IRC log for #asterisk-bugs on 20090622

00:00.49JunK-Ywhat about this: rm -rf /var/lib/asterisk/modules , then try to start only asterisk (with no modules)?
00:01.13JunK-Ythen after asterisk is started, make install, then try module load (for example)
00:04.08Greek-Boythe weird part is that after i did rm -rf /var/lib/asterisk/modules it still core dumps at
00:04.29Greek-Boyoh wait, i need to disable everything in modules.conf right?
00:04.57JunK-Yno, if you rm -rf /var/lib/asterisk/modules, no modules should be loaded.
00:05.21JunK-Yor maybe, you should the location of where ur modules resides? (in asterisk.conf)
00:05.28Greek-Boywell its still doing the same thing, core dump
00:06.09JunK-Yi just tried 1.4.26-rc3 with linux ubuntu 9.04 64 bits and ive no problem
00:06.14russellbhow did you compile func_odbc?
00:06.21Greek-Boyok, it was /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
00:06.41JunK-Ygreat, rm -rf /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
00:06.42Greek-Boyrussellb, i didn't compile func_odbc on my last compile
00:06.52russellbsounds like func_odbc was built against the wrong version if it's blowing up on load
00:08.38JunK-Yafter u deleted your module dir and you do a make install, do you still have the same problem?
00:09.08JunK-Yenjoys writing his final thesis!
00:09.22Greek-Boyyes I sitll have the same problem
00:09.25JunK-Yrussellb: btw, how goes ur master degree?
00:09.37russellbJunK-Y: very slow :-)
00:09.41JunK-Ywhat does ur bt looks like?
00:09.48Greek-Boyrussellb: a lot of other modules seem to be blowing up on load
00:09.49JunK-Yrussellb: 1 class/semester?
00:10.12russellband nothing this summer
00:10.12JunK-Yrussellb: still better then lot of other people. loaded just fine when i loaded it manually. complained
00:10.51Greek-Boyi have the gdb.txt ready with a bt and bt full
00:10.57JunK-Ypastebin it.
00:11.25JunK-Ymake distclean && ./configure && make && make install ? :)
00:11.44Greek-Boyi can try that
00:14.24Greek-Boyrussellb: What masters degree are u going for?
00:14.36Greek-BoyJunK-Y: What thesis are u doing?
00:14.39Greek-BoySorry guys i'm just curious
00:14.39russellbsoftware engineering
00:14.51Greek-Boyrussellb: Nice. Which university?
00:15.01JunK-YGreek-Boy: im doing my thesis for my final project for my undergraduate
00:15.07JunK-Yin soft. eng. too
00:15.24JunK-Ycfg = (struct ast_config *) 0x0
00:15.51Greek-Boywow, its my dream to do software engineering too
00:15.52russellbGreek-Boy: university of alabama in Huntsville
00:16.33JunK-YGreek-Boy: put noload => in ur modules.conf ?
00:24.25Greek-Boysorry for delay, just trying to recompile/install as u said
00:24.30Greek-Boyfew more minutes
00:26.16Greek-Boycore dumps still taking place after recompile / install
00:26.25Greek-Boywill now try putting that noload statmenet in modules.conf
00:27.27Greek-Boythat was it!
00:27.29Greek-Boynoload => did it...
00:27.47JunK-Yi suspect cfg = (struct ast_config *) 0x0
00:27.57JunK-Ydo you have the config file for that driver?
00:28.03russellbwonders if anyone uses chan_vpb ...
00:28.23JunK-Yrussellb: people who want segfault? :)
00:28.38Greek-Boyyeah i have the config file
00:28.48Greek-Boyi was testing from a "make samples" installation
00:28.51Greek-Boyi should have known better
00:29.00Greek-Boysorry for wasting your time guys, i kinda feel bad now
00:29.11russellbdon't feel bad
00:29.16russellbit shouldn't be possible to make it crash
00:29.18JunK-YGreek-Boy: no problem, but i wonder why it was segfaulting.
00:29.37Greek-Boyi dunno
00:29.44Greek-Boyi can provide you with whatever you want
00:29.54Greek-Boyi have already pasted the backtrace for you, dunno if that will help
00:30.40Greek-Boybut what has got me wondering as well is that asterisk doesn't even mention when it was segfaulting, maybe thats normal?
00:31.04Greek-BoyI wish I was a dev. Maybe on day. Right now I'm just trying to learn ANSI C Syntax
00:31.29JunK-Yit was mentionning it in the backtrace.
00:31.52JunK-YGreek-Boy: dont give up, if you want, u can
00:31.58russellbGreek-Boy: everyone starts at the beginning.  In fact, Asterisk is how I learned C ...
00:32.00Greek-Boyyeah, i just took another glance at the backtrace now...
00:32.19Greek-Boythank you for the encouragment guys
00:32.20JunK-Yvpb_get_num_cards should throws an exception, but its segfaulting.
00:32.33JunK-Ylook: #6  0x080c33ff in load_resource (resource_name=0x996e3d8 "", global_symbols_only=0) at loader.c:744
00:33.25Greek-Boyi wonder if this bug is the same as
00:33.57Greek-Boyasterisk crashes when no VPB cards are present
00:34.17JunK-Ysounds like it, yeah
00:34.35JunK-Yis it a debian package or the original from
00:35.03Greek-Boyyou mean the asterisk package itself? It's source from I was compiling...
00:36.13Greek-Boyi can't find the same bug on unless I've missed it somewhere
00:36.34JunK-Ylet me try to reproduce it
00:37.25Greek-Boyok. the interesting thing is that this is the first time i've come accross this, even with chan_vbp enable on other installs as far I can remember.....
00:37.34Greek-Boyanyway, best of luck with it :-)
00:37.42Greek-Boyat least we know its a small issue
00:38.24JunK-Ythat driver is not really used, like russell pointed.
00:38.43JunK-YSeverity: grave
00:39.03Greek-Boyyeah, I suppose so
00:39.15Greek-Boyi guess its a best practice not to enable what you don't use
00:40.05Greek-Boyits just that some people like to have everything enabled as not to have to recompile should a requirement come up in the near future, but this is probably not a best practice anyway
00:48.31JunK-YGreek-Boy: do you have taht output:
00:48.32JunK-Yterminate called after throwing an instance of 'VpbException' what():  VPBREG_NO_VPB_DEVICES_DETECTED
00:48.37JunK-Ywhen you do asterisk -cvvvv ?
00:50.27Greek-Boyre-installing on on a production machine
00:50.38Greek-Boywit vppb not enabled
00:50.43Greek-Boyi'll just recompile and confirm for u
00:51.24JunK-Yrussellb: any idea why the Exception isnt catch in 1.4.26-rc3 ?
00:52.00russellbthe code isn't written to catch it i guess?
00:52.25russellbi've never really looked at that code, except enough to make it compile
00:53.05JunK-Yrussellb: its the same code as and the exception is properly handled.
00:53.26russellbin 1.6.1 it is, and 1.4 it is not?
00:54.02JunK-Yexact, but the try/catch is there in both version
00:56.05Greek-Boyits also worth noting that "make progdocs" also needs some work :P
00:56.14Greek-Boyi know its not a priority right now :-)
00:56.19russellbpatches welcome!!
00:57.04russellbbut you would probably want to focus on Asterisk trunk if you do that
00:57.37Greek-Boyyeah I guess so, right now I'm going to first try and study the asterisk development cycle
00:58.04russellbfeel free to ask questions in here or #asterisk-dev
00:58.51Greek-Boythanks russellb, appreciate it
00:59.04Greek-Boyi'm also hoping to make it to astricon this year
00:59.33russellbastricon is so fun ...
01:01.09Greek-BoyJunK-Y: I do not get terminate called after throwing an instance of 'VpbException' what():  VPBREG_NO_VPB_DEVICES_DETECTED when doing asterisk -cvvvv
01:01.33Greek-Boyjust segfault
01:02.04Greek-BoyIs there anything else you want me to do? If not I'll just go ahead and get this machine ready for production.
01:02.54JunK-Yive found soemthing for ya I think
01:03.28JunK-Yat line: 2721 you have a catch line?
01:03.41JunK-Yreplace it with: catch (...)
01:03.52JunK-Yit fixed my problem for 1.4.26-rc3
01:04.07JunK-Y*CLI> module load
01:04.08JunK-Y[Jun 21 21:05:07] ERROR[17131]: ast_module_load_result load_module(): No Voicetronix cards detected
01:04.19JunK-YGreek-Boy: try this please.
01:04.48Greek-Boywhich source file?
01:05.04JunK-Yin channels/
01:05.57JunK-Ylike this: oot@shooter:/usr/src/asterisk-1.4.26-rc3# vim channels/
01:06.53Greek-Boyso it should be catch (...) instead of catch (VpbException e) ?
01:07.09JunK-Ymake install and restart ur asterisk -cvvvv
01:07.15JunK-Ythen module load
01:07.21Greek-BoyJunK-Y you said you found this for "me" ?
01:07.28Greek-Boydoes that mean you're going to let me send in my first patch?
01:07.42JunK-Yand +1 for your karma too :)
01:09.04Greek-BoyThank you so much!
01:09.04JunK-Yrussellb and I accept beer at astricon for that :P
01:09.05JunK-Ythe important thing is to get it fixed not to crash.
01:09.05JunK-Yit seems to be okay here after i catch all exception for 1.4
01:09.14Greek-Boyok so how shall I go about it? Should I first post it as an issue?
01:09.17Greek-Boythen the patch
01:09.25Greek-Boyi think i need to go do some reading on the guidelines
01:09.50JunK-Yfirst, lets try this on ur system too.
01:11.15Greek-Boyrecompiling now
01:12.34JunK-Yrussellb: in english, how do you call ast_log, ast_debug, ast_verb, ast_verbose ? verbosity functions?
01:12.43JunK-Youtput functions?
01:14.43russellbI guess they are all logging functions
01:15.09russellblogging/console output API functions
01:15.10JunK-Ydo you see other functions except them?
01:15.11russellbsomething like that
01:15.26russellbast_cli() sort of falls in that category
01:22.34Greek-BoyJunK-Y: I tried it on first and it hasn't taken care of the issue :-(
01:22.59Greek-Boyi'll compile/install asterisk-1.4.26-rc3 and see if it fixes it
01:28.07JunK-Y*CLI> module load
01:28.07JunK-Yterminate called after throwing an instance of 'VpbException' what():  VPBREG_NO_VPB_DEVICES_DETECTED
01:28.14JunK-Yeven with the trunk, im getting this
01:29.49JunK-Ymy patch works for that too.
01:33.23Greek-Boyits not working on 1.4.26-rc3 either
01:33.30Greek-Boyfor me
01:33.39JunK-Ywhat do you have as the output?
01:33.48Greek-Boywas yours segfaulting?
01:33.58JunK-Yyes, i was getting an abort()
01:35.02Greek-Boyabort() in the CLI?
01:35.28JunK-Yhere you can really try:
01:35.37JunK-Ynoload => in ur modules.conf
01:35.43JunK-Ystarts ur asterisk -cvvvvv
01:35.56JunK-Ythen type module load
01:35.57Greek-Boydo u mean noload => ?
01:36.07JunK-Yand paste ur output
01:36.14Greek-Boyok yeah, .cc is the src code
01:38.27Greek-Boyeverything loads up pretty well without loading the .so
01:38.39Greek-Boyi am guessing if i try to manually load it now, it will segfault and core dump
01:38.54Greek-Boyno i'm wrong, it will onkly core dump if it asterisk was started with -g
01:38.54JunK-Yyeah, try to load it
01:38.57Greek-Boyso it will just segfault
01:39.34JunK-Yif you start it with asterisk -cvvvv, ur console will stop
01:39.45Greek-Boy*CLI> module load
01:39.45Greek-BoySegmentation fault
01:39.52Greek-Boyas I suspected
01:40.16Greek-Boyi'm baffled that its doing this on my system
01:40.16JunK-Ygreat, now try the catch ( ... )
01:40.51Greek-Boyi thought it should be catch (...)
01:40.56Greek-Boymaybe thats the problem
01:41.25JunK-Yits the same
01:41.58JunK-Yyou should have that block
01:44.23Greek-Boyyeah thats exactly what I have
01:44.30Greek-Boytried it and still segfaults :-(
01:44.45JunK-Yu typed make install ?
07:09.34*** join/#asterisk-bugs WeazelON (
07:10.01WeazelONhey guys, does anyone know how to get rid of the annoying "    -- Remote UNIX connection    -- Remote UNIX connection disconnected " Messages when I activate the Verbose ?
07:10.15mvanbaakstop connecting to the CLI ;)
07:12.09mvanbaakOther then that: there's no way to stop it without hacking the source
07:13.27WeazelONis there any way to make an "asterisk -rx "command" " without it being displayed in the CLI ?
07:14.02mvanbaaknot if you dont set the verbose to 0
07:14.31mvanbaakit's a message on level 3
07:14.40mvanbaakso if you set verbose to 2 or lower, they wont show up
07:15.33WeazelONdang, oh well thanks for the info
07:15.42mvanbaakif you want to get rid of the message alltogether: they are in main/asterisk.c
07:16.20mvanbaakyou can find the line-numbers with: grep -rni 'Remote UNIX connection' * | grep -v '.svn'
07:26.09WeazelONthanks alot man
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14:34.10Entomologist*** CLOSED (15213) [Channels/chan_sip/General] [patch] asterisk lock in sipsock_read for several seconds and drop sip packets
14:34.10EntomologistReported by: schmidts  Karma: 0
14:34.12Entomologist*** CLOSED (15349) [Channels/chan_sip/General] Deadlock in do_monitor() of chan_sip
14:34.12EntomologistReported by: samy  Karma: 0
14:34.18Entomologist*** CLOSED (14464) [Channels/chan_sip/General] [patch] lock during simple call processing
14:34.20EntomologistAssigned to: mmichelson
14:34.22EntomologistReported by: pj  Karma: 9.5
14:34.28Entomologist*** CLOSED (15345) [Channels/chan_sip/General] [patch] SIP deadlock in 1.4 revision 199472
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