspeed and cachesize
20:45.42GNU\colossusit's a very nie CPU after all
20:45.43plbeallik: yes
20:46.00steweallik: yes, and the same is true of apt-get as of .7
20:46.33jgarveyaebonyne: everything else in the dock seems to be seen, usb drives work, pcmcia scsi card works.
20:47.00GNU\colossuskittonian: there's even a chance that a brand new AMD dualcore system will consume less energy when idle than your Dual PIII system is now
20:47.01jgarveyaebonyne: the drive will work if it's moved to the laptop proper
20:47.15GNU\colossuswhilst providing vastly superior performance when needed, of course
20:47.18toorGNU\colossus: runs it fast and stable?
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20:47.33GNU\colossustoor: as stable as any recommendable CPU I've had, yeah.
20:47.42toorGNU\colossus: are u using intel too?
20:47.43GNU\colossusperformance is very satisfying, too
20:47.44stewGNU\colossus: without a doubt it will use less energy
20:47.53GNU\colossusyes, I do sit in front of an Intel Core 2 Duo right now
20:48.03toorwho build the better cpus actually?
20:48.18GNU\colossusthat's not that easy to say
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20:48.26toora friend said
20:48.29GNU\colossusIntel got more performance per watt when under full load
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20:48.38GNU\colossusAMD the better overall energy footprint
20:48.43toorintel need lesser energy and 30% better in all benchmarks
20:48.56GNU\colossuswell, that's grossly oversimplified
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20:49.01aebonyneThere we go, I got iceeweasel crashing in the debugger now... with no debugging symbols.
20:49.11plbtoor: only at peak, at idle AMD is better
20:49.22GNU\colossusit's true that Intel's core architecture is faster per clock than AMD's hammer architecture
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20:49.31GNU\colossushowever, it also consumes more power per clock than the hammer
20:49.32plbtoor: for power comsumption that is
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20:50.16digistyl3hi there, if i have a directory and want files created inside it to have certain permissions, i have to use UUIDs?
20:50.39GNU\colossusdigistyl3: you probably want to set your umask
20:50.44GNU\colossusUUIDs are wholly different beasts
20:50.55toori see
20:50.56plbtoor: (warning this is an ex-Intel employee speaking) my opinion is the two go back and forth almost quarterly
20:50.57toorthanks a lot
20:51.01GNU\colossusgenerally identifieng some kind of resource (like, a filesystem or md-device)
20:51.12digistyl3GNU\colossus:  oh, that's were i missed it... umasks, not UUIDs, thanks :D
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20:52.25GNU\colossusAMD's new Phenom architecture offers better performance/clock and /watt again, btw
20:52.35GNU\colossusbut it's not released to the public as of now
20:52.48GNU\colossusand Intel's next beasts are waiting around the corner
20:52.56digistyl3GNU\colossus: how can i set the umask of a directory so when i create a file inside it, it will have permissions 664 and if i create a dir it will have permissions 775, and all groups set to for example group "webadmin" ?
20:53.29plbhehe... and then a quarter after that AMD will be back on top and so on and son
20:53.34GNU\colossusdigistyl3: you cannot set a umask on a per-directory basis automagically, you'd need to manually interfere.
20:53.54FastPuttyls -al
20:53.56FastPuttyopos haha
20:54.04stewdigistyl3: you can't set a umask for a single directory, you can only set umask per environment.  for group, set the group sticky bit (g+s) on the directory
20:54.41GNU\colossusyou can create file with the group-ownership of a group you're member of by using `chgrp`
20:55.06FastPuttystew: hey stew is there a way tochange the adres and PTP in my client vpn ?
20:55.08GNU\colossuswell, mor correctly, change the group-owner by using chgrp
20:55.19stewGNU\colossus: you mean newgrp
20:55.36stewGNU\colossus: newgrp for newly created files, chgrp to change one after it is created
20:55.47GNU\colossusstew: yup, positive :) (for the first of my statements at least)
20:55.48stewFastPutty: i don't know of one
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20:55.55aebonynegah, what is one of those sites for linking to text so I don't flood? I just got a Kernel oops and I have no idea what part is important.
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20:55.59FastPuttyyou dont know of one? O_O
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21:03.06digistyl3the following situation... i've set the permissions of my www dir to rwxrwxr-x, owner: root, group: webadmins, i have 2 users that i added to group webadmin... now, when i create a file it set's it's owner to usernumberone, it's group to usernumberone, and it doesn't give write permissions to the group, so usernumber2 can't modify the file
21:03.13AVRS2good night
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21:03.58stewdigistyl3: "chmod g+s www" to fix the group ownership. run "umask 002" before you create the file in order to fix the permissions
21:04.27stewdigistyl3: by "fix the group ownership, i mean make it so that files created in the future will automatically be owned by the same goup as the dir they are in
21:04.28digistyl3how can i make it to do the following: when i create a file from usernumberone inside /var/www (and only inside /var/www), it creates it with owner: usernuberone, group webadmins, and permissions for group to write?
21:05.16stewdigistyl3: run "chmod g+s /var/www" ; run "umask 002" before you create a file
21:05.31digistyl3ok, thank you stew
21:05.56stewdigistyl3: you cannot force the files to be group writable, that is up to the person creating the file
21:06.59mmnicolasif i pipe a "tail -f" to a less like this tail -f /var/log/everything | less, will the less continue to be feeded by the pipe ? or will it only show the initial lines produced by tail -f ?
21:07.17digistyl3stew: so if i use an ftp server, i set the umask variable in the config file to 002?
21:07.19kittonianGNU\colossus, how about the Tyan n3400b with the AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+ 3ghz?
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21:07.33stewdigistyl3: yes
21:08.16GNU\colossuskittonian: a nice combination
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21:10.32pocukranii want to install debian etch, i have windows with C and D partition and i want to install debian on C partition.Can i keep D disk becouse there i have data ?
21:10.44kittonianGNU\colossus, cool, what 2U rackmount chassis do you recommend to go with that?
21:11.39digistyl3stew: it worked, now files created have write permissions for groups, can i specify with what owner-group will files be created? for example i want it to be created with other than my user's group (with another one i'm member of)
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21:12.03GNU\colossuskittonian: we use chenbro and chieftec
21:12.19GNU\colossusboth are quite fine
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21:13.04widronepocukrani: You can, just be carefull when you choose partitions to install too. And do have some backups before you start if you are unsure.
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21:14.09widronepocukrani: You do realise that windows will be gone if you install debian in the "C" drive thu, but that wont matter Im guessing ;)
21:14.42garo!tell me about doesn't work
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21:15.39jewardHi, I have a problem getting the second nic to initialize in a server after upgrade to etch.  Anyone here who was working with me on this an hour ago?
21:15.57stewdigistyl3: for files created by the ftp server?
21:15.58pocukraniwidrone, it`s for friend`s PC, i already have debian system
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21:16.30digistyl3stew: yes, mostly ftp (sometimes we use SSH too)
21:17.00stewdigistyl3: from ssh, you can run "newgrp groupname" before you create the file.
21:17.23widronepocukrani: Just be sure to know what partiotion is assigned to c/d in the windows world of his/hers then, so you dont end up nuking all the personal data. But its not that hard if you just go slow...
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21:18.30widronepocukrani: If you got the know about pertitions and how disks are mounted etc you should have no problem.
21:18.46widronepocukrani: Partitions that is ;)
21:18.53*** part/#debian Airbottle (n=david@
21:19.07pocukraniwidrone, i must to found some guide to configure partitions
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21:19.40S4nD3rI have etch, is it possible to install gnome 2.20?
21:20.14garo!wiki debian
21:20.15vickybotgaro: Error: "wiki" is not a valid command.
21:20.18toorS4nD3r: compile it by hand
21:20.27*** mode/#debian [+o stew] by ChanServ
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21:20.28*** mode/#debian [-o stew] by stew
21:20.31S4nD3rhow ?
21:20.39S4nD3rI found gnome to download
21:20.41toorget the sources, read the manual
21:20.43S4nD3ris there many files
21:20.57widronepocukrani: First use the tools in windows to see what partition is linked to c and d. Im guessing c is hda1 and D is hda 2.
21:20.58S4nD3rI downloaded gargnome
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21:21.06digistyl3stew: and is there a way set the newly created file's owner-group in proftpd?
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21:21.20stewdigistyl3: no
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21:21.23widronepocukrani: Just to be safe, but if they are different sizes that could id them asw.
21:21.36S4nD3rits so dificult
21:21.41dpkgPlease do not paste anything at all to this channel. Instead, use: or or for pics.
21:21.47aredhelS4nD3r, it's most likely quicker and or easyer to wait for gnome 2.20 to make it in to lenny and upgrade to lenny.
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21:22.11pocukraniwidrone, yes
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21:22.27stewS4nD3r: wait for it to show up on
21:22.35widronepocukrani: ie if the c drive is formated 32g and the d is 60gb then install debian on the 32g and leave the other alone. No mounting and nothing during install, add it to fstab later on.
21:22.41digistyl3stew: so if i want a truly shared directory between 2 users, i have to add eachother in eachother's groups? or tell them to chgrp files?
21:22.47*** part/#debian Rahsputin (n=chatzill@
21:23.01stewdigistyl3: no, make the directory g+s and owned by a group they ar both in
21:23.11pocukraniwidrone, ok
21:23.14stewhaven't i mentioned this like 4 times
21:23.17widronepocukrani: I have bootstrapped from one partition to another on a laptop many times, not a problem ;)
21:24.04S4nD3rlenny will come just in march?
21:24.19stewS4nD3r: nobody knows when it will be released
21:24.35widroneWhen its ready! (TM)
21:24.43stewS4nD3r: it is not likely to be as soon as march
21:24.56widroneOr was that the etch release date, I forget.
21:25.03pocukraniwidrone, i will see tomorrow :)
21:25.14S4nD3rok then
21:25.50widronepocukrani: Cant remember the disktool in windows, but you can pry som info off that to be safe before you start loading di.
21:25.57widronepocukrani: Good luck! ;)
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21:27.03pocukraniwidrone, ty :)
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21:31.05widronepocukrani: And use the time to tell your friend about backups! (Even real men should do that)
21:31.51digistyl3stew: thank you very much for your help, it works fine :)
21:33.15*** join/#debian sine (n=sine@
21:34.56pocukraniwidrone, ofcourse; friend wants to have linux any case, and no any more windows, to keep wishes for only partition D with data
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21:38.30sinehow can i check how much memory i have/in use
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21:39.31ljlolelwhen i do apt-get source, to where does it download the source?
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21:39.40widronesine: free?
21:39.51aredhelljlolel, the current dir.
21:39.52sineyea whstever
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21:40.06sinehow much mem i got
21:40.11ljloleloh wow
21:40.13ljlolelhaha, thanks
21:40.23aredhelljlolel, it works as a normal user.
21:40.32streunersine: dmidecode
21:40.56streuner!info dmidecode
21:40.59dpkgdmidecode: (Dump Desktop Management Interface data), section utils, is important. Version: 2.9-1 (sid), Packaged size: 55 kB, Installed size: 168 kB
21:41.04wols_ljlolel: to .
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21:41.13wols_sine: ls -al /proc/kcore and you know
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21:41.44wols_and you can check how much is in use with "free" (note you NEVER have free memory, free memory is wasted memory)
21:41.50The-Kernelhi, I get this error:
21:42.10sineoh so the memory just gets redistributed
21:42.20ZelestWhere can I specify what locales to use? (so I can write swedish/special characters on IRC :P)
21:42.29wols_!tell Zelest about locales
21:42.35Zelestthanks :D
21:42.48wols_sine: memory not used by programs is automatically diskcache
21:43.01The-Kernelwhat should I do?
21:44.36jgarveyis there some trick (kernel command line needs = ???) to getting a third ide interface to work (/dev/hde, /dev/hdf)?
21:44.50streunersine: dmidecode -t memory
21:45.08wols_jgarvey: yes. load the driver for it
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21:45.40jgarveywols_: how would the third ide interface be any different than the first or second, driver wise?
21:46.06sineta wols
21:46.17sineim having a good look in the proc folder too
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21:48.17widronejgarvey: dmesg should have it loading the module and detecting the disk, if it iant in there maybe you got different hw on the 2nd ide controller (/dev/hde-h)
21:48.39wols_jgarvey: I don't know any IDE chip that has more than 2 interfaces. which means a mobo maker has to put an addiotnal chip on the mobo
21:49.08wols_and since the first is in the southbridge, they certainly won't add another southbridge eevn if they could which they can't anyways
21:49.14jgarveywidrone, wols_: a thinkpad in a dock has 3 ide interfaces.
21:49.51widronejgarvey: Ah, you got a dock with ide in it I recon then.
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21:50.21wols_jgarvey: might as well be but no intel chipset has 3 interfaces
21:50.27wols_nowadays they don't even have 1
21:50.49widronejgarvey: Thinkpad t?
21:50.51wols_which means it's a chip from a different vendor which means you need a different driver
21:50.58jgarveywidrone: tp42p
21:51.24wols_jgarvey: lspci should help you to decide which
21:51.59widronejgarvey: try maybe, they got good hw info on what in them.
21:52.57widronejgarvey: Or the for all the links if that turns up empty.
21:53.51jgarveywols_: you win a cookie. It's a silicon image chip, and the driver isn't in my kernel. Nuts. Stupid mistake on my part. Thanks.
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22:00.27level1_I'm trying to install a package in ubuntu using a chroot (I'm in debian)... apt doesn't seem to like it, is there something else I have to do, like populate the /dev/ list?
22:01.04wols_ljlolel: you cannot install ubuntu packages in debian. well you can but it's not supported
22:01.28wols_level1_: ^^
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22:02.27level1_wols_: well, I installed a package on ubuntu called kwlan with removed NetworkManager and I didn't catch it... so before I know it, I don't have network access and the only way to reinstall NetworkManager is to get network access
22:02.36elementzguys, is there a way to use the 'shred'-command  in a similar way like 'rm -rf' ? since i have a dir foo/ somefiles / subdir_foo2 -> 'shred uvfz' is not working here
22:02.37level1_wols_: why is ubuntu so retarded?
22:02.43Roninlevel1_: ask them
22:03.16elementzanybody got a hints for this? do i need to use find / grep / pipes of whatever to solve this? help highly appreciated ;-)
22:03.32level1_wols_: if I chroot and then run apt-get, does it run /bin/apt-get or /path/to/chroot/bin/apt-get?
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22:03.55level1_wols_: and more significantly, does it use the debian sources list or the ubuntu sources list?
22:05.44colerai am installing a torque resource manger, when i run configure it fails because it says "eror: C compiler cannot create executables", any ideas?
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22:06.25stewcolera: install build-essential
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22:07.23colerastew: cool, i'll try that, i guess having gcc isn't enough
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22:09.00colerastew: i think i needed g++ :)
22:09.07colerastew: thanks
22:09.22stewelementz: find /some/path -type f | xargs shred uvfz
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22:12.18apolis there anybody here using an updated debian sid+kde?
22:12.31Roninapol: maybe, maybe not
22:12.33daliasi'm using sid and have konq and kword installed
22:12.36daliasbut otherwise i don't use kde
22:12.48daliasi just find kword actually usable, unlike ooo
22:13.03apolI'm using it and flash doesn't work to me with konqueror (and nspluguinview gets the 100PU)
22:13.15apol100% of the CPU
22:13.15daliasi dont use proprietary plugins so i wouldnt know
22:13.23apolsince the last upgrade
22:13.24sineif i reformat my main partition into 2 and install xp on the second bit will it overwrite the mbr and ill only be able to boot into windows
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22:13.38daliassine, maybe, i dunno
22:13.40stewsine: yes
22:13.43coleraanyone know a good wireless network manager that i could use with xfce
22:13.46daliasbut you can boot your debian from a boot cd or floppy
22:13.51daliasand then rerun grub or lilo
22:13.52Roninstew: yes but you can fix that
22:14.08widronesine: win usually nuke the mbr, just install linux and grub afterwards.
22:14.08stewRonin: thanks
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22:14.14daliassome bios have an option to write-protect the mbr, don't they?
22:14.24elementzstew, thx man -> solved it like this just now: $>find . -type f -execdir shred -uvfz '{}' \;
22:14.26daliasthey often call it 'virus protection' i think
22:14.32Ronini meant sine: yes but you can fix that, damn tab key
22:14.33Piukemani lost the password of my old nickname in there a way of restore it...
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22:14.57sineim going to reinstall debian again
22:15.00daliaspiukeman, if your email is registered you can have it emailed to you i think...
22:15.16Roninsine: no need to reinstall,less you want to of course
22:15.30sinewell i suppose not
22:15.36Piukemandalias, yes my mail is registered...... do you know the way do this
22:15.45sinei can repartition the main drive from within linux ?
22:15.48daliasjoin the support channel and ask them
22:15.59daliassorry i don't know the answer myself
22:16.00sineor do i have to reboot into partition prog
22:16.07colerai have an interesting issue on my laptop. When i login to gnome i can change my wireless settings and what not through the gui. however if i try to bring that iface up and down via 'ifup' on the command line it says the iface doesn't exist. I could always manage my wireless card on the command line with previous versions of debian
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22:16.37widronesine: thats is usually a good idea, linux tools are probably to be prefered.
22:16.47sinei would like to reinstall debian again, basically i want to understand grub and the mbr
22:17.14Piukemananybody know the way of restoring a passowrd of a nickname ......(
22:17.29RoninPiukeman: ask in #freenode
22:17.50PiukemanRonin, thanks
22:17.52stewPiukeman: "/stats p" will list on-duty staff, /msg a staff member
22:18.23colerasine: i've used one in the past that was on a knoppix cd, i think it was qtparted. worked well
22:19.06stewcolera: read /usr/share/doc/network-manager/README.Debian
22:19.12sineif i reinstall debian i can go through the partitioning process and leave a partition as ntfs and then isntall xp on it afterwards?
22:19.33kittoniananyone know what power supply wattage i should be using with the amd athlon 64 x2 dual core cpu and tyan atx motherboard?
22:19.43kittonian600w? 550w?
22:19.59stewsine: yes.  its recommended to install xp first so that linux overwrites the xp bootloader and not vice-versa
22:20.17widronesine: You can partition off a segment and leave it for the win install, maybe you can get it to foramt and install to that. But I dont think a debian installer can make you a ntfs partition.
22:20.30stewwidrone: sure it can
22:20.39jellynetcan I go back to the installer after I am already done installing?
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22:20.54stewjellynet: no, but why do you want to?
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22:21.04sinei was going to say it can do the other bells and whistles but not parition some hd space with ntfs !
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22:21.16jellynetstew: it installed lilo instead of grub
22:21.32widronestew: Ah, my latest di experience has been with arm low mem for the last years. Not needed to reinstall any of my other debian machines in a long time...
22:21.36stewjellynet: did you put / on raid or lvm?
22:21.49jellynetstew: yes, raid1
22:22.01stewjellynet: then you can't use grub, and the installer knew this
22:22.25stewjellynet: if you create a separate /boot that isn't on raid, then you can use grub
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22:23.17jellynetstew: is there a way to do it with menus now or do I have to start over for that?
22:23.21widronestew: Thanks for that tidbit, nice to know next time I am on a conversion path with my friends.
22:23.39sinegonna go for a reboot and check bios anyway brb
22:24.01stewwidrone: d-i can create the ntfs parittion, but can't do anything with ntfs the filesystem
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22:24.35stewjellynet: no, there is no way to do it with menus. do you have unpartitioned free space on the drive now?
22:25.10jellynetstew: no, I was planning on stealing it from a swap
22:25.12widronestew: Ah, create a partition and mark it as sutch indeed. But do di know to mkfs.ntfs?
22:25.32garoI'm having some problems with my sound and I am told that the new alsa should fix this, but the alsa in is even older then the one in etch ?!? How is this possible ?
22:25.43stewwidrone: no, no mkfs.ntfs
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22:26.39themillWhich is recommended for scripting, mktemp or tempfile?
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22:30.23widronestew: Figure, thanks for clearing that up for me. Didnt think about the "set type 07" when partitioning.
22:30.30muh2000thnx stew the nsswitch.conf was the problem...
22:31.04sanderHow can I find out whats wrong with my cdburner?
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22:31.33widronesander: Start with some logs maybe, what wont it do?
22:32.07sanderwidrone, it dosnt work to burn or watch any cd's/dvd's
22:32.32sanderits a sata dvd burner
22:32.59toorsander: do u run the burn program as root?
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22:33.15wols_sander: does the kernel recongize your drive?
22:33.27toorsander: look if it as root works
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22:33.49youbaba3Hi I had to delete my old root partition by hand and to copy the files over to the new one. Basically everything went well, except for some minor flaw: Nautilus is now showing some strange "8.8 GB Volume" (which is my new root) next to my CD drives, FAT partitions, etc. I guess that Icon shouldnt be there (as there are also none for my other /boot, /home, etc partitions). how can I get rid of it again?
22:34.16muh2000need help with nss ldap login works username in shell is:  "I have no name!@computer:~$"  ldap.conf:  libnss-ldap:  pam_ldap: pam.d/common-*: slapd.conf     nss ldap isnt availaible...    nsswitch.conf:
22:35.55youbaba3thought it was some HAL problem, but the HAL guys have sent me here ("bug with your distro")
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22:39.36jelly-homeyoubaba3: a more concrete explanation could be useful... like what did you try with the hal guys and at what point did they conclude hal was working ok.  It could be gnome's own caching the filesystems somewhere.
22:40.14youbaba3jelly-home: tried nothing reallly. they (some guy) have just sent me here ;-)
22:40.16jelly-homeyoubaba3: for example, if you use xfce or kde, do they see the extra volume too?
22:40.30youbaba3dont have kde or xfce
22:40.42youbaba3no problem with my user settings tho
22:40.46youbaba3I've tried it with another ser
22:40.49*** kick/#debian [youbaba3!n=debhelpe@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (use the paster bot or #flood)
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22:41.54jelly-homedid they at least say it was a known issue with some distros?
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22:43.21sixty6billyhi, i can't figure out for the life of me where xdm calls the window manager. /etc/X11/Xsession makes no mention of it, and that's definitedly the Xsession file being used by xdm
22:43.42The-Kerneltry gdm
22:43.43jelly-homeyoubaba3: was the other user newly created, or did it exist (and run gnome) with the old root fs too?
22:44.10*** join/#debian Danux (n=Danux@unaffiliated/danux)
22:44.25toorsixty6billy: do u wanna run some software with ur window manager start, huh?
22:44.35toorlike a panel
22:44.45*** part/#debian Smooph (
22:45.16toorsixty6billy: u have to look in ur home directory
22:45.20jelly-homesixty6billy: are you just trying to learn about things, or have a problem running something?
22:45.23sixty6billytoor: this is mainly out of interest...
22:45.23dpkgDamnit Jim! It's YOU. Y-O-U. Not *U*. U is a letter. YOU is a word. See ne1, or wud.  Dutch for 'you' (formal singular). See
22:45.28toorsixty6billy: ok
22:46.15youbaba3jelly-home: newly created
22:46.21sixty6billytoor: well, i'm also modifying my wm for various tasks, and in doing so getting an overall knowledge of how x/xdm/wm operate together.
22:46.30youbaba3jelly-home: no didnt say anything about a known issue
22:46.55sixty6billyno .xsession or .Xsession in home dir. just errors and auth
22:47.22jelly-homesixty6billy: did you see that /etc/X11/Xsession also sources some other files (mainly, those in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/)?
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22:47.53shamrockCan anyone tell me please hoe to reset the "places" pane in nautilus - half of the things there I click on and get a nasty "can not mount" error even though they are mounted.
22:47.54toorsixty6billy: iam using etch and i have a .xsession in my home, and run pypanel and hotkeys with my windowmanager from this file
22:48.27jelly-homesixty6billy: "grep x-window-manager /etc/X11/Xsession.d/*" might yield interesting results.
22:49.01sixty6billyyeah, i couldn't really figure them out though. i searched them with grep for "ion", "ion2" and came up with nothing.
22:49.15Gm4nhow would I rename all files in a directory to .filename?
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22:49.50BaltazaarIt's been a while since I installed Debian... Like since potato. I still need only the first CD to make a basic install?
22:49.54jelly-homesixty6billy: well, it would be kind of dumb for it to have all the possible wms hardcoded somewhere...
22:50.35shamrockBaltazaar: did you look at the business card installers?
22:50.54Baltazaarshamrock:  now what's that
22:51.09sixty6billyjelly-home: oh, absolutely.. x has enough hardcode as it is as far as i can tell. surely there's a config file that links x-window-manager to a specific wm?
22:52.02jelly-homesixty6billy: /usr/bin/x-window-manager is a symlink, managed by the "alternatives" system.
22:52.27sixty6billyjelly-home: ah, so i see
22:53.00sixty6billyjelly-home: and away i go off on another exploratory tangent... :)
22:53.18jelly-homesixty6billy: man update-alternatives ... for example, update-alternatives --config x-window-manager lets you choose the default (if you have multiple alternatives installed)
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22:53.56sixty6billyjelly-home: yeah i think i saw mention of pwm2 or some-such along the way. cheers
22:54.13shamrockBaltazaar: google is your friend .....
22:54.20colerai am trying to install freenx, the repo that dpkg gave me is unresponsive, anyone know where i can get freenx packages?
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22:55.09tooranybody knows a good howto about dump/restore? :P
22:55.19toorin german maybe? :o))
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22:56.03dpkgwell, de is deutschsprachige Hilfe bekommt ihr in (auf und - German speaking users please go to (on and freenode)
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22:57.15Baltazaarlooks like the business-card and netinst isn't available for "testing"
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22:58.47Baltazaarcould I just install a base system and change apt sources to testing and do a apt-get dist-upgrade?
22:59.12streunerdpkg, no de is <reply> deutschsprachige Hilfe bekommt ihr in (auf und - German speaking users please go to (on, freenode or
22:59.12dpkgstreuner: okay
23:00.02streunerBaltazaar: /msg dpkg sid faq
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23:01.36jelly-homeBaltazaar: there are snapshot images at
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23:03.36streunerdpkg, no de is <reply> deutschsprachige Hilfe bekommt ihr in (auf, or - German speaking users please go to (on, freenode or
23:03.36dpkgokay, streuner
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23:05.04unlinkis there a tickless kernel build for amd64?
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23:08.20empathhey all!
23:08.30empathrecommend a vmtool?
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23:11.14Wyzardunlink: No, not yet
23:11.22Wyzardunlink: I think that's supposed to be in .23 or .24
23:11.59Wyzardempath: VMware, Xen, qemu, VirtualBox
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23:13.21empathWyzard, yea but which one is best? Is there a virtual harddrive format/file that is compatible with all of them so I dont need to like create a sh'tload of different ones for each app if i decide to use them all?
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23:13.50stewunlink: no, its so far, impossible
23:14.05unlinkoh, ok
23:14.08stewunlink: it was disabled in the kernels becuase there are still bugs to be worked out in 64 bit
23:14.13orlandojhi all. I have an Windows like Print Server. How to configure the Debian to print in this machine ? The printer is an HP LaserJet 1300 and the Machine have Windows2000
23:14.17Wyzardempath: VMware is the most mature and user-friendly, but it's non-free
23:15.04Wyzardempath: VirtualBox is kinda like VMware, and free, but I don't think it's quite as powerful, and the UI is rather ugly
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23:15.36Nylegood evening
23:15.46empathwell, for gaming i guess I shouldnt emulate
23:16.15Wyzardempath: Virtualization isn't a good solution for gaming currently...  no 3D acceleration (except some experimental support in VMware that doesn't work very well)
23:16.19NyleWyzard: one main function that it does not share with vmware is that it doesn't allow you to use a physical disk for the virtual os
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23:16.28Nylewhich I why I sometimes go with vmware
23:16.29sferleyHi .. new to debian.. trying to figure out when i have a debian box on one network it can't be accessed from another. Thought it might have been iptables rule, but can't seem to find any iptables configs on the system.  Anyone have any idea where else to look?
23:16.34empathWyzard, thats what i thought..
23:16.50NyleWyzard: I like to mount /home in virtual os too
23:17.05WyzardNyle: Mount it from where?
23:17.46WyzardNyle: Not  your real /home, I hope...  it's not safe to mount a filesystem from two OSes at the same time
23:17.47Nylethe /home is 500gb disk, 1 partition, with vmware I can use the physical disk as one of the disks used in vmware, and mount it as /home
23:18.09NyleWyzard: is it really not safe like this?
23:18.35WyzardNyle: It's fine as long as the VM is the only thing which has that partition mounted
23:18.42Nyleoph yeah
23:18.43WyzardNyle: but if it's the same /home partition used by your host OS, that's a bad idea
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23:18.47Nylei mean when im in windows that is
23:18.53Nylei don't use virtualization under linux
23:18.56Nylei have no need
23:19.09Nylei doubt i'll ever need to run windows in linux in vm
23:19.21WyzardI have some Windows VMs
23:19.30Wyzardfor things like IE-only websites
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23:20.10Nylei do web dev at work, and i use my sid machine there, and i don't have to load it inside linux, we have all windows pc at work
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23:20.39Nylethankfully the owner officially started supporting linux clients too in his business
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23:22.22Nylevirtual box is still a pretty good software I suppose, for free, it works.  It gets the job done
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23:23.08empathok, well thanks guys, i'll fix this thing... its a shame im addicted to games :/
23:23.28NyleI actually am on windows right now, logged into my server using irssi from there
23:23.36jelly-homeit _almost_ works.  More often than not my virtualized XP hangs at boot
23:23.40NyleI got Doom3 + expansion and oblivion + both expansions right now
23:23.46NyleI mostly only play oblivion though
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23:24.17Nyleempath: just install windows first, then linux
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23:24.29Nyleempath: dual boot is the way to go if you are a gamer and also want to use linux, or two machines
23:24.39semprixNyle == stoned
23:24.43semprixsup Nyle
23:24.54jelly-homevmware-server (costs $0) is still much more stable than vbox IME
23:25.07Nyleempath: if you have a good enough machine, you could also use something like colinux under windows xp, with xming and xdmcp or xming and sshx
23:25.29Nyleempath: in fact the latter solution would be best if you need linux functionality within windows, as i dont much care for cygwin, I won't talk about it
23:25.37Nyleyou can run debian inside colinux and its great
23:25.42Nylemuch faster than any vm
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23:26.09dpkgsomebody said colinux was  Cooperative Linux is the first working free and open source method for optimally running Linux on Microsoft Windows natively. More generally, Cooperative Linux (short-named coLinux) is a port of the Linux kernel that allows it to run cooperatively alongside another operating system on a single machine. For instance, it allows one to freely run Linux on Windows 2000/XP, without using a commercial PC ...
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23:26.13empaththanks Nyle, i'll see what i do
23:26.29The-Kernelhi I just ran sudo apt-get upgrade and now xserver won't work, I just got it to run with vesa, but its an intel i845
23:26.37Nylesemprix: hi
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23:27.14The-Kernelshould i try with the Intel or the i810 options?
23:28.16empathseems cedega may support a game i wanna game, soon :)  perhaps, we will see, but a win install wouldnt be bad, especially if I need it for school sometimes
23:28.24Nylecedega is outdated
23:28.35The-Kernelwell I'm going with the Intel,seeing that no one said anythign
23:28.36Nyleit never works on anything except diablo 2
23:28.39The-Kernelbrb hopefully
23:28.41Nylewell it works, but horribly slow
23:28.59empathi have a nvidia 6800 something card, intel core 2 duo something.. this laptop cost a fortune :P
23:29.00jelly-homeThe-Kernel: good thing you waited for an answer
23:29.25curelessalright, I'm going nuts about this. Does anybody know the exact path icedove takes to invoke a browser?
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23:29.40NyleI think it is probably good with nvidia, as I remember running Painkiller Special Edition inside cedega on a debian sid last year, beautiful, on a p4 3.2ghz 512ram
23:30.25Nylehowever, now even though I have a core 2 3.5ghz (still thats not important), but now I have a ati x1900xtx with fglrx and cedega/painkiller runs at like literally 1 frame in 5 seconds
23:30.46NyleI can only conclude that it is fglrx doing this, as other people have no problem whome I've spoken with about this
23:31.13Nylethe ones with nvidia cards, have not come across ati users who play with cedega
23:31.30sinizzl/win 1
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23:31.48Nylesinizzl: use meta+1,2,3etc.
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23:31.58sinizzldoesn't work
23:32.01Nyleby default it is the escape key,
23:32.06NyleEsc + 1
23:32.09sinizzli use mac os x terminal
23:32.12The-Kernelok now neither the i810 or the Intel works
23:32.15Nylei thought you were on irssi
23:32.17sinizzlbut irssi runs on my debian server and i connect to it using screen
23:32.17Nylemy fault
23:32.20The-Kernelwhat should I do?
23:32.21sinizzlNyle: i am
23:32.25Nyleoh ok
23:32.39sinizzlNyle: but some nasty bug prevents any 'special' key from working as soon as i use screen on a remote machine
23:32.40The-Kernelshould I do vesa or vga?
23:32.48sinizzlNyle: all i can say it's REALLY annoying :D
23:32.53Nylesinizzl: I am not familiar with anything past os 8
23:32.56sinizzlespecially if u want to /scrollback
23:33.04NyleI can immagine :(
23:33.25NyleI have a powerbook 3400c running debian sarge/testing
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23:33.29sinizzlNyle: oh from what i can tell it's really neat because it's soooooooooooooooooo completely intuitive... but that screen issue sux :D
23:33.37Nyleunfortunately I still can't do X with it
23:33.45Nylesome crazy driver issue with the onboard graphics chip
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23:34.06sinizzlpowerbook 3400c is pretty old, isn't it ?
23:34.08Nyleit does nethack, runs a few services, its good
23:34.13Nyleyes from late 1997
23:34.22Nylesomeone gave it to me, so I kept it
23:34.26sinizzlit's late 2007... so that thing must be about 3 years old? :D
23:34.53NyleI have my laptop from 1992 as well, CompuAdd machine, 25.33mhz cpu, 386sx, 4mb ram, 80mb hdd
23:34.59Nylestill runs great :)
23:35.47widronesinizzl: Im on irssi in a screen connecting from a Mac, the hell is getting | and meta+7 to work ;)
23:35.53jelly-homeNyle: good for old DOS games!
23:36.02Nylejelly-home: oh yeah, kings quest baby!
23:36.09sinizzlwidrone: i ordered an external (Wireless) apple keyboard
23:36.18sinizzlbecause i thought all the brackets, pipe and stuff would be available on it
23:36.27Nyleand tim too, The incredible machine, you are familiar with TIM jelly-home
23:36.41sinizzlguess what: i was wrong..... i payed hella money for it (as a high price for a keyboard can get)
23:36.48sinizzlthe incredible machein!!!!1
23:36.54sinizzlit's soooooooo schweet.
23:37.03DustyDingodoes anyone know, if the cinelerra debian package contains the origignal cinelerra release from heroine virtual or if it is the community version aka cinelerra-cv?
23:37.04sinizzlomg how awesome that game was
23:37.13Nylethats from my days in 5th-th grade
23:37.21sinizzlDustyDingo: unfortunately no idea ^_^
23:37.21jmichaelxi am running KDE with lenny, and am happy except that some apps, firefox or pidgin for example, have this really boxy look. is there a setting i can change to make such apps look more qt-ish or kde-ish?
23:37.33widronesinizzl: Im not the wireless keyboard guy. Got enough stuff running from batteries here already.
23:37.35Nylejmichaelx: you are in luck
23:37.44Nylejmichaelx: aptitude install gtk2-engines-gtk-qt
23:37.48sinizzljmichaelx: there's a qt-gtk plugin that let's em look more or less like ur qt engine
23:37.56sinizzlkekekeke Nyle
23:38.01Nylejmichaelx: then go to kcontrol>appearance>gtk styles
23:38.05jmichaelxthank you all very much :-D
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23:38.17Nylejmichaelx: I would install gtk2-engines-xfce
23:38.20sinizzlwidrone: well... i'm about to sell it unfortunately nobody wants a keyboard that runs exclusively on OS X ;-(
23:38.28Nylejmichaelx: very small package, with lots of good looking gtk themes
23:38.32Nylegtk2 I mean
23:38.33sinizzlit _needs_ bluetooth too
23:38.40widronesinizzl: I did find some docs online that got me connecting to my debian running screen/irssi without any trouble.
23:38.57Nyleyou do know that there is an irssi gui wrapper for os x
23:39.01Nylemy coworker uses it
23:39.03widronesinizzl: It needs bluetooth yes, but I think its an HID standard in there somewhere.
23:39.05sinizzlwidrone: well.... i haven't really looked for it.... i guess i should give it a try someday...
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23:39.09NyleI don't know what it is is called though
23:39.12sinizzlwidrone: it actually is.
23:39.41sinizzlit *does* work with one specific driver on Windows XP. unfortunately that driver is bound to a specific class (namely from teh same manufacturer) of bluetooth dongles
23:40.09sinizzlguess what: mine does not work with that driver... it does work on os x though....
23:40.30sinizzli guess i can use it when i finally got an apple tv hacked to be an OS X computer
23:40.41sinizzlconnect the usb-bluetooth dongle: there u go wireless mouse&keyboard
23:41.00sinizzlobtaining the hardware is the biggest problem as of now :D
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23:41.40sinizzlif the keyboard was supported by linux
23:41.43sinizzli'd run debian on it
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23:42.05NyleI would like to run debian on my gameboy advance sp
23:42.15Nyleright now its only got some crappy windows lookalike os
23:42.17jmichaelxhmm, i cannot find gtk2-engines-gtk-qt, says it has no installation candidate
23:42.23sinizzlcan you run debian on a TI89 ?
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23:42.24Nyleoh hm
23:42.31eclipse_where can I re configure my XOrg resolutions ?
23:42.32Nyle!info gtk2-engines-gtk-qt
23:42.35eclipse_I mean not manually
23:42.38Nyle!info gtk2-engines-gtk-qt etch
23:42.41dpkggtk2-engines-gtk-qt: (transitional dummy package), section kde, is optional. Version: 1:0.7-4 (etch), Packaged size: 4 kB, Installed size: 36 kB
23:42.43sinizzlbecause not having a bash shell is the only thing that i don't like about my TI 89
23:42.50Nyleits in etch, but not in lenny/sid
23:42.59jmichaelxok, that is the reason
23:43.04Nylejust tod this then
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23:43.46Nyleapt-get install xfce4-mcs-manager xfce4-mcs-plugins gtk2-engines-xfce
23:43.59Nylethis will install a very minimal and very light weight xfce control panel
23:44.07jmichaelxNyle: ty much again
23:44.17Nyleyou launch it by doing the binary command xfce-setting-show
23:44.34eclipse_where can I re configure my XOrg resolutions ?, not manually
23:44.38Nylein the settings, just click User Interface button, and configure theme, font, anti aliasing
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23:44.42Nylewhatever you want
23:44.47karstenVery lightweight, makes you talk squeaky.
23:44.54eclipse_how can I add new resolutions to xorg.conf not manully ?
23:45.05karsteneclipse_: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
23:45.15eclipse_that 's what I was looking for
23:45.24diafic_sleep nao. Nini
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23:45.52Nylejmichaelx: for a very minimal approach, you can install gtk-theme-switch and type 'switch' for changing gtk1 themes, or 'switch2' for gtk2 themes
23:46.34Nylejmichaelx: i would go with the minimal xfce control panel option, as it is much more better, at the expese of a few extra packages
23:46.43Nylestill within few mb
23:47.24sinizzlNyle: xfce's panel has some issues with the desktop pager when using compiz... u got by any chance any idea howto resolve that
23:47.37Nylesinizzl: don't use it
23:47.43sinizzlcompiz or the pager ?
23:47.49Nylesinizzl: pager
23:47.56Nyleas xfce pager has no more meaning
23:47.57sinizzlNyle: but i need it :D
23:48.05sinizzlso what should i use ?
23:48.07Nylesince the cube/desktop plugins in compiz are loaded they take over
23:48.22Nyleunload those beryl/compiz modules and maybe xfce pager will work
23:48.26sixty6billyis there any way of getting a wm to reload config files without restarting the x client?
23:48.33sinizzlyes.... but gnome-panel's pager does the job just fine too....
23:48.43Nylesinizzl: dunno, I don't mess with that stuff
23:48.50NyleI'm a simple kde/blackbox user
23:49.09Nylewell, flux
23:49.14sinizzlNyle: that's possible, only by deactivating desktopwall/cube and that's what i use compiz for. i use it for desktop wall and all the other effect's are turned off
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23:49.43Nylesinizzl: then you are out of luck, no need for a pager, use mousewheel on desktop to spin the cube back and forth
23:50.13Nylei do this in kde, mouswhell on desktop changes workspaces
23:50.17Nyleits a very nice-a
23:51.00amphisinizzl: xfce4-panel works fine here with compiz
23:51.30sixty6billyNyle: do you have to use a desktop environment such as kde or gnome to be able to print to your root background?
23:51.32Nyleamphi: pager, not panel
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23:51.40Nylesixty6billy: come again?
23:51.57amphiNyle: the pager behaves correctly here
23:52.22amphiNyle: with a 3x3 viewport wall
23:52.33jelly-homeI had to disable the cube if I wanted the workspaces to be arranged in two dimensions
23:52.33sinizzlamphi: the panel works fine here too.... only problem is its pager
23:52.38Nyleamphi: ok, then guide the man :)
23:52.47Nyleas I previously mentioned I don't use compiz
23:52.51amphisinizzl: I'm on testing here, BTW
23:53.04amphiNyle: oh, missed that ;)
23:53.08sinizzlamphi: if i'm telling u what im on here too u'd kill me :D
23:53.16sixty6billyNyle: basically having some the functionality of a desktop with a simple wm such as ion
23:53.21amphisinizzl: eh?
23:53.28sinizzlamphi: nevermind
23:53.30Nyledunno ion, but good luck with it
23:53.39Nylesixty6billy: you defition of a desktop?
23:53.48dv_ion is non-free now
23:53.49amphisinizzl: you're on ubuntu or some such abomination? ;)
23:53.54jelly-homesinizzl: crack?
23:53.56sinizzlamphi: psssst
23:54.00sinizzljelly-home: exactly!!!!1
23:54.07Nyleyou want icons, you want mouseless? you want a minimal functional desktop/wm or something with frills
23:54.13Nyleyou decide, you pick
23:54.44sixty6billyNyle: minimal desktop
23:54.58Nyletypically a desktop consists of a taskbar with desktop icons and a window manager
23:55.02phoggsixty6billy: you could just run kdesktop with ion
23:55.15sinizzlmhhh.... creating an entirely custom desktop is one of teh schweetest thing about debian, or linux in general
23:55.19phoggsixty6billy: if all you want is icons and such
23:55.22Nylesinizzl: try openbox
23:55.26Nyleer.. not sinizzl
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23:55.38Nylesixty6billy: try any box wm, or icewm or actually here
23:55.40dpkgmethinks xwinman is <URL:>
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23:55.49Nylego here and look at the diff kinds of wm
23:55.54Nylepick one you like and try it out
23:56.18sixty6billyNyle:cheers, probably should figure out exactly what it is i want first.
23:56.26Nylethat would be helpful :)
23:56.52Nylejelly-home: 2d pager?
23:57.01sinizzli have a general question about debian: i have always used exclusively stable version, never even tried testing... how much more up to date is it compared to stable ?
23:57.03sixty6billysixty6billy: just trying to keep it as simple as possible, adding functionality as i need it instead of getting one 'does everything' app.
23:57.06Nylejelly-home: may I inquire as to what you use for your desktop?
23:57.08jelly-homeNyle: workspaces arranged in a 2d grid
23:57.18jelly-home3x3 at present
23:57.29sinizzl(yes, in over 5 years of debian i never tried testing)
23:57.36NyleI am using blackbox on windows xp
23:57.45sinizzlhow;s that possible?
23:57.48sinizzlcygwin ?
23:57.55jelly-homeNyle: started with 2x2 on fvwm1 and expanded over the years ;-)
23:57.59NyleI have a few kde apps running through xdmcp on my trusted network
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23:58.12NyleXming is the freaking shizboo
23:58.16magyarwhat software to use for xp virtualization?
23:58.26dpkgit has been said that vm is at
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23:58.31sinizzlmagyar: qemu
23:58.34sinizzlor even better, kqemu
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23:58.44sinizzlruns xp like a dream
23:58.47jelly-homemagyar: running xp in linux, or the opposite?
23:58.49Nylevirtualbox, vmware, qemu, bochs, etc. etc.
23:58.58magyarsinizzl: it's nice but the mouse won't work with 2.6.21 kernel
23:58.59sinizzlu dont even notice its virtualized
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23:59.23sinizzlmagyar: the only computer i got that can run (k)qemu is a macbook running ubuntu gutsy
23:59.30magyarjelly-home: g*d forbit the opposite
23:59.49jelly-homemagyar: I use vmware-server and virtualbox, those seem to be most user friendly

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